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Solving Tarkeeb

(A Translation of Maulana Muhammad Ahsan Nanotwi’s “‫تىػ ٍركً ٍيب‬ ‫” ىح ِّل‬.)

Translation and Commentary by:

Muhammad Huzaifah ibn Adam aal-Ebrahim.

Edited by Mufti A. H.Elias

May Allaah protect him

A Nidaa-ul-Haqq Publication.

‫الرًح ٍي ًم‬
َّ ‫الر ٍح ىم ًن‬ ً ‫بًس ًم‬
َّ ‫اهلل‬ ٍ
‫ كنعوذ باهلل‬,‫إ ٌف الحمد هلل نحمده سبحانو كنستعينو كنستهديو كنستغفره‬
‫مضل لو كمن‬
ٌ ‫ من يهده اهلل فال‬,‫من شركر أنفسنا كسيٌآت أعمالنا‬
‫ كنشهد أف ٌل الو ٌال اهلل كحده ل شري لو كنشهد‬,‫يضللو فال ىادم لو‬
‫محم ندا عبده كرسولو‬
ٌ ‫أ ٌف سيٌدنا كنبيٌنا كشفيعنا كمولنا‬
‫ كمن تبعهم بإحساف إلى يوـ‬,‫صلٌى اهلل عليو كعلى آلو كأصحابو أجمعين‬
Tarkeeb is a purely Indian invention; this should be understood first and
foremost, even before we commence with this Kitaab. While it has, over the
years, gained a foothold in some Madaaris around the world, it remains widely
unknown. Outside of the Indo-Pak subcontinent from whence it originated, the
only Madaaris wherein Tarkeeb is taught to the students are those Madaaris
which are a) run by people from the Indo-Pak subcontinent, or b) run by
people who studied in the Indo-Pak subcontinent.

In the Arab world, Tarkeeb is an entirely foreign concept. This might lead some
to believe that it is unnecessary, whereas this is not the case. Tarkeeb is, in
fact, a very useful invention which the `Ulamaa of the Indo-Pak subcontinent
had added to the glorious Arabic language, and their efforts should not be
discarded derisively. Rather than discard it simply because it is unknown in
the Arab lands, we should look at the benefit it contains, and how it provides a
much greater understanding of the language.

Tarkeeb, in the English language, could be best translated as “Sentence

Parsing”; though, to explain the concept of it to an English speaker may prove
difficult, as neither does English nor – to the best of our knowledge – any other
language have such a component as “Tarkeeb”. That is, the critical analysis of
speech and text; breaking it down sentence by sentence, and analysing those
sentences, analysing each and every word in the sentence, tracing them back
to their root forms, understanding each and every word individually, its role in
the sentence, why it was inserted, what effect it has on the word(s) before it
and the word(s) after it, and thereafter joining that sentence together, piece by
piece, like a jigsaw puzzle, after having dissected and fully understood it.

English does have what they refer to as “Sentence Parsing”, but this can never
be compared with “Tarkeeb” in Arabic. Also, “sentence parsing”, as a subject
taught formally in schools died out a long time ago. And again, that is besides
the fact that Tarkeeb is incomparably more advanced and sophisticated as
compared to “Sentence Parsing” in English. Nevertheless, English speakers
who had studied sentence parsing should then at least have a vague idea of
what Tarkeeb is about.

Tarkeeb does not teach one Nahw and Sarf; no, such is not the case.
Rather, Tarkeeb is for the one who has already studied both Nahw and
Sarf at least to an intermediate level, wherafter he may begin studying
Tarkeeb in order to “master” the Nahw and Sarf which he has learnt.

To give another example in an attempt at elucidating this concept, we may say

that Nahw and Sarf are the “building blocks” of the house whereas Tarkeeb is
the actual building work. You take the building blocks (i.e. the Nahw and Sarf)
which you have studied and – through Tarkeeb – use them to “build” a house
(i.e. a sentence). Also, through it the person would know how the “house” (i.e.
speech or text) was “built”, and why it was built in the manner it was, and this
is essential to a person intending to become any sort of reliable builder.

Tarkeeb is on ‫اب الت َّ ْف ِع ْي ِل‬ ُ ‫ة – يُ َر ِّك‬

ُ َ‫ت‬, and its root is ‫ة ت َْر ِك ْيثًا‬ َ ‫ َر َّك‬, which means “to form;
to build; to compose; to put together”.

To those who have studied Tarkeeb, the usefulness is clear. To those who
have not: we present to you this Kitaab, “Solving Tarkeeb”, which is a
translation of Maulana Muhammad Ahsan Nanotwi’s “Hall-e-Tarkeeb”,
which was written in the Urdu language. After having studied this Kitaab,
you would, In-Shaa’Allaah, not only understand the usefulness of Tarkeeb, but
would end up with a much greater understanding of speech (and literature)
than you do at present.

As we mentioned at the beginning of this preface, Tarkeeb was invented in the

Indo-Pak subcontinent, and thus all the books on Tarkeeb have hitherto been
solely in the Urdu language. That, of course, poses a problem to non-Indian
students wishing to study Tarkeeb, as then, the only solution for them prior to
this would have been to firstly study the Urdu language, and thereafter, once
they have gained proficiency in it, move on to studying the Urdu Kitaabs
available on Tarkeeb.

To remedy this, we have undertaken the translation of perhaps the simplest

Kitaab on Tarkeeb, namely, “Hall-e-Tarkeeb”, into the English language, and
present it here for the benefit of the students.

Asaatidhah wishing to teach Tarkeeb to their students may make use of

this Kitaab, as we have endeavoured to write it in a clear, concise
manner. If intending to do so, Asaatidhah should ensure that the students
thoroughly understand each sentence before moving on to the next, as,
concepts are explained the first time they appear in the Kitaab, and generally
not again, so if the student does not understand the sentence, he will not
understand it by reading further into the Kitaab. He should pause there until
he fully grasps it.

This Kitaab can also be studied individually; both by those learning Arabic,
and those who have already studied Arabic and wish to now study Tarkeeb.
May Allaah Ta`aalaa accept this effort of ours and make it a means of benefit to
us in this Dunyaa and the Aakhirah, and a benefit to those who read it,

‫خالصا لوجه الكريم‬

‫ن‬ ‫اللهم اجعل عملنا كلٌو‬

‫اللهم تقبٌل منٌا إنٌ أنت السميع العليم‬

‫التواب الرحيم‬
ٌ ‫كتب علينا إنٌ أنت‬

- Muhammad Huzaifah ibn Adam ibn Yusuf ibn Muhammad


‫الر ِح ْيم‬
َّ ‫ان‬
ِ ‫الر ْح َم‬
َّ ِ‫ِب ْس ِم هللا‬

“In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful, the Very Merciful.”


‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫اً ٍس ًم‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫اهلل‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

ً ‫الر ٍحم‬
‫اف‬ ‫َّ ى‬ = ‫ص ىفةي ٍالى َّك يؿ‬
ِّ ٍ‫( اىل‬First Quality).

‫الرًح ٍي ًم‬
َّ = ‫ص ىفةي الثَّانًي‬
ِّ ٍ‫( اىل‬Second Quality).

The ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun, which is Allaah) along with its ‫( ص ىفتىاف‬Two Qualities,
i.e. ar-Rahmaan and ar-Raheem) join up to become the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) of
the ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession, which is ‫)ا ٍس ًم‬.

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) along with its ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the
‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) 1 of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition, which is the ‫)بىاءه‬.

ً َّ ‫اف‬
ً ‫الرحم‬ ً
The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive, which is “‫الرح ٍي ًم‬ ‫)”إً ٍس ًم اهلل َّ ٍ ى‬
join up to become ‫ق‬‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with a ‫َّر‬ ً
‫( ف ٍع هل يم ىقد ه‬Hidden Verb), which is either
‫( أى ٍش ىرعي‬I start) or ‫أىقػ ىٍرأي‬ (I recite).

The ‫ل‬ ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) ‫ أى ٍش ىرعي‬or ‫ أىقػ ىٍرأي‬is in ‫ؼ‬
‫ًع ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬
‫ضار ي‬
‫( اىل يٍم ى‬Active Present Tense), in the word-
ً ‫( ك‬First Person Singular).
form of ‫اح هد يمتى ىكلِّ هم‬ ‫ى‬

The ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ٍ ‫ ىم‬is a word which has assumed a ‫ ىك ٍس ىرةه‬or ‫ يىاءه‬on account of a ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) which precedes it, i.e. it is a

noun governed by a preposition.

‫( ى‬Pronoun) within the verb ‫ أى ٍش ىرعي‬or ‫ أىقػ ىٍرأي‬is ‫( أىنىا‬I), and it is the ‫( فاى ًع هل‬Doer).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
The ‫ل‬ ً ً ِّ
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) joins up to
become a ‫يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيِّةه إنٍ ى‬
‫شائًيَّةه إًبٍتً ىدائًيَّةه‬ 2 (Verbal Clause which is “‫شائًي‬
‫ ”إًنٍ ى‬and “‫)”إًبٍتً ىدائي‬.


‫صلِّينا‬ ً
‫ىحام ندا ىكيم ى‬

“Praising and sending salutations.”

ً ‫أىحم يده ح‬
‫ ىح ًام ندا‬literally means “a praiser”, or “one who praises”. In reality, it is ‫امدان‬ ‫ٍى ي ى‬
(“I praise Him as a praiser”, or “I praise Him in the state of being one who

Similarly, “‫صلِّينا‬
‫” يم ى‬, which literally means “a sender of salutations”, has a hidden
verb which is ‫يصلِّي‬
‫أى‬ ‫صلَّى يي ى‬
(I send salutations), from the root verb “‫صلِّ ٍي‬ ‫( ” ى‬so ‫يصلِّ ٍي‬
‫ أ ى‬is
ً ‫)ك‬. So “‫ ”أيصلِّي مصلِّيا‬means “I send salutations as a sender of salutation”, or
‫اح هد يمتى ىكلِّ هم‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى ي ىن‬
“in the state of being a sender of salutations”. 3

Hence, the Tarkeeb will be as follows:

ٍ ‫ ”أ‬is the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), and it contains the ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

“‫ىح ىم يد‬ ‫( ى‬Pronoun) “‫ ”أىنىا‬which is both the
ً ‫( فى‬Doer/Subject) in this sentence as well as the ‫اؿ‬
‫اع هل‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Possessor of the
Condition). 4

‫ ” ي‬is the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

ً ‫ ”ح‬is the ‫اؿ‬

“‫ام ندا‬ ‫( ىح ه‬Condition).

ً ‫ٍح‬
The ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ىح ه‬Condition), becomes
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Possessor of the Condition), along with its ‫اؿ‬
ً ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) of the ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb) “‫ىح ىم يد‬
the ‫ل‬ ٍ ‫”أ‬.

“‫ ”إًبٍتً ىدائًيَّةه‬means a “Commencing Phrase”.


This, as will be known by the students, is what is called “ ‫اؿ‬

‫( ” ىح ه‬State/Condition) in Arabic.

4 ً ‫ٍح‬
“‫اؿ‬ ‫ ”ذي ٍك ال ى‬means “the owner of the state/condition”, while “‫اؿ‬
‫ ” ىح ه‬means “the condition/state”. “‫اؿ‬
‫ ” ىح ه‬is a noun
which describes the condition/state of the doer at the time of doing the action.
The ‫ل‬ ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object) joins up to become
a ‫يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيِّةه‬ (Verbal Clause) which is ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) 5.

The “‫اك‬
‫ ” ىك ه‬is
ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫ىح ٍر ي‬ (a Coupling Particle).

“‫يصلِّي‬ ً
‫ ”أ ى‬is the ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb) hidden in “‫صلِّينا‬ ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun) in it, which is
‫” يم ى‬, and the ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬
“‫( ”أىنىا‬I), is the ً ‫ٍح‬
‫اؿ‬ ‫ذي ٍك ال ى‬.
“‫صلِّينا‬ ‫( ىح ه‬Condition/State).
‫ ” يم ى‬is the ‫اؿ‬

ً ‫ٍح‬
The ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ىح ه‬which is ‫صلِّينا‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬which is ‫ )أىنىا‬along with its ‫اؿ‬ ‫ ) يم ى‬joins together to
ً ً ِّ ‫”أ ى‬.
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) of the ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb) “‫يصلي‬
become the ‫ل‬

ً ِّ ‫ )أ ى‬along with its ‫صلِّينا( فى ًاع هل‬ ًً

‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) (‫يصلي‬
The ‫ل‬ ‫ )أىنىا يم ى‬joins up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليِّةه‬
(Verbal Clause), and thus the ‫ؼ‬ ‫ ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬of the ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬which, as we explained
earlier, is ‫امدان‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ىح ىم يدهي‬
ٍ ‫)أ‬.

The ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬

‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) along with its ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه‬Conjunctive Sentence).

‫الر ىسالىةي ال يٍم ىس َّماةي بً يم ًف ٍي ًد الطَّالًبًٍي ىن يم ٍشتى ًملىةه ىعلىى الٍبىابىػ ٍي ًن‬
ِّ ‫ىكبىػ ٍع يد فىػ ىه ًذ ًه‬

This treatise, named „Mufeed-ut-Taalibaan” consists of two chapters.”

Again, the students are expected to have already learnt the laws of ‫ٍف‬
‫( اىل ىٍعط ي‬Conjunction), but to put it simply,

‫ٍف‬ ‫ ” ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬is the thing connected and “‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫ اىل ىٍعط ي‬is a “coupling sentence”. “‫ؼ‬ ‫ ” ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬is that which the ‫ؼ‬‫ ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬is
connected to, i.e. “Zayd and `Amr sat”. Here, Zayd is the ‫ل‬ ً ً ‫معطيو ه‬, whilst `Amr is the ‫ؼ‬
‫ فىاع ه‬and ‫ؼ ىعلىيٍو‬ ٍ ٍ‫ى‬ ‫ ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬. Zayd did the
action of “sitting” and so did `Amr. So “Zayd sat”, “and `Amr sat”. The sentence was completed with “Zayd sat”,
but another ‫ل‬ ً
‫ فىاع ه‬comes along who is doing the same thing as Zayd, and so is called “ ‫ؼ‬
‫( ” ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬connected). In some
cases, a ‫ل‬ ً ً
ً ‫( معطيو ه‬meaning another ‫اعل‬
‫ فىاع ه‬is ‫ؼ ىعلىٍيو‬ ٍ ٍ‫ى‬ ‫ فى ه‬connects to it), and in some cases, an entire sentence can become
“‫ؼ ىعلىيٍ ًو‬
‫” ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬, with another sentence then joining onto it, which is then known as the “ ‫ؼ‬
‫( ” ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬connected). In the
ً ‫ ”أىحم يده ح‬was ‫ؼ علىي ًو‬
previous page, the entire sentence of “‫امدان‬ ‫ٍى ي ى‬ ٍ ‫ ىم ٍعطيٍو ه ى‬. Another sentence will then come along and get
ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
connected to it by what is known as a “‫ٍف‬ ‫( ” ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle), such as a “‫” ىك هاك‬.

‫ىك‬ = Substitute of ‫( أ َّىما‬As for).

‫أ َّىما‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫بىػ ٍع يد‬ = In reality is ‫الص ىال ًة‬

َّ ‫ٍح ٍم ًد ىك‬
‫بىػ ٍع ىد ال ى‬ (After the
praises and salutations).

‫بىػ ٍع ىد‬ is a ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ٍح ٍم ًد‬
‫ال ى‬ = ‫ؼ عىلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫الص ىال ًة‬

َّ = ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

The ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection, which is ‫لص ىالةي‬
َّ ‫)اى‬ along with its ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫ٍح ٍم يد( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
‫ )اىل ى‬becomes
the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) along with its ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬ ‫ٍح ٍم ًد‬
‫ال ى‬
‫الص ىال ًة‬
َّ ‫ ) ىك‬becomes a substitute ‫ط‬
‫ىش ٍر ه‬ (Condition).

‫ى‬ = ‫ىج ىزائًيٌةه‬ (Result).

‫ىى ًذ ًه‬ = ً‫ال ىشارة‬

‫إً ٍس يم ٍ ى‬ (Demonstrative Pronoun).

‫الر ىسالىةي‬
ِّ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫ىم ٍو ي‬ (Described Noun).

‫ال يٍم ىس َّماةي‬ = Word form of ‫ٍم ٍفعي ٍو ًؿ‬

‫إً ٍس يم ال ى‬.

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫يم ًف ٍي ًد‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬ (Possession).

‫الطَّالًبًٍي ىن‬ = ‫اؼ إًلىٍي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬ (Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫ ) يم ًف ٍي ًد( يم ى‬along with its ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫ )الطَّالًبًٍي ىن( يم ى‬becomes the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the
earlier ‫( ىجر‬Preposition, which is ‫ب‬ ً ). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ىم ٍجرٍكهر‬
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with ‫س َّماةي‬
(Genitive) becomes ‫ق‬ ‫( اىل يٍم ى‬Named).
“‫س َّماةي‬ ِّ ًً َّ ً ً ً ً
‫”اىل يٍم ى‬, along with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection – ‫ )ب يمف ٍيد الطالب ٍي ىن‬join up to become the ‫ص ىفةه‬
(Description) of the ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun – which is ‫)اى ِّلر ىسالىةي‬.
The ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (‫)اىلٍمس َّماةي بًم ًفي ًد الطَّالًبًين‬, along with its ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫ٍى‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫يى‬ ‫ )اى ِّلر ىسالىةي( ىم ٍو ي‬join up to become the ‫ار‬
‫شه‬ ‫يم ى‬
‫( إًل ٍىي ًو‬Object Pointed Out).

The ً‫ارة‬ ًٍ ‫( إً ٍس يم‬Demonstrative Pronoun, which is “ً‫)” ىى ًذه‬, along with its ‫ار إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫اْل ىش ى‬ ‫شه‬ ‫ يم ى‬join
up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫يم ٍشتى ًملىةه‬ = ً ‫إًسم الٍ ىف‬.

Word form of ‫اع ًل‬ ‫ٍي‬

‫ىعلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ٌر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫ىح ٍر ي‬ (Preposition).

‫بىابىػ ٍي ًن‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
(Connected) with “‫شتى ًملىةه‬
ٍ ‫” يم‬.

“‫شتى ًملىةه‬
ٍ ‫ ” يم‬along with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection – which is “‫ )” ىعلىى الٍبىابىػ ٍي ًن‬becomes the ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) along with its ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه‬
‫( ىخ ٍب ًريَّة‬Nominal Clause).


ً ‫ٍح ىكاي‬
‫ات‬ ً ‫اؿ كالٍمو‬
ً ‫اع ًظ كالٍباب الثَّانًي فًي ال‬ ً ‫ى‬‫ث‬ ‫م‬ ‫ال‬
‫ى‬ ٍ ‫ي‬ ً‫اىلٍباب ٍالى َّك يؿ ف‬
‫ى‬ ٍ ‫ي‬ ‫ى ى‬ ‫ى ىى‬ ٍ ٍ ‫ى ي‬
ً َّ‫كالنَّػ ٍقلًي‬
‫ات‬ ‫ى‬
“The first chapter deals with examples and advices, and the second chapter
deals with stories and narrations.”


‫اىلٍبى ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ٍالى َّك يؿ‬ = ً (Description).

‫ص ىفةه‬

The ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬ ‫ )اىلٍبى ي‬along with its ‫ )اىٍلى َّك يؿ( ص ىفةه‬join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).
‫اب( ىم ٍو ي‬

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫ٍالى ٍمثى‬
‫اؿ‬ = ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

ً ‫الٍمو‬
‫اع ًظ‬ ‫ىى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection).

The ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ً ‫ )اىٍلى ٍمثى‬along with its ‫ؼ‬

‫اؿ( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬ ً ‫ )اىلٍمو‬join up to become the ‫مجركر‬
‫اع ًظ( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬ ‫ىى‬ ‫ى ٍ يٍه‬
(Genitive) of the earlier ‫( ىجر‬which is “‫)”فً ٍي‬.

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with “‫ت‬‫( ”ثىابً ه‬Established), which is ‫ؼ‬‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted).

“‫ت‬ ‫ ”ثىابً ه‬along with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of the
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) along with its ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه‬
(Nominal Clause), which is at the same time ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫الٍبى ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫الثَّانًي‬ = ً (Description).
‫ص ىفةه‬

The ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) along with its ‫( ص ىفةه‬Description) join up to become
the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫ٍح ىكاي‬
‫ات‬ ‫ال ى‬ = ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

ً َّ‫النَّػ ٍقلًي‬
‫ات‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection).

The ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) along with its ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) join up to become
the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the earlier ‫( ىجر‬which is “‫)”ف ٍي‬.
The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with “‫ت‬‫”ثىابً ه‬, which is ‫َّر‬
‫( يم ىقد ه‬Hidden).
“‫ت‬ ‫ ”ثىابً ه‬along with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of the
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) along with its ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ‫يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه‬
(Nominal Clause), which is also a ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection).

This ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) along with its earlier ‫ؼ ىعلىيٍ ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬i.e. ً ‫اب ٍالى َّك يؿ فًي ٍالى ٍمثى‬
‫اؿ‬ ‫اىلٍبى ي‬
ً ‫ )كالٍمو‬join up to become a ‫( جملىةه معطيوفىةه‬Conjunctive Clause).
‫اع ًظ‬ ‫ى ىى‬ ٍ ٍ‫ي ٍ ى‬


‫ٍم ٍبتى ًديٍ ىن ًم ٍن طيلىبى ًاء الٍ ىع ىربًيَّ ًة‬

‫ل‬ ً‫أىلٍَّفتػها ل‬
‫يى ي‬
“I have written it for beginners from the students of Arabic.”


‫أىلٍَّف ي‬
‫ت‬ = ً ‫( فًعل مع فى‬Verb along with its Doer).
‫اعلً ًو‬ ‫ٍه ىى‬

‫ىىا‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ال يٍم ٍبتى ًديٍ ىن‬ = ً ‫إًسم الٍ ىف‬.

Word-form of ‫اع ًل‬ ‫ٍي‬

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫طيلىبى ًاء‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ال ىٍع ىربًيَّ ًة‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) along with its ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) join up to become the
‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the earlier ‫( ىجر‬which is “‫)” ًم ٍن‬. The earlier ‫( ىجر‬i.e. “‫ )” ًم ٍن‬along with
ً ً ً
its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫ )”طيلىبىاء ال ىٍع ىربًيَّة“( ىم‬join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with “‫ ”اىل يٍم ٍبتىديٍ ىن‬which is ‫إً ٍس يم‬
ً ‫الٍ ىف‬. “‫ ”اىلٍمبت ًدين‬along with its ‫( متػعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to become the ‫مجركر‬
‫اع ًل‬ ‫ي ٍى ٍ ى‬ ‫يى ى‬ ‫ى ٍ يٍه‬
(Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) before it (which was “‫)” ًؿ‬.

The ‫ )” ًؿ“( ىجر‬along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ً ً ً ً

ٍ ‫ )”اىل يٍم ٍبتىديٍ ىن م ٍن طيلىبىاء ال ىٍع ىربًيَّة“( ىم‬join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with the ‫ل‬ ً ‫”أىلٍَّف ي‬. “‫ت‬ ‫”أىلٍَّف ي‬, along with its ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer), ً‫م ٍفعو هؿ بًو‬
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) “‫ت‬ ٍ‫ى ي‬
(Object) and ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause).


ً ‫فىالٍمسئيػو يؿ ًمن‬
‫اهلل أى ٍف يَّػ ٍنػ ىف ىع يه ٍم‬ ‫ىٍ ٍ ى‬
“So the request is to Allaah that He benefits them by it.”


‫ى‬ = ً ‫َّع ًق ٍي‬
‫ب‬ ٍ ‫( فىاءي التػ‬The „‫ ‟فىاءه‬of Succession) 6.

‫ال ىٍم ٍسئيػ ٍو يؿ‬ = Word-form of ‫إً ٍس يم ال ىٍم ٍف يع ٍو ًؿ‬.

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫اهلل‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Min) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) joins up to become the ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
ً ً
ٍ ‫”اىل ىٍم‬. ‫ اىل ىٍم ٍسئيػ ٍو يؿ‬along with its ‫)م ىن اهلل( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬, joins up to become the
(Connection) of “‫سئيػ ٍو يؿ‬
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫أى ٍف‬ = ً ‫( نى‬Accusative Particle) 7.


‫يىػ ٍنػ ىف ىع‬ = ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb).

The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside “‫”يىػ ٍنػ ىف يع‬, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬

‫يى ٍم‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫)يىػ ٍنػ ىف يع( ف ٍع ه‬, along with its ‫ ) يى ىو( فىاع هل‬and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object), joins up to become the
‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫اهلل( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬ ً ‫ )فىالٍمسئيػو يؿ ًمن‬along with its ‫ )أى ٍف يػَّ ٍنػ ىفعهم( ىخبػر‬join up to
‫ى‬ ٍ ٍ‫ى‬ ‫ىي ٍ ٍه‬
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍسميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫ىك يى ىو ىح ٍسبً ٍي ىكنً ٍع ىم ال ىٍوكً ٍي يل‬

“And He suffices me and is the best Wakeel (disposer of affairs).”


