PHIN Laboratory Result ELR v231
PHIN Laboratory Result ELR v231
PHIN Laboratory Result ELR v231
Table of Contents
1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………................3
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 HIPAA.................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Scope .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Contacts .............................................................................................................................. 4
2 HL7 Concepts…………………………………………………………………………...5
2.1 HL7 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Basic Message Construction Rules .................................................................................... 6
2.3 Unsolicited Observation Message (ORU)/ Event R01 ........................................................ 7
2.4 HL7 Standard Segment Usage............................................................................................ 8
2.5 Segment Attribute Table Abbreviations................................................................................ 9
3 Segment Definitions…………………………………………………………………..10
3.1 MESSAGE CONTROL SEGMENTS................................................................................. 10
3.1.1 Message Header (MSH) Segment……………………………………………………10
3.2 PATIENT ADMINISTRATION MESSAGE SEGMENTS .................................................... 15
3.2.1 Patient Identification (PID) Segment ......................................................................15
3.2.2 Next of Kin/Associated Parties (NK1) Segment .....................................................24
3.3 SEGMENTS COMMON TO ALL ORDERS....................................................................... 32
3.3.1 Common Order (ORC) Segment............................................................................32
3.3.2 Observation Request Segment (OBR)...................................................................39
3.3.3 Observation/Result (OBX) Segment. .....................................................................53
3.3.4 NOTES AND COMMENTS (NTE) SEGMENT .......................................................62
4 HL7 Batch Protocol………………………………………..……………………........63
4.1 HL7 batch file structure ..................................................................................................... 63
4.2 Acknowledging Batches .................................................................................................... 63
4.3 Batch Segments ............................................................................................................ ....64
4.3.1 File Header (FHS) Segment...................................................................................64
4.3.2 File Trailer (FTS) ....................................................................................................65
4.3.3 Batch Header (BHS) Segment ...............................................................................65
4.3.4 Batch Trailer (BTS) Segment .................................................................................66
5 APPENDIX A. HL7 Examples of Report Messages………………………………67
6 APPENDIX B: Code Tables………………………………………………………….68
7 APPENDIX C: Data Types used in this Implementation………………………..80
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
Monitoring the occurrence of diseases is a cornerstone of public health decision-making. This monitoring,
referred to as public health surveillance, can be used to trigger case or outbreak investigations, follow
trends, evaluate the effect of prevention measures such as immunizations, and suggest public health
priorities. Because disease trends have the potential to shift rapidly, especially with infectious diseases,
surveillance needs to be ongoing, timely, and complete.
Each state and territory has requirements for laboratories to report certain findings to health officials. In the
past, these reports were written by hand on forms provided by health departments and mailed to
appropriate offices. With computerization of laboratories, it has become possible for laboratories to send
reportable data to health departments electronically.
This guide contains the specifications for sending laboratory-reportable findings to appropriate state,
territorial, and federal health agencies using Health Level Seven (HL7) messages. The message is not
specific to any pathogen or reportable condition and is applicable for most laboratory-reportable findings in
the National Public Health Surveillance System (NPHSS) as defined by the Council of State and Territorial
Epidemiologists (CSTE).
This document is a guide for electronic communication of reportable diseases, consistent with
recommended reporting of reportable conditions from laboratories to public health agencies using HL7
Version 2.3.1. The implementation guide follows the specifications described in the HL7 Standard Version
2.3.1 and focuses on one type of HL7 message, the Observational Report - Unsolicited (ORU). HL7
describes the order and structure of data fields for sharing test results, but does not stipulate which coding
system or dictionary of descriptive terms should be used to identify specific tests and findings
unambiguously; this is determined by agreement of the parties sharing the information. For sharing
laboratory-based reports of public health findings, these coding systems are recommended: 1) Logical
Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC®) for specific laboratory procedure names, 2) the
Systematized Nomenclature for Human and Veterinary Medicine (SNOMED®) for descriptions of findings,
notably organism names, and 3) International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM)
coding system to code signs, symptoms, injuries, diseases, and conditions. The guide gives a description
of the utility and requirement of each data field in the ORU message, provides examples of complete
messages, and includes tables of recommended codes.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA, or the Act), P.L. 104-191, was enacted on
August 21, 1996. The Act included provisions relating to insurance coverage, but it also included a section
that is relevant to electronic reporting of health care information. Among the requirements in this section
called administrative simplification were: the adoption of standards for electronic health information
transactions for certain uniform financial and administrative transactions and data elements, including
claims, enrollment, eligibility, payment, coordination of benefits, and for the security of electronic health
information systems. HIPAA also addressed safeguards of information, electronic signatures, and
standards for various unique health identifiers, and specific code sets to be used in the transactions.
HIPAA also included provisions for adopting standards for the privacy of health information. The Law pre-
empts State laws and imposes civil money penalties and prison for certain violations and made some
changes in the membership and duties of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS).
There is also a provision that NCVHS will make recommendations and legislative proposals to the
Secretary on the adoption of uniform data standards for patient medical record information and the
electronic exchange of such information. It also addresses state regulatory reporting by stating, "[N]othing
in this part shall limit the ability of a State to require a health plan to report, or to provide access to,
information for management audits, financial audits, program monitoring and evaluation, facility licensure
or certification, or individual licensure or certification." Regulations issued under the Act provide the
implementation detail.
On the issue of public health, HIPAA states, "Nothing in this part shall be construed to invalidate or limit
the authority, power, or procedures established under any law providing for the reporting of disease or
injury, child abuse, birth, or death, public health surveillance, or public health investigation or intervention."
The covered entities (those who have to comply) named in the HIPAA legislation are "health plans, health
care clearinghouses, and health care providers who transmit any health information in electronic form in
connection with a transaction referred to in Section 1173(a) of the Act.” The transactions listed in Section
1173(a) specifically deal with eligibility, enrollment, claims, and others related to payment of insurance
claims. Many of the public health reports will occur between parties that are not covered entities under the
Act and do not involve the covered transactions, because public health agencies generally do not file
insurance claims. The regulation implementing the HIPAA privacy provisions allowed public health
exemptions for disclosure without patient consent of individually identifiable health information for the
purposes quoted above.
Public health reporting is not a part of the claims process and conceptually is most closely aligned with the
patient medical record, with Health Level Seven (HL7) as a recognized standards development
organization in that subject area. We do not believe the HIPAA requirements related to electronic
transactions will in any way affect our planned use of HL7 for electronic laboratory reporting. The HL7
message as defined in this document was carefully developed to provide a method for evidence of
reportable conditions to be transmitted electronically. We believe that laboratories can report this public
health information using the HL7 standard as described here and that these reports will not be altered by
HIPAA provisions.
1.3 Scope
The specifications in this guide are not intended as a tutorial for either HL7 or interfacing in general. The
reader is expected to have a basic understanding of interface concepts, HL7, and electronic laboratory-
based reporting of public health information. This guide describes a data exchange protocol applicable for
reporting most diseases of public health importance.
This implementation guide is based on and consistent with the HL7 Standard, Version 2.3.1. Any user-
defined variations from the standard are clearly described. Reporting requirements for reportable diseases
may vary by state. Electronic copies of this document are available.
1.4 Contacts
For information about HL7, contact: For information about this Guide, contact:
Health Level Seven Katherine Robinson
3300 Washtenaw Avenue, Suite 227 Tel: (404)202-6247
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4250 Fax: (912)635-3565
Phone: (734) 677-7777 Email: [email protected]
Fax: (734) 677-6622 Mary Hamilton(404) 371-5362
E-Mail: [email protected] Margaret Marshburn (404) 371-5352
Website: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA 30333
: Website:
2 HL7 Concepts
This project remains true to the HL7 2.3.1 Final Standard, dated May, 1999. The entries below are derived
from that standard for use with Electronic Laboratory Reporting.
Segment: A segment is a logical grouping of data fields. Segments within a defined message may be
required or optional, may occur only once, or may be allowed to repeat. Each segment is named and is
identified by a segment ID, a unique 3-character code. The hex characters ‘ 0D0A’ that act as a Segment
Terminator (equivalent to a Carriage Return and Line Feed) denote the end of each segment.
Field: A field is a string of characters. Each field is identified by the segment it is in and the position within
the segment; e.g., PID-5 is the fifth field of the PID segment. Optional data fields need not be valued.
Whether a field is required, optional, or conditional in a segment is specified in the segment attribute
tables. The designations are: R=Required, O=Optional, C=Conditional on the trigger event or on some
other field(s). The field definition should define any conditionality for the field: X=Not Supported with this
trigger event, B=Left in for backward compatibility with previous versions of HL7. A maximum length of the
field is stated as normative information. Exceeding the listed length should not be considered an error.
Component: A component is one of a logical grouping of items that comprise the contents of a coded or
composite field. Within a field having several components, not all components are required to be valued.
Examples in this guide demonstrate both fully valued and partially valued coded and composite fields.
Item number: Each field is assigned a unique item number. Fields that are used in more than one
segment will retain their unique item number across segments.
Null and empty fields: The null value is transmitted as two double quote marks (""). A null-valued field
differs from an empty field. An empty field should not overwrite previously entered data in the field. The
null value means that any previous value in this field should be overwritten.
Data type: A data type restricts the contents and format of the data field. Data types are given a 2- or 3-
letter code. Some data types are coded or composite types with several components. The applicable
data type is listed and defined in each field definition. Appendix D provides a complete listing of data
types used in this document and their definitions.
Delimiters: The delimiter values are given in MSH-2 and used throughout the message. Applications
must use agreed upon delimiters to parse the message. The recommended delimiters for laboratory
messages are ‘0D0A’ = Segment Terminator (hex characters equivalent to a Carriage Return and Line
Feed); | = Field Separator; ^ = Component Separator; & = Sub-Component Separator; ~ = Repetition
Separator; and \ = Escape Character.
Message syntax: The abstract message is defined in special notation that lists the 3-letter segment
identifiers in the order they will appear in the message. Braces, {}, indicate that one or more of the
enclosed group of segments may repeat, and brackets, [ ], indicate that the enclosed group of segments is
Trigger events: The HL7 Standard is written from the assumption that an event in the real world of
healthcare creates the need for data to flow among systems. The real-world event is called the trigger
event. For example, the trigger event a patient is admitted may cause the need for data about that patient
to be sent to a number of other systems. The trigger event, an observation (e.g., a CBC result) for a
patient is available, may cause the need for that observation to be sent to a number of other systems.
When the transfer of information is initiated by the application system that deals with the triggering event,
Z segments: All message types, trigger event codes, and segment ID codes beginning with Z are
reserved for locally defined messages. No such codes are defined within the HL7 Standard. In this Guide
are references to a legacy z-segment that is sent in the 2.3.z ELR messages designed before the 2.3.1
standard included a place to capture the Ordering Facility Name, Address and Phone Number, as well as
the Ordering Provider’s address. These fields are sent in the ZLR segment from some participating
Laboratories and converted to this 2.3.1 message format. That ZLR segment also contains Next of Kin
information that is translated to a NK1 segment, and may contain a Reported Patient Age field that is
converted to an OBR/OBX pair that uses the LOINC code for Reported Patient Age for 2.3.1 Electronic
Laboratory Reporting.
- Encode each segment in the order specified in the abstract message format.
- Encode the data fields in the order and data type specified in the segment definition table.
- Components, subcomponents, or repetitions that are not valued at the end of a field need not be
represented by component separators. The data fields below, for example, are equivalent:
- If a data segment that is expected is not included, treat it as if all data fields within were not present.
- If a data segment is included that is not expected, ignore it; this is not an error.
- If data fields are found at the end of a data segment that are not expected, ignore them; this is not an
Using the basic “building blocks” of MSH, PID, OBR and OBX segments (in bold type in table above), a
clinical report can be constructed as a three-level hierarchy with the patient information (PID) segment at
the upper level, one or more order records (OBR) at the next level, and one or more observation records
(OBX) at the bottom. The Message Header (MSH) segment is required for all HL7 messages. The Next of
Kin (NK1) segment can provide information about parties associated with the patient. The common order
(ORC) segment transmits fields common to all types of requested services, and the notes and comments
(NTE) segment is only supported at the Result level for ELR.
While certain elements of the message are required for laboratory-based reporting, data in non-required
fields will not be rejected. The standard ORU message allows for the optional use of PD1, PV1, PV2, CTI,
and DSC segments, but these segments are not defined or used in the laboratory-based reporting
message. For this reason, there is no discussion of these segments in this implementation guide.
