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Bag Loading Systems PDF

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Everything from a single source

Planning, development and manufacture of complete plants

Machines · Plants · Systems
● conveyor systems ● palletizing plants ● palletizing / depalletizing robots
● silo and loading systems ● shrink film packaging plants ● bag loading machines / systems
● filling plants for solid and liquid ● stretch film packaging plants ● fully automatic truck loading systems
products ● palletless packaging plants ● switchgear and control systems

Iam quanto minoris den adem elupas lupo onno Iam quanto minoris den adem elupas lupo onno
denum. Habento allas municus asum lam qua man- denum. Habento allas municus asum lam qua man-
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Maschinenfabrik Möllers GmbH u. Co. · P.O.BOX 1764 · 59247 Beckum/Germany Bag loading machines
Phone (02521) 88-0 · Fax (02521) 88-100 · e-mail: postmaster@moellers.de · http://www.moellers.com
Manufacturing plants of the Möllers Group:
Möllers North America Inc., 5215 - 52nd St. S.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512/USA,
Subsidiaries of the Möllers Group:
Möllers (UK) Ltd., 27 A Station Road, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK 8 5AF/GB,
for loading trucks, wagons, containers and ships
Phone (616) 9426504, Fax (616) 9428825 Phone (161) 4 828 286, Fax (161) 4 828 287
e-mail: mnagr@aol.com, http://www.mollersna.com e-mail: moellersuk@compuserve.com
Möllers Brazil, Via Anhanguera km 14,5 - Vila Mangalot, 05000 São Paulo/Brazil, Möllers France S.a.r.l., 26, rue Saarinen, SILIC 240, 94528 Rungis Cédex/France,
Phone (011) 2618119, Fax (011) 2618987 Phone (1) 46 75 34 00, Fax (1 ) 46 75 06 03
e-mail: edz@autocnet.com.br e-mail: moellers.france@wanadoo.fr
Greif-Velox Maschinenfabrik GmbH, P.O.BOX 12 11 51, 23532 Lübeck/Germany, 000 "Möllers Intertec", 113035, Moscow/Russia, ul. Bolotnaja, dom 12, ofis 343
Phone (04 51) 53 03-0, Fax (04 51) 53 03-233 Phone (095) 951-04-58, Fax (095) 951-89-28
e-mail: webmaster@greif-velox.de, http://www.greif-velox.de e-mail: moellers@mail.ru
Logdos GmbH, Hornsteiner Straße 2, 72511 Bingen (Sigmaringen)/Germany, Möllers Praha/CR, Nad Rokoskou 14,18200 Praha 8/CR,
Phone (0 75 71) 74 75-0, Fax (0 75 71) 74 75-80 Phone (2) 6 88 24 62, Fax (2) 6 88 04 99
e-mail: logdos@logdos.de e-mail: bartosm@czn.cz
Librawerk Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Vossenkamp 1, 38104 Braunschweig/Germany, Möllers Office Romania, Vicim Trading SRL, 3, Bucharest/Romania,
Phone (05 31) 37 09 80, Fax (05 31) 37 09 888 4 Mamulari Street, 2nd Entrance, 8th Floor, Flat no. 60, Phone/Fax 00401-3100372
e-mail: libra.bs@t-online.de, http://www.librawerk.de
05.2000/2 GB

Möllers Office Poland, Kaizen Ltd., ul. Siedleckiego 13/16, 31-536 Cracow/Poland,
Phone/Fax 012/421 30 44
e-mail: kaizen@ceti.com.pl
Möllers Office Singapore
Phone 00 65 / 98 176 880
Page 4
Mobile double-pivot loader with telescopic loading
belt for loading large wagons

GTL Mobile double-pivot loader with extended inter-

mediate belt boom and telescopic loading belt for
loading extra-long wagons
Page 4

Page 4
Mobile single-pivot loader with telescopic loading
belt for wagon loading

Page 6
Mobile double-pivot loading machine mounted
on platform carriage with telescopic loading belt
for loading large wagons without winching

ETR Mobile single-pivot loading machine mounted on

platform carriage with telescopic loading belt for
loading a series of wagons without winching
Page 6