“‫ب‬ ‫ ييػ ىع ِّق ي‬-
‫ ”تىػ ٍعق ٍي ه‬is from “‫ب‬ ‫” ىع َّق ى‬, which means to follow something up. So it is the “‫ ”فىاءه‬of following up. So you could

say it is like the English “hence”.

Meaning, it is the “‫ ”أى ٍف‬which causes ‫ب‬
‫صه‬ٍ ‫ نى‬in the word following it.

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫اْلستًٍئػن‬
‫اؼ‬‫( ىك ياك ًٍ ٍ ى‬The ‫ ىك هاك‬of Commencing) 8.

‫يى ىو‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىح ٍسب‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يا‬ = The “‫كلِّ ًم‬

‫ال يٍمتى ى‬ ‫( ”يىاءي‬Pronoun of 1

Person), and the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬

‫( يم ى‬Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) along with its ‫اؼ‬‫ض ه‬ ‫يم ى‬
‫( إًل ٍىي ًو‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫ ) ىك يى ىو( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬along with its
‫ ) ىح ٍسبً ٍي( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause), and ً‫ؼ ىعلىٍيو‬
‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
(Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫نً ٍع ىم‬ = ‫( فً ٍع يل الٍ ىم ٍد ًح‬a “Verb of Praise”.) The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

(Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer).

‫ال ىٍوكً ٍي يل‬ = ‫ص بًالٍ ىم ٍد ًح‬

‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍخ ي‬Noun Assigned with

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ً ‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫ص بال ىٍم ٍد ًح‬ ‫( ىم ٍخ ي‬Noun Assigned with
Praise) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). The previous ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To), along with this ‫ؼ‬
‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
(Connection), join up to become a “‫ج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطي ٍوفىةه‬ ‫( ” ي‬Conjunctive Clause).


ً ‫اؿ كالٍمو‬
‫اع ًظ‬ ً ‫اب ٍالى َّك يؿ فًي ٍالى ٍمثى‬
‫ى ىى‬ ٍ ‫اىلٍبى ي‬
“Chapter one, in examples and advices.”

What this means is that a new sentence has commenced.
ً ‫)فً ٍع يل ال ىٍم ٍد‬, and the object which is being praised is called the ‫ص بًال ىٍم ٍد ًح‬
You get a “Verb of Praise” (‫ح‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫ ىم ٍخ ي‬.

‫اىلٍبى ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ٍالى َّك يؿ‬ = ً (Description).

‫ص ىفةه‬

The ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬ ‫ )اىلٍبى ي‬along with its ‫ )اىٍلى َّك يؿ( ص ىفةه‬join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).
‫اب( ىم ٍو ي‬

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫ٍالى ٍمثى‬
‫اؿ‬ = ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫ال ىٍم ىوا ًع ًظ‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection).

The ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ً ‫ )اىٍلى ٍمثى‬along with its ‫ؼ‬

‫اؿ( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬ ً ‫ )اىلٍمو‬join up to become the ‫مجركر‬
‫اع ًظ( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬ ‫ىى‬ ‫ى ٍ يٍه‬
(Genitive) of the earlier ‫( ىجر‬which is “‫)”ف ٍي‬. ً

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with “‫ت‬‫( ”ثىابً ه‬Established) or “‫( ” ىكائً هن‬Existing; being), which is ‫ؼ‬
‫ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬

‫ ”ثىابً ه‬/ “‫ ” ىكائً هن‬along with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to become the ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) of the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) along with its ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a nominal
clause (‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫) ي‬.


‫َّاس أ َّىك يؿ نى و‬
‫اس‬ ً ‫أ َّىك يؿ الن‬
“The first of mankind was the first one who forgot.”

‫أ َّىك يؿ‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫الن‬
‫َّاس‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًلىيٍ ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫أ َّىك يؿ‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫نى و‬
‫اس‬ = ً ‫إًسم الٍ ىف‬, and is the
Word-form of ‫اع ًل‬ ‫ٍي‬
‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and its ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to
become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and its ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


ٍ ‫آفىةي الٍعل ًٍم الن‬
‫ِّسيىا يف‬
“The affliction (weakness) of knowledge is forgetting.”


‫آفىةي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ال ًٍعل ًٍم‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ضا ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ِّسيىا يف‬
ٍ ‫الن‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal


‫ت ٍاْلى ٍحيى ًاء‬

‫اىلٍ ىج ٍه يل ىم ٍو ي‬
“Ignorance is the death of the living.”


‫الج ٍه يل‬
‫ى‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىم ٍو ي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ٍاْلى ٍحيى ًاء‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate)
of the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and its ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause).


‫َّاس أى ٍع ىداءه لً ىما ىج ًهلي ٍوا‬

‫اىلن ي‬
“Mankind are enemies of that which they do not know.”


‫الن ي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫أى ٍع ىداءه‬ = ً (Adjective).

Word-form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) 10.

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬is a word, the meaning of which is understood by the sentence which comes after it, known as
The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

ً (Link).
the ‫صلىةه‬
‫ىج ًهلي ٍوا‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫ٍج ٍم يع ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬
‫( اىل ى‬Plural, Masculine, Third-Person). The
‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ٍم‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The ‫( فًعل‬Verb) along
with its ‫ل‬ ً ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the previous “‫( ”إًسم موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫موصو هؿ‬
ٍ‫ٍ ه ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
(Relative Pronoun) and its ‫صلىةه‬ً (Link) join up to become the ‫( مجركر‬Genitive) of the
‫ى ٍ يٍه‬
‫( ىجر‬Preposition, which was “‫)” ًؿ‬. The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with “‫”أى ٍع ىداءه‬. “‫ ”أى ٍع ىداءه‬along with its
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) along
with its ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


ًٍ ‫اىل ىٍعاقً يل تى ٍك ًف ٍي ًو‬

‫اْل ىش ىارةي‬
“A sign is sufficient for the wise.”


‫ال ىٍعاقً يل‬ = ً , and ‫( مبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

Word-form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ ٍ‫ي‬

‫تى ٍك ًف ٍي‬ = ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb).

‫ًق‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫اْل ىش ىارةي‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬
(Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


ِّ ‫ب آفىةي اللي‬
‫اىلٍ يع ٍج ي‬
“Vanity is the affliction (weakness) of the heart.”


‫الع ٍج ي‬
‫ي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫آفىةي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ِّ ‫اللي‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬ (Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal


‫إً ىذا تى َّم ال ىٍع ٍق يل نىػ ىق ى‬

‫ص الٍ ىك ىال يـ‬
“When the intellect is complete, speech becomes reduced.”


‫إً ىذا‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫تى َّم‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫ ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬in the word form of
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).

‫ال ىٍع ٍق يل‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫اع هل‬

ً ‫( فى‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( جملىةه فًعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in

‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) and ‫اع هل‬ ٍ ٍ‫ي‬
turn becomes the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫نىػ ىق ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬ (Active, past-tense
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

‫الٍ ىك ىال يـ‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫اع هل‬

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) 11. The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) along
with its ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) join up to become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause).


ً ‫ب يجنَّةه لًلن‬
‫َّاس‬ ‫اىٍْلى ىد ي‬
“Good manners are a shield for man.”


‫ٍاْلى ىد ي‬
‫ب‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫يجنَّةه‬ = ً (Adjective).
Word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫الن‬
‫َّاس‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
‫” ي‬. “‫ ” يجنَّةه‬along with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) becomes the ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Connected) with “‫جنَّةه‬
(Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
(Nominal Clause).


Students studying this Kitaab are expected to have learnt the laws of ‫ط‬
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result).

‫اح الذ ِّؿ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ف‬
ٍ ً ‫ٍحرص‬
‫م‬ ً ‫اىل‬
‫ي‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ٍ ي‬
“Greed is the key to disgrace.”


‫ص‬ ً
‫الٍح ٍر ي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫اح‬ ً
‫م ٍفتى ي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫الذ ِّؿ‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬ (Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal


‫اح ًة‬‫الر‬
َّ ‫اح‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ف‬
ٍ ً ‫اىلٍ ىقناعةي‬
‫ىى ى ي ى‬
“Contentment is the key to comfort.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the previous one.


‫اح الٍ ىف ىر ًج‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ف‬ ً ‫لصبػر‬

‫ي‬ ‫ى‬ ٍ ‫اى َّ ٍ ي‬
“Patience is the key to relief.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the earlier two.


ً ‫اىلنَّػ ٍق يد ىخيػر ًمن الن‬

‫َّس ٍيئى ًة‬ ‫ٍه ى‬
“Cash is better than credit.”


‫النَّػ ٍق يد‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىخ ٍيػ هر‬ = ً (Adjective).

Word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ًم ىن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫َّس ٍيئى ًة‬

ً ‫الن‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫ىم‬ (Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬
(Connected) with “‫” ىخ ٍيػ هر‬. “‫ ” ىخ ٍيػ هر‬along with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to become
the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) along with its ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become
a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫ضى ىع ٍن نىػ ٍف ًس ًو‬ ً ‫اىلٍج‬

‫اى يل يىػ ٍر ى‬ ‫ى‬
“An ignorant person is pleased with himself.”


ً ‫اىلٍج‬
‫اى يل‬ ‫ى‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫يىػ ٍر ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ىع ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫نىػ ٍف‬
‫س‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًلىٍي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition, which is “‫)” ىع ٍن‬. The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫ىم‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with “‫ضى‬ ‫”يىػ ٍر ى‬. The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), along
with its ‫ل‬ ً ِّ ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) along with
its ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫الس ًع ٍي يد ىم ٍن يك ًع ى‬
‫ظ بًغىٍي ًرًه‬ َّ
“The fortunate person is he who takes lesson from other than himself.” 12


‫الس ًع ٍي يد‬
َّ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

Meaning, he takes lesson from the mistakes people have made in their lives, and does not do the same.
‫يك ًع ى‬
‫ظ‬ = ‫ٍمجه ٍو يؿ‬
‫اضي ال ي‬
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Passive, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع ًل‬ ً ‫( نىائًب الٍ ىف‬Substitute Doer).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫غىٍي ًر‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition, which is “‫ب‬ ً ”). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with
ً ‫”ك ًع ى‬. “‫ظ‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with the ‫ظ“ ف ٍع هل‬
its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ‫” يكع ى ي‬,
along with its ‫اع ًل‬ ً ‫( نىائًب الٍ ىف‬Substitute Doer) and ‫( متػعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to
‫ي‬ ‫يى ى‬
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ً
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( صلىةه‬Link).
The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬which was “‫ )” ىم ٍن‬along with its ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to become the ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه‬
‫( ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause).


ً ‫َّاس بًاللِّبى‬
‫اس‬ ‫اىلن ي‬
“People are (known) by their garments.” 13


‫الن ي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

What this means is “People are what they wear”. Similar to the famous English saying, “You are what you eat.”
ً ‫اللِّبى‬
‫اس‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
‫ ييػ ٍع ىرفيػ ٍو ىف‬which is ‫ؼ‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫متػعلِّ هق‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ييػ ٍع ىرفيػ ٍو ىف‬, along with its ‫اع هل‬ ‫يى ى‬
(Connection) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫َّاس ىعلىى ًديٍ ًن يملي ٍوكً ًه ٍم‬

‫اىلن ي‬
“People are on the Deen of their kings.”


‫الن ي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىعلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ًديٍ ًن‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يملي ٍو ًؾ‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًى ٍم‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ يملي ٍو ًؾ‬, which is a ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession), along with its ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor , which is
“‫)” ًى ٍم‬, join up to become the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) of “‫” ًديٍ ًن‬. The ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ ) ًديٍ ًن( يم ى‬along with
‫ض ه‬
its ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ ) يملي ٍوكً ًه ٍم( يم ى‬join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition,
‫ض ه‬
which is “‫)” ىعلىى‬. The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to
become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with ‫قىائً يم ٍو ىف‬, which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). “‫ ”قىائً يم ٍو ىف‬along with
its ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and
‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause).


‫اض ال ىٍم ىحبَّ ًة‬ ً ‫اىلٍ ىقر‬

‫ض م ٍق ىر ي‬
‫ٍ ي‬
“Loans are the scissors of love.” 14


‫ض‬‫الٍ ىق ٍر ي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫اض‬ ً
‫م ٍق ىر ي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ال ىٍم ىحبَّ ًة‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬ (Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal


‫صائً ًر‬ ً
‫اىٍْلى ىماني تيػ ٍع ًم ٍي يعييػ ٍو ىف الٍبى ى‬
“Wishful thinking blinds the eyes of the people who see.”


‫اْلى ىمانًي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫تيػ ٍع ًم ٍي‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬ (Active, past-tense

verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular, Feminine, Third-Person).

ً ‫اح يد الٍمئىػن ي‬
‫َّث الٍغىائ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬
The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬ ً
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫”ىي‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
We avoid doing verbatim translation but rather translate into what makes sense in English. A verbatim
translation of this particular sentence would have been, “The loan is the scissors of the love”, but this is not the
way English is spoken.
‫يعييػ ٍو ىف‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫صائً ًر‬
‫الٍبى ى‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).
ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫( م ٍفعو هؿ بً ًو‬Object) join up to become a ‫( جملىةه فًعلًيَّةه‬Verbal
‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), ‫اع هل‬ ٍ‫ى ي‬ ٍ ٍ‫ي‬
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


ً ‫ٍحلٍم س ًجيَّةه فى‬
‫اضلىةه‬ ‫اىل ي ى‬
“Forbearance is a virtuous trait.”


‫ٍم‬ ‫ل‬ ً ‫اىل‬

‫ي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىس ًجيَّةه‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫اضلىةه‬ً ‫فى‬ = ً (Adjective).

‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ؼ‬‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal


‫س يك ِّل ىد ىك واء‬ ً
‫اىلٍح ٍميىةي ىرأٍ ي‬
“Proper diet is the fountainhead of every cure.”

ً ‫ال‬
‫ٍح ٍميىةي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىرأٍ ي‬
‫س‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يك ِّل‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىد ىك واء‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫ ” يك ِّل“ يم ى‬along with its ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ ) ىد ىكاء( يم ى‬join up to become the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor) of “‫ٍس‬ ً ً ‫ض ه‬
‫” ىرأ ي‬. The ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫ٍس( يم ى‬
‫ ) ىرأ ي‬and its ‫اؼ إل ٍىيو‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become
the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه‬
ً ً
‫( إ ٍسميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause).


‫س ىعلىى نىػ ٍف ًس ًو‬ ‫ي‬

ً ‫اىلٍمرء ي‬
‫ىٍي ى ي‬
“Man judges others according to his own self.”


‫ال ىٍم ٍرءي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫س‬ ‫ي‬ ً‫ي‬

‫ى ي‬ ٍ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫ ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬in the word form of
ً ً ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it,
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person). The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬
which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer).

‫ىعلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫نىػ ٍف‬
‫س‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to
become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with “‫س‬ ً ً ً ِّ
‫”يىق ٍي ي‬. “‫س‬
‫”يىق ٍي ي‬, along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫يمتىػ ىعل هق‬
(Connection) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


ً ‫ٍج ٍنس ي ًم ٍيل إًلىى ال‬

ً ‫ٍج ٍن‬
‫س‬ ً
‫اىل ي ى ي‬
“Things incline towards their own type.”


‫س‬ ً
‫الٍج ٍن ي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫يى ًم ٍي يل‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ‫ فً ٍع هل يم ى‬in the word form of

‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬
ً ً ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it,
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person). The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬
which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer).

‫إًلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫س‬ ً ‫ال‬
ً ‫ٍج ٍن‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with

“‫ل‬ ً ً ً ِّ
‫”يىم ٍي ي‬. “‫ ”يىم ٍي يل‬along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬
(Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫اىلٍ ىك ًريٍ يم إً ىذا ىك ىع ىد ىكفىى‬

“An honourable man, when he makes a promise, fulfills it.”


‫اىلٍ ىك ًريٍ يم‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫إً ىذا‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫ىك ىع ىد‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal
Clause), whicn in turn becomes the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫ىكفىى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬ (Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The ‫( فًعل‬Verb) along
with its ‫ل‬ ً ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) along with its ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) join up
to become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه‬
‫( ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause).


‫الش ًريٍ ى‬
‫ف ىش ٍرفنا‬ ً ‫اىل‬
َّ ‫ٍح ٍك ىمةي تى ًزيٍ يد‬
“Wisdom increases a noble person in nobility.”


ً ‫اىل‬
‫ٍح ٍك ىمةي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫تى ًزيٍ يد‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” ًىي‬, is the ‫اع هل‬
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫الش ًريٍ ى‬
‫ف‬ َّ = ‫( يم ىميَّػ هز‬Ambiguous Noun) 15.

‫ىش ٍرفنا‬ = ‫( تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬Clarifying Noun).

The ‫( تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬Clarifying Noun) and ‫( يم ىميَّػ هز‬Ambiguous Noun) join up to become the ‫ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ‬
ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and
‫( بً ًو‬Object) of the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) “‫”تى ًزيٍ يد‬. The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) “‫”تى ًزيٍ يد‬, along with its ‫اع هل‬
‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become
a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫ضائً ًل‬
‫اىلٍدنٍػيىا بًال ىٍو ىسائً ًل ىل بًالٍ ىف ى‬
“The world is acquired through means, not statuses (postion).”


‫اىلدنٍػيىا‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ب‬ً = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ال ىٍو ىسائً ًل‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

15 ً ‫ اىلت‬and ‫اىلٍمميَّػ يز‬. Nevertheless, for those who do not

Again, students are expected to have learnt the laws of ‫َّم ٍيػ يز‬ ‫يى‬
know, a ‫ تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬is an ‫سم َن ِك َرة‬
ْ ِ‫ إ‬brought to clear up the ambiguity created by a word preceding it. For example: ‫ت أى ىح ىد‬
‫ىرأىيٍ ي‬
‫ش ىر ىك ٍوىكبنا‬
‫ ىع ى‬. Here, “‫ش ىر‬
‫ىح ىد ىع ى‬ ً
‫ ”أ ى‬is the ‫ يم ىميَّػ هز‬, “‫ ” ىك ٍوىكبنا‬is the ‫تىم ٍيػ هز‬. It clears up the ambiguity present in the words ‫ش ىر‬ ‫ىح ىد ىع ى‬
(Eleven); “eleven of what?” The ‫ تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬clarifies. A ‫ تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬will be ‫ب‬ ً
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىمنٍ ي‬Accusative Case) and get ‫” نً“ فىػتٍ ىحتىاف‬.
‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with a
‫ؼ فً ٍع هل‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted Verb) which is ‫ص يل‬
‫( يي ٍح ى‬obtained; acquired).

‫ىل‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ضائً ًل‬
‫الٍ ىف ى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) – with ‫ىل‬
ً ً ً
– to the ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) “‫ل‬‫صي‬ ‫ ”يي ٍح ى‬along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ىقاف‬Two
‫”يي ٍح ى‬. “‫ص يل‬
Connections) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫اىلٍدنٍػيىا ىم ٍزىر ىعةي ٍاْل ًخ ىرًة‬

“This world is the sowing ground of the Aakhiraat-hereafter.” 16


‫الدنٍػيىا‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىم ٍزىر ىعةي‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ٍاْل ًخ ىرًة‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal

Meaning, this Dunyaa is the place where good deeds are sown, and which are then reaped in the Aakhirah.

‫ص فً ٍي ىما يمنً ىع‬

‫اىًٍْلنٍ ىسا يف ىح ًريٍ ه‬
“People are greedy for that which they have been prevented from.”


‫اْلنٍ ىسا يف‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ص‬‫ىح ًريٍ ه‬ = ً (Adjective).

Word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىما‬ = ‫ص ٍوفىةه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Describing Particle).

‫يمنً ىع‬ = ‫ٍمجه ٍو يؿ‬

‫اضي ال ي‬
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Passive, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become the ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) of
the ‫ص ٍوفىةه‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Describing Particle). The ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and its ‫ص ىفةه‬
(Adjective) join up to become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitve) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫ىجر‬
(Preposition) and its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
‫ ” ىح ًريٍ ه‬and its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬
‫” ىح ًريٍ ه‬. “‫ص‬
(Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


ً ‫اْل ٍحس‬
‫اف‬ ‫اىًٍْلنٍ ىسا يف ىع ٍب يد ًٍ ى‬
“Man is the servant of goodness.”

‫اْلنٍ ىسا يف‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىع ٍب يد‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫اْل ٍحس‬
‫اف‬ ‫ًٍ ى‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬ (Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal


‫ب ييػ ٍهلً ي‬ ً ً
‫ص ٍد يؽ ييػ ٍنج ٍي ىكالٍك ٍذ ي‬
ِّ ٍ‫اىل‬
“Truthfulness saves, whilst falsehood destroys.”


‫الص ٍد يؽ‬
ِّ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ييػ ٍن ًج ٍي‬ = ‫ؼ‬‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense

‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ‫اْلفٍػ ىع‬
ًٍ ‫اب‬ ً ً
verb) on ‫اؿ‬ ‫ بى ي‬17, in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine,
Third-Person). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The
‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) and its ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( جملىةه فًعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which
ٍ ٍ‫ي‬
in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up
to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ً ‫معطيو ه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ ىعلىٍيو‬ ٍ ٍ‫ى‬
(Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫ب‬ ً
‫الٍك ٍذ ي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

17 ً ‫ٍع‬
Once again, students are expected to have learnt the Abwaab of Sarf. ‫اؿ‬ ًٍ ‫اب‬
‫اْلفػ ى‬ ‫ بى ي‬is the ‫اب‬
‫ بى ه‬which gives the
meaning of “causing”.
‫ي‬ ً‫يػ ٍهل‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ‫اْلفٍػ ىع‬
ًٍ ‫اب‬ ً ً
verb) on ‫اؿ‬ ‫ بى ي‬in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine,
Third-Person). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) and its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and its ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To)
join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه‬
‫( ي‬Conjunctive Clause).


‫ىح ىس ىن اهللي إًلىٍي ى‬ ً ‫أ‬

ٍ ‫ىحس ٍن ىك ىما أ‬
“Do good as Allaah has done good to you.”


‫ىح ًس ٍن‬
ٍ‫أ‬ = ‫( فً ٍع يل ٍاْل ٍىم ًر‬Verb of Command), in the
ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person). The ‫ض ًميػر‬
ً ‫اح يد الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح‬
word form of ‫اض ير‬ ‫ي ي ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى ٍه‬
(Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫ت‬ ‫( ”أىنٍ ى‬You), is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ىح ىس ىن‬
ٍ‫أ‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫ ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬in the word form
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
(word-form) of ‫ب‬

‫اهللي‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫إًلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىؾ‬ = ً ‫ض ًم ٍيػر الٍ ًخطى‬
‫اب‬ ‫( ى ي‬Pronoun of Address, i.e.
“You”), as well as the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
join up to become ‫ق‬‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) “‫س ىن‬
‫ىح ى‬
ٍ ‫”أ‬. “‫س ىن‬
‫ىح ى‬
ٍ ‫”أ‬, along with
ً ِّ ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection), join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal
its ‫ل‬
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the previous ‫( إًسم موصو هؿ‬Relative
ٍ‫ٍ ه ىٍ ي‬
Pronoun). The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and its ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to become
the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬which was “‫)” ىؾ‬. The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع يل ٍاْل ٍىم ًر‬Verb of
Command) which is “‫ىح ًس ٍن‬ ً ‫”أ‬, along with its ‫اعل‬ ً ِّ
ٍ ‫”أ‬. “‫ىحس ٍن‬ ٍ ‫( فى ه‬Doer) and ‫يمتىػ ىعل هق‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause).
(Connection), join up to become a ‫شائًيَّةه‬


‫ت‬ ‫م‬ ‫الص‬

َّ ً‫إً ىذا فىات ٍاْلىدب فىالٍز‬
‫ٍ ى‬ ‫ىى ى ي ى‬
“If you have no manners, keep quiet (hold fast to silence).”


‫إً ىذا‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫فى ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address) and
the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫ٍاْلى ىد ي‬
‫ب‬ = ً ‫( فى‬of “‫ات‬
‫اع هل‬ ‫)”فى ى‬.

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫ى‬ = ‫( ىج ىزائًيَّة‬Result).
‫إل ىٍزٍـ‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ‫( فً ٍع يل‬Verb of
ً ‫الٍح‬
‫اض ًر‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ٍاْلى ٍم ًر‬
Command, Active, Second-Person), in the word form of ‫اض ير‬ ً ‫اىلٍو‬
ً ‫اح يد الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح‬
‫ي ي ى‬ ‫ى‬
ً ً
(Singular, Masculine, Second-Person), on ‫اب ٍاْلفٍػ ىعاؿ‬ ً
‫بى ي‬. The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it,
which is “‫ت‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫( ”أىنٍ ى‬You), is the ‫اع هل‬

‫الص ٍم ى‬
َّ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) of the ‫ط‬ ‫ىش ٍر ه‬
(Condition). The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) along with its ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬Conditional Clause).


