Solving Tarkeeb 1 PDF
Solving Tarkeeb 1 PDF
Solving Tarkeeb 1 PDF
Solving Tarkeeb
A Nidaa-ul-Haqq Publication.
الرًح ٍي ًم
َّ الر ٍح ىم ًن ً بًس ًم
َّ اهلل ٍ
كنعوذ باهلل,إ ٌف الحمد هلل نحمده سبحانو كنستعينو كنستهديو كنستغفره
مضل لو كمن
ٌ من يهده اهلل فال,من شركر أنفسنا كسيٌآت أعمالنا
كنشهد أف ٌل الو ٌال اهلل كحده ل شري لو كنشهد,يضللو فال ىادم لو
محم ندا عبده كرسولو
ٌ أ ٌف سيٌدنا كنبيٌنا كشفيعنا كمولنا
كمن تبعهم بإحساف إلى يوـ,صلٌى اهلل عليو كعلى آلو كأصحابو أجمعين
Tarkeeb is a purely Indian invention; this should be understood first and
foremost, even before we commence with this Kitaab. While it has, over the
years, gained a foothold in some Madaaris around the world, it remains widely
unknown. Outside of the Indo-Pak subcontinent from whence it originated, the
only Madaaris wherein Tarkeeb is taught to the students are those Madaaris
which are a) run by people from the Indo-Pak subcontinent, or b) run by
people who studied in the Indo-Pak subcontinent.
In the Arab world, Tarkeeb is an entirely foreign concept. This might lead some
to believe that it is unnecessary, whereas this is not the case. Tarkeeb is, in
fact, a very useful invention which the `Ulamaa of the Indo-Pak subcontinent
had added to the glorious Arabic language, and their efforts should not be
discarded derisively. Rather than discard it simply because it is unknown in
the Arab lands, we should look at the benefit it contains, and how it provides a
much greater understanding of the language.
English does have what they refer to as “Sentence Parsing”, but this can never
be compared with “Tarkeeb” in Arabic. Also, “sentence parsing”, as a subject
taught formally in schools died out a long time ago. And again, that is besides
the fact that Tarkeeb is incomparably more advanced and sophisticated as
compared to “Sentence Parsing” in English. Nevertheless, English speakers
who had studied sentence parsing should then at least have a vague idea of
what Tarkeeb is about.
Tarkeeb does not teach one Nahw and Sarf; no, such is not the case.
Rather, Tarkeeb is for the one who has already studied both Nahw and
Sarf at least to an intermediate level, wherafter he may begin studying
Tarkeeb in order to “master” the Nahw and Sarf which he has learnt.
To those who have studied Tarkeeb, the usefulness is clear. To those who
have not: we present to you this Kitaab, “Solving Tarkeeb”, which is a
translation of Maulana Muhammad Ahsan Nanotwi’s “Hall-e-Tarkeeb”,
which was written in the Urdu language. After having studied this Kitaab,
you would, In-Shaa’Allaah, not only understand the usefulness of Tarkeeb, but
would end up with a much greater understanding of speech (and literature)
than you do at present.
This Kitaab can also be studied individually; both by those learning Arabic,
and those who have already studied Arabic and wish to now study Tarkeeb.
May Allaah Ta`aalaa accept this effort of ours and make it a means of benefit to
us in this Dunyaa and the Aakhirah, and a benefit to those who read it,
الر ِح ْيم
َّ ان
ِ الر ْح َم
َّ ِِب ْس ِم هللا
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
اهلل = ؼ
ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun).
ً الر ٍحم
اف َّ ى = ص ىفةي ٍالى َّك يؿ
ِّ ٍ( اىلFirst Quality).
الرًح ٍي ًم
َّ = ص ىفةي الثَّانًي
ِّ ٍ( اىلSecond Quality).
The ؼ ص ٍو ه ً ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun, which is Allaah) along with its ( ص ىفتىافTwo Qualities,
i.e. ar-Rahmaan and ar-Raheem) join up to become the اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه ( يم ىPossessor) of
the اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession, which is )ا ٍس ًم.
The اؼ ( يم ىPossession) along with its اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the
( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) 1 of the ( ىجرPreposition, which is the )بىاءه.
ً َّ اف
ً الرحم ً
The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive, which is “الرح ٍي ًم )”إً ٍس ًم اهلل َّ ٍ ى
join up to become ق( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with a َّر ً
( ف ٍع هل يم ىقد هHidden Verb), which is either
( أى ٍش ىرعيI start) or أىقػ ىٍرأي (I recite).
The ل ً
( ف ٍع هVerb) أى ٍش ىرعيor أىقػ ىٍرأيis in ؼ
ًع ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي
ضار ي
( اىل يٍم ىActive Present Tense), in the word-
ً ( كFirst Person Singular).
form of اح هد يمتى ىكلِّ هم ى
The ج يرٍكهر
ٍ ىمis a word which has assumed a ىك ٍس ىرةهor يىاءهon account of a ( ىجرPreposition) which precedes it, i.e. it is a
صلِّينا ً
ىحام ندا ىكيم ى
ً أىحم يده ح
ىح ًام نداliterally means “a praiser”, or “one who praises”. In reality, it is امدان ٍى ي ى
(“I praise Him as a praiser”, or “I praise Him in the state of being one who
Similarly, “صلِّينا
” يم ى, which literally means “a sender of salutations”, has a hidden
verb which is يصلِّي
أى صلَّى يي ى
(I send salutations), from the root verb “صلِّ ٍي ( ” ىso يصلِّ ٍي
أ ىis
ً )ك. So “ ”أيصلِّي مصلِّياmeans “I send salutations as a sender of salutation”, or
اح هد يمتى ىكلِّ هم ى ى ي ىن
“in the state of being a sender of salutations”. 3
” يis the ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject).
ً ٍح
The اؿ ( ىح هCondition), becomes
( ذي ٍك ال ىPossessor of the Condition), along with its اؿ
ً ً
( فىاع هDoer) of the ( ف ٍع هلVerb) “ىح ىم يد
the ل ٍ ”أ.
4 ً ٍح
“اؿ ”ذي ٍك ال ىmeans “the owner of the state/condition”, while “اؿ
” ىح هmeans “the condition/state”. “اؿ
” ىح هis a noun
which describes the condition/state of the doer at the time of doing the action.
The ل ً ً
( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject) joins up to become
a يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيِّةه (Verbal Clause) which is ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To) 5.
The “اك
” ىك هis
ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ىح ٍر ي (a Coupling Particle).
“يصلِّي ً
”أ ىis the ( ف ٍع هلVerb) hidden in “صلِّينا ً ( ىPronoun) in it, which is
” يم ى, and the ضم ٍيػ هر
“( ”أىنىاI), is the ً ٍح
اؿ ذي ٍك ال ى.
“صلِّينا ( ىح هCondition/State).
” يم ىis the اؿ
ً ٍح
The اؿ ( ىح هwhich is صلِّينا
( ذي ٍك ال ىwhich is )أىنىاalong with its اؿ ) يم ىjoins together to
ً ً ِّ ”أ ى.
( فىاع هDoer) of the ( ف ٍع هلVerb) “يصلي
become the ل
الر ىسالىةي ال يٍم ىس َّماةي بً يم ًف ٍي ًد الطَّالًبًٍي ىن يم ٍشتى ًملىةه ىعلىى الٍبىابىػ ٍي ًن
ِّ ىكبىػ ٍع يد فىػ ىه ًذ ًه
Again, the students are expected to have already learnt the laws of ٍف
( اىل ىٍعط يConjunction), but to put it simply,
ٍف ” ىم ٍعطيٍو هis the thing connected and “ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
اىل ىٍعط يis a “coupling sentence”. “ؼ ” ىم ٍعطيٍو هis that which the ؼ ىم ٍعطيٍو هis
connected to, i.e. “Zayd and `Amr sat”. Here, Zayd is the ل ً ً معطيو ه, whilst `Amr is the ؼ
فىاع هand ؼ ىعلىيٍو ٍ ٍى ىم ٍعطيٍو ه. Zayd did the
action of “sitting” and so did `Amr. So “Zayd sat”, “and `Amr sat”. The sentence was completed with “Zayd sat”,
but another ل ً
فىاع هcomes along who is doing the same thing as Zayd, and so is called “ ؼ
( ” ىم ٍعطيٍو هconnected). In some
cases, a ل ً ً
ً ( معطيو هmeaning another اعل
فىاع هis ؼ ىعلىٍيو ٍ ٍى فى هconnects to it), and in some cases, an entire sentence can become
“ؼ ىعلىيٍ ًو
” ىم ٍعطيٍو ه, with another sentence then joining onto it, which is then known as the “ ؼ
( ” ىم ٍعطيٍو هconnected). In the
ً ”أىحم يده حwas ؼ علىي ًو
previous page, the entire sentence of “امدان ٍى ي ى ٍ ىم ٍعطيٍو ه ى. Another sentence will then come along and get
ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
connected to it by what is known as a “ٍف ( ” ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle), such as a “” ىك هاك.
ٍح ٍم ًد
ال ى = ؼ عىلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
The ؼ
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection, which is لص ىالةي
َّ )اى along with its ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
ٍح ٍم يد( ىم ٍعطيٍو ه
)اىل ىbecomes
the اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor). The اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession) along with its اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ى ٍح ٍم ًد
ال ى
الص ىال ًة
َّ ) ىكbecomes a substitute ط
ىش ٍر ه (Condition).
ى = ىج ىزائًيٌةه (Result).
الر ىسالىةي
ِّ = ؼ
ص ٍو ه
ىم ٍو ي (Described Noun).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
الطَّالًبًٍي ىن = اؼ إًلىٍي ًو
ض هيم ى (Possessor).
The اؼ ) يم ًف ٍي ًد( يم ىalong with its اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ض ه )الطَّالًبًٍي ىن( يم ىbecomes the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) of the
earlier ( ىجرPreposition, which is ب ً ). The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ىم ٍجرٍكهر
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with س َّماةي
(Genitive) becomes ق ( اىل يٍم ىNamed).
“س َّماةي ِّ ًً َّ ً ً ً ً
”اىل يٍم ى, along with its ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection – )ب يمف ٍيد الطالب ٍي ىنjoin up to become the ص ىفةه
(Description) of the ؼ ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun – which is )اى ِّلر ىسالىةي.
The ص ىفةه ً ()اىلٍمس َّماةي بًم ًفي ًد الطَّالًبًين, along with its ؼ
ص ٍو ه
ٍى ٍي يى )اى ِّلر ىسالىةي( ىم ٍو يjoin up to become the ار
شه يم ى
( إًل ٍىي ًوObject Pointed Out).
The ًارة ًٍ ( إً ٍس يمDemonstrative Pronoun, which is “ً)” ىى ًذه, along with its ار إًل ٍىي ًو
اْل ىش ى شه يم ىjoin
up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
“شتى ًملىةه
ٍ ” يمalong with its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection – which is “ )” ىعلىى الٍبىابىػ ٍي ًنbecomes the ىخ ٍبػ هر
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) along with its ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه
( ىخ ٍب ًريَّةNominal Clause).
ً ٍح ىكاي
ات ً اؿ كالٍمو
ً اع ًظ كالٍباب الثَّانًي فًي ال ً ىث م ال
ى ٍ ي ًاىلٍباب ٍالى َّك يؿ ف
ى ٍ ي ى ى ى ىى ٍ ٍ ى ي
ً َّكالنَّػ ٍقلًي
ات ى
“The first chapter deals with examples and advices, and the second chapter
deals with stories and narrations.”
اىلٍبى ي = ؼ
ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun).
The ؼ
ص ٍو ه )اىلٍبى يalong with its )اىٍلى َّك يؿ( ص ىفةهjoin up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
اب( ىم ٍو ي
ً ٍالى ٍمثى
اؿ = ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ً الٍمو
اع ًظ ىى = ؼ
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection).
The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connected) with “ت( ”ثىابً هEstablished), which is ؼ( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted).
“ت ”ثىابً هalong with its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of the
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) along with its ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه
(Nominal Clause), which is at the same time ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
الٍبى ي = ؼ
ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun).
الثَّانًي = ً (Description).
ص ىفةه
The ؼ ص ٍو ه ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) along with its ( ص ىفةهDescription) join up to become
the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ً ٍح ىكاي
ات ال ى = ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ً َّالنَّػ ٍقلًي
ات = ؼ
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection).
The ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To) along with its ؼ
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) join up to become
the ج يرٍكهر ً
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the earlier ( ىجرwhich is “)”ف ٍي.
The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connected) with “ت”ثىابً ه, which is َّر
( يم ىقد هHidden).
“ت ”ثىابً هalong with its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of the
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) along with its ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه
(Nominal Clause), which is also a ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection).
This ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) along with its earlier ؼ ىعلىيٍ ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هi.e. ً اب ٍالى َّك يؿ فًي ٍالى ٍمثى
اؿ اىلٍبى ي
ً )كالٍموjoin up to become a ( جملىةه معطيوفىةهConjunctive Clause).
اع ًظ ى ىى ٍ ٍي ٍ ى
أىلٍَّف ي
ت = ً ( فًعل مع فىVerb along with its Doer).
اعلً ًو ٍه ىى
ً فىالٍمسئيػو يؿ ًمن
اهلل أى ٍف يَّػ ٍنػ ىف ىع يه ٍم ىٍ ٍ ى
“So the request is to Allaah that He benefits them by it.”
ى = ً َّع ًق ٍي
ب ٍ ( فىاءي التػThe „ ‟فىاءهof Succession) 6.
