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Portland State University

Dissertations and Theses Dissertations and Theses

Spring 6-6-2018

Flexural Strength, Ductility, and Serviceability of Beams that

Contain High-Strength Steel Reinforcement and High-Grade
Anas Yosefani
Portland State University

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Yosefani, Anas, "Flexural Strength, Ductility, and Serviceability of Beams that Contain High-Strength Steel Reinforcement and High-
Grade Concrete" (2018). Dissertations and Theses. Paper 4402.


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Flexural Strength, Ductility, and Serviceability of Beams that Contain High-Strength

Steel Reinforcement and High-Grade Concrete


Anas Yosefani

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dissertation Committee:
Franz Rad, Chair
Peter Dusicka
Thomas Schumacher
Hormoz Zareh

Portland State University

© 2018 Anas Yosefani

Utilizing the higher capacity steel in design can provide additional advantages to the

concrete construction industry including a reduction of congestion, improved concrete

placement, reduction in the required reinforcement and cross sections which would lead

to savings in materials, shipping, and placement costs. Using high-strength reinforcement

is expected to impact the design provisions of ACI 318 code and other related codes.

The Applied Technology Council (ATC-115) report “Roadmap for the Use of High-

Strength Reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete Design” has identified key design issues

that are affected by the use of high-strength reinforcement. Also, ACI ITG-6, “Design

Guide for the Use of ASTM A1035 Grade 100 Steel Bars for Structural Concrete” and

NCHRP Report 679, “Design of Concrete Structures Using High-Strength Steel

Reinforcement” have made progress towards identifying how code provisions in ACI 318

and AASHTO could be changed to incorporate high-strength reinforcement.

The current research aims to provide a closer investigation of the behavior of beams

reinforced with high-strength steel bars (including ASTM A615 Grade 100 and ASTM

A1035 Grades 100 and 120) and high-strength concrete up to 12000 psi. Focus of the

research is on key design issues including: ductility, stiffness, deflection, and cracking.

The research includes an extensive review of current literature, an analytical study and

conforming experimental tests, and is directed to provide a number of recommendations

and design guidelines for design of beams reinforced with high-strength concrete and

high-strength steel. Topics investigated include: strain limits (tension-controlled and

compression-controlled, and minimum strain in steel); possible change for strength

reduction factor equation for transition zone (ϕ); evaluation of the minimum

reinforcement ratio (ρmin); recommendations regarding limiting the maximum stress for

the high-strength reinforcement; and prediction of deflection and crack width at service

load levels. Moreover, this research includes long-term deflection test of a beam made

with high grade concrete and high-strength steel under sustained load for twelve months

to evaluate the creep deflection and to insure the appropriateness of the current ACI 318

time-dependent factor, λ, which does not consider the yield strength of reinforcement and

the concrete grade.


First and foremost, praises and thanks to God for His blessing throughout this research

work and for granting me the capability to complete it successfully. I would like to

express the deepest appreciation to my advisor and committee chair Dr. Franz Rad, for

his thoughtful guidance, encouragement, and persistent help throughout my PhD journey.

Moreover, I would like to thank my committee members, Dr. Peter Dusicka, Dr. Thomas

Schumacher, and Dr. Hormoz Zareh for their time reviewing my dissertation and for their

valuable comments and suggestions. I would also like to acknowledge the Higher

Committee of Education Development in Iraq (HCED) for sponsoring my PhD program

at Portland State University. My gratitude also goes to Cascade Steel Rolling Mills Inc.

for donating the reinforcing bars used in this research. My sincere thanks also go to Dr.

William Wood and Mr. Robert Turpin for their help with manufacturing and installing

the loading frame for the long-term deflection test at OMSI lab. I would also like extend

my thanks to Mr. Tom Bennett for his help with the instrumentation setup of the

experiments. Special thanks to my friends of the graduate students who helped a lot with

the experiment part of this research, especially Hayder Al-Khafaji, Hosam Al-Azzawi,

Ali Hafiz, Anwer Mohammed, Wisam Aules, Yasir Saeed, Aqeel Al-Bahadily, Salih

Mahmood, Naowar Al-Abbas, and Ranj Rafeeq. Finally, I would like to thank my parents

and siblings for their prayers, and supporting me spiritually throughout my life. Most

importantly, I wish to thank my loving and supportive wife, Rana, and my three

wonderful children, Lourd, Lara, and Andrew. My parents, wife, children are the most

important people in my world and I dedicate this dissertation to them.

Table of Contents

Abstract ................................................................................................................................ i

Acknowledgments.............................................................................................................. iii

List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... ix

List of Figures ................................................................................................................... xii

Chapter One: Introduction .................................................................................................. 1

1.1 General Overview ................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Research Significance .......................................................................................... 2

1.3 Research Objectives ............................................................................................. 4

1.4 Expected Contribution.......................................................................................... 6

1.5 Dissertation Outline.............................................................................................. 7

Chapter Two: Background Information .............................................................................. 9

2.1 High-Strength Reinforcement (HSR) ................................................................... 9

2.1.1 HSR Type ASTM A615 Gr. 100 vs. ASTM A1035 Gr. 100 and 120 Tensile

Properties .................................................................................................................. 10

2.1.2 ASTM Specifications for Defining Yield Strength of the Reinforcing Bars


2.1.3 Uniform Strain vs. Total Strain of the Reinforcing Bars ............................ 13

2.2 High-Strength Concrete (HSC) .......................................................................... 14

2.3 Stress-Strain Curves for Unconfined Concrete in Compression ........................ 15

2.4 Rectangular Stress Block for Concrete .............................................................. 19

2.5 Reinforcement Ratio Limit vs. Strain Limits ..................................................... 20

2.6 Minimum Flexural Reinforcement ..................................................................... 22

2.7 Serviceability of Beams ..................................................................................... 23

2.7.1 Short-Term Deflection (Immediate Deflection) ......................................... 24

2.7.2 Flexural Cracking........................................................................................ 26

2.7.3 Long-Term Deflection (Time-Dependent Deflection)................................ 27

Chapter Three: Literature Review .................................................................................... 30

3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 30

3.2 Flexural Behavior of Beams Made with High-Strength Reinforcement (HSR) 30

3.3 Flexural Behavior of Beams Made with High-Strength Concrete (HSC).......... 38

3.4 Deflection at Service Load Level ....................................................................... 42

3.4.1 Immediate Deflection of Beams Reinforced with HSR .............................. 42

3.4.2 Long-Term Deflection of HSC Beams ....................................................... 44

3.5 Flexural Crack Widths and Crack Control of Beams Reinforced with HSR ..... 47

Chapter Four: Theoretical Investigation of Load-Deflection Response ........................... 49

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 49

4.2 Nonlinear Flexural Analysis .............................................................................. 49

4.2.1 Moment-Curvature Response ..................................................................... 50

4.2.2 Modeling the Stress-Strain Relationship for Concrete and Reinforcing Steel


4.2.3 Load-deflection Response ........................................................................... 54

4.3 Verification of the Analytical Model ................................................................. 57

4.4 Flexural Behavior of Beams Made with HSC and HSR .................................... 60

Chapter Five: Experimental Assessment of Beams Made with HSC & HSR .................. 63

5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 63

5.2 Materials Properties............................................................................................ 64

5.2.1 Concrete ...................................................................................................... 64

5.2.2 Reinforcing Steel ........................................................................................ 69

5.3 Design of the Specimens .................................................................................... 74

5.4 Specimens Fabrication ....................................................................................... 78

5.5 Instrumentation and Test Setup .......................................................................... 82

5.5.1 Installation of Strain Gauges ....................................................................... 82

5.5.2 Flexural Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................... 85

5.5.3 Long-Term Deflection Test Setup .............................................................. 86

5.6 Beams Flexural Test Results and Discussion..................................................... 89

5.6.1 Load-Deflection Behavior of Test Beams .................................................. 89

5.6.2 Discussion of Results ................................................................................ 105

5.7 Long-Term Deflection Test Results and Discussion........................................ 115

Chapter Six: A Parametric Study on the Key Design Issues with HSR and HSC .......... 118