‫ٍحيىاءي فىافٍػ ىع ٍل ىما ًش ٍئ ى‬

‫ت‬ ‫إً ىذا فىاتى ى ال ى‬
“If you have no shame, do as you please.”


‫إً ىذا‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫فى ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address) and
the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫ال ى‬ = ً ‫( فى‬of “‫ات‬
‫اع هل‬ ‫)”فى ى‬.

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫ى‬ = ‫( ىج ىزائًيَّة‬Result).

‫إًفٍػ ىع ٍل‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً ‫الٍح‬
‫اض ًر‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ٍاْل ٍىم ًر‬ ‫فً ٍع يل‬ (Verb of

Command, Active, Second-Person). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫ت‬
‫”أىنٍ ى‬
(You), is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer).

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ًش ٍئ ى‬
‫ت‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬ (Active, past-tense

verb) in the word form of ‫اض ير‬ ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).

ً ‫اح يد الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح‬
‫ي ي ى‬ ‫ى‬
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫ت‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The ‫( فًعل‬Verb)
‫( ”أىنٍ ى‬You), is the ‫اع هل‬ ‫ٍه‬
along with its ‫ل‬ ً ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in
turn becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the previous ‫( إًسم موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). The
ٍ‫ٍ ه ىٍ ي‬
ً ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) along with its ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to become the ‫ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بًو‬
‫ص ٍو هؿ‬
ً ً ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) “‫”إفٍػ ىع ٍل‬. The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بو‬
(Object) of the ‫ل‬
(Object) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes
the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) along with its ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) join up to
become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause).


ً ‫اف كالنَّب‬
‫ات‬ ً ً
‫ٍج ٍد ىر ى ى‬
‫ٍحيىاةي ىكظ ِّل ال ي‬
‫اىل ى‬
“Life is like the shade of walls and plants.”


‫ال ى‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ًظ ِّل‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫الٍج ٍدر‬
‫اف‬ ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫ي ى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

ً ‫النَّب‬
‫ات‬ ‫ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection).

‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬

‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) join up to become the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor). ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the
‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائًنىةه‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). “‫” ىكائًنىةه‬
along with its ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬
(Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


ً ‫اىلٍعاقًل الٍمحركـ ىخيػر ًمن الٍج‬

‫اى ًل ال ىٍم ٍريزٍك ًؽ‬ ‫ى ي ى ٍ يٍ ي ٍه ى ى‬
“A poor intelligent person is better than a rich ignoramus.”


‫ال ىٍعاقً يل‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ال ىٍم ٍح يرٍك يـ‬ = ً (Adjective).

‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).
‫ص ٍو ه‬

‫ىخ ٍيػ هر‬ = ً (Adjective).

Word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ًم ىن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫اى ًل‬ ً ‫الٍج‬

‫ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ال ىٍم ٍريزٍك ًؽ‬ = ً (Adjective).
‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ؼ‬‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with “‫” ىخ ٍيػ هر‬. “‫ ” ىخ ٍيػ هر‬and its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to become the
‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
(Nominal Clause).


‫ٍح فً ٍي الطَّ ىع ًاـ‬

ً ‫َّح يو فً ٍي الٍ ىك ىالًـ ىكال ًٍمل‬
ٍ ‫اىلن‬
“Grammar in speech is like salt in food.”


‫َّح يو‬
ٍ ‫الن‬ = ً ‫ٍح‬
‫اؿ‬ ‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition) .

ً ‫إًسم الٍ ىف‬, and is ‫ؼ‬

‫ ىكائًنان‬is in the word-form of ‫اع ًل‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫الٍ ىك ىالًـ‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
“‫” ىكائًننا‬. “‫ ” ىكائًننا‬and its ‫ق‬
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection) join up to become the ‫اؿ‬‫( ىح ه‬Condition) of the
ً ‫ٍح‬
‫اؿ‬ ‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬which is “‫َّح يو‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
ٍ ‫)”اىلن‬. The ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition) and its ‫اؿ‬ ‫ىح ه‬
(Condition) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

Students would have learnt the laws of “‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫ ” ىح ه‬and “‫اؿ‬ ‫”ذي ٍك ال ى‬. Nevertheless, for those who do not know or have
forgotten, the “‫اؿ‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) or the ‫ م ٍفعو هؿ‬at the time the action
‫ ” ىح ه‬is a noun which describes the condition of the ‫اع هل‬ ٍ‫ى ي‬
mentioned in the ‫ل‬ ً ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) took place. For example: ‫َراكِبا‬ ‫( َجا َء َز ْيد‬Zayd came riding). Here, “Zayd” is the ‫اؿ‬ ‫ذي ٍك ال ى‬
(Owner of the Condition) and “‫ ” ىراكًبنا‬is the ‫اؿ‬
‫( ىح ه‬Condition), explaining the condition of the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer), which is
ً ‫ال ًٍمل‬
‫ٍح‬ = ً ‫ٍح‬
‫اؿ‬ ‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition).

ً ‫إًسم الٍ ىف‬, and is ‫ؼ‬

‫ ىكائًنان‬is in the word form of ‫اع ًل‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫الطَّ ىع ًاـ‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
“‫” ىكائًننا‬. “‫ ” ىكائًننا‬and its ‫ق‬‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection) join up to become the ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ىح ه‬Condition) of the
ً ‫ٍح‬
‫اؿ‬ ‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬which is “‫ٍح‬ ً ‫)”اىل ًٍمل‬. ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition) and its ‫اؿ‬‫( ىح ه‬Condition)
join up to become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition)
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائ هن‬which is ‫ؼ‬
and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ‫ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬
(Omitted). “‫ ” ىكائً هن‬and its ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal


‫إً َّف الٍبى ىال ىء يم ىؤَّك هل بًال ىٍم ٍن ًط ًق‬

“Affliction (difficulties) is a consequence of speaking.”


‫إً َّف‬ = ‫شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل‬

‫ؼ يم ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ه‬Verb Resembling

‫الٍبى ىال ىء‬ = ‫( إً ٍس يم إً َّف‬The Noun of ‫)إً َّف‬.

‫يم ىؤَّك هل‬ = Word form of ‫إً ٍس يم ال ىٍم ٍف يع ٍو ًؿ‬.

‫ب‬ ً = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ال ىٍم ٍن ًط ًق‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
ِّ ً
‫” يم ىؤَّك ه‬. “‫ ” يم ىؤَّك هل‬and its ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of ‫إ َّف‬.
“‫ ”إً َّف‬along with its noun and predicate join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
(Nominal Clause).


‫َّاس ىم ٍن نىظىىر إًلىى يعييػ ٍوبً ًو‬

ً ‫ص ير الن‬
‫أىبٍ ى‬
“The most insightful person is the one who looks towards his own faults.”


‫ص ير‬
‫أىبٍ ى‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫الن‬
‫َّاس‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىم ٍن‬ = ` ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫نىظىىر‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫إًلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫يعييػ ٍو‬
‫ب‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = A ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun), which is the ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
‫( إًل ٍىي ًو‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become
the ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection) of the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) “‫”نىظىىر‬. “‫ ”نىظىىر‬along with its ‫اع هل‬ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to become the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬which was “‫)”من‬.
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ى‬
The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and its ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to become the ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ‫ي‬
(Nominal Clause).


ً ‫ب جنػو هف ك‬
‫آخ يرهي نى ىد هـ‬ ‫ض ً يي ٍ ى‬ ‫أ َّىك يؿ الٍغى ى‬
“The beginning of anger is madness, and its end is regret.”


‫أ َّىك يؿ‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ب‬ ‫الٍغى ى‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫يجنيػ ٍو هف‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه‬Nominal Clause),
which becomes ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫آخ ير‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يق‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫نى ىد هـ‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه‬Nominal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). ‫ؼ‬ ‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
(Coupled To) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه‬ ‫( ي‬Conjunctive Clause).


ً ‫إً ىذا قى َّل م ي‬

‫ص ًديٍػ يقوي‬
‫اؿ ال ىٍم ٍرء قى َّل ى‬ ‫ى‬
“When the wealth of a man decreases, so do his friends.”


‫إً ىذا‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫قى َّل‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

‫ىم ي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ال ىٍم ٍرًء‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) of
“‫ل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) join up to become a
َّ ‫ ”قى‬which is the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) and its ‫اع هل‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫قى َّل‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

‫ص ًديٍ يق‬
‫ى‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يق‬ = ‫ ى‬, and the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become to become the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫فى‬
(Doer) of “‫ل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) join up to
َّ ‫ ”قى‬which is the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) and its ‫اع هل‬
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and its ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) join up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
(Conditional Clause).


‫ٍجنيػ ٍوًد‬ ً‫الر ًعيَّ ًة أىنٍػ ىفع ًمن ىكثٍػر‬

‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ة‬
‫ي ٍ ى ي‬ َّ ‫ح‬ ٍ ً‫إ‬
‫ص ىال ي‬
“Correction of the masses is more beneficial than large armies.”


‫ح‬‫ص ىال ي‬ ٍ ً‫إ‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫الر ًعيٌ ًة‬

َّ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫أىنٍػ ىف يع‬ = ً ‫( إًسم التَّػ ٍف‬Superlative

Word form of ‫ض ٍي ًل‬ ‫ٍي‬

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىكثٍػ ىرًة‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ٍجنيػ ٍوًد‬‫ال ي‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the earlier ‫( ىجر‬Possession), which was “‫” ًم ٍن‬. The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫ىم‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with “‫”أىنٍػ ىف يع‬. “‫ ”أىنٍػ ىف يع‬and its ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connection) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫ص ًديٍػ نقا لًغىٍي ًرًه‬ ‫اى يل ىع يدك لًنىػ ٍف ًس ًو فى ىك ٍي ى‬

‫ف يى يك ٍو يف ى‬
ً ‫اىلٍج‬
“An ignoramus is an enemy to his own self, so how can he be a friend to
someone else?”


ً ‫الٍج‬
‫اى يل‬ ‫ى‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىع يدك‬ = ً (adjective).

Word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫نىػ ٍف‬
‫س‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to
become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with “‫” ىع يدك‬. “‫ ” ىع يدك‬and its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to
become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).

‫ى‬ = ‫( فىاءي التَّػ ٍق ًريٍ ًع‬The ‫ فىاءه‬of Rebuke).

‫ىك ٍي ى‬ = ‫اْل ٍستً ٍف ىه ًاـ‬
ًٍ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Interrogative Particle).

‫يى يك ٍو يف‬ = ‫ص‬ ً ً

‫( ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬Auxiliary Verb) in the word
ً ً ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun)
form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person). The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬
inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun).

‫ص ًديٍػ نقا‬
‫ى‬ = ً (Adjective).
Word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫غىٍي ًر‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up
to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with “‫ص ًديٍػ نقا‬ ً ”, along with its ‫( متػعلِّ هق‬Connection),
‫” ى‬. “‫صديٍػ نقا‬ ‫ى‬ ‫يى ى‬
join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of “‫ك ٍو يف‬ ‫”يى ي‬. “‫( ”يى يك ٍو يف‬which is the ‫ص‬ ً ً
‫ )ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬along
with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) joins up to become a ‫شائًيَّةه‬ ‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal


‫ب الٍ ىك ىم ى‬ ً ً ‫اىل‬
‫اؿ ىكال ىٍعاق يل يىطٍلي ي‬
‫ب ال ىٍم ى‬
‫ٍجاى يل يىطٍلي ي‬
“The ignorant one seeks wealth, whilst the intelligent one seeks perfection.” 19


‫اى يل‬
‫ٍج ى‬
‫ال ى‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫يىطٍلي ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىلٍ ىواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ال ىٍم ى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) joins up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬

Meaning, a person who seeks more wealth than what he actually needs is an ignoramus. But seeking that
amount of wealth which is needed to support oneself and one’s family is compulsory. That is not what is being
referred to here.
(Subject) and its ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal
Clause), which in turn becomes ‫ؼ عىلىٍي ًو‬‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫ال ىٍعاقً يل‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫يىطٍلي ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫الٍ ىك ىم ى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) joins up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬
(Subject) and its ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and
‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه‬Conjunctive Clause).


ً ‫الس ٍم ًع تىػ ىق َّرىر فًي الٍ ىقل‬

‫ٍب‬ َّ ‫ى‬‫ى‬‫ل‬ ‫ع‬
‫ى‬ ‫ـ‬
‫ي‬ ‫ال‬
‫ى‬ ‫ك‬
‫ى‬ ٍ
‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ر‬
‫ى‬ ‫ر‬
َّ ‫ك‬
‫ى‬ ‫ت‬
‫ى‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ذ‬
‫ى‬ ً‫إ‬
“Speech which is heard repetitively by the ears settles in the heart.”


‫إً ىذا‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫تى ىك َّرىر‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

‫الٍ ىك ىال يـ‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫ىعلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫الس ٍم ًع‬
َّ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) joins up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with “‫ك َّرىر‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer)
‫”تى ى‬, which is the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). “‫ ”تى ىك َّرىر‬along with its ‫اع هل‬
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection) joins up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in
and ‫ق‬
turn becomes the ‫ط‬
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫تىػ ىق َّرىر‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ ” يى ىو‬and which refers to “‫( ”اىلٍ ىك ىال يـ‬i.e. ‫اىلٍ ىك ىال يـ‬
is the “‫ ” يى ىو‬over here.) is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ٍب‬ً ‫الٍ ىقل‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) along with its ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with “‫”تىػ ىق َّرىر‬, which is the ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and
‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). “‫”تىػ ىق َّرىر‬, along its ‫اع هل‬
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and its ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) join up to
become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause).


ً ‫اىلٍحس يد ىكص ىد‬

‫ٍح ًديٍ ًد ىل يىػ ىزا يؿ بً ًو ىحتَّى يىأٍ يكلىوي‬
‫ى‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫اء‬ ‫ىى ي‬
“Jealousy is (towards good deeds) as rust is towards iron; it does not stop until
it has consumed it.”

‫ٍح ىس يد‬
‫اىل ى‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ص ىد ًاء‬
‫ي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ٍح ًديٍ ًد‬

‫ال ى‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫ىم ٍو ي‬
(Described Noun).

‫ىل يىػ ىز ي‬ = ‫ع ىم ٍن ًف ٍي‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Negating, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫ ى‬inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ًق‬ ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

= ‫( ى‬Pronoun), and it is the ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Genitive). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
(Connected) with “‫اؿ‬
‫” ىل يىػ ىز ي‬.

‫ىحتَّى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫يىأٍ يك ىل‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
verb) which is ‫ب‬ ‫( ىم ٍن ي‬i.e. in the accusative case) due to an ‫ص ىد ًريَّةه‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬ ٍ ‫( أى ٍف ىم‬Accusative
Causing Particle) which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted).20 It is in the word form of ‫اح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير‬ ً ‫اىلٍو‬
‫ب‬ ً ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which
‫( الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person). The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬
is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer).

The author could have said that ‫ يأكل‬is ‫ب‬

‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىمنٍ ي‬i.e. in the accusative case) in this sentence due to ‫ حتٌى‬which

precedes it, as ‫ حتٌى‬causes ‫ب‬
‫صه‬ٍ ‫( نى‬Accusative Case) to the ‫ ف ٍع هل‬following it and ‫ ىجر‬to the ‫ إً ٍس هم‬following it. However, he
has chosen to use a different method of Tarkeeb and say that it is ‫ب‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫ ىمنٍ ي‬due to a hidden ‫إ ٌف‬.
‫يق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun), and the ‫ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬
‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the ‫ىجر‬
(which is “‫)” ىحتَّى‬. The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become
‫ يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬with “‫اؿ‬
‫” ىل يىػ ىز ي‬. “‫اؿ‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and
‫” ىل يىػ ىز ي‬, which is a ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫اع هل‬
ً ‫( متىػعلِّ ىق‬Two Connections), join up to become a ‫( جملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in
‫اف‬ ‫يى‬ ٍ‫ي‬
turn becomes the ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) of the earlier ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun). The
‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬which was “‫)” ىؾ‬. The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to
become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with “‫( ” ىكائً هن‬which is Omitted). “‫” ىكائً هن‬, which is in the
word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective), along with its ‫( متىػعلِّ هق‬Connection), join up to become
the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up
to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫اىلٍ ىقلً ٍي يل ىم ىع التَّ ٍدبًٍي ًر ىخ ٍيػ هر ِّم ىن الٍ ىكثًٍي ًر ىم ىع الت ٍَّب ًذيٍ ًر‬
“Having little, but having correct management, is better than to have a lot but
be wasteful.”


‫اىلٍ ىقلً ٍي يل‬ = ً (Adjective), and it

Word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

is ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ىم ىع‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫التَّ ٍدبًٍي ًر‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫ؼ‬ ‫ظىٍر ه‬
(Adverb) 21 or the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًو‬Adverb) of “‫” ىكائً هن‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). “‫” ىكائً هن‬, along
with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫ق‬ ً (Adjective). ‫ؼ‬
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), becomes the ‫ص ىفةه‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫ىم ٍو ي‬
(Described Noun) and ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective) join up to become the ‫( مبتى ىدأه‬Subject). 22

‫ىخ ٍيػ هر‬ = ً ‫( إًسم التَّػ ٍف‬Superlative).

Word form of ‫ض ٍي ًل‬ ‫ٍي‬

‫ِّم ىن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫الٍ ىكثًٍي ًر‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ىم ىع‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫الت ٍَّب ًذيٍ ًر‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) joins up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected)
‫ض ه‬
to “‫” ىكائً هن‬, which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). “‫ ” ىكائً هن‬along with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection)
becomes the ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective). ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up
to become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬which was “‫)”م ٍن‬. ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and
‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with “‫” ىخ ٍيػ هر‬. “‫ ” ىخ ٍيػ هر‬along with its
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) joins up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫الرفً ٍي ىق قىػ ٍب ىل الطَّ ًريٍ ىق‬ َّ ‫ٍج ىار قىػ ٍب ىل‬

َّ ‫الد ىار ىك‬ ً ‫أيطٍلي‬
‫ب ال ى‬
‫ ظى ٍر ه‬is a noun which tells you (or at least, gives you an idea of) the time or the place when a particular action

was done. If the ‫ؼ‬ ً ‫ؼ الٍم ىك‬

‫ ظى ٍر ه‬gives information about the place, it is called “‫اف‬ ‫”ظى ٍر ي ى‬, (commonly translated as “adverb
ً ‫الزم‬
of place”), while, if it gives information about the time, it is called “ ‫اف‬ ‫ؼ َّ ى‬
‫( ”ظى ٍر ي‬commonly translated at “adverb of
Maulana Ahsan Nanotwi has omitted the full Tarkeeb of this sentence. He says “ ‫ ىكائً هن‬, along with its ‫ إً ٍس هم‬and

‫ ;” يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬however, he has not stated what is the ‫ إً ٍس هم‬and what is the ‫ يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬, as the readers will have noticed. Perhaps
ً ً ً
he feels that the readers should already know it by now. For those who don’t, ‫ل‬ ‫ اىلٍ ىقل ٍي ي‬is the ‫ إ ٍس هم‬and ‫ ىم ىع التَّ ٍدب ٍي ًر‬is the
‫ يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬.
“Look for the neighbour before looking for the house, and look for a companion
before travelling.”


ً ‫أيطٍلي‬
‫ب‬ = ً ‫( فً ٍعل ٍاْلىم ًر الٍح‬Active, second-
‫اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬
‫ؼ‬ ‫ي ٍ ى‬
person verb of command). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬
‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the
ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫ٍجا ىر‬
‫ال ى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫قىػ ٍب ىل‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫الد ىار‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) joins up to become a ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًو‬Adverb).
‫ض ه‬
The ‫ل‬ ً ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍف يع ٍوىلف‬Two Objects), join up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬ ً ‫( معطيو ه‬Coupled
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes ‫ؼ ىعلىٍيو‬ ٍ ٍ‫ى‬

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫الرفً ٍي ىق‬
َّ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object) of a ‫َّر‬ ً
‫( ف ٍع هل يم ىقد ه‬Hidden
Verb), which is “‫ب‬
ٍ ‫”أيطٍلي‬.

‫قىػ ٍب ىل‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫الطَّ ًريٍ ىق‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become a ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًو‬Adverb).
‫ض ه‬
The ‫ل يم ىق َّد هر‬ ً ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬hidden verb, which is “‫ب‬ ٍ ‫)”أيطٍلي‬, along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫ىم ٍفعي ٍوىلف‬
(Two Objects) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). ‫ؼ‬‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To)
joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه‬ ‫( ي‬Conjunctive Clause).

ً ‫اىلٍو‬
‫ض ٍي يع إً ىذا ٍارتىػ ىف ىع تى ىكبَّػ ىر ىكإً ىذا ىح ىك ىم تى ىجبَّػ ىر‬ ‫ى‬
“A lowly person, when he rises (to a position of authority), becomes arrogant,
and when he passes judgement, oppresses.”


ً ‫الٍو‬
‫ض ٍي يع‬ ‫ى‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫إً ىذا‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫ٍارتىػ ىف ىع‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) and its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫تى ىكبَّػ ىر‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) and its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and its ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result)
join up to become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause), which in turn becomes
‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫إً ىذا‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫ىح ىك ىم‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) and its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause)
which in turn becomes the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫تى ىجبَّػ ىر‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense verb) in
ً ً ً‫ى‬
the word form of ‫ب‬‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person). The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬
(Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer).

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) and its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and its ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result)
join up to become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause), which in turn becomes
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection).

‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬

‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) join up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه‬
(Conjunctive Clause).


‫اؿ ًم ٍن ىشأ ًٍف ٍاْلى ٍحيى ًاء‬

‫اْل ٍشتًغى ي‬ ً ‫اىلٍ ىفراغي ًمن ىشأ ًٍف ٍاْلى ٍمو‬
ًٍ ‫ات ىك‬ ‫ى‬ ٍ ‫ى‬
“Free time is the condition of the dead, whilst being occupied (i.e. busy) is the
condition of the living.”


‫الٍ ىف ىرا ي‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىشأ ًٍف‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ تى ىجبَّػ ىر‬is on ‫اب التَّػ ىفع ٍل‬
‫بى ي‬.
ً ‫ٍاْلى ٍمو‬
‫ات‬ ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ى‬ = ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with “‫” ىكائً هن‬, which is Omitted. “‫ ” ىكائً هن‬is on the word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً
(Adjective), and the ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun).
“‫” ىكائً هن‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), join up to become the ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) of the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ً ‫معطيو ه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ ىعلىٍيو‬ ٍ ٍ‫ى‬
(Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫اْل ٍشتًغى ي‬
‫اؿ‬ ًٍ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىشأ ًٍف‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ٍاْلى ٍحيى ًاء‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with “‫” ىكائً هن‬, which is Omitted. “‫ ” ىكائً هن‬is on the word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً
(Adjective), and the ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun).
“‫” ىكائً هن‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), join up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه‬
‫( إً ٍس ًميَّةه‬Nominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject)
and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Nominal Clause), which in
turn becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled
To) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه‬ ‫( ي‬Conjunctive Clause).


‫ص يح ى فً ٍي غىٍيبً ى ىكآثىػ ىر ىؾ ىعلىى نىػ ٍف ًس ًو‬ َّ ‫لص ًديٍ يق‬
‫الص يد ٍك يؽ ىم ٍن يَّػ ٍن ى‬ َّ ‫اى‬
“A true friend is one who is a well-wisher of yours in your absence, and who
gives preference to you over himself.”


‫الص ًديٍ يق‬

َّ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫الص يد ٍك يؽ‬
َّ = ً (Adjective).
‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).
‫ص ٍو ه‬

‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ص يح‬
‫يَّػ ٍن ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word-form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address), and
the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ب‬ ً ‫غىٍي‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address), and
the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬which was “‫)”فً ٍي‬. ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with “‫ص يح‬ ً ً
‫”يىػ ٍن ى‬, which is the ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫ص يح“ ف ٍع هل‬ ‫”يىػ ٍن ى‬, along with
ً ًً ِّ
its ‫ل‬ ‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) and and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).
‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫آثىػ ىر‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ‫اْلفٍػ ىع‬
ًٍ ‫اب‬ ً ً
verb) which is on ‫اؿ‬ ‫بى ي‬. It is on the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular,
Masculine, Third-Person). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the
ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address), and
the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫ىعلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫نىػ ٍف‬
‫س‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun), and the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) “‫”آثىػ ىر‬. “‫”آثىػ ىر‬, along with its ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer), ‫م ٍفعو هؿ بً ًو‬
ٍ‫ى ي‬
(Object) and ‫ق‬ ً ً
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), joins up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). ‫ؼ‬‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
(Coupled To) join up to become the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the earlier ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
Pronoun). ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to become the ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) of the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫ب غىٍي ًرًه ى‬
‫ض ًريٍػ نرا‬ ً ‫َّاس من ىكا ىف بًع ٍيبً ًو ب‬
ً ‫ص ٍيػ نرا ىك ىع ٍن ىع ٍي‬ ‫ى ى‬ ٍ ‫ض يل الن ً ى‬
‫أىفٍ ى‬
“The best person is he who sees his own faults and is blind to the faults of

‫أىفٍ ى‬
‫ض يل‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫الن‬
‫َّاس‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ىكا ىف‬ = ‫ص‬ ً ً

‫( ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬Auxiliary Verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
(Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫ىع ٍي‬
‫ب‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun), and the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with “‫ص ٍيػ نرا‬ً ‫”ب‬, which is replacing the (usual) order (i.e. the ‫متىػعلِّ هق‬
‫ى‬ ‫يى‬
has come before the word it is ‫ق‬ ‫ يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬to).

