Demo DiffEQ
Demo DiffEQ
Demo DiffEQ
7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
D. y A cos 2x
B sin 2x
1.(1 pt) Match each of the following differential equations E. y Ae 6x Bxe 6x
with a solution from the list below.
5.(1 pt)
1. y y 0
Just as there are simultaneous algebraic equations (where a
2. y 8y 15y 0
pair of numbers have to satisfy a pair of equations) there are sys-
3. y 8y 15y 0
tems of differential equations, (where a pair of functions have to
4. 2x2 y 3xy y
satisfy a pair of differential equations).
A. y cos x Indicate which pairs of functions satisfy this system. It will
B. y e3x take some time to make all of the calculations.
C. y e 5x
D. y 1x 5 3 3 5
y1 y1 y2 y2 y1 y2
2 2 2 2
2.(1 pt) Match each of the differential equation with its solu-
tion. A. y1 e x y2 e x
B. y1 sin x y2 cos x
1. y 13y
42y 0
C. y1 sin x cos x y2 cos x sin x
2. 2x2 y 3xy y
D. y1 e4x y2 e4x
3. xy y x2 2x 2x
E. y1 2e y2 3e
4. y y 0
F. y1 cos x y2 sin x
A. y 3x x2
G. y1 ex y2 ex
B. y sin x
1 As you can see, finding all of the solutions, particularly of a
C. y x 2 system of equations, can be complicated and time consuming.
D. y e 7x It helps greatly if we study the structure of the family of solu-
3.(1 pt) Match each differential equation to a function which tions to the equations. Then if we find a few solutions we will
is a solution. be able to predict the rest of the solutions using the structure of
FUNCTIONS the family of solutions.
A. y 3x x2, 6.(1 pt) It can be helpful to classify a differential equation,
B. y e 8x , so that we can predict the techniques that might help us to find
C. y sin x , a function which solves the equation. Two classifications are
D. y x 2 , the order of the equation – (what is the highest number of
E. y 7 exp 5x , derivatives involved) and whether or not the equation is linear .
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Linearity is important because the structure of the the family
1. y 10y 16y 0 of solutions to a linear equation is fairly simple. Linear equa-
2. y 5y tions can usually be solved completely and explicitly.
3. 2x2 y 3xy y Determine whether or not each equation is linear:
d2 y
4. y y 0 ? 1. 1 y2 t dy y et
dt 2 dt
4.(1 pt) Match the following differential equations with their ? 2. t 2 ddt 2y t dy 2y sint
solutions. dy
The symbols A, B, C in the solutions stand for arbitrary con- ? 3. dt ty2 0
d y
stants. ? 4. dt 2
sin t y
You must get all of the answers correct to receive credit.
7.(1 pt) It is easy to check that for any
value of c, the function
1. dx2
4y 0 y x2 xc2 is solution of equation xy 2y 4x2 x 0 . Find
dy 2xy the value of c for which the solution satisfies the initial condition
2. dx x2 2y2
d2y y 3
3. dx2
12 dydx 36y 0 c
4. dx 4xy 8.(1 pt) The functions
5. dy
18x2y 18x2 c
y x2
A. 3yx2 2y3 C x2
B. y Ae2x
2 are all solutions of equation:
C. y Ce 6x 1 xy 2y 4x2 x 0
Find the constant c which produces a solution which also satis- that goes through P.
fies the initial condition y 2
5. A. Let y f x be the equation of C. Find f x .
c f x
9.(1 pt) It is easy to check that for any value of c, the function B. Find the slope at P of the tangent to C.
y ce 2x e x is solution of equation y 2y e x . Find the slope:
value of c for which the solution satisfies the initial condition C. A curve D is perpendicular to C at P . What is the slope of
y 2
9. the tangent to D at the point P ? slope:
c D. Give a formula g y for the slope at x y of the member of F
10.(1 pt) The family of functions y ce 2x
e x is solution that goes through x y . The formula should not involve A or x.
of the equation g y
E. A curve which at each of its points is perpendicular to the
y 2y e x
member of the family F that goes through the point is called an
Find the constant c which defines the solution which also satis- orthogonal trajectory to F. Each orthogonal trajectory to F satis-
fies the initial condition y 2
2. fies the differential equation
c dy
dx g y where g y is the answer to part D.
11.(1 pt) Find the two values of k for which y x ekx is a Find a function h y such that x h y is the equation of the
of the differential equation orthogonal trajectory to F that passes through the point P.
y 12y 27y 0. h y
smaller value = 13.(1 pt) The solution of a certain differential equation is of
larger value = the form
12.(1 pt) Some curves in the first quadrant have equations y t
a exp 5t b exp 9t where a and b are constants.
y A exp 2x where A is a positive constant. The solution has initial conditions y 0
4 and y 0
Different values of A give different curves. The curves form a Find the solution by using the initial conditions to get linear
family, F. equations for a and b
Let P 5 4 Let C be the member of the family F y t
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
1.(1 pt)
Match the following equations with their direction field. Clicking on each picture will give you an enlarged view. While you can
probably solve this problem by guessing, it is useful to try to predict characteristics of the direction field and then match them to the
Here are some handy characteristics to start with – you will develop more as you practice.
A. Set y equal to zero and look at how the derivative behaves along the x axis.
B. Do the same for the y axis by setting x equal to 0
C. Consider the curve in the plane defined by setting y’=0 – this should correspond to the points in the picture where the slope
is zero.