اهلل = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
The ( ىجرMin) along with its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) joins up to become the يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
ً ً
ٍ ”اىل ىٍم. اىل ىٍم ٍسئيػ ٍو يؿalong with its )م ىن اهلل( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق, joins up to become the
(Connection) of “سئيػ ٍو يؿ
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ً ً ًً
The ل )يىػ ٍنػ ىف يع( ف ٍع ه, along with its ) يى ىو( فىاع هلand ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject), joins up to become the
( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The اهلل( يم ٍبتى ىدأه ً )فىالٍمسئيػو يؿ ًمنalong with its )أى ٍف يػَّ ٍنػ ىفعهم( ىخبػرjoin up to
ى ٍ ٍى ىي ٍ ٍه
become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍسميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
“ب ييػ ىع ِّق ي-
”تىػ ٍعق ٍي هis from “ب ” ىع َّق ى, which means to follow something up. So it is the “ ”فىاءهof following up. So you could
ىك = ً اْلستًٍئػن
اؼ( ىك ياك ًٍ ٍ ىThe ىك هاكof Commencing) 8.
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
The ل ً ً ً ص ٍو ه
( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ص بال ىٍم ٍد ًح ( ىم ٍخ يNoun Assigned with
Praise) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection). The previous ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To), along with this ؼ
ىم ٍعطيٍو ه
(Connection), join up to become a “ج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطي ٍوفىةه ( ” يConjunctive Clause).
ً اؿ كالٍمو
اع ًظ ً اب ٍالى َّك يؿ فًي ٍالى ٍمثى
ى ىى ٍ اىلٍبى ي
“Chapter one, in examples and advices.”
What this means is that a new sentence has commenced.
ً )فً ٍع يل ال ىٍم ٍد, and the object which is being praised is called the ص بًال ىٍم ٍد ًح
You get a “Verb of Praise” (ح ص ٍو ه
ىم ٍخ ي.
اىلٍبى ي = ؼ
ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun).
The ؼ
ص ٍو ه )اىلٍبى يalong with its )اىٍلى َّك يؿ( ص ىفةهjoin up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
اب( ىم ٍو ي
ً ٍالى ٍمثى
اؿ = ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ج يرٍكهرٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connected) with “ت( ”ثىابً هEstablished) or “( ” ىكائً هنExisting; being), which is ؼ
ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه
”ثىابً ه/ “ ” ىكائً هنalong with its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) join up to become the ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) of the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) along with its ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a nominal
clause (ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
) ي.
َّاس أ َّىك يؿ نى و
اس ً أ َّىك يؿ الن
“The first of mankind was the first one who forgot.”
أ َّىك يؿ = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ً الن
َّاس = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًلىيٍ ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
نى و
اس = ً إًسم الٍ ىف, and is the
Word-form of اع ًل ٍي
اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor). The اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and its اؼ إًل ٍىي ًوض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to
become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and its ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ٍ آفىةي الٍعل ًٍم الن
ِّسيىا يف
“The affliction (weakness) of knowledge is forgetting.”
آفىةي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ِّسيىا يف
ٍ الن = ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal
الج ٍه يل
ى = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ىم ٍو ي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate)
of the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and its ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal Clause).
الن ي = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو يis a word, the meaning of which is understood by the sentence which comes after it, known as
The ص ٍو هؿ
ً (Link).
the صلىةه
ىج ًهلي ٍوا = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
verb) in the word form of ب ٍج ٍم يع ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ ي
( اىل ىPlural, Masculine, Third-Person). The
ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside it, which is “” يى ٍم, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer). The ( فًعلVerb) along
with its ل ً ًً
( فىاع هDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the صلىةه ً (Link) of the previous “( ”إًسم موصو هؿRelative Pronoun). The موصو هؿ
ٍٍ ه ىٍ ي ٍىٍ ي
(Relative Pronoun) and its صلىةهً (Link) join up to become the ( مجركرGenitive) of the
ى ٍ يٍه
( ىجرPreposition, which was “)” ًؿ. The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with “”أى ٍع ىداءه. “ ”أى ٍع ىداءهalong with its
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) along
with its ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
اْل ىش ىارةي = ً ( فىDoer).
اع هل
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The يم ٍبتى ىدأه
(Subject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ِّ ب آفىةي اللي
اىلٍ يع ٍج ي
“Vanity is the affliction (weakness) of the heart.”
الع ٍج ي
ي = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
آفىةي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ِّ اللي = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخ ٍبػ هر (Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal
نىػ ىق ى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم (Active, past-tense
ً ً
( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ب
The ل ً ً ًً
( ف ٍع هVerb) along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىج ىزاءهResult) 11. The ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition) along
with its ( ىج ىزاءهResult) join up to become a ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه
( يج ٍملىةه ىConditional Clause).
ً ب يجنَّةه لًلن
َّاس اىٍْلى ىد ي
“Good manners are a shield for man.”
ٍاْلى ىد ي
ب = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
يجنَّةه = ً (Adjective).
Word form of ص ىفةه
ً الن
َّاس = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
” ي. “ ” يجنَّةهalong with its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) becomes the ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Connected) with “جنَّةه
(Predicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
(Nominal Clause).
Students studying this Kitaab are expected to have learnt the laws of ط
( ىش ٍر هCondition) and ( ىج ىزاءهResult).
اح الذ ِّؿ ت ف
ٍ ً ٍحرص
م ً اىل
ي ى ٍ ي
“Greed is the key to disgrace.”
ص ً
الٍح ٍر ي = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
اح ً
م ٍفتى ي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخ ٍبػ هر (Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal
اح ًةالر
َّ اح ت ف
ٍ ً اىلٍ ىقناعةي
ىى ى ي ى
“Contentment is the key to comfort.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the previous one.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the earlier two.
The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ىم (Genitive) join up to become ق يمتىػ ىعلِّ ه
(Connected) with “” ىخ ٍيػ هر. “ ” ىخ ٍيػ هرalong with its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) join up to become
the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) along with its ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become
a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ً اىلٍج
اى يل ى = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
يىػ ٍر ى = ؼ ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ً نىػ ٍف
س = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًلىٍي ًو ض ه ( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition, which is “)” ىع ٍن. The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ىم
(Genitive) join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with “ضى ”يىػ ٍر ى. The ( فً ٍع هلVerb), along
with its ل ً ِّ ًً
( فىاع هDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) along with
its ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
الس ًع ٍي يد ىم ٍن يك ًع ى
ظ بًغىٍي ًرًه َّ
“The fortunate person is he who takes lesson from other than himself.” 12
الس ًع ٍي يد
َّ = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
Meaning, he takes lesson from the mistakes people have made in their lives, and does not do the same.
يك ًع ى
ظ = ٍمجه ٍو يؿ
اضي ال ي
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمPassive, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع ًل ً ( نىائًب الٍ ىفSubstitute Doer).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
The اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition, which is “ب ً ”). The ( ىجرPreposition) along with
ً ”ك ًع ى. “ظ ً
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with the ظ“ ف ٍع هل
its ج يرٍكهر ” يكع ى ي,
along with its اع ًل ً ( نىائًب الٍ ىفSubstitute Doer) and ( متػعلِّ هقConnection) join up to
ي يى ى
become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ً
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( صلىةهLink).
The ص ٍو هؿ ً
( ىم ٍو يwhich was “ )” ىم ٍنalong with its ( صلىةهLink) join up to become the ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه
( ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal Clause).
ً َّاس بًاللِّبى
اس اىلن ي
“People are (known) by their garments.” 13
الن ي = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
What this means is “People are what they wear”. Similar to the famous English saying, “You are what you eat.”
ً اللِّبى
اس = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
( ىجرPreposition) and its ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ييػ ٍع ىرفيػ ٍو ىفwhich is ؼ ً ( فىDoer) and متػعلِّ هق
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). ييػ ٍع ىرفيػ ٍو ىف, along with its اع هل يى ى
(Connection) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ( يVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to
become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
الن ي = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
يملي ٍو ًؾ, which is a اؼ ض ه( يم ىPossession), along with its اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه
( يم ىPossessor , which is
“)” ًى ٍم, join up to become the اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ( يم ىPossessor) of “” ًديٍ ًن. The اؼ
ض ه ) ًديٍ ًن( يم ىalong with
ض ه
its اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ) يملي ٍوكً ًه ٍم( يم ىjoin up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition,
ض ه
which is “)” ىعلىى. The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to
become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with قىائً يم ٍو ىف, which is ؼ ( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). “ ”قىائً يم ٍو ىفalong with
its ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and
( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal Clause).
اض ً
م ٍق ىر ي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخ ٍبػ هر (Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal
صائً ًر ً
اىٍْلى ىماني تيػ ٍع ًم ٍي يعييػ ٍو ىف الٍبى ى
“Wishful thinking blinds the eyes of the people who see.”
صائً ًر
الٍبى ى = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject).
ً ( فىDoer) and ( م ٍفعو هؿ بً ًوObject) join up to become a ( جملىةه فًعلًيَّةهVerbal
( فً ٍع هلVerb), اع هل ٍى ي ٍ ٍي
Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ً ٍحلٍم س ًجيَّةه فى
اضلىةه اىل ي ى
“Forbearance is a virtuous trait.”
ؼص ٍو ه ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal
س يك ِّل ىد ىك واء ً
اىلٍح ٍميىةي ىرأٍ ي
“Proper diet is the fountainhead of every cure.”
ً ال
ٍح ٍميىةي = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ىرأٍ ي
س = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
The اؼ ” يك ِّل“ يم ىalong with its اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ) ىد ىكاء( يم ىjoin up to become the اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ض هيم ى
(Possessor) of “ٍس ً ً ض ه
” ىرأ ي. The اؼ
ض هٍس( يم ى
) ىرأ يand its اؼ إل ٍىيو ( يم ىPossessor) join up to become
the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه
ً ً
( إ ٍسميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal Clause).
ً نىػ ٍف
س = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to
become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with “س ً ً ً ِّ
”يىق ٍي ي. “س
”يىق ٍي ي, along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and يمتىػ ىعل هق
(Connection) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ( يVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to
become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
س ً
الٍج ٍن ي = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
س ً ال
ً ٍج ٍن = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
The ل ً ً ًً
( ف ٍع هVerb) along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal
Clause), whicn in turn becomes the ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition).
ىكفىى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم (Active, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer). The ( فًعلVerb) along
with its ل ً ًً
( فىاع هDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ( ىج ىزاءهResult). The ط
( ىش ٍر هCondition) along with its ( ىج ىزاءهResult) join up
to become a ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه
( يج ٍملىةه ىConditional Clause), which in turn becomes the ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه
( ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal Clause).
الش ًريٍ ى
ف ىش ٍرفنا ً اىل
َّ ٍح ٍك ىمةي تى ًزيٍ يد
“Wisdom increases a noble person in nobility.”
ً اىل
ٍح ٍك ىمةي = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
تى ًزيٍ يد = ؼ ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
( ىPronoun) inside it, which is “” ًىي, is the اع هل
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر ً ( فىDoer).
الش ًريٍ ى
ف َّ = ( يم ىميَّػ هزAmbiguous Noun) 15.
The ( تى ًم ٍيػ هزClarifying Noun) and ( يم ىميَّػ هزAmbiguous Noun) join up to become the ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ
ً ( فىDoer) and
( بً ًوObject) of the ( فً ٍع هلVerb) “”تى ًزيٍ يد. The ( فً ٍع هلVerb) “”تى ًزيٍ يد, along with its اع هل
( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become
a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ضائً ًل
اىلٍدنٍػيىا بًال ىٍو ىسائً ًل ىل بًالٍ ىف ى
“The world is acquired through means, not statuses (postion).”
ىل = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ضائً ًل
الٍ ىف ى = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
( ىجرPreposition) and ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) – with ىل
ً ً ً
– to the ل ( ف ٍع هVerb) “لصي ”يي ٍح ىalong with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ ىقافTwo
”يي ٍح ى. “ص يل
Connections) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ( يVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to
become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه( يNominal Clause).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal
Meaning, this Dunyaa is the place where good deeds are sown, and which are then reaped in the Aakhirah.
اْلنٍ ىسا يف = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ىما = ص ٍوفىةه
( ىم ٍو يDescribing Particle).
The ل ً ً ً
( ف ٍع هVerb) along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) join up to become the ( ص ىفةهAdjective) of
the ص ٍوفىةه ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribing Particle). The ؼ ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and its ص ىفةه
(Adjective) join up to become the ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitve) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ىجر
(Preposition) and its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
” ىح ًريٍ هand its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). يم ٍبتى ىدأه
” ىح ًريٍ ه. “ص
(Subject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ً اْل ٍحس
اف اىًٍْلنٍ ىسا يف ىع ٍب يد ًٍ ى
“Man is the servant of goodness.”
اْلنٍ ىسا يف = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ً اْل ٍحس
اف ًٍ ى = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخ ٍبػ هر (Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal
ب ييػ ٍهلً ي ً ً
ص ٍد يؽ ييػ ٍنج ٍي ىكالٍك ٍذ ي
ِّ ٍاىل
“Truthfulness saves, whilst falsehood destroys.”
الص ٍد يؽ
ِّ = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ب ً
الٍك ٍذ ي = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
17 ً ٍع
Once again, students are expected to have learnt the Abwaab of Sarf. اؿ ًٍ اب
اْلفػ ى بى يis the اب
بى هwhich gives the
meaning of “causing”.
ي ًيػ ٍهل ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ي = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه ضا ًر ه
ً اْلفٍػ ىع
ًٍ اب ً ً
verb) on اؿ بى يin the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine,
Third-Person). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
The ل ً ً ًً
( ف ٍع هVerb) and its ( فىاع هلDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and its ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection). ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) and ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To)
join up to become a ج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه
( يConjunctive Clause).
ىح ًس ٍن
ٍأ = ( فً ٍع يل ٍاْل ٍىم ًرVerb of Command), in the
ً ( اىلٍوSingular, Masculine, Third-Person). The ض ًميػر
ً اح يد الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح
word form of اض ير ي ي ى ى ى ٍه
(Pronoun) inside it, which is “ت ( ”أىنٍ ىYou), is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ىح ىس ىن
ٍأ = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمin the word form
ً ً
( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
(word-form) of ب
اهللي = ً ( فىDoer).
