AAS Method
AAS Method
AAS Method
Introduction types of light source are used for atomic absorption, of which
the hollow-cathode lamp (HCL) is the more commonly used.
Atomic absorption spectroscopy has become one of the most This is a lamp in which the cathode is coated with the analyte
frequently used tools in analytical chemistry. This is because metal of interest. Within the lamp, inert filler gas (neon or
for the determination of most metals and metalloids the tech- argon) is ionized by an electric current and these ions are then
nique offers sufficient sensitivity for many applications and is attracted by the cathode. The inert gas ions bombard the cath-
relatively interference free. There are two basic atom cells (a ode and in so doing excite the metal ions coated on it. It is this
means of converting the sample, usually a liquid, into free excitation of the metal that produces the emission of radiation
atoms) used in atomic absorption spectroscopy: (1) the flame with wavelengths characteristic of the analyte. HCLs are avail-
and (2) the electrothermal heating of a sample cell. It is gener- able for most metallic elements. A schematic diagram of a HCL
ally acknowledged that if sufficient analyte is present in the is shown in Figure 1.
sample, then it should be determined using a flame technique Electrodeless discharge lamps are used less frequently than
because this has added advantages of being rapid (assuming the HCLs except for analytes such as arsenic and selenium.
only a few elements need be determined) and, in comparison These lamps may be excited using either microwave energy
with alternative techniques, very simple to use. Electrothermal (although these tend to be less stable) or radiofrequency
atomic absorption spectroscopy (ETAAS) or electrothermal energy. The radiofrequency-excited lamps are less intense
vaporization atomic absorption spectroscopy (ETVAAS) than the microwave-excited ones, but are still 5–100 times
requires more operator skill and is less rapid, but yields sub- more intense than a standard HCL. In the electrodeless dis-
stantially superior limits of detection when compared with charge lamp, a bulb contains the element of interest (or one of
flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS). This section its salts) in an argon atmosphere. The radiofrequency energy
describes some of the methods and instrumentation that ionizes the argon and this, in turn, excites the analyte element,
have been developed for both flame and electrothermal tech- causing it to produce its characteristic spectrum. For analytes
niques of atomic absorption spectroscopy. such as arsenic and selenium, these lamps give a better signal-
to-noise ratio than HCLs and have a longer useful lifetime.
A schematic diagram of an electrodeless discharge lamp is
Instrumentation shown in Figure 2.
Light Source
Figure 2 Electrodeless discharge lamp. Reproduced from Ebdon L (1998) Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, with permission from
Detection Systems
devised but were later abandoned. Tubes and filaments made Table 1 Comparison of characteristic concentrations for FAAS and
from highly refractory metals such as tungsten and tantalum ETAAS
have also been made, but they tend to become brittle and
Analyte FAAS (mg L 1) ETAAS (pg)
distorted after extended use and have poor resistance to some
acids. Their use continues, however, in some laboratories that Ag 30 5
need to determine carbide-forming elements. For example, Al 300 30
silicon reacts with the graphite tube to form silicon carbide, As 800a, 5b 42
which is both very refractory and very stable. The silicon is Au 100 18
therefore not atomized and is lost analytically. Use of a metal B 8 500 600
vaporizer prevents this. Ba 200 15
In electrothermal atomization the sample is introduced Be 16 2.5
Bi 200 67
into the tube, which is then heated in a series of steps at
Ca 13 1
increasing temperature. The sample is dried at a temperature
Cd 11 1
just above the boiling point of the solvent (but not so hot as to Co 50 17
cause frothing and spitting of the sample); ashed (charred at an Cr 50 7
intermediate temperature to remove as much of the concomi- Cs 40 10
tant matrix and potential interferences as possible without Cu 40 17
losing any analyte); and then atomized at a high temperature. Fe 45 12
During the atomization stage, the atoms leave the graphite Ge 1 300 25
surface and enter the light beam, where they absorb the inci- Hg 2 200a, 0.1b 220
dent radiation. The ashing and atomizing temperatures used K 10 2
La 48 000 7 400
will depend on the analyte of interest; for example, some
Mg 3 0.4
analytes such as lead are relatively volatile and so cannot be
Mn 20 6
ashed at temperatures above 450 C, otherwise volatile salts Mo 280 12
such as chlorides will be lost. Other analytes, for example, Ni 50 20
magnesium, are less volatile and can be ashed at temperatures Pb 100 30
close to 1000 C without analyte loss. Such elements require a Rb 30 10
much higher atomization temperature. The sensitivity of Sb 300 60
ETAAS is greater than that for FAAS because the atoms are Se 350a, 4b 45
formed within the confines of a tube and hence spend longer Si 1 500 120
time in the light beam. Also, since the sample is placed within Sn 400 100
Sr 40 4
the atom cell, 100% of it is available for analysis compared
Te 300 50
with the 10–15% available in flame systems. A comparison of
Ti 1 400 70
characteristic concentrations (concentration that gives an Tl 300 50
absorbance of 0.0044) obtained for flame and electrothermal U 110 000 40 000
techniques for many analytes is shown in Table 1. It must be V 750 42
stressed that the figures for ETAAS will depend critically on the Yb 700 3
injection volume and so values tend to be given in absolute Zn 10 1
terms (i.e. a weight). a
Under normal flame conditions.
Overall, the Massmann design of electrothermal atomizer b
With vapour generation.
in which the tube is heated from either end is still the most
common (Figure 7b), but more recently transversely heated
tubes have been developed (Figure 7a). The longitudinally
enhancement) that occurs when the sample contains large
heated tubes have a temperature gradient along the tube,
amounts of an easily ionized element. The presence of large
with the central portion being several hundred degrees hotter
concentrations of easily ionized elements will lead to a
than the ends. This can lead to condensation of analyte at the
large concentration of electrons in the flame. These electrons
cooler ends and subsequent reatomization from the hot graph-
prevent the ionization of the analyte and hence lead to higher
ite surface. Several atomization peaks may therefore result. The
atomic absorption signals. If the easily ionized element is not
transversely heated tubes do not have a temperature gradient
present in the standards, the analyte may be partially ionized
and therefore do not suffer from this problem.
(and lost analytically) and hence serious overestimates of the
true concentration will be obtained. This type of interference
may be overcome by adding an excess of easily ionized element
to all standards and samples.
Chemical interferences may exist in several different forms:
Flame techniques are regarded as being relatively free from
interferences, but some distinct classes of interference do • Formation of less volatile compounds, for example when
exist. These include a few spectral interferences (e.g. Eu at phosphate is present during the determination of calcium.
324.753 nm on Cu at 324.754 nm), ionization interferences Calcium phosphate is refractory and hence atomization
and chemical interferences. Ionization interference is a will be retarded in comparison with calcium in the
vapour-phase interference (in the past often termed cation standards.
42 Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation