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This project is about ―



The main objective of the study is to find out the Sales promotion & consumer behaviour of Aavin milk
and milk products. The research mainly focuses on the factors like quality, consumer preference, price,
service, attitudes and experience of consumers. In this study, data are collected from the consumers
through questionnaire(interview schedule).,200 samples are selected using convenience sampling. Using
the interview schedule prepared, the 200 consumers are interviewed personally and their opinion was
collected. Secondary data was collected from the management. The collected data is analyzed using
analytical tools like simple percentage and chi-square test. As per the findings, suggestions are given to
the company to take initiation to fulfill the consumer needs.


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Introduction about the study

Sales promotion is an important component of a small business's overall marketing strategy, along with
advertising, public relations, and personal selling. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines
sales promotion as "media and nonmedia marketing pressure applied for a predetermined, limited
period of time in order to stimulate trial, increase consumer demand, or improve product quality.

A direct inducement that offers extra value or incentive for the product to the Sales force, distributors, or
the ultimate consumer with the primary objective of creating "immediate" sales . Sales promotion is any
initiative undertaken by an organisation to promote an increase in sales, usage or trial of a product or
service (i.e. initiatives that are not covered by the other elements of the marketing communications or
promotions mix). Sales promotions are varied. Businesses can target sales promotions at three different
audiences: consumers, resellers, and the company's own sales force. Sales promotion acts as a
competitive weapon by providing an extra incentive for the target audience to purchase or support one
brand over another. It is particularly effective in spurring product trial and unplanned purchases. Most
marketers believe that a given product or service has an established perceived price or value, and they
use sales promotion to change this price-value relationship by increasing the value and/or lowering the
price. Compared to the other components of the marketing mix (advertising, publicity, and personal
selling), sales promotion usually operates on a shorter time line, uses a more rational appeal, returns a
tangible or real value, fosters an immediate sale, and contributes highly to profitability.

Popular sales promotions activities:


Buy-One-Get-One-Free (BOGOF)

- which is an example of a self-liquidating promotion. For example if a loaf of bread is priced at $1, and
cost 10 cents to manufacture, if you sell two for $1, you are still in profit - especially if there is a
corresponding increase in sales. This is known as a PREMIUM sales promotion tactic. (b)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

incentives such as bonus points or money off coupons. There are many examples of CRM, from banks to
supermarkets. (c)

New media

- Websites and mobile phones that support a sales promotion. For example, in the United Kingdom,
Nestle printed individual codes on KIT-KAT packaging, whereby a consumer would enter the code into a
dynamic website to see if they had won a prize. Consumers could also text codes via their mobile phones
to the same effect. (d)


additions such as dump bins, point-of-sale materials and product demonstrations. (e)
Free gifts

e.g. Subway gave away a card with six spaces for stickers with each sandwich purchase. Once the card
was full the consumer was given a free sandwich. (f)

Discounted prices

e.g. Budget airline such as EasyJet and Ryanair, e-mail their customers with the latest low-price deals
once new flights are released, or additional destinations are announced. (g)

Joint promotions

between brands owned by a company, or with another company's brands. For example fast food
restaurants often run sales promotions where toys, relating to a specific movie release, are given away
with promoted meals. (h)

Free samples

(aka. sampling) e.g. tasting of food and drink at sampling points in supermarkets. For example Red Bull
(a caffeinated fizzy drink) was given away to potential consumers at supermarkets, in high streets and at
petrol stations (by a promotions team). (i)

Vouchers and coupons

, often seen in newspapers and magazines, on packs. (j)

Competitions and prize draws

, in newspapers, magazines, on the TV and radio, on The Internet, and on packs.


Cause-related and fair-trade

products that raise money for charities, and the less well off farmers and producers, are becoming more
popular. (l)

Finance deals

- for example, 0% finance over 3 years on selected vehicles. Many of the examples above are focused
upon consumers. Don't forget that promotions can be aimed at wholesalers and distributors as well.
These are known as

Trade Sales Promotions

. Examples here might include joint promotions between a manufacturer and a distributor, sales
promotion leaflets and other materials (such as T-shirts), and incentives for distributor sales people and
their retail clients. Sales promotion describes promotional methods using special short-term techniques
to persuade members of a target market to respond or undertake certain activity. As a reward,
marketers offer something of value to those responding generally in the form of lower cost of ownership
for a purchased product (e.g., lower purchase price, money back) or the inclusion of additional value-
added material (e.g., something more for the same price).

Objectives of Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is a tool used to achieve most of the five major promotional objectives : Building
Product Awareness

Several sales promotion techniques are highly effective in exposing customers to products for the first
time and can serve as key promotional components in the early stages of new product introduction.
Additionally, as part of the effort to build product awareness, several sales promotion techniques
possess the added advantage of capturing customer information at the time of exposure to the
promotion. In this way sales promotion can act as an effective customer information gathering tool (i.e.,
sales lead generation), which can then be used as part of follow-up marketing efforts. Creating Interest

Marketers find that sales promotions are very effective in creating interest in a product. In fact, creating
interest is often considered the most important use of sales promotion. In the retail industry an
appealing sales promotions can significantly increase customer traffic to retail outlets. Internet
marketers can use similar approaches to bolster the number of website visitors. Another important way
to create interest is to move customers to experience a product.

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