Capacitor Banks in Power System (Part-1) - EEP

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Capacitor Banks in Power System

(part 1)
When a charge is delivered to a conductor its potential is raised in proportion to the quantity
of charge given to it. At a particular potential a conductor can hold a given amount of

Capacitance is the term to indicate the limited ability to hold charge by a conductor.
Let charge given to a conductor be = q
Let V be the potential to which it is raised.

Then q α V, or

q = CV

C is constant for a conductor depending upon its shape size and surrounding medium. This
constant is called capacitance of a conductor.

If V = 1 Volt than C = Q, thus capacitance is defined as the amount of electric charge in

coulomb required to raise its potential by one volt.

If V = 1 Volt than C = Q, and Q = 1 Coulomb than C = 1 Farad thus one Farad is

capacitance of a capacitor which stores a charge of one coulomb when a voltage of one volt
is applied across its terminal. ”


A capacitor or condenser is a device for storing large quantity of electric charge. Though the
capacity of a conductor to hold charge at a particular potential is limited, it can be increased
artificially. Thus any arrangement for increasing the capacity of a conductor artificially is
called a capacitor.

 Capacitors are of many types depending upon its shape, like parallel plate,
spherical and cylindrical capacitors etc….
 In capacitor there are two conductors with equal and opposite charge
say +q and –q. Thus q is called charge of capacitor and the potential
difference is called potential of capacitor.
Capacitor Banks in Power System
(part 1)
Principle of Capacitor:
Let A be the insulated conductor with a charge of +q units. In the absence
of any other conductor near A charge on A is +q and its potential is V. The
capacity of conductor A is therefore given by:

C = qV

If a second conductor B is kept closed to A than electrostatic induction takes

place. –q units of charge are induced on nearer face of B and +q units of charge is
induced on farther face of B. Since B is earthed the charge +q will be neutralized
by the flow of electrons from the earth.

Potential of A due to self charge = V

Potential of A due to –q charge on B = -V’
Thus net potential of A = V + (-V’) = V -V’ which is less than V
Hence potential of A has been decreased keeping the charge on it fixed, hence
capacitance has been increased.

“With the presence of  B  the amount of work done in bringing a unit positive
charge from infinity to conductor  A  decreases as there will be force of repulsion
due to  A  and attraction due to  B. Thus resultant force of repulsion is reduced on
unit positive charge and consequently the amount of work doe is less and finally
due to this potential of  A  decreases. “

Therefore capacity of A to hold charge (Capacitance) is increased.

Dielectric Strength
The material between the two conductors A and B as shown in figure above is
always some dielectric material. Under normal operating conditions the
dielectric materials have a very few free electrons. If the electric field strength
between a pair of charged plates is gradually increases, some of the electrons
may be detached from the dielectric resulting in a small current.
When the electric filed strength applied to a dielectric exceeds a critical value, the
insulating properties of the dielectric material gets destroys and starts conducting
between the two conductors A and B.
Capacitor Banks in Power System
(part 1)

This is called breakdown of dielectric which is fault condition for a capacitor bank.
The minimum potential gradient required to cause such a break down is called the
dielectric strength of the material. It measures the ability of a dielectric to
withstand breakdown. It is expressed as kV/mm.

It is reduced by moisture, high temperature; aging etc. Below table gives dielectric
strength of some dielectrics.

Dielectric strength
S.No. Dielectric Material
1 Air 3
2 Impregnated Paper 4 – 10
3 Paraffin Wax 8
4 Porcelain 9 – 20
5 Transformer Oil 13.5
6 Bakelite 13.5
7 Glass 13.5
8 Micanite 30
9 Mica 40 – 150

Dielectric Strength for capacitor is the maximum peak voltage that the capacitor is
rated to withstand at room temperature. Test by applying the specified multiple of
rated voltage for one minute through a current limiting resistance of 100 Ω per

Sizing of Capacitor banks for power factor improvement

The Power Factor Correction of electrical loads is a problem common to all

industrial companies. Every user which utilizes electrical power to obtain work in
various forms continuously asks the mains to supply a certain quantity of active
power together with reactive power.

Most loads on an electrical distribution system can be placed in one of three

 Resistive
 Inductive
 Capacitive
Capacitor Banks in Power System
(part 1)
The most common of these on modern systems is the inductive load. Typical
examples includes transformer, fluorescent lighting, AC induction motors,

furnaces etc. which draw not, only active power from the supply, but also
inductive reactive power (KVAr). Common characteristics of these inductive loads
is that they utilize a winding to produce an electromagnetic field which allows the
motor or transformer to function and requires certain amount of electrical power in
order to maintaining the field.

“Therefore Active Power (KW) actually performs the work whereas Reactive
Power (KVAr) sustains the electro-magnetic field. This reactive power
though is necessary for the equipment to operate correctly but could be
interpreted as an undesirable burden on the supply.”

If we quantify power factor improvement aspect from the utility company’s point
of view, than raising the average operating power factor of the network from 0.7
to 0.9 means:

 Cutting costs due to ohmic losses in the network by 40%

 Increasing the potential of production and distribution plants by 30%.

These figures speak for themselves: it means saving hundreds of thousands of

tons of fuel and making several power plants and hundreds of transformer rooms

Thus in the case of low power factors utility companies charge higher rates in
order to cover the additional costs they must incur due to the inefficiency of the
system that taps energy. It is a well-known fact that electricity users relying on
alternating current – with the exception of heating elements – absorb from the
network not only the active energy they convert into mechanical work, light, heat,
etc. but also an inductive reactive energy whose main function is to activate the
magnetic fields necessary for the functioning of electric machines.

Power Factor is also defined as cos Ø = kW / KVA

One can see after compensation requirement of kVAR (equal to kVAR1 – kVAR2)
from the system has gone down.
Since kVA = kW + kVAR decreased kVAR requirement from the system has will
result in decreased kVA requirement, which will consequently result in lower
current consumption from the source.

Point to be noted in this case that any load which was operating at a power factor
of  0.85  before compensation continues to operate on same power factor of 0.85
even after compensation. It is the source power factor which has been improved
by compensating the kVAR requirement of that particular load (or group of loads)
Capacitor Banks in Power System
(part 1)
from parallel connected capacitor banks. The source is now relieved of providing
some amount of kVAR (=kVAR1 – kVAR2).

kVAR1 – kVAR2 = kW tanØ1 – tan Ø2 = kW [tanØ1 – tan Ø2]

Power Factor Triangle

Hence Required Rating of

Capacitor banks to be connected
= kW [tanØ1 – tan Ø2]

cos Ø1 = Operating Power Factor

cos Ø2 = Target Power Factor or
Power Factor after improvement.


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