Decision Points in NCE Development PDF
Decision Points in NCE Development PDF
Decision Points in NCE Development PDF
Setting up drug discovery and development programs in academic, non-profit and other
life science research companies requires careful planning. This chapter contains guidelines
to develop therapeutic hypotheses, target and pathway validation, proof of concept
criteria and generalized cost analyses at various stages of early drug discovery. Various
decision points in developing a New Chemical Entity (NCE), description of the
exploratory Investigational New Drug (IND) and orphan drug designation, drug
repurposing and drug delivery technologies are also described and geared toward those
who intend to develop new drug discovery and development programs.
Note: The estimates and discussions below are modeled for an oncology drug New
Molecular Entity (NME) and repurposed drugs. For other disease indications these
estimates might be significantly higher or lower.
1 ConverGene, LLC, Gaithersburg, MD. 2 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
(NCATS), National Institutes for Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD. 3 Institute for Advancing Medical
Innovation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 4 Small Business Innovation Research, National
Cancer Institute, Washington, DC. 5 Beckloff Associates, Inc. Overland Park, KS. 6 NIH Chemical
Genomics Center, Bethesda, MD.
NLM Citation: Strovel J, Sittampalam S, Coussens NP, et al. Early Drug Discovery and
Development Guidelines: For Academic Researchers, Collaborators, and Start-up Companies.
2012 May 1 [Updated 2016 Jul 1]. In: Sittampalam GS, Coussens NP, Brimacombe K, et al.,
editors. Assay Guidance Manual [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): Eli Lilly & Company and the National
Center for Advancing Translational Sciences; 2004-.
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which permits copying, distribution, transmission, and adaptation of the work, provided the
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2 Assay Guidance Manual
Medical innovation in America today calls for new collaboration models that span
government, academia, industry and disease philanthropy. Barriers to translation and
ultimate commercialization will be lowered by bringing best practices from industry into
academic settings, and not only by training a new generation of 'translational' scientists
prepared to move a therapeutic idea forward into proof of concept in humans, but also by
developing a new cadre of investigators skilled in regulatory science.
As universities begin to focus on commercializing research, there is an evolving paradigm
for drug discovery and early development focused innovation within the academic
enterprise. The innovation process -- moving from basic research to invention and to
commercialization and application -- will remain a complex and costly journey. New
funding mechanisms, the importance of collaborations within and among institutions, the
essential underpinnings of public-private partnerships that involve some or all sectors, the
focus of the new field of regulatory science, and new appropriate bridges between federal
health and regulatory agencies all come to bear in this endeavor.
We developed these guidelines to assist academic researchers, collaborators and start-up
companies in advancing new therapies from the discovery phase into early drug
development, including evaluation of therapies in human and/or clinical proof of concept.
This chapter outlines necessary steps required to identify and properly validate drug
targets, define the utility of employing probes in the early discovery phase, medicinal
chemistry, lead optimization, and preclinical proof of concept strategies, as well as address
drug delivery needs through preclinical proof of concept. Once a development candidate
has been identified, the guidelines provide an overview of human and/or clinical proof of
concept enabling studies required by regulatory agencies prior to initiation of clinical
trials. Additionally, the guidelines help to ensure quality project plans are developed and
projects are advanced consistently. We also outline the expected intellectual property
required at key decision points and the process by which decisions may be taken to move
a project forward.