6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 118

6.2 Flexural Strength and Ductility ........................................................................ 119

6.2.1 Reinforcement Ratio Limit ....................................................................... 120

6.2.2 Tension Reinforcement Strain Limits ....................................................... 123

6.3 Minimum Reinforcement Ratio ....................................................................... 132

6.4 Effect of Using Simplified Elastic-Plastic vs. Actual Roundhouse Stress-Strain

for HSR Type A1035 on Flexural Design of Beams .................................................. 138

6.5 Flexural Design with HSR, Limiting the Maximum Stress ............................. 141

6.6 Design Flexural Strength vs. Reinforcement Ratio Charts for HSR ................ 144

6.7 Short-Term Deflection at Service Load Level ................................................. 146

Chapter Seven: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations for Future Research .. 162

7.1 Summary and Conclusions ............................................................................... 162

7.1.1 Strength and Ductility ............................................................................... 162

7.1.2 Minimum Reinforcement Ratio ................................................................ 164

7.1.3 Cracking Behavior .................................................................................... 164

7.1.4 Deflection Under Service Load ................................................................ 165

7.2 Recommendations for Future Research (Keep the sentence structure parallel)166

References ....................................................................................................................... 167

Appendix A: MATLAB Coding to Predict Load-Deflection Behavior.......................... 172

Appendix B: Design Charts for Beams Reinforced with HSR and Based on Materials

Typical Stress-Strain Behavior ....................................................................................... 177

Appendix C: Service Load Level Evaluation ................................................................. 191

List of Tables

Table 2-1: Tensile properties requirements ...................................................................... 12

Table 2-2: Existing stress-strain models for HSC (Shafiq et al., 2014) ............................ 18

Table 3-1: Tests information (Ansley, 2002) .................................................................... 31

Table 3-2: Comparison of design methods (Mast et al., 2008) ......................................... 34

Table 3-3: Test Matrix (Eltahawy et al., 2009) ................................................................. 36

Table 3-4: Test Specimens and Results (Shahrooz et al., 2010) ....................................... 38

Table 3-5: Comparison of experimental and calculated deflections at service load levels

(Soltani 2010).................................................................................................................... 44

Table 3-6: Typical creep parameters (Nilson et al., 2010) ............................................... 47

Table 4-1: Typical reinforcement stress-strain parameters used in the analytical

investigation ...................................................................................................................... 53

Table 4-2: Details of the selected beams from the literature to verify the analystical model

........................................................................................................................................... 57

Table 4-3: Effect of using HSC for beams reinforced with HSR ..................................... 60

Table 5-1: Concrete mixture proportions .......................................................................... 65

Table 5-2: Modulus of rupture of concrete prisms ........................................................... 69

Table 5-3: Reinforcement tensile test results summary .................................................... 70

Table 5-4: Experimental test matrix ................................................................................. 76

Table 5-5: Test beams experimental flexural test results summary................................ 100

Table 5-6: Prediction of maximum crack width for test beams at service load level ..... 103

Table 5-7: Prediction of maximum deflection at service load level for the test beams .. 104

Table 5-8: Comparison of predicted and measured time-dependent beam deflections .. 116

Table 6-1: Summary of reinforcement ratio limit based on ρ=0.75ρ b ............................ 121

Table 6-2: Comparable strain limits based on curvature ductility (µ = φ u/φy) ............... 130

Table 6-3: Comparable strain limits based on energy absorption (µ = Area under P-Δ) 130

Table 6-4: Comparison of minimum strain limits for HSR from different approaches.. 130

Table 6-5: Comparison of ρmin for A615 Grade 60 ......................................................... 134

Table 6-6: Comparison of ρmin for A615 & A1035 Grade 100 ....................................... 134

Table 6-7: Comparison of ρmin for A1035 Grade 120..................................................... 134

Table 6-8: Comparison of εu at ρmin for A615 Grade 60 ................................................. 136

Table 6-9: Comparison of εu at ρmin for A615 Grade 100 ............................................... 136

Table 6-10: Comparison of εu at ρmin for A1035 Grade 100 ........................................... 137

Table 6-11: Comparison of εu at ρmin for A1035 Grade 120 ........................................... 137

Table 6-12: Comparison of using elastic-plastic model vs. actual roundhouse to model

A1035-100 reinforcement on moment capacity and curvature ductility ........................ 139

Table 6-13: Allowable stress in prestressed reinforcement for f'c = 4000 psi ................ 143

Table 6-14: Allowable stress in prestressed reinforcement for f'c = 12000 psi .............. 143

Table 6-15: Comparison of analytical and calculated deflections at service load level for

beams reinforced with A615 grade 100 .......................................................................... 150

Table 6-16: Comparison of analytical and calculated deflections at service load level for

beams reinforced with A1035 grade 100 ........................................................................ 151

Table 6-17: Comparison of analytical and calculated deflections at service load level for

beams reinforced with A1035 grade 120 ........................................................................ 152

Table 6-18: Modified immediate deflections calculated using the suggested modified

Bischoff effective moment of inertia for beams reinforced with A615 grade 100 ......... 159

Table 6-19: Modified immediate deflections calculated using the suggested modified

Bischoff effective moment of inertia for beams reinforced with A1035 grade 100 ....... 160

Table 6-20: Modified immediate deflections calculated using the suggested modified

Bischoff effective moment of inertia for beams reinforced with A1035 grade 120 ....... 161

List of Figures

Figure 2-1: Representative stress-strain relationships for Grade 60, Grade 80, and Grade

100 reinforcement (adopted from NIST, 2014) ................................................................ 10

Figure 2-2: Determination of yield strength by offset method ......................................... 12

Figure 2-3: Uniform strain vs. total strain (NIST GCR 14-917-30) ................................. 14

Figure 2-4: Carreira and Chu (1985) concrete stress-strain model ................................... 17

Figure 2-5: Typical compressive stress-strain curves for normal weight concrete (Nilson

et al., 2010) ....................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 2-6: Stress and strain distribution across beam depth: (a) beam cross-section;

(b)strains; (c) actual stress block; (d) assumed equivalent stress block (Nawy, 2010) .... 19

Figure 2-7: Strength reduction factor, ϕ, based on strain limit approach ......................... 21

Figure 2-8: Beam load-deflection and moment-deflection relationships (Nawy, 2010) .. 25

Figure 2-9: ACI 318 multipliers for long-term deflection ................................................ 28

Figure 3-1: Design guidelines for the design with MMFX reinforcement (Dawood et al.

2004) ................................................................................................................................. 32

Figure 3-2: Sectional analysis procedure (Mast et al. 2008) ............................................ 33

Figure 3-3: Proposed variation of resistance factor ϕ (Mast et al. 2008).......................... 35

Figure 3-4: Strain limits for the design with MMFX reinforcement (Eltahawy et al. 2009)

........................................................................................................................................... 37

Figure 3-5: Effect of f’c on displacement ductility, µd (Ashour, 2000) ........................... 39

Figure 3-6: Beam ductility as influenced by concrete strength: (a) test data; and (b)

analytical values (Rashid, 2005) ....................................................................................... 41

Figure 3-7: Creep and shrinkage deflection of beams (Paulson et al., 1991) ................... 46

Figure 4-1: Cracked section analysis ................................................................................ 52

Figure 4-2: Typical stress-strain curves for reinforcing bars ............................................ 54

Figure 4-3: Calculation of the mid-span deflection based on the numerical integration for

the curvature diagram ....................................................................................................... 56

Figure 4-4: Comparison of experimental beams results of Ansley (2002) and analytical

model results ..................................................................................................................... 58

Figure 4-5: Comparison of experimental beams results of Yutakhong (2003) and

analytical model results..................................................................................................... 58

