IBM Safer Payments Fraud Prevention PDF

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IBM Financial Crimes Insight

IBM Safer
– High fraud detection with
false positive rates as
low as 1:3

– Open source data

science platform for
rapid response to new
Real-time fraud prevention for all
fraud vectors cashless payment systems
IBM Safer Payments, the industry’s first true cognitive fraud
– Fraud modeling
prevention solution, brings agility to the fraud practice with its
augmented by AI-
open source data science platform. The solution protects some
generated rules
of the largest and most complex payment portfolios in the world
across all cashless payment systems, helping card issuers and
– Ultra-high throughput,
acquirers, network operators and payment processors optimize
99.999% availability and
for higher fraud detection and lower false positive rates.
extremely low latency

– Build and deploy models

whenever needed to How is IBM Safer Payments
address new fraud
threats—in minutes
The first-generation payment fraud prevention approach relied
– Support hundreds of primarily on expert driven rules to identify high risk transactions.
concurrent portfolios The value of that approach was its simplicity. However, the ever-
and their models for increasing volume and complexity of fraud attacks with the adoption
processors and networks of real time payments have rendered this approach inefficient.
The IBM Safer Payments cognitive approach involves Fight fraud across all cashless
learning from past transactions to generate best-fit rules that
fraud analysts can use to optimize existing models or build
payment systems
and deploy new models in minutes, as opposed to weeks.
Current fraud detection technologies fall short of responding
to fraud in the era of real-time payments and P2P payments.
Competitive features of this solution that you can take
Banks and payment processors realize the need for a new,
advantage of allow you to apply machine-learning where
more agile way of addressing fraud and threats as they emerge.
it’s most effective — in daily payment-channel management.
IBM Safer Payments enables fraud department leverage peer
Additional key benefits follow.
profiling, cross channel profiling, third party open artificial
intelligence and machine learning tools, and non-financial data
– Add direct threat detection to conventional detection
from devices, online interactions, and more to fight fraud in
by deviation from normal.
faster payments.

– Turn widespread, ad hoc rule development into an

Credit or debit card issuers must keep a tight control on their
optimized AI process of rule discovery.
fraud levels. Though their earnings are small compared to the
total transaction amounts, they underwrite the full risk. At the
– Process any transaction type and easily share data
same time, they strive to offer the best customer experience,
between types for best detection.
which is primarily achieved by ensuring legitimate transactions
not being declined. IBM Safer Payments helps achieve this
– Make use of fully transparent, user-controlled models,
balance of fraud prevention and frictionless experience by
rules, variables, profiles, roles and interfaces.
providing institutions with a very high fraud detection rate, with
ultra-low false positive rates.
– Benefit from very fast real-time monitoring and model-
building because full history is kept in memory.
For card-present purchases, point-of-sale acquirers usually
don’t bear the fraud losses. However, they must protect
– Rest assured with 99.999% availability by triple
themselves against the default risk of merchants and ensure
redundancy on low-cost, x86 Linux equipment.
compliance with payment scheme rules. IBM Safer Payments
helps combine tight merchant control with the ability to
– Change transaction types, variables, models, UI; even
intercept transactions in real time. It also offers specific and
software, while running at full load.
configurable reporting on merchant compliance, as well as
a complete investigation workflow for merchants violating
scheme rules or exposing high-risk behavior.