Messages containing these segments, however, will not be rejected. For electronic laboratory purposes,
we do not anticipate the use of acknowledgment messages; therefore, we have not defined these in this
MSH|^~\&|| LABCORP^34D0655059^CLIA|WA|WA|200102171830|
|ORU^R01|200102170042|P|2.3.1|<hex 0D0A>
PID|||10543^^^^^Columbia Valley Memorial Hospital&01D0355944&CLIA~95101100001^^^^^MediLabCo-
Seattle&45D0470381&CLIA||Doe^John^Q^Jr^^^L|Clemmons^^^^^^M|19841004|M||W|2166 WellsDr^AptB
DOEJ34556057^WA^ 19970801||N|||||||| <hex 0D0A>
NK1|1|Doe^Jane^Lee^^^^L|MTH^mother^HL70063|2166 Wells Dr^Apt
B^Seattle^WA^98109^USA^M^^King^^A|(206) 679-3240^PRN^PH^^^206^6793240|<hex 0D0A>
ORC|CN||||||||||||||||||||MediLabCo - Northwest Pathology Ltd., Central Campus^^45D0470381^^^CLIA|2217
Rainier Way^^Renton^WA^98002^USA^M^^Black Hawk^^A|^^PH^[email protected]^^206^5549097
|115 Pike Plaza^Suite 2100^Seattle^WA^98122^USA^^^^^A|<hex 0D0A>
OBR|||MICR9700342|654324^Throat culture^L|||200011270930||||||||THRT&Throat&HL70070|
1234567^Welby^M^J^Jr^Dr^MD|^^^^^206^4884144||||||||F<hex 0D0A>
OBX||CE|626-2^Microorganism identified, Throat Culture^LN||L-12801^Bordetella pertussis^SNM||||||F|
||200012161330|45D0470381|<hex 0D0A>
This example demonstrates an ORU message for a laboratory report of Bordetella Pertussis, sent from a
laboratory in Seattle to Washington Department of Health specifying that the pertussis microorganism was
identified from the throat culture of the patient John Q Doe Jr.
The MSH segment shows a Version 2.3.1 ORU message being sent from a laboratory in Seattle to the
WADOH application in the Washington Department of Health on February 17, 2001, at 6:30 pm. The
message control ID indicates that this is the 42nd message of the day from this laboratory.
The PID segment shows that the patient named John Q. Doe, Jr., is a white male born on October 4th,
1984. All the patient identifiers and demographic details such as address, phone number, Social Security
number, driver’s license numbers, etc., are included in this segment. The NK1 segment shows the
reported data for the patient’s mother, Jane Lee Doe as the next of kin. The mother’s contact information
such as home address and phone number is shown here. The ORC segment shows the name, address,
phone number, email address and CLIA identifier for MediLabCo. the ordering facility. The OBR segment
specifies that a report identified as MICR9700342 was processed on November 27, 2000, at 9:30 am.
The report was a throat culture requested by Dr. M.J. Welby, Jr., MD, whose phone number is (206) 488-
4144. This is the final result. The OBX segment specifies that the organism Bordetella pertussis was
identified from the throat culture. This is the final result and was observed on December 16, 2000, at 1:30
The following format is used in this document for listing and defining message segments and fields. First,
the message segment’s use is defined, and a segment attribute table listing all fields defined in the
segment is shown. In the segment attribute table, the following attributes are given for each field:
sequence number within the segment, length of field, data type, whether required (R), optional (O),
conditional (C), or for backwards compatibility (B), whether repeating (Y), the applicable table number for
values, the field item number, and the field name.
Following the table, all fields are listed and defined. For each field, the HL7 segment code and reference
number are listed, followed by the field name. Items in parentheses after the field name show respectively
data type and length of field, whether the field is required or optional, and lists "repeating" if the field is
allowed to repeat. The HL7 item number follows the parenthesis and is given for reference convenience.
As part of the definitions, usage notes for laboratory-based reporting are provided, a description of the
data type is given in small font, and a statement about how the fields are valued in the example is given.
Fields that we do not anticipate physicians using are not defined. Users interested in learning more about
fields not discussed here should refer to the full text of HL7 Final Standard Version 2.3.1 dated 11/2000.
3 Segment Definitions
These segments are necessary to support the functionality described in the Control/Query chapter of the
HL7 standard.
MSH Attributes
1 1 N/A ST R 00001 Field separator
2 4 N/A ST R 00002 Encoding characters
3 180 163 HD O 00003 Sending application
3.1 13* IS Sending Application Name *Lab system name must be 13
characters or less as it is used
to populate
pe_cd = ‘SENDER’ plus the
sending application name as
sent in this field, i.e.
3.2 100 ST Sending Application ID
3.3 50 ID Sending Application ID Type
4 180 250 HD R 00004 Sending facility |lab name^ CLIA code^CLIA|
4.1 100 IS Sending Facility Name
4.2 100 ST Sending Facility ID
4.3 50 ID Sending Facility ID Type
5 180 250 HD R 00005 Receiving application Expecting state postal code
plus “DOH” only
5.1 100 IS Receiving Application Name
5.2 100 ST Receiving Application ID
5.3 50 ID Receiving Application ID
6 180 250 HD R 00006 Receiving facility Expecting 2-character state
postal code only
6.1 100 IS Receiving Facility Name
6.2 100 ST Receiving Facility ID
6.3 50 ID Receiving Facility ID Type
7 26 26 TS R 00007 Date/Time of message Required for ELR
8 40 N/A ST O 00008 Security Not supported
9 7 20 CM R 0076 00009 Message type/ ORU^R01
0003 Trigger Event
10 20 100 ST R 00010 Message control ID Expecting timestamp plus lab-
generated sequence number
|ORU^R01|200102170042|P|2.3.1|<hex 0D0A>
This example segment shows a Version 2.3.1 ORU message being sent from a laboratory in Seattle to the
WADOH application in the Washington Department of Health on February 17, 2001, at 6:30 pm. The
message control ID indicates that this is the 42nd message of the day from this laboratory.
Definition: The character to be used as the field separator for the rest of the message.
The field separator always appears in the 4th character position of MSH segment and is used to
separate adjacent data fields within a segment. The recommended value is |, ASCII (124), as
shown in our examples.
The component separator (^) separates adjacent components of a data field and the subcomponent
separator (&) separates the adjacent subcomponents of a data field. An example of a compound element
using components and subcomponents from PID-2, described below in another section of this document,
would appear as:
Definition: This field uniquely identifies the sending application among all other applications within
the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all those applications that participate in
the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. The field is entirely site-defined. By site
agreement, implementers may use User-defined table 0361 Sending/receiving application for first
HD data type components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
In the example above, this field is populated with a generic LIS (Laboratory Information System)
Definition: The originator of HL7 message will place the text name of the sending laboratory or
reporting site, followed by the unique Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) identifier of the
originating institution. Information about CLIA can be found at on the World Wide Web.
HD data type components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID>
namespace ID Text name of the sending laboratory
universal ID CLIA number for the sending laboratory
universal ID type “CLIA”, indicating that the universal ID is a
nationally assigned unique identifier
Definition: Uniquely identifies the receiving application among all other applications within the
network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all the applications that participate in the
exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. Entirely site-defined. By site agreement,
implementers may use User-defined table 0361 Sending/receiving application for first component.
HD data type components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field identifies the receiving application among multiple identical applications
running on behalf of different organizations. This may be used identify the receiving state health
department systems. Certain public health agencies may request that a unique identifier for the
state health department or specific program appear here.
HD data type components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
The user values the field only as far as needed. When a system has only a partial date, e.g.,
month and year, but not day, the missing values may be interpreted as zeros. The time zone is
assumed to be that of the sender.
For example: 6:30 pm, February 17, 2004, would appear as:
Definition: This field may be used to implement application level security. Within HL7, a
workgroup is studying further specification of this field. For ELR purposes, this field is not used if
it is valued.
Definition: The receiving system uses this field to know the data segments to recognize and,
possibly, the application to which to route this message.
The specific components of fields using the CM data type are defined within the field descriptions.
The components for this field are: <message type (ID)>^<trigger event (ID)>^<message structure (ID)>
Refer to HL7 Table 0076 - Message type, HL7 Table 0003 - Event type, and HL7 Table 0354 - Message
structure for values.
Definition: Number or other identifier that uniquely identifies the message. The receiving system
echoes this ID back to the sending system in the message acknowledgment. For electronic
laboratory reporting, we recommend using a timestamp and counter as: YYYYLLDDHHMMSS.
The example below shows that the date of this message is February 17, 2001 and the sequence number
is 0042.
Definition: Used to decide how to process the message as defined in HL7 processing rules.
Field appears as P for production, T for training, or D for debugging.
(1) Processing ID (ID). A value that defines whether the message is part of a production, training or
debugging system. Refer to HL7 Table 0103-Processing ID for valid values.
(2) Processing mode (ID). A value that defines whether the message is part of an archival process or an
initial load. Refer to HL7 Table 0207-Processing mode for valid values. The default (blank) means current
In our example, the use is production. The second component is not specified, indicating current
processing as the default.
Definition: Matched by the receiving system to its own HL7 version to be sure the message will be
interpreted correctly.
Definition: Non-null value in this field implies that the sequence number protocol is in use. This
numeric field is incremented by one for each subsequent value.
Definition: Identifies the conditions under which accept acknowledgments are required to be
returned in response to this message. HL7 Table 0155 - Accept/Application acknowledgment
conditions gives valid values.
Definition: Identifies the conditions under which application acknowledgments are required to be
returned in response to this message. See HL7 Table 0155 - Accept/Application
acknowledgment conditions for values.
In this interface, this field is Not Supported. Rather than using application-level acknowledgement, the
acknowledgments are at the transport layer of the Public Health Information Network Messaging System.
Definition: This field contains the country of origin for the message. It will be used primarily to
specify default elements, such as currency denominations. The values to be used are those of
ISO 3166,.1. The ISO 3166 table has three separate forms of the country code: HL7 specifies that
the 3-character (alphabetic) form be used for the country code.
In this interface, this field is Not Supported.
Definition: This field contains the character set for the entire message. Refer to HL7 Table 0211 -
Alternate character sets for valid values.
In this interface, this field is not supported.
Definition: This field contains the principal language of the message. Codes come from ISO 639.
MSH.20 Alternate character set handling scheme (ID-20, Not supported) 01317
Definition: When any alternative character sets are used (as specified in the second or later
iterations of MSH-18 character sets), and if any special handling scheme is needed, this component
is to specify the scheme used, according to HL7 Table 0356- Alternate character set handling
1 Available from ISO 1 Rue de Varembe, Case Postale 56, CH 1211, Geneve, Switzerland
This example segment shows that the patient named John Q. Doe, Jr., is a white male born on October
4th, 1984. All the patient identifiers and demographic details such as address, phone number, Social
Security number, driver’s license numbers, etc., are included in this segment. Please note that the Social
Security Number is sent in the PID-3 segment as the third identifier, as designated by the second tilde (~).
Usage Notes: We do not anticipate that several PID fields (PID-23 to 28) will be used for
electronic laboratory reporting purposes; but the definitions are provided below.
Definition: The Set ID field numbers the repetitions of the PID segment (i.e., multiple patient
reports). For the first occurrence of the segment, the sequence number shall be one, for the
second occurrence, the sequence number shall be two, etc.
SI data type is a non-negative integer in the form of an NM field. The uses of this data type are defined in
the chapters defining the segments and messages in which it is used.
For laboratory-based reporting, it is strongly recommended that information for only one patient be sent
per message, in other words one PID per MSH. Thus PID-1 may be left blank or appear as:
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. With HL7 Version
2.3.1, the arbitrary term of “external ID” has been removed from the name of this field. The
repetition, assigning authority, facility, and identifier type code attributes of PID-3-patient identifier
list allow for distinctive identifier representation.
Definition: This field contains the list of identifiers (one or more) used by the facility to uniquely
identify a patient (e.g., medical record number, billing number, birth registry, etc.)
HL7 Version 2.3 provided a field to record the patient’s Social Security number in PID-19 - SSN - patient.
With Version 2.3.1, HL7 recommends using PID-3-patient identifier list for all patient identifiers along with
the appropriate identifier type code (User-defined Table 0203 - Identifier type).
Laboratory-based reporting will use this field for the patient identifiers. For example, an isolate from the
Columbia Valley Memorial Hospital laboratory is sent to a reference laboratory named MediLabCo, and the
result is reported to public health officials by MedilabCo. In the laboratory reporting scenario described,
the unique patient identifier from MediLabCo would always appear first with the typecode “PI”, along with
name and CLIA number for MediLabCo as the assigning authority. Repetitions of the field allow a
reporting laboratory also to provide the medical record number and other patient identifiers assigned at the
original institution that submitted a specimen for testing (i.e., Columbia Valley Memorial Hospital). The
type code for the Columbia Valley Hospital identifier will be PT for Patient external identifier.
For example:
|95101100001^^^^PI^MediLabCo-Seattle&45D0470381&CLIA ~ 10543^^^^PT^Columbia Valley Memorial
Since HL7 allows users to define the subcomponents of the HD data type, the <assigning facility> has the
following definition for the laboratory-based reporting message:
If a hospital laboratory will be reporting the result (and thus there will be only one hospital involved in
collection and processing of the specimen), then the hospital laboratory’s patient identifier and the hospital
CLIA ID will appear with typecode PI; no information will appear as an external ID. Likewise, if a reference
laboratory receives a specimen from a doctor’s office and no preceding originating laboratory is used, then
the reference laboratory’s patient identifier and reference laboratory CLIA ID will appear with the typecode
PI; no information will appear as an external ID.
If a hospital laboratory is reporting the results of a test performed at a reference laboratory, the following
scenario would apply. Columbia Valley Memorial Hospital has sent a specimen to MediLabCo for testing.
The test is performed and the results are sent back to Columbia Valley Memorial Hospital, which then
electronically transmits the results to a public health agency. The unique patient identifier from Columbia
Valley Memorial Hospital would appear with typecode PI, internal patient ID, and the unique patient
identifier from MediLabCo would appear next after the repeat delimiter with typecode PT, external patient
ID. Identification of the outside laboratory performing the test will appear in OBX-15 (i.e., Producer’s ID).