Figure 4-6: Comparison of experimental beams results of Shahrooz et al. (2010) and

analytical model results..................................................................................................... 59

Figure 4-7: Behavior of beam designed with NSC & grade 60 steel vs. beams designed

with HSC & HSR (A615-100 & A1035-100)................................................................... 61

Figure 5-1: Cylinder compression stress-strain test set up ............................................... 66

Figure 5-2: Experimental stress-strain curves of plain concrete ....................................... 67

Figure 5-3: Plain concrete modulus of rupture test set up ................................................ 68

Figure 5-4: Reinforcement tensile stress-strain test set up ............................................... 70

Figure 5-5: Tension stress-strain test results for rebar type A615 grade 60 ..................... 71

Figure 5-6: Tension stress-strain test results for rebar type A615 grade 100 ................... 72

Figure 5-7: Tension stress-strain test results for rebar type A1035 grade 120 ................. 73

Figure 5-8: Tension stress-strain test results for no.2 wire used for shear reinforcement 74

Figure 5-9: Experimental program test beams details ...................................................... 77

Figure 5-10: Specimens fabrication .................................................................................. 79

Figure 5-11: Concrete mixing and casting process of the specimens ............................... 80

Figure 5-12: Specimens moist curing ............................................................................... 81

Figure 5-13: Installation steps of concrete strain gauges .................................................. 83

Figure 5-14: Installation steps of reinforcement strain gauges ......................................... 84

Figure 5-15: Flexural test set-up and instrumentations..................................................... 85

Figure 5-16: Typical flexural test setup of reinforced concrete beam specimens ............ 86

Figure 5-17: Schematic drawing for the test setup of the long-term deflection ............... 87

Figure 5-18: Fabrication of the loading frame for flexural long-term deflection test ...... 88

Figure 5-19: Experimental results of beam 5/A615-60 (1.1%) ........................................ 90

Figure 5-20: Experimental results of beam 8/A615-100 (0.62%) .................................... 91

Figure 5-21: Experimental results of beam 8/A1035-120 (0.41%) .................................. 92

Figure 5-22: Experimental results of beam 13/A615-100 (0.62%) .................................. 93

Figure 5-23: Experimental results of beam 11/A1035-120 (0.41%) ................................ 94

Figure 5-24: Experimental results of beam 5/A615-60 (2.29%) ...................................... 95

Figure 5-25: Experimental results of beam 10/A1035-120 (0.74%) ................................ 96

Figure 5-26: Experimental results of beam 14/A1035-120 (0.74%) ................................ 97

Figure 5-27: Crack pattern and failure mode of the first group of the test beams .......... 101

Figure 5-28: Crack pattern and failure mode of the second group of the test beams ..... 102

Figure 5-29: Load-deflection response of tested beams ................................................. 113

Figure 5-30: Stress level in the tension reinforcement at service loading state for the

tested beams reinforced with steel type A1035 Grade 120............................................. 114

Figure 5-31: Time-dependent deflection of beam 14/A1035-120 (0.41%) .................... 115

Figure 5-32: Crack pattern and maximum crack width measurement of the beam

14/A1035-120 (0.41%) tested under long-term period ................................................... 117

Figure 5-33: Crack pattern and maximum crack width measurement of the beam

14/A1035-120 (0.41%) tested under long-term period ................................................... 117

Figure 6-1: Moment-curvature responses for beams reinforced with conventional grade

60 steel and HSR based on 𝜌 = 0.75𝜌𝑏 ......................................................................... 122

Figure 6-2: M-ϕ response for a beam with f'c =4000 psi & Grade 60 steel with ρ = 0.0195

......................................................................................................................................... 125

Figure 6-3: Effect of ρ on the moment capacity and tension reinforcement strain......... 125

Figure 6-4: HSR comparable tension-control strain limits based on curvature ductility 126

Figure 6-5: HSR comparable tension-control strain limits based on energy absorption

(area under P-Δ) .............................................................................................................. 127

Figure 6-6: HSR comparable minimum strain limits based on curvature ductility ........ 128

Figure 6-7: HSR comparable minimum strain limits based on energy absorption (area

under P-Δ) ....................................................................................................................... 129

Figure 6-8: Relationship between strength reduction factor, ϕ, and strain limits ........... 131

Figure 6-9: Comparison of ρmin for A615 Grade 60 ....................................................... 135

Figure 6-10: Comparison of ρmin for A615 & A1035 Grade 100 ................................... 135

Figure 6-11: Comparison of ρmin for A1035 Grade 120 ................................................. 136

Figure 6-12: Effect of using simplified elastic-plastic model to idealize the behavior of

A1035 reinforcement on moment capacity and curvature ductility................................ 140

Figure 6-13: Flexural design chart for beams with f'c =8000 psi & reinforced with A1035

grade 100 rebar ............................................................................................................... 145

Figure 6-14: Flexural design chart for beams with f'c =8000 psi & reinforced with A615

grade 100 rebar ............................................................................................................... 145

Figure 6-15: Flexural design chart for beams with f'c =8000 psi & reinforced with A1035

grade 120 rebar ............................................................................................................... 146

From the moment-curvature analysis, the immediate deflection at service load is

extracted from the load-deflection relationship when the load is equal to 60% of the

maximum load. The cross section of the beams is assumed 6 in. x10 in. with a simple

span of 8 ft., and the reinforcement ratio is varied from 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛 to 𝜌𝑚𝑎𝑥. Figure 6-16

shows the relationship between ρ and Mcr/Ma ratio for the example beam. ................... 148

Figure 6-17: Relationship between ρ and Mcr/Ma ratio for an example beam ................ 149

Figure 6-18: Immediate deflection prediction using M-ϕ analysis and Ie method for beams

reinforced with A615 grade 100 rebar ............................................................................ 153

Figure 6-19: Immediate deflection prediction using M-ϕ analysis and Ie method for beams

reinforced with A1035 grade 100 rebar .......................................................................... 154

Figure 6-20: Immediate deflection prediction using M-ϕ analysis and Ie method for beams

reinforced with A1035 grade 120 rebar .......................................................................... 155

Figure 6-21: Relationship between immediate deflection calculated using M-ϕ analysis

and Ie of Bischoff method for beams reinforced with HSR ............................................ 158

1 Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 General Overview

For many years, the design of reinforced concrete in the United States was dominated by

the use of reinforcing steel of Grades 40 and 60 that have a well-defined yield strength

and yield plateau. Design for flexural members with higher strength reinforcement has

been permitted in the current ACI 318-14 code but is limited to 80 ksi for non-seismic

systems. The limits to the yield strength are mainly related to the prescribed limit on the

concrete ultimate strain of 0.003, and to the control of crack widths at service level loads.

Crack width is related to the strain developed in the tension reinforcement and

consequently to the steel stress at the service load. Therefore, the limit to the steel stress

is needed to prevent the cracks from affecting the serviceability of the structure.

However, recent improvements in concrete properties have made it possible to use

reinforcements of higher strength.

Currently, high-strength reinforcement (HSR) with yield strength exceeding 80 ksi is

commercially available in the United States up to Grade 120. It is expected that utilizing

the higher capacity steel in design can provide additional advantages to the concrete

construction industry including reduction of congestion in heavily reinforced members,

improved concrete placement, potential reduction in the amount of reinforcement needed

for design and reducing member cross sections which would lead to savings in materials,

shipping, and placement costs. Moreover, using high-strength concrete (HSC) coupled

with HSR is expected to result in more efficient structural designs, longer spans,

shallower sections, and higher load-carrying capacities.

High-Strength Concrete (HSC) can be obtained by minimizing the water–cement ratio

with the aid of superplasticizers, and by carefully selecting reasonable doses and types of

pozzolanic admixtures such as silica fume. Currently, HSC can be produced up to a

strength of 20 ksi.