اع هل
ىؾ = ً ض ًم ٍيػر الٍ ًخطى
اب ( ى يPronoun of Address, i.e.
“You”), as well as the ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
join up to become ق( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with the ( فً ٍع هلVerb) “س ىن
ىح ى
ٍ ”أ. “س ىن
ىح ى
ٍ ”أ, along with
ً ِّ ًً
( فىاع هDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection), join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهVerbal
its ل
Clause), which in turn becomes the صلىةه ً (Link) of the previous ( إًسم موصو هؿRelative
ٍٍ ه ىٍ ي
Pronoun). The ص ٍو هؿ ( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun) and its ( صلىةهLink) join up to become
the ج يرٍكهر
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرwhich was “)” ىؾ. The ( ىجرPreposition) and its ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with the ( فً ٍع يل ٍاْل ٍىم ًرVerb of
Command) which is “ىح ًس ٍن ً ”أ, along with its اعل ً ِّ
ٍ ”أ. “ىحس ٍن ٍ ( فى هDoer) and يمتىػ ىعل هق
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ىVerbal Clause).
(Connection), join up to become a شائًيَّةه
فى ى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
ً ً
( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ب
ٍاْلى ىد ي
ب = ً ( فىof “ات
اع هل )”فى ى.
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb) along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition).
ى = ( ىج ىزائًيَّةResult).
إل ىٍزٍـ = ؼ
ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ( فً ٍع يلVerb of
ً الٍح
اض ًر ى ٍاْلى ٍم ًر
Command, Active, Second-Person), in the word form of اض ير ً اىلٍو
ً اح يد الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح
ي ي ى ى
ً ً
(Singular, Masculine, Second-Person), on اب ٍاْلفٍػ ىعاؿ ً
بى ي. The ضم ٍيػ هر( ىPronoun) inside it,
which is “ت ً ( فىDoer).
( ”أىنٍ ىYou), is the اع هل
الص ٍم ى
َّ = ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject).
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb) along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىج ىزاءهResult) of the ط ىش ٍر ه
(Condition). The ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition) along with its ( ىج ىزاءهResult) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةهConditional Clause).
فى ى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
ً ً
( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ب
ال ى = ً ( فىof “ات
اع هل )”فى ى.
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb) along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition).
ى = ( ىج ىزائًيَّةResult).
ًش ٍئ ى
ت = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ف ٍع يل ال ىٍم (Active, past-tense
ً اف كالنَّب
ات ً ً
ٍج ٍد ىر ى ى
ٍحيىاةي ىكظ ِّل ال ي
اىل ى
“Life is like the shade of walls and plants.”
ال ى = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ً الٍج ٍدر
اف ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
ي ى = ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ً النَّب
ات ى = ؼ
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection).
ؼ ( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ص ٍو ه
ال ىٍم ٍريزٍك ًؽ = ً (Adjective).
ص ىفةه
ؼص ٍو ه ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with “” ىخ ٍيػ هر. “ ” ىخ ٍيػ هرand its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) join up to become the
( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
(Nominal Clause).
َّح يو
ٍ الن = ً ٍح
اؿ ( ذي ٍك ال ىOwner of the Condition) .
( ىجرPreposition) and its ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
“” ىكائًننا. “ ” ىكائًنناand its ق
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection) join up to become the اؿ( ىح هCondition) of the
ً ٍح
اؿ ( ذي ٍك ال ىwhich is “َّح يو ً ٍح
ٍ )”اىلن. The اؿ ( ذي ٍك ال ىOwner of the Condition) and its اؿ ىح ه
(Condition) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
Students would have learnt the laws of “اؿ ً ٍح
” ىح هand “اؿ ”ذي ٍك ال ى. Nevertheless, for those who do not know or have
forgotten, the “اؿ ً ( فىDoer) or the م ٍفعو هؿat the time the action
” ىح هis a noun which describes the condition of the اع هل ٍى ي
mentioned in the ل ً ً ٍح
( ف ٍع هVerb) took place. For example: َراكِبا ( َجا َء َز ْيدZayd came riding). Here, “Zayd” is the اؿ ذي ٍك ال ى
(Owner of the Condition) and “ ” ىراكًبناis the اؿ
( ىح هCondition), explaining the condition of the اع هل ً ( فىDoer), which is
ً ال ًٍمل
ٍح = ً ٍح
اؿ ( ذي ٍك ال ىOwner of the Condition).
( ىجرPreposition) and its ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
“” ىكائًننا. “ ” ىكائًنناand its ق( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection) join up to become the اؿ ( ىح هCondition) of the
ً ٍح
اؿ ( ذي ٍك ال ىwhich is “ٍح ً )”اىل ًٍمل. اؿ ً ٍح
( ذي ٍك ال ىOwner of the Condition) and its اؿ( ىح هCondition)
join up to become the ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition)
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with ىكائ هنwhich is ؼ
and ج يرٍكهر ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه
(Omitted). “ ” ىكائً هنand its ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal
ال ىٍم ٍن ًط ًق = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ِّ ً
” يم ىؤَّك ه. “ ” يم ىؤَّك هلand its ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of إ َّف.
“ ”إً َّفalong with its noun and predicate join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
(Nominal Clause).
ص ير
أىبٍ ى = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ً الن
َّاس = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
نىظىىر = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ً يعييػ ٍو
ب = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). ( ىجرPreposition) and its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become
the ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection) of the ( فً ٍع هلVerb) “”نىظىىر. “ ”نىظىىرalong with its اع هلً ( فىDoer) and
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) join up to become the صلىةه ً (Link) of the ( موصو هؿwhich was “)”من.
ٍىٍ ي ٍى
The ص ٍو هؿ ً
( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun) and its ( صلىةهLink) join up to become the ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ي
(Nominal Clause).
ً ب جنػو هف ك
آخ يرهي نى ىد هـ ض ً يي ٍ ى أ َّىك يؿ الٍغى ى
“The beginning of anger is madness, and its end is regret.”
ب الٍغى ى = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةهNominal Clause),
which becomes ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
آخ ير = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
نى ىد هـ = ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةهNominal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) and ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection). ؼ ىم ٍعطيٍو ه
(Coupled To) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه ( يConjunctive Clause).
ىم ي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the اع هل ً ( فىDoer) of
“ل ً ( فىDoer) join up to become a
َّ ”قىwhich is the ( فً ٍع هلVerb). The ( فً ٍع هلVerb) and its اع هل
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition).
ص ًديٍ يق
ى = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become to become the اع هل ً فى
(Doer) of “ل ً ( فىDoer) join up to
َّ ”قىwhich is the ( فً ٍع هلVerb The ( فً ٍع هلVerb) and its اع هل
become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىج ىزاءهResult). The
( ىش ٍر هCondition) and its ( ىج ىزاءهResult) join up to become a يج ٍملىةه ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه
(Conditional Clause).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the earlier ( ىجرPossession), which was “” ًم ٍن. The ( ىجرPreposition) and its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ىم
(Genitive) join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with “”أىنٍػ ىف يع. “ ”أىنٍػ ىف يعand its يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connection) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ً الٍج
اى يل ى = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ً نىػ ٍف
س = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to
become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with “” ىع يدك. “ ” ىع يدكand its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) join up to
become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to
become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ى = ( فىاءي التَّػ ٍق ًريٍ ًعThe فىاءهof Rebuke).
ىك ٍي ى = اْل ٍستً ٍف ىه ًاـ
ًٍ ؼ( ىح ٍر يInterrogative Particle).
ص ًديٍػ نقا
ى = ً (Adjective).
Word form of ص ىفةه
ًؿ = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up
to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with “ص ًديٍػ نقا ً ”, along with its ( متػعلِّ هقConnection),
” ى. “صديٍػ نقا ى يى ى
join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of “ك ٍو يف ”يى ي. “( ”يى يك ٍو يفwhich is the ص ً ً
)ف ٍع هل نىاق هalong
with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) joins up to become a شائًيَّةه ( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ىVerbal
ب الٍ ىك ىم ى ً ً اىل
اؿ ىكال ىٍعاق يل يىطٍلي ي
ب ال ىٍم ى
ٍجاى يل يىطٍلي ي
“The ignorant one seeks wealth, whilst the intelligent one seeks perfection.” 19
اى يل
ٍج ى
ال ى = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
يىطٍلي ي = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًر ه
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىلٍ ىواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ال ىٍم ى = ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject).
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) joins up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The يم ٍبتى ىدأه
Meaning, a person who seeks more wealth than what he actually needs is an ignoramus. But seeking that
amount of wealth which is needed to support oneself and one’s family is compulsory. That is not what is being
referred to here.
(Subject) and its ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal
Clause), which in turn becomes ؼ عىلىٍي ًو( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
يىطٍلي ي = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًر ه
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
الٍ ىك ىم ى = ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject).
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) joins up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The يم ٍبتى ىدأه
(Subject) and its ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection). ؼ
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) and
ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةهConjunctive Clause).
الٍ ىك ىال يـ = ً ( فىDoer).
اع هل
الس ٍم ًع
َّ = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) joins up to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connected) with “ك َّرىر ً ( فىDoer)
”تى ى, which is the ( فً ٍع هلVerb). “ ”تى ىك َّرىرalong with its اع هل
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection) joins up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in
and ق
turn becomes the ط
( ىش ٍر هCondition).
The ( ىجرPreposition) along with its ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connected) with “”تىػ ىق َّرىر, which is the ً ( فىDoer) and
( فً ٍع هلVerb). “”تىػ ىق َّرىر, along its اع هل
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ( ىج ىزاءهResult). The ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition) and its ( ىج ىزاءهResult) join up to
become a ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه
( يج ٍملىةه ىConditional Clause).
ٍح ىس يد
اىل ى = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ص ىد ًاء
ي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ىل يىػ ىز ي = ع ىم ٍن ًف ٍي ( فً ٍع هل يم ىNegating, present-tense
ضا ًر ه
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
ىinside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the ( إً ٍس همNoun).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
precedes it, as حتٌىcauses ب
صهٍ ( نىAccusative Case) to the ف ٍع هلfollowing it and ىجرto the إً ٍس همfollowing it. However, he
has chosen to use a different method of Tarkeeb and say that it is ب
ص ٍو ه
ىمنٍ يdue to a hidden إ ٌف.
يق = ( ىPronoun), and the ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بً ًو
ض ًم ٍيػ هر
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) of the ىجر
(which is “)” ىحتَّى. The ( ىجرPreposition) and its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become
يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقwith “اؿ
” ىل يىػ ىز ي. “اؿ ً ( فىDoer) and
” ىل يىػ ىز ي, which is a ( فً ٍع هلVerb), along with its اع هل
ً ( متىػعلِّ ىقTwo Connections), join up to become a ( جملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in
اف يى ٍي
turn becomes the ( ص ىفةهAdjective) of the earlier ؼ ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun). The
ص ٍو ه ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرwhich was “)” ىؾ. The ( ىجرPreposition) and its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to
become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with “( ” ىكائً هنwhich is Omitted). “” ىكائً هن, which is in the
word form of ص ىفةه ً (Adjective), along with its ( متىػعلِّ هقConnection), join up to become
the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up
to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
اىلٍ ىقلً ٍي يل ىم ىع التَّ ٍدبًٍي ًر ىخ ٍيػ هر ِّم ىن الٍ ىكثًٍي ًر ىم ىع الت ٍَّب ًذيٍ ًر
“Having little, but having correct management, is better than to have a lot but
be wasteful.”
is ؼ
ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun).
The اؼ ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ؼ ظىٍر ه
(Adverb) 21 or the ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًوAdverb) of “” ىكائً هن, which is ؼ
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). “” ىكائً هن, along
with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ق ً (Adjective). ؼ
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection), becomes the ص ىفةه ص ٍو ه
ىم ٍو ي
(Described Noun) and ص ىفةه ً (Adjective) join up to become the ( مبتى ىدأهSubject). 22
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ( يم ىPossessor) joins up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected)
ض ه
to “” ىكائً هن, which is ؼ ( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). “ ” ىكائً هنalong with its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection)
becomes the ص ىفةه ً (Adjective). ؼ ص ٍو ه ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up
to become the ج يرٍكهر ً
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرwhich was “)”م ٍن. ( ىجرPreposition) and
( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with “” ىخ ٍيػ هر. “ ” ىخ ٍيػ هرalong with its
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) joins up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ( يNominal Clause).
;” يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقhowever, he has not stated what is the إً ٍس همand what is the يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق, as the readers will have noticed. Perhaps
ً ً ً
he feels that the readers should already know it by now. For those who don’t, ل اىلٍ ىقل ٍي يis the إ ٍس همand ىم ىع التَّ ٍدب ٍي ًرis the
يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق.
“Look for the neighbour before looking for the house, and look for a companion
before travelling.”
ً أيطٍلي
ب = ً ( فً ٍعل ٍاْلىم ًر الٍحActive, second-
اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي
ؼ ي ٍ ى
person verb of command). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “ت
”أىنٍ ى, is the
ً ( فىDoer).
اع هل
ٍجا ىر
ال ى = ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject).
الد ىار = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ( يم ىPossessor) joins up to become a ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًوAdverb).
ض ه
The ل ً ً ً
( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍف يع ٍوىلفTwo Objects), join up to
become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ً ( معطيو هCoupled
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes ؼ ىعلىٍيو ٍ ٍى
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
الرفً ٍي ىق
َّ = ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject) of a َّر ً
( ف ٍع هل يم ىقد هHidden
Verb), which is “ب
ٍ ”أيطٍلي.
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ( يم ىPossessor) join up to become a ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًوAdverb).
ض ه
The ل يم ىق َّد هر ً ً ً
( ف ٍع هhidden verb, which is “ب ٍ )”أيطٍلي, along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ىم ٍفعي ٍوىلف
(Two Objects) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ( يVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection). ؼ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) and ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To)
joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه ( يConjunctive Clause).
