4699 8785 1 SM
4699 8785 1 SM
4699 8785 1 SM
Versi Digital
ISSN: 0852-8489
Sumber: Jurnal Sosiologi MASYARAKAT, Vol. 19, No. 1, Januari 2014: 119-122
D i a n a T. P a k a s i
Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam
Email: [email protected]
Adams, Vincanne dan Stacy Leigh Pigg (editors). 2005. Sex in De-
velopment: Science, Sexuality and Morality in Global Perspective.
Durham: Duke University Press. 360 halaman.
nary power to create the docile body of the Dani. However, Butt also
shows that the ways in which Dani women challenge existing regimes
of power and assert control of their sexuality and choice of partner.
Overall, this volume makes an important contribution to unders-
tand interrelationships between ‘scientifically neutral’ concepts of sex
and sexuality formulated by public health experts and local construc-
ts of sex and gender in developing societies. However, I expect this
collection could provide more space for the marginal (such as the
Dani) subjectivities (their narratives and experiences) in order to give
a more complete picture of the contested and competing discourses
on sexuality and morality in developing countries.