John Hutnyk The Rumour of Calcutta Tourism CH PDF
John Hutnyk The Rumour of Calcutta Tourism CH PDF
John Hutnyk The Rumour of Calcutta Tourism CH PDF
Tourism, Charity and the
Poverty of Representation
L111do11 & New Jersey
Bibliography 224
representing the city, but of doing so in ways that are not innocent of
Bengal, it has been a communist strongh~ld since... . violence, of exploitation and of plunder. The correlation of Calcutta as
... I did not want to write a conventional book which settled the a 'natural' site for the lending of charitable care, with the division of
conventional accounts, and so this Calcutta story is less epic. Yet not the world into developed prosperous nations and struggling 'in-need-
more or Jess fictional, not more nor less imaginary - as all histories are. of-help' places, indicates for me all that is wrong with our current
This book is a version of Calcutta culled from the ideological produc- global predicament. Travellers with good intentions only contribute
tion ofWestern travel and charity work. It is not a Calcutta that will further disorder to this predicament - I will argue that charity is dys-
necessarily be recognized by all, or for that matter by all functional in that it helps to keep the 'Third World' in the state of an
travellers, but it is Calcutta. This is a study of the ways particular Western impoverished and disenfranchised recipient of limited 'aid', rather than
visitors understand Calcutta; the ways writing, photography and film as partners in redistribution and just exchange. This suggests that tourism
conditiorr this process; and the ways touristic representations fit into and charity in the 'Third World' represent the soft edge of an other-
the practices and ideologies of aid work and cultural imperialism. It is wise brutal system of exploitation. It deserves no alibi.
an ethnography of budget travel drawing upon Heidegger's work on
I want t~ _r~nd~r thi~ _problem in a way that also acknowledges my
framing and Marx's work on the circulation of value to open a space
own comphcmes m wmmg on this topic, and writing with a view to
for a critique of development narratives maintained by conventional
both challenging the protocols of ethnographic and social science
representations of the city - imagery of decay, absolute poverty, teem-
d~script~on, and ~o furt~ering, in however small a way, an anti-imperi-
ing millions, squalor and leprosy. alist project that 1s not JUSt mere writing, and is not naive about repre-
The analysis bears upon the 'technologies' which frame travellers'
sentation and presentation. The code-words here are the proper names
understandings and experiences at the Modern Lodge Guest House; the
of culture theory such as Spivak, Nandy, Foucault, Derrida, Trinh,
first chapter plots a theoretical context; Chapter .2 attends to traveller Bhabha, Said, Virilio, Deleuze, Guattari, Jameson, Agamben and others,
'gossip' and travel-guide 'lore' as exchanged in Modern Lodge; Chapter all sampled like souvenirs alongside the cafe pronouncements of travel-
3 reads more famous Western visitors to the city; Chapter 4 explores
lers, friends and chatterboxes.
maps to link travel to the circulation of meaning in a wider economy; This morass of travelling voices, however, is not the 'trinketization'
Chapter 5 focuses upon photography and representations of poverty;
of commentary; rather, it is to be seen as the contested forum in which
and Chapter 6 offers a study of a cinematic Calcutta, particularly Roland
hegemonic understandings of how those mostly middle-class children
Jo ffe's film City ofJoy, with which a number of Modern Lodge travellers
of privilege who are able to travel - even, or especially, as 'alternative
became involved. Cutting across this version of Calcutta I collect im-
travellers' giving 'aid', as people who 'care' - see their relation to the
ages of gifts, coins, red flags, nuns, police chiefs, towers, cameras,
rest o~ the world, or at least to the 'Third World'. As played out,
Octopussy, Louis Malle, Michel Leiris (versus Levi-Strauss), Gunter Grass
embellished and confirmed in Calcutta, representations of the city in
(versus Frankfurt book fairs), Jorge Luis Borges and Mahasweta Devi,
even ~he grottiest little tourist dive can have much wider significance.
chai stalls and cottage industries, monsoon and flooded drains, Raj rel-
At this level, I have not attempted to arbitrate strictly between the
ics and five-star dinners, postcards and taxi drivers ... c~tegories of the tourist, traveller, exile, expatriate or volunteer worker,
Technologies of representation give focus to the imagery which
smce all these categories overlap to some extent in the clientele of the
enframes Western views of Calcutta: decay is not simply there, it is
Modern Lodge._I am not overly interested either in any psychological
sought out, foregrounded, represented, and becomes a tourist attraction.
or psych~analyttcal evaluation of travellers, volunteers, exiles, or charity
Yet, for those involved in volunteer charity work with leprosy sufferers
workers m general. Just as this project does not purport to be a history
and other destitutes on the streets of Calcutta, explanations of their
of ~alcutta nor of all visitors' experience of Calcutta, it is also not a
experience fit into a framework which attributes blame locally, and detailed survey of all that travellers and tourist-volunteers are doing in
cannot acknowledge complicity in production of the 'rumour' of the city. I have little to say specifically of those who work for Mother
Calcutta. This is where questions can be raised about charity and what Teresa·· 'reli gious
· • voIunteers are largely ignored in favour of travellers
actually is given - the problem of the gift - in exchanges between 3nd volunteers from the Calcutta Rescue group associated with Jack
travellers and locals. The gift-rumour here is more than one of mis-
heterogeneous, extraordinarily differentiated and unmonolith_ic' (S_aid recognize, and which would form the beginning of what must become
. · ) Th"5 rubric might usefully be carried into a cons1derat1on a broad, critical, characterization of many of the travellers I have met
1993. XXIX. l • d b d h' . l in Calcutta:
of the ongoing 'orientalisms' of today. What is require , ~yon 1stonca
· hi'ch would rewrite European cultural history (however Aside from items of dress, the mark of the enthusiast is the preference for
commentaries w . .
important this remains; see especially Kabbam 1986; V1swa~atha~. 1989 !ndian•style food; attending night+long musical recitals; making the grand
and Suleri 1992 i), is an intervention which challenges the !dentmes so and the local tour of templei; a fondness for Indian films; a smattering of
described, and can begin to challenge the continue~ ope_ra~on of those lesso~s'. some social welfare work in a captive village; rummaging
for oriental miniatures, brass work, textiles, and other handicrafts; attending
identities in contemporary cultural relations - the 1denttty of Calcutta
weddings and other public ceremonials; and collecting, specimen fashion,
included. 1 • h acquaintances with as great a number oflndians as possible. (Lambert 1966: 161)
Among the most prominent 'positive' images of ~Id Ca cutta_ 1s t at
of the city as the site from which the wealth and n~hes of_ India w~re The Western travellers who live in the Modern Lodge do not all, or
exported to Europe under the Raj. I want _to consider this alongs1d~ always, fit this outline, and certainly many of those who visit short-
the privilege accorded to images of poverty m c~ntemporary _Calcu~ta, term would recognize only some of these characteristics in their own
to examine how available literature and the experiences of tourists domg experience, but - with a number of more Calcutta-specific items - this
volunteer work in the city fit into an imaginary polysemic zone. And list does identify characteristics of the main subjects of this work.
from here, to tell the story of visitors to the city, t":1vellers and volun~ Many, if not most, of the backpacking travellers who pass through
teers, working alongside the impoverished and re~dm~ Lonely P~an~t s Calcutta are not unreflective about their situation in travelling. Their
Jntlia: A Travel Survival Kit in what was the premier ctty o~ empire. reflections reveal the presence of a form of popular alternative critique
Such work requires a degree of enthusiasm for India, and for of travel, a perspective on the ethical problems of otherness, and some
Calcutta. Geoffrey Moorhouse can call Calcutta a _'defini~ion of recognition that their experience is filtered through the technological
obscenity' (Moorhouse 1971: 132), but this ~thnocenmc ~emal_ d~es aids of perception they carry with them. Their critique of tourism
not fit my own experience as a visitor to the city. Moorhouse s prejudice manifests itself in (a) the search for 'authentic' experiences; (b) dismay
at the effect of tourism; and (c) condemnation of other tourists and
deserves to be quoted:
sometimes themselves. The correlates of these three moments are (a)
It is the easiest thing in the world to come close to despair in Calcutta'. Every claims to the 'once- in-a- lifetime' experience; (b) nostalgia for the days
sutistic that you tear out of the place reeks of doom. Ever.y half mile ,_an when such and such a place was not so well known; and (c) 'of course
produce something that is guaranteed co turn a newcomer_s stomach ~1th I'm doing it differently' stories.
fear or disgust or a sense of hopdessncss. It must be a gencr:inon at least since
The confusion which reigns in this kind of tourism derives from a
anyone stayed here for more than a day or two unle~s he was obliged _to,_or
had a phenomenal sense of vocation, or a pathological degree of curiosity. predicament where the consumption of its product - in so far as the:
product of tourism is more than snapshots and souvenirs - entails no
(Moorhouse 1971: 350)
obvious or easily accumulatable tangible possession. 'Good works',
Sometimes J did feel that writing a book like this had a certain 'pa- experience, and cultural capital are less easy to reinvest. However, all
thology', but not for Moorhouse's reasons - he says: 'writers struggle the productions of these travellers - comments, letters, photos, and so
for the words to describe what has happened' (Moorhouse 197r: 3~ 6- on - amount to an overwhelming c:thnographic archive that would
7). My pathology was that of the tourists I study, a self-analyttcal repay investigation as the script of the ongoing dynamics of capitalist
. . and ongoing constructions of cultural difference More
unlearning/learning and attempt to negotiate a politics of representa-
tion with regard to the city, and to international tourism. Rat_her th~n than this, low-budget backpacker tourism plays a significant role. in the
Moorhouse's writing-blocked fleeting newcomers, I began with quite ;rid ord~r of the capitalist cultural economy, and not only through
different visitors in mind (though some of these do profess a ·v~ca- e enorm_1ty of representations it helps produce. The ability to move
tion'). An early essay by Richard Lambert describes, in a genc:rahz~d to convenient\
faaili ·
. Y inexpensive · mar k·et and service centres through the
way, a set of 'signs' of the enthusiast for India which I more easily ty of international travel yields a relatively high buying power with
(the workers of the rich countries necessarily take part in the plundering
attendant ideological, habitual and attitudinal consequences -:- back-
of the third world)' (Deleuze and Parnet 1977/1987: 146) Only 'in a
packers who can live like Rajas in Indian towns at low financial cost.
certain sense' would I agree that tourism, and especially 'Third World'
An expanding economy revolves around middle-class youth travellers,
tourism, is 'subtle and diffuse', but the identification of a 'planetary
and engraves the principles of consumption upon even the most ethe-
or:ganisation' which extends from WB/ IMF structures to advocates of
real aspects of their lives. The hypoc~isy wit~ whic~ some travellers are
'alternative tourism' should not be missed. This is orientalism today.
condemned for renouncing materiahsm wlule looking for the cheapest
So many travellers express an ambiguous uncertainty about their
guesthouse room or dorm for their ashram stay is ~levant here. It
'."od~ o~ trave~ling and its relation to codes of exploitation that they
would be an error to think that the global low-budget banana-pancake
1dent1fy m their own practice, at the same time as they differentiate it
trai\'4 is not an important component of the ideology as well as the
from all they do themselves. The formula 'Yes, I recognize the contra-
economy of touristic consumption. This book attempts to add to the
dic_tions, but_ I try_ to. avoid them myself' is almost always a self-serving
growing analysis of tourism's many forms (Crick 1985, 1988, 199~;
clamt - a rationahzauon. At the same time, an intuition that this gambit
MacCannell 1992; Urry 1990) and to place 'banana-pancake trail
is also inade_quate completes a popular reflexivity that is not surprising
examples in a wider context. Broadly, this c~ntext ":1igh~ be one in
giv~n th~ ~1fficulty of i_dentifying and understanding the complexities
which it is found that 'in industrialised countries, tounsm ts frequently
of hfe wtthm late~twentleth- century capitalism. The task of naming the
pushing out . . . manufacturing, distribution, or extractive in~ustry ~s
dilemmas of our involvement in the abstract internationalisms of tou r-
the economic mainstay'. while in other parts of the world the shtft
ism, cultural difference, imperial exploitation, charity, capitalism, and
typically has been from an agrarian economic base to a touristic eco-
so on makes it important to ask questions about the ways travellers
nomic base' (Smith and Eadington 1992: 2), or, in still more general
name these things.
terms, a context in which small-scale economic and voluntary opera-
tions (like budget tourism and Non-Government Organization - NGO
- aid work) fit into a systematic global disorder. This 'fit' extends REPRESENTATIONS OF POVERTY
exponentially from cultural and even 'alternative' ideological produc-
The inquiry into narrative politics, and the exploration of narrative
tion through to more blatant competition among capitalist powers to
alternatives any such critique might generate, provide the context in
secure profit opportunities across the breach of First World and Third
which to begin to rescind the definitional prejudices and privileges of
World relations, by whatever means necessary. I make no apology for
the production of meaning controlled in the hands, and texts, of a
telescoping the big picture here. . . . . narrow minority. Keeping this in mind is all the more important when
It is no coincidence that the increase m tounst arnvals m India
it comes to working in contexts where power relations and positions
provoked by the 'Visit India 1991' advertising campaign coincides with
are so clearly polarized, as they are with travel in the 'Third World'
the period in which International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Wor~d
:m~ . with much anthropology. It has often been recognized that th;
Bank directed 'market internationalization' also rises. Debates over tariff
privilege of researchers who are institutionally supported and enabled
protection, the (re)introduction of transnational food and dri_nk c_hains
to produce text 'on' indigenous peoples does little to disturb such
- Pepsi and Pizza Hut - and massive development of tourism infra-
structure in India can be fitted into much wider, but nevertheless
This certainly has implications for a project on tourists working in a
crucial, international processes of global economic 'readjustment' ~nd
Calcutta street clinic, as many of the guests of Modern Lodge do. Part
'restructuring', often brutal. Gilles Deleuze, at about the same tim_e
of the reason I have chosen to study the experience of travellers, rather
that Said was writing Orie111alis111, listed important characteristics of th~s
:an pre~cnt a study of the clinic where they work, is that too often
situation: 'the development of a world market, the power of multi-
. Alose with less power in a situation are made the subjects of study.
national compames, the out1·me o f a " p1anetary " orgamsa · tion , the
read~ ~he degn:e to which Third World tourism participates in a
extension of capitalism to the whole social body' and argued that at
voycffi~nmc consumption of poverty is problem enough - this is at least
the same time, the means of exploitation, control and surveillance SU Clent to di ssua d e me firom pro d ucmg
. another patronizing text on
become more and more subtle and ditTuse, in a certain sense molecular
It is necessary, then, to lfaten attentively to the echoes of power in the
the 'poor' and destitute. I do provide some detail abo~t the street clinic
'syste~s· of this work on visitors to Calcutta. While the systems
in Chapter 2 , and it would be important _to ask m what ways the
examined here are those employed by tourists about Calcutta rather
'patients' of the clinic have Jess power, relatively less power, subaltern
than betwee11 tourists and Calcuttans, it is nevertheless obvious that power
power in various contexts rather tha~ others, ~ot just .when they are
res~unds throughout. This systemic dimension {and we should attend
the 'recipients' of the 'aid' and 'care offered Ill charity, and _so on.
also to the geographical, visual and aural metaphors of this discussion)
These questions could be taken up in a study of the r_dat1onsh1p
of the knowledge/ power equation should not be ignored: in Calcutta,
between workers and locals in the clinic, but I am refusing such a
a~ one set of e~amples, the conversations, gossip, rumour, dialogue,
project for reasons I derive in par~ from Gay_;mi Spiv~k~s comm~nt that
discourse - call It what you will - of travellers in the Modern Lodge
auto-critical vigilance (for me, bemg a tourist, exammmg touns':" an~
Guest House amounts to an apparatus of considerable influence. As
charity ·work from the subject position of Mod~rn ~o~ge t~unst~) 1s
examined in detail in the chapter on Modern Lodge, such an apparatus
better than to 'continue pathetically to dramatise v1ct1mage (Spivak
shapes and orchestrates opinions, experiences and perceptions of
1 ob: 230). 5 Imperatives and injunctions may be offered: for example,
Susan George has questioned the propriety of 'Third World' research. travellers in Calcutta.
With some reservations - since things are sometimes more complex
than she allows; there are also questions of access and resources and HEIDEGGER AND MARX
research grant priorities, etc., m contend with - I have tried to take up
All distances in time and space are shrinking. We now reach overnight by
such suggestions with this study of the West in Calcutta: plane, places which formerly took weeks and months of travel. We ~ow
Meanwhile, not nearly enough work is being done on those who hold the receive instant information, by radio, of events formerly learned about
power and pull the strings.. . . Let the poor study themselves. They already only yi:ars later, if at all.... Distant sites of the most ancient cultures are
know what is wrong with their lives and if you truly want to help them, the shown on film as if they stood this very moment amidst today's stret:t
beu you can do is give them a dearer idea of how their oppressors are traffic. More~ver, the film attests to what it shows by presenting also the
working now and can be expected to work in the future. (George 1976: ::.89) cam~ra and its opc~ators at work. The peak of this abolition of every
poss1~lc remoreness 1s reac~1ed by tdcvision, which will s0011 pervade.! and
Whether or not travellers to Calcutta are 'really' powerful oppressors dommarc the whole machmcry of communication .... What is happening
m ight be questioned. Certainly my presence in Calcutta as a traveller here when, 3\ a result of the abolition of great distances, everything is
offered me opportunities not available elsewhere, and so I produce a eq~ally for. and equally near?... Everything gets lumped together into
text that is also a confession. I hope it comes with a degree of refi:rence umform d1stancclcssncss. How? {Heidegger 1971 : 166)
and relevance to the people it is about. Texts are political, they are not The theoretical apparatus of this work may seem opportunistic. This is
autonomous, although their alienation from humanity on three sides - attenuated, if at all, only by the possibility of gathering much of the
the writer, the reader, the subject - as abstract artifacts without respon- culture th~ory to which I refer around a set of broadly Heideggerian
sibility, makes them often appear so. This is also how it is with the and Mann~t concerns. Throughout this book I have thought the issues
stock images of Calcutta, where representational fictions have come to through within the 'horizon' of a Marx-inflected Heidegger (no doubt
be seen as real. Over and over, the objects of Western knowledge are a strange beast). Thrown together as they are here, diverse thinkers can
reified in this manner. Stratton notes, however, that this is a contested be c~lled upon in what is otherwise a dangerous project of theoretical
terrain where the power to define, and the technological means by tourism. The clutter and refuse of eclectic readings of other privileged
which this is achieved, is the basis of control: texts_- from Levi-Strauss and Leiris to Bataille and Nietzsche and more
in :m epistcme where representation is privileged, the jite of prcscnc~ is - .will • I hop e, seem appropriate · 1y prompted • from what travellers have
always contested and power derives not only from controlling infor~anon sai~of Calcutta. Beyond this, there is little 'method' here, except
but from controlling what people consider information to be. The site of
presence and power now lies with people who arc uot only defined by
icr , pbs what someone like Nikos Papastergiad1s deems necessary in
lllldi sence
e a . 1·me ' (Papastergiadis 1993a: 4) for
. of an est a bl.1s I1e d d.1scip
ownership but by their control over information systems and systems of es which exami ne the d ynam1cs . o f complex displacements such as
communication. (Stratton 1990: 26)
. d in this way and this world is dan- perception' (the book's subtitle) be rethought in terms of technology
the frami: of technology _conct:tve 1· t nd eid~austive exploitation (for r:ither than unaided sight. I will argue along these lines when I come
I b ed to an mstrumenta ts a
gerous y su sum h 11) Arc there not other ways, an d ot h er to discuss the structure of the camera in the latter half of this work. In
the profit of some, rather t an a . I d' any case, the ways in which the world is 'revealed' to us are con-
. h . ht have been revea e . . .
worlds, w htc mtg d . , odern technology' of the m1mng ditioned by the use made of technologies which are instrumental in
. of the ommant m
The enfirammg . d. . to the ideologies of the naturaI th~t revealing, and the ends - say, of the logistics of the commodity
. t be examine m re1auon
companies mus . . h d nature as a coherent system o f system - which that use of technology enables. In the cases I will
sciences which aim to com~re en that techniques of extraction, examine, the modes of representation with which we are seeing Calcutta
{'. It is in this context . d
calcubble iorces. bl t proceed within a constrame 'revealed' are largely determined by the categories of documentatio n
. d development are a e o
processing an
f fii · cy producuv1ty. . d cost-effectivirv and where oth er and exposure typical of Western use of writing, recording and film in
an .,,
horizon o e ic1en ' . . I horizon of the natural sciences, cannot the Third World. These documentations and exposures obey already-
issues, Jess calculable w1thm t ,e E fi aming is the way the nature of established orientations to Calcutta. I argue that these orientations are
d • eal world' concerns. n r
be revea Ie as r . Id t be revealed rather than best understood as specific manifestations of Western cultural and
the technology destines a certain wor o political imperialism, produced and played out within the appropriative
another: and consuming framework of global capitalism.
I ·s· that we ponder the question concerning When approached as a place to visit, Calcutta appears already in-
Everything, then, depends upon t Ill . • . H w can this happen? Above all
technology :m d contm c
· u. to watc I over 1t. o . d scribed as a site of exemplary experience and as something to be writ-
I •s to presence in technology, mstca
t hin"'
througII our ca c o sight of w 1at come ten in a before-and-after 'experiential' zone. Travellers come to Calcutta
S I II" as wc rcpn.-sent tec.:h no1ogy as
f ·I • staring at the tcchno1og1cl1• o o o • ) to experience, and hence to report on, something they expect to be
o mere~ . . I ·Id fast (Heidegger 1955/ 1977: p.
an instrument, wc rcmam ic . extreme. Unusual and different from all other expectations and places -
much to prest:nt an :ilternative as a site of poverty, crowds, rickshaws, etc. - Calcutta is also a place
In the end Heidegger goes obn not soh. position is more subtle than that is to be seen and then left. Churchill said just this: 'I am pleased to
f . · the world ecause 1s
way o viewing . w~ ask and answer, questions about the ways have st:en her, for I will never have the need to see her again' (this
that, but to require th~t ' I ticular worlds in a much more comment is variously quoted, and again interestingly inflected along
technology brings to hght, flor r~vea s, pa~his is relevant especially for a gender lines). The hermetic seal of this city's framing resists any chal-
. d itical and re ecuve way.
deternune , er .. . . rt" cs of representation, a lenge, so that even alternative travellers and eco-tourists, volunteers,
work that will a~ply its cnuc~I •::~h~/:v:rid o ;~urism). Very near the participant travellers and other traveller-expatriate forms do not deviate
politics of meaning (of c~ani-1 .d er notes that the social sciences significantly from the established paths. For all the minutiae of travel
beginning of Beiug _n11d T1;1.1e, . e1 e;!nceptions and interpretations of guides, backpacker lore and gossip, literary imagination and snapshot
operate 'with definite pre imtnary .. . . ,. its material and in voyeurism, it is striking how Calcutta is framed in such conventional
. . 1 even in first receiving '
human Dasem m ge~era '. ' Heide er 19z6/1962: 76). Neither mys.
sifting it and working it ~p ( nor~~ 'eve day anthropology'. can With regard to film, the demand that shots be taken, and that they
scientific psy~hology and soc1~logy,h henome~a we are studying. This be replicable (fixed, true, saleable, showable), constitutes a particular
provide us with 'proper access to t : p h bling 'illusion' operating w.iy of viewing Calcutta, an acquisitive outlook which excludes other
reflection, then, is to be kept at ha_n as t e ena
possibilities. The codification of Calcutta within the representative 'ends'
the 'technologies' employed in this work.
of the technologies of documentary reportage, realist film and photog-
I to use this sense of technology from nphy already means that certain other issues, less calculable or open to
Another of the ways want . t which brings some- evaluation within the framework of such documentation, cannot be
Heidegger is to ta kc tec hnology as. an instrumen I d This is taken up conceived or considered important enough to rate attention. Recog-
. • light' and reveals that winch was unrevea e ·. . {'. ·ng'
t\ung to d. 'machmenes ,or sec1 nition of the narrow dimensions of documentary realism in photo-
by Virilio in l-11<rr n111I Ci11e111,1, where he iscussc~ h I 'I gistics of graphic and cinematic approaches to the Third World invites challenges
(Virilio 1984" 1989: 1) in a way that deman s t at tie o
volunteer work on the streets of .
tours'. The economic advant fi Cahlcutt~ with the ironic label 'sick
to established Western/ touristic production, and to the unquestioned I d. ages or t e first World t II .
circulation of certain versions and evaluations or opinions about Calcutta. to n ia are great· beaches ch d rave er on a visit
For example, camera technology and its associated referents may be are a bargain co~pared to' ot:;; to:fs; sou1:'eni~s and scenic temples
analysed with a number of interrelations: from the personal- and Australia. In addition to II th" h destmatlons - say Europe or
.~ d a IS, t e presence of ·
isa vantage can, unfortunate! b . comparative economic
identity-effect level of everyday experience, to the global or world- d Y, e considered part d I f
system effect of these technologies. There is, perhaps, a link between a cu. I tura I attraction of a Th' d ,T,
ir vvor Id d . .
estmatlon S an · parce . o the
certain mechanic perception of the world and the world of com- t10n can be obscenely clich 'd d . . ometlmes this attrac-
e an sentlmental a d·
o beautiful peasants ('Tl ' ' s expresse m snapshots
modities. Extensions of the body through mechanized frames of f 1ey re so cute let's b
perception like the camera are closely related, at a level still difficult to backyard', one brutally iro . ' uy a couple for the
who acknowledge the real1't'mc fpostcard ~eclared). Even among those
'recognize and name', to the alienation of a mechanized and formal- ies o economic disp "f1 b
ized (impoverished) advanced capitalism, where all social needs are and toured,
. a degree of consum puon . o f poverty :m i es. etween
. bl travellers
satisfied 'in terms of commodity exchange' (Lukacs 1968/1971: 91-3). contribute to a maintenance o f tIiat poverty as subis mev1ta t O f, be and can
Another angle on this might examine the technological collapse of Technologies of perception sudl as tIle travel brochur "ec th o b. servation'.
time and space which is now available for a dominant subsection of the camera,. t h e cathartic guilt expi' t' f
a ion o wntmg the t . . e, e o ~ect1fying
'd '
world population (and its backpacking children). This truncating spatial- nauons which refer to welfare an d socia . I programme
' our gill
d hes expla-
temporal effect ensures that the most 'remote' and 'different' experiences bed gea bl e an.alytics of academia, - on IY .msu Iate travell s, an ti t ehknowl-
are entered into the exchange circuit of information capitalism as e otherwise more disturbin (A II d ers rom w at may
equivalences. 12 This is not to say that experiences are simply bought, part of the tour) In many w g. sma . egree of disturbance can be
but that the mediations of a global social hierarchy, based upon levels technologies of budget travel ?s, poverty is ~ th_eme orchestrated by the
. . 00, as econom1c d1fferenc fi
of technological development and attendant (often disguised, always a act1v1ty for the visitor to Calcutta Th . . e en rames almost
contested) relations of production, provide the context for traveller set of images of poverty and h . .e constitution of Calcutta as a
. h. t e exotic to be c d ti
experience in Calcutta, just as other experiences are drawn into the w1t I~ a development narrative which ofii onsu_me its neatly
framing vortex of meaning in late-twentieth-century 'culture'. Amenc:m global hegemony whil b . . ers affirmation to a Euro-
An analysis tracing the implications of certain technologies of represen- ferences' of alterity into th e d~mgmg otherwise threatening 'dif- 1
e comma ity system as Of
The rumour of c I . . a set equivalences. 3
tation through their differential insertions into moments of economic
all around the gl b a cutkt~ coexists with a mobile capital which chases
and cultural significance carries problems and \imitations which 1 shall 0 e, ma mg commodities of JI ·
try to indicate along the way. Nevertheless, even a partial development logical channels through wh·icIl th'is rumour passes a It sees. th The techno-
of such a project has its uses. Technologies of representation are major of trave
. . II er perception • writ'mg, camera, etc - are th- e Imacb meries
channelling factors which determine, to some extent, what k1nd of capita1ism transmutes all culture em . . . . . e too s y which
exchange. ' ouon, identity, mto a form open to
representations of Calcutta can be produced. The means of production
here carries with it attendant world- views, socio centrisms to be played
out, an entire series and hierarchy of preferences and choices connected As I will discuss in Chapter 3 Gtinte
publishing is 'counterfe"t' ' I r _G_rass suggests that international
to the technological means of reproduction which it is my purpose to
guides are fabrications ;efl P_~~u a~ opm10~ often declares that travel
reveal. history is bunk C I ' ~x1v1ty is rhetorical; others suggest that Rai
It might be argued that for many Western observers, the dominant Wh , a cutta 1s a rumour and th Bl k ~
frame through which Calcutta, and perhaps India, is understood is first at does all this mean f; h e ac Hole a fraud.
of all economic; specifically in a comparative mode which pays attention standing, or representation o:/ t~ st~dy;, of tourist and visitor under-
this, suffer from these d : de city. Will not all texts, including
to the economic disadvantage of 'the poor'. This is too simple, but the enframmg. cancel all emece1ts . an. more'. Do es not H e1'degger's rule of
'rumour of poverty' is certainly present within the discourse of 'Third
Possibl t . anc1pat1ve opportunity?
World' travel, and to a disturbing extent the 'poor' are a part of what is y he most difficult issue about which to write in a social
toured by tourists. Some travellers have referred to their medical and
can .now never simply trace the influences and
science study of tourism is the ways both academic work 'in the field' be sunply listed in an 'Acknowled en ' ' . r do not want these to
and various discourses of tourism participate in a complex construction r do have partisan views of th ~ tds section before the text proper.
. e city, an of the ill d d
of knowledges, cultures and meanings that systematically obscure possi- an charity work which I ·11 d. s an goo s of travel
d w1 1scuss as I go _ I .
bilities of considering sociopolitical effects. Enframed as we are, in many a cutta somewhat· to sh h want to disenchant
C -I ' ow ow some of th h f
ways this difficulty should be no surprise; in part it presents a paradox constructed· to argue ti h. e myt s o the city are
. . , rom t is constructed d. fc ..
of attempting to write and understand things in ways that are anti- the impenalist burden of . iscourse or a cnt1que of
. representations· and t .
thetical to established and persuasive protocols of accepted understanding tlus critique is also constru t d h ' o recognize that although
and writing. Further, even within these protocols, the place of anti- provide a more reflective ct e 'It/ e myths ~hat might be made with it
. rave consumption/ ·
thetical writing is already inscribed and accommodated in a way that than is otherwise available S0 I . experience of the city
• want to begm fi CI
of travel that intervenes 1·n ·cs consumption . ' rom· •· a cutta, · . a critique
co-opts all (most?) challenges. 1
While the extent to which an exploration beyond accredited further politicizes travel so th JI s, its 1mper1ahsms', and
. . . at trave ers recogniz h · . b . .
boundaries of scholarship can be achieved remains to be seen, a question wit11 mternat1onal imperial"ism, wit . I1 t Ile world d eb t etr 1m ncat1on
which might usefully lead up to this impasse can be taken as a guide the debts, but the whole deal) . e t system (not just
. , tts structured in 1· ·
for thought that wants to traverse uncharted terrain: what is the possi- an d with the horrors of the •g IO b 31 worId disord •equa I mes· and
, . thefts'
bility of thinking (about Calcutta] differently from the way we think of usual. What sort of ethnogra h h er t iat is cap1tahsm-as-
. ' .. p y, t en, and what chang • h
it now?1~ Asking such a question first requires some comprehension of grap h1c wntmg, is this? es to et no-
how we do think at present, and then perhaps some search for that
which is obscured. This question is then appropriate, in its suspicions While . there
. . is some merit • I th·m k • m . euorts
tr. to 'att . .
of everything (some might object that this is a classical Cartesian and cnt1c1se the global capit~li·s h' 1 empt to 1magme
. " m w 1c 1 makes Id
manoeuvre, but it can also be defended with reference to Marx), for . is also. the case that these e tTcorts amount to 'a us a wor
it f h. community'
. . '
both the productions of the social sciences and the discursive produc- m keeping with the centrality f h W, . way o t tnkmg entirely
tions of tourism. Everything that is written, said, constructed, meant, 1992: 30). r am concerned with otl1t ~ est_b1~,. world history' (Lenaghan
. . e 1mposs1 1 1ty of a ·d· 1
made, understood, opined or brought into existence in any way should c~ntmm w}uch asserts the centrali of th vot mg t le ethno-
be interrogated with this in mind. This interrogation itself would also mm which idealizes the 'oth • tyf h e West as well as the romanti-
. ers O t at West Th d ·
recrmtment of'Third World . d , · e anger IS always the
be subjected to this critique. ' w1s oms for the ve • I .
1 suspect that this should be a more central point, but for now it ness that has fuelled the . 1· d . ry p anetary co nsc1ous-
cap1ta 1st nve of th· .
will be sufficient to note that I will return again to the issue of the knowledge' remains local onl I II is commumty - 'local
status of my project and its intentions - why 1 only want to look kept out of both books and sio :ca ~ and. rem~ins 'local' only if it is
mostly at Westerners in Calcutta Qeaving Calcuttans to the Calcuttans), I have chosen to take the experi~~c:n o;~1al science does not do that.
why 1 accept the accusation that I am guilty of 'staring at tourists reluctance to make subiects . h' esterners as my example. My
, J , In t IS text of ll ,. •
staring at locals, and writing notes about it all' (Katie). In this dis- tourist trade, or of local auth fil ' enga ts involved in the
ors, 1 mmakers or ph h .
cussion so far 1 may be also accused of a kind of transcendental absence ; response to my understandi . otograp ers, is partly
- I have hardly 'theorized' my position; the ways in which 1 have been scholarly appropriation d ng lof the history of parasitic First World
fi ' an part y a consequ f
able to orchestrate the quotes and examples, the authority devices used or, my touristic subiect .. N ence o ' or convenience
d . :.i posmon. ow this . .
to proclaim various 'truths', the privilege that allows me to write - on ecc1t. It was Peter Ph' h IS not Just a convenient
Calcutta, on tourists, on the city. I assume throughout that this will best analysed as a sub·e:~ps "': . o wrote that 'the "budget traveller" is
remain a problem, as 1 do not yet know how to explain all the contra- subject' (Phipps 1990\) pods1~1on h~ather than a living, fully identified
h ·· · , an m t 1s text th
not touristS, just as there . , · b ere ar,e ve_ry often tourist
dictions of my position. I have been, and very much remain, a tourist
ere, for good reaso I h m1g it e local positions' - but not
in Calcutta - anything more than this will be dismissed as an arrival
own (position) Yet 'not
ns. C oose fo ' r. I'
' r po 1t1ca reasons, to study my
anecdote asserting presence. 1 have learnt much from Bengali writers, . representmg' Calcuttans does not mean that
cultural workers, activists, academics, journalists and friends so that 1
TH E llU HO Ull Of
nt acts so do
together in tourism, two mutually ind epe nde cs the overallh mo vem ent
text. In the Calcuttas pu t exchange itsd f becom e sep fi• exc h
they are not 'he re' in the hors, film-makers, . arate rom the angers, t e produc ers of
ture as proper names - aut commod1ties' (Marx 1858/J 973 . 148 .
. )
they even sometimes fea locals recognize
e already wondered, would Th · .
is ts a deceit by any reckon
in ( .
politicians - but , as I hav Per haps this is all I g excmo ept by that of the capital
ist) .
smagoric tourist Calcutta? Marx's analysis of · exc han ge d d·t y r.
themselves in this ph:mta an t tc
com t ,or m (as opp ose d to
the ~hackled ort hod ox·:y o economic rati ~narism) aIIows us to take
~ f
illusion. nocentrism, bad
, false consciousness, eth . h'
account of social processes wit tn product10n. 'Th e me ·
Th e figures of deception feature in bot h the of exchange
, conceit and obfuscation an ind epe nde nt ti . fi h
faith, alienation, prejudice areas of cultural (co mm erc e) as unctro n tor n awa y rom td e exchangers
nces and specifically in the the rise of ex h a · d
history of the social scie ion , He idegger notes cor res pon ds to c ang e
, R
va I ue as
n Ill epe n ent entity, as
and history. On decept money. tor n away from
studies, political science ng did not simulate tta ucts.f [h em em ber tha
t Mo orh ous e was
of knowledge: 'If one bei 'tearing' facts abo ut Calcu tes: 'Exchange
tha t this is the structure ld not go astray and out od _c e place.J Marx wri
ke mistakes . . . we cou value was the measure of com mo tty cxchange,· b ut its · .
another, we cou ld not ma e as sem bla nce is the ,um was the
should be able to deceiv ·
direct possession of the ex h d ·
transgress.. . . Th at a being . . the cle arin g happens c ange com mo d'tv i.,, Its· con sum pti on' (Marx
ion for our bei ng abl e to be deceived . r858/J973: 149) · This is so ,or consumption whic
r. h . satisfy needs
con dit 34). It is very
15 wdl
this dou ble con cea lment' (Heidegger 1971: .
but the purpose of com m erce is not consumPfion b ut circulation in
. •
onl y at of com me rce. In
tan t to und ers tan d tha t this is also the structure th • f
order to recoup profit on c part o those wh o con tro1 production.
im por in Marx - tha t of
a similar 'do ubl e' structure • 'W ith th d I
a late r par t of this boo k,
in relation to Agam, Marx summarizes: eve opm ent d" of the division of
dit y and the mo ney form - can be considered labour, the imm edi ate pro d t
to be ch
the com mo to a beggar in the uc cea e me ium of exchange.
cifically of a coin passed Th e need arises for a gen
eral d. f
ge · · M one y .. . the
the giving of charity. spe ich underlies the scene . of all values' (M me. tum
o exc han ··
y ef Joy . Th is exc han ge is a key poi nt wh ent ativ e 18 8 149 )
film Cit body needs that rep res arx 5 / i97 3:
wo rk as we ll as the eco nomics of tourism. Every Th · qu1·ty of this is that when 'the .
of aid
to grasp the significance of
this scene in a way e me
to exc han e' [la ~:d u~ t becomes subordinated
coi n. Per hap s one way
see this coin as to labo.ur and lab our h ur is sold for mo.ney.
, the
tes thr oug h all the themes of this work is to ou gd
products pri ce is set by lab r un er t e control of the capital
tha t res ona , everything has tstj, it
of tec hno log y tha t homogenizes. Dy extension . I .
becomes a matter of social and po1·mca c1rcumstan ce, w h eth er or not
a pie ce a long history; it
one of equivalence. Th is coin has the produce or its equiva
lent •11 s·mc e the
a pri ce, the tric k is
on Levi-Strauss, as return to the I b
and again - in the section •ta1·1st .is ou t to recoup that I w h"tch .,s prod a dourb er.I ur ove r
l be me nti one d aga in 16
wil City ofJoy. opt va ueh uce y :ibo
tion s on souvenirs and on the film t Ib
an d above the cost of tha a our, t e approprtat · ·
we ll as in the sec
. ton of labour inheres
m the exchange of com
mo d"t'
are wrapped up in the mo ney form. Th e
contradictions . . . which gift of a coin in charity
is a cl Jes,, expikessedofvia I
Marx asks: 'are there not e simple fact that rue . mo c ·cry a ) b
g o a system based on
mo ney alo ngside commodities? . .. Th . I 1
this unequal exchange· All ca cu ac1ons of charity,• an d f F'trst Wo rld -
the exi ste nce of
bly, in one aspect as a spe
cific pro duc t ...
Th.1"d World relations m b
dit y exi sts dou hin this structure.
the com mo
as manifest exchange val
ue (money)' (Marx • use e understood wit
and in the oth er aspect ause of its specific
dity may be exchanged bec vi as w • .
185 811 973 : 147 ). A com mo
geability. Wh en a The tocial cha rac ter of acti ~rod. _ell :is the soc1:1I for m of the pro duc t ' and
also because of its exchan indi vidu :ils m h.
the share ot" P uct1on her e appe:ir som ct mg alicn a11d
and useful qualities, but erent to the com- ob· . . , con fron ting tl1 • . d 'd uaIs not :i I · :isI · ·
for money, mo ney is diff ucct1w c Ill IV! s \~I . I s ; 1e1r_re atto n to one ano the r,
com mo dit y is exchanged det erm ine d not by b
ur as their sub ord ina tion to
rela tion
it is ext ern al, and codifies a social relation, of •ct,·v·r· :ind uc I su s1sr tnd epe nde
mly of the m ·· ••
mo dity , of external condi- The gcner:il l.'Xchan••e pro d . a vital
'abandoned co the mercy o ·• 1 1cs 1
~cts, w uch has bec om e
its product qualities bu t of exchange then
cond ttion for c:ach individual
- the ir n - her e appears
1858/1973: 147). Th e act mu tua l mtc _rco nne ctio
tions [i.e., markets]' (Marx
ieving 'a spatially as som eth ing alil.'n to the dun g. (Ma rx 185 8/,9 73:
ent, purchase and sale, ach • aut ono mo us, as a
takes on a double movem of existence, [and 1H .
mutually indifferent form th commodity form which .
and temporally separate and
"15 IS
: 148). Th en - e le, appears as the
y ceases' (Marx 1858/J973 fe • . b• Ill one examp
soJ their immediate identit souven exchanged for a
ir, rs on the global circuit.
lf splits apart into w cams, y travelle
nt - 'Just as exchange itse
and this is Marx's key poi
Itheir· political context ' and what t Ius means for ho ,.
The circulation of capital is facilitated by just such substitutions. This ess tmport:mtly, but central to ti . k
A us wor ) how wewwwe .
ive, and (perhaps
must be understoo d in the context of what Spivak calls the 'irreducib le mong recognition of these ·n . . rtte an understand
rift of the international division of labour' (Spivak 1996: 128). This rift, the authority of scholarly, as II I us1ons, issues of representation and
• we as popul:ir
in the broadest convenien t terms, is between 'First' and 'Third' worlds, m~tters :ire continually rethought . I 'rcco m mentary upon cultural
however interrelat ed and co- constitute d these need to be for an authentic. In the context of wit I re erence to notions of the
adequate analysis (the first World in the Third and the Third in the o f aII parts of our lives andan ever II more pe rv:is1ve
. commercialization
First, etc.). Yet the broad parameters of this relation should not be nostalgia, the unique and th a lco.rners of the globe, questions of
b . e exc ustve are ti I d
underplayed, since at a time when more people th:in ever :ire 'travelling' , rations of the hybrid (Bhabh S 'd) ~r cu ate alongside cele-
a, at • the mixed a d h .
it is telling that Spivak can note that exploitation is 'hidden from sight as we as cultural survival d . n t e mtertwin ed
]I 11 an mamtenan Th •
in the "rest of the world"' (Spivak 1987: 167). What needs to be done, a ows an entire cargo cult of ' . ce. e
t• . creative appropri t' commodi, d
ty form
then, is to attack this occlusion, which is conseque nt upon conditions sys cm:it1c etTects of a 'pastoral' desire a ton an • with the
of technological development - including an 'indefinite spiral' of relative of cotTee- table photo-bo k d .' transforms culture into the stutT
. II o
us a ows, in the context sofan p:isttche slide I
and absolute surplus-value continually changing the 'technical compo- Tl
. . -stows o f exotic scenes.
r. • tourism studies an O .
sition of capital' (Marx 1867/ 1967: 622). What are Western travellers in t e most ,amous paragraph of L. . S ' pportumt y to quote
ffi f h evt• trauss's oeuv .
Calcutta if not both witnesses, consumers and producers of the effects e ects o t e culture industry I . h re, regarding the ill-
11 w uc so otTended hi· · 1
of a brutal global exploitation in which they are at one moment only mm 955 '
iate .t~velling and explorers. Yet here I am . .
minor agents, at another the prime architects? cxpcdmom . .. Ama7011fa, Tibet and Ali . lroposmg to tdl the story of my
No less illusory or dissembling conditions prevail in other aspects of tr.wdoguL-s, accounts of exhibitions ~1ca 11111 t.hc bookshops in the form of
tourism and travel - so much so that it is plausible to consider these which the desire to impr . d an_ co ccuons of photograplu in all of
css 1s so ommam k _ . •
areas as the most profoundl y deceitful, and much effort has been rca er to assess the value of the •v'd . 35 to ma ·c It impoi.Sible for the
d • I· f
3 I
e~pended in order to recognize and remedy these deceits: 'Don't get · c, w n c 1 consists not, c
one cncc
mi h .. .. . Nowadays
. . • 1,c·
·mg :m explorer 1s
known foct s after years of 35 t d ' b g. t dunk: m discovering hitherto un-
ripped off, don't take the text for granted, don't believe all you see,
asscmbling slide-shows or ~o~i }, ~t m covcrmg a great many miles and
read or hear'. Yet for all this inquiry, and for all the critical faculties of I II . I
the academy and all the street- wariness of the travellers and readers, it
a l~ wit • an audience for several
plamudcs and commonpl aces s..
on pictures prefcrabl .
d '. ~ I
m co our, so as to fill
ayls m succession. For this audience
seems that little has been achieved towards comprehension of the politics 'nt I .
I o rcvc atrons by the sole factccm to
that ti iavc
. bee .
n .m1racu Iously transmuted'
home, has supposedly sanctified . b 1e1r .a uthor, mstead of plagiarizing at
of the illusions at play in these zones. (Lcv1-
• · Strauss 19ss/t
As will be :iccepted by those who fol\ow the trails of these :irguments, : _ )It Y covering somc rwcnty t 11ousand milc:.'S.
973 17 18
both the notion of culture and the notion of otherness are also deceits
of a kind. James Clifford, for example, writes that 'culture' is a deeply !he i~dignation of this quotation also car . .
mflect1on which dr:iws the d . nes a degree of irony and an
comprom ised idea he cannot yet do without (Clifford 1988: to). More t rea er mto the de . h II
o repe:it the crimes for which h b ce1t t at a ows the author
specifically for this project, the idea of the city (say Calcutta) in the exactly the d:inger of ~ • I ' e e~ates others. It is seductive and
w en he noted that ~ t
understandings of residents and visitors alike is illusory; :is :ire history, .. sa vage mentahty f h · h '
h I • o w ic ClitTord warned us
difference , and perhaps all meanings in circulation. This is not to say variety of ways: es ern sc o arsh1p appropria ted ' others' in a
that there is nothing true, or that there is nothing outside the text
(which is a Derridean reminder of the importance of context, mis- In Western taxonomy and
presents' arc actually pasts. T memo .
he re ryr/'.c various non~Wcstc rn 'cthnogr.ip hic
understoo d often as merely a rhetorical claim about the textual 1necha-
always ahouc to undergo the i!p p s~~~ culturally dminct times ('tradition' )
nisms of illusion - this misunderstanding is taken up in :i circumscribed rnfluencc of tr:idc media . . act.o l$rupt1vc changes associated with the
w:iy by those who would reassert the authority of the well- read te:icher, the exotic
. . an • • , mm 1on~ncs · • ct 1mographcr
market, thc 'world sy t• commod·
• Illes, s, touris1s
and their critics), or that illusions and metaphors and deceits do not aut 1cntic:ity
· 1s• repeatedly follow •d b 5 cm etc A relativ f
I d • e Y recent period of'
have their effects; that is exactly the point. What is at st:ike, and what tnodcrmmio n. (C lifford 1989a:c74) y a c1uge of corruption , transforma tion,
has to be analysed, is the way these illusions take on their existence,
left' Oameson 1991: 201) seems somewhat sectarian and simplistic -
, o ra hers along;ide tourists as the myth-
Significantly, C\ifford hsts ,e~lmS g p evpresses this nostalgia; even when ;md post-structuralism resists easy homogenizations at the very place
· ·ty Levi- trauss ·' . , b h where authenticity and representation is questioni:d - but his suspicions
ologists of auth enuc1 . , , . . exotic countries to e t e
. . h' isuke m imagmmg h of the new turn in social science writing about cultural politics are
he was recogmzmg ts m S 955/1973· 47) he was broug t
. f • (Levi- trauss 1 · ' . th~ught-provoking. In many ways politically urgent critique still remains
exact opposite o ours . ( Par1·s luncheon) that colonists
· · ' discovery at 3 f h" urgent, despite the proliferation of texts.
up a=inst the 'surpnsmg d' people in the region o is
o- f I in 1gcnous . d
had wiped out most . o t 1e zil On the back of this nostalgia an_
roposed study locatton, Bra . d . for travel books and their
P ds 'the ma passion . h' I
surprise, he understan • h ·n sion of somethmg w ic l Of course this text proliferates too - it becomes an assemblage of
' . hese books create t e I u 8) rumours. Perhaps this is because travel is fluid, because Calcutta some-
deceptiveness' smce t . Id . t' (Levi-Strauss 1955/1973: 3 .
. b ult shou ex1s t:".
times seems to shimmer in haze or threatens to wash away as sludge in
no longer exists ut s Id be for nostalgics who pre1er
What, l10wever, ' auth ent"Ic' Calcutta. wou t The critique o f t I1e the monsoon, because illusions always flicker at the edges of under-
' . . ' u\tures is not apparen .
lost tribes and pnstme c ' I d' thers in its books is important standing. All this happens with a certain instability. A story forms out of
ways Western scholars~ip, has_ ~a::g:f L;vi-Strauss shows the lacunae of myths and legi:nds, whispers, throwaway lines, cliches, sunset stereo-
so far as it goes (Der~1da s crmq 8 b t equally, the celebration of types, melodies, gossip, anecdote and conjecture. The city which
this anti-ethnocentnsm: 1967/I 97 ) ' u , in its place might assembles itself for travellers in this ragged-edged way is one of trinkets
. I • h some wnters ou,
hybrid1ty and seduction w 11c II fi nded recovery operation by the and souvenirs, misunderstandings and prejudices, as well as of curiosity,
also be exposed as another we - u I ca italism - the very 'world communication and contemplation, of bustees {semi-permanent dwell-
cultural insurance agents of_monbouptodyoes ~ot describe.11 ings) and open streets (and sewers), of hotels and cafes, of addas (street-
, h. l C\"fford mentions d b corner talk/mei:ting) and institutions (elevated gossip), of bridges (old
system w IC l I . . d C I tta Levi-Strauss was tempte y
Especially when he v1s1te la cdul_ 'd ·1n the days of real journeys'' and new) and tower blocks (both), of literature and comedy, graffiti
this salvage mora tty.
r . '1 wished 1 1a 1ve
h 'full splendour' of a not yet pollute
d (words and images) and headlines, of drama, routine, excitement, and so
he writes. He could then see t eh b t time to see India? At what on, and also a bewildering array of political, social, economic and cultural
. 'When was t e es
spi:ctacle. H e ask s. b k -n time 1 am able to save differences which cannot possibly, surely, be fused into a coherent
fi y·ars 1 move ac 1 • narrative even as I am attempting somi:thing of the kind, as an effort to
Period . . . for. every ive ony c h
or s are m ano
. thcr belief' (Levi-Strauss
a custom, gam a cerem . e't·gned one· the alti:rnat1ves explain, from observation, participation and my own experience - those
H ' , I ge' however, 1s a r , '
1955/1973: 43) . ts sa va b ', • I two possibilities: either 1 can be dubious categories - the Calcuttas constructed for and by some of the
are equally flawed, thi:re emg on y h 111as faced with a stupendous travellers who visit. It may or may not be Calcutta - it is certainly not
like some traveller of the olden dha:sh, wl od,;d h"1m or worse filled him just the Calcutta of Bengal - but it does exist somewhere, of that I am
I II of w ic e u e ' sure. That this city is to be made up of rumours and illusion is not
spectacle, all, or a most a ' b d rn traveller chasing after the
. t· or I can e a mo e ' . I.
with scorn or disgus, . ' , . S 1955/1973: 43). It is to us always recognized as the truth of Calcutta for visitors as they carry home
. I d reahty (Li:v1- crauss . their authentic experienci:s. This, of course, is true for all who visit,
vi:stiges o f a vams ie 1 11 be 'insensitive to reahty
. es that he may a so we ) from the countryside and from overseas alike - for all of us, a city is
credit that hi: recogmz . , (Levi-Strauss 1955/1973: 43 ,
. k" h t thts vi:ry moment . often a citadi:I of mystery. Whether it is thi: metropolis of the future or
as it ts ta ·mg s ape a_ . . odify bis 'authentic' observations
!though this recognmon did not m of thi: long past - Gotham City or Troy - or of fantasy - Oz - or of
a . h · n a later chapti:r.
on Calcutta, to wh1c 1 ren~rn I h debates from another angle, desire - the dri:am cities of the travel brochuri:s - this rumourmongering
For Fredric Jameson, takmg up It e~e bout ~uthenticity is that of is the architect. Rumours are the stuff of the social.
.h rary po em1cs a " . II So where Trinh T. Minh-Ha has described anthropology as gossip,
the problem wit contempo . '"' lly and poliuca y
h"fi . mphas1s ,rom a mora
thi: occurrence of a s It m e Ib one llami:son 1991: 198). there might be an opening for this book. Although her intention is
.. t idi:nt but ce e ratory v ,
urgent cnttque to a s r t·sts' might appropriate a ~itical, it is one with which there could be hope for a renewal of the
h 'post-structura t h
His anxiety ~bout t ed. wlays_ I models 'hitherto associated with t e kind of work social scientists might usefully pursue. Her reflections are
. . 1 M~-,sm
cnuca ...... and ta ecuca
Lod B understanding
d and experience
- while they stay at the Modern
numerous examples where this work demands extension, where further . ge. ase upon what they have said about th . .
research and criticism are called for, and where sharp questions and tton also attends to a ·d f . . e City, this next sec-
mour of Calcutta' dw1 er range o d1scurs1ve production of the 'ru-
blunt admonitions can intervene and change the politics of representa- • an serves as an el b · f h .
tton, tourism, charity and Calcutta - at least for those few who visit. ! his book: themes which appear latera t~;tton o t e .mam the~es of
The shorthand version of this paragraph would be: Ah, but can you representation' (such as maps in Cha t oughd other te~hnolog1es of
and 6} wh' h . per 4, an cameras m Chapters 5
insert gossip and rumour into the round-and-round of traveller talk in tc are carried in the backp ck f II
a way which, while obviously not adequate to a project of global trans- bring to Calcutta is more than b a s o tra~e ers. What travellers
view' which b . aggage, and entails a complex 'world-
formation, at least pricks consciences and upsets complacencies? (The
consciences and complacencies of the group of alternative, volunteer,
travelling backpackers at least.) Another rumour of this book is that it
::~~:~o:,; ::~:~~:[~:;,:~•,~:;::: ~!1: ::::;:~'!;.::;p~=
wants to give more than it can offer.
Because of the problems of deceit in these texts, I prefer Trinh's
;he ,pedfi« of expe,-i~n,;';; ~n P;!:~: :,!\:':;~
move on to read what has been written b . . '
1::~.,'.~~~ip' and
_apter 3
notion of gossip as a metaphor for social science, since to 'lend an ear t~e r~giste~s hwhich govern representational pe:u;i::~~i:s ::c~:sc;:· ;nd
to gossip already accepts either sympathizing with or being an accom- cmat1on wit garbage in Gunter Grass and Domini u . e as-
plice of the gossiper' {Trinh 1989: 68}. It is then easier to see the ter 4 explores maps of the c1ty, . and begms. qtoe link
workings of power - for gain and, since gossips come unstuck through representation
. to processes of tra vel m
. generaI and the · mo I ·es o
their betrayals, for loss - in the gossip's ever-mumbling, ever-verbose meaning in a wider econom . Cl cucu anon of
mutterings. Gossip may be a kind of flexible technology of equivalence and the camera effects which y, k tapter 5 fo~uses upon photography
ha s b ma e representations of poverty, and er-
and circulation, allowing meaning and 'rumour' to facilitate the continued 6 P ffigar agej and so on, photogenic scenes to be souvenired· Cha~ter
production of an international bifurcation between subjected classes and o ers a c ose study of the screening of C 1 . , .
consuming, capitalist, comprador ones. At the same time gossip is a tool cinema, specifically Roland Joffe's film C't a .~ujtta by mternat1onal
for this work, the methodology of collecting these souvenirs of mean- concludes with a look at the ways m I .r ~ oy and Chapter 7
. which such t h 1 · ·
ing. Social Science as gossip gently reminds us of the pretension and representation frame Calcutta f . ~c no og1es o f
'develo d' b . as a scene o tmpover1shment to be
privilege of 'serious' texts in a context where l want to consider the pe ' y a charitable tourism, for the benefit of all - or not.
workings of both 'high' scholarship and 'low' travel literature in the
production of popular Western perception of Calcutta. The informal
productions - the chatter of travel, the holiday snaps, the amateur videos NOTES
- of all those travellers who are also often students, writers, academics
L At a much ear\ic:r seminar on 'The: C I
possible: source for this notion may be fi d ~ t~~I Profile: ~f Calcutta' in 1970, a
and professors, and whose more formal intellectual work is taken ever-
so-seriously by the 3cademy in the form of essays, publication, lectures, final sc:ssion, in criticism: 'If you had ~a~e· a araman Mm-a commc:ntcd in the:
Calcutta you would have found not l d' a~ dTort to look at ihe full face of
deserves closer scrutiny. This chatter of tourism is impoverished only in !he city. Only one of hc:r eyes smiles ot~ y 'trs!ty but varieties of contradictiom in
so far as a privilege is accorded to the serious talk of social science on !he: te:1rs dominate: her look with m~ b~:a~: i: ~s ~ull offtc:a~s.•lt_ap~c:ars to me: that
the very same topics. This is a question of undoing encrusted authority; M1tr:1S comments were quoted vc:rb·t· . I . as ic:s o smile: (m Smha 1970: ::59)
u b F. . " im m t 1c introduction to th 1 8 I ·
the taunt of gossip reminds us to watch carefully over those texts that ':" .:,:penc'.1w _Calmtl,t (Sinha 198 T !)). e 9 7 vo umc: 111e
are authoritative, and those other texts that also have effects. work-· such
Gay;,m Spivak writes:
as Said's 1·s .'The stud y o f coIomal - discourse:,
. directly released by
• ·.. an nnpomnt (and b I d)
cu1tural studies! now' (Spivak 199ob· •••)' and ; c:a~ erc: part of the discipline lof
In Chapter 2 1 report on the ways in which Calcutta is understood by such historical muckraking - indeed -j,- , II f. hc:_rc: is no reason yc:t to call a halt to
about today, too. and Said"s w k , ldm la olr it; the: is there: is much of it
Western visitors. The deployment of notions derived from a reading of . or cou a so re ease mo
3· aid has prolTc:rc:d a formul f f . re ,;ontc:mpor:iry studies.