ً اىلٍو
ض ٍي يع إً ىذا ٍارتىػ ىف ىع تى ىكبَّػ ىر ىكإً ىذا ىح ىك ىم تى ىجبَّػ ىر ى
“A lowly person, when he rises (to a position of authority), becomes arrogant,
and when he passes judgement, oppresses.”
ً الٍو
ض ٍي يع ى = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
The ل ً ً ًً
( ف ٍع هVerb) and its ( فىاع هلDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition).
The ل ً ً ًً
( ف ٍع هVerb) and its ( فىاع هلDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ( ىج ىزاءهResult). The ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition) and its ( ىج ىزاءهResult)
join up to become a ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه
( يج ٍملىةه ىConditional Clause), which in turn becomes
ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ىح ىك ىم = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
The ل ً ً ًً
( ف ٍع هVerb) and its ( فىاع هلDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal Clause)
which in turn becomes the ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition).
The ل ً ً ًً
( ف ٍع هVerb) and its ( فىاع هلDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ( ىج ىزاءهResult). The ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition) and its ( ىج ىزاءهResult)
join up to become a ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه
( يج ٍملىةه ىConditional Clause), which in turn becomes
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection).
الٍ ىف ىرا ي = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
تى ىجبَّػ ىرis on اب التَّػ ىفع ٍل
بى ي.
ً ٍاْلى ٍمو
ات اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ى = ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with “” ىكائً هن, which is Omitted. “ ” ىكائً هنis on the word form of ص ىفةه ً
(Adjective), and the ض ًم ٍيػ هر ( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is its ( إً ٍس همNoun).
“” ىكائً هن, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection), join up to become the ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) of the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to
become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ً معطيو ه
( يNominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ؼ ىعلىٍيو ٍ ٍى
(Coupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
اْل ٍشتًغى ي
اؿ ًٍ = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with “” ىكائً هن, which is Omitted. “ ” ىكائً هنis on the word form of ص ىفةه ً
(Adjective), and the ض ًم ٍيػ هر ( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is its ( إً ٍس همNoun).
“” ىكائً هن, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection), join up to become a يج ٍملىةه
( إً ٍس ًميَّةهNominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject)
and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ( يNominal Clause), which in
turn becomes the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection). ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) and ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled
To) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةه ( يConjunctive Clause).
ص يح ى فً ٍي غىٍيبً ى ىكآثىػ ىر ىؾ ىعلىى نىػ ٍف ًس ًو َّ لص ًديٍ يق
الص يد ٍك يؽ ىم ٍن يَّػ ٍن ى َّ اى
“A true friend is one who is a well-wisher of yours in your absence, and who
gives preference to you over himself.”
الص يد ٍك يؽ
َّ = ً (Adjective).
ص ىفةه
ؼ ( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ص ٍو ه
ص يح
يَّػ ٍن ى = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًر ه
ً ً
verb) in the word-form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرwhich was “)”فً ٍي. ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with “ص يح ً ً
”يىػ ٍن ى, which is the ( ف ٍع هلVerb). The ص يح“ ف ٍع هل ”يىػ ٍن ى, along with
ً ًً ِّ
its ل ( فىاع هDoer) and and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ً نىػ ٍف
س = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with the ( فً ٍع هلVerb) “”آثىػ ىر. “”آثىػ ىر, along with its اع هل ً ( فىDoer), م ٍفعو هؿ بً ًو
ٍى ي
(Object) and ق ً ً
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection), joins up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection). ؼ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) and ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
ىم ٍعطيٍو ه
(Coupled To) join up to become the صلىةه ً (Link) of the earlier ( موصو هؿRelative
ٍىٍ ي
Pronoun). ص ٍو هؿ ً
( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun) and ( صلىةهLink) join up to become the ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) of the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to
become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ب غىٍي ًرًه ى
ض ًريٍػ نرا ً َّاس من ىكا ىف بًع ٍيبً ًو ب
ً ص ٍيػ نرا ىك ىع ٍن ىع ٍي ى ى ٍ ض يل الن ً ى
أىفٍ ى
“The best person is he who sees his own faults and is blind to the faults of
أىفٍ ى
ض يل = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ً الن
َّاس = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ً ىع ٍي
ب = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with “ص ٍيػ نراً ”ب, which is replacing the (usual) order (i.e. the متىػعلِّ هق
ى يى
has come before the word it is ق يمتىػ ىعلِّ هto).
ص ٍيػ نرا ً (Adjective). Along
ى = Word form of ص ىفةه
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection, it becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). “” ىكا ىف, along with its إً ٍس هم
with its ق
(Noun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate), joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which
in turn becomes the ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ً ىع ٍي
ب = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to the اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) of
ً ” ىع ٍي. اؼ
“ب ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) of the ( ىجرwhich was “)” ىع ٍن. ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up
to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with “ض ًريٍػ نرا
” ى, which is replacing the (usual) order (i.e.
يمتىػ ىعلِّ هhas come before the word it is يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقto).
the ق
ض ًريٍػ نرا
ى = ً (Adjective). Along
Word form of ص ىفةه
with its ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection), it becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of “Kaana” which is
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). ( ىكا ىفwhich is ؼ ) ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate), joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ( يVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) and ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection). ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To)
join up to become the صلىةه ً (Link) of the ( موصو هؿRelative Pronoun). ( موصو هؿRelative
ٍىٍ ي ٍىٍ ي
Pronoun) and صلىةه ً (Link) join up to become the ( ىخبػرPredicate). ( مبتى ىدأهSubject) and
ٍه ٍي
( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal Clause).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ٍج ٍه يل
ال ى = ؼ
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection).
ض ًع
َّوا ي
التػ ى = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ( يم ىPossessor) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected)
ض ه
with ىكائًنىػ ٍي ًن. ىكائًنىػ ٍي ًنalong with its ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection) join up to become the اؿ ىح ه
(Condition). اؿ ( ىح هCondition) and اؿ ً ٍح ( ذي ٍك ال ىOwner of the Condition) join up to
become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
الس ىخ ًاء
َّ = ؼ
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection).
ً ال
ٍك ٍب ًر = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ( يم ىPossessor) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection)
ض ه
with ىكائًنىػ ٍي ًن. ىكائًنىػ ٍي ًنalong with its ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection) join up to become the اؿ ىح ه
(Condition). اؿ ( ىح هCondition) and اؿ ً ٍح ( ذي ٍك ال ىOwner of the Condition) join up to
become the ج يرٍكهر ً
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرwhich was “)”م ٍن. ( ىجرPreposition) and ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with “” ىخ ٍيػ هر. “ ” ىخ ٍيػ هرis on the word
form of ص ىفةه ً (Adjective). Along with its ( متىػعلِّ هقConnection), it becomes the ىخبػر
يى ٍه
(Predicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ي
(Nominal Clause).
ىج ىه يل
ٍأ = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ً الن
َّاس = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject), join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
يىطٍلي ي = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًر ه
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes ؼ ٍاْل َّىك يؿ ( ال ىٍم ٍعتيػ ٍو يFirst
Connection). 24 Similarly, الش َّر َّ ىكيىػ ٍف ىع يلbecomes ؼ الثَّانًي
( ال ىٍم ٍعتيػ ٍو يSecond Connection) and
ؼ الثَّالً ي
ىكيىػتىػ ىوقَّ يع الٍ ىخ ٍيػ ىرbecomes ث ( ال ىٍم ٍعتيػ ٍو يThird Connection). The ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To),
along with all three of its Connections, join up to become the صلىةه ً (Link) of the
ص ٍو هؿ ً
( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun). ص ٍو هؿ ( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun) and ( صلىةهLink) join up to
become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخبٍ ًريَّةهNominal Clause).
اؿ َّ
الد ي = ً إًسم الٍ ىف.
Word form of اع ًل ٍي
Meaning, he will receive the same reward as the one who does it.
( ىجرPreposition) and ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
“َّاؿ ”اىلد ي, which is on the word form of اع ًل
”اىلد ي. “َّاؿ ً إًسم الٍ ىف, along with its متػعلِّ هق
ٍي يى ى
(Connection), becomes the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ً فى
اع ًل = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ىىا = ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
( ىPronoun in the genitive
case) 26, and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become the ص ىفةه ً (Adjective) of the
ؼص ٍو ه ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun). ؼ ص ٍو ه ( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up to
become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate)
join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
صبىػ ىر
ى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
ىinside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
The ل ً ً ًً
( ف ٍع هVerb) along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal
Clause), which in turn becomes the صلىةه ً (Link) of the ( موصو هؿRelative Pronoun).
ٍىٍ ي
The ص ٍو هؿ ً
( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun) and ( صلىةهLink) join up to become the ط
ىش ٍر ه
The ل ً ً ًً
( ف ٍع هVerb) along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal
Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىج ىزاءهResult). The ط( ىش ٍر هCondition) and its ىج ىزاءه
(Result) join up to become a ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه
( يج ٍملىةه ىConditional Clause).
ض ًح ى
ض ًح ى ي
ىم ٍن ى
“Whoever laughs (at others) will be laughed at.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the above.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as the one two sentences above.
ثى ىم ىرةي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) and اؼ إًلىيٍ ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ً ىخ
اد يـ = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal
This was explained earlier.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the above.
يكل = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal
Meaning, moderation is the best in everything, and not going to either extreme (i.e. laxity or overboard).
“The stories of the earlier ones are lessons for the later ones.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the previous one.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as the one two sentences above.
The ( تى ًم ٍيػ هزClarifying Noun) and ( يم ىميَّػ هزAmbiguous Noun) join up to become the ل ً
فىاع ه
(Doer) of the ل ٍاْل ٍىم ًر ً ً ً
( ف ٍع يCommand, which is “)” يزٍر. The ( ف ٍع هلVerb) and ( فىاع هلDoer) join
up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the أ ٍىم هر
What this means is that one should not visit every single day, but should allow for a few days before visiting
again. However, this advice is with regards to visiting people in general; when it comes to best friends, etc. then of
course this does not apply.
The laws pertaining to تى ًم ٍيػ هزand يم ىميَّػ هزhave been explained earlier in this Kitaab.
تىػ ٍز ىد ٍد = ؼ ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه
verb) in the word form of اض ير ً ( اىلٍوSingular, Masculine, Second-Person).
ً اح يد الٍم ىذ َّكر الٍح
ي ي ى ى
ً ً ً
It is on اب ٍاْلفٍت ىعاؿ
بى ي. 32
( تى ًم ٍيػ هزClarifying Noun) and ( يم ىميَّػ هزAmbiguous Noun) join up to become the ل ً
فىاع ه
(Doer). ل ً ً ( فىDoer) join up to become a ( جملىةه فًعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause),
( ف ٍع هVerb) and اع هل ٍ ٍي
which in turn becomes اب ٍاْل ٍىم ًر ( ىج ىو يthe reply of the command). The ( أ ٍىم هرCommand)
and its اب ٍاْلى ٍم ًر ً جملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ى
( ىج ىو يthe reply of the command) join up to become a شائيَّةه ٍي
(Verbal Clause).
لىٍي ى = ص ً ً
( ف ٍع هل نىاق هAuxiliary Verb).
The student is expected to have learnt all (or at least, most) of the various اب
أىبٍػ ىو هduring his classes in Sarf. تىػ ٍز ىد ٍد
was originally تىػ ٍز ىد ي. Due to being the اب ٍاْل ٍىم ًر
اد ”أىلً هdropped off and the word was
( ىج ىو يreply of the command), the “ف
rendered ج يزٍكهـ
ٍ ( ىمi.e. ends with a ىج ٍزهـ, or يس يك ٍو هف, which is “ًٍ ”).
All auxiliary verbs come with a noun and predicate.
The ( ىجرPreposition) and its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected)
with ىكائًنناwhich is ؼ
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted) and which is the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرof س
)ل ٍىي ى. س
ل ٍىي ىjoins up with
its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ً الرىى
اف ِّ = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ؼ
( ظىٍر هAdverb,
i.e. the ) ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًو.
تيػ ٍع ىر ي = ( فً ٍع هل يم ىPassive, present-tense
ضا ًرعه ىم ٍج يه ٍو هؿ
verb) in the word form of ب ً ( اىلٍوSingular, Feminine, Third-Person).
ً اح يد الٍمئىػن ي
َّث الٍغىائ ي ي ى
يحب = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
الش ًئ = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
صم ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ي = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه
ضا ًر ه
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer). The ( فًعلVerb)
along with its ل ً ًً
( فىاع هDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal Clause), which in
turn becomes the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection). The ؼ
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) and its ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
ىم ٍعطيٍو ه
(Coupled To) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ىم ٍن = ( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun).
ص ٍو هؿ
ب ً
يَّ ٍكذ ي = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًر ه
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer). The ( فًعلVerb)
and ل ً ًً
( فىاع هDoer) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the صلىةه ً (Link) of the ( موصو هؿRelative Pronoun). The ( موصو هؿRelative
ٍىٍ ي ٍىٍ ي
Pronoun) and صلىةهً (Link) join up to become the اؼ إًلىي ًو
ٍ ض ه ( يم ىPossessor) of the earlier
ض ه( يم ىwhich was “)” ىج ىزاءي. The اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ( يم ىPossessor) join up to
become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ص َّد ىؽ
ل يي ى = ع ىم ٍن ًف ٍي ىم ٍج يه ٍو هؿ
ضا ًر ه( فً ٍع هل يم ىPassive, present-
tense, negative verb). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر (Pronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the ب ً
ى نىائ ي
( الٍ ىفاع ًلSubstitute Doer). The فً ٍع هل (Verb) along with its اع ًل ً ( نىائًب الٍ ىفSubstitute Doer)
joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes – by way
of one interpretation – the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate)
join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخبٍ ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ً الن
َّاس = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ىم ٍن = ( إً ٍس هم ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun).
ص ٍو هؿ
الن ى = ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject).