D. Setting y’ equal to a constant other than zero gives the curve of points where the slope is that constant. These are called
isoclines, and can be used to construct the direction field picture by hand.
Go to this page to launch the phase plane plotter to check your answers. (Choose the ”integral curves utility” from the applet
menu, enter dx/dt=1 to identify the variables x and t and then enter the function you want for dy/dx = dy/dt = .....).
(You can also login as practice1, or practice2 (use the login name as a password) and you can then practice more versions of this
problem and the next one.)
1. y 3 sin x 1 y
2x y
2. y
3. y 1 2y
2.(1 pt)
This problem is harder, and doesn’t give you clues as to which matches you have right. Study the previous problem, if you are
having trouble.
Go to this page to launch the phase plane plotter to check your answers.
(You can also login as practice1, or practice2 (use the login name as a password) and you can then practice more versions of this
problem and the previous one.)
Match the following equations with their direction field. Clicking on each picture will give you an enlarged view.
1. y xe 2x 2y
2. y y 4 y
y3 3
3. y 6 y x6
4. y 2x 1 y2
3.(1 pt)
Match the following equations with their direction field. Clicking on each picture will give you an enlarged view. While you can
probably solve this problem by guessing, it is useful to try to predict characteristics of the direction field and then match them to the
Here are some handy characteristics to start with – you will develop more as you practice.
A. Set y equal to zero and look at how the derivative behaves along the x axis.
B. Do the same for the y axis by setting x equal to 0
C. Consider the curve in the plane defined by setting y’=0 – this should correspond to the points in the picture where the slope
is zero.
D. Setting y’ equal to a constant other than zero gives the curve of points where the slope is that constant. These are called
isoclines, and can be used to construct the direction field picture by hand.
1. y 2xy 2xe x
2. y 2 sin 3x 1 y
3. y x 3 cos 2x
4. y 2y 2
4.(1 pt)
Match the following equations with their direction field. Clicking on each picture will give you an enlarged view. While you can
probably solve this problem by guessing, it is useful to try to predict characteristics of the direction field and then match them to the
Here are some handy characteristics to start with – you will develop more as you practice.
A. Set y equal to zero and look at how the derivative behaves along the x axis.
B. Do the same for the y axis by setting x equal to 0
C. Consider the curve in the plane defined by setting y’=0 – this should correspond to the points in the picture where the slope
is zero.
D. Setting y’ equal to a constant other than zero gives the curve of points where the slope is that constant. These are called
isoclines, and can be used to construct the direction field picture by hand.
1. y 2y x2e2x
2. y y 2
3. y 2 x y
2x y
4. y 2y
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
3yy x
1.(1 pt) Find the particular solution of the differential equa- Use the following initial condition: y 3
tion x2 (function of y)
x 4 e 2y 12.(1 pt) Solve the differential equation
dx dy
satisfying the initial condition y 4
ln 4 . y11 x dx 1 x
Answer: y= Use the initial condition y 1
Your answer should be a function of x. Express y12 in terms of x
2.(1 pt) Find the particular solution of the differential equa- y12
tion ( function of x)
x2 dy 1 13.(1 pt) Solve the seperable differential equation for.
2 dy 1 x
dx ;x 0
y 6 dx 2y
satisfying the initial condition y 1
7. Use the following initial condition: y 1
Answer: y= y7
Your answer should be a function of x. ( function of x)
3.(1 pt) Find u from the differential equation and initial con- 14.(1 pt) Find the function y y x (for x 0 ) which satis-
dition. fies the separable differential equation
du 2 8t 2 7u
dt e u 0
3 7 8 14x
dx xy2
;x 0
with the initial condition: y 1
4.(1 pt) Solve the separable differential equation for u.
du 5u 8t y
dt e ( function of x only)
Use the following initial condition: u 0
u 15.(1 pt) Find the solution of the differential equation
5.(1 pt) Solve the separable differential equation for u. 3 dy
ln y x3 y
du 5u 8t dx
dt e
Use the following initial condition: u 0
13 which satisfies the initial condition y 1 e2
u y=
6.(1 pt) Solve the separable differential equation 16.(1 pt) A. Solve the following initial value problem:
8x 3y x2 1 dy dx 0 dy
Subject to the initial condition: y 0
0 t 2 24t 95 y
(function of x only) with y 12
1. (Find y as a function of t.)
7.(1 pt) Find f x if y f x satisfies
dy 12 B. On what interval is the solution valid?
dx 130yx Answer: It is valid for t .
and the y intercept of the curve y f x is 2. C. Find the limit of the solution as t approaches the left end
f x of the interval.
8.(1 pt) Find an equation of the curve that satisfies. (Your answer should be a number or the word ”infinite”.)
dy 7
dx 72yx Answer C:
and whose y intercept is 6. D. Similar to C, but for the right end.
y x
Answer D:
(function of x) 17.(1 pt) The differential equation
9.(1 pt) Find the solution of the differential equation dy y2 12y 32
dy x cos x
3e4x 16 2 dx 6y 40
dx y
has an implicit general solution of the form F x y K
which satisfies the initial condition y 0 1 In fact, because the differential equation is separable, we can
y= define the solution curve implicitly by a function in the form
10.(1 pt) Find a function y of x such that F x y G x H y K
4yy x and y 4
10 Find such a solution and then give the related functions re-
y (function of x) quested.