Heidegger and Marx, as well as of Spivak, Trinh, Jameson, Clifford, S
London but formed by th-ir •\ a ion of hh1s work on Western authors writin" in
Derrida, Dcleuze and others, as I have attempted in this introductory d o ·is snni
· lar with regard to ~ W," v:irc:nc:ss
t . . t e colonfal ac fiv1ty;
O · wIiat I am trying" io
' cs c:rn v1s1ton to the former sites of empire:
chaptt:r, begins to open up some of the 'technologies' which frame
. d b the various rational or systematically 7, The German philosopher has been subject to much attention of late; gossip
Instead of the partial analysis offere. yh t~puntal lincs oh global analysis, and rumour abound regarding Heidegger's relation to national socialism and the sta-
. I h I Ih been proposmgt econ•~ . . k tus of his 1933-4 period as Nazi Rector ofFrciburg University. Lyotard (1988/!990),
theoreuca sc oo s, ave . . . seen working together, in winch Die -
in which texts and worldly mstituu~ns are d lso as writers whose: historical Derrida (1987/!989), Dourdicu (1988/i991) and others have commented on this
ens and Thackeray as London aut _olrs arc: re~ a. India and Australia of which 'issue', but the import.1nce of Heidegger is not confined to these specific interven -
influence is informed by the coloma c:nterpmes in tions in an emotive debate. For the journalistic reports, sec Fnias (1987/!989) and
they were so aware:. (Said 1993: 385) .d Wolin (1991). Speaking of Heidegger and the rerun of the 'Nazi controversy' occaT
. . rou •hly as many second-hand travc1 gu1 cs_ a.s sioncd by the publication oNictor Farias's book Heidegger am/ N11zism, Dcrricl.1 noted:
Perhaps it is significant that there arc Sk h I should also note that Said s
. f D. k · my local boo exc ange. . . , In ccrt.1in newspapers and through a kind of nmrour, one became aware of the
there arc copies o IC ens m I' . ..t,· on refers to texu and mst1tut1ons
. I • trapunta m t 1,c quo... . . Ib violence of a condemnation. This condemnation claimed to teach, well beyond
use: of the mus1ca term con f i·nes of a melody. The 1mper1a rass
I b II · the manner o two ' Nazism and Heidegger, the very reading of 1-lcideggcr, the readers of Heidegger,
working together go a y m I h . ·1nd but the tune is probab1y more
be what u: as 111 m .. I f those who h:id referred to him - even if they had only asked deconstructivc
bands of the D urb:ir maY
discordant; the: contemporary ~~;: 1
American Express or Thomas
. I
would be less grand; say the Jmg e o an
h duplication throughout Asia of budget
questions abou1 him - still more those who \vcrc likely to take a continued
interest him, even if it might be in order to j udge :ind think, as rigorously as
d II
this in my text, but from the English there was 'no need to show only the sl um- weh _crs to show the indomit:ible spirit of
nology' (in Hodg e 1995: 97. I also quote Calcuttans' (ibid. • 1989) · Dcb:ites ab out censors 1p and fi d om o f m,orm · ,. at1on .
Hodg e notes that this 'proximity' between Marx ti d rec ngc:d
translation : Heidegger 1978: :::o), M:mcists. (For the cheap thrill of over the fol!owino" months as Jofiic re me to :iccept the d ct ·man ·
by most . C Iii h
and Heidegger would not be accepted to prom inent .Calcutta pcrsonal'1t1'cs to h 1s "
cause. o cc- ous e d1'scuss1· on turne d often
, for unkn own reasons Hodge's reference: d ffi fil
those: interested in micro-Hc:ideggeriana text l13S the: to t h e merits not only of the p sen-
337, but my copy of the Germ an o e • m but also of othe r filmed rcpre
the key sentence is to Heidegger 1976: n der tations of the city. I will discuss ;~~ ;of pter 6) the
des Matc:rialismus verbirgt sich im Wesc: ck Swayze O (PCh~pterd JS)hanb d scpara tc:ly (Ch:i
sentence three p3gc:s later: 'Das Wesen yed ... ) film;- which starred Pacri ' • m .uri an a ana Azm1,· and h as quick . ly
Archi vists shJll be deplo . wa . ·
Technik' (Heidegger 1976: 340). 'the: d ispbc ed ;ill other texts as the ers,
to 'the well-known phen omen on' that t v1s:rs,h:md especially volunteer work
10. In Beiug nm/ Timt Heidegger refers arc domi nated now come to know :ind cxpericnc: cmf5 ,vas glean ed
from discussions with the travellers at :..i0 crn ° ge w O arc: mentioned throu ghou t
g to l.ingu age in gener al c~tt:i. Lu~ ma~e rial for the film
whole: stock of significations which bc:lon h
tions'" (Heidegger 19::6/196::: 4::1). Muc
throu gh and through by "spatial reprc:scnu with the spatia l, and its corre late this book.
is conce rned .
of Heidegger's met1phorics of knowledge this 17. It would be a scpar:Jte but probabl h h'
work, which elaborated the
ling. This is of impo rtJnc e throu ghou t 'b YI . wort l,dv rle
visuality - and very often in terms of travel sums up: 'The will to powe r is very scholarly history of attem pts to d c
es ri c t us. war -system· Writin gs bY W;aII erstcm, ·
Heid egger , Levin
book . In a recent discussion of to reify C aste II s, Jameson and others arc read .1 1 ble odn t~c bookshelves of university
tendency in vision to grasp and fix3te, libraries and in fashionable theory s.tores, , y adva1 a_
strong in vision. Ther e is a very stroni; contr ol, whic h eventually, because c:sp1tc 3 echnc: of 'reaIIY ex1stm . . ,
g Euro -
nate, secur e and .
3nd totJlize: a tendency to domi
(Levin M arx1sm . Indeed the prolif c-t,·o n of sue h stud'1cs appc:irs as · fi
ed :i certain uncontested hegemony' r :icadem·ics) w h o fceeI ost m th f; I . an optio n or many of
it was so extensively prom oted, assum
• • M
Calcutta' - perhaps one-third would be seriously inconvenienced by
such problems. The speaker leading the discussion on the Modern Lodge
roof is often one of the two or three trained nurses sent and funded by
organized Western aid agencies or by means of international subscription.
On other occasions this role might be taken by a traveller with medical
expertise who has arrived, often with other intentions, in Calcutta under
their own funds. Other volunteers without formal experience stay for
months at a time. Many visit and work for only a few weeks. After each
t talk the weekly meeting breaks up for socializing, with a smaller group,
! led by one of the longer-term volunteers, moving aside to provide very
I recent arrivals with a short history, description and rationale of the
project. Until 1994 the clinic was set up on a nearby street called
Middleton Row or by the Hooghly river at Nimtollah Ghat. ft provides
basic essential medical and welfare support to Calcuttan street-dwellers.
By 1992 a team of twenty-four Bengali doctors, another one hundred
.. of the Modern Lodge Guest House, some twenty-
On the open roo,top . . d d Bengali staff, and a floating population of sometimes forty Western
Western travellers sit on small stools, plasttc chairs an ukpturhne travellers were working at the two clinics six days a week. 1 have delib-
o dd A I ens once a wee , t ese
b. to discuss bowel movements. s tapp . . erately not provided an ethnography of the clinics which shows the
ms II who are volunteer support staff with an orgamzatt~n
lifework of Jack Preger. I have tried to avoid what so many other
trave_ ~rs -medical assistance to destitutes and pavement dwe~lers in
writings and documentaries do: to celebrate the name of the founding
providing I d through the medical and social aspects of an issue of
Calcutta - are e h . k in this case the causes and effects of doctor and interpret his work as only some heroic individual quest to
immediate concern to t eir w~r ' . . ~ ter and associated save Calcutta single-handed. 'He's like a living saint'. said one visiting
bacterial infections, low-protein ~1et, uns~mta; ,. :iarrhoea to dysen- nurse (reported in the Channel 4 documentary 34 Middleton Row, 1987).
blems of sufferers with complaints ranging rom Preger's work is arguably more sensible than this, and perhaps more
pro . . h d ble significance for the volunteer-travellers,
t ry This topic as a ou h humble; he works with a collective oflocal assistants and with a strong
~ .e unlike leprosy and tuberculosis, which are also present atmt· e network of support. The clinics have over 80,000 people on record.
s~::. c~1:i;so:i~e: t~e:y ~::1 k h bowel-related problems often a ict
·e:c~eday with people, especially children,
t erin from diarrhoea and dysentery among those treated by the
Pedestrian, but nevertheless interesting, books on the work of Preger
can be found (Meigh 1988;Josephs 1991). In recent years the organization
~!{T.\/ ~~;
has expanded in Calcutta, and overseas it is a formally registered charity
doctors (and one, sometimes two or ~hree Wif~st~rn- one~f operating with a significant budget equivalent to many middle-level
b - tli fi m the variety o 1rntat1ons
many travellers themse1ves su er ~. 1 (Th old British Western NGOs. The travellers who work for this clinic (but also some
h"ch are the lot of the vmtor to Ca cutta. e others) are the subjects of this chapter.
b owe I w i . ti I . ' needs ) Indeed, across
sewerage system is now insufficient or t te c1~ s d . . ti budget The Modern Lodge rooftop is mentioned in Lonely Planet's J,ulia:
India, bowels are among the most commonl~ dl1scuhsose cot:~ctayo;hey had A Travel S11,vival Kit as a good place to meet other travellers. It is a
· Id b only a recent arnva w
travellers, and it wou e . . b akr.ast of their casual space where visitors have long gathered to exchange stories and
. . . fi nk d1scuss1ons over re 1•
not part1c1pated in some very ra . . I id-198os carries iinformation, and to get to know each other. The fact that one night a
own expencnce since t te m
recent movements (my · week It is now transformed, through the initiative of one of the clinic
related internal scars). b · d possible admin istrative workers, into an informal classroom does not seem too
Volunteers are attentive to the effects of variou~ act~•a a;mong the out of place in a very ramshackle environment.
treatments for the 'patients' they sec each day _afit t e c mt~ds. operation The 'Modern' itself is a rambling establishment with dark corners,
d the makesh1 t street-st e
several thousan d w It O ,men If. d ·bed 'nutter in mull simple rooms, crowded dormitories and a regular population
established in 1980 by Englishman Jack Preger - se - escn
This 'ethnography' was made up of such people in such accommo-
h E \ish Swiss Australian and Dutch
which usually consists of Frenc ' ng ' - ' nt of shorter- dation, as well as in the side-street tea stalls and coffee shops, and on
I .de them there is a transient assortme .
volunteers. A ongs1 , would be likely to participate m the the Modern rooftop. These traveller spaces make up something like
term travellers, not all of whom b k' t one of the centres what Bengalis call an 11dda: the 'scene' is marked by that conversational
. - b t ~ho may e wor mg a
work of the c11mcs, u " h Calcutta's most inter- tone that is often the ad,la's preserve. Anything can be discussed, refer-
. d b h
organize y t e re ig .
r ious order known t1uoug
k Mother Teresa. Interesting though en~es from all corners, citations here and there - and all quite inciden-
nationally famous chartty hwor ~r, 1 think all the residents of Modern tal, it would seem, to daily concerns. So in a way this street-corner
k of Preger and ot ers is, h d society is not wholly uncharacteristic of Calcutta, although it is very
t h e wor . h" h instructive: about what t ey o,
Id tell stones w ,c are d" d b much travellers' Calcutta (an ethereal, yet real, echo). Amitav Ghosh's
Lo d ge cou utta and how their experiences are me iate y
what they say of Ca~c ' ake-trail' • lore. This chapter shows that character Tridib spends much of his time in TI,e Sl111tlow U11es at an
backpacker-traveller, banana-pane . f ti . d nd rumour and adtf11 because 'he was happiest in neutral, impersonal places - coffee
h o of a friend o a nen ' a
word of mouth, t e _say-s d duce experience for travellers. This houses, bars, street-corner midas - the sort of place where people come,
gossip, operate to ortentate an . p~ as the 'enframing' apparatus which talk and go away without expecting to know each other any further'
discourse must be -~ad a~ a text, o_ y for those who visit. All the (Ghosh 1988: 9). While a place like the Modern rooftop is not the
C I t 'v1Stble' m a certam wa same thing, there is a loose similarity, and some travellers made the
makes a cut a r - d f the Modern Lodge constitute the frame
protocols of the c imc an ° _ There are other factors link. Clinic 'adda' topics have included: other locations where travellers
which thro_ws up particular v~rsi~n~:~
to be considered, but the mam t e
~;t~~~=i talk are already set out
h jru how to get about in the
have done volunteer work; further problems of health and nutrition;
the perennial favourite subject and several variations on diarrhoea;
. the Modern Lodge: poverty, c ar .,, . madness; eye transplants; the sewage infrastructure of the city; Bengali
here m h b h (a being-towards-Calcutta), fashion,
- ive and take ow to e ave . b . - language; and even the 'politics of representation'.
city, g .' I b t" n of the ways in which this emg is
politics. The ~st ts an eh a orak10 rd placement within global cultural I feel no need to set out conventions of reportage here - yet for the
ti d and its somew at aw wa "d record, basic 'ethnographic' details about the Modern follow. Despite its
ormc . . times traveller experience prov1 es a
consumption; awkwar~, smcekat h' h ther NGOs and aid agencies peculiarities, the Modern Lodge is paradigmatic of the 'banana• pancake
local critique of chartty wor w ic o trail' (yet without the pancakes). As it is promoted by Lonely Planet's
would do well to hear. Judi,,: A Travel Survivaf Kit, the Modern attracts a good number of
'average' travellers looking for cheap accommodation. In 199.:?. Modern
BUDGET CALCUTTA Lodge dormitory rooms could be had for as little as 20 rupees per night
(up from R.s8 in 1987), and rooms were olTered from 60 rupees (Rs35
. d here in Modern Lodge I'm
'\ had to get away from ~he ~~ rac~. an 1 Jong as they keep off my in 1987, approx £1). The establishment is run by a management group
plagued by rats, but I don t nun so muc l as (Messrs Roy and Sen until 1993) and a number of workers. The workers
bed.' (Catherine) are poorly paid, toil long hours, and are often working far from families
- . f. unterparts elsewhere in the world, Modern Lodge left in Bihari villages (the statT were on strike for parts of 199 r and
Like so many o Its co . . I bal scheme of budget youth 1992 ). It is open year round, although during the monsoon period,
is an unimportant establishment m the g o l b k k hotels in when heavy rains ffood the streets and there are fewer travellers in
- -fi of the most popu ar ac pac er
tourism. Its s1gn1 icance as one M d '. tat all modern Calcutta, some beds lie empty or may occasionally be utilized by the
WI ·1 ' l ost o ern JS no •
Calcutta is something else. 11 e _tie d,u fi . k'ng order among the families of the workers. The Modern Lodge is the first to fill up in peak
, ts) there 15 a e mite pee 1
(as its 'pet name sugges ' - h S dd Street part traveller times, especially at Christmas, as Calcutta attracts a number of
several cheap guesthouses catering for travellers I~ t el uf, er Taj Mahal,
Western travellers for the Christmas festival - celebrated with a good
of Calcutta. A little otT the traveller track of sane clast e dorts; not host as
ies and beaches, a cutta oe deal of fervour in Bengal. The Modem's New Year's Eve rooftop party
camel and eleph ant tre k s, tem P - - - . D II . nd Born- is always well attended and rivalled only by the - now too expensive -
man outh travellers as other major Indian c1ue~ _hke e u a
yy h l od number of travellers v1s1t every year. ,four-course Christmas dinner (with magic show, Salvation Army band
bay. Nevert e ess, a go
I Ra· relic Fairlawn Hotel (which I can offer descriptions of the kinds of people who come, and there
and a deadly punch) of t_he complet: YL ~cly Planet - less deservedly). are records available as to how many arrive at the Modern, and how
, ·c: tly glowmg report m on
gets a s1gn111can in the film Cily of Joy and is now long they stay, but these 3Ccounts have their limits. Is it sufficient to
This hotel also features. as a set film - a kind of Patrick Swayze note that in 1989 almost 1,280 travellers stayed in the Modern? The
decorated with many sulls from the I I f ·1 average duration of the stay was one to two weeks, with just over thirty
d · f the British Roya ami Y·
shrine - an portraits ~ . - l is distinctive about Sudder Street, stayi ng longer than three months (the fact that some travellers stay for a
Alongside such cunos1tt~s, : tat n of the visitors who stay in this period in the Modern and then move to another hotel, or vice versa,
and especially the Moder~, is t at mla y h do 'charity' work. These means that these figures cannot be further generalized to indicate period
I of ume are t tose w o .
area for any ent,· , ayment as workers m non- of stay in the city overall). Just under half of the clientele were women,
people offer themselves: fo~ h~t e orl no prve stre~t-dwelling destitutes and women were more likely to stay longer, reflecting their greater
. r . r mstttuuons t 1at se .
government c 1mcs O • F . n travellers and volunteers m involvement in volunteer work. Of the 1,280 some 300 were from
economic status. oreig .
and ot11ers o f 1ow . outh (tS-Jo) from the Umted States, Britain, almost 200 from France, 95 from Japan, 90 from Australia, 86
Calcutta are mostly nuddle-class y d Western Europe Australia or from Spain, 82 from Holland, almost 60 from the USA, 44 from Canada
· d K' gdom Northern an ' d
the U mtc m ' h I t Is their rooms are basic an and fewer than JO each from Germany, Austria, Belgium, Ireland,
d Tl t in tht! c eapcst to e ' h
Cana a. iey s ay . . Unlike those backpackers who pass throug Malaysia, South Africa, Switzerland, New Zealand, Italy, Korea, Tunisia
often shared or dornutones. h t DarJ·eeling (for mountain and Norway. (The Modern does not cater for domestic tourists; see
ti d y or two on t e way o h.
Calcutta or ~ a d Bhan lassi), their stay may be anyt mg below.) In r992 these figures had increased significantly, owing in part
views) or Pun (for beach an I ~ . onths Whether the primary to the impact of publicity from the Tourism Industry's promotional
r •ks to more t 1an six m · f
from a 11:w wee . k ti Mother Teresa or one o 'Visit India Year 1991' campaign. Total residents of the Modern reached
ti . to Calcutta is to wor or
rt!ason or commg • . volved an unintended departure fr~m a 1,540, with a similar spread of nationalities - although British numbers
the other volunteer groups, or m . . 'volunteer' is the dominant didn't rise as much: 344; French rose to 270, Swiss to So (a fourfold
• I ' in India the nommauon
different tour P an ' f h term residents of the small increase), Australian to 139, and Japanese to 180.
. k by most o t e Ionger-
identlty ta ·en on. , I d to the presence of these volunteers For good or ill, I have not examined domestic tourism since the
hotels. A double s1gmficance_re ate . Revolving around the mean- work ofTej vir Singh and others (Vir Singh et nl. 1988) provides a local
} mpts interesting quesuons. .
in Ca cutta pro . . • I teer' are possible explanations coverage. The fact that the Modern does not accept domestic travellers
· f the dcs1gnatton vo un
ings and motives o . , C lcutta and related issues of reputa- sometimes provokes concern, and has led to some fights between the
r h eople do or do not v1s1t a d' staff or management and Western travellers who saw this as an un-
ior w y p . f h ' ty in various popular me ia.
tion and representation o t e c1 justified restriction. On those few occasions when travellers have ques-
h ge in volunteer work tioned the exclusionary 'foreigners only' policy of the Modern, a deep
- 1·tt1e doubt that most travellers w o enga .
There 1s 1 h more than r,enera1 notions uneasiness has been signalled in Westerner- local relations. To account
l · to it with not muc
in Calcutta stumb e m
. f cultural hegemony, inter- for this, it is necessary to refer to more than allegations of racism or
. nd charity Questions o .
of commument a . '. . nd the extent of relative economic various management intentions to minimize tourist 'culture shock', al-
national and class pnv1lege, a d . gue not an analytical, way. though these obviously apply. The desire, however, of Western travellers
advantage are, at best, un_derstoo . m a va 'tion of ~ore considered to keep their 'home base' secure, stable and safe, and most of all familiar,
What possibilities there nught b~ ~or thfe P':°_m o Calcutta are prefigured is achieved by ignoring the implications of the Modern Lodge rule. The
. h the complex1t1cs o vmtmg • II
engagements wtt · . f eller culture and trave er management claim that the rule is for security and to exclude theft, but
by a number of factors: (a} the insu\anty o tra;,estern travellers; (c) the the constant vigilance and presence of several doormen seems to indicate
style; (b) the cultural and cl~ss bac~~o~m~t o~n 'traveller lore'; and (d) that this is little more than an excuse for what, as Mr Roy (the manager),
hegemony of Western versions o 1t
c~ a , and its representational said, has been a very successful crowd-puller for the hotel. The
I .ch ma explain the continued through their difference to what surrounds them' (Hetherington forth-
Convenience is another factor w ~1 I\e . in general. Although coming), and the Modern may :1lso be this. To go still further and
. f h Sudder Street tounst enc a f h equate the Modern with heterotopic sites where 'all things are displaced,
popularity o t e . - 'fy traveller tolerance o t e
. d m sufficient to JUSU marginal, rejected', and especially where such things 'become the basis
centrahty oes not see. . I gh not so many tourists recog-
, f h which derives, t tou d • d of :m alternate ordering . .. offering a contrast to the dominant repre-
'hassle o t e area, . 'black-market' an re -
nize this, from its reputation m Ca1cutta as a sentations of order' (Hetherington forthcoming), would require the
light' zone. , more detailed assessment which r, in part, provide here. 'Alternate
lndia; the taxis even use thdr meters. ordering' of experience in Calcutta could be contrasted to the 'dominant
'Outside of Sudder Street it's reaI
representations' of ordered middle-class {mostly) Western metropolitan
(Catherine) · • 0 k)
0 le stay in that shnholc. ac life, and certainly this description could be claimed as a parameter for
'I have no idea why you pc P h K" •5 Cross is a part of
d" more or less t an mg backpacker life in the Modern. The point here is that the Modern can
'Of course it's a part O f In ia, no
be contrasted to several quite different (and differently similar things).
Sydney.' (Amanda) I nd go Jive with a Bengali It is not home (and it is home-away-from-home); it is not Sudder
'Why don't you people put ads inl t tc paper ad you would learn so much
family? There arc plenry who need t tc money, an Street (oh, but it is!); and it is not Calcutta (which is 'outside'), and so
more: (Rajini) ,
on. My argument above about enframing would allow such a flexible
. iven for why volunteers do 'put up notion, but the point here is to note the separate/not separate hetero-
Almost-plausible exp\anauons arc g f fi e from Sudder Street topia that constitutes the Modern.
d First it is a space o re ug '
with/ at the Mo ern. . of taxi-drivers, rickshaw wal- The Sudder Street area, despite the drawbacks, is a fascinating part
and from the informal tourist eco~omy d ~ther guides and service of town. There are few opportunities to live in such close proximity ro
labs, hashish and smack sellers, , ptmpsfi an of sorts from Calcutta as a people who speak such a wide variety of languages. There is, first of
providers. Second, the Modern is afre hugeb tic of traffic and people. all, the local Bengali, Hindi and Urdu - which :m admittedly very
f , own out o t e us
whole, a room o ones d t seem to tit into the urban small number of travellers learn, and do so with halting attempts to
But as a space apart, the Modern oe~ no Abdul the day manager, converse in a mixed version of what they take to be the 'vernacular',
f II rs' experience. ,
'chaotic' Calcutta o crave e ~nd sleep in the shade after With only a smattering of Bengali greetings or glossed Hindi-Urdu, a
h' h poy except to go "
rarely moves firom is c ar k. h t can never be called a leisurely halting 'Pidgin' is the limit for Western use of local languages {This
lunch; the rest of the staff wor. at wl a t )Jithout seeming hurried. A does not leave visitors incommunicado of course, since many Calcuttans
. I I of Indi:1 but at eas ,; d speak English and/or another European language, and some 40 per
pace m t tc teat , a unkah-style fan in the courtyar
mischievous traveller once set ufp p ' big toe (you would need to cent of all publishing in India is in English). Thus the foremost
h t r energy O someone s I
attached to t e moo - - , ' or 'It Ain't Arf Hot Mum' to get t le 'technology' which might have occupied much more of this study than
have seen 'The Far P~v1ho_ns Exec t for the roof and the lounge, it it does, and is the first technology through which Western tourists see
picture, twisted nostalgia aside). p h esthouse serves important Calcutta, is language. There are travellers from so many countries that
r. b ·et As a space apart, t e gu f
can o,ten e qm · . . fi r 'reliable' exchange o the community is very much a 'polyglot' or 'heteroglot' mix of mostly
r. b d et travellers It ts a site o .
functions ior u g . , ·, d d l\ers for relating, confirming English, but also French, Dutch, Belgian, and so on. Despite the
. fi meeting hke-mm e trave ' ' fi • prominence of English, hybrid traveller languages are an interesting
information, or - . h Guesthouses serve ;is sa e
and redeploying impressions, and muc r.mobre.dget travellers but also in effect of low-budget travel, with many jokes and plays on accent, and
s temporary homes 1or u • r. .
space, not on1Y a . 0
ic s ace within a 1ore1gn associated misunderstandings and mistranslations. While most visitors
their dislocated function as a kmd of hctlerokt pfi omp Foucault following are European, the presence of Australian, New Zealander and Canadian
. f h topia is one ta e r .
city. The nouon o etero . t it a little Reading accents adds to this melange. For example, conversations with Christine
. lthough I want to tw1s · .
Kevin Hetherington, a - • 't s of limit experi- Were conducted in Hindi-inflected German because I don't speak
. 1 borates heterotop1a as s1 e
Foucault, Hethenngton e a I f ,,. , I ct~ is such for a tourist. But French and she doesn't speak English. With variations and failures of
, d · se the who e o ._.a cu " h ""
ences ' an m a sen • , hich rupture the order of t in:,- language due to forced translations among different grammars, with
further, heterotopic places arc sites w
, .
evid ent in subgroups, and with - all the chat.ter that for ms my •oth er version of Calcutta? Alongside
min or nationalisms and hierarchies i t .
n ervent1ons mto Mod ern L d 'l ' I .
lar storytelling theme recounts o ge ore ~ t~ou gh involvement in alter-
comic mistranslations - again a most popu native 'tou rs' of ti .
t1ons and critical perspective
h with classics like 'por ge' in- k~e c1tyh a~d the contrad1c
the vagaries of Restaur:mt fndi:m-Englis of the cl· . of a · I d'
' instead of ' mixed grill and mic wor ers• t e idea ny s1mp e la1ogue between vmt or
stead of 'porr idge ' and 'mix ed girl salad and C I
either 'position' seems highly
salad' - the linguistic diversity of the
traveller's experience belies the :bsu rd a;hu~tan, or bf:.etween myselfprand t d d h'
mgs are arh. more com ins the unre -
are both similar and different. . . ica e ' an t ts remain
homogeneity of their practice. Travellers solved 'd' I • f
o t is work , this rum mag ing around th .
. ia ogue · e gossipy
- critic ism? ) of a glob~ ! C I .
as a tourist, a traveller and a fiction (a ficto . .. a cutta apparatus
As a hedg ing participant in Calcutta Tl Lod . that .1t 1s . aIways
r subject positions open to me le problem •with the view from Mod ern ge 1s
researcher in urban studies - among othe . f term I take from .
me that the interstices with in somet hmg o a verandah- view' - a Loui se
at various times - it became clear to Pratt, who uses it to describe colonial
trav . . Ma~ y
city were of more than bio- wr!t crs, impe rial agents
whic h I was placed as a visitor to that adm · .
and the perspective of the • m1strators o empire (Pratt 1 ., • .,.,
this book will shift from street . 99-.· --I) .
graphical or local import. The focus of Such a view is also that of R ad c1·rr:
1ue- rown (1 9 n) · .
level to the global in reflection of
the 'dou ble significance' of the
Andaman islanders from the verandah
of his h fc h"-.' m~e~v1ewmg
visit Calcutta? how is Calcutta ut or is clamc anth ro-
volunteer position mentioned above (why pological work Man h be
athy lies with the local-level evoked (see Cr~ d y dotMer ethnographic tentside scenes might
represented?). Whi le at times my symp arcu s 1986 · cove r) Wh" f h
, the limitations of that expe ri- iuor, an
.Moder~ Lo~ ; t .ere} may be no
experience of the traveller-volunteers viewpoint exempt from this, that the
of a complex of neo-imperialist, . I e _is t le· verandah
ence mediated through wider effects made ,wailable for mass tourisn1 ·
, s a 'd
w1 er crmca point Iymg
ands a questioning that takes on at t1le
commercial and discursive factors dem centre of this work .. My attempt } b I
at repre senta tions of
y enough, I want to claim that ook
an internationalist perspective. Curiousl
the possibility of such a perspective
is grounded in 'idle talk' with
, guesthouse proprietors, store-
h .
. ias
een to
~~~ chi \ mys~f,
ea pace or
people in Calcutta: writers, filmmakers foreign tourists' - as the shingle says.
so on. The issues of representa-
keepers, journalists, doctors, touts, and
are the core of my wider focus,
tion and production of meaning, which
the suggestions and contesta- ARR IVA L
owe as much to 'local' attentiveness and
C:1lc utta by perm anen t residents
tions of dom inan t represent:1tions of
A quotation from Michel Leiris r k
I . .
uage and theories of semiotics, g t~e streets,
and visitors as they do to the lang laugh ing, shouting, begging and the1:o~nc
d1ar;ty, wanderm_
h I present my version. Muc h
Marxism and post-structuralism in whic ot b: ;;~e :~n voice in a man -
for looking most closely at only ner that is perfectly surrealist and cann
mor e could be said abou t my reasons
It is enou gh to repeat at this
middle-class 'Western' activity in Calcutta. 'rvl ' I :un wand cnng thr
·, · Cltart., ·
'Ch:irirv1 I h
oug I t c streets of an unfamiliar
t in detail on Bengali or In- neighbourhood , tryin g to catch a imall
poin t that I do not presume to com men b dog who bears the name of this
ever fruitful such a study could theological virtue. He was iv• t
dian productions abou t Calcutta, how walk him with out a leash an g dcl11 o me y a baker; I was careless enou gh to
this book is that the rum our- le ran away. A butcher (or some oth er shop -
be. Indeed, one of the points abou t ,.
,-ccper) has already had a
d I I 1 • •
and 'development' discourse (note . aug ti !caring me call after the dog that he
mon gerin g of charity, Western NGO s has just wa1c.hcd race by.. Slgoo
touti ng at t 1c top of I l'k .
lopm ent) operates in a way that · some mcenscd
that this is not the same as actual deve vi . . ~y ungs I ·c
beggar, I could very well be taken for a lfoge idiot or for an escaped lunatic
to, the organized and varied
pretends to ignore, or is completely blind whom the police will swift!
y move lo :irrest. Who c:ires. I go on
shou ting as
and respo nses to its problems . But loudly as I can no
local 'Cal cutta n' versions of the city, ! o mortified at the loss of the little dog
'dialogue' with Mod ern Lodgers but :ilso bcca~sc : ::y;cca te .larn,s
can I ever so simply take a position in Charttyl' (L . 1900. : 16run wit l I Jc soun d of my own voice ·· 'Cha
ns, equally 'con struc ted', with
whic h is info rmed by othe r interactio · ems 9)
write rs, publishers of small journals,
othe r more 'local' Calcuttas? Bengali The predicament of thi · · h ·
rabani film school, filmmakers It ma~ be necessary, in orde r to
photography and film students from Chit explain or describe Mo ~!ro Jt~ is t at sorts
party literature and propaganda n o ge, to ente r mto almost the same
and festival-goers, comrades and cadre,
nothing more than a tired repeat ofb . .
of 'titillating' detail and anecdotal forms that characterize the Lonely categories into which sh •I ormg s:nsauons. She has these little
. e can pace the various volunt o· k 1·
Planet travel guides. I hope that this collection of trinket-anecdotes questionnaires and dinky littl fi eers. m y 1ttle
amounts to a different kind of guidebook, one which shows the mark- She has a ready-reckoner kin~ :;m~, ~ptr~corder, pencil and notepad.
ings of its construction in a way that allows a nod of self-recognition. categories: 'those that ar d . m1dn • itnng responses into the major
- e omg goo works' th • r . . ' .
If this work also collects and displays a 'Calcutta' of rumours and are running away from someth' ' 'h ' e re 1g1os1e' those that
snippet-curios, it could also be subjected to its own critique (this is thing'. ah th d mg , t ose that are looking for some-
, , e rea ers.
nothing new); the contradictions of this project at least include the We arrive at sto~ - d trect
possibility of a shared vulnerability.2 Certainly the notes l took which one hundred b a next-to-last
. r.
" Iy after an orphanage full of
eammg ,aces; outstde on the st . '
tell the story of my first visit among those who live at the Modern and were not so well fed - and at thi reet_s_o me thirty urchins'
work at the clinic were framed in the Lonely Planet mould: from journalism. The questio . ~ sto~ I ~art decmvely and with relief
nnamng ts gomg on a=in d h
ent is answering with . .,- , an t e respon-
d 3 senous tone· 'Yes I'm h • I d' h
All travel diaries begin with airport scenes or taxi dramas, so who am the poor, I'm trying to get in toucl . . h , . ere m n ,a elping
1 to claim an exception - whose passport foul-up, whose lost-luggage ku ndalini at the base of my spi ,1 wit cosmic. harmony, uncoil the
h ne ... ' etc and the mt .d I b
lament is this anyway? I remember cows and canals. It doesn't seem as news ound is writing it all down! The., lib re~1 go etrotting
crowded as 1 know it is, I don't have any feelings of'exotic city crush', the journo thinks it's real but I am g . se~d- up is never broken,
1 am bored by the length of the drive from the airport to the heart of with the volunteer trying' to I Id roc~edh ms1de with laughter along
' 10 a stra1g t fac t J
town. Tinsel town in tatters - Sudder Street, ten-rupee-a-night dormi- of having found people' a sense o fr.,amt·1·ianty . fte.isa by t 1ethis
scam. dA "dsense
tories, Mother Teresa's volunteer camp. I'm a hit with the duty-free t he centre of town that I ch. . · roa s1 e m
bourbon I've brought, I could be in a happy youth hostel anywhere l:ist item of my little tour. S;!: mo:yosn1art of the - forfeiting the
except for the righteous indignation of a few guests in Room t. Vol- role in which, in a delicate reve~sal h ~ odneb, obhvmus to the jester's
unteers working their way towards heaven, balming their own souls article. 's e a een CaSt. I never see the
with the soapsuds of leper baths? Wcll-meamng self-interest in the eyes
The ways in which journalists and travel- 'd . .
of the faithful. I stare at parasites on India - not chat I refuse to do so easy. Always now especially i C I gu1 e wnters wnte seem
. fb , n a cutta wntmg about friends, the
volunteer work: 1 scrape a few wounds, 1 change bandages and beds;
anxiety o eginning to write about others even w
it's harder, however, to show the links between the capitalist world dear and very much just like I . d'ffi ' hen they are near,
system and overwhelming charity. It's harder to refuse idealistic sincerity, once it has been made v· 'bl ~s. t _is I icult . to escape the dilemma
1s1 e, agam and agam· h .
no matter how naive. Justifying short-term commitment with atheism once there is reading the c . . . ow to write? And
. • o-constltutmn of th k
opposed to religious fervour and theorizing away the international anxiety something of a nostal gic . one. Tl1e only tim ese two ma es the
corporate systems with the same smelly breath. about whether to write or . .. e you can worry
Third day or thereabouts, I taxi with a journalist I've met on some reading, as the two are in not isblbefoJ>rehwmmg, and therefore before
h separa e. er aps the mo I' f d'
voyeuristic tour of the ghettos. On the way back from yet another's\um' s ould be questioned just as carefull ra ity o rea mg
('I'm sorry that I don't find them more depressing; why?'), she stops keyboard - but this is a kind y a~ the strokes of the pen or
outside her homeopath (yes, hers: the possession of exotic services). l ring instead to require our _tof cenbsorslup we wouldn't want, prefer-
. wn ers to e moral and I . h . .
find the incongruity of West Coast American health fads feeding on omissions and inclusions (a kind f . eavmg t e mev1table
'mystical' India alongside the journalistic fodder of Calcutta - never hazard whims of circumstan . o .dcensorsh1p, anyway} to the hap-
'really' fodder except in magazine articles - more shocking than anything distribution, recommendat" ce, codmc1 ence, the vagaries of promotion,
I TI ion, an so on and on
else. Mother T s:iys her help is but a drop of water in a bucket, but who
. ~ ,,_. Predicament of C11/t11rc, Clifford w . .. . .
is holding that bucket? Obvious answers to obvious questions: you just lems as surrealist and h I . ntes with fascmauon about
get in and scrub. Hopefully the wound will heal. No infections? Well, and describes. h' d ;m
1s e,ence o
ropof ogtst (not necessarily unconnected roles)
•· b' . . •
the chances are not too bad so long as it's kept clean. Douse everything ethnography/journal H d a _bngoro~s- ~u ~ect1v1ty' in his African
. e escn es Leins s sense of duty to wnte .
with Dettol. My hack-taxi-tourist-'correspondent' corresponds to
To .write is often a privilege (as a consequence of politics), and to
everything, to record 'the course of a dream or a bowel movement :--
~o ~o mstead of pursuing those - albeit not always successful, useful or
along with observations of the locale' (Clifford r988: _17~)-_ I wonder if
JUStltiable - practices of aid called charity is fraught with problems. The
the haphazard and fragmentary nature of such. w~rk 1sn t m danger _of
Pr:g~r group tries to intervene in local lives as little as possible, has no
becoming the latest clone in a series of prescriptions on how to write
rehg1ous affiliation, tries not to impose a foreign logic or set of values
the 'good' ethnography. Too many prescriptions in an already overly pre-
(although in this it must fail; it is said 'to run as haphazardly and mi-
scribed project. Polytextuality as the new protocol; should every wo:d
raculously ~s any properly Indian concern might' [Marcia]), and offers
that is said be recorded in some attempt to prove fidelity to the real..
only what It can to cure leprosy, tuberculosis and other ailments under
Way back in Graham Greene wrote of his travel notes a~d ins
1954 guidelines set out by the World Health Organization. As volunteers
'diary written in pencil', and 'a number of phot~graph~ taken with an
who have worked there often say: 'lt's still charity, but... ' There are a
old vesc-po'cket Kodak, and memories, memories cluefiy of rats, of
· nd of ~ deeper boredom on the Jong forest trek than I number of contradictions to be explained here; I think the volunteer
firustrat10n, a .. . who described her work as 'putting Band-Aids on lepers in the hope
have ever experienced before - how was I, out of all this, t~ ma~e a
of stoppin~ capitalism' Qulia) sums up all that makes me suspicious
book?' (Greene 19so: 49-50). This makes me think cha~ the mclustons
about ~hartty work in this clinic. Even as some of them do recognize
and exclusions of a travel guide are more cohere~t (m a ~tream~of-
and articulate an understanding that the problems of Calcutta are the
consciousness way) than academic texts (with all thetr careful mtent1on-
result of old history: the legacy of the Raj, partition (not one, but
ality) can now ever be. . . . ~vo), floods,. famines, wars, and on and on; and even as they some-
Yet experience of India is hybrid, mu\uple, mixed-up and s1mulat'!d
umes recognize that there is little they can do about this in Calcutta
all at the same time. For some travellers it is possible to spend a great
there is s~me:hing that intrigues me in their continued, and repetitive:
deal of time in India and sci\\ not see the Taj Mahal. Perhaps, though,
efforts. Sttll, It seems that one of the most positive consequences of
they will have sent off a picture postcard of it. Among Modern Lodge
having a bunch of middle-class backpackers work on the streets of
travellers the fashion for postcards becomes a competition to develop a
Calcutta has been a reasonably high rate of politicization which these
series of,'readymades' - a restaurant menu, an Indian rum box. c~ver, a
travellers take ba~k- to their h~mes - many of them have taken up
mosquito coil packet sent to a friend who had contracted malaria_ m the
some form of activist commumty work upon their return to London
Punjab. These quirky postal pranks remind me that Muecke S31d that
Toronto, Baltimore, wherever. Explanations which point to how a lack
tourism narrative demands texts no bigger than postcards (r990: 131).
of guilt at having a good time in Calcutta perhaps mixes with other
All the efforts of the bst few years to theorize the hybridity of culture
frustrations do not seem to be enough. 'lt's so dumb that we can't do
seem to amount to so much justification for the same old sins, the same
more for people but have all this energy to play soccer on Sundays'
old scenes. Anthropology, especially in India, covers pretty much the
(Rachel). Feelings of stupidity, which come with the realization that
same old ground, includes the same themes and, I imagine, makes_ tl~e
·~vorking for _the. poor' implies all sorts of problems and inbuilt assump-
same exclusions - of course it is not surprising still to be caught wtt~m
tions or preJud1ces, combine with the opportunity to observe the
these productive institutional entrapments. Calcutta is so hard to wnte
contrast between Calcutta and home to allow travellers to see their
about but so much is written. Readers of recent ethnography are un-
~omes anew. Can it be said that as a catalyst for re-evaluations of
avoidably familiar with the logistics of such a dilemma; in ano~her context
liberal charity (and it is more than this), the clinic is worthwhile?
I might have written about the verbosity of the antluo~o\ogtst paralysed
, ~hat :im I to decide about volunteers' responses to lepers? If the
by the problem of how to write ethnography today, given t_hat. anthro-
~me wasn't there they would hardly see so many, and if there were no
pologists have begun to recognize (only to forg~t,_ to procla1~ m order
other T or Lonely Planet, Calcutta might not be portrayed as being
to ignore, to refer and defer) the inbuilt impenah~ms o~ ~heir produc-
tions. None can be unique in this: the producuve cnsts of cultural ~o poor. The structure of tourist responses co lepers can be unpacked
Int0 •
constituent parts, such as an amazement that the lepers keep going
difference has also inspired many pages of travel literature and many
:it all - an amazement that has more to do with the distance between
pages of travellers' diaries, and filled many aerogram'."es, postcards and
a volu n t eers, 111e
·r. and I1eaIt h and that of a leper - for it is not really so
letters home. I wonder if this bears any more attentton.
People resent . lt'ich not only a depressed and they are those of visitors who have not stayed long enough to become
. · fi d m •mal question w
be quesuoncd. It is a un a c •. I d f their bst bastion of dignity - the 'acclimatized' - 'You can't get used to this city' (Peter) - and yet they
downtrodden people ask when v~o ate I _ol •nquirer of people's lives asks
. 1· b t a question w nc l an c d are not completely subject to the dictated 'impressions' of promotional
privacy o f tIicir ives, u . , . I become dead nerves of facts an
at a time when such details and images iave or academic literature and received opinion: 'Try not to make assump-
academic commodities. (lyeng:ir 1987: 65) tions' (Gail). Many of the travellers who stay for more than a few
. said that she had been 'forced to per- weeks in the dormitories of Sudder Street guesthouses do express a
Spivak, also m Calcutta, once h d t dly cr,·me1 And of course I healthy disregard for the stereotyped and superficial presentations of the
, f says - w at a as ar ·
petrate a vo1ume o es . to be better at this textuality. Why Lonely Planet guide and books such as 77,e City ofJoy. This is not to
wonder, too, w~y. we :i:~pt~~~71~t? In a toilet in the Modern Lodge 1 lay that budget travellers have any more or less insight into some kind
do we keep strai_nmg '. 'Wh h b tt m falls out of your world, of 'real' Calcutta than others; nor that their impressions could be any
d ffit' which said: en t e O O •
rea gra ' I l he world fall out through your bottom . more authoritative than those of Calcutta residents (although they some-
come to Calc~tta and watc l t h ur works are waste matter that times claimed such arrogance), or of the scholars and dignitaries who
Derrida, quotmg Artaud, notes tEat o tal po,·nt· and this too, just gathered to comment on Calcutta at forums such as the Calcutta 300
h is\eves xcremen • '
cannot stand up b y t en . 1· 'bl k I ole' of his birth (Derrida
the page after Artau~ ~efers to t 1Ae a~:
1967/ 1978: I 8 I). TIIIS Cakuttan rtau
say that 'writing is all
seminar or conferences at the History Institute. Such travellers are
heavily inAuenced by the literature and other media they consume
before, during and after their visit. Reproduction of the metaphorical
trash' (Derrida 1967/ 1978: 1 83).
'Ca)cutta - terrible place.' (Rob)
register of this representation circles back upon itself, and more often •Have you' ever been there?' (Rachel)
than not experiences in Calcutta are informed and understood in terms No, but I ve read about It,· an d I,ve been to Dombay.' (Rob)
derived from already received versions of the city. Moreover, discrepan-
cies of representation give (for visitors, at least) greater weight to Euro- Whatever the status of descriptions and . .
as e category of human . d opm1ons of Calcutta, 'the poor'
pean representation than any local code; priority goes to the famous . existence eserve more th h fi I
4 t1on. Such a homogenizin oug t u considera-
visitors to the city: Kipling, Malle, Gunter Grass. value, and its invocation sugggcattegol~ cannot provide much analytical
es s a 1terary gest rds .
as Dickensian London or an fc d d ure_towa images such
Poverty is possibly the major foreign trope of Calcutta; from the works I ·· . ' un oun e evocative · .
te ev1s1on images of 'the sta . ·ir . compar1son with
of academics and filmmakers, from the tracts on the city by travel 'the poor', as used by som r~;~g m1 ions m Africa'. The category of
writers and the backpacker guidebooks, through the subjects of snapshot e westerners can have I' I
to people at all as a travelle d . • very ttt e reference
photography, to the comments of aid workers and short- term visitors. 'I d. ' r omg vo1unteer charity k I.
w h1 e 1scussing other work crs m . C aIcutta: wor exp amed
That the reputation of Calcutta in this regard is largely supported by
the international reputation of Mother Teresa should not be understated.
'[ .don't
I think the term "the Poor,. means much It's b
In addition to this, there is the undeniable and quite visible economic not a out people. An
I nsd I nun working •at Motlier -r,c-rcsa •s talked about. ti "b
hardship of those who live on the pavements of the city, and the effects an even though she meant well, it's as if" i~. eauty of the poor' '.,
of successive waves of migration from the countryside after floods, fam- will never change, will remain forever "b • th~ Pl,?or arc forever there and
caut11u ' and always poor.' (Kit)
ines and wars. The continued destabilization of the regional economy
can be traced back to the partitions of Bengal and the lingering effects Other references to poverty are a ro . . . .
of the Raj and British colonization, as well as centre-state hostility volunteer said that people \ h ffi PP pnattve m different ways. One
, . , v o su er are there to 'k .
(Congress versus Left Front) and the ever-hungry interventions of global ate ' remmdmg us not to become indiffi • e_ep us compais1on-
capitalism, to which Calcutta and its people are subject. In such a worst form of living death' (Samantha) ;~ent, which ~vould be the
context it should be no surprise that the city has its share of 'the poor'. stand 'how people can co111 .t . _- T u~ volunteer did not under-
nu atrocities without ·
But there are those who would question attempts to single out Calcutta the sight of suffering'. Questioned b an a twmge of guilt at
as 'more impoverished' than other places. It is not a far-fetched idea to recognized that her views im 1· d h y I other volunteer, Samantha
k' d , Pie t at t 1ose who sufii ffi
suggest that the Mother-Teresa-enhanced version of Calcutta's poverty a m of compassion register' fc I b . er are o ered as
has implications and explanations which go beyond the immediate revolved around accusations of or. terd endit._ The debate that ensued
c. • nusun erstandmgs of h .
material conditions of those who live on the streets and in the bustees; un1a1r attr1bution of an , . , . er motives, the
uncarmg attitude on he d
attention only to 'the poor' amounts to aiding and abetting the inter- recognition of exploitative relationships wh·I I. r part an a lack of
ventions of Western 'international care' delivered across the develop- of the observation - that 'th ' . I e t us was not the intention
ment divide with little systematic reflection on the political rebtions reminder to the Western tra:el~oor \~ere ~ot there to provide a moral
which underpin and enable this (patronizing) charity. onto the terrain of caring attitu;e; a~; d1s_plac~~ent of this argument
The exemplary status of poverty in Calcutta has to be understood as again that investment in not' f action is important. It revealed
,n ions o poverty and sutTe · I
a function of this international reputation, revealingly noted by one western volunteers often h d rmg on t te part of
I a more to do with th . .
va ues and motivations than w'th th . etr own interests,
traveller: to defend. J e interests of those that they purport
'Calcutta is famous for its poverty - one of its tourist auractio11s, and it
doesn't have many. Vet it doesn't seem as bad as some other cities - sure, There were those who were able t .
some sort of context ,vh h • o recogmze Calcutta's poverty in
there's no area d1at doesn't have bu~tces or street-dwellers, but .. .' (Mary) • · ' ere t e myths about C I
tt ue , and the 'I torn"d an d extreme thin · c I a cutta ,
poverty are
In another Indian city a conversation between two travellers suggested ~ cognizcd as similar to thin fc d . gs m . a_ cutta (Hannah) were
much about the importance of reputation in determining itineraries epics' in the stories told fgsl ou~ m other cmes. These had become
0 t le City.
and opinions:
omit, a repertoire of devices, conscious and .
A somewhat different orientation came from another traveller who experience: 'I expected somethi unconscious, to reorder
had worked as a volunteer for many months. Despite some rather un- find it a little stran"e that it' ng m~rel from the black hole, and I still
s not a mg umare it ev n
supported 'explanations' of the caste system, he gained vocal approval normal. Well not 0normal b t bl f • e seems
I ' • u capa e o seeming nor J somewhat
from the group who heard his justification: ta~e got your routines sorted out' (Will). ma once you
'We owe a debt to the poor - since ltkc the 13r:ihmins who profit from the
structures of C3Stc, we in the West Ji3vc profited from the Third World - our Conventionally, volunteers are doin h .
expected to have some stro 'd g be artty work, and so they can be
debt then takes the form of intervening in the system th3t keeps the poor h . , . ng 1 eas a out the value f th · k
t e1r mission' in a 'Third World' ci In . .. o e1r wor and
poor.' (Mitch) tations could be confirm d h ~ - . all _hkehhood, these expcc-
The problem with this is that there is no guarantee that the inter- Calcutta working for Mathe Tit roug mhtervtews with volunteers in
ventions ofWestern charity workers will not simply reassert the patron- er eresa or ot er religio b
of the travellers in the Mod
izing relationships which reinforce the inequities which Mitch identifies ern Lo d ge d.isplay a hus 1groups,
h d" ut many
such expectations. Many refuse to work for ca t y isreg:ird _for
in both caste and India-West relations. The debt remains. the Preger clinic for a variety f h Mother Teresa, prefcmng
The 'truth' of Calcutta, of course, is also a question of privileges, . • o reasons - t e one Ii
is lack of structure' One . most
and some authors have noted that among the dangers of acceptance . nurse was notortous for h o ten expressed
and tolerance of illusions is that in which suffering and distress can be
dismissed as illusion only by those with the luxury to do so (Hanfi
the only hospital in the world \ I
get fucked and get away with :t'1~::;;. er comment: 'It's
can tell a stubborn patient to
Much more could be written about the cl' .
1988: 27). Increasingly, issues of representation are recognized as im- who show a certain nonchal . imcs and those volunteers
portant in the cultural politics of evaluation and opinion about places, While there is no obvious op ant amfl~1vablence towards their activities.
people and things. Reputations are closely linked to representations en con ict etween th • h·1 1.
different' groups of volunteers {at th S d ti b ese p I osop ucally
and to the distribution of value-laden images among varied groups of the religious and non- religiou e u; ay oot all contests between
observers, in varied locations, with varying degrees of opportunity to wins because the others are ~!:~:sb o c;urse the non-religious team
challenge, confirm, or contribute to the circulation of these images. Lodge and the Paragon Hot I d oun not to cheat),
While a great majority of travellers carry with them images and e next oor seem to attract the Modern p
wor kers than 'Teresa-ites' • Tl1e Sa1vation
. Army R d Sh'1 Idmore reger
evaluations from popular Western media about the city, there are a on Sudder Street and the YMCA d e _e guesthouse
number of visitors whose experience displaces the main tropes and respect, although over time f; h. an h"liYWCA are different in this
realigns opinions about Calcutta in interesting ways. One traveller as tons s 1 t and large! .
transience of traveller-volunteers in Cal . , y owing to the
explained her repeated returns to work in Calcutta with a curious each of the hotels fluctuate I cutta, the occupancy rates of
reference to one of the prevalent affiictions suffered by children who · n any event during f h .
fi 1988 until 1996 'the M d • • most o t e period
live on the streets. Referring to the city, she said: 'It gets under your term Preger volunteers a d o ~n was the preferred home of long-
skin hke scabies' (Sue). Perhaps rumours are contagious. Many of the n ot er travellers many of wh d
comments about Calcutta that d'd I ' om ma e
volunteers who are second- or even third-time visitors b ecome en- tions and conceptions that coulJ b n~ a_ wJsfi conform with expecta-
amoured with the place: 'If you stay just two days it's horrid, if you opinion. While it ma not b e cnve rom popular media and
stay longer you get to love it' (Dieter). The days fill up with 'routines' scathing contempt of:o el grounds for a valo~ization of travel, the
and recognitions which change surprise into familiarity. Some expecta- in the Swayze/Joffe Cit~: v: unteers fo~ the sentimentalism of charity
tions dissolve, while other prejudices are confirmed. 'Everyone is dis- striking. Perhaps the sel}f.
if/ ylti!m, or Ill the Mother Teresa form, is
-crmca irony and hum f .
appomted that Calcutta is not more difficult' (Suzie). The cyclical nature onely Planet protoc 1 •
of routine works in a number of ways to sustain the traveller in a
strange environment. Habits form quickly to enable the ~orting and
hegemony •of traveller ~le
a somewhat diffe
s;;~s our o tourists ag11i11st
~rounhds for a re-evaluation of the
. . . rue t at the J>reger clinic works with
editing of the hundreds of things which would otherwise demand • rent onentat1on to that 0 f th M h
An evaluation of sp1r1tua
· · . . e at er Teresa order.
