Mathcad - ASCE 07-16 Wind Load Pressure On Solid Freestanding Wall PDF

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WIND LOADING ANALYSIS - Main Wind-Force Resisting System

Per ASCE 7-16 Code for Enclosed or Partiall y Enclosed Buildings


Category := 2

Iw := 0.87 if Category = 1 =1
1 if Category = 2
1.15 if Category = 3  Category = 4
"Category 1 to 4 only" otherwise

m m Design wind speed 3 sec gust at 10m ht. open terrain

V w := 45 1.6 Iw = 56.921
s s
z := 6m height

Kzt := 1 topographic factor

Kd := 1 wind directionality factor

Ke := 1 ground elevation factor

From table 26.11-1

Exposure := D := 11.5 zg := 213.36m


4.6m 
Kz := 2.01   if z < 4.6m = 1.08 velocity pressure exposure
 zg  coefficient

2.01  
zg 
 

1.226 kg 2
q z :=   Kz Kzt Kd  Ke V w = 2.145kPa
 velocity pressure at
2 3 height z.
q zsls := = 1.341kPa

Design Wind Pressure on Solid Freestanding Wal ls and Solid Signs
Per ASCE 7-16 Code Sectuib 6.5.14

h := z height of wall

Gf := 1 gust factor

swall := 6m vertical dim ension of wall

Bwall := 35m horizontal dim ension of wall

= 5.833 Aspect ratio

swall Clearance ratio


net coefficient from fig 6-20

Cf.caseA := 1.35

Cf.caseC := ( 3.3 2.15 1.55 1.05 )

4.6m 
Kh := 2.01   if h < 4.6m = 1.08
 zg 

 h
2.01  
 zg 

1.226 kg 2
q h :=   Kz Kzt Kd Ke V w = 2.145 kPa velocity pressure at height h.
2 3

p caseA := q h Gf  Cf.caseA = 2.896 kPa

p caseB := q h Gf  Cf.caseC = ( 7.079 4.612 3.325 2.252 )  kPa

p caseA
p caseA.sls := = 1.81 kPa
p caseB
p caseB.sls := = ( 4.424 2.883 2.078 1.408 )  kPa

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