11.(1 pt) Solve the seperable differential equation. F x y G x H y
has an implicit general solution of the form F x y K
18.(1 pt) The differential equation In fact, because the differential equation is separable, we can
! 81 x2 1 " 2 exp 5y
define the solution
curve implicitly by a function in the form
dx F x y G x H y K
has an implicit general solution of the form F x y K Find such a solution and then give the related functions re-
In fact, because the differential equation is separable, we can quested.
define the solution curve implicitly by a function in the form F x y G x H y
F x y G x H y K
Find such a solution and then give the related functions re-
quested. 23.(1 pt) The differential equation
F x y G x H y
dy 2x 7
exp y
dx 3 sin y 9 cos y
has an implicit general solution of the form F x y K
19.(1 pt) The differential equation
dy 45 In fact, because the differential equation is separable, we can
define the solution curve implicitly by a function in the form
dx y 1 " 2 81 x2 y1 " 2
F x y G x H y K
has an implicit general solution of the form F x y K Find such a solution and then give the related functions re-
In fact, because the differential equation is separable, we can quested.
define the solution curve implicitly by a function in the form F x y G x H y
F x y G x H y K
Find such a solution and then give the related functions re-
F x y G x H y
24.(1 pt) A. Solve the following initial value problem:
cos t 2 1
20.(1 pt) The differential equation with y 25
tan 25
dy (Find y as a function of t.)
12 5 cos x
sin x cos y y
has an implicit general solution of the form F x y K B. On what interval is the solution valid?
In fact, because the differential equation is separable, we can (Your answer should involve pi.)
define the solution curve implicitly by a function in the form Answer: It is valid for t .
F x y G x H y K C. Find the limit of the solution as t approaches the left end
Find such a solution and then give the related functions re- of the interval.
quested. (Your answer should be a number or ”PINF” or ”MINF”.
F x y G x H y
”PINF” stands for plus infinity and ”MINF” stands for minus
Answer C:
21.(1 pt) A.Find y in terms of x if D. Similar to C, but for the right end.
dy Answer D:
x6 y 7 25.(1 pt) The differential equation
and y 0
7 12 12 x 18 y 18 xy
y x dx
B. For what x-interval is the solution defined? has an implicit general solution of the form F x y K
(Your answers should be numbers or plus or minus infinity. In fact, because the differential equation is separable, we can
For plus infinity enter ”PINF” ; for minus infinity enter define the solution curve implicitly by a function in the form
”MINF”.) F x y G x H y K
The solution is defined on the interval: Find such a solution and then give the related functions re-
x quested.
22.(1 pt) The differential equation F x y G x H y
dy 12x 7
dx 27y2 8y 8
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
y 5 exp t 3 exp 4t
1.(1 pt) Find the particular solution of the differential equa- dt
tion with y 0 4
dy y
8y 7
dx 10.(1 pt) Solve the initial value problem
satisfying the initial condition y 0
0. dy
Answer: y= 2y 30 sin t 15 cos t
Your answer should be a function of x. with y 0 7
2.(1 pt) GUESS one function y t which solves the problem y
below, by determining the general form the function might take
11.(1 pt) Solve the following initial value problem:
and then evaluating some coefficients. dy
dy 7 y 56t
6t y t4 dt
with y 0 7
Find y t .
(Find y as a function of t.)
y t
3.(1 pt) GUESS one function y t which solves the problem
12.(1 pt) Solve the initial value problem
below, by determining the general form the function might take dy
and then evaluating some coefficients. 9 sin t cost y
! cos t # sin t
3y exp 3t for 0 t π and y π $ 2 13
dt y
Find y t .
y t
13.(1 pt) A. Let g(t) be the solution of the initial value prob-
4.(1 pt) Find the function satisfying the differential equation dy
4t y 0 t 0
y 5y 2e7t dt
with g 1
and y 0
4. Find g t .
g t
5.(1 pt) Solve the following initial value problem:
B. Let f t be the solution of the initial value problem
t 6y 3t dy
dt 4t y t5
with y 1 4
with f 0 0
(Find y as a function of t.)
Find f t .
f t
6.(1 pt) Solve the following initial value problem: (Hint: you can try to guess this solution.)
0 2 ty 6t C. Find a constant c so that
with y 0 5 k t f t cg t
(Find y as a function of t.) solves the differential equation in part B and k(1) = 8.
y c
7.(1 pt) Solve the initial value problem 14.(1 pt) A. Let g t be the solution of the initial value prob-
9 t 1 5y 20t lem
dt 5y 0
for t 1 with y 0
16 dt
y with y 0 1
8.(1 pt) Find the particular solution of the differential equa- Find g t .
tion g t
dy B. Let f t be the solution of the initial value problem
y cos x 2 cos x dy
dx 5y exp 5t
satisfying the initial condition y 0
4. dt
Answer: y= with y 0 1 $ 10
Your answer should be a function of x. Find f t .
9.(1 pt) Solve the initial value problem f t
C. Find a constant c so that (To enter the answer in the form below you may have to re-
arrange the equation so that the constant is by itself on one side
k t f t cg t
of the equation.) Then the solution in implicit form is:
solves the differential equation in part B and k(0) = 18. the set of points (x, y) where F(x,y) =
15.(1 pt) Find a family of solutions to the differential equa-
tion = constant
x2 1xy dx xdy 0
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
concentration = (kg/L)
1.(1 pt) A tank contains 2180 L of pure water.A solution that (b) Find the amount of salt in the tank after 4 hours.
contains 0.07 kg of sugar per liter enters a tank at the rate 3 amount = (kg)
L/min The solution is mixed and drains from the tank at the (c) Find the concentration of salt in the solution in the tank
same rate. as time approaches infinity.
