Literary Appreciation Skills
Literary Appreciation Skills
Literary Appreciation Skills
Emotional release and in reading the writing of others,
they are able to project themselves so they receive help
for their own problems.
Understanding human nature by learning that their
problems are not unique
Development of taste in reading for pleasure
Enrich their own language
Satisfaction, happiness, contentment, fun, joy, positive
release and pleasure should accompany the literature
period in the classroom.
Mental processes of thinking, perceiving, remembering,
forming concepts, generalizing and abstracting are made
possible as they acquire their vocabulary.
Contributes to the development of their creative talents.
Stimulate children to write for themselves
Help build a vocabulary that will enable them to express
themselves better.
Help children build skills in expression and it can develop
sensitivity to sights, sounds, words, life’s problems and
Increase their knowledge Modify their behavior
Preschoolers start to appreciate literature when
stories are read to them. Even at their early age, they
acquire tastes in literature; they even select what
stories they want their parents to tell them- what
rhymes they want to recite. But once the children
have acquired the appropriate skills in reading, they
become independent of their parents and are able to
choose the kind of literary pieces they like to read.
Literary appreciation
Comprehension skills
1. Verbalizing emotional response
2. Identifying characters
3. Identifying sensory impressions
4. Understanding figurative language
5. Identifying tone and mood
6. Enjoying humor
7. Appreciating poetry/ poetry works
1. Listening/ Speaking:
Oral reading by the teacher
Oral reading by the pupil
Taped/filmed selections: cassette, disk, video,
film, radio
Panel discussion
2. Oral interpretation
Speech choir
Readers theater
Radio play
3. Dramatization
Role Play
Chamber theater
Pantomime/ movie
4. Reading/ Writing
Free reading ( silent reading of student’s choice)
Book report
Changing the end of the story
Writing a sequel
Making scripts for dramatization
Writing original poems, stories, essays
5. Art
Drawing/ sketching
Making dioramas
Making mobiles
Making puppets
Paper folding
Humorous verse– deals
with the amusing things
that befall real people, or
might conceivably befall
A line of poetry having, them.
usually, a determined
Nonsense verse– deals
metrical or rhythmical
with the absurd or
meaningless words. May
(Parayno) not represent highest
level of poetry but they
do contribute to the
children's personal and
literary development
POETRY– is an
aesthetic expression
of thought and
emotion in rhythmical
Musical and rhythmical
Can be compared to a Appealing to imagination
musical scoring that Universal emotional
must be interpreted by content
Variety of subjects
Should be read orally
Teachers must read and
study poems before
Do not assign a poem for Teaching poetry is
study at home. requisite to ear training.
Show pictures
of certain • Describe each of the characters