Poliomyelitis Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Variecella
Poliomyelitis Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Variecella
Poliomyelitis Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Variecella
Polio vaccine: Gram neg bacterium Blisters that go away w/in 72 hrs
Inactivated vaccine Meningitis/Pneum/Serious throat & ear Reactivation of latent varicella living in
IPV infection nerves
Salk Serious illness for kids <5 yrs
Efficacy: Common cause of Meningitis Sx:
Abs develop after 2+ doses= Pppl who do survive= neuro problems Half side of body with it
persists for years Neuro problems
AE: Efficacy:
Devoid serious AE Protection begins at 1 week after 1st dose Varicella Chicken Pox:
IPV has Use of a HIB Titter (diphtheria) or Act Contagious
o Streptomycin Titter( Tetanus)= protection is delayed 1-2 Face, trunk, scalp
o Neomycin weeks Problems:
o Bacitracin AE: o Reye’s syndrome
Routes: Safest o Encephalitis
SQ –anterolateral thigh Routes: o Varicella pneumonia
4 doses IM Mid thigh/outer upper arm Vaccine:
o 1st 2 months 4 doses total Live/Attenuated
o 2nd 4 months o 1st 2 months 85-95% efficacy
o 6-18 months o 2nd 4 months No AE
o 4-6 y.o o 3rd 6 months Contraindications
o 4th 12-15 months o Pregnant
o Cancers:
o Allergys: neomycin/gelatin
o Immunocompromised
Routes: SQ outer upperarm/ anterolateral
Kids 12-18 mo =1 dose
19 mo- 12 y.o= 1 dose
>13 y.o= 2 doses (4 wks apart)
Dtap (Replaced DTP): Td Booster q 10 yrs
Mild: w/in 48 hrs but
goes away 1-2 days Efficacy: Better at protecting after 3rd dose
10 yrs Tetanus