TG-NET-SST-018 Secondary Distribution Substations - Particular Requirements For Outdoor Substation and Enclosures - PETE OWEN 1
TG-NET-SST-018 Secondary Distribution Substations - Particular Requirements For Outdoor Substation and Enclosures - PETE OWEN 1
TG-NET-SST-018 Secondary Distribution Substations - Particular Requirements For Outdoor Substation and Enclosures - PETE OWEN 1
Secondary Distribution
Substations - Particular
Requirements for Outdoor
Substation and Enclosures -
Design and Installation Standard
Name Title
Author John R. Baker Procedures and Investigations Manager
Checked by Liam Anderson Assistant Operational Standards Engineer
Approved by Matthew Thomas Head of Asset Management
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 References ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
3 Acronyms.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Deviations from this Document ....................................................................................................................... 5
5 Fire Resistance.................................................................................................................................................. 5
6 Glass Reinforced Plastic Substation Enclosure ................................................................................................. 9
7 Padmount Substation Site .............................................................................................................................. 14
8 Fenced Substation Enclosure ......................................................................................................................... 17
9 Brick Built Substation Enclosure..................................................................................................................... 19
10 Earthing of Unit and Padmount Transformers. .......................................................................................... 31
11 HV Metering................................................................................................................................................ 36
12 Applicable Standards .................................................................................................................................. 36
13 Revision History .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Appendix A Examples of Ground bearing weight requirements for concrete foundations for secondary
distribution substations ......................................................................................................................................... 37
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1 Introduction
1.1 This document is one of a suite of documents intended for designing and installing substations for
adoption, and/or for use, by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Designers and
Installers, covering the following situations.
The Third party designs and constructs the substation and SSEN provide all the high and
low voltage switchgear and transformer. SSEN adopt the substation.
The Third party designs and constructs the substation and the Third party provides all the
high and low voltage switchgear and transformer. SSEN adopt the substation and plant.
The Third party designs and constructs the substation and SSEN provide the high voltage
switchgear and metering unit. The Third party retains ownership of the substation.
Third party designs and constructs the substation; SSEN provide all the high voltage
switchgear and transformers. Third party provides the low voltage switchgear. Third
party retains ownership of the substation.
SSEN designs and installs the substation.
1.2 This document covers secondary distribution substations with high voltage operating voltages of 11kV
and 6.6kV which are suitable outside of building complexes. Substations inside building complexes are
covered in another section. It covers the design of enclosures for housing outdoor rated HV plant. It
shall not be used for the design of substations with indoor rated HV plant. It also covers joint user
substations where SSEN own plant, but do not own the substation building (section on Joint User
1.3 For the purposes of this specification Low Voltage (LV) shall mean up to and including 1kV. High
Voltage (HV) shall mean a nominal system voltage of 6.6kV or 11kV (a system maximum voltage of
7.2kV or 12kV).
1.4 The suite of documents covers connections for demand only. They do not cover installations for
connections for plant feeding generators. They do however include the provisions required for supply
restoration using portable generators.
Unless otherwise stated in this document ‘the developer’ shall cover the developer, builder,
Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) or Independent Connection Provider (ICP) or
there appointed agents as well as SSEN Staff and agents.
1.5 SSEN use Secondary Distribution Substations (11kV or 6.6kV to 400V) to supply energy to the public.
The design of the particular network in which the substation will be employed will influence the type
of equipment that is selected for the particular application, the type of transformer and HV/LV
protection arrangements.
1.6 All equipment must be purchased new. Used or reconditioned equipment is not acceptable.
1.7 The minimum size of transformer currently permitted to comply with the SSEN Losses Strategy is
500kVA. The minimum size of LV cable is 185mm2 Aluminium with HV being 150mm2 Aluminium.
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1.8 Specific requirements for cabling are covered in the documents in the reference section.
2 References
2.1 The documents detailed in Table 2.1 – Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Documents, table
2.2 Miscellaneous Documents shall be used in conjunction with this document.
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3 Acronyms
3.1 The acronyms shown in table 3.1 are used in this document;
Table 3.1
Acronym Definition
SSEN Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks
BS British Standard
CT Current Transformer
DMS Document Management System
EMF Electric and Magnetic Fields
ENA Energy Networks Association
ESQCR The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations
EPR Earth Potential Rise
FRA Fire Risk Assessment
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
HV High Voltage
LS0H Low Smoke, Zero Halogen
LV Low Voltage
ICP Independent Connection Provider
IDNO Independent Distribution Network Operator
RME Ring Main Equipment
SF6 Sulphur Hexafluoride
4.2 Where this is required a ‘deviation in design’ request must be submitted to SSEN in accordance with
TG-NET-ENG-011. This process also applies to SSEN Connections and other Designers.
4.3 SSEN can refuse, or require, an alteration to a request. It is therefore imperative that signed
agreement is obtained before construction or installation is undertaken to avoid the possibility of
rework or rejection of the scheme.
5 Fire Resistance
5.1 Subject to no other requirements dictated by the fire risk assessment the following minimum
requirements for fire protection is required.
5.2 Substation doors will always open outwards (away from the plant).
5.3 SSEN substations shall be designed with a minimum 1 hour fire resistance where not abutting a
building (bin stores and cycle sheds may be an exception if permitted by the fire risk assessment). The
ventilation of the enclosure does not need to comply with this requirement.
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5.4 Figures 5.1 and 5.2 show the locations and restrictions for various types of substation enclosure. The
type and design is shown in table 5.1.
Figure 5.1
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Figure 5.2
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Table 5.1
Design for Fire Design for noise
Substation Distance
Minimum Distance From
Code From Any Application Limitations Fire Rating Limitations
Enclosure Building
Either substation or Residential buildings
Non-residential Abutting or facing building shall have a 4 GRP or School Classrooms
2SDB 0 to 5 m 0 to 5 m
building blank walls. hour fire rating on padmount Bedrooms of residential care homes,
adjacent walls flats and student accommodation
Hospital wards and the like
Abutting or facing
any walls. Bin
stores or cycle GRP or
2SDC 0 to 5 m Non-residential 1 hour Any None
sheds. Excludes padmount
rooms containing
bulk gas intakes.
GRP or
2SDD 5 to 10 m Any None 1 hour 5 to 10 m None
Fenced or
3SDA Over 10 m Any None None Over 10 m None
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6.1.1 The site-specific access and cable routes will be secured in any transfer. The preferred suppliers for
GRP housings are given in TG-NET-SST-015. Other suppliers may be used providing that the enclosure
is manufactured and tested to BS 61330 and has been approved by SSEN prior to manufacture.
All types of 1500kVA transformers and 1000kVA transformers fitted with six-way cabinets can now be
installed in the latest standard GRP enclosure; the TR18. They may not fit legacy designs of GRP, such
as the TR7, and the sizes of these enclosures must be checked before attempting to use them.
Simulated brick and similar can also be provided in preference to natural brick if desired and
approved by the local planning authority. These enclosures will be subject to a ‘deviation in design’.
6.2 Should an IDNO be required to supply metering switchgear (IDNO interface site) then the IDNO will
provide a separate GRP kiosk external to the SSEN GRP enclosure to house the metering. Metering
shall not be installed inside a substation or GRP enclosure to be adopted by SSEN. A smaller size, TR7,
can be used for this purpose.
6.3 The following are standard colours to BS 4800 for SSEN approved GRP enclosure
Beige (08 C 33)
Holly Green (14 C 39)
Grey (dark admiralty 18 B 25 or Goose 00 A 05)
Brown (dark 08 D 45 or caramel 08 C 37)
Other BS/RAL colours are available although White or Black shall not be used.
6.4 The foundation arrangements for the GRP Enclosures are shown in TG-NET-CIV-002 and cover a
number of different arrangements. It also includes details for construction of the bases. A GRP lintel is
also available for the latest GRP enclosure which can be used as a substitute for the two concrete
lintels. This is shown on Envico drawing TR18.
