14 - Chapter 7, Meduim of I
14 - Chapter 7, Meduim of I
14 - Chapter 7, Meduim of I
is an indispensable one.
the students if their lessons are taught through their mother tongue
multilingual but at the same time the country must also have a
In the modern period English acquired this role and made a very deep
century, there emerged two groups among the officials of the East
India Company. One group was the orientalists, who wanted the
and Persian, whereas the other group was that of the Anglicists, who
medium of English.
use it.
English and their relations with India are increasing day by day.
fees, etc.
ments .
Shri Dada Bhai Nadrozi has said, 'After all, his motives were not
the use of English for more than one reason. Because it is English
no final and static solution has so far been evolved out to tide
over this erratic problem and more particularly in Assam the problem
Ilie ml nor Ily and backward claimon of Lho norleLy, I Ik <> llodo , Karl) I,
Tal , Manlpurl etc. have been still lacing problem in the field of
particularly in the urban areas of the state, apart from the fact
educational field the demand for admission into the English medium
medium and a link language for higher education and also for
English and
result was that the actual practice is not uniform. Rather the
has been made an optional subject. But on the other hand, in the
the states.
the country.
2. All dialects, on the other hand, have not occupied the status of
4. The teachers also face the problems in the classes to make those
tions .
in recent years.
present study.
b) Minor Hypothesises
(ii) It is also observed that the schools in Assam are not well
(iii) Again, it is felt that the English medium schools pay special
(vi) The Assam Official Language Act of 1960 and other official
libraries, etc.