1 mot1vat1ons among what, in any case, is not
attention - decisions to ignore something or other, to postpone, to
and th_c shrink~ng of the world by fast jct travel have combined to produce
a large population might alsn tonsider the international 'image' (and
great mtcrcst m travel. (Bhatia 1986: 57- 8)
adoption programme} of the Mother Teresa outfit as an affect in repre-
sentations of the city as a destitute child.5 Within the horizon of char- In his discussion of world travel and the 'power of travel to increase
ity operated in both organizations, however, it is difficult to imagine
un~erstanding and appreciation' (Bhatia 1986: 58), Bhatia refers to a
Calcutta in ways other than as a site for benevolent aid. comp~ex num_ber of factors which combine ro make travel worthy of
Other travellers - non-volunteer or semi-volunteer - at 'the Modern' attention. Whtie many might question an overly optimistic evaluation
and at other hotels are important too, in terms of traveller influence ? in _ter,ms of increased understanding - it is rather, at best, a
upon each other through information sharing (tips, competitive bar-
~uxed_ bles~mg (see Cric~ 1989: 39) - a positive evaluation of tourism
gaining, storytelling) conversations, peer pressure, and so on. The com- v1~ws It as a. profound, widely shared human desire to know "others",
plexities of relationships in even a small hotel (70-80 beds) are such with the reciprocal possibility that we may come to know ourselves'
that the traces of opinion formation, development and change would (McKean 1989: 133).
be unchartable even if they were not predetermined by complicated Many m_ay call it escapism. Indeed, there is much doubt as to how
and contradictory preconceptions. The coexistence of the regular myths, far the desire to know others governs the activities of the travelle
prejudices and stereotypes with a decidedly 'anti-myth' orientation Certainly 'foreign tourists' in Calcutta seem to do a good d I rf.
among some travellers and volunteers indicated something that could ·d· , h , ea o
av01_ mg ot ers, and while the reasons for this should not be auto-
be marked as more than a conventional 'range of opinions' among a
mauc~lly assumed to have to do only with ethnocentric prejudices,
given population. At the same time, it would be wrong to attribute too
ther~ 1s cause to dou~t the more romantic evaluations of the 'together-
much significance to, or to simplify, the 'scepticism' with which some ness and understanding of 'travel'. Backpackers in Calcutta do have
travellers treated generalizations about Calcutta. Similarly, a haste in numerous difficulties to contend with - that the city is not the easiest
allocating influences and determining sources for this critical orientation
place to live in is attested by many Bengali writers, too - but the
while the mass media of the world remain unruffied in their continued
reaso~s w_hy backpackers 'stick together' may be more adequately
acceptance of the common mythic tropes of Calcutta - as most explamcd m terms ?f identity and the sense of community they develop
crowded, most impoverished, most filthy city. etc. - would be unwise. among themselves m Calcutta, and more generally in India.
Even as I note that it is common to find that Modern Lodge 'guests'
Western travellers to Calcutta are not a homogeneous group,
do not trust mainstream comments about Calcutta, even if they have
although by far the largest number tit quite closely within the stereo-
no ready access to alternative literature or imagery (nor do they seek it
types of youth backpacker. The backpacker is not, as the popular
out}, it is, in part, their non-formalized irony and scepticism which mythology might suggest, so much of the same ilk as the hobo or the
most intrigues me. Kerouac-style ·~eat' traveller of 011 tht Road, carrying 'home' in a rolled
bfonket . o'.1 their back, or living out of a car - some kind of mrtle
THE SURVIVAL KIT existcnuahsm - but is very much someone who has left 'home' usually
for a ~nite time, and often between the end of a period of formal
Increasing numbers of young people a\1 around the world arc participating
education and the beginning of work or higher studies. The relationship
1n tounsm. People in their teens and twenties tend to be more venture-
some and willing to travel to places all over the world. They also use of the backpacker to home is mediated by images such as that of
means of travel which perhaps the older person would not favour, such as Kerouac, and of the exile and the hobo, and notions of escape and
hitch-hiking. and staying and eating at youth hostels, or other low-priced adventure, autonomy and self-sufficiency; but for many backpackers the
accommodation. Rising standards of living, technological improvements adventure tra1·1 1s
• so weII worn that departure can only be a sanitized
resulting in increasing productivity per worker, increase in leisure time ~~~ temporary break. Notions of rites tie p11ss11.~e from anthropologists
with decrease in work week, longcr vacations, changes in the age
Van Gcnnep (1960) or Turner (1974) may be useful in making
compositions of the population, the increasing levels of educational
attaimncnts, better communication, increased social comciousness of people
sense of . som e aspects o f tI1e d eparture, but equally notions of
relating to welfare and activities of other people throughout the world, exp1oration and adventure, the appeal of difference and the exotic, the
Info~mat_ion like th_is is s~ared haphazardly and informally along the
marketing of foreign destinations, and the dynamics of internati~nal backpacker routes m India. Recommendations about where to stay,
transport and tourism development would have to be .taken 1~to ,~hat ~o eat, how to get a cheap air or train ticket, the best buys in
account. In many ways these matters can be better explicated with silver Jewellery, silk, hashish or kafians - India-wide - or muffins and
reference to shared strategies of a middle-class Western version of c!1ocolate brownies, best Indian rum, or bookshops - in Calcutta _
'survival' which is an overt part of the make-up of traveller identity in ma~e up a large part of traveller conversation in the coffee-houses and
India. This is recognized by Lonely Planet and its commercially chat stalls where travellers congregate. These informal exchanges of in-
successful, str.1tegically named Survival Kit travel guides, protecting formation constitute and confirm the norms of backpacker identity.
against imagined dangers and differences of a threat~ning world. The success of the Lonely Planet guidebook series comes from the
Despite national differences, the world commumty of backpac~ers
documentation -~f this kind of traveller talk in its 'chatty' style - the
make up a 'distinct set of travellers ~vcr against categ~r1es. fact_ that few v1s1tors to India now come without this 511,,,;1,a{ Kit ,s
Yet as Nash points out, travellers suck together and begm to build a testimony to the importance of such talk, and the idea or •0 d I • f
familiar social network involving people from home' (Nash 1989: 45). · I· I r ea s o
st~rv1va m w .1at for many is a difficult country. The fact that the survival
Backpackers develop rituals, rites of inclusion. a~d _exclusi~n, and kit has not silen~ed such talk, and that a significant number of long-
markers of status in common with all groups. It 1s s1gn1ficant, tf mun- term travellers discard the thing after the first months, s,·nc e muc h o f
· · t; .
dane:, I think, that backpackers identify themselves as being very differ- its m
. ormat1on. is quickly out of date or considered b,·ased , 1s
· mc1
· 'd enta I
ent to other kinds of tourists, especially those who stay in expensive
to tt~ co_ntmued significance. A sale is a sale. Even if the survival kit
five-star hotels. remains m the bott~m of the backpack for the whole of the journey
While the Modern Lodge is the most popular of the budget accom-
after the ~rst week m India, or if it comes out only as 3 quick guide
modations, it is tiny compared to the three or four comfortable up-
to bus'. tram and guesthousc locations - its attempts at potted histories
market hotels catering for wealthier and older tourists and wealthy of. regions and sections on 'things to see' and '\"hat to b uy ' are soon
. . . ,~
middle-class Indian nationals. These four- and five-star accommodations
d1sm1sse~ -. its .contmued sales and resales in the Western traveller market
are, of course, out of the price range of the budgeting traveller, and
are .an md1cat_1on of the depth of the 'survivors" trail of tourism in
they provide the standard of service and luxury that could be ex~ected Ind.1a. The guidebook is still among the few in any way useful ones
from a similar-quality hotel in any city. Straddled along one side of
ava1l~ble for the ~ubcontinent, despite its moments of unthinking racism
Jawaharlal Nehru Road (Chowringhee) is the best example of such an
and its commerc1~l agen~a. !t does assist in demystifying (or sanitizing)
establishment: that off-white beast the Oberoi Grand, with all its marble,
some _of tl~e less home-like or unfamiliar, but necessary, mechanics of
plush carpets and huge staircases, its ballrooms and swimming-pool.
travell.m g 1~ lndi~. ~t is the first 'machine' through which traveller
Colonial splendour. It was in this luxury that the director Roland Joffe
experience m India 1s produced.
and movie star Patrick Swayze stayed when they were making City i?f
The impor~ance o~ casual talk and information-sharing - not always
Joy in 199<>-91. In contrast, the hotels ofSudder Street are more famous
~orrect, sometimes wildly exaggerated - among travellers is not dimin-
for bedbugs, mice and rats (although backpacker folklore suggests that
ish~d by the Lonely Planet's phenomenal success. That the S11rviv11I Kit
the self-filtered drinking water in the Modern or the Paragon is safer
pomts ~o the roof of the Modern as a storytelling and meeting place is
than that served in the Oberoi cafe). mterestmg, as Lonely Planet's productive force is founded upon a steady
Apart from the very occasional 'dress-up' to visit the Oberoi disc~,
meam of correspondence from some of those same travellers. Curmusly
such locations are not part of the map of the budget traveller m
a self-deprecati~g p~ssage in a recent Lonely Planet Guide publici~
Calcutta. Traveller concerns revolve more often around places like cafes
brocl~ure advertises itself as 'the most important item of luggage next
and chai stalls, English-language movie theatres, markets, the Telephone
to toilet paper for a trip to India' {1993 brochure). (It is on this same
Bhavan for calls home, the General Post Office for letters from friends,
roof that I have heard various different versions of the weird death of
and perhaps the Foreigners' Registration Office for visa extensions after
Lo~ely Planet publisher, and millionaire, Tony Wheeler: a sports c
three months. Any longer-term visitor to Calcutta will know the loca- accid.ent m · Afinca,
, ar
a bus over a cliff in Nepal, under the foot of an
tion of these places, and which tram or bus you need to get there.
efforts to 'a~preciate' cultural life in India that offer a slightly different
elephant in Thailand and pierced by the tusks of a wild pig in High- take on Indian travel cliches. Among volunteers, after some prompting,
land New Guinea. As far as I can establish, at the time of writing, there have b~en attempts to set up Bengali and Hindi classes, and some
Wheeler actually remains alive and well, working from his office in travell~rs gamed a degree of (five-sentence} fluency that was much
Melbourne. 'He is Nosferatu, Vampyros, the Undead - a smart business apprectate_d by local people. It is almost a truism of the tourist circuit
man'. [Peter].) that learmn~ a. few local words adds authenticity and rapport to travel,
altho~gh t.h1s 1s perhaps overestimated. Other longer- term volunteers,
Storytelling, after all, is a traveller's medium. 'Ninety per cent of travelling especially m th_e 1992-94 period, took up the Buddhist+ashram-Bodh
is talk' (Catherine). Some of the most interesting ways in which Calcutta ?aya path, wluch seems still more illusory. Yet others were learning
and India are (re)constructed for travellers is through their own stories. instruments s~c_h as t~bla, sitar and sarod. Another learned dancing:
Often these stories are offered in a 'more-knowledgeable-than-you' Amanda. a chmc admmstrator, did not, at first, think it necessary to
routine, including embellishments of reality; consequently they have a learn a_ny Bengali: but relented after some prompting. Within a month
good deal of entertainment value. There are certain themes which con- of ·gettmg m Calcutta, she also wanted to learn tabla d rummmg,
tinue to be recycled in traveller-frequented chai stalls and cafes; retellings,
I settled
· ·
gi.ntar, c ass1ca 1 Indian dance, go to an ashram, shave her head, live in
in truncated form, of religious epics such as the Mahabharata, the story a cave and adopt a child (obviously not all at the same time).
of Kali and the foundation of Calcutta, and three minute distillations of
the Ramayana or similar; tales of'weirdest' India and specific characters
met along the way; (boring) stories of endless bus or train journeys; and In an expensive l~~ge-format hard-cover two-volume publication called
tales of amazingly good food, drugs, guesthouses, or completely 'un- C11/wtta:. Tfte , Cit)', coinciding with the Jootl1- anmversary
L1111111! ·
touched' villages that 'no one has ever visited ever' (Heidi). ce Ie b rations of Calcutta, Sukanta Chaudhuri writes: 'Few modern cities
There are stories worth retelling, although the skill of some of the have bred so many myths as Calcutta. By "myths" J do not mean
traveller raconteurs wandering around the banana-pancake trail may well falsehoods, but myths in the social or anthropological sense' (Chaudhuri
be diffirnlt to reproduce on paper. Tall tales or true? One of the most i99o: . xv). As I have argued, Calcutta is already overdetermined with
popular came from a German traveller who brought to Calcutta a series m.eamn~ for. ev~ryone who visits - a host of preconceptions and
of (scratchy) photographs of what he called the Naga-babas: mystics expectations, 1llus10ns and knowledges · Indeed • it should b e no surprise ·
h h
who practised the art of stretching their foreskins by attaching weights t at t e public image of Calcutta could have been considered as a site
to their pierced ends. My incredulity was not reduced by the presenta- for a strnct~rali~t. analysis a la Levi-Strauss. The fact that the noted
tion of what could have been fabricated photographs of men lifting anthropologist vmted Calcutta in the 1950s is mentioned by French
tourists off the ground with the aid of their foreskins, which they held comm~ntator~ such asjean Racine (1990) and Gaston Roberge ( 199 ,),
by the end while the stretched portion - some several inches - was alongside. their calls for a mythic analysis of the city. Levi-Strauss does
wrapped around heavy metal bars. Truly weird. I am assured, however, not prov1_d e any suggestion that his theoretical studies of American
that this 1s true; subsequently published coffee-table picture books appear ~ythologtcal systems could be transported to urban terrain {there are
to confirm 1t. Other tales of mystics such as that of the sadhu outside hints that he thought not), and the invocation of his name with refer-
of the city who declared one day that he would stand on JUSt one foot ence t~ Calcutta has had more rhetorical importance as a kind of
for seven years, and had attracted a group of followers who attended to authority marker for claims that Calcutta is mythological than it has s
his needs, had become classics - no doubt they will find their way into the ope~mg . o f a firuat . fiu I research development. However useful such aa
the Lonely Planet Guide in due course. gesture 1s, and to whatever extent the city is indeed •my ti uc
· ', cannot, I
sus b I
Can these stories illustrate something more about the representation pect, . e .eva uated solely within the gamut of the structuralist meth-
of India and Calcutta? Perhaps the fabulation of the city? Of the sub- 0 ds _o f Levi-Strauss. What can be taken from this invocation though is
continent for those from abroad? Invented as a mystical dreamscape, tknhc 1de·a ti1~t t11e 'I_1ost o f preconceptions and expectations, illusions
' '
India is located in an esoteric geography that has been largely renounced owh:dges that informs opinion about, and perhaps experience · o f,
by the secular West6 • Among longer term Modern Lodgers there are
children - sold to raise funds and promote the clinics - codifies certain
Calcutta can be taken to have some systematic characteristics which
stereotypes. The formal structure of the meeting ensures that someone
can be elucidated. leads a talk on an issue of relevance to the clinic, but it is the follm _
This 'mythologique' study of Calcutta is not, then, the prima_ry
up 'idle talk' among members of the group and new arrivals whi;h
intention of those who invoke the name of Levi-Strauss, since authority
forms and confirms opinions.
claims are usually counter-claims to some other authority. Racine and
~ There are many opportunities for travellers to get together to talk.
Roberge wish to challenge the dominant 'myths' about Calcutta.
Endless - and circular - discussions on the morality of tourist charity
Presenting different myths as replacements, and ~he ~ossibility of a
wor~ se_e ~ to indicate a particular preoccupation. The viability and
kaleidoscopic routine of myth and counter-my~h - m thts cas~ amount-
apphcabtl~ty of the kind of charity work performed by travellers in
ing to a 'politics of representation of Calcutta - was recognized much
Calcutta 1~ meas~red against an awareness of the ways such work is
earlier by N:mdy in TI1e brtimatc Enemy (1983). Nandy's blunt chall~nge
concexcuahzed within the international situation. 'We are the front line
was that those who would not like his 'myths' of India would be obhged
of imperialism in many ways, but someone has to help these people
to create better myths, and it is this contestation of meanings - largely
and we ca~ do it' (?ail - see also Janee, quoted below in Chapter ,):
absent in the calculations of Levi-Strauss in the Americas - which gives
The co-ex1st:nce ot a moral crisis with a pragmatic and sympathetic
the force to the creative experience of some visitors to Calcutta toda~.
urgency contmually expressed in this self-checking commentary effec-
Some sense of obligation emerges here also: in consideration of tins
tively sums up the view of many.
project, and the dilemma of'knowing' the 'real' Calcutta.' one t~~eiler,
D~baces ab~ut the m~rality of giving to beggars are a good example
Suzie offered a remark on what I was trying to do which ant1c1p:1ted
of this, sometimes leadmg to confusion and contradictory positions.
exactiy this thought from Nandy: 'You will have t_o write anti-myths of
:ravdlers argued the pros and cons of what was an everyday concern
Calcutta'. It may be too convenient to present this as a more advanced
m Sudder Street and its surroundings. A general consensus was never
position, where recognition of a dominance of some myths do~s not
appar~nt: but the influence of recommendations to avoid 'encourage-
dictate a search for 'truth', nor a contestation through presentation of
men ts did emerge. The relations of charity workers to beggars illustrates
other myths, but demands a kind of deconstruction of prev~ili~g myths
many of the contradictions of being a volunteer in Calcutta, as
and their working effects without positing some authontattve non-
e)l'.pressed, for example, in another scene involving passing out coins:
mythic awareness. Dut the dfort to reveal the political contexts in which
certain 'truths' about Calcutta are produced and circul:ite, and whatever 'I~ it decide~ that we shouldn't give money to beggars? Giving only food, or
potentially progressive character can be found in the experience of son'.r g~vmg nothmg at all while we arc volunteers seems crazy when, in some
of the travellers and volunteer workers at the Modern Lodge, 1s kmd .of overly generous gesture at die 1:nd, we will give all our possessions
away. (Ian).
contained, I think, in this distinction.
Undecidability remains here. There are some volunteers who will give
What else do the guests in the Modern discuss on that rooft~P: A~ s~
only to the very old, some who buy food and sometimes insist on
many of the Modem's clientele are volunteers at the Preger chmcs, it ts
1eeing it eaten (due to suspicions that it will be sold); some volunteers
very convenient that the rooftop provides space for the w~ekly
have their 'favourites' - an old rickshaw-puller, who gets few custom-
volunteers' meeting.The information session initiated in 1990 dommates
ers and sits at the end of Stuart Lane (off Sudder Street), gets a rupee
discussion only once a week and, as it is not a decision- makmg foru~1,
from . P~ter each day, and so on. While it is difficult to judge the
much time outside the meetings is devoted to clinic-related gossip.
proprieties and protocols of these scenes, much can be discerned in the
While the weekly meeting is the place where some formal discussion
travelleVi' attitude to locals about the travellers' 'psychology'. Not that J
of people's expectations and opinions about Calcutt~ ~ccurs, there . ts a
want to posit that these discussions of 'morality' c:,;pi<li11 much, but it
conscious effort by longer-term volunteers and adnumstrators to disp:I
~eems to me that talk of morality presupposes a subjectivity that sees
some of the more obvious illusions about the city in casual talk. It .1s
itself_as separate from the world upon which it acts as an independent
also true that some prejudices are confirmed, and certainly the avail-
ego m ways that make sense in terms of the Heideggerian point about
ability of some rather conventional postcard representations of street
the ends of the technological cited in Chapter 1. l am less interested in requests, through strategies (condoned by the Lonely Planet guide) to
the self-exploration exercises of volunteers and backpackers than ~ am curb :excess' such as only giving a rupee or two on every second
in the ideological messages that underwrite their ~epresenta~1onal mor_nmg, to complete refusal and sometimes expressions of anger. The
activities. Biren Das Sharma has pointed out that what 1s offered m the persistence of some beggars, especially those who mill around the tourist
City ofJoy film, as with many other narratives about India by Western ~establishments, becomes too much for less tolerant travellers. Others
visitors, is the message that 'with just a little hel~, or push,, from th.e become skilled at ignoring requests, or favour the most abject. Some
rlcveloped world, India would be able to succeed, n~e- up, _etc. Tl~at this traveller~ are taken by boisterous children demanding piggyback rides as
'message' appears repeatedly can be seen most explicitly m Joffe s film, well as ice creams, chicken biriyani and rupees. It is often those in the
but it is also frequently expressed by other visitors and in the Modern most need who are least able to utilize the established avenues, forms
Lodge rooftop discussions - and it appeals to a wide audience \~ho are and protocols of tourist begging. It is also certain that the few returns
attracted to notions that even the poorest of the poor can be aided by that b~ggars gain from tourists amount to only a very minor improve-
~he good conscience of the magnanimous West, which gives them the ment m their material circumstances.
push-start they need. 'We are here to begin a self-help programme for The ~arket turns to a kind of carnival where begging competition
these people; it's a statement; we are helping them here today' (Mary - for t_h e mfreque.nt aclrnowledgn1ents of tourists is most congested.
video 'Dr Jack's' 1991). The correspondence of such views with the Outside the India Museum on Chowringhee, begging blends into a
structural adjustment policies and programmes of the World Bank and kind of alternative theatre, ranging from chalk drawings on the pave-
International Monetary Fund should not be lost. With such broad ques- ment to more surreal performances. The sometimes dismal effect of
tions in mind, the ways these travellers 'place' themselves in relation to this was described in detail by one traveller:
Calcutta becomes more significant, less innocent:
'I ~n(y like the bc~rs who provide a bit of a show, more than pathetic
'It's a question of what you have to do -you have a moral ~bli_gation to h~lp askmg for rupees. Like the boy who buries his head in sand in a hole in the
people in need, but at the same time you have ~ moral obhgation to provide footpath outside the museum. I'm more inclined to give money for that
this help with respect for local cultural values. (Tim) ra~her than for some half-convincing expression of misery by someone who
minutes before was arguing with a neighbour or playing with a child. The
'Can you ever really know these "local cultural values"?' (Olivia) kids who run across the road to drop before you and twist their legs up under
th~m arc almmt worth the show - it's theatrical - but of course the real
Jn this exchange, notions of morality and culture seem ~o h~ve a. fair!: cripples and the really abject don't get a look~in.' (Will)
popular 'common-sense' character. The absurdity of this d1scuss1on 1s
that 'local cultural values' of Calcutta already boast a rich history _of This situation borders on the callous, where recognition of a problem
resistance and self-reliance. Knowledge of this, however, is not readily seems to lead to the most inequitable of possible responses. The
'souvenired' by those on the budget-traveller circuit. commercialization of all things within the tourist economy permits
travellers to experience India as a market sideshow.
The trope of the market commodifies everything for the tourist. And th_e market as a site of consumption offers other metaphors, the
Bargaining structures relationships, and India becomes one enormous meat section of New Market suggesting to one traveller-volunteer
colourful bazaar. The comparative financial security of even the traveller William, that Calcutta was a 'raw' city, cut to the flesh, clear to th~
with a well-considered - albeit tight - budget still seems to transform bone: 'there are no compromises - the city is raw - it's difficult to deal
everything into the evaluative framework of money. Travel co~ld be with it~ fantastic and immediate honesty' and William continued
seen as a training ground for unabashedly extravagant consumptt~n as curiously: 'Even the lies it tells you are true, even the np-offi ar~
travellers bargain and calculate what for them are the most nunute sweet, you've got to appreciate this.' Calcutta is also described as a kind
amounts. The evident financial security of the Western traveller attracts of c~nnibal: 'feeding on the countryside, swallowing whole families,
- not unexpectedly - repeated requests for assistance from beggars and ~uckmg them in at Sealdah station, the city's jaws' (Sam). Calcutta also
street children. Traveller responses vary from the granting of small absorbs travellers into it$ teeming mass like a giant snake'. Evocative of
promoted in the early 1990s, and the leakage of this 'end of the Cold
(textual) productions that appear ~n t~e streets o~ Cal~u_tta are ~he
War'~end of communism slippage into people's preconceptions, this
symbols of communism. Communism 1s often an event m the city,
surpnse should not have been too great, since more alert media-
and a point of discussion among travellers. Not far from the Mode:n
watchers have noted that the 'collapse of the USSR', and of the Eastern
Lodge, an impressive statue of Lenin stands by the bus exchange: ralhes
Eu~pean, communist states, is merely a setback for a 'sausages-and-
of sometimes half a million people gather in the Maidan Park and red
three- veg form of communism, specific to a certain part of the world.
flags adorn many buildings, including some of the cheaper restaurants
Otl_1er ~arts o~ Asia (Vietnam, China, North Korea, Nepal) and other
where budget travellers eat. From the Modern it is a short_ wal~ to ~he
nations m Africa and the Americas (Cuba), very much open to budget
Indian Coffee House, which is known as a centre of Marxist d1scuss1on
travel, ~r~ forgotten, so that the assumptions of international tourism
for some of.Calcutta's university students, and alongside which is_ a
and pr1v1l_e ge can be illustrated once again as European events are
CPI(M) publishing outlet occasionally visited by curious travellers. While
Eurocentncally transposed to signal the end of communism worldwid
it would be an exaggeration to stress this, among the longer-t_erm
Lonely Planet successfully manages survival kits for China and Vietna;:
visitors to the Modern interest in communism - however superficial -
Aw~reness of communism among the travellers who stay in Sudder
is a significant part of the tourist experience of th_e cit_Y- .. . Street IS not necessarily comprehensive, and is often little more than an
The red flags of the communist parties remain lnghly. ~ISlble m
amalgam of impressions and somewhat modified stereotypes.
Calcutta, providing a source of some surprise to. man~ vmtors a_nd
becoming a cult fad in the Modern Lodge. While guidebooks_ lake 'I'm not that aware of any communiu aspect amongst the people even though
Sr1rviv11I Kit do mention, in passing, that the state of Bengal has enJoyed there arc lots of red . ffags and from rcadin".,. I know th a t ti1c communist
communist rule for many years, this information is probably not suffi- govcrnrncnt has acluevcd some good things like fand reform and hi h Jiterac
ciently prominent to counteract the mental baggage on ~his score which
rat..-:;, but.. . (Albert) g y
travellers bring with them to the city, a baggage which amount~ to
~ravellers' experience of Bengali communism is of considerable interest,
variations on the theme of'communism is dead' gleaned from campaigns
sm~e _many have not_ visited_ a communist- ruled city before. This provides
by the Western media empires who have celebrated the demise ~-f t~e
a d1snnct contrast with their home experience, and much can be learnt
'E:istern bloc' and the USSR, mixed with a general lack of fam1hanty
about travellers' own views from their observations of this aspect of
with the notion that cities could function and people could (still) live
Ca~cutta. There were some who thought that 'only a communist revo-
under a stable communist administration (we could, of course, debate
luuon can sav~ Calcutta from the ruthless plunder of big business and
deviations and mistakes ... ). local and foreign elites' (Christian), and then there were those who
'So, you're a communist then?' (Nigel) thougl~t that 'communism can't work because people are inherently
'Aren't you?' (John) greedy (Bronwyn). Between these two poles - each of which imphes
some degree of unease about the nature of life under capitalism -
Expectations do not match experience; even the trappings of daily life
other travellers and visitors to Calcutta expressed a range of opinion
offer visible differences; visitors to Calcutta have to make some re-
th~t shows how something called 'communism' can be understood,
adjustments. Some are taken aback by the prominence of hammer an_d
~usund_e moo~, picked up and consumed like a souvenir, and discarded
sickle symbols painted on street walls; some enjoy, as a kind of exo~IC
m a wide variety of ways.
theatre perhaps, the rallies and marches that sometimes clog th~ city
Against most conventional responses to the city, those predisposed
thoroughfares; others are drawn into discussions of the mer_m of
towards leftist politics could find Calcutta inspmng - 'Yes it is a
communist and socialist policy on the basis of articles they re:id m the com mumst · City,
- I Iove the red flag - there is still hope' (Franroise)
• -
daily papers about interparty debates. If communism is dead, it is qi'.ite while the begin
d" · f .
nmgs o reassessment of previously unexamined.,, preju-
a surprise that so many travellers spend so much time photog~phmg
its flags and symbols, reading pamphlets and articles, and secunng red
~;es could be discerned: 'I thought communism was really bad and
b I of thought police, but all I have seen is traffic police and they have
flags as souvenirs from rallies, trucks, buildings or party offices. Ilu,t for
; solutely no effect whatsoever' (Harriet). Some found the whole
the media glee with which the 'triumph of che new world order was
led to a recognition that they had work for charity organizations that are explicitly ,wt communist, 8 there
experience bewildering, o~ were I' d . here surrounded by all is little scope for elaboration. A few volunteer; who have worked at the
. 'I have no idea what m oing '
much to Iearn. Ii - litics religion, language ... Preger clinic would describe themselves as communists, some have
this stuff I don't have any ~e~erencehor pod m~re than a few weeks become communists while working there, but by far the majority be-
s vmtors w o staye
(Wendy). In ma?y case \'cated views on the pros and cons, and various lieve in a kind of liberal mission: 'We have to do something to help these
came to have qmte comp ' . people'. The work of Mother Teresa, and more recently that of Preger,
versions, of Indian communism: has focused international attention on the 'problems.' of Calcutta in a
od record but doesn't seem to be way that eclipses more analytical responses with a glossed global media
'The ruling party - CP_H~\ - has _a !:rnment communist groups like the
profile. In the process, the question of what might be communism's role
doing much about the .city. ,c ~o~il(M) has sold out to the industrialists,
Naxalitcs have complaints that t c . II ti . time on wage issues and all of with regard to the problems of the city seems to have slipped off inter-
. ps seem to agitate a 1c . national screens. For their part, communists, not surprisingly, look un-
the tra de+umon grou . k. h •· few rupees a day to survive.
. 1 - 1 •oplc trym" to ma c t c 1r . .
it is m1xcc up wit ' pc . <> to have abandoned Lenin and Sta1m m favourably upon the activities of Western charity organizations in
The CPI was reported m th~ paper\ G dl1i while the CPl{ML) still Calcutta, although the international prestige of Mother Teresa, and inter-
. . h •s hkc Ma 1atma an ,
favour of nauona11st croc f in"" about communism here national support for Preger, have been marshalled by local supporters to
·d , You can learn ots o t11 o·
supports Mao Z c ong. . b I d 011 't think the place runs along counter obstacles to their work.
· · d b d JI the umc ut
because 1t 1s c ate 3 ' f mmunist government. I d on ,t
communist lines, even after so manyd yeai:5 o c~. (D•nicl)' Some volunteers who had worked for extended periods in Calcutta
think anyone rca II Y runs 1't• How oes It run . - experienced (minor) bureaucratic difficulties with visa extensions. The
. of communism in Calcutta hassle of gaining extensions beyond three months was thought by some
ses to t1,e question .
More unusua1 n:spon . ould never work because 1t travellers to be a CP[(M) attempt to restrict long-term volunteers from
10 n that commumsm c
included t h e sugges . . 'I , b autiful idea but it leaves so working in the city. Volunteers were cautious about police and govern-
, · 't \ d1mens1on - ts a e
didn t have a spm ua . . cl/ body split appraisal from a ment: 'We can't get involved in politics because volunteer work is
' (A da) - and a CUrlOUS 01111 .
much out man nists' My heart is here m sensitive. The communist government doesn't want us to draw attention
stoned traveller: •Are these peobp e co":1ti:1~ co~munist state' (Wayne). to the problems because it gives an excuse for the Western media to
1 d says no ecause I s "
Calcutta, b ut my tea 1 d d that 'what the communists have bag out Calcutta' (Neil). Inevitably, volunteer work does raise political
A more sober assessment cone u ~, C mmunism doesn't questions: whether this involves the debates about how the 'poverty-
achieved in Bengal is amazing, but its not enough. o
nricken' reputation of Calcutta is being used by charity organizations
solve all the problems' (Frances). as a kind of advertistment to attract funding for a worldwide franchise
. s corru t :is our ones back home, at least - as some critics have claimed of the Missionaries of Charity and of
'The communist leaders arc JUSt a II P \: .. 1s'Tl1e only real communist
A d rcn't they a po mcrni · World Vision - or whether it simply means a failure to consider
according to the papers. n a d b • outside restaurants that arc closed.
. . I • •en are the re anners f: . . alternative 'solutions' to the problems: any participation in charity
activity 1 1ave 5e . • ·t up their own cooking ac1 1mes
Here the workers and trade umo~s 1,~vc sc . • • . organizations must be considered political. Volunteers did sometimes
and sell food outside, which I dunk is terrific. (Lui:y)
say as much: 'Whatever we do here has its contradictions, and f don't
think handouts and charity are ever going to do more than keep things
CHARITY WORK the same - change has to be a self-help, grassroots kind of thing'
. h in discussions of visitors to (Olivia).
'Problems' are often a dominant t eme . of the This last kind of view indicates some reflective thinking among
Calcutta - Western middle- class predispositions,dthe re~utau'op:blems-
• f . 1 v ·alth seem to etermme a volunteers and travellers that would perhaps not be completely opposed
city and contra~ts o poverty Wit' \ c_ I . . ond to and try to by local communists. Indeed, many travellers who do volunteer work
, ti k vithin wluc 1 v1s1tors resp •
and-answers ramewor \ · · factor to be in Calcutta become alert to wider global processes in the course of
• f C I A one 'answer' commumsm is a
make sense o ' a cutta. s . r' . . t Calcutta • especially
e proportton o v1s1tors o
their stay. 'What's good about volunteer work in Calcutta is not that it
considered, b ut as a Iarg ·fi lly for volunteer "saves the poor", but that it shows us that the problems are not just
budget travellers, become involved in, or come spec1 tea '
76 77
local ones. Volunteers can't just go home to their regular jobs - some~ time we started tackling the causes of poverty and not just the symp-
thing has to be done on a worldwide scale, and in our own backyards toms?', a leaflet was produced for travellers outlining what they might
(Lisa). And: 'It's good that some people are made more aware of th_e do to put pressure on Western banks to cancel the huge foreign debts
intricacies and politics of these issues in Calcutta. Its a shame that it that countries like India had been placed under, and on the basis of
can't happen more often and to more people at ~lome, but at least whi~h the IMF and World Bank were directing the Indian economy.
some of them will bring some new ideas home with them. an~ - so The leaflet quoted sections from pamphlets from the CPl(M) and
long as they don't get mixed up with too much New Age h1pp1e scuff CPI(M- L), and was based on literature from both parties and a booklet
- this will be a good thing' (James). . from the 'World Development Movement' which had started a campaign
A common criticism made of\Vestern development workers m general calling for cancellation ofThird World debt.
is that they .often advocate 'revolution' in th~ Third W~rld but rarely do Included in the leaflet - which was handed out to travellers in the
anything revolutionary in their home councnes. An amtude that was not Su~der Street area, as well as outside the Oberoi Grand - was a quo-
uncommon among volunteers in Modern Lodge was that the work tl_ley tation from a CPI- ML publication outlining the Communist Party's
\Vere doing'was only a maintenance measure' (Gail), and ~hat any ~oluuon criticisms of IMF- WB imperialism in India:
to the problems of Calcutta had to do with fac_tors out_s1de the city such
Domination by unpcrialists has meant not only drain of wealth from India to
as the role of the National Government, the mternauonal marketplace
fo~cign countri~"> but they have also strangulated industrial growth. In league
and other wider contexts. While volunteers felt that they mu~t d~ some- with their compradors- big bourgeoisie, they hav1.e dktat~:d the lcvd of
th . and some did not think what they did was of such s1gmficance: production, techrio(ogy used, and controlled ted molob'Y upgrading and
mg, · t· I b' ' (I 'd)
'It's not romantic or idealistic at all, we JUSt do our ltt e. It . ngn . , ri:sl;'arch. Their contmu111g sway has been ruining the national bourgeoisie.
there were many volunteers who did romanticize and 1deah_ze their The _Indian industries serve not the needs of the Indian people bur secure
max11nu111 profits to imperialists and compradors. (CPI-ML Political R.eso-
wor k. In Calcutta , the ways in which they might intervene . m more
global issues was not readily apparent: 'The proble'.11 is that t11:ngs n'.ust lut1on of Party C ongrc~ . adopted 16 April 199~)
change on a world scale, not just in small corners hke Calcutta (Ingrid). By identifying locations in Western countries where travellers could
Another traveller who had done some volunteer work expressed some of focus campaigns to force banks to cancel 'Third World debt' - even
the contradictions of this work when she complained: 'How can there though this was only a part of the problems of Calcutta, and it was
be a people's revolution when they are continuall: treat~d to handouts soon recognized that the call had to be to cancel not just the debt but
from volunteers and aid workers?' (Elaine). There 1s a pomt to bc.: madc.: the whole lending/ dependence system - it seemed that this group of
here about the role of NGOs as a stopgap anti-revolutionary and counter- travellers had found a way to bring solidarity work away from charity,
revolutionary placebo. .. • and charity support organizations, to something seen to be more sub-
The issues of international context and local cond1t1ons, of col~rs~, stantial at 'home'. Whether the numbers of travellers that could trouble
are questions of importance to the communist movement, and 1t 1s the banks - by cancellation of credit card$, by refusing to use travellers'
interesting chat views held by some visitors and vo~unteer_workers con- cheques - was significant or not, tlus activity was articulated as an
verged with the positions of the Indian commumst parttes on at least avenue for 'politicized' volunteers to take their politic5 'home'. That
one point, and Jed to activity which addressed several of the themes can.cel(ation of debt would not ultimately change the logic of the
discussed above. After reading newspaper reports and both CPI(M) a_n d capitalist system was not considerered - the leaflet produced was, in-
CPl(M-L) literature on the IMF and World Dank plans for the Indian evnably, the subject of a rooftop clinic meeting.
economy, a small group of long-term travell~rs in. Calcutta produced a
crttique of charity work which showed ways 111 wluc!1 Western v.o lumeer
workers could take up activity in their home countries after their return
from India (Some membt:rs of this grouping were not volunteers; som~ Although only a percentage of travellers manage to shake off the anti-
, workin" with Pre<'er, one with Mother Teresa; one was a comn~unist prejudice {which seems to be a correlate of a pro- charity
\\ ere "' "' . . . , · b ut
observer). Under the slogan 'Chancy 1s not Enough -- 1sn t It a 0 sensib1hty) and bring politics home from their travels, in the final section
of this chapter a more common connection with home can be explored. Postcards achieve this most efficiently, and sometimes creatively. In
Even in the middle of the city Calcutta circulates bac~ towa~s the '!'est addition to the curios travellers made into postcards (which I mentioned
via writing, and a prominent part of traveller experience . 1s mediated above) were: the top of a 'Taj Mahal brand' tea box, a candle packet
through its forms. Letters, for example, are important m terms of from 'Raja Candles' and beer placemats from the 'Rambo Beer Bar'.
reminders and links with home, and are brought to the rooftop to be S!.:'mps and addresses were fixed to these - one series of eight different
read. As a substitute for talk with parents, siblings, friends, and as a ~adl~ printed shots of Howrah bridge was sent as 3 narrative in parts,
topic of conversation - •I got four letters this week', et~. - the~ should 1t bemg unclear as to whether the bridge or the printing was meant to
not be ignored. Letters are a structuring experience m phys1c~I and represent Calcutta. In conventional accounts, the bridge comes to stand
emotional registers.Just getting to the Post Office to collect letters from for Calcutta (it was used in the promotion shots for the City of Joy
home entails a crowded bus journey or a long walk through the centre film), but there are more ways to read these cards. Naomi Schor quotes
of town, passing Lenin's statue, the famous rat-park _(w~ere vendors sell a postcard manual: 'Postcards have shown, and continue to show, it all'
bread pieces for feeding the hundreds of rats who hve m the_ c~rner of (Schor 1992: 203), but it would be well to recall Derrida's lesson that
the Maidan), alongside the Great Eastern Hotel (where K1phng . a~d the unsealed or open face of a postcard is just that which m;1kes it
Somerset Maugham wrote) and by the Writers' Building, ~he adnnms- more likely to be encrypted with secrets (Derrida 1987: 185). Derrida
trative centre of Bengal. In some ways this walk could pro~,d~ a tour of also points out that the 'guardians of tradition, the professors, academics,
the main 'mythic' characterizations of Calcutta: the rats to s1~mfy poverty, and librarians, the doctors and authors of theses are terribly curious
as Giinter Grass might have it; the Great Eastern to remmd us of the about correspondences' (Derrida 1987: 62).
s of the Rai and British illusions of glory; Lenin to indicate the Postcard curios and other incongruously collected images tell some-
d ay ~· · ' ·1d· thing of the oflbeat orientation of some Modern Lodge travellers. As a
promise of communism in Bengal; and th~ Writers Bui mg to ensure
its demise through the impediments of a Juggernaut bur~aucracy. . . p3stiche of heterogeneous elements, Calcutta appeals to a sense of surreal
Mail from home is a prize which makes exile less painful, which 1s humour. Newspaper headline clippings attached to postcards decry the
a public marker of a connection outside the immediate clutter of Calcutta news: 'Two fatally wounded in ice-cream riot' and 'Last
Calcutta, a recognition that something called 'home' has some purch~se standing Calcutta traffic light collapses near hospit3l road'. A form of
on one'~ identity - an apparatus linking the traveller to a world outside kaleidoscopic information overload is apparent. For one medical student
Calcutta. The arrival of letters, since they are often few and far between, on university holiday this became a 'melody of forms, besmirching pure
is almost cause for celebration for some travellers. Excitement is often categories in complicated and seemingly transgressive blends and blurs':
publicly expressed, as if this connection to home must be emphasized a poetically overdetermined way of describing the spectacle. Michael,
through articulation within Calcutta, among the Mo_dern Lodge pop~- the volunteer who wrote this in a letter to Modern Lodge after return-
lation. News from home is shared, letters are somenmes read aloud_ m ing to Melbourne, had said earlier that the best thing about Calcutta
the dormitories, postcards are displayed above beds, and the non-arrival was the mixture of items for nostalgia. He was fascinated by 'sixties
of letters is cause of a silent pain: jealousy. It is very much the case th~t watches, fifties films, forties motorcycles and cars', and a host of other
the stamp of home, and the promise/reminder of a future rctu~n, 1s icons of world culture somehow jumbled together without care for
marked on the arrival of letters, just as the stamp on the passport 1s the their temporal location.9
marker of arrival from the home country. Letters 'in' serve a number Yet fifties movies and forties cars don't seem as important for the
of connections. 'All letters are like written voices, heard not reme1~- ~ndian experience of some travellers as the sixties drugs which prevail
bered, whispered into your ear from afar' (Birgid). Some travellers wnte In some sections of the banana- pancake tnil. Calcutta itself was
a lot of letters, and this aspect of connection to home has a m~re described by guesthouse rooftop smoker J;1mes as 'an LSD trip without
omplex set of meanin=. Doth documentary and restorative, indicaung the drugs'. Such confiised modes of thinking (or lack thereof) were
C 0- · the responsible for numerous ridiculous perceptions of India. Gita Mehta's
presence away from home, but also keeping a space open m . .
memory of those who remain at home - the simple formula of tills is book Karma Cola, on the hippie-spiritual exploration of India st11l proves
the claim 'Remember me, I'm out here in Calcutta .. .' relevant when one considers the activities of 3 great many of the
could be approached any other \\ It is not news to find that the city floats
middle-class Western travellers on the circuit. In Calcutta, the 'd~ug on a swamp of metaphor - the drains overflow. (postmarked 1988, Calcutta)
scene' is perhaps a little less visible than it is in othe~ pa~ts, possibly
because the hashish available on the street is often mfenor t~ that If writing postcards and letters, and chatting on the roof of the Modern,
available elsewhere, and because the 'quality' consumable drug .m the are part of the production of traveller identity in Calcutta, then there is
area is heroin, with which Western users are usually more discreet. also good reason to consider reading as a metaphor for Calcutta too.
Dru use and a kind of wide-eyed spiritual quest often go together This anticipates the next chapter by noting that among those material
amo~g budget travellers in India, and while the w~st coast and the far objects that travellers accumulate in Calcutta, as elsewhere, books have
th - places like Pushkar, Jaisalmer and Manah - are among th~ great significance. Collecting books, reading, the 'pleasures of the text'
nor t popular locations for 'heads'' Calcutta is not without a number o (in social science folklore this means Malinowski reading Conrad in his
I An attempt at a serious interview · · h G abby, a very stoned
wit tent, and Kurz up- river making notes in the margins of A11 Inquiry i1110
t 1eml.l i·n ~ coffiee shop was abandoned in laughter - by all present - Some Poi11ts of Seama11ship), is a part of travel. Sudder Street and Free
trave er u • • , d b · 'l'k
when India was described as 'a spiritual Disneyland , an ~s em.g I e School Street have a number of bookstores frequented by backpackers,
a brontosaurus' because it was 'thin at o_ne end, K:ishm1r, fat m ~h~ and a regular trade in second-hand novels sustains some of these. Among
middle, Bombay to Calcutta, and thin agam at the other end, . travellers, too, there is an informal exchange, and one North American
A ious study of this discourse might nevertheless find some threads traveller was somewhat successful in operating a book exchange out of
of ::herence and continuity among the represe~tations. of such tra~e~lers. cardboard boxes in one of the rooms of Modern Lodge. But, College
The incorporation of aspects of Indian ph1losoph1cal and spmtual Street and its hundreds of bookstores is the booklovers' tourist attrac-
concepts into traveller understandinb"S (some would insist that these are tion by far. Crowded into a small block adjacent to Calcutta University
misunderstandin~) is a recurrent theme. . . and surrounding the Indian Coffee House, bookstores spill their wares
The letters and postcards of travellers can serve an exh'.b1tory fun~: out onto the streets. The abundance and variety of books cannot be
uon h' ·I m·1ght be best described by the rather, tacky
w 1c 1 •
· d adequately described - from medical texts to political pamphlets, and
message 'Having 3 great time, wish you were, here , which 1s associate including hundreds of volumes not readily available outside Calcutta or
with the postcard. The 'wish you were here phrase also \:,7or~s as an India. College Street as book utopia is rivalled only by the Book Fair,
:mtI10n'ty cl~i·,n
which • as much as the foreign postmark,
I to of many hundreds of stalls, held in the Maidan every February. The
friends and relatives that the traveller has been, or is current y at, some Modern Lodge office also has its own traveller book exchange full of
_ usually picaresque _ location. The scenes on the front of ~he post:ard dog-eared novels and esoteric texts.
have little immediate reference to the experiences ot the writer, Travel literature is readily purchased in the various bookshops
ma Y
whereas the formula messages of the cardb oard s1.d e may b e more . available to backpackers, and this material comprises a considerable
resonant with the common loneliness of the traveller. Not all travel ts percentage of backpacker reading matter. Much can be learnt from
about meeting people, laughing, sunsets and romance. The glossy_ fafi:ade such material, and not just about India: travelling tales may have always,
of tourism shows nothing of the psychology of abs~nce and ~1spla~e- and everywhere, been accorded a certain status - sometimes more,
ment which is also a part of foreign travel - the lonelmess and ahen~tion sometimes less respected as a way of knowing the world.
of the travdler (singular) is as much a part of the scene as the happmess The visitor to India is influenced by a range of writin~ as diverse as
of the travellers (plural). those of Eric Newby (Slowly Dc>,v11 tlte Ga11ges), Allen Ginsberg (ludia11
From a postcard: ]011mals), Somerset Maugham (17,e Rawr'.s Edge), and Vikram Seth (From
Hec1ve11 s Like). 10 Taking into account more critical evaluations of trav-
will never know Calcutta; and even t Im· 1s
,Yr. ,fisi'tors
· not saym_
· g, m uch·, it
1 ellers in India, such as texts by Gita Mehta (Karma Cola), and David
h rdly distinguishes the cicy from any other on t e rrave ers tratI . Wc• eao
vvc h II • •I
a . . · I cross an unknown who e. Foster (P/11111b11111) to take an Australian example, it remains true that, in
make a subjective map, ncgouate unagmary pat 1~ ~ tta _
' Wlierc' Who? There arc more than ::o m1\hon answers for Calcu a very haphazard way, a range of 'identities' are made available through
WI1a t - • · •d b C lcutta
home of the world. It is not the surpriic that everything sat a out 3 these texts from which travellers can draw 'role models'. There can be
is interpretation which should occupy you, but r.ither be surprised that Ca1cutt:I
no doubt that, in contemporary 'travel literature', travel operates in A~ a cip~erl Ca~~utta is always about to dematerialize in traveller talk -
w iere w 10 e cities are evaluated and referen ces hav d - -
powerful ways to shape identities, experience and the 'self' of the trav- haze, having become invisible it is s I"f I e isappeared m the
eller, as well as to influence - even determine - what a traveller can C I . ' a t iey were never there Perh
Ina acnuotttahevamshe_d for fus,as s~on as a collection of its descriptio~s be.,:~s
ce: the specifics I want to explore: here
(Mra•mL)scT,.NADd and CPI (M) litc:1'3 ture in C:ilcutt:1, the texts of Mux • Lenin • · •
of the effects of this sign would displa acker s and representational G , orno and Luki c d h c · nts grou p in Austr aliJ
regard to Mod ern Lodge:, Pregc :r volun teers , backp
(especially Angie Ben • Cass • Hs,a:en l Mt c omdmu111st Stude
la an Andrew) and
of Moth er Teresa is that of Navi n Chaw arcus to any
• • ,
' . • as a '?unt c:r
tc:chnologic:s. A basic biog1'3phical study in 3 short essay by Chris - d ogma uc orthodoxy, occasional dips into the work o
( 1992). A not quite so sycop hanti c portr ait c3n be: found
ng an lle (1976 / 1991) . The most readil f ~n~~m_o Ndegn .(1988, 1991)
sc:c:n in 3 less than charitable light: leadi lcav~ned with Datai Y avai 3 e_ mtro ucuo n to Negr i
toph er Hitchens (1992), where: 'M.T; is comp elling ,vas impo rtant for this book · . n?)
for the: Vatican's heino us polic y of stag~~ - the p~ke t-s1z ed (traveller editio
3nti- ahort ion campaign - 'propaganda to get c~rcs pond c:ncc: betw een tha:: ~:~ early CcJ1111111111ists like Us
where it can the: right of non-bc:lievc:rs d Fclrx Guat tu1, caUcd
the faithful to bn:c:d , and of Jc:nying
hold of birth contr ol'; '3s a kind of paid
confe ssor to the: Duva
r Hoxh:i in her coun try of birth , Alban
lier gang ' in H3iti;
ia; and,
(1990). For Dat.,i ·
llc • TI A
, ,cc IC cc11ru
• odrSan
C • . : .,r
hai? vols , _ 3 Wh 3 tern"blC: confe mon II is
to lc:ave this iisue in such disarra~ but o_mmumsm 15 SU to be defined, and it is not
. .
laying a wrcath on the: tomb of Enve Mone y', accep ting millions of necessarily the: same as rule by comm unists .
ary 'Othe r Peopl e's ·
:is repor ted in the PBS docu ment s
businessmen implic3ted in the US saving :~!~ ~th:r P st based on pa~tic_he and nona
3 lgia,
dolb rs :ind use of :a company plane: from at', a 'dangerous sinister perso n', a n!~ ;:~de;l~ ::t~~ ;;:n: !:t:~ ~t:rc 1 on of space, and
ens descr ibed M.T. as 3 'hellb (Said , • r~fact~ )a rcor~ msau
:and Jo3ns rip-<;ifl". Hitch
Calcu tta' (Hitchens 1992: 474). Hitch ens
made: characteristics of multinational c.:ipital'
91?kl . 3d9d- as bcmg the: features of the
:i 'le:ithc:ry old saint' 3nd the: 'ghou l of
this the subject of 3 half-hour polemical
to be the first to
due critic
ism of'M
and a thin book in
othe r' (though there: 3rc:
1994 - postm odern . To this Said would add a J amc:son- 1 e a endu m to c t urc: a •ph eno_m-
II ·
ena y mcorporarive cap:icity, which make
s it possib le for any
ds the: d
. :p
, one m _act to say anything
S, in whic h he claimed a study at all, but every thing is proce ssed eithe r towar
debt to Aroup Ch3tterjc:e, who also has . . omd_~ant ~amn rcam or out ro
some questions to be: raised :ibout his s. To select only one from Calcu tta, the margins' (Said 1993 : 392) _ a•rain .,
is margm 1s un 111erent1atc d
other critic
of Moth er planned). There: have been : Jack l'regc :r's position on 10
S h'
c:t s Fr<lm Heavtu's Like (1983) is a talc
oft I · · · . .
appro pri3te for this study · ~;. Tibc t,dbut,1t ts ~uch
what come s first to hancJ is most her more: w_idc:ly read in India since Tibet is largel y close d:c:t:
Calcutta Corp orati on whic h tolc:r3tc:s d 11· tsm un c:r tie Chm ese
Moth er T directs conc ern tow3rds the mispb cc:d and I woul d want annc:xatton. His 1992 effort A S11it11ble Y as en arge
Bo h I
is fame (and wallet) well
this is some what
presence in the city. My view is that rm the bc:yond the traveller mark et,
al interests to have Moth er Teresa perfo
to suggest that it suits wider internation Prc:gc r's analy sis come s close: :
Nc:vc :rthc:l css,
function of symbol of huma n virtue:.
to have a pbcc like: lulig hat (Mot her
it suits the Corpol'3tion of Calcutta many of their destit utcs.
e they can dump
'hom e for the destitute and dying'), wher a's
unnecessarily. Nobo dy in Mothc:r Tc:rc:s
Many will die there: and many will die g, 'My God, why don't they
ng round and sayin
order would ever dream of turni
build some homes or start some factories?'
Jo something abou t it, why don't they
thc:y just say how beautifully he or she died. Whic h is all
- they never say that -
ly regres sive. Wha t actually happens is that
nonsense:, quite :ipart from bc:ing social
n of the face muscles callc:d rism s11rti<l11ic11s
whc:n people die they get this contractio
.•. It's this smile that is misinterpreted by Mod1c.,r
- this sardonic bittc:r smile lc
of proo f that these: poor, wrc:tchc:d prnp
Tcrc:sa and her novices as some kind hs 1991 : 1.p).
(Prc:gc:r in Josep
were some how happy when they died.
in India entails different connot.1tions
6. Ashis Nand y's discussion of secularism for an
sec Nand y (1985), and Miller (1992)
to the: meanings I have: in mind here:,
y's work .
excellent comm entar y on Nand st
st Party of lndi3; CPl(M ) = Com muni
7. Alphabet soup?! CPI = Com muni rulin g West Beng al Left Front
p;irtner in the
Parry of India - Marxist, the domi nant
of India - Marxist- Leninist, often callc:d
coalition; CPl( M-L) = Com muni st Party in West
h began in the late 196os in Naxalbari
'Naxa ls' after the arme d uprisings whic s (Peop le's War Grou p, Maoist
ering sc:vc:1'31 sep:ir ate group
Dengal and now numb
group most often referred to here: is TND
Com muni st Centre, etc.), the Cl'I (ML) groups
various Marxist trade-union and studc:ni
.,,. Towards Nc:w Democracy; there: arc: most of these groups produce:
party organ izatio ns. And
affiliated to any of the above and
are sometimes read by budget tr.ivcllc:rs
various pamphlets and papers whic h
visitors to Suddc:r Street. is.
bc:b~ the question of what comm unism
8. I realize that this whole: discussion -dc:b; ite over defin itions that I
to tedio us micro
So many volumes have: been devoted it's
with this glaring essentialism. For what
,vant to stc:er clear of the whole thing my readi ng are dc:rivc:d from Cl'I
appea l in
wort h, the: versions of communism that
declaration which can
to write his 'alternative myths', about India. In a
claims that India is not the non-W est·
be read in several ways, Nandy
the non-W est is a constr uction of the West 3 ;
it is, rather, India, since
es a usefully co~-
least in part (Nand y 1983: xii). I think this provid
what has been writte n about the
WR ITIN G CA LCU TTA : pacted way to get into a discus sion of
tional literature,
cal record s, its promo
Weste rn city of Calcutta: its histori
all might share this ambig uous schema.