6.5 Following installation of the earthing and cables the ground between the edge of the enclosure
foundation and site boundary shall be covered by either a minimum of 100mm concrete, tarmac/sub-
base, or 150mm shingle, with a finished level 50mm below the top of the enclosure foundation.
Where concrete is used an expansion joint shall be installed abutting the enclosure foundation.
Where the enclosure is situated on a managed grassed area, then grass is acceptable on the sides and
the rear of the enclosure.
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6.6 The excavatable area can be covered using GRP anti-slip open, or closed, mesh grating. The grating
shall be cut to suit cable exits and held down by appropriate ‘T’ fixings. The colour can be either grey
or green. The thickness shall be approximately 50mm and have a deflection of not more than 1% for a
1 tonne load on a 1m2 section. Steel angle shall be used to support the grating. The angle shall be
securely fixed to the concrete foundation. Where a closed mesh is used at least two key holes shall be
made through the surface to allow the mesh to be lifted using standard light duty manhole lifting
6.7 Figure 6.2 shows the position of the transformer and switchgear. Where the HV supply is a tee-off the
cable shall be terminated in the right-hand cable box. Within the TR 18 enclosure drawing the plant is
deliberately positioned over to the left hand side to allow for future automation to be installed,
installation of the GRP enclosure and space for inspection of the rear of the unit. The drawing is
applicable to all transformer sizes and all Schneider LV pillars. The controlling dimensions to the side
wall depend on the cabinet or transformer and shall be not less than 300mm between the enclosure
and the radiator fins or not less than 350mm between the enclosure and cabinet
6.8 Figure 6.3 shows a typical frontage with figure 6.4 showing the signs which are required. Table 6.1 lists
the signs and SSEN stock numbers.
Table 6.1
Stock Number
Sign Type
Main Business National Networks
115050 (north) 110089 (north)
Ownership Notice 2
115720 (south) 110090 (south)
Safety Sign 2 114965 114965
Sub Watch small 110104 110104
No Smoking Large, screw fixing 114528 114528
6.9 In high risk areas or areas which have general public access additional Safety Signs shall be fitted on
the two sides and rear as shown in figure 6.5.
6.10 Signs shall be fitted using stainless steel pop-rivets and washers to the door or glued using CT1
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Figure 6.1
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Figure 6.2
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Figure 6.3
Figure 6.4
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Figure 6.5
7.2 The foundation arrangement is shown in TG-NET-CIV-001 along with the installation methods and
concrete requirements.
7.3 Following installation of the earthing and cables, the ground between the edge of the foundation and
site boundary shall be covered by either a minimum of 100mm of concrete or tarmac or 150mm of
shingle, with a finished level 50mm below the top of the foundation. Where concrete is used an
expansion joint shall be installed abutting the foundation.
7.4 The ground bearing pressure must be sufficient to prevent foundation slippage or failure. An example
calculation for determining the bearing pressure is shown in Appendix A.
7.5 Fencing is not required around a pad mount transformer unless it is situated in a high risk area.
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Figure 7.1
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Figure 7.2
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8.2 Whilst the preferred solution for substation enclosures is either a GRP or brick built structure, palisade
fencing can also be installed providing it is suitable for the risk grade of the substation. The site
security risk assessment will dictate if a fenced enclosure is appropriate. Palisade fences shall conform
to the requirements of BS 1722-12, type GP18, with rounded and notched pales. The surface finished
shall be natural galvanised. Green powder coating can be used where required under local planning
standards. Drawings SSE Fencing 001 and 002 Option 1,”front elevation to be palisade fence and gate
with two palisade gate post” shall to be used for new substation builds. Where possible, Option 1 shall
be used for replacement of existing fences with Option 2 being used only if absolutely necessary due
to local planning constraints.
8.3 Where additional security is required a BS 1722-12, type GP24 with triple pointed and splayed pales
shall be used.
8.4 Wooden fencing is only permitted where the substation is installed in a residential garden and the
fencing is required for screening; at least one side must always be of palisade or expamet (legally
required to provide visibility into the substation from outside), Figure 8.2 shows a typical palisade
enclosed substation. Only the sides of the fence within the residential garden are permitted to be
wooden. Wooden fencing shall comply generally with the requirements of BS 1722-5 except where
modified by drawings SSE-Fencing-001 and 002.
8.5 Metallic fences surrounding substations designed to this standard are not required to be earthed.
8.6 A brick built, open construction (no roof) can be provided subject to one side being formed of palisade
8.7 The foundation arrangement is shown in TG-NET-CIV-001 along with the installation methods and
concrete requirements.
8.8 The area inside the enclosure shall be sand filled and covered with a minimum of 150mm of stone
chippings or course gravel once the electrical works have been completed.
8.9 In Scotland, the boundary of the site shall be enclosed in edging stones. The area between the edging
stones and the substation fence shall be filled to a minimum depth of 150mm of stone chippings or
course gravel.
8.10 Provisions shall be made in the legal documentation giving SSEN rights of access to all external sides of
the enclosure for the purposes of repair, maintenance and replacement of the enclosure.
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Figure 8.1
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Figure 8.2
Substations can be incorporated as part of a range of buildings such as attached to a garage block,
bicycle or bin store. Locations attached to domestic properties are not permitted. Substations shall be
located a minimum of 5m from a domestic property. An open type substation which is accessible from
an adjacent roof is not permitted.
The requirements in this section are a minimum and can be exceeded if required.
9.2 Design and construction drawings are shown on drawings SSE/GRP/001 to 004. These drawings are
supplemented with photographs in this section. Note the photographs support aspects of this
document to aid clarity and are not specific to any particular design.
9.2.2 The concrete shall be poured in a continuous manner until the shuttering is filled. Brickwork or
blockwork installed within the shuttering, forming part of the final base is not permitted without the
permission of SSEN.
9.2.3 Surface shall be float finished with finished tolerances, length way, width way and across the
diagonals of 2mm.
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9.3 Roofs
9.3.1 Brick built substation enclosures shall preferably have a removable pitched roof –this shall be
fabricated from GRP in either a flat or simulated ridged tile style. The roof shall be designed to be
removable to allow the installation or removal of equipment using a crane.
9.3.3 Where there is specific planning or environmental demands, SSEN may accept a traditional tiled roof
although this is not the preferred solution. Our GRP roof suppliers are willing to meet with local
planning officers to discuss what can be achieved with a GRP roof.
9.4 Enclosures
9.4.1 The brick built enclosure will be provided with double access doors with a locking system, roof and
ventilation arrangements. The structure shall be single skinned with support piers as necessary.
9.4.2 The external dimensions of the building shall be approximately 4m by 4m. The site required solely for
SSEN equipment shall be 6m by 6m with an additional provision for access and cabling as shown in
Figure 9.1.
9.4.3 The internal height of the substation shall be 2.5m, where cables exit underground or 3.5m where
they are installed overhead in a cable tray.
9.4.4 The area shown brown/hatched black is the minimum unobstructed area required for access to the
site and will have cables routed beneath it. The site specific access and cable routes will be secured in
any transfer back to the nearest adopted highway.
9.4.5 Provision shall be made in the legal documentation giving SSEN rights of access to all external sides of
the enclosure for the purposes of repair, maintenance and replacement of the enclosure.
9.4.6 Provision shall also be made for the unrestricted passage of air through the ventilation ducts
maintaining a minimum clearance of 1m between the ventilation grill any structure or planting.
9.4.7 Where the volume of the enclosure exceeds 29m³ the developer shall obtain any necessary planning
9.4.8 Following installation of the earthing and cables the ground between the edge of the enclosure
foundation and site boundary shall be covered by either a minimum of 100mm concrete or
tarmac/sub-base with a finished level 50mm below the top of the enclosure foundation. Where
concrete is used an expansion joint shall be installed abutting the enclosure foundation.
9.4.10 The proposal drawings of the arrangement shall be submitted to SSEN for inspection by the Civil
Engineering Section.
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9.5 Ventilation
9.5.1 Ventilation is deemed adequate where it provides at least four air changes an hour (which equates to
250m3 per hour) and limits the ambient temperature to a maximum 40°C.
