Vijaya Lakshmi ABL RA BILL - 01

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: 37AALFV8829K2Z8 Mobile No :
PAN No. : AALFV8829K

Date :


I _______________________________________________________S/O ____________________________________________________

Properiter / Parterner / Director of _______________________________do hereby declare and undertake as under -

Labour (Regulation and Abolition ) Act 1970 in holding a valid licence under the act and
rules thereto. I have paid the wages as per payment of wages Act, 1936 for the month of

Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952 and Employees State
02. Insurance Act, 1948 & Professional Tax and deposited the contribution under our code
numbers for the following month and as such no amount whatever is payble. The

That in the capacity of contractor, I have ensured payment statutory dues of Labour
03. Cess to concern authority as applicable under Building and other Construction worker
Cess Act 1996.

That in the capacity of contractor, I have ensured and followed the guidelines given in
Child Labour Act, 2006.

That in the capacity of contractor, I have taken the insurance policy to provide insurance
cover under Employee Compensation Act, 1923.

I further declare and undertake that incase any liability pertaining to my employees is to
06. be discharged by the principle employer for my lapse. I undertake to reimburse the
same or the employer is authorized to deduct the same from my dues as payable.

Authorized Signatory

Sign & Seal of Sub-contractor



Plot No.46,Vision Hots's,Meenakshi
Enclave,Beside Lane of Marble Estate India
Address PAN NO. AALFV8829K
Ltd,Rajamahendravaram,East Godavari Dist-
City Rajamahendravaram TAX INVOICE No. VLC/ABL/2020/1
STATE Andhra Pradesh DATE 06.03.2020

GST NO. 37AABCA9292J1Z9 Work Order No. 30003174

PAN NO AABCA9292J Work Order Date 23/01/2020
STATE CODE 37 STATE Andhra Pradesh
E-mail ID. STATE CODE 37

Phone No. Phone No +91-7675975427

Amount in Rs.
DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Upto this Bill In this Bill
Item No. CODE Previous

10 P&L Service Road Construction 9954 3,987,251 - 3,987,251

20 P&L Junction Development Works 9954 - - -

30 Construction of RCC Drain incl Reinforce 9954 1,959,659 - 1,959,659

40 Pipe Culvert 9954 125,591 - 125,591

50 Box Culvert 9954 - - -

60 FOB Bridge 9954 - - -

6,072,501 - 6,072,501
Amount (In Word) Rupees Sixty Lac Seventy Two Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety Three Paise only 6,072,501 - 6,072,501
CGST@ 6 % 364,350 - 364,350
BANK DETAILS :- SGST@ 6% 364,350 - 364,350

BANK NAME ICICI Bank TOTAL TAXABLE AMOUNT (Rs.) 6,072,501 - 6,072,501

BRANCH Madhurawada TOTAL GST (Rs.) 728,701 - 728,701

A/C NO. 240505500450

IFSC CODE ICIC0002405 INVOICE TOTAL (Rs.) 6,801,202 - 6,801,202


Road Annavaram-Diwancheruvu (1142 )
Name of The Contractor :- M/s Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions R.A.Bill No :VLC/ABL/2020/1
Address of the Contractor:- 1-53, GADELAMARRIVALASA, MERAKAMUDIAM ,
GST :- 37AALFV8829K2Z8 W.O. No : 30003174 Date 23/01/2020
PAN :- AALFV8829K W.O. Date : 23/01/2020

Upto date Previous This Bill

BOQ Item Description Unit Rate(Rs) BOQ Qty BOQ Amt.
no. as per WO Amount Amount Amount
Qty Qty Qty
(Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

10 P&L Service Road Construction

Excavation In Soils-Road(Disp.All Lead)

Excavation For Roadwork In Soil With Excavator Including
Cutting And Loading In Tippers, Trimming Bottom And Side
1 Slopes, In Accordance With Requirements Of Lines, Grades M3 100.00 7921.000 792,100.00 10,279.199 1,027,919.90 - - 10,279.199 1,027,919.90
And Cross Sections, And Transporting To The Embankment
Location Within All Lifts And All Leads.

Earth Work-Filling M3 390.00 0.000 - 531.629 207,335.31 - - 531.629 207,335.31

Sub Grade Loosining and compaction M3 50.00 0.000 - 877.500 43,875.00 - - 877.500 43,875.00
Sub Grade Construction-@ 857 to 868 M3 390.00 0.000 - 512.913 200,036.07 - - 512.913 200,036.07
Sub Grade Construction-@ 898 to 899 M3 485.00 0.000 - - - - - - -
Pro/ Laying CTSB Construction M3 2,341.16 0.000 - 1,071.300 2,508,084.71 - - 1,071.300 2,508,084.71
Pro/ Laying Granular Sub-Base Construction Of Granular Sub-
Base By Providing Close Graded Material, Mixing In A
Mechanical Mix Plant At Omc, Carriage Of Mixed Material To
2 Work Site, Spreading In Uniform Layers With Motor Grader M3 1,475.00 4238.000 6,251,050.00 - - - - - -
On Prepared Surface And Compacting With Vibratory Power
Roller To Achieve The Desired Density, Complete As Per
Clause 401.

Pro/ Laying Wmm

Providing, Laying, Spreading And Compacting Graded Stone
Aggregate To Wet Mix Macadam Specification Including
Premixing The Material With Water At Omc In Mechanical
3 Mix Plant Carriage Of Mixed Material By Tipper To Site, Laying M3 1,925.00 4034.000 7,765,450.00 - - - - - -
In Uniform Layers With Paver In Sub- Base / Base Course On
Well Prepared Surface And Compacting With Vibratory Roller
To Achieve The Desired Density.

Providing & Laying Prime Coat Providing And Applying Prime

Coat With Bitumen Emulsion On Prepared Surface Of
4 Granular Base Including Clearing Of Road Surface And M2 40.00 26430.000 1,057,200.00 - - - - - -
Spraying Primer At The Rate Of 0.60 Kg/Sqm Using
Mechanical Means.

P&L Tack Coat Over Granular Surface

Providing And Applying Tack Coat With Bitumen Emulsion
Using Emulsion Pressure Distributor At The Rate Of 0.25 Kg
5 M2 15.00 52860.000 792,900.00 - - - - - -
Per Sqm On The Prepared Granular Surface Cleaned With
Mechanical Broom.

Road Annavaram-Diwancheruvu (1142 )
Name of The Contractor :- M/s Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions R.A.Bill No :VLC/ABL/2020/1
Address of the Contractor:- 1-53, GADELAMARRIVALASA, MERAKAMUDIAM ,
GST :- 37AALFV8829K2Z8 W.O. No : 30003174 Date 23/01/2020
PAN :- AALFV8829K W.O. Date : 23/01/2020

Upto date Previous This Bill

BOQ Item Description Unit Rate(Rs) BOQ Qty BOQ Amt.
no. as per WO Amount Amount Amount
Qty Qty Qty
(Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

Providing & Laying Of Dbm Providing And Laying Dense

Bituminous Macadam With 100-120 Tph Batch Type Hmp
Producing An Average Output Of
75 Tonnes Per Hour Using Crushed Aggregates Of Specified
Grading, Premixed With Bituminous Binder @ 4.0 To 4.5% By
6 Weight Of Total Mix Of Mix And Filler, Transporting The Hot M3 8,200.00 1586.000 13,005,200.00 - - - - - -
Mix To Work Site, Laying With A Hydrostatic Paver Finisher
With Sensor Control To The Required Grade, Level And
Alignment, Rolling With Smooth Wheeled, Vibratory And
Tandem Rollers To Achieve The Desired Compaction As Per
Morth Specification Clause No. 507 Complete In All Respects.)

Providing & Laying -Bituminous Concrete

Providing And Laying Bituminous Concrete With 100-120 Tph
Batch Type Hot Mix Plant Producing An Average Output Of
75 Tonnes Per Hour Using Crushed Aggregates Of Specified
Grading, Premixed With Bituminous Binder @ 5.4 To 5.6
% Of Mix And Filler, Transporting The Hot Mix To Work Site,
7 M3 9,000.00 793.000 7,137,000.00 - - - - - -
Laying With A Hydrostatic Paver Finisher With Sensor Control
To The Required Grade, Level And Alignment, Rolling With
Smooth Wheeled, Vibratory And Tandem Rollers To Achieve
The Desired Compaction As Per Morth Specification Clause
No. 509 Complete In All Respects

Sub Total-10 3,987,250.99 - 3,987,250.99

20 P&L Junction Development Works

Excavation In Soils-Road(Disp.All Lead) Excavation In Soils-

Road(Disp.All Lead)
Excavation For Roadwork In Soil With Excavator Including
Cutting And Loading In Tippers, Trimming Bottom And Side
1 M3 100.00 4303.000 430,300.00 - - - - - -
Slopes, In Accordance With Requirements Of Lines, Grades
And Cross Sections, And Transporting To The Embankment
Location Within All Lifts And All Leads.

Pro/ Laying Granular Sub-Base Construction Of Granular Sub-

Base By Providing Close Graded Material, Mixing In A
Mechanical Mix Plant At Omc, Carriage Of Mixed Material To
2 Work Site, Spreading In Uniform Layers With Motor Grader M3 1,475.00 1608.000 2,371,800.00 - - - - - -
On Prepared Surface And Compacting With Vibratory Power
Roller To Achieve The Desired Density, Complete As Per
Clause 401.

