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Determination of K, Na, and Zn in

Albumin Using Flame AAS

Application Note
Area Identifier

Author Introduction
Carmen Dews The highly soluble protein, albumin, has many functions within the body. The pri-
mary role of albumin is maintenance of blood plasma’s osmotic pressure although it
also acts as a transport protein for drugs, metals, fatty acids, hormones and
enzymes. Sodium is a major cation in extra-cellular fluids and participates in many
physiological functions. Potassium is the primary intracellular cation found in the
human body. The concentration of ions in intracellular and extra cellular fluids is
maintained by an active transport mechanism. Zinc is essential for growth of body
cells and the functioning of enzymes and exists at trace levels in blood plasma and
Instrumentation Flame Control
• Fully programmable flame controller with safety interlocks
All sample analyses were performed using the Agilent 240
FS double-beam AA spectrometer, which has the following • Fuel and oxidant gas flows set from PC
specifications: • Gas control provides instantaneous gas flow change for
fast sequential operation
• Automatic changeover between air and nitrous oxide
• All reflective optics for optimum transmission efficiency
flames as well as automatic recall and setting of optimum
• Fully sealed double-beam optics with hard quartz over- gas flows for each element.
coated mirrors
• Separate flame-on and flame-off buttons
• A single beam splitter with a rotating beam combining
• Eight safety interlocks and separate upper and lower
mirror for maximum light transmission and low noise
flame shields
• Czerny-Turner 0.25 m focal length monochromator with
• External manual adjustment of impact bead (without
microstepping driver for enhanced resolution
tools), for complete control over sensitivity and
• Holographic grating with 1200 lines/mm atomization interferences
• Wavelength range 185-900 nm • PTFE impact bead available for applications where
• Computer controlled wavelength and slit selection with hydrofluoric acid is used
automatic peaking on each analytical wavelength • Impact bead is available for use with both air-acetylene
• Wavelength repeatability ± 0.04 nm or better and nitrous oxide-acetylene flames
• Fluorinated high density polyethylene construction
Lamp Control and Power Supplies capable of handling acids, alkalis and organic solvents
• The power supply runs in two modes. The first mode is a
two-lamp power supply; one for the operating lamp and • Fitted with an adjustable nebulizer with inert
another for the automatic warm-up of the next lamp in platinum/iridium capillary and PEEK venture for corrosion
sequence. The second mode powers four lamps simultane- resistance
ously, enabling fast, sequential, multi-element per sample Burner
• Designed for high solids operation with minimal carbon
• User selectable option to leave lamps on or automatic build-up and burner blockage
switch off at the end of an auto run
• Universal design suitable for both nitrous oxide-acetylene
• Lamps are electronically modulated for better sensitivity and air-acetylene
and extended lifetime
• PTFE corrosion shield
• Four fixed lamp positions with fast automatic lamp selec-
tion (conventional lamp turret is slow) to enable fast Atomizer Mounting and Adjustment
sequential multi-element determinations sample by sample • Atomizer mounting mechanism suitable for flame, vapor
and furnace AAS with corrosion resistant construction
• Lamps fit directly into the lamp sockets without the need
for corrosion prone restraining clamps or leads and • Burner rotation through a full 90 degrees without having
electrical connectors to remove flame shields or extinguish the flame
Background Correction
• High speed deuterium background corrector for accurate
correction of background signals
• Correction range 185 to 425 nm to a total 2.5 absorbance
• Electronic modulation with automatic gain attenuation for
improved beam balance