Bag loading technology from Möllers LHP

Page 8
Off-the floor loader with loading belt for loading
open and covered vehicles which is guided horizon-
tally and travels lengthways, with height adjust-
ment by electric hoist in a parallelogram suspension
Bag loading or unloading machines have to be used The autoloader is a further refinement of the bag
to achieve acceptable throughputs and limit the
physical strain on the personnel wherever bulk ma-
terials in bags are loaded or unloaded as individual
loader. It is an automatic loading system which
reduces the personnel requirement for the loading
process to virtually zero. Möllers bag loaders form
Page 8
Off-the floor loader with feed belt travelling length-
ways in the overhead slot and vertically adjustable
loading belt for loading open vehicles
units. part of the comprehensive conveying, filling, pallet-
izing, packaging and loading technology for which
During their many years of use Möllers bag loaders Möllers has been famous throughout the world for
have been developed to a high level of perform-
ance and reliability. The machines fulfil exacting
demands on manoeuvrability and smooth adjust-
many years as a first-class supplier of equipment
to the industries which produce bagged products. HT Travelling telescopic loader with long belt boom for
rear loading of containers, and of open and covered
ment, and have been extended to form a range Page 9
which can cope with every situation.

Page 10
Stationary loader with loading belt for rear and
side loading of trucks which pivots and moves
lengthways, with electromechanical adjustment
of the inclination

LT Stationary telescopic loader with loading belt with

three-dimensional adjustment

Page 10

Page 12-13 Unloading machines – ship loading systems

–2– –3–
Double-pivot loader for large

A = 2300 L = ca. 650

Wagon loaders
A1 = 3600 M = ca. 1200
A2 = 1500 Q = 1600
Covered railway wagons of normal design can only
B = 1060 R = 1850
be loaded through the relatively narrow side doors.
C = min. 3750 S = 250
Bag loaders for wagon loading must therefore be
D = 650 T = min. 4050
designed so that they can be inserted through the
D1 = 1900 T1 = 650
door openings and pivoted towards the end walls.
F = 2750 V = 1350

W = 280

Double-pivot loader for large

wagons, with extended intermediate
belt boom

A = 2300 L = ca. 650

A1 = 3600 M = ca. 1200
A2 = 2550 Q = 2000
B = 1060 R = 2350
C = min. 4800 S = 250
D = 650 T = min. 5100
D1 = 3000 T1 = 650
F = 2750 V = 1350
W = 280
Möllers bag loaders for this application are Distributing the bend over two pivot points gives
designed as single-pivot systems (ET model) and the machine a greater reach and also results in
double-pivot systems (GT and GTL models). smaller transfer angles which contribute to smooth
The ET machines can be advanced until the boom transport of the bags.
reaches the longitudinal axis of the wagon; from
this position the pivoting telescopic loading belt Centralized operation of all the movement func-
can reach the load floors of normal wagons as far tions from the loading head means that the ma-
as the end walls. With double-pivot machines for chines can be manoeuvred reliably and swiftly to
loading the large wagons (GT and GTL models) the any loading point in the wagon. Under restricted
Single-pivot wagon loader boom for the intermediate belt can also be pivoted. space conditions it is also possible to use double-
pivot systems in an arrangement parallel to the
A = 2300 M = ca. 1200 platform.
A1 = 3600 Q = 1600
B = 1060 R = 1850
C = min. 3500 S = 250
D = 650 T = min. 3600
F = 2750 T1 = 650 - 1650
G = 1300 V = 1150

ca. 450
W = 280

–4– –5–
Wagon loaders on platform
Smooth loading operation, higher loading capacity
and increased productivity can be achieved by the
use of platform carriages when loading rows of
wagons. This dispenses with the time-consuming,
labour-intensive, winching of the wagons to the
loading position; the loader travels along the row
of wagons.
Double-pivot loader on platform
carriage for loading large wagons

A = 2300 G = 1300
A1 = 3600 K = 1950
A2 = 1500 L = ca. 800
B = 1060 M = ca. 1200
C = min. 3750 P = 300
D = 650 Q = 2800
D1 = 1900 S = 250
E = ca. 8000 T = ca. 6000
425 GTRK