SS its fiction and 'fact', which
TRA VEL LIN G WIT H LEV I-ST RAU Calcu tta. A city of books - far too many
Much has been writte n on
do here is look at how severa l promi nent
to survey. ~hat I want to
AN D G0N TER GRA SS have writte n about their exper ience. This
Weste rn vmtor s to the city
suc h as Claude Levi-
chapt er looks most closely at the famous visitors;
Domi nique Lapie rre, each of whom came to
Strauss, Giinte r Grass and
Calcutta who bring
Cal_c utta fro~ Eu~ope, from ' the West'. Visitors to
a catego ry of mind. J will place these
the_i~ own city_ with them as
popul ist writin gs on the city such as the very
of representation, wmm gs alongside more
The next chapters look at more formal technologies 'West ern' travel guide and 'survival kit' from Lonel
y Planet, and some
ably such technologies
such as the book, the map and the camera. Inevit of the promo tional writings of the Bengali gover
nmen t.
been discussed. While
are bound up with the themes that have already I can try again to descri be the city: if Nandy 's formula is to be
note that 'codif ied and norma lised . . . systems of not be the non-W est,
Jonat han Crary may taken as a starting point, Calcutta, then, will also
share a singul ar or
visual consu mptio n' (Crary 1990: 18) might not but Calcu tta. It is a city intimate with the West, and
yet oppositional to
I think the ways in
contin uous evolutionary history (Crary 1990: 26), 1t. Calcu tta is in some ways the least 'Western' of
all cities. Not only is
of Calcu tta can be
which a 'politics of pover ty' in representations Jt on the cast coast of India, its sutus as the antith
esis of 'West ern'
travellers in the first
rehearsed both throu gh the casual discourse of the sign of poverty or
that now follow cities is i~scrib~d _everywhere (usually under the
sections and the staid tomes and flat prints of those overcrowdmg); It 1s also consid ered by some in
India to be more
to demar cate strictly
means that it 1s neithe r possible nor desirable resistant to 'Westernization' (see Srinivas 1962) than
any of the other
me, the rumo ur of
betwe en the machines which produce, and consu said to be the most
ers contin ue to inter- major Indian cities: Madras, Delhi, Bomb ay. It was
the city. It is no accident that the words of travell have repeated -
ing devices. gl~r~ou! ~i~ of Empire, an_d it was - as so many
ject throu ghout these pages on more fo rmal enfram ul mght' . It can be twinn ed with the rise of
K1phngs city of dreadf
Manc hester - and
industrial capitalism and that most Western of cities,
were the downfall of
DEM ARC ATIO NS yet antag onistically so, since the Manc hester mills
paradigm of mode rn
y suggested that 'the Ue_ngali weavers - just as it is opposed to the
In the preface to Tiu: lutimate E11e111y, Ashis Nand the image of New
'from a geographical cities, New York, despite being comp ared to it as
conce pt of the mode rn West' had been generalized York's future (Ther oux 1991 ; 109). It was the 'centr
e' of British rule of
y 1983: xi). The
and tempo ral entity to a psychological one' (Nand to Delhi), it was the
ent of the book India until 1911 (when the capital was moved
comp lexities of this statem ent arc many; the argum the East India Com-
alized in India, to a port throu gh which flowed the untold wealth that
invokes the idea that the 'West' has been intern pany extracted from the subco ntinen t; it was the
font of the Britis h
y of the title, but
degre e, incompletely. The 'West ' is the intimate enem were to be writte n
too. As a catego ry of Raj. If the histor y of the last three hundr ed years
the intellect itself is also this enemy, the self possibly eclipse that
a myria d of locations, from outside Europ e, Calcutta's impor tance would
mind, the geogr aphy of the West fragments into n. .It is also in Calcu tta that the Indian nationalist
move ment
hugel y homo geniz ing of Londo .
representations, citations. These are, of course, h . so many other
on - and Nandy,
tt_s ongms: arguably, then, the indep enden ce of
catego ries - India, West, mind, spaces, representati many to have been a
to make his points, coloiues can be traced to this place. It is said by
too, would aband on them, after he has used them
congestion; ruins, huts, mud, dirt; dung, urine, pus, humours, secretions and
British city, it was designed by British architects, the Ease India
running sores: all the thin~ 3b'3inst which we expect urban life to give us
Company and Raj officials - yet, despite common opi~ion that it w~s organised protection, all the things v.-e hate and guard against at such great
British-built, the city was very much a product of Indian labour, built cos~, all these by~products of cohabitation do not set any limitation on it in
by Indians who lived and worked there, under th~ Raj and after, a~d India. They arc more like a natural environment which the Indian town
who were always in the numerical majority. Since there can be dis- .needs to prosper. To every individual, any street, footpath or alley alTords a
putes over its material construction, it should not be thought unusual home, where he can sit, sleep, and even pick up his food straight from the
glutinous filth.... Every time I emerged from my hotel in Calcutta, which
that representation also becomes an issue.
\\"35 besieged by cows and had vulturl'S perched on its window-sills, I became
In a recent review it was noted that 'books on Calcutta could at
the central figure in a ballet which would have seemed funny to me, had it
least fill a fe\y library shelves even though most of these only serve not been so pathetic. The various accomplished performers made their entries
antiquarian interest' (Datta 1992: 87). It seems there is som_ething of a in ~u~n: a. shocbfock flung hi,mclf at my feet; a small boy rushed up to me,
gap when it comes to studies of contemporary Calc~tta - m any case, whmmg One anna, Papa, one annal' [an anna is a small coin; this theme
in English - and the prevailing historical circumspection could only be again) a cripple displayed his stumps .... And then there were a whole host of
enhanced by the Calcutta 300 commemoration volumes which, as Datta minor players, men who touted for rickshaws, gharries and taxis. There were
points out, were mostly old stuff. Contemporary Calcutta, however, is as many vehicles 35 one could possibly want, only a yard or two aw.iy, waiting
m lme by the pavement.... Not to mendon the multitude of merchants
often captured in essay collections, of varied quality - some very g~od
shopkeepc_rs and street, hawkers, to whom one's advent brought a promise of
- and in occasional monographs, photo albums and works of fictton. Paradise, smce one \\":15 perhaps going to buy something from them ...
What I want to do now is not so much to survey the archive of A single obsession, hunger, prompts this despairing behaviour; it is the
written Calcutta as to examine the ways in which travellers read their same obsession which drives the country-dwellers into the cities and has
path into the city. This might mean that I will not so much look at caused Calcutta's population to leap from two to five millions in the space of
books 1111 Calcutta, but must take up the task of analysis of the work of a few years; it crowds refugees into stations, although they cannot afford to
board the trains, and as one passes through at night, one can see them sleeping
visitors 10 Calcutta who, though perhaps mentioning Calcutta, and in
on the platforms, wrapped in the white cotton fabric which today is their
some cases devoting whole books to Calcutta, have written primarily
~rment but ~omorrow ~ill be their shroud; it accounts for the tragic intensity
011 themselves. 1 m the beggars gaze as his eyes meet yours through the metal bars of the first-
cfoss compartment, which have been put there - like the armed soldier
CLAUDE LEVI-STRAUSS s~uatti~g ?~ the footboard - to protect you from the mute supplication of a
smgle 111d1v1dual, who could easily be transformed into a howling mob if, by
Halfway through Tristes Tropiques, Levi-Strauss describes hi~ 1950 visit _to allowing your compassion to overcome your prudence, you gave the doomed
Calcutta. He arrived at Calcutta airport mid-century amtd a torrenual creatures some hope of charity. (Levi-Strauss 195511973: 134-5)
downpour, and was quickly whisked away to his hotel. From here he
This _is, I think, the lowest point of Levi-Strauss's work. While he may
describes the city. Levi-Strauss's contribution to scholarship can hardly
describe what he sees, his failure to consider the context, to account
be questioned, but for all the erudition and learning of his other writ-
f~r his own blind presumption, his Eurocentric and arrogant 'horror',
ings, his impressions of Calcutta are disappointing. ln a few brief_ pages
~1s all-too-swift consignment of suffering people to a hopeless 'doom',
he presents the city in ways which will be continually repeated m the
1s enough to condemn him. Even allowing for the special circum-
travel literature and popular histories I want to discuss in this chapter.
stances of Calcutta so soon after partition, this description is, tragically,
A rather long but 'representative' passage illustrates all the major themes:
a representative example of those which continue to be promulgated
we arc accustomed to assocfatc our highest values, both material and spiritual, by We~tern visitors at the present time. In a few short paragraphs, the
with urban life. But the large towns of India arc slum areas. What we arc reductive gaze of Levi-Strauss, from his hotel balcony and first-class
ashamed of as if it were a disgrace, and regard as a kind ofleprosy, is, in ln~i:i, carriage, condemns the whole city as a slum, as a kind of generalized
the urban phenomenon, reduced to its ultimate expression: the herdi~g lepro~y,_ as chaos; human beings are characterized as a meaningless herd
togetl11=r of individuals whose only reason for living is to herd toge~her_ m
of millions; these 'millions' eat, sleep and live amongst filth; whining
millions, whatever the conditions of life may bc.[2] Filth, chaos, promiscuity,
for a spare coin, nurtured only with dreams of Paradise (i_f t~e anthro- senses some of this, even as he contributes his share of 'truth' to the
pologist buys some trinket) or the forlorn 'hope of ~ha~1ty . All these 'conventional rumour of Calcutta' (Moorhouse 1971: 20):
are exaggerations, embellishments, hyperbole and fabrication. T?e work The truth is that almosc everything popularly associated with Calcutta is highly
of visitors who invent falsehoods and mythology under a reeling per- unpleasant and sometimes very nasty indeed. It is bracketed in the Western
sonal and cultural disorientation contrives to gloss such concoctions as ..{llind with distant rumours of appalling disaster, riot and degradation. The
'reality' - as they have witnessed it with their own eyes - rather than one incident in its history with which every schoolchild has always been
as the perspectival apparitions they must, in the circu~m~nces: be. familiar has been , ailed the Dlack Hole of Calcutta, and nobody who knows
In a short essay after a visit to Moscow,Jacques Derrida 1dent1fie_s two the place can ever have been surprised to learn that one of the most vidous
weapons ever devised by man, the Dum Dum bullet, was invented and
'risks' of travelogues: 'The first is that of selectivity', and he ~escnbes a
p_roduced in a small arms factory within a rifle shot of that splendid new
'recit misoune'. as a 'narrative that, more than others, filters or sifts out the airport. The very name Calcutta is derived from a symbol of fear and evil.
supposedly significant features - and thus begins ~o censor' ~e~rida (Moorhouse 1971 : 19)
I c: 1 -8); and the second stems from the first:'r111so1111er signifies,
993 97
in this case, to rationalise ... active overinterpretation' (Derrida 1993c: Moorhouse later retells the received British version of the story of
the lllack Hole with an added proviso that 'there is reason to believe
19 s). These two risks of perspective and ordering selection are the
themes of this work which take up Derrida's call (his is not the only call that some of it is fabrication' (Moorhouse 1971: 45), although he does
of this sort) for a 'systematic reflection on the relations between tourism not elaborate upon these reasons. Since the story of the lllack Hole
and political analysis' at a time when tou_ris~ h_as b~come highly 'organ- must be told here as well, it can be in a critical version: Marx calls the
ized'. Derrida writes - with Walter BenJamm m mmd, but also perhaps incident a 'sham scandal' (Marx 1947: 8 r). In an extensive collection of
Levi-Strauss - that such an analysis 'would have to allow a particular notes made on Indian history, Marx comments that on the evening of
place to the intellectual tourist (writer or academic) who thinks he or 21 June 1756, after the Governor of Calcutta had ignored the order of
she can, in order to make them public, translate his or her "t~~el Subadar Suraj-ud-daula to 'raze all British fortifications' in the city:
impressions" into a political diagnostic' (Derrida 1993c: 215). The pohncs
Su raj came down on Calcutta in force ... fort stormed, garrison taken
of travel literature remains to be unpacked.
prisoners, Suraj gave orders that all the captives should be kept m safoty till
the morning; but the 146 men (accidentally, it seems) were crushed into a
CONTESTED REPRESENTATIONS room l O feet square and with but one small window; next morning (as Holwt:ll
himself tells the story), only :1.3 were still alive; they were allowed to sail
'The black hole idea has a squalor-ridden ring to it that sends shivers down the Hooghly. lt w;is 'the Black 1-iole of Calcutta', over which tlie E11glisli
down the spine of the most intrepid of travellers.' (Fiona) lrypocritcs 11111,e bew making so 1111,c/1 sham sca11dal to 1111".s day. SurajTud-daula
returned to Murshidabad; Dengal now completely and effectually cleared of
Travel literature is possibly the most important source of information the English intruders. (Marx 1947: 81 ; emphasis added)
about Calcutta for all the travellers I met. There is no doubt that travel
guides are influential, although the entries in guides like that of Lonely Marx also reports on the subsequent retaliation against and defeat of
Planet _ Jmlia: A Travel Survival K it - are mostly glossed from other Sur.ij- ud-daula by lord Clive ('that Great Robber', as he calls him
texts like Geoffrey Moorhouse's Calw11a: 11,c City Revealed (1971), a elsewhere [Marx 185J Ir 978: 86]), and Clive's r 774 suicide after his 'cruel
book which is itself cobbled together from less well known sources persecution' by the directors of the East India Company (Marx 1947:
which complement the author's two short visits (r983 introduction). If 88). Not long after Moorhouse produced Calmtta:11,e City Revealed, Iris
the Lonely Planet says that Calcutta has 'become an interna~ional urban Mac;Farlane brought out her study, 771e Black Hole, or 111e Makings ef a
horror story' (Wheeler 1987: 3 t 1), then is it a confirmation to hear Lege111/ (I97.S), in which she contested the received version of the event
this repeated in the cafes and guesthouses frequente~ by t?~rists? Als~ and argued that the importance of'the non- event of the lllack Hole of
worthy of note are the ways in which highly evaluative opm1ons abou Calcutta' (MacFarlane 1975: 20) is 'only in the use to which it could be
the city are circulated by these texts throughout the world. Moorhouse put afterwards' (MacF.irlane 1975: 19). Six months after the alleged
event only a single report had emerged, and this in the context of a new the Histories
bleak imaof the B n"t'is.h R
. aJ· ava1·1able to visitors are sanitized, despite
British campaign. Certainly we can understand that the manufacture of The B .t' I Rg~r! of K1plmg, colonial wars, and malarial infestation.
an atrocity against British authority could be used to justify retaliation, n is J aJ is remembered, and its histories are written in terms
and the British response to their ousting from Calcutta - Clive's attack of_,grand durbahs, elephant hunts, Victoria memorials and the• ro •
known as the Battle of Plassey - instituted what even Macauley had to
- . Dran~,
,md °
• of Empire · This ki n d f h1story . I1as been challen
call 'a reign of terror' (Macfarlane 1975: 249). That this image continues many times, and yet the stereotypes and myths, like some fobulo!sty
to exert its influences today requires more careful analysis than monstrous Sunderba ns tiger, · keep rearmg . their ugly heads Altho .,h
Moorhouse can provide. His uncritical repetition of the received British they are less readily available in hotel and backpacker book. t ~g.
nevertheless p 'bl h . . s ores, lt 1s
version is typical. While he discusses the Oum Oum bullet in his intro- d ~ss1 .e t a~ attentive visitors can find local texts. Global
duction, it takes a further sixty pages before he bothers to note that the an commercial c1rculat1on systems conspire to make such texts less
vicious bullet was invented by a Britis/1 captain to kill Afridi tribes1m:n popular than Moorhouse, yet when they are sou ht out . . .
(1971: So). Moorhouse's quick etymological history of C:ilcutta evokes tha~ t~e productions of the Calcutta administrati~n expr::/sa reguv:arldmedg
Kali - as always, total anathema to British sentiment: 'She is Kali the optimism:
Terrible and she is propitiated with daily sncrifice, as well as with flowers. Calcutta is the city that leaves no-one indifferent A . .
When the Thugs strangled :i traveller, they knotted in one corner of the mood and style, cultttn: and politics industry a d... . gigantic melange of
much t · h' ' n commerce Then: is so
handkerchief a silver coin consecrated to Kali, to give them a better . o sec m t is apJ'are11tly confused and incredible: city li.... I
grip' (Moorhouse 1971: 20) (docs he offer this as advice on how to deal fi
will an_d a thousand images assail the eye.A mil[ion peo le urn w Jere you
of India stream across the massive Howrah b . ' p ro'.11 every corner
with travellers, perhaps? or journalists?). It is Moorhouse, not Marx, 1992; original emphasis) ndge. (Promotional Pamphlet
who is recycled in the Lonely Planet guide.
What kind of Calcutta is it that the travel guide promotes, when it The city of Calcutta conjures up i f .
gives the directions to Job Charnok's mausoleum and the site of the bursting at the scams with popula;:a:~v:r1:aJr:;~1~itrtan_ co~~lomerat~,
tics under severe strain. It would h b. j I • as1c c1vtc amem-
Black Hole? The repetition of given perspectives from popular histories old city 'f ' owevcr, c css than fair to thH 300 year
provide a shorthand of selected highlights of a glorious past which partici- 1 one were 10 take this sort of curso ·, · .
appreciate the Jong train of events lcadin to th: view without to
pates in the sanitization of history. Travel guides today remain overly probe the historical roots of the city's mal ~- e pr~~nt state of a1Ta1rs. To
generous to the British R:ij and relatively silent on the tragedy of partition,
the politics of weaving, or the terrible famines and the failure of the
days of colonial rule whose legacy conti~u::\Oo~c
{Government ofWcst B l
~:;e s to hark back to the
u en Calcutta even today
enga 1991: 111)
British administration to respond to them. Nothing, either, of the gains
of contemporary Calcutta - instead, only the sensations of the most West Bengal Chief Minister Jyoti Basu (CPI-M) .
Dep t f'Ti . , writes in a
extreme Naxalite actions.3 Travel guides actively reinforce the idealized rene~~ ~ent \ ~ur'.sm broc~1ure that Calcutta 'requires today a lot of
viewpoint of the Raj for visitors, by encouraging site-seeing of an . a ' yet e mv1tes tourists from other states and abroad t ..
tu I 'great city
. .. not d fi . . I o vmt
de or its soc1a interactions, political struggles cul-
explicitly ideo-archaeological kind. Travellers are provided with enough
clues to find a rather insignificant old plaque near the Post Office which ra acuvmes an progressive movements' (Basu r985} H. , ..
as leader of a Ma · . · 1s pos1t1on
marks the site of the alleged Black Hole. Similarly, the obscurities of the cap·t 1· . party currently introducing privatization and
1 izat1on may add a certai ·
earliest European gravestone and the burial place of Charnok are recorded, theesalike ' reat . , • n irony h ere as h e continues with epi-
but no information directs the visitor to see the statue of Congress and and in d g . ~etropohs ' profoundly attractive despite its limitations
wartime leader Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, or that of Lenin standing by b d a equ~c1es' and 'always alive and alert'. So that Calcutta is
Chowringhee. Only the glories of the Raj, and eccentricities like the oun. u~ with all 'our hopes and aspirations, struggles and tensions
Marble Palace, are made the subject of these historico-treasure hunts. expenence tells us that this city casts a deep impact on II t .
ecause of its trem d
bnow . 1. , a ounsts
The sightseeing activities of travellers who follow the advocations of en .ous vita lty (Basu 1985). Equally evocative, and
these guides (West Bengal Government Publications do seem Jess un- . gendered, evaluations are offered from the Profi fE
Jes at Calcutta University: essor o conom-
even) give spectacular support to a sham version of Calcutta's history.
overstati;~ - to _say the least - the heroic deeds of pukka British officers
The afflictions Calcutta has suffered since independence are of gigantic
proportions .... She [sic) made no exception when hordes of uprooted people and t~e mdo~utable' and charismatic Viceroy Louis Mountbatten. The
from East Pakistan flocked to her to strain her miserably meagre resources. book is explosively sensational and makes much of Mountbatten's efforts
With no attention, no sympathy forthcoming from anywhere, she absorbed to oversee a smooth transition from colony to independent nation. The
them.... But that was no end. She was in for further deprivation and humili- ~ook does ~ot detail M~u_ntbatten's terrible failure in this, preferring
ation. Her desperate appeals, particularly in recent years, for resources and instead to lune at sexual ha1sons between Congress leaders and Edwina
concern from the nation went unheeded, occasion after occasion. She met
Mountbatten, the Viceroy's wife. Across India travellers read this as the
the challenges and indignities by scaling newer heights of forbearance and she
most convenient English, German or French narration of the Inde-
is sttll building.... There are straws in the wind to indicate better days ahead,
there need not be any further concern about a declining hinterland.... Stat_e pendence period. Another Lapierre blockbuster is among those that
domestic product touched a growth rate of7.s% in 1988-89.... Thus there 1s have caused great concern in Calcutta in recent years. [n Tiie City ef
an excellent possibility of a significant generation of employment.... Calcutta Joy, the :rench author further lionizes the British Raj when he manages
can now set off on a fresh note. (Roy 1991: tOC)-1 I) to describe Cak~tta as an 'area of political exoduses and religious wars
such as no _other (Lapi~n-~ 1985: 31) and of dreadful famines, partition,
This optimism, however, can be tempered; again from the promotional
and war, without menuomng the responsibilities of the British in these
pamphlet we can read: 'No logic of history or geography has ever
matters .
applied to Calcutta. Its charm and fascination defy analysis' (Promotional
. Lapierre begins by calling Calcutta a 'mirage city'; it is 'one of the
Pamphlet 1992). b1gg~st urban disasters in the world - a city consumed with decay'
Defiantly, then, more analytical observers can recognize contem-
(Lapi~rre 1985: 31). He does not mention the British until after he has
porary dilemmas and historical and geographical causes, while looking
described the:
at a wider context:
crumbling fa~ades, tottering roofs and walls eaten up with tropical vegetation
Historically, Calcutta, a colonial metropolis, Im been an impoverishing city ··· some nc~g~bourhoods looked as if they had been bombed. A mh of
rather than an enriching one. The role of Calcutta has been that of impov- posters, pubhcity and political slog;ins, and advertisement billboards painted
erishing the countryside and of fattening itself at the latter's expense. In the
on the walls.··, In the absence of adequate refuse collection service, eighteen
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the East India Company, and in the h~ndred ron~ of refuse accumulated daily in the streets, attracting 3 host of
nineteenth century its successor the British Government, exploited the whole
flies: mo~qmtoes, rats, cockroaches and other creatures. In summer the
of eastern India with Calcutta as its suction base ... while one thinks of the proh_ferat1011 _of tilth brought with it the risk of epidemics. Not so very long
problems of Calcutta, the more fundamental problem is one of resuscitating
ago It w~s. mil a c~mmon occurrence for people to die of cholera, hepatitis,
rural West Bengal, Bihar, Onssa and Assam. (Mitra 1990: S9) cnccphalms, typhoid and rabies .... In short, Calcutta was 3 dying city. (L3pierrc
1985: p)
Mitra contextualizes images of Calcutta as the site from which the
wealth and riches of India were plundered and exported to Europe. As Ha~ing_ weighed all that garbage (eighteen hundred tons - how did he
1 have a\re:idy signalled, the point of my work is to examine how wei~h it?). and after he has prepared his list of rodents and diseases,
available literature and the experiences of tourists doing volunteer work Lap1e~re comes to the contrasted British Raj period, where he can
in the city fit into this zone. In contrast to Mitra's less widely available eulogize the 'prestigious past' of this metropolis. The discord with
views, the significance of the various glossed 'generous' histories of the Bengali writings on Calcutta could not be more obvious. The tone -
Raj - as consumed by tourists - should not be underestimated. even when it mouths obligatory critical facts - is the stuff of heraldry:
until the departure of its last British governor on August 15, 1947, Calcutta,
LAPIERRE'S CITY OF JOY more tlm_1 any other city in the world, had cpitomizcd the imperial dream
~fthe wlutc man's domination of the globe. For nearly two and a half centuries
A prominent example of the way a sanitized history of the British l~aj
it had bee~ the capital of the British Indian Empire. It was from here that
circulates is the success of Lapierre and Collins's book Frce,lom lit M11l- until 1912 ltS governors•general and viceroys had imposed their authority on
11(i:l1t (1976). This text is generally accepted among Indian historians as
Studies collective (Guha 1992), and would be a useful counter to the provide detailed practical advice for travellers; and to describe. Michael
Taussig finds that writing is fascinating because of its ability to be the
platitudes of much Western writing. . .
Today, journalism and tourism (notably Western JOurnahsm, Wester.n ?1eans o~ ~ransportation to other places; he wants 'to estrange writing
tourism) have overtaken a world in which these discourses were previ- ~tself,_ w~ttmg of any sort, and [to] puzzle over the capacity of the
ously complemented (or complicated) by a world of explorers, mission- ~1magmat10n to be lifted through representational media, such as marks
aries and traders. Increasingly the internationalization of markets, on a page, into other worlds' (Taussig r993: r6). Using this facility of
communications and military organiz:itions provokes a reconfiguration 'marks on a page', guidebooks and popular histories like that of
of thought about relations of domination, of cultural. a~d Moorhou~e convey what they have to show readers in simple terms,
production, and of the ways in which people caught ~v1thm these in- and promise no more. Lapierre's book is a 'blockbuster', and is described
terstices of power construct their worlds. Mary Louise Pratt use~ a in promotional ravings as just the sort of 'transportation to another
notion borrowed from Spivak to describe the ways travel and exploration world' that Taussig notes. Perhaps more complex are those works with
pretensions toW:lrds literature.
writing made a 'domestic subject' of colonial encou~.t.ers for Eu~p~an
readerships. 'Writing produced "the rest of the world through s1gn1~- Links between urban studies and surveillance can be made in a
ing practices which 'encode and legitimate the aspirations of economic variety of ways. Guards posted at the fortified walls of the castle the
expansion and empire' (Pratt 1992: 3). This 'domestication' of the census of the city residents which follows from mechanisms of defence
colonial encounter (the word 'encounter' evokes Talal Asad's excellent from the plague (Foucault 1977: 205), and so on. Those who visit
book on the relations between anthropology and colonialism, as well as Calcutta to perpetrate a text - and it seems that at any one time there
the euphemistic use of the word by police and journali~ts in . th~ are several visitors attempting to write books on the city in addition to
Calcuttan press to refer to incidents where, often unarmed, Naxahtes those filling diaries and journals, and writing many letters home - are
are killed by police fire) is not only directed cowards the 'reade~s· wh~ part of this vast writing machine whose transcription process can be
sit in the metropolitan libraries; it is also the case that travel itself 1s understood as surveillance. When Giinter Grass travels to Calcutta he
made a domestic subject by such writing, so that travellers who write wr'.t~s, and draws, in a way that emphasises the spectral quality of his
do not ever quite get up from their reading chair (armchair anthro- wntmg. He observes and transcribes what he sees through his sixty-
year-old eyes.
pology). . . Grass has written several books that include sections on India. In
Graphically illustrating the dynamics of the new world mformatrnn
order is the way travel literature and the travel industry correspond 11,e Headbirtl1s Arc Dyi11g Om, he describes an early visit to the country,
with a huge, many• tentacled writing machine. This machine writes but ~eems m~re concerned with the fortunes of some German sausage
Calcutta for every tourist from various scraps of information circulated earned to Singapore by friends. In a later novel, F/o1111der, which
through books like those of Moorhouse, travel guides, traveller talk, purports to be a history of Planet Earth, he devotes fifteen terse pages
the advice of agents, journalistic snippets on the documentary news to Calcutta. Writing in the guise of one of the earliest visitors to India
and other information sources. Among all this, the written versions of Grass provides an array of stereotypical pronouncements. The mos;
Calcutta are arrayed as a cut-up text for new visitors to reconstruct volatile o~ th~se: and perhaps the one which betrays the greatest
arrogance, 1s his lme about God shitting and Calcutta appearing (Grass
within determinate rules. 1977: r86; see Chapter 2 note 4). Prefigured in this earlier novel are
also all the themes of the major work he has devoted to Calcutta S/rorv
Your To11g11e (1~89), including the anecdotal explanation of the signifi-
The writing of travel guides need not be elegant; it is, after all, a cance of showing tongues - after visiting the Kali temple Grass asks
functional convenience. (The best guidebooks are tough, well-bound, why Kali's red tongue lolls out, and is told that it is through shame
stitched and sturdy - able to survive at the bottom of backpacks, thrown after a frenzy. o~ destruction and mayhem. Grass links this to the image
around, spines cracked, well-thumbed). To a greater or lesser extent of mothers d1ppmg baby pacifiers into 'brackish sugar water', for reasons
travel guides are part of a literature which serves a dual purpose: to that are unclear ( I mean Grass's link is unclear, my guess is that he is
Smoke, fumes and a grey haze hung over everythini; and people lay like bus fair: 'as gari~h. as exotic as poss.ible, with just a touch of political
accident victims asleep in rows on the ground while cars, buses and people involvement' (Grass 1989: 54- 5).
streamed past. It was an operatic set from hell. (Llewellyn 1991: S) Immediately after this comment, Grass includes a brief description
of a Mrinal Sen film which, not accidentally placed in this narrative,
I must accept, that I can only look at India. (Llewellyn 1991: 21)
shows that India, too, has its hypocrites. Upon the arrival of more
Grass does not talk often; his authorial persona is mute. I think this sketching materials, he travels to a crematorium to watch and draw,
is not so much to do with his being German - after all there are many and be watched while drawing:
German-speaking Bengalis, and h is English would be sufficient - but
three fires arc burning: one has burned low, the corpse turned to ashes.
is, rather, a consequence of his intellectual voyeurism. He sets out
Down toward the Ganges, the courtyard opens to scenery through which
further tasks for his writing project. One is to 'follow a single cow for pass thinning swathes of smoke. Simultaneously, the chant of young men
a day' in order to be able to describe 'how she grazes o~ garbage, is. an around a new tire, and the forsaken corpses once the cremation draws to an
island in traffic, how she lives in the shadows, is fleetingly a resung end. Occasionally someone adds wood or shoves a charred piece - is it a
place for cows, how - late now - she watches over the sleep of pave- body or a branch? - back into the blaze. The slightly sweet odour. (Grass
ment dwellers' (Grass 1989: 90). (It is interesting that Grass has often 1989: 55. 6).
identified with animals rather than people - the rat, the flounder, the
cat and the cockroach feature as authorial identities in his writing. The observer at the cremation, again a voyeur, makes no comment at
the propriety of such invasion. (At which I am surprised: I, too, igno-
What does this me:m?).
Grass seems frustrated and furious. So why, I wonder, was he rantly went to stare at the ghat - only to be chased away very quickly
compelled to subject himself to this 'ordeal' in the city? He ~akes it a~ by vigilant attendants. Why do tourists like to hang around with the
ordeal, and produces a book - is this the equation? Suffering for his dead? I would never go to funerals for entertainment at home.) After-
wards he attends an orchestral recital: 'A lost, obscene evening' (Grass
art? Just what is at stake when one feels the u~gc .to ~roduce a text .-
when one needs to write? What sort of necessity 1s tlm? The cathartic 1989: 56). The obscene here is not the European orchestra, but the fact
activity of the author who must write what he sees and tell it how it that in the next sentence Grass values more highly his drive home,
is? Grass is subject to the same singularities of perception and per- which provokes reflections 'on pyres, sleepers in shadows, vigilant cows'
spective, even as he claims, and is claimed to have, the higher status_ of (Grass 1989: 56). These thoughts an: more than repetitive; they are the
'literature'. Echoing Levi- Strauss, he writes: 'What is India? An occasion raw materials which circulate through the conduits of international
for publishing handsome picture books in colour or black and white. publishing to provide material from which ever more orchestrated
versions of Calcutta are collaged. These daily diary moments of Grass's
The legacy of the British Empire' (Grass 1989: 87).
When Grass does listen to Bengalis, he is shamed into recognition cathartic writing are also produced for readers, produced and marketed
that his 'empire' - that of publishing - is interested only in 'Third in coffee-table-size hardback glossy covers, within a global economy in
which meanings circulate and reinforce the stereotypes of Calcutta as a
World' exhibitionism:
city of cows, garbage, sleepers and ghats.
I hear the complaints of Bengali writers. The 'Indian Weck' during the Does cathartic writing work? Is it the 'action' Grass seeks? The sta-
Frankfurt Book Fair w;1s a fraud. Invited and trotted out, they had been tus of enunciative statements of problems needs to be evaluated along-
merely used for show. Some splendid art books were sold, yes, but no laq;c side the fragility of comparisons which enter into the global market -
publishing house was seriously interested in the literatures _of _India. I am they are so easily appropriated. A Bangladeshi guide, Daud, takes Grass
shamed by these complaints, not merely because they arc Justtfied. (Grass
into a decaying 'lndo-Victorian' palace, now crowded with refugees.
1989: 54) Daud 'should be depressed' (Grass 1989: 75) since he is to be deported,
Part of Grass's shame, perhaps, is that he, too, is able to sell an art and because of the state of his countryfolk living in slum conditions.
He is not depressed, but hopes Grass can help. Grass counsels him to
book. His book carries some 56 sketches, and might be described with
'write about it' (Grass 1989: 76), but there is no evidence of any book
the same words he uses to condemn the exhibitionism of the Frankfurt
from Oaud. Does Grass's publishing house offer Oaud a contract; what on a very casual basis, in the street clinic treating leprosy. I wonder if this
kind of audience would be available, interested, attentive? A~d to :,vh~t seems as ironic to others as it does to me - reading in Calcutta certain
exemplary texts, and thinking about John's questions of the institutional
end? Writing it out may sometimes be cathartic, but there is no mdi-
obligations placed upon us to write (still more: absurd was the request to
cation that this can be gem:ralized, universalized. Perhaps the erasure of write on the de-centred self and colonialism - 1 cannot begin that one here),
the trauma ofWorld War (I in the German author's work has been too 3,!ld doing this work, and Gunter Grass in Calcutta talking about decompo-
suc(.essful a formula. What can descriptions of dilemmas achieve when sition and shit, feeling guilty about writing at all, :ind wondering if all th~·se
th e causes are re mote, and the descriptions remain unpublished?. Grass
things might connect up somehow.... Complicit in the production of yet
perpetrates a book, and then complains of the 'routine corruption . of another set of questionable questions - just what is the connection between
the Writers' Building where 'dusty bundled papers, piles of.them~ high writing on the body :ind the bodily decay of leprosy? Obviously we should
as wardrobes, never disturbed, unless by the draft of the fans are simply be a little nervous about attempting theoretical moves in such a space -
someone s:tid last night that 'too much discourse can be bad for the body' -
'filed away among other filed-away files' (Grass 1989: 94). it crosses my mind that writing :tbout leprosy is bad for the body too, or :it
least 1 can't see how it does much good - especi31ly as I've had the oppor-
THE IMPERATI VE TO WRITE ABOUT LEPROSY tunity to 'do something' about it, that is, to treat lepers. Too much discourse
is probably b:td for writing too. (Craig: Journ:tl)
The power of those who can write, and who are p_u~lished, is never
more brutally apparent than when it comes to wrmng about those But this, perhaps, is only the writing anxiety of someone obliged to
who are disenfranchised in Calcutta, especially those about whom the write; and after all, this is cle:irly insufficient to help while the inter-
traveller-volunteers continually write: those who suffer from lep~sy. It national hierarchy, the World Bank- IMF, the Third World debt system,
is simply a fact that I can hold a pen, that I can ~P:
words mto a
keyboard. Yet these physical distinctions may be less s1gmficant than the
and the World disorder (this refrain) remain. This :inxiety about writing
is one which generates a considerable amount of text. It is a deceit
• · J di"flierences which allow me travellers, scholars, Grass, which both Grass, as well as less well-known visitors often express.
Lapierre, and others, to write about lepros~. This is a~ :i_rc~ wh~re Visitors find it hard to write about Calcutta, I have read or heard this
Bengali writers who are unpublished, or published only m hm1ted _cir- so many times that it has become a dominant refrain of my collection
culation also h:ive some comparative power. This much was recognized of popular representations of the city. Again, this is expressed in an-
long ag~ by the late Bengali author Premendra Mitra: other visitor's reflection:
To be honest, I feel quite hesit3nt about writing this story. I don't think I
When 1 first went to Calcutta I visited :t home run by the Sisters of Charicy
1t3vc the right to write about these two people. Not merely because those
(Mother Teresa's order). I was dismayed - I did not think 1 could work there
who read the story will insult them with their pity. Dut :iho bec3~sc I dou~t
I have the kind of empathy required to understand the dark reality of their like the other tourists I met, who seem to tick it olf on a list of cultural musts
for the visit to India (the Taj, a lion park, work with Mother Teresa, bhang
Jives. After all, how large arc our hearts? We are easily exhausted :ifter ~ve
lasm) - and later in that day, setting just that thought down on paper, one of
distribute our sympathies amongst the few around us; and as for generosity,
the 'Mother T ' volunteers said to me 'it's hard to write it up, ch?' So I w;is
that is 3 much abused word. Nevertheless, let me try to s3y what 1 want to. ·.
:ittempting just that - impressions from a few observ:itions. Not very 'chari-
(Mitra 1990: 72) t:iblc' of me at all, and since 1 never went back I am insuffidendy qualified
There is, of course, no question of not writing, despite the fre~uent to comment on the goings on there. But just what sort of qualification would
doubts and questionings about why we write. It is _the morahty of satisfy I do not know, and this is the problem that plagues everything I try
writing, and of reading, that must be continually questioned._ I wonder. to write on this. Would Christian zeal help? Can I repeat the gossip 1 later
heard about multiple use of unsterile syringes, of missionary conversions, of
Travellers' texts which explicitly address these problems sttll d~. ~ot cruelty and loneliness? I cannot ev:iluatc this gossip or gauge if these arc lies.
solve the dilemma; in February of 1990 a friend from England vmtmg There is not much I can offer in writing about it Qune; Journal)
me in Calcutta makes a journal entry:
t'w been trying again 10 get out an article I've been_asked to write about the A letter from this same volunteer who wrote to me after returning
body for a journal, at the same time, I've been workmg a few hours each day, from Calcutta included more detailed comments on leprosy which I
reproduce for the record, and bec.mse this letter, and this passa~e, make system desperately. Artists dedicated proceeds from a Calcutta 300
ex:plicit the assistance I received from so many of those mentioned as exhibition to the Cleaner Calcutta Fund. Everybody is talking about
how to represent the city, but this talk of shit does not mean that Grass
'travellers' in this text:
is correct, does it? The city is a many- headed monster like the deities
Leprosy has, as you know, an almost unique place as the mark of t?c outcastc, of~its Hindu goddery - Calcutta has many faces, many truths.
although the presence of lepers in the middle of the city req~1res a And only now, perhaps, is it time to face up to all these body
careful consideration of this sign of ostracism. Medically, leprosy 1s a bacterial
metaphors. We adorn our commentaries with the visage of anthropo-
disease involving damage to the peripheral nervous system destroyin~ those
conduits which carry messages of touch, pain and heat to the br:un, ~nd
morphism - everything must eventually front up to this. Looked at
messages fi-om the brain to activ;ite muscles. The loss o~ _sense perception between the eyes, dead centre, in a cold stare, we must agree - nodding
results in repeated injuries which slowly produ~e deform1t'.es, clawed hands our heads - that a special privilege has been accorded this space we
and noduled skin, in extreme cases also loss of sight. In India the Lepers Act only ever see as a mirror-image. The narcissus of metaphor is written
of 1898 is still legally valid Qha 1979; 67) and forbids a leprosy patient ~rom on the polished surfaces of the commercial shopping mall to teach us
washing at a public tap, or travelling in a public vehicle other _than a tramp to avoid the trauma of exotic reflections - there are not so many mirrors
don't know why train travel was allowed). Leprosy has been said to affect 1 ¼
on the streets of Calcutta, and so to see yourself is rare; you would
of India's total population of Boo millions. And for the last few months I have
had this infection on my left hand which docsn 't ever totally go away ~ not
need to look closely into local eyes: something many visitors avoid in
to mention a permanent case of giardia which has had me at the micro- order to keep self intact. Still the lepers queue for treatments outside
biology unit of the uniwrsity for stool tests more often than I care to re- the Modern. What we are looking for, I think, is a metaphor to tell us
member. Just to get a part-time job at the University where I've always all about what we are doing when we write about travel.
worked they now demand an X-ray for tuberculosis. Is this where the pres-
sures of the institution are finally imposed upon me? What seems to most
intrigue me about your fieldwork is that it is resistant to description, it doesn't ON WRITING INDULGENCES
easily enter theory except perhaps as anecdote, and even then it escapes ~nd
collapsL'S into self-reference. Here I am looking a~ what ~ou hav~ been domg
ls writing a 'tool' for making sense (making routine? domesticating?)
and trying to match it up with what you have said and ~t ~ocsn t seem to fit. experience? It seems that the urge to write is deployed for similar
The idea th:it somehow a critique of world system cap1tahsm can come out reasons by the traveller engaged in some kind of quest of'self-discovery'
of the frustrating futility and contradictions of charity work in Calcutta is and by the academic engaged in 'research'. The academic writer encodes
absurd because, despite the theory, the local does not flow into the global so ex~erience and tho~ght in a next ... next ... nex:t ... narrative of expla-
easily. Oune; Letter)· nation. The authority words and phrases which enable this narrative
Experience of Calcutta is carved up with a vivisectionism that follows include everything from 'thus it can be shown' to the gymnastics of
old rulebooks and travel guides in a duplication of empire in another 'discursive and structural displacement' - all these codifications are re-
disguise - after all, tourists come to consume India too. Surely this _is inforced by exemplary texts {the canonical studies) and offer, in too
all the hunger for travel brings. With a ~wist our bodies are once ~gam many cases, little more than a higher-order journalism. Writing about
divided and ruled, a grid tattooed on to the flesh through the skm of Calcutta easily falls prey to an unproblematised 'research' project which
the world, all by the logics of market forces and the manufacture of confronts untruth with the hammer of knowledge. If, as Derrida says,
things were so simple, then word would have got around. Reading
Calcutta is just 300 years old, so it is strange to hear that it is dead Grass .a~d _,...anting to write about India as it has been understood by
alongside cities like Varanasi (4,000) and Delhi (2,000). But for all t~_e the d1sc1plme of anthropology led me to these questions, but main-
hype of the Calcutta 300 celebrations, with a logo designed by SatyaJ1t stream Western scholarship about India is not concerned with writing.
Ray himself, it seemed that the main topic for consideration was merely Anthropological approaches to the subcontinent seem caught in a kind
the drains - they overflow during the monsoon and are used as general of nostalgia for their very own Raj, a Raj of Bailey, Berreman, Srinivas
metaphor. Grass, too, is obsessed with shit. The city built after Charnock and Dumont.6 Much of South Asian ethnography cannot move until it
arrived, punting up the Hooghly river in 1690, needs a new sewerage has declared allegiance to the governing council of hierarchy, caste,
village and Rama. This is not even to begin to consider what the this very strange? (And is it so unusual, to mention this one example, to
scholars of religion are doing deep inside their Puranas, Veda~ and be eating when you write or read? The guilt I should maybe feel at
Upanishads. Important as their efforts may be, the anthropolog1~ts at writing-eating-reading about those who often do without. To consume
work where the dust and cobwebs of the Queen Victoria Memorial or the flesh of some beast while consuming the readable thoughts of some
India Museum reading-rooms have never been churned faster than the other beastly writer? Are these carnivorous systems really so separate?
same slow pace of the ceiling fans {to borrow from Grass) all se~m out Since when, moreover, were carnivores able to write? h this the process
of date. These arcane scholars are unlikely to be concerned with the where Grass gets his interest in garbage and excrement? In Salman
postmodernisms and post-Marxisms that pre.occupy the st~dents of Rushdie's Mid11iglrt's Clriltlrm Padma, the dung goddess, asks 'what is so
Calcutta's universities, nor with the Modermsms and Marxisms that special to need all this writing-shitting?' Calcutta had the first sewerage
remain str-qng there too. . system in India - r859 (Banerjee r990: 94)). Georges Bataille n:imes the
How is it that institutional affiliations contrived to make me feel other, the heterogeneous, the incommensurate, as:
that I was expected to write about others? Those '.~estitute' people the waste products of the human body and certain analogous matter (trash,
who visired the clinic, whose existence as personaht1es would . then vermin, etc); the parts of the body; persons, words, or acts having suggestive
become secondary to their status as patients, as sufferers from a d~sease or erotic value; the various unconscious processes such as dreams or neurosis;
(which medicine will cure, which is 'constructed' and should be linked rhe numerous elements or social forms that homogeneous society is power-
to capitalism, and so on). Immediately this raised problems: the pr:°b- less to assimilate; mobs, the warrior, aristocratic and impoverished classes,
lems of all writing, the problem of discourse, the problems of action, different types of violent individuals or at least those who refuse rule (mad-
men, leaders, poets, etc.). (Bataille 1976/1991: 142)
the problem of writing here, now, for such
r. • h '?
such an audience, for you, perhaps - I don't know - lot t e~ , Writing becomes indulgent. Cut off from this lifeline as if with a
1 tried co list my questions; What are the scatological c_o-ordmates of knife, a stream of ink separates from me as I push my pad away, push
writing? Of writing about culture, especially other bodies, other cul- my chair back from the table. This disconnection from a page of my
tures - is it always a matter of perspective? Or is it the wa~ _you hold work - if I am reading or writing - severs myself from my self. I have
the pen? What perspective could I have taken towards wrmng about written these words like refuse dumped pile on pile amid coffee cups
leprosy? Calcutta? The dubious association made between poverty a_nd and dirty plates, and I don't know how to clean up. (The meal of
this city under the sign of charity? For all the effort and sore wrists yesterday decays inside me and comes out as waste matter - 'Delhi
that the recent flurry of commentary on representations has produced, belly' in Calcutta - the oscillation of life and some shit which stinks of
what has been learnt about ail this? death: decomposition is decrepit as this becomes a necrophiliac kind of
I thought of all the visitors to the city who, just like me, struggle reading. A book is a dead body, a piece of stale flesh, cooked or rot-
with letters home, photographs, diaries, impressions, first, sec.ond and ting, neither lives. Yet there is something nourishing in connection
revised expectations, disappointment and confusion, thrills, JOYS, ~nd with this rumination, a kind of ~u~tenance in fermentation.)
the reassuring normality of sometimes being bored to tears. M_appmg Not to mention ... a certain two-faced silence allows a rhetorical
Calcutta in a variety of ways, I ,vanted to unravel the conventions of signalling of something, without claiming to touch it. There is always
representation of the city in the films of Ray, Sen and Hauff, as well as someone trying to point without the stigmata of the voyeur. Untoucha-
in the books of Mitra, Devi, Gangopadhay, all these people - but not bles and unmentionables abound and proliferate everywhere, an entire
that I think there are an isolable number of versions I could lay hefo~e corpus of explicitly silent exposed parts.
a reader. I fell into the same traps as other Western visitors; the place 1s
too big, it defies description, it cannot be fitted into the pages of a METAPHORS OF WASTE
book, or we'd all be able to live inside the glossy covers - could we
accommodate ten million? I think there is something significant in the propensity of visitors like
The pains and pleasures of writing are cut o~t- of texts. Not re~re; Grass to describe the city in the metaphorical register of waste. Such
sented, they are set adrift in a realm outside of wntmg on culture - 1sn t associations accord closely with much of the Western academic and
And the healthy thing about this sick city is that just when you begin to feel
media stereotyping of the city; as a 'model of urban hell', as described
comfortable and understand something it turns around and throws you. The
by visiting scholar Leonard Gordon at another of the Calcutta 300 longer I stay the less I know.' (Peter)
seminars. In a lecture at Jadavpur University, Gordon portrayed Western
visitors' experiences of Calcutta over the last three hund_re~ years as a Peter's view was that Calcutta was written differently in each person.
mixture of horror and fascination. He suggested three mam tmages that He repeats the 'Calcutta aphorism': 'When the bottom falls out of your
belonged to the model of urban hell in Calcutta: re~u~ees, the Black ,vorld, come to Calcutta and watch the world fall out through your
Hole, and the Kali temple. His litany of other peoples insults to Cal- bottom.' With so many possible Calcuttas, is it any wonder that contra-
cutta demonstrated the general North American fear of the place, but diction and confusion, repetition and reversal are dominant themes? If
whether these 'hellish' representations are, indeed, representative of everything you ever heard about the city is as dialectical as this, is it
Calcutta was not discussed in detail at the seminar. Many in the audi- any wonder that the city has such exemplary status?
ence thought that Gordon's paper only repeated various platitudes \~ith- Among all the images which are invoked for the city, for many the
out further comment. The suggestion was made from the floor, m a most grim is that of death. Rajiv Gandhi, as well as visitors like Patrick
manner that evoked the tense reception of Grass at his seminar, that Swayze and Giinter Grass, have all linked the city to death. In a rather
articulation of stereotypes does not do enough to dislodge them unless angry dismissal of the city, one traveller exclaimed: 'Calcutta is a dead
it is placed in an analytical context which transforms understanding. _ city. Full of shit. Sure, you can see the life of the people here, or go to
The modd of'urban hell' is also a pervasive one among travellers; 1t some concerts, but it was born a long time ago and has now died.
informs many comparisons with other cities, most often New York: Can't you smell it?' (Gian). Certainly the city smells in parts; a conse-
'this is what New York will look like in twenty years - shitty' (Rachel). quence of limited public conveniences, steadily improving. This is a
Urban chaos is cause for distress for many travellers, and almost in- major shock for a good number of visitors, and a source of great
variably manifests some form of'culture shock' featured in tales of first frustration for many residents and for the municipal authorities. Yet
impressions and arrival scenes. When Fiona first came to_ Calcutta s_he obituaries written by tourists are a little premature. In a comment that
hated it. She said she'd had to get drunk and talked for six hours with at least indicates the beginnings of auto-critique, another traveller
her Irish partner before she was able to deal with the view out ~f her pointed out; 'At first you only see the people in rags, later on you
window: 'I had to keep getting up to see that it really was India out notice the middle classes, but even the poor have more dignity and
there - I just couldn't believe what I saw, such crowds, and the toilets~. more "life" in their poverty than many other people' Ooe).
There is, of course, no one version of the city. Everyone has their
own and not all are views from a bathroom window. Indeed, some BOOKS IN CIRCULATION
trave,llers express very different ideas of the city over the time of their
stay. This was evident most clearly when, after more than two yc_ars, I To return to the previous chapter and the rooftop of the Modern
formally sat down with long-term volunteer doctor Peter to discuss Lodge: among the volunteers who come to work in the Preger clinic
Calcutta for a newspaper article. Peter thought that the process of there is a kind of'canon' of classical travellers' texts that are often read.
defining and coming to understand a little of what happened to longe~- These are texts like 17,e City efjoy and Show Your To11g11e, which form
term visitors to Calcutta was important. They come to change their and reinforce perceptions of the character of the city, but there is also
minds about some things, and then change them again, over and over: a more general travelleri' canon. This includes the travel writings pro-
duced and promoted, and distributed, by the formal 'industry' of travel
•Calcutta is an international city in the first instance, although this point is writing and bookstores, but also circulating informally, passed from
generally mis~ed because those outside Calcutta have antiquated views of the backpack to backpack - a series of dog-eared 'standards' which form
city. I believe there is no final ver;ion of Calcutta.' only _many, an~ they. ar~ and reform traveller identity and have significant resonance for budget
scattered all over the world , hence it's an international city.... TlllS, I dunk,
travellers on a global hunt for the banana pancake.
means not only that every tourist that has been here has a different version
of the c:ity, but that everyone has many versions, many imp~ssions, e\·cn you Deleuze and Guattari comment, as a fold within a certain capitalism
and I, each of the Dengalis, everyone will have a number of different Calcuttas. at a transitional moment, on the literature of those backpacker-traveller
causin g
Every writer is a sell-
device in its pack-
go ;md its form of
133). They note that it age:, fo~ricatmg a counterfctt curren cy,
social order ' (Deleuze and Guattari 1972/ J983: value of its form of conte nt.
deride 'Ideo logy' as a expression to explode, as well as the market
is people, not works, that are co-opted, and (Dcleuzc and Guatta ri 197-2/ J98J; , 34)
g the relationship of
confused notion: 'because it keeps us from seizin
' (Deleuze and Guattari by a k.m d
the literary machine with a field of production All our theme s are here in this passage which lauds Artaud,
suggests again that . . . 1 h'
1972/1983: 133). In :m exemplary passage which assoc1atto~ _wit l 1s own venomous critique, as
the locus of an explosive
, the style, or even the
writi ng offers a metaphor of great importance counterfeiting ~tyle - yet Artaud, too, causes flows
to circul ate, breaks
is no longer defined
absence of style, is: 'the mom ent when language the wall, and sttll canno t succeed. The critiques
only confi rm the form
signifying thing, but by
by what it says, even less by what makes it a of th~ machin~, as if the words themselves were
in circul ation witho ut
{Deleuze and Guattari
what causes it to move, to flow, to explode' mea~mg - as tn the form of currency. This challe
nges our notio n of
1972/ 1983: 133). And if style can be read
as an index of a certain theor ies of the gift and of distribution;
the impo rt of excha nge,
, by way of the kinds of
mom ent in the history of capitalist production
then the inscriptions of where the essential would bi;:
flows , movements and explosions it may cause, soci~ty is not first of :ill a milieu for exchange
This can be a guide to a socius of inscription where
any mom ent must be read for such markers. to circulat~ or ~o c~usc ro circulate, but rather
be m~rkc d. There is cin:ul.:ition only if
what is said of Calcutta. ~he ~ss~nt1al 1h1~g 1s to mark and
all literature (and es or permi ts it. (Dclcu zc and Guatt~ri , 97:?/J98J: , 4 .2)
mscnp uon requir
Yet there is also exemplary writing, surely. Not
can be dismissed as
not all of Kerouac and Ginsberg, Lapierre or Grass} of meaning wher e the
there are some writings So it may well b~ necessary to posit a theor y
just 'style'. Ther e is always authority in style, but r is to be linked to the protocols of
to do with form. Some theory of p~od~rn~n and of labou
that I prefer to others for reasons not solely d be confi rmed within the widest
there are more ways plane_t~ry distribution. This woul
Calcuttas, too, are bette r written. The point is that ps Deleu ze and Guatt ari anthr opo-
us. It is not the case that definm_ons of writing, which perha
to read works than are ever immediately obvio none the less seem to offer up the
or that a certain photo - morph,se too much, but which
versions of writte n Calcutta are simply wrong, structure of all production as a mode of inscription:
a representation of that
graphic image of some scene in the city is not
circulating _ exchanging - is 3 secondary activi~ in compariso~ with the pure and simple displaccmem of a person who is a[w.iys identical to them-
scl ves, a nomad only in the spatial sense ... a desire not to go aw.iy anymore
task that sums up all the others: marking bodi~s, ,~h1ch arc t?e earths _products:
came over me. (Lciris 1948/J991: 197)
The essence of the recording. inscribing soc1us, msofor a~ 11 lays. clan~ to t~l~
productive forces and distributes the agents of producuon, rcstd~s 1_n these
operations: tattooing, excising, carving, scarifying, mutilating, encircling and
This fantastic comment offers a symmetrical counterpoint to the arrival
initiating. (Delcuzc and Guattari 197;i/i983: 144)
o[ Levi-Strauss in India with which this chapter began. In L'Afriqrre
fa1110111e Leiris writes that he is 'cured of the "exotic mirage" - surely a
But what experience is marked, or encoded, through _these product_ive step in the direction of a more realistic view of things' (Leiris 1934:
forces and distributive agencies if not exactly an experience_ of marking 532). This 'more realistic view', at the end of a huge book more akin
_ of marking one's self upon the text of the world, or specifically here, to the African novel of Raymond Roussel than to any contemporary
in Calcutta. Ju~t as Levi-Strauss writes of a Calcutta he can see_ only ethnography or travel writing, leads Leiris to forsake travelling. And
through his experience, his experience is seen_ through th_e exercas~ of specifically, he is cured of wanting to travel to the very place Levi-
.. d perhaps of a certain anguish of bemg faced with the abJeCt Strauss was destined soon to visit: 'the exotic mirage is over. Gone is
wntmg, an . . l · f
impoverishment of a crippled beggar. S1m1larly, t 1e sensation o the desire for Calcutta' (Leiris 1934: 509).
Lapicrre's novel might be understood as a consequence o~ the form o,f
seeing Calcutta as a site for such historical fantasy. The project. of Grass s
writing also 'confirms' Calcutta in a particular ~vay, ex~ludmg other In this chapter I have examined wrmng technique and style in the
possibilities, etching one city in place of a (now 1m)poss1ble other(s). formation of Western views of Calcutta. The contested representations
of the city - which were at stake in the debates, for example, around
THE RETURN OF LEIRIS Lapierre's novel City efJoy - will reappear in Chapter 6. Such debates
and their effects indicate the scope of the global circulation of repre-
Jn the promotional insert of his epic \~or~ ~'Afriq1_,e, fimto_me, Michel sentations of Calcutta, the systems of distribution which enable books
Leiris is described as an author 'sick of has hfe m Pam and m _search of on these matters to proliferate, and the ways in which the particular
escape, adventure and self-realization. He views 'travel as po~uc a~ven- experiences of particular writers come to be formed, and can form
ture, a method of concrete knowledge' (Leiris 1934, quoted m Ch~ord solid evidence for the need to attend more closely to the hegemonic
19 8!1: 1 6 5). Dut Leiris's escape does not offer many adventures, smcc privilege accorded to such works. The stench of shit in writing about
'capitalism ... [has the] increasing tendency to rend~r all ~r_ue !1uman Calcutta, and the attendance to garbage and squalor that is the motif of
contacts impossible'. Despite his distaste for metropolitan cmes, by the so many visitor writings on the city, have to be understood as snap-
end of his journey, he yearns for return' (L~iris in Clifford_ 1988: 166). shots taken within a particular representational frame. The technologies
Leiris asks if he is obliged to record everythmg, every experience, every of book production, and the circumstances of those who visit to write,
thought or feeling, while he is among the Dagon ~Leiris. was ~ part of produce Calcutta according to these themes as a cipher which travels
the famous Dakar-Djibouti expedition led by Maurtce Gnaule m 193_0). all around the world. These, in turn, interrelate with all that is discussed
He records such events as a satisfying bowel movement (Koeppmg by budget travellers on the rooftop of Modern Lodge. It is the structure
writes: 'maybe Leiris actually has the guts not to glorify the ex~erien~~ of technologies of representation which give focus to the imagery of
of field-work as he eliminates the romantic from the_ morm~g shit decay - it is not simply there, but is discursively produced - which
[Koepping 19s9: 41 )), and complains that he is workmg against th_e further evokes the developmental and 'charitable works' intervention-
poison of publication. And what does he achieve in the end? In his ism of those who would demand that something must be done to
autobiography, Rules of tl,e Game, he repom: 'ethnography only 'd ean it all up'. Grass bemoans the intellectual scene which is irrelevant
succeeded in turning me into a bureaucrat' and: amid squalor in a way which implies that local 'intellectuals' don't care
enough. The invisibility of the communist organizations working to
travelling as I conceived of n (a solitary distancing), far from being a way of
improve Calcutta is another effect of his orientation. Once again this is
making oneself other than what one is by c I1angmg
· ones• setung,
· ·is only the
the framework which attributes bl:ime locally, and it is Grass, n~t local
intellectuals, who is unable to acknowledge complicity in Im own
excremental production.