(a) How much sugar is in the tank initially? concentration = (kg/L)
(kg) 5.(1 pt) A tank contains 60 kg of salt and 1000 L of water.
(b) Find the amount of sugar in the tank after t minutes. Pure water enters a tank at the rate 10 L/min. The solution is
amount = mixed and drains from the tank at the rate 5 L/min.
(function of t) (a) What is the amount of salt in the tank initially?
(c) Find the concentration of sugar in the solution in the tank amount = (kg)
after 81 minutes. (b) Find the amount of salt in the tank after 5 hours.
concentration = amount = (kg)
2.(1 pt) A tank contains 1960 L of pure water. A solution that (c) Find the concentration of salt in the solution in the tank
contains 0.07 kg of sugar per liter enters tank at the rate 5 L/min. as time approaches infinity. (Assume your tank is large enough
The solution is mixed and drains from the tank at the same rate. to hold all the solution.)
(a) How much sugar is in the tank at the beginning. concentration = (kg/L)
y 0
(include units) 6.(1 pt) A tank contains 1640 L of pure water. A solution that
(b) With S representing the amount of sugar (in kg) at time contains 0.03 kg of sugar per liter enters tank at the rate 6 L/min
t (in minutes) write a differential equation which models this
The solution is mixed and drains from the tank at the same rate.
situation. (a) How much sugar is in the tank at the beginning.
S f t S
y 0
(include units)
(b) Find the amount of sugar (in kg) after t minutes.
. y t
(function of t)
Note: Make sure you use a capital S, ( and don’t use S(t), it (b) Find the amout of the sugar after 84 minutes.
confuses the computer). Don’t enter units for this function. y 84 (include units)
(c) Find the amount of sugar (in kg) after t minutes. 7.(1 pt) A cell of some bacteria divides into two cells every
S t (function of t) 50 minutes.The initial population is 4 bacteria.
(d) Find the amout of the sugar after 60 minutes. (a) Find the size of the population after t hours
S 60 (include units) y t
Click here for help with units (function of t)
3.(1 pt) A tank contains 2900 L of pure water. Solution that (b) Find the size of the population after 5 hours.
contains 0.06 kg of sugar per liter enters the tank at the rate 4 y 5
L/min, and is thoroughly mixed into it. The new solution drains (c) When will the population reach 20?
out of the tank at the same rate. T
(a) How much sugar is in the tank at the begining? y 0
8.(1 pt) A cell of some bacteria divides into two cells every
(kg) 30 minutes. The initial population is 500 bacteria.
(b) Find the amount of sugar after t minutes. (a) Find the population after t hours
y t
(kg) y t
(function of t)
(Note that this is a function of t) (b) Find the population after 7 hours.
(c) As t becomes large, what value is y t approaching ? In other y 7
words, calculate (c) When will the population reach 3500?
lim y t T
t% ∞ 9.(1 pt) A bacteria culture starts with 140 bacteria and grows
(kg) at a rate proportional to its size. After 4 hours there will be 560
4.(1 pt) A tank contains 80 kg of salt and 2000 L of water.A bacteria.
solution of a concentration 0.02 kg of salt per liter enters a tank (a) Express the population after t hours as a function of t.
at the rate 6 L/min. The solution is mixed and drains from the population: (function of t)
tank at the same rate. (b) What will be the population after 9 hours?
(a) What is the concentration of our solution in the tank ini-
tially? (c) How long will it take for the population to reach 2670 ?
S t =
10.(1 pt) A population P obeys the logistic model. It satisfies What value of k will provide 2753000 dollars in 44 years?
the equation k
dP 1
dt 1300 P 13 P for P 0 15.(1 pt) Here is a somewhat realistic example which com-
(a) The population is increasing when P bines the work on earlier problems. You should use the phase
(b) The population is decreasing when P plane plotter to look at some solutions graphically before you
(c) Assume that P 0
3 Find P 73 start solving this problem and to compare with your analytic an-
swers to help you find errors. You will probably be surprised
11.(1 pt) An unknown radioactive element decays into non- to find how long it takes to get all of the details of solution of a
radioactive substances. In 320 days the radioactivity of a sample realistic problem right, even when you know how to do each of
decreases by 31 percent. the steps. There is partial credit on this problem.
(a) What is the half-life of the element? There are 1180 dollars in the bank account at the beginning
half-life: (days) of January 1990, and money is added and withdrawn from the
(b) How long will it take for a sample of 100mg to decay to account at a rate which follows a sinusoidal pattern, peaking in
59 mg? January and in July with money being added at a rate corre-
time needed: (days) sponding to 1480 dollars per year, while maximum withdrawals
12.(1 pt) A body of mass 3 kg is projected vertically upward take place at the rate of 1200 dollars per year in April and Octo-
with an initial velocity 42 meters per second. ber.
The gravitational constant is g 9 8m $ s2 . The air resistance The interest rate remains constant at the rate of 1 percent per
is equal to k & v & where k is a constant. year, compounded continuously.
