HRMPSB Guidelines 2018

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Para in jaumRAVAK

2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments Number: 1701003

and Other Human Resource Actions
x — -. x Promulgated, 8


WHEREAS, Section 3, Article IX-B of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

mandates the Civil Service Commission, as the central human resource agency of
the Government, to "establish a career service and adopt measures to promote
morale, efficiency, integrity, responsiveness, progressiveness, and courtesy in the
civil service. It shall strengthen the merit and rewards system, integrate all human
resources development programs for all levels and ranks, and institutionalize a
management climate conducive to public accountability. x x x"

WHEREAS, Section 12 (2), Chapter 3, Title 1(A), Book V of the Administrative

Code of 1987 provides that the Commission shall prescribe, amend and enforce
rules and regulations for carrying into effect the provisions of the Civil Service Law
and other pertinent laws;
WHEREAS, Section 12 (14), Chapter 3, Title 1(A), Book V of the same Code
provides that the Commissnn shall take appropriate action on all appointments and
other personnel matters in t? e Civil Service;
WHEREAS, Section 26, Chapter 5, Title I (A), Book V of the same Code
provides, among other things, that "all personnel actions shall be in accordance with
such rules, standards and re?ulations as may be promulgated by the Commission";

WHEREAS, the Commission, as mandated by law, issued CSC MC N. 40, s.

1998 prescribing the Revised Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Personnel

WHEREAS, certain provisions thereof were amended through various

issuances of the Commission;

WHEREAS, during consultations with the Human Resource Management

Practitioners (HRMPs) of various agencies of the government, several Issues and
problems on policies and procedures on appointments and other human resource
actions surfaced;

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-' ta1t
C*mmiuioa Se LiPJ,4n.flMLA
In a R. A. C. F. to Serve: Responsive, Accessible, t.ourteeus and ''- we I7dT*te,We
CSC Building, IBP Road, Constitution Hills, I 126 Quezon City. 2 931-7935/931-7939/931-8092 scph,[email protected] . e

Pepi'f'Ji oft'
WHEREAS, in response to the changing needs in human resource
management, there is an urgency to update and consolidate the various issuances
on appointments and other human resource actions to facilitate action on all kinds of
appointments and further simplify processing thereof,
NOW, THEREFORE, the Commission adopts and promulgates the Omnibus
Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions to govern the
preparation, submission of, and actions to be taken on appointments and other
human resource movements.

These rules shall apply only to employees appointed to first and second level
positions, including executive/managerial positions who are not presidential
appointees, In the career service and to those appointed to the non-career 'saMoa.


Sec 1. The State shall ensure and promote the Constitutional mandate that
appointments in the Civil Service shall be made only according to merit and fitness'.

Sec 2. Merit and fitness shalt be determined, as far as practicable, by

competitive examinations This does not apply to appointments to posltionwhich are
policy determining, primarily confidential, or highly technical.

Sec. 3. Any action denoting the movement or progress of human resource in

the civil service such as promotion, transfer, reappointment, reinstatement,
reemployment, reclassification, tail, reassignment, secondment2, demotion and
separation shall be known as hurt n resource action.

I lm B, Section 2(2), Article IX cithe 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Ptitiippines
2 Sen*7ent4I beoia separate icsuance.

68mits 2

Chief Rsoa4 Spec
Comn,1 Ion Sccret,sn't &
Lisia Office

Sec. 83. The Merit Selection Plan (MSP) shall cover positions In the first and
second level and shall also include original appointments and other related human
resource actions.

There shall be no discrimination in the selection of employees on account of

age, sex, sexual orientation and gender Identity, civil status, disability, religion,
ethnicity, or political affiliation

Sec. 84. Each agency may constitute two (2) Human Resource Merit
Promotion and Selection Boards (HRMPSB) - one for the first and second level
positions and another for second level executive/managerial positions.

An agency may establish special HRMPSB for specialized and highly

technical positions or different sets of HRMPSB for its own purpose, but the same
should be provided in the Agency Merit Selection Plan to be submitted to the CSC
Regional Office concerned for approval.

Sec. 85. The HRMPSB shalt serve as the recommending body for
appointment. However, final decision on whom to appoint shall be with the appointing

The HRMPSB shalt be primarily responsible for the judicious and objective
selection of candidates for appointment in the agency in accordance with the
approved Agency MSP and shall recommend to the appointing officer/authority the
top five (5) ranking candidates deemed most qualified for appointment to the vacant

Sec. 86. The appointing efficer/authorlty shall assess the merits of the
HRMPSB's recommendation for aor lointment and in the exercise of sound discretion,
select from among the top five ranking applicants deemed most qualmea tor
appointment to the vacant position. S

Sec. 87. The appointing officer/authority may appoint an applicant who Is

ranked higher than those next-in-rank to the vacant position based on the
assessment of qualifications/competence evidenced by the comparative ranking.

e.wffi. 'ISe. 4p.