Road Annavaram-Diwancheruvu (1142 )
Name of The Contractor :- M/s Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions R.A.Bill No :VLC/ABL/2020/1
Address of the Contractor:- 1-53, GADELAMARRIVALASA, MERAKAMUDIAM ,
GST :- 37AALFV8829K2Z8 W.O. No : 30003174 Date 23/01/2020
PAN :- AALFV8829K W.O. Date : 23/01/2020

Upto date Previous This Bill

BOQ Item Description Unit Rate(Rs) BOQ Qty BOQ Amt.
no. as per WO Amount Amount Amount
Qty Qty Qty
(Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

Pro/ Laying Wmm

Providing, Laying, Spreading And Compacting Graded Stone
Aggregate To Wet Mix Macadam Specification Including
Premixing The Material With Water At Omc In Mechanical
3 Mix Plant Carriage Of Mixed Material By Tipper To Site, Laying M3 1,925.00 1045.000 2,011,625.00 - - - - - -
In Uniform Layers With Paver In Sub- Base / Base Course On
Well Prepared Surface And Compacting With Vibratory Roller
To Achieve The Desired Density.

Providing & Laying Prime Coat Providing And Applying Prime

Coat With Bitumen Emulsion On Prepared Surface Of
4 Granular Base Including Clearing Of Road Surface And M2 40.00 6967.000 278,680.00 - - - - - -
Spraying Primer At The Rate Of 0.60 Kg/Sqm Using
Mechanical Means.

P&L Tack Coat Over Granular Surface

Providing And Applying Tack Coat With Bitumen Emulsion
Using Emulsion Pressure Distributor At The Rate Of 0.25 Kg
5 M2 15.00 18040.000 270,600.00 - - - - - -
Per Sqm On The Prepared Granular Surface Cleaned With
Mechanical Broom.

Providing & Laying -Bituminous Concrete

Providing And Laying Bituminous Concrete With 100-120 Tph
Batch Type Hot Mix Plant Producing An Average Output Of
75 Tonnes Per Hour Using Crushed Aggregates Of Specified
Grading, Premixed With Bituminous Binder @ 5.4 To 5.6
6 % Of Mix And Filler, Transporting The Hot Mix To Work Site, M3 9,000.00 825.000 7,425,000.00 - - - - - -
Laying With A Hydrostatic Paver Finisher With Sensor Control
To The Required Grade, Level And Alignment, Rolling With
Smooth Wheeled, Vibratory And Tandem Rollers To Achieve
The Desired Compaction As Per Morth Specification Clause
No. 509 Complete In All Respects

Sub Total-20 - - -
30 Construction of RCC Drain incl Reinforce

Road Annavaram-Diwancheruvu (1142 )
Name of The Contractor :- M/s Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions R.A.Bill No :VLC/ABL/2020/1
Address of the Contractor:- 1-53, GADELAMARRIVALASA, MERAKAMUDIAM ,
GST :- 37AALFV8829K2Z8 W.O. No : 30003174 Date 23/01/2020
PAN :- AALFV8829K W.O. Date : 23/01/2020

Upto date Previous This Bill

BOQ Item Description Unit Rate(Rs) BOQ Qty BOQ Amt.
no. as per WO Amount Amount Amount
Qty Qty Qty
(Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

Lab-Rect.Rcc Drain-0.15M Wt/Ht.0.9M-1.2M

Labour Charges For Construction Of Rectangular Rcc Drain
Including Laying Of Pcc, Raft & Walls Including Providing &
Fixing Of Shuttering , Staging
,Struting & Cutting , Bending , Binding & Placing Of
1 Reinforcement Including Spreading , Leveling , Compaction & M 1,200.00 1500.000 1,800,000.00 - - - - - -
Curing, Of Concrete Etc. All Complete As Per Approved
Design & Drawing & Technical Specifications.(At Normal
Location With Thickness Of Wall
-150Mm With Reinf. In Double Layer B/W) -For Height
900Mm To 1200Mm

Excavation M3 100.00 0.000 - 3,291.824 329,182.40 - - 3,291.824 329,182.40

Filling M3 390.00 0.000 - 221.225 86,277.75 - - 221.225 86,277.75
Laying-M10 PCC/RCC for drain(Supply ABL Scope) M3 800.00 0.000 - 20.400 16,320.00 - - 20.400 16,320.00
Laying-M25 RCC for drain(Supply ABL Scope) M3 1,800.00 0.000 - 12.000 21,600.00 - - 12.000 21,600.00
Supply , Providing and Laying-M10 PCC at Burugupudi(by VLC) M3 3,900.00 0.000 - 55.080 214,812.00 - - 55.080 214,812.00
Supply , Providing and Laying-M25 RCC at Burugupudi(by VLC) M3 4,800.00 0.000 - 90.165 432,793.92 - - 90.165 432,793.92
Supply , Providing and Laying-M10 PCC at Rajanagar side(by
M3 3,400.00 0.000 - 87.550 297,670.00 - - 87.550 297,670.00
Supply , Providing and Laying-M25 RCC at Rajanagar side(by
M3 4,300.00 0.000 - 116.271 499,965.30 - - 116.271 499,965.30
Providing & Fixing Hysd Reinforcement MT 7,250.00 0.000 - 8.419 61,037.75 - - 8.419 61,037.75

Sub Total-30 1,959,659.12 - 1,959,659.12

40 Pipe Culvert
Excavation In Soils-Structure Works
Excavation In Soils For Structure Work Including All Leads And
1 Lifts As Per Drawing And Technical Specification Clause 304 Of M3 60.00 27.000 1,620.00 69.670 4,180.22 - - 69.670 4,180.22

Pro/Laying-Hume Pipe (Np-4)-1200 Dia

Providing And Laying Of Rcc Hume Pipe Np4-1200Mm Dia. For
Culverts /Drain Including Grannular Bedding Below Hume
Pipe In Nos.Of Rows As Per Drawing Including Fixing Collar
2 With Cement Mortar Filling By Jute Etc. All Complete As Per M 650.00 135.000 87,750.00 15.000 9,750.00 - - 15.000 9,750.00
Drawing And Technical Specifications As Directed By
Engineer-In-Charge Of The Work.

Road Annavaram-Diwancheruvu (1142 )
Name of The Contractor :- M/s Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions R.A.Bill No :VLC/ABL/2020/1
Address of the Contractor:- 1-53, GADELAMARRIVALASA, MERAKAMUDIAM ,
GST :- 37AALFV8829K2Z8 W.O. No : 30003174 Date 23/01/2020
PAN :- AALFV8829K W.O. Date : 23/01/2020

Upto date Previous This Bill

BOQ Item Description Unit Rate(Rs) BOQ Qty BOQ Amt.
no. as per WO Amount Amount Amount
Qty Qty Qty
(Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

Pro/Laying Pcc/ Rcc M15 Providing & Laying Of Pcc/Rcc M15

For Structures Including Spreading, Leveling, Vibrating With
3 All Lead Lifts Including Deshuttering ,Curing Etc. All Complete M3 800.00 186.000 148,800.00 - - - - - -
As Per Drawing And Technical Specifications As Directed By
Engineer-In-Charge Of The Work.

Pro/Laying Pcc/ Rcc M20 Providing & Laying Of Pcc/Rcc M20

For Structures Including Spreading, Leveling, Vibrating With
4 All Lead Lifts Including Deshuttering ,Curing Etc. All Complete M3 1,800.00 78.000 140,400.00 - - - - - -
As Per Drawing And Technical Specifications As Directed By
Engineer-In-Charge Of The Work.

Providing & Fixing Hysd Reinforcement

Providing And Fixing Hysd Reinforcement Of Any Dia.
Including Transporting , Cutting, Bending And Fixing In
Position With Own Reinforcement
5 MT 7,250.00 4.500 32,625.00 0.903 6,546.75 - - 0.903 6,546.75
,Binding Wire,Manpower,Consumables,Too ls&Tackles Etc.All

Supply , Providing and Laying-M15 PCC/RCC at Burugupudi M3 4,300.00 0.000 - 15.879 68,280.56 - - 15.879 68,280.56
side(by VLC)
Supply , Providing and Laying-M20 PCC/ RCC at Burugupudi M3 4,500.00 0.000 - 4.075 18,337.50 - - 4.075 18,337.50
side(by VLC)
Supply , Providing and Laying-M15 PCC/RCC at Rajanagar M3 3,800.00 0.000 - 1.630 6,194.00 - - 1.630 6,194.00
side(by VLC)
Supply , Providing and Laying-M20 PCC/ RCC at Rajanagar M3 4,100.00 0.000 - - - - - - -
side(by VLC)
Supply , Providing and Laying-M30 RCC at Burugupudi side(by
M3 5,050.00 0.000 - 2.436 12,301.80 - - 2.436 12,301.80
Supply , Providing and Laying-M30 RCC at Rajanagar side(by
M3 4,550.00 0.000 - - - - - - -

Sub Total-40 125,590.83 - 125,590.83

50 Box Culvert
Excavation In Soils-Structure Works
Excavation In Soils For Structure Work Including All Leads And
1 Lifts As Per Drawing And Technical Specification Clause 304 Of M3 60.00 69.000 4,140.00 - - - - - -

Road Annavaram-Diwancheruvu (1142 )
Name of The Contractor :- M/s Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions R.A.Bill No :VLC/ABL/2020/1
Address of the Contractor:- 1-53, GADELAMARRIVALASA, MERAKAMUDIAM ,
GST :- 37AALFV8829K2Z8 W.O. No : 30003174 Date 23/01/2020
PAN :- AALFV8829K W.O. Date : 23/01/2020

Upto date Previous This Bill

BOQ Item Description Unit Rate(Rs) BOQ Qty BOQ Amt.
no. as per WO Amount Amount Amount
Qty Qty Qty
(Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

Pro/Laying Pcc/ Rcc M15 Providing & Laying Of Pcc/Rcc M15

For Structures Including Spreading, Leveling, Vibrating With
2 All Lead Lifts Including Deshuttering ,Curing Etc. All Complete M3 800.00 20.000 16,000.00 - - - - - -
As Per Drawing And Technical Specifications As Directed By
Engineer-In-Charge Of The Work.