Find a formula for the velocity at any time ( in terms of k ): Let y t represents the amount of money at time t (t is in
v t
Find the limit of this velocity for a fixed time t0 as the air y 0
resistance coefficient k goes to 0. (Enter t0 as t 0 .) Write a formula for the rate of deposits and withdrawals (us-
v t0
ing the functions sin(), cos() and constants):
How does this compare with the solution to the equation for g t =
velocity when there is no air resistance? The interest rate remains constant at 1 percent per year over
This illustrates an important fact, related to the fundamental this period of time.
theorem of ODE and called ’continuous dependence’ on param- With y representing the amount of money in dollars at time t (in
eters and initial conditions. What this means is that, for a fixed years) write a differential equation which models this situation.
time, changing the initial conditions slightly, or changing the y f t y
parameters slightly, only slightly changes the value at time t.
The fact that the terminal time t under consideration is a .
fixed, finite number is important. If you consider ’infinite’ t, Note: Use y rather than y t since the latter confuses the com-
or the ’final’ result you may get very different answers. Con- puter. Don’t enter units for this equation.
sider for example a solution to y’=y, whose initial condition is Find an equation for the amount of money in the account at
essentially zero, but which might vary a bit positive or negative. time t where t is the number of years since January 1990.
If the initial condition is positive the ”final” result is plus infin- y t
ity, but if the initial condition is negative the final condition is (c) Find the amount of money in the bank at the
negative infinity. beginning of January 2000 (10 years later):
13.(1 pt) You have 800 dollars in your bank account. Sup- Find a solution to the equation which does not become infi-
pose your money is compounded every month at a rate of 0.4 nite (either positive or negative) over time:
percent per month. y t
(a) How much do you have after t years. During which months of the year does this non-growing so-
y t
(function of t) lution have the highest values? ?
(b) How much do you have after 90 months. 16.(1 pt) Newton’s law of cooling states that the tempera-
y 90 ture of an object changes at a rate proportional to the difference
14.(1 pt) A young person with no initial capital invests k dol- between its temperature and that of its surroundings. Suppose
lars per year in a retirement account at an annual rate of return that the temperature of a cup of coffee obeys Newton’s law of
0.06. Assume that investments are made continuously and that cooling. If the coffee has a temperature of 205 degrees Fahren-
the return is compounded continuously. heit when freshly poured, and 1 minutes later has cooled to 193
Determine a formula for the sum S t – (this will involve the degrees in a room at 60 degrees, determine when the coffee
parameter k): reaches a temperature of 163 degrees.
The coffee will reach a temperature of 163 degrees in degrees.
minutes. (To answer, you will need to use techniques you reviewed in the
17.(1 pt) Susan finds an alien artifact in the desert, where trig problems on this assignment to assemble two trig functions
there are temperature variations from a low in the 30s at night to into one.)
a high in the 100s in the day. She is interested in how the artifact 18.(1 pt) Here is a multipart example on finance. Be patient
will respond to faster variations in temperature, so she kidnaps and careful as you work on this problem. You will probably be
the artifact, takes it back to her lab (hotly pursued by the mili- surprised to find how long it takes to get all of the details of so-
tary police who patrol Area 51), and sticks it in an ”oven” – that lution of a realistic problem right, even when you know how to
is, a closed box whose temperature she can control precisely. do each of the steps. Use the computer to check the steps for
Let T t be the temperature of the artifact. Newton’s law you as you go along. There is partial credit on this problem.
of cooling says that T t changes at a rate proportional to the A recent college graduate borrows 50000 dollars at an (an-
difference between the temperature of the environment and the nual) interest rate of 9.5 per cent. Anticipating steady salary
temperature of the artifact. This says that there is a constant increases, the buyer expects to make payments at a monthly rate
k, not dependent on time, such that T k E T , where E is of 775 1 t $ 120 dollars per month, where t is the number of
the temperature of the environment (the oven). Before collect- months since the loan was made.
ing the artifact from the desert, Susan measured its temperature Let y t be the amount of money that the graduate owes t
at a couple of times, and she has determined that for the alien months after the loan is made.
artifact, k 0 9. y 0
Susan preheats her oven to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (she has With y representing the amount of money in dollars at time t
stubbornly refused to join the metric world). At time t 0 the (in months) write a differential equation which models this situ-
oven is at exactly 70 degrees and is heating up, and the oven ation.
runs through a temperature cycle every 2π minutes, in which its y f t y
temperature varies by 25 degrees above and 25 degrees below
70 degrees. .
Let E t be the temperature of the oven after t minutes. Note: Use y rather than y t since the latter confuses the com-
E t
puter. Don’t enter units for this equation.
At time t 0, when the artifact is at a temperature of 85 de- Find an equation for the amount of money owed after t
grees, she puts it in the oven. Let T t be the temperature of the months.
artifact at time t. Then T 0 (degrees) y t
Write a differential equation which models the temperature Next we are going to think about how many months it will
of the artifact. take until the loan is paid off. Remember that y t is the amount
T f t T
that is owed after t months. The loan is paid off when y t =
Once you have calculated how many months it will take
. to pay off the loan, give your answer as a decimal, ignoring
Note: Use T rather than T t since the latter confuses the com- the fact that in real life there would be a whole number of
puter. Don’t enter units for this equation. months. To do this, you should use a graphing calculator or
Solve the differential equation. To do this, you may find it use a plotter on this page to estimate the root. If you use the
helpful to know that if a is a constant, then the xFunctions plotter, then once you have launched xFunc-
1 tions, pull down the Multigaph Utility from the menu in the up-
sin t eat dt 2
eat a sin t cos t C
a 1 per right hand corner, enter the function you got for y (using x
T t
as the independent variable, sorry!), choose appropriate ranges
After Susan puts in the artifact in the oven, the military po- for the axes, and then eyeball a solution.
lice break in and take her away. Think about what happens to The loan will be paid off in months.
her artifact as t ( ∞ and fill in the following sentence: If the borrower wanted the loan to be paid off in exactly 20
For large values of t, even though the oven temperature varies years, with the same payment plan as above, how much could
between 45 and 95 degrees, the artifact varies from be borrowed?
to Borrowed amount =
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
(the hor-
izontal axis is x.)