‫ص ٍيػ نرا‬ ً (Adjective). Along
‫ى‬ = Word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection, it becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). “‫” ىكا ىف‬, along with its ‫إً ٍس هم‬
with its ‫ق‬
(Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which
in turn becomes the ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫ىع ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫ىع ٍي‬
‫ب‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫غىٍي ًر‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun) and the ً‫اؼ إًل ٍىيو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) of
ً ‫” ىع ٍي‬. ‫اؼ‬
“‫ب‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬which was “‫)” ىع ٍن‬. ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up
to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with “‫ض ًريٍػ نرا‬
‫” ى‬, which is replacing the (usual) order (i.e.
‫ يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬has come before the word it is ‫ يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬to).
the ‫ق‬

‫ض ًريٍػ نرا‬
‫ى‬ = ً (Adjective). Along
Word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

with its ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), it becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of “Kaana” which is
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫( ىكا ىف‬which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫) ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To)
join up to become the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
Pronoun) and ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) join up to become the ‫( ىخبػر‬Predicate). ‫( مبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and
‫ٍه‬ ٍ‫ي‬
‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause).


ً ‫الس ىخ ًاء مع ال‬ ً

‫ٍك ٍب ًر‬ ‫ض ًع ىخ ٍيػ هر ِّم ىن الٍعل ًٍم ىك َّ ى ى‬
‫َّوا ي‬
‫ٍج ٍه يل ىم ىع التػ ى‬
‫اىلٍبي ٍخ يل ىكال ى‬
“Miserliness and ignorance coupled with humility is better than knowledge and
generosity coupled with pride.”


‫الٍبي ٍخ يل‬ = ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬

‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫ٍج ٍه يل‬
‫ال ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection).

‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬

‫ؼ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) join up to become the ‫اؿ‬ ‫ذي ٍك ال ى‬
(Owner of the Condition).

‫ىم ىع‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ض ًع‬
‫َّوا ي‬
‫التػ ى‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected)
‫ض ه‬
with ‫ ىكائًنىػ ٍي ًن‬. ‫ ىكائًنىػ ٍي ًن‬along with its ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection) join up to become the ‫اؿ‬ ‫ىح ه‬
(Condition). ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ىح ه‬Condition) and ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬ ‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition) join up to
become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىخ ٍيػ هر‬ = ً (Adjective).

Word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ِّم ىن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ال ًٍعل ًٍم‬ = ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬

‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫الس ىخ ًاء‬
َّ = ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection).

‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) nand ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬

‫ؼ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) join up to become the ‫اؿ‬ ‫ذي ٍك ال ى‬
(Owner of the Condition).

‫ىم ىع‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫ال‬
‫ٍك ٍب ًر‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection)
‫ض ه‬
with ‫ ىكائًنىػ ٍي ًن‬. ‫ ىكائًنىػ ٍي ًن‬along with its ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection) join up to become the ‫اؿ‬ ‫ىح ه‬
(Condition). ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ىح ه‬Condition) and ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬ ‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition) join up to
become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬which was “‫)”م ٍن‬. ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with “‫” ىخ ٍيػ هر‬. “‫ ” ىخ ٍيػ هر‬is on the word
form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective). Along with its ‫( متىػعلِّ هق‬Connection), it becomes the ‫ىخبػر‬
‫يى‬ ‫ٍه‬
(Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ‫ي‬
(Nominal Clause).


‫الش َّر ىكيىػتىػ ىوقَّ يع الٍ ىخ ٍيػ ىر‬

َّ ‫ب الش ٍك ىر ىكيىػ ٍف ىع يل‬ ً ً ‫ىج ىه يل الن‬
‫َّاس ىم ٍن يَّ ٍمنى يع الٍب َّر ىكيىطٍلي ي‬ ٍ‫أ‬
“The most ignorant person is the one who withholds kindness whilst seeking
gratitude, and does evil whilst expecting goodness.”


‫ىج ىه يل‬
ٍ‫أ‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫الن‬
‫َّاس‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫يَّ ٍمنى يع‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫الٍبً َّر‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object), join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫يىطٍلي ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫الش ٍك ىر‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes ‫ؼ ٍاْل َّىك يؿ‬ ‫( ال ىٍم ٍعتيػ ٍو ي‬First
Connection). 24 Similarly, ‫الش َّر‬ َّ ‫ ىكيىػ ٍف ىع يل‬becomes ‫ؼ الثَّانًي‬
‫( ال ىٍم ٍعتيػ ٍو ي‬Second Connection) and
‫ؼ الثَّالً ي‬
‫ ىكيىػتىػ ىوقَّ يع الٍ ىخ ٍيػ ىر‬becomes ‫ث‬ ‫( ال ىٍم ٍعتيػ ٍو ي‬Third Connection). The ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To),
along with all three of its Connections, join up to become the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the
‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun). ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to
become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخبٍ ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause).


ً ‫اؿ علىى الٍ ىخي ًر ىك ىف‬

‫اعلً ًو‬ َّ ‫اى‬
ٍ ‫لد ي ى‬
“The director towards good is like the doer.” 25


‫اؿ‬ َّ
‫الد ي‬ = ً ‫إًسم الٍ ىف‬.
Word form of ‫اع ًل‬ ‫ٍي‬

‫ىعلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫الٍ ىخ ٍي ًر‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

A sentence can have more than one ‫ؼ‬

‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection).

Meaning, he will receive the same reward as the one who does it.
‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
“‫َّاؿ‬ ‫”اىلد ي‬, which is on the word form of ‫اع ًل‬
‫”اىلد ي‬. “‫َّاؿ‬ ً ‫إًسم الٍ ىف‬, along with its ‫متػعلِّ هق‬
‫ٍي‬ ‫يى ى‬
(Connection), becomes the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫فى‬
‫اع ًل‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫ى‬ (Pronoun), which is ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) and the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor). ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor)
join up to become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and
‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائً هن‬which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬
(Omitted). ‫ ىكائً هن‬is on the word form of ‫اع ًل‬ ً ‫إًسم الٍ ىف‬. Along with its ‫( متػعلِّ هق‬Connection),
‫ٍي‬ ‫يى ى‬
it becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫اىلٍ ىقلى يم ىش ىج ىرةه ثى ىم يرىىا ال ىٍم ىعانً ٍي‬

“The pen is a tree, the fruits of which are meanings.”


‫الٍ ىقلى يم‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىش ىج ىرةه‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ثى ىم ير‬ = ‫ضاف‬

َ ‫( ُم‬Possessive).

‫ىىا‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive
case) 26, and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ال ىٍم ىعانً ٍي‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become the ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective) of the
‫ؼ‬‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun). ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to
become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate)
join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫ىك ىما تى ًديٍ ين تي ىدا يف‬

“As you do (to others), so shall be done to you.”


‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫تى ًديٍ ين‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, past-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
verb) in the word form of ‫اض ير‬ ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular, Masculine, Second-Person).
ً ‫اح يد الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح‬
‫ي ي ى‬ ‫ى‬
The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The ‫( فًعل‬Verb)
‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ‫ٍه‬
and ‫ل‬ ً ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬

The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫ ى‬here is referred to as being “‫ ” ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬only because it is in the state of “‫” ىجر‬, on account of the ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬

preceding it. Such ‫ض ىمائًير‬

‫( ى‬Pronouns) are regarded as being in the genitive case, and thus are named
ٍ ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم‬
“‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍرفيػ ٍو ه‬
‫” ى‬. ‫ هو هما هم‬etc. are called “‫ع‬ ‫” ى‬. ‫ ه هما هم ها هما هنّ ك كما كم‬etc. are called “‫ب‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً ‫” ى‬. When
‫ضم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍن ي‬
preceded by an ‫ل‬ ً ً ‫” ى‬.
‫( ىعام ه‬Case Changing Agent), they are referred to as “‫ضم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
Pronoun) and ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) join up to become the ‫( مجركر‬Genitive) of the ‫( جر‬which is
‫ى ٍ يٍه‬ ‫ى‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
“‫)” ىؾ‬. ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
“‫”تي ىدا يف‬, the word of which comes afterwards but which is given precedence (i.e.
this word “‫)”تي ىدا يف‬27.

‫تي ىدا يف‬ = ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Passive, past-tense

‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍج يه ٍو هؿ‬
verb) in the word form of ‫اض ير‬ ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular, Masculine, Second-Person).
ً ‫اح يد الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح‬
‫ي ي ى‬ ‫ى‬
The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬ ً ‫( نىائًب الٍ ىف‬Substitute Doer).
‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the ‫اع ًل‬ ‫ي‬
ً ً ً
‫( نىائ ي‬Substitute Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection)
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫ب الٍ ىفاع ًل‬
The ‫ل‬
joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause).


‫صبىػ ىر ظىًف ىر‬

‫ىم ٍن ى‬
“Whoever exercises Sabr will be successful.”


‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫صبىػ ىر‬
‫ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫ ى‬inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun).
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to become the ‫ط‬
‫ىش ٍر ه‬

‫ يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬with “‫ ”تي ىدا يف‬despite the fact that it

What the author means here is that the previous sentence becomes ‫ق‬

‫ يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬with a word mentioned before.

hasn’t been mentioned yet. Usually, a phrase becomes ‫ق‬
‫ظىًف ىر‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫ ى‬inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and its ‫ىج ىزاءه‬
(Result) join up to become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause).


‫ض ًح ى‬
‫ض ًح ى ي‬
‫ىم ٍن ى‬
“Whoever laughs (at others) will be laughed at.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the above.


‫ىم ٍن ىج َّد ىك ىج ىد‬

“Whoever tries will achieve his objective.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as the one two sentences above.


‫ثى ىم ىرةي ال ىٍع ىجلى ًة النَّ ىد ىامةي‬

“The fruit of haste is regret.”

‫ثى ىم ىرةي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ال ىٍع ىجلى ًة‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫النَّ ىد ىامةي‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal


ً ‫سيِّ يد الٍ ىقوًـ ىخ‬

‫اد يم يه ٍم‬ ٍ ‫ى‬
“The leader of a people is their servant.”


‫ىسيِّ يد‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫الٍ ىق ٍوًـ‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) and ‫اؼ إًلىيٍ ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

ً ‫ىخ‬
‫اد يـ‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يى ٍم‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive
case) 28 as well as the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor). ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ً‫اؼ إًل ٍىيو‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal
This was explained earlier.

‫ىخ ٍيػ ير ٍاْلي يم ٍوًر أ ٍىك ىساطيىها‬

“The best of affairs is the middle (moderate path).” 29

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the above.


‫يكل ىج ًديٍ ود لى ًذيٍ هذ‬

“Every new thing is delicious.”


‫يكل‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىج ًديٍ ود‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫لى ًذيٍ هذ‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal


‫ظ ٍاْل ًخ ًريٍ ىن‬ ً ‫قىصص ٍاْلى َّكلًين مو‬

‫اع ي‬ ‫ٍ ى ىى‬ ‫ى ي‬

Meaning, moderation is the best in everything, and not going to either extreme (i.e. laxity or overboard).
“The stories of the earlier ones are lessons for the later ones.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the previous one.


ً ‫ٍح ٍكم ًة م ىخافىةي‬

‫اهلل‬ ً ‫رأٍس ال‬
‫ى ى‬ ‫ى ي‬
“The pinnacle (peak) of wisdom is fear of Allaah Ta`aalaa.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as the one two sentences above.


‫يزٍر ًغبا تىػ ٍز ىد ٍد يحبا‬

“Visit after some absence and you will increase love (between yourself and the
one you are visiting).” 30


‫يزٍر‬ ً ‫( فً ٍعل ٍاْلىم ًر الٍح‬Active, second-person

‫اض ًر‬ ‫ي ٍ ى‬=

verb of command). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬ ‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the ‫يم ىميَّػ هز‬
(Ambiguous Noun). 31

‫ًغبا‬ = ‫( تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬Clarifying Noun).

The ‫( تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬Clarifying Noun) and ‫( يم ىميَّػ هز‬Ambiguous Noun) join up to become the ‫ل‬ ً
‫فىاع ه‬
(Doer) of the ‫ل ٍاْل ٍىم ًر‬ ً ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ي‬Command, which is “‫)” يزٍر‬. The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb) and ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join
up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫أ ٍىم هر‬
What this means is that one should not visit every single day, but should allow for a few days before visiting
again. However, this advice is with regards to visiting people in general; when it comes to best friends, etc. then of
course this does not apply.
The laws pertaining to ‫ تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬and ‫ يم ىميَّػ هز‬have been explained earlier in this Kitaab.

‫تىػ ٍز ىد ٍد‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬
verb) in the word form of ‫اض ير‬ ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular, Masculine, Second-Person).
ً ‫اح يد الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح‬
‫ي ي ى‬ ‫ى‬
ً ً ً
It is on ‫اب ٍاْلفٍت ىعاؿ‬
‫بى ي‬. 32

The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬
‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the ‫( يم ىميَّػ هز‬Ambiguous Noun).

‫يحبا‬ = ‫( تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬Clarifying Noun).

‫( تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬Clarifying Noun) and ‫( يم ىميَّػ هز‬Ambiguous Noun) join up to become the ‫ل‬ ً
‫فىاع ه‬
(Doer). ‫ل‬ ً ً ‫( فى‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( جملىةه فًعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause),
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) and ‫اع هل‬ ٍ ٍ‫ي‬
which in turn becomes ‫اب ٍاْل ٍىم ًر‬ ‫( ىج ىو ي‬the reply of the command). The ‫( أ ٍىم هر‬Command)
and its ‫اب ٍاْلى ٍم ًر‬ ً ‫جملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬
‫( ىج ىو ي‬the reply of the command) join up to become a ‫شائيَّةه‬ ٍ‫ي‬
(Verbal Clause).


‫س الٍ ىخبىػ ير ىكال يٍم ىعايىػنى ًة‬

‫لىٍي ى‬
“Being informed is not like witnessing.”


‫لىٍي ى‬ = ‫ص‬ ً ً
‫( ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬Auxiliary Verb).

‫الٍ ىخبىػ ير‬ = ‫س‬ ً

‫( إ ٍس يم ل ٍىي ى‬The Noun of ‫س‬
‫)ل ٍىي ى‬

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ال يٍم ىعايىػنى ًة‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The student is expected to have learnt all (or at least, most) of the various ‫اب‬
‫ أىبٍػ ىو ه‬during his classes in Sarf. ‫تىػ ٍز ىد ٍد‬

was originally ‫تىػ ٍز ىد ي‬. Due to being the ‫اب ٍاْل ٍىم ًر‬
‫اد‬ ‫ ”أىلً ه‬dropped off and the word was
‫( ىج ىو ي‬reply of the command), the “‫ف‬
rendered ‫ج يزٍكهـ‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬i.e. ends with a ‫ ىج ٍزهـ‬, or ‫ يس يك ٍو هف‬, which is “ًٍ ”).
All auxiliary verbs come with a noun and predicate.
The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected)
with ‫ ىكائًننا‬which is ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted) and which is the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬of ‫س‬
‫)ل ٍىي ى‬. ‫س‬
‫ ل ٍىي ى‬joins up with
its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫الس ىوابً يق‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫اف تيػ ٍع ىر ي‬ ِّ ‫ًع ٍن ىد‬
ً ‫الرىى‬
“At the time of betting are those who press forward (horses, people, etc.)


‫ًع ٍن ىد‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫الرىى‬
‫اف‬ ِّ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫ؼ‬
‫( ظىٍر ه‬Adverb,
i.e. the ‫) ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًو‬.

‫تيػ ٍع ىر ي‬ = ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Passive, present-tense
‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍج يه ٍو هؿ‬
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular, Feminine, Third-Person).
ً ‫اح يد الٍمئىػن ي‬
‫َّث الٍغىائ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬

‫الس ىوابً يق‬

َّ = ً ‫( نىائًب الٍ ىف‬Substitute Doer).
‫اع ًل‬ ‫ي‬
ً ً ً ‫( ظىٍر ه‬i.e. ‫) ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًو‬
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫ب الٍ ىفاع ًل‬
The ‫ل‬ ‫( نىائ ي‬Substitute Doer) and ‫ؼ‬
becomes a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause).


ً ‫الش ًئ يػ ٍع ًمي كي‬

‫صم‬ ‫يحب َّ ي ٍ ى ي‬
“Love for a thing blinds and deafens (to its faults).”


‫يحب‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫الش ًئ‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ييػ ٍع ًم ٍي‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense

‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The ‫( فًعل‬Verb)
along with its ‫ل‬ ً ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in
turn becomes the ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫صم‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The ‫( فًعل‬Verb)
along with its ‫ل‬ ً ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in
turn becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). The ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and its ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
(Coupled To) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫ص َّد ىؽ‬‫ي‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ف‬

ٍ ‫ى‬
‫أ‬ ‫ب‬ ً ‫جزاء من يَّ ٍك‬
‫يى‬ ‫ي‬ ٍ ‫ىى ي ى‬
“The recompense of the one who lies is that he will not be believed.”


‫ىج ىزاءي‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).
‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ب‬ ً
‫يَّ ٍكذ ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The ‫( فًعل‬Verb)
and ‫ل‬ ً ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
Pronoun) and ‫صلىةه‬ً (Link) join up to become the ‫اؼ إًلىي ًو‬
ٍ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) of the earlier
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬which was “‫)” ىج ىزاءي‬. The ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to
become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫أى ٍف‬ = ً ‫( نى‬Accusative Causing Particle).


‫ص َّد ىؽ‬
‫ل يي ى‬ = ‫ع ىم ٍن ًف ٍي ىم ٍج يه ٍو هؿ‬
‫ضا ًر ه‬‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Passive, present-
tense, negative verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ (Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫ب‬ ً
‫ى‬ ‫نىائ ي‬
‫( الٍ ىفاع ًل‬Substitute Doer). The ‫فً ٍع هل‬ (Verb) along with its ‫اع ًل‬ ً ‫( نىائًب الٍ ىف‬Substitute Doer)
joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes – by way
of one interpretation – the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate)
join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخبٍ ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫َّاس‬ ً ‫ىخ ٍيػ ير الن‬

‫َّاس ىم ٍن يَّػ ٍنػ ىف يع الن ى‬
“The best of mankind are those who benefit mankind.”


‫ىخ ٍيػ ير‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫الن‬
‫َّاس‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).
‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).
‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫يَّػ ٍنػ ىف يع‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫الن ى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) join up to become the
ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun) joins up
‫صلىةه‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
ً (Link) to become the ‫( ىخبػر‬Predicate). ‫( مبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخبػر‬
with the ‫صلىةه‬ ‫ٍه‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫ٍه‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍسميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫ىم ٍن ىل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬

“Whoever does not show mercy will not be shown mercy.”


‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم‬ = ‫ضا ًرعه ىمنٍ ًف ٍي ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬

‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-
ً ً
tense, negative verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine,
Third-Person). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
ً ً ً
The ‫ل‬‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) joins up with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) to become the ‫( صلىةه‬Link) of the ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ‫ىم ٍو ي‬
(Relative Pronoun). The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to
become the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer). It

‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) along with its ‫اع هل‬
becomes a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The

‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) joins up with its ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
(Conditional Clause).


‫ىم ٍن لى ٍم يىػ ٍقنى ٍع لى ٍم يى ٍشبى ٍع‬

“Whoever is not contented (with what he has) will never be satiated.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the previous one.


‫اد يح ًرىـ ال يٍم ىر ى‬

‫اد‬ ‫ىم ٍن أى ٍكثىػ ىر الرقى ى‬
“Whoever sleeps a lot will be deprived of (his) objective.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as the one two sentences above.


‫س يك ِّل ىخ ًط ٍيئى وة‬

‫يحب الدنٍػيىا ىرأٍ ي‬
“Love of the Dunyaa is the head of every sin.”

The ‫ يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬and ‫ ىخ ٍبػ هر‬in this sentence are clear.


‫ادةه فً ٍي ال ىٍع ٍق ًل‬ ً ‫ار‬

‫ب ًزيى ى‬ ‫َّج ي‬
‫طيٍو يؿ الت ى‬
“Lengthy experience increases the intellect.”

The ‫ يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬and ‫ ىخ ٍبػ هر‬in this sentence are clear. 34


‫اب ل بًالٍ ىك ىس ًل‬ ‫بًال ىٍع ىم ًل يى ٍح ي‬

‫ص يل الثػ ىَّو ي‬
“Through work is the reward obtained, not through laziness.”


‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ال ىٍع ىم ًل‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with

‫ص يل‬
‫يى ٍح ي‬.

‫ص يل‬
‫يى ٍح ي‬ = ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb).

‫الثػ ىَّو ي‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ِّ
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection), joins up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause).

‫ىل‬ = ‫ؼ الن ًَّف ٍي‬

‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Negating Particle).

In this sentence and the previous one, the author does not bother to present any Tarkeeb, as he feels that by
now, the student who has been studying this Kitaab should know it quite well, as he has been doing it many times
over. If, at this point, the student is unable to do the Tarkeeb for these two sentences, it is necessary that he starts
over again, that perhaps he may gain a better understanding the next time around, In-Shaa’Allaah. In any case, it is
good to complete this Kitaab three times over, if possible, to solidify one’s understanding of Tarkeeb, as this is the
best Kitaab in English for that purpose.
‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫الٍ ىك ىس ًل‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
a‫ؼ‬‫( فً ٍع هل ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted verb), which is ‫ص يل‬
‫يى ٍح ي‬.
ً ً
‫صي‬‫”يى ٍح ي‬, which is the ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), joins up with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection)
to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬‫( ي‬Verbal Clause).


ٍ َّ‫ظ لً ىسانىوي قىػل‬

‫ت نى ىد ىامتيوي‬ ‫ىم ٍن ىح ًف ى‬
“He who guards his tongue shall have little regrets.”


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬. 35


‫يكل إًنى واء يىػ ٍن ى‬

‫ض يح بً ىما فً ٍي ًو‬
“Every container exudes (releases) what it contains.” 36


‫يكل‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

Again, the author does not repeat the Tarkeeb, but expects the student to know it by now, or refer back to the
example given if he doesn’t.
They mean by this that every person’s nature and manner of dealing with others is according to his own
upbringing and education. So “every person displays that which is inside of him.” A person filled with evil will
exude evil, in the same way that a container filled with musk will exude musk. This is the meaning of the proverb.
‫إًنى واء‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ض يح‬
‫يىػ ٍن ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected)
with ‫( ىكقى ىع‬To occur) or ‫( إً ٍستىػ ىق َّر‬To be or become established) which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬
(Omitted). ‫ ىكقى ىع‬joins up with its ‫ل‬ ً ِّ
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه‬
‫( فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
Pronoun). The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and its ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to become the
‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬which is ‫ض يح‬
‫يىػنٍ ى‬.) The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb)
joins up with its ‫ل‬ ً ِّ
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).
The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal


‫ص ًديٍػ يقوي‬ ً
‫ىم ٍن قى َّل ص ٍدقيوي قى َّل ى‬
“He whose truthfulness is little shall have few friends.”


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬.


‫ىم ٍن ىكثيػ ىر لىغىطيوي ىكثيػ ىر غىلىطيوي‬

“He who makes a lot of noise will make a lot of mistakes.”


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬.


‫ت ىى ٍيبىتيوي‬
ٍ ‫احوي ىزالى‬
‫ىم ٍن ىكثيػ ىر يم ىز ي‬
“When one jokes a lot, his awe will be lost.” 37


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬.


‫ىصلً ى‬ ً ٍ ‫فى ٍخر ىؾ بًىف‬

ٍ ‫ضل ى ىخ ٍيػ هر ِّم ٍنوي بًأ‬ ‫ي‬
“Boasting about your virtue is better than boasting about your roots.”


Meaning, people lose respect for a person who is always making jokes and laughing. Nobody has awe and
veneration for such a person. However, this does not mean that one should not laugh or make jokes, but rather,
that it should be done in moderation, as was the Sunnah. One should not go to either extreme.
‫فى ٍخ ير‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ب‬ ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun of Address) and

‫ضم ٍيػ هر يم ىخاطى ه‬
‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to
become the ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ض ًل‬
ٍ ‫فى‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ب‬ ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun of Address) and

‫ضم ٍيػ هر يم ىخاطى ه‬
‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to
become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائً هن‬which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted).
‫ ىكائً هن‬is on the word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective). Along with its ‫( إًسم‬Noun) and ‫متىػعلِّ هق‬
‫ٍه‬ ‫يى‬
(Connection), it becomes the ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) of the ‫ؼ‬ً ‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun). The
‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىخ ٍيػ هر‬ = ً ‫( إًسم التَّػ ٍف‬Superlative form).