Providing & Fixing Hysd Reinforcement

Providing And Fixing Hysd Reinforcement Of Any Dia.
Including Transporting , Cutting, Bending And Fixing In
4 Position With Own Reinforcement MT 7,250.00 1.900 13,775.00 - - - - - -
,Binding Wire,Manpower,Consumables,Too ls&Tackles Etc.All

Lay.Ofconc.In Substru-Own Shut-Culverts

Laying Of Cement Concrete Of Any Grade In
Walls/Incasing/Substructure Of All Types Of Culverts Including
Spreading, Leveling, Vibrating With All Lead Lifts Including
3 Deshuttering ,Curing Etc. All Complete As Per Drawing And M3 2,200.00 26.000 57,200.00 - - - - - -
Technical Specifications As Directed By Engineer-In-Charge Of
The Work. (Rmc Will Be Supplied By Abl Free Of Cost)

Sub Total-50 - - -
60 FOB Bridge
Excavation In Soils-Structure Works
Excavation In Soils For Structure Work Including All Leads And
1 Lifts As Per Drawing And Technical Specification Clause 304 Of M3 60.00 270.000 16,200.00 - - - - - -

Pro/Laying Pcc/ Rcc M15 Providing & Laying Of Pcc/Rcc M15

For Structures Including Spreading, Leveling, Vibrating With
2 All Lead Lifts Including Deshuttering ,Curing Etc. All Complete M3 800.00 24.000 19,200.00 - - - - - -
As Per Drawing And Technical Specifications As Directed By
Engineer-In-Charge Of The Work.

Road Annavaram-Diwancheruvu (1142 )
Name of The Contractor :- M/s Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions R.A.Bill No :VLC/ABL/2020/1
Address of the Contractor:- 1-53, GADELAMARRIVALASA, MERAKAMUDIAM ,
GST :- 37AALFV8829K2Z8 W.O. No : 30003174 Date 23/01/2020
PAN :- AALFV8829K W.O. Date : 23/01/2020

Upto date Previous This Bill

BOQ Item Description Unit Rate(Rs) BOQ Qty BOQ Amt.
no. as per WO Amount Amount Amount
Qty Qty Qty
(Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

Providing & Fixing Hysd Reinforcement

Providing And Fixing Hysd Reinforcement Of Any Dia.
Including Transporting , Cutting, Bending And Fixing In
9 Position With Own Reinforcement MT 7,250.00 16.000 116,000.00 - - - - - -
,Binding Wire,Manpower,Consumables,Too ls&Tackles Etc.All

Lay.Ofconc.Infoundn-Own Shut-Mnb/Vup/Pup
Laying Of Cement Concrete Of Any Grade In Foundation Of
Minor Bridge/Vehicular Underpass/ Pedestrian Underpass
Including Spreading, Leveling, Vibrating With All Lead Lifts
3 Including Deshuttering ,Curing Etc. All Complete As Per M3 1,200.00 83.000 99,600.00 - - - - - -
Drawing And Technical Specifications As Directed By
Engineer-In-Charge Of The Work. (Rmc Will Be Supplied By
Abl Free Of Cost)

Lay.Ofconc.In Subst-Own Shut-Mnb/Vup/Pup

Laying Of Cement Concrete Of Any Grade In Substructure Of
Minor Bridge/Vehicular Underpass/ Pedestrian
Underpass/Box Culvert Including Spreading, Leveling,
4 Vibrating With All Lead Lifts Including Deshuttering ,Curing M3 2,200.00 50.000 110,000.00 - - - - - -
Etc. All Complete As Per Drawing And Technical Specifications
As Directed By Engineer-In-Charge Of The Work. (Rmc Will Be
Supplied By Abl Free Of Cost)

Lay.Of Conc.In Superstructu-Own Shut-Rob

Laying Of Cement Concrete Of Any Grade In Superstructure Of
Road Over Bridge(Rob) (Excuding Cap & Pedestals) Including
Shuttering, Staging , Spreading, Leveling, Vibrating With All
5 Lead Lifts Including Deshuttering & Curing Etc. All Complete M3 2,600.00 111.000 288,600.00 - - - - - -
As Per Drawing And Technical Specifications As Directed By
Engineer-In-Charge. (Rmc Will Be Supplied By Abl Free Of

Sub Total-60 - - -
Total Amount (Rs) 52,540,815.00 6,072,500.93 - 6,072,500.93

Road Annavaram-Diwancheruvu (1142 )
Name of The Contractor :- M/s Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions R.A.Bill No :VLC/ABL/2020/1
Address of the Contractor:- 1-53, GADELAMARRIVALASA, MERAKAMUDIAM ,
GST :- 37AALFV8829K2Z8 W.O. No : 30003174 Date 23/01/2020
PAN :- AALFV8829K W.O. Date : 23/01/2020

Upto date Previous This Bill

BOQ Item Description Unit Rate(Rs) BOQ Qty BOQ Amt.
no. as per WO Amount Amount Amount
Qty Qty Qty
(Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

Signature of Contractor with Seal Signature of Ashoka Buildcon Site Engineer Signature of Ashoka Buildcon Incharge

Project:- Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"
Client : - Ashoka Buildcon Ltd
Contractor:- Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
Mesurement Sheet For BOQ Item No. 10
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty
From To
Mesurement Sheet for Earth work Excavation
Excavation for Trucklaybye road 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 4.235 0.6209 631.081
1 DATPL/HW/89 2/14/2020 Excavation for Trucklaybye
857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 1.856 0.3683 164.067
Excavation for Service Road up to
2 DATPL/HW/123 2/26/2020 SG top 867+250 867+850 LHS CuM 1 600.000 6.500 0.3326 1296.985

Excavation for Service Road up to

3 DATPL/HW/124 2/26/2020 SG top bottom 867+200 867+900 RHS CuM 1 700.000 6.500 0.9947 4525.976

Excavation for Service Road up to

SG top 898+940 899+260 LHS CuM 1 320.000 6.500 0.4857 1010.233

Excavation for Service Road up to

4 DATPL/HW/62 2/3/2020 SG top 899+320 899+540 LHS CuM 1 220.000 6.500 0.5060 723.580

Excavation for Service Road up to

899+570 899+600 LHS CuM 1 30.000 6.500 0.5025 97.987
SG top
Excavation for Service Road up to
898+680 899+170 RHS CuM 1 490.000 6.500 0.3141 1000.558
SG 1st top
5 DATPL/HW/125 2/26/2020
Excavation for Service Road up to
899+220 899+400 RHS CuM 1 180.000 6.500 0.7083 828.732
SG 1st top

Total Qty 10279.199

Paid up to Previous 0.000
In this bill 10279.199
Mesurement Sheet for Earth work Filling
Earth Work filling for Trucklaybye
857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 4.235 0.0575 58.409
Earth Work filling for Trucklaybye
1 DATPL/HW/89 2/14/2020 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 1.856 0.2031 90.490
Compacted Earth fill for
857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 2.275 0.2400 131.040
Trucklaybye shoulder
3 DATPL/HW/123 2/26/2020 Filling for Service Road 867+250 867+850 LHS CuM 1 600.000 6.500 0.0355 138.640
4 DATPL/HW/62 2/3/2020 Filling for Service Road 898+940 899+260 LHS CuM 1 320.000 6.500 0.0292 60.731
Filling for Service Road 898+680 899+170 RHS CuM 1 490.000 6.500 0.0144 45.979
5 DATPL/HW/125 2/26/2020
Filling for Service Road 899+220 899+400 RHS CuM 1 180.000 6.500 0.0054 6.340
Total Qty 531.629
Paid up to Previous 0.000
In this bill 531.629
Mesurement Sheet for Subgrade Loosining and Compaction(L & R)
1 DATPL/HW/83 2/11/2020 SG 1st Layer (L&R) 898+740 898+980 RHS CuM 1 240.000 6.500 0.250 390.000
2 DATPL/HW/90 2/15/2020 SG 1st Layer (L&R) 899+100 899+200 RHS CuM 1 100.000 6.500 0.250 162.500
3 DATPL/HW/120 2/25/2020 SG 1st Layer (L&R) 899+060 899+260 LHS CuM 1 200.000 6.500 0.250 325.000

Total Qty 877.500

Paid up to Previous 0.000
In this bill 877.500
Mesurement Sheet for Subgrade Top layer construction
Trucklay bye SG Top Layer 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 5.784 0.250 347.013
1 DATPL/STR/880 2/23/2020
Trucklay bye SG Top Layer 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 2.765 0.250 165.900
Total Qty 512.913
Paid up to Previous 0.000
In this bill 512.913
Mesurement Sheet for CTSB layer construction
1 CTSB Layer-Trucklay bye 857+330 857+400 LHS CuM 1 70.000 5.500 0.200 77.000
2 CTSB Layer-Trucklay bye 857+400 857+500 LHS CuM 1 100.000 8.165 0.200 163.300
3 CTSB Layer-Trucklay bye 857+500 857+570 LHS CuM 1 70.000 5.500 0.200 77.000
4 CTSB Layer -Service road 898+740 898+940 RHS CuM 1 200.000 6.500 0.200 260.000
5 CTSB Layer -Service road 898+990 899+170 RHS CuM 1 180.000 6.500 0.200 234.000
6 CTSB Layer -Service road 899+060 899+260 LHS CuM 1 200.000 6.500 0.200 260.000
Total Qty 1071.300
Paid up to Previous 0.000
In this bill 1071.300

m.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"







Project:- Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"
Client : - Ashoka Buildcon Ltd
Contractor:- Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
Mesurement Sheet For BOQ Item No. 30
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit Nos Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
Mesurement Sheet for Drain Excavation
1 DATPL/STR/786 2/14/2020 Excavation & PCC For RCC Drain 867+450 867+530 LHS CuM 1 80.000 1.700 0.4551 61.891
2 DATPL/STR/861 2/21/2020 Excavation For RCC Drain 867+200 867+400 LHS CuM 1 200.000 1.700 0.2198 74.732
3 DATPL/STR/863 2/22/2020 Excavation For RCC Drain 867+650 867+670 LHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.8980 30.532
4 DATPL/STR/864 2/22/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+700 867+730 LHS CuM 1 30.000 1.700 0.7980 40.698
5 DATPL/STR/865 2/22/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+530 867+630 LHS CuM 1 100.000 1.700 0.8973 152.541
6 DATPL/STR/724 1/30/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+800 867+850 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 2.1421 182.079
7 DATPL/STR/733 2/1/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+760 867+790 RHS CuM 1 30.000 1.700 3.3927 173.026
8 DATPL/STR/744 2/4/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+405 867+445 RHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 2.7081 184.153
9 DATPL/STR/752 2/6/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+250 867+295 RHS CuM 1 45.000 1.700 2.1007 160.701
Excavation and PCC for RCC
10 DATPL/STR/754 2/8/2020 867+455 867+515 RHS CuM 1 60.000 1.700 3.0323 309.290
Excavation and PCC for RCC
11 DATPL/STR/760 2/8/2020 867+610 867+635 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.700 3.2232 136.986
Excavation and PCC for RCC
12 DATPL/STR/761 2/8/2020 867+220 867+245 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.700 3.0000 127.500
Excavation and PCC for RCC
13 DATPL/STR/769 2/12/2020 867+674 867+755 RHS CuM 1 81.000 1.700 2.6565 365.806
Excavation and PCC for RCC
14 DATPL/STR/773 2/12/2020 867+345 867+365 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 3.5235 119.799
Excavation and PCC for RCC
15 DATPL/STR/785 2/14/2020 867+648 867+668 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 4.2570 144.738
Excavation and PCC for RCC
16 DATPL/STR/855 2/21/2020 899+260 899+300 LHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 0.9428 64.107
17 DATPL/STR/875 2/23/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 899+300 899+530 LHS CuM 1 230.000 1.700 0.9932 388.357 ch changed
18 DATPL/STR/806 2/16/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 899+350 899+400 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 0.4377 37.204
19 DATPL/STR/826 2/18/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 899+250 899+350 RHS CuM 1 100.000 1.700 0.7287 123.879
Excavation and PCC for RCC
20 DATPL/STR/845 2/20/2020 898+680 898+700 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.2792 9.494
21 DATPL/STR/898 2/26/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 898+700 898+740 RHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 0.7341 49.920
22 DATPL/STR/899 2/26/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 898+990 899+170 RHS CuM 1 180.000 1.700 0.1844 56.423
23 DATPL/STR/900 2/26/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 899+060 899+260 LHS CuM 1 200.000 1.700 0.5435 184.790 ch changed 280
24 DATPL/STR/901 2/26/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+372 867+395 RHS CuM 1 23.000 1.700 2.8946 113.178
Total Qty 3291.824 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 3291.824 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Earth work Filling
Excavation/Filling for RCC
1 DATPL/STR/720 1/29/2020 867+800 867+840 LHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 1.2978 88.247
Excavation/Filling for RCC
2 DATPL/STR/786 2/14/2020 867+450 867+530 LHS CuM 1 80.000 1.700 0.1026 13.951
Excavation/Filling for RCC
3 DATPL/STR/861 2/21/2020 867+200 867+400 LHS CuM 1 200.000 1.700 0.0587 19.952
Excavation/Filling for RCC
4 DATPL/STR/806 2/16/2020 899+350 899+400 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 0.0303 2.576
Excavation/Filling for RCC
5 DATPL/STR/845 2/20/2020 898+680 898+700 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.1763 5.993
Excavation/Filling for RCC
6 DATPL/STR/899 2/26/2020 898+990 899+170 RHS CuM 1 180.000 1.700 0.1406 43.027
Excavation/Filling for RCC
7 DATPL/STR/900 2/26/2020 899+060 899+260 LHS CuM 1 200.000 1.700 0.1396 47.479
Total Qty 221.225 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 221.225 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain PCC Laying-M10 at Burugupudi side Concrete Supply by ABL
1 DATPL/STR/725 1/30/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+800 867+850 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 0.100 8.500
2 DATPL/STR/734 2/1/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+760 867+790 RHS CuM 1 30.000 1.700 0.100 5.100
3 DATPL/STR/745 2/4/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+405 867+445 RHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 0.100 6.800
Total Qty 20.400 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 20.400 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain Raft RCC Laying-M25 at Burugupudi side Concrete Supply by ABL
1 DATPL/STR/727 2/1/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+800 867+850 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.500 0.100 7.500
2 DATPL/STR/737 2/2/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+760 867+790 RHS CuM 1 30.000 1.500 0.100 4.500
Total Qty 12.000 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 12.000 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain PCC Laying-M10 at Burugupudi side

Project:- Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"
Client : - Ashoka Buildcon Ltd
Contractor:- Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
Mesurement Sheet For BOQ Item No. 30
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit Nos Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
1 DATPL/STR/736 2/2/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+575 867+600 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.700 0.100 4.250
2 DATPL/STR/753 2/6/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+250 867+295 RHS CuM 1 45.000 1.700 0.100 7.650
3 DATPL/STR/754 2/8/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+455 867+515 RHS CuM 1 60.000 1.700 0.100 10.200
4 DATPL/STR/760 2/8/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+610 867+635 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.700 0.100 4.250
5 DATPL/STR/761 2/8/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+220 867+245 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.700 0.100 4.250
6 DATPL/STR/769 2/12/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+674 867+755 RHS CuM 1 81.000 1.700 0.100 13.770
7 DATPL/STR/773 2/12/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+345 867+365 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.100 3.400
8 DATPL/STR/785 2/14/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+648 867+668 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.100 3.400
9 DATPL/STR/902 2/26/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+372 867+395 RHS CuM 1 23.000 1.700 0.100 3.910
Total Qty 55.080 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 55.080 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain PCC Laying-M10 at Rajanagar side
1 DATPL/STR/807 2/16/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 899+350 899+400 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 0.100 8.500
2 DATPL/STR/827 2/18/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 899+250 899+350 RHS CuM 1 100.000 1.700 0.100 17.000
3 DATPL/STR/845 2/20/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 898+680 898+700 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.100 3.400
4 DATPL/STR/846 2/20/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 898+720 898+750 RHS CuM 1 30.000 1.700 0.100 5.100
5 DATPL/STR/855 2/21/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 899+260 899+300 LHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 0.100 6.800
6 DATPL/STR/869 2/22/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 899+300 899+350 LHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 0.100 8.500
7 DATPL/STR/876 2/23/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 899+350 899+530 LHS CuM 1 180.000 1.700 0.100 30.600
8 DATPL/STR/924 2/29/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 898+945 898+990 RHS CuM 1 45.000 1.700 0.100 7.650
Total Qty 87.550 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 87.550 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain Raft RCC Laying-M25 at Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/757 2/8/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+405 867+445 RHS CuM 1 40.000 1.500 0.100 6.000
2 DATPL/STR/758 2/8/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+575 867+600 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.500 0.100 3.750
3 DATPL/STR/755 2/8/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+250 867+300 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.500 0.100 7.500
4 DATPL/STR/768 2/12/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+220 867+245 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.500 0.100 3.750
5 DATPL/STR/778 2/13/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+460 867+520 RHS CuM 1 60.000 1.500 0.100 9.000
6 DATPL/STR/779 2/13/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+675 867+755 RHS CuM 1 80.000 1.500 0.100 12.000
7 DATPL/STR/799 2/15/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+648 867+664 RHS CuM 1 16.000 1.500 0.100 2.400
8 DATPL/STR/840 2/20/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+375 867+395 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.500 0.100 3.000

Mesurement Sheet for Drain Walls and slab RCC Laying-M25 Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/762 2/8/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+825 867+850 RHS CuM 2 25.000 0.100 0.587 2.935
2 DATPL/STR/770 2/12/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+800 867+825 RHS CuM 2 25.000 0.100 0.583 2.915
3 DATPL/STR/791 2/14/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+219 867+243 RHS CuM 2 24.000 0.100 0.652 3.130
4 DATPL/STR/803 2/16/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+252 867+275 RHS CuM 2 23.000 0.100 0.652 2.999
5 DATPL/STR/828 2/19/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+275 867+300 RHS CuM 2 25.000 0.100 0.652 3.260
6 DATPL/STR/866 2/22/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+405 867+445 RHS CuM 2 40.000 0.100 0.770 6.160
7 DATPL/STR/873 2/23/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+460 867+515 RHS CuM 2 55.000 0.100 0.749 8.239
8 DATPL/STR/886 2/25/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+379 867+394 RHS CuM 2 15.000 0.100 0.729 2.187
9 DATPL/STR/887 2/25/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+348 867+362 RHS CuM 2 14.000 0.100 0.701 1.963
10 DATPL/STR/895 2/26/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+578 867+598 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.605 2.420
11 DATPL/STR/896 2/26/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+620 867+635 RHS CuM 2 15.000 0.100 0.585 1.755
12 DATPL/STR/918 2/29/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+648 867+664 RHS CuM 2 16.000 0.100 0.573 1.834
13 DATPL/STR/919 2/29/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+674 867+700 RHS CuM 2 26.000 0.100 0.571 2.969
Total Qty 90.165 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 90.165 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain Raft RCC Laying-M25 at Rajanagar side
1 DATPL/STR/809 2/17/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 898+990 899+070 RHS CuM 1 80.000 1.500 0.100 12.000
2 DATPL/STR/810 2/17/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 899+220 899+260 LHS CuM 1 40.000 1.500 0.100 6.000
3 DATPL/STR/824 2/18/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 899+070 899+130 RHS CuM 1 60.000 1.500 0.100 9.000
4 DATPL/STR/832 2/19/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 899+130 899+170 RHS CuM 1 40.000 1.500 0.100 6.000
5 DATPL/STR/856 2/21/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 899+350 899+400 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.500 0.100 7.500
6 DATPL/STR/877 2/23/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 899+230 899+330 RHS CuM 1 100.000 1.500 0.100 15.000