9.5.2 Low level ventilation is required in the side of the substation with high level ventilation in the
opposite side. At least 1m2 of inlet and 1m2 of outlet area is required per transformer. Where more
than one transformer is installed SSEN shall be consulted regarding the venting arrangements. Typical
vent sizes are 1140mm x 450mm with two on each side
9.5.3 As an alternative, or in addition, low level ventilation is required in the back of the substation with
high level ventilation in the doors (doors can be fully louvered).
9.5.4 Louvres shall be made of heavy duty GRP, aluminium or steel and be fitted with an anti-vermin mesh
on the inside.
9.5.5 Screening/vegetation which could prevent or reduce the effectiveness of the ventilation shall not be
allowed to encroach within 1m of the wall of the substation.
9.6 Doors
9.6.1 Doors shall either be of GRP, aluminium or steel construction and shall open outwards. Composite
aluminium/GRP may also be acceptable. Double doors are required with an external frame size of
2700mm wide by 2100mm high. Generally two doors are required; however a three door
arrangement can be proposed (one normal door and one bi-folding door). Any proposed reduction in
the size required by planning constraints must be subject to a ‘deviation in design’. Consideration can
be given to the incorporation of removable panels (either louvered or plain) providing the overall
opening size can be maintained.
9.6.2 The type of material for the door may be dictated by the security rating required for the substation. It
must not be assumed that GRP will be suitable in all circumstances. Steel security doors may be
9.6.4 Steel security doors shall be installed where the prospective ESQCR vandalism code is 3. Steel doors
can be plain or louvered (either fully or partly) with a minimum rating of 3 to LPS 1175. Plain or
louvered extension panels can be used where necessary.
9.6.5 Wooden doors (soft or hardwood) shall not be provided in any circumstances.
9.7.3 Where a transformer and low voltage cabinet is installed in the substation there is no requirement for
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9.7.4 Where there is no transformer or the transformer is not fitted with a low voltage cabinet then a
double 13A socket outlet shall be provided in the substation where a landlord’s supply is available.
9.7.5 Where other monitoring and control equipment is required, SSEN may specify that a supply is
required from a fuseboard fitted and controlled from within the substation where there is no
alternative feed from the SSEN LV network.
9.8 Plinths
9.8.1 Plinths shall be constructed of concrete and be sized in accordance with the dimensions shown in
figure 9.2 and figure 9.3
9.8.2 Figure 9.2 shall be used for enclosures with a removable roof. Figure 9.3 shall be used where the roof
is not removable. Note the plinth must be on the right hand side when viewed from the outside of the
face containing the doors.
9.8.3 The area in front of the transformer base shall be sand filled and covered with a minimum of 150mm
of stone chippings or course gravel once the electrical works have been completed
9.8.4 The bearing pressure must be sufficient to prevent foundation slippage or failure. An example
calculation for determining the bearing pressure is shown in Appendix A.
9.9.1 Floors and walls shall be sealed using an appropriate sealer where there is a possibility of the
liberation of dust.
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Figure 9.1
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Figure 9.2
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Figure 9.3
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9.9.2 Photographs of a Typical Brick Built Installation. These photographs show a building acceptable to
SSEN, with the exception that it must be set back from the public footpath. Notes have been included
were necessary to highlight specific requirements. The substation brickwork has been clad to match
surrounding properties – the appearance of the substation maybe dictated by the local planning
authorities as in this case.
Photograph 1 -The photograph shows a typical installation with a removable roof. The outside brick has been
clad to match the surrounding buildings. The doors are GRP.
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Photograph 3 - A separate wall plate is required. This shall be secured to the brickwork using restraining
straps. The removable roof is secured to the wall plate using straps. The timber used for the trusses and wall
plates shall be pressure treated with preservative.
Photograph 4 - Angle plates are required to be fitted to the GRP roof on both sides of the roof truss and
secured to the roof trusses using either screws or bolts. A minimum of 12 are required. These are important
to resist the action of high winds.
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Photograph 5 - The photograph shows the two high level vents (two low level vents are on the opposite side).
Note the requirement for lintels above the vents and intermediate support piers. It is permissible to have
restraining straps crossing the vents.
