Poliomyelitis Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Variecella

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Poliomyelitis- No more live vaccines Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Variecella-shingles/chicken pox

Polio vaccine:  Gram neg bacterium  Blisters that go away w/in 72 hrs
Inactivated vaccine  Meningitis/Pneum/Serious throat & ear  Reactivation of latent varicella living in
 IPV infection nerves
 Salk  Serious illness for kids <5 yrs
Efficacy:  Common cause of Meningitis Sx:
 Abs develop after 2+ doses=  Pppl who do survive= neuro problems  Half side of body with it
persists for years  Neuro problems
AE: Efficacy:
 Devoid serious AE  Protection begins at 1 week after 1st dose Varicella Chicken Pox:
 IPV has  Use of a HIB Titter (diphtheria) or Act  Contagious
o Streptomycin Titter( Tetanus)= protection is delayed 1-2  Face, trunk, scalp
o Neomycin weeks  Problems:
o Bacitracin AE: o Reye’s syndrome
Routes:  Safest o Encephalitis
 SQ –anterolateral thigh Routes: o Varicella pneumonia
 4 doses  IM Mid thigh/outer upper arm Vaccine:
o 1st 2 months  4 doses total  Live/Attenuated
o 2nd 4 months o 1st 2 months  85-95% efficacy
o 6-18 months o 2nd 4 months  No AE
o 4-6 y.o o 3rd 6 months  Contraindications
o 4th 12-15 months o Pregnant
o Cancers:
o Allergys: neomycin/gelatin
o Immunocompromised
Routes: SQ outer upperarm/ anterolateral
 Kids 12-18 mo =1 dose
 19 mo- 12 y.o= 1 dose
 >13 y.o= 2 doses (4 wks apart)

Hepatitis B Hepatitis A Pneumococcal Infection

MMR S/Sx Doses
Acute:  Not all pts are symptomatic  Strep pneum.= bacterial meningitis
 jaundice Initial: - Conjunctivitis
Course of infection: virus undergoes  Highest risk for kids <2 y.o
 N/V/D - Fever
replication in liver, passage into bile and  Risk factors: sickle cell, immunodef.,
Vaccine: 3 doses - Cough
excreted through feces asplenia, chroniz dz, native amer,
Efficacy: - Viral Dz Vaccine: - HA ** Give AllAlaskan
black, 3 Seperately
 Better- Aerosol
after 2ndSputum
dose 85%  - Sore Throat
Almost total protection after 2nd dose AE: none
** Encephalitis 2nd:  - Pneum/Otitis
Recommended Media
for all kids 1 y.o Who 1st Dose:
should be12-15 months
 3rd dose 90% = 5-7 yrs protected
o Ppl 2 y.o traveling o All kids at age 2
1st: - Swollen Parotids 2ndoDose:
Route: o Ppl in community with prolonged Kids4-6 yrs2-5
btwn old who haven’t been
Mumps - Local Pain Hender (4wksvaccinated
in between)
outbreaks or at high risk
 IM Neonatal/infants
- Viral - Fever
o Dop heads Routes: IM
 Anterlateral
- Parotids
thigh - Inflammed Testes ** Never give before 12
- Kids 5-15 yrs old o
- Aseptic Meningitis CLD
Ppl with  anterolateral thigh (infants)
 Adults: Deltoid months
o PPL who got clotting factors  Deltoid uooer arm toddlers/
 Kids/adults who weren’t
- Still Birth o Ppl who work with monkeys/apes young kids
vaccinated against Hep B during Takes 2-6 wks for response
Rubella - Retard etc  1st dose at 2 months
infancy= begin 3 doses at anytime - Heart Dz
- German
st  Ae: none  4 doses
o - Viral
1 - Lymphedema RT: SQ upper arm
2nd 1 month later
o - Pregnancy  Routes:on ears/neck  2
- Rash spreads o & IMgoes away in 2-3 days
deltoid  4
o 3rd 4 months later st
o 1 dose 12 month  6
o 2nd 6-18 month after 1st dose  12-15 months

ADES Contraindications (Not 4) Precaution

Mild: Sore, Redness, - If pt has Hx of

Swelling, Rash, Fever = thrombocytopenia or
Seizures allergic to: - Eggs
TX: APAP/NSAID (Not - Not for during pregnancies - Gelatin
Aspirin) - Neomycin
Severe: Thrombocytopenia - Not for kids who are immunocomp
Anaphyhaxis - Withhold if the kid has a
(Allergy to Gelatin) ** Give MMR to HIV pt who show no Sx fever
DTP S/Sx Dosing

1st: - sore throat, fever, HA,N

Diphtheria **Thick Coat in airways = block
Corynebacterium breathing/swallowing 5 Injections Total
Gram Neg = tracheotomy
in throat/nose=produce - damage heart+ nerves
toxins TX: PCN G or Erythromycin 1st: 2 month

1st:- Stiff jaw/neck 2nd: 4 months

Tetanus - Difficulty swallowing
- Muscle Spasm - Convulsions 3rd: 6 months
- C.Tetani - Restlessness
Gram Neg Bacillus TX: tetanus antitoxin/Booster
- Punctured skin Abs: PCN G/Doxycyline 4th: 15-18 months

5th: 4-6 yrs

1st: mild fever
Pertusis Routes: IM (Deltoid/thigh)
persistent cough
- Whooping Cough increase in infection= cough worsens
-Kids Acute: 4-6 wks
- Gram Neg Bacillus infants= difficulty
TX: Erythromycin

Dtap (Replaced DTP): Td Booster q 10 yrs
Mild: w/in 48 hrs but
goes away 1-2 days Efficacy: Better at protecting after 3rd dose

4-6 yrs Pertusis

10 yrs Tetanus

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