The purpose of this chapter is to define:
• Three practical drug discovery and early development paths to advancing new
cancer therapies to early stage clinical trials, including:
1. Discovery and early development of a New Chemical Entity (NCE)
2. Discovery of new, beneficial activity currently marketed drugs possess
against novel drug targets, also referred to as “drug repurposing”
3. Application of novel platform technology to the development of improved
delivery of currently marketed drugs
• Within each of the three strategies, decision points have been identified along the
commercial value chain and the following concepts have been addressed:
Early Drug Discovery and Development Guidelines 3
⚬ Key data required at each decision point, targets and expectations required to
support further development
⚬ An estimate of the financial resources needed to generate the data at each
decision point
⚬ Opportunities available to outsource activities to optimally leverage strengths
within the institution
⚬ Integration of these activities with the intellectual property management
process potential decision points which:
▪ Offer opportunities to initiate meaningful discussions with regulatory
agencies to define requirements for advancement of new cancer
therapies to human evaluation
▪ Afford opportunities to license technologies to university start-up,
biotechnology and major pharmaceutical companies
▪ Define potential role(s) the National Institutes of Health SBIR
programs may play in advancing new cancer therapies along the drug
discovery and early development path
The scope of drug discovery and early drug development within the scope of these
guidelines spans target identification through human (Phase I) and/or clinical (Phase
IIa) proof of concept. This chapter describes an approach to drug discovery and
development for the treatment, prevention, and control of cancer. The guidelines and
decision points described herein may serve as the foundation for collaborative projects
with other organizations in multiple therapeutic areas.
1. These guidelines are being written with target identification as the initial decision
point, although the process outlined here applies to a project initiated at any of the
subsequent points.
2. The final decision point referenced in this chapter is human and/or clinical proof
of concept. Although the process for new drug approval is reasonably well defined,
it is very resource intensive and beyond the focus of most government, academic,
and disease philanthropy organizations conducting drug discovery and early drug
development activities.
3. The decision points in this chapter are specific to the development of a drug for the
treatment of relapsed or refractory late stage cancer patients. Many of the same
criteria apply to the development of drugs intended for other indications and
therapeutic areas, but each disease should be approached with a logical
customization of this plan. Development of compounds for the prevention and
control of cancer would follow a more conservative pathway as the benefit/risk
evaluation for these compounds would be different. When considering prevention
of a disease one is typically treating patients at risk, but before the disease has
4 Assay Guidance Manual
developed in individuals that are otherwise healthy. The development criteria for
these types of compounds would be more rigorous initially and would typically
include a full nonclinical development program to support the human
studies. Similarly, compounds being developed to control cancer suggest that the
patients may have a prolonged life expectation such that long term toxicity must be
fully evaluated before exposing a large patient population to the compound. The
emphasis of the current chapter is on the development of compounds for the
treatment of late stage cancer patients.
4. Human and/or clinical proof of concept strategies will differ depending upon the
intent of the product (treatment, prevention, or control). The concepts and
strategies described in this chapter can be modified for the development of a drug
for prevention or control of multiple diseaes.
5. The cost estimates and decision points are specific to the development of a small
molecule drug. Development of large molecules will require the evaluation of
additional criteria and may be very specific to the nature of the molecule under
6. This plan is written to describe the resources required at each decision point and
does not presume that licensing will occur only at the final decision point. It is
incumbent upon the stakeholders involved to decide the optimal point at which
the technology should move outside their institution.
7. The plan described here does not assume that the entire infrastructure necessary to
generate the data underlying each decision criterion is available at any single
institution. The estimates of financial resource requirements are based on an
assumption that these services can be purchased from an organization (or funded
through a collaborator) with the necessary equipment, instrumentation, and
trained personnel to conduct the studies.
8. The costs associated with the tasks in the development plan are based on the
experiences of the authors. It is reasonable to assume that variability in the costs
and duration of specific data-generating activities will depend upon the nature of
the target and molecule under development.
At Risk Initiation – The decision by the project team to begin activities that do not
directly support the next unmet decision point, but will instead support a subsequent
decision point. At Risk Initiation is sometimes recommended to decrease the overall
development time.
Commercialization Point – In this context, the authors use the term to describe the point
at which a commercial entity is involved to participate in the development of the drug
product. This most commonly occurs through a direct licensing arrangement between the
university and an organization with the resources to continue the development of the
Early Drug Discovery and Development Guidelines 5
Counter-screen – A screen performed in parallel with or after the primary screen. The
assay used in the counter-screen is developed to identify compounds that have the
potential to interfere with the assay used in the primary screen (the primary assay).