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
1.(1 pt) The following differential equation is exact. dy 3x3 4y
Find a function F(x,y) whose level curves are solutions to the dx 0x 1y3
differential equation ?
ydy xdx 0 F(x,y) =
5.(1 pt) Use the ”mixed partials” check to see if the following
F(x,y) =
differential equation is exact.
2.(1 pt) Use the ”mixed partials” check to see if the following If it is exact find a function F(x,y) whose level curves are solu-
differential equation is exact. tions to the differential equation
If it is exact find a function F(x,y) whose level curves are solu-
tions to the differential equation 3ex sin y 2y dx 2x 3ex cos y dy 0
1x3 4y dx 3x 2y1 dy 0
F(x,y) =
? 6.(1 pt) Check that the equation below is not exact but be-
F(x,y) = comes exact when multiplied by the integrating factor.
3.(1 pt) Use the ”mixed partials” check to see if the following
differential equation is exact. x2 y3 x 1 y 2 y 0
If it is exact find a function F(x,y) whose level curves are solu- Integrating factor: µ x y 1 $. xy3 .
tions to the differential equation Solve the differential equation.
You can define the solution curve implicitly by a function in the
1xy2 2y dx 1x2y 2x dy 0
? F x y G x H y K F(x,y) =
F(x,y) = 7.(1 pt) Find an explicit or implicit solutions to the differen-
4.(1 pt) Use the ”mixed partials” check to see if the following tial equation
differential equation is exact.
If it is exact find a function F(x,y) whose level curves are x2 3xy dx xdy 0
solutions to the differential equation F(x,y) =
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
1.(1 pt) This problem involves using the uniqueness property (from the Fundamental Theorem of ordinary differential equations.)
It can’t be graded by WeBWorK, but is to be handed in at the first class after the due date.
A. State the uniqueness property of the fundamental theorem.
B. Show directly using the differential equation, that if y1 t is a solution to the differential equation y t / y t , then y2 t
y1 t a is also a solution to the differential equation. (You will need to use the known facts about y 1 to calculate that y2 t y2 t
). (We know that the solution is the exponential function, but you will not need to use this fact.)
C. Describe the relationship between the graphs of y1 and y2 and using a sketch of the direction field explain why it is obvious
that if y1 is a solution then y2 has to be a solution also.
D. Describe in words why if y1 t is any solution to the differential equation y f y then y2 t y1 t a is also a solution.
E. Show that if y1 t solves y t y t , then y2 t Ay1 t also solves the same equation.
F. Suppose that y1 t solves y t y t and y 0 1. (Such a solution is guaranteed by the fundamental theorem.). Let y 2 t
y1 t a and let y3 t y1 a y1 t . Calculate the values y2 0 and y3 0 . Use the uniqueness property to show that y2 t
y3 t for
all t.
G. Explain how this proves that any solution to y y must be a function which obeys the law of exponents.
H. Let z x iy. Define exp z ( or ez ) using a Taylor series. Show that if z x iy is a constant, then
exp tz z exp tz
by differentiating the power series.
I. Use your earlier results to show that exp z w 0 exp z exp w . This method of checking the law of exponents is MUCH
easier than expanding the power series.
2.(1 pt) This problem involves using the uniqueness property (from the Fundamental Theorem of ordinary differential equations.)
It can’t be graded by WeBWorK, but is to be handed in at the first class after the due date.
A. Using the same technique as in the previous problem show that if a function y 1 t satisfies: (1) y1 0 = 1 and (2) y t y t
y1 t
y1 rt
3.(1 pt) This problem involves using the uniqueness property (from the Fundamental Theorem of ordinary differential equations.)
It can’t be graded by WeBWorK, but is to be handed in at the first class after the due date.
Use the same ideas as in the previous problems.
A. Suppose that y1 t satisfies the equation y y 0 and y1 0 - 0and y1 0 2 1. Such a function exists because of the
fundamental theorem. (We all know that it is sin t , butyou should not use that fact in answering the questions below.)
Show that y2 t y1 t also satisfies the equation y y 0 and that y2 0
1 and y2 0
B. If y3 t y2 t show, using the uniqueness property, that y3 t
y1 t
C. State the uniqueness property for solutions to second order differential equations (or equivalently to a system of two first order
differential equations).
D. Use the uniqueness property to show that y1 t a y1 a y1 t y1 a y2 t y2 a y1 t y1 a y 2 t
The formulas for the sin of sums of angles can be calculated completely from the one fact that it satisfies a differential equation.
This is a general fact. Any solution of a differential equation has the potential for obeying certain ”laws” which are dictated by the
differential equation.
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
1.(1 pt) Find a single solution of y if y 2
7.(1 pt) #
Find a particular solution to y 6y 9y 6 5e3t .