In spite of the fact that many advantages are expected in using high strength steel,

ductility is expected to be reduced due to the potential lowering of the steel strain at

failure. Therefore, using high-strength reinforcement is expected to impact the design

provisions of ACI 318 and other codes related to reinforced concrete structures.

However, combining HSR with HSC may improve the reduction in the ductility when

using HSR. Based on the current code provisions, and if everything else remains the

same, it can be analytically shown that an increase in concrete strength leads to higher

ductility. Therefore, this study is focusing on the use of both high strength materials.

1.2 Research Significance

There are many issues associated with the use of high-strength reinforcement that need to

be addressed, and many sections of the ACI 318 code may require new or revised

provisions in order to incorporate the use of high-strength reinforcement. The Applied

Technology Council (ATC-115) report 2014 “Roadmap for the use of high-strength

reinforcement in reinforced concrete design”, identified the key design issues that are

affected by the use of high-strength reinforcement, which are related to the provisions of

strength and ductility, serviceability, reinforcement limits, analysis, detailing, and seismic

systems. Also, documents such as the ACI ITG-6, “Design Guide for the Use of ASTM
A1035 Grade 100 Steel Bars for Structural Concrete” (ACI, 2010a) and the NCHRP

Report 679, “Design of Concrete Structures Using High-Strength Steel Reinforcement”

(Shahrooz et al., 2011) have made progress towards identifying how some code

provisions in ACI 318 and AASHTO could be changed to incorporate high-strength

reinforcement. However, a challenge for the design process will involve integration of

high-strength reinforcement into concrete structures in ways that optimize and fully

utilize the higher yield strength of the bars. Therefore, further research is needed to better

understand the effects of using higher strength reinforcement in concrete members and to

provide answers for the identified key design issues.

This research represents a closer investigation of the ductility and the behavior of beams

made with different grades of concrete (4000 psi – 12000 psi), and reinforced with

different types and grades of HSR, which include ASTM A615 Grade 100 and ASTM

A1035 Grades 100 and 120. The research focus is on the key design issues related to the

use of high-strength steel bars as flexural reinforcement for beams that contain normal

strength concrete (NSC) and high strength concrete (HSC). Analytical and experimental

studies will be conducted to investigate and overcome the deficiencies in the existing

knowledge base, and to support an update to ACI 318 to incorporate the use of

reinforcement in excess of 80 ksi.

1.3 Research Objectives

The flexural behavior of concrete beams that contain a range of concrete capacities and

are reinforced with high-strength steel reinforcement will be investigated analytically and


The analytical study is intended to address the following issues:

1. Investigate the strength and ductility of flexural concrete beams reinforced with

two different types of high-strength reinforcement that has a defined yield stress

and yield plateau (A615 grade 100), as well as other types without well-defined

yield stress and lack for yield plateau (A1035 grades 100 & 120), and those made

with a range of concrete strengths (4000 to 12000 psi).

2. Based on ductility requirement, evaluate the previous approach of ACI 318 to

determine the maximum reinforcement ratio as a fraction of the balanced ratio

(ρmax = 0.75ρb) versus the current approach that is based on tensile reinforcement

strain limits (tension-controlled strain limit, minimum tensile strain limit, and

compression-controlled strain limit) for beams reinforced with HRS. Depending

on the grade and the shape of the stress-strain relationship for high-strength

reinforcement, ACI Code strain limits may need to be modified.

3. Explore the possible revisions to the strength reduction factors for flexural beams

reinforced with HSR. This critical ratio is required to protect against sudden

collapse of flexural members in the event of loading beyond the cracking


4. Evaluate the minimum reinforcement ratio for the use of high-strength

reinforcement. This study will attempt to determine the minimum flexural

reinforcement required to provide an acceptable ratio of cracked section flexural

strength to “gross” uncracked section strength in beams with high-strength


5. Evaluate whether the traditional ACI 318 design assumption of using a simplified

elastic-plastic stress-strain relationship for modeling the reinforcement is adequate

when using high-strength reinforcement type A1035 that lacks the well-defined

yield point and yield plateau.

6. Evaluate the current ACI 318 provisions for predicting the deflection at service

load level when beams are designed using HSC & HSR.

7. Explore the effectiveness of combining high-strength concrete (HSC) with high-

strength reinforcement (HSR) for flexural beams through comparing the design

with the current practice.

The experimental testing will be performed to determine the load-deflection behavior of

the beams made with high-strength concrete and reinforced with high-strength

reinforcement grades 100 & 120. The tests will consider the actual tensile-to-yield

strength ratios and elongations that are likely to be achieved in the production of high-

strength reinforcement. The experimental tests are mainly to confirm the results of the

analytical studies. Tests will attempt to:

 Track bar elongations and concrete strains as the beam is loaded to failure.
 Track deflections at service load levels, as well as near failure.

 Observe the cracking behavior and evaluate the crack width.

Moreover, the experimental program included an investigation of the long-term

deflection of a beam made with HSC (14000 psi) and HSR (A1035 grade 120) to

evaluate the current ACI 318 time-dependent factor (λ) for the use of both high strength

materials as the current factor does not take into account the yield strength of

reinforcement and the concrete grade.

1.4 Expected Contribution

This research represents a broader study for the use of high-strength bars as a flexural

reinforcement in RC beams. It will compromise of a range of steel and concrete grades,

and it is expected to contribute in providing further study to allow the general use of steel

reinforcement in excess of Grade 80 for gravity load applications, and ultimately,

encouraging the integration of high-strength reinforcing steel into the ACI 318 code and

other building codes. The main contributions can be summarized in the following points:

a) Evaluating analytically and experimentally the use of steel that conforms to

ASTM 1035 Grade 120 bars as a flexural reinforcement for concrete beams.

b) Evaluating analytically and experimentally the use of the new bar type ASTM

A615 Grade 100 and compare the behavior with beams reinforced with bars type

ASTM A1035 Grade 100.

c) Evaluating the current ACI 318 design provisions regarding strain limits, flexural

strength, ductility, and service load deflection prediction for beams reinforced

with high-strength bars and provide recommendations for changes, if necessary.

d) Propose a new approach for determining the minimum reinforcement ratio for the

use of HSR based on the minimum ultimate uniform strain (εu) that can be

achieved by the high-strength reinforcement.

e) Evaluating experimentally the effectiveness of coupling high-strength concrete

with high-strength reinforcement on the flexural behavior of beams.

f) Evaluating experimentally the long-term (creep) deflection of a beam made with

HSC and HSR.

1.5 Dissertation Outline

This dissertation consists of six chapters, as following:

Chapter One presents a general overview, significance, objectives, and the expected

contribution of the research.

Chapter Two gives a background information about the materials and the parameters

studied in this research, and the current provisions of the ACI 318 code that are related to

the flexural behavior and serviceability of the reinforced concrete beams.

Chapter Three presents a review about the available research in the literature that is

related to the use of high-strength reinforcement and high-strength concrete for beams in


Chapter Four discusses the creation of a computer model to predict the flexural

behavior of concrete beams of different concrete strengths and reinforced with Grade 60

as well as high-strength reinforcing bars. Also, this chapter includes a theoretical

investigation for beams made with HSC & HSR.

Chapter Five presents an experimental program conducted to validate the theoretical

results, and to compare the design using the current practice that includes the use of

normal-strength concrete and conventional grade 60 steel versus the design using high

strength materials.

Chapter Six summarizes the results of a parametric study on the key design issues with

HSR and HSC for the objective of developing guidelines for design that are compatible

with current practice.

Chapter Seven summarizes the observations and conclusions drawn based on both the

analytical and the experimental results of this research.