‫ض ٍي ًل‬ ‫ٍي‬

‫ِّم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫يق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
‫ ىخ ٍيػ هر‬. ‫ ىخ ٍيػ هر‬and its ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection) join up to become the ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىص ًل‬
ٍ‫أ‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ب‬ ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun of Address) and
‫ضم ٍيػ هر يم ىخاطى ه‬
‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to
become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائً هن‬which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted).
‫ ىكائً هن‬is on the word form of ‫اع ًل‬ ً ‫إًسم الٍ ىف‬. Along with its ‫( متػعلِّ هق‬Connection), it becomes
‫ٍي‬ ‫يى ى‬
the ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective). The ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to
become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخبٍ ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause).


‫ىم ٍن ىم َّن بً ىم ٍع يرٍكفً ًو أىفٍ ىس ىدهي‬

“Whoever reminds (someone) of a favour he had done (for them), destroys it.” 38


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬.


‫ىم ٍن قى َّل ىحيىاءيهي ىكثيػ ىر ىذنٍػبيوي‬

“He who has little Hayaa shall have many sins.” 39


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬.

‫ت إً ٍخ ىوانيوي‬
ٍ ‫س ىن يخ ٍل يقوي ىكثيػ ىر‬
‫ىم ٍن ىح ي‬
Meaning, he destroys the reward he had acquired for that good deed.
Hayaa is commonly translated as “shame”, or “modesty”.
“He who has good character will have many friends.”


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬.


‫ىم ٍن ىكتى ىم ًس َّرهي بىػلى ىغ يم ىر ى‬

“Whoever conceals his secrets will achieve his objective.”


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬.


‫ب ىش ٍيئنا أى ٍكثىػ ىر ًذ ٍك ىرهي‬

َّ ‫ىح‬
‫ىم ٍن أ ى‬
“Whoever loves something mentions it a lot.”


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬.


ٍ ‫ىم ٍن ىكقَّر أىبىاهي طىالى‬

‫ت أىيَّ ياموي‬
“Whoever respects his father will have a long life.”


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬.


‫اؿ يع ٍم يرهي فىػ ىق ىد أىحبَّتىوي‬
‫ىم ٍن طى ى‬
“Whoever lives long loses his loved ones.”


The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم‬. 40


ً ‫اْل ٍخو‬
ً ‫اف ىكتىػ ىع ىاملي ٍوا ىك ٍاْلى ٍجنى‬
‫اب‬ ‫تىػ ىعا ىش يرٍكا ىك ًٍ ى‬
“Live like brothers, deal like strangers.”


‫تىػ ىعا ىش يرٍكا‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ً ‫( فً ٍعل ٍاْلىم ًر الٍح‬Active, present-

‫اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ‫ي ٍ ى‬
tense verb of command) in the word form of ‫اض ير‬ ً ‫( اىلٍجمع الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح‬Plural, Masculine,
‫ىٍ ي ي ي ى‬
Second-Person). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫”أىنٍػتي ٍم‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫اْل ٍخو‬
‫اف‬ ‫ًٍ ى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
‫تىػ ىعا ىش يرٍكا‬.

As the readers can see, the author (Maulana Ahsan Nanotwi) has, by this point, gotten tired of repeating the
Tarkeeb and expects the students to have understood the method of Tarkeeb for such sentences quite well. If it is
not understood quite well by now, return to the first page of the Kitaab and start over.
The ‫ل‬ ً ً ِّ
‫ )تىػ ىعا ىش يرٍكا( ف ٍع ه‬along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) join up to become
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause) 41, which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ ىعلىيٍ ًو‬
a ‫شائًيَّةه‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫تىػ ىع ىاملي ٍوا‬ ‫ؼ‬ = ً ‫( فً ٍعل ٍاْلىم ًر الٍح‬Active, present-

‫اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ‫ي ٍ ى‬
tense verb of command) in the word form of ‫اض ير‬ ً ‫( اىلٍجمع الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح‬Plural, Masculine,
‫ىٍ ي ي ي ى‬
Second-Person). The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫”أىنٍػتي ٍم‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫ٍاْلى ٍجنى‬
‫اب‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
‫تىػ ىع ىاملي ٍوا‬.

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ِّ
‫ )تىػ ىع ىاملي ٍوا( ف ٍع ه‬along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) join up to become
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause) 42, which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ‬
a ‫شائًيَّةه‬ ‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬

‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬

‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) join up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه‬
(Conjunctive Clause).


‫ض‬ ‫ر‬ ً ‫اؿ ما كقًي بً ًو ال‬

‫ٍع‬ ً ‫ىخ ٍيػر الٍم‬
‫ٍ ي‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ي ى‬
“The best of wealth is that by which (one‟s) honour is protected.”

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) in this sentence is clear.

The reason it is “‫شائًي‬

‫ ”إًنٍ ى‬is because ‫( أ ٍىم هر‬Command) is one of the ten types of ‫شائًيَّةه‬ ًٍ ‫ٍج ٍملىةي‬
‫اْلنٍ ى‬ ‫اىل ي‬.

The reason it is “‫شائًي‬

‫ ”إًنٍ ى‬is because ‫( أ ٍىم هر‬Command) is one of the ten types of ‫شائًيَّةه‬ ًٍ ‫ٍج ٍملىةي‬
‫اْلنٍ ى‬ ‫اىل ي‬.


ِّ ‫ح الٍ ىك ىالًـ أى ىشد ًم ٍن ىج ٍر ًح‬

‫الس ىه ًاـ‬ ‫ىج ٍر ي‬
“A wound caused by words is worse than a wound caused by arrows.”


The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) in this sentence is clear.


‫س الس ٍوًء‬
ً ‫ىك ٍح ىدةي ال ىٍم ٍرًء ىخ ٍيػ هر ِّم ٍن ىجلً ٍي‬
“Solitude is better than an evil companion.”

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) in this sentence is clear.


‫َّاس الٍ ىعالً يم ىل يىػ ٍنػ ىف يع بً ًعل ًٍم ًو‬

ً ‫ىشر الن‬
“The worse of people is an `Aalim who does not benefit from his `Ilm.”

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) in this sentence is clear.43


‫ب ىك ىج ىس ود بً ىال يرٍك وح‬

‫ص بً ىال أ ىىد و‬
‫ىش ٍخ ه‬
Again, for these four sentences, the author does not bother to give Tarkeeb, because by now the reader should
be able to do them quite easily if he had studied the Kitaab well.
“A person with no manners is like a body without a Rooh.”


‫ىش ٍخ ه‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىل أ ىىد و‬
‫ب‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬

(Connected) with ‫ ىكائً هن‬, which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىكائً هن‬is on the word form of ‫إً ٍس يم‬
ً ‫الٍ ىف‬. It joins up with its ‫( متػعلِّ هق‬Connection) to become the ‫ص ىفةه‬
‫اع ًل‬ ً (Adjective). The
‫يى ى‬
‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).
‫ص ٍو ه‬

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىج ىس ود‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىل يرٍك وح‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬

(Connected) with ‫ ىكائً هن‬, which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىكائً هن‬, along with its ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connection), becomes the ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective). ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫ص ىفةه‬
(Adjective) join up to become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). ‫ىجر‬
(Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائ هن‬,
which is ‫ؼ‬‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىكائً هن‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection),
joins up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up
to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).

44 ‫ص بً ىال أ ىىد و‬
The author states that another Tarkeeb of ‫ب‬ ‫ ىش ٍخ ه‬is possible, and that is to make it ‫ ذك الحاؿ‬and ‫حاؿ‬.

ً ‫اؿ ًْلى ٍج ًل الٍم‬

‫اؿ‬ ً ‫صبًر ىعلىى نىػ ٍق ًل ال‬
ً ‫ٍجبى‬
‫ى‬ ‫يى ٍ ي‬
“He is patient over mountains being moved for the sake of wealth.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is obvious. ‫صبً ير‬ ً
ٍ ‫ يى‬joins up with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and
ً ‫( متىػعلِّ ىق‬Two Connections) to become a ‫( جملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause).
‫اف‬ ‫يى‬ ٍ ٍ‫ي‬


‫ٍم بً ىال ىع ىم ول ىك ىح ٍم ول ىعلىى ىج ىم ول‬‫ل‬ ً

“(Having) `Ilm without acting upon it is like carrying (books) on a camel.”

‫ص بًىال أ ىىد و‬
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫ب‬ ‫ ىش ٍخ ه‬.


‫ٍح ًك ٍي ىم‬
‫ب ىكىل تى ٍسأ ًىؿ ال ى‬
‫ىس ًل ال يٍم ىج َّر ى‬
“Ask the person of experience, not the wise man.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.


‫اْلنٍتً ىق ًاـ‬ ً ‫اد ًة ال‬

ًٍ ‫ٍك ىر ًاـ يس ٍر ىعةي‬ ً ‫لىي‬
‫س م ٍن ىع ى‬
‫ٍ ى‬

“Being swift to take vengeance is not the habit of noble people.”


‫س‬‫لىٍي ى‬ = ‫ص‬ ً ً
‫( ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬Auxiliary Verb).

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫اد ًة‬
‫ىع ى‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫ال‬
‫ٍك ىر ًاـ‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًلىيٍ ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).
‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with ‫ ىكائً هن‬, which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىكائً هن‬, along with its ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connection), becomes a ‫َّـ‬ ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر يم ىقد ه‬Advanced Predicate). 45

‫يس ٍر ىعةي‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫اْلنٍتً ىق ًاـ‬
ًٍ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫إً ٍس هم يم ىؤخ ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫َّر‬
(Delayed Noun). 46

ً ًً
‫ل ٍىي ى‬, along with its ‫( إ ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate), becomes a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal


‫ىم ٍن طى ىم ىع فً ٍي الٍ يك ِّل فىاتىوي الٍ يكل‬


What this means is that, in a usual sentence, the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدا‬Subject) comes first and the ‫خ ٍبػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Predicate) comes after it.
However, in some cases the ‫خ ٍبػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Predicate) comes first and the ‫( يمبٍتى ىدا‬Subject) follows, and in such cases, the ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
becomes known as ‫َّـ‬
‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر يم ىقد ه‬Advanced Predicate) and the ‫ يم ٍبتى ىدا‬becomes known as ‫َّر‬
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدا يم ىؤخ ه‬Delayed Subject).
When ‫س‬ ً
‫ ل ٍىي ى‬is used, the ‫ يمبٍتى ىدا‬becomes known as the “‫”إ ٍس هم‬.

“Whoever is greedy to have everything, everything will pass him by (with him
achieving nothing).”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫اؿ يع ٍم يرهي‬
‫ ىم ٍن طى ى‬.


ً ً
‫صافيوي‬ ٍ ‫اج ال ىٍمل ً ىع ىفافيوي ىكح‬
‫صنيوي إًنٍ ى‬ ‫تى ي‬
“Abstinence is the crown of a king, and fairness is his fortress.”

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) in this sentence is clear.


‫س ٍلطىا هف بً ىال ع ٍد وؿ ىكنػه ور بً ىال و‬

‫مآء‬ ٍ‫ى ى‬ ‫ي‬
“An unjust ruler is like a river without water.”

‫ص بًىال أ ىىد و‬
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of ‫ب‬ ‫ ىش ٍخ ه‬.


‫ىم ٍن نىػ ىق ىل إًلىٍي ى فىػ ىق ٍد نىػ ىق ىل ىع ٍن ى‬

“Whoever carries tales to you will carry tales about you.”


‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( ىم ٍن ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه‬Particle of Condition).

‫نىػ ىق ىل‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, present-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫إًلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address),
which is ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive).
The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
the ‫ل‬ ً ً ً ِّ
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), which is “‫”نىػ ىق ىل‬. The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫يمتىػ ىعل هق‬
(Connection), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫ط‬‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫ى‬ = ‫ىج ىزائًيٌةه‬ (Result).

‫قى ٍد‬ = ‫َّح ًق ٍي ًق‬

ٍ ‫ؼ الت‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Affirmation).

‫نىػ ىق ىل‬ = ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb).

The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬

‫ىع ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address),
which is ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to
become ‫ق‬‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), which is “‫”نىػ ىق ىل‬. The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), along
with its ‫ل‬ ً ِّ ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection), becomes a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result)
join up to become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause).


ً ‫يخ ٍذهي بًالٍمو‬
‫ضى بًال ي‬
‫ٍح َّمى‬ ‫ت ىحتَّى يىػ ٍر ى‬ ٍ‫ى‬
“Seize him with death until he is pleased with fever.” 47


‫يخ ٍذ‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ً ‫( فً ٍعل ٍاْلىم ًر الٍح‬Active, second-

‫اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ‫ي ٍ ى‬
person verb of command). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬ ‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the
ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫يق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun) and ‫( ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫الٍمو‬
‫ت‬ ٍ‫ى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with ‫ يخ ٍذ‬.

‫ىحتَّى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫يىػ ٍر ى‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) with its ‫اع هل‬

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ٍح َّمى‬
‫ال ي‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with

‫ضى‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫متػعلِّ هق‬
‫يىػ ٍر ى‬, which is the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫اع هل‬ ‫يى ى‬
(Connection), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which – by way of

The meaning of this is, if a person is unable to have Sabr over a small affliction, he will fall into something
greater. The person should be reminded of Mawt and what comes after for a Mu’min, such as Jannah and its
delights, etc., until he would be pleased with dying at that time. Hence, now that he is able to have Sabr over
something greater (i.e. Mawt) he will be able to very easily have Sabr over something lesser, which is the fever. So
to summarise, it means that the person should be pleased with the worst case scenario, and thus whatever
happens will not bother him (i.e. cause him to abandon Sabr and Qanaa`ah).
one interpretation – becomes the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫ىجر‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with the ‫ف ٍع هل‬
(Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬

‫ ي‬. The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) ‫ يخ ٍذ‬, along with its ‫اع هل‬

(Verb) ‫خ ٍذ‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫اف‬
ً ‫( متىػعلِّ ىق‬Two
Connections), joins up to become a ‫شائيَّةه‬ ً ً ً
‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause).


‫لى ييػ ٍل ىدغي ال ىٍم ٍرءي ًم ٍن يج ٍح ور ىم َّرتىػ ٍي ًن‬

“A man (should) not be stung from the same hole twice.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.


‫ار فً ٍي يى ًد ًه‬
‫ىي‬ ‫ي‬ ً ‫من ىكتىم ًس َّرهي ىكا ىف ال‬
‫ٍخ‬ ‫ىٍ ى‬
“Whoever conceals his secret, the choice is in his (own) hand.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of ‫س ٍلطىا هف بً ىال ىع ٍد وؿ‬


‫ض ىع يكقِّػ ىر ىكىم ٍن تىػ ىعاظى ىم يح ِّق ىر‬

‫ىم ٍن تىػ ىوا ى‬
“Whoever is humble shall be honoured, and whoever is arrogant shall be
disgraced.” 48


Meaning, Allaah Ta`aalaa will disgrace those people who are arrogant, whilst he will put in the hearts of people,
honour and respect for those who are humble.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of ‫س ٍلطىا هف بً ىال ىع ٍد وؿ‬


‫ت ىسلً ىم ىكىم ٍن ىسلً ىم نى ىجا‬

‫ىم ٍن ىس ىك ى‬
“Whoever keeps silent will be safe, and whoever is safe will be saved.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of ‫س ٍلطىا هف بً ىال ىع ٍد وؿ‬


‫ىم ٍن ىح ىف ىر بًٍيػ نرا ًْلى ًخ ٍي ًو فىػ ىق ٍد ىكقى ىع فً ٍي ًو‬

“Whoever digs a hole for his brother will fall into it.”


‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( ىم ٍن ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه‬Particle of Condition).

‫ىح ىف ىر‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) with its ‫اع هل‬

‫بًٍيران‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىخ ٍي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

For all three these sentences, the author feels that explaining their Tarkeeb is unnecessary, as the reader should
know it quite well by now.
‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive
case) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor). ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up
to become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb),
ً ًً ِّ
along with its ‫ل‬ ‫( فىاع ه‬Doer), ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection), joins up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫ى‬ = ‫ىج ىزائًيٌةه‬ (Result).

‫قى ٍد‬ = ‫َّح ًق ٍي ًق‬

ٍ ‫ؼ الت‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Verification).

‫ىكقى ىع‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
‫ ىكقى ىع‬, which is the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫متػعلِّ هق‬
‫يى ى‬
(Connection), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) join up to
become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause).


ً ‫ي ٍك ًفي ى ًمن الٍح‬

‫اس ًد أىنَّوي يىػ ٍغتىم ىكقٍ ى‬
‫ت يس يرٍكًر ىؾ‬ ‫ى ٍ ى ى‬
“It is sufficient for you from a jealous person that he becomes depressed at the
time of your happiness.”


‫يى ٍك ًف ٍي‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address) and
the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫ًم ىن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Prepostion).

‫اس ًد‬
ً ‫الٍح‬
‫ى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

‫( ىجر‬Prepostion) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with the
‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) ‫يى ٍك ًف ٍي‬.

َّ ‫أ‬
‫ىف‬ = ‫شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل‬
‫ؼ يم ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ه‬Verb resembling

‫يق‬ = ‫ب‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫ىم ٍن ي‬ ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫ى‬ (Pronoun in the

accusative case), and the ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun of ‫ىف‬

َّ ‫)أ‬.

‫يىػ ٍغتىم‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫( ” يى ىو‬and which is a reference to ‫اس يد‬ ً ‫)الٍح‬,
is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer).

‫ىكقٍ ى‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يس يرٍكًر‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address) and
the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to
become ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) of the previous ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession), which was ‫ٍت‬ ‫ ىكق ى‬.

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ً‫ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍيو‬
ً ً ًً
(Adverb). The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فيٍو‬Adverb), joins up
to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
َّ ‫أ‬. ‫ىف‬
(Predicate) of ‫ىف‬ َّ ‫أ‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate), joins up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ً
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer)
of ‫يى ٍك ًف ٍي‬. The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً ِّ
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer), ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) and ‫يمتىػ ىعل هق‬
(Connection), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause).


‫اْلنٍ ىسا يف ًم ٍن نىػ ٍف ًس ًو‬

ًٍ ‫غىايىةي ال يٍم يرَّكًة أى ٍف يَّ ٍستى ٍحيًي‬
“The highest form of manliness is when a man has Hayaa for his own self.”


‫غىايىةي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ال يٍم يرَّكًة‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫أى ٍف‬ = ً َّ‫الن‬

ً ‫اص‬
‫ب‬ ‫ؼ‬
‫ىح ٍر ي‬ (Accusative causing

‫يَّ ٍستى ٍحيً ىي‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد الٍ يم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

‫اْلنٍ ىسا يف‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫نىػ ٍف‬
‫س‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive
case) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor). ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up
to become ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) ‫يَّ ٍستى ٍحيً ىي‬.

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ِّ
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection), joins up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which – by way of one interpretation –
becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) joins up to become
a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫الس ىال ىمةى ىكىم ٍن تىػ ىع َّدل ىعلىٍي ًه ٍم ىربً ىح النَّ ىد ىام ىة‬
َّ ‫َّاس ىربً ىح‬
‫ىم ٍن ىسالى ىم الن ى‬
“Whoever makes peace with people will attain peace, and whoever transgresses
against them will attain regret.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear. 50


‫َّار ىكال ىٍع ىد ىاكةي‬ ‫ثىىالثىةه قىل ٍيػلي ىها ىكثًٍيػ هر ال ىٍم ٍر ي‬
‫ض ىكالن ي‬
“There are three things, a little of which is a lot: sickness, fire and enmity.”


‫ثىىالثىةه‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

Once again, the author feels that explaining the Tarkeeb for this is unnecessary, as the reader should already
know it. Hence, if at this point in the Kitaab the reader is unable to do the Tarkeeb for this sentence by himself,
then this means that he has not properly understood the Tarkeeb given for the earlier sentences, and so it would
be in his best interest to start learning the Kitaab again from the beginning, and then In-Shaa’Allaah, by the time he
reaches here, he will understand it and be in no need of a Tarkeeb for this sentence, as the author had intended.
‫قىلً ٍي يل‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىىا‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًلىيٍ ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىكثًٍيػ هر‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of the first
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal

‫ال ىٍم ٍر ي‬ = ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬ (Predicate) of a ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬
(Omitted Subject), which was ‫ىح يد ىىا‬ ‫أ ى‬. This (Omitted) ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and its ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause). The other two
are the same:

‫الن ي‬ = ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬ (Predicate) of a ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬
(Omitted Subject), which was ‫ثىانًٍيػ ىها‬. This (Omitted) ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and its ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).

‫ال ىٍع ىد ىاكةي‬ = ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬ (Predicate) of a ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬
(Omitted Subject), which was ‫ثىالًثيػ ىها‬. This (Omitted) ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and its ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).
There is another way to do Tarkeeb of this sentence, and that is to make ‫ض‬ ‫ال ىٍم ٍر ي‬,
ًً ً
‫الن ي‬, ‫ال ىٍع ىد ىاكةي‬, the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) of a hidden ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), which is ‫( أى ٍعنى ٍي‬I mean). Then,
ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫( م ٍفعو هؿ بً ًو‬Object), joins up to become a ‫جملىةه فًعلًيَّةه‬
‫أى ٍعنى ٍي‬, along with its ‫اع هل‬ ٍ‫ى ي‬ ٍ ٍ‫ي‬
(Verbal Clause).


‫ص ىفا قىػلٍبيوي‬
‫ص َّح بىطٍنيوي ىك ى‬
‫ىم ٍن قى َّل طى ىع ياموي ى‬
“He who eats little will have a healthy stomach and a pure heart.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ‫سلً ىم‬
‫ت ى‬
‫ ىم ٍن ىس ىك ى‬.


‫لى تىػ يق ٍل بًغىٍي ًر فً ٍك ور ىكلى تىػ ٍع ىم ٍل بًغىٍي ًر تى ٍدبًٍي ور‬

“Do not speak without thinking and do not act without contemplation.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence, and that it is a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), is
absolutely clear.


‫اب‬ ٍ ‫اجتً ى إًلىى ٍاْلى‬

ً ‫ص ىح‬ ً ‫اْل ٍكتًس‬
‫اب ىخ ٍيػ هر ِّم ٍن ىح ى‬ ‫ص ٍبػ ير ىؾ ىعلىى ًٍ ى‬
“Your patience upon earning a living is better than seeking your needs from

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of ‫احوي‬
‫ ىم ٍن ىكثيػ ىر يم ىز ي‬.


‫ب غىالًبنا‬
‫ضي‬ ً ‫ىل تىػ يع َّد نىػ ٍف ىس ى ًم ىن الن‬
‫َّاس ىما ىد ىاـ الٍغى ى‬
“Do not consider yourself to be from the people so long as your anger remains
overpowering.” 51

Meaning, a person who is unable to control his temper is not a human being.

‫ىل تىػ يع َّد‬ ‫ؼ‬ = ً ‫( فً ٍعل النَّ ًهي الٍح‬Active, second-

‫اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ‫ٍ ى‬ ‫ي‬
person verb of prohibition). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬ ‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the
ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫نىػ ٍف ى‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address) and
the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫ًم ىن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫الن‬
‫َّاس‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected)

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
with ‫ ىل تىػ يع َّد‬.

‫ىما ىد ىاـ‬ = ‫ص‬ ً ً

‫( ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬Auxiliary Verb).

‫ضي‬‫الٍغى ى‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) of the ‫ص‬ ً ً
‫( ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬Auxiliary
Verb). 52

‫غىالًبنا‬ = ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬ (Predicate) of the ‫ص‬ ً

‫نىاق ه‬ ‫فً ٍع هل‬
(Auxiliary Verb).

‫ ىما ىد ىاـ‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate), joins up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
(Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًو‬Adverb). The ‫ل‬ ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb),
ً ًً ًً ِّ
along with its ‫ل‬ ‫( فىاع ه‬Doer), ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object), ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ ف ٍيو‬Adverb) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection),
joins up to become a ‫شائًيَّةه‬ ‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause).


ً ً
‫( ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬Auxiliary Verb) has both an ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and a ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫لً ىسا يف ٍاْلى ٍح ىم ًق فً ٍي فً ٍي ًو ىكلً ىسا يف ال ىٍعاقً ًل فً ٍي قىػ ٍلبً ًو‬
“The tongue of a fool is in his mouth, whilst the tongue of an intelligent man is
in his heart.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.


‫َّاس ًم ٍن لً ىسانًًو ىكيى ًد ًه‬ ً ‫ىخ ٍيػ هر الن‬

‫َّاس ىم ٍن يَّ ٍسلى يم الن ي‬
“The best of people is a man from whose hand and tongue others are safe.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.