As an example, if Columbia Valley Memorial Hospital is reporting the results of a test performed at
MediLabCo, then the identifiers would appear as:
This field is listed as a required field by HL7 2.3.1. Although uncommon, some laboratories may not
currently collect information which may be used for either PID-3 or PID-5. It is strongly recommended that
either a personal identifier unique to the testing laboratory (PID-3) or the patient name (PID-5) be
provided; however, if neither is available the message for reporting should still be sent with the
following populating the field:
Anonymous Identifiers
Anonymous identifiers are occasionally used for protecting patient identity in reporting certain results. For
instance, a state health department may choose to use a scheme for generating an anonymous identifier
for reporting a patient that has had a positive human immunodeficiency virus antibody test. That scheme
may use various contributing data for generating the identifier, such as parts of the Social Security number,
date of birth, and other features. Anonymous identifiers can be used in PID-2, 3, and 4 by replacing the
medical record number or other non-anonymous identifier. The type code for an anonymous identifier will
appear as ANON. It is important that the receiver of the data be able to determine that the identifier is in
fact created through some anonymizing scheme. This is done by placing the creator of the scheme in the
sub-component for the "Assigning Authority". For example, a laboratory using a scheme regulated by the
Arizona state health department for reporting HIV results creates an anonymous identifier. The message
would appear as:
Note: There is no standard scheme for generating anonymous identifiers and there is no current list of
assigning facilities that generate anonymizing schemes.
PID.4 Alternate Patient ID (CX-20, Backward Compatibility, Not expecting repeats) 00107
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. PID-3-patient
identifier list should be used for all patient identifiers.
In our examples, we valued this field in PID-3. This interface is not expecting repeats of APN id type
Definition: The current, assumed legal name of the patient should be sent in this field. The name
type code in this field should always be "L - Legal." All other names for the patient should be sent
in PID-9-patient alias. Repetition of this field is allowed only for representing the same name in
different character sets, a situation that will rarely arise. Therefore, for practical purposes this field
should be considered not repeating.
For valid values, refer to User-defined Table 0360 - Degree for the degree component, to HL7 Table 0200 -
Name type for the name type code, and to HL7 Table 4000 - Name/address representation for the name
representation code.
For example:
This field is listed as a required field by HL7 2.3.1. Although uncommon, some laboratories may not
currently collect information which may be used for either PID-3 or PID-5. It is strongly recommended that
either a personal identifier unique to the testing laboratory (PID-3) or the patient name (PID-5) be
provided; however, if neither is available the message for reporting should still be sent with the
following populating the field:
Definition: This field contains the family name under which the mother was born (i.e., before
marriage). It is used to distinguish between patients with the same last name. The name type
code should be valued "M" for "Maiden Name." If a system needs additional information about the
mother, the NK1 segment should be used.
Definition: This field contains the patient's date and time of birth.
The user values the field only as far as needed. When a system has only a partial date, e.g.,
month and year, but not day, the missing values may be interpreted as zeros. The time zone is
assumed to be that of the sender.
If DOB is not available, patient’s age may be sent in OBX-3 & OBX-5. See description in section
OBX.3.3.3 of this document.
Definition: This field contains the patient's sex. Refer to User-defined Table 0001 - Sex for valid
Definition: This field contains names by which the patient has been known at some time.
It is recommended that data be sent if available. The name type code recommended is ‘A’ per
HL7 Standard.
Definition: This field identifies the patient's race. Refer to User-defined Table 0005 - Race for
suggested values.
PID.11 Patient address (XAD-106, Optional, Not expected to repeat for this interface) 00114
Definition: This field lists the mailing address of the patient. Multiple addresses for the same
person may be sent in the following sequence: the primary mailing address must be sent first in
the sequence; if the mailing address is not sent, then a repeat delimiter must be sent in the first
For valid values in these components, refer to User-defined Table 0212 - Nationality for country codes,
HL7 Table 0190 - Address type for address type codes, User-defined Table 0289 - County/parish for
county/parish codes, User-defined Table 0288 - Census Tract for census tract codes, and HL7 Table 4000
- Name/address representation for address representation codes.
This information is of great importance to public health agencies as it allows health officials to notify local
agencies of potential public health problems in their jurisdictions.
PID.12 County Code (IS-4, Not expected for this interface) 00115
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility. This field contains the
patient’s county code. The county can now be supported in the county/parish code component of
the XAD data type (PID-11-patient address).
In our examples, we have not valued this field. It is sent as part of the extended address datatype in PID-
11 Patient Address.
PID.13 Phone number - home (XTN-40, Optional, Not expecting repeats) 00116
Definition: The patient's personal phone numbers. Repetitions are permitted with the standard but
this interface expects only one home phone number.
Refer to HL7 Table 0201 - Telecommunication use code and HL7 Table 0202 - Telecommunication
equipment type for valid values.
For example:
PID.14 Phone number - business (XTN-40, Optional, Not expecting repeats) 00117
Definition: Patient's business phone number. Repetitions are permitted with the standard but this
interface expects only one business number. It is not always collected to send in Laboratory
Information Systems.
Refer to HL7 Table 0201 - Telecommunication use code and HL7 Table 0202 - Telecommunication
equipment type for valid values.
In our examples, we have not valued this field.
Definition: Patient's primary language. Refer to User-defined Table 0296 - Language (ISO 639) for
suggested values.
In our examples, we have not valued this field as the laboratory results do not contain this element.
Definition: This field contains the patient’s marital status. Refer to user-defined table 0002 -
Marital status for suggested values.
The laboratory results generally do not contain this element, but it will process to the database if sent.
Definition: This field contains the patient’s religion, for example, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, etc.
User-defined table 0006 - Religion from HL7 standard Version 2.3 is used as the HL7 identifier for
the user-defined table of values for this field.
In our examples, we have not valued this field. If it is sent by a lab, the field will be skipped by the
interface processor.
Definition: This field contains the patient account number assigned by accounting to which all
charges, payments, etc., are recorded. It is used to identify the patient’s account. If an account
number is sent, the entire number including the check digit will be considered the patient account
number and no edits occur on the field. The identifier type code for account numbers is “AN”.
PID.19 Social Security Number - Patient (ST-60, Backward Compatible but Optional) 00122
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. It is recommended to
use PID-3-patient identifier list for all patient identifiers. However, in order to maintain backward
compatibility, this field may also be populated. When used for backward compatibility, this field
contains the patient’s Social Security number. This number may also be a RR retirement number.
Definition: This field contains the patient’s driver’s license number. The default of the second
component is the state in which the patient’s license is registered.
DLN data type components: <license number (ST)> ^ <issuing state, province, country (IS)> ^ <expiration
date (DT)>
This field does not move to PID-3, as the datatype does not conform to the CX datatype.
PID.22 Ethnic group (CE-80, Optional, Not expecting repeats as the field as we use it is mutually
exclusive) 00125
If the result message has this field populated, the multiple birth indicator field will be stored.
If the result message has this field populated, the birth order numeral will be stored.
Definition: This field contains the military status assigned to a veteran. Refer to User-defined
Table 0172 - Veterans military status for suggested values.
Definition: This field contains the date and time at which the patient death occurred. This field
should only be valued if PID-30 is valued ‘yes.’
If the result message has this field populated, the patient date date/time will be stored.
Definition: This field indicates whether or not the patient is deceased. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 -
Yes/No indicator for valid values.
If the result message has this field populated, the patient death indicator will be stored.
NK1|1|Doe^Jane^Lee^^^^L|MTH^mother^HL70063|2166 Wells Dr^Apt
B^Seattle^WA^98109^USA^M^^King^^A|^^^^^206^ 6793240|<hex 0D0A>
This example segment shows the reported data for the patient’s mother, Jane Lee Doe, as the next of kin.
The mother’s contact information such as home address and phone number is shown here.
The NK1 segment provides standard fields for those described as ZLR fields 6-9 in the previous guidelines
using Version 2.3.z, entitled, “Health Level Seven Specifications for Electronic Laboratory-Based
Reporting of Public Health Information,” February 28, 2003.
Definition: The Set ID field numbers the repetitions of the segment within its association with the
PID- For the first occurrence of the segment, the sequence number shall be one, for the second
occurrence, the sequence number shall be two, etc.
The SI data type is a non-negative integer. The uses of this data type are defined in the chapters defining
the segments and messages in which it is used.
1 indicates that this segment is the first set of next of kin data, and 2 indicate that this is the second set of
next of kin data.
Definition: This field gives the name of the next of kin or associated party. Multiple names for the
same person are allowed, but the legal name must be sent in the first sequence. If the legal name
is not sent, then the repeat delimiter must be sent in the first sequence.
Definition: This field defines the personal relationship of the next of kin. User-defined Table 0063 -
Relationship gives suggested values from HL7.
Definition: This field lists the mailing address of the next of kin/associated party identified above.
Multiple addresses for the same person may be sent in the following sequence: the primary
mailing address must be sent first in the sequence; if the mailing address is not sent, then a
repeat delimiter must be sent in the first sequence. If there is only one repetition of this field and
an address type is not given, it is assumed to be the primary mailing address.
When sending multiple addresses, the appropriate type code must be indicated.
Definition: The next of kin/associated party's personal phone numbers. All personal phone
numbers for the next of kin/associated party are sent in this sequence. The first sequence is
considered the primary number. If the primary number is not sent, then a repeat delimiter is sent
in the first sequence.
Refer to HL7 Table 0201 - Telecommunication use code and HL7 Table 0202 - Telecommunication
equipment type for valid values.
NK1.6 Business phone number (XTN-40, Optional, Not expecting Repeats) 00195
Definition: Next of kin/associated party's business phone numbers. The first sequence is the
primary number. If the primary number is not sent, then a repeat delimiter is sent in the first
Definition: This field contains the start date of the contact role.
Not valued for this interface.
NK1.10 Next of kin / associated parties job title (ST-60, Optional) 00199
Definition: This field contains the title of the next of kin/associated parties at their place of
employment. However, if the contact role is the patient’s employer, this field contains the title of
the patient at their place of employment.
Not valued for this interface.
NK1.11 Next of kin / associated parties job code/class (JCC-20, Optional) 00200
Definition: This field contains the employer’s job code and the employee classification used for
the next of kin/associated parties at their place of employment. However, if the contact role is the
patient’s employer, this field contains the job code/class of the patient at their place of
employment. Refer to User-defined Table 0327 - Job code and User-defined Table 0328 -
Employee classification for suggested values.
NK1.12 Next of kin / associated parties employee number (CX-20, Optional) 00201
Definition: For backward compatibility, the ST data type can be sent; however HL7 recommends
that the CX data type be used for new implementations. This field contains the number that the
employer assigns to the employee that is acting as next of kin/associated parties. However, if the
contact role is the patient’s employer, this field contains the employee number of the patient at
their place of employment. The assigning authority and identifier type code are strongly
recommended for all CX data types.
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed
Not valued for this interface.
Definition: This field identifies the race of the next of kin/associated party. Refer to User-defined
Table 0005 - Race for suggested values. The second triplet of the CE data type for race (alternate
identifier, alternate text, and name of alternate coding system) is reserved for governmentally
assigned codes.
Not valued for this interface.
Definition: This field contains the code that describes an associated party’s disability. Refer to
User-defined Table 0295 - Handicap for suggested values.
Not valued for this interface.
ORC Attributes
1 2 N/A ID O 0119 00215 Order Control Not Supported – variance
from HL7 Standard
2 22 N/A EI C 00216 Placer Order Number Not Supported
3 22 N/A EI C 00217 Filler Order Number Not Supported
4 22 N/A EI O 00218 Placer Group Number Not Supported
5 2 N/A ID O 0038 00219 Order Status Not Supported
6 1 N/A ID O 0121 00220 Response Flag Not Supported
7 200 N/A TQ O 00221 Quantity/Timing Not Supported
8 200 N/A CM O 00222 Parent Not Supported
9 26 N/A TS O 00223 Date/Time of Transaction Not Supported
10 120 N/A XCN O Y 00224 Entered By Not Supported
11 120 N/A XCN O Y 00225 Verified By Not Supported
12 120 N/A XCN O Y 00226 Ordering Provider Not Supported
13 80 N/A PL O 00227 Enterer’s Location Not Supported
14 40 N/A XTN O Y/2 00228 Call Back Phone Number Not Supported
15 26 N/A TS O 00229 Order Effective Date/Time Not Supported
16 200 N/A CE O 00230 Order Control Code Reason Not Supported
17 60 N/A CE O 00231 Entering Organization Not Supported
18 60 N/A CE O 00232 Entering Device Not Supported
19 120 N/A XCN O Y 00233 Action By Not Supported
20 40 N/A CE O 0339 01310 Advanced Beneficiary Notice Not Supported
21 60 120 XON O Y 01311 Ordering Facility Name Need either an Ordering
Provider or an Ordering
Facility in the message for it
to be migrated to NBS;
preferably both are present.