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb) along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) join up to become the
ً (Link) of the ( موصو هؿRelative Pronoun). The ( موصو هؿRelative Pronoun) joins up
صلىةه ٍىٍ ي ٍىٍ ي
ً (Link) to become the ( ىخبػرPredicate). ( مبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخبػر
with the صلىةه ٍه ٍي ٍه
(Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍسميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
( ىش ٍر هCondition) joins up with its ( ىج ىزاءهResult) to become a يج ٍملىةه ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه
(Conditional Clause).
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the previous one.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as the one two sentences above.
The يم ٍبتى ىدأهand ىخ ٍبػ هرin this sentence are clear.
The يم ٍبتى ىدأهand ىخ ٍبػ هرin this sentence are clear. 34
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ص يل
يى ٍح ي = ( فً ٍع هلVerb).
الثػ ىَّو ي = ً ( فىDoer).
اع هل
The ل ً ً ِّ
( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection), joins up to
become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يVerbal Clause).
In this sentence and the previous one, the author does not bother to present any Tarkeeb, as he feels that by
now, the student who has been studying this Kitaab should know it quite well, as he has been doing it many times
over. If, at this point, the student is unable to do the Tarkeeb for these two sentences, it is necessary that he starts
over again, that perhaps he may gain a better understanding the next time around, In-Shaa’Allaah. In any case, it is
good to complete this Kitaab three times over, if possible, to solidify one’s understanding of Tarkeeb, as this is the
best Kitaab in English for that purpose.
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
aؼ( فً ٍع هل ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted verb), which is ص يل
يى ٍح ي.
ً ً
صي”يى ٍح ي, which is the ( ف ٍع هلVerb), joins up with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection)
to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه( يVerbal Clause).
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم. 35
يكل = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
Again, the author does not repeat the Tarkeeb, but expects the student to know it by now, or refer back to the
example given if he doesn’t.
They mean by this that every person’s nature and manner of dealing with others is according to his own
upbringing and education. So “every person displays that which is inside of him.” A person filled with evil will
exude evil, in the same way that a container filled with musk will exude musk. This is the meaning of the proverb.
إًنى واء = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ض يح
يىػ ٍن ى = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًر ه
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and its ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected)
with ( ىكقى ىعTo occur) or ( إً ٍستىػ ىق َّرTo be or become established) which is ؼ ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه
(Omitted). ىكقى ىعjoins up with its ل ً ِّ
( فىاع هDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection) to become a يج ٍملىةه
( فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the صلىةه ً (Link) of the ( موصو هؿRelative
ٍىٍ ي
Pronoun). The ص ٍو هؿ ً
( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun) and its ( صلىةهLink) join up to become the
( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with the ( فً ٍع هلwhich is ض يح
يىػنٍ ى.) The ( فً ٍع هلVerb)
joins up with its ل ً ِّ
( فىاع هDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection) to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal
ص ًديٍػ يقوي ً
ىم ٍن قى َّل ص ٍدقيوي قى َّل ى
“He whose truthfulness is little shall have few friends.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم.
ت ىى ٍيبىتيوي
ٍ احوي ىزالى
ىم ٍن ىكثيػ ىر يم ىز ي
“When one jokes a lot, his awe will be lost.” 37
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم.
Meaning, people lose respect for a person who is always making jokes and laughing. Nobody has awe and
veneration for such a person. However, this does not mean that one should not laugh or make jokes, but rather,
that it should be done in moderation, as was the Sunnah. One should not go to either extreme.
فى ٍخ ير = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ض ًل
ٍ فى = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ىخ ٍيػ هر. ىخ ٍيػ هرand its ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection) join up to become the ؼ ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ىص ًل
ٍأ = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ىؾ = ب ً ( ىPronoun of Address) and
ضم ٍيػ هر يم ىخاطى ه
اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ( يم ىPossessor). The اؼ ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه ( يم ىPossessor) join up to
become the ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with ىكائً هنwhich is ؼ ( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted).
ىكائً هنis on the word form of اع ًل ً إًسم الٍ ىف. Along with its ( متػعلِّ هقConnection), it becomes
ٍي يى ى
the ص ىفةه ً (Adjective). The ؼ ص ٍو ه ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up to
become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخبٍ ًريَّةهNominal Clause).
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم.
ت إً ٍخ ىوانيوي
ٍ س ىن يخ ٍل يقوي ىكثيػ ىر
ىم ٍن ىح ي
Meaning, he destroys the reward he had acquired for that good deed.
Hayaa is commonly translated as “shame”, or “modesty”.
“He who has good character will have many friends.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم.
اؿ يع ٍم يرهي فىػ ىق ىد أىحبَّتىوي
ىم ٍن طى ى
“Whoever lives long loses his loved ones.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ىم ٍن ل يىػ ٍر ىح يم ل ييػ ٍر ىح يم. 40
ً اْل ٍخو
ً اف ىكتىػ ىع ىاملي ٍوا ىك ٍاْلى ٍجنى
اب تىػ ىعا ىش يرٍكا ىك ًٍ ى
“Live like brothers, deal like strangers.”
ً اْل ٍخو
اف ًٍ ى = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
As the readers can see, the author (Maulana Ahsan Nanotwi) has, by this point, gotten tired of repeating the
Tarkeeb and expects the students to have understood the method of Tarkeeb for such sentences quite well. If it is
not understood quite well by now, return to the first page of the Kitaab and start over.
The ل ً ً ِّ
)تىػ ىعا ىش يرٍكا( ف ٍع هalong with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection) join up to become
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ىVerbal Clause) 41, which in turn becomes the ؼ ىعلىيٍ ًو
a شائًيَّةه ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ً ٍاْلى ٍجنى
اب = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
The ل ً ً ِّ
)تىػ ىع ىاملي ٍوا( ف ٍع هalong with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection) join up to become
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ىVerbal Clause) 42, which in turn becomes the ؼ
a شائًيَّةه ىم ٍعطيٍو ه
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) in this sentence is clear.
س الس ٍوًء
ً ىك ٍح ىدةي ال ىٍم ٍرًء ىخ ٍيػ هر ِّم ٍن ىجلً ٍي
“Solitude is better than an evil companion.”
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) in this sentence is clear.
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) in this sentence is clear.43
ىش ٍخ ه = ؼ
ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ىل أ ىىد و
ب = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
44 ص بً ىال أ ىىد و
The author states that another Tarkeeb of ب ىش ٍخ هis possible, and that is to make it ذك الحاؿand حاؿ.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is obvious. صبً ير ً
ٍ يىjoins up with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and
ً ( متىػعلِّ ىقTwo Connections) to become a ( جملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخب ًريَّةهVerbal Clause).
اف يى ٍ ٍي
ص بًىال أ ىىد و
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of ب ىش ٍخ ه.
ٍح ًك ٍي ىم
ب ىكىل تى ٍسأ ًىؿ ال ى
ىس ًل ال يٍم ىج َّر ى
“Ask the person of experience, not the wise man.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.
“Being swift to take vengeance is not the habit of noble people.”
سلىٍي ى = ص ً ً
( ف ٍع هل نىاق هAuxiliary Verb).
اد ًة
ىع ى = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ً ال
ٍك ىر ًاـ = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًلىيٍ ًو
ض ه ( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
( ىجرPreposition) and ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connected) with ىكائً هن, which is ؼ ( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). ىكائً هن, along with its يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connection), becomes a َّـ ( ىخ ٍبػ هر يم ىقد هAdvanced Predicate). 45
اْلنٍتً ىق ًاـ
ًٍ = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه إً ٍس هم يم ىؤخ ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the َّر
(Delayed Noun). 46
ً ًً
ل ٍىي ى, along with its ( إ ٍس همNoun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate), becomes a ( يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهVerbal
What this means is that, in a usual sentence, the ( يم ٍبتى ىداSubject) comes first and the خ ٍبػ هر
( ىPredicate) comes after it.
However, in some cases the خ ٍبػ هر
( ىPredicate) comes first and the ( يمبٍتى ىداSubject) follows, and in such cases, the ىخ ٍبػ هر
becomes known as َّـ
( ىخ ٍبػ هر يم ىقد هAdvanced Predicate) and the يم ٍبتى ىداbecomes known as َّر
( يم ٍبتى ىدا يم ىؤخ هDelayed Subject).
When س ً
ل ٍىي ىis used, the يمبٍتى ىداbecomes known as the “”إ ٍس هم.
“Whoever is greedy to have everything, everything will pass him by (with him
achieving nothing).”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of اؿ يع ٍم يرهي
ىم ٍن طى ى.
ً ً
صافيوي ٍ اج ال ىٍمل ً ىع ىفافيوي ىكح
صنيوي إًنٍ ى تى ي
“Abstinence is the crown of a king, and fairness is his fortress.”
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) in this sentence is clear.
ص بًىال أ ىىد و
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of ب ىش ٍخ ه.
نىػ ىق ىل = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, present-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ى = ىج ىزائًيٌةه (Result).
ً يخ ٍذهي بًالٍمو
ضى بًال ي
ٍح َّمى ت ىحتَّى يىػ ٍر ى ٍى
“Seize him with death until he is pleased with fever.” 47
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ً الٍمو
ت ٍى = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
( ىجرPreposition) and ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with يخ ٍذ.
يىػ ٍر ى = ً ( فىDoer).
( فً ٍع هلVerb) with its اع هل
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ٍح َّمى
ال ي = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
The meaning of this is, if a person is unable to have Sabr over a small affliction, he will fall into something
greater. The person should be reminded of Mawt and what comes after for a Mu’min, such as Jannah and its
delights, etc., until he would be pleased with dying at that time. Hence, now that he is able to have Sabr over
something greater (i.e. Mawt) he will be able to very easily have Sabr over something lesser, which is the fever. So
to summarise, it means that the person should be pleased with the worst case scenario, and thus whatever
happens will not bother him (i.e. cause him to abandon Sabr and Qanaa`ah).
one interpretation – becomes the ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ىجر
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with the ف ٍع هل
(Preposition) and ج يرٍكهر
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.
ار فً ٍي يى ًد ًه
ىي ي ً من ىكتىم ًس َّرهي ىكا ىف ال
ٍخ ىٍ ى
“Whoever conceals his secret, the choice is in his (own) hand.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of س ٍلطىا هف بً ىال ىع ٍد وؿ
Meaning, Allaah Ta`aalaa will disgrace those people who are arrogant, whilst he will put in the hearts of people,
honour and respect for those who are humble.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of س ٍلطىا هف بً ىال ىع ٍد وؿ
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of س ٍلطىا هف بً ىال ىع ٍد وؿ
ىخ ٍي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
For all three these sentences, the author feels that explaining their Tarkeeb is unnecessary, as the reader should
know it quite well by now.
ًق = ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
( ىPronoun in the genitive
case) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ( يم ىPossessor). اؼ ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up
to become the ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). ( ىجرPreposition) and ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with the ( فً ٍع هلVerb). The ( فً ٍع هلVerb),
ً ًً ِّ
along with its ل ( فىاع هDoer), ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection), joins up to
become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition).
ى = ىج ىزائًيٌةه (Result).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ىكقى ىع, which is the ( فً ٍع هلVerb). The ( فً ٍع هلVerb), along with its اع هل ً ( فىDoer) and متػعلِّ هق
يى ى
(Connection), joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ( ىج ىزاءهResult). The ط
( ىش ٍر هCondition) and ( ىج ىزاءهResult) join up to
become a ش ٍر ًطيَّةه ىج ىزائًيَّةه
( يج ٍملىةه ىConditional Clause).
اس ًد
ً الٍح
ى = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
( ىجرPrepostion) and ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with the
( فً ٍع هلVerb) يى ٍك ًف ٍي.
َّ أ
ىف = شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل
ؼ يم ى
( ىح ٍر هVerb resembling
يق = ب
ص ٍو ه
ىم ٍن ي ض ًم ٍيػ هر
ى (Pronoun in the
ىكقٍ ى = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
The اؼ ( يم ىPossessor) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ًىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍيو
ً ً ًً
(Adverb). The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فيٍوAdverb), joins up
to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ىخ ٍبػ هر
َّ أ. ىف
(Predicate) of ىف َّ أ, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate), joins up to
become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ً
( يNominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( فىاع هلDoer)
of يى ٍك ًف ٍي. The ل ً ً ًً ِّ
( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer), ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) and يمتىػ ىعل هق
(Connection), joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يVerbal Clause).
غىايىةي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
اْلنٍ ىسا يف = ً ( فىDoer).
اع هل
ً نىػ ٍف
س = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ًق = ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
( ىPronoun in the genitive
case) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor). اؼ ض ه ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up
to become ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). ( ىجرPreposition) and ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with the ( فً ٍع هلVerb) يَّ ٍستى ٍحيً ىي.
The ل ً ً ِّ
( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection), joins up to
become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which – by way of one interpretation –
becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) joins up to become
a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
الس ىال ىمةى ىكىم ٍن تىػ ىع َّدل ىعلىٍي ًه ٍم ىربً ىح النَّ ىد ىام ىة
َّ َّاس ىربً ىح
ىم ٍن ىسالى ىم الن ى
“Whoever makes peace with people will attain peace, and whoever transgresses
against them will attain regret.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear. 50
َّار ىكال ىٍع ىد ىاكةي ثىىالثىةه قىل ٍيػلي ىها ىكثًٍيػ هر ال ىٍم ٍر ي
ض ىكالن ي
“There are three things, a little of which is a lot: sickness, fire and enmity.”
Once again, the author feels that explaining the Tarkeeb for this is unnecessary, as the reader should already
know it. Hence, if at this point in the Kitaab the reader is unable to do the Tarkeeb for this sentence by himself,
then this means that he has not properly understood the Tarkeeb given for the earlier sentences, and so it would
be in his best interest to start learning the Kitaab again from the beginning, and then In-Shaa’Allaah, by the time he
reaches here, he will understand it and be in no need of a Tarkeeb for this sentence, as the author had intended.
