Ufgs 32 01 16.71
Ufgs 32 01 16.71
Ufgs 32 01 16.71
SECTION 32 01 16.71
SECTION 32 01 16.71
NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for cold milling of bituminous pavement
for airfields, roads, streets, parking areas, and
other general applications.
NOTE: This guide specification can be used to
specify cold milling alone on structurally sound
pavements for surface texturing to increase skid
resistance of a worn pavement, or for pavement
removal to restore roadway geometry. Cold milling
can also be used in conjunction with mill and fill
NOTE: Delete these paragraphs when lump sum bidding
is used.
1.1.1 Measurement
The quantity of milled pavement will be the number of square meters yards
completed and accepted as determined by the Contracting Officer.
Determine the number of square meters yards of milled pavement by
measuring the length and width of the milled surface within the specified
work area. Measure the width of the area to the closest mm inch and
measure the length of the area to the closest meter foot.
1.1.2 Payment
Payment will be to the nearest square meter yard. No payment will be made
for milling outside the specified area of work.
1.2.1 Grade
Mill pavement such that the finished surface conforms to the lines,
grades, and cross sections indicated. The maximum allowable deviation of
the finished milled pavement surfaces from the established plan grade line
and elevation will be [0] [6] mm [0] [1/4] inch. The deviations from the
plan grade line and elevation will not be permitted in areas of pavements
where closer conformance with planned grade and elevation is required for
the proper functioning of appurtenant structures involved.
The maximum allowable deviation of the finished surfaces from the testing
edge in the transverse or longitudinal direction will be 6 mm 1/4 inch.
1.3.3 Straightedge
Furnish and maintain at the site, in good condition, one 3.66 meter 12 foot
straightedge or other suitable device for each milling machine, for
testing the finished surface. Make straightedge available for Government
use. Use straightedges constructed of aluminum or other lightweight metal,
with blades of box or box-girder cross section with flat bottom reinforced
to insure rigidity and accuracy. Use straightedges with handles to
facilitate movement on the pavement.
Not Used
A minimum of seven days notice is required, prior to start work, for the
Contracting Officer to coordinate the milling operation with other
activities at the site. Make sufficient passes so that the designated
area is milled to the grades and cross sections indicated. Mill the
pavement in depth increments that will not damage the pavement below the
designated finished grade. If scabbing occurs, the surface will not meet
smoothness requirements. Take steps to modify the process as needed to
prevent scabbing from occuring. Repair or replace, as directed, items
damaged during milling such as manholes, valve boxes, utility lines,
pavement that is torn, cracked, gouged, broken, or undercut. [Window the
milled material.] Remove the milled material from the pavement and load
into trucks.
NOTE: For pavements in aircraft traffic areas such
as airfield runways and taxiways, lines of levels to
determine elevation of the milled pavement will be
run longitudinally and transversely at intervals not
exceeding 8 meters 25 feet.
Test the finished milled surface of the pavement for conformance with the
plan-grade requirements and for acceptance by the Contracting Officer by
running lines of levels at intervals of [7.5] [_____] meters [25] [_____]
feet longitudinally and [7.5] [_____] meters [25] [_____] feet
transversely to determine the elevation of the completed pavement.
Correct variations from the designated grade line and elevation in excess
of the plan-grade requirements as directed. Skin patching for correcting
low areas will not be permitted. Remove and replace the deficient low
area. Remove sufficient material to allow at least 25 mm 1 inch of
asphalt concrete to be placed.
After completion of the final milling, the finished milled surface will be
tested by the Government with a straightedge. Other approved devices may
be used, provided that when satisfactorily and properly operated, such
devices reveal all surface irregularities exceeding the tolerances
specified. Correct surface irregularities that depart from the testing
edge by more than 6 mm 1/4 inch. Skin patching for correcting low areas
will not be permitted. Remove and replace the deficient low area. Remove
sufficient material to allow at least 25 mm 1 inch of asphalt concrete to
be placed.
[Place material that is removed [in the disposal area as specified] [into
traveling mixing plant for cold-mix recycling].] [Transport material that
is removed to central plant for hot-mix or cold-mix recycling.] [Stockpile
material that is removed as specified and in such a manner to prevent
segregation or contamination.] [Material that is removed will become the
property of the Contractor and removed from the site.]