9.10 Figure 9.2 shows the position of the transformer and switchgear.
9.11 Figure 9.3 shows a typical frontage with figure 9.4 showing the signs which are required. Table 9.1 list
the signs and SSEN stock numbers.
Table 9.1
Stock Number
Sign Type
Main Business National Networks
115050 (north) 110089 (north)
Ownership Notice 2
115720 (south) 110090 (south)
Safety Sign 2 114965 114965
Sub Watch small 110104 110104
No Smoking Large, screw fixing 114528 114528
9.12 In high risk areas or areas which have general public access additional Safety Signs shall be fitted on
the two sides and rear as shown in figure 9.5.
9.13 Signs shall be glued using CT1 adhesive where signs are fitted to doors. Signs can be fitted to
brickwork using stainless steel screws.
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Figure 9.3
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Figure 9.4
Figure 9.5
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10.2 Earth electrodes are required to prevent undesirable potential rises occurring on substation
equipment and are capable of passing earth fault currents of up to 6,000A for 3s. The resistance of the
earth return path must be low enough to ensure the operation of the source circuit breaker
10.3 Designs in accordance with this standard require a separate HV and LV earth electrode. Table 10.1
gives details of the maximum values for the HV and LV electrodes. Designs in compliance with this
Design Standard shall have separate HV and LV earth electrodes. These electrode should have a
segregation value of 0.9 or higher (refer to TG-NET-SST-004for details of the test).
Table 10.1
Maximum Resistance
HV 50
LV 40
10.4 Table 10.2 shows where the LV neutral/earth – HV steelwork earth can remain in place or where it
needs to be removed. With substations designed to this standard an Earth Potential Rise study is not
required unless specifically requested by either SSEN or a third party in the case of substations
housing jointly adopted plant (for instance SSEN and another DNO).
Table 10.2
Resistance of
Combined LV and Earth Potential Rise
Link Left In Link Removed
HV earths V
1 430
1 430
1 430
1 not calculated
1 not calculated
10.5 Figure 10.1 shows a typical arrangement of an LV Neutral/Earth and HV Steelwork Earth Link. The
configuration may be different in other items of plant.
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Figure 10.1
10.6 Table 10.3 gives details of the earthing arrangements for various installations.
Table 10.3
Figure Description
10.2 Unit substation in GRP enclosure or within a separate
brick building
10.3 Unit substation in fenced site
10.4 Padmount transformer
10.7 The figures shown use typical plant currently available. Other approved designs may have different
locations for the earth connections.
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Figure 10.2
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Figure 10.3
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Figure 10.4
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11 HV Metering
11.1 The requirements for meter panels and multicore cables used for HV metering are covered in TG-NET-
12 Applicable Standards
12.1 Third Parties must obtain copies of non SSEN Standards, such as BS or ENA documents, from the
issuing organisations at their own expense. These documents may be subject to copyright.
12.2 Documents for use by third parties are classified as Public and are available on the SSEN website,
12.3 Documents not displayed on the internet are not publicly available as they are deemed not to be
needed by third parties. Where third parties require copies of these SSEN documents they can be
requested from the SSEN DMS Administrator, Inveralmond House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth PH1 3AQ.
12.4 There will be a cost of £150 for each copy of each document (irrespective of size). This cost is due to
the administration required to ensure that updates to the documents (which are controlled) are sent
out to third parties.
12.6 Table 12.1 details the documents used in the compilation of this Design Standard document.
Table 12.1
Document Title Code
Safety, Ownership Signs, Fencing and Security Requirements Applicable to
Substations - Design and Installation Standard
Secondary Distribution Substations - Particular Requirements for Substations
Within Building Complexes - Design and Installation Standard
13 Revision History
No Overview of Amendment and Text Previous Revision Authorisation
affected Document
Reformatting of document into new
01 template and re-numbered for new TG-PS-883 1.00 Matthew Thomas
substation manual
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For calculations of the soil bearing resistance must be greater than 8T/m²
For calculations of the soil bearing resistance must be greater than 5T/m²
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