2 Chapter Two: Background Information

2.1 High-Strength Reinforcement (HSR)

The terminology high-strength reinforcement (HSR) is used for the bars that have a

defined yield strength of 75 ksi and higher. A number of high-strength reinforcing steels

are currently available in the United States such as ASTM A1035 Grades 100 & 120,

ASTM A615 Grades 75, 80 & 100, ASTM A706 Grade 80, SAS 670 Grade 97. As

shown in Figure 2-1, three distinct shapes of stress-strain relationships for high-strength

reinforcing steels are possible:

(1) A rounded curve (designated as S1) defined by a gradual reduction in stiffness that

becomes nonlinear before reaching a yield strength that is defined by the 0.2% offset

method, followed by gradual softening until the tensile strength is reached (also called a

“roundhouse” curve).

(2) A curve defined by two segments (designated as S2) consisting of linear-elastic

behavior to the yield strength, followed by linear strain hardening behavior until the

tensile strength is reached.

(3) A curve defined by three segments (designated as S3) consisting of linear-elastic

behavior to a well-defined yield strength, a relatively flat yield plateau, and a rounded

strain-hardening region.

Different stress-strain relationships are expected to impact the force-displacement

behavior of reinforced concrete beams in different ways including strain limits, flexural

strength and corresponding maximum deflection, and the spread of plasticity as the beam

is loaded monotonically to failure (ductility).

Figure 2-1: Representative stress-strain relationships for Grade 60, Grade 80, and
Grade 100 reinforcement (adopted from NIST, 2014)

2.1.1 HSR Type ASTM A615 Gr. 100 vs. ASTM A1035 Gr. 100 and 120 Tensile

Two types of HSR bars are investigated in this research, ASTM A615 Grade 100 and

ASTM A1035 Grades 100 and 120. ASTM A1035 reinforcing steel is characterized by a

low carbon content (maximum of 0.15%) and a high chromium content (minimum 8%

and maximum 10.9%), which results in a much higher tensile strength than ASTM A615

steel, however, the maximum strain that can be achieved before rupture is lower than that

of ASTM A615. The stress-strain curve for HSR bar type A615 mostly contains a well-

defined yield point and yield plateau up to the onset of rounded strain hardening segment,
while HSR type A1035 exhibits a roundhouse stress-strain behavior, as shown in Figure


2.1.2 ASTM Specifications for Defining Yield Strength of the Reinforcing Bars

ASTM specifications require that the yield strength of the reinforcing bars shall be

determined by the drop or halt of the gauge of the tensile testing machine when the steel

tested has a sharp-knee or well-defined yield point. However, for the steel that lacks for a

well-defined yield point, all ASTM reinforcing bar standards in 2014 and later required

that the yield strength shall be determined by the 0.2% offset method described in ASTM

A370 and shown here in Figure 2-2. First, a strain is located on the strain axis 0.002

in./in. from the origin, then a line is drawn from that point parallel to the initial linear

portion of the stress-strain curve. The point where this line intersects the stress-strain

curve is defined as fy. A study in 2016 about defining yield strength for the non-

prestressed reinforcement (Paulson et al., 2016) supported that the use of the 0.2% offset

method to define the yield strength for reinforcement of roundhouse stress-strain curves

is safe and realistic.

ASTM specifications also require that the reinforcing bars must satisfy the minimum

tensile properties for each bar type and size, as specified in Table 2-1.

Figure 2-2: Determination of yield strength by offset method

Table 2-1: Tensile properties requirements

Steel Type – Grade A615-60 A615-100 A1035-100 A1035-120
Minimum tensile strength, psi 90,000 115,000 150,000 150,000
Minimum yield strength, psi 60,000 100,000 100,000 120,000
Minimum elongation in 8”, %

Bar Designation No.

3 through 6 9 7 7 7
7, 8 8 7 7 7
9 through 18 7 7 7 7

2.1.3 Uniform Strain vs. Total Strain of the Reinforcing Bars

Uniform strain or elongation (𝜀 ) is defined as the largest elongation in the bar for which

the tensile strains are uniform throughout the length of the bar, and this generally occurs

before the onset of necking. The uniform elongation can be measured experimentally for

the tensile test of a rebar by first marking the rebar every two inches along the length

between the machine grips. After the rebar fractures, then 𝜀 is the change in the length

of an 8-inch gauge distance between any two gauge marks that are away from necking

and fracture zone. The term ε is useful in seismic design.

Total strain (𝜀 ) is defined as the total elongation over a prescribed gauge length (8 in.)

that extends across the fracture of a bar (the ends of the fractured bar should fit together

to measure the distance between the gauge marks). 𝜀 is useful for monotonic load

design. Figure 2-3 depicts both the uniform and the total strains.

For strains larger than 𝜀 , the strain becomes localized around the necking zone and the

other portions of the bar that are sufficiently away from the necking zone gradually stop

elongating. As the bar necks down, its cross-sectional area decreases to be less than the

original area making the apparent stress in the bar decrease as the stress is calculated

based on the original cross-sectional area. This stress-strain curve is called the

engineering curve and not a true stress-strain. If the stress-strain curve is plotted in terms

of true stress and true strain, the stress will continue to increase until failure.

Figure 2-3: Uniform strain vs. total strain (NIST GCR 14-917-30)

2.2 High-Strength Concrete (HSC)

According to the American Concrete Institute (ACI), high strength concrete is defined as

concrete that is over 6000 psi compressive strength. Nowadays, HSC is being widely

used all over the world in different applications such as high-rise buildings and long span

bridges. The use of HSC in structures would result in both technical and economic

advantages. It is usually produced using high strength aggregate, cement, and water, with

the addition of mineral and chemical admixtures. Generally, superplasticizers or high-

range water-reducer admixtures are used as the chemical admixtures, and Silica fume, fly

ash, ground slag, and slag cement are used as mineral admixtures. ACI 211.4R-08

presents a guide for selecting mixture proportions and optimizing these mixture
proportions on the basis of trial batches. Concrete mixtures for HSC typically contain 600

to 850 lb/yd3 of cementitious materials plus 5% to 15% silica fume by weight of cement

with a w/cm as low as 0.2. Silica fume increases the concrete strength largely because it

increases the strength of the bond between the aggregate particles and the cement paste,

and reduces the permeability. The use of the mineral admixtures will improve the

strength, however, it will increase the water demand. Therefore to maintain the desired

w/cm ratio, water-reducing admixtures, high-range water-reducing admixtures, or both

should be used to obtain the required workability as they help in dispersing cement

particles. Many trial batches are often required to obtain the required HSC properties.

2.3 Stress-Strain Curves for Unconfined Concrete in Compression

Knowledge of concrete stress-strain relationship is essential for developing analysis and

design terms of concrete structures. The stress-strain curve of concrete under uniaxial

compression load is highly affected by the testing conditions used and varies depending

on many factors, among which are: (a) strength of concrete, (b) confinement, (c) rate of

loading, and (d) different mix proportions and material properties. Therefore, defining

just one valid curve for each concrete strength is not possible. Typical stress-strain curves

of various strengths are shown in Figure 2-5. All stress-strain curves have an ascending

part that reaches maximum stress at a strain between 0.0015 and 0.003 followed by a

descending branch. Frequently, an axially tested concrete cylinder fails explosively at the

point of maximum stress and the descending branch of the curve may not be captured.

The strain at maximum stress, εo, increases as the concrete strength increases, while the

maximum strain, εcu, decreases with an increase in concrete strength.

A complete stress-strain curve for concrete is necessary for the nonlinear analysis of

structural members. To describe the behavior of unconfined concrete, many models have

been proposed by researchers for both normal and high strength concretes. Some research

suggested two different equations to model the ascending and the descending branches,

while others proposed only one equation to simulate the entire curve. In 2014, Shafiq et

al. conducted a study to assess different predictive models for HSC available in the

literature. Table 2-2 is adopted from Shafiq et al. (2014) study to show some of the

existing stress-strain models for HSC.

For the purpose of this research, Carreira and Chu (1985) model is deemed appropriate

for nonlinear analysis to model the concrete behavior in compression because of its

applicability for both normal and high strength concrete as shown in Figure 2-4.