Mesurement Sheet for Drain Walls and Slab RCC Laying-M25 at Rajanagar side
1 DATPL/STR/811 2/17/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+130 899+170 LHS CuM 2 40.000 0.100 0.654 5.232

Project:- Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"
Client : - Ashoka Buildcon Ltd
Contractor:- Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
Mesurement Sheet For BOQ Item No. 30
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit Nos Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
2 DATPL/STR/825 2/18/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+170 899+200 LHS CuM 2 30.000 0.100 0.655 3.930
3 DATPL/STR/834 2/19/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+200 899+220 LHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.656 2.624
4 DATPL/STR/841 2/20/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+220 899+250 LHS CuM 2 30.000 0.100 0.649 3.894
5 DATPL/STR/843 2/20/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 898+990 899+020 RHS CuM 2 30.000 0.100 0.649 3.894
6 DATPL/STR/857 2/21/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+250 899+260 LHS CuM 2 10.000 0.100 0.645 1.290
7 DATPL/STR/858 2/21/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+020 899+030 RHS CuM 2 10.000 0.100 0.649 1.298
8 DATPL/STR/872 2/22/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+030 899+050 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.649 2.596
9 DATPL/STR/878 2/23/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+050 899+070 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.649 2.596
10 DATPL/STR/879 2/23/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+330 899+375 RHS CuM 2 45.000 0.100 0.607 5.463
11 DATPL/STR/889 2/25/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+070 899+090 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.639 2.556
12 DATPL/STR/892 2/26/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+290 899+330 RHS CuM 2 40.000 0.100 0.583 4.664
13 DATPL/STR/893 2/26/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+090 899+110 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.607 2.428
14 DATPL/STR/907 2/27/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+140 899+160 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.688 2.752
15 DATPL/STR/908 2/27/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+265 899+290 RHS CuM 2 25.000 0.100 0.580 2.900
16 DATPL/STR/912 2/28/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+250 899+265 RHS CuM 2 15.000 0.100 0.620 1.860
17 DATPL/STR/921 2/29/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+230 899+250 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.636 2.544
18 DATPL/STR/913 2/28/2020 Slab Concrete for RCC Drain 899+060 899+085 LHS CuM 1 25.000 1.500 0.100 3.750
19 DATPL/STR/923 2/29/2020 Slab Concrete for RCC Drain 899+085 899+115 LHS CuM 1 30.000 1.500 0.100 4.500

Total Qty 116.271 CuM

Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 116.271 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain Reinforcement
1 DATPL/STR/727 2/1/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+800 867+850 RHS MT 0.423
2 DATPL/STR/737 2/2/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+760 867+790 RHS MT 0.252
3 DATPL/STR/757 2/8/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+405 867+445 RHS MT 0.372
4 DATPL/STR/758 2/8/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+575 867+600 RHS MT 0.214
5 DATPL/STR/755 2/8/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+250 867+300 RHS MT 0.438
6 DATPL/STR/768 2/12/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+220 867+245 RHS MT 0.219
7 DATPL/STR/778 2/13/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+460 867+520 RHS MT 0.549
8 DATPL/STR/779 2/13/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+675 867+755 RHS MT 0.731
9 DATPL/STR/799 2/15/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+648 867+664 RHS MT 0.135
10 DATPL/STR/840 2/20/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+375 867+395 RHS MT 0.183
11 DATPL/STR/809 2/17/2020 Drain Raft Steel 898+990 899+070 RHS MT 0.698
12 DATPL/STR/810 2/17/2020 Drain Raft Steel 899+220 899+260 LHS MT 0.350
13 DATPL/STR/824 2/18/2020 Drain Raft Steel 899+070 899+130 RHS MT 0.518
14 DATPL/STR/832 2/19/2020 Drain Raft Steel 899+130 899+170 RHS MT 0.356
15 DATPL/STR/856 2/21/2020 Drain Raft Steel 899+350 899+400 RHS MT 0.433
16 DATPL/STR/877 2/23/2020 Drain Raft Steel 899+230 899+330 RHS MT 0.853
17 DATPL/STR/762 2/8/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+825 867+850 RHS MT 0.041
18 DATPL/STR/770 2/12/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+800 867+825 RHS MT 0.041
19 DATPL/STR/791 2/14/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+219 867+243 RHS MT 0.039
20 DATPL/STR/803 2/16/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+252 867+275 RHS MT 0.037
21 DATPL/STR/828 2/19/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+275 867+300 RHS MT 0.041
22 DATPL/STR/866 2/22/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+405 867+445 RHS MT 0.097
23 DATPL/STR/873 2/23/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+460 867+515 RHS MT 0.133
24 DATPL/STR/886 2/25/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+379 867+394 RHS MT 0.036
25 DATPL/STR/887 2/25/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+348 867+362 RHS MT 0.033
26 DATPL/STR/895 2/26/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+578 867+598 RHS MT 0.032
27 DATPL/STR/896 2/26/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+620 867+635 RHS MT 0.024
28 DATPL/STR/918 2/29/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+648 867+664 RHS MT 0.025
29 DATPL/STR/919 2/29/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+674 867+700 RHS MT 0.041
30 DATPL/STR/811 2/17/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+130 899+170 LHS MT 0.063
31 DATPL/STR/825 2/18/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+170 899+200 LHS MT 0.048
32 DATPL/STR/834 2/19/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+200 899+220 LHS MT 0.032
33 DATPL/STR/841 2/20/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+220 899+250 LHS MT 0.048
34 DATPL/STR/843 2/20/2020 Drain wall Steel 898+990 899+020 RHS MT 0.048
35 DATPL/STR/857 2/21/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+250 899+260 LHS MT 0.016
36 DATPL/STR/858 2/21/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+020 899+030 RHS MT 0.016
37 DATPL/STR/872 2/22/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+030 899+050 RHS MT 0.032
38 DATPL/STR/878 2/23/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+050 899+070 RHS MT 0.032

Project:- Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"
Client : - Ashoka Buildcon Ltd
Contractor:- Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
Mesurement Sheet For BOQ Item No. 30
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit Nos Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
39 DATPL/STR/879 2/23/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+330 899+375 RHS MT 0.073
40 DATPL/STR/889 2/25/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+070 899+090 RHS MT 0.032
41 DATPL/STR/892 2/26/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+290 899+330 RHS MT 0.064
42 DATPL/STR/893 2/26/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+090 899+110 RHS MT 0.032
43 DATPL/STR/907 2/27/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+140 899+160 RHS MT 0.032
44 DATPL/STR/908 2/27/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+265 899+290 RHS MT 0.040
45 DATPL/STR/912 2/28/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+250 899+265 RHS MT 0.024
46 DATPL/STR/921 2/29/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+230 899+250 RHS MT 0.032
47 DATPL/STR/913 2/28/2020 Slab Concrete for RCC Drain 899+060 899+085 LHS MT 0.187
48 DATPL/STR/923 2/29/2020 Slab Concrete for RCC Drain 899+085 899+115 LHS MT 0.224
Total Qty 8.419 MT
Paid up to Previous 0.000 MT
In this bill 8.419 MT

Project:- Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"
Client : - Ashoka Buildcon Ltd
Contractor:- Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
Mesurement Sheet For BOQ Item No. 40
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
40(1)Mesurement Sheet for Earth work Excavation for pipe culvert
1 DATPL/STR/708 1/28/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 1.772 7.221
2 DATPL/STR/711 1/28/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 867+755 867+755 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.846 3.447
3 DATPL/STR/714 1/28/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 867+863 867+863 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 3.784 15.420
4 DATPL/STR/728 2/1/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 867+863 867+863 RHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 3.520 14.344
5 DATPL/STR/746 2/6/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 897+130 897+130 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 1.600 6.520
6 DATPL/STR/780 2/13/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 867+755 867+755 RHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 3.025 12.327
7 DATPL/STR/749 2/6/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 895+895 895+895 LHS CuM 1 3.750 1.630 1.700 10.391
Total Qty 69.670 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 69.670 CuM
40(2)Mesurement Sheet for laying of RCC Hume Pipe
1 DATPL/STR/710 1/28/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 867+653 867+653 LHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
2 DATPL/STR/713 1/28/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 867+755 867+755 LHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
3 DATPL/STR/716 1/28/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 867+863 867+863 LHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
4 DATPL/STR/730 2/1/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 867+863 867+863 RHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
5 DATPL/STR/748 2/6/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 897+130 897+130 LHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
6 DATPL/STR/782 2/13/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 867+755 867+755 RHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
Total Qty 15.000 M
Paid up to Previous 0.000 M
In this bill 15.000 M
Mesurement Sheet for Pipe culvert PCC/RCC Laying-M15 at Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/709 1/28/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652
2 DATPL/STR/712 1/28/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 867+755 867+755 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652
3 DATPL/STR/715 1/28/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 867+863 867+863 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652
4 DATPL/STR/729 2/1/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 867+863 867+863 RHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652
5 DATPL/STR/800 2/15/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 867+755 867+755 RHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652
6 DATPL/STR/838 2/20/2020 PCC for Pipe Culvert Chamber 867+863 867+863 BHS CuM 2 2.130 2.200 0.100 0.937
7 DATPL/STR/839 2/20/2020 PCC for Pipe Culvert Chamber 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1 2.100 2.200 0.100 0.462
8 DATPL/STR/731 2/1/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -1st lift 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1.122 Details in M sheet
9 DATPL/STR/732 2/1/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing 867+863 867+863 BHS CuM 4.488 Details in M sheet
10 DATPL/STR/829 2/19/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -1st Lift 867+755 867+755 BHS CuM 2.244 Details in M sheet
11 DATPL/STR/772 2/12/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing Final Lift 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1.122 Details in M sheet
12 DATPL/STR/837 2/20/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Final Lift 867+755 867+758 BHS CuM 2.244 Details in M sheet
Total Qty 15.879 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 15.879 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Pipe culvert PCC/RCC Laying-M15 at Rajanagar side
1 DATPL/STR/816 2/17/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 895+895 895+895 LHS CuM 1 3.750 1.630 0.160 0.978
2 DATPL/STR/817 2/17/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 897+130 897+130 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652