21.1 100 ST Organization Name
21.2 20 IS Organization Name Type Defaults A for Alias name
21.3 N/A NM ID Number None expected/none
21.4 N/A NM Check digit Not supported
21.5 N/A ID Check digit scheme ID Not supported
21.6 N/A HD Assigning authority Not supported
21.7 N/A IS Identifier Type Code None expected/none
21.8 N/A HD Assigning facility ID Not supported
21.9 N/A ID Name Representation Code Not supported
22 106 540 XAD O Y 01312 Ordering Facility Address Supported
22.1 100 Facility Street Address
22.2 100 Facility Address Line 2
22.3 100 Facility City
22.4 20 Facility State
22.5 10 Facility ZIP/Postal Code
22.6 100 Country (Description)
22.7 20 Address Type
22.8 N/A Other geog. Designation
22.9 100 County
22.10 N/A Census tract
23 48 XTN O Y 01313 Ordering Facility Phone Supported
ORC|||||||||||||||||||||MediLabCo - Northwest Pathology Ltd., CentralCampus^^45D0470381^^^CLIA|
2217 Rainier Way^^Renton^WA^98002^USA^M^^Black Hawk^^A|^^PH^[email protected]^^206^
5549097|115 Pike Plaza^Suite 2100^Seattle^WA^98122^USA^^^^^A|<hex 0D0A>
This example segment shows the name, address, phone number, email address and CLIA identifier for
MediLabCo., the ordering facility.
This segment is used to replace ZLR fields 1-4 as described in the 2.3.z Electronic Laboratory
Reporting Implementation Guide that uses the HL7 Version 2.3 Standard. The 2.3.z message contains the
single Site-Defined (z) Laboratory Reporting segment. When the interface at the laboratory site finds
messages in the local directory at the laboratory, ZLR fields 1 through 4 are converted to ORC fields 21-
24. The remaining fields in this segment are not populated for the same reason. Any field that is often
populated in both the ORC and the OBR are populated in the OBR with the original message.
Definition: Determines the function of the order segment. Refer to HL7 Table 0119 – Order control
codes and their meaning for valid entries.
Definition: This field contains the date and time of the event that initiated the current transaction
as reflected in ORC-1 Order Control Code. This field is not equivalent to MSH-7 Date and Time of
Message which reflects the date/time of the physical message.
Definition: This field contains the date/time that the changes to the request took effect or are
supposed to take effect.
Definition: Periodically, tests are ordered from facilities without specifying an ordering provider. For
instance, an outpatient surgical facility may send biopsy tissue for pathologic examination without
specifying the surgeon that actually performed the biopsy. In the case where no ordering provider
is identified, knowledge of the ordering facility allows public health officials to follow-up on positive
tests to obtain further clinical and epidemiologic information. Information on the ordering facility is
most relevant to cancer registries.
The facility’s CLIA identifier should be placed in the third component <ID number (NM)> if there is one
available, and “CLIA” should appear in <assigning authority (HD)> indicating that the ID number used here
to identify the laboratory has been assigned by CLIA. If the Ordering Facility is not a laboratory, the name
of the Ordering Facility will suffice.
Definition: This field contains the address of the facility placing the order.
XAD data type components: <street address (ST)> ^ <other designation (ST)> ^ <city (ST)> ^ <state or
province (ST)> ^ <zip or postal code(ST)> ^ <country (ID)> ^ < address type (ID)> ^ <other geographic
designation (ST)> ^ <county/parish code (IS)> ^ <census tract (IS)> ^ <address representation code (ID)>
For valid values in these components, refer to User-defined Table 0212 - Nationality for country codes,
HL7 Table 0190 - Address type for address type codes, User-defined Table 0289 - County/parish for
county/parish codes, User-defined Table 0288 - Census Tract for census tract codes, and HL7 Table 4000
- Name/address representation for address representation codes.
Definition: This field contains the telephone number of the facility placing the order. This field
further identifies the laboratory identified in ORC-21.
Definition: This field contains the address of the care provider requesting the order. This field
contains relevant address information for the ordering provider described in OBR-16.
OBR Attributes
1 4 N/A SI O 00237 Set ID – OBR
2 22 N/A EI C 00216 Placer Order Number Not supported – not
expecting for ELR
3 22 18 EI R 00217 Filler Order Number + DOCUMENT VARIANCE
3.1 18 ST Entity identifier
3.2 N/A IS Namespace ID
3.3 N/A ST Universal ID
3.4 N/A ID Universal ID Type
4 200 340 CE R 00238 Universal Service ID DOCUMENT VARIANCE
4.1 50 ST Code (LOINC)
4.2 100 ST Description (LOINC)
4.3 20 ST ID Type (LOINC)
4.4 50 ST Code (Local)
4.5 100 ST Description (Local)
4.6 20 ST ID Type (Local)
5 2 N/A ID X 00239 Priority Not supported
6 26 N/A TS X 00240 Requested Date/Time Not supported
7 26 26 TS R 00241 Observation Date/Time # Required – “effective start
8 26 26 TS O 00242 Observation End Date/Time # Supported if sent but not
generally used with Public
Health ELR
9 20 20 CQ O 00243 Collection Volume * Supported if sent but not
generally used with Public
Health ELR
10 60 XCN O Y 00244 Collector Identifier * One instance supported
10.1 100 ST ID Number
10.2 50 ST family name
10.3 50 ST Given Name
10.4 50 ST Middle Name/Initial
10.5 20 ST Suffix
10.6 20 ST Prefix
10.7 20 IS Degree
10.8 20 Name Type Code
11 1 ID O 0065 00245 Specimen Action Code * Not supported
12 60 CE O 00246 Danger Code Not supported
13 300 ST O 00247 Relevant Clinical Info. Optional text input
14 26 TS C 00248 Specimen Received Supported as “activity start
Date/Time * date/time”
15 300 1270 CM O 0070 00249 Specimen Source *
15.1 Specimen Source Name or
15.1.1 50 CE identifier
15.1.2 100 ST text
15.1.3 N/A ST name of coding system Assumed to be HL7 – no
place to store in ODS if
other system
15.1.4 N/A CE alternate identifier Not supported
15.1.5 N/A ST alternate text Not supported
OBR|1||MICR9700342|^^^654324^Throat culture^L|||200011270930||||||||
THRT&Throat&HL70070|1234567^Welby^M^J^Jr^Dr^MD|^^^^^206^4884144||||||||F<hex 0D0A>
This segment specifies that a report identified as MICR9700342 was processed on November 27, 2000, at
9:30 am. The report was a throat culture requested by Dr. M.J. Welby, Jr., MD, whose phone number is
(206) 488-4144. This is the final result.
This segment shows that a report identified by SER122145 for a hepatitis panel was conducted on blood
and was processed on March 21, 2000, at 8:30 am. The battery was ordered by Dr. M.J. Welby, Jr., MD,
whose phone number is (206) 488-4144. This is the final result.
This segment shows that a report identified by CH96779 for a blood capillary lead test was processed
on January 21, 2001, at 7:30 am. The test was ordered by Dr. C. Everett, MD, whose phone number
is (206) 488-0911. This is the final result.
For electronic laboratory purposes, the Placer and Filler are defined as follows:
The placer is the person or service that requests (places order for) an observation battery, e.g., the
physician, the practice, clinic, or ward service, that orders a lab test, X-ray, vital signs, etc. The meaning is
synonymous with, and used interchangeably with, requestor. See ORC-2-placer order number, “Placer
order number.”
The filler is the person or service that produces the observations (fills the order) requested by the
requestor. The word is synonymous with "producer" and includes diagnostic and clinical services and care
providers who report observations about their patients. The clinical laboratory is a producer of lab test
results (filler of a lab order), the nursing service is the producer of vital signs observations (the filler of
orders to measure vital signs), and so on. See ORC-3-filler order number, Section, “Filler order
The daggered (+) items in the OBR attribute table above are known to the filler, not the placer. They are
valued by the filler as needed when the OBR segment is returned as part of a report. The starred (*) fields
are only relevant when an observation is associated with a specimen. These are completed by the placer
when the placer obtains the specimen. They are completed by the filler when the filler obtains the
specimen, and usually are not passed as part of the ORU result message. OBR-7-observation date/time
and OBR-8-observation end date/time (flagged with #) are the physiologically relevant times. In the case
of an observation on a specimen, they represent the start and end of the specimen collection. In the case
of an observation obtained directly from a subject (e.g., BP, Chest X-ray), they represent the start and end
time of the observation.
Definition: This field identifies the sequence number of one of multiple OBR’s under one PID- For
the first order transmitted, the sequence number shall be 1; for the second order, it shall be 2; and
so on. For example, the second OBR under a single PID would appear as:
Definition: This field identifies an order number uniquely among all orders from a particular
ordering application. This field should not contain the accession number for a specimen. The first
component is a string that identifies an individual order. A limit of fifteen (15) characters is
suggested but not required. It is assigned by the placer (ordering application). The second
through fourth components contain the application ID of the placing application in the same form
as the HD data type.
Definition: This field is the order number associated with the filling application. It is assigned by
the order filler (receiving) application. This string must uniquely identify the order (as specified in
the order detail segment) from other orders in a particular filling application (e.g., clinical
laboratory). This uniqueness must persist over time. For laboratory based reporting, this field will
be used to report the laboratory specimen accession number. This filler number coupled with the
laboratory identifier acts as a unique identifier across various systems that could happen to use
the same filler number to track specimens.
EI data type components: <entity identifier (ST)> ^ <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^
<universal ID type (ID)>
Example: |MICR9700342|
NOTE: this example assumes that the Sending Facility is the assigning authority for this Filler number, if
not otherwise indicated.
The second through fourth components could contain the filler application ID. The second component of
the filler order number always identifies the actual filler of an order. A given institution or group of
intercommunicating institutions should establish a list of applications that may be potential placers and
fillers of orders and assign each a unique application ID. The application ID list becomes part of the
institution’s master dictionary, as documented in HL7’s Chapter 8. If the filler order number is not present
in the ORC, it must be present in the associated OBR. (This rule is the same for other identical fields in
the ORC and OBR and promotes upward and ASTM compatibility.) This is particularly important when
results are transmitted in an ORU message. In this case, the ORC is not required and the identifying filler
order number must be present in the OBR segments. The filler order number (OBR-3 or ORC-3) uniquely
identifies an order and its associated observations.
Definition: This field is the identifier code for the requested observation/test/battery.
The CE data type transmits codes and the text associated with the code. This type has six components
arranged in two groups as follows:
<identifier (ST)>^<text (ST)>^<name of coding system (ST)>^<alternate identifier (ST)>^<alternate text
(ST)> ^<name of alternate coding system (ST)>
An example valuing all of the CE data type components for a report of antimicrobial susceptibility would
appear as:
No coding recommendation for laboratory-based reporting has been made for OBR-4 since the field
describes the originally requested order (e.g., a hepatitis panel or antimicrobial susceptibility testing
battery). The value of OBR-4 will be continued from the original order, since this is a required field, but the
information in OBR-4 is only be used to identify the original Ordered Test. The “informative field” for
laboratory-based reporting is OBX-3, described below. OBX-3 should be used to provide an
unambiguous, specific test name and OBX-5 should provide the result to the test. Examples of
messages for different laboratory-reportable findings are given in Appendix A.
Here the code is a user-defined “local” code, as indicated by the <L> in the sixth subcomponent. Note that
the “Universal Service ID” is a code that often represents the battery or collection of tests that make up a
routine laboratory panel. The individual results of the different components of the hepatitis panel are
reported in the OBX segments described below. For most laboratory tests that are reportable to public
health officials, the description of the test and result is sufficiently given in OBX and does not need
repetition here. Information in OBR-4 will not be used routinely in public health reporting. An example of
this is given in Appendix A for blood lead reporting.
Definition: This field is the clinically relevant date/time of the observation. In the case of
observations taken directly from a subject, it is the actual date and time the observation was
obtained. In the case of a specimen-associated study, this field shall represent the date and time
the specimen was collected or obtained. (This is a results-only field except when the placer or a
third party has already drawn the specimen.) This field is conditionally required. When the OBR is
transmitted as part of a report message, the field must be filled in. If it is transmitted as part of a
request and a sample has been sent along as part of the request, this field must be filled in
because this specimen time is the physiologically relevant date-time of the observation.
action indicated by the order control code contained in the accompanying ORC segment. For
example, when a new order (ORC - “NW”) is sent to the lab, this field would be used to tell the lab
whether or not to collect the specimen (“L” or “O”). Refer to HL7 Table 0065 - Specimen action
code for valid values.
This field is not expected for this interface.
Definition: This field contains any additional clinical information about the patient or specimen.
This field is used to report the suspected diagnosis and clinical findings on requests for interpreted
diagnostic studies. Examples include reporting the amount of inspired carbon dioxide for blood
gasses, the point in the menstrual cycle for cervical pap tests, and other conditions that influence
test interpretations. Relevant epidemiologically important information (e.g., day care center
attendee, food handler, or nursing home patient) can be placed here; however there are no
recommendations for specific use of this field for laboratory-based reporting. ICD codes used to
support testing and reimbursement should be provided in OBR-31 (Reason for Study).
Definition: For observations requiring a specimen, the specimen received date/time is the actual
login time at the diagnostic service. This field must contain a value when the order is
accompanied by a specimen, or when the observation required a specimen and the message is a
Definition: This field identifies the site where the specimen should be obtained or where the
service should be performed.