قىلً ٍي يل = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًلىيٍ ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of the first
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal
ال ىٍم ٍر ي = ىخ ٍبػ هر (Predicate) of a يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه
(Omitted Subject), which was ىح يد ىىا أ ى. This (Omitted) ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and its ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause). The other two
are the same:
الن ي = ىخ ٍبػ هر (Predicate) of a يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه
(Omitted Subject), which was ثىانًٍيػ ىها. This (Omitted) ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and its ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ال ىٍع ىد ىاكةي = ىخ ٍبػ هر (Predicate) of a يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك ه
(Omitted Subject), which was ثىالًثيػ ىها. This (Omitted) ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and its ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
There is another way to do Tarkeeb of this sentence, and that is to make ض ال ىٍم ٍر ي,
ًً ً
الن ي, ال ىٍع ىد ىاكةي, the ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject) of a hidden ( ف ٍع هلVerb), which is ( أى ٍعنى ٍيI mean). Then,
ً ( فىDoer) and ( م ٍفعو هؿ بً ًوObject), joins up to become a جملىةه فًعلًيَّةه
أى ٍعنى ٍي, along with its اع هل ٍى ي ٍ ٍي
(Verbal Clause).
ص ىفا قىػلٍبيوي
ص َّح بىطٍنيوي ىك ى
ىم ٍن قى َّل طى ىع ياموي ى
“He who eats little will have a healthy stomach and a pure heart.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of سلً ىم
ت ى
ىم ٍن ىس ىك ى.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence, and that it is a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), is
absolutely clear.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of احوي
ىم ٍن ىكثيػ ىر يم ىز ي.
ب غىالًبنا
ضي ً ىل تىػ يع َّد نىػ ٍف ىس ى ًم ىن الن
َّاس ىما ىد ىاـ الٍغى ى
“Do not consider yourself to be from the people so long as your anger remains
overpowering.” 51
Meaning, a person who is unable to control his temper is not a human being.
نىػ ٍف ى = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ً الن
َّاس = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
ضيالٍغى ى = ( إً ٍس همNoun) of the ص ً ً
( ف ٍع هل نىاق هAuxiliary
Verb). 52
ىما ىد ىاـ, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate), joins up to become a يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
(Verbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ فً ٍي ًوAdverb). The ل ً
( ف ٍع هVerb),
ً ًً ًً ِّ
along with its ل ( فىاع هDoer), ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject), ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ ف ٍيوAdverb) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection),
joins up to become a شائًيَّةه ( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه إًنٍ ىVerbal Clause).
ً ً
( ف ٍع هل نىاق هAuxiliary Verb) has both an ( إً ٍس همNoun) and a ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
لً ىسا يف ٍاْلى ٍح ىم ًق فً ٍي فً ٍي ًو ىكلً ىسا يف ال ىٍعاقً ًل فً ٍي قىػ ٍلبً ًو
“The tongue of a fool is in his mouth, whilst the tongue of an intelligent man is
in his heart.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.
ً ً ً لًسا يف ال
ٍجاى ًل ىمال ه لىوي ىكل ىسا يف ال ىٍعاقً ًل ىم ٍملي ٍو هؾ لىوي
ى ى
“The tongue of an ignorant man controls him, whilst the tongue of an
intelligent man is controlled by him.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.
ىخ ٍيػ ير الٍ ىك ىالًـ ىما قى َّل ىك ىد َّؿ ىكلى ٍم يي ًط َّل فىػيي ًم َّل
“The best of speech is that which is concise, to the point, and not lengthy thus
resulting in boredom (on the part of the listeners).”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.
ً اجتًنى
اب ٍاْلثى ًاـ ً ً ٍجس ًم فًي ًقلَّ ًة الطَّع ًاـ ك ً
ً ص َّحةي ال
ٍ ص َّحةي الرٍك ًح ف ٍي ى ى ٍ ٍ
“The health of the body lies in eating little, and the health of the Rooh lies in
abstaining from sins.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.
ً ىخيػر الٍمعرك
ؼ ىما لى ٍم يىػتىػ ىق َّد ٍموي ىمطى هل ىكلى ٍم يىػ ٍتبىػ ٍعوي ىمن ٍٍ ي ى ٍي
“The best of good deeds is that which is not preceded by delays and excuses,
and which is not followed up by reminders (i.e. reminding the recipient of what
one has done for them).”
ً الٍمعرك
ؼ ٍى ٍي = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject), joins up to become
a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ؼ ىعلىٍيو
ً ( معطيو هCoupled To).
ٍ ٍى
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject), joins up to become
a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection). ؼ
ىم ٍعطيٍو ه
(Connection) and ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To) join up to become the صلىةه ً (Link) of the
ص ٍو هؿ ً
( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun). The ص ٍو هؿ ( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun) and ( صلىةهLink) join up to
become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal Clause).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ًق = ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
( ىPronoun in the genitive
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ىكائً هنwhich is ؼ
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). ىكائً هنis on the word form of ص ىفةه
ً (Adjective). Along
with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ق
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection), it becomes the صلىةه ً (Link) of the موصو هؿ
ٍىٍ ي
(Relative Pronoun). The ص ٍو هؿ ً
( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun) and ( صلىةهLink) join up to
become the اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) of the earlier اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession). The اؼ
ض هيم ى
(Possession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) of the
( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) join up to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connected) with the ل ً ً ِّ
( ف ٍع هVerb) تىػ ىزيَّأى. تىػ ىزيَّأى, along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and يمتىػ ىعل هق
(Connection), joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ( يVerbal Clause), which in turn
ً (Link) of the first ( موصو هؿRelative Pronoun). The ( موصو هؿRelative
becomes the صلىةه ٍىٍ ي ٍىٍ ي
ً (Link) join up to become the ( مبتى ىدأهSubject).
Pronoun) and صلىةه ٍي
ض ىح
فى ى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
اء إًلىٍيػ ىها
ىس ى ً ىح ىس ىن إًلىٍيػ ىها ىكبيػ ٍغ
ض ىم ٍن أ ى ٍ ب ىم ٍن أ يجبًلىت الٍ يقلي ٍو ي
ِّ ب ىعلىى يح
“Hearts are inherently disposed to loving those who are good to them and
hating those who are bad to them.”
ً جبًلى
ت ً
ي = ٍمجه ٍو يؿ
اضي ال ي
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمPassive, past-tense
verb) in the word form of ب ً ( اىلٍوSingular, Feminine, Third-Person).
ً اح يد الٍمئىػن ي
َّث الٍغىائ ي ي ى
الٍ يقلي ٍو ي = ً ( نىائًب الٍ ىفSubstitute Doer).
اع ًل ي
ِّ يح = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ىح ىس ىن
ٍأ = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ً ً ً
س ىن ٍ أ, which is the ( ف ٍع هلVerb). The ( ف ٍع هلVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
ىح ى
(Connection), joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn
ً (Link) of the ( موصو هؿRelative Pronoun). The ( موصو هؿRelative
becomes the صلىةه ٍىٍ ي ٍىٍ ي
ً (Link) join up to become the اؼ إًلىي ًو
Pronoun) and صلىةه ٍ ض ه ( يم ىPossessor) of the earlier
ض ه( يم ىPossession). The اؼ ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to
become the ؼ عىلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ً بيػ ٍغ
ض = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ىس ى
أى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
ً ً
verb) in the word form of ب ( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
اج ور ىك ىح ًك ٍي هم ًم ٍن
ً ف ًمن ىدنً ٍّي كبار ًمن فى
ٍ ىى ٍ ه ي
ٍرً ش
ى ثىىالثىةه ىل يػ ٍنتى ًفعو ىف ًمن ثىىالثى و
ة ٍ ٍى ي
اى ول ى
“Three (types of people) do not benefit from three: A noble person for an ignoble
one, a good person from an evil one, and a wise man from an ignoramus.”
ثىىالثىوة = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
the ل ً ً ً ِّ
( ف ٍع هVerb). The ( ف ٍع هلVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection),
joins up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and
( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) joins up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal Clause).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ىل يىػ ٍنتى ًف يع, which is ؼ ً ( فىDoer) and متػعلِّ هق
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). ىل يىػ ٍنتى ًف يع, along with its اع هل يى ى
(Connection), join up to become a ج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه ً ً
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of a ؼ ( يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted
أ ى. The ؼ( يم ٍبتى ىدأه
Subject), which is ىح يد يى ٍم ) ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هand ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal Clause). The Tarkeeb for the second and third part of
this sentence is the same, with their omitted ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) being ثىانًٍي ًه ٍمand ثىالًثيػ يه ٍم
ً اْلنٍس
اف ًٍ ى = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to
become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with ىكائً هن, which is ؼ ( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). ىكائً هنis on the word
form of ص ىفةه ً (Adjective). Along with its ( إًسمNoun) and ( متىػعلِّ هقConnection), it
ٍه يى
becomes the َّـ ( ىخ ٍبػ هر يم ىقد هAdvanced Predicate).
ىح ندا
أى = ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject).
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject), joins up to become
a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn – by way of one interpretation –
( يم ٍبتى ىدأه يم ىؤخ هDelayed Subject). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join
becomes the َّر
up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause), which in turn becomes the ؼ ىم ٍعطيٍو ه
( ىعلىٍي ًوCoupled To). The Tarkeeb for the rest of the sentence should be clear to the
reader. It becomes the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection), and the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) and ؼ
ىم ٍعطيٍو ه
( ىعلىٍي ًوCoupled To) then join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ىم ٍعطيٍوفىةهConjunctive Clause).
ً ع فًيػها ًً
ب الٍ ىك ىالًـ فىًإ ٍف لَّ ٍم يط اؿ لي ٍق ىما يف ًًْلبٍنو يىا بيػنى َّي إً َّف الٍ يقلي ٍو ى
ب ىم ىزارًعي فىا ٍزىر ٍ ٍ ى ٍ ى قى ى
ضوي ت بىػ ٍع ي ت يكلوي يىػ ٍنبي يٍ يىػ ٍنبي
“Luqmaan (the Wise) said to his son, „O my son, indeed, hearts are (like)
plantations, so sew therein good speech, for, even if all of it does not grow,
some of it will.”
قى ى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
ً ً
( اىل ىٍواح يد ال يٍم ىذ َّك ير الٍغىائ يSingular, Masculine, Third-Person).
verb) in the word form of ب
َّ = ( يىاءي ال يٍمتى ىكلِّ ًمThe يىاءهof 1st Person), and
the اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor). The اؼ ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to
become the ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject) of the ل ً ً ً
( ف ٍع هVerb) أى ٍد يع ٍو. The ( ف ٍع هلVerb), along with its فىاع هل
(Doer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بً ًوObject), joins up to become the ( نً ىداءهExclamation).
الٍ يقلي ٍو ى = ( إً ٍس يم إً َّفNoun of )إً َّف.
ىم ىزار ي = ( ىخ ٍبػ ير إً َّفPredicate of )إً َّف.
إً َّف, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate), joins up to become the س هر
َّ يم ىف
(Explained Matter).
ى = ( فىاءي التَّػ ٍف ًس ٍي ًرThe فىاءهof Explanation).
ٍ ا ٍزىر = ً ( فً ٍعل ٍاْلىم ًر الٍحSecond-person verb of
اض ًر ي ٍ ى
command). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “ت ً ( فىDoer).
”أىنٍ ى, is the اع هل
ىىا = ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
( ىPronoun in the genitive
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
case). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر
ٍ إً ٍزىر.
(Connected) with ع
ب ي ً
ٍى = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ى = ( فىاءي التَّػ ٍف ًس ٍي ًرThe فىاءهof Explanation).
يكل = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
يىػ ٍنبي ي = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًر ه
بىػ ٍع ي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
يق = ض ًم ٍيػ هر
ى (Pronoun) and إًل ٍىي ًو اؼ
ض هيم ى
(Possessor). The اؼ ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become
the ل ً ً ً
( فىاع هDoer). The ( ف ٍع هلVerb) joins up with its ( فىاع هلDoer) to become the ىج ىزاءه
( ىش ٍر هCondition) and ( ىج ىزاءهResult) joins up to become a ىش ٍر ًطيَّةه
(Result). The ط يج ٍملىةه
(Conditional Clause), which in turn becomes the ( تىػ ٍف ًس ٍيػ هرExplanation) of the س هرَّ يم ىف
(Explained Matter). This ( تىػ ٍف ًس ٍيػ هرExplanation) and س هر
َّ ( يم ىفExplained Matter) again
join up to become the ( تىػ ٍف ًس ٍيػ هرExplanation) of the first س هر َّ ( يم ىفExplained Matter).
The ( تىػ ٍف ًس ٍيػ هرExplanation) and س هر
َّ ( يم ىفExplained Matter) join up to become the ادل يمنى ى
(Vocative). The ( نً ىداءهExclamation) and its ادل ( يمنى ىVocative) join up to become the
( ىم يق ٍولىةهStatement) of the ( قىػ ٍو هؿWord). 53 The ( قىػ ٍو هؿWord) and ( ىم يق ٍولىةهStatement) joins
up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يVerbal Clause).
ٍ ىل تىطٍلي ؼ = ً ( فً ٍعل النَّ ًهي الٍحActive, second-
اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ٍ ى ي
person verb of prohibition). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “ت ”أىنٍ ى, is the
ً ( فىDoer).
اع هل
(Object). In other words, the “ ”قىػ ٍو هؿis the action of stating, whilst the ىم يق ٍولىةهhere is what was spoken about. It is the
same with the نً ىداءهand the ادل
يمنى ى.
ال ىٍع ىم ًل = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ٍ اطٍلي = ً ( فً ٍعل ٍاْلىم ًر الٍحActive, second-
اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي
ؼ ي ٍ ى
person verb of command). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “ت
”أىنٍ ى, is the
ً ( فىDoer).
