Module Drama Essay

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ESSAY summarizing the most important

ideas. The conclusion can also

An essay is an organized piece of
include opinion, prediction, or a
writing that focuses on single topic that
solution to a problem.
has several main points. The main points
are introduced in an introductory TYPES OF ESSAY
paragraph and supported in body
1. Descriptive
paragraphs. The conclusion is the last
paragraph. Provide details about how
something looks, feels, tastes, smells,
Why write an Essay?
makes one feel, or sounds.
 Writing an essay helps us express
2. Narrative
our ideas more clearly and
 Tells a story
 Conversational in style,
 It helps us to convey much and tells of a personal
information in a small amount of experience.
space.  Commonly written in the
first person (uses I).
 Tell a life-shaping event, or
1. Introduction simply daily experience.
An introductory paragraph is 3. Cause and Effect
the first paragraph in an essay. It
Explain why or how some event
contains two parts.
happened, and what resulted from
 General Statement: a few
the event.
sentences about your
subject that catch the 4. Compare and Contrast
attention of your reader.
A comparison essay usually
 A Thesis Statement: one
discusses the similarities between
sentence that tells your
two things, while the contrast
reader the main points of
essay discusses the differences.
your topic and states the
overall “plan” of your 5. Process
essay.  Describe how something is
2. Body done.
Set of paragraphs that  Explain actions that should be
develop the idea expressed in the performed in a series.
thesis statement. Each paragraph 6. Expository
supports the main idea of your  Explanation of a short theme,
essay by breaking it down into idea or issue.
smaller ideas or sub-topics.  To present, completely and
3. Conclusion fairly, other people’s views or
It is the last paragraph in to report about an event or a
the essay and complete it by situation.


7. Persuasive /Argumentative around courtyard open in the sky.
 To persuade the reader to the Actors were in a habit of speaking
writer’s point of view. directly to the audience.
 May argue openly, or it may
4. Proscenium
attempt to subtly persuade
the reader by using irony or This stage distances the
sarcasm. audience from the play, providing
DRAMA a clear frame behind which the
performers act out their scenes
 A drama is a type of literature
unaware of the audience’s
telling a story which is intended
to be performed to an
audience on the stage. 5. Eclectic
 The word drama comes from The theater of modern times. It
the Greek verb dran, which uses arena, proscenium and every
means “to do”. other kind of staging. Some
contemporary theater converts non-
 Generally, while drama is the
theatrical spaces, such as street, on
printed text of a play, the word
top of the truck, or a warehouse, into
theatre often refers to the
a space for performance.
actual production of the text
on the stage. GENRES OF DRAMA
1. Arena A type of drama that shows the
downfall and destruction of a noble
The theater style of early
or outstanding person. the tragic hero
Greeks. The actors are surrounded
through choice or circumstance, is
on all sides by the audience and
caught up in a sequence of events
they entrances and exits through
that inevitably results to disaster.
the aisles. This establishes an
intimate relation with the 2. Comedy
A type of drama intended to
2. Mediaval Theater interest and amuse the audience
rather than make them deeply
This used staging areas
concerned about events that
called mansions inside the
happen. The characters overcome
churches and portable wagons
some difficulties, but they always their
wheeled about outside the
ill fortune and find happiness in the
3. Elizabethan Theater

This is a wooden structure

providing an enclosed space


3. Tragicomedy 5. Plot

A play does that does not adhere Refers to the basic storyline of the
strictly to the structure of tragedy. This play, is the structure of a play which
is usually a serious play that also has tells what happens as the story goes.
some of the qualities of comedy. It
6. Audience
arouses thought even with laughter.
Audience is a group of people
4. Farce
who watch the play. Audience said
Has very swift movements, has to be the most important element of
ridiculous situations and does not drama to be considered about, since
stimulate thought. it is the audience that determine
whether the play is successful or not.
5. Melodrama

Show events that follow each

other rapidly, but seems to be
governed always by chance. The
characters are victims in hands of
merciless fate.


1. Setting

The setting is the place, together

with other conditions, such as time
and the environment, involved in
which the events occur.

2. Character

Characters are the people or

sometimes animals, subjected in the
drama and are portrayed by the
actors and actresses in the play.

3. Theme

The theme refers to the message

that is intended to be expressed
through the story. In other word, the
main idea or the lesson to be learned
from the play.

4. Genre

Genre is the type of the play.


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