3rd Summative Exam
3rd Summative Exam
3rd Summative Exam
I-Identify the voice of the sentence. Write A if the sentence is in active I-Identify the voice of the sentence. Write A if the sentence is in active
voice and P if the sentence is in passive voice. Write your answer on the voice and P if the sentence is in passive voice. Write your answer on the
space provided. space provided.
1.Danny replaced the flat tire.
1.Danny replaced the flat tire. 2.Our guests are going to witness the launching of the new product
2.Our guests are going to witness the launching of the new product tonight.
tonight. 3.The food chain manager instructed the service crew.
3.The food chain manager instructed the service crew. 4.The launching of the new product is going to be witnessed by our
4.The launching of the new product is going to be witnessed by our guests.
guests. 5.The new novel is read by Stephanie in one night.
5.The new novel is read by Stephanie in one night.
II-Change active voice sentences into passive voice. Write your answer on
II-Change active voice sentences into passive voice. Write your answer on the space provided.
the space provided. 1.Romy painted the entire house.
1.Romy painted the entire house.
III- Complete the table below. Fill in the missing verb. III- Complete the table below. Fill in the missing verb.