Module in NCBTS
Module in NCBTS
Module in NCBTS
I. Objectives
In the end of this lesson the students are able to;
a) know the National Competency-Based Teacher Standard and its
Statement of Principle
domain strands and performance indicators; and
b) apply the competencies in teaching.
Teachers in all Philippine schools
II. Motivation
are incommitted
The reporter will distribute a paper andpaper
the class. Each accountable
consists of different question that will be answer the student.classroom
have only 3 minutes to answer and after that the reporterwith
instruction will call somethat are
student to present his answer.
manifested in high performance
III. Body
level in terms of student
(NCBTS) dedicated to the well-being of
students FOR andFILIPINO
TEACHERS they serve taking into account
The National Competency-Based Teacher theirStandard
is a group
set of competencies (behaviors, attitudesaspiration andeach
and skills) that what is valued in
must possess to function effectively and satisfactorily, these is based on
the core values of Filipino teachers and on the principles of effective
teaching and learning. The NCBTS framework is divided into seven
domains that represent the desired features of teaching and learning
process. These domains incorporate a series of twenty-one strands of
desired teaching performance statements which can be identified as
eighty performance indicators that are observable indicators of the
quality of the teacher’s performance.
Domain 2. Learning
• Creates an environment
that promotes fairness
• Makes the physical
environment safe and
conductive to learning
Statement of
• Communicates higher
Principle learning expectations to
each learner
Teachers in all • Establishes ad maintains
consistent standards of
Philippine schools are learners’ behavior
committed and
accountable for
providing classroom
instruction with result
that are manifested in
high performance level
in terms of student
learning outcomes.
Teacher are dedicated
to the well-being of the
students and
communities they
serve taking into Domain 3. Diversity of
account their cultural
diversity, group • Is familiar with learner’s
background knowledge
aspiration and what is and experiences
valued in education • Demonstrates concern
for holistic development
of learners
Domain 1. Social Regard for Learning
This domain of Social Regard for learning focuses on the ideal that the
teacher serve as positive and powerful role models of the values of the
pursuit of learning of different kinds of the effort to learn. The teacher’s
actions, statements, and different types of social interaction with
students exemplify this ideal.
Strand of Desire Teaching Performance indicators
1.1 Act as a positive role model 1.1.1 Implement school policies and
for student procedures
1.2.2 Demonstrate punctuality
1.3.3 Maintains appropriate
1.4.4 Is careful about the effect of
one’s behavior on students
1.5.5 Shows respect for other
persons and their ideas
Domain 2. Learning Environment
The domain of Learning Environment focuses on importance of
providing for social, psychological, and physical environmental within
which all students, regardless on their individual differences in
learning, can engage the different learning activities and work towards
attaining high standard of learning.
Strand of Desire Teaching Performance indicators
2.1 Creates an environment that 2.1.1 Maintains a learning
promotes fairness environment of courtesy and respect
for different learners. (ability,
culture, gender)
2.2.2 Provide gender-fair
opportunities for learning
2.3.3 Recognize that every learner
has strength
2.2 Makes the physical 2.2.1 Maintains a safe, clean and
environment safe and conductive orderly classroom free from
to learning distraction
2.2.2 Arranges challenging activities
given the physical environment.
2.3 Communicates higher 2.3.1 Uses individual and co-
learning expectations to each operative learning activities to
learner improve capacities of learners for
higher learning.
2.3.2 Encourages learners to ask
2.3.3 Provides learners with a
variety of learning experience.
2.3.4 Provides varied enrichment
activities to nature the desire for
further learning
2.3.5 Communicates and maintains
high standard of learning
2.4 Establishes ad maintains 2.4.1 Handle behavior problems
consistent standards of learners’ quickly and with due respect to
behavior children’s right
2.4.2 Gives timely feedback to
reinforce appropriate to learners’
2.4.3 Guides individual learners
requiring development of
appropriate social and learning
2.4.4 Communicates and enforces
school policies and procedures for
appropriate learning behavior
2.4.5 Encourage free expression of
ideas from student
2.4.6 Creates stress-free
2.4.7 Takes measures to minimize
anxiety and fear of the teacher and
Domain 3. Diversity of Learners
The domain of Diversity of Learners emphasizes the idea that the
teacher can facilitate the learning process in diverse by first recognizing
and respecting individual differences, then using knowledge about
students’ differences to desing diverse set of learning activities to
ensure all students can attain desired learning goals.
Strand of Desire Teaching Performance indicators
3.1 Is familiar with learner’s 3.1.1 Obtains information on the
background knowledge and learning styles, multiple
experiences intelligences and needs of learners
3.1.2 Design or select learning
experiences suited to different kinds
of learners
3.1.3 Establishes goals that define
appropriate expectations for
3.1.4 Paces lessons appropriate to
needs and difficulties of learners
3.1.5 Initiates other learning
approaches for learners whose
needs have not been met by usual
3.2 Demonstrates concern for 3.2.1 Recognizes multi-cultural
holistic development of learners background of learners when
providing learning opportunities
3.2.2 Adopts strategies to address
needs of differently abled students
3.2.3 Makes appropriate
adjustments for learners of different
socio-economic backgrounds
VI. Exercises
Direction: Answer the question of the correct answer.
1. In what aspect Social Regard for learning focuses?
2. In what aspect Learning environment focuses?
3. In what aspect diversity for learners focuses?
4. What is NCBTS?
5. As future educator, how are you going to apply NCBTS?
VII. Reference
Book of the Teaching profession published by LORIMAR PUBLISHING
INC. (p. 63-66)