Chief P. I '. 1st
Commission Sc "W Liaison Office
Sec. 88. The HRMPSB shall be composed of the following:


Chairperson is. Highest official In- el. The Local Chief a. Underiscretary! a.1 The Local Chief
charge of human Executive or Vice-President or its Executive or
resource his/her authorized equivalent, or his/her authorized
management or representative; his/her authorized representative;
his/her authorized a.2. Vice Governod representative a.2 Vice Governor!
representative Vice Mayor or Vice Mayor or
his/her authorized his/her authorized
representative, If representative, if
the vacant position the vacant position
is in his/her Office is in his/her Office
- orin the Office of orin the Office of
the Sanggunian the Sanggunian

b. Head of b. Head of b. Assistant Secretary b. Two (2) Department
organizational unit organizational unit or its equivalent, or Heads, one of
where vacancy where vacancy his/her authorized which Is preferably
exists, or his/her exists, or his/her representative or the HRM
designated alternate designated alternate designated alternate Department Head
or equivalent or
G. Human Resource c. Human Resource. C. Director for their designated
Management (fficer Management Officer Administration or alternates
(HRMO) or the (HRMO) or the his/her authorized
career serke career service representative or
employe iirecdy employee directly designated alternate
respon a for responsible for
recruitn t, selection recruitment,
and pla mentor selection and
his/her c3ignated placement, or his/her
alternate designated alternate

d. Two (2) regular and d. Two (2) regular and

alternate alternate
representatives of representatives of
the rank and file the rank and file
career employees, career employees,
from the first level from the first level
and from the second and from the second
level, who shall all be level, who shall all
chosen by the duly be chosen by the
accredited duly accredited
employees employees
association in the association in the
agency agency

6Uhj;Wif, it

Chief -,. I islist
Commission t iaison Office

The highest official in-charge of the human resource management may not be
the Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO), but, may be the official directly
supervising the human resource management of the agency, e.g., Assistant
Secretary/Director for Administration/Human Resource.

In case there Is no accredited employees association in ft agency, the

representatives shall be chosen at large by the employees through a general
assembly. The candidate who garnered the second highest votes shall
automatically be the alternate representative. Any other mode of selection may be
conducted for the purpose,

The first level representative or alternate shall participate during the screening
of candidates for vacancies in the first level; the second level representative or
alternate shall participate in the screening of candidates for vacancies in the second
level. Both rank-and-file representatives shall serve for a period of two (2) years.

The agency head shall issue an OfficeOrderidentifying the principal members

of the HRMPSB and their designated alternates. The CSCRO and CSCFO should be
furnished with a copy of the Office Order.

Sec. 89. The agency head shall, as far as practicable, ensure equal
opportunity for men and women to be represented in the HRMPSB for all levels of

Sec. 9O The membership of the HRMPSB can be modified, provided it

conforms to the prescribed composition. Agencies may add a reasonable number of
members, but the prescribed composition may not be reduced. The HRMPSB
members must be duty designated and their names posted in the agency bulletin
board. Any change in the composition of the HRMPSB should be reported to the
CSC Regional or Field Office concerned.

For LGUs, the same composition should be followed. In no Instance should

the HRMPSB be composed entirely of the members of the local Sanggunian.

Sec. 91. The HRM Offic,Unit shall perform secretariat.and technical support
function to th HRMPSB for the comparative assessment and final evaluation of
candidates. It shall also evaluate and analyze results of structured background
investigation for second level, supervisory, and executive/managerial poitions.

• The HRM Officer, as member of the HRMPSB, shall not act as secretariat to
the HRMPSB. For agencies with only one appointed or designated HRM Officer, the
agency head shall designate an employee from other units to act as the secretariat.

Sec. 92. he HRMPSB members including alternate representatives shall

undergo orientation and workshop on the agency selection/promotion process and
CSC policies on appointments.

Chief? •. S islist
Communion at . aison Office
Sec. 93. The HRMPSB shall be represented by at least the majority of its
members during the deliberation of candidates for appointment.

Sec. 94. The HRMPSB shall maintain fairness arid impartiality In the
asessment of candidates for appointment. Towards this end the HRMPSB may
employ the assistance of external or independent resource persons and may initiate
innovative schemes in determining the best and most qualified candidate

The deliberation by the HRMPS8 in the NGAs, GOCCs with original charters,
and SUCs (for their administrative and support staff) shag not be made earlier than
ten (10) calendar days from the date of publication and posting of vacant positions;
and in the local government units (LGUs) it shall not be made earlier than fifteen (15)
calendar days from the date of publication and posting of vacant positions. An
appointment issued in violation of these rules shall be disapproved/Invalidated.

Candidates for the following appointments shall no longer be subject to the

screening of the HRMPSB:

L Substitute appointment due to Its short duration and emergency nature.

ii. Appointment of faculty members and academic staff of SUCs and LUCs
Luiiy to tha Closed career service-"`7

iii. Reappointment to change the employment status from temporary to

permanent upon meeting the deficiency or to renew the appointment of a
temporary employee, if upon publication there are no qualified applicants
and his/her performance rating is at least Very Satisfactory for two (2)
ratin' periods; or

iv. Appoiritment to primarily confidential positions.

Sec. 95. An employee should have obtained at least Very Satisfactory

performance rating for one year 48 in the present position before being considered for

Sec. 96. Agencies shall not fill up vacancies resulting from promotion until the
promotional appointments have been approved/validated by the CSC, except in
meritorious cases, as may be authorized by the Commission.

' The Merit System for Family Members of SUCs and LUCs, duly approved by their respective Goveming Board and submitted to the CSC Regional Qisce
concerned, shaH provide the pmceckrre for recruitment, selection and appoviknentior faculty powbom. The SUC or WC ohalt coote a Ftty Sete'iton
Board pursuantto CSC MC No. 19 s. 2006:
tmFcr agencies adopitng semestmi rating period, one (1) year rating is equaiefo two (2) perfoniienoe raMp wMe for agenbes adoplhig qualer rating
period, one year rating is equn'alent to four (4) performance ratings.

Chief?r-.r. S lisi
Commission crstj * Liaison Ce
Sec. 87. An employee may be promoted to a position WhiOh Is not more than
three (3) salary grade, pay or job grades higher than the employee's present position.
All appointments issued in violation of this policy shall be disapproved/Invalidated,
except when the promotional appointment falls within the purview of any of the
following exceptions:

a. The position occupied by the person Is next-in-rank to the vacant

position as identified in the Merit Selection Plan and the System of
Ranking Positions (SRP) of the agency.

b. The vacant positioh is a lone or entrance position, as indicated in the

agency staffing pattern.
c. The vacant position is hard to fill, such as Accountant, Medical
Officer/Specialist, Attorney, or Information Technology
Officer/Computer Programmer positions.

d. The vacant position is unique and/or highly specialized, such as

Actuarial, Airways Communicator positions.

e. The candidates passed through a deep selection process, taking Into

consideration the candidates' superior qualifications In regard to:

• Educational achievements
• Highly specialized trainings
• Relevant work experience
• Consistent high performance rating/ranking

The vacant position belongs to the closed career system, i.e., those
that are scientific, or highly technical in nature that include the faculty
and academic staff of state colleges and universities, and the scientific
and technical positions in scientific or research Institutions, all of Which
establish and maintain their own merit systems.

g. Other meritorious cases, such as:

• when the appointee is the lone applicant who meets all the
requirements of the position and passed through the deep selection
• when the qualified next-in-rank employees waived their right over
the vant position in writing
• when the next-in-rank position, as idertified in the agency SRP is
• when the next-in-rank employee/s is/are not qualified
• when the qualified next-in-rank employees did not apply

Chief' IMF, ' talist
Commission . t & isison office
Sec. 98. The three-salary grade limitation shall apply only to promotion within
the agency. This prohibition shall not apply to the following human resource actions
which involve issuance of an appointment:

a. Transfer Incidental to promotion provided that the appointee was

subjected to deep selection
b Reappointment involving promotion from non-career to career provided
the appointee was subjected to deep selection
c Reappointment from career to non-career position
d. Reemployment
e. Reclassification of 5ositIon

Sec. 99. In the selection process, agency heads are enjoined to strictly
observe the above conditions to avoid disapproval or invalidation of promotional

Sea. 100. In the evaluation of promotional appointments, the CSC Regional

and Field Offices shall make a thorough evaluation of the manner and merit of the
issuance of the appointment vis-à-vis the reasons or justifications of the appointing
authority before taking any action on the appointments.

Sec. 101. To facilitate review and evaluation of appointments, all agencies are
required to submit their SRP to CSC Regional or Field Offices. The agency SRP shall
be used as one of the bases for determining whether agencies observe the policy on
the three-salary grade limitation on promotion as herein provided.