Systems of this type consist of Möllers ET, GT and

GTL bag loaders combined with appropriate plat-
form carriages. The material to be loaded is supplied
by a fixed conveyor belt system parallel to the plat-
Single-pivot loader on platform form and transferred to the loader by a deflector
carriage station travelling with the platform carriage. Large
loading systems with several loaders on platform
A = 2300 K = 1650 carriages can be supplied by a common feed belt
A1 = 3600 L = ca. 600 with remote-controlled deflector stations.
B = 1060 M = ca. 1200
C = min. 3500 Q = 2800
D = 650 S = 250
E = ca. 7000 T = ca. 5000
E1 = 650 -1650 V = 1300

W = 425

–6– –7–
Off-the-floor truck loaders

Off-the-floor rear loader with elec-

tromechanical height adjustment
and parallelogram suspension system
A = 8000 17000
ca. 25°- 30°
ca. 1000

ca. 1500
Travelling truck loaders
G = ca. 5500 ca. 13000
J = ca. 8000 ca. 17500 In addition to stationary systems it is also possible The Möllers HT bag loader designed for this purpose
to use travelling bag loaders with normal or teles- carries the telescopic belt on a belt carriage with
ca. 2300
ca. 1800
ca. 2700
ca. 1800 LHP copic loading belts at loading platforms for load-
ing trucks over the side or rear of the vehicle.
boom of appropriate length, and can therefore
be used for rear loading of both open and closed
The LTF model, with telescopic loading belt and vehicles.
short belt carriage with motorized travel, is used
for side loading. Vehicles with permanent super- Travelling loaders with high belt carriages are made
structures – as with containers – can often only for loading vehicles from floor level.
be loaded from the rear. The loading belt must be
inserted deep into the vehicle.

Off-the-floor rear loader with

vertically adjustable loading belt
A = 6000/8000 M = ca. 3000/ca. 3800
B = 1050 Q = 1150
C = 12000-20000 R = 1320
D = 300 S = 325
ca. 1850
ca. 900 LH
Bag loaders of the off-the-floor type are used for efficient rear loading of ve-
hicles in covered loading lanes. Möllers bag loaders for this type of operation A = 2300 M = ca. 1200
are built in two basic designs. The LH model leads the material to be loaded A1 = 3600 Q = 1600
down to the load floor on a vertically adjustable loading belt, and is intended B = 1060 R = 1850
for loading open vehicles. This can be designed for any length of travel – there C = 8000:16000 S = 300
is no limit to the length of vehicle which can be loaded. D = 650 T = 4300 : 8300
F = 2750 T1 = 4650 : 8650
With the LHP model of rear loader it is also possible to load covered vehicles. G = 1300 V = 1300
= ca.
W = 440
–8– –9–
Stationary truck
Stationary truck loader with electro-
mechanical height adjustment loaders
A = 3750 : 14000
B = 1100
F = 1800 : 2200
G = 1900 : 11100 Stationary bag loaders as well as travelling loaders
J = 3200 : 13100 are used for side and rear loading of vehicles. The
K = 930 : 1300 design features of these machines are the pivoting
running frame containing the loading belt with
ca. 600
ca. 850
: ca. 1100
: ca. 1600 fixed axle spacing and motorized travel.

Stationary telescopic loader

For side loading of trucks there are also the Möllers
LT bag loaders. In this model the Möllers standard
A = 2300 3600 telescopic belt is mounted on a pedestal by means
A1 = 3600 5900 of a ball bearing slewing rim and, with its electro-
B = 1060 1060 mechanical height adjustment and motorized
L = ca. 100 0 telescopic extension, forms a flexible and easily
F = 2750 4050 operated unit.
G = 1300 2300
J = 550 550 With the appropriate configuration the LT loading
ca. 1200
ca. 2000 LT belt can also be used for semi-mechanical pallet-
izing of fairly small quantities of bags.

Longer extensions than can be achieved with the

standard telescopic loading belt models are provid-
ed by the Möllers three-piece double telescopic

This telescopic design can also be incorporated in

other models of the Möllers bag loader instead of
the standard telescopic belt.
The Möllers double telescopic loading belt is, like
the Möllers standard telescopic loading belt, mount-
ed so that it can pivot freely on a ball bearing
slewing rim and is provided with electromechanical
height adjustment and telescopic loading head.
However, it has a substantially greater extension
and therefore greater reach because of its double
telescopic system.