𝑓 =𝑓 …………. (Carreira and Chu equation)

where: 𝛽 = (material parameter)

( ) .
𝐸 = + 0.006343 (Initial tangent modulus of elasticity)
( )

𝜀 = (1680 + 0.04895 𝑓 (𝑝𝑠𝑖)) × 10 (Strain corresponding to the peak compressive

strength of plain concrete)

Figure 2-4: Carreira and Chu (1985) concrete stress-strain model

Figure 2-5: Typical compressive stress-strain curves for normal weight concrete
(Nilson et al., 2010)

Table 2-2: Existing stress-strain models for HSC (Shafiq et al., 2014)

2.4 Rectangular Stress Block for Concrete

The actual stress-strain of concrete in compression has a parabolic shape as shown in

Figure 2-5, and it is known that the real stress distribution of a concrete section in the

compression zone is the same as the stress-strain curve in compression. However in

design, it is time consuming to find the area and the centroid of the parabolic distribution

of the compression stress. Whitney proposed an equivalent rectangular stress block to

make the calculations of the flexural strength easier without an excessive loss of

accuracy. The equivalent stress block is derived such that both the area under the actual

stress distribution and the centroid of this area correspond closely to those of the

rectangular stress block. ACI 318 has adopted the use of the stress block for the design of

reinforced concrete elements with no stated limit on the concrete strength. However, the

limit is specified by ACI 318 for a maximum allowable strain of 0.003 in/in based on

exhaustive experimental tests. Figure 2-6, shows the stress and strain distribution across

beam depth.

Figure 2-6: Stress and strain distribution across beam depth: (a) beam cross-section;
(b)strains; (c) actual stress block; (d) assumed equivalent stress block (Nawy, 2010)

2.5 Reinforcement Ratio Limit vs. Strain Limits

For many years, in the design of flexural members, the maximum reinforcement ratio was

limited to 0.75 ρb for ductility purposes. This maximum reinforcement ratio assures that

the reinforcement yields before the concrete crushes so that a member shows visible

warnings such as obvious deflection and cracks before it fails. In 2002, the ACI 318 code

introduced a new approach for designing concrete members under flexure that depends

on the outmost tensile reinforcement layer strain limits. This approach was due to the

attempts to find a unified design approach for both reinforced and prestressed concrete

flexural and compression members. Three strain limit zones were introduced: Tension-

controlled, transition-zone, and compression-controlled beam sections. The concrete

sections for which εt < εty, such as column sections, are classified as compression-

controlled sections. A strain value of 0.005 in./in. is required for tension-controlled beam

sections. This value is approximately 2.5 times the yield strain of about 0.002 for ASTM

A615 Grade 60 reinforcement, and is higher than what was required in ACI 318 prior to


ACI 318 code also requires for flexural members that the minimum strain in the

reinforcement should not be less than 0.004 in./in. This limit determines the maximum

reinforcement ratio based on the new approach. Figure 2-7 shows the current strain limits

of the ACI 318 code (that correspond to the use of grade 60 reinforcing steel) along with

the strength reduction factor.

To compare the reinforcement ratio approach with the strain limit approach in terms of

ρmax from the strain compatibility and section equilibrium, the following equation is

obtained for ρ:

0.85𝛽 𝑓 𝜀
𝑓 𝜀 +𝜀

In order to find 𝜌 in Grade 60 steel, substitute 𝜀 = 0.003 and 𝜀 = 𝜀 = 0.00207 in

the above equation. Then to find 𝜌 , substitute 𝜀 = 0.003 and 𝜀 = 0.004. Dividing

𝜌 over 𝜌 yields to: 𝜌 ≈ 0.72𝜌 , which is slightly less than 0.75𝜌 based on ACI

318 prior to 2002. Therefore, the new approach should lead to a slightly better ductility.

Figure 2-7: Strength reduction factor, ϕ, based on strain limit approach

2.6 Minimum Flexural Reinforcement

In beams, minimum reinforcement is usually required when sections are larger than

required for strength, such as for architectural or other reasons. The minimum flexural

reinforcement is provided to avoid sudden and brittle failure in case of accidental

overload, or additional tensile forces due to shrinkage, temperature, or creep. The concept

of providing minimum reinforcement is to assure that the strength of the member

(computed using cracked section analysis) is greater than the corresponding strength of

an unreinforced concrete section (computed using modulus of rupture, fr) to prevent a

sudden and brittle failure. The current provision of ACI 318 code for minimum

reinforcement ratio is written in terms of geometric and material properties of the section.

For rectangular beam section, 𝜌 is determined using the following equation:

3 𝑓 200
𝜌 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 ,
𝑓𝑦 𝑓𝑦

The term, , was derived by equating the ultimate strength of the section without

reinforcement to the ultimate strength of the section with reinforcement and solving for

𝜌 (ACI 318-63). While the term, , is derived from equating the design flexural

capacity, ∅𝑀 , to the cracking capacity, 𝑀 and solving for 𝜌 , then the resulted

constant was rounded up to 3 to provide a margin of safety, ∅𝑀 ⁄𝑀 , (ACI 318-95). A

parametric study conducted by Seguirant et al. (2010) demonstrated the variability of the

safety margin provided by the ACI 318 𝜌 for non-prestressed rectangular sections

from slightly under-conservative to extremely over-conservative (∅𝑀 ⁄𝑀 =1.42 to


Although the current equation for ACI 318 𝜌 already addresses reinforcement with

variable yield strength, its application to the use of HSR of different stress-strain shapes

and grades needs to be verified. The ATC-115 (2014) stated that the current ACI 318

provision of 𝜌 for prestressed members (∅𝑀 ⁄𝑀 = 1.2) inherently includes and

considers HSR in the limit state. Therefore in this research, a study on 𝜌 for beams

made with HSR is included to examine the applicability of the current ACI 318

provisions for non-prestressed and prestressed members on those beams, and to propose

new requirements when they provide more-consistent results than existing provisions.

2.7 Serviceability of Beams

When designing a reinforced concrete beam, the designer must ensure that it is both safe

and serviceable. Serviceability means that the member should satisfy its intended

function throughout its working life. Serviceability consideration is making reliable

predictions for the instantaneous and time-dependent deflections and crack widths. Both

excessive deflection and crack width can affect the serviceability negatively, for this

reason building codes, including ACI 318, specify limits for deflections and crack widths

at service load level. Serviceability problems may become more prevalent with the use of

higher strength materials as they lead to smaller sections and/or less amount of


2.7.1 Short-Term Deflection (Immediate Deflection)

The load-deflection relationship of a reinforced concrete beam is idealized to be

composed of three regions prior to failure: Pre-cracking stage, post-cracking stage, and

post-serviceability cracking stage (steel yield), as shown in Figure 2-8.

In the pre-cracking stage, the flexural stiffness (EI) can be estimated using a modulus of

elasticity of concrete (𝐸 = 57000 𝑓 ) and the transformed moment of inertia (Igt) or the

gross moment of inertia (Ig). This stage ends at the initiation of the first crack. Then the

post-cracking stage starts in which the flexural cracks develop, and the contribution of

concrete in tension zone reduces substantially, which in turn decreases the beam stiffness.

The stiffness at this stage is estimated as (EcIcr) as indicated in Figure 2-8. However, only

portions of the beam are cracked, and the uncracked segments still have a higher degree

of stiffness. The actual stiffness of the beam lies between (EcIg) and (EcIcr). The ACI code

uses the effective moment of inertia (Ie) to account for the reduced stiffness (EcIe) at this

stage. At the last stage, the member stiffness will decrease considerably due to extensive

cracking. As the load increases, the cracks will continue to open until the maximum

compressive strain in the concrete is reached leading to a total crushing of the concrete in

the maximum moment region, then possibly followed by rupture of reinforcement. For

the serviceability limit state, the ACI 318 code specifies service load deflection control

limits as a fraction of the member span to maintain serviceability of the structure.