This would also include: how I came: to 'read' and 'write' Calcutta; the: subtext
of every page of this work. fi Ii
~ It is worth remembering that Levi-Strauss is visiting India ~nly _,vc: years a tc:r
Eu~· cans had been killing each other in millions for the: second tu~c: JO twc:n~-.tive
p d that Calcutta had not yet begun to recover from both famine and partn1on,
years, an .bl
for which Europeans could also be: held tt:spons1 c:. . I
. For detailed discmsion of the: Naxalite n:volutio(nary)movcmc:nt m Dc:nga
from the late 196os, see Banerjee: (1980, 1984); Dumas 1991 ·
This 'familiarity' now extends through the film version. Sec Chapter 6 ~~lo\~.
· The recent collections edited by Susie Tharu and K_. Lalita, W.m,eu Writmg 111
I / · l ased by Harpc:rCollins Publishers might change this. The two 6oo-plus-pa~c
'Nobody really understands the city; we arc groping about for phrases and
:~1~:0:s ~n paperback an: accessible: translations and widely a~ilablc: in books~orcs m
India and throughout the world. No other collection in Enghsh has been so impres- images with the dexterity of a suburban zonal planning committee.' (Emma,
sive, and an assessment of its varied receptions would be: worthy of a separate: com- an architect: letter)
mentary (Tharu and Lalita 1991, 1993). f h. Among the myriad cultural productions that make up the representations
6 Ronald lndc:n's [m<1gi11illg India is a useful rebuttal of ~he ~~cesses o. t ~
anth~ ology (lnden 1990). An assessment of the impact of his cnttquc: of ~out of Calcumi available to visitors - films, books, photographs - by far the
A · n ~cholarship as imperialism would extend to another study, but thc:ri: 1s no most explicit representational modes are those produced for the im-
q~:tion that his writing is more: lively and committed than that of those he lampoons. mediate consumption of tourists. Maps, guidebooks and postcards
present the city in handy, portable, two- dimensionally convenient ways.
This is a 'reconnoitre' of what can be called cartographic Calcutta: its
representation on the map. r elaborate upon the way a seemingly abstract
guide or representation of the city is more closely aligned to the
production of subjective experience than many would imagine. Just as
I have argued that Grass's imagery provides a literary-metaphorical map
of sorts which guides visitor experience in the city, explicit maps also
carry a hegemonic and ideological load. Finding a way through Calcutta
is a major project for all visitors. 'New' cities are easy to get lost in, so
guidebooks and maps are necessary, and monuments become landmarks
orientated more towards the city than the histories they memorialize.
Such markers offer a key to the ways a city can be made and experi-
enced. Residents and visitors alike would often be lost without refer-
ence points; but tourists need maps and guidebooks which calibrate
w ith expectations and evocations formed before their arrival (often of
the city as a place of immanent exotic adventure) and often throughout
their stay. Ferguson I notes that 'the guide sets up an expectation of ...
the city via its landmarks' (Ferguson 1993: 17), and suggests that 'maps
establish routes on a ground level from monument to monument which
enable the tourist to move freely through the unfamiliar city' (Ferguson
1993: 17- 18). Maps are an adjunct to the monumental vision which destination: 'It's the Government which determines where we go,
orientates the traveller in a foreign place. For some, however, a kind of where the international air routes take us. That's why Calcutta isn't
traveller protocol requires a renunciation of the convenience of the really on the map for us' (Emma). This 'routing' determination has
guide in favour of a more individualistic and 'authentic' exploration. It international and local effects, and political considerations impact upon
is also possible that the physical representational 'souvenirs' of maps, all aspects of travel. Although new arrivals to a city might be taken
images of monuments and postcards can be presented as an exigent, if by~taxi along circuitous and expensive routes, the most elTective way
2 for travellers to find any particular place is to ask taxi-drivers for
often kitsch, mode of inscribing presence in, or of, a place.
In an important metaphorical construct which entwines travel with directions and, with specific addresses such as street numbers, to rely
writing on the city in a way that orienrntes both experience and upon dhobi-wallahs (clothes-washers) who, interestingly, usually have
reading, Mitchell says that a map is like a preface (Mitchell 1988: 148). the most comprehensive knowledge of local streets (this is significant
Deleuze and Guattari take this text metaphor further: 'The map is because local skills are hereby co-opted into wider, even global, needs
open and connectable in all its dimensions; it is detachable, reversible, and inscriptions). Local knowledge is important, since Calcutta maps
susceptible to constant modification. It can be torn, reversed, adapted seem particularly inaccurate in both scale and content, although there
to any kind of mounting, reworked by an individual, group or social are good strategic and historical reasons for this: street names changed
formation. It can be drawn on the wall, conceived of as a work of art, from old_ British Raj appellations, for example, or the brilliant irony
constructed as a political action or a mediation' (Deleuze and Guattari of changing the name of the street on which the American Consulate
1987: 12). So it should be no surprise that much traveller writing tends stands as a protest against the US aggression in Vietnam, so that a
to seek out and reference the metaphors and images of transport to search for an American visa leads the traveller to No. r, Ho Chi Minh
map the city, and continually to seek co-ordinates of coherence and Sarani. A fine thing.
orientation. It is just this which guides Scott through his daily write- It is important at least to outline the intersections between Calcutta's
up of Calcutta: political history and the seemingly more innocuous trappings of tourism
like the paraphernalia of maps, guidebooks and the itineraries of taxis.
The city becomes a thoroughfare for a rush of images which trundle along The shape of a city is never accidental, and urban planning strategies,
one after another like cabs, rickshaws and pedestrians jostling their ways along
as much as what is disclosed on maps, are consequent upon military
the road. The paths of these images intersect and cross, sometimes following
predetermined routes, at other times scarching out shortcuts. Some_jourm:ys
and defence agendas, communications, and transportation requirements
cross the whole of the city, winding forwards and back and touching every - of goods and for deployment of troops - and upon the intricacies of
corner, some remain on just one street corner, small and barely noticed, but political symbolism. For example, the 'vast expanse' of parkland that
just as significant as any major motorcade rushing by with otlicial escort. occupies the centre of Calcutta, the 'Jung' that is the Maidan, is a
(Scott: Diary entry) product, at least initially, of the defence requirements of the British
military, who cleared the surrounds of their citadel Fort William of all
dwellings after their defeat at the hands of Suraj. ud-daula in 1756, so
HAPS AND GOVERNMENT as to provide clear firing ground for their cannon (a different kind of
black hole). This Maidan park has become a boon for the city as an
In r989 a Central Government edict declared that any map of India open recreational space (able to host, simultaneously, dozens of cricket
which did not comply with topographical Survey of India maps would matches and political meetings, as one local wit observed), a site of
be considered illegal.3 Maps of Calcutta readily available to tourists ~assive political rallies, and a focal point for much of Calcutta's public
varied considerably, with none of them - not the Lonely Planet Guide, hfe. Open space contrasts with the busy blocks of the built-up city,
or that of the Indian Tourism Development Corporation, or the although there are lines of escape and marks of political history within
offering of the TTK Mapping Company - providing more than density too. It would not be too far fetched to suggest that the housing
approximate, 'not-to- scale' versions of the city. There were some of the current Bengali government in the Writers' Building, which was
travdlt:rs who were alert to conditions which affected their choice of the head office of the East India Company and later of the British
A vast netwo rk
administration, is more than a convenience of accom
modation, as it and that of the political state' {Lefebvre 1974/r 991: SJ).
h a compl ex of financi al institutions,
provides a comm entary on the shift of power in the state after lin~s the power of the state throug
ays, airport s and 'inform ation lattices'
Indepe ndence. New elites replace the older admin istratio n under so- maJor produ ction centres, motorw
gration ' of the town as anythi ng other than a
les could be found. which lead to the ' disinte
called postcolonialism. Other examp 1991: SJ). One of Lefebv re's key
tforward. space to be consumed {Lefeb vre 1974/
The organization and representation of a city is rarely straigh space 'have a substa ntial role and a
of materi al realitie s so much as histori cally points is that representatio ns of
Maps are not a representation 1974/ 1991 : .p),
and socially condit ioned repres entatio ns of the lived, and contes ted, specific influence in the production of space' (Lefebvre
ta can be unders tood as both a produ ct to be
world (Stratton 1990: 68). Maps 'map' power - a point made by Pratt such that maps of Calcut
s more impor tantly - as a means of produ c-
in more general terms when she notes the curiou s iconic
drawings of used, but also - and perhap
elephants apd the like that filled the blank spaces of early E~ropean tion . Speaking of space in general, immediately after his
the by maps, Lefebv re argues for an understanding
maps of India. She argues : 'like the rise of interio r explor ation, of the space produced
of produ ction,
systematic surface mappi ng of the globe correla tes with an expan ding of space that attends to its political location; 'this means
tive forces
search for commercially exploitable resources, marke
ts, and lands to produced as such, canno t be separated either from the produc
knowl edge, or from the social divisio n of
tional mappi ng is linked with the search for including technology and
colonise, just as naviga state and the supers tructur es of
Touris m, and its study, can also be under - labour which shapes it, or from the
trade routes' {Pratt 1992: Jo).
which the least society' {Lefebvre 1974/1991: 85}.
stood within a range of causal and affective registers, of relevant to
insignificant of all would be the econo mic consideration
s that could In terms of the production of space, it might have been
. He notes
attend studies of intern ationa l travel, and/o r (over against ) the cultural look to Heidegger, but Lefebvre seems somewhat hostile
of being, 'there
imperialism that may accompany an academic mapping
ofThi rd World that despite Heidegger's interest in the 'dwelling' place
ng here: time
backpacker activity. can be no doubt about the main thrust of his thinki
Yet he is able
How the city is mapped presumes more than the one-to
-one corres - counts for more than space' {Lefebvre 1974/J 99r: 121}.
g more and
ponde nce of city :ts habitat, at least to the point of presum
ing differi~g to agree that 'space - the woods, the track - is nothin
' (Lefebvre
habitats according to the kind of use assumed for
the map. Toum t nothin g other than "being-there ", than beings, than Dasein
as a site for the 1974/ 1991 : 121). Heidegger's interest in time is not
explorttd here, but
m:tps constitute the city as a place to be explored, ed in quick
geographical unfolding of experiences, as topos of visitin
g. Such maps interestingly, Lefebvre's discussion of Heidegger is follow
to the work
work differently from, say, those of use to local residen
ts, the mental succession by a reference to anthropology, and specifically
ctive effects of
maps of taxi-drivers (which overlap somew hat with the
tourist trade}, of L<!vi-Strauss, and immediately afterwards to the destru
progression in
or public-transport routes {the same maps may also be
read in different the ' tourist hordes' (Lefebvre 1974/ 1991 : r2r-2) . This
cance4 • What
ways}. The unfolding of experience via the tourist map,
or in a differ- Lefc:bvrc's thinki ng is surely not withou t some signifi
ces (remc m-
ent way via the guideb ook, continues to posit Calcutta
as an accum u- wo~ld this work look like if he had taken up these influen
ger)? ft is also
lation of images experienced - walkthrough images - a
tableau laid out bermg that he had approved of :1 'materialist' Heideg
the Situationist
across time in a packeted geography. worth noting that for a time Lefebvre was dose to
d, who wrote,
Henri Lefebvre raises questions about the relation betwe
en mappi ng ~nternational and its promi nent spokesperson Guy Debor
are to be m 1111: Socittty of t/r,: Spectacle:
and travel when he suggests that if 'the maps and guides
' {Lefebvre
believed a veritable feast of authenticity awaits the tourist a by-pro duct of the
of Space, Lefebvre Toum~ , human circulation considered as consumption,
1974/r 991: 84). In his classic work 11,e Prod11ctio11 cntllly nothin g more than the leisure
' in such a way C1rculat1011 of commodities, is fundam
argues that it is capitalism which has produced 'space of gomg to s~·c what Im becom e b;inal. The econom ic org;inis ation of visits
mptio n' raids
that, with the aid of the tourist map, a 'ravenous consu to differen t p!ac~s is already in itself the gu;im11 cc of their cqui\'al cncc. The
pitalis m have
the landscape. He argues that 'Capitalism and neo-ca same modermsauon d1at remove d time from the voy:ige also remove d it from
of comm odities ",
produ ced abstract space, which includes the "world tlll.' reality of space. (Debord 1970/ 1983: par;i, 168) 5
power of money
its " logic" and its worldwide strategics, as well as the
SCIENTIFIC ORDERING tion flows prevail. An initial entry into this debate might begin by
pushing the metaphorics of travel itself.
Sociological and scientific researches have. mul.tipl_e, a~d sometimes We should be charitable towards. travel. As it is the 'topic' of this
covert, motivations beyond their most obvious JUStl~catto~s. ~~ o~e analysis a reader might - not unreasonably - presume that a certain
can now deny that the social sciences have been implicated m ~1htanly engagement with travd - even participation, fascination - could be
motivated research, just as the 'hard' sciences, with calculat1ons of supposed on my part throughout. As with a traveller, the point of
· y speed and weight - Galileo playing with cannonballs, the arc providing a critique of travel cannot be to stop travelling, however much
traJector , b , . d' b the
Leonardo's war machines - have een motivate Y . a moralism for better travel might prevail. More than this, however, my
o f arc h ery, T · d J
demands of the military since Antiquity. Today th~. m1 1~ry~m US trta own engagement with travel must extend across many zones, traversing
new world disorder and its geopoht1cal d1vmons leaves
comp1ex o f the 1· h various tropics, down numerous avenues and along all corridors. At
aside no effort to extend its interests, as ever, through researc ttn~ tee - times I want to argue that there is, now, nothing outside travel. Travel in
niques of surveillance, photography, representation, cor~orate espionage the context of everything studied here - a study tour - co-ordinates our
_ even, perhaps, in the pursuit of the tourist dollar - m ~vays that ar~ experience and understanding of the world. Travel, dose to travail,
sometimes frighteningly explicit. (Other examples: consider ?eertz s works as a metaphor of all exchange. Keenan says: 'exchange ... is a
thinking on Evans-Pritchard and Ruth Benedict in U,orks am/ Lrves; the system that trqffics in abstractions' (Keenan 1993: 175; emphasis mine).
controversies around the University of Sydney Anth_~pol~gy ~epart- Marx writes: 'In the value-relation of one commodity to another its
ment .mvo Ivement 1·n Chiang Mai·• US Army part1c1pat1on . . m LSD h value character emerges or steps forth through its own relation to the
research, known as the Electric Cool-Aid Acid Test, sem1ot1ca ~n_d t e other commodity' (Marx r867/r 967: 141- 2), and Heidegger could well
G ulf War' and so on. In these and other examples the comphc1ty of be carried along this path too. Travel is a metaphor of movement and
production with the planetary work· mac h'me .1s cIear· ) .
academic meaning; from transport, which carries across, to tourism, the ideology
Among the potential, often unintended, consequenc~s of t~e va_nous of travel, made available to everyone.Van Den Abbeele reports Rousseau's
representations and cultural understandings g~nerated 1~ social sc1en.ce democratization of the philosopher's tour 'by implicitly allowing anyone
research as well as in urban planning and tourist promotion, are a s~r~es who stumbles while out for a walk to claim great thoughts' (Van Den
of ~tudies which amount to experiments in social c~ntrol. In lll'.ag111111g Abbeele 1992: 130). The entire horizon of thought, theory and repre-
Iudia, Inden questions the 'purpose' of social scien,tific_ o?servattons of sentation is circumscribed. TI1eoria requires travel - 'the etymological
'others' and claims that 'more often than not thts has been to sense of the word theory ... is that of a vision or a spectacle' (Van Den
constitu,te those others as agents who can be managed: (Inden 1990: Abbeele 1992: 65). Theory becomes sightseeing, even if a 'line' of thought
22). This involves notions of behaviour that can b~ predicted a_nd ~on- does not 'develop along well-marked paths' (Papastergiadis 1993a: 25).
trolled. He suggests that the attempt to create a sc1enc~ ~f society . was Travel is re-present-ation, through a metaphoric displacement, inter-
and still is imperialising because it claims that a pnvileged, unitary woven and intricately cross-referenced in order to travel everywhere
knowledge can displace the disputable knowledges of the agents about with no final destination, no undestined place.
which it knows' (lnden 1990: 22). Such a science then opens the door A stumbling block for conventional thinking about travel, as it might
to an administrative expertise which may use this 'superior kn_owl~dge be applied to the experiences of visitors to Calcutta, is that the trope
on behalf of market forces' (Inden 1990: 22). Maps share this onen- of the journey has often assumed the straight (linear narrative) line as
tation, and so the politics of knowledge in a study of_ urban represen- its guide. The difficulties that linearity, and narrative, can have with the
tation in the context of international imperialism requires that we read convoluted trajectories of experience have become a favoured topic for
them as more than just handy ways to visit a city. contemporary cultural analysis. This is complicated all the more with
visitors who never escape the map of packaged tourism, since 'for all of
METAPHORS OF TRAVEL their claims, they never really left home' (MacCannell 1992: 2), and
Tourism studies seem to ignore the charged global circ.umstanc~s of the their journey remains the same.
contemporary situation - new modes of transport, capital and mforma- Maps are explicitly reductions of a complex multiplicity into a two-
dimensional code. The proces~ of mapping presumes a 'prefigured' form citizens chose to live in the map instead of their city, which was.
that can be transposed, so that - subject to the possibilities. of con- becom!ng rather tattered, while the map was resplendent with nicely
densation and reproduction, :md to conventions of cartographic repre- ruled Imes and neat angles. In the widest sense, the mapping of Calcutta
sentation _ aspects of public convenience and touristic imp~rt can be is something like this, where inscription at work at all kinds of levels.
codified and transcribed on to a paper grid. In a way that might evoke extending from scholarship and literature to travel diaries, letters and
Levi-Strauss again, looking down from on high at ~is subject matter, home videos, amounts to a never-ending cartography where residents
or conversely equating the patterns of South Amencan myth syst~ms and visitors are only ever somewhere inside their map, squabbling over
with astronomical maps of the heavens to a degree, these _reduc_uons the draft.
privilege the person sta11di11g over and above_ the two-~1mens1onal While there are some visitors who struggle against the 'official' map-
representation (Levi-Strauss 1966/1983). Accordmg a certain power to makers - say, against the Lonely Planet Guide or the West Bengal
the map of the world, they are thereby sep,,rated from the w~rld as Tourism Authority - there are more who ac, cpt the convenience and
comfort of having their experience of Calcutta drafted for them in
represented, and are thus of a 'frame' of mind ~o be a~l to ma_mp1ulate
it {they may also get lost); harking back to He1deggers enfra'.11mg , ~he advance. (And why not? Maps do help.} It is still worth considering
map-reader is able to treat the world as an object, as somethmg which h~w visitors' predispositions predetermine the deployment of differing
stands ready to be understood... . kmds of maps, and how differing degrees of energy are exerted upon
This 'objectification' of the world is reported_ by Greenblatt m a way maps in order to generate their meanings. D eleuze has offered the idea
that describes some of the main themes of this work. Greenblatt sets that 'Maps are maps of intensities', and that 'geography is no less men -
out his own project as wanting 'to emphasise the multiple sites of repre- tal and corporeal than physical in movement' (Deleuze and Parnet 1977/
sentation and the crowd's movement among them', in a way that gets 1987: 38). This suggem that the ideological work of representing
at the problem 'of the assimilation of the other'. as linke~ to. what_ h~ Calcutta is 'intensely' at 'work' in the touristic reading of any map of
calls 'adapting Marx, the reproduction and cir~ulau~n of ~mmeuc capital the city.
(Greenblatt 199 1: 6). Whether this adap~1on. 1s valt_d _or not, for Any map? It is a good metaphor which opens the possibility of
Greenblatt, 'in the modern world-order it 1s with cap1tah_sm that the saymg that guidebooks, films, and all the various crisscrossed rcferencings
proliferation and circulation of represent~tions (a~d devices for the of texts - in the broadest sense - 011 Calcutta tend towards a unifying
generation and transmission of representations) achieved a spectacul~r documentation of the city which constructs it as a comprehensible
and virtually inescapable global magnitude' {Greenblatt 1991: 6). This entity. In an immense overlay of representations, a v.1n series of like
magnitude is then characterized as the ability to travel across. vast unages find, and communicate with, each other to make it possible to
distances, usually in search of profit 'to encounter and represent radically imagine an orderliness under the name 'Calcutta' which can be visited
unfamiliar human and natural objects' (Greenblatt r99r: 6; emphasis known, and (perhaps) controlled. '
added). . In this sense, cartography is a mode of enclosure, and the con-
Recognition of the reductive necessity of representation may lead us structed boundaries are a kind of stagnation - this could be said of
to see that the 'blinkers' are on the map, not on the eyes - or rather, national boundaries and of graveyards, as well as of academic disciplines.
in the printing process. Enframing: Heidegger suggests that 'every For example, with regard to the politics of nation-states, some may say
seeking gets guided beforehand by what is sought' (Heidegger r92~/ we would do better not to name a 'nation', as this encircles a heter-
ogeneity and conscripts it to nationalism and the fictions of national
196 2 : 24). Any other recognition fosters the illusion of a pure expe~1-
ence. This has been sold as an adjunct to tourist maps for a long while culture. People live in far more pliable and fluid ways than the inscrip-
_ the 'cultural baggage' which comes with the visitor is built into the tions and demarcations of these representations convey - life changes,
production of the map as much as it is a characteris,tic ,of those ,~ho adapts, duplicates, inverts, and so on, according to the stylistic and
use maps. To think that any mode of textuahty can fix Calcutta 1s a s~rategic chok es of the commentators who say so. Attempts to de-
real madnt:ss, as mad as that in an anecdote from Borges: where a lineate definitional boundaries is work aligned to that of undertakers
map-maker made a map so precisely detailed and correct that the and morticians who deal with the dead. Provocatively, Spivak says in
an interview about (among other things) the identity boundaries of points of all of his work, Said's optimism for defiant boundary-crossing
merges with his celebration of hybridity in a way which, I think, is in
Indian nationalism:
danger of collapsing differences that are important. Despite hybridity,
I ndian-ness is not a thing that exists. Reading Sanskrit. script~res, for e~am~~~ some peoples are subjected to forms of exile and dispossession that are
_ I can't call that Indian, because afrer aJl, In_dia is not JUSt Hmdu. That ~n\ not so easily rendered literary or acceptable. Although to compare the
stuff is not India. The name India was given by ~lexander the Great Y relative exile of a Salman Rushdie with those subjected to the conse-
mistake The name Hindustan was given by the Islamic conquerors.The name
quences of partition-enhanced communal strife between Muslims and
Bharat.' which is on the passport, is in fact a name that hudly anyone uses,
which commemorates a mythic king. (Spivak 1990a: 39) Hindus, or between Pakistan and India, is to compare unlikes, the
difficulty is instructive. Hybridity as a concept, like comparison, and
The adept of strategic essentialism will shift the boundarie~ of her map simple notions of representation on a map, far too often achieves only
to her own· advantage: 'For example, when I'm construc_ung m~self as a more refined homogeneity which, further, is highly suited to map
an Indian in reaction to racism, l am very strongly taking _a d1s_tanc_e the 'new types of connections' which characterize contemporary
from myself. If an Indian asks me what I am, I'm a Ben~ah, which is imperial and capitalist relations. Increasingly capital is hybrid, flowing,
very different' (Spivak r 990a: 39).7 Alexander's great nustake was to border-crossing - and there is something to be said for those who
take this map as a code for identity. argue that this may be the ' cultural logic of late capitalism', and that it
is articulated in 'postmodernism' (Jameson 1991). Guattari repeatedly
THE MAPPING RHIZOME argues that under capitalism 'deterritorialization' is the new cultural co-
ordinate which locates us all (Guattari 1992: 122). In this de-
Edward Said's work would keep us alert. His attention to the global
territorialization, capital incorporates all manner of bits of culture into
geography of Empire in C11l111rc aud Imperialism (r993) goes beyond the
its ever- hungry commodity machine. Like a map that can represent
focus of Oric,11alis111 (1978) and suggests scope for ~~re w~rk needed
everything, this machine appeals and absorbs, appropriates and
to unrave I t I1e m ap Of Contemporary cultural geopohacs. It 1s necessary consumes, enframes and reframes, every which way.
to begin such work because: Guattari sees this as a global danger which is first found in the city:
to ignore or otherwise discount the overlapping experience of Wcster1~crs 'on the international level .. . cities constitute the connective tissue of
d Orientals the interdependence of cultural terrains in which tl~e coloniser ... a network which tends to control the whole of human activities'
:~d colonised co-existed and battled each other th~ugh p~jecuon~ as well (Guattari 1992: 124). This is dangerous, because the map extends to a
rival gcogr:iphies, narratives, and histories, is. ~0..1.mss what 1s essential about boundary which absorbs even the most multiple and hybrid entities
the world in the past century. (Said r993: xxn-111) into its matrix, and offers no escape routes:
and: connecwd by telcmatic means and a great diversity of communications media
Once we accept the actual configuration of liter.try experiences ove~lappin: ... the world city of contemporary capitalism has been dctcrritorialised ... its
with one another and interdependent, despite national boundaries ~n V:lrious components have been scattered over the surface of a multipolar urban
coercively legislated national autonomies, history and gcogr.iphy are trans lg- rhizome weaving across and growing tightly into the planet. (Guattari 1992: 124)
· · 1·n new types of connec-•
ured ;,, r1er11 m11ps, in new and far less st:1 ble ennt1es,
. ns Exile far from being the fate of nearly forgotten unfortunates who arc This mapping rhizome could include the rich media centres and intelli-
t1o · · •
dispossesscd and expatriated, becomes sometIung · c I~scr_ to _a norm, an expc- gentsia, as well as sites of the poorest urban conglomerations. All this is
· nee of crossing boundaries and clrarting new territories m defiance of the orchestrated by the skilled analytics of academic studies, which need to
~;:ssk canonic enclosures. (Said 1993: 384; emphasis added) be extended rather than constrained. The map must explode (before
we do):
Said attempts, like some (nascent) explorer, to m~p a ~~w intellec~ual
landscape and rethink national and international tdenattes. The po1:t, Hence the pivotal importance of a collaboration, of a transdisdplinarity
however would be to take this Jurtl,er. In these densely packed passag~s between the urbanists, the architects and all the other disciplines of the social
' · some o f the mam sciences, the humanities, ecology etc.... The urbanistic drama that is outlined
which frame Culture and Imperialism and summarize
on the horizon in this end of the millennium is only one aspect of a more of representation appear in many places, and this has much to teach us
fundamental crisis which puts into question the very future of rhe human about the ways in which we think: so that here it is not so much that
race on this planet. (Guauari 199.?: I .?S) East meets West, but that the West again finds its representations of
otherness to be another opportunity for self reflection - 'West meets
One visitor to Calcutta, with a somewhat morbid outlook, suggested West' - so that the maps of visitors have still less reference to Calcutta
that cities were designed as monuments to death, with the cemetery or than is supposed, and that many j ourneys never depart from self-
the cremation site located in the centre of the calculations of town reference, or perhaps never arrive at the other shore.
planners. Planning on any grand organizing level came very late to It should be no surprise, then, that some confusions seem more
Calcutta, but it is true that the burning ghat at Nimtollah, the Park prominent in this world of travel, and that the metaphor of the maze
Street European cemetery and the (Muslim) graveyard at Tolly~nge , comes to have a privileged 'place' (which place, where?) in the cultural
are placed 1n- a way that would allow a historical map of death_to the productions of 'the West'. To follow this notion down a more philo-
city to trace both the river, the British presenc~, and by e~tens1on the sophical path, we might consider how the composer Pierre Boulez
history of Bengal and, again, its terrible fammcs: what 1s the geo- raises a new cartography as a way of mapping Western thought:
graphical residue of events, for example, such as_ ~hat of_' 943, when
'maldistribution' of food in India under the Bnt1sh dunng the war It must be our concern to follow the examples of Joyce and Mallarme and
(some would argue that this is a euphemism for a starvation policy) to jcttis~n the.concept ?f :a work as a simple journey starting with a departure
and cndmg with an arrival ... the modern conception of the maze in a work
meant that thousands of Bengalis met their death on the ~treets o~ the
of art is ccrtJinly one of the most considerable advances in Western thought,
city? Such maps would evoke meanings that cannot be easily contained
and one upon which it is impossible to go back. (Doulez in Michelson 1989:
within safe and conventional readings. . . 64)
There are maps that resist two-dimensional conventions, and 1t 1s
important to recognize the extensions of cartography b~yo~d the. page If we were to follow lloulez following Joyce and Mallarme on a journey
into the re<1lms of the 'mental map', and so forth. The City IS not JUSt a which included a visit to Calcutta, we would first of all have to invert
physical spa,;e but also a conceptual arena ~vh!ch plays out acros~ a the formula of a departure leading to an arriv:il, since to visit a city
non- geographical zone of meanings; and while 1t seems most conven- one instead usually begins with an arrival and ends with a departure.
ient to dwt this non-spatial terrai11 with the metaphors of geography - In the above quotation, Boulez seems to remain on a journey more
,1re11a, across. : 1mc - it is possible and important to poi111 tc>warrls another concerned with advances and with the impossibility of turning back in
diwcusfou of the cartography of Calcutta. Travel writing might usef~lly Western thought, such that this maze seems still to be directed by a
be considered under this cavalcade of metaphors, since transportatton conventional way of journeying. Nevertheless, the maze metaphor is
tropes and travel writing attract each other :is writers get_ carrie_d away very prominent in descriptions of the city by other visitors. (In a com-
with certain convenient modes of representation. Ways m wluch the mentary following Doulez, Michael Healy follows the circuits of the
language of transport conveys other meanings of the city are extensive. maze in another journey, and has written, after the experience of a
A visitor to Calcutta maps the city in a way that offers a very short visit to India, that Western thought is becoming more diffuse,
different approach to some of the main tropes of map-makin g: 'empty of unities and centres and frameworks', so that we are left 'going
round and round in circles ... that spiral back on ourselves'; as evidence
It is nothing but an interset:tion. A place of migr.ition where paths cross and
too many overfops lead to confusion - not just the simplistic East meets West
he referrs to the abundance of video shops in Indian cities which
crap, which is too 1deahstic even when presented with iron~. Herc East ml.'ets suggests to him that: 'the ghost in the machine is llldi1111' [Healy 1985:
East ln 3 thousand ways, and du: West meets the West and 1s shocked. Every- 53 I, I do not really know how to co-ordinate the itinerary of this
thing mterscets (John: Travel diary). particular departure) .
There arc aspects of travel that cannot be conveniently mapped,
Tim map reduces aspects of a global view of cultural ~ifferenc~s, with
even with reference to the still-twoTdimensional complexity of the
a localized observation of the multiplicity of events m the city. The
maze. Within 'Western thought', in a way that perhaps Doulez has not
intersection of this hybridity is a powerful reminder that the reductions
city, that of London. Spectacularly unsuccessful. Walter Benjamin, attitude of those who would renounce the Lonely Planet Guide pre-
commenting on Baudelaire, writes: 'the revealing presentations of the figured versions of Calcutta. In Modern Lodge travellers expressed a
big city . . . are the work of those who have traversed the city absently, need for, and began to make, maps of the city which could be placed
as it were, lost in thought or in worry' (Benjamin quoted in Home some~v~ere between the mainstream cartography and the expectations
of ex1stmg maps, and the chaos and loss of not having a map at all.
1991: 21). ~ Against the predictable 'monument' tourism of the travel guides,
When the metaphorical register expands into unexpected realms,
such as another variant of the labyrinth offered by Catherine, diverse which took in the Victoria Memorial, the Indian Museum and Kali
Temple, since 1992 an 'alternative tour' has become popular among the
effects need to be analysed: backpackers of Sudder Street. This 'tour' includes, in a haphazard and
'Calcutta is crai.y like an ams' nest upon which someone has poured boi~ing eclectic way, a . visit to the College Street bookshops near Calcutta
water. Everyone is trying to get from one place to another at the same tame Un~versity, possible participation in a Communist rally, coffee in the
with no rules, except maybe the social version of the random particl_e ~heory Indian Coffee House, lunch at a small Bengali food co-op, curiosity
- people moving about at varied speeds and no possibility of prediction of shops, various film houses, dance halls and cultural venues, Nahoum's
the: inevitable occasional collisions.' cake stall in New Market, views of the statues of Lenin, Marx and
Levi-Strauss also sometimes described social life in similar ant-metaphor Engels, M.K. Gandhi and Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, and so on. It is
terms (1966/1983), and the separation of the observer and context symbolic of these alternative tours that the statues offered more than
which operates in such descriptions is a recurrent one in sociology. At ~ronzed histories as they provided opportunities to gain access to
the same time, the scientific gesture claims some affinity with the natural important aspects of contemporary Calcutta's political life. The statue
sciences, and attempts to predict the workings of the world. Under- of Lenin overlooks one of the busiest intersections of the city, Gandhi
standings expressed through these kinds of metaphors - be they those was 'festooned' with lights for the fiftieth anniversary of the Quit India
of the social scientist or of the speculating traveller - are suspect not movement, and Netaji Dose, adversary of the Mahatma and cultural
least of all in their importation of images from strange categories to hero in communist Calcutta, sits astride a horse at Five Points Crossing
make sense of human lifestyles: people are not ants, nor are they (also mentioned in Grass's writing on the city, and site for birth-
particles in an atom, however much they may drive themselves towards centenary celebrations - and Netaji's possible return? - in 1996-7). It
destruction. 'This is a more natural city; everyone does whatever they was from such 'tours' of the political aspect of the city that calls for
want. Look at how they drive all over the road' (Rachel). counter-maps of Calcutta emerged.
Accidents do happen, and the traffic situation does generate a For all the 'received' images of Calcutta that circulate in the travel
number uf interesting comparisons: ~rochur~s, ~cademic ~nd . literary texts, and in the guidebooks, the
production of the city 1s also very much a 'productive' activity of
'Calcutta i~ vastly d1fforcnt to Delhi, which 1s for tourists just a vast arriva! every traveller. To differing degrees visitors not only internalize the
station of cultural differences. Jr's a simple opposition; the culture you lclt tropes of representation of the city but continue, elaborate, embellish
against a new and fascinatingAconfusing one. People don't stay in D~lhi Ion~,
an~ evaluate them. The majority of visitors participate in the dissemi-
whereas in Calcutta tourins have more time and arc forced to negotiate their
~atton of the stereotypes of Calcutta to be found in the most popular
differc111;:cs - to navib,atc the traffic, not always managing to avoid a fow
bumps and sc:rapcs .The taxis in Calcutta have lots of dents - in Delhi you're literature and in the most readily available guidebook, or marked on
either fine or smashed by a bus.' (Birgid) the most accessible map. The experience of making an alternative map
of Calcutta offers, with all its contradictions, a useful lesson in the
tyranny of representation. Alternative versions of Calcutta, outside the
s~ereotypes, are difficult to maintain, hard to find, and continually
Looking for maps that do not enclose the city, or at least to find silenced, overlooked or forgotten, through lack of the same sort of
modes of map-making that leave spaces (of escape) for counter- hege- infrastructural supports offered by accepted maps and the convenience
monic inscriptions of experience, might be a good description of the of the Lonely Planet guide. Nevertheless, the city is mapped in ways
Londy Planet cannot imagine, and the notion of the map, and the way, and the government saying the chaos of unrepaired and crowded
ways in which people come to understand and inscribe space, should roads keeps down the traffic speed, and therefore there are less
not always be reduced to the same flat and boring routines. accidents', an experimental map might track actual use of a street on
The alternative maps, however, were little more than an attempt by any particular day. The street where most travellers stay, Sudder Street,
some travellers who had stayed a reasonably long time in Calcutta is uneven, the footpath is more often rubble than flat, the holes in the
(longer than those who were simply 'passing through') to make available road are large, and dangerous during monsoon flooding, and yet 'the
some of the things in the city which made their visits memorable. On chaos seems uniform' Oames again). Everyone seems to find an appro-
the principle that things not described in the guidebooks will be only priate , path or position, there is a 'code', there are protocols to learn,
'accidentally' found by travellers, there was an attempt to pass these and patterns into which visitors 'fit' - in spaces, or corridors, designated
'accidents' along to newly arrived backpackers and volunteers. The for them (no doubt Gunter Grass's cow would pass by sometime). Some
sharing of experience, hints, clues, and so on, is an important part of hawkers attract tourists to one side of the street, others avoid a particular
backpacker culture and arrogance - these often-lost, reinvented, and corner, street children occupy a disused sidestall, the heads of passers-
lost-again maps became a sort of codified version of the Modern Lodge by turn at the more popular cafe to see who is there, a newspaper-
rooftop discussions. Perhaps even the alternative and counter-Lonely wallah stops customers in the middle of the road - a tracing of the
Planet aspect of these tours and maps made them more credible or patterns of these trajectories would reveal the 'code' of use of the street
fashionable under the aegis of the unusual or the exclusive, so that in economic as well as cultural and political terms. Another visitor,
those 'in the know' could think themselves more privileged than the with unintended aural irony, called the chaos of everyone wandering
all over the road the 'staggering urban clutter of Calcutta' (Vanessa).
'average' visitor.
This, of course, is not as much an 'alternative' as the word might 'Walking in the city is a zigzag, serpentine, stop-and-start, crab affair'
suggest. These maps are still machineries of perception. ('What is it (Vanessa again). Even the dignified promenade under the splendour of
that tells us that, on a line of flight, we will not rediscover everything the colonial verandas of the Oberoi Grand Hotel along Jawaharlal Nehru
that we are fleeing': Deleuze and Parnet 1977/r987: 38). While travellers Road can be a series of collisions punctuated only by occasional
who stop 'long-term' in Calcutta disconnect from the conventional moments of co. ordination and symmetry when the entire crowd pushes
circuits of tourism to some degree, the non-glossy aspects of the city the same way at the same time.
can be 'marketed' as well. When the 'everyday' becomes more interest- 'Slouching and side-stepping on uneven pawment, taking a detour to avoid
ing than the monumental, difficulties and incongruities become routines a burst pipe, roadworks, the underground, or some heap of rubbish. The
of pleasure. Large hotels and swimming-pools are ignored in favour of , on.tinuous noise (a constant 6o-8o decibels in many streets] be,omes a barely
the rough romance of the banana-pancake trail and cheap 'local' colour. noticed background hum 10 an urban dance. Bicycle bells ring from nowhere,
New conventions emerge to cater for market differentiations, so that Ambassador cabs lurch like demons down the street, walking in this city is an
recently one large travel publisher released a City Guide to capitalize adventure.' Ocnnifer)
on a very suburban experience of the city. The map promoted an
De Certeau comments: 'The motions of walking are spatial creations.
'informed' experience of Calcutta, including sites of various charity
T~ey link sites one to the other' (De Certeau r985: 129). Among what
organizations selling handicrafts, emporiums, missions, and cultural
might at first appear to be ch3os, there are techniques of pedestrian
markers for a kind of 'alternative' or 'intelligent tourism' that does not
locomotion which are developed quickly by visitors to the city -
seem too far removed from any other mode of consumerism. The
excluding the chauffeur-driven guests of the Oberoi - which amount
danger here is that everything can be fitted into the mould of
to a certain jaunty, jostling step and a preference for abandoning the
consumption (in this case through a kind of alternative policing of
bustle of the pavements in favour of the edge of the road. To walk in
space). danger of being clipped by a bus or car, giving the pavements up to
Different kinds of map might still be made. Following another
the commerce of hawkers and the all-too-basic dwellings of displaced
observation by James, a traveller in Calcutta who said: 'Calcutta is
families, is an option which makes the roads still more congested. There
nothing but corners of streets, everyone crossing the road in any which
seems to be no respite from this. Amazingly, Calcutta appears as a Amid all these maps, which must sometimes overlap with contrary
pedestrian's city. .. . codifications, it should not be surprising that I am often lost. When I
Perhaps this amazement, which is also the recognition of _the pa~tt- ask the way I become more confused, or I am drawn into some other
ality of all representation, is something like that wonder with which exchange, another direction, which demands a change of plan. Some-
Borges approached the city of Aleph which could not be mapped: times the plethora of images fragments into incomprehensible differ-
ences; at other times it seems all too much the same. Lost in differences
what I to do is impossible, for any listing of an cndle~s _series is doomed and lost in similarities. My own desire to make maps of Calcutta can
to be infinitesimal. In that single gigantic inst3nt I saw m1\hons of 3Cts both
also be charted alongside these themes; the irreducibility of the city to
delightful 30 d awful; not one of them amazed_ me more than. the fact that all
of them occupied the same point in space, without overlappmg or transpa~-
any mapped representation; the two-dimensionality, and linearity, of
ency ... what I shall now write down will be succi:ssivc, because language ts 'Western thought'; the convergence of travel and terrain metaphors in
succcssiv~. Nonetheless, I sha\1 try to recollect what I can. (Borges 197 I: I 3) the way these projects are described; the stops and starts of attempts to
escape the maze, spiral, labyrinth; and the convolutions of counter-
The maze or labyrinth model of the city converges with ?ne o~ the hegemonic effort~ continually (interminably) to sidestep the dead ends
favourite mystery-fantasies of intellectuals since, at least, m~d1eval t1?1es, of representation.
conjured with by Bataille, Borges, Eco, Kafka. It may re~am undec1d~d Along the way I have found my inadequate mapping skills a recur-
as to whether or not the ultimate 'fix' of the scholar 1s the paranoid rent obstacle to ever completing even a half-finished version of this
realism of Kafka's 17ie Trial, where the frustrations of bureaucracy always project. I often wondered if I had the stamina to continue, whether I
threaten to drive on to a screaming hysteria, but within which _the had the discipline to connect all these scattered bits and pieces together,
citizen is obliged to behave with good humour, as if all were routine. to 'write it up'. The technology is not so easy to manipulate; pre-
Or perhaps it is Eco's 17,e Name ef tl,e ~ose, ~vhere a lost text by folded along creased lines. All the time there has been a plan, or plans,
Aristotle on the importance of laughter 1s rediscovered, ~nly ~o be and never any illusion that this catalogue of fragments would not require
consumed in a fire that destroys an irreplaceable maze-hke hbrary work on the part of the reader, but still I wondered if it would all
(remembering Alexandria and the destruction ~f i_ts li~rary) lit by a come together with the haphazard coherence I thought was there, but
defiantly anti-Dionysian guardian (a death shrieking m the flames, feared was invisible. The months of editing my notebooks loomed ahead
stuffing poisoned pages into a ravenous and frenzied mouth). It wo~ld like a rerrible weight; I kept postponing the task, finding excuses for
be difficult to find a more manoeuvrable metaphor of the unending diversions, ex, ursions, delays. I kept on going back to Calcutta, filling
desire and ultimate undecidability of knowledge. No other register could my passport with stamps, my notebooks with more notes. All the roads
present itself with such facility for representing so m~ch in suc_h tanta- I followed led to others and never to a main thoroughfare, and all the
lizing complexity, yet finally provide so little. (There IS something here roads were clogged. I became more and more doubtful of the readability
for a critique of Said's flat hybridity.) That the maz~ ~eems more and of the entire enterprise. While it is something that will always be re-
more drawn towards the city should not be a surprising consequence written over and over, and while I would like to avoid the reductions
of our experience of wandering, perhaps with less and less compre- and fixations this inevitably entails, I think I would have liked the
hension the streets of Calcutta. security of having taken notes on the notes (yet another delay/relay),
The ~ity-as-a-maze is one which forces the traveller to ask directions, and of providing a map to this map, a guide (to this) book.
to articulate what is otherwise drawn on paper with the - perhaps
forlorn - hope of explication. Hollier's reading of Bataille's labyrinthine
texts leads him to suggest that the labyrinth:
In Hosts a11d Guests: 11,e A111/1ropo/ogy of Tomis111, Greenwood asserts that
does not hold still, but because of its unbounded nature breaks open _lcxi_cal
prhoni, prevents any word from finding a resting place ever ... m~lt1plymg
'tourism is the largest scale movement of goods, services and people
meaning; by inverting or splitting thi:m: it makcj words drunk. (Hollier 1974/ tlm humanity has perhaps e,•er seen' (Greenwood 1989: 172). In the
1989: 60) same volume Lett qualifies this perhaps with an exclusion of military
travel: 'Modern tourism accounts for the single largest peaceful move- tion of any of the general boredom with travel conversations that still
ment of people across cultural boundaries in the history of the world' prevails in academic literature.
(Lett r989: 275-6). These discussions within the growing anthropology Where more than ten years ago Crick could lament the dearth of
of tourism represent significant changes in the map of the world, yet detailed anthropological writings on travel (Crick 1985), it is now the
somehow the tone of such comments seems terribly mundane. While case that anthropologists, and sundry other writers, seem plagued by
they are able to rehearse the themes of conventional travel studies far too much literature. Tourism studies is becoming a boom industry.
literature, an overly optimistic evaluation of tourism as a 'pro_found, Yet perhaps the particularity of Crick's lament - that despite a few
widely shared human desire to know "others", with the rectprocal good general texts, we still have too few ethnographic studies of traveller
possibility that we may come to know ourselves' (McKean r989: 133) behaviour in specific places - remains valid. The boom has been in the
seems prevalent. One traveller at the Modern Lodge wryly noted that area of a kind of 'booster' philosophy of tourism which is only mildly
what mass· tourism was about was 'coming miles and miles away to critical of the industry. Courses in universities on the development of
look at people you'd ignore at home' (Emma). A critique ~('otherness' leisure and tourism abound, travelogues occupy more and more space
as something co be packaged and marketed through tourism (Green- in the bookstores, and the debates which flared over Crick's alleged
wood 1989: r 79) is inadequate if it remains only the subject of anecdotal conflation of the persona of the tourist and of the anthropologist has
accounts, as Greenwood complains. Summarizing the work of other now mellowed into a polite, even insipid, negotiation of distinctions. It
analysts, Lafont and Graburn write in Tourism Altematives: Potentials a11d seems that tourism is the most conventional aspect of the global
Problems i11 11,e Develop111c11I efTouris111: economy.
Academic studies, including this one, contribute to this situation. It
The tourist industry's system of production is now considered one o~ the may seem valuable to be able both to satisfy the demand for a localized
world's most powerful driving forces. Through mergers and concentrati~ns, study of touristic activity - an ethnographic study of a 'tribe' of tourists
these companies have become agents of an interconnected net\\--ork. penetraa~g
- and to map out formal distinctions between the work of anthro-
many sectors. The transnationals of tourism arc th~ avant-gar~e for strategu:s
pologists and the play of toumts in the context of global politics -
of capital internationalisation. The system of ~ounst produc~10~ has evolved
into network-companies, models for transnauonal companies 111 the world some sort of literature survey of recent debates about the negotiation
economy. (Lafont and Graburn 199~: 97) of cultural difference - but I fear that neither of these projects is
ultimately very useful. This is because I think there is still some point
The need for detailed studies to chart the particularities of tourism as to the taunt that anthropologists arc a species of tourist - they just have
articulated by Nash (1989: p), is not filled by the majority of travel more up-market tools - and as such they participate in a global
writers; or travellers who write, and who remain within the Lonely economy of cultural differences which can be seen in all locales, but
Planet grid of these conventions; the stay-at-homes. cannot be understood without reference to much wider matten. While
it is important to remember that a travel brochure is not a monograph
Let's go, let's go, all aboard your armchairs! ... you must get an id~a of these on culture, slippage between the forms deserves close attention (Garcia
journeys and of the people who think travelling is really something. Today 1988: 93).
the world is cut up into little paved squares and served up on a platter, yet
Pico Iyer has called tourists the 'terrorists of cultural expansion ...
there arc still some doughheads out there who talk about their 'travels' with
papal seriousness, as if they were du: first ones ever to have gone anywhere
anyone with a credit card could become a colonialist' (Iyer i989: 13).
... [they] have been to the suburbs and back! As long ago as I can remember, In her thought-provoking volume, Rana Kabbani has noted the close
I have dreaded people who talk about their vacations. (Aragon 19:8/1991: links between Empire and travd writing: 'To write a literature of travel
41-:) cannot but imply a colonial relationship' (Kabbani 1986: IO). This
colonialism is founded on an imperial power that includes the authority
Aragon's contempt is for those 'adventurers' who expect great revelations of academic institutions to articulate the 'real' space of exotic sites.
from people they have just met in strange foreign cafes - 'avoid them Along the way Kabbani has a dig at the derivative writing of travellers:
like the plague' (Aragon 1928/1991: 42). This is as good an approxima- 'It is as if the imagination of the traveller, in order to function, has to
be sustained by a Jong tradition ofWestern scholarship, by other Western Debates in geography offer a relevant coda for this chapter. Marxist
texts' (Kabbani 1986: 10). There are conventions of description and scholars brought to geography the recognition that 'mental maps' of
conventional cliches which are renewed over and over, so that the social domains were produced in specific socioeconomic formations.
continuities of travel literature may be traced across long periods of Of course geographers are produced under similar conditions, so that it
time. Kabb:mi's work is to follow the echoes of Burton and Lawrence is possible to read the programmatic statements of urban scholars like
in contemporary writings about Arabia. A similar project could find Dear and Scott in ways that are also relevant to tourism studies and the
much older sources than I have presented for this representational place of maps in cultural production. In a suggestion that also applies
cartography of Calcutta. . . to cartography, Dear and Scott posit that:
However, the cl:issk Orientalist narrative of the splendidly rich and
exotic East is curiously less readily associated with Calcutta than with urbanisation is decipherable only as a mediated outcome of the sod al dynamic:$
almost any ·other part of India. While Calcutta was the port through and imperatives of the capitalise mode of production in specific conjunctural
circumstances ... urbanisation and planning (and maps) can never be dfec-
which wealth flowed into England, it is the Black Hole th:it is always
tively treated as objects of theoretical study divorced from ~ome wider tlumry
remembered, while the rest of Indian Orientalist history abounds with of society. {Dear and Scott 1973 : 4)
tales of 'exotic travels' which require the reader to wade through sagas
of fabulous and ostentatious wealth, Nizams, palaces, banquets, tiger This comment can also remind us that the project of this specific scudy
hunts and feasting. At best Calcutta gets Kipling, who wrote powerful of tourism is one where some attention to a variety of contexts is
words on the city: 'built on silt, I am Asia. De:ith in my hands, but crucial - in the social sciences the contexts of study are diverse; practical
gold!' Exotica versions of the 'Orient' rarely entail scenes of p~verty or problems and theoreticJI interests; the priorities of military-orientated
exploitation, preferring instead a spicy history of riches, which then urbJn planning; political histories and socioeconomic hierarchies; the
flows into fantasy films like Octopussy (discussed below in Chapter 6), global orders of tourism; epistemologies of 'Western thinking' and the
Ir,dimlll Jo11cs and the Tcmple of Doom, and so on. This contrast, which New World Order; the covert agendas and unforeseen (?) applications
makes Calcutta only the Kipling-routine of'city of dreadful night', and of social research; consumerist orientations; the dark exposures of
glosses the rest of India as mysterious and mystical, is like a prophecy photography; the language and metaphors or protocols of representa-
imparted to the visitor before arrival, and all too often confirmed. The tional forms; the demarcation of boundaries and differences; desire for
front cover of the Lonely Planet guide now carries a classic postcard alternatives and counter- hegemonic productions; and so much more.
portrait of the Palace of the Winds in Jaipur. No surprise there. All rhis might also be explored as a context for making sense of maps,
Neither academic nor touristic literature - and none of these maps, in this chapter, as it is for the discussion of the camera in the next two
of course - can be independent of projects of consumption under the chapters {5 and 6). Enframed as they are, maps bring Calcutta into
social formations of capitalism. This includes the ways in which focus : the way one approaches them is, of course, a guide to the
resistances and creative realignments of previously mapped-out expecta- Orient(ation).
tions can be renegotiated and drawn into the consumption processes of
visiting Calcutta. The flows of life are continually inscribed and re- This chapter has explored metaphors of travel and the city, drawing
inscribed by this cartographic mentality. While the city can never be attention to the use of the notion of the maze or the labyrinth as a
totalized and gridded in full sufficiency - unlike the achievement of f,'llide to an otherwise disordered experience. The map, as a mechanism
Uorges's map•maker - and indeed, the purpose of a map i~ never 'ful~' which can order a city, overlaps with a traveller's expectations, guides a
representation but, rather, adequate and convenient reduction, there 1s traveller through strange streets towards expected monuments and sites
still a slippage which conflates reduction with representation with illus- (sights). What is sought on the map is, more often than not, found - as
tration with manifestation . To some extent tlllS applies with the logic Heidegger would have us believe. The production of space is intricately
of: 'if there is nothing marked on the map, then there is nothing there', co-ordinated with the metaphorics of travel, especially in so far as these
but it also operates in other modes of representation, just as reductive appear in official representational forms, and industry adjuncts. The
as maps. means of production of mapped space is also the map - a landscape
1. fcrguson·s study {1993) of maps and travel guides ofVcnice from Jacopo de
Darbari"s 1500 woodcut to Baedeker, the famous culmrnl b'llide published from 18::9,
offers a useful a11emp1 to unpack travel ontolob'Y·
2. As kitsch I have in m ind here 1he series of twdve or so glmtly colour repro-
ductions of the Queen Victoria Memorial available as postcards on Sudder Street.
These postcards arc printed just slightly out of focus, or with the colour registration This chapt~r and _the next consider the most popular of technologies of
a millimetre out, o r with garish foregrounded foliage from the memorial gardens.
They are so bad that they are trul>· great. represe,~tatton av.:ulable to tourists: the camera. Tourists are characterized,
3. This chapter was a maze itsdf before a guiding hand plo11c:d a better course. and cancat_ured, everywhere as_camera-wielding beings who take photos
I am indebted to Michael Dutton for much-needed and valuable support during of everything. T.he technological production of a kind of photogenic
important stages of this project.
Calcutta as a senes of appropriated images (which need not necessarily
~- Thanks to Jonah Tc:nnick for pointing out these connections.
5. At one stage: in the 1960s Debord was lefcbvre's research amstant; some: com- ~e f!{ Calcutta) can be explored through the ways in which the camera
plamts have bc:c:n made against Lefebvre for citing Debord only twice in 77,c l'ro,l11c- 1s handled by visitors.
tio11 of Sp11rc - such complaints arc ironic coming from the champions of plagiarism. . Fascination with representation in recent times seems to correspond
Interestingly, the arrival of the UK punk group the Sex Pistols allowed these points
to be: coded in the slog:in•anthem 'Holidays in other people's misery' {Pistols, 1978:
wtt~ the emergence of computer graphics, heightened levels of infor-
Nc1-cr Mind tl,e Bo/forks). mation. exchange, and the proliferation, internationally, of an economy
6 . I reviewed Gec:rtz's book in an essay for the journal Soci,1/ A11,il)'sis (Hutnyk of ~he .m~age. Cameras have been widely available for some time,• and
1990). Heated debates over the activities of University of Sydney researchers in Thai- whtl~ It 1s not ne~essa~y to agree with Crary that it is so significant
fand hei,,an in the: mid• 197os and still continued into 1992, with a seminar in the
Dc:partmc:nt of Anthropology which w:is notable for the polarization of two strictly
that most of the h1stoncally important functions of the human eye are
demarcated 'sidc:s' of the argument. The question of rc:sc:;nchers in the din:ct employ bemg supplanted by practices in which visual images no longer have
of the: US army is one: which could cmnpletc:ly undermine scholarship's right to any reference to, the position of the .observer in the "real" , opt·1caJI y
cla1111 any legitimacy whatsoever. Sec Cohen (1993) for a stimulating discussion of the: · d
perceive world (Cr.:iry 1990: z), the interrelations of vision and tech-
politics of acadc:mi:i undc:r capitalism.
nology do become problematic.
7. At this point I should thank Nikos Papastergiadis and Scott McQuire for
making it possible to link up with Spivak here, travelling all night up a mad highway
in Austr:iha, back in what seems like less than tc:n-plus years ago. Emergent tc:~lin~lo~ic:s of image production arc becoming the dominant
?1o~cls_ of v1sua~1satton 3CCording to which primary soci3l processes and
mst1tut1om function. And, of course, they arc intertwined with the needs of
gl~bal mfornmio_n ind~trics 311d with the expanding requirements of mcdic.:al,
mthtary, and pohcc hierarchies. (Crary 1990: :?.)