Total Qty 1.630 CuM

Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 1.630 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Pipe culvert PCC/RCC Laying-M20 Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/830 2/19/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+863 867+863 BHS CuM 2 2.500 1.630 0.200 1.630
2 DATPL/STR/831 2/19/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.200 0.815
3 DATPL/STR/874 2/23/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+755 867+755 BHS CuM 2 2.500 1.630 0.200 1.630
Total Qty 4.075 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 4.075 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Pipe culvert chamber Raft RCC Laying-M30 Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/920 2/29/2020 Raft concrete for Pipe 867+863 867+863 BHS CuM 2 2.030 2.000 0.300 2.436

Total Qty 2.436 CuM

Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 2.436 CuM
Mesurement Sheet forProviding and fixing HYSD Reinforcement
1 DATPL/STR/830 2/19/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+863 867+863 BHS MT 0.094
2 DATPL/STR/831 2/19/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+655 867+655 LHS MT 0.047
3 DATPL/STR/874 2/23/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+755 867+755 BHS MT 0.094
4 DATPL/STR/920 2/29/2020 Raft concrete for Pipe 867+863 867+863 BHS MT 0.668
Total Qty 0.903 MT
Paid up to Previous 0.000 MT
In this bill 0.903 MT

Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
Mesurement Sheet for Earth work Excavation
Excavation for Trucklaybye road 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 4.235 0.6209 631.081
1 DATPL/HW/89 2/14/2020
Excavation for Trucklaybye shoulder 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 1.856 0.3683 164.067
2 DATPL/HW/123 2/26/2020 Excavation for Service Road up to SG top 867+250 867+850 LHS CuM 1 600.000 6.500 0.3326 1296.985
Excavation for Service Road up to SG top
3 DATPL/HW/124 2/26/2020 867+200 867+900 RHS CuM 1 700.000 6.500 0.9947 4525.976
Excavation for Service Road up to SG top 898+940 899+260 LHS CuM 1 320.000 6.500 0.4857 1010.233
4 DATPL/HW/62 2/3/2020 Excavation for Service Road up to SG top 899+320 899+540 LHS CuM 1 220.000 6.500 0.5060 723.580
Excavation for Service Road up to SG top 899+570 899+600 LHS CuM 1 30.000 6.500 0.5025 97.987
Excavation for Service Road up to SG 1st top 898+680 899+170 RHS CuM 1 490.000 6.500 0.3141 1000.558
5 DATPL/HW/125 2/26/2020
Excavation for Service Road up to SG 1st top 899+220 899+400 RHS CuM 1 180.000 6.500 0.7083 828.732

Total Qty 10279.199 CuM

Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 10279.199 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Earth work Filling
Earth Work filling for Trucklaybye road 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 4.235 0.0575 58.409
1 DATPL/HW/89 2/14/2020 Earth Work filling for Trucklaybye shoulder 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 1.856 0.2031 90.490
Compacted Earth fill for Trucklaybye shoulder 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 2.275 0.2400 131.040
3 DATPL/HW/123 2/26/2020 Filling for Service Road 867+250 867+850 LHS CuM 1 600.000 6.500 0.0355 138.640
4 DATPL/HW/62 2/3/2020 Filling for Service Road 898+940 899+260 LHS CuM 1 320.000 6.500 0.0292 60.731
Filling for Service Road 898+680 899+170 RHS CuM 1 490.000 6.500 0.0144 45.979
5 DATPL/HW/125 2/26/2020
Filling for Service Road 899+220 899+400 RHS CuM 1 180.000 6.500 0.0054 6.340
Total Qty 531.629 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 531.629 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Subgrade Loosining and Compaction(L & R)
1 DATPL/HW/83 2/11/2020 SG 1st Layer (L&R) 898+740 898+980 RHS CuM 1 240.000 6.500 0.250 390.000
2 DATPL/HW/90 2/15/2020 SG 1st Layer (L&R) 899+100 899+200 RHS CuM 1 100.000 6.500 0.250 162.500
3 DATPL/HW/120 2/25/2020 SG 1st Layer (L&R) 899+060 899+260 LHS CuM 1 200.000 6.500 0.250 325.000

Total Qty 877.500 CuM

Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 877.500 CuM

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Project Head Senior Engineer ABL Aproved by Project Head 18
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
Mesurement Sheet for Subgrade Top layer construction
Trucklay bye SG Top Layer 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 5.784 0.250 347.013
1 DATPL/STR/880 2/23/2020
Trucklay bye SG Top Layer 857+330 857+570 LHS CuM 1 240.000 2.765 0.250 165.900
Total Qty 512.913 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 512.913 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for CTSB layer construction
1 CTSB Layer-Trucklay bye 857+330 857+400 LHS CuM 1 70.000 5.500 0.200 77.000
2 CTSB Layer-Trucklay bye 857+400 857+500 LHS CuM 1 100.000 8.165 0.200 163.300
3 CTSB Layer-Trucklay bye 857+330 857+400 LHS CuM 1 70.000 5.500 0.200 77.000
4 CTSB Layer -Service road 898+740 898+940 RHS CuM 1 200.000 6.500 0.200 260.000
5 CTSB Layer -Service road 898+990 899+170 RHS CuM 1 180.000 6.500 0.200 234.000
6 CTSB Layer -Service road 899+060 899+260 LHS CuM 1 200.000 6.500 0.200 260.000
Total Qty 1071.300 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 1071.300 CuM

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Project Head Senior Engineer ABL Aproved by Project Head 19
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
Mesurement Sheet for Drain Excavation
1 DATPL/STR/786 2/14/2020 Excavation & PCC For RCC Drain 867+450 867+530 LHS CuM 1 80.000 1.700 0.4551 61.891
2 DATPL/STR/861 2/21/2020 Excavation For RCC Drain 867+200 867+400 LHS CuM 1 200.000 1.700 0.2198 74.732
3 DATPL/STR/863 2/22/2020 Excavation For RCC Drain 867+650 867+670 LHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.8980 30.532
4 DATPL/STR/864 2/22/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+700 867+730 LHS CuM 1 30.000 1.700 0.7980 40.698
5 DATPL/STR/865 2/22/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+530 867+630 LHS CuM 1 100.000 1.700 0.8973 152.541
6 DATPL/STR/724 1/30/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+800 867+850 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 2.1421 182.079
7 DATPL/STR/733 2/1/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+760 867+790 RHS CuM 1 30.000 1.700 3.3927 173.026
8 DATPL/STR/744 2/4/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+405 867+445 RHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 2.7081 184.153
9 DATPL/STR/752 2/6/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+250 867+295 RHS CuM 1 45.000 1.700 2.1007 160.701
10 DATPL/STR/754 2/8/2020 Excavation and PCC for RCC 867+455 867+515 RHS CuM 1 60.000 1.700 3.0323 309.290
11 DATPL/STR/760 2/8/2020 Excavation and PCC for RCC 867+610 867+635 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.700 3.2232 136.986
Excavation and PCC for RCC
12 DATPL/STR/761 2/8/2020 867+220 867+245 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.700 3.0000 127.500
Excavation and PCC for RCC
13 DATPL/STR/769 2/12/2020 867+674 867+755 RHS CuM 1 81.000 1.700 2.6565 365.806
14 DATPL/STR/773 2/12/2020 Excavation and PCC for RCC 867+345 867+365 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 3.5235 119.799
15 DATPL/STR/785 2/14/2020 Excavation and PCC for RCC 867+648 867+668 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 4.2570 144.738
16 DATPL/STR/855 2/21/2020 Excavation and PCC for RCC 899+260 899+300 LHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 0.9428 64.107
17 DATPL/STR/875 2/23/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 899+300 899+530 LHS CuM 1 230.000 1.700 0.9932 388.357 ch changed
18 DATPL/STR/806 2/16/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 899+350 899+400 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 0.4377 37.204
19 DATPL/STR/826 2/18/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 899+250 899+350 RHS CuM 1 100.000 1.700 0.7287 123.879
20 DATPL/STR/845 2/20/2020 Excavation and PCC for RCC 898+680 898+700 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.2792 9.494
21 DATPL/STR/898 2/26/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 898+700 898+740 RHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 0.7341 49.920
22 DATPL/STR/899 2/26/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 898+990 899+170 RHS CuM 1 180.000 1.700 0.1844 56.423
23 DATPL/STR/900 2/26/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 899+060 899+260 LHS CuM 1 200.000 1.700 0.5435 184.790 ch changed 280
24 DATPL/STR/901 2/26/2020 Excavation for RCC Drain 867+372 867+395 RHS CuM 1 23.000 1.700 2.8946 113.178
Total Qty 3291.824 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 3291.824 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Earth work Filling
1 DATPL/STR/720 1/29/2020 Excavation/Filling for RCC Drain 867+800 867+840 LHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 1.2978 88.247
2 DATPL/STR/786 2/14/2020 Excavation/Filling for RCC Drain 867+450 867+530 LHS CuM 1 80.000 1.700 0.1026 13.951
3 DATPL/STR/861 2/21/2020 Excavation/Filling for RCC Drain 867+200 867+400 LHS CuM 1 200.000 1.700 0.0587 19.952
4 DATPL/STR/806 2/16/2020 Excavation/Filling for RCC Drain 899+350 899+400 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 0.0303 2.576