2.(1 pt) Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find yp
one solution of
y 8y 6y ! 3 exp
8 9* t 8.(1 pt)
Find a particular solution to the differential equation
y 2y 1y 1y 1t 2 2t 1e 2t
(It doesn’t matter which specific solution you find for this
3.(1 pt) There is an error in this problem — it has been 9.(1 pt)
marked correct for everyone. I’ll get a replacement for it ready Find a particular solution to y 5y 4y 3te4t .
for the next problem set. Sorry about that. yp
Take care, 10.(1 pt)
Mike Find a particular solution to y 16y 16 sin 4t .
Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find one so- yp
lution of#
11.(1 pt) Find the solution of y 6y 7y 60 exp
3 t
y 3 y 3 y ! 8t 2 0t 6 exp 3t .
with y 0 2 and y 0 3
Note that the method finds a specific solution, not the general
one. y
4.(1 pt) Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find
y 4y 17y 12.(1 pt) Find the solution of
48exp 2t cos 3t 32exp 2t sin 3t 3 * exp 3 9* t .
(It doesn’t matter which specific solution you find for this prob- y 2y y 324 exp
8 t
lem.) with y 0 3 and y 0 6
y y
13.(1 pt) Find the solution of
y 3y 36 sin 3t 36 cos 3t
5.(1 pt) Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find
one solution of with y 0 1 and y 0 6
y 2y 2y : 10t 7 exp t cos t 11t 25 exp t sin t
. 14.(1 pt) Find y as a function of x if
(It doesn’t matter which specific solution you find for this prob- x2 y 3xy 35y x8
y y 1
6 y 1 3
15.(1 pt) Find y as a function of x if
6.(1 pt) x2 y 15xy 49y x9
Find a particular solution to the differential equation
y 1
1 y 1 2
y 1y 20y 1200t y
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
w t
1.(1 pt) Another ”realistic” problem:
The following problem is similar to the problem in an earlier
assignment about the bank account growing with periodic de-
posits. The basic procedure for this problem is not too hard, but Think about what effect increasing the mass has on the am-
getting details of the calculation correct is NOT easy, and may plitude, on the phase shift? Does this correspond with your ex-
take some time. pectations?
A ping-pong ball is caught in a vertical plexiglass column in
which the air flow alternates sinusoidally with a period of 60 2.(1 pt) A steel ball weighing 128 pounds is suspended from
seconds. The air flow starts with a maximum upward flow at a spring. This stretches the spring 145 feet.
the rate of 3m $ s and at t 30 seconds the flow has a minimum The ball is started in motion from the equilibrium position
(upward) flow of rate of 5 6m $ s. (To make this clear: a flow with a downward velocity of 8 feet per second.
of 5m $ s upward is the same as a flow downward of 5m $ s. The air resistance (in pounds) of the moving ball numerically
equals 4 times its velocity (in feet per second) .
The ping-pong ball is subjected to the forces of gravity
( mg) where g 9 8m $ s2 and forces due to air resistance which Suppose that after t seconds the ball is y feet below its rest
are equal to k times the apparent velocity of the ball through the position. Find y in terms of t. (Note that this means that the
air. postiive direction for y is down.)
What is the average velocity of the air flow? You can aver- y
age the velocity over one period or over a very long time – the
answer should come out about the same – right?
. (Include units). Take as the gravitational acceleration 32 feet per second per
Write a formula for the velocity of the air flow as a function second.
of time. 3.(1 pt) A hollow steel ball weighing 4 pounds is suspended
A t
from a spring. This stretches the spring 51 feet.
Write the differential equation satisfied by the velocity of The ball is started in motion from the equilibrium position
the ping-pong ball (relative to the fixed frame of the plexiglass with a downward velocity of 4 feet per second. The air resis-
tube.) The formulas should not have units entered, but use units tance (in pounds) of the moving ball numerically equals 4 times
to trouble shoot your answers. Your answer can include the pa- its velocity (in feet per second) .
rameters m - the mass of the ball and k the coefficient of air Suppose that after t seconds the ball is y feet below its rest
resistance, as well as time t and the velocity of the ball v. (Use position. Find y in terms of t. (Note that the positive direction
just v, not v(t) the latter confuses the computer.) is down.)
v t
Take as the gravitational acceleration 32 feet per second per
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
y 0
1 y 0
56 y 0
1.(1 pt) Match the third order linear equations with their fun- y x
damental solution sets.
4.(1 pt) Find y as a function of x if
1. y # y 0 y 4 6y 9y 0
2. ty y 0
y 0
7 y 0 4 y 0
9 y 0
3. y 7y 10y 0 y x
4. y 6y y 6y 0
5. y 3y# 3y y 0 5.(1 pt) Find y as a function
of x if
6. y y y y 0 y 5y y 5y 0
y 0
7 y 0 9 y 0 55
A. et tet e t
y x
B. e t te t t 2 e t
C. 1 cos t sin t 6.(1 pt) If L D2 2xD 3x and y x 2x 2e2x then
D. e6t cos t sin t Ly
E. 1 e5t e2t 7.(1 pt) Find y as a function
of x if
F. 1 t t3 y 16y 63y 240ex
2.(1 pt) Find y as a function of x if y 0
14 y 0
26 y 0
y 12y 35y 0 y x
y 0
9 y 0 7 y 0
2 8.(1 pt) Find y as a function of x if
y x y 4 12y 36y 256e 2x
3.(1 pt) Find y as a function of x if y 0
18 y 0
17 y 0
32 y 0
y 64y 0 y x
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR
Tom Robbins WW Prob Lib1 WeBWorK, Version 1.7 - Demo Course
WeBWorK problems.