Sec. 102. All government agencies shall submit their Agency MSP to the
CSCRO concerned, which shall take effect Immediately upon approval. All
subsequent amendments shall take effect immediately upon approval by the CSCRO

Sec. 103. The Agency MSP signed by the head of the agency shall be
considered as a valid contract binding among the head of agency, the employees
and the CSC. As such, non-compliance by the agency with the policies and
procedures provided therein shall be considered as a ground for
disapproval/invalidation of appointment. The same can be a ground for
administrative disciplinary action against the official or employee who caused the


Sec. 104. Resignation. Resignation is an act of an official or employee by

which he/she voluntarily relinquishes in writing his/her position effective on a specific
date which shall not be less than thirty (30) days from the date of such notice or
earlier as mutually agreed upon by the employee and the appointing officer/authority.
To constitute a complete and operative resignation of an official or employee, there
must be a written intention to relinquish the office, the acceptance by the appointing


Canmis$iOfl SccIcUzist & Unison OffiCC
authority must be obtained from the concerned CSCRO; otherwise, such
appointments shall be disapproved/invalidated.

Such authority shall be granted on the basis of validated need to fill the
positions immediately in order not to prejudice public service and/or endanger public

Sec.. 116. Notwithstanding the initial approval/validation of an appointment,

the same may be recalled by the CSCRO concerned or by the Commission on any of
the following grounds:

a. Non-compliance with the procedures/criteria provided in CSC-approved

agency Merit Selection Plan;
b. Failure to pass through the agency's HRMPSB; or
c. Violation of existing Civil Service Law, rules and regulations.


Sec. 117. No appointive official shall hold any other office or employment in
the government unless otherwise allowed by law or by the primary functions of
his/her position.

Sec. 118. No elective official shall be eligible for appointment in any capacity
to any public office or position during his/her tenure.

Sec. 119. No elective or appointive public officer or employee shall receive

additional, double or indirect compensation, unless specifically authorized by law, nor
accept without the consent of Congress, any present, emolument, office or title of any
kind from any foreign government.

Pensions and gratuities shall not be considered as additional, double or

indirect compensation.

Sec. 120. A person who lost in an election, except Barangay election, shall
not be eligible for appointment or reemployment to any office in the government or
government-owned or controlled corporation within one year following such election.

Sec. 121. A person holding a public appointive office or position, including

active members of the armed forces, shall be considered ipso facto resigned from
his/her office upon filing of the certificate of candidacy. He/she must vacate the
same at the start of the day 'of the filing of the certificate of candidacy with the
COMELEC, even if later on disqualified or has withdrawn the certificate for
candidacy. This prohibition extends to private citizens appointed as board members
in public offices representing the private sector.

Sec. 122. An employee who resigned from the government service during
the three (3)-month period before any election to promote the candidacy of another
shall not be reemployed during the six-month period following such election.
ThE Cs. t /"' 55
Chief Pc •flne'. * iIist
Commission Secretariat & Liaison Office
Sec. 123. No detail or reassignment shall be made within three (3) months
before any election unless with the permission of the COMELEC.

Sec. 124. No officer or employee in the civil service including the members
of the Armed Forces, shall engage directly or indirectly in any partisan political
activity or take part in any election except to vote nor shall he/she use his/her official
authority or influence to coerce the political activity of any person or body. Nothing
herein provided shall be understood to prevent any officer from expressing his/her
views on current political problems or issues, or from mentioning the name of
candidates for public office whom he/she supports.

Provided that public officers and employees holding political offices may take
part in political and electoral activities but it shall be unlawful for them to solicit
contributions from their subordinates or subject them to any of the acts prohibited in
the Election Code.

Sec. 125. No appointment in the national government or any branch or

instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or controlled corporations with
original charters shall be made in favor of a relative of the appointing or
recommending officer/authority, or of the chief of the bureau or office or of the person
exercising immediate supervision over the appointee.

Unless otherwise provided by law, the word "relative" and the members of the
family referred to are those related within the third degree either of consanguinity or
of affinity.

However, for the non-career service in the local

government, the prohibition extends to the third degree either of consanguinity or of
affinity of the appointing or recommending officer/authority, or head of office, or of the
person exercising immediate supervision over the appointee.

The following are exempted from the operation of the rules on nepotism:

a. persons employed in a confidential capacity

b. teachers51
c. physicians
d. members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
e. science and technology personnel under RA No. 843952
f. other positions as may be provided by law

As provided in Section 2 of RA 4870, the term'teacher' shall mean all persons engaged in classroom teaching, In any level of instruction, on full-time
basis, including guidance counsellors, school librarians, industrial arts or vocational Instructors, and all other persons performing supervisory and/or
administrative functions in all schools, colleges and universities operated by the Government or its political subdivisions; but shall not include school
nurses, school physicians, school dentists, and other school employees.
52 The List of S & T Positions exempted from the rules on nepotism is appended to Resolution No. 04-0860 dated July 28, 2004 and disseminated in CSC
Memorandum Circular No. 15, S. 2004(Reiteration of the Exemption of Scientific and Technology Personnel from the Rules on Nepotism) dated July 29,
c.rtrn.1 m.Copy:
Chief?. .. e pecialist
Secre a1 & Liaison OffiCC

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