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Project Head Senior Engineer ABL Approved by Project Head 20
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
5 DATPL/STR/845 2/20/2020 Excavation/Filling for RCC Drain 898+680 898+700 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.1763 5.993
6 DATPL/STR/899 2/26/2020 Excavation/Filling for RCC Drain 898+990 899+170 RHS CuM 1 180.000 1.700 0.1406 43.027
7 DATPL/STR/900 2/26/2020 Excavation/Filling for RCC Drain 899+060 899+260 LHS CuM 1 200.000 1.700 0.1396 47.479
Total Qty 221.225 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 221.225 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain PCC Laying-M10 at Burugupudi side Concrete Supply by ABL
1 DATPL/STR/725 1/30/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+800 867+850 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 0.100 8.500
2 DATPL/STR/734 2/1/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+760 867+790 RHS CuM 1 30.000 1.700 0.100 5.100
3 DATPL/STR/745 2/4/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+405 867+445 RHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 0.100 6.800
Total Qty 20.400 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 20.400 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain Raft RCC Laying-M25 at Burugupudi side Concrete Supply by ABL
1 DATPL/STR/727 2/1/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+800 867+850 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.500 0.100 7.500
2 DATPL/STR/737 2/2/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+760 867+790 RHS CuM 1 30.000 1.500 0.100 4.500
Total Qty 12.000 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 12.000 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain PCC Laying-M10 at Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/736 2/2/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+575 867+600 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.700 0.100 4.250
2 DATPL/STR/753 2/6/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+250 867+295 RHS CuM 1 45.000 1.700 0.100 7.650
3 DATPL/STR/754 2/8/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+455 867+515 RHS CuM 1 60.000 1.700 0.100 10.200
4 DATPL/STR/760 2/8/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+610 867+635 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.700 0.100 4.250
5 DATPL/STR/761 2/8/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+220 867+245 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.700 0.100 4.250
6 DATPL/STR/769 2/12/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+674 867+755 RHS CuM 1 81.000 1.700 0.100 13.770
7 DATPL/STR/773 2/12/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+345 867+365 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.100 3.400
8 DATPL/STR/785 2/14/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+648 867+668 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.100 3.400
9 DATPL/STR/902 2/26/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 867+372 867+395 RHS CuM 1 23.000 1.700 0.100 3.910
Total Qty 55.080 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 55.080 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain PCC Laying-M10 at Rajanagar side

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Project Head Senior Engineer ABL Approved by Project Head 21
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
1 DATPL/STR/807 2/16/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 899+350 899+400 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 0.100 8.500
2 DATPL/STR/827 2/18/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 899+250 899+350 RHS CuM 1 100.000 1.700 0.100 17.000
3 DATPL/STR/845 2/20/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 898+680 898+700 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.700 0.100 3.400
4 DATPL/STR/846 2/20/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 898+720 898+750 RHS CuM 1 30.000 1.700 0.100 5.100
5 DATPL/STR/855 2/21/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 899+260 899+300 LHS CuM 1 40.000 1.700 0.100 6.800
6 DATPL/STR/869 2/22/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 899+300 899+350 LHS CuM 1 50.000 1.700 0.100 8.500
7 DATPL/STR/876 2/23/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 899+350 899+530 LHS CuM 1 180.000 1.700 0.100 30.600
8 DATPL/STR/924 2/29/2020 PCC for RCC Drain 898+945 898+990 RHS CuM 1 45.000 1.700 0.100 7.650
Total Qty 87.550 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 87.550 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain Raft RCC Laying-M25 at Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/757 2/8/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+405 867+445 RHS CuM 1 40.000 1.500 0.100 6.000
2 DATPL/STR/758 2/8/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+575 867+600 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.500 0.100 3.750
3 DATPL/STR/755 2/8/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+250 867+300 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.500 0.100 7.500
4 DATPL/STR/768 2/12/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+220 867+245 RHS CuM 1 25.000 1.500 0.100 3.750
5 DATPL/STR/778 2/13/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+460 867+520 RHS CuM 1 60.000 1.500 0.100 9.000
6 DATPL/STR/779 2/13/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+675 867+755 RHS CuM 1 80.000 1.500 0.100 12.000
7 DATPL/STR/799 2/15/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+648 867+664 RHS CuM 1 16.000 1.500 0.100 2.400
8 DATPL/STR/840 2/20/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 867+375 867+395 RHS CuM 1 20.000 1.500 0.100 3.000

Mesurement Sheet for Drain Walls and slab RCC Laying-M25 Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/762 2/8/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+825 867+850 RHS CuM 2 25.000 0.100 0.587 2.935
2 DATPL/STR/770 2/12/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+800 867+825 RHS CuM 2 25.000 0.100 0.583 2.915
3 DATPL/STR/791 2/14/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+219 867+243 RHS CuM 2 24.000 0.100 0.652 3.130
4 DATPL/STR/803 2/16/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+252 867+275 RHS CuM 2 23.000 0.100 0.652 2.999
5 DATPL/STR/828 2/19/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+275 867+300 RHS CuM 2 25.000 0.100 0.652 3.260
6 DATPL/STR/866 2/22/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+405 867+445 RHS CuM 2 40.000 0.100 0.770 6.160
7 DATPL/STR/873 2/23/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 867+460 867+515 RHS CuM 2 55.000 0.100 0.749 8.239
8 DATPL/STR/886 2/25/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+379 867+394 RHS CuM 2 15.000 0.100 0.729 2.187
9 DATPL/STR/887 2/25/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+348 867+362 RHS CuM 2 14.000 0.100 0.701 1.963
10 DATPL/STR/895 2/26/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+578 867+598 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.605 2.420
11 DATPL/STR/896 2/26/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+620 867+635 RHS CuM 2 15.000 0.100 0.585 1.755

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Project Head Senior Engineer ABL Approved by Project Head 22
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
12 DATPL/STR/918 2/29/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+648 867+664 RHS CuM 2 16.000 0.100 0.573 1.834
13 DATPL/STR/919 2/29/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 867+674 867+700 RHS CuM 2 26.000 0.100 0.571 2.969
Total Qty 90.165 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 90.165 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain Raft RCC Laying-M25 at Rajanagar side
1 DATPL/STR/809 2/17/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 898+990 899+070 RHS CuM 1 80.000 1.500 0.100 12.000
2 DATPL/STR/810 2/17/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 899+220 899+260 LHS CuM 1 40.000 1.500 0.100 6.000
3 DATPL/STR/824 2/18/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 899+070 899+130 RHS CuM 1 60.000 1.500 0.100 9.000
4 DATPL/STR/832 2/19/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 899+130 899+170 RHS CuM 1 40.000 1.500 0.100 6.000
5 DATPL/STR/856 2/21/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 899+350 899+400 RHS CuM 1 50.000 1.500 0.100 7.500
6 DATPL/STR/877 2/23/2020 Raft Concrete for RCC Drain 899+230 899+330 RHS CuM 1 100.000 1.500 0.100 15.000

Mesurement Sheet for Drain Walls and Slab RCC Laying-M25 at Rajanagar side
1 DATPL/STR/811 2/17/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+130 899+170 LHS CuM 2 40.000 0.100 0.654 5.232
2 DATPL/STR/825 2/18/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+170 899+200 LHS CuM 2 30.000 0.100 0.655 3.930
3 DATPL/STR/834 2/19/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+200 899+220 LHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.656 2.624
4 DATPL/STR/841 2/20/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+220 899+250 LHS CuM 2 30.000 0.100 0.649 3.894
5 DATPL/STR/843 2/20/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 898+990 899+020 RHS CuM 2 30.000 0.100 0.649 3.894
6 DATPL/STR/857 2/21/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+250 899+260 LHS CuM 2 10.000 0.100 0.645 1.290
7 DATPL/STR/858 2/21/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+020 899+030 RHS CuM 2 10.000 0.100 0.649 1.298
8 DATPL/STR/872 2/22/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+030 899+050 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.649 2.596
9 DATPL/STR/878 2/23/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+050 899+070 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.649 2.596
10 DATPL/STR/879 2/23/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+330 899+375 RHS CuM 2 45.000 0.100 0.607 5.463
11 DATPL/STR/889 2/25/2020 Wall Concrete For Rcc Drain 899+070 899+090 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.639 2.556
12 DATPL/STR/892 2/26/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+290 899+330 RHS CuM 2 40.000 0.100 0.583 4.664
13 DATPL/STR/893 2/26/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+090 899+110 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.607 2.428
14 DATPL/STR/907 2/27/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+140 899+160 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.688 2.752
15 DATPL/STR/908 2/27/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+265 899+290 RHS CuM 2 25.000 0.100 0.580 2.900
16 DATPL/STR/912 2/28/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+250 899+265 RHS CuM 2 15.000 0.100 0.620 1.860
17 DATPL/STR/921 2/29/2020 Wall Concrete for RCC Drain 899+230 899+250 RHS CuM 2 20.000 0.100 0.636 2.544
18 DATPL/STR/913 2/28/2020 Slab Concrete for RCC Drain 899+060 899+085 LHS CuM 1 25.000 1.500 0.100 3.750
19 DATPL/STR/923 2/29/2020 Slab Concrete for RCC Drain 899+085 899+115 LHS CuM 1 30.000 1.500 0.100 4.500

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Project Head Senior Engineer ABL Approved by Project Head 23
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To