Double telescopic loading belt

A = 2400 J = 540
A1 = 5000 K = 1000
B = 1000 L = 200

M = 1550

– 10 – – 11 –
Bag unloading machines Ship loading systems
Möllers travelling or stationary ship loading systems
for handling bags in inland and maritime ports are
built from standard subassemblies as tailor-made
structures to suit local conditions.

The manual unloading of bags, where loads have to They are based on the principle of the bag loaders
be picked up at frequent intervals with a bent body, but with reversed direction of travel and appropri-
is – even more than with loading – an extremely ately designed transfer points. The belt boom has
heavy and rapidly tiring activity with a correspond- a greater angle of inclination so that the bags can
ingly low throughput. Möllers therefore provides be picked up from down at floor level.
bag unloading machines for efficient unloading of
bags from wagons, trucks and containers.

A = 2300 M = ca. 1800

A1 = 3550 Q = 2000
A2 = 1200 R = 2250
B = 1060 T = 7100
F = 3750 U = 6100
G = 1250 V = 1380
K = 1850 W = 280

= ca.
Z = 2000

– 12 – – 13 –
As straight as a ruler: a truck
loaded with cement bags by a
Möllers autoloader.

Layers stacked to the full width

of the vehicle, accurately
formed in an inter-
Möllers autoloaders carry out the vehicle loading
cycle with a pre-selected number of stacks and
locking bond
layers completely unattended; they utilize the care-
ful positioning and placing technology typical of
Möllers machines to produce accurately stacked,
transport-proof loads.

1st line of the three

crosswise bags is dis-

Fully automatic – directly onto the placed outwards to the

right by the lateral dis-
placement unit without
any impact pressure.

vehicle: Möllers autoloaders 2nd line of lengthwise

bags runs into place.

3rd bag line runs into

place after the bags have
been turned through 90°
Exceptionally flexible despatch operation can be as the vehicle can be formed and stacking patterns at the turning post.
achieved with Möllers autoloaders. The machines other than the ten-layer one can be used. The fact
can stack the bagged product directly on the that truck-trailer combinations can be fully loaded
vehicle load surface as well as on pallets placed in without uncoupling the trailer contributes substan-
the vehicle. It is also possible to load pallets sup- tially to the high efficiency of the system.
plied to a fixed position. An advantage of the 3rd bag line is displaced
outwards to the left by the
Möllers autoloader which is typical of the design lower displacement unit
is that interlocking bag stacks of the same width without any impact pressure.
4th bag line of lengthwise
bags runs into place.

The loading process takes

place fully automatically from
the first to the last bag.
Complete bag layer is sized
on four sides.
Using the functional sequences
already proven many thousand
times over in Möllers automatic
palletizers the stack layers are
aligned and placed carefully on
the vehicle with accurate con-
Complete bag layer is trans- tours making full use of the
ferred carefully to the inclined width of the load floor.
conveyor for stacking on the

– 14 – – 15 –
Silo systems and bulk loading plants

The packaging, loading and despatch of bulk mate- Bulk packaging units, which with appropriate marke-
rials starts in the bulk store, which in the modern ting structure can form a more economic alternative,
cement industry takes the form of a large silo. have appeared alongside the classical bagging sys-
Möllers has also proved to be an excellent supplier tems in many branches of industry which produce
in this field and produces complete silo systems in bulk materials.
all sizes with different filling and extraction systems.
The filling plants and bulk loading stations, which For filling these packaging units, such as BigBags,
load the product into bulk vehicles, are often inte- Möllers supplies filling stations including the empty
grated into the silo structure. pallet magazines and associated pallet conveyors.

Möllers bulk loading terminals for loading trucks

and wagons work without any operating personnel
by using an efficient self-service technology.