Marx's discussion of commod ity fetishism as a means to tighten the image, ~nd of the gaze (Urry 1990), seems also to have the structure of
focus on discussions of 'the gaze'. Crary's pursuit of the ways in which nos_talg1a - a no.stalg!a for_a more authenti c vision, for a photogra phy
'techniq ues of the observer' calibrate with global 'events and forces' wh1c_h does not steal the image away, which reflects without the trans-
and 'forms of institutio nal and discursive power' (Crary 1990: 3) gression of _power that is often (not always) easily recognized in the
provides the backdrop. The presentation of Calcutta to travellers, as photo?ra phte moment . Among contemp orary social theorists it is
explored in the chapters above on travel literature and in Modern ~udnl~a rd . who articulates this nostalgia most eloquently. What is also
Lodge, can now be placed alongside those items most closely ;1SSoci- mterestm g 1s the photogra phic or cinematic code in which it is framed:
ated with the returning traveller: the holiday snapshot and the souvenir.
These are what the traveller brings back from Calcutta; they are the We used to hve in the imaginary world of the mirror, of the divided self ;md
o~ the stage: of otherness ~nd alienation. Today we live in the imaginary
material link with the 'outside' world, or home. Just as the traveller
world of the screen, of the mterface and the reduplication of contiguity and
who arrives with loaded baggage carries much besides rolls of empty ~1etwor~s: All our machines arc screens. We too have become screens, and our
film, the returnin g traveller carries away more than exposed rolls and mterac11v1~ 11:u become the intcr.ictivity of screens. Nothing that appears on
a backpac k bulging with memorabilia. I want to take the souvenir ~he scree1_1 rs ':1~ant 10 be de_ciph~rcd i~ depth, but actually to be explored
and the photogra ph together to show that the conditio ns in which msrantan~ousl}, m an abreaction 1mmed1atc to meaning - or 311 immediate
they are taken by travellers arc quite similar, and must be understo od convolunon of the poles of representation. (D:mdrillard 1 88: )
9 7
within the circulati ng and u:chnological contexts I outlined with
During my study of foreign tourism in Calcutta, over and over again,
reference to Marx and Heidegg er in Chapter I.
t~rough what Amitav Ghosh called the 'endless flow of Indo-bab ble' in
d1sco~rse ab_out travel, I heard the same kinds of metaphors guiding the
ways m which Indi3 was to be understo od by the travellers I met. Of
course I myself often utilized the same themes; and so very frequently
Tl,cre i$ a 11/101,,grap/1 of a 111111, 011e "f the MissicJ11<1ries of C/,arity ,loi11g they were th~se o~ the media world, of film, screen, photo, image. Yet
1/,c work tf !vfotl,cr Teres,1 i11 Calattr11, <1111I tl1is 111111 is skippi11g wit/r a r<1p1• at the sa~e ~1me 1t was as if we all knew already that this was just a
11111"".i! ,, gr""l' <?f cl1ildre11. 1'111 1101 s11rc 111/,)' this photo catches 111e
scene of 11lus1ons - the image threatened to 'slide off the screen' at an
so 11111cl, mome~t . All th~ talk of M11ya within Indian philosophies had someho \:
- she is .faci11g away f,'0111 the c11111er.i, b,1ck to us, yet it is ,is if she ll'erc
fooki11g; tl,c sari co11cri11g lu:r l1ca1/ c,m!.I equally cover lier fllcc. The 11pt11r111:d found its way mto the t:chnolo gical frameworks of what might be
sole of /re, /111rc foot (/11!fir111s 1/1111 sl,~ is jiui11,I! ,111,,1y: as I IMk closer it is called Western undcrst3ndmg. This repetition of screen-like images in
re11c11/ed tl,at 1/,crc arc 11110 skippers, 011c almost f11/I}' /1id,le11 l,cl1i111I 1/,c 111111, ~he. ways travellers, esp~cially back~ackers, talk about their experien ces
pn•bably II sclwolcl,il,I. 1fo11mg the gro11p 1,f 11111tcl1i11.I! tl1i/drc11 ,1 1/,iril i,f 1/rem indicates, at least, a particularly specific construc tion of those experiences
fo1•k past 1/1c 111111 i11t1• tl,c /cm - this plwto l,as more tl,1111 bo1111cc; lfll,at thro~~h a mechanism of othering learnt, I suppose, in front of the
sprin.i:s t,> 111i11cf is 1101 11,e serc11it}' or austerity wl1ic/1 mig/rt easily l,c expected televmo n, at che cinema, and from the family photo album. Howeve r
,,, C!ll'Cr 1/,c co1111tc11a11cc ef such a 111111, but i11steacf s0111ctl,i11g Jar more lively, unsure I_ remain abo_ut this, it is still plausible to argue that the
11111I I 111,1111 11,is pl,oto to stand for 111/rat l111s so efteu /,cc11 'skippc,I over' iu c?nscru_ctton of e~penen ce through the medium of preservable two-
p,•p11l,rr co11ccptfo11s 1,J C11/c11tt11: there is more life b(l1111d 11p l1crc 1/,1111 a brief d1mens1onal (movmg or still) representation is one of the most impor-
tant ~O~ltemporary phenom ena of international travd, and consideration
g/a11cc 111igl1t c11tcrtai11.
of tl~1s m the context of the disparate economi c and social privilc:ge~ of
Discussions of photogra phy and the image in tourism studies seem to tourists and others could indicate the path towards more sophisticated
me always to be framed with nostalgia. The image that one retains is resp~nses to the problems of cultural difference, at least in so for as
someho w deployed as a mirror for experien ce, a kind of mimetic tourism, and pe:haps anthropolo!,,Y and photography, are concerne d.
souvenir, a token which enables a return down the path of reminis- Th~ camera 1s tl,c international signifier of tourism. With the mass
cence, reflection and understa nding. At the same time a critique of the explosion of leisure travel in the latter part of this century, many photos
have been taken, an amazing compendium of images - sunsets, reproduction which ever more rapidly bring a world of endless
mountains, beaches, etc. - now piled up and in boxes under beds and repetition/duplication of images and meanings (and experience) which
above cupboards in every home, everywhere. Holiday photography is can be grasped, had, owned, bought and sold, in a convenient form.
the record which shows, no matter how rushed the visit, that what was This is true for an ever-increasing segment of the population of the
seen w:is what was there; and it is always realist, things as they appear planet, including many of the workforce of the 'Third World' states.
to the mechanism. That photography has a place within the economy SUsan Sontag sees the development of camera technology as something
of tourism will be readily recognized. The extent to which it is one of which 'carried out the promise inherent in photography from its very
the major framing devices of all 'tours' is perhaps less clear, but to beginning: to democratise all experiences by translating them into
consider just the superficial appearances, in only the preparations for images'; and, somewhat uncritically, she notes that photography is a
travel, there would be abundant occasions to refer to photography. The way of'converting experience into an image, a souvenir' (Sontag 1979:
travel brochure, the passport, the visa application, the duty-free film, 7). Does she mean that my passport is a souvenir of democracy? Almost
the 'camera-safe' luggage X-ray, and so on. Travel is overexposed to everybody now carries at least one familiar (family) photograph, or at
photography. . least a pass card, but I don't see much democracy in that. Thus the
At the same time a more complex involvement of photography m mechanisms of the camera spill over into tourism, cultural difference,
the experience of travel can be signalled with reference to philosophies imperialism, politics, and so on, in so many scenes - the interrelated
of perception. Photography has changed the way the world can be technological appropriations of capital through which everything is
viewed, yet following the shortcomings of art history, the history of understood as if it were snapped-shot in the frame. Cameras point at
photography has paid too little attention to the sociopolitical ramifi- culture everywhere, poking into the darkest flashlit nooks and crannies,
cations of this. More generally it might be argued that cultural repre- capturing anything and everything in a million rolls, a massive campaign.
sentation under contemporary capitalism goes on through technologies At 35mm a second (I am intentionally confusing formats here). The
which have until recently largely escaped detailed serious and sustained co-ordinates of cultural identity and comparison are fixed in small,
analysis in terms of techniques of representing culture - the frame of easy-to-carry squares. It is as if a great reduction machine were at work
the visual, the tropes of narration, the authenticity of images, and so turning life into a billion miniatures.
on. The ethnocentrism of European modes of representation of the
visual grows out of the frame of painting, which promoted certain PICTURE THIS
ways of knowing the world, the body, and so on, and has continued
today into the frames of Kodak, Fuji, Agfa and the thoroughly pict~rial A story r heard in India - perhaps on the rooftop of Modern Lodge -
orientation of documentary and realistic photography. At the same time described the scene of the young Picasso, beginning to gain some inter-
this ethnocentric perception is not confined to the visual, but partici- national fame, being asked by a North American journalist if it was
pates in a wide matrix of technologies which co-ordinate a very spe- true that he was such a good painter he could paint anything. And as
cific mode of cultural awareness and a constraint of possibility that a kind of test, the journalist presented a photograph of a woman which
hardly seems visible from within the consumer world of cameras, videos he carried in his wallet (this is the way journalists sometimes behave)
and tape-recorders, yet is utterly and overwhelmingly 'framed': and said: 'Could you paint my wife?' Picasso studied the photograph
for a few seconds and replied, 'No, she is too small,' and then, after a
Memories you can keep. (Kodak advertising 1987) pause, continued, 'and besides, she is too flat.' Questions of fidelity to
Would you trust your memories to anyone else? (Kodak 1993) the real can be inserted here. In TI1e Tourist Gaze,John Urry writes that
the 'power of [a] photograph ... stems from its ability to pass itself off
In the hands of travellers from so many nations, cameras whirr and as a miniaturisation of the real, without revealing its constructed nature
shutters click at an alarming rate, a global industry. Culture, meaning, or its ideological content intimately bound up with the tourist gaze'
experience - the circulation of these forms is the work (labour) of (Urry 1990: 139). ft is clearly not only the captions attached to photo-
'enframing', and today this work operates through technologies of graphs - 'my wife', 'the tourist' - which direct ideologically motivated
interpretations. The point of the Picasso anecdote, however, is also that culture of the streets', he announced to all. Bruner has written of the
any critical perspective on such interpretation cannot claim power to camera as a 'wonderful device for closet voyeurs, in that they can look,
dispel the 'ideological effects of the gaze'. Interpretation still colours his even stare, without embarran ment' {Bruner 1989: 441). A visit to
response; he could probably recognize the wife. Fairlawn to meet the well, off North American tourist was an already
Anecdotes themselves can function like snapshots to give the idea of loaded invitation to be provoked by the vast contrasts of wealth and
a scene, just as - cliche - 'a picture paints its thousand words'. One of values that are displayed - but even being prepared for this, and
the more significant consequences of backpacker travel to Calcutta is attempting some sort of balance :md reserve, I found it impossible to
the retrieval of a host of stories {some of which escape the conventions u~derstand how anyone could enter into such a voyeuristic enterprise
of 'the rumour of Calcutta'), -a treasure trove. An entire archive of wtth no sense of embarrassment or hesitation at all. Provoked, [ asked
traveller tales has largely been ignored in urban studies and tourism ~s po~itely. as I could whether he felt at all guilty intruding on people's
economics and consigned instead to guidebooks and 'literature'. The hves m this way. A blank expression for two seconds was followed by
imagery of the traveller, however, plays a crucial role in the formation the rationalization that he'd paid his guide five rupees to wake the
of opinion about the city. Calcutta as the font of storytelling would sleepers up in the first place. It is no surprise that I found this obscene.
not be anathema to its intelligentsia, but the snaps the travellers take (Part of my outrage here is fear that this book is not all that different.
home are perhaps less developed than might be hoped. The traveller Anthro~olo~ists have l~ng since traded tobacco, blankets, beads, money
comes and goes quickly; Virilio sees Calcutta, like any other major and sohdanty for stones. Who ~hould I be paying?) The ease with
metropolis, as an 'image-site' at the end of a speeding airliner (Virili_o ~vhic~ ~alcuttan .st~eet-~wellers are exposed to such transparently
1984/1989: 7) and in his text the city Aickers at the end of a media 1mpenahst appropnauons 1s a product of the 'open' nature of the streets-
transmission while its corporl!ality begins to disintegrate. Now every as-abode. Exposure itself is one of the problems the people face even
city is to be seen through a filter, through an electronic haze in a beyond the occasional annoyances, and still more occasionally the
wider economy; and by pointing the device at some corner of Calcutta, revenues, of tourist-voyeurs.
the photographer is immediately - snap - ready to escape with a ~alcutta is opened up, then, for those from the outside, in pre-
'souvenircd' version of it for the 'outside' . ordained ways. The ways in which the city is imagined by the visitor
What is it that is taken 'outside' in all those rolls of film shot by the are v'.vis~ctionist and have little relation to the life of residents, treating
travellers, volunteers, visitors? What kind of Calcutta do they represent? the city instead as a corpse for observation. The vision of this vivisection
There are a number of set conventional images which collate some cuts through the living areas of the city to extract the central organs,
rather narrow stereotypes for the city - the rickshaw-wallah pulling his the heart - the monumental scenes of Howrah Bridge, perhaps - in
cart, the destitUtes queuing at the street clinic, the overcrowded double- hard and awesome focus: the 'poor' living beneath the flyover. This
decker buses; but over and over, the poor. Every photo is seen from ~cene is not so much panoramic as epic in its representation of poverty
some perspective; there is always an angle. And while all photographs m Calcutta. And the aesthetic orchestration of poverty for the camera
can be said to be 'constructed', this, of course, does not mean they are is a consequence of an audience which will consume this poverty with
without political effects (for good and bad?). Nothing is ever seen just compassion, as 'news from the front', or from the urban hell 'end of
as it is; all angles, especially camera angles, are positioned and deter- the world'. Calcutta has achieved this special reputation outside its
mined by factors of context and contingency. Even pointing the camera precincts. The camera provides more and more actors for this melo-
without thinking invokes a complex set of figuring preconditions. drama which unfolds as much in the Western press as on the streets
Photostop. I woke one morning and went for breakfast at the Fairlawn In certain ways tourists and travellers are without identity, a mobile
Hotel (when breakfast there was cheaper than it is today, before it army of camera-clicking suction cups sweeping into cities and villages
became a set for City efJoy). l arrived just before an effervescent North as subtly as a cyclone, a 'frenzy of photo-mania' (Crick 1990) - of
American tourist, with an enormous zoom-lens camera, who had been course this cannot apply to all travellers, but there is an alarming degree
photographing lepers and other street-dwellers as they woke up. 'The of purist consumerism to be observed on the tourist trail. Rather than
give anything at the places visited - and tourists now visit almost ev~ry outside of the art-studio photography of New York, Paris, and so on,
place - it is more or less all take. Click. ~~ anony~ous consuming has rarely been disrupted from its mirror-function, its projection of the
cultural machine, buying, eating, looking, wntmg, filmmg (at the more city as it supposedly is. Beyond the viewfinder there may be other
organized levels not even their foreign exchange re1:1ains ~vithin the possibilities not so easily subjugated to the ideological co-ordinates of
tourist sites for the most part, for it is spent on prepaid foreign-owned divisions such as First World-Thi rd World, developed- underdeveloped,
packages in the country of origin {Crick 1994]); the p~radigm of face- exposed- overexposed, and so on:
less consumerism, a sucking vortex of dollars. And so, without a cultural
identity - and by this, of course, I mean that tourist identity _is mostly ' I just froze :is I was t.1king a photo and it hit me - I put myself in their place
one of money, the equivalence of everything, so many differences and could realize how I'd foci if they were t:iking photos of me while I
among the cultures of the West which are reduced to the co~mon hanging out w.ishing in my backyard.' (Mitch)
denominat or of wealth - tourists hardly ever need to reflect seriously 'My view of India is filtered through train windows and camera lcmes.' (Paul)
on a predicament as voyeurs; or, when there is a cha~ce _to do so, there
is always the safety net of cynicism and apathy which 1s even part of 'I caught myself taking photogr:iphs of fishermen but ignoring the m1ddlc-
d ass as if being middle-class wasn't also pare of India. No one wants a photo
the fashionable post- tourism pose. No need to act - excep~, perhaps,
of a sadhu standing in front of an electricity pylon, or sitting im ide a bl:ick-
to point out how I. like every other individual, do not act hke all t~e and-yellow Calcutta taxi. People back home expect the sadhu to be covered
other tourists and travellers. Just how is it that almost every toumt in ;uh and looking devout.' (Mary)
seems to claim to be different in such similar ways?
The peculiar character of the material productions of the vmtors to
WHAT IS PHOTOG RAPHY? SOUVEN IRS Calcutta, their letters, diaries, photos, films, all carry the halo of
documentary, memory and preservation, even as they also inscribe
Photographs amount to a material manifestation of the imagina~y work ambiguities. Among traveller photography, besides my own amateur
of producing understandings and opinion about Calcutt~, _wh~ch can shots, I have seen untold number of photographs of authentic-l ooking
make sense only within the wider processes of commerc1ahzanon. a~d Indian scenes (in which few travellers appear), alongside occasional shots
consumptio n of India. The city is inscribed in a variety of w~ys w1th'.n of other tourists, especially five-star-packaged ones, looking lost, and
a variety of contexts, a plenitude of imaginary sites,_ each with cer_tam casually posed scenes of ' my' Indian guide, friend, adopted family, and
political loadings and each according to sets of ~pec1_fic ~reconcepnons so on, all of which amount to so many exemplary and imaginary sites
and expectations, overt or covert, many of which 1mp1~ge ~pon . the in which the consumption of culture masquerades as comprehen sion,
images produced by tourists in determinin g _ways. As _wit~ d1scuss1ons and which have an uncanny resemblance to the otherwise anathematic
on the rooftop of the Modern, in travel gmdes and m hterat~re, the advertisements in the travel brochures. Some travellers are at pains,
common tropes for representing Calcutta as the poor city, the however, to point out that the sky is not always blue, as it is in the
over-crowded city, the teeming city, the deformed city, also appear travel guides, although 'good' photograph days have blue skies. If it
prominently in the photographs of travellers. Th~se tropes ,appe~r as means anything to say that photograph ing an event or a site, is a
consequences of choices no more complex than simply the what -to- simulacrum of that event or site it is necessary to examine the structure
photograph, 'when'-to-p hotograph decisions o~ c~icking the shutter. All of the 'authenticity' and nostalgia that is deployed here. It is possible
this amounts to the subjugation of Calcutta w1thm the economy of an that writers who stress the voyeurism of 'the gaze' without such an
ethnocentr ism that continually elaborates dominant modes of percep· analysis do little more than produce text (keeping academic book
tion and understanding. Much more than a critique of photograph ic production in business) . Authenticit y-striving is a version of the
representation is needed here. To challenge the. cliched imagery ~f traveller's quest, and that of the analyst. Walter Benjamin suggested
Calcutta, it will be necessary to challenge the choices that are made m something like this, and perhaps an alternative, when he wrote, in the
the consuming and appropriative zone within which shots can be ta~en; late 1930s: 'Culture appears rcified. Its history then becomes nothing
and, further, to challenge the realist sanction of photography, which, but the residue of memorabilia that have been unearthed without ever
entering into human consciousness through any authentic, that is (exoticism), consumption, appropriation, excess and decay in this way is
political, experience' (in Buck-Morss 1989: 289). not o_ften en~ug~ the _obscene but stark realization that the consuming
It might be suggested that the photograph, as memorabilia, is here machine which 1s capital is like a hungry ghost, eating its own excre-
'taken' in a political context, bnt reified. Photographs as memorabilia are ment wallowing in the cesspools (Lafleur 1989; z81) and that we are its
akin to souvenirs. Despite appearances, the souvenir is hardly just a agents, we ourselves are the ghosts. Abstracted and alienated from the
thing. Its object status is little compared to its significance as a marker values, mean_ings, artifacts - lifestyles - that we ourselves produce and
of cultural experience, of difference, of travel to the frontier, of status consu~e, th.ts phantasmagoria of surplus is decay itself: the decay of
itself. The object of the souvenir is almost immaterial. Olalquiaga says: good intentions, of experience and of meaning. There are echoes of
'souvenirs are instant ruins: they freeze a moment in time' (Olalquiaga Levi-Strauss ~nd Gunter Grass here, and of charity, but the photograph
1992: 35). ,:-he souvenir must be understood in the context of a history cannot so easily be placed in their - or in Hataille's - care. In the journal
of plunder, but also alongside the varied forms of the commodity, the LJ1sita11ia, Gregory Ulmer suggests that travel can be understood as a
gift, give-and-take, and charity. Who shall attend to the charitable sacrifice which 'is part of the order of unproductive expenditure' (Ulmer
intentions of those organizations, so often international NGOs, who 1993: 10). Alongside war, cults, spectacles and monuments, travel can be
have set up factories for the fund-raising manufacture of trinkets and seen as a necessary expenditure in an economy which demands 'con-
crafts? Catalogues of politically correct gift ideas for Christmas arrive by siderable losses' (Ulmer 1993: 10), though not as much a useless squan-
post to homes in Europe, America, Australia, to raise funds for Western de~ as . the redemptive sacrifice of the Mother Teresa charity workers
NGOs, but there is little more than tokenistic mention of the people doing 1t for God. In the same place, Gayatri Spivak is at pains to point
who produce those 'traditional' artifacts for Western consumption. Fair out that the consumption of surplus in potlatch 'is not the same as
trade would be well and good, if it really could be fair - but under surplus value or profit' in Marx (Spivak 1993a: 56). She says she does not
capitalism it is not, despite best intentions. Isn't it a fine thing to buy want to 'take the road' of potlatch within a Marxist understanding of
souvenirs for charitable ends? Who gives what? In so far as souvenirs are surpl~s value as that which is objectified Jabour consummated as profit.
bound up with power, with unequal cultural relations - in colonialism (A brief note on surplus should be included here: surplus value is not
as well as tourism - there are also spectral stages of authenticity, theft and profit, bu~ that value which is more than what is required for the
exchange, which need to be addressed. Economics, then: reproduction of the worker, and which is then made to deny 'its value
nat~re' in producing more capital or in being 'spent in consumption'
leisure is one way among others of squandering - of destroying - the surplus [~p1vak_ 1993a: 56J. Surplus value must be 'recouped' as profit through
energy.... Pure leisure (and of course labour strikes) is merely added to the c1rculat1on.) Ph?tographic expenditure is certainly a cost of travel, photo-
outlets rim the av.iilablc energy has beyond what is required for basic nect:s- graphs are readily consumed, and conspicuously, for varied uses. Giorgio
sitit:s . . . eroticism . .. luxury products (whose energy value is calculated in
labour time) and amusements, which are the small change of the holiday;
Agam~en has argue~ that ethnography has discredited the 'prejudice that
then there is work, which in some way increases the amount of production no obJect can be invested with value if it is not something useful'
. . . and lastly wars. {Dataille 1976/J 991: 187) (Agamben 1993: 48), so even the most useless of photographs - out of
focus, perhaps, or repetitive postcardy scenes - might be inserted into
In his second volume of The Accursed Share Bataille points to the this nostalgic economy.
imperative that we must consume - even waste, squander - excess Budget travellers, for all their renunciation of the high-cost extrava-
energy. Are photographs like this? Linking holidays to wars, eroticism to gances of tourism, would be holders of an accursed share under Bataille's
work - Bataille's thought disturbs. The links relevant to this book would eye. So-called budget tourists are very much oriented by cost. The market
stress the representational privilege that accrues to those who can take or the_ bazaar, the price of accommodation and food, and in general
holidays, cross-matched with the economics of the international division the pnce of consumer items and services, are the figures that guide the
of labour and the exoticism of those (holiday) representations, linked budget traveller. How much is the entrance fee? Who pays for dinner?
again to the destructive war and exploitation that privileges First World Postal charges to ship purchased items home? Five rupees for a photo.
over Third. The consequence of Bataille's thoughts linking eroticism From the visa charge before the journey to the departure tax at the
end, budget travd is a business of accounts, receipts, and exchange Do travellers consider those who produce these souvenirs? To the
rates. Expenditure without reward. Only more generous interpretations extent that a few organizations like the Bengali Women's Trade Union
romance travel as the accumulation of experiences. Auxilliary or Community Aid Abroad advertise 'non-exploitative' and
Just as photography may render suffering photogenic, souvenirs 'fair trade' (CAA pamphlet) working conditions at the site of production
reduce the entire world to a flea market, and everything can be o~ the goods which appear in their glossy brochures, perhaps there is
collected. Global culture is not a homogeneity but, rather, the reduc- cause for some approval. Certainly some volunteers working in Calcutta
tion within the same framing device of all differences, endless differ- were alert to such issues, and made efforts to shop from emporiums set
ences commuted into the sameness of 'things' that can be purchased up b~ _the organized charities near the Sudder Street area; despite greater
and brought home from the enormous jumble sale. There are conven- (reh1t1ve) expense, better-quality goods were sometimes available as com-
tions about going home, many of them directed towards friends' and pared to the New Market shops (Consumer Price Watch Committee
relatives' expectations of presents and exotic tidings - the last days of a Moder~ Lodge Branch, 1994). However, a rhetoric of non-exploitativ~
stay in Calcutta are spent shopping and taking photographs. Some production gleaned from glossy brochures does not immediately confirm
travellers - as can be seen from a visit to craft markets in Western cities that those who work in the production homes which supply Oxfam
- are able to subsidize their travels from the sale of 'trinkets' they have and CAA are adequately compensated for their difficult and often
brought home from the exotic 'Third World'. Tourism does its part in boringly repetitive labour. Responses to questions about this elicited
the wholesale extraction of handicrafts and other locally produced goods various justifications ranging from 'but they wouldn't haw jobs other-
from the subcontinent. The contribution to a kind of cottage version wise' (Heidi) to 'at least the profits go to a good cause' (Jason). Issues
of international trade which is represented by those hundreds and of small-scale commodity production are more complex than tourist
thousands of backpacks filled with souvenir items is not without evaluations of cottage capitalism allow.
significance. The point at which foreign exchange enters the market- What should be understood is that the souvenir or photogrJph is a
form of commodity which can be analysed in terms which bring out
place is important here.
Marx's insight that the commodity expresses a social relationship - that
Every purchase tells a story: the umbrella from New Market, the book in the market (which is now everywhere for tourism): 'persons exist
from College Street, the chocolate from Nahoums (best chocolates, for one another merely as representations of, and, therefore, as owners
good chocolates, tine chocolate). People buy shirts, trousers, cloth, sa- of, commodities' (Marx r867/i967: 85). Souvenirs are social before
ris, shawls, wall-hangings, mobiles, brass figurines, brass utensils, plates, they are objects; they arc things made of power; encrypted relations of
drums, books (I am especially susceptible here), toys (and here), bicycle power; ciphers; signs. The souvenir or photograph of Calcutta taken by
horns, bags, jewellery, and more. This list catalogues some of the most the Western visitor may evoke a mood, a nostalgia for the context of
interesting items: 'The best thing I ever bought in Calcutta was my its origin in an emporium, on a hot crowded pavement, or in a
black umbrella from Burra Bazaar, it is so beautifully made, with a cluttered market stall - but may be read more revealingly as a marker
decorated bamboo handle :md a fantastic lotus flower frame' (Bronwyn). of a soc!al relation. More than a status symbol or an ornamental display
The black-cloth lotus-framed bamboo Calcutta umbrella was always (souvenirs are kept, stored up on the mantelpiece, here more like
destined to become a souvenir cult item among longer-term visitors. potlatch than g ifts}, also a sign of power, a trace of imperialism. What
With the cheapest 'special best quality' versions available for less than remains of heat, smoke, bustle, when the image of travel is carried
50 rupees, and better-quality ones not much more expensive, the bl~ck- home? Little perhaps, but the social relation which allows the trans-
cloth umbrella scorned by many Dengalis in favour of more convenient portation and the nostalgia is exactly this. The image remembered is
nylon fold-up models was a must. These black brollies satisfied some also a marker of an economic and social privilege.
backpackers' eccentric desire to appear properly, and dapperly, British: ?ther comments from travellers indicate a little of the scope of
especially useful during the monsoon months. One or two extra to India as .i. market. One can find almost anything in the chaotic
take back home for friends were easy last-minute items, rolled up in a rummage that is the consumer's Calcutta:
blanket, or carried on board as hand luggage.
•I've done out my house with bits and piec;es I've picked up on my travels - applicable to the study of the politic~ of souvenirs.. (Although Derrida's
it's like a warehouse of E3stern artifacts.' Uoseph) theory of the gift 'souvenirs' colonial examples too - his Eurocentrism
'I did a course on Indian art which was presented as a kind of up-market
is a given.)
Indian travel guide.' (Lucy) Of what value are these souvenir~? As icon\ which represent the
experience of travel, they come to stand in place - as do photographs
'I collect dolls or figurines from every place I visit - I want to have a mini-
ature world full of different people. Not really to relive my trip, but to show - of things wh ich rely more on memory. At a simple level they are
visitors something interesting from where I've been.' Uacinta) substitutes, but these material reminders, if they are triggers of memory
(violent shots), also serve to show something more. They claim a certain
'This shirt I had made up in the Punjabi style, but in this blue colour - it !s
status, or at least a claim which would authenticate - as evidence
good that I will have something Indian that I will wear at home. Though It
was difficult; I had to wait two days, and then I came to the shop at five brought back from afar - a narrative of experience which is to be told,
minutes before lunch, so I could not leave the shop for over an hour because shown or written, to others: 'I have been away, and I have the proof
I was locked inside.' (Antoine) here with me.' It is no accident that some photographic prints are
called proofs - although these have an intermediary status, and must
Souvenirs come to represent experience; often in a way that has a still be printed in full . Somewhat similarly to proofs, souvenirs require
meaning that is specifically relevant to the visitor. Such sou~enirs can a narrative of acquisition to become operative.
be without obvious value for others - for ex:nnple, a metro ticket from
Calcutta's underground rail service, a Campa Cola bottle, a tongue
cleaner, a video copy of a Mrinal Sen film. Experience ~s _also collecte_d
like a souvenir.i Wanting to know through the authenticity of expen- Sometimes it will be claimed that travel broadens one's horizons,
ence, through the notion of 'having travelled', is_ another. mode of improves the mind and soothes the restless soul - and I do not want to
consumption, and of appropriation - however gen~me and ~m~cre the fail to take this seriously. But it would be ludicrous to think that tourism
intentions. The concept of experience is an enabling consutunw one can save the world through the widened horizons of the children of
for travellers as well as other visitors; anthropological 'participant the middle class, and it would be a parody to suggest that all the ills of
observation' is dependent upon the same conception. Tra~dlers ~m~t tourism can be healed by some kind of scholarly critique. Yet there is
'experience' Calcutta as different. The point about travel 1s that 1t 1s some cause for a more serious social-scientific analysis of what is at
experience away from home, with itineraries mapped through the lens st3ke in this domain. While nol all scholars have demeaned themselves
of a global consuming apparatus. This may be understood to_ ran~e by uncritically taking up the soft ideology of'tourism for cultural under-
across extremes: from what may be serious scholarly interest and mvesu- st3nding' - perhaps following long-established anthropological concern
gation, or - and I am not too cynical here - ~ more ~mpathetic affinity with what the people involved think about what they are doing -
with the spiritual allure of'India' (very much m afasa11a11s ct trc111e11d11111, there is scope for closer attention. In this context the work of Malcolm
hocus-pocus, mystic John-and-Yoko, out-of-body Hare ~a~ma way). Crick has opened up many interesting questions, most provocatively
The souvenir and the photo, as a reminder of a place v1s1ted or an when he queries the status of:
experience gained, also asserts the idea of a_ face-to-fa~e authenticity
which is now past - and this, too, is a myst1cal nostalgia. rescarc hers who reckon th emselves superior to tourists because of th ear efforts
There might also be reason to consider the relative economy o! tu learn about other cultures, (and so) are, of course, not like the naive fools
so often caught by the local touts.Arc they not simply 'sophistk arcd' tourists
souvenirs bought in 'weaker currencies'. The phrase 'monopoly ~oney
who deservedly get caught by 'sophisticated' con artists? (Crick 1994: Manu-
is not uncommon among travellers referring to rupees (or Thai baht, script; 206)
or Malaysian dollars). Derrida's essay on gifts and counterfeit money
calls attention to the power of money to make equivalences out of The relationship between what tourists think of their activity and the
dilferences (a basic Marxist point), and he uses this to enter into a Ion~ commentaries and explanations of 'disciplined' researchers might be
discussion of the status of a variety of exchanges in a way that 1s refocused with regard to the fact that many social scientists, while in
'the field', take photographs and collect souvenirs. Their efforts may be travel guide and the stock postcard image are insufficient for the
uneven, their images not always good ones, but somehow their 'social- purposes of 'research'. Similarly, commercial considerations and weight
scientific' status of their shots always accords more authenticity than of numbers conspire to 'produce' a great many more tourists than
holiday snaps. (Their kitsch souvenir collections appear in this text less anthropologists. Is it such a surprise that commercial centres like Hong
often.) I have heard travellers complain that the anthropology lt:ctures Kong devote the front line of their stores to camera supplies rather
they attended at university before they came travelling wen: little more than ethnographers' notebooks? Off the plane on the run, load up
than collections of holiday snaps; the intrepid anthropologist with his with film, and shoot, shoot, shoot - the Kodak, Fuji, Agfa campaigns
or her 'tribe'. (l have shown photographs of travellers to J political have the urgency of combat, F-stop shock troops (is this a case of
science class; is there to be no end to cyclical duplicity?} It is a matter tourist self-loathing?).
of the frame in which these events are presented; the framing of the This is not even to raise the question of the authenticity of the
scholarly photograph is already quite different before the researcher representations themselves, 3 although if we are all aware that photo-
arrives, focuses and shoots, because the disciplinary support systems of graphs are sometimes inauthentic, that they sometimes 'lie', we so very
texts, research visas and universities, and the 'pursuit of knowledge', often forget this and accept the mechanical fact of representation as
carry so much greater weight. The holiday snap is comparatively adrift authenticity. Holiday snaps, even when they are treated with utmost
as opposed to the scholar's representation which is pasted as a plate in disdain by all who are shown them, are still accorded more credibility
a monograph served to a specific readership, even where there is litde than any of the hundreds of photographs of UFOs, Yetis, or Loch Ness
difference between the snaps. It does matter very much who takes the Monsters. The point is that all these photographs are thoroughly fore-
photo, and where they stand is not simply a matter of finding the best grounded by complex expectations and ways of seeing - a key argument
light. Still, the fantasist with a camera is a sort of utopian :mthro- of this book. Kabbani captures exactly this when she points out that
pologist, able to go anywhere and get the best shots with the best the productions of travellers 'do not depend so much upon the traveller's
equipment. And let us not forget that most of these cameras are individual gaze' (1986: 122) as upon their education, the myths they
produced by the cheap labour of those in the very Third World sites - have reason to cherish and the political and social structures they belong
or rather, in factories just adjacent to those sites - which are photo- to and function within. The location of the photograph as a tourist
graphed by tourists. The irony that it is the 'exotic' peoples who now memento has a very different circulation from the published shot, so
provide the labour to provide the mechanisms of their own representa- th:it the sanction of publication attracts a greater general responsibility
tions, by others, is particularly sharp since it is rarely recognized as in comparison to the experiential and specific character of the memento.
exposing the imperial bargain. It is this link between photography and When these aspects converge, and the memento snap is published some-
tourism that Fussell seems to find so frustrating: where, as may sometimes happen, the sanction shifts, experience
acquires a different narrative and authoritative credence as part of public
Cant as the tourist may of the TaJ Mahal and Mt Everest at sunset, the real discourse. The sanction moves from 'my experience' to 'generalized
target today is the immense Ocean Terminal at Hong Kong, with its mil~s ~f event' as the photograph moves away from the private narrative into
identical horrible camera and tape recorder shops. The fact that a tounst 1s
depersonalized locations and its authority expands - stripped of its
best defined as a fantasist equipped temporarily with unaccustomed power is
better known to the tourist industry than to anthropology. (Fusscl 1980: 4!)
reference to 'my experience', it comes to stand for Calcutta itself.
Curiously, the realist sanction of photography seems to be reversed
It is not necessary to conflate the project of'knowledge' with the soft when it comes to the souvenir; often kitsch. Souvenirs pose a problem
ideology of tourism as cultural understanding to recognize that what is m terms of authenticity as they can, in so many ways, be fakes, and can
at stake in both projects entails a similar economy. Even allowing be intentional fakes (enabling the authenticity of the false, which might
differences of degree, the desire to produce 'understanding' and to be best repre~ented with traveller fascination for a 'kitsch' balsa-wood
comprehend experience is common. There are other constraints which model of the Taj Mahal, which for certain others would carry a more
condition differences - social science presents itself as more sophisticated, profound meaning). A skilled (crafty) tout can sell all sorts of goods as
as scholarly. There is no doubt that the ready-made formats of the 'authentic' to different audiences in different ways.just as news reports,
photojournalism, and eyewitness accounts address authenticity to a range furthermo_re, credit is gained by giving the souvenir - as story and
of possible consumers; another tout might sell what to all but certain shown obJect (proof) or as gift from afar - and so it is worth consider-
tourists would be absolute local junk; and individual travellers - as did ing the status of the gift in this scene: the retrieved or plundered object
the Modern Lodge guests - might seek junk, using their own 'found made into an offering of value to another is always more than a mere
objects' as souvenirs (is a Mahatma Gandhi bottle-open er an a111l,e11tic accessory to authority claims. In Baudelaire's story a counterfeit coin is
souvenir?). Souvenirs can also be 'faked' by location - as not being from given to a beggar. The one who gives - as so much anthropology
where they are purported to be from. Elaborate explanations may be describes - is the one who claims power. This would have to be meas-
fabricated to sanctify otherwise meaningless knick-knacks; whole myth- ured in the context of charity, also - which is often a righteous kind
ologies, anecdotal and circumstantial evidence, dabor:ite conjectures, of giving which claims 'heaven' as its own reward and so, in exchange,
may become_attached to objects. Are these inauthentic? Even if they are claims all. Derrida links this to representation:
'made up', can such elaborations be denounced as false representations?
As an identifiable, bordcrcd, posed iubjcct, the one who writes and his or
In the same way in which all evidence can be forged, there is no doubt her \':'riting never gives anything without calculating, consciously or un-
that such exchanges apply to tourist souvenirs also. cons~1?usly, i~s n:appropriation, its cxclm1gc or its circufor return - and by
This is not news. The structure of the sign, the essence of represen- defimtton tlm means rcappropriation of its surplus value. (Derrida 1991 /
tation, already teaches this. Derrida says as much when he shows how 1992: 101)
complicated 'truly fictive' narrative is with regard to the gift (Derrida
r99r/J992: 94). A writer, already a fiction, can invent a fictive narrator Charity, then, is yet another way of making a mark for capital.
who will tell, as if true, a fiction about a forgery. A false truth about a The authority or credulity of the souvenir and its narrative is based
true falsity - all of this Derrida attaches to the structure of the money upon what can easily, and without remainder, be fictive. The souvenir
form with regard to his essay on Baudelaire's story of the counterfeit and narrative can be false, yet still be invested. Indeed, the most suc-
cessfully reinvested images of Calcutta are patently forged from dubious
coin given to a beggar:
sou_rccs (~ ha~e in mind Tlze City of Joy). Among the many ways in
in order for there to be counterfeit money, the counterfeit money must not which tlm might occur are those souvenirs peddled by the crafty touts;
give itself with ceruinty to be counterfeit money; 3nd this perhaps is al~o the the fabricated village handicrafts of charity organizations; and the many
intcntion:il dimension, th3t is, the credit, the act of faith that structures all and various objects that are actually 'from' somewhere else but are
money, all experience or :ill consciousness of money, be it true or false.
claimed, credited, with Calcutta origin. Alongside these, the elaborations
(Derrida 199i/1992: 95)
of authentic 'souvenirs', which are truly found on site and are then
From this we might wonder if Derrida means to say that credit is embellished with a fictive narrative, are little different from the 'false'
the structure of all experience, or of all experience of money - both souvenir, since this remains a souvenir, while the place it represents
interpretations are plausible. Certainly the credit-ability of the souvenir, becomes less stable. Perhaps it docs not matter where the souvenir
as well as the souvenir's narrative, is what is at stake in terms of comes from, nor if the narrative which authorizes it has the ring of
accountability. Need authenticity be accounted? (At what cost might truth or merely a structure - a narrative structure - which lends au-
we take account of this wealth of metaphor? Can we afford to remain thenticity. The Calcutta that is souvenired among all these knick-knacks
bereft, not to invest the necessary in order to take stock and evaluate and narr~tives has more to do with an economy of storytelling, status
the purchase of such metaphoric currency? Marx on the money form, and media than of geopolitical lived-in space. The distance between
as discussed above in Chapter 1, is the context here.) Calcutta and the world of souvenirs, as with any representative struc-
Derrida says: 'Authority is constituted by accreditation', but he means ture, is one of flux. What is important is that the souvenir circulates,
this in the double sense of both credulity and 'capitalised interest' allowing a recoupmcn t of its (surplus-) value.
(Derrida 1991 /t 99l: 97). The souvenir carries a certain value, which ff the image of Calcutta were considered in terms of Marx's analysis
must be invested to constitute itself :is souvenir, and this must be under- of the commodity fetish, we might see this as an immanent critique of
stood within a cultural economy which is, after all, capitalism. But 'representational' relations. Marx says:
The mysterious c h:1racter of the commodit y form consists therefore simply in declares, based upon arguments that 'the tower (in addition to giving
the foct that the commodity reflects the social chanctcristics of human labour the coup de grace to the labyrinthine character of old Paris by offering
as objective characteristics of the products of labour the~selvcs .... Thro~gh a reference point visible everywhere) transformed the whole city into a
this substitution, the products of bbour become commodmes, sensuous th~ngs
commodi ty that could be consumed [and photographed] in a single
which are at the same time suprascnsual or social. In the same way tl~e 1~11-
prcssion made by a thing on the optic nerve is perceived. not as ~ subJect1ve glance' (Agamben 1993: fn40).
excitation of that nerve but as the objective form of a tlung outside the c.-ye ~ As I have suggested above, the mimetic effects of the camera and
... [Matx then finds a better analogy in religion whe~c the_'produc~ of th; the nostalgia of the souvenir can be understood as examples of this
human brain appe:ir as autonomous figures endowed with a hfe of their own ] commodification of an (unequal) social relationship between produced -
... I call this fetishism. (Marx 1867/1967: 164-5) subjects and tourists. Lukacs summarizes the 'essence of the commodi ty
structure' , and characterizes relations between people as taking the form
How unc:inny this analogy would be had Marx referred to the camera of a thing which has 'an autonomy that seems so strictly rational and
obscura here. The image of the excited eye very much recalls the all-embracing' that it conceals 'every trace of its fundamental nature:
mechanism of the camera invented thirty years e:irlier. Nevertheless, the relation between people' (Lukacs 1968 / 1971: 83}. The importan ce
this passage is mysterious enough; he goc:s on to say that the commodity of this for the role of the camera and the souvenir as technologically
form 'is nothing but the determined social relation between humans produced 'things' is one of showing that the ' rumour of Calcutta'
themselves which assumes here, for them, the phantasmagoric form of encrypted in their production is an expression of the relations between
a relation between things' (Marx 1867/196 7: 165). Marx's use of the different classes of people under capitalism and imperialism. The dual
term phantasmagoric is, according to Agamben, traceable back ~o his nature of the commodi ty is, rather, a dual nature of labour - as an
enchantm ent with the planned phantasmagoria of the first Umversal activity and as a commodi ty (used, appropriated, etc.). It should be
Exposition in Hyde Park in 185 1. Soon after, at the Paris ~xposition of remembered, then, that the fetish of Capital is the fetishism of capitalists
1867 - the year Marx published the first volume of Capital - the or- who attribute value-forming power to capital, when all it 'really' has
ganizers declared their method: 'The public needs a grand_iose concept the power to do is to command labour. Class-conscious workers will
that will strike its imagination; its spirit must halt, astonished, before recognize this, and see capital as a power which they will resist.
the marvels of industry. It wishes to contemplate an enchanted scene,
not similar products, uniformly grouped' (in Agamben 1993: 38). This
enchantm ent could also be that which provoked Marx to describe the
commodi ty form of a simple table as an idea which escapes that which Calcutta is a city which has been built by labour which can be specified
made the table - bbour - and enters an abstract world where, out of - actual labourers engaged in actual toil. But the rumour of Calcutta,
control, 'it stands on its head' (as in Hegel?); the table has 'evolved out the imagery by which the city is known, is the production of a some-
of its wooden head whims more wonderful even than when of its own what different order. There is a dilemma here to do with representation
accord it begins to dance' (Marx 1867/1967: 164}. Marx was mad - 3 which causes headaches for the Bengali government, which would like
footnote to this passage adds that Chinese tables do dance.~ Dance ~s a to have some say in the kinds of inscriptions that are produced about
metaphor for circulation, perhaps? Movement? Travel? The warmng Calcutta. Recent controversies over the film City ofjoy could be a case
sounded here is important, however; the dark magic of this enchant- in point5 - but more generally, it seems, a debate over censorship is
ment is 'the transfiguration of the commodity into the enchanted object' responding to a complicated double need with regard to technologies
(Agamben 1993: 38), where the products of labour enter into an ever of representation. There is a felt need to regulate the haphazard and ad
more global market, and exchange value begins to eclipse use value. It hoc inscription of Calcutta which is going on through the proliferation
is not unlikely, also, that substantial 'commodities' from Calcutta graced of cameras in the hands of so many visitors to the city. Representation
the pavilions of the grand Expositions of Europe _from I 85 1 onwa~ds. is somehow out of control, yet at the same time it is possible to discern
And it is not without significance that protests agamst the construction quite specific patterns and continuities in this representation (stock
of the Eiffel Tower for the Paris Exposition of 1899 were, Agamben images of poverty, etc.). To regulate this haphazard inscription by
demanding certain standards and, in the case of the film, a problem- to portray any other side of the city predisposes visitors - in varied ways
atically defined 'ideological balance' is at the same time shown along- - to slot experiences of Calcutta into the received frame. The dilemma
side the need to challenge the proliferation of representations with is a challenge to the dictum that the camera never lies, but although we
disturbing continuities which suggest that the inscribing of Calcutta as know that the camera shows only one perspective, gives just one side of
the site of poverty is not haphazard at all. • a multifaceted object, takes a dim and unfocused view of context, is
Is it in the nature of the technology that this dual dilemma occurs? suspended in the snapshot of time, isn't it the case that we still hold out
It is not possible to regulate the flood of cameras snapping freely in a the hope of a full and adequate representation? As if a multiplication of
constant frenzy in almost every corner of the city. Sontag noted that lenses would bring us closer to truth, to that fidelity to the real. The
the photographer was 'an armed version of the solitary walker recon- 'gift' of photography is that it promises an originary return; the world
noitring, stalking, cruising the urban inferno, the voyeuristic stroller made photogenic can be saved - this remains a kind of impossible
who discovers the city as a landscape of voluptuous extremes (an] adept charity work. The old fallen story. ft should be dear that the multiple
of the joys of watching, connoisseur of empathy' (Sontag 1979: 55). exposures of mass media do not wipe away the channelling and con•
The 'cottage-industry' or informal character of visual inscription (for ditioning and determining effects of established patterns of representation,
those who can afford a camera) can always slip through any attempt at even though some might like to hold out for some kind of dysfunction
material censorship or regulation - sneaking photos from afar with a of the technological and of the censors in order to see opened new
telephoto lens, ever quieter .md faster and more automatic mechanisms. spaces, new lines of flight, the possibility of new scenes.
Urry paraphrases Sontag (quoted above) when he says that photography Virilio has called the media forms of inscription - video, photo and
'involves the democratisation of all forms of human experience, both writing - a translation machine which entails a 'geometrification of
by turning everything into photographic images and by enabling any- looking' (1984/1989: 2). Everything is ordered into a q11a1troce11to kind
one to photograph them' (Urry 1990: 139). This intentionally invokes of spatiality, a cartography of perception which would accord with
the money/ commodity form. But not everyone has a camera, although Virilio's camera rigidity. In contrast, a less structured kind of looking
perhaps the camera-effect extends mto all hands? (What does this would evoke the traveller, tourist or anthropologist, just wandering the
argument have in common with debates about guns?) Ulmer suggests streets, talking to people, glancing left and right, up and down, looking
that 'the camera is an effect, not the cause, of the "depth of field" haphazardly at whatever catches their (our?) attention in the winding
point of view that dominates Western thought from the Greeks through crowded Calcutta streets. Dut this would be nothing more than a ripple
Freud' (Ulmer 1989: 8). It seems to be not just simply a matter of load in Virilio's regime, as even the least intentional modes of looking are
and shoot. Since the development of the daguerreotyp e, Europe's heavily conditioned by a geometric ordering of otherwise cluttered
cultural others have been incessantly photographed , mostly with a perception. An anthropologist might claim that 'participant-observation',
greater realism than the medium promised in Europe itself (as opposed the casual interview, and other less structured and 'dialogic' aspects of
to painting) but also with an exotic loading (see Crary 1990, McQuire ethnography might offer an alternative to these technocratic cart-
1995). I would like to argue that the 'viewfinder' of photography ographies, but this is also an illusion which forgets that anthropologists
remains well within the 'frame' of a very conventional - and human - look, listen and participate with books in mind - they are always on
concept of technology which serves, largely, to present subjects in a the verge of perpetrating some sort of literature, they carry the uni-
way that is wholly modernist in its fidelity to presence. The structure versity and its attendant constraints with them always. There is no
of realist photography is already structured by the presentation of the perspective that will not be constrained in some way. The camera itself
scene - a gift of being-there which seems to return and return. brings this out dearly - much more, but also sufficiently - by imposing
So is it the ideological production of the meaning of Calcutta that its frame.
entails this dilemma? The forces which encourage a certain depiction of What Michael Taussig finds significant about the camera is the 'curious
the city are so great as to seem to be beyond disruption. The vast and striking recharging of the mimetic faculty caused by the invention
literature and popular imagery of poverty sustained by an internationally of [suchJ mimetically capacious machines' (Taussig 1993: xiv). What is
and economically reinforced reputation which continually resists attempts more striking is that this mimetic charge comes to be understood as a
kind of mechanization of perception - this gives us the curiosity of a preserved on paper), but maybe the best moments of travel experience
technological enframing which produces and is produced by capacious cannot be captured through the visual. Certainly the pictographic
camera effects at a time when interpretative skill and computer capacity dominate~ the narrativization of travel after the return, and for some it
seem to converge. Yet Taussig remains concerned with the 'construction' conditions a day's, or even every day's, travel programme ('Gotta get a
of social life, and asks: 'how come it seems so immutable? How come sh~t of the bridge', a shot of Queen Victoria, etc., etc.), and often
culture appears so natural? .. . construction deserves more respect; it scenes may evoke the idea of a photograph - 'What a nice shot that
cannot be name-called out of (or into) existence' (Taussig r993: "-'Vi). would make' - but there are tastes and smells and sounds and even
scenes. which cannot be accommodated within the fields of vision
appropriate to photography. The camera always sets up a certain distance.
As in a passport photograph, souvenirs produce identity, and this is
'I'm amazed at the winding streets which never match up with the views complicated, and bound up with other areas of this work discussed in
I have from the windows of my room. Even if I took photographs from Chapters 2 and 4. One prominent example is fashion: traveller
the windows of the ,-arious buildings I look out from I could never quite 'identities' proliferate on the stalls of the travel market, in a way which
square them up with a map of the streets.' (Suzie) suggests that an analysis in terms of the production and consumption
'I am not a camera.' (Gary) of personal images would not be misplaced. Brian Massumi noted that
'it used to be that assuming or redefining an identity took a lifetime.
'I slip into a photograpluc mode after sitting abouc an hour in a chai stall;
it is easier, the camera has become a htde less visible.' (Suzie) Now it can be done in as long as it takes to / shop for an image'
(Massumi r992: 134). Where images have become a commodity, and
'I hke to go alone into the streets and wander, I get lost among the maze,
traveller identities and ways 'to be' in India have become codified -
no other touri$ts have seen just what I have seen, even while it's just one
with varying degrees of formality and reference to the marketplace - it
more lot of everyday events. No, I don't have a camera.' (Adrienne)
is important to look at what is produced. This would include not only
It is ironic to find Moorhouse's patchy book on Calcutta published in the material trappings of these purchased identities, such as fashions
the Penguin 'Travel Library' series, as if the massive city were somehow and paraphernalia, but also conceptual purchases - everything from
on the move. The travel library is always-already an outsiders' library, literature read to the price of cinema tickets and the complexities of
written from a visitor's perspective. And it is also ironic to find identity and memory. It should be no surprise that travel literature
Moorhouse recognizing that perhaps there are problems with the project 'produces' more than just text in this zone - the fetish of the photo-
of representing Calcutta. While he does not see the importance of his graph or souvenir as nostalgia for travel is, like all fetishism, something
own words for what he has done in his own book, he nevertheless which presents what Agamben calls the fetish-paradox: 'the fetish con-
explains: fronts us with the paradox of an unattainable object that satisfies a
human need precisely through its being unattainable' (Agamben 1993:
you return from Calcutta, unless you arc very tough or a professional, with 33). The souvenir reminds us of the trip we are no longer on, or the
a camera which may be full of exposed film but which contains hardly any
life we cannot lead, the person we are, but can no longer (or not just
record of people. Quite apart from the risk of violence when a camera is
now) be.6 Identities are commodities, too, and we trade them now on
raised, which is considerable, you arc also deterred by the indecency of the
act. (Moorhouse 1971: I 28) the market of world travel - whole (fragmented) personalities are pieced
together out of bits of glossy brochures, bits of cloth gathered together
For some, the act of photographing is impossible in Calcutta; having under the logic of fashion, old texts and textures orchestrated through
become acutely aware of the voyeuristic nature of its projection, or an image- laden marketplace that saturates all aspects of our lives (not
simply feeling some sense of discomfort, many travellers seem to leave only is all simulacrum [Baudrillard 1983], but all simulacrum is the
their cameras in the Modern Lodge safe. Kodak and Canon may sell market). In this way colonization reaches the furthest zones of the
their equipment with the promise of memory on film (note the curious ~ody, thought, world, idea, and more, and reclaims all values through
character of this idea: if it were a memory, it would not need to be its ever-flashing exchange. It is a metaphor of distance.
In a stimulating point-form passage on travel photography, Urry sets cated - are our amateur, independent and personal efforts the repository
out a few, somewhat generalized, ideas on the construction of travel of popular cultural life or, rather, a shallow remnant, a fading image, of
with the camera: a long, gone creative autonomy? Certainly the military, multinational
and technological agencies have been the ones to offer innovations;
Photography gives shape to travel. It is the reason for stopping, to take (snap) an~ more importantly, this has enabled the marketing, on a grand
a photograph, and then to move on. Photography involves obligations. People scale, of so many cameras and books and other such tools of surveil-
feel that tlu:y must not miss seeing particular scenes si nee otherwise photo- lance and proof that these are available everywhere, and never before to
opportunities will be missed. Tourist agencies spend much time indicating
such a . degree. But does this mean that institutional agencies retain
where photographs should be taken (so-called viewing points). Indeed much
tourism becomes in effect a search for the photogenic, travel is a strategy for control over publications? To a great extent the conventions of academic
the accumulation of photographs. (Urry 1990: 139) work have determined the shape of this commentary, but is the situa-
tion so tight that there are no avenues down which we can go to avoid
For some it is the escape of travelling that is destroyed by the techno- the impositions of received forms? What kinds of camera effects can
logical record - somehow the permanent material representation changes disrupt the conventions of the camera now? What shots of Calcutta
the quality of an experience. The desire here is possibly an attempt to will offer another city in its place? Is it possible to swap Calcuttas? Are
escape the regimentation of surveillance, to hope that it is still possible there so many that we can choose? What are the constraints upon our
to live outside the routines, to live in the spaces between the grids choices?
imposed by habits, laws, governments and technocracy. Like bustees
and pavement dwellings, perhaps, at the edges of state surveillance there CIRCULATION OF COMMODITIES
are opportunities to escape; although the bustees are very well ordered
in specific ways, too: there are many forms of hierarchization. What has been called 'the commodification of everything' (Wallerstein
(It is important not to overlook the ordering of bustee life. The r983) is also a major component of budget travel. Pietz has underlined
informal sector of work in Calcutta, largely organized from those who the importance of the first chapter of Marx's Capital, which analyses
live in the bustees, must be considered a more or less long-term factor the 'process of the historical production of universal forms' (Pietz 1993:
for the Indian metropolis (Sethuraman 1978: 15; Sivaramakrishn:m 1978: 147), among which the possibility of exchange is arranged. Keenan
1 36). Those who travel to work in Calcutta from other Indian states do calls this an 'axis of similarity [which) enables a comparison, makes the
often slip between the interstices of both sociological and state surveil- different uses of things commensurable' (Keenan r993: 162). This
lance. Indeed, most of the staff of the Modern Lodge were, before the possibility is achieved by an abstraction which is, first, an erasure of
establishment was sold, from outside Bengal. Lubell has noted that there difference. The money form as universal exemplar of this under capital-
is a distinction to be made between these people who migrated into ism allows everything to find a price. Everything can be measured and,
Calcutta from East Pakistan - on the whole entire families - and those cynically, everything can be bought. Keenan, remembering that the
who migrated from rural Bengal or from nearby states - who are often commodity expresses a social relation, reminds us that 'exchange is
males leaving families in villages to earn income in the city (Lubell possible because abstraction reveals the common humanity [labour)
r974; Lubell 1978: 1 r2). Many visitors would be unaware of any such surviving in the thing exchanged' (Keenan 1993: 171). This commodifi-
distinction as they point their cameras at families encamped by the side cation, however, is not an abstract conceptual event, but takes its form
of the road.) in a myriad of local contexts. The market is manifest, there are buyers
It remains an open question whether the multiplicity of forms of and sellers, products, producers and purchases. This complexity intro-
inscription (personal notebooks, photos, memories are all inscribed) duces some interesting problems. Tourist travel seems to collapse the
can indeed escape from the bureaucracies of surveillance - do we dream distinction between extant forces of production and historically or
of an illusory cultural production exempt from the tax of administration, situationally contingent relations of production, since the technical
and always running ahead or around the next corner rather than aspects of travel already presuppose relations between those who serve
following behind? Official documentations have become so sophisti- as travellers and those who are visited. What does this mean for an
analysis of the developme nt of the mode of production in this zone? that Marx reduces communica tive action to mere instrumenta l activity
Where travellers consume services 'on the spot' there is, possibly, some while social labour produces humanity (Habermas 1983), might we not
reason to consider them - along with the service providers - as agents suggest that the developme nt of the means of production has moved
in the production of that which is consumed. This question of the very much into the information or communica tive sphere, and hence
relations between consumptio n and production must be taken up again. tl"!_C relations of production are driven all the more by meaning? This
The point here is that the relations between visitors and visited are might be to accuse Habermas unjustly of reformism, a lack of reflec-
ones which we must also understand in (but not only in) economic tion upon the conditions of his own production , and failure to see
terms. what Marx had meant when he referred to 'social production '. But so?