IBM Financial Crimes Insight 2

ATM acquirers operating networks of ATMs have access to a Only when IBM Safer Payments identifies a high-risk
massive number of non-financial messages exchanged on the transaction will that transaction become the subject of
ATM network level, known as “machine events.” IBM Safer further scrutiny and step-up authentication. This approach
Payments provides better fraud detection through greater also provides compliance with various regulations, such as
context by merging non-financial transactions to historical the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) issued by the
profiles and combining these with financial transactions. This European Union.
process enables the detection of ATM channel-specific fraud,
such as gas attacks, skimmer installation and cash trapping. ACH and wire transfers have not traditionally been a prime
target for criminals. However, this is changing as these
E-commerce acquirers facilitate payments for internet transactions move toward real-time execution. The IBM Safer
merchants. Because they process card-not-present transactions, Payments solution addresses this issue by allowing profiling
their merchants bear the full liability of fraud. IBM Safer payment behavior in multiple historical dimensions in real time.
Payments helps enable each merchant to accept transactions Fraud attacks, in which large amounts of money are structured
based on the merchant’s individual appetite for risk. and smurfed through the system using multiple small amount
transactions, are securely detected as IBM Safer Payments
High-margin merchants typically accept a higher fraud risk with profiling engine restores the true flow of money and securely
transactions as long as they add to their bottom line. At the blocks transactions that are part of such a fraud scheme.
same time, IBM Safer Payments helps ensure payment scheme
compliance. A significant number of IBM Safer Payments users are
processors or switches that work for multiple banks or
Online and mobile banking are attacked by phishing schemes, other payment providers. IBM Safer Payments delivers
malware and cybercrime. The challenge is to provide not only powerful capabilities for hierarchical multi-tenancy, including
fraud security, but also the best possible customer experience. inheritance. This enables processors or switches to have
IBM Safer Payments profiles the transactions, identifies generalized models, such as a “region model” or an “industry
counterparties and devices, identifies malware, all in the model,” and allow for each of their tenants to have any kind
background, with no impact to the customer, and no additional of bespoke addition to such a model. IBM Safer Payments is
security steps needed. PCI PA-DSS certified and designed to be hosted by a payment
processor as a service to its processing clients.

IBM Financial Crimes Insight 3

Why IBM? © Copyright IBM Corporation 2020 All client examples cited or described

are presented as illustrations of the

IBM Corporation manner in which some clients have

IBM Safer Payments puts modern machine learning and model
New Orchard Road used IBM products and the results
building tools in the hands of on-site fraud management teams
Armonk, NY 10504 they may have achieved. Actual
so they can respond faster to new fraud vectors without much
environmental costs and performance
dependence on vendor and data science teams. Using a unique
Produced in the characteristics will vary depending on
cognitive computing approach, IBM Safer Payments profiles the
United States of America individual client configurations and
behavior of customer segments and delivers best-fit analytics
January 2020 conditions. Contact IBM to see what
interactively to fraud professionals. This technology is already
we can do for you.
protecting some of the world’s largest and most complex
IBM, the IBM logo,, IBM
payment portfolios and is proven to operate reliably in some of
Watson, and Watson are trademarks THE INFORMATION IN THIS
the demanding payment environments.
of International Business Machines DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS”

Corp., registered in many jurisdictions WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY,

About IBM Financial Crimes Insight worldwide. Other product and service EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING

names might be trademarks of IBM WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF

By resolving relationships and scrutinizing behaviors to identify or other companies. A current list of MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A

high-risk entities before they commit financial crimes, IBM IBM trademarks is available on the PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY

Financial Crimes Insight empowers institutions to increase web at “Copyright and trademark WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF NON-

both the efficiency and the effectiveness of their payment information” at INFRINGEMENT. IBM products are

fraud detection, anti-money laundering compliance, know- copytrade.shtml. warranted according to the terms and

your-customer, conduct surveillance, and insurance claims conditions of the agreements under

investigation programs. Only IBM uses the broadest set This document is current as of the which they are provided.

of market-leading AI, IBM cognitive services, big data and initial date of publication and may be

automation technologies, driven by input from leading regulatory changed by IBM at any time. Not all The client is responsible for ensuring

experts to minimize the financial and regulatory burden of offerings are available in every country compliance with laws and regulations

compliance while reducing reputational risk. in which IBM operates. applicable to it. IBM does not provide

legal advice or represent or warrant

For more information

that its services or products will

ensure that the client is in compliance

with any law or regulation.

To learn more about IBM Safer Payments, please contact
your IBM representative, IBM Business Partner or visit

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