McAuliffe SC Advisory Council Agenda

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School Counseling Advisory Council

Meeting Date/
School: McAuliffe Elementary 09/21/2020 @ 9am
School Counseling Mission Statement: 

The mission of McAuliffe Elementary School's Counseling Department is to provide a

comprehensive program that builds upon McAuliffe's safe, positive, and supportive community
by focusing on social-emotional development and college and career readiness in a manner
that ensures equity and access for all students and produces well-rounded, life-long learners
who are confident, creative, and critical thinkers.

Annual Student Outcome Goals:

1. By June 2021, ESL new comer students average ACCESS scores will increase y 3%
from 1.99 to 2.5.

2. By June 2021 the 6th graders will decrease the amount of in school suspensions
received as a form of consequences for all behavioral incidents reported.

3. By June 2021 the 6th graders will score at least a level 3: Approached expectations on
the Illinois Assessment of Readiness in the English/Language Arts section in order
achieve possible admission to selective enrollment high schools.

Agenda Items School Counselor

Fall: Identify and explain annual student outcome goals. 
Spring: Share results and implications of annual student outcome goals.
Introductions and Welcome Ryan Belville/ Jaimie
Reveal of school mission and vision statement.
 Ryan Belville 


School counseling program vision and mission Jamie Friedlander
Current School needs data Jamie Friedlander
Annual student outcome Goals for 2020-2021 Jamie Friedlander
Closing /comments, questions, and suggestions. Ryan Belville/ Jamie
Next Meeting: 04/ 21/ 2021 @ 9am

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