ً ً ً ‫لًسا يف ال‬
‫ٍجاى ًل ىمال ه لىوي ىكل ىسا يف ال ىٍعاقً ًل ىم ٍملي ٍو هؾ لىوي‬
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
“The tongue of an ignorant man controls him, whilst the tongue of an
intelligent man is controlled by him.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.


‫ىخ ٍيػ ير الٍ ىك ىالًـ ىما قى َّل ىك ىد َّؿ ىكلى ٍم يي ًط َّل فىػيي ًم َّل‬
“The best of speech is that which is concise, to the point, and not lengthy thus
resulting in boredom (on the part of the listeners).”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.


‫اؿ ىما ىل يىػ ٍنبى ًغ ٍي ىس ًم ىع ىما ىل يى ٍشتى ًه ٍي‬

‫ىم ٍن قى ى‬
“Whoever says such things as are inappropriate, will hear such things as he
does not like.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.


ً ‫اجتًنى‬
‫اب ٍاْلثى ًاـ‬ ً ً ‫ٍجس ًم فًي ًقلَّ ًة الطَّع ًاـ ك‬ ً
ً ‫ص َّحةي ال‬
ٍ ‫ص َّحةي الرٍك ًح ف ٍي‬ ‫ى ى‬ ٍ ٍ
“The health of the body lies in eating little, and the health of the Rooh lies in
abstaining from sins.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.


ً ‫ىخيػر الٍمعرك‬
‫ؼ ىما لى ٍم يىػتىػ ىق َّد ٍموي ىمطى هل ىكلى ٍم يىػ ٍتبىػ ٍعوي ىمن‬ ٍ‫ٍ ي ى ٍي‬
“The best of good deeds is that which is not preceded by delays and excuses,
and which is not followed up by reminders (i.e. reminding the recipient of what
one has done for them).”


‫ىخ ٍيػ ير‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫الٍمعرك‬
‫ؼ‬ ٍ‫ى ٍي‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫لى ٍم يىػتىػ ىق َّد ٍـ‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense

‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬
verb) with ‫ىم‬
ٍ ‫ل‬.

‫يق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun), and the ‫ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫ىمطى هل‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer of ‫)لىم يػتػ ىقدَّـ‬.

‫اع هل‬ ٍ ‫ٍ ىى‬

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object), joins up to become
a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ ىعلىٍيو‬
ً ‫( معطيو ه‬Coupled To).
ٍ ٍ‫ى‬

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫لى ٍم يىػ ٍتبى ٍع‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
verb) with ‫ىم‬
ٍ ‫ل‬.

‫يق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun), and the ‫ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫ىمن‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer of ‫)لىم يػ ٍتبع‬.

‫اع هل‬ ٍ‫ٍ ىى‬

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object), joins up to become
a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). ‫ؼ‬
‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
(Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) join up to become the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the
‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to
become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause).


ِّ ‫س فً ٍي ال ىٍع ىالنًيَّ ًة ىكييػ ىوالًٍي ًو فً ٍي‬

‫الس ِّر‬ ‫ي‬ ً‫ىل تى يكن ًم َّمن يَّػلٍعن إًبل‬
‫ٍ ٍ ىي ٍ ى‬
“Do not be from those who curse Iblees in public yet befriend him in private.”


‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause), is

The Tarkeeb for this sentence, and that it is a ‫شائًيَّةه‬


‫اْل ٍمتً ىحا يف ىما يى َّد ًع ٍي ًو‬

ًٍ ‫ضح‬ ًً ً
‫ىم ٍن تىػ ىزيَّأى بغىٍي ًر ىما يى ىو ف ٍيو فى ى ى‬
“Whoever (attributes) to himself such (qualities) as he does not truly possess,
shall be exposed at the time of examination.”


‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫تىػ ىزيَّأى‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person). It
is on ‫ل‬ ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يىو‬, is the ‫اعل‬ ً
ٍ ‫اب التَّػ ىفع‬
‫بى ي‬. The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫ى‬ ‫( فى ه‬Doer).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫غىٍي ًر‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫يى ىو‬ = ً ‫ض ًميػر م ٍنػ ىف‬

‫ص هل‬ ‫( ى ٍ ه ي‬Detached Pronoun).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
‫ ىكائً هن‬which is ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىكائً هن‬is on the word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬
ً (Adjective). Along
with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫ق‬
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), it becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the ‫موصو هؿ‬
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
(Relative Pronoun). The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to
become the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) of the earlier ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession). The ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the
‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with the ‫ل‬ ً ً ِّ
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) ‫تىػ ىزيَّأى‬. ‫تىػ ىزيَّأى‬, along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫يمتىػ ىعل هق‬
(Connection), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
ً (Link) of the first ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
ً (Link) join up to become the ‫( مبتى ىدأه‬Subject).
Pronoun) and ‫صلىةه‬ ٍ‫ي‬

‫ض ىح‬
‫فى ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense

‫اْل ٍمتً ىحا يف‬

ًٍ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun), with the

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬
ٍ ‫اىلَّذ‬.
meaning of ‫م‬

‫يى َّد ًع ٍي‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) along with its ‫اع هل‬

‫ًق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun) and the ‫ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object), joins up to become
ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun) and
the ‫صلىةه‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
ً (Link) join up to become the ‫( م ٍفعو هؿ فًي ًو‬Adverb) of the verb ‫ضح‬
‫صلىةه‬ ٍ ٍ‫ى ي‬ ‫فى ى ى‬. ‫ض ىح‬
‫فى ى‬, along with
ً ًً ًً
its ‫ل‬‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ ف ٍيو‬Adverb), joins up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫اء إًلىٍيػ ىها‬
‫ىس ى‬ ً ‫ىح ىس ىن إًلىٍيػ ىها ىكبيػ ٍغ‬
‫ض ىم ٍن أ ى‬ ٍ ‫ب ىم ٍن أ‬ ‫يجبًلىت الٍ يقلي ٍو ي‬
ِّ ‫ب ىعلىى يح‬
“Hearts are inherently disposed to loving those who are good to them and
hating those who are bad to them.”


ً ‫جبًلى‬
‫ت‬ ً
‫ي‬ = ‫ٍمجه ٍو يؿ‬
‫اضي ال ي‬
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Passive, past-tense
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular, Feminine, Third-Person).
ً ‫اح يد الٍمئىػن ي‬
‫َّث الٍغىائ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬

‫الٍ يقلي ٍو ي‬ = ً ‫( نىائًب الٍ ىف‬Substitute Doer).
‫اع ًل‬ ‫ي‬

‫ىعلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ِّ ‫يح‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ىح ىس ىن‬
ٍ‫أ‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫إًلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىىا‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
ً ً ً
‫س ىن‬ ٍ ‫أ‬, which is the ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
‫ىح ى‬
(Connection), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
ً (Link) join up to become the ‫اؼ إًلىي ًو‬
Pronoun) and ‫صلىةه‬ ٍ ‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) of the earlier

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to
become the ‫ؼ عىلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

ً ‫بيػ ٍغ‬
‫ض‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ىس ى‬
‫أى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫إًلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىىا‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive

ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ً ً ً
‫أ ى‬, which is the ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connection), joins up to become the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link) of the earlier ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
Pronoun). The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to become the
‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) of the ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬ ‫يم ى‬
(Possessor) join up to become the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). The ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection)
and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) joins up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the earlier
‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with the ‫ل‬ ً ٍ ‫ يجبًلى‬. The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫اع ًل‬ ً ‫نىائًب الٍ ىف‬
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) ‫ت‬ ‫ي‬
(Substitute Doer) and ‫ق‬ ً ً
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), joins up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
(Verbal Clause).


‫اج ور ىك ىح ًك ٍي هم ًم ٍن‬
ً ‫ف ًمن ىدنً ٍّي كبار ًمن فى‬
ٍ ‫ىى‬ ٍ ‫ه‬ ‫ي‬
ٍ‫ر‬ً ‫ش‬
‫ى‬ ‫ثىىالثىةه ىل يػ ٍنتى ًفعو ىف ًمن ثىىالثى و‬
‫ة‬ ٍ ٍ‫ى ي‬
‫اى ول‬ ‫ى‬
“Three (types of people) do not benefit from three: A noble person for an ignoble
one, a good person from an evil one, and a wise man from an ignoramus.”


‫ثىىالثىةه‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىل يىػ ٍنتى ًف يع ٍو ىف‬ = ‫ؼ‬‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍن ًف ٍي ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬

‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-
tense negative verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫ٍج ٍم يع ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬
‫( اىل ى‬Plural, Masculine,
Third-Person). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ٍم‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ثىىالثىوة‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
the ‫ل‬ ً ً ً ِّ
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb). The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection),
joins up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and
‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) joins up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause).

‫ف‬‫ىش ًريٍ ه‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىدنً ٍّي‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
‫ ىل يىػ ٍنتى ًف يع‬, which is ‫ؼ‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫متػعلِّ هق‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىل يىػ ٍنتى ًف يع‬, along with its ‫اع هل‬ ‫يى ى‬
(Connection), join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬ ً ً
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬

(Predicate) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of a ‫ؼ‬ ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted
‫أ ى‬. The ‫ؼ( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬
Subject), which is ‫ىح يد يى ٍم‬ ‫ ) ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause). The Tarkeeb for the second and third part of
this sentence is the same, with their omitted ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) being ‫ ثىانًٍي ًه ٍم‬and ‫ثىالًثيػ يه ٍم‬


‫ىح هد‬‫أ‬ ‫و‬ ‫ع‬ ً ‫اؿ ىع ٍقلً ًو أى ٍف َّل ي ىخ‬

‫اد‬ ً ‫م‬‫ك‬‫ى‬ ‫ن‬‫م‬ً‫ادع أىح ندا ك‬
ً ‫اف أى ٍف َّل ي ىخ‬
ً ‫اْلنٍس‬
ًٍ ً‫ًمن حز‬
‫ى‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى ى ٍ ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬ ٍ‫ٍ ى‬
“From the prudence of a person is that he deceives no one, and from the
perfection of his intelligence is that no one deceives him.”


‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىح ٍزًـ‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫اْلنٍس‬
‫اف‬ ‫ًٍ ى‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to
become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائً هن‬, which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىكائً هن‬is on the word
form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective). Along with its ‫( إًسم‬Noun) and ‫( متىػعلِّ هق‬Connection), it
‫ٍه‬ ‫يى‬
becomes the ‫َّـ‬ ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر يم ىقد ه‬Advanced Predicate).

‫أى ٍف‬ = ً َّ‫ؼ الن‬

ً ‫اص‬
‫ب‬ ‫ىح ٍر ي‬ (Accusative causing

‫ع‬ ً ‫َّل ي ىخ‬

‫اد ى‬ ‫ضار ًًع ال ىٍم ٍن ًف ِّي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬
‫( فً ٍع يل ال يٍم ى‬Active, present-
‫ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
ً ً
tense, negative verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine,
Third-Person). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ىح ندا‬
‫أى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object), joins up to become
a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn – by way of one interpretation –
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه يم ىؤخ ه‬Delayed Subject). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join
becomes the ‫َّر‬
up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
‫( ىعلىٍي ًو‬Coupled To). The Tarkeeb for the rest of the sentence should be clear to the
reader. It becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection), and the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ‬
‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
‫( ىعلىٍي ًو‬Coupled To) then join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه‬Conjunctive Clause).


ً ‫ع فًيػها‬ ًً
‫ب الٍ ىك ىالًـ فىًإ ٍف لَّ ٍم‬ ‫ي‬‫ط‬ ‫اؿ لي ٍق ىما يف ًًْلبٍنو يىا بيػنى َّي إً َّف الٍ يقلي ٍو ى‬
‫ب ىم ىزارًعي فىا ٍزىر ٍ ٍ ى ٍ ى‬ ‫قى ى‬
‫ضوي‬ ‫ت بىػ ٍع ي‬ ‫ت يكلوي يىػ ٍنبي ي‬ٍ ‫يىػ ٍنبي‬
“Luqmaan (the Wise) said to his son, „O my son, indeed, hearts are (like)
plantations, so sew therein good speech, for, even if all of it does not grow,
some of it will.”


‫قى ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

‫ليٍق ىما يف‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫اع هل‬

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ابٍ ًن‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive
case) and the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor)
join up to become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition)
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with ‫اؿ‬
and its ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ‫قى ى‬. ‫اؿ‬
‫قى ى‬, along
ً ِّ
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection), becomes the ‫( قىػ ٍو هؿ‬Statement).
with its ‫ل‬

‫يىا‬ = ‫ؼ النِّ ىد ًاء‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Exclamation),

which stands in place of ‫( أى ٍدعي ٍو‬I call). ‫ أى ٍدعي ٍو‬is a ‫ل‬ ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with a ‫( فىاع هل‬i.e. the
‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫ ى‬inside of it, which is “‫)”أىنىا‬.

‫بيػنى َّي‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

َّ = ‫( يىاءي ال يٍمتى ىكلِّ ًم‬The ‫ يىاءه‬of 1st Person), and
the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to
become the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object) of the ‫ل‬ ً ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) ‫أى ٍد يع ٍو‬. The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫فىاع هل‬
(Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object), joins up to become the ‫( نً ىداءه‬Exclamation).

‫إً َّف‬ = ‫شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل‬

‫ؼ يم ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ه‬Verb resembling

‫الٍ يقلي ٍو ى‬ = ‫( إً ٍس يم إً َّف‬Noun of ‫)إً َّف‬.

‫ىم ىزار ي‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ ير إً َّف‬Predicate of ‫)إً َّف‬.

‫إً َّف‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate), joins up to become the ‫س هر‬
َّ ‫يم ىف‬
(Explained Matter).

‫ى‬ = ‫( فىاءي التَّػ ٍف ًس ٍي ًر‬The ‫ فىاءه‬of Explanation).

ٍ ‫ا ٍزىر‬ = ً ‫( فً ٍعل ٍاْلىم ًر الٍح‬Second-person verb of
‫اض ًر‬ ‫ي ٍ ى‬
command). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the ‫اع هل‬

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىىا‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
case). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬

ٍ ‫إً ٍزىر‬.
(Connected) with ‫ع‬

‫ب‬ ‫ي‬ ً
‫ٍى‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫الٍ ىك ىالًـ‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) joins up to become the ‫ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬
ً ً ًً ِّ
The ‫ل‬‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer), ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection),
joins up to become the ‫س هر‬ َّ ‫( يم ىف‬Explained Matter).

‫ى‬ = ‫( فىاءي التَّػ ٍف ًس ٍي ًر‬The ‫ فىاءه‬of Explanation).

‫إً ٍف‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

ٍ ‫لَّ ٍم يىػ ٍنبي‬

‫ت‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬
verb) with ‫ىم‬
ٍ ‫ل‬.

‫يكل‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫ى‬ (Pronoun) and ‫إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become
the ‫ل‬ ً ً ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer). The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb) joins up with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) to become the ‫ط‬ ‫ىش ٍر ه‬

‫يىػ ٍنبي ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬

‫بىػ ٍع ي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫ى‬ (Pronoun) and ‫إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become
the ‫ل‬ ً ً ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer). The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb) joins up with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) to become the ‫ىج ىزاءه‬
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) joins up to become a ‫ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه‬
(Result). The ‫ط‬ ‫يج ٍملىةه‬
(Conditional Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( تىػ ٍف ًس ٍيػ هر‬Explanation) of the ‫س هر‬َّ ‫يم ىف‬
(Explained Matter). This ‫( تىػ ٍف ًس ٍيػ هر‬Explanation) and ‫س هر‬
َّ ‫( يم ىف‬Explained Matter) again
join up to become the ‫( تىػ ٍف ًس ٍيػ هر‬Explanation) of the first ‫س هر‬ َّ ‫( يم ىف‬Explained Matter).
The ‫( تىػ ٍف ًس ٍيػ هر‬Explanation) and ‫س هر‬
َّ ‫( يم ىف‬Explained Matter) join up to become the ‫ادل‬ ‫يمنى ى‬
(Vocative). The ‫( نً ىداءه‬Exclamation) and its ‫ادل‬ ‫( يمنى ى‬Vocative) join up to become the
‫( ىم يق ٍولىةه‬Statement) of the ‫( قىػ ٍو هؿ‬Word). 53 The ‫( قىػ ٍو هؿ‬Word) and ‫( ىم يق ٍولىةه‬Statement) joins
up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause).


‫َّاس ىل يى ٍسأىليٍو ىف فً ٍي ىك ٍم فىػ ىر ى‬

‫غ‬ ً
‫ب تى ٍج ًويٍ ىدهي فىإ َّف الن ى‬
ٍ ‫ب يس ٍر ىعةى ال ىٍع ىم ًل ىكاطٍلي‬
ٍ ‫ىل تىطٍلي‬
‫ص ٍنػ ىعتً ًو‬ ً ‫كإًنَّما يػ ٍنظيرك ىف إًلىى إًتٍػ ىقانًًو كجو ىد‬
‫ى ىٍ ى‬ ٍ‫ى ى ى ي‬
“Do not seek to complete the work quickly; seek to complete it well, because
people do not ask (or care) about how fast it was accomplished, but rather,
they look at its accuracy and excellence of design.”


ٍ ‫ىل تىطٍلي‬ ‫ؼ‬ = ً ‫( فً ٍعل النَّ ًهي الٍح‬Active, second-
‫اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ‫ٍ ى‬ ‫ي‬
person verb of prohibition). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬ ‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the
ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫يس ٍر ىع ىة‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

The ‫ قىػ ٍو هؿ‬can be thought of as the “‫ل‬ ً

‫( ”ف ٍع ه‬verb), whilst the ‫( ىم يق ٍولىةه‬Statement) can be thought of as the “‫” ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ‬

(Object). In other words, the “‫ ”قىػ ٍو هؿ‬is the action of stating, whilst the ‫ ىم يق ٍولىةه‬here is what was spoken about. It is the
same with the ‫ نً ىداءه‬and the ‫ادل‬
‫ يمنى ى‬.
‫ال ىٍع ىم ًل‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬
‫ض ه‬
ً ً ًً
(Object). The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) joins up to
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ً‫ؼ ىعلىٍيو‬
become a ‫شائًيَّةه‬ ‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
(Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

ٍ ‫اطٍلي‬ = ً ‫( فً ٍعل ٍاْلىم ًر الٍح‬Active, second-
‫اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬
‫ؼ‬ ‫ي ٍ ى‬
person verb of command). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬
‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the
ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫تى ٍج ًويٍ ىد‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun), and the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become
the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object). The ‫ل‬ ً ً ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object)
joins up to become a ‫شائًيَّةه‬‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). The ‫ؼ‬‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) joins up
to become the ‫ل‬ َّ
‫( يم ىعل ه‬Warranted Command)

‫ى‬ = ‫َّعلً ٍي ًل‬
ٍ ‫( فىاءي التػ‬The ‫ فىاءه‬of Reasoning).

‫إً َّف‬ = ‫شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل‬

‫ؼ يم ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ه‬Verb resembling

‫الن ى‬ = ‫( إً ٍس يم إً َّف‬Noun of ‫)إً َّف‬.

‫ىل يى ٍسأىليٍو ىف‬ = ‫ضار ًًع ال ىٍمنٍ ًف ِّي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬

‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع يل ال يٍم ى‬Active, present-
tense, negative verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ً ‫فى‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ٍم‬, is the ‫اع هل‬

‫ يم ىعلَّ هل‬is a command given which requires an “‫( ” ًعلٌةه‬reason; justification).
‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىك ٍم‬ = ‫( يم ىميَّػ هز‬Ambiguous Noun).

‫( مدَّةو‬time frame), which is ‫ؼ‬

‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted), is the ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫ي‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫فىػ ىر ى‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) along with its ‫اع هل‬

The ‫ل‬ ً
ً ‫ )فىػر ى‬along with its ‫اعل‬ ً
‫غ( ف ٍع ه‬‫ى‬ ‫( فى ه‬Doer), joins up to become the ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective). The
‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to become the ‫( تىم ٍيػ هز‬Clarifying
Noun) of the ‫( يم ىميَّػ هز‬Ambiguous Noun). The ‫( تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬Clarifying Noun) and ‫يم ىميَّػ هز‬
(Ambiguous Noun) join up to become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition).
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫متػعلِّ هق‬
‫ ىل يى ٍسأىل ٍيو ىف‬, which is the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫اع هل‬ ‫يى ى‬
(Connection), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬ ً ً
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫ؼ عىلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫إً َّف‬ = ‫شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل‬

‫ؼ يم ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ه‬Verb resembling

‫ىما‬ = ‫ ىماءي الٍ ىكافَّ ًة‬. 55

‫يىػ ٍنظييرٍك ىف‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) along with its ‫اع هل‬

‫إًلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫إًتٍػ ىق‬
‫اف‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

This ‫ ىماءه‬is known as the ‫ ىماءه‬of “‫كافَّةي‬

‫”اىلٍ ى‬, meaning “entirety; altogether; one and all”. So it can be termed in English

as “The ‘‫ ’ ىماءه‬of Entirety”.

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫ى‬ (Pronoun) and ‫إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬

The ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
(Coupled To).

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫ىج ٍو ىد ًة‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ص ٍنػ ىع ًة‬
‫ى‬ = ‫إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬ (Possessor) and ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬

‫ًق‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ً‫اؼ إًلىيو‬
ٍ ‫ض ه‬ ‫يم ى‬
(Possessor) of the first ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possession). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor) join up to become the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). The ‫ؼ‬‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection)
and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) joins up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the ‫ىجر‬
(Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with the ‫ل‬ ً ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬which is ‫)يىػ ٍنظييرٍك ىف‬. The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer)
and ‫ق‬‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), joins up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which
in turn becomes the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection). The ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ً‫ؼ ىعلىٍيو‬ ‫ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬
(Coupled To) joins up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ ير إً َّف‬Predicate of ‫)إً َّف‬. ‫إً َّف‬, along with its ‫إً ٍس هم‬
(Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ‫ل‬ ً َّ
‫( تىػ ٍعل ٍي ه‬Reason) of the ‫( يم ىعل هل‬Warranted Command). The
‫( تىػ ٍعلً ٍي هل‬Reason) and ‫( يم ىعلَّ هل‬Warranted Command) joins up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه تىػ ٍعلً ٍيلًيَّةه‬
(Warranted Clause).


ً ٍ‫ىل تى ٍدفىػ ىع َّن ىعمالن ىعن كقٍتً ًو فىًإ َّف لًلٍوق‬

‫ت الَّ ًذ ٍم تى ٍدفىػ يعوي إًلىٍي ًو ىع ىمالن آ ىخ ىر‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى ٍ ى‬

“Do not delay (carrying out) some work from its (proper) time, because there is,
for the time you are intending to delay the work until, other work (to be done).”


‫ىل تى ٍدفىػ ىع َّن‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ً ‫( فً ٍعل النَّ ًهي الٍح‬Active, second-

‫اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ‫ٍ ى‬ ‫ي‬
person verb of prohibition) with ‫( اىلنػ ٍو يف الث ًَّق ٍيػلىةي‬The Heavy ‫)نػي ٍو هف‬. 56 The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫( ى‬Pronoun)
inside of it, which is “‫ت‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the ‫اع هل‬

‫ىع ىمالن‬ = ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫ىع ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ت‬ ً ٍ‫كق‬
‫ى‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun) and the ً‫اؼ إًل ٍىيو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become
the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb),
ً ًً ِّ
along with its ‫ل‬ ‫( فىاع ه‬Doer), ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection), joins up to
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫يم ىعلَّ هل‬
become a ‫شائًيَّةه‬
(Warranted Command).

‫ى‬ = ‫َّعلً ٍي ًل‬
ٍ ‫( فىاءي التػ‬The ‫ فىاءه‬of Reasoning).

‫إً َّف‬ = ‫شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل‬

‫ؼ يم ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ه‬Verb resembling

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ٍ‫الٍوق‬
‫ت‬ ‫ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫الَّ ًذ ٍم‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

56 ً ‫( اىلنػو يف الث‬The Heavy ‫)نػيو هف‬.

The ‫ َّف‬at the end of the word. This is known as ‫َّق ٍيػلىةي‬ ٍ ٍ
‫تى ٍدفى يع‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) along with its ‫اع هل‬

‫يق‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun) and ‫( ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫إًلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
ً ً ً ًً ِّ
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb). The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer), ‫( ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بو‬Object) and ‫يمتىػ ىعل هق‬
the ‫ل‬
(Connection), joins up to become the ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Link). The ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun)
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
ً (Link) join up to become the ‫ص ىفةه‬
and its ‫صلىةه‬ ً (Adjective) of the ‫ؼ‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described
Noun). The ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to become the
‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائً هن‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىكائً هن‬is on
the word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective). Along with its ‫( إًسم‬Noun) and ‫( متىػعلِّ هق‬Connection),
‫ٍه‬ ‫يى‬
it becomes the ‫َّـ‬ ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر يم ىقد ه‬Advanced Predicate).