اع هل
ى = َّعلً ٍي ًل
ٍ ( فىاءي التػThe فىاءهof Reasoning).
الن ى = ( إً ٍس يم إً َّفNoun of )إً َّف.
يم ىعلَّ هلis a command given which requires an “( ” ًعلٌةهreason; justification).
فً ٍي = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
فىػ ىر ى = ً ( فىDoer).
( فً ٍع هلVerb) along with its اع هل
The ل ً
ً )فىػر ىalong with its اعل ً
غ( ف ٍع هى ( فى هDoer), joins up to become the ( ص ىفةهAdjective). The
ص ٍو ه ً ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up to become the ( تىم ٍيػ هزClarifying
Noun) of the ( يم ىميَّػ هزAmbiguous Noun). The ( تى ًم ٍيػ هزClarifying Noun) and يم ىميَّػ هز
(Ambiguous Noun) join up to become the ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition).
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر
ً ( فىDoer) and متػعلِّ هق
ىل يى ٍسأىل ٍيو ىف, which is the ( فً ٍع هلVerb). The ( فً ٍع هلVerb), along with its اع هل يى ى
(Connection), joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه ً ً
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn
becomes the ؼ عىلىٍي ًو ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ً إًتٍػ ىق
اف = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
The اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
ىم ٍعطيٍو ه
(Coupled To).
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
ص ٍنػ ىع ًة
ى = إًل ٍىي ًو اؼ
ض هيم ى (Possessor) and اؼ
ض هيم ى
“Do not delay (carrying out) some work from its (proper) time, because there is,
for the time you are intending to delay the work until, other work (to be done).”
ت ً ٍكق
ى = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ى = َّعلً ٍي ًل
ٍ ( فىاءي التػThe فىاءهof Reasoning).
ً ٍالٍوق
ت ى = ؼ
ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ً ً ً ًً ِّ
( ف ٍع هVerb). The ( ف ٍع هلVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer), ( ىم ٍف يع ٍو هؿ بوObject) and يمتىػ ىعل هق
the ل
(Connection), joins up to become the صلىةه ً (Link). The ( موصو هؿRelative Pronoun)
ٍىٍ ي
ً (Link) join up to become the ص ىفةه
and its صلىةه ً (Adjective) of the ؼ
ص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed
Noun). The ؼ ص ٍو ه ً
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up to become the
( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with ىكائً هن, which is ؼ
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). ىكائً هنis on
the word form of ص ىفةه ً (Adjective). Along with its ( إًسمNoun) and ( متىػعلِّ هقConnection),
ٍه يى
it becomes the َّـ ( ىخ ٍبػ هر يم ىقد هAdvanced Predicate).
آ ىخ ىر = ً (Adjective).
ص ىفةه
The ؼص ٍو ه
( ىم ٍو يDescribed Noun) and ( ص ىفةهAdjective) join up to become the َّر إً ٍس هم يم ىؤخ ه
(Delayed Noun) of إً َّف. إً َّف, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate), joins up to
become the ل ً َّ َّ
( تىػ ٍعل ٍي هReason) of the ( يم ىعل هلWarranted Command). The ( يم ىعل هلWarranted
Command) and ل ً ًً
( تىػ ٍعل ٍي هReason) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه تىػ ٍعل ٍيليَّةهWarranted Clause).
ت ىد ىخلى ىها الٍ ىخلى يل ً ت تي ًط ٍي يق ًًْل ٍزًد ىح ًاـ ٍاْلى ٍعم
ٍ اؿ ًْلىنَّػ ىها إً ىذا ا ٍز ىد ىح ىم ىكلى ٍس ى
“And you cannot afford to delay work, because when work piles up, disorder
and faults set in.”
ىك = ً اْلستًأٍنى
اؼ ٍ ًٍ ( ىك ياكThe ىك هاكof Commencing). 57
لى ٍس ى = ( فً ٍع هلVerb). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside
”أىنٍ ى, is the ( إً ٍس همNoun).
of it, which is “ت 58
ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “ت
”أىنٍ ى, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ً ٍاْلى ٍعم
اؿ اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ى = ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
The اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up
ً فى
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with the ( فً ٍع هلVerb). The ( فً ٍع هلVerb), along with its اع هل
to become ق
(Doer) and ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection), joins up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause),
which in turn becomes the ل َّ
( يم ىعل هWarranted Command).
َّ أ
ىف = شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل
ؼ يم ى
( ىح ٍر هVerb resembling
In this case, meaning “of commencing a new sentence”.
i.e. the ( إً ٍس همNoun) of ت
ىس ى
ٍ ل. س ً
لىيٍ ىhas both an ( إ ٍس همNoun) and a ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
إً ىذا = الش ٍر ًط
َّ ؼ( ىح ٍر يParticle of Condition).
ٍ ا ٍز ىد ىح ىم = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
verb) in the word form of ب ً ( اىلٍوSingular,
ً اح يد الٍمئىػن ي
َّث الٍغىائ ي ي ى Feminine, Third-Person).
ىل تيػ ىفا ًرقيػ يه ٍم الٍ ىكاٍبىةي = ً ( فىDoer) and م ٍفعو هؿ
( فً ٍع هلVerb), اع هل ٍى ي
The last portion, which is بً ىك ىجلً ٍيس أ ٍىى ًل ٍاْل ىىد, is اؼض ه( يم ىPossession) and ًاؼ إًل ٍىيو
ض هيم ى
(Possessor), which joins up to become the اؿ ً ٍح
( ذي ٍك ال ىOwner of the Condition).
What comes after becomes the اؿ ً ٍح
( ىح هCondition), and the اؿ ( ذي ٍك ال ىOwner of the
( ىح هConditoin) then join up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of
Condition) and اؿ
ً س, which is ؼ
اد يس يه ٍم ( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). Lastly, the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join
up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
ً اْل ٍحس
اف يم ىكافىاةه ىكبىػ ٍع ىد ً د ع ػبك ل ض ف ً اْل ٍحس
اف ً ل ب ػق ف ا س ح ً
ْل ا , م ً اؿ ح
ى ٍ ى ٍ ه ىى ٍ ى ى ٍ ى ٍ ى ي ى ٍ ٍ ى قى ى ى ه
يٍ ك
اء ًة يم ىج ىازاةه ىكبىػ ٍع ىد
ىى س ً
ٍ د
ى ع
ٍ ػبك
ه ىى ٍم
ل ظ
ي ً اْلساء
ة ًٍ ى ى ي ٍ ى ى ى ٍ ى ى ى
ًٍ ل ب ػق
ى ة
ي اء س ً
ٍ ك , ده و ج ً اْلساء
ً اْل ٍحس
اف لى ٍوهـ ًٍ ى
“A wise man said: kindness (i.e. doing good) prior to kindness (i.e. people doing
good to you) is a virtue; after kindness (from people) it is repayment, and after
being wronged it is generosity. Harming people before (they) harm (you) is
oppression; after (being) oppressed it is retribution, and after kindness (from
people) it is blameworthy.”
قى ى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
Thereafter, the ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) in each sentence is clear. The
first sentence is clear; in the second and third sentences, سا يف اىًٍْل ٍح ىis brought in
as a ؼ( يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted Subject). Thereafter, the fourth sentence is clear; in the
fifth and sixth sentences, ساءىةي اىًٍْل ىis brought in as a ؼ
( يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted subject).
Then, all of the sentences are linked by way of ٍف ( اىل ىٍعط يi.e. becoming ؼ ىم ٍعطيٍو هand
ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
) ىم ٍعطيٍو ه, and they all then join up to become the ( ىم يق ٍولىةهStatement) of اؿ
قى ى. Lastly,
the ل ً ً
( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم يق ٍولىةهStatement), joins up to become
a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يVerbal Clause).
ً ً ثىىالثىةه ىل يػ ٍعرفيػو ىف إًَّل فًي ثىىالثىًة مو
,ب اع إًَّل ع ٍن ىد ال ى
ً ٍح ٍر ؼ الش ىج ي ىل ييػ ٍع ىر ي:اض ىع ىى ٍ ٍ يى
اج ًة ٍح ل ا د ن ً الص ًدي يق إًَّل
ع ؼ رع ػي ل ك , ً
ب ض غ ٍ
ل ا د ن ً ؼ الٍحلًيم إًَّل
ى ى ى ٍ ٍ َّ ي ٍ
ى يى ى ى ى ى ٍ ىكىل ييػ ٍع ىر ي ى ٍ ي
“Three types of people are not known except on three occasions: (who is) a
brave man is not known until the time of battle, (who is) a tolerant person is
not known until the time of anger, and (who is) a (true) friend is not known
until the time of need.”
ثىىالثىًة = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ً مو
اض ىع اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ىى = ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
The اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up
to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with the ( فً ٍع هلVerb) ىل ييػ ٍع ىرفيػ ٍو ىف. The ( فً ٍع هلVerb), along with
ً ( نىائًب الٍ ىفSubstitute Doer) and ( متػعلِّ هقConnection), joins up to become a جملىةه
its اع ًل ي يى ى ٍي
( فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). The يم ٍبتى ىدأه
(Subject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause).
The Tarkeeb for the rest of the paragraph is the same as this above.
ً ىل تىػ يقل إًَّل بًما ي
ٍ ب ىع ٍن ى نى ٍش يرهي ىكىل تىػ ٍف ىع ٍل إًَّل ىما يي ٍسطىير لى ى أ
ىج يرهي يٍ ط
ى ى ي ٍ
“Do not say except such things which you are happy about them being spread
about you, and do not do except such actions, the reward of which will be
written down for you.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is clear.
ص ٍح
ىل تىػ ٍن ى = ؼ ً ( فً ٍعل النَّ ًهي الٍحActive, second-
اض ًر ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ٍ ى ي
person verb of prohibition).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnection), joins up to become the صلىةه
and ق ً (Link) of the ( موصو هؿRelative
ٍىٍ ي
Pronoun). The ص ٍو هؿ ً
( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun) and ( صلىةهLink) join up to become the
( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with the ( فً ٍع هلVerb) ص ٍح ً
ىل تىػ ٍن ى. The ( ف ٍع هلVerb),
along with its ل ً ِّ ًً
( فىاع هDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعل هقConnection), joins up to become a يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه
( إًنٍ ىVerbal Clause). The rest of the sentence follows this same Tarkeeb
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is the same as that of the previous one.
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) in this sentence is clear.
قى ى ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي
= ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
verb). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اؿ ً ٍح
( ذي ٍك ال ىOwner of the
ى = ىج ىزائًيٌةه (Result).
This اك
ىك هsignifies that the previous verb took place in the condition mentioned after it (i.e. after the ) ىك هاك.
ض يلأىفٍ ى = ً ( إًسم التَّػ ٍفSuperlative).
ض ٍي ًل ٍي
ٍح ٍك ىم ًة
ً فًعل الٍح ًكي ًم ىل ي ٍخليو ىع ًن ال
ٍ ٍي ى ٍ ى
“The action of a wise man is never devoid of wisdom.”
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) in this sentence, and its Tarkeeb, is clear.
ٍح ىر ًاـ ىكىل يح ٍس ىن ىك يح ٍس ًن الٍ يخلي ًق ىل ىع ٍق ىل ىكالتَّ ٍدبًٍي ًر ىكىل ىكىر ى
ِّ ع ىكالٍ ىك
ف ىع ٍن ال ى
“There is no intelligence like planning, no piety like abstaining from Haraam,
and no goodness like good character.”
تى ٍحتى ي = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًر ه
verb) in the word form of ب ً ( اىلٍوSingular, Feminine, Third-Person).
ً اح يد الٍمئىػن ي
َّث الٍغىائ ي ي ى
الٍ يقلي ٍو ي = ً ( فىDoer).
اع هل
ً أىقٍػو
ات ى = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ٍح ٍك ىم ًة
ً ال = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive). The ( ىجرPreposition)
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to also become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with the ( ف ٍع هلVerb).
and ج يرٍكهر
ً ً ِّ ًً
( ف ٍع هVerb) joins up with its ( يمتىػ ىعل ىقافTwo Connections) to become a يج ٍملىةه ف ٍعليَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
The ل
(Verbal Clause).
تى ٍحتى ي = ؼ
ع ىم ٍع يرٍك ه ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًر ه
verb) in the word form of ب ً ( اىلٍوSingular, Feminine, Third-Person).
ً اح يد الٍمئىػن ي
َّث الٍغىائ ي ي ى
ٍاْلى ٍج ىس ي
اـ = ً ( فىDoer).
اع هل
ً أىقٍػو
ات ى = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
the ل ً ً ً ِّ
( ف ٍع هVerb). The ( ف ٍع هلVerb) joins up with its ( يمتىػ ىعل ىقافTwo Connections) to
become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ً
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ( صلىةهLink) of the
ص ٍو هؿ ً
( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun). The ص ٍو هؿ ( ىم ٍو يRelative Pronoun) and ( صلىةهLink) join up to
become the ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
(Genitive) join up to become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with a ؼ ( فً ٍع هل ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted Verb),
ً ً
which is اج تى ٍحتى ي. The ( ف ٍع هلVerb) اج تى ٍحتى ي, along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connection), joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ( يNominal Clause).
ً قىصر الٍ ًه َّم ًة كقًلَّةي ال:ب الٍمعالًي
ٍح ٍيػلى ًة ىك ي
فض ٍع ي ى ثىىالثىةه تى ٍمنى يع ال ىٍم ٍرىء ىع ٍن طىلى ً ى ى ٍ ٍ ي
الرأٍ ًم
“Three things prevent a person from achieving greatness: Low aspirations, little
planning and weak advice.”
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of ثىىالثىةه ىل ييػ ٍع ىرفيػ ٍو ىف.