The first component contains the specimen source name or code (as a CE data type component). (Even
in the case of observations whose name implies the source, a source may be required, e.g., blood culture
– heart blood.) Refer to HL7 table 0070 - Specimen source codes for valid entries.
The second component should include free text additives to the specimen such as Heparin, EDTA, or
Oxlate, when available.
The third is a free text component describing the method of collection when that information is a part of the
order. When the method of collection is logically an observation result, it should be included as a result
The fourth component specifies the body site from which the specimen was obtained, and the fifth is the
site modifier. For example, the site could be antecubital fossa, and the site modifier “right.” The
components of the CE fields become subcomponents.
Refer to HL7 Table 0163 – Body site. Since the fields on this HL7 table already contain a modifier, there
has not been a need to date to use the Body Site Modifier component.
The fifth component indicates whether the specimen is frozen as part of the collection method. Suggested
values are F (Frozen); R (Refrigerated). If the component is blank, the specimen is assumed to be at
room temperature.
An example for a specimen from a finger stick collection for blood lead testing where the specimen source
is provided from an HL7 table of values:
|BLDC&Blood Capillary&HL70070|
An example for a stool specimen which yielded a reportable enteric organism is:
It is strongly recommended that actual specimen sources be provided in OBR-15 and not
surrogate descriptions such as “lavender-top” or “serum-separator tube”.
A non-coded, free text specimen source in a field of a CE data type would appear as:
Definition: This field identifies the provider who ordered the test. Either the ID code or the name,
or both, may be present. This is the same as ORC-12-ordering provider, but the interface expects
the Ordering Provider in OBR-16. The ORC segment is created from a ZLR segment that comes
with 2.3.z version Public Health Electronic Laboratory Reports. This field is optional only if the
Ordering Facility information is provided in the message. Generally, both Ordering
Provider and Ordering Facility are received.
Note: Ordering Provider Address appears in ORC-24. Public health agencies may request that the
ordering provider’s address also be provided so that health officials can contact providers to obtain
additional information during public health investigations.
OBR.17 Order callback phone number (XTN-40, Optional, Not expecting repeats) 00250
Definition: This field is the telephone number for reporting a status or a result using the standard
format with extension and/or beeper number when applicable.
This field is optional only if the Ordering Facility’s phone number is provided in the message.
Generally, both Ordering Provider and Ordering Facility are received.
For Electronic Laboratory Reporting, the actual report time is pulled from OBX-14, Date/time of the
Corrected results are also processed if sent, based on the use of the same accession/filler
number in OBR-3.
Definition: This field provides linkages to messages describing previously performed tests. This
important information, together with the information in OBR-29-parent (the identifiers associated
with the parent placer and filler), uniquely identifies the OBX segment from the previously
performed test that is related to this order (description of OBX segment provided below). The
value reported in this OBX segment in the parent result is the organism or chemical species about
which this battery reports. For example, if the current battery (as designated in OBR-4) is an
antimicrobial susceptibility test, the parent result in OBR-26 contains a result from a previously
performed antimicrobial susceptibility test, which identified the organism on which the current
susceptibility was run. HL7 specifies here the OBX-5 data will only show the text, or second
component of the CE data type used in the previous message. However, for electronic laboratory
reporting, all of the CE data type components of field OBX-5 from the previous parent message
appear in this field of the present OBR, using subcomponent delimiters. This indirect linkage is
preferred because the name of the organism in the parent result may undergo several preliminary
values prior to finalization. This is an exception to the HL7 description for this component.
An example is:
In this example, <600-7> is the code for a microbial culture that appeared in a previous OBX-3;
<Microorganism identified> is the text describing the code; and <LN> represents the name of the coding
system, LOINC®. The second component of this field is not supported in this message and remains blank.
The third component has the code for Streptococcus pneumoniae, the text name of the organism, and the
code representing the name of the coding system, SNOMED®. The third component was the OBX-5 that
appeared in the parent result. The report of the antimicrobial susceptibility testing performed on the
previously identified Streptococcus pneumoniae will be given in the OBX segment described below. Most
laboratory findings that will be reported will not require the “parent result” field to be populated. A notable
exception is the reporting of antimicrobial susceptibility testing results.
For laboratories that develop an HL7 message for laboratory-based reporting only and do not use HL7
within their institution, the parent result field should be used to report the name of the organism on which
sensitivities were performed. OBR-26 would therefore appear as:
|^^L-25116&Streptococcus pneumoniae&SNM|
HL7 2.3.1 states that OBR-26 should only be present when the parent result is identified by OBR-29-
parent number; however, as discussed, the parent result may not always be present when a laboratory
uses HL7 for transmission of public health information only. For this reason, OBR-26 should be populated
with information in the absence of a parent number. This is a deviation from the HL7 2.3.1 specifications,
but is necessary to interpret data required for laboratory-based reporting.
Definition: This field contains information about how many services to perform at one service time
and how often the service times are repeated, and to establish the duration of the request. See
Section 4.4 of the HL7 standard, Version 2.3.1, “Quantity/Timing (TQ) Definition.”
Definition: This field is the people who are to receive copies of the results. By local convention,
either the ID number or the name may be absent.
Definition: This field relates a child to its parent when a parent/child relationship exists. The field
is optional; however, it is recommended that the field be sent if available for laboratory-based
reporting. This field may be sent when a parent result is provided. Reporting of antimicrobial
susceptibility data requires that the parent result be populated with the name of the organism for
which testing was performed (OBR-26). See OBR-26 for further description.
For example a parent result with no filler number would appear as:
Definition: For public health reporting, ICD-9-CM codes used to support testing and
reimbursement should be used here. This field can repeat to accommodate multiple diagnoses.
The version of International Classification of Disease (ICD) does not impact the storage of these codes
and descriptions.
This field is rarely sent but is supported. Principal result interpreter is preferable to the use of OBX-16,
Responsible Observer.
Definition: This field is an indicator of who is responsible for arranging transport to the planned
diagnostic service. Examples: Requester, Provider, Patient. If coded, requires a user-defined
Definition: This field contains the procedure code modifier to the procedure code reported in field
44, when applicable. Procedure code modifiers are defined by regulatory agencies such as HCFA
and the AMA. Multiple modifiers may be reported. The HCPCS codes and modifiers of level II can
be found at
* For laboratory-based reporting, LOINC® is strongly recommended for OBX-3, and SNOMED® is strongly recommended
for OBX-5 when results are coded and CE data types are used.
** The data type for OBX-5 can vary and is determined by OBX-2.
1 The length of the observation value field is variable, depending upon value type. See OBX-2-value type.
2 Standard specifies that OBX-5 may repeat for multipart, single answer results with appropriate data types, e.g., CE,
TX, and FT data types. Not expecting repeats in the result values; would prefer to use additional OBXs tied together
with Observation sub-ids as described below.
This segment specifies that a third item in the report of a test for hepatitis A had a positive culture.
This is the final result and was observed on December 16, 2003, at 1:30 p.m.
This segment specifies that on January 21, 2004, at 8:00 a.m., the test for blood lead level resulted in 45
µg/dL. This is the final result.
Definition: This field contains the sequence number. There can be many OBX’s per OBR. The
set ID allows the receiver to maintain the relational aspects of the message.
This field can be used to track a number of results within one test panel. For example,
OBR|1||Hepatitis Panel||...
OBX|1|NM|LOINC Code for result 1||...
OBX|2|NM|LOINC Code for result 2||...
Definition: This field contains the data type that defines the format of the observation value in
OBX-5. An explanation of possible data types is given in Appendix D.
The value of an ID data type follows the formatting rules for an ST data type except that it is drawn from a
table of HL7 legal values.
This field contains the data type of the observation value reported in OBX-5. For instance, if the value in
OBX-2 is “CE”, then the result reported in OBX-5 must be a coded element. When the value type is TX or
FT, then the results in OBX-5 are bulk text. The choices allowed for the value type of an observation are
listed in HL7 Table 0125 - Value type. All HL7 data types are valid in this field except CM, CQ, SI and ID.
TX should not be used except to send large amounts of text. ST should be used to send short, and
possibly encodable, text strings. For laboratory-based reporting, the CE and SN data types should be
used whenever possible so that results can be interpreted easily
When no standard format for the reported result is available, it is recommended to use: (see OBX-5 for
additional explanation)
1) CE with subsequent NTE for non-standard coded results where the result is a text blob
Observations that are usually reported as numbers will sometimes have the string (ST) data type because
non-numeric characters are often reported as part of the result, e.g., “<0.06" to indicate the result was
lower than detected by the present mechanism. In the example, "<0.06," "<" is a text symbol and the digit,
“0.06" is considered a numeric value. However, this usage of the ST type should be discouraged since the
SN (structured numeric) data type now accommodates such reporting. The SN data type is described
under OBX-5 below.
Definition: This field contains a unique identifier for the result being reported.
For reporting of laboratory results, OBX-3 is the specific test that has been performed. Because OBX-3 is
designated as a coded element, different coding schemes can be used to describe the test or observation
in OBX-3. The description in OBX-3 essentially “points” to a master observation table that may provide
other attributes of the observation to be used by the receiving system to process the message. For
laboratory-based reporting, it is necessary for the observation to have a code in OBX-3 that can be easily
interpreted by the public health application receiving the message. For this reason, the laboratory-
based reporting message strongly recommends that LOINC® (discussed below) be used as the
coding system in OBX-3 for reporting tests that identify cases of illness that are reportable to
public health agencies. This decision was made to minimize any ambiguity in reporting test results.
Thus, whenever possible, OBX-3 should be used as the informative element of the ORU, the focal point of
the report. In other words, it is strongly recommended that OBX-3 be populated with as specific a LOINC®
code as possible to prevent any misinterpretation of reported results.
Following this method, the first component of the field is the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and
Codes® (LOINC®) code for a test which has been performed and which will have its individual results
reported in the OBX segment described later. The second component is the name of the test as it
appears in the LOINC® coding system. The third component is a code representing the name of the
coding system that has the table where the codes and names of the tests can be found e.g., LN is the
code for LOINC®. Coding systems other than LOINC®, such as SNOMED® (the Systematized
Nomenclature of Human and Veterinary Medicine) or local codes can be used for OBR-4. The codes for
identifying coding systems are found in the HL7 Standard Version 2.3.1 at section 7.5.4. Codes that we
anticipate for use in public health reporting are shown in Appendix C, User Table 0396.
LOINC (Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes) is a collection of tables which provide sets
of universal names and ID codes for identifying laboratory and clinical test results. The LOINC codes
are not intended to transmit all possible information about a test. They are only intended to identify
the test result. The level of detail in the LOINC definitions was intended to distinguish tests that are
usually distinguished as separate test results within the master file of existing laboratory systems. For
laboratory-based reporting of public health information, a subset of LOINC codes has been selected
and will be made available at the CDC web site. General information about LOINC codes can be
found at:
LOINC® codes are not recommended for pathology reports for cancer registries.
Some reports currently cannot be described with OBX-3 alone, for instance, the initial identification of an
organism may have an OBX-3 which is general, such as “Microbial Culture.” In this setting, OBX-5 would
identify the specific organism that has triggered a report to be sent to a public health agency, such as
“Neisseria meningitidis”. Another example would be reporting of antimicrobial sensitivity results where it is
necessary to use OBR-26 (Parent Result) which identifies the organism on which testing was performed.
However, it is still strongly recommended to use LOINC® codes for OBX-3 even if the chosen term is not
where <5182-1> is the identifier from the LOINC® table for the Enzyme Immunoassay for Hepatitis A Virus
IgM antibody, <Hepatitis A Virus IgM Serum Antibody EIA> is the text name as it appears in the table, and
<LN> is the name of the coding system. Any further description of the testing may appear in OBX-17
Observation method but is not required. For antimicrobial susceptibility testing, the antimicrobial test for
which minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) have been performed may appear as:
where <524-9> is the identifier from the LOINC® table for the vancomycin MIC test,
<Vancomycin Susceptibility MIC> is the text name as it appears in the table, and <LN> represents the
name of the coding system.
An example for coding a report of lead level from a capillary blood specimen:
For reporting an isolate of Neisseria meningitidis, OBX-3 would have the test which yielded the isolate.
The result of the culture (i.e., the growth of Neisseria meningitidis) would be reported in OBX-5 below.
OBX-3 would appear as:
For public health reporting, patient age is sometimes needed when the birth date may not be available.
The PID segment in HL7 Version 2.3.1 has only a field for date of birth, not for patient age. Many
applications compute patient age based on birth date. In the absence of birth date, patient age may be
recorded within an ORU message in an additional OBR/OBX combination of segments. This usage is
shown in the example of a complete ORU message in Appendix A. The suggested data type for patient
age is NM, which is recorded in OBX-2. The LOINC® code for age is represented in OBX-3 and actual
age is represented in OBX-5. Patient age can be ‘reported age’ at the time of diagnosis (LOINC® code
21612-7) or ‘estimated age’ (LOINC® code 21611-9). For situations where birth date is unknown, age may
be estimated by a third party on the basis of physical evidence.
A similar method may be used to record employment information that is not otherwise available in an ORU
message. Several different LOINC® codes identifying History of Occupation, Usual Occupation, Current
Employment, Age at Diagnosis, Industry etc., are available. The appropriate LOINC® code should be
represented when sending patient employment information. This usage is shown in the example of a
complete ORU message on page A-1 of Appendix A.