At a global level these relations have been transformed ; new tech- If social production is taken to imply a complex social context, it is
nologies for the circulation of goods, and for the circulation of those meaningles s to consider the technical abstracted from any such context.
who would consume goods or services, as well as new forms of What was intended when the distinction between the forces and the
production and new opportuniti es for exchange, all produce new subject relations of production were set out on paper? While it is important to
positions which encompass the whole of the travel industry, from ticket acknowledg e that technical abilities of a certain level are historically
seller and travel agent to the Kodak snapshot-pr ocessing technician and given - meaning scientific techniques and human skills, for example -
those who pose for the photos - tourists and locals. Everyone is drawn and it is important to recognize these as organized by a certain historical
into these relations and forms of production , and whole nations - level of social formation, it is perhaps more: important to recognize
witness Thailand, with five million-plu s visitors every year - have been both forces and relations of production as subject to the production of
made over into a huge cultural marketplace: 'Culture is being packaged, values, or meanings. Heidegger's comments on technology are again
priced, and sold like building lots, rights-of-way, fast-food and room rdevant, allowing us to see that the forms of technology bring certain
service, as the tourism industry inexorably extends its grasp' (Green- versions of the world into focus, or existence, and occlude others (in
wood 1989: 179). This 'commodifi cation of everything' is not to be whose interests?).
thought of as some sort of conspiracy by a cabal which knows what In what must be a response to Habermas, Derrida takes up the issue
we want better than we do but is, rather, a 'logical' extension of the of the status of technology in a way which, despite an 'apocalypti c
consumer culture that now finds ways to traverse the world, normalizin g tone', might lead us back to Marx's intentions: 'Is it not necessary to
- by its logic - all relations according to the needs of the market. have a new critique of the new effects of capital (within unpreceden ted
techno-soci al structures)? ' (Derrida 1992: 57). He goes on to consider
Habermas's notion of communica tive competenc e as a possible 'new'
There is nothing to regret, the world moves in every which way, men and
critique, and finds some disturbing trends:
women cross the: plant:t cvc:ry which way, through interposed images and
sounds, or dirccdy through the displacement of their own person. Out let us
Claiming to spe:ik in the name of intelligibility, good sense, common sense,
immediately pick up the paradox. Everything circulates: the types of music,
or the democratic ethic, this discourse 1e11ds, by of these very things,
the advertising slogans, the tourists, the computer viruses, the industrial
and as if naturally, to discredit anything that complicates this model. It tends
subsidiaries :ind, at the s:ime time, everything seems to freeze, to be stationary.
to suspect or repress anything that bends, overdetermines, or even questions,
as the differences fade between things ... everything h:is become interclunge-
in theory or in prnctice, this idea of language. (Derrida 199:i: ss)
able, equivalent within standardised spaces. The tourists, for example, travel
virtually motionless, herded in the s:ime types of airline cabins, pullm:ins,
If Habermas has simplified the notion of social production , it is possible
hotel rooms, and seeing ride before their eyes landscapes they have already
encountered a hundred times on their television screens or on touristic that the charges brought here by Derrida would be consistent. In the
brochures. (Gu:itmi 199l: llJ) context of 'unprecede nted tcchno-social structures' in late•twenti eth-
ccntury society - which Marx could not have clearly imagined - the
What is at stake in this place where everything circulates but nothing multiplicati on of modes of communica tion suggests that what some
moves? Human self-constit ution, it is now well known, occurs through might call the developme nt of the mode of information capitalism
the labour of producing 1111:a11i11g. Against the Habermani acal critique requires interrogatio n. One danger here is that all this talk of the
democracy of the image, of dialogue, dialogic anthropology, 'commun i- difference between what is said and how it is said. It is worth taking
cative action', authenticity, the gaze, and so on, all of which proposes up the metaphoric surplus of these earlier themes in order to think
a 'model' of language transparency, is perhaps, rather, a pernicious new through the ways exchange must now be understood as a part of an
form of bourgeois culturalist makeover which we ought to resist. ever more unequal global production.
Academics working in their various disciplines, filmmakers and !f production can be considered as an image machine, as a way of
documen tary photo-journalists, as well as writers of fiction, and of inscribing meaning and value within a global economy - as transnational
travel fiction or guidebooks, handicraft merchants, and also the advocates commentary - then there are forms and style.~ which might be said to
of development, self-determination and/ or cultural diffe~en~e,_ all correspon d to the variously distinguished and defined demarcations
channel, through a global touristic vortex, culture into a deternton ahzed which circulate in the history of production. All that can be done here
marketplace. In this market, which has only the geographical limit of is to indicate, perhaps, the possibility of such demarcations, and elaborate
the entire world, a normalization and standardization process operates on some of them. Part of my purpose is to explore the metaphorics of
by means of media codes and criteria - accessibility, translatability, ease international travel and representation as frames for the contempo rary
of consumption - to shape all cultures and all differences into forms particularities of this economy. Another study might take up other
appropriate to and authorized by the 'capacity' of t~e . ma_rket. 'What moments of historical importance.To keep this moving, to avoid getting
the market will carry' determines the degree of soph1sttcat1on of nor- stuck, a theory or strategy of manoeuvre, its economy and related
malized, standardized cultural products - taking into account the level metaphors might offer an heuristic device, a machine, an inscribing
of development of the means of consumption, which means the mode apparatus, to enable a second look, a replay, a review - possibly to enter
of touristic consumption, or how much 'work/leis ure' can be expected into circulation against capital (if we enter the circle with Heidegge r
to be necessary to ' consume' (make circulate) the codified information. and Marx, perhaps) with this machinery of the image. This is not just
There will he various market niches, and class privileges will specify the simple project of seeing if it is at all possible to think things differ-
the elaboration of codes - more 'sophisticated' cultural meanings will ently; it is also to recognize that the way we think and the way we see,
be consumed by the managerialist classes - but in general the point and the ways we collect images, the ways we photograph and write, are
holds that these structural variations will be subject to the ubiquity of very much the consequences of manoeuvres, and the politics of this
media under conditions of 'information capitalism'. entails moving again. Circulation. Travel.
Tourism is astonishingly capable of these deterritorializations which But this encircles us too. Lyotard shows how our choices (and
both commodify and (seem to) democratize all locations through a probably this form of critique) are determined by an almost redemptive
global, mobile, media-frenzied, omnipresent, transnational, hegemonic, or religious photo-iconic frame:
dematerialized normalization process. With the traveller-volunteers of
Calcutta this process has the added consequence of fitting into a wider the important thing is the final return, what we can get out of it, which as
aid-orientated (restricted development) NGO/Wo rld Bank mode of we know is the attitude :adopted nO\Vld:ays on their holidays by all wagc-
neocolonialism, also using all manner of tele-technological mechanisms carncrs, as well as by the rich, their bosses and masters: the desire to bring
back im;iges, photos, film, prestige, the tourism of the return, retourism , a
to achieve its aims (the glossy photographs of the Oxfam catalogue are
succession of explorations that alw:1ys follow the 1amc outline. (Lyotard 1989: .i)
a case in point). The reterritorializations of media mean that the
question of exchange must be taken up from a diff~rent an~le by To return with so many rolls of film, to return :is the bearer of the
considering the various 1ecl111C1logies of perception as discussed m the ashes (Levi-Strauss?) of so many events, to return with the eternal rep-
earlier parts of this work. With writing, certainly with photography resentatio ns is the eternal return.7
and film - perhaps less obviously so with the localized dialogues of the
Modern - it is the machineries of the production of Calcutta which
cannot be separated from what is said about the place. As Heidegge~
points out with his concept of'enframing', and as Deleuze and ~ua~tart My derision to s111dy 1l1c prod11ctio11 of stories and represe11tatio11s of Calcutta
follow after him (Deleuze and Guattari 1971/ 1983: 17), there is httle was tire co1iscqnc11ce of 111a11y thi11gs, b111 11011e more 'rcpresc11ta1ive' of tlte
links betll'ee11 a11tf1i,rity and perspective tf1a11 tl,e co111111e11t of tl,e West Bengal NOTES
Chief of Police, 111110111 [ visited i11 l1is '?ffice at Lal Bazaar in order to obtain
I. Invented in 1839, :md its growing popularity coinciding with a ll'rcater expansion
permission to climb Sal1eed Minar (formerly Ocl1ter/011y 11101111111e111) 1vlu:_11 I of Europnn imperialist power, the c.bguerrcotype soon g.wc way to the
first arrive,/ i11 Calrntta. Afier meeting what seemed like a dozen f,11,ct,on· we arc familiar with today. :md became closely :issociated with tourism during
· aries ill as 111a11y separate parts of tire l,eadq11artcrs, I was fi11afly ushered i11to this century.The work in this chapter owes much to discussions with Scott McQuirc,
,vhose PhD (1995} addresses the history of photography, forthcoming in a book lo
Iris office a11d wefcome,l with a11 e."l:pa11sive geswre and tire greeting ·~o, yo11
be published by Sage.
waut a panoramic view of 111y city?' 11,e next day I was able to c/1111b tire z. The traveller's body, too, even as it wastes away, is shaped by 'fashion' in a way
J 65 feet of 11,e tower i11 order to observe tl,e police cl,ief's city. A11d wit/, 11 that is akin to the 'souvenir'. 'Today I heard people telling their friend, who seemed
J6o-degree panorama, l,is city is very impressive indeed. Tl,e cricketers 011 tl,e ple:iscd when 1hcy told him, he looked fr.iii, thin and sick. He had been in C2lcutt.1
for a long time and w;is wasting :md enjoying it as he disapp~red' (Gayle}. Simibrly,
Maida 11 looked so small, and 1 tl,011gl,t tl,at every perspective offered some·
Adrienne once remarked that she would rather be poor in Calcutta than in any
11,ing botl, uucrly dijfere11t a11d yet s,,,11el1ow tl,e s~me; persp~ctive a11d perception Western city. While there is something to be said for her empathetic identification
are like the co-ordinates of a prism s11cki11g 111a11y 11!flue11ces mto eacl, momelll~ry here, the pleasure of martyrdom attends her comment. As a stance that can be taken
glauce, and yet a111011g all the myriad flasl,es of Calcutta - fro'." tl1e ve,!e,I by a relatively we:ilthy visitor with an air ticket home, this idcntific2tion with poverty
is also just a fashionable pose.
perspective of tl,e Missionaries of Cl,arity lo tl,e gaze of street cl11/dre11 star111g
J. Sec comments in the Introduction on Fredric Jameson's suggestion of a shift
i11 to au Nortl, American's camera - it is tlris 011e clioice pl,rase, 'So, yo11 want in cmplmis in discussions of authenticity in rest-structuralist work from political
a pauora111 ic view' (Chiefs of Police sometimes talk like tl1is), that is set al'art critique to celebration (Jameson 1991: 198). I remain unsure 2bout the usefulness of
(ue,,er perfectly, since 11,ere is 110 si11gle authoritative perspective) to represent his point. Certainly some so-called posr.structur.ilists could be criticized for their
evocation of the: 'authenticity' (or not) of everything - :ind I suspect that Daudr1lbrd's
it all. notion of simu'3tion is singled out here - but post•structur:ilist work cannot be made
an 'authentically' whole and singular body so easily.
4. Heidegger also manages a mad discussion of t:1bles in his Nict:.stlrc book
(Heidegger 1961 / 1979: 173-87), in which, :1g.iin similarly to Marx, he considers
In this chapter I have considered the photog~aph . an1 the sou~enir
what it is to produce :1 t:1ble :1nd what the idea of a table might be:. It would be
productively together: as an image taken, as a m1menc aid, and a~ icons worthwhile looking to the metaphors and examples both M,mc and Heidegger use -
conditioned by a structured touristic world-view of Calcutta which fits Marx c:specially seems concerned with the cold, since he: goes on and on about the
the city into the necessary flows of global capitalist_prod~ctioo. A fetish cost of a coat (Marx 1867/1 967). A useful model, though in some w.iys disappointing
and politic;illy abstract (and anti-party), is Derric.b's book on Marx and Hamlet, in
of travel frames the traveller's identity and expenence m Calcutta as
which there is also me11tion of Marx's tables, tables with brains, dancing Chinese
something to be collected, recouped and stored. Experience of the city tables, and so on (Oerri,b 1995b: 153). For Heidegger and Hamlet, sec Ronell (1994:
is framed at 3 distance which enables a separation quite amenable to 217).
the ideologies of development and charity which are en~ry.pted in the s. This is one of the subjects of the next chapter.
6. I could include something here about how tourists wish themselves c:nframed
Baudelaire scene of the coin given to the beggar. {This 1s taken up
sometimes as 'proor of presence. The protocol of suged in situ shots.
again in the next chapter.) The shots taken by travell~rs and their 7. Herc, on returns, I would like to include the scenes of Suzie photographing
collection of souvenirs can be understood as a part of wider processes the photographer who ends up providing a photograph for the: front page of TI,r Age,
of the circulation of values. It is this which enables the 'charitable' my d.1ily paper in Melbourne. Thc photograph shows this photographer taking the:
photograph which was used in 71,e Age as an advertisement for a travelling exhibition
orientations of the travellers working at the clinic and living in Modern to raise money for Calcutt., Rescue. A photograph a few seconds later shows the
Lodge. as well as the urgent call of those writer~ \~l~o. ~vant 'so~ething journalist taking down the name of the volunteer while the 'patient' is left to do her
to be done'. Again it is interesting to note an mvmbthty here, m that own dressing. For a time I thought of using these im;iges on the front cover of this
what is being done, especially by the municipal authorities and the book. Correspondences like these probably haunt everyone's research project, but this
also :d1ows the reach of the globally circulating images of Calcutta that I ha\'e in mind
communist parties, is Jess easily made the subject of travel ~h~tograp~1y in this chapter. In the c:nd the cover image I chose w;is Ashis Auddy's tribute to
and souveniring. The next chapter continues this exammauon wtth Cartier- Dreu on, which offers something like a metaphor for the backpacker view of
regard to film, especially the Hollywood epic City ofJoy. Calcutta. Look in the reflection for the umbrella.
Released in 1992, City ofJoy, directed by Joffe and starring Swayze
alongside Om Puri and Shabana Azmi, offers an opportunity to evaluate
the role of the movie camera in the presentation of India, and Calcutta
{to the world beyond iu shores). The distribution circuits of the film
~re all the more relevant here, since CilJ' of Joy takes as its subject a
'volunteer' visitor who works in a street clinic very similar to that in
CAME RA ANGL ES ON THE CITY which tht: travellers I met worked. Indeed, 'the same'. With this film
showing througho ut the Western world {it has also been screened via
satellite in India, but has not seen commercial release in Calcutta),
po~ential 'volunteers' are provided with a set of images before they
amve of what Calcutta might be like. Or are they?
Given a large and healthy Indian cinema, especially the cinema of
Calcutta's great directors Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak and Mrinal Sen, it
is disappointing that JotTe's film has been able to dominate world atten-
This chapter considers cinematic Calcuttas, focusing primarily upon tion on the basis that it is ' one of the few feature films to be made in
Roland Jotre's City ofJoy, but also on films by the French director Louis Calcutta by a foreign director' (film notes 1992). JotTe's version of Cal-
Malle, Germany's Reinhard t Hauff, and others. The Joffe film City ofJoy cutta has travelled so much further than the Calcutta films of Satyajit
is the primary focus because this film was made in co-operat ion with Ray or those of Ghatak or Sen, despite their 'art-house ' acclaim. The
volunteers from the Preger clinic living in Modern Lodge. It presents a ideological investments of tht: world system of film distribution demands
highly worked, advanced media technology, scripted and choreographed critical attention. The publicity- machine-induced visibility th:it a director
version of the rumour of Calcutta, so that the experience of travellers like Joffe is able to marshal and the peculiaritfos of international cinema
and visitors as portrayed in the film version of City ofJoy, and to a lesser :ire such that one film by a 'world-renowned' mainstream director can
extent by Malle .md Hauff, offers a rehearsal of the themes raised in monopolize space in 'mainstream' cinemas, whtle Bengali representations
earlier chapters. Now constituted as a scenic backdrop to the work of of Calcutta languish in the obscure corners of various film festiv:ils and
the volunteers, the images of these visiting filmmakers, their differences, specialist video collections. While it is difficult to redress the imbalances
their evocation and extension of the 'myths' of Calcutta, and the impor- of this situation, it is important to direct attention to the ways JotTe's
tance of film as a contemporary guiding metaphor of cultural under- camera contributes to an ongoing ethnocentric orientation that needs to
standmg, can lead us through a reflection on the process and technologies be understood as integral to the structure of imperialist representation 1•
of film in a way that unpacks touristic viewpoints. Here I canvass issues I~ there were not ~eason enough to ex:imine what big-budget foreign
of charity work, the motives of travellers, and the frames of perception cmem:itogr:iphers ltke Joffe are doing in Calcutta, the justification, which
deployed to make sense of a cinematic Calcutta. clo~e. focus upon the City ofjoy provides, is that insight into the ongoing
politics of representation between Calcutta :ind beyond is possible in a
The city is an image, seen through a screen - or rather, 011 one. More way that ties the themes of this work together in a cinematic tangle.
and more, international public perception of India is framed by the
movie camera. The cultural role of the old literature of Empire has CAMER A ANGLES ON THE CITY
been usurped by film. Once it was the likes of Rudyard Kipling who mend filming
'We're going to be in the movies!' (Heidi, on being asked 10
represented the exemplary Indian city to the world - with much con- by Joffe)
tempt, arrogance and superiority, and while Somerset Maugham sweated
beneath an overhead fan in the tropical heat. Now the mainstream film Fi!~ is a contempo rary guiding metaphor of perceptio n. Some
industry, with multi-million-dollar budgets, famous directors like Roland critics would agree that the movie camera initiates a new rupture in
Joffe and superstars like Patrick Swayze, produces the scenes. conduits of perception in the twentieth century. Walter Benjamin's
aphoristic style captures the explosive impact of camera technology juxtaposi tion of perspectives. Images colliding and/ or moving across
best: the screen offer more in sequence than visual representation ever has
Our taverns 3nd our metropolitan streets ... :ippe3rcd to h:ive us locked up before. Collage initiates a new dimensionality to the way we can
... then c3me the film :ind burst this prison-world asunder by the dynamite perceive life, a city, and so on. Time, movement, focus, size - all these
of the tenth of a second, so that now, in the midst of far-flung ruins :ind f!OW influence our mode of seeing - not only through
the representa-
debris, we calmly and 3dvcnturously go travelling. With the close-up, space tion of the single images from which film is constituted, and which are
expands; with slow motion, movement is extended ... the camera intervenes brought to 'life' through their repetition across the projector lens, but
with the resources of its lowcrin1,-s :ind lifrin~. its interruptions and isolations, in all the shifting capacities of cinema which amount to much more
its extensions and accelerations, its enlargements and reductions. (Benjamin
than simple pictures.
1955/J973: :29-30)
The ways in which the camera sees the world, the relations brought
The moving camera in Benjamin's hands is a demolition machine. Yet into play by juxtaposition and sequence, and the capacities of film to be
this is what allows film to achieve its effects; the joining together of edited and re-edited must be included in any understanding of cinema.
many pieces of film 'actually does seem to work' (Murch 1992: J2), In addition the tropes of viewing film would need to be considered: the
despite the mysteries of the 'cut' which 'represents ;; total and instan- reception of already familiar and determined meanings, differences in
taneous displacement of one field of vision with another in just a few these meanings according both to the context in which the film was
milliseconds, a displacement that sometimes also entails a jump forward made and the contexts in which it is viewed, the circuits and convoluted
or backward in time as well as space' (Murch 1992: 1:). With film in avenues of how a film comes into being over and over again.
an urban setting, a kaleidoscopic vision of the clutter of city life in a The famous early public showing of film of a train arriving at a
place like Calcutta meshes with the ways we become attu~ed to mult!- station, which caused a stampede among the audience of the Salem
plicity, or perhaps with the ways we have learned a selecuve ap_p _ropn- IuJieu at the Grand Cafe in Paris 1885, is often given as an example of
ation of the otherwise too complicated sensory world. Our editing of how modes of perception are subject to rapid change. Marx suggested
perception most often goes unremarked. .. . that the steam engine (the iron horse) would radically transform India
Is the film camera (even video) in the hands of a vmtor a rupture in - if he had but lived some two more years beyond his death in 1883 ,
the codes of perception of Calcutta, or a continuation of the same he might have discerned just what an impact this train could have. A
modes of foreign construction? Changes in human perception can be two-dimensional screen displaying flickering images of such a train trans-
linked to the development and uses of its 'tools'; the camera builds upon forms perception in Paris at approximately the same time as a further
the innovations of photography, but is registered differently over time. capitalist expansion has turned resolutely from coastal colonies towards
Film offers the closest mimetic approximation of an 'unmedia ted' human the hinterland resources and mineral wealth of Empire. In many ways
perception, and yet is significantly altered from the moment of the this moment in the Sa/011 /ndie11 could be seen as a rehearsal of the
qr1attroa:11tro viewpoint that sight shares with the still camera. impact of mass tourism today, with planes and trains as the vehicle of
Much more than the immobile single images of photography, the further capitalist expansion into the world ' hinterland' of non-Euro -
movie camera is a travelling eye (see McQuire 1995). A camera can pean cultural wealth and resources. That the film City of Joy begins
become one of the crowd, it can follow someone walking, it can follow, with a train arriving at the crowded Howrah station, by far the most
or board, a vehicle, it tracks, it zooms, it can zero in on some detail important point of access to Calcutta, is not without a certain histori-
and can make some small incident in a crowd the central focus of its cal irony.
view of the 'action' - it has the capacity to create such icons as the
centre of action, even as they might have been unavailable to or over- Who knows Calcutta anyway? Who can tell? Who authorizes this film
looked by unaided sight. And not only can the camera travel, it can be to pronounce judgemen t upon the condition of even one rickshaw-
in many pbces simultaneously. The movie c:unera, after the film has puller among the millions of people in Calcutta? The film focuses upon
been subjected to studio edit, can see from several sides at once. The the life of one family, one place, one city: but the slippage for inter-
structure of q1111ttroce11to perception is disrupted in the editing-ro om national audiences will be that this focus shows only one side of
Calcutta, one-dimensional 'poverty' and righteous 'charity', and viewers man, but works with US dollars) narrative expectations as from the
will not see all. experience of volunteers, let alone Bengalis, the camera lies in a context
While it is possible to recognize 'Calcutta' in City ofJoy, the duplicity which cannot alway~ be so strictly demarcated; the boundaries of this
and disarming nature of the film's narrative carries a paternalistic and Ooffe's) city expand. In an epic story, there is much to be told abo11l
imperialist edge which cannot be avoided. For all that this is a story t__he making of City ofjoy and its version of Calcutta, and there is much
about one small part of one very big city, for all that it is about the that cannot be told by this film.
interwoven polarities of poverty, joy and the generalized human
predicament, for all that this film is about suffering ~truggl~ and MALLE
hope against the odds - as Swayze's character Max says: It 1s the JOY of
beating the odds that is so great' - this film's particularities and its Defore Roland Joffe, a host of Western visitors have carried their cam-
generalizing homogenizations deceive in the r_nost insidious ~f ways. eras to Oilcutta. Most prominent among these is possibly the late French
This is a 'feel-good' film, directed to those outside Calcutta. It 1s full of documentary maker Louis Malle, director of Pha11to111 llldia, but there
the kind of sentimentalism that serves to tell us that at least a few are also many others, and increasingly, many anonymous tourists armed
people in the world are still capable of 'good works' and charity, but with video cameras and the like. There is some documentary reality in
also serves to render redundant any more analytical examination of t~is, .and the many versions of Calcutta that appear cannot be simply
exploitation, poverty and opportunism beyond simplistic good-versus- d1sm1ssed as wrong, however ideological. (The point, however, is to ... )
evil narratives. ~n the many hours of film that have been 'taken' in Calcutta, the city
Many viewers will be enticed into the vision of this film, and will itself moves across the screen, even when the moments or people shown
come to 'know' Calcutta, or have their 'knowledge' of Calcutta embel- may be long passed away. The series of still frames which make up
lished, through a closely edited two-dimensional frame. The Calcutta these films are detached images which cannot exist on their own (ex-
presented here, and the charity and )oy' that are evidently the 'human cept as photographs), and yet they are also a form of record of 'what
condition' of even the 'most embattled' people is, unashamedly, a was really there', but not quite - the problem lies between two points
cinematic construction. Joffe does say that 'images of Calcutta are within which there are so many intervening 'screens' such as those of
constantly shifting in meaning', and that 'all interpretations are valid ... contexts, perspective, choice, interpretation, that the demarcation be-
to select only one at the expense of others, as Western visitors often tween image and Calcutta rem:iins indiscernible. The early film cameras
do is to miss the point' (film notes r992). Dut then, which Calcutta to fixed upon their tripods - before the development of multiple perspec-
ch~ose? The shifting image of the city as depicted by the visitor Joffe tives, pan, zoom, tracking - were only the limited version of an always
is, of course, a multifabricated, interpreted and 'edited' city - not only limiting perception no more capable of presenting a 'true' Calcutta
in the script and on the studio table, but also on the set specially built over~eas than any other technological mode. Now, this indiscernibility
for the film, and in the publicity department and the media rooms. It apphes to all production of meaning, within Calcutta or without, yet it
is perhaps more important to ask him how many versions o~ Calcutta can be shown that it is still possible to make distinctions, to assign
are 1101 put before the audience, which were left on the cutting-room preferences even where exact demarcations are unattributable.
floor, which were not seen by the camera, which were excluded, and That Malle's 1969 film Calcutta remains banned in India yet appears
for what reasons? regularly in the 'art-house' cinemas of Western cities can be taken as an
The absence of contextual explanations, the cheap shots against illustration of the ways preconceptions and expectations are generated
communism which will pass without notice by most but not by those 'abstractly' among visitors before they arrive. The Calcutta of Malle's
in Bengal, the homogenizations of cultural identities, the appropriations film is an abstract one because it can be argued to have more to do
of the director, the protests against the filming and the promotional with Malle's specific experience in the late r960s, and may have fewer
literature, and more, all swirl about in a space (is it also Calcutta?) reference points for contemporary viewers. On a number of counts the
which is the neocolonial context of the film. Governed by content film can be questioned: it was made at a time of major civil unrest
directives derived as much from Californian-English Ooffe is an English- around the Naxalite uprising and the lead-up to the war with Pakistan;
it was made by a director whose reaction to the city was one of dis- which soon turns to images of leprosy, and ends by returning over the
taste; it does not engage with residents of the city in any meaningf ul bridge to the rubble of Howrah slums - displays a correspon dence in
way; and it has been rejected by state and central governme nts. A re- its structural drift from rigid steel to decayed flesh with that of the shift
view of the extensive and hostile literature in India on the film raises from the pure to the impure. Malle's editing choices are clearly inten-
further problems of this kind. To quote the most famous example, tional in a sequence moving from a coolie carrying a basket on his
Satyajit Ray wrote at the time: head, a brass band member in uniform, a rickshaw, another man
carrying a huge bundle of straw, a sadhu and an urn carried at waist
The whole M31Jc 3ffair is deplorable.... Personally I don't think any director
height? a boy sitting in the middle of the road oblivious to traffic
Im the right to go to a foreign country 3nd make a docurncnt3ry film about
it unless (a) he is absolutely thorough in Ins groundwork on all aspects of the
careering around him, naked children, overcorro ded buses, overcrow ded
country - historical, soci:11, religious, etc., and (b) he does it with genuine trains, c:irs, goats ... the cumulative effect of such images is that which
love. Working in a dazed st.m: - whether of admiration or disgust - can is called 'Calcutta' . The implicatio n is that a whole city can be docu-
produce nothing of 3ny value. (Ray in Robinson 1990: p8) mented through such a list, although it is doubtful that Malle would
attempt somethin g similar under the names of First World cities like
Rather than a debate over censorship and morality, however, it is more 'Paris' or 'Chicago' .
importan t, I think, to evaluate the film and its structural effects in the After more than ten minutes of film a man holds a piece of card-
light of its continued appearance in the West as - until City ,ifJo)' - the board in front of the camera to protect his face from Mallc's invasion,
most often-circ ulated cinematic version of Calcutta :iv:iil:ible. a boy stares at the filmmake r as he trains his lens on the crowds :it a
Malle's film begins with shots of Brahmin men bathing and praying railway station, and then, shifting to the inside of Mother Teresa's home
at the edge of the Hooghly river; there are no voices, there is no for the destitute and dying, the first words of the film are spoken.
commenta ry. Among the first shots the camera picks out three faces: Malle asks one of the inmates: 'Why are you here?' - a strange question,
the first st:cms to look neutrally into the camera; the second appears which might also be :iddressed to Malle himself. Directed at :i dying
angry; and the third stare turns into a scornful laugh. The next sequence m:in, rather than one of the wealthier or healthier citizens of Calcutta,
begins with a long pan across the expanse of Howrah bridge. After the question 'Why are you here?' is one that Malle seems to ask of
these Brahmini cal ablutions, the bridge shot is the proper 'arrival Calcutta as a whole, and, perhaps like many visitors to the city, he does
anecdote' to the city in a film which ends with outraged detailed shots not understan d the answer as the question cannot be detached from
of sewers and shit in full bubbling st:ignant close-up - somethin g of a the overcrow ded context in which it is asked by a famous French
Louis Dumont typology seems to h:ive affected the structure of Malle's filmmaker of an anonymou s Indian destitute in a Missionaries of Charity
film, from purificatio n to pollution (Dumont 1970). The bridge as seen hospice.
by Malle is impressive: the steel framewor k undernea th the span The propriety of Malle's power-ful l question 'Why are you here?' is
occupies the bottom two~thirds of the shot; almost lost crammed up at important in other parts of Cnlmttn too. At the Kali temple the pan
the very top of the frame is the road crowded with vehicles an~ across the line of beggars outside is uneven and bumpy, a technical flaw
pedestrian s surging across into the city. As the camera pans across this absent from much of the film and one which could possibly be
expanse of steel, no sky can be seen above the bridge; the entire explained by seeing Malle carrying :i covertly functionin g camera by
horizon is dominate d by a mesh of structural supports - an awesome his side rather than holding it up to his eye, :ittracting attention :is he
piece of engineeri ng. enters the temple (an authentici ty effect born of anxiety and deceit).
This long shot of the bridge cuts to a crowded street scene, and His decision to focus upon the watch among all the presents given at
M:ille picks out :i series of 'curios' where, although the shot is un- a wedding he films, his shots of people washing at a public pump, pigs
broken, the capacities of the camera allow a montage of discrete images snuffiing in the drains while children play, and the way the camera
to be strung together 'impressionistically' through p:in, zoom, tracking, seems to slink around the corners of the bustee he visits, could all be
change of focus from foregroun d to backgrou nd, :md so on. After the used to raise questions about the moralizin g imperatives that have con-
immobile structure of the bridge, this shift into moving humanity - ditioned Malle's choices. His comment ary adds little to the film, as he
continually wants the camera to show Calcutta, he wants us to see - a question about why films on poverty in India - she refers to Ray's
but the camera is less agile than our eyes, is unable to shake its head to Patl1er P.wcl,ali - are so popular in the West, explaining: 'because people
say no, has to be forced to spy around corners and cannot look over its there want to see India in an abject condition. That is the image they
shoulder. The documentary folly of Malle is his failure to let go of the have of our country and a film that confirms that image seems to them
illusion that the camera cannot lie, that the camera cannot lie from the authentic' (in Robinson 1990: 327).~
particular (enframing) perspective of a rich (sugar empire heir) the multiplication of camera angles which descends upon Calcutta
Westerner. m the hands of more and more of its visitors does not mean that the
Mallc's only appearance in the film occurs at the end of his slum volume of 'adequate' or authentic representation must increase. It is
tour when he is surrounded by a family of Tamil refugees living in worth noting that I operate a kind of dubious cultural authenticity
straw huts; straw huts are the structural antithesis of the steel bridge here again when I do not include 13engali documentaries in this study;
which began the film. Malle 's cameo is accompanied by a final mono- there is nothing for it hut to continue to focus only on 'outsider'
logue in which he refers to the Tamils in Calcutta and says: 'They are views, since these are the terms of my brief - even as these outsider
astonished to be filmed'. Yet the camera seems always to intrude when views include 'experimental' approaches, and sometimes collaborative
the one who wields the camera is from outside. work. In any case, any creative initiatives that may be possible in this
Surprisingly absent from the film, since on at least one occasion it context could be erased by the domination of the established image-
was Mrinal Sen who acted as Malle's guide in the city, is the voice of language with which Calcutta is recognized. Whatever curiosities or
the Bengali intellectual. Malle allows an ex-public servant to speak of disruptions to this language may appear in any particular visitor's repre-
the ostracism he faced after contracting leprosy, but the very vocal sentation of the city, the points of reference for most viewers 'back
middle classes and workers of Calcutta are silent or presented only as home' of such images will be familiar stereotype scenes of poverty,
the chanters of political slogans. Malle's behaviourist observation ignores crowds, perhaps the Howrah bridge, and so on. This is certainly the
local opinion in a way reminiscent of anthropologist Fred Bailey, who case with City ~(Joy, where the markers of 'Calcutta' are highly visible
once said that only observed behaviour was important, and people's - crowds, rickshaws, Howrah station - although there are few black-
ideas - 'supposing they have any in the first place' (Bailey 1957) - and-yellow ambassador cabs, few people from Calcutta's middle class,
should be ignored. It is not true that presentation of the 'voice' of the and next to no communist presence. Should the middle class, the ract:
subject necessarily makes a better or more authentic film; as Roberge track, the expensive restaurants of Park Street, the large business
has noted, a concerned commentator: 'cannot give their voice to the establishments, the book fair, the film festival or the cultural programmes
voiceless, they can only give their own voice. The image-maker can of places like Rabindra Sadan ever appear on tilm - as they do in
only project his or her own view of those who do not have the power Malle's documentary - they can be consigned away as categories of
to produce "their" own images (Roberge 1991: 5). Roberge may be lesser importance or as remnants of the Raj, and considered not part of
correct in pointing out the inevitability of Malle's ventriloquy, but given the 'real' problem of Calcutta. At best they will be considered, without
his opportunities, the arrogance of omission cannot be accepted; it 1s analysis, to be the 'cause' of the problem of massively unequal distri-
no surprise that the film was banned. In relation to the availability of bution of wealth. There is a form of insistence that 'both' sides of the
the film outside India, it is important to see the inclusion of certain story be told which amounts to a desire for equality from a power
scenes in context in a number of ways. A single image, such as the position that hardly ever requires such ideals for itself.
interview with a member of a leper community, appears in the context
of that community, in the context of other images in the film, and in It might be said that Western experience of Calcutta is 'framed' not
the context of other representations of Calcutta which are or are not only by specific films, whether those of Malle, Satyajit Ray or Joffe,
available for viewing by various audiences - at all of these moments ~ut also by the idea of film, the structuring effects of the metaphor
the 'image' may take on different meanings for differently placed view- itself. In this context it is possible to question whether it is Calcutta at
ers. In a discussion about the representation of poverty in films of all that is prominent on these screens, the image of the city snapped
India, Nargis Dutt (star of the 1957 blockbuster Motlier India) replied to out of place and featured in the looping media circuits of information
capitalism. The 'image' escapes reference, and anything which approaches than in Malle's case. Images of cats and skulls, of Howrah bridge and
the screen is absorbed into the black hole/black box: vanishing effect of the Queen Victoria Memorial, of a man crying, another pushing an
the camera, where everything can appear but nothing is differentiated, overloaded cart, trams, street people, and snatches of Bengali speech
all images are reduced to equivalence and stereotype through the preju- edited mid-sentence with no regard for sense - the 'daily life' of
dice of film. Calcutta projected on the far wall of a suburban audito- C,:1lcutta presented as vcrite. There is no ordering other than the phantas-
rium in the same way and in the same pl:ice that hosts Batnum, magoria of jumbled impressions - and this is so often the case in
Blailenmner, Apocalypse Now and Mary Poppins, or on the living-room traveller video, for reasons that are more than the effects of turning the
television screens of a thousand video recorders and their holiday epics, camera on at one point and off at another. There are any number of
is just the extension of the displaced city which was prefigured in the scenes a camera can make interesting in Calcutta, such that often the
homogenizing effects of the camera described by Deleuze: point of making sense or providing any form of intentional structure is
lost in the kaleidoscope of received framing.
in the final analysis, the screen, as the frame of frames, gives a common
standard of measurement to things which do not have one - long shots of
countryside and close-ups of the face, an astronomical system and a single CITY OF JOY: THE MOVIE
drop of w:iter ... the frame ensures a dctcrritorialisation of the image. (Dcleuzc
1983/1986: 14-1 s)
There are structured points of arrival. The tracking shot of entry into
the city in documentary is often that of the sweep along the street
For example, within the snapshot and video collections of tourists are from the taxi window travelling from airport to hotel. The first scenes
the most incongruent comparisons: between the face of the poorest of City efJoy are nothing more than a variation on this theme.
street-dweller and the wealth of the Queen Victoria Memorial, between The plot is simple. The film begins with the death of an anonymous
the cramped clutter of a small bustee and the expanse of the Maidan; patient on an operating table in a modern American hospital. The
between the slick underground railway and scenes of a street-side surgeon in charge of the operation suffers anguish and despair over his
medical clinic - Deleuze might call this the 'deterritorialisation' effect failure. Cut to India.
of Calcutta. Within the frame of the screen, other shapes single out Hasari (Om Puri) and family travel to Calcutta by bullock and cart,
'icons' of Calcutta for attention - for example, the way well-known bus then train - the acceleration of this travel trajectory is not accidental.
tourist attractions might be used to locate representations of 'poverty', With warnings from a grandmother to 'stay away from the cinema',
as in shots of the poor in the shadow of the deluxe Oberoi Grand. they arrive at the crowded Howrah station amid a Communist rally
Frames 'frame' in film in a variety of ways; the most common with (the only scene which indicates any formal political presence in the
reference to travel is the frame of the journey, of arrival and departure city). They spend a first night encamped by the Hooghly river, and are
- it is not only that so many Western films on Calcutta begin with then deceived into renting someone's apartment by the charlatan Mr
arrival scenes and end with departures (hardly surprising), but other Ganguly. After Ganguly disappears, and Hasari and family begin to
modes of framing - between events, between sequences, and within settle in, they are suddenly chased from the apartment, which was not
shots through shifts of focus or perspective - mean that representations for rent, and was not Mr Ganguly's in the first place. H:wing lost all
of Calcutta are continually coming and going in film. their savings, they mark out a space of pavement.
In a less well-known documentary made by Dieter Hetleb, entitled Dr Max (Patrick Swayze) arrives at Sudder Street's Fairlawn Hotel
Calwtta, 011e Day, the kaleidoscopic effect of the visitor pointing the (no bar fridge, offers of a 'lady') and takes a shower, musing over his
camera at anything that attracts interest provides a seemingly endless absent passport, which he has left at an ashram, and his earnest quest
string of curios. The choices of this visitor determine what is interesting, to find enlightenment/escape from his failed life as a surgeon in
where the gaze lingers, where the gaze moves on. The ordering America. In the first of what are many uncommon occurrences for this
narrative of a day in Calcutta suggests that nothing is omitted - it is a 'typical' American tourist, the porter from the Fairlawn brings Poomina
full day - yet the dawn-to-dusk compendium of traffic, cows and (Suneeta Sengupta), an allegedly 20-year-old 'lady', with whom Max
sleeping dogs suggests an even more eclectic and Eurocentric prejudice has 'some problem' (a euphemism for sex?), but resolves this by going
out drinking. As must happen -..,ith all Americans stranded in a 'foreign' terizations to generalized 'how things are in Calcutta', and with the
city, Max ends up in a sleazy nightclub, the drinking bout leads to a conspicuous absence of the communist parties in most of the film, it
bar fight, as goondas bash him - a very unusual event to befall a seems clear that Ghatak, as embodiment of all evil and corruption, will
tourist in even the most seedy of Calcutta's bars, more likely in New be associated with formal authority in the city. The message is that the
York - and he is robbed of all his belongings. Hasari, from his pavement only authority in Calcutta is corrupt. This crypto. anti-communist lesson
space nearby, intervenes and brings the near-unconscious Max, w_ith from Joffe will be acknowledged and internalized to varying degrees of
Poomina's assistance, to Joan's 'City of Joy' street clinic. Joan (Paulme conscious recognition - and all the more so if audiences are aware of
Collins) patches up his wounds, shows him around the clinic, its small any of the wranglings Joffe had with the Government of West Bengal,
dispensary and school, and pays his way back to his comfortable hotel. Bengali intellectuals and the Calcutta press over the propriety of making
Max 'doesn't like sick people', and resists Joan's obvious plans to this film. While it is not possible to show that the characterizations of
recruit him as doctor for the clinic. Hasari learns to pull a rickshaw, the Ghatak family must be seen as a Joffe slag against the CPl(M)
bringing Max back to the hotel in a mad zigzag through proverbially through 'metonymic' substitution, this does raise questions of the
crowded streets. The unlikely entrance of such a rickshaw into the motivations of those involved in this sort of filmmaking, and makes
grounds of the hotel is not the least of the inaccuracies (or rather, one think that perhaps the film is about Jotfe's, and Swayzc's, frustrations
artistic licence) of the film - the street protocols and hierarchy of more than much else. The explorations of Swayze's tortured self, the
business and propriety which operate even in Calcutta's relatively small 5earch for enlightenment and meaning, the works of 'charity', in a
tourist trade are glossed over in this realist portrayal. psychoanalysis by substitution, can be read as. Joffe's own experience.
Rickshaw work is controlled by the family of Ghatak, whose son Despite criticism from almost every quarter in Calcutta - from the
Ashoka (Art Malik) - the one whose gang beat up on Max - demands government, which banned his film, to other filmmakers, including
that Hasari 'neigh' like a horse if he wants to pull a rickshaw. The Satyajit Ray, who said he couldn't film on the streets of the city - Joffe
more pragmatic father examines Hasari's chest (for signs of tubercu- belligerently and relentlessly pursued his project. He encountered great
losis) and demands 'loyalty', and Hasari becomes a rickshaw wallah. difficulties in scenes filmed in the streets, although most of the film
While in Pilkana, the real City of Joy, hand-pulled rickshaws have been WJS shot in a specially built million-dollar set in suburban Calcutta.
long replaced by bicyclist-driven ones, artistic licence again erases the Swayze recounted the e.witemellt of filming with a certain tension in a
contemporary conditions of Calcutta, and no recognition is made of promotional interview: 'We were forced to jun i et up the camera and
the Calcutta Municipal Corporation campaign to end the use of hand- jhoot before anyone noticed what we ,vere up to'. (Less generous critics
pulled rickshaws. Although the hand-pulled rickshaw is still prevalent on the roof of the Modern Lodge called this the clandestine realismo
in the inner-city area, this fictive shifting of them to the City of Joy is approach to filmmaking).
another calculated inaccuracy: such omissions of urban planning efforts Max, meanwhile, is trying to buy a hamburger in a street-side 'no
in Calcutta are significant devices in presenting the city as the exemplar beef' cafe. He spots Ashoka, gives chase, but is detained by the police.
of massively abstracted 'grinding poverty'. When Hasari has established Rescued a second time by Joan, he comments upon her work in the
himself as a rickshaw wallah, he and his family move into a room in street clinic: 'Are you just nuts, or are you doing penance here?' Joan
the City of Joy. Hasari plans to save for his daughter's dowry (no replies with the first of many pro-charity soliloquies that would not
criticism of this practice acknowledged, despite signs of a school, and ~eem all that out of place at a Modern Lodge rooftop meeting: 'I came
thus by implication the usual campaigns to prevent the illegal pr.1ctice on a whim in the first place, but then I stayed. In the beginning it was
of dowry and the many tragedies to which it leads through extortionate really frustrating trying to convince them not to be so bloody passive,
demands). and then I realized I was fighting a thousand years of passive acceptance.'
The notion that Ashoka and the Ghatak family organization are The theme of passivity is the recurrent explanation of people's predica-
somehow, consciously or unconsciously, placed in the metaphoric ment throughout the film.
location of the Left Front Government and its officials in Joffe's version ll•la;-:: 'Maybe you should stop doing this.' joa11: 'Maybe I should ...
of Calcutta may occur to some. With the slippage from specific charac- but I'm not very good at loving just one person, it seems to work out
better if I spread it around a little bit.' After this exchange Max re- movies while pursuing his affairs, might lead to other evaluations of
affirms his faith in the Dallas Cowboys, American cinema and Mickey the impact of paternal directives. While Joffe does not take up the
Mouse. Joan's 'simple-minded, but tidy' three-part explanation of the metaphor of movies and paternalism which could be read into this
ways of the world - there are nmmvays, observers, and the committed - scene, the self-referentiality of his cinema jokes may have unforeseen
does not seem to impress Max as Hasari invites him to share a meagre dysfunctions which should not be lost on critical audiences who are
dinner. After a planting ceremony of seeds in a pot on behalf of his 1ikely to note that the real 'users' in this film are the Americans, Swayze
daughter's dowry, the farmer, who must always watch something grow, and Joffe, and the imperialist system which makes possible this sort of
asserts the 'simple' joys of life. But very soon afterwards, this tranquil cinematic characterization of Calcutta by wealthy celluloid 'bosses'.
scene is disrupted by an emergency which only Max can deal with, Fatherly protection and paternalistic charity are the guiding themes.
and althougn there is no morphine, diazepam ... local anaesthetic, he The rest of the film follows the script of classics like TI,e Wild 81111,J,
is able to assist in the delivery of a breach birth - an awesome scene in and TI1e Scvc11 Samurai, as Max leads the people of the City of Joy to
which the doctor asserts the full authority of the medical tradition organize and, subsequently, Hasari inspires the rickshaw wallahs to rebel
contra indigenous superstition and fear. Amid all this, Hasari's wife Kamla against the oppression of the Ghatak 'family'. There are several almost
(Shabana Azmi) assists the doctor on the strength of her experience as predictable setbacks: Hasari contracts tuberculosis, a common complaint
a mother of three, and earns a position as his nurse when - after the among rickshaw wallahs; he loses his rickshaw to Ashoka and is forced
loss of his air ticket home, and a little soul-searching: 'I don't even feel to sell his blood (a sensational aspect of poverty included in the story,
good about what we did down there today, bringing another little about which the author of the book City '?,(Joy, Dominique Lapierre,
mouth to feed into this cesspool' - he 'volunteers' to help in the clinic wa~ severely criticized); an attack upon the leprosy clinic is organized
on a continuing basis. M,,x: 'You call this a clinic!' ]01111: 'We've got no by Ashob and his goondas; and there is a near-death action-camera
brain scanner either Max, but we're doing the best we can' (these lines, experience for Max during the monsoon flood (the 250,000 gallons of
and a scene involving the sale of donated milk, were offered to Joffe, I water for the flood was specially pumped into the watertight set Joffe
suspect, from the chief humorist at the Preger Middleton Row clinic). had built to enable monsoon filming without regular 'polluted' monsoon
In the meantime, Poomina has been ordered to attend school under water - the entire project overseen by Star Wars trilogy special effects
Max's directive. Max and Joan visit Ghatak (Shyamanand Jalan), who wizard Nick Allder).
offers Max a lesson in goonda philosophy - 'I have learnt not to trust There is one terrible scene where Ashob traps Poomina and uses a
those who say they do things for the benefit of others' - which Max razor to cut her cheeks to 'accentuate that beautiful smile', although
violently rejects. This is an interesting refusal which encodes much of Max's surgical i kill is sufficient to restore her beauty. Moving from
Joffe's message: unlike the passive and yoked people of the City of Joy, active to silent 'child', Poomina develops in a way that under-
Max will not bow down before the power of the oppressor Ghatak. scores certain gendered and ethnocentric assumptions about Indian
He calls upon the people of the City of Joy to rise up against the women. From an assertive but fallen woman who initiates all inter-
Ghatak family: 'You should get pissed at the people who are really action between herself and Max, and brings him to the City of Joy
using you: This is as admirable a message as it is naive. Even the most clinic, her increasing passivity contrasts with her initial resourcefulness
cursory history lesson about Bengal would have taught Joffe that any as she is ordered off to school, is attacked with the razor by Ashok and
suggestion that Calcuttans need American coaching in order to organize carried to safety by Max, who sews her slit mouth shut - making her
a political mobilization is wholly absurd. Passivity here works as Western unable to speak in the entire second half of the film. After functioning
arrogance and denial displaced by self-importance. Near the beginning as t~1e catalyst for Max's arrival in the City of Joy, as well as providing
of the film Grandmother had warned Hasari's sons Shambu and Manooj a hmt of exotic and erotic intrigue, Poomina is silenced almost as
to 'stay .iway from the cinema'. but Max, a film-buff's fanatic, had completely as Hasari's daughter, who, without a word, and possibly in
taken them to see an action-hero epic. Max is the agent of (cinematic) Poomi11a's place, is married at the end of the film with the dowry that
change, although a mature assessment of the effects of cinema upon H:isari has almost killed himself to earn.
him in his youth, when his adulterous father packed him off to the After this, the film's denouement is a scene reminiscent of the
manger sequence in Bethlehem in late December two thousand years effects the codifications that determine Joffe's images. The reasons for
ago. Amid a grey Calcutta, just one shining light beacons for all this are prejudices and ethnocentrisms that are not specific to the cam-
Christian souls - the clinic of the City of Joy - as the camera pulls era,_ but are neither disrupted nor displaced by it either. Imperialist
back to a full panorama and the credits roll. busmess~as-usual seems to be the order of the day - the camera is a
~old in perce~tion, and yet nothing much has changed. Similarly, Joffe
c~n present lumself_as a more sensitive filmmaker, alert to many of the
pitfalls and assumptions of cultural difference, able to recognize at least
There is much in City of Joy that people could find offensive. The a de~ree of the indeterminancies of meaning in which he is involved -
simplicity of the emotive codes in which poverty and the conditions of 'Calcutta taught me to take nothing at face value' Ooffe, film notes
Calcutt.1 .1re explained away as problems of passivity, and localized 1992) - and yet still make a very conventional film which reiterates
exploitation: avoids any analysis of the global economic factors which Kipling-like arrogances.
depress such sectors in the city. Max, even though the audience There are to_o m~n~ of these bad-news stories in a city which gets
recognizes that he is from the wealthy 'West'. is still presented as the a bad press. Its _mscr_1pt1on as the exemplary site of photogenic poverty
man with the answers, despite the self-help rhetoric of the clinic. It is and_ over~rowdmg 1s continually reinforced, the analysis and action
never acknowledged that Max's own p.1tronizing attitudes and 'answers' wh1~h m1gh~ address Calcutta's problems are not forthcoming, and
are founded upon the full might of neocolonial exploitation of Calcutta despite all th1s,JotTe persisted in forcing his production onto the screen.
by international c:tpitalism. Nor does the representation of women in In C~~cut~a the filming was bizarre: riots outside, and invasions of, the
the film - as smiling, passive, beautiful and increasingly si/e/11 bein~ - set, huackmg ~f the cast's food truck, union bans, huge crowds come
provide any degree of analytical sophistication. Such formulaic repre- to see the Indian film stars. stone-throwing, police lathi (bamboo baton)
sentations of bodies cannot achieve more. The absence of those who in charges, delay~ of all kinds: the shooting attracted much - perhaps too
other (local) narratives of the city nre seen to be doing thin~ in Calcutta much - attention. There were also, it seems, some problems with Patrick
- be it the Corporation, or the militant communists and CPI(M) - Swayze's bowels: in April 1991, Modern Lodge volunteer workers were
simply affirms the film's misrepresentations of Calcuttam as passive able to auction. otT a stool sample bottle with the star's name upon it
(apolitically joyous) and Americans as those-who-have-answers. This is found among Junk donated by the departing film crew. If we were
not Calcutta, and although I am not sure what is, or how its diversity interested _in authenticity we might expect to find Dr Max in City of
could be represented (but see the films of Mrinal Sen), it is possible to ]~y spending _most of his time in the bathroom attending to his
argue that despite being 'about'Westerners in Calcutta,Joffe's film does diarrhoea. This,_of course, would be unseemly in a popular film,
not at any stage address an explanation of the problems of the city in however much 1t would resonate with the expenence of visitors and
terms of international relations, nor docs it cousider the dimensions of their ong.o in~ shit-talk. The viscous limit of City of Joy is reached by
local conditions - positive and negative - in the context of Calcutta's bl~od, cluld~mh and a fairly sanitized focus upon the stumps of leprosy.
political history, or provide more than a gloss over the factors of class With a fabricated slum, with imitation monsoons from pumped bore
and caste which should take at least some place in any narrative. That water, hand-pulled rickshaws where there are bicydes,joy in destitution,
he prefers instead to lay all blame on a local petty bully boy. in an and what the film crew described as 'chaos all around', it is still a
emotional and sentimental heart-throb Wild West adventure in which won_d er that the film appeared at all (a tribute to Joffe's cash reserves).
