PLC Vs DCS - What Solution To Choose

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PLC vs DCS – What solution to

When we want to integrate several software
applications, use advanced control algorithms and have
future expansion plans, the PLC / SCADA solution may
not be adequate. Currently the differences between both
solutions have decreased, but they are still important,
especially in systems with more than 500 I / O and many
analog outputs.

What is better to automate my plant, a DCS or a

system based on PLC / PACs + SCADA?
Years ago it was much easier to answer this question than now. If
we were talking about large continuous processes with analog
signals and with more than one controller the answer was DCS, if
it was mainly discrete signals the solution was the PLC. Today
the boundary for decision making is much more diffuse and no
longer depends so much on hardware (such as processor power or
the ability to handle many analog signals) but rather on software
and other non-technical factors related to the whole life cycle of
the plant.

PLCs have evolved tremendously and have similar processing

capabilities to DCS controllers. In fact, there are manufacturers of
DCS and PLCs that use the same controllers, such as Siemens
with the PSC7 and the S7-400. The SCADA have also evolved a
lot and allow us to develop custom objects and libraries that give
us features similar to those of the DCS.

DCS is associated to the large facilities where it is very beneficial

to distribute the controllers and I / O by zones of the plant, and
with several operating stations located in the control room. In
addition, the integration of other applications into a single
database is required. All this together with the cost and level of
specialization that some DCS have in specific applications
(refining, electricity generation, pharmacy, etc.) is what makes the

The complete plant life cycle is another important aspect to

consider in deciding for a DCS or PLC / SCADA. If we plan to grow,
gradually integrate other applications, optimize the control
algorithms and making other changes then possibly our solution
goes through the DCS because managing all this with PLC /
SCADA, having several databases, can be complicated and

PLC vs DCS – When is the DCS better?

In what cases is it clear that we should go to the DCS solution? If
we meet the following requirements the solution will probably be
the DCS:

-We have many I / O (> 2000) and a high number of analog outputs
(> 200).
-We have multiple distributed controllers that communicate with
each other.
-We use transmitters and intelligent valves that parameterize and
diagnose in remote.
-We need to integrate the control system with a MES system or
with other automation and / or information systems (safety system,
electrical control system, ERP, asset management, data analytics,
-We need a system with a high level of redundancy (CPUs, I / O,
-It is a batch application with many recipes and complex.
-We need a multi-operator HMI and advanced alarm management.
-The Plant will probably be expanded in less than five years.
-We have other similar plants with DCS and advanced control
algorithms that we have optimized over time.

PLC vs DCS – When is the PLC / SCADA better?

In what cases is it clear that we should go to the PLC solution? If
we meet the following requirements the solution will probably be

-We have less than 300 I / O and few analog outputs.

-We only need one or two PLCs.
-We do not have special or complex HMI / SCADA requirements.
The SCADA alarm management system is sufficient.
-This is a plant or package that we do not plan to grow in the next
few years.
-We already use this type of PLC and SCADA and we do
maintenance ourselves.
-We do not need the system to be redundant.

The decision will not be so clear if we have more than 300 or 400
I / O and we do not fulfill all the previous requirements. In this
case we will have to do an analysis of our case and evaluate our
standards and requirements. In addition, there may be other
factors that tip the scale to one side or the other, such as the

– Who is going to program and configure the system? (Local

integrator, manufacturer, ourselves).
– Who will perform the maintenance of the system?
– Are we familiar with the system and have a significant stock of
spare parts?
– Is it a new system? Does it already have proven references in
similar applications?

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