Total Qty 116.271 CuM

Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 116.271 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Drain Reinforcement
1 DATPL/STR/727 2/1/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+800 867+850 RHS MT 0.423
2 DATPL/STR/737 2/2/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+760 867+790 RHS MT 0.252
3 DATPL/STR/757 2/8/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+405 867+445 RHS MT 0.372
4 DATPL/STR/758 2/8/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+575 867+600 RHS MT 0.214
5 DATPL/STR/755 2/8/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+250 867+300 RHS MT 0.438
6 DATPL/STR/768 2/12/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+220 867+245 RHS MT 0.219
7 DATPL/STR/778 2/13/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+460 867+520 RHS MT 0.549
8 DATPL/STR/779 2/13/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+675 867+755 RHS MT 0.731
9 DATPL/STR/799 2/15/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+648 867+664 RHS MT 0.135
10 DATPL/STR/840 2/20/2020 Drain Raft Steel 867+375 867+395 RHS MT 0.183
11 DATPL/STR/809 2/17/2020 Drain Raft Steel 898+990 899+070 RHS MT 0.698
12 DATPL/STR/810 2/17/2020 Drain Raft Steel 899+220 899+260 LHS MT 0.350
13 DATPL/STR/824 2/18/2020 Drain Raft Steel 899+070 899+130 RHS MT 0.518
14 DATPL/STR/832 2/19/2020 Drain Raft Steel 899+130 899+170 RHS MT 0.356
15 DATPL/STR/856 2/21/2020 Drain Raft Steel 899+350 899+400 RHS MT 0.433
16 DATPL/STR/877 2/23/2020 Drain Raft Steel 899+230 899+330 RHS MT 0.853
17 DATPL/STR/762 2/8/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+825 867+850 RHS MT 0.041
18 DATPL/STR/770 2/12/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+800 867+825 RHS MT 0.041
19 DATPL/STR/791 2/14/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+219 867+243 RHS MT 0.039
20 DATPL/STR/803 2/16/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+252 867+275 RHS MT 0.037
21 DATPL/STR/828 2/19/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+275 867+300 RHS MT 0.041
22 DATPL/STR/866 2/22/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+405 867+445 RHS MT 0.097
23 DATPL/STR/873 2/23/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+460 867+515 RHS MT 0.133
24 DATPL/STR/886 2/25/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+379 867+394 RHS MT 0.036
25 DATPL/STR/887 2/25/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+348 867+362 RHS MT 0.033
26 DATPL/STR/895 2/26/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+578 867+598 RHS MT 0.032
27 DATPL/STR/896 2/26/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+620 867+635 RHS MT 0.024
28 DATPL/STR/918 2/29/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+648 867+664 RHS MT 0.025

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Project Head Senior Engineer ABL Approved by Project Head 24
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
29 DATPL/STR/919 2/29/2020 Drain wall Steel 867+674 867+700 RHS MT 0.041
30 DATPL/STR/811 2/17/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+130 899+170 LHS MT 0.063
31 DATPL/STR/825 2/18/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+170 899+200 LHS MT 0.048
32 DATPL/STR/834 2/19/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+200 899+220 LHS MT 0.032
33 DATPL/STR/841 2/20/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+220 899+250 LHS MT 0.048
34 DATPL/STR/843 2/20/2020 Drain wall Steel 898+990 899+020 RHS MT 0.048
35 DATPL/STR/857 2/21/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+250 899+260 LHS MT 0.016
36 DATPL/STR/858 2/21/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+020 899+030 RHS MT 0.016
37 DATPL/STR/872 2/22/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+030 899+050 RHS MT 0.032
38 DATPL/STR/878 2/23/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+050 899+070 RHS MT 0.032
39 DATPL/STR/879 2/23/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+330 899+375 RHS MT 0.073
40 DATPL/STR/889 2/25/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+070 899+090 RHS MT 0.032
41 DATPL/STR/892 2/26/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+290 899+330 RHS MT 0.064
42 DATPL/STR/893 2/26/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+090 899+110 RHS MT 0.032
43 DATPL/STR/907 2/27/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+140 899+160 RHS MT 0.032
44 DATPL/STR/908 2/27/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+265 899+290 RHS MT 0.040
45 DATPL/STR/912 2/28/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+250 899+265 RHS MT 0.024
46 DATPL/STR/921 2/29/2020 Drain wall Steel 899+230 899+250 RHS MT 0.032
47 DATPL/STR/913 2/28/2020 Slab Concrete for RCC Drain 899+060 899+085 LHS MT 0.187
48 DATPL/STR/923 2/29/2020 Slab Concrete for RCC Drain 899+085 899+115 LHS MT 0.224
Total Qty 8.419 MT
Paid up to Previous 0.000 MT
In this bill 8.419 MT

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Project Head Senior Engineer ABL Approved by Project Head 25
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
40(1)Mesurement Sheet for Earth work Excavation for pipe culvert
1 DATPL/STR/708 1/28/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 1.772 7.221
2 DATPL/STR/711 1/28/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 867+755 867+755 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.846 3.447
3 DATPL/STR/714 1/28/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 867+863 867+863 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 3.784 15.420
4 DATPL/STR/728 2/1/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 867+863 867+863 RHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 3.520 14.344
5 DATPL/STR/746 2/6/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 897+130 897+130 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 1.600 6.520
6 DATPL/STR/780 2/13/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 867+755 867+755 RHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 3.025 12.327
7 DATPL/STR/749 2/6/2020 Excavation for pipe culvert 895+895 895+895 LHS CuM 1 3.750 1.630 1.700 10.391
Total Qty 69.670 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 69.670 CuM
40(2)Mesurement Sheet for laying of RCC Hume Pipe
1 DATPL/STR/710 1/28/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 867+653 867+653 LHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
2 DATPL/STR/713 1/28/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 867+755 867+755 LHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
3 DATPL/STR/716 1/28/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 867+863 867+863 LHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
4 DATPL/STR/730 2/1/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 867+863 867+863 RHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
5 DATPL/STR/748 2/6/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 897+130 897+130 LHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
6 DATPL/STR/782 2/13/2020 Pipe laying and jointing 867+755 867+755 RHS Rm 1 2.500 - - 2.500
Total Qty 15.000 M
Paid up to Previous 0.000 M
In this bill 15.000 M
Mesurement Sheet for Pipe culvert PCC/RCC Laying-M15 at Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/709 1/28/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652
2 DATPL/STR/712 1/28/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 867+755 867+755 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652
3 DATPL/STR/715 1/28/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 867+863 867+863 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652
4 DATPL/STR/729 2/1/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 867+863 867+863 RHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652
5 DATPL/STR/800 2/15/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 867+755 867+755 RHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652
6 DATPL/STR/838 2/20/2020 PCC for Pipe Culvert Chamber 867+863 867+863 BHS CuM 2 2.130 2.200 0.100 0.937
7 DATPL/STR/839 2/20/2020 PCC for Pipe Culvert Chamber 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1 2.100 2.200 0.100 0.462
8 DATPL/STR/731 2/1/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -1st lift 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1.122 Details in M sheet
9 DATPL/STR/732 2/1/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing 867+863 867+863 BHS CuM 4.488 Details in M sheet
10 DATPL/STR/829 2/19/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -1st Lift 867+755 867+755 BHS CuM 2.244 Details in M sheet
11 DATPL/STR/772 2/12/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing Final Lift 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1.122 Details in M sheet

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Project Head Senior Engineer ABL Approved by Project Head 26
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions
EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To
12 DATPL/STR/837 2/20/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Final Lift 867+755 867+758 BHS CuM 2.244 Details in M sheet
Total Qty 15.879 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 15.879 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Pipe culvert PCC/RCC Laying-M15 at Rajanagar side
1 DATPL/STR/816 2/17/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 895+895 895+895 LHS CuM 1 3.750 1.630 0.160 0.978
2 DATPL/STR/817 2/17/2020 PCC Bed laying for Pipe Culvert 897+130 897+130 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.160 0.652

Total Qty 1.630 CuM

Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 1.630 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Pipe culvert PCC/RCC Laying-M20 Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/830 2/19/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+863 867+863 BHS CuM 2 2.500 1.630 0.200 1.630
2 DATPL/STR/831 2/19/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+653 867+653 LHS CuM 1 2.500 1.630 0.200 0.815
3 DATPL/STR/874 2/23/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+755 867+755 BHS CuM 2 2.500 1.630 0.200 1.630
Total Qty 4.075 CuM
Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 4.075 CuM
Mesurement Sheet for Pipe culvert chamber Raft RCC Laying-M30 Burugupudi side
1 DATPL/STR/920 2/29/2020 Raft concrete for Pipe Chamber 867+863 867+863 BHS CuM 2 2.030 2.000 0.300 2.436

Total Qty 2.436 CuM

Paid up to Previous 0.000 CuM
In this bill 2.436 CuM
Mesurement Sheet forProviding and fixing HYSD Reinforcement
1 DATPL/STR/830 2/19/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+863 867+863 BHS MT 0.094
2 DATPL/STR/831 2/19/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+655 867+655 LHS MT 0.047
3 DATPL/STR/874 2/23/2020 Pipe Culvert Encasing -Slab 867+755 867+755 BHS MT 0.094
4 DATPL/STR/920 2/29/2020 Raft concrete for Pipe Chamber 867+863 867+863 BHS MT 0.668
Total Qty 0.903 MT
Paid up to Previous 0.000 MT
In this bill 0.903 MT

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Project Head Senior Engineer ABL Approved by Project Head 27
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"

Vendor code 500303941

Vendor name Vijaya Lakshmi Constructions

EPC Contractor : Ashoka Buildcon Limited

Measurement Sheet
Sr.No. RFI No. RFI Date Description Side Unit No Length Width Depth Qty Remark
From To

Prepared by VLC Checked by VLC Head Senior Engineer ABL Aproved by ABL Project Head
Annavaram - Diwancheruvu Section (from Km.830+525 to Km.901+500) of NH5 (New NH 16) in the State of Andhra Pradesh"
Client National Highways Authority of India
Independent L.N.Malviya Infra Projects Pvt Ltd.
Concessionaire Safeway Concessionaire Pvt Ltd.
EPC Contractor Ashoka Buildcon Limited
Measurement Sheet
RFI No Date Location
Sr.No. Description Side Unit No Length(m) Width(m) Depth(m) Qty Remark
From To


EPC Representative Concessionaire Representative IE Representative

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