Patrick Swayze saves the day - Hi ho Silver! - is nothing short of During the period of filming there were numerous reviews, pro and
amazmg. c.on, and promotional articles in the Calcutta press reporting the sensa-
Can the camera, in the hands of a Western visitor, sec otherwise? If tions o~ r~ots and intrigues on the set: a whole gossip and rumour
'images of Calcutta are restless and constantly shifting in meaning', as sy~~e.m m itself. Subsequently the whole affair has entered more literary
Joffe says (film notes 1992), is it possible to disrupt the code that he has wnun~ as a background event in other stories about Calcutta. For
played out here? There are other films of Calcutta, but I do not think example, a character in Sunetra Gupta's novel TI1e Glnssblorver's Brent/,
the 'difference' that these films display is a difference that enters or announces his successful tender for the contract to build JotTe's set: 'So
he would be building a slum, a slum to slum all slums in this city of school, personal, and so on. It is estimated that only one in five of the
slum, for no slum had proved slum enough for the City of Joy .... Do vehicles in this sector are licensed and banning of rickshaws, if effectively
you feel no shame?' (Gupta 1993: 233). enforced, would have the dual effect of increasing real unemployment
Wholesome purchase and transportation of slum-dwellers' houses and overburdening an already inadequate formal transport network to
went into the construction of the 'City of Joy' set. One volunteer ~ the point of paralysis. These are serious problems to contend with, but
noted that the bustee-dwellers must have thought Joffe was mad: 'He not in Joffe's helpful film.
comes in, sees the broken-down roof of hessian and tin sheets and says, City ofJoy begins as a story of one - Hasari - who learns to sell his
'I love it, I'll have it', and peels off three or four hundred rupees to labour, as a rickshaw wallah in the big city, and of another - Dr Max
give to the owner. Then his henchmen get to work, remove the old - who learns, I take it, to 'give' his labour for free in the strange city.
wrecked roof as carefully as possible, and replace it with a strong solid Doth men are robbed at the beginning of the film: Or Max of his
new roof1' (Kath). Yes, it is crazy. The old roof is fitted into Holly- wallet (he is forced to 'wire', not phone, home for more), Hasari of all
wood's authentic Calcutta. Some of us prone to cliches might exclaim: he and his family own: this difference should be noted. In the film
'Only in Calcutta', but we know commercial cinema much better than Hasari saves Max from the monsoon flood (in the book the Westerner
that. As Deleuze says; 'The cinema does not just present images, it only falls into a drain/sewer; in cinema heroes must weather falling
surrounds them with a world' (Deleuze r985/J989: 68). trees and twenty~metre depths - Joffe elaborates the sewer to drown
Given Joffe's no doubt admirable good intentions to try to do some- the entire city). From this bonding moment Hasari and Max are pre-
thing for the people of Calcutta (having already saved the Cambodians, sented as equal except that one remains a surgeon, the other a rick-
and as a 'representative' patron of Latin America), perhaps a more useful shaw wallah. Are we supposed to ask, meaningfully: 'Ah, but which
approach would have been to provide an analysis of the range of one is richer in the spirit?'. Oh joy.
informal-sector activities which, along with the rickshaws, have become In lieu of analysis {this is fiction, after all), joy works in the film as
essential components of the functioning of the city. While the film can a romanticist acclamation of the heroism of the poor, and it is not
note, for example, that only these rickshaws can navigate the flooded difficult to recognize this also as a curative offering to the Western
streets of monsoon time, analysis of the informal work world of the viewer rather than as a description of the condition of the impoverished
economically disadvantaged sectors of Calcutta needs to be examined in Calcutta. Whose joy is it? Joy which allows Western viewers to feel
in a context where the formal economic order is unable to provide 'proud' of the heroism of the downtrodden, a heroism activated by the
(food, shelter, transport) within the framework of the law. This analysis appearance of Swayze. The real 'take' in this film is that it imagines this
is available in Calcutta: for example, in the Calwtta 1981 volume Jean state of affairs as somehow progressive; sanctified and naturalized by
Racine reproduces comments from the local group Unnayan linking appeal to a universal spirit. When the monsoon breaks in the middle of
sections of the informal sector together in the functioning of the city: the film, everyone rushes outside to dance in the downpour. This
'Pavement dwellers obstruct the pavements. Hawkers obstruct pave- cleansing rain comes at a time when differences between Max and
ments and streets. Rickshaws obstruct traffic flow. So what to do with Hasari have begun to be resolved as Hasari sees that Max does have
them? They are underprivileged people, petty citizens, but they play some answers - although it is through the monsoon floods that he is
their role, a decisive role, in city life' (Unnayan in Racine 1990). While able to earn extra money with his rickshaw. The establishment of the
local studies do take up these concerns, City of Joy glosses over such clinic in spite of the Ghatak opposition is also celebrated with this
perspectives in the interests of cinematic sentimentalism. Similarly, debate dance. Joffe says he is not in the business of selling poverty, yet as has
about the banning of hand-pulled rickshaws has continued for forty been noted, it is very difficult to avoid camera effects which package
years in Bengal, and although there is little evidence in the Cit)' ofJoy, poverty for the viewers back home. Whatever the 'real', and varied,
this debate has raised the question in the context of the relation between experience of the poor, there is no reason to think that the material
the informal and formal sectors. Rickshaw wallahs (1 ,00,000 of them) and emotional conditions of Hasari Pal's part of the city are best
make up the largest informal-sector grouping and provide the most described with terms - joy - resonant of Christian celebration. Certainly
heavily used mode of transport, for all manner of conveyance - trade, there is a creativity required for a life in Calcutta under conditions of
economic hardship, and the success and co-operation of Calcuttan com- in favour of what seems very much like a late Levi-Strauss position
munities should be noted - along with the initiatives of the Marxist recommending a 'semiological reading of urban space' which would
partiesJ - but to portray the poor as indomitable, and to accord th:m 'study the expressive mediation through which are realised ideological
a generalized 'courage in adversity' which really leaves them as passive processes produced by social relations in a given conjuncture' (Castells
victims, is to idealize their situations for the emotional pleasure of _1977: 219). Castells's distance from structuralism was not so great when
foreign and middle-class audiences. he made use of the cinema metaphor to describe the city:
In this perspective, urban space is not an already written text, but a screen
METAPHORS FOR CINEMA permanently structured by a symbolic that changes in accordance with the
production of ideological content by the social practices that act in and on
At a much m9re abstracted level, it might be possible to agree that the the urban unit. (Castells 1977: :!19)
cinema metaphor of the mechanical eye articulates closely with ~uro-
American hegemony through a specific documentary underst:mdmg ~f However clumsy this language may be, the point is valid that social
the Rest of the World. The actor Hans Zischler, who has appeared m practices - in the case of film, editing, directing, and so on - produce
a number ofWim Wenders films, said that 'Film criticism no longer has and structure the content - ideas, ideological mode, the symbolic _ of
any meaning', and it is 'reality that we have to analyse in a ci~em~ti~ our understa~~in~ of urban spaces. The complexity of this structuring,
way' (in Virilio 1984'1989: 65}. Contestations of the nature of reahty of the cond1t1omng effects of productive social practices, or of the
have become more intense at the same time as cinema becomes popular- dynamics of metaphor, are not easily elucidated, and should be
ized - not that a causal relationship can be claimed, but it is interesting approached with a caution that would avoid simplifications. It is not
to consider the introduction of the techniques of cinema in comparison simply that JotTe's direction - as a filmmaker with access to the huge
to an idea of unmediated 'perception of reality' in order to show per- reso~rces _of Western cultural and financial capital - has 'produced' a
ception as always mediated, yet not necessarily cinematic. The choice certa'.~ kmd. of ?Im but, rather, that a range of social practices and
example here could be the effect of editing, which, as Orson Welles conditions, historical relationships, technical effects and particularities of
said, is 'the only time when you can be in complete control of a fi!m' both local experience and the world system have combined to 'produce'
(Virilio 1984/ 1989: 65), and which is not as obviously a mechanical a film about another 'culture' that serves a certain set of interests.
process when it comes to unaided human sight (some psychoan~l~sts The conditioning effects of film, however much Orson Welles may
might want to disagree). The problem that film presents for cn~~al wa_n_t to assert control, are not all open for easy manipulation at the
evaluation is that the interpretative choices, perspectives and moraht1es edmng _table. !he production of film entails what Castells might call
of filmmakers and their audiences have remained opaque where the pro~uctive social processes in ways that are by no means straightforward.
mechanical mode of representation has been understood anthropo- While a great degree of choice presents itself under the editor's scissors
morphically as a simple extension of sight. The cinem~ ~1etaphor_ for - to include the last thirty frames or not, to juxtapose close-up with
perception must remain 'only' a metaphor, so long as It IS reco~1ze~ panorama, to edit out a voice or to include some other sound - the
that all understandings are metaphorical in some way, all perception 1s choices at the point of exposure of the film are important too - when
mediated through mechanisms of perception which have various condi- to . ~ress the trigger(?), choice of location, of script, of time of day.
tioning effects, some more evident to us than others. Edttmg also has less than total control over the way a film is received
In consideration of the effects on perception of various factors, and by different viewers; the indeterminacies to be considered here are those
different theoretical ways to make sense of these factors, the sociologist of all the perception and choices, selections, interpretations, prejudices
Manuel Castells came into conflict with Levi-Strauss at a kind of and preferences that operate to make any one film mean any number
junction of the screen image and the city. Attempting to explain the of differen~ things. Yet total indeterminacy is unlikely, too - the very
variety of processes which structure perception of urban life, Castells, preconceptions and prejudices that influence the choices of director
too, hastily rejected the anthropologist's orientation as a wish to find .tnd editor coincide in certain ways with those of the viewers: so much
the 'history of a society in the trace of its stones' (Castells 1977: :n 6), so that some writers have seen film leading towards a dangerous
homogenization of the world. This is certainly the case with City efJoy, auditorium where Mira Nair's Salaam Bombay is showing. The husband
where, so it seems, the narratives of the white man's burden, the Wild and wife, Woody Allen and Bette Midler, fall upon each other and
Bunch/ Magnificent Seven, charity/ redemption, and so on, are success- fuck in the aisle. Two Sikhs, who are the only other occupants of the
fully transplanted to the strange location of Calcutta - which becomes theatre, call for silence, but are ignored, while the screen shows scenes
familiar in the process. Every scene is framed in the same comparative o~ child labour and poverty. Even while a critical point about the
·and equalizing rectangle of the screen. shallow lives of middle America is being made, Indian cities are reduced
Editing also has its dysfunctions or resistances, as can be seen, to the generalized image of poverty and distributed unquestioned to
curiously enough, in the failure - or irony - of a scene in the James (the fi;>rnicating residents) of other cities like LA.
Bond movie Octopussy, where the splicing of two shots filmed m Virilio's argument is that the cinema is coming to dominate our
separate Indian cities made a tense chase scene into a surreal comedy understanding and to determine the production of all social relations.
for Indian viewers, while probably few people in Western audiences In U41r a11d Ci11e111a he argues for a broad-sweep view of history which
noticed the disruption. Having narrowly escaped death, some thug-s moves from urban space to global perception:
chase 007, who flees in a specially modified auto-rickshaw past the Taj
The West, a~ter :adjusting from the political illusions of the the:itrc-city (Athens,
Mahal in Agra. His auto-scooter has a turbo-charged motor, and faced
Rome, Venice) to those of the cinema-city (Hollywood, Cinecitta, Nurem-
w ith a dead end in a market lane along-side the Taj he is able to
~crg), h:is n~w pl~nged i~to _t~e tr:inspolitical pan-cinema of the nudear :igc,
accelerate up a ramp and leap over the colourful market stall; incredibly, mto an ent1.rcly cmemanc v1s1on of the world. (Virilio 1984/i989: 66)
he lands in Udaipur by the Lake Palace some 604 kilometres away.
What is for Western observers the same picaresque town full of fabulous Rushing too fast into generalization as he does, Virilio perhaps omits
'Eastern' mosques and palaces appears to Indian viewers as two totally recognition that all these cities, and even the present world system,
different Indian cities in far-separated states. Is it inappropriate to have allowed, or had forced upon them, some space for those who
castigate a fiction film for its fictionality? Of course; but the point here would challenge the hegemony of power that controls the city (or
is that this conflation of urban India into an amalgam of the sites of its citadel. since here the city has become metaphorical too). The theatre-
most exotic tourist attractions is exactly the kind of fabrication of the city allowed a certain space for the public to enter political process
'Orient' that Said pointed out in 1978, and what is interesting here is through entertainment - as the chorus in the tragedy, as the forum in
the two divergent ways of reading the scene that are also made possible the Senate. Whatever the great limitations of this participation, the
- slapstick or romance? That this is achieved upon the editing table - preceding mythological constellation which allowed the gods alone (and
which has made nothing of the fifteen -hour train trip or three-hour their priestly representatives, the authority of the Muse or the deity
flight that must have separated the two 'takes' for the film crew - channelled through the few) to govern life was less inclusive. The
underlines the constructed 'reality' of all film, fictional or documentary. cinema-city and capitalist media also includes a somewhat illusory
The creativity of cinema enables new continuities to emerge across avenue of participation - the game-show, the election-night telecast,
time and distance simply through the removal of sections of film, or the 'real' lives of soap opera - in a way that is less hermetically sealed
turning the camera off and moving it. If the Udaipur scenes had been than the global cinema dominance of MGM and Lucasfilm which
shot a week before those in Agra, it would make no difference - the would be Virilio's cinematic nuclear world. Within the world market of
comedy of Bond's leap from an already ridiculous Uttar Pradesh market, Sony and Spielberg there are also disruptions and disconnections where
with too many sword-swallowers and snake-charmers, to a southern people take cameras and - often clumsily in comparison to Lucasfilm
Rajasthani one filled with a very different set of people, remains the techno-e!Tects (and remembering that Joffe's special effects were
hidden gift even in this fictional 'Indian' city. organized by the same people who brought you Dartli T11dar and Alien)
Another curious juxtaposition of cities occurs in a less unreal, but - look at the world somewhat differently. There are sites of resistance
nevertheless disturbing, way in Paul Mazursky's 1990 comedy-drama to imperialism, sometimes in the very centres of cities like Calcutta,
Sce11es from a Mall. A middle-class executive couple enter a Los Angeles however blind Joffe may be to them - the world market is not sewn
shopping centre cinema complex and walk into an almost empty up. The films of Mrinal Sen and other Bengalis, although not widely
distributed and not accorded equal acclaim, are evidence of 'another' on the spot as the ~till image rushes past the projection bulb), perhaps
because the enormity of population numbers no longer allows us to
cinema (Roberge 1984).
It may be an error to think that a new regime of urban represen- count humans, but instead demands a new kind of statistically calcu-
tation has emerged which demands that we write about or film culture lated species.
in a wholly different way. The city ofVirilio's cinema is Ridley Scott's _The identity. effect. produced through camera and documentary
Bladenumer, Jean-Luc Godard's A/pluwille or Fritz Lang's Metropolis, the ~epre~entatton sttll retams many of the characteristics of the general
urban nightmares of Vonnegut's Sla11gl1terlw11se Five Dresden, or the post- 1?ent1ty that ~a~ ~ominate~ European consciousness for a very long
apocalypse genres of Hollywood fantasy or the murky decayed ~iolence time. The opt1m1sttc evaluation of the proliferation of video and other
of Airstrip One in 1984. The hyper-real ethn~graphy o~Wend~~s s Wi11gs el~ctronic media by writer- filmmaker- teacher Gregory Ulmer, who
of Desire -or the sentimentalized street realism . of ~tra ~:nr s ~alaam th!n~s that_such media will achieve a major disruption of the 'logos'
Bomba}' leads now to JotTe's City of Joy. Fanta.stic cm~s. ~1~culate mt_er- w1thm winch we have' thought .
since the onset of phonetic writin g,
changeably. Yet these fantasies, which are crucial to Vml~o s conception seems too Itasty. UImers experimental exploration of video with refer-
of cinema cities and a cinematic world, do not technically pose any ence to t~e wr_itings of Derrida and Ong (Ulmer r98 9) is fascinating,
more difficulty for writing than was present for 'pre-nuclear' (pre- but the d1srupt1on he projects onto the camera appears as yet unlikely
Virilio) commentators. The same critical analysis which must be _broug~t to be g~eater than other events (represented by proper names such as
to bear upon Kipling, Maugham, Levi-Strauss, Grass, and other 1mpenal Copernicus, Columbus, Kaiser Wilhelm, Gandhi, Oppenheimer, Ho
writers must be brought to the contemporary cinema. At the lev:I_ of Chi Minh, Fon_da, Madonna, etc.) that also threatened to disrupt all
narrative, writing about film presents similar difficulties as ~oes _w~mng the ways we thmk, yet allowed business as usual.
about other events, in that the order of one type of narrauon 1s m_tc:r- Views such as those of Ulmer with regard to video, and Virilio's
rupted by another in the context of a complicated s_et of po':er relations injunction to read the world in a cinematic way, still reside in the
we must continually try to unravel - the peculiar functions of the geographic and technological space of a visual paradigm not far different
camera should not divert us too much from this work, while we do from that of other writers considered in this work (such as Clifford
Levi-Strauss). A ~c~torial perspective on the city, and a focus on speed~
take stock of the differences.
Increasingly film approaches the city as a moving entity, even as it is of ~lobal transmm1on, does suggest the beginnings of a rupture of the
fixed upon a map. Virilio's cities are hardly sedentary, and the speeds of ~paual c~de, but one so neatly in calibration with new teclmologies of
representation provide an illusion of ever more rapid ~ovement. The mformatton flow that the interests of global capital do not seem
fast cuts of a frantic cinema coincide with the requirements of a compromised. It is necessary to continue to watch the circulation of
commodity capitalism that now even sells its image_s in bite-~ize~ fast- images of ~alcutta with an eye to their effects in a repn:sentational
food consumable chunks. The spluttering production of thts cinema space that impacts upon a number of levels - for tourists, volunteers,
resorts to rapid cutting more often in the Third World or alien ~ity readers, analysts, photographers, cinematographers, and us all.
Uoffe's Calcutta), as a representational mode suitable for the .e~press10n
of difference. Increasingly also in the advertisement and tounsttc world HAUFF
of our fantasy cities, the myriad images of fragmented lives flash past in
quick succession: postcard, news-flash, cartoon, souvenir, snapshot. The ~s an _e_xample which begins this critical work, Reinhardt HautT's 1987
curious effects of time-exposure photography or fast-forward film - of city Visit documentary essay 10 Days in Calmtta can be examined for
the . ways in which it presents Calcutta as the terrain of the filmmaker
traffic at intersections or upon highways, of people seen as ants on
footpaths or mounting and dismounting from trains, of crowds enter- Mr'.nal Sen, as a city that can be filmed in interesting ways, as a city
ing buildings or crammed onto buses - begin to defy the normal ~vhich lends itself, according to Hauff, to the filmic 'discussion' of social
rhythms of life, yet seem more representative on the screen of urb~n JSS~es such as poverty, the political responsibility of the artist, or identity.
experience than true-to-time scenes. Our imagina~on allows ~he ~1ty This. version of Calcutta, where intellectuals discuss philosophy while
to become a hyperfast flow (yet it doesn't move; agam we are fl1ckenng walking amid the cacophony of car horns and crow calls that fills the
streets, is importantly different from that which appears in most other M~ch of ~auff's film is about the production of politically commit-
European films about the city. ted cme~a m Calc.utta. Rather than presentation of the problem of
Hauff also begins with the bridge into the city, but in a different poverty m a two-dimensional form, Hauff, through Sen/ with Sen, is
way his camera seems to be among the people, focusing upon various concerned with questions like that of what 'cultural production' might
workers to make them into ' images' for the film, yet in a way that b: able to do about poverty on the scale of the city. There are few
consciously attempts to tell a story about the city's labour rather than answers to. the m~ny questions which stand like accusations - among
offer some curious gaze upon cultural otherness. Unlike the 'curios' t~c most mteresung passages is the one where Hauff discusses the
Malle selects, the sequence created by HautT's camera and editing leads d1le~!lla of fi~ming in slums, and says: 'Can one escape the danger of
directly into Sen's first comments, which draw Hauff's film more closely mak1~g suffenng p?otogenic? Can 1, with my foreign eyes, perceive
anythmg real at all (10 Days i11 Calcutta). Is it because, with Mrinal
into Calcutta:
Sen, Hauff is an interlocutor in a way that few visitors to Calcutta can
We arc in the thick of the spr.i.wling city of Calcutta, :md I am one of around be, and althou~h he does ~ot film so much of Calcutta in his ten days,
ten million people living in this city.This is a city which is loved and hat~d. an?. much of ~1s Calcutta 1s put together from bits of Sen spliced on an
Kipling called it 'the city of dreadful night'. Lord Clive, the foundi:r of Bn~- ed1ung table m
ish India, called it 'the most wicked place in the universe'. Nehru called It . Germany, he is able to make more of the city th an
many oth er d1rectors could in much longer time.
'the city of processions, of political manifestations' and Gunter Grass call~d it
'God's excrement'; and you, Reinhardt Hauff, you have probably survived A~ an !nterlocutor, Hauff engages Sen in dialogue which brings out
the first shock and have started liking Calcutta. (1o Days ;,, Calcutta) the identity of the Bengali film-maker and his feeling for the city
Towards the end of the film Sen says: ·
Where Malle first asks 'Why are you here?', in Hauff's film Sen states:
For the last few days you have been askmg me questions about th, )
'We are here in Calcutta'. Perhaps this declarative rather than interroga- 'bT f c mora
":spons1_ 11ty _o a film-maker, of social responsibility, about the role of the
tive mode allows a very different kind of documentary. In many ways cme?1a mdfm social change ... the more [ think of your film which you arc
Hauff's film is a collaborative work with Sen, especially when segments makm_g now, I get this feeling that I discover myself through your film. (lo
of the latter's films appear as parts of Hauff's film - interestingly enough, D11y; 111 Calcutta)
this includes a sequence from Sen's 1978 Pams/111ra111, a shot of a boy
performing a stunt at the top of a pole in the Maidan. This same boy In a way that identity was ahvays tied up with local concerns for Sen·
doing the same stunt - spinning high above the audience - also appeared eve~ the. glib cliches of the Indian Tourism Authority slogan 'Discove;
in Malle's Calcutta, but where in Malle's film this passes without India, Discover Yourself' find expression in his self-critical evaluation
comment, in Sen's a voice asks the boy, in Hindi, 'Seen him?' and the inside ~auff's film. While Sen admits that his love of talking sometimes
boy answers: 'Yes, he is lost in the whirl of the city'. In :>en's film, a~d leads him to talk nonsense, his reflection upon his practice is intense -
so repeated a third time in Hauff, the boy spins above his pole, and m he presents this to Hauff as the result of a journey:
both these films the boy speaks of one who is lost in the city. But who
I _have tr;ivcllcd a long v.-:iy .. . and I don't feel tired at an ... I am like the
is lost? Malle's scene stops with the spinning boy, but Sen's moves on City of ~alcutt~, vibrant, _full of vitality. I still continue to serve my own time,
until a woman, confronted with a young man looking for a space on do ~ kmd of 111trospcct1on, self-searching, self-criticism to be more exact
the pavement to sleep, shouts: 'Hey. Young Man! What are you doi~g ~ullmg myself by the hair ... making myself stand before the mirror. (10 Da)';
there? There's no place for you' (H1ras/111m111). In Sen this plays a part m 111 Calmtta)
6 I I h ve missed somethin g; for instance, yester- le:ives Arati in her village, having her again :ice out the final scene of
aftcr the shooting'. I alw:iys cc a I ve mm:h regretted the foct that I
day, when I first mtrodu~cd C~lcut:afull o(vitality , a vibrant city. I didn't say the earlier film as a new end for Hauff's. As the car moves off and the
hadn't called Calcutta ~ Cl~ _w hich .1 but then I would have felt very happy, camera looks past Hauff and Sen in the back seat, Arati is left framed
that but even otherwise it IS there, . . . th~rc in the shot by the re:ir window as she runs waving behind the vehicle.
• . · ry vibrant city, 1t 1s ~ in my commen t on
had I said It. Ca1cuua 11s ~- vlck d . to be clearer. (10 Days iri C11lcut1a)
Calcutta but I would iavc I c It
t defend cities that are disliked, this 'vibrancy'
Often used as a term o . h eta hor in a world of In 1999 a group oftravdl ers working at the Preger clinic on Middleto n
which should be 'c\e:irer' is ano~her h:; fi\:is· ~oving shadow. The
Row decided to make a video about life :it the Modern Lodge. This
moving shaq_ows - :ifter all, that ishw mment.i n Scn's film Calwtta,
. f h's was our reaction to the excess of schmaltz and unreality/ alienation we
coexistence o t 1 image and anot .
er co
d to a kaleidoscope, again .
had experienced after watching a particularly bad Channel Four special
My Eldoradll , where the city_ _is compare II senses in understandings
confirms the importance of vmon, among a on the Preger clinic, and after various contacts with television journal-
. '
ists. At about the time when City of joy was becoming a controversial
of Calcutt:i. d S are concern ed only to be film in the city, various rough scripts for a satire on documentaries
This is not to say th~t Ha~ff :an e:f Sen's films have been very
about tourist Calcutta were prepared. Scenarios included an invasion of
publicists for a cosmopolitan etty. . y l J hn Hood notes that the alien Mother Teresa, and a scene where the Queen Victoria
sharp criticisms _of C:il_cutta. For t~a;;:;i tyoand suffering ot the city's statue
from outside the Memorial hitched up her skirts and set up a chai stall
film Calwtta 71 is not JUSt about d . ' ks to identify causes, to lay
.c system Instea It see outside Modern Lodge. Amateur humour and irony; the final product,
iniquitous econo~1
. ' (Hood 1993: 36}. As such, t he put together by Su~an Fry, did not follow any such script, but it is a
blame an to pomt to conseque nces .
I . I but it transcends po1em1c as critical, and ironic, pie,e which does go some way towards representing
film is otten dismissed as merely po em1cba • for example in the
I Illustration can e seen, ' the viewpoint of Modern Lodge tourists. Jokes about toilets, talks on
an intellectua essay. [ h' h} harpen the notion of class the roottop, from the chai st:ill, along Sudder Street: certain tropes of
'opening and dosing mont~ges . w ic d :bandon ment of the poor .. .
Calcutta are repeated, sometimes as farce. What is considered curious is
conflict and make clear the isolat~on_ an of the establishment stands collected in cameo appearances, and there is a tendency towards what
[while} ... the :lttitu~e o~ c~Uous 1~d;trer~n3c:}. Calcutta is not always El
Hauff call$ 'photoge nic poverty'. The clinic is shown in a way that docs
out as a cause for d1sqmet (Hoo 993h. ' t ·s ~ mine for hardworking
. Id b t Sen can see t at I I " not simply romanticize the charitable 'saintliness' of carers (as some
Dorado offering g~ ' u . Tl:e oint of evaluation would be to look documen taries ha,·e) but, ratlit"r, fo~uses on comedy and slip-ups, on
miners and others in desp:ur. Ph d to which his polemic and
f the joking banter between volunteers and patients, and the haphazard
at the en1cacy o his response. - til
..r. t e egree
l1i more than the charitabl e nature of Western efforts, 1:ontrasted to the dedication of the clinic's
exploration, even expresse d m I m, o ersd h 'lk
'care' of Modern Lodge, Mother Teresa an llengah doctors. This may not fit the broadcast requirements of con-
er I •
ventional documentary, but on the whole the self-critical and roughly
. film Hauff follows Sen as he returns to cut edges of this video accord it authenticity for those from the 111os1
In a scene near the end o f hts 'ti . film some years before. Sen
. h ' h he had shot a ,coon • Modern. Its status as a docume nt for other audiences will :ilways be
a village m w ic_ la ed a art in that film, and discovers more problematic.
again sees the child who had P Y p d had in fact travelled
.h b come an actress, an In one particular scene, Fiona threatens in a joking way to adopt a
that now she w1s es to e "d S 's house - although Sen was
. I .ty to camp outs1 e en woman's child and 'take it back to England'. The mother does not see
alone mto t te c1 . d
r. C I tta at the ume. Sen .is distressed at this story, . .
an that this was never a serious intention, and becomes angry. A failure to
away ,rom a cu . d loped unattainable aspirations recognize a sensitive political issue for homeless mothers in a city where
recognizes his complicity in hav1~g devAe t" could fit into Sen's film
in this young v1 ager. The untrame d ra ble I Mother Teresa does organize adoptions for wealthy Western visitors
. l h goddess} but once the became a contentious scene i11 the video. This was not a case of inten-
e could mean a ora '
(noung t tat er nam I 1 authenticity has dissolved. Sen
aspiration to act appears, some tow ter tional malice, and an otherwise honest and intelligent person made a
mistake which resulted in serious conflict. Negotiations of cultural As if the postmodern self-consciousness of the tourist engaged in
differences - here in performance and humour - are difficult on a white-water rafting down some Himalayan waterway were all that much
highly politically charged terrain. Is it possible for travellers to become less 'constructed' and even collective than that of the visitor to some
more alert to these difficulties? war memorial or other 'historical' site in Europe or Asia! This change
(n the final sequence~ of this video I follow t~e negoriati~ns of an ~has. to do, first, with a multiplication of sites for tourism, some of
older woman attending the clinic in order to gam a new san (cotton which need no longer be visual but have become experiential; and
saris are sometimes given out to those in need\ Her repeated _requests second, with a fragmentation or segmentation of tourist markets so
are refused: she is \Veil known, she is always asking for sometlung. She that. ever more diverse numbers of clients can be made to consume the
asks new volunteers and old, she asks each doctor in turn, and finally manifold icons of tourism. Calcutta could be a good example here,
_ with the camera following this as it would an epic adventure - she with City ofJoy and the reputation of Mother Teresa luring travellers to
persuades a clinic administrator to hand over a sari. The last_ image ~f a form of charity-tourism. Urry (how 'postmodern' this is I don't know)
the video is a close-up of this woman with her hard-won gift, and 1t.~ suggests that it 'is an interesting question whether it is in fact possible
chequered colour pattern. , . , . to construct a postmodern tourist site around absolutely any object'
John Urry points to a shift in the nature ~f the tourist ga~e. i~ (Urry 1990: 102). Poverty, perhaps? That everything can be consumed
the contemporary era. The shift is from a tourism of exemplary s1t~s is just the correlate of the intellectual point that everything is 'produced',
to one of 'out-of-the-ordinary experiences' (Urry 1990: 102)._While and that market capitalism has colonized every corner of the globe,
the 'new tourism' does not seem that much different, it would m~lude every corner of our lives - just as Marx promised it would.
more 'individualistic' pursuits such as sporting or adventure hohdays, But is everything consumed in the same way? Perhaps it is possible
ironic 'alternative tours' of Calcutta's Marxist monuments, and other to watch City ofJoy against itself. Just as travellers somewhat mischie-
off-the-beaten-track variants - perhaps even auto-documentary of the vously parody postcard tourism with 'found object' mosquito-coil box-
kind described above. Urry's distinction between two 'modes' of tops, as they create alternative anti-tours of the city, and as with the
tourism might be worth accepting as a heuristic device. Of the first home video of life in the Modern, perhaps also participation in the
filming of Ci1y ofJoy can be seen within an ironic frame.
he writes:
'Joffe is tireless, he invites us all to these long breakfasts at the
The pleasures of tourism stem from complex processes of both production Oberoi' {Katrina}. Here,Joffe's stamina, and the incongruously luxuriant
and consumption. I have emphasised the socially constructed ~haracter o~ the dining-room of the Oberoi Grand Hotel, are gently mocked by hungry
roumt gaze, tliat both production and con~umpt!on are soc1all: or~msed'.
backpackers. Much was made of the bit-parts clinic voluntc:ers had in
and that the gaze must be directed to certam objects or features wluch arc
cxtraordmary, which distinguish that sight/site of the gaze from others. (Urry the film - a scene showing them lounging around in the garden of the
Fairlawn, and another, which was left on the cutting-room floor, of a
1990: 101)
group dressed in hippy-trippy pyjamas dancing with Swayze in an
What changes for Urry is perhaps less important than the continuities ashram (Swayze's dirty dancing failed him on this occasion). The way
between the social constructions of production and consumption, and Ci11: of Joy can be watched by clinic workers, as well as by Bengali
of distinguished 'sights/sites', across his two modes. Neverthe~ess, he audiences, as incongruity and outrageously miscued farce, does under-
proclaims that 'post-tourism transforms these processes by which the mine its 'realism' at the very moment where this against-the-grain view-
tourist gaze is produced and consumed' (Urry 1990: 101}: point gains in authenticity. At a showing of the film organized by
travellers in an open garage opposite Modern Lodge, both travellers
the post-tourist emphasis on playfulness, variety and ~el~-consciousness makes
and the resident family (Sultana-bibi and children) who watched the
it harder to find simple pleasures . .. the post-tounst 1s above ~I~ self-con-
scious, 'cool' and role-distanced. Pleasure hence comes to be ant1c1patcd and film together roared with laughter at many scenes. Hasari Pal's rick-
experienc1:d in different ways than before ... holidays ~ave become less to do l haw style was cause for as much mirth as Swayze's grim dedication.
with the reinforcing of collective memories and cxpencnces and more to do Perhaps this transformation of Joffe's drama into slapstick is the most
with immediate pleasure. (Urry 1990: 101-:1.) effective means of critique. As is often apparent, the jokes are always
. This keeps
to do this one 'for the e I
. . promo ters boast
million dollars. The filmp op e of C;ilcutta thatc he ,J i
Sto million to the Calcutta n econo my Eco a · ·Y · Joy
b .
11 O
accept ed just one
Justice ? No
contri buted
eviden ce
ent humo ur can was presented for this claim R
resistance on the run; so that perhaps only a persist J_o~e and crew were dining
ta can be mar- i_? _style at the Obero i lnter~ ati:::i ~ er that
prevail against the ways in which the 'image ' of Calcut .o~el cham_ s Calcut ta flagship. Who
keted to suit the imperatives of charitable world-views.
In City of joy gains? It is not unusual to be faced
x of a capital -
ism which is always the s~m lwtt a seenun g par;ido
h the interv ening p .
povert y is a condit ion that is to be 'devel oped' throug . .. e,
yet ocally
specifi N"k
ic. ' os ap.isterg1adis
the aid organiza- puIIs all this togeth er for
benev olence of Docto r Swayze, and by extension by me m a pertin ent formulation :
produ ced here is
tions which follow. The space in which Calcut ta is The dispersal of signs across the mod .
a capital ist develo p- f c~n world has punctured the borders
one that does not escape the domin ant frame of that defined the cultural ident'ty
I o parncular places f ·
f distant places
ulable resource. . . · · mages o
menta l world, of progress, and the world as a manip
I1avc crossed many hands Tlii··• mu1tip1ICltJOn of boJ"
• sym IC exchange has done
work slots into this frame Iutlc to undermine rhe basic op . . b
The practice of travellers doing volunt eer . posmon ctwecn .
rh • c d
c entre an rhe periphery·•
and facilitates its global distrib ution. Joffe picks up hints from the rounsrn and migration o"0 in dt'lfc,crent d'1rcct1on s· ti • d . · · .
dcc1s1011 to leave h•s • d""' . f 't I · c cc1s1on1
to visit and tlic
he was even able to " .. 111ercnt gravuy: .
travellers at the Mode rn; it is quite possible that new global culture has not yet red uced• the c a one price. Funhc rmore this
structu r:il disadv antage s p l con.sc1. ousness into
watch the 'home:' video. His film occludes real I>omogencous mulch Self. d c fimmon . . opu ar
I ..
virile North Ameri can • - proceeds ti
by presenting the 'soluti on' in the guise of a rhe asymmetrical relationships to power all iroug I opposm on, making
hero, :md leaves no space for a ruptur e in the narrati
ve of under - seems to have sh:ir=n cd rh. • ·<l k now ourselv too apparent. Increased mobility
. .-- c nee to es U I
w I,o ts and who is not our pcrm1·ss1'bl e 11c1g Ibour our
. a r le more by defining
devdo pment plotted in this place. · . · our guide.
tan experi ence (papasterg1aJ1s 199 Ja: 68) ·
As a development narrative, the lack of tit with Calcut
proffe red 'assista nce' as the
for many travellers means that Swayze's
outsid e the city. What is
Ameri can-w ith-the-answers works primar ily WHA T rs GIVE N IN CITY OF JOYl
who do not ' know'
'given ' in City of J(ly? A technology for those MAX VERS US HARX
a well-re hearse d narrati ve
Calcut ta to place its aberra nt reputation into
can be improv ed by our As a coda to this, the scene in Cir ' of.Jo
of reassurance - things are bad, but they will/ } y where Max gives a rupee to
ta by those the begging children C3n stand
charita ble acts. This mental 'gift' is carrie d into Calcut themes of Third
zation s 'aiding ' the city. World tourism and charity M a_s aln emtem for 31) the
travellers who now come to work in the organi .pr-ax p ~ys t 11fs out as a sleight of hand in a
are not distrib uted way that recalls Derrida'.s
Unfor tunately, Calcuttan ways of viewm g the film ~~entation o Daudelaires• counte rfce1t-co ·
le to watch agains t the . .
ta Ie. Unlike Levi-Strauss • wl1 o d 1sm1sse
by the promo tions oifice. While it is also possib , s the beggi ng c
h Id'
s caJI for one
reach of this widely anna as pathet ic' ' Max en gages Wit .I I I
film m fordgn cinema halls, it is the ideological · 1 t 1e childre and amuses them with
. n,
distrib uted produ ction that has effects which reinforce
the 'rumo ur of com tricks. Here we can re~d .. a routtn e of savage c · · y over colonial
. • unom
Calcu tta'. The 'joy' that is attached to this rumou r now serves as the magic ofien played out to r . d Wt
logical advant ages M . . emm estern .iudien ces of their techno -
the experi ence is Swayze's . ax 1s soon overwhel d by th e numbe rs of children
reward for ch:iritable souls - come and share . fc me
succum b to this reassur- his offer of coins attracts and h e 1s
call. Many liberal consumers would presumably . orced to flee _ th
. e very S3me scene
appears m John Dyrum'.s 198 fil h ,
ing narrative.
forms, is little
RAzors, Edge, where Dill Mu4 1 m version of Som erset M aug ams 11,c
Budge t tourism, even in highly ironic and sceptical _rray_ a,~ri~es _on the steps of the Gange s in
from a privile ge based on Varanasi.~ What does the h
more than a tempo rary and illusory escape vis"ttor Iias the power t com
s1gn1fy here' l . h
. s it t .it t e Western
e a little space for alterna-
inequality. The resources of capitalism allocat when the de:ig 1v;;: yet also to fake the gift, and ab3ndon
consum ption. No wonde r the effort
tives, for a break from more explicit modes of The c . an comes too much?
seems to come from om, as $ymbo l of mone~ . h
Joffe can go to Calcut ta and make a film that . • ' is not, ere, the universal marke r of
:re that while he could ~ ue that it is in the
Hollyw ood. Swayze said at the Melbo urne premit Marx is to be a com mon~y form for Marx. The burden of money
he so wanted
norma lly comm and a seven-million -dollar fee for a film, mod1ty exchan geable both for itself and for all
maltz, words NO TE S
As the last scene of City of
Joy fades into Hollywood sch
given is lost'.
ari Pal app ear on the screen: 'All that is not h
The re are various works wh'i~ h a~sess Deng:ili cinern.1, tho ugh non e to my
fro m Has
off er a fitt ing poi nt at which I would like
to cha nce my
knowledge, spec ifica lly con cern ed
wu t ie representatio n of
the city of C I
a cutt a,
Th ese wo rds touristic und er- a
Joh n Hoo d has pro duc ed compact study of Mri I Sens, fil'ms whi ch is excellent
nt has been to show how ) k na
ow n conclusion. Th e poi needs of a travel-
(Ho d rew Rob in .
5 o ~993 ; muc h of And on f o . ason s wor on the films of Saty.ijit Ray
din gs of the wo rld are arranged according to the e considered here (Ro bins wou ld be help ful Her c I
stan ws on wh y they s J~ t ), n~. Rob erg e ( 198 4)
the world . Travellers have vie
ry 'tec hni c' vie w of am mor e interested in the ,v.iy ~• ern vimors represen t ti lelf · ·
experience of Calcutt
ind ust do offer expla- and ca• nno t atte mpt any detail d
doing aid wo rk in Calcutta ld ;roi ~:'~ ~en ~1; ~~ Den unr.
g:ih film. Biren D:is Sharn:~
travel - or at least, travellers doi ng - and sometimes Tbel the one who c:ou
and und ers tan din gs of wh at they are wo~ ld . ~ in111ve acc:o
1c rest of this discus:sion was mtercstmg too - D Utt Went on to say that Ra
nat ion s that aid wo rk is -·
l. It is possible to suggest mad c P."tlirr /',111cl1ali only to win d '
, that he should now rnak e a
these are highly self-critica ing. Wh at is aw:i r s alnd, absurdly
sou ven ir-h unt ing or sightsee a wl1i · ch
film .ibout mod ern Indi , :ipparcnt y. ,vo Id be. abo-"~ the ~rcatness of dams.
not all that different from workers and oth er Id •
crit kal .o fDu tt's ; u
rview· it is suffi1c1e .
t budget travellers, charity o not want to~ ~ overly esponses m tins inte nt
imp ort ant, however, is tha of 'versions' of the to say that her crm cism s of R:iy
arc unw :irrantcd but Iier pom . b ,
the rece ption
pate in the dissemination of such fil m~ m . o;t • t a out
visitors to CalcuttJ partici cJ,es to the world I the West h:is som e imp
as technology-driven approa J. Con side r the efforts of
the left F .
been wor king to im rove
city that can be described
serving objectifying and ma
nipulative ends. It has bee n
attending to the metaphor
one of the main
ics of travel in
and evcnrually
1,~e mon s~o n
ther aspect r
te dr:iina ront, who ha~
and ,1 r~du
o communism rend
ct1o n of street flooding d~r ing
ered invisible in the City
arguments of this wo rk - the world, and of ".I J"Y vcrs'.on of Calcurt.1.
roaches' - tha t a view of •
words like 'dri ven ' and 'app
Calcutta, as a site to be dev
eloped and consumed (co
llected, ma nip u- 4. This scene was not
G~ldin g and stirr ing Tyrone
in the I
Power 1:6• version of the film, directed
f lndfa in this vers
by Edm und
ion, replete
tions ofW est - in the .hol e app.cara~cc' ,o
ugh the prevalent representa wnh_Gr.icco- Rom an pillars s that then : has bc~n
lated, :uded) finds its way thro an city , mdi catc
do so according to , th Y. l~d, · ~ a
of Calcutta which circulate considerable shift in men tion au cnu c scen ery. ·m co?tcmpor.iry films abo ut the
ern visirors. Th at the images reinforce - even
cou t - th-IS , of course, is enabled b .
n ry_ 1l JC! travel and the che ape r
capitalist world system, and World loca ti~n '~~erna.t1on:
to the basic structure of a this discussion. product10n costs of Thi rd oot mg. The doc ume ntar y real ism of
, has been the con tex t of icated I
Oc111p11ssy and City efJoy"s fabr tric~u:,: ~c, of course, only videographic:illy con -
dysfunctionally - that systl!m ortant; it is to that
t., is really like that is imp structcd . ~nd cvrry .,11c kno ws
It 1s not to say what Calcut the com mu nis t
question why a film like
City of Joy needs to ib'Tlore
ore a com mo n-
heroics of Patrick Swayze ign
parties in the city, how the ket-images of the
or how Malle collects trin
place visitor's experience, these myths in
at the same time presenting
exotic wit h his camera - all , and revealing, is
l!otypes. Wh at is interesting
a way that reconfirms ster , how Gu nte r
to beggars asking for rupees
how Levi-Strauss responds how travellers feel
ierre can see only garbage,
Grass and Do min iqu e Lap ament along the
ion, discussing the ir predic
lost in .i labyrinthine confus anizing 'social
g for familiar images, or org
banana-pancake trail, lookin r T, pho tog eni c
elo pm ent mo uld - Mo the
pro jec ts' wit hin the dev ble wo rk are
efforts exp end ed in charita
pov erty - and how the tions are Calcutta,
and folly. Th ese representa
squandered in self-interest al frame wh ich
er, tou r-o cen tric, neocoloni
bur in the service of a wid bui lt not wit h
illustrate, unpacking a city
this boo k has atte mp ted to e is true. 'Bu ilt
rything you have heard her
bricks but by rum our . Eve
on silt ... but gold!'
cultural niceties and 'alternative' tours or celebrations of difference that
are a part of budget tourism are not wholly integral to contemp orary
capitalist relations. Volunteers who thought their activity was signifi-
cantly different from mainstream tourism would seem to be mistaken .
CON CLUS ION: 'Alternat ive' travel, just as much as the alternative trade promote d by
many organized aid groups, works as a reassuring front for continue d
THE GIFT S OF CALC UTTA extensio n of the logistics of the commod ity system, even as it masquer -
ades ;is a (liberal) project of cultural concern , and despite the best in-
tentions of its advocates. Charity work also operates within a similarly
expansionary and uneven developm ent zone. It has been my task to
begin to articulate these connections, starting from the very specific
experien ces of travellers in Calcutta.
Travellers' talk, and their desire to write, about Calcutta displays
dose affinity to productions which are accorded greater literary status.
. things :a little? There's not much The metapho rical register, the tropes, the rumour and gossip about
' Wh:at c:an we do but try to improve
. . b t someone has to take respons1"bT I ity.
We h:ave the Calcutta exchang ed on the rooftop of the Modern Lodge and in the
hope for t 1s City, u . ,
resources and the knowledg e so we 1iave to give.' .
· t I don't personally have travel guides, literature and cinematography of more 'importa nt' Calcutta
us do We
th:it m:any skills, but together, those of us wor~ing ~1crc, :all of • . visitors seems to rehearse so many of the same themes. The anthropo -
arc lud,-y to be :able to bring this to Calcutta. (Mitch) logical memoirs of Levi-Strauss are no different, in this respect, from
d d . charity work among destitutes the Hollywo od cinematography of Roland Joffe or the throwaway com-
Travellers v~siting Calcutta : vhi:;~fdeological and hegemon ic effects ments of the grungies t backpacker. Indeed, while Gunter Grass thinks
are located in a placi: throug 'I: d. d vays This book is an it is radical to talk about shit and garbage in Calcutta , and Levi-Strauss
d · compli:x yet co-or mate ' ·
arc playe outd 10 d the complexities of this situation within the laments that 'the first thing we see as we travel round the world is our
;:~;;~~s t:f ~~ ~:::atio nal o~der ~vhcre s~ccific pra~~ic; st:~:in~: ~~
own filth' (Levi-Strauss 1955/ 1973: 38), it is only among budget
travellers that I have found any degree of organized Western resistance
olo . es of tourism, representation and experien ce ~om I~ . .
n gt . d. . of contemp orary internau onal mequahty. It is to these main tropes - although limited, evidence of this is found,
:~: ;:~~~;~e ;:;tt:; :he budget-travel circuit visiting ~alcutta wh~ despite dysentin g stomach disorders, in some travellers' attempts to
rovide the central illustration, but the ways Calcutta is represe~ te follow alternative trails through Calcutta and in their interest in and
sympathy for the Bengali commun ist parties. This, however, is the extent
tyond the gossip and _travellhe_r-hlo:a:~ ~::~::~;;~;;:~~: ~e:, ~:::~ of such resistance, and it is easily recouped - I have attempte d to extend
f forms of representation w ic 1
d . such moment s with a critical reading of the ways conventional Calcutta -
~terature , maps, postcards , photogra phic co!lbecttiotnos,tahmea;:~~: :io::;:
. for-visitors is produced . What I have taken from the rooftop of the
stream cinema, souvenirs, and so on ' contrt . u e h"ch la a crucial Modern has also informed an attitude to discursive producti on as a
Calcutta which circulates around the wrld i'°h :""3Y:~: ~ulge~ travellers kind of'gossip ', and it is this which has had an influence on the shape
role in the maintena nce of the geopo 1t1ca tera . devel-
. . h 'Th1·rd World' because it is cheap; because there are of my text. Eclectic. It's not that I don't want to take gossip seriously
can v1s1t t e . d but, rather, that the multifarious influence of academic and 'serious'
oped systems of transnational transportatton an d commum· c; tion·'their an
texts might be understo od better if they are provisionally equated with
because they have the ability -. even perhaps, th~ ne~d.:;o th:av:o rld'.
gossip. That this orientati on finds support in the work ofTrinh T. Minh-
usual domestic circumstances 10 o er to crave an f the
These enabling circumstances are also necessary compon ents o ha, as well as in Malcolm Crick's essay on the similarities between
st anthropological fieldwork and tourism (Crick 1985), is not accidentally
. h. hich all tourism operates: travel, as the large
world system wit tn w f . r There is no way that the linked to the influenc e of the rhizomatic thought of Dclcuze and
global industry, is not innocent o capita ism.
Guattari ( 19s3) imagined as travel. I have intentionally allowed a slip- where transnational industry on one side, and the communist parties
page between travel, research, writing and rhizome in the metapho~s on the ot~er, are occluded Jn favour of a fascination with highly visible
that have guided this project on the rumo.ur ~f Calcutt~, because this photogenic squalor. W ith protocols like this, academic studies often
'rumour' is not fixed and immutable, despite 1ts determined effects. s~em t~ ~plicate surveillance: the critique of the gaze, for example,
What is produced here is, it must be insisted, only ~ rumour. Tl_1e si'21~1y institutes another code-word for this project. I have attempted
rumour of Calcutta as site of poverty is one whose maintenance suits to sidestep these dilemmas by situating th is work between those who
dominant interests, and the dysfunctional inequities of the global order. are disempowered and those who are privileged enough to be travellers
If charity were an 'answer' rather than an ideological nece~si.ty caref~lly in the,Third World - those who might even reflexively describe them-
tended and retained to salve the consciences of the privileged First selves as 'agents of cultural imperialism' Uanet). Several sections of this
,T, Id and comprador classes, then why haven't greater Western work attempt a refusal of this agency and the academic social science
wor h' d'
resources been directed to,vards it? Part of the deceit of t 1s pre 1ca- protoco!s that go with it - and I have not always indicated where.
ment is that studies of aid work infrequently ask why so many resourc_es Suffice it to say that experiments with writing style and convention are
are directed towards government-administered military and industrial also subject to conditioning effects. I do hope some of these are noticed
projects disguised as aid, while 'helping the poor' is so often _left to the and open new ways and means for social science, as well as politicai
haphazard and underorganized efforts of ch~rch and commu~1o/ grou~s. activism, and tourism. You were warned.
Among travellers working at the Preger Middleton Row chmc, and m _What r want to unden tand are the ways in which the varied represen-
Modern Lodge, the community organization was celebrated as a tauom of Calcutta produced by these visitors are generated through a
'people's effort' at the very same time as the usual lament _for lack of series of specific technologies. This is where J have examined traveller
funding was directed into the air. The tendency to proclaim a local- talk, writing, mapping and the camera as wor~ed by those who visit
people-orientated style on the part ofWestern NGOs is a sham. I_nst~ad Calcutta. There is much to be said about the ways particular character-
of concerning themselves so much with their bowels, an~ proJect1_ng istics of these technologies allow or confirm specific representational
this on to what they see in Calcutta, visitors could conceivably stnve effects. I think it has been useful subsequently to examine these effects
for something else. Rather than the Calcutta of rumour and charity- within the context of a Heideggerian and Marxist approach to technol-
squalor, there is a Calcutta that is a part of this world, full of people ogy. The point of this book has been to make more clear the context
active in all sorts of projects, works, lives and dreams, alert to prob- in whi ch_s_pcci~c experiences and imagery of Calcutta, as produced by
lems as well as successes (a great many} and, whatever the problems of and for v1~ito~s, IS a part of a wider 'essence of technology' in Heidegger's
the ~lace, not in need of the patronizing charity of the revolutionary- sense, wluch 1s then revealed as a particular orientation to the world as
dancing Patrick Swayze or the caring Christmassy gestures ~f vo!unteers something subjected to technology, something manipulated by apparatus,
and the global NGO apparatus. Photogenic, maybe, but 1ma~1_ne: the for p~fit ~nd gal?. With representational technology, this is obviously
Calcutta cinema, the Bengali literary scene, the adda, the pohucal to_- an orientation destined to produce representations. I have tried to unpack
and- fro, the coffee-houses, the bookshops, the theatre spaces (the rm, something of what is taken here.
the mishti-doi} ... Why does so little of this enter the touristic text? No Marx makes it possible to think of this situation in terms of social
doubt became tourism as charity is self-obsessed; it projeccs. . . relations, wh~re technologies of value - symbolized in the money form
It is also clear that the social sciences have sometimes been comphcit - are expressi ve of unequal economic positions. This can be extended
in maintaining distinctions and privileges among different class~s of to consider the production of meaning in Calcutta as a social illusion.
people, and between First and Third World, by choosing to investt~te ~ere, ~ravellers' views, the objects of their photography, that which is
the conditions of'the poor' and the 'disempowered' rather than pursu'.ng give~ in charity, the guidebooks, the coin and the souvenirs of the
research into power. This choice - encouraged, no doubt, by fu nd mg 5t
to~ri_ economy, are all fetishized and obfuscated relations between really
availability and ease of access - is very much to the benefit ~f. the ~sttng peoples. On the one hand, groups of people who are
military- industrial complex, which would like to remain invisible. h cuttans, on the other those who are tourists; on the one side, those
Interestingly, this occurs m . a doubl e movement .m work on Calcutta, O
W produce local goods and services, on the other those who consume
cultural exchange is not inc:ompatible with ongoing exploitation. are disguised or routinized as a part of the scenes of travel, aid-work
Cultural understanding and the 'concern' of charity cannot pose a souvenir-hunting and photography. In the polysemic zone of this hook'
challenge to the World Bank/IMF/compra~or elite/hegemonic. order these tropes are the local particularities of a global rumour. '
which perpetuates exploitation and oppression. Calcutta as a site for The charitable tendency has to be understood more closely within
concern only extends this reformist logic and nev~r poses ~ challenge. t~e global frame of contemporary capitalist social hegemony. Charity
Consumption renders passivity bearable - consummg ~hanty r~deems tends towards a permanent institutional form which is manifest in more
the giver. It would not be too far-fetched to imagme charity an~ or less conveniently transportable (or transplantable) ways everywhere.
redemption as the allegorical accompaniment of travel and ~he souvenir Arjun Appadurai has pointed out in his article on postnationalism that
_ I argue that this allegory is discernible in the sce~e of tounst volunteer these 'Philanthropies' now 'all constitute one part of a permm,e,u frame-
work in Calcutta with Calcutta Rescue, and with Mother Teresa, as work of the emergent postnational order' (Appadurai 1993: 418). While
this circulates from the Modern Lodge and beyond into interna?on~l the italicization of 'permanent' and the use of the term 'postnational'
cinemas through films like City ofJoy. The basis for this construction 1s perhaps gloss over some specificities, it is clear that a study of these
that the souvenir can be seen as a technology which prepares. and all~ws forms of 'organisations, movements and networks' which 'have blurred
a certain view of the world to prevail, irrespective of the rel.at1ons the b.ound.aries between evangelical, developmental and peace-keeping
which, in another view, it might express. Attention to the re1ficat1on of fimctlons 111 many parts of the world' (Appadurai 1993: 418) is well
these relations suggests that the collection of souvenirs serves more than overdue. This point has been made explicit by Frank Fiiredi: 'Global
charity initiatives have done more than anything to popularise the view
decorative ends.
There is a deceit involved in the souvenir thought as an allegory of that Third World people need to be looked after and protected, not
giving charity - in that giving charity le~ves a .trace or memory ~f least from themselves' (Fiiredi 1994: 113). This is a useful elaboration of
charitable work imagined also as experience, JUS~ as c_he s?uvenir Hol:son_'s_ point t~at 'lm~erialist politicians, soldiers or company direc-
memorializes the encounter or exchange with the other . This scene tors ut1hzc the protective colours' of disinterested charitable move-
demands the production of the 'other' - the constitutiv~ power of those ments and 'instinctively attach themselves to any strong, genuine elevated
who are in a position to give is then also producuve of Calcuttan feeling wl~ich is of service' (Hobson 1902/J988: 196-7). [n this way
impoverishment, within a demarcated fram~, with!n t~e developmental they convmct: themselves and their public, to some extent, that their
narrative, and very much within an international s1tuat1on of developed imperialist activities are for the good. Appadurai identifies a number of
world capitalism, where social relations are uneq~al, but o~scured under new organizational formations which operate both 'within and across
the soft ideology of tourism of 'other cultures,· 1.nstru~tlv~ly. Andrew national structures., always t:xploiting their legitimacy' (Appadurai 1993 :
Lattas has offered a pithy summary of Marx s mvest1gat1on of the 4-20). These are the kinds of groups that present themselves to travellers
commodity form as an effort to 'explore the ideological way it c~~ce~ls in Calcutta. Although Appadurai has in mind other examples, what he
and rationalizes the appropriation of surplus value so as to leg1t1mis~ says does seem to fit well with Mother T and Calcutta Rescue: 'The
the power relations between capitalist employers and wage labourers new organisational forms are more diverse, more fluid. more ad hoc,
(Lattas 1993: 108). It would not take too grea.t an ada_pt~tion to see this more provisional, less coherent, less organised' {Appadurai 1993: 420).
as the basic structure of Third World tourism. Vananons, of course, The examples he offers are Oxfam, Amnesty International and World
abound. Lattas continues his discussion with a comment on gifts: :An Vision. It would be easy to extend this list, and many of those travel-
analysis of gifts has also to ground gifts in tl~ose structure~ of reific~uon, lers and volunteers mentioned in this book could well be found in, or
self-mystification and legitimation which gifts mak.e .av~1lable. It 1s not have gone on to begin working in, such organizations. The 'ad hoc',
a question of denying or dismissing as false the gifts 1de?logy, but _of however, is an aspect of international aid enabled by quite formal
exploring its constitutive power' (Lauas 1993: 108). The gift of c.har~ty accountancies, communications networks, media and transport struc-
and the purchase of the souvenir should be und~rstood. as const1tuuve tu.res, and so on, so that the 'fluidity' of charitable concerns may main-
here. In this constitution of Calcutta as a re1fied site of poverty, tai~ _a c~rtain innocence. Rather than an expression of global and
exploitative and unequal relations between different classes of people polmcal mequalities, charity masquerades as a 'gift' of concern.