OMB Vs Mayor Vergara
OMB Vs Mayor Vergara
OMB Vs Mayor Vergara
A complaint was filed by Bonifacio G. Garcia, before petitioner’s Office of the Environmental Ombudsman
against respondent Mayor Julius Cesar Vergara, who was then serving as Mayor of Cabanatuan City for his
third term (2004-2007) and then Vice Mayor Raul Mendoza.
According to the complainant, respondent Vergara and then Vice Mayor Mendoza maintained for quite a
long time an open burning dumpsite which has long been overdue for closure and rehabilitation. He
claimed that the dumpsite is now a four story high mountain of mixed garbage exposing the residents of
at least eighty-seven (87) barangays of Cabanatuan City to all toxic solid wastes. He further alleged that
respondent ordered and permitted the littering and dumping of the solid wastes in the said area causing
immeasurable havoc to the health of the residents and that despite the enactment of R.A. 9003, respondent
allowed and permitted the collection of non-segregated and unsorted wastes. It was also alleged that
respondent ignored the complaints from local residents and the letters from the authorities of the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and from the Commissioner of the National
Solid Waste Management ordering them to comply with the provisions of the said law.
In their Joint Counter-Affidavit, both respondent Mayor Vergara and then Vice Mayor Mendoza denied that
they willfully and grossly neglected the performance of their duties pursuant to R.A. 9003.
Respondent Mayor Vergara was found guilty by Graft Investigation and Prosecution Officer II Ismaela B.
Boco for violation of Section 5(a) of R.A. No. 6713, or the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees for not acting promptly on letter and requests. As such, petitioner imposed a
penalty of Suspension for six (6) months from the government service.
Respondent filed a motion for reconsideration contending that the assailed decision that meted him the
penalty of suspension for six months from government service cannot be implemented or enforced as the
same runs counter to the established doctrine of condonation, since he was reelected as Mayor of
Cabanatuan City on May 10, 2010.
Whether or not respondent may no longer be held administratively liable for misconduct committed during
his previous term of office based on the doctrine of condonation?
The application of the doctrine does not require that the official must be reelected to the same position in
the immediately succeeding election. In Giron v. Ochoa, the Court recognized that the doctrine can be
applied to a public officer who was elected to a different position provided, that it is shown that the body
politic electing the person to another office is the same. The underlying theory is that each term is separate
from other terms. Thus, in Carpio-Morales, the basic considerations are the following: first, the penalty of
removal may not be extended beyond the term in which the public officer was elected for each term is
separate and distinct; second, an elective official’s reelection serves as a condonation of previous
misconduct, thereby cutting the right to remove him therefor; and third, courts may not deprive the
electorate, who are assumed to have known the life and character of candidates, of their right to elect
officers. In this case, it is a given fact that the body politic, who elected him to another office, was the same.
The most important consideration in the doctrine of condonation is the fact that the misconduct was done
on a prior term and that the subject public official was eventually reelected by the same body politic. It is
inconsequential whether the said reelection be on another public office or on an election year that is not
immediately succeeding the last, as long as the electorate that reelected the public official be the same. In
this case, the respondent was reelected as mayor by the same electorate that voted for him when the
violation was committed. As such, the doctrine of condonation is applied and the CA did not err in so ruling.