To predict deflections at service load level, ACI 318-14 uses the effective moment of

inertia Ie (equation with the elastic beam deflection equations. However, the

use of high-strength bars would result in lower reinforcement ratios, and for low
reinforcement ratios it has been shown (Bischoff, 2007) that Eq. overestimates

the stiffness, and as a result underestimates the deflection. A different expression may be

needed to compute Ie when using high-strength reinforcement. The equation developed by

Bischoff (2007) has been shown to provide accurate results with low reinforcement ratios

(ρ < 1%) for beams reinforced with fiber reinforced polymer bars (FRP), however, the

application of Bischoff’s equation needs to be verified for the use of the higher strength


𝐼 = 𝐼 + 1− 𝐼 ≤𝐼 … … … 𝐴𝐶𝐼 318 − 14 𝐸𝑞. (𝑎)

𝐼 = ≤𝐼 … … … 𝐵𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑓𝑓 (2007) 𝐸𝑞𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
1− 1−

where: 𝑀 = and 𝑓 = 7.5 𝑓

Figure 2-8: Beam load-deflection and moment-deflection relationships (Nawy, 2010)

2.7.2 Flexural Cracking

It is well known that concrete is weak in tension and it cracks at an early stage of its

loading history. Cracking can contribute to the deterioration of concrete surface and

corrosion of the reinforcement. Therefore, it is important to predict and control the crack

widths to prevent cracking from affecting the serviceability performance under long-term

loading. Crack width is a function of steel strain and consequently steel stress, therefore,

the stress in the reinforcement needs to be limited to some extent to control cracking. The

ACI 318 code prior to 1999 adopted Gergely-Lutz’s (1968) approach, known as the “z-

factor approach”, to estimate crack widths. This approach was based on a statistical

evaluation of experimental cracking data. However, it was found that with the use of

thicker covers, the z-factor method became unworkable. In 1999, ACI 318 adopted a

simplified version of the approach proposed by Frosch (1999, 2001), which is based on a

physical model for cracking. Based on the physical model, the equation for calculating

maximum crack width is:

𝑤 = 2𝜀 𝛽 𝑑 +

Where: wc = limiting crack width, in

β = 1.0 + 0.08 dc

dc = bottom cover measured from the center of lowest bar, in

s = maximum permissible bar spacing, in

The ACI 318 version of the Frosch equation prescribes spacing limits for longitudinal

reinforcing bars, thereby indirectly controls cracks width, as shown in the following


, ,
𝑠 ≤ 15 − 2.5𝑑 ≤ 12 (fs in psi)

ACI 318 implicitly assumes a maximum crack width of 0.018 in.

2.7.3 Long-Term Deflection (Time-Dependent Deflection)

Long-term deflection under a sustained load also needs to be evaluated as part of the

serviceability limit state by checking to make sure its value also satisfies the maximum

permissible limits specified by the building design codes. The additional increasing

deflection under sustained load with time is mainly caused by the creep, shrinkage, and

temperature strains, however, the calculation of these strains is a complex process. For

more practical solution, the additional deflection from long-term loading is often based

on an empirical approach. The ACI 318 procedure to calculate the time-dependent

deflection due to the combined effects of creep and shrinkage is based on computing the

short-term deflection and taking some multiple of this initial value to calculate the

additional deflection (𝜆 ∆ ). The total deflection can then be determined by adding the


∆ =∆ +𝜆∆

The multiplier, 𝜆, is calculated from the following equation: 𝜆=

where: ξ = time dependent factor from Figure 2-9

ξ = 1 for three months, 1.2 for six months, 1.4 for twelve months, or 2 for five years or


Figure 2-9: ACI 318 multipliers for long-term deflection

Research has shown that high strength concrete members exhibit significantly less

sustained load deflections than low strength concrete members (Luebkeman et al,

1985; Nilson, 1985). This behavior is mainly due to lower creep strain characteristics.

Studies have shown that a modifier, μ, can be used to account satisfactorily for HSC,

leading to the following simplified equation:

1 + 50 𝜇 𝜌

where: 0.7 ≤ μ = 1.3 - 0.00005f’c ≤ 1.0.

However, according to the ACI 435R-95 report, more data are needed, particularly for

concrete strengths between 9000 to 12,000 psi and beyond before a definitive statement

can be made. Moreover, the appropriateness of the use of time dependent factor, λ, needs

to be verified for the use of high-strength reinforcement because of the potential use of

lower reinforcement ratio that can lead to higher curvatures, and result in higher overall

creep deflections.

3 Chapter Three: Literature Review

3.1 Introduction

Recently, the use of high-strength reinforcing steel in concrete construction is gaining

more interest for the benefits that it can add to concrete industry. High-strength steel

rebar is now available with deferent types and grades, and each type is good for specific

applications depending on its mechanical properties. For instance, some types are good

for gravity applications (A615 and A1035) and other are good for seismic application

(A706). Research on the use of high-strength steel as reinforcement for concrete

members has been ongoing for some time, and the flexural behavior of concrete beams

reinforced with high-strength reinforcing bars has been investigated by a number of

researchers. Most of the available research papers are mainly focused on the use of the

Micro-Composite Multi-Structural Formable reinforcing steel, commercially known as

MMFX, which is a type of high-strength reinforcement that meets or exceeds the

requirement of ASTM A1035 with the normal strength concrete. In this chapter, relevant

literature related to the aspects investigated in this research is presented including:

Flexural behavior of beams reinforced with high-strength steel, flexural behavior of

beams made with high-strength concrete, immediate and long-term deflections at service

load levels, crack width, and minimum reinforcement ratio.

3.2 Flexural Behavior of Beams Made with High-Strength Reinforcement (HSR)

Ansley (2002) investigated the possibility of substituting Grade 60 reinforcing with

MMFX bars for concrete beams. The study included experimental program on a series of
four beam tests to compare the behavior of MMFX bars with that of Grade 60 bars. Each

test series consisted of two similar beams except in the reinforcing type. Table 3-1

summarizes the experimental program details. Examining the test results, it was

concluded that MMFX led to a higher strength capacity. However, when utilizing the

MMFX reinforcing additional consideration should be given to the detailing because of

its higher strength and the lack of a well-defined yield stress.

Table 3-1: Tests information (Ansley, 2002)

Dawood et al. (2004) conducted an analytical study on the behavior of high-strength bars

(MMFX) as a flexural reinforcement for concrete beams, and proposed a design guideline

represented by a design chart for a common range of concrete strengths used for design

(3000, 5000, 8000 psi). The analysis was conducted using a cracked section analysis, and

aimed to represent the behavior of the MMFX bars. Three models of stress-strain for the

high-strength bars were examined: (1) the actual behavior (2) elastic-plastic behavior

with Es = 29,000 ksi and fy = 100 ksi (3) elastic-plastic behavior with a yield strength of

80 ksi. The relationship between the moment capacity and the reinforcement ratio for

each of the three models were compared, and it was shown that using the actual stress-

strain behavior for MMFX could closely approximate the experimental behavior
conducted by others, while both models 2 and 3 significantly underestimated the flexural

strength of the beams. Moreover, the elastic-plastic model may result in inaccurate failure

mode and inaccurate prediction of ductility. Therefore, the actual behavior of MMFX

bars was used to establish the design chart shown in Figure 3-1a. It was also indicated

that sections reinforced with MMFX steel exhibit significantly lower ductility than the

sections reinforced with Grade 60 steel for the same reinforcement ratio. New strain

limits for designs with MMFX bars were proposed to ensure sufficient ductility prior to

failure, Figure 3-1b.

