RAAS Worksheet

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Heart Regulators or Supervisors Why does the ANS step in?

PNS- Tachycardia >100 bpm

What are the three “heart supervisors?”
SNS- Bradycardia <60 bpm
Decrease in blood volume
Decrease in BP
Decrease in tissue perfusion
First system in to help:

SNS vs PNS- know what triggers these systems!

SNS Triggers PNS Triggers

1. 1.




SNS Epinephrine Adrenergic Receptors

B1: Heart/BV- you have 1 heart!

B2: Lungs- you have 2 lungs!

1. What do beta 1 adrenergic receptors do to the body?

2. What do beta 2 adrenergic receptors do to the body?

PNS Acetylcholine Cholinergic Receptors

1. What are the effects of cholinergic receptors on the body?

Second system that steps in to help: RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN- ALDOSTERONE-SYSTEM

Why does the RAAS
1. Kidneys release _______ into systemic circulation. step in?
2. _______ travels to the liver which stimulates the release of __________.
3. Liver releases _____________ into system circulation where it is converted to Decrease in HR
___________ by renin. <60bpm
4. Angiotensin 1 travels to the _____, where angiotensin- ___________ Decrease in blood
enzyme (ACE) is located. volume
5. Angiotensin __ is converted to Angiotensin __ with the help of ACE. Decrease in BP
Decrease in tissue
Heart Regulators or Supervisors
Ang 2 is a POTENT
6. Angiotensin __ is released from ______ into systemic circulation.
7. Once in circulation Angiotensin 2 will do two things:
What does vasoconstriction
a. _________BP by vaso_______
do to blood pressure?
b. Stimulate the release of __________
8. Aldosterone acts on the _________to hold onto ______ and ______ which will
__________ BP!!

Key points:

_________ is converted to ________ by renin in the systemic circulation

Renin is excreted by the _________
Angiotensin ____ is converted to ___________ by _________ in the _________
Aldosterone is secreted by the ____________ and acts on the ________

Third system to step in and help:

1. Where is the posterior pituitary located? Why does ADH step in?

2. The ____________ detects: HR= <60bpm

a. Decrease in BP Decrease in blood volume
b. Decrease in HR Decrease in BP
c. Decrease in tissue perfusion Decrease in tissue perfusion

3. Where is ADH released from?

4. ADH stimulates __________ to hold onto water and sodium.

5. An increase in blood volume will increase your ____ and ____.

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