ت ىكلى ٍو ىكا ىف فً ٍي ىمنىا ًزًؿ ٍاْلى ٍحيى ًاء ىكال يٍم ٍح ًس ين ىحي ىكلى ًو انٍػتىػ ىق ىل إًلىى
اىلظَّالً يم ىميِّ ه
ىمنىا ًزًؿ ال ىٍم ٍوتىى
“An oppressor is dead, even if he is in the houses of the living, whilst a person
who does good is alive, even if he goes to the abode of the dead.”
ىميِّ ه = ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ( يج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهNominal
Clause), which in turn becomes the َّـ ( ىج ىزاءه يم ىقد هAdvanced Result).
فً ٍي = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
ض ه( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه
( يم ىPossessor) join up to become the ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive)
of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to
become ق ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with ىكائًننا, which is ؼ
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted), and they join up to
become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). ىكا ىف, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate),
becomes the َّر
ط ىم ىؤخ ه
( ىش ٍر هDelayed Condition). The ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition) joins up with its
َّـ ً
( ىج ىزاءه يم ىقد هAdvanced Result) to become a ( يج ٍملىةه ىش ٍرطيَّةهConditional Clause).
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) in this sentence is clear.
ِّس ًاء ً
ٍح ىر ياـ ىكع ٍش يق الن ى ًظل الٍغى ىم ًاـ ىك يخلَّةي ٍاْلى ٍش ىرا ًر ىكال ىٍم ي:ات لى ىها
اؿ ال ى ًستَّةه ىل ثىػبى ى
ب ً ً كالس ٍلطىا يف ال
ٍجائ ير ىكالثػَّنىاءي الٍ ىكاذ ي
ى ى
“There are six things which have no permanence (lasting): The shade of clouds,
friendship of evil people, Haraam wealth, the love of women, a tyrannical ruler,
and false praise.”
ثىىالثىةه تى ٍمنى يع ال ىand ستَّةه ىل تيػ ىفا ًرقيػ يه ٍم الٍ ىكاٍبىةي.
The Tarkeeb for this sentence is like that of ٍم ٍرءى
ً اْلقٍػبى
اؿ ًٍ = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become the ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو
( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled
ىك = ً ؼ ال ىٍعط
ٍف ( ىح ٍر يCoupling Particle).
اْل ٍدبىا ًر = اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor).
ىس ًريٍػ ىعةه = ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate).
The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become the ؼ ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection).
The ؼ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هConnection) and ؼ ىعلىٍي ًو ( ىم ٍعطيٍو هCoupled To) joins up to become a يج ٍملىةه تىػ ٍعلً ٍيلًيَّةه
(Warranted Clause). 61
َّ أ
ىف = شبَّػ ىهةه بًال ًٍف ٍع ًل
ؼ يم ى
( ىح ٍر هVerb resembling
ً الص
اع ًد َّ = ( يم ىميَّػ هزAmbiguous Noun).
The (Clarifying Noun) and ( يم ىميَّػ هزAmbiguous Noun) join up to become the ج يرٍكهر ٍ ىم
(Genitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up
( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هConnected) with ىكائً هن, which is ؼ
to become ق ( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). ىكائً هنis on the
word form of ص ىفةه ً (Adjective). Along with its ( إًسمNoun) and ( متىػعلِّ هقConnection), it
ٍه يى
becomes the ىخ ٍبػ هرof ىف َّ أ, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate), joins up to
َّ أ. ىف
become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه ً
( يNominal Clause), which in turn becomes the تىػ ٍعل ٍيله
(Justification). The ل َّ ً
( يم ىعل هWarranted Statement) along with its ( تىػ ٍعل ٍي هلReason),
joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه تىػ ٍعلً ٍيلًيَّةه
( يWarranted Clause). The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject) and ىخ ٍبػ هر
(Predicate) in the second part of the sentence is clear.
Or, “sentence requiring justification”.
س ي
ٍ ل
ى ا مًاض ىع ٍن ى ىذ َّم ى ب
و ر وىي ك لً ي
ٍ ً من م ىدح ى بًما لىٍيس فً ٍي ى ًمن الٍج
ى ى ى ى ى ى ى ىٍ ى ى ى ى
ط ىعلىٍي ى ً فًي ى ًمن الٍ يقب ًح كىو س
اخ ه ٍ ى ٍ ى يى ى
“Whoever praises you for good qualities you do not possess whilst he is pleased
with you, will rebuke you for evil qualities you do not possess when he is angry
with you.”
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
لىٍي ى = ص ً ً
( ف ٍع هل نىاق هAuxiliary verb). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
(Pronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the ( إً ٍس همNoun).
ىؾ = ( ىم ٍج يرٍكهرGenitive).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ىكائًننا, which is ؼ
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ىكائًننا, which is ؼ
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). ىكائًننا, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and افً ( متىػعلِّ ىقTwo
Connections), joins up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) of س ل ٍىي ى. س
ل ٍىي ىjoins up with its
( إً ٍس همNoun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) to become a ( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةهVerbal Clause), which in
ً (Link) of the ( موصو هؿRelative Pronoun). The ( موصو هؿRelative
turn becomes the صلىةه ٍىٍ ي ٍىٍ ي
ً (Link) join up to become the ( مجركرGenitive) of the جر
Pronoun) and صلىةه ى ٍ يٍه ى
(Preposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connected) with ح ً
ىم ىد ى, which is the ( ف ٍع هلVerb).
ىر و
اض = ً (Adjective).
Word form ص ىفةه
The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside it, which is “” يى ىو, is the ٍحا ًؿ
( ذي ٍك ال ىOwner of the
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
لىٍي ى = ص ً ً
( ف ٍع هل نىاق هAuxiliary verb). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
(Pronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the ( إً ٍس همNoun).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ىكائًننا, which is ؼ
( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted). ىكائًننا, along with its ( إً ٍس همNoun) and افً ( متىػعلِّ ىقTwo
Connections), joins up to become the ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate). س ً
ل ٍىي ىjoins up with its إ ٍس هم
(Noun) and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in
ً (Link) of the ( موصو هؿRelative Pronoun). The ( موصو هؿRelative
turn becomes the صلىةه ٍىٍ ي ٍىٍ ي
ً (Link) join up to become the ( مجركرGenitive) of the جر
Pronoun) and صلىةه ى ٍ يٍه ى
(Preposition). The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become يمتىػ ىعلِّ هق
(Connected) with ىذ َّـ, which is the ل ً
( ف ٍع هVerb).
يى ىو = ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject).
اخ ه ًس ً (Adjective).
ى = Word form ص ىفةه
ٍ ىم ٍن قىػ َّوىـ لً ىسانىوي ىزا ىف ىع ٍقلىوي ىكىم ٍن ىس َّد ىد ىك ىال ىموي أىبىا ىف فى
ضلىوي ىكىم ٍن ىم َّن بً ىم ٍع يرٍكفً ًو
اد ًف ٍي ص ىد ىؽ فً ٍي ىم ىقالً ًو ىز ى ن م ك
ٍ ي ىى ٍ ى ه
ير ىج أ ط
ى ًب ح
ً ط يش ٍكرهي كمن أى ٍعجب بً ًحل ًٍم
و ىس ىق ى ي ى ى ٍ ى ى
ىج ىمالً ًو
“Whosoever rectifies his tongue beautifies his intellect. Whosoever guides his
speech makes apparent his virtue. Whosoever boasts of the favours he has
done loses his gratitude. Whosoever becomes vain on account of his tolerance
loses the reward for it. Whosoever is truthful in speech increases in beauty.”
This paragraph is made up of numerous sentences, each containing a ط ىش ٍر ه
(Condition) and ( ىج ىزاءهResult). (Thus, the reader should be able to do the Tarkeeb
quite easily.)
قى ى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
ضبىػ ٍع ي = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
ًق = ض ًم ٍيػ هر ىم ٍج يرٍكهر
( ىPronoun in the genitive
case) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه( يم ىPossessor). The اؼ ( يم ىPossession) and اؼ إًل ٍىي ًو
ض ه ض ه
( يم ىPossessor)
join up to become the ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) of the ( ىجرPreposition). The ( ىجرPreposition)
ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with اؿ
and ج يرٍكهر قى ى.
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
قى ى = ؼ
اضي ال ىٍم ٍع يرٍك ي ً
ٍ ( ف ٍع يل ال ىٍمActive, past-tense
verb). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ش ً
يىع ٍي ي = ؼ ( فً ٍع هل يم ىActive, present-tense
ضا ًرعه ىم ٍع يرٍك ه
verb). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the اع هل ً ( فىDoer).
ب = ٍج ِّر
ؼ ال ى
( ىح ٍر يPreposition).
The ( ىجرPreposition) and ج يرٍكهر ٍ ( ىمGenitive) join up to become ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnected) with
ً ً ً
ش يىع ٍي ي, along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( يمتىػ ىعلِّ هقConnection),
يىع ٍي ي. ش joins up to become a
( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ص ىفةه ً (Adjective). The ؼ ص ٍو ه
ىم ٍو ي
(Described Noun) and ص ىفةه ً (Adjective) join up to become the ( ىخبػرPredicate) of a
( يم ٍبتى ىدأه ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted Subject), which is the ض ًم ٍيػ هر
ؼ ( ىPronoun) يى ىو. The ( يم ٍبتى ىدأهSubject)
and ( ىخ ٍبػ هرPredicate) join up to become a ج ٍملىةه إً ٍس ًميَّةه ىخ ٍب ًريَّةه
( يNominal Clause), which in
turn becomes the ( ىم يق ٍولىةهStatement). اؿ قى ى, along with its اع هل ً ( فىDoer) and م يقولىةه
(Statement), joins up to become a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه ( يVerbal Clause).
قى ى = ( فً ٍع هلVerb). The ض ًم ٍيػ هر
( ىPronoun) inside
of it, which is “” يى ىو, is the ل ً
( فىاع هDoer).
ى = ( فىاءي التَّػ ٍف ًريٍ ًعThe „ ‟فىاءهof Dividing).
يق = ب
ص ٍو ه
ىم ٍن ي ض ًم ٍيػ هر
ى (Pronoun in the
ً ً ًً
The ل ( ف ٍع هVerb), along with its ( فىاع هلDoer) and ( ىم ٍفعي ٍو هؿ بوObject), joins up to become
a ج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةه
( يVerbal Clause), which in turn becomes the ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition) of a ىج ىزاءه
ؼ( ىم ٍح يذ ٍك هOmitted Result), which is فى ىما ىخ ٍيػ ير ىما يػي ٍرىز يؽ بً ًو ال ىٍع ٍب يد. In it (this omitted result), the
ً ( فىاء الجزThe „ ‟فىاءof Result). The „ ‟ماis a اْلستً ٍفه ًاـ
„ ‟فىاءهis اء ي ىى ه ى ؼ ًٍ ٍ ى ( ىح ٍر يParticle of Inquiry). After
that, it joins up with what comes after it to become a اميَّةه ً ( جملىةه إًستً ٍفهInterrogative
يٍ ٍ ى
Clause), which in turn becomes the ( ىج ىزاءهResult). The ط ( ىش ٍر هCondition) and ىج ىزاءه
(Result) join up to become the ( ىم يق ٍولىةهStatement). اؿ ً ( فىDoer) and
قى ى, along with its اع هل
( ىم يق ٍولىةهStatement), becomes a ( يج ٍملىةه فً ٍعلًيَّةهVerbal Clause). The Tarkeeb for the
remainder of the sentences until اد ًم ٍنوي ىكال ًٍعبى ىis done in this same way.
ع إًلىٍيػ ىها اىٍْلتً ٍي ىمائً ىد نة لى ٍم يي ٍد ى:ثى ىمانًيىةه إً ىذا أ ًيى ٍيػنيػ ٍوا فى ىال يىػلي ٍويم ٍوا إًَّل أىنٍػ يف ىس يه ٍم
اخل بػ ٍين اثٍػنىػ ٍي ًن فًي ح ًديٍ و ً َّ ت فًي بػيتً ًو ك ً ب الٍبػ ٍي ً كالٍمتأ ِّىمر علىى
ث لى ٍم ٍ ى الد ي ى ى ٍ ىٍ ى صاح ً ى ى يى ي ى ى
س لىوي بًأ ٍىى ول ي ل
ى سو ً اف كالٍجالًس فًي مج
ل ً ي ٍد ًخ ىالهي فً ٍي ًو كالٍمستى ًخف بًالٍس ٍلطى
ى ٍ ٍ ى ٍ ي ى ى ٍى ي ي
اج يي ً كالٍم ٍقبًل بًح ًديٍثً ًو ىعلىى من َّل يسمعوي كطىالًب الٍ ىخ ٍي ًر ًمن أى ٍع ىدائًًو كر
ىى ٍ ى ٍ ى ٍىي ى ي ى ي ي ى
ض ًل ًم ٍن ًع ٍن ىد اللِّئى ًاـٍ الٍ ىف
“There are eight types of people who, when they are disgraced, should blame
none but themselves: A person who comes to a dining table to which he was
not invited; a person who (tries to) dominate another person in their own
house; a person who enters between two people in a conversation to which
they did not include him; a person who belittles the Sultaan; a person who sits
in a gathering which he is not fit for; a person who (tries to) speak to a person
who does not want to hear him; a person who seeks goodness from his
enemies, and a person who hopes to receive favours from an ignoble person.”
إً ىذا = الش ٍر ًط
َّ ؼ( ىح ٍر يParticle of Condition).
ى = الج ىز ًاء
( فىاءي ىThe „ ‟فىاءهof Result).
أىنٍػ يف ى
س = اؼ
ض ه( يم ىPossession).
With the Fadhl and Karam of Allaah Ta`aalaa, the Tarkeeb for chapter one is
complete. 62 We ask Allaah Ta`aalaa to make it a benefit for the respected
students, and a means of my attaining salvation in the Aakhirah, Aameen.
اهلل تىػبى ىار ىؾ ىكتىػ ىعالىى ىكاهللي ىكلًي التَّػ ٍوفً ٍيق
ً ت بًًإ ٍذ ًف
ٍ تى َّم