Definition: This field is used to distinguish between multiple OBX segments with the same
observation ID organized under one OBR. For example, a blood culture may have three different
organisms growing or a chest X-ray report might include three separate diagnostic impressions.
The standard requires three OBX segments, one for each impression. By recording 1 in the Sub-
ID of the first of these OBX segments, 2 in the second, and 3 in the third, each OBX segment can
be uniquely identified for editing or replacement. The sub-identifier can be further extended by
adding decimals (e.g., 2.1, 2.2). It is strongly recommended that numeric values be used for
laboratory-based reporting so that receiving applications can maintain easily the relational quality
of the data.
The sub-identifier is also used to group related components in reports such as surgical pathology. It is
traditional for surgical pathology reports to include all the tissues taken from one surgical procedure in one
report. Consider, for example, a single surgical pathology report that describes the examination of
gallbladder and appendix tissue. This report would be transmitted roughly as shown below.
The example above has two segments for each component of the report, one for each of the two tissues,
the gall bladder and the appendix. Thus, there are two |88304&ANT| segments; there are two
|88304&GDT| segments, and there are two |88304&MDT| segments. Segments that apply to the
gallbladder all have the sub-identifier 1. Segments that apply to the appendix all have sub-identifier 2.
The use of the sub ID to distinguish repeating OBXs for the same observation ID is really a special case of
using the sub ID to group related subdivisions of information within the overall observation category. Its
use must be carefully structured to avoid introducing ambiguities.
Refer to the 2.3.1 Microbiology Implementation Specifications for an explanation of how to use OBR-26 to
link information reported under OBR|1| to the parent results from OBX-3, 4, and 5.
OBX.5 Observation value (*Data type varies, User-assigned, Conditional, Not Supporting
Repeats 00573
Definition: The results of the test appear here. For laboratory-based reporting, SNOMED® is
strongly recommended for OBX-5 whenever the CE data type is indicated in OBX-2.
If CE appears in OBX-2, it is assumed that the result in OBX-5, components 1,2,and 3, is coded using
SNOMED®. For numeric results, the SN data type is preferred for OBX-2, and thus, SNOMED® is not
required. OBX-5 may have either the SNOMED® code for “positive” or the SNOMED®-specific names of
organisms identified in the tests described in OBX-3. It is strongly recommended that the SNOMED® code
be used for the modifiers “positive,” “negative,” and “indeterminate.” Other modifiers should be avoided
such as “limited findings,” “insufficient specimen,” “patient not at bedside,” or “see technician.”, especially
since these modifiers are more internal to the Laboratory Information System Further information on
SNOMED® can be found at the SNOMED® Internet site at
For reporting to public health jurisdictions, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
will authorize and distribute a subset of SNOMED® codes to third party reporting entities. An
authorization to use these codes without charge can be obtained from CDC by contacting the
Integrated Health Information Systems Office at 404-639-7438.
For example, when a Hepatitis A Virus IgM antibody has been identified in a reference laboratory, a report
for a public health agency is triggered. The OBX-3 would contain the code for the Hepatitis A IgM test and
OBX-5 would indicate that the test was positive. The OBX segment would appear as:
where OBX-3 uses a LOINC® code and OBX-5 uses a SNOMED® code.
For antimicrobial susceptibility testing, the OBX segment would appear as:
where OBX-3 uses a LOINC® code and OBX-5 has a numeric value. The value type listed in
OBX-2 determines the structure of the reported result here (i.e., SN) and thus, SNOMED® is not
recommended in this example. The SN data type has the following structure:
For results of a culture that yielded Neisseria meningitides, OBX-2 would be listed as a coded element
(CE) and OBX-5 would appear as:
|L-22202^Neisseria meningitidis^SNM|
It is strongly recommended that the data types CE and SN be used whenever possible to minimize
ambiguity in reporting. In those cases where laboratories have a local code which represents a canned
comment, the local code can be placed in OBX5 as a CE data type, and the canned comment can be
placed in an NTE directly following the OBX segment. For example:
For true free text results, i.e., those for which no local code is available, the TX data type should be used.
For example:
An example of a complete OBX segment coded for reported age of the patient at the time of diagnosis
would appear as:
Similarly, a complete OBX segment for patient employment would appear as:
Definition: This field contains the units for the observation value in OBX-5. The default value is an
ISO+abbreviation. The ISO+ and ANSI+ customary units are shown in Section of the
HL7 Version 2.3.1 standard.
The units for age would be yr, wk, mo, d (in ANSI+ standards representation) in OBX-6.
For example:
Definition: When the observation quantifies the amount of a toxic substance, then the upper limit
of the range identifies the toxic limit. If the observation quantifies a drug, the lower limits identify
the lower therapeutic bounds and the upper limits represent the upper therapeutic bounds above
which toxic side effects are common.
If numeric, the values of this field may report several values in one of the following three formats:
lower limit-upper limit when both lower and upper limits are defined,
e.g., for potassium "3.5 - 4.5"
> lower limit if no upper limit, e.g., ">10"
< upper limit if no lower limit, e.g., "<15"
If alphabetical, the normal value may be reported in OBX-7. For instance, the normal result on an assay
may be “pink”.
For example:
|1.1-8.0| portrays a normal (acceptable) range for an adult blood lead in certain states.
Definition: This field contains the microbiology sensitivity interpretations. Refer to HL7 Table
0078 - Abnormal flags for valid entries.
Abnormal flags should be used for reporting microbiology sensitivity data. Abnormal flags for antimicrobial
sensitivity reporting should conform to the recommendations of National Committee of Clinical Laboratory
Standards (NCCLS, For most reported findings, the allowable values are S, I, or R,
and should be provided in addition to the numeric value in OBX-5. For ELR, when findings other than
susceptibility results are sent, the abnormal flag should be valued (e.g., "H", "N", or "A") to distinguish
between tests that are interpreted as normal and those that are interpreted as abnormal.
Definition: This field contains the probability of a result being true for results with categorical
values. It mainly applies to discrete coded results. It is a decimal number represented as an
ASCII string that must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.
Definition: This field contains the observation result status. Refer to HL7 Table 0085 -
Observation result status codes interpretation for valid values. This field reflects the current
completion status of the results for data contained in the OBX-5-observation value field. It is a
required field. Previous versions of HL7 stated this implicitly by defining a default value of “F”
indicating that the result has been verified to be correct and final.
|OBX|1|…|C| portrays a corrected result in OBX-11.
Definition: This field contains the changes in the observation methods that would make values
obtained from the old method not comparable with those obtained from the new method. Null if
there are no normals or units. If present, a change in this date compared to date-time recorded,
the receiving system’s test dictionary should trigger a manual review of the results to determine
whether the new observation ID should be assigned a new ID in the local system to distinguish the
new results from the old.
Definition: This field permits the producer to record results-dependent codes for classifying the
observation at the receiving system. For ELR, this field should be populated with the reportable
condition if available.
Definition: Records the time of the observation. It is the physiologically relevant date-time or the
closest approximation to that date-time of the observation. This field is required in two
circumstances. The first is when the observations (OBX’s) reported beneath one report header
(OBR) have different dates, for instance when one measurement within a battery may have a
different time/date than another measurement.
For example: |200012161330| is the date/time when the result was read by the laboratory.
Definition: Contains a unique identifier of the responsible producing service. It should be included
for all ELR messages that are reported to public health agencies. For most reports the CLIA
identifier here will be identical to the CLIA identifier listed as the assigning facility in PID-3 (Patient
ID, Internal). When the test results are produced at outside laboratories, the CLIA identifier for the
laboratory that performed the test should appear here and will be different from the CLIA identifier
listed as the assigning facility in PID-3.
Definition: This field contains the identifier of the individual directly responsible for the observation
(the person who either performed or verified it).
This field is not expected in the ELR message. A responsible observer would be listed in OBR - 31
Definition: This field could be used to transmit the method or procedure by which an observation
was obtained when the sending system wishes to distinguish among one measurement obtained
by different methods and the distinction is not implicit in the test ID. There are no
recommendations for a code set to use.
NTE attributes
1 4 N/A SI O 00096 Set ID – NTE Supported
2 8 N/A ID O 0105 00097 Source of Comment Not used
3 64k FT O Y 00098 Comment Supported
4 60 N/A CE O 01318 Comment Type Not Supported
Definition: This field may be used where multiple NTE segments are included in a message.
Their numbering must be described in the application message definition.
Definition: This field is used when source of comment must be identified. HL7-defined table 0105
Source of Comment may be extended locally during implementation.
Definition: This field contains a value to identify the type of comment text being sent in the specific
comment record. Allowable values are given in User-defined table 0364 – Comment Type.
The sequence numbering protocol has a natural application in batch transfers. See the discussion
of batch acknowledgments that follows. A batch for reporting to public health agencies will consist of a
single type of message (i.e., ORU). Batches should usually contain at least one HL7 message. There are
only two cases in which an HL7 batch file may contain zero HL7 messages:
a) a batch containing zero HL7 messages may be sent to meet a requirement for periodic submission of
batches when there are no messages to send,
b) a batch containing zero negative acknowledgment messages may be sent to indicate that all the
HL7 messages contained in the batch being acknowledged are implicitly acknowledged. The attribute
tables and field definitions for batch-related segments are given below.
The following segments relate to the HL7 Batch Protocol: 1) BHS - Batch Header, 2) BTS -Batch Trailer, 3)
FHS - File Header, and 4) FTS - File Trailer. The BTS segment contains a field, BTS-3-batch totals, which
may have one or more totals drawn from fields within the individual messages. The method for computing
such totals resides with the sending facility.
All four of the File and Batch Header and Trailer segments are required when sending batches without
going through the PHIN-MS interface that resides on the Laboratory Trading Partners’ servers. If the
batch segments are sent through PHIN-MS translators, the interface will provide the appropriate segments
and batch counts that are used for processing the message through its transport lifecycle.
FHS Attributes
1 1 ST R 00067 File field separator Supported
2 4 ST R 00068 File encoding Supported
3 15 ST O 00069 File sending Supported
4 20 ST O 00070 File sending facility Supported
Usage notes: FHS fields 1-8 have the same definitions as the corresponding fields in the MSH segment
and are not repeated here.
Definition: This field can be used by the application processing file. Its use is not further
Definition: This field contains the free text field, the use of which is not further specified.
Definition: This field is used to identify a particular file uniquely. Use Timestamp plus a counter
similar to MSH-10 to uniquely identify the file here. It can be echoed back in FHS-12-reference
file control ID.
Definition: This field contains the value of FHS-11-file control ID when this file was originally
transmitted. Not present if this file is being transmitted for the first time.
FTS Attributes
1 10 NM O 00079 File batch count Supported
2 80 ST O 00080 File trailer Not used
Definition: This field contains the number of batches contained in the file.
Definition: The use of this free text field is not further defined in the HL7 protocol.
BHS Attributes
1 1 ST R 00067 Batch field Supported
2 4 ST R 00068 Batch encoding Supported
3 15 ST O 00069 Batch sending Supported
4 20 ST O 00070 Batch sending Supported
5 15 ST O 00071 Batch receiving Supported
6 20 ST O 00072 Batch receiving Supported
7 26 TS O 00073 Batch creation Supported
8 40 ST O 00074 Batch security Not Used
9 20 ST O 00075 Batch name/ID/type Supported
10 80 ST O 00076 Batch comment Not used
11 20 ST O 00077 Batch control ID Not used
12 20 ST O 00078 Reference batch Not used
control ID
Usage notes: BHS fields 1-8 have the same definitions as the corresponding fields in the MSH segment
and are not repeated here. BHS segment was not shown in the examples, but the field definitions are
provided below for reference.
Definition: This field can be used by the application processing the batch. It can have extra
components if needed.
Definition: This field is a comment field that is not further defined in the HL7 protocol.
Definition: This field is used to uniquely identify a particular batch. Use Timestamp and a counter
similar to MSH-10 to uniquely identify the batch. It can be echoed back in BHS-12-reference
batch control ID if an answering batch is needed.
Definition: This field contains the value of BHS-11-batch control ID when this batch was originally
transmitted. This field is not valued if this batch is being sent for the first time.
BTS Attributes
1 10 ST O 00093 Batch message count
2 80 ST O 00094 Batch comment
3 100 NM O Y 00095 Batch totals
Usage notes: BTS segment was not shown in the examples, but the field definitions are provided below
for reference.
Definition: This field contains the count of the individual messages contained within the batch.
Definition: This field is a comment field that is not further defined in the HL7 protocol.
Definition: This field contains the batch total. The numbers of messages should be counted and
represented here to allow recipients to have simple batch level auditing.