Figure 3-1: Design guidelines for the design with MMFX reinforcement
(Dawood et al. 2004)

Mast et al. (2008) presented a methodology for the flexural strength design of concrete

beams reinforced with high-strength steel bars (MMFX) conforming ASTM A1035-07. A

simplified elastic-plastic stress-strain relationship with elastic modulus of 29000 ksi and

yield strength of 100 ksi was proposed for the high-strength steel bars to simplify the

design. In the research, it was also proposed to increase the allowable yield strength for

the tension steel only, and to maintain the current ACI limitation of 80 ksi for

compression steel because the strain of the compression steel is controlled by the ACI

limitation for the maximum strain in concrete of 0.003. An analytical investigation was

performed to assess the adequacy of the proposed 100 ksi yield stress using cracked

section analysis satisfying section equilibrium and strain compatibility at both service and

nominal levels, as shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2: Sectional analysis procedure (Mast et al. 2008)

Three different models to represent the high-strength steel behavior were examined to

validate the proposed bilinear model: (1) the actual behavior of the reinforcing steel, (2)

elastic-perfectly plastic behavior with the current ACI limitation of f y = 80 ksi, (3) the

proposed simplified model (elastic-perfectly plastic behavior with f y = 100 ksi). It was

shown that the proposed model under predicts the nominal moment capacity when  is

less than 1.75% (which is the typical reinforcement ratio for the majority of beams), and

over predicts the capacity when  is between 1.75% and 2.7%.

Also in this research, eight concrete beams of 12”30” cross section, 28” effective depth,

and 40’ span were considered for the moment-curvature analysis to establish suitable

design limits for tension-controlled and compression controlled sections. The results

showed that when using high-strength reinforcement represented by the actual behavior

that the tension-controlled limit of 0.0066 gives comparable deformability ratios (strain,

curvature, and deflection ratios) to that when using Grade 60 steel. However, when using

the proposed bilinear behavior to represent the high-strength steel, the tension-controlled

strain limit was increased to 0.009 in order to get the same deformability ratios. The

compression-controlled strain limit for the beams designed at compression-strain limit

was proposed to be limited to 0.004 to insure the beams exhibit elastic behavior under

service loading conditions. The comparison of design methods is summarized in Table

3-2 and the proposed variation of resistance factor  for the proposed simplified design

procedure is shown in Figure 3-3.

Table 3-2: Comparison of design methods (Mast et al., 2008)

Actual behavior Simplified method

Tension-controlled strain 0.0066 0.009
Neutral axis depth c 0.3125d 0.25d
Stress block depth a = β1c 0.3125β1d 0.25β1d
Compressive force C 0.85f’cab 0.85f’cab
Steel area As = C/fs 0.85f’c (0.3125β1d)b/125 (in2) 0.85f’c (0.25β1d)b/100 (in2)
Reinforcement ratio ρ = As/bd 0.002125 f’c β1 0.002125 f’c β1

Figure 3-3: Proposed variation of resistance factor ϕ (Mast et al. 2008)

Eltahawy et al. (2009) examined the mechanical characteristics of the high-strength

reinforcing bars (MMFX), and evaluated their corrosion resistance and their structural

performance as the main flexural reinforcement. The mechanical characteristics for the

MMFX bars are represented by modulus of elasticity (Es), and the strain and strength at

yield, ultimate, and failure were tested and compared to that of the conventional steel bars

for a set of three different bar sizes. The stress-strain behaviors for both MMFX and

conventional steel bars were examined before and after the exposure to wet/dry cycles for

one year to study the effect of corrosion. It was found that the MMFX bars have a high

corrosion resistance; the measured decrease in the yield strength using 0.2% offset

method was less than 10% compared to about 20% decrease for conventional steel. The

structural performance of MMFX bars as the main reinforcement was evaluated through

experimental and analytical study. A total of eight T-beams were designed so that the

reinforcement ratio satisfies the minimum and maximum values of ECP-07 (Egyptian

building code) and ACI 318-05 provisions. The varying parameters of the eight beams

were the type of reinforcement, reinforcement ratio, and concrete compressive strength,

as indicated in

Table 3-3. The resulted failure mode of the tested beams are also included in table 3-3.

The experimental tests showed that all beams with MMFX reinforcement exhibited a

comparable ductile flexural failure and higher ultimate strength compared to the beams

with conventional reinforcement. The analytical study to predict the behavior of the

concrete beams reinforced with MMFX was conducted using strain compatibility and the

section equilibrium approach to obtain the moment-curvature relationships and determine

the mid-span deflections. Based on the results of the analytical study, the researchers

proposed new strain limits for the design with MMFX bars as shown in Figure 3-4, and

recommended that the minimum reinforcement ratio to be used with MMFX is 0.0067 to

prevent rupture of the reinforcement.

Table 3-3: Test Matrix (Eltahawy et al., 2009)

Beam Label Steel Type ρ f’c, psi Experimental Failure Mode

XC1-1 MMFX 0.0026 (2 #4) 3,553 Rupture of tensile reinforcement

XC1-2 MMFX 0.0046 (2 #5) 3,553 Rupture of tensile reinforcement

XC1-3 MMFX 0.0065 (2 #6) 3,118 Tension-controlled failure

XC1-4 MMFX 0.013 (4 #6) 3,481 Shear failure

XC2-3 MMFX 0.0065 (2 #6) 6,091 Tension-controlled failure

XC3-3 MMFX 0.0065 (2 #6) 8,267 Tension-controlled failure

SC1-1 40/60 0.0026 (2 #4) 3,771 Tension-controlled failure

SC1-3 40/60 0.0065 (2 #6) 3,771 Tension-controlled failure

Figure 3-4: Strain limits for the design with MMFX reinforcement (Eltahawy et al. 2009)

Shahrooz et al. (2010) presented a study on concrete members reinforced with high-

strength bars that lack the well-defined yield stress. The focus of the study was on the

determination of flexural capacity and strain limits for tension-controlled and

compression-controlled failure modes. The study included both theoretical analysis and

experimental tests. In the theoretical study, different models for the high-strength

reinforcing stress-strain relationship were examined for the purpose of finding an

acceptable method to predict the flexural capacity of the members designed with high-

strength reinforcement. The models they examined were:

 Elastic-perfectly plastic with yield stress found from 0.2% offset method

 Elastic-perfectly plastic with yield stress corresponds to 0.0035 strain

 Elastic-perfectly plastic with yield stress corresponds to 0.005 strain

 Actual stress-strain behavior

The analytical results considering the elastic-perfectly plastic models with yield stress

corresponding to either of the three methods showed conservative flexural capacity for

the range of reinforcement ratios and concrete compressive strength encountered in

practice. The recommended strain limits for the members reinforced with ASTM A1035

steel are:

εt ≥ 0.008 for tension-controlled failure and

εt ≤ 0.004 for compression-controlled failure.

The experimental program included testing three flexural beams of 12 in. x 16 in. cross

section and 20 ft simple span with the average concrete compressive strength of 13.3 ksi.

The tested beams with high-strength steel showed adequate ductility compared to those

reinforced with conventional steel. The test variables and results are summarized in Table


Table 3-4: Test Specimens and Results (Shahrooz et al., 2010)

Specimen ρ Target
Comment Elastic-perfectly Actual behavior
Label (A1035) εt
plastic, fy based on (Ramberg-
strain = 0.0035 Osgood function)
F1 0.0128 0.008 Tension controlled 1.47 1.07

F2 0.0183 0.006 Transition 1.31 1.08

Tension controlled
F3 0.00784 0.0115 1.54 1.01
with small ρ

3.3 Flexural Behavior of Beams Made with High-Strength Concrete (HSC)

Ashour (2000) investigated the effect of concrete compressive strength and

reinforcement ratio on the load-deflection behavior, and displacement ductility of

reinforced concrete beams made with high strength concrete. Nine beams were tested

experimentally with different compressive strengths (6900, 11300, and 14800 psi) and

different tensile reinforcement ratios (1.18, 1.77, and 2.37%). The results showed that for

the same reinforcement ratio, the displacement ductility increases slightly as the concrete

compressive strength (f’