Counter-screens can also be used to eliminate compounds that possess undesirable
properties, for example, a counter-screen for cytotoxicity (1).
Cumulative Cost – This describes the total expenditure by the project team from project
initiation to the point at which the project is either completed or terminated.
Decision Point1 – The latest moment at which a predetermined course of action is
initiated. Project advancement based on decision points balances the need to conserve
scarce development resources with the requirement to develop the technology to a
commercialization point as quickly as possible. Failure to meet the criteria listed for the
following decision points will lead to a No Go recommendation.
False positive – Generally related to the ‘‘specificity’’ of an assay. In screening, a
compound may be active in an assay but inactive toward the biological target of interest.
For this chapter, this does not include activity due to spurious, non-reproducible activity
(such as lint in a sample that causes light-scatter or spurious fluorescence and other
detection related artifacts). Compound interference that is reproducible is a common
cause of false positives, or target-independent activity (1).
Go Decision – The project conforms to key specifications and criteria and will continue
to the next decision point.
High-Throughput Screen (HTS) – A large-scale automated experiment in which large
libraries (collections) of compounds are tested for activity against a biological target or
pathway. It can also be referred to as a “screen” for short (1).
Hits – A term for putative activity observed during the primary high-throughput screen,
usually defined by percent activity relative to control compounds (1).
Chemical Lead Compound – A member of a biologically and pharmacologically active
compound series with desired potency, selectivity, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic
and toxicity properties that can advance to IND-enabling studies for clinical candidate
Incremental Cost – A term used to describe the additional cost of activities that support
decision criteria for any given decision point, independent of other activities that may
have been completed or initiated to support decision criteria for any other decision point.
Library – A collection of compounds that meet the criteria for screening against disease
targets or pathways of interest (1).
1 Behind each Decision Point are detailed decision-making criteria defined in detail later in this
6 Assay Guidance Manual
New Chemical Entity (NCE) – A molecule emerging from the discovery process that has
not previously been evaluated in clinical trials.
No Go Decision – The project does not conform to key specifications and criteria and will
not continue.
Off-Target Activity – Compound activity that is not directed toward the biological target
of interest but can give a positive read-out, and thus can be classified as an active in the
assay (1).
Orthogonal Assay – An assay performed following (or in parallel to) the primary assay to
differentiate between compounds that generate false positives from those compounds that
are genuinely active against the target (1).
Primary Assay – The assay used for the high-throughput screen (1).
Qualified Task – A task that should be considered, but not necessarily required to be
completed at a suggested point in the project plan. The decision is usually guided by
factors outside the scope of this chapter. Such tasks will be denoted in this chapter by
enclosing the name of the tasks in parentheses in the Gantt chart, e.g. (qualified task).
Secondary Assay – An assay used to test the activity of compounds found active in the
primary screen (and orthogonal assay) using robust assays of relevant biology. Ideally,
these are of at least medium-throughput to allow establishment of structure-activity
relationships between the primary and secondary assays and establish a biologically
plausible mechanism of action (1).
development (at the IND stage) and are then updated, as needed, until submission of the
marketing application.
Table 1: Composite Gantt Chart Roll-up Representing Target ID through Clinical POC
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Task Name Cost Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
#1 Target
Identification $200,000 $200,000
#2 Target
Validation $268,500 $468,500
of Actives $472,500 $941,000
of Hits $522,000 $1,463,000
of Chemical
Lead $353,300 $1,816,300
#6 Selection
of Optimized
Lead $302,500 $2,118,800
#7 Selection
of a
Candidate $275,000 $2,393,800
#8 Pre-IND
Meeting with
FDA $37,000 $2,430,800
#9 File IND $780,000 $3,210,800
#10 Human
Proof of
Concept $1,000,000 $4,210,800
#11 Clinical
Proof of
Concept $5,000,000 $9,210,800
Assay Guidance Manual
Early Drug Discovery and Development Guidelines 9
• Type of target has a history of success (e.g. Ion channel, GCPR, nuclear receptor,
transcription factor, cell cycle, enzyme, etc.)
