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Verb and Non Verb Sentence Kel 2

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2. WIWIK RAHYU (17031045)

3. ALVADERA (17031059)

4. INDAH KURNIAWATI (17031072)

5. GAURI SASKIA (17031071)

6. GHEA PEBBY OKTAFGA (17031072)

7. VIVI ANDRIANI (17031077)

8. AYU NINDI CAHYANTI (17031079)




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Pekanbaru, 10 Oktober 2019

Verbal Sentence

Verbal sentences are sentences containing verbs or sentences in which we express an

action. Verbal sentences (Verbal sentences) are sentences that have the predicate form of verbs
(verbs), so in this sentence we don't need To Be (is am are).

Verbal must have heard very often not KBI's friend? not only in English but also in
Indonesian. Verbal sentences are sentences that have verbs in their sentences.

Verbal sentences are generally divided into 2 namely transitive and intransitive.
Transitive is a verbal sentence that requires an object while intransitive is a verbal sentence that
does not need an object.

1. Verbal sentences use Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense verbal sentence formulas: Subject + V1 (s/es) + object

Contoh : I works as a nurse.

2. Verbal Sentences Using Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense is tense that is used to express events that happened in the past /
something that has happened. Usually followed by time information such as yesterday
(yesterday), last month / last week (last month / last week), ago (last), and others.

Simple Past Tense verbal sentence formulas : subject + V2 + Object

Example : She checked vital sign patient.

3. Verbal sentences use Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense is tense that is used to express the events that occur now and
are temporary.Verbal Sentence Presentation Continuous Tense: Subject + to be (is / am /
are) + Ving + Object.

Example : Ani is giving medicine to patient.

4. Verbal sentences use Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense is a tense that is used to express events that occurred in the past
but continues to the present.Verbal Sentences Present Present Tense Formulas: Subject +
have / has + V3 + Object.

Example : We have studied nursing care for 3 years.

2. Non-verbal sentence

 Non-verbal sentence is a sentence in English which is the opposite of a verbal sentence.

If the verbal sentence is a type of sentence that has a verb or verb in the sentence, non-verbal
sentence is a sentence that does not have a verb in the sentence. Non-verbal sentences can be
divided into several types, namely in the form of adjective, noun, adverb, preposition and so

Exampel Non Verbal :

a. They are working as a Nurse

b. Paracetamol giving by a Nurse
c. They are propesional nurse

3. Predicate

A predicate is a part of a sentence or clause that explains the subject of the sentence.
Therefore, because the predicate explains the subject of the sentence, the predicate contains the
verb (verb). In English, the predicate is the second main part in the sentence after the subject.
Without the presence of a predicate in the sentence, it will make the sentence imperfect.

Exampel Predicate:

a. A nurse working in AwalBross Hospital (simple Predicat )

b. A nurse meeting a patient (simple Predicate)
c. A nurse cleaning up the bad ( simple Predicate)

Kaswanti Purwo, Bambang. (1987). Subject-Prediket dan Topik-Komen:Liku-

LikuPerkembangannya. 5th Indonesian Linguistic Society Conference. Ujung Pandang, 22-27
July 1987.

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