– 16 – – 17 –
Mechanical single bag loading system: Silo technology: Möllers complete silo
Möllers mobile or stationary machines systems supplied pneumatically or by Palletless shrinkpackaging using the
for rear and side loading of trucks, as bucket elevator, and with aeration and Möllers reverse-hood shrinkwrapping sys-
well as wagon loading systems with extraction systems and integral bagging tem: transport-proof, watertight, environ-
single- and double-pivot machines plant. mentally friendly, recyclable, cost-effective
– the ideal despatch packaging system

Bag filling: Möllers rotary packer

with horizontal filling impeller and
automatic bag applicator

Automatic truck-loading: Palletizing and securing the load:

Möllers autoloader for fully automatic Möllers automatic palletizers for palletizing
bag loading on the floor of the truck. bags at throughputs of up to 6000 bags/h.
Plants for securing pallets for transport
using shrinkwrapping and stretchwrapping

Möllers Engineering: complete filling, packa ging and despatch plants from a single source

– 18 – – 19 –
Everything from a single source
Planning, development and manufacture of complete plants
Machines · Plants · Systems
● conveyor systems ● palletizing plants ● palletizing / depalletizing robots
● silo and loading systems ● shrink film packaging plants ● bag loading machines / systems
● filling plants for solid and liquid ● stretch film packaging plants ● fully automatic truck loading systems
products ● palletless packaging plants ● switchgear and control systems

Iam quanto minoris den adem elupas lupo onno Iam quanto minoris den adem elupas lupo onno
denum. Habento allas municus asum lam qua man- denum. Habento allas municus asum lam qua man-
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Maschinenfabrik Möllers GmbH u. Co. · P.O.BOX 1764 · 59247 Beckum/Germany Bag loading machines
Phone (02521) 88-0 · Fax (02521) 88-100 · e-mail: postmaster@moellers.de · http://www.moellers.com
Manufacturing plants of the Möllers Group:
Möllers North America Inc., 5215 - 52nd St. S.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512/USA,
Subsidiaries of the Möllers Group:
Möllers (UK) Ltd., 27 A Station Road, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK 8 5AF/GB,
for loading trucks, wagons, containers and ships
Phone (616) 9426504, Fax (616) 9428825 Phone (161) 4 828 286, Fax (161) 4 828 287
e-mail: mnagr@aol.com, http://www.mollersna.com e-mail: moellersuk@compuserve.com
Möllers Brazil, Via Anhanguera km 14,5 - Vila Mangalot, 05000 São Paulo/Brazil, Möllers France S.a.r.l., 26, rue Saarinen, SILIC 240, 94528 Rungis Cédex/France,
Phone (011) 2618119, Fax (011) 2618987 Phone (1) 46 75 34 00, Fax (1 ) 46 75 06 03
e-mail: edz@autocnet.com.br e-mail: moellers.france@wanadoo.fr
Greif-Velox Maschinenfabrik GmbH, P.O.BOX 12 11 51, 23532 Lübeck/Germany, 000 "Möllers Intertec", 113035, Moscow/Russia, ul. Bolotnaja, dom 12, ofis 343
Phone (04 51) 53 03-0, Fax (04 51) 53 03-233 Phone (095) 951-04-58, Fax (095) 951-89-28
e-mail: webmaster@greif-velox.de, http://www.greif-velox.de e-mail: moellers@mail.ru
Logdos GmbH, Hornsteiner Straße 2, 72511 Bingen (Sigmaringen)/Germany, Möllers Praha/CR, Nad Rokoskou 14,18200 Praha 8/CR,
Phone (0 75 71) 74 75-0, Fax (0 75 71) 74 75-80 Phone (2) 6 88 24 62, Fax (2) 6 88 04 99
e-mail: logdos@logdos.de e-mail: bartosm@czn.cz
Librawerk Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Vossenkamp 1, 38104 Braunschweig/Germany, Möllers Office Romania, Vicim Trading SRL, 3, Bucharest/Romania,
Phone (05 31) 37 09 80, Fax (05 31) 37 09 888 4 Mamulari Street, 2nd Entrance, 8th Floor, Flat no. 60, Phone/Fax 00401-3100372
e-mail: libra.bs@t-online.de, http://www.librawerk.de
05.2000/2 GB

Möllers Office Poland, Kaizen Ltd., ul. Siedleckiego 13/16, 31-536 Cracow/Poland,
Phone/Fax 012/421 30 44
e-mail: kaizen@ceti.com.pl
Möllers Office Singapore
Phone 00 65 / 98 176 880

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