199605170123|P|2.3.1 <hex 0D0A>
PID|||10543^^^^^Columbia Valley Memorial Hospital&01D0355944&CLIA|95101100001^^^^^
MediLabCo- Seattle&45D0470381&CLIA||Doe^John^Q^Jr|Clemmons||M||W| 2166 Wells Dr
DOEJ34556057^WA^19970801||N <hex 0D0A>
NK1|1|Doe^Jane^Lee^^^^L|SPO^spouse^HL70063|2166 Wells Dr^Apt B^Seattle^WA^98109^
USA^M^^King^^A|^PRN^PH^^^206^6793240|<hex 0D0A>
ORC|||||||||||||||||||||MediLabCo - Northwest Pathology Ltd., Central Campus^^45D0470381^^^CLIA|2217
Rainier Way^^Renton^WA^98002^USA^M^^Black Hawk^^A|
^WPN^PH^[email protected]^^206^5549097 |115 Pike Plaza^Suite
2100^Seattle^WA^98122^USA^^^^^A|<hex 0D0A>
OBR|1||SER122145|^^^78334^Hepatitis Panel, Measurement^L|||199603210830 ||||||||BLDV|
^Welby^M^J^Jr^Dr^MD|^WPN^PH^^^206^4884144||||||||F <hex 0D0A>
OBX||CE|5182-1^Hepatitis A Virus, Serum Antibody EIA^LN||G-A200^Positive^SNM||||||F||
|199603241500|45D0480381 <hex 0D0A>
OBR|2|||^Additional patient demographics|<hex 0D0A>
OBX|1|NM|21612-7^reported patient age^LN||47|yr^year^ANSI+||<hex 0D0A>
OBX|2|TX|11294-6^Current employment^LN||food handler||<hex 0D0A>
Example 2: Lead
|ORU^R01|200112170897|P|2.3.1 <hex 0D0A>
PID|||10543^^^^^Columbia Valley Memorial Hospital&01D0355944&CLIA~95101100001^^^^^
2166WellsDr^AptB^Seattle^WA^98109||^^^^^206^6793240|||M|||423523049|||N <hex 0D0A>
NK1|1|Doe^Jane^Lee^^^^L|MTH^Mother^HL70063|2166 Wells Dr^Apt B^Seattle^WA^98109^
USA^M^^King^^A|^PRN^PH^^^206^6793240|<hex 0D0A>
ORC|||||||||||||||||||||MediLabCo - Northwest Pathology Ltd., Central Campus^^45D0470381^^^CLIA|2217
Rainier Way^^Renton^WA^98002^USA^M^^Black
Hawk^A|^WPN^PH^[email protected]^^206^5549097|115 Pike Plaza^Suite
2100^Seattle^WA ^98122^USA^^^^A|<hex 0D0A>
OBR|1||CHEM9700122|^^^3456543^Blood lead test^L|||200111270930||||||||BLDC^Blood capillary
|^Welby^M^J^Jr^Dr^MD|^WPN^PH^^^206^4884144||||||||F <hex 0D0A>
OBX||SN|10368-9^Quantitative Blood Lead^LN||^45|µg/dL|||||F|||200111300800|
45D0480381<hex 0D0A>
User-defined Table 0001 - Sex [values suggested by HL7] (use in PID-8, NK1-15)
Value Description
F Female
M Male
H Hermaphrodite, Undetermined
T Transsexual
O Other
U Unknown
Value Description
A Separated
D Divorced
M Married
S Single
W Widowed
User-defined Table 0005 - Race [These values are compliant with OMB directive for combined
format] (use in PID-10)
Value Description
I American Indian or Alaska Native
A Asian
P Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
B Black or African-American
W White
H Hispanic or Latino
O Other
U Unknown
User-defined Table 0063 - Relationship (From HL7 standard, Version 2.3.1) (use in NK1-3, NK1-31,
IN1-17, IN2-62)
Value Description
ASC Associate
BRO Brother
CGV Care giver
CHD Child
DEP Handicapped dependent
DOM Life partner
EMC Emergency contact
EME Employee
EMR Employer
EXF Extended family
FCH Foster child
FND Friend
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Implementation Guide for Transmission of Laboratory-Based Reporting using HL7 2.3.1
Value Description
FTH Father
GCH Grandchild
GRD Guardian
GRP Grandparent
MGR Manager
MTH Mother
NCH Natural child
NON None
OAD Other adult
OTH Other
OWN Owner
PAR Parent
SCH Stepchild
SEL Self
SIB Sibling
SIS Sister
SPO Spouse
TRA Trainer
UNK Unknown
WRD Ward of court
Value Description
ABS Abscess
AMN Amniotic fluid
ASP Aspirate
BPH Basophils
BIFL Bile fluid
BLDA Blood arterial
BBL Blood bag
BLDC Blood capillary
BPU Blood product unit
BLDV Blood venous
BON Bone
BRTH Breath (use EXHLD)
BRO Bronchial
BRN Burn
CALC Calculus (=Stone)
CDM Cardiac muscle
CNL Cannula
CTP Catheter tip
CSF Cerebral spinal fluid
CVM Cervical mucus
CVX Cervix
COL Colostrum
CBLD Cord blood
CNJT Conjunctiva
CUR Curettage
DIAF Dialysis fluid
DOSE Dose med or substance
DRN Drain
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Implementation Guide for Transmission of Laboratory-Based Reporting using HL7 2.3.1
Value Description
DUFL Duodenal fluid
EARW Ear wax (cerumen)
ELT Electrode
ENDC Endocardium
ENDM Endometrium
EOS Eosinophils
RBC Erythrocytes
EXHLD Exhaled gas (=breath)
FIB Fibroblasts
FLT Filter
FIST Fistula
FLU Body fluid, unsp
GAST Gastric fluid/contents
GEN Genital
GENC Genital cervix
GENL Genital lochia
GENV Genital vaginal
HAR Hair
IHG Inhaled Gas
IT Intubation tube
ISLT Isolate
LAM Lamella
WBC Leukocytes
LN Line
LNA Line arterial
LNV Line venous
LIQ Liquid NOS
LYM Lymphocytes
MAC Macrophages
MAR Marrow
MEC Meconium
MBLD Menstrual blood
MLK Milk
MILK Breast milk
NOS Nose (nasal passage)
ORH Other
PAFL Pancreatic fluid
PAT Patient
PRT Peritoneal fluid /ascites
PLC Placenta
PLAS Plasma
PLB Plasma bag
PLR Pleural fluid (thoracentesis fld)
PMN Polymorphonuclear neutrophils
PPP Platelet poor plasma
PRP Platelet rich plasma
RT Route of medicine
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Implementation Guide for Transmission of Laboratory-Based Reporting using HL7 2.3.1
Value Description
SAL Saliva
SEM Seminal fluid
SER Serum
SKN Skin
SKM Skeletal muscle
SPRM Spermatozoa
SPT Sputum
SPTC Sputum - coughed
SPTT Sputum - tracheal aspirate
STON Stone (use CALC)
STL Stool = Fecal
SWT Sweat
SNV Synovial fluid (Joint fluid)
TEAR Tears
THRT Throat
THRB Thrombocyte (platelet)
TISS Tissue
TISG Tissue gall bladder
TLGI Tissue large intestine
TLNG Tissue lung
TISPL Tissue placenta
TSMI Tissue small intestine
TISU Tissue ulcer
ULC Ulcer
UMB Umbilical blood
UMED Unknown medicine
URTH Urethra
UR Urine
URC Urine clean catch
URT Urine catheter
URNS Urine sediment
USUB Unknown substance
VOM Vomitus
BLD Whole blood
BDY Whole body
WAT Water
WND Wound
WNDA Wound abscess
WNDE Wound exudate
WNDD Wound drainage
XXX To be specified
Value Description
L Below low normal
H Above high normal
LL Below lower panic limits
HH Above upper panic limits
< Below absolute low-off instrument scale
> Above absolute high-off instrument scale
N Normal (applies to non-numeric results)
A Abnormal (applies to non-numeric results)
AA Very abnormal (applies to non-numeric units, analogous to panic limits for numeric units)
null No range defined, or normal ranges don't apply
U Significant change up
D Significant change down
B Better--use when direction not relevant
W Worse--use when direction not relevant
For microbiology susceptibilities only:
S Susceptible*
R Resistant*
I Intermediate*
MS Moderately susceptible*
VS Very susceptible*
HL7-defined Table 0085 - Observation result status codes interpretation (use in OBX-11)
Value Description
C Record coming over is a correction and thus replaces a final result
D Deletes the OBX record
F Final results; Can only be changed with a corrected result
I Specimen in lab; results pending
N Not asked; used to affirmatively document that the observation identified in the OBX was
not sought when the universal service ID in OBR-4 implies that it would be sought
O Order detail description only (no result)
P Preliminary results
R Results entered - not verified
S Partial results
X Results cannot be obtained for this observation
U Results status change to Final without re-transmitting results already sent as 'preliminary.'
e.g., radiology changes status from preliminary to final
W Post original as wrong; e.g., transmitted for wrong patient
Value Description
D Debugging
P Production
T Training
Value Description
2.0 Release 2.0 September 1988
2.0D Demo 2.0 October 1988
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Implementation Guide for Transmission of Laboratory-Based Reporting using HL7 2.3.1
2.1 Release 2.1 March 1990
2.2 Release 2.2 December 1994
2.3 Release 2.3 March 1997
2.3.1 Release 2.3.1May 1999
2.3.1 Release 2.3.1 October 2000
Value Description
L Ancillary (filler) department is source of comment
P Orderer (placer) is source of comment
O Other system is source of comment
Value Description
O Order received; specimen not yet received
I No results available; specimen received, procedure incomplete
S No results available; procedure scheduled, but not done
A Some, but not all, results available
P Preliminary: A verified early result is available, final results not yet obtained
C Correction to results
C Correction to results
R Results stored; not yet verified
F Final results; results stored and verified. Can only be changed with a corrected result.
X No results available; Order canceled.
Y No order on record for this test. (Used only on queries)
Y No order on record for this test. (Used only on queries)
Z No record of this patient. (Used only on queries)
AD Address
CE Coded Entry
CF Coded Element With Formatted Values
CK Composite ID With Check Digit
CN Composite ID And Name
CP Composite Price
CX Extended Composite ID With Check Digit
DT Date
ED Encapsulated Data
FT Formatted Text (Display)
MO Money
NM Numeric
PN Person Name
RP Reference Pointer
SN Structured Numeric
ST String Data.