Materials and Reagents Conditions
Trace metal grade acetic acid (trace metal acetic acid, The analysis conditions used in this work are described in
glacial (99.4%), Fisher Scientific, USA) and deionized water Table 3.
(18.2 MW Barnstead, Dubuque, IA, USA) were used for the
Table 3. AA Analysis Conditions
sample and standards preparations. The standards were pre-
pared by diluting multi-element stock standards (K, Na, and Na K Zn
Zn, 1000mg/L, Inorganic Ventures, Lakewood, NJ USA). A Wavelength (nm) 589.6 766.5 213.9
stock QC (6020, 20mg/L, Inorganic Ventures, Lakewood, NJ,
Gas used Air/Acetylene Air/Acetylene Air/Acetylene
USA) was used for calibration verification. All samples, cali-
Bandpass (nm) 0.2 1 1
bration standards, and QC’s were diluted with 5% v/v acetic
acid. Fuel flow (L/min) 2 2 2
Mode Emission Emission Absorption
D2 correction No No Yes
Sample Preparation Replicates 3 3 3
Calibration and QC solutions were prepared as summarized in
Table 1. The albumin samples and dilution factors are detailed Results and Discussion
in Table 2.
Table 4 details the original estimates of sample concentration
Table 1. Calibration and QC Solutions provided by the customer as well as the sample concentration
results obtained with the Agilent 240 FS AA spectrometer.
Standard Name Element Concentration (mg/L)
Blank K, Na, Zn 0 Table 4. Customer-Provided Estimates and Agilent 240 FS Spectrometer
Sample Results
Standard 1 K, Na, Zn 0.5
Standard 2 K, Na, Zn 1.0 Customer-provided 240 FS
QC1 Na, K 0.5 concentration concentration
Sample id Element (mg/L) (mg/L) %RSD
QC2 Zn 0.2
LA 05D Na 2500–3500 3090 0.3
LA 05D K 3–5 4.15 0.5
Table 2. Sample Preparations LH Na 3000–4000 3570 0.1
LH Zn 0.2–0.5 0.267 0.8
Sample id Element Dilution
AHF Na 2500–3500 3080 0.1
LA 05D Na 5000x
LA 05D K 10x
LH Na 5000x Several samples were spiked to verify the instrument perfor-
LH Zn 2x
mance in the albumin matrix. Sample LA 05D was spiked at
0.3 mg/L for Na. Sample AHF was spiked at 0.2 mg/L for Na.
AHF Na 5000x
Sample LH was spiked at 0.5 mg/L for Zn. The spike recovery
results are listed below in Table 5. Duplicates of sample LH
were analyzed for Na and sample LA 05D for analyzed for K as
The samples listed were 25% albumin and were submitted by
a further indication of the stability of the Agilent 240FS.
a customer for analysis on the Agilent 240 FS. The sample
dilutions used in this work were based upon the customer-
provided estimates of the concentration of K, Na, and Zn.

Table 5. Spike and Duplicate Results (on Diluted Sample)

Sample id Na (mg/L) K (mg/L) Zn (mg/L)

LA 05D 5000x Na 0.619
LA 05D 5000x Na 0.3 ppm spk 0.939
Spike recovery % 106.7
LA 05D 10x K 0.415
LA 05D 10x K dup 0.409
LH 5000x Na 0.715
LH 5000x Na dup 0.719
LH 2x Zn 0.134
LH 2x Zn 0.5ppm spk 0.635
Spike recovery % 100.3
AHF 5000x Na 0.615
AHF 5000x Na 0.2 ppm spk 0.828
Spike recovery % 106.4
The QC samples were analyzed after the calibration and at the
Curve fit linear origin
end of the run. The results for the QC samples are as follows.
Characteristic conc: 0.0050 mg/L
Table 6. QC Results (mg/L) Correlation coefficient 0.9984

Sample id Na K Zn
QC sample after calibration 0.509 0.503 0.199
% Recovery 101.8 100.5 99.4
QC sample at the end of run 0.517 0.51 0.201
% Recovery 103.4 100.8 100.6

The calibration curves are detailed below; the curves are

linear fits.

Curve fit linear origin

Characteristic conc: 0.0048 mg/L
Correlation coefficient 1.000

L. H. J. Lajunen, and P. Peramaki, Spectrochemical Analysis
by Atomic Absorption and Emission. Royal Society of
Chemistry; Cambridge; 2004.

US Department of Health and Human Services, National

Institutes of Health website. Available at:
www.nih.gov. Accessed 10th July 2006.

Curve fit linear origin

Characteristic conc: 0.0300 mg/L
Correlation coefficient 1.000

Method detection limits were determined by analyzing seven

replicates of the low standard (0.5 mg/L) and multiplying the
standard deviation of the seven replicates by three. The
method detection limits are listed in Table 7.
Table 7. Method Detection Limits

Element Method Detection Limit (mg/L)

Na 0.008
K 0.009
Zn 0.001

The results obtained illustrate that the Agilent 240 FS AA
system excels at providing a simple and effective solution for
the determination of K, Na, and Zn in albumin. The method
has shown to be accurate and repeatable.

The QC samples are within ± 10% of the true value. The spike
recoveries and duplicate samples show recoveries from
90–110%. The duplicates samples are within 5% of each

The cookbook settings provided in the software were used

for the analysis of Na, K, and Zn. All of the sample results fall
within the expected ranges.

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© Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2010!'%&*

Printed in the USA
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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