1.(1 pt) Write the given second order equation as its equiva- 4.(1 pt) This problem is similar to problem 21 on page 346.
lent system of first order equations. Consult that page for the diagram. You will probably want to
write the solution out first, before trying to enter the answers
u 1u 6u 0 into the computer.
Use v to represent the ”velocity function”, i.e. v u t . Consider two interconnected tanks as shown in Fig 7.1.6 on
Use v and u for the two functions, rather than u t and v t . (The page 347. Tank 1 initial contains 90 L (liters) of water and 425
latter confuses webwork. Functions like sin t are ok.) g of salt, while tank 2 initially contains 80 L of water and 210 g
u of salt. Water containing 35 g/L of salt is poured into tank1 at
v a rate of 1 L/min while the mixture flowing into tank 2 contains
Now write the system using matrices: a salt concentration of 45 g/L of salt and is flowing at the rate
of 2.5 L/min. The two connecting tubes have a flow rate of 4
d u u L/min from tank 1 to tank 2; and of 3 L/min from tank 2 back to
3 3 3
dt v 4 4 v 4 tank 1. Tank 2 is drained at the rate of 3.5 L/min.
2.(1 pt) Write the given second order equation as its equiva- You may assume that the solutions in each tank are thor-
lent system of first order equations. oughly mixed so that the concentration of the mixture leaving
any tank along any of the tubes has the same concentration of
salt as the tank as a whole. (This is not completely realistic, but
u 7 5u 7 5u 5 sin 3t u 1
7 u 1
8 5 as in real physics, we are going to work with the approximate,
Use v to represent the ”velocity function”, i.e. v u t . rather than exact description. The ’real’ equations of physics are
Use v and u for the two functions, rather than u t and v t . (The often too complicated to even write down precisely, much less
latter confuses webwork. Functions like sin t are ok.) solve.)
u How does the water in each tank change over time?
v Let p t and q t be the amount of salt in g at time t in tanks
Now write the system using matrices: 1 and 2 respectively. Write differential equations forp and q. (
As usual, use the symbols p and q rather than p(t) and q(t). )
d u u p
3 3 3 3
dt v 4 4 v 4 4
and the initial value for the vector valued function is:
u 1
3 3
v 1 4 4
3.(1 pt) Write the given second order equation as its equiva-
lent system of first order equations. Give the initial values:
p 0
3 3
t 2u 1 5tu t 2 5 u 1 5 sin 3t q 0 4 4
Use v to represent the ”velocity function”, i.e. v u t . Show the equation that needs to be solved to find a constant
Use v and u for the two functions, rather than u t and v t . (The solution to the differential equation:
latter confuses webwork. Functions like sin t are ok.)
u p
v 3 3 3
4 4 q 4
Now write the system using matrices:
A constant solution is obtained if p t for all time t
d u u and q t
for all time t.
3 3 3 3
dt v 4 4 v 4 4 5.(1 pt)
6.(1 pt)
Match the differential equations and their vector valued function solutions:
It will be good practice to multiply at least one solution out fully, to make sure that you know how to do it, but you can get the other
answers quickly by process of elimination and just multiply out one row element.
>? A. >?
32 49 23 4
y t <;= 64 78 34 y t y t <;= 5 e13t
64 78 34 1
2. B. >?
14 0 4 0
y t
@;= y t y t
<=; 1 e5t
2 13 8
3 0 25 1
3. C. >?
>? 1
15 0 0 y t @;= e0t
y t
;= 4 20 15 y t 5
4 30 25
B. All of the solution curves would run away from 0.
7.(1 pt) Calculate the eigenvalues of this matrix: (Unstable node)
[Note– you’ll probably want to use a graphing calculator to
C. All of the solutions curves would converge towards
estimate the roots of the polynomial which defines the eigenval- 0. (Stable node)
ues. You can use the web version at xFunctions
D. The solution curves converge to different points
If you select the ”integral curves utility” from the main menu,
will also be able to plot the integral curves of the associated dif- 8.(1 pt) Calculate the eigenvalues of this matrix:
fential equations. ] [Note– you’ll probably want to use a graphing calculator to
estimate the roots of the polynomial which defines the eigenval-
15 1 4210854715202e
A 3 ues. You can use the web version at xFunctions
0 15 4
If you select the ”integral curves utility” from the main menu,
smaller eigenvalue will also be able to plot the integral curves of the associated dif-
associated eigenvector ( , ) fential equations. ]
larger eigenvalue
associated, eigenvector ( , ) 18 0
A 3
36 0 4
If y Ay is a differential equation, how would the solution smaller eigenvalue
curves behave? associated eigenvector ( , )
A. The solution curves would race towards zero and larger eigenvalue
then veer away towards infinity. (Saddle) associated, eigenvector ( , )
B. All of the solution curves would run away from 0.
If y Ay is a differential equation, how would the solution (Unstable node)
curves behave? C. The solution curves converge to different points
D. All of the solutions curves would converge towards
0. (Stable node)
A. The solution curves would race towards zero and
then veer away towards infinity. (Saddle)
Prepared by the WeBWorK group, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Rochester, c UR