TM Time
TN Telephone Number
TS Time Stamp (Date & Time)
TX Text Data (Display)
XAD Extended Address
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Implementation Guide for Transmission of Laboratory-Based Reporting using HL7 2.3.1
Value type Description
Value Description
Y Yes
N No
“”<null> Not obtained (when used by immunization registries as defined in PD1-12)
HL7-defined Table 0163 - Administrative Site [only selected values listed] (use in RXR-2)
Value Description
LT Left Thigh
LA Left Arm
LD Left Deltoid
LG Left Gluteous Medius
LVL Left Vastus Lateralis
LLFA Left Lower Forearm
RA Right Arm
RT Right Thigh
RVL Right Vastus Lateralis
RG Right Gluteous Medius
RD Right Deltoid
RLFA Right Lower Forearm
User-defined Table 0189 - Ethnic Group [These values are compliant with the OMB directive] (use in
Value Description
H Hispanic or Latino
NH not Hispanic or Latino
U Unknown
HL7-defined Table 0190 - Address type (use in all XAD data types; including PID-11)
Value Description
C Current or Temporary
P Permanent
M Mailing
B Firm/Business
O Office
H Home
N Birth (nee)
F Country of Origin
L Legal Address
BLD Birth delivery location [use for birth facility]
BR Residence at birth [use for residence at birth]
RH Registry home
BA Bad address
Value Description
A Alias Name
L Legal Name
D Display Name
M Maiden Name
C Adopted Name
B Name at Birth
P Name of Partner/Spouse
U Unspecified
HL7-defined Table 0201 - Telecommunication use code (use in all XTN data types; including PID-
Value Description
PRN Primary Residence Number
ORN Other Residence Number
WPN Work Number
VHN Vacation Home Number
ASN Answering Service Number
EMR Emergency Number
NET Network (email) Address
BPN Beeper Number
HL7-defined Table 0202 - Telecommunication equipment type (use in all XTN data types; including
PID-13, 14)
Value Description
PH Telephone
FX Fax
MD Modem
CP Cellular Phone
BP Beeper
Internet Internet Address: Use Only if Telecommunication Use Code is NET
X.400 X.400 email address: Use Only if Telecommunication Use Code is NET
User-defined Table 0203 - Identifier type [values suggested by HL7; with NIP-suggested additions] (use
in all CX, XCN type codes; including PID-2,3,4,18,21)
Value Description
AM American Express
AN Account Number
ANON Anonymous Identifier
BR Birth Registry Number
DI Diner's Club Card
DL Driver's License Number
DN Doctor Number
DS Discover Card
EI Employee Number
EN Employer Number
FI Facility Identifier
GI Guarantor Internal Identifier
GN Guarantor External Identifier
Value Description
LN License Number
LR Local Registry ID
MS MasterCard
MA Medicaid Number
MC Medicare Number
MR Medical Record Number
NE National Employer Identifier
NH National Health Plan Identifier
NI National Unique Individual Identifier
NPI National Provider Identifier
PI Patient Internal Identifier
PN Person Number
PRN Provider Number
PT Patient External Identifier
RRI Regional Registry ID
RR Railroad Retirement Number
SL State License
SR State Registry ID
SS Social Security Number
U Unspecified
UPIN Medicare/HCFA's Universal Physician ID Numbers
VN Visit Number
WC WIC Identifier
XX Organization Identifier
VEI Vaccinator Employee Number
OEI Orderer Employee Number
REI Recorder Employee Number
User-defined Table 0204 - Organizational name type [values suggested by HL7] (use in all XON data
Value Description
A Alias Name
L Legal Name
D Display Name
SL Stock Exchange Listing Name
Value Description
A Archive
R Restore from archive
I Initial load
<blank> Not present (the default, meaning current processing)
User-defined Table 0360 - Degree [selected values suggested by HL7; with NIP-suggested additions]
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Implementation Guide for Transmission of Laboratory-Based Reporting using HL7 2.3.1
(use in all XPN data types, including PID-5,6,9)
Value Description
PN Advanced Practice Nurse
AA Associate of Arts
AAS Associate of Applied Science
AS Associate of Science
BA Bachelor of Arts
BN Bachelor of Nursing
BS Bachelor of Science
BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing
CER Certificate
CANP Certified Adult Nurse Practitioner
CMA Certified Medical Assistant
CNP Certified Nurse Practitioner
CNM Certified Nurse Midwife
CNA Certified Nurse’s Assistant
CRN Certified Registered Nurse
CNS Certified Nurse Specialist
CPNP Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
DIP Diploma
PHD Doctor of Philosophy
MD Doctor of Medicine
DO Doctor of Osteopathy
EMT Emergency Medical Technician
EMT-P Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic
FPNP Family Practice Nurse Practitioner
HS High School Graduate
JD Juris Doctor
LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
MA Master of Arts
MBA Master of Business Administration
MPH Master of Public Health
MS Master of Science
MSN Master of Science – Nursing
MDA Medical Assistant
MT Medical Technician
NG Non-Graduate
NP Nurse Practitioner
PharmD Doctor of Pharmacy
PA Physician Assistant
PHN Public Health Nurse
RMA Registered Medical Assistant
RN Registered Nurse
RPH Registered Pharmacist
SEC Secretarial Certificate
TS Trade School Graduate
User-defined Table 0361 – Sending/receiving application (use in MSH-3, MSH-5, FHS-3, FHS-5,
BHS-3, BHS-5) [locally-defined]
Value Description
PI Patient Instructions
AI Ancillary Instructions
GI General Instructions
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Implementation Guide for Transmission of Laboratory-Based Reporting using HL7 2.3.1
1R Primary Reason
2R Secondary Reason
GR General Reason
RE Remark
DR Duplicate/Interaction Reason
User-defined Table 0396 – Coding System [Only selected values listed] [From HL7 Standard, Version
2.3.1] (Use in OBR-4, 26, OBX-3, 5,17)
Value Description
99zzz or L Local general code (where z is an alphanumeric character)
ART WHO Adverse Reaction Terms
C4 CPT-4
C5 CPT-5
CDCA CDC Analyte Codes
CDCM CDC Methods/Instruments Codes
CDS CDC Surveillance
CPTM CPT Modifier Code
CVX CDC Vaccine Codes
E5 Euclides quantity codes
E6 Euclides Lab method codes
E7 Euclides Lab equipment codes
ENZC Enzyme Codes
HCPCS HCFA Common Procedure Coding System
HHC Home Health Care
HL7nnnn HL7 Defined Codes where nnnn is the HL7 table number
HPC HCFA Procedure Codes (HCPCS)
I10 ICD-10
I10P ICD-10 Procedure Codes
ISOnnnn ISO Defined Codes where nnnn is the ISO table number
LB Local billing code
LN Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes (LOINC®)
MCD Medicaid
MCR Medicare
MEDR Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Affairs (MEDDRA)
MVX CDC Vaccine Manufacturer Codes
NDC National drug codes
NPI National Provider Identifier
SNM Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED®)
SNM3 SNOMED International
SNT SNOMED topology codes (anatomic sites)
UML Unified Medical Language
UPC Universal Product Code
W1 WHO record # drug codes (6 digit)
W2 WHO record # drug codes (8 digit)
W4 WHO record # code with ASTM extension
Value Description
I Ideographic (e.g., Kanji)
A Alphabetic (e.g., Default or some single-byte)
P Phonetic (e.g., ASCII, Katakana, Hirigana, etc.)
2.8.3 CE - coded This data type transmits codes and the text associated with the code. For HL7-defined tables, the
element To allow all six components of a CE data type to be valued, the third component, name of
with suggested length of a field of this data type is at least 60. coding system, is constructed
formatted by appending the table
values Components: number to the string “HL7.”
<identifier (ST)>^<text (ST)>^<name of coding system (ST)>^ For example, the HL7 table
<alternate identifier (ST)>^<alternate text (ST)> ^<name of alternate number 0163 would be
coding system (ST)> designated in the “name of
Components are defined as follows: coding system” component
(1) Identifier (ST). The code that uniquely identifies the item as “HL70163.”
being referenced by the <text>. Different coding schemes will
have different elements here. The second set of codes
(2) Text (ST). Name or description of the item in question. must carry the same
Name of coding system (ST). Identifies the coding system meaning as the first set. For
used. The combination of the identifier and the name of the example, for immunization
coding system components will be a unique code for a data data, a first set using CVX
item. codes followed by a second
(4-6) Three components analogous to 1-3 for the alternate or local set using CPT codes may be
coding system. used to record the
administration of a single
2.8.5 CK - Components: <ID number (NM)>^<check digit (NM)>^<code This data type is used for
composite identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)>^<assigning certain fields that commonly
ID with authority (HD)> contain check digits, e.g.,
check digit Components are defined as follows: PID-3-Patient identifier list. If
(1) ID number (NM). a user is not using check
(2) Check digit (NM). This is the check digit that is part of the digits for a CK field, the
identifying number used in the sending application. If the second and third components
sending application does not include a self-generated check are not valued.
digit in the identifying number, this component should be
valued null.
(3) Code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID).
Check digit scheme codes are defined in HL7 Table 0061 -
Check digit scheme. Note: Mod 10 and Mod 11 check digit
algorithms are defined in the HL7 Standard Section
CN - Components: <ID number (ST)> ^ <family name (ST)> ^ <given name
2.8.7 Composite (ST)> ^ <middle initial or name (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^
ID number <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (ST)> ^ <source table
and name (IS)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)>
2.8.6 CM - A field that is a combination of other meaningful data fields. Each The CM data type is
composite portion is called a component. The specific components of CM fields maintained strictly for
are defined within the field descriptions. backward compatibility and
may not be used for the
definition of new fields.
2.8.9 CP - Components: <price (MO)>^<price type (ID)>^<from value (NM)>^<to See HL7 Standard for
composite value (NM)>^<range units (CE)>^<range type (ID)> component definitions.
2.8.10 CQ - Components: <quantity (NM)>^<units (CE)> Future use of this data type
composite will be avoided because the
quantity same information can be sent
with units as a CE data type.
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Implementation Guide for Transmission of Laboratory-Based Reporting using HL7 2.3.1
2.8.13 DLN - Components: <license number (ST)>^<issuing state, province, This data type gives the
driver's country (IS)>^<expiration date (DT)> driver's license information.
license See HL7 Standard for
number component definitions and
tables to use.
2.8.17 EI - entity Components: <entity identifier (ST)>^<namespace ID The entity identifier defines a
identifier (IS)>^<universal ID (ST)>^<universal ID type (ID)> given entity within a specified
Components are defined as follows: series of identifiers.
(1) Entity identifier (ST). This component is usually defined to be
unique within the series of identifiers created by the assigning
authority, defined by a hierarchic designator, represented by
components (2) through (4). (These are as defined here at
2.8.20, “HD - hierarchic designator.”)
2.8.19 FT - This data type is derived from the string data type by allowing the
formatted addition of embedded formatting instructions. These instructions are
text data limited to those that are intrinsic and independent of the
circumstances under which the field is being used. The FT field is of
arbitrary length (up to 64K) and may contain formatting commands
enclosed in escape characters.
2.8.20 HD - A unique name that identifies the system which was the source of the Used in fields that formerly
hierarchic data. The HD is designed to be used either as a local version of a site- used the IS data type. When
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Implementation Guide for Transmission of Laboratory-Based Reporting using HL7 2.3.1
2.8.21 ID - coded The value of such a field follows the formatting rules for an ST field This data type should be
value for except that it is drawn from a table of legal values. Examples of ID used only for HL7 tables.
HL7- fields include MSH-12-Version ID and PD1-12-Protection indicator. The reverse is not true, since
defined in some circumstances, it is
tables more appropriate to use the
CE data type for HL7 tables.
2.8.22 IS - coded The value of such a field follows the formatting rules for an ST field This data type should be
value for except that it is drawn from a site-defined (or user-defined) table of used only for user-defined
user- legal values. An example of an IS field is PID-8-Sex. tables. The reverse is not
defined true, since in some
tables circumstances, it is more
appropriate to use the CE
data type for user-defined
2.8.23 JCC - job Format: <job code (IS)>^<job class (IS)> See HL7 Standard for
code/class component definitions and
tables to use.
2.8.38 SI - A non-negative integer in the form of an NM field. The uses of this data type
sequence are defined in the chapters
ID defining the segments and
messages in which it is used.
2.8.40 ST - string Any printable ASCII characters except the defined delimiter The ST data type is intended
data characters. To include any HL7 delimiter character (except the for short strings (less than
segment terminator) within a string data field, use the appropriate HL7 200 characters). For longer
escape sequence. String data is left justified with trailing blanks strings, the TX or FT data
optional. types should be used.
2.8.44 TS - time Contains the exact time of an event, including the date and time. The optional degree of
stamp precision component is
Format: YYYY[MM[DD[HHMM[SS[.S[S[S[S]]]]]]]][+/-ZZZZ]^ <degree retained only for backwards
of precision> compatibility. Immunization
registries will not value this
The date portion of a time stamp follows the rules of a date field (DT) component. Instead, the
and the time portion follows the rules of a time field (TM). HL7 precision of the data may be
recommends, but does not require, that all systems routinely send the indicated by limiting the
time zone offset. number of digits valued.
2.8.45 TX - text String data meant for user display (on a terminal or printer). Not
data necessarily left justified. Leading spaces may contribute to clarity of
the presentation to the user.
2.8.48 XAD - Components: <street address (ST)>^ <other designation (ST)>^<city HL7 Table 0190 - Address
extended (ST)>^<state or province (ST)>^<zip or postal code (ST)>^<country type allows user to designate
address (ID)>^<address type (ID)>^<other geographic designation the type of address (e.g.,
(ST)>^<county/parish code (IS)>^<census tract (IS)>^<address mailing, residence at birth,
representation code (ID)> birth delivery location).
Components are defined as follows: When this field is allowed to
(1) Street address (ST). The street or mailing address of a person repeat, several addresses
or institution. can be recorded in the field,
(2) Other designation (ST). Second line of address (e.g., Suite 555, with each type noted.
or Fourth Floor).
(3) City (ST).
(4) State or province (ST). State or province should be represented
by the official postal service codes for that country.
(5) Zip or postal code (ST). Zip or postal codes should be
represented by the official codes for that country. In the U.S., the
zip code takes the form 99999[-9999], while the Canadian postal
codes take the form A9A-9A9.
(6) Country (ID). Defines the country of the address. ISO 3166
provides a list of country codes that may be used (see User-
defined Table 0212 - Nationality).
(7) Address type (ID). Type is optional and defined by HL7 Table
0190 - Address type.
(8) Other geographic designation (ST). Other geographic
designation includes county, bioregion, SMSA, etc.
(9) County/Parish Code (IS). This component should not duplicate
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Implementation Guide for Transmission of Laboratory-Based Reporting using HL7 2.3.1
2.8.50 XON - Components: <organization name (ST)>^<organization name type See CK (1-3) for XON
extended code (IS)>^<ID number (NM)>^<check digit (NM)>^<code identifying components (3-5).
composite the check digit scheme employed (ID)>^<assigning authority
name and (HD)>^<identifier type code (IS)>^<assigning facility ID (HD)>^<name
identificatio representation code (ID)>
n number Components are defined as follows:
for (1) Organization name (ST). The name of the specified
organizatio organization.
ns (2) Organization name type code (IS). Refer to User-defined Table
0204 - Organizational name type.
(3-5)Defined as in CK (1-3).
(6) Assigning authority (HD).
Subcomponents of (9): <namespace ID (IS)>&<universal ID
(ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
(7) Identifier type code (IS). Refer to user-defined table 0203 -
Identifier type for valid values.
(8) Assigning facility (HD).
Subcomponents of (8): <namespace ID (IS)>&<universal ID
(ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
(9) Name representation code (ID). See HL7 Table 4000 -
Name/address representation for valid values.
2.8.52 XTN - Format and Components: [NNN] [(999)]999-9999[X99999][B99999][C Note: To interoperate with
extended any text]^<telecommunication use code (ID)>^<telecommunication CEN's Telecommunication
telecommu equipment type (ID)>^<email address (ST)>^<country code data attribute group, HL7
nication (NM)>^<area/city code (NM)>^<phone number (NM)>^<extension allows use of the second
number (NM)>^<any text (ST)> component for email
addresses. When used for
For codes, refer to HL7 Table 0201 - Telecommunication use code an Internet address, the first
and HL7 Table 0202 - Telecommunication equipment type. component will be null; the
second component will have
the code NET, and the type
of Internet address is
specified with Internet or
X.400 in the third component.
When used for an Internet
address, the first component
of the XTN data type will be
null. If the @-sign is being
used as a subcomponent
delimiter, the HL7
subcomponent escape
sequence may be used (See
Section 2.9 of the HL7