PLC Vs DCS - What Solution To Choose
PLC Vs DCS - What Solution To Choose
PLC Vs DCS - What Solution To Choose
When we want to integrate several software
applications, use advanced control algorithms and have
future expansion plans, the PLC / SCADA solution may
not be adequate. Currently the differences between both
solutions have decreased, but they are still important,
especially in systems with more than 500 I / O and many
analog outputs.
-We have many I / O (> 2000) and a high number of analog outputs
(> 200).
-We have multiple distributed controllers that communicate with
each other.
-We use transmitters and intelligent valves that parameterize and
diagnose in remote.
-We need to integrate the control system with a MES system or
with other automation and / or information systems (safety system,
electrical control system, ERP, asset management, data analytics,
-We need a system with a high level of redundancy (CPUs, I / O,
-It is a batch application with many recipes and complex.
-We need a multi-operator HMI and advanced alarm management.
-The Plant will probably be expanded in less than five years.
-We have other similar plants with DCS and advanced control
algorithms that we have optimized over time.
The decision will not be so clear if we have more than 300 or 400
I / O and we do not fulfill all the previous requirements. In this
case we will have to do an analysis of our case and evaluate our
standards and requirements. In addition, there may be other
factors that tip the scale to one side or the other, such as the