• Genetic confirmation (e.g. Knock-out, siRNA, shRNA, SNP, known mutations, etc.)
• Availability of known animal models
• Low-throughput target validation assay that represents biology
• Intellectual property of the target
• Market potential of the disease/target space
The advancement criteria supporting target validation can usually be completed in
approximately 12 months by performing most activities in parallel. In an effort to reduce
the overall development timeline, we recommend starting target validation activities at
risk (prior to a “Go” decision on target identification). Table 2 illustrates the dependencies
between the criteria supporting the first two decision points. The incremental cost of the
activities supporting decision-making criteria for target validation is approximately
$268,500. However, a decision to initiate target validation prior to completion of target
initiation (recommended) and subsequent initiation of identification of actives at risk
would lead to a total project cost (estimate) of $941,000 if a “No Go” decision were
reached at the conclusion of target validation.
a development candidate). The feedback from the FDA might necessitate adjustments to
the project plan. Making these changes prior to candidate selection will save time and
money. Pre-IND preparation will require the following:
• Prepare pre-IND meeting request to the FDA, including specific questions
• Prepare pre-IND meeting package, which includes adequate information for the
FDA to address the specific questions (clinical plan, safety assessments summary,
CMC plan, etc.)
• Prepare the team for the pre-IND meeting
• Conduct pre-IND meeting with the FDA
• Adjust project plan to address the FDA comments
• Target product profile
The advancement criteria supporting decision point #8 should be completed in 12
months. We recommend preparing the pre-IND meeting request approximately 3 to 6
months prior to selection of a development candidate (provided that the data supporting
that decision point are promising). The cost of performing the recommended activities to
support pre-IND preparation #8 is estimated to be $37,000.
Safety Data
Package $800,000 $1,855,000
#6 Clinical
Manufacture $500,000 $2,355,000
#7 IND
Submission $500,000 $2,855,000
#8 Human
Proof of
Concept $1,000,000 $3,855,000
22 Assay Guidance Manual
Year 1
Decision Point Cost M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12
Confirmation based on repeat
assay, concentration response
curve (CRC) Variable
Secondary assays for
specificity, selectivity, and
mechanisms Variable
Cell-based assay confirmation
of biochemical assay when
appropriate Variable
(Submit invention disclosure
and consider use patent) Variable
#3 Initial Gap Analysis/
Development Plan $250,000 $955,000
Year 1
Decision Point Cost M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12
#3 Initial Gap Analysis/
Development Plan $250,000 $955,000
CMC program strategy Variable
Preclinical program strategy Variable
Clinical proof of concept
strategy Variable
Draft clinical protocol design Variable
Pre-IND meeting with FDA Variable
strategy and target product
profile Variable
#4 Clinical Formulation
Development $100,000 $1,055,000
Year 1
Decision Point Cost M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12
Clinical supplies release
specification Variable
(Submit invention disclosure
on novel formulation) Variable
#5 Preclinical Safety Data
Package $800,000 $1,855,000
Year 1 Year 2
Decision Point Cost M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24
#6 Clinical
Manufacture $500,000 $2,355,000
Early Drug Discovery and Development Guidelines
28 Assay Guidance Manual
Scale-up lead
formulation at
GMP facility Variable
Clinical label
design Variable
supplies Variable
30 Assay Guidance Manual
IRB Variable
submission Variable
32 Assay Guidance Manual
tolerability, safety, and/or efficacy); expand their use (e.g., through broader labeling in the