‫ىع ىمالن‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫آ ىخ ىر‬ = ً (Adjective).
‫ص ىفةه‬

The ‫ؼ‬‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun) and ‫( ص ىفةه‬Adjective) join up to become the ‫َّر‬ ‫إً ٍس هم يم ىؤخ ه‬
(Delayed Noun) of ‫إً َّف‬. ‫إً َّف‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate), joins up to
become the ‫ل‬ ً َّ َّ
‫( تىػ ٍعل ٍي ه‬Reason) of the ‫( يم ىعل هل‬Warranted Command). The ‫( يم ىعل هل‬Warranted
Command) and ‫ل‬ ً ًً
‫( تىػ ٍعل ٍي ه‬Reason) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه تىػ ٍعل ٍيليَّةه‬Warranted Clause).


‫ت ىد ىخلى ىها الٍ ىخلى يل‬ ً ‫ت تي ًط ٍي يق ًًْل ٍزًد ىح ًاـ ٍاْلى ٍعم‬
ٍ ‫اؿ ًْلىنَّػ ىها إً ىذا ا ٍز ىد ىح ىم‬ ‫ىكلى ٍس ى‬

“And you cannot afford to delay work, because when work piles up, disorder
and faults set in.”


‫ىك‬ = ً ‫اْلستًأٍنى‬
‫اؼ‬ ٍ ًٍ ‫( ىك ياك‬The ‫ ىك هاك‬of Commencing). 57

‫لى ٍس ى‬ = ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside
‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun).
of it, which is “‫ت‬ 58

‫تي ًط ٍي يق‬ ‫( فً ٍع يل ال يٍم ى‬Present-tense verb). The

‫ضار ًًع‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫ت‬
‫”أىنٍ ى‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫إً ٍزًد ىح ًاـ‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫ٍاْلى ٍعم‬
‫اؿ‬ ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ى‬ = ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up
ً ‫فى‬
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫اع هل‬
to become ‫ق‬
(Doer) and ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), joins up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ‫ل‬ َّ
‫( يم ىعل ه‬Warranted Command).

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫َّعلً ٍي ًل‬

ٍ ‫( ىل يـ التػ‬The „‫ ‟ ىل هـ‬of Reasoning).

َّ ‫أ‬
‫ىف‬ = ‫شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل‬
‫ؼ يم ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ه‬Verb resembling

‫ىىا‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun), and the ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) of
َّ ‫أ‬.

In this case, meaning “of commencing a new sentence”.
i.e. the ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) of ‫ت‬
‫ىس ى‬
ٍ ‫ل‬. ‫س‬ ً
‫ لىيٍ ى‬has both an ‫( إ ٍس هم‬Noun) and a ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫إً ىذا‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬
َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

ٍ ‫ا ٍز ىد ىح ىم‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular,
ً ‫اح يد الٍمئىػن ي‬
‫َّث الٍغىائ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬ Feminine, Third-Person).

‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” ًىي‬, is the

The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The ‫( فًعل‬Verb)
‫اع هل‬
‫ى‬ ‫ٍه‬
joins up with its ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) to become the ‫ط‬
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫ىد ىخ ىل‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

‫ىىا‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun), and the ً‫ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍيو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬

‫الٍ ىخلى يل‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫اع هل‬

The ‫ل‬ ً ً ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًو‬Adverb), joins up to become

‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and
a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬ becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn ‫ىش ٍر ه‬
(Condition) and ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) joins up to become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه‬ ‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause),
which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of ‫إً َّف‬. ‫إً َّف‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and
‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate), joins up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause), which in
turn becomes the ‫ل‬ ً ً َّ
‫( تىػ ٍعل ٍي ه‬Reason). The ‫( تىػ ٍعل ٍي هل‬Reason) and ‫( يم ىعل هل‬Warranted
Command) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه تىػ ٍعلً ٍيلًيَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Warranted Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of ‫ت‬ ‫ىس ى‬
ٍ ‫ل‬. ‫ت‬
‫ىس ى‬ ٍ ‫ل‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause).


‫ب ال ىٍع ٍه ًد بىال ًٍغنىى ىكغىنًي‬‫ي‬

ٍ‫ر‬ً ‫ق‬
‫ى‬ ‫ر‬‫ػ‬ ‫ي‬ ً‫ اىلٍح يقو يد كالٍحسو يد كفى‬,‫ًستَّةه ىل تيػ ىفا ًرقيػهم الٍ ىكاٍبةي‬
‫ي ٍ ى ى ٍ ى ى يٍ ى ه ي‬
‫س‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬
‫ى‬ ‫ك‬ ً
‫ب‬ ‫د‬
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
ٍ ‫ل‬ ً ‫ىى‬ٍ ‫أ‬ ‫س‬ ‫ي‬ ً‫ي ٍخ ىشى الٍ ىف ٍقر كطىالًب رتٍػب وة يػ ٍقصر ىع ٍنػها قى ٍدرهي كجل‬
‫ى ى‬ ٍ ‫ى ى ي ي ى ى يي ى ي ى ى ي‬
ٍ ‫ى‬
‫ًم ٍنػ يه ٍم‬
“There are six types of people who will never be free from sorrow: a malicious
person, an envious person, a poor person who had recently been wealthy, a
rich man who fears poverty, a person seeking a position which his status (in
society) prevents him from attaining, and a person sitting with people of
nobility whilst he is not one of them.”


‫ًستَّةه‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىل تيػ ىفا ًرقيػ يه ٍم الٍ ىكاٍبىةي‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫م ٍفعو هؿ‬
‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), ‫اع هل‬ ٍ‫ى ي‬

They join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬

‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the
‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

Thereafter, ‫ٍح يق ٍو يد‬

‫ اىل ى‬becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of ‫ىح يد يى ٍم‬ ‫أ ى‬, which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted).
Similarly, ‫س ٍو يد‬ ‫ ال ى‬becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of ‫ثىان ٍي ًه ٍم‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
‫ٍح ي‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted).
The rest of the sentence follows this same Tarkeeb pattern.

The last portion, which is ‫ب‬ً ‫ ىك ىجلً ٍيس أ ٍىى ًل ٍاْل ىىد‬, is ‫اؼ‬‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ً‫اؼ إًل ٍىيو‬
‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor), which joins up to become the ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition).
What comes after becomes the ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ىح ه‬Condition), and the ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the
‫( ىح ه‬Conditoin) then join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of
Condition) and ‫اؿ‬
ً ‫س‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
‫اد يس يه ٍم‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). Lastly, the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join
up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


‫اْلنٍبً ىسا ي‬ ًٍ ‫اع ىد ىة ىك‬ ً ً

‫ط‬ ‫ب ال يٍمبى ى‬‫ب ال ىٍم ىو َّد ىة ىك يس ٍوءي الٍ يخل ًٍق ييػ ٍوج ي‬
‫يح ٍس ين الٍ يخل ًٍق ييػ ٍوج ي‬
ً ً ً ‫اْلنًٍقب ي‬ ً
‫ت‬‫الم ٍق ى‬‫ب ى‬ ‫ب ال ىٍو ٍح ىشةى ىكالٍك ٍبػ ير ييػ ٍوج ي‬ ‫اض ييػ ٍوج ي‬ ‫ب ال يٍم ىؤانى ىسةى ىك ًٍ ى‬ ‫ييػ ٍوج ي‬
‫ب ال ىٍم ىذ َّمةى‬ ‫ج‬ً ‫كالٍجو يد يػو ًجب الٍحم ىد كالٍب ٍخل يػو‬
‫ى ي ٍ يٍ ي ى ٍ ى ي ي يٍ ي‬
“Good character necessitates love; bad character necessitates isolation; a
happy nature necessitates amiability (friendliness); gloominess necessitates
loneliness; pride necessitates hatred; generosity necessitates praise, and
stinginess necessitates censure (critism).”
The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) in this sentence is clear.


ً ‫اْل ٍحس‬
‫اف يم ىكافىاةه ىكبىػ ٍع ىد‬ ً ‫د‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ػ‬‫ب‬‫ك‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ف‬ ً ‫اْل ٍحس‬
‫اف‬ ً ‫ل‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ػ‬‫ق‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ا‬ ‫س‬ ‫ح‬ ً
‫ْل‬ ‫ا‬ , ‫م‬ ً ‫اؿ ح‬
‫ى‬ ٍ ‫ى‬ ٍ ‫ه ىى‬ ٍ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ٍ ‫ى‬ ٍ ‫ى‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬ ٍ ٍ ‫ى‬ ‫قى ى ى ه‬
‫ي‬ٍ ‫ك‬
‫اء ًة يم ىج ىازاةه ىكبىػ ٍع ىد‬
‫ىى‬ ‫س‬ ً
ٍ ‫د‬
‫ى‬ ‫ع‬
ٍ ‫ػ‬‫ب‬‫ك‬
‫ه ىى‬ ‫ٍم‬
‫ل‬ ‫ظ‬
‫ي‬ ً ‫اْلساء‬
‫ة‬ ‫ًٍ ى ى ي ٍ ى ى ى ٍ ى ى ى‬
ًٍ ‫ل‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ػ‬‫ق‬
‫ى‬ ‫ة‬
‫ي‬ ‫اء‬ ‫س‬ ً
ٍ ‫ك‬ , ‫د‬‫ه‬ ‫و‬ ‫ج‬ ً ‫اْلساء‬
ً ‫اْل ٍحس‬
‫اف لى ٍوهـ‬ ‫ًٍ ى‬
“A wise man said: kindness (i.e. doing good) prior to kindness (i.e. people doing
good to you) is a virtue; after kindness (from people) it is repayment, and after
being wronged it is generosity. Harming people before (they) harm (you) is
oppression; after (being) oppressed it is retribution, and after kindness (from
people) it is blameworthy.”


‫قى ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense

‫ىح ًك ٍي هم‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫اع هل‬

Thereafter, the ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) in each sentence is clear. The
first sentence is clear; in the second and third sentences, ‫سا يف‬ ‫ اىًٍْل ٍح ى‬is brought in
as a ‫ؼ‬‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted Subject). Thereafter, the fourth sentence is clear; in the
fifth and sixth sentences, ‫ساءىةي‬ ‫ اىًٍْل ى‬is brought in as a ‫ؼ‬
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted subject).
Then, all of the sentences are linked by way of ‫ٍف‬ ‫( اىل ىٍعط ي‬i.e. becoming ‫ؼ‬ ‫ ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬and
‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫) ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬, and they all then join up to become the ‫( ىم يق ٍولىةه‬Statement) of ‫اؿ‬
‫قى ى‬. Lastly,
the ‫ل‬ ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم يق ٍولىةه‬Statement), joins up to become
a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause).


ً ً ‫ثىىالثىةه ىل يػ ٍعرفيػو ىف إًَّل فًي ثىىالثىًة مو‬
,‫ب‬ ‫اع إًَّل ع ٍن ىد ال ى‬
ً ‫ٍح ٍر‬ ‫ؼ الش ىج ي‬ ‫ ىل ييػ ٍع ىر ي‬:‫اض ىع‬ ‫ىى‬ ٍ ٍ ‫يى‬
‫اج ًة‬ ‫ٍح‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫د‬ ‫ن‬ ً ‫الص ًدي يق إًَّل‬
‫ع‬ ‫ؼ‬ ‫ر‬‫ع‬ ‫ػ‬‫ي‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ك‬ , ً
‫ب‬ ‫ض‬ ‫غ‬ ٍ
‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫د‬ ‫ن‬ ً ‫ؼ الٍحلًيم إًَّل‬
‫ى ى‬ ‫ى‬ ٍ ٍ َّ ‫ي‬ ٍ
‫ى يى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ٍ ‫ىكىل ييػ ٍع ىر ي ى ٍ ي‬
“Three types of people are not known except on three occasions: (who is) a
brave man is not known until the time of battle, (who is) a tolerant person is
not known until the time of anger, and (who is) a (true) friend is not known
until the time of need.”


‫ثىىالثىةه‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىل ييػ ٍع ىرفيػ ٍو ىف‬ = ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Passive, present-tense

‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍج يه ٍو هؿ‬
verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ً ‫( نىائًب الٍ ىف‬Substitute
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ٍم‬, is the ‫اع ًل‬ ‫ي‬

‫إًَّل‬ = ‫اْل ٍستًثٍػنى ًاء‬

ًٍ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Exclusion).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ثىىالثىًة‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫مو‬
‫اض ىع‬ ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ىى‬ = ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up
to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) ‫ ىل ييػ ٍع ىرفيػ ٍو ىف‬. The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), along with
ً ‫( نىائًب الٍ ىف‬Substitute Doer) and ‫( متػعلِّ هق‬Connection), joins up to become a ‫جملىةه‬
its ‫اع ًل‬ ‫ي‬ ‫يى ى‬ ٍ‫ي‬
‫( فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬
(Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).
The Tarkeeb for the rest of the paragraph is the same as this above.


ً ‫ىل تىػ يقل إًَّل بًما ي‬
ٍ ‫ب ىع ٍن ى نى ٍش يرهي ىكىل تىػ ٍف ىع ٍل إًَّل ىما يي ٍسطىير لى ى أ‬
‫ىج يرهي‬ ‫ي‬ٍ ‫ط‬
‫ى ى ي‬ ٍ
“Do not say except such things which you are happy about them being spread
about you, and do not do except such actions, the reward of which will be
written down for you.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.


‫ص ٍح لً ىم ٍن ىل يىثً ٍق بً ى ىكىل تي ًش ٍر ىعلىى ىم ٍن ىل يىػ ٍقبى يل ًم ٍن ى‬

‫ىل تىػ ٍن ى‬
“Do not give advice to the one who does not have confidence in you, and do not
give a suggestion to the one who does not accept from you.”


‫ص ٍح‬
‫ىل تىػ ٍن ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ً ‫( فً ٍعل النَّ ًهي الٍح‬Active, second-
‫اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ‫ٍ ى‬ ‫ي‬
person verb of prohibition).

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ىل يىثً ٍق‬ = ‫ضار ًًع ال ىٍم ٍن ًف ِّي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬

‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع يل ال يٍم ى‬Active, present-
tense, negative verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ً ‫فى‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address), and
the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become
ً ‫( فى‬Doer)
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) ‫ ىل يىثً ٍق‬. The ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫اع هل‬

‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), joins up to become the ‫صلىةه‬
and ‫ق‬ ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
Pronoun). The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to become the
‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb) ‫ص ٍح‬ ً
‫ ىل تىػ ٍن ى‬. The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb),
along with its ‫ل‬ ً ِّ ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection), joins up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬
‫( إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause). The rest of the sentence follows this same Tarkeeb


ً‫فر‬ ‫ِّع ىم ًة فىًإنَّػ ىها ى‬ ً ً َّ ً‫ىل تىثً ٍق ب‬

‫اح هل‬‫ض ٍي ه ى‬ ٍ ‫الد ٍكلىة فىًإنَّػ ىها ظل ىزائً هل ىكىل تىػ ٍعتى ًم ٍد ىعلىى النػ‬
“Do not depend on a state, because it is a shadow which vanishes, and do not
depend upon a favour, because it is a guest which departs.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the previous one.


‫يكل أ ٍىم ور ىم ٍريى ٍو هف بًأ ٍىكقىاتًًو‬

“Every matter is dependent upon its times.”

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) in this sentence is clear.


‫ض يل ًم َّم ٍن يَّ ٍد ًر ٍم ىك يى ىو يىػتىػ ىعظَّ يم‬

‫اؿ ىل أى ٍد ًر ٍم ىك يى ىو يىػتىػ ىعلَّ يم فىػ يه ىو أىفٍ ى‬
‫ىم ٍن قى ى‬
“The one who says „I do not know‟, whilst he is learning, is better than the one
who knows, but is arrogant.”


‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun), and

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬
containing the meaning of ‫ط‬
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫قى ى‬ ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬
= ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the

‫ىل أى ٍد ًر ٍم‬ = ‫ضار ًًع ال ىٍم ٍن ًف ِّي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬

‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع يل ال يٍم ى‬Active, present-
tense, negative verb).The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ً ‫فى‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬
(Doer). The ‫ل‬ ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) joins up to become the ‫ىم يق ٍولىةه‬

‫ىك‬ = ‫ٍحالًيَّ ًة‬

‫( ىك ياك ال ى‬The ‫ ىك هاك‬of “Condition”).

‫يى ىو‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫يىػتىػ ىعلَّ يم‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The ‫فًعل‬
(Verb) and its ‫ل‬ ً ً ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in
turn becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫اؿ‬ ‫ىح ه‬
(Condition). The ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition) and its ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ىح ه‬Condition) join up
to become the ‫ل‬ ً ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫م يقولىةه‬
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) of ‫اؿ‬ ‫قى ى‬. ‫اؿ‬
‫قى ى‬, along with its ‫اع هل‬ ٍ ‫ى‬
(Statement), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬ ً ً
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫ى‬ = ‫ىج ىزائًيٌةه‬ (Result).

‫يى ىو‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

This ‫اك‬
‫ ىك ه‬signifies that the previous verb took place in the condition mentioned after it (i.e. after the ‫) ىك هاك‬.

‫ض يل‬‫أىفٍ ى‬ = ً ‫( إًسم التَّػ ٍف‬Superlative).
‫ض ٍي ًل‬ ‫ٍي‬

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫يَّ ٍد ًر ٍم‬ ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬
= ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the

‫ىك‬ = ‫ٍحالًيَّ ًة‬

‫( ىك ياك ال ى‬The ‫ ىك هاك‬of “Condition”).

‫يى ىو‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫يىػتىػ ىعظَّ يم‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬
‫ضا ًر ه‬‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
ً ً
verb) on ‫ل‬ ٍ ‫اب التَّػ ىفع‬ ‫بى ي‬. It is in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine,
Third-Person). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
ً ً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) and its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) join up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬
(Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become the ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ىح ه‬Condition) of the ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫ذي ٍك ال ى‬
(Owner of the Condition). The ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition) and its ‫اؿ‬ ‫ىح ه‬
ً ً
(Condition) join up to become the ‫ل‬ ‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) of ‫يى ٍد ًر ٍم‬. The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), along with
ً ً
its ‫ل‬ ‫( فىاع ه‬Doer), joins up to become the ‫( صلىةه‬Link) of the ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).
The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and its ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to become the ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up
to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with ‫ض يل‬ ‫أىفٍ ى‬, which is the ‫ض ٍي ًل‬ ً ‫( إًسم التَّػ ٍف‬Superlative). ‫ضل‬
‫ٍي‬ ‫أىفٍ ى ي‬,
along with its ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), joins up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of the
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه‬
‫( ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬ ‫ىش ٍر ه‬
(Condition) and ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) joins up to become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه‬ ‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause).


‫ٍح ٍك ىم ًة‬
ً ‫فًعل الٍح ًكي ًم ىل ي ٍخليو ىع ًن ال‬
ٍ ‫ٍي ى ٍ ى‬
“The action of a wise man is never devoid of wisdom.”

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) in this sentence, and its Tarkeeb, is clear.


‫ٍح ىر ًاـ ىكىل يح ٍس ىن ىك يح ٍس ًن الٍ يخلي ًق‬ ‫ىل ىع ٍق ىل ىكالتَّ ٍدبًٍي ًر ىكىل ىكىر ى‬
ِّ ‫ع ىكالٍ ىك‬
‫ف ىع ٍن ال ى‬
“There is no intelligence like planning, no piety like abstaining from Haraam,
and no goodness like good character.”


‫ىل‬ = ‫س‬ ً ‫( ىل اىلٌتًي لًنىػ ٍف ًي ال‬The „‫ ‟ ىل‬Which Negates

ً ‫ٍج ٍن‬ ٍ
an Entire Class).

‫ىع ٍق ىل‬ = The ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) of ‫ ىل‬. 60

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫التَّ ٍدبًٍي ًر‬ ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition)

and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائ هن‬, which is ‫ؼ‬ ‫ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬
(Omitted). ‫ ىكائً هن‬is on the word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective). Along with its ‫( إًسم‬Noun)
and ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connection), it becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫س‬ ً ‫( ىل اىلٌتًي لًنىػ ٍف ًي ال‬The „‫‟ ىل‬
ً ‫ٍج ٍن‬ ٍ
Which Negates an Entire Class), along with its ‫( إ ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate),
joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause). The Tarkeeb of the
remaining two sentences is the same as this one.

60 ً ‫ىل اىلٌتًي لًنىػ ٍف ًي ال‬

ً ‫ٍج ٍن‬
‫س‬ has both an ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and a ‫خ ٍبػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Predicate). Sometimes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) may be
omitted, if the meaning is understood. For example: ‫ٍس‬
‫بىأ ى‬ ‫ ىل‬. The ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) is ‫ ىعلىٍي ى‬, but this is omitted,
because the sentence is understood without it.

‫اـ إًلىى أىقٍػ ىواتً ىها‬ ً ً ً ً

‫ب إًلىى أىقٍػ ىوات ىها م ىن الٍح ٍك ىمة ىك ىما تى ٍحتى ي‬
‫اج ٍاْلى ٍج ىس ي‬ ‫اج الٍ يقلي ٍو ي‬
‫تى ٍحتى ي‬
‫ًم ىن الطَّ ىع ًاـ‬
“Hearts require nourishment from Hikmah (wisdom), just as bodies require
nourishment from food.”


‫تى ٍحتى ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular, Feminine, Third-Person).
ً ‫اح يد الٍمئىػن ي‬
‫َّث الٍغىائ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬

‫الٍ يقلي ٍو ي‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫إًلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫أىقٍػو‬
‫ات‬ ‫ى‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىىا‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun) and the ً‫اؼ إًل ٍىيو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) joins up to become
the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb).
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ٍح ٍك ىم ًة‬
ً ‫ال‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition)
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to also become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with the ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb).
and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ً ً ِّ ًً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) joins up with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعل ىقاف‬Two Connections) to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
The ‫ل‬
(Verbal Clause).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ؼ التَّ ٍشبًٍي ًو‬

‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Resembling).
‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).
‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫تى ٍحتى ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًر ه‬
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ً ‫( اىلٍو‬Singular, Feminine, Third-Person).
ً ‫اح يد الٍمئىػن ي‬
‫َّث الٍغىائ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬

‫ٍاْلى ٍج ىس ي‬
‫اـ‬ = ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫إًلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫أىقٍػو‬
‫ات‬ ‫ى‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىىا‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun) and the ً‫اؼ إًل ٍىيو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) joins up to become
the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with the ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb).
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫الطَّ ىع ًاـ‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
the ‫ل‬ ً ً ً ِّ
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb). The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb) joins up with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعل ىقاف‬Two Connections) to
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬ ً
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( صلىةه‬Link) of the
‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and ‫( صلىةه‬Link) join up to
become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
(Genitive) join up to become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with a ‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted Verb),
ً ً
which is ‫اج‬ ‫تى ٍحتى ي‬. The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb) ‫اج‬ ‫تى ٍحتى ي‬, along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connection), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Nominal Clause).


ً ‫ قىصر الٍ ًه َّم ًة كقًلَّةي ال‬:‫ب الٍمعالًي‬
‫ٍح ٍيػلى ًة ىك ي‬
‫ف‬‫ض ٍع ي‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ثىىالثىةه تى ٍمنى يع ال ىٍم ٍرىء ىع ٍن طىلى ً ى ى ٍ ٍ ي‬
‫الرأٍ ًم‬
“Three things prevent a person from achieving greatness: Low aspirations, little
planning and weak advice.”

The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of ‫ثىىالثىةه ىل ييػ ٍع ىرفيػ ٍو ىف‬.


‫ت ىكلى ٍو ىكا ىف فً ٍي ىمنىا ًزًؿ ٍاْلى ٍحيى ًاء ىكال يٍم ٍح ًس ين ىحي ىكلى ًو انٍػتىػ ىق ىل إًلىى‬
‫اىلظَّالً يم ىميِّ ه‬
‫ىمنىا ًزًؿ ال ىٍم ٍوتىى‬
“An oppressor is dead, even if he is in the houses of the living, whilst a person
who does good is alive, even if he goes to the abode of the dead.”


‫اىلٍظَّالً يم‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىميِّ ه‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Nominal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫َّـ‬ ‫( ىج ىزاءه يم ىقد ه‬Advanced Result).

‫ىك‬ = ‫صلًيَّ ًة‬

ٍ ‫( ىك ياك ال ىٍو‬Connected „‫)‟ ىك هاك‬.

‫لى ٍو‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫ىكا ىف‬ = ‫ص‬ ً ً

‫( ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬Auxiliary Verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
(Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىمنىا ًزًؿ‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ٍاْلى ٍحيى ًاء‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive)
of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to
become ‫ق‬ ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائًننا‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted), and they join up to
become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫ ىكا ىف‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate),
becomes the ‫َّر‬
‫ط ىم ىؤخ ه‬
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Delayed Condition). The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) joins up with its
‫َّـ‬ ً
‫( ىج ىزاءه يم ىقد ه‬Advanced Result) to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ىش ٍرطيَّةه‬Conditional Clause).


‫ضةى‬ َّ ‫ب ىكال ًٍف‬ ‫ى‬ َّ

‫الذ‬ ‫ل‬ ً
‫م‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ت‬
‫ى‬ ً
‫ر‬ ‫ي‬ ً
‫م‬ ‫ٍح‬
‫ل‬ ‫ا‬‫ك‬ ً
‫ب‬ ٍ
‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ً
‫ل‬ ‫ث‬ ‫م‬ ‫ك‬
‫ى‬ ً ‫مثل ٍاْلى ٍغنًي ًاء الٍب ىخ ىال‬
‫ى ى ٍ ٍ ي ى ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى ي‬ ‫ىى ي‬
‫ٍش ًع ٍي ًر‬ ‫ىكتىػ ٍعتىلً ي‬
َّ ‫ف بًالتٍِّب ًن ىكال‬
“The example of rich misers is like mules and donkeys who carry gold and
silver, yet feed on hay and barley.”

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) in this sentence is clear.


‫ِّس ًاء‬ ً
‫ٍح ىر ياـ ىكع ٍش يق الن ى‬ ‫ ًظل الٍغى ىم ًاـ ىك يخلَّةي ٍاْلى ٍش ىرا ًر ىكال ىٍم ي‬:‫ات لى ىها‬
‫اؿ ال ى‬ ‫ًستَّةه ىل ثىػبى ى‬
‫ب‬ ً ً ‫كالس ٍلطىا يف ال‬
‫ٍجائ ير ىكالثػَّنىاءي الٍ ىكاذ ي‬
‫ى‬ ‫ى‬
“There are six things which have no permanence (lasting): The shade of clouds,
friendship of evil people, Haraam wealth, the love of women, a tyrannical ruler,
and false praise.”
‫ ثىىالثىةه تى ٍمنى يع ال ى‬and ‫ستَّةه ىل تيػ ىفا ًرقيػ يه ٍم الٍ ىكاٍبىةي‬.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of ‫ٍم ٍرءى‬


‫اع ًد ًم ٍرقىا نة‬

ً ‫الص‬ ًٍ ‫اؿ بى ًطيَّةه ىك ىحرىكةي‬
َّ ‫اْل ٍدبىا ًر ىس ًريٍػ ىعةه ًْلى َّف ال يٍم ٍقبً ىل ىك‬ ‫ى‬
ً ‫اْلقٍػبى‬
ًٍ ‫ىحرىكةي‬
‫اؿ‬‫ض وع ىع و‬ ً ‫ؼ ًمن مو‬ ً ‫كالٍم ٍدبًر ىكالٍم ٍق يذك‬
ٍ‫ٍ ى‬ ٍ ‫ى ي ي ى‬
“Going forward is slow whilst going back is swift, because the one going
forward is like one climbing a stairway, whilst the one going back is like one
who is thrown from atop a high place.”


‫ىح ىرىكةي‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

ً ‫اْلقٍػبى‬
‫اؿ‬ ًٍ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬

‫بى ًطيَّةه‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become the ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬
‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled

‫ىك‬ = ً ‫ؼ ال ىٍعط‬
‫ٍف‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Coupling Particle).

‫ىح ىرىكةي‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫اْل ٍدبىا ًر‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬

‫ىس ًريٍػ ىعةه‬ = ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate).

The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become the ‫ؼ‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection).
The ‫ؼ‬‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Connection) and ‫ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو‬ ‫( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه‬Coupled To) joins up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه تىػ ٍعلً ٍيلًيَّةه‬
(Warranted Clause). 61

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫َّعلً ٍي ًل‬

ٍ ‫ؼ التػ‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

َّ ‫أ‬
‫ىف‬ = ‫شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل‬
‫ؼ يم ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ه‬Verb resembling

‫ال يٍم ٍقبً ىل‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) of ‫ىف‬

َّ ‫أ‬.

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

ً ‫الص‬
‫اع ًد‬ َّ = ‫( يم ىميَّػ هز‬Ambiguous Noun).

‫ًم ٍرقىا نة‬ = ‫( تى ًم ٍيػ هز‬Clarifying Noun).

The (Clarifying Noun) and ‫( يم ىميَّػ هز‬Ambiguous Noun) join up to become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫ىم‬
(Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائً هن‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
to become ‫ق‬ ‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىكائً هن‬is on the
word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective). Along with its ‫( إًسم‬Noun) and ‫( متىػعلِّ هق‬Connection), it
‫ٍه‬ ‫يى‬
becomes the ‫ ىخ ٍبػ هر‬of ‫ىف‬ َّ ‫أ‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate), joins up to
َّ ‫أ‬. ‫ىف‬
become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬ ً
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫تىػ ٍعل ٍيله‬
(Justification). The ‫ل‬ َّ ً
‫( يم ىعل ه‬Warranted Statement) along with its ‫( تىػ ٍعل ٍي هل‬Reason),
joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه تىػ ٍعلً ٍيلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Warranted Clause). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫ىخ ٍبػ هر‬
(Predicate) in the second part of the sentence is clear.


Or, “sentence requiring justification”.
‫س‬ ‫ي‬
ٍ ‫ل‬
‫ى‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ً‫اض ىع ٍن ى ىذ َّم ى ب‬
‫و‬ ‫ر‬ ‫و‬‫ى‬‫ي‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ل‬ً ‫ي‬
ٍ ً ‫من م ىدح ى بًما لىٍيس فً ٍي ى ًمن الٍج‬
‫ى ى‬ ‫ى ى ى‬ ‫ى ى‬ ‫ىٍ ى ى ى ى‬
‫ط ىعلىٍي ى‬ ً ‫فًي ى ًمن الٍ يقب ًح كىو س‬
‫اخ ه‬ ‫ٍ ى ٍ ى يى ى‬
“Whoever praises you for good qualities you do not possess whilst he is pleased
with you, will rebuke you for evil qualities you do not possess when he is angry
with you.”


‫ىم ٍن‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫ىم ىد ىح‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫ ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬in the word form of
ً ً ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it,
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person). The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬
which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Possessor of the Condition).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address), and
the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ‬Object).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫لىٍي ى‬ = ‫ص‬ ً ً
‫( ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬Auxiliary verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
(Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
‫ ىكائًننا‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted).

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).
‫ٍج ًم ٍي ًل‬
‫ال ى‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
‫ ىكائًننا‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىكائًننا‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫اف‬ً ‫( متىػعلِّ ىق‬Two
Connections), joins up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) of ‫س‬ ‫ل ٍىي ى‬. ‫س‬
‫ ل ٍىي ى‬joins up with its
‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in
ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
turn becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
ً (Link) join up to become the ‫( مجركر‬Genitive) of the ‫جر‬
Pronoun) and ‫صلىةه‬ ‫ى ٍ يٍه‬ ‫ى‬
(Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with ‫ح‬ ً
‫ ىم ىد ى‬, which is the ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb).

‫ىك‬ = ‫ٍحالًيَّ ًة‬

‫( ىك ياك ال ى‬The ‫ ىك هاك‬of “Condition”).

‫يى ىو‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫ىر و‬
‫اض‬ = ً (Adjective).
Word form ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ىع ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address), and
the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with ‫اض‬ ‫ ىر و‬. ‫اض‬
‫ ىر و‬is in the word form of ‫ص ىفةه‬ً (Adjective). Along with
ً ِّ
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection), it becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬
its ‫ل‬
(Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ىح ه‬Condition) of the ‫اؿ‬ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the
ً ‫ٍح‬
Condition). The ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition) and its ‫اؿ‬‫( ىح ه‬Condition) join up
to become the ‫ل‬ ً ً ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) of the ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb) ‫ح‬
‫ ىم ىد ى‬. ‫ح‬
‫ ىم ىد ى‬, along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and
ً ‫( متىػعلِّ ىق‬Two Connections), joins up to become a ‫( جملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in
‫اف‬ ‫يى‬ ٍ‫ي‬
turn becomes the ‫ط‬
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫ىذ َّـ‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
ً ً
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬

The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫ٍحا ًؿ‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address),
and the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ‬Object).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫لىٍي ى‬ = ‫ص‬ ً ً
‫( ف ٍع هل نىاق ه‬Auxiliary verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
(Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun).

‫فً ٍي‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address), and
the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with ‫ ىكائًننا‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted).

‫ًم ٍن‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫الٍ يق ٍب ًح‬ = ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive).

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
‫ ىكائًننا‬, which is ‫ؼ‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted). ‫ ىكائًننا‬, along with its ‫( إً ٍس هم‬Noun) and ‫اف‬ً ‫( متىػعلِّ ىق‬Two
Connections), joins up to become the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). ‫س‬ ً
‫ ل ٍىي ى‬joins up with its ‫إ ٍس هم‬
(Noun) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in
ً (Link) of the ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫( موصو هؿ‬Relative
turn becomes the ‫صلىةه‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬ ٍ‫ىٍ ي‬
ً (Link) join up to become the ‫( مجركر‬Genitive) of the ‫جر‬
Pronoun) and ‫صلىةه‬ ‫ى ٍ يٍه‬ ‫ى‬
(Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connected) with ‫ ىذ َّـ‬, which is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb).

‫ىك‬ = ‫ٍحالًيَّ ًة‬

‫( ىك ياك ال ى‬The ‫ ىك هاك‬of “Condition”).

‫يى ىو‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫اخ ه‬ ً‫س‬ ً (Adjective).
‫ى‬ = Word form ‫ص ىفةه‬

‫ىعلىى‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىؾ‬ = ‫اب‬ ً ‫ض ًميػر ال‬

ً ‫ٍخطى‬
‫( ى ٍ ي‬Pronoun of Address), and
the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫( ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬Genitive) join up to become
‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with ‫ط‬ ً ‫س‬. ‫ط‬ ً ً
‫اخ ه‬ ‫ ىساخ ه ى‬, along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬
(Connection), becomes the ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate). The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate)
joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخبٍ ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause), which in turn becomes the
‫( ىح ه‬Condition) of the ‫اؿ‬
‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the Condition). The ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫ٍح‬
‫( ذي ٍك ال ى‬Owner of the
Condition) and its ‫اؿ‬ ‫( ىح ه‬Condition) join up to become the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) of the ‫فًعل‬
(Verb) ‫ذى َّـ‬. The ‫ل‬ ً ً ِّ
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb) ‫ذى َّـ‬, along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection), joins
up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ىج ىزاءه‬
(Result). The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and its ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) join up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه‬
‫( ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬Conditional Clause).


ٍ ‫ىم ٍن قىػ َّوىـ لً ىسانىوي ىزا ىف ىع ٍقلىوي ىكىم ٍن ىس َّد ىد ىك ىال ىموي أىبىا ىف فى‬
‫ضلىوي ىكىم ٍن ىم َّن بً ىم ٍع يرٍكفً ًو‬
‫اد ًف ٍي‬ ‫ص ىد ىؽ فً ٍي ىم ىقالً ًو ىز ى‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ك‬
‫ٍ ي ىى ٍ ى‬ ‫ه‬
‫ي‬‫ر‬ ‫ىج‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ط‬
‫ى‬ ً‫ب‬ ‫ح‬
ً ‫ط يش ٍكرهي كمن أى ٍعجب بً ًحل ًٍم‬
‫و‬ ‫ىس ىق ى ي ى ى ٍ ى ى‬
‫ىج ىمالً ًو‬
“Whosoever rectifies his tongue beautifies his intellect. Whosoever guides his
speech makes apparent his virtue. Whosoever boasts of the favours he has
done loses his gratitude. Whosoever becomes vain on account of his tolerance
loses the reward for it. Whosoever is truthful in speech increases in beauty.”


This paragraph is made up of numerous sentences, each containing a ‫ط‬ ‫ىش ٍر ه‬
(Condition) and ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). (Thus, the reader should be able to do the Tarkeeb
quite easily.)


‫ش بً ًو‬ ‫ي‬ ً ‫اؿ ىع ٍقل ي‬

‫ع‬ ‫ق‬ ‫؟‬ ‫د‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ٍع‬‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ً ً‫اؿ بػعض الٍمليو ًؾ لًوًزي ًرًه ما ىخيػر ما يػرىز يؽ ب‬
‫ه ىٍ ي‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ي‬ ٍ‫ى‬ ٍ ‫قى ى ى ٍ ي ي ٍ ى ٍ ى ٍ ي ى ي‬
‫اؿ‬‫اؿ لًيى ٍستيػ ىرهي قى ى‬
‫اؿ فى ىم ه‬‫اؿ فىًإ ٍف ىع ًد ىموي قى ى‬
‫ب يىػتى ىحلَّى بً ًو قى ى‬ ‫اؿ فىًإ ٍف ىع ًد ىموي قى ى‬
‫اؿ فىأ ىىد ه‬ ‫قى ى‬
ً ‫اع ىقةه تيح ًرقيو كتي ًريح الٍبً ىالد كال ًٍعب‬ ً ‫اؿ فىص‬ ً
‫اد م ٍنوي‬
‫ىى ىى‬ ‫ٍ يى ٍي‬ ‫فىًإ ٍف ىعد ىموي قى ى ى‬
“A king once asked his minister: „What is the best thing a slave may be
provided with?‟ The minister replied, „Intellect, by which he may live.‟ The king
asked, „If he does not have that?‟ The minister said, „Then good manners by
which he may beautify himself.‟ The king asked, „And if he does not have that?‟
The minister said, „Then wealth, so that he may conceal his (faults).‟ The king
said, „And if he does not have that?‟ The minister said, „Then a lightning bolt
(which will strike him dead), incinerating (burning) him, and thus freeing the
lands and people from him.”


‫قى ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense

‫ض‬‫بىػ ٍع ي‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ال يٍملي ٍو ًؾ‬ = ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor).

The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬

‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer)
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become the ‫اع هل‬
of ‫اؿ‬
‫قى ى‬.

‫ًؿ‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬

‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ىكًزيٍ ًر‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive
case) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor)
join up to become the ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) of the ‫( ىجر‬Preposition). The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition)
ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with ‫اؿ‬
and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ‫قى ى‬.

‫ىما‬ = ‫اْل ٍستً ٍف ىه ًاـ‬

ًٍ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Inquiry).

‫ىخ ٍيػ ير‬ = ‫اؼ‬

‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫ىما‬ = ‫( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun).

‫ص ٍو هؿ‬

‫ييػ ٍرىز يؽ‬ = ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Passive, present-tense

‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍج يه ٍو هؿ‬

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive

ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬
‫ييػ ٍرىز يؽ‬.

‫ال ىٍع ٍب يد‬ = ً ‫( نىائًب الٍ ىف‬Substitute Doer).

‫اع ًل‬ ‫ي‬
ً ِّ ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) and ‫ب الٍ ىفاع ًل‬
The ‫ل‬ ‫( نىائ ي‬Substitute Doer),
joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫صلىةه‬
(Link) of the ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ً
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun). The ‫ص ٍو هؿ‬ ‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Relative Pronoun) and ‫صلىةه‬
(Link) join up to become the ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) of the ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession). The
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become a ‫يج ٍملىةه إً ٍستً ٍف ىه ًاميَّةه‬
(Interrogative Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىم يق ٍولىةه‬Statement). ‫اؿ‬ ‫قى ى‬, along
with its ‫ل‬ ً ِّ
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer), ‫( يمتىػ ىعل هق‬Connection) and ‫( ىم يق ٍولىةه‬Statement), joins up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬Verbal Clause).

‫قى ى‬ = ‫ؼ‬
‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Active, past-tense
verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ىع ٍق هل‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫( ىم ٍو ي‬Described Noun).

‫ش‬ ً
‫يىع ٍي ي‬ = ‫ؼ‬ ‫( فً ٍع هل يم ى‬Active, present-tense
‫ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه‬
verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer).

‫ب‬ = ‫ٍج ِّر‬
‫ؼ ال ى‬
‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Preposition).

‫ًق‬ = ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر‬

‫( ى‬Pronoun in the genitive

The ‫( ىجر‬Preposition) and ‫ج يرٍكهر‬ ٍ ‫( ىم‬Genitive) join up to become ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connected) with
ً ً ً
‫ش‬ ‫يىع ٍي ي‬, along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق‬Connection),
‫يىع ٍي ي‬. ‫ش‬ joins up to become a
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective). The ‫ؼ‬ ‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫ىم ٍو ي‬
(Described Noun) and ‫ص ىفةه‬ ً (Adjective) join up to become the ‫( ىخبػر‬Predicate) of a
‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted Subject), which is the ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫ؼ‬ ‫( ى‬Pronoun) ‫ يى ىو‬. The ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject)
and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate) join up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Nominal Clause), which in
turn becomes the ‫( ىم يق ٍولىةه‬Statement). ‫اؿ‬ ‫قى ى‬, along with its ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and ‫م يقولىةه‬
(Statement), joins up to become a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬ ‫( ي‬Verbal Clause).

‫قى ى‬ = ‫( فً ٍع هل‬Verb). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside
of it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer).

‫ى‬ = ‫( فىاءي التَّػ ٍف ًريٍ ًع‬The „‫ ‟فىاءه‬of Dividing).

‫إً ٍف‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬

َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫ىع ًد ىـ‬ = ‫ؼ‬

‫اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ً
ٍ ‫ ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬in the word form of
ً ً ً ‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of
‫( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬Singular, Masculine, Third-Person). The ‫ضم ٍيػ هر‬
it, which is “‫” يى ىو‬, is the ‫ل‬ ً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer).

‫يق‬ = ‫ب‬
‫ص ٍو ه‬
‫ىم ٍن ي‬ ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫ى‬ (Pronoun in the

accusative case), and the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object).

ً ً ًً
The ‫ل‬ ‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بو‬Object), joins up to become
a ‫ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬
‫( ي‬Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) of a ‫ىج ىزاءه‬
‫ؼ‬‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted Result), which is ‫فى ىما ىخ ٍيػ ير ىما يػي ٍرىز يؽ بً ًو ال ىٍع ٍب يد‬. In it (this omitted result), the
ً ‫( فىاء الجز‬The „‫ ‟فىاء‬of Result). The „‫ ‟ما‬is a ‫اْلستً ٍفه ًاـ‬
„‫ ‟فىاءه‬is ‫اء‬ ‫ي ىى‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ؼ ًٍ ٍ ى‬ ‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Inquiry). After
that, it joins up with what comes after it to become a ‫اميَّةه‬ ً ‫( جملىةه إًستً ٍفه‬Interrogative
‫يٍ ٍ ى‬
Clause), which in turn becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and ‫ىج ىزاءه‬
(Result) join up to become the ‫( ىم يق ٍولىةه‬Statement). ‫اؿ‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer) and
‫قى ى‬, along with its ‫اع هل‬
‫( ىم يق ٍولىةه‬Statement), becomes a ‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه‬Verbal Clause). The Tarkeeb for the
remainder of the sentences until ‫اد ًم ٍنوي‬ ‫ ىكال ًٍعبى ى‬is done in this same way.


‫ع إًلىٍيػ ىها‬‫ اىٍْلتً ٍي ىمائً ىد نة لى ٍم يي ٍد ى‬:‫ثى ىمانًيىةه إً ىذا أ ًيى ٍيػنيػ ٍوا فى ىال يىػلي ٍويم ٍوا إًَّل أىنٍػ يف ىس يه ٍم‬
‫اخل بػ ٍين اثٍػنىػ ٍي ًن فًي ح ًديٍ و‬ ً َّ ‫ت فًي بػيتً ًو ك‬ ً ‫ب الٍبػ ٍي‬ ً ‫كالٍمتأ ِّىمر علىى‬
‫ث لى ٍم‬ ‫ٍ ى‬ ‫الد ي ى ى‬ ‫ٍ ىٍ ى‬ ‫صاح ً ى‬ ‫ى يى ي ى ى‬
‫س لىوي بًأ ٍىى ول‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬
‫ى‬ ‫س‬‫و‬ ً ‫اف كالٍجالًس فًي مج‬
‫ل‬ ً ‫ي ٍد ًخ ىالهي فً ٍي ًو كالٍمستى ًخف بًالٍس ٍلطى‬
‫ى‬ ٍ ٍ ‫ى‬ ٍ ‫ي‬ ‫ى‬ ‫ى‬ ٍ‫ى ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫اج يي‬ ً ‫كالٍم ٍقبًل بًح ًديٍثً ًو ىعلىى من َّل يسمعوي كطىالًب الٍ ىخ ٍي ًر ًمن أى ٍع ىدائًًو كر‬
‫ىى‬ ٍ ‫ى ٍ ى ٍىي ى ي‬ ‫ى ي ي ى‬
‫ض ًل ًم ٍن ًع ٍن ىد اللِّئى ًاـ‬ٍ ‫الٍ ىف‬
“There are eight types of people who, when they are disgraced, should blame
none but themselves: A person who comes to a dining table to which he was
not invited; a person who (tries to) dominate another person in their own
house; a person who enters between two people in a conversation to which
they did not include him; a person who belittles the Sultaan; a person who sits
in a gathering which he is not fit for; a person who (tries to) speak to a person
who does not want to hear him; a person who seeks goodness from his
enemies, and a person who hopes to receive favours from an ignoble person.”


‫ثى ىمانًيىةه‬ = ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject).

‫إً ىذا‬ = ‫الش ٍر ًط‬
َّ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Condition).

‫أ ًيى ٍيػنيػ ٍوا‬ = ‫ٍمجه ٍو يؿ‬

‫اضي ال ي‬
ٍ ‫( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم‬Passive, past-tense
verb) in the word form of ‫ب‬ ‫ٍج ٍم يع ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي‬
‫( اىل ى‬Plural, Masculine, Third-Person). The
‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ٍم‬, is the ‫اع هل‬ ً ‫( فى‬Doer). The ‫( فًعل‬Verb) joins
up with its ‫ل‬ ً ًً
‫( فىاع ه‬Doer) to become a ‫( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ‫ط‬
‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition).

‫ى‬ = ‫الج ىز ًاء‬
‫( فىاءي ى‬The „‫ ‟فىاءه‬of Result).

‫ىل يىػلي ٍويم ٍوا‬ ‫ؼ‬

= ً ً‫( فً ٍعل النَّ ًهي الغىائ‬Active, third-
‫ب ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي‬ ٍ ‫ي‬
person verb of prohibition). The ‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬
‫( ى‬Pronoun) inside of it, which is “‫” يى ٍم‬, is the
ً ‫( فى‬Doer).
‫اع هل‬

‫إًَّل‬ = ‫اْل ٍستًثٍػنى ًاء‬

ًٍ ‫ؼ‬‫( ىح ٍر ي‬Particle of Exclusion).

‫أىنٍػ يف ى‬
‫س‬ = ‫اؼ‬
‫ض ه‬‫( يم ى‬Possession).

‫يى ٍم‬ = ‫( ى‬Pronoun) and the ً‫اؼ إًل ٍىيو‬

‫ض ًم ٍيػ هر‬ ‫ض ه‬‫يم ى‬
(Possessor). The ‫اؼ‬ ‫( يم ى‬Possession) and ‫اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو‬
‫ض ه‬ ‫ض ه‬
‫( يم ى‬Possessor) join up to become
the ‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ‬Object) of the ‫ل‬ ً ً ً
‫( ف ٍع ه‬Verb). The ‫( ف ٍع هل‬Verb), along with its ‫( فىاع هل‬Doer) and
‫( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى‬Verbal Clause), which in turn
‫( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًو‬Object), joins up to become a ‫شائًيَّةه‬
becomes the ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result). The ‫ط‬ ‫( ىش ٍر ه‬Condition) and ‫( ىج ىزاءه‬Result) joins up to
become a ‫ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه‬
‫( يج ٍملىةه ى‬Conditional Clause). Thereafter, from ‫ اىٍْلتً ٍي‬until the end,
all eight sentences are made up of a (basic) ‫( يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬Subject) and ‫( ىخ ٍبػ هر‬Predicate),
and thus the Tarkeeb for all eight are very simple. In each sentence, a ‫يم ٍبتى ىدأه‬
‫( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه‬Omitted Subject), such as ‫أ َّىكل ييه ٍم‬, ‫ثىانًٍي ًه ٍم‬, ‫ثىالًثيػ يه ٍم‬, etc., is added.

With the Fadhl and Karam of Allaah Ta`aalaa, the Tarkeeb for chapter one is
complete. 62 We ask Allaah Ta`aalaa to make it a benefit for the respected
students, and a means of my attaining salvation in the Aakhirah, Aameen.

The servant, Habeeb-ur-Rahmaan Khayraabaadi, may Allaah forgive him.

The entire “‫ل تىػ ٍركًيٍب‬

ِّ ‫ ” ىح‬of Maulana Muhammad Ahsan Nanotwi is made up of chapter one of Mufeed-ut-

Taalibeen. Hence, Maulana makes this statement.

6th of Safar, 1386.

(Translation completed on: Monday, 10th of Jumaad al-Aakhir, 1436, which

corresponds to the 30th of March, 2015.)

- Muhammad Huzaifah ibn Adam ibn Yusuf ibn Muhammad aal-


‫اهلل تىػبى ىار ىؾ ىكتىػ ىعالىى ىكاهللي ىكلًي التَّػ ٍوفً ٍيق‬
ً ‫ت بًًإ ٍذ ًف‬
ٍ ‫تى َّم‬


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