same therapeutic area and/or increased patient acceptance/compliance); or transform
them by enabling their suitability for use in other therapeutic areas. These opportunities
contribute enormously to the potential for value creation in the drug delivery field. Table
20 summarizes the decision points for the development of drug delivery platform
Table 20: Summary of Decision Points for Drug Delivery Platform Technology
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Point Cost Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
#1 Clinical
Development $250,000 $250,000
Plan $300,000 $550,000
#3 Clinical
Manufacture $500,000 $1,050,000
Safety Data
Package $800,000 $1,850,000
#5 IND
Submission $500,000 $2,350,000
#6 Human
Proof of
Concept $1,000,000 $3,350,000
#7 Clinical
Proof of
Concept $2,500,000 $5,850,000
Year 1 Year 2
Decision Point Cost Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Preclinical program strategy Variable
Clinical proof of concept strategy Variable
Draft clinical protocol design Variable
Pre-IND meeting with FDA Variable
#3 Clinical Supplies Manufacture $500,000 $1,050,000
toxicology studies are required and conducted in rodents (i.e., rats), with full clinical and
histopathology evaluation. In addition, a full safety pharmacology battery, as described by
ICH S7a, is required. In other words, untoward pharmacologic effects on the
cardiovascular, respiratory, and central nervous systems are characterized prior to Phase
0. In addition, genotoxicity studies employing bacterial mutation and micronucleus assays
are required. In addition to the 14-day rodent toxicology study, a repeat dose study in a
non-rodent specie (typically dog) is conducted at the rat NOAEL dose. The duration of
the non-rodent repeat dose study is equivalent to the duration of dosing planned for the
Phase 0 trial. If toxicity is observed in the non-rodent specie at the rat NOAEL, the
chemical lead candidate will not proceed to Phase 0. The starting dose for Phase 0 studies
is defined typically as 1/50th the rat NOAEL, based on a per meter squared basis. Dose
escalation in these studies is terminated when: 1) a pharmacologic effect or target
modulation is observed, 2) a dose equivalent (e.g., scaled to humans on a per meter
squared basis) to one-fourth the rat NOAEL, or 3) human systemic exposure reflected as
AUC reaches ½ the AUC observed in the rat or dog in the 14-day repeat toxicology
studies, whichever is less.
Early phase clinical trials with terminally ill patients without therapeutic options,
involving potentially promising drugs for life threatening diseases, may be studied under
limited (e.g., up to 3 days dosing) conditions employing a facilitated IND strategy. As with
the Phase 0 strategies described above, it is imperative that this approach be defined in
partnership with the FDA prior to implementation.
The reduced preclinical safety requirements are scaled to the goals, duration and scope of
Phase 0 studies. Phase 0 strategies have merit when the initial clinical experience is not
driven by toxicity, when pharmacokinetics are a primary determinant in selection from a
group of chemical lead candidates (and a bioanalytical method is available to quantify
drug concentrations at microdoses), when pharmacodynamic endpoints in surrogate
(e.g., blood) or tumor tissue is of primary interest, or to assess PK/PD relationships (e.g.,
receptor occupancy studies employing PET scanning).
PhRMA conducted a pharmaceutical industry survey in 2007 to characterize the
industry’s perspective on the current and future utility of exploratory IND studies (3). Of
the 16 firms who provided survey responses, 56% indicated they had either executed or
were planning to execute exploratory IND development strategies. The authors concluded
that the merits of exploratory INDs continue to be debated, however, this approach
provides a valuable option to advancing drugs to the clinic.
There are limitations to the exploratory IND approach. Doses employed in Phase 0 studies
might not be predictive of doses over the human dose range (up to the maximum
tolerated dose). Phase 0 studies in patients raises ethical issues compared to conventional
Phase I, in that escalation into a pharmacologically active dose range might not be
possible under the exploratory IND guidance. The Phase 0 strategy is designed to kill
drugs early that are likely to fail based on PK or PK/PD. Should Phase 0 lead to a “Go”
decision, however, a conventional IND is required for subsequent clinical trials, adding
Early Drug Discovery and Development Guidelines 41
cost and time. Perhaps one of the most compelling arguments for employing an
exploratory IND strategy is in the context of characterizing tissue distribution (e.g.,
receptor occupancy following PET studies) after microdosing.
appended to support the prevalence statements of less than 200,000 cases/year. The
orphan drug designation request generally includes:
• The specific rare disease or condition for which orphan drug designation is being
• Sponsor contact, drug names, and sources
• A description of the rare disease or condition with a medically plausible rationale
for any patient subset type of approach
• A description of the drug and the scientific rationale for the use of the drug for the
rare disease or condition
• A summary of the regulatory status and marketing history of the drug
• Documentation (for a treatment indication for the disease or condition) that the
drug will affect fewer than 200,000 people in the United States (prevalence)
• Documentation (for a prevention indication [or a vaccine or diagnostic drug] for
the disease or condition) that the drug will affect fewer than 200,000 people in the
United States per year (incidence)
• Alternatively, a rationale may be provided for why there is no reasonable
expectation that costs of research and development of the drug for the indication
can be recovered by sales of the drug in the United States
Following receipt of the request, the FDA Office of Orphan Product Development
(OOPD) will provide an acknowledgment of receipt of the orphan drug designation
request. The official response will typically be provided within 1 to 3 months following
submission. Upon notification of granting an orphan drug designation, the name of the
sponsor and the proposed rare disease or condition will be published in the federal
register as part of public record. The complete orphan drug designation request is placed
in the public domain once the drug has received marketing approval in accordance with
the Freedom of Information Act.
Finally, the sponsor of an orphan designated drug must provide annual updates that
contain a brief summary of any ongoing or completed nonclinical or clinical studies, a
description of the investigational plan for the coming year, any anticipated difficulties in
development, testing, and marketing, and a brief discussion of any changes that may affect
the orphan drug status of the product
While many authors have described the general guidelines for drug development (4,5,
etc.), no one has outlined the process of developing drugs in an academic setting. It is well
known that the propensity for late stage failures has lead to a dramatic increase in the
overall cost of drug development over the last 15 years. It is also commonly accepted that
the best way to prevent late stage failures is by increasing scientific rigor in the discovery,
preclinical, and early clinical stages. Where many authors present drug discovery as a
single monolithic process, we intend to reflect here that there are multiple decision points
contained within this process.
Early Drug Discovery and Development Guidelines 43
An alternative approach is the exploratory IND (Phase 0) under which the endpoint is
proof of principle demonstration of target inhibition (6). This potentially paradigm-
shifting approach might dramatically improve the probability of late stage success and
may offer additional opportunities for academic medical centers to become involved in
drug discovery and development.
Literature Cited
1. Pre-IND Consultation Program. US Food and Drug Administration. [Online] [Cited:
August 17, 2010.] Available at:
2. Apparent activity in high-throughput screening: origins of compound-depedent assay
interference. Thorne N, et al. 2010, Curr Opin Chem Biol, p. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.
3. Karara AH, Edeki T, McLeod J, et al. PhRMA survey on the conduct of first-in-human
clinical trials under exploratory investigational new drug applications. J Clin
Pharmacol. 2010;50:380–391. PubMed PMID: 20097935.
4. The price of innovation: new estimates of drug development costs. DiMasi, J.A.,
Hansen, R.W., and Grabowski, H.G. 2003, Journal of Health Economics, pp. 151-185.
5. Mehta, Shreefal S. Commercializing Successful Biomedical Technologies. Cambridge :
Cambridge University Press, 2008.
6. Phase 0 Clinical Trails in Cancer Drug Development: From FDA Guidance to Clinical
Practice. Kinders, Robert, et al. 2007, Molecular Interventions, pp. 325-334.
Additional References
Eckstein, Jens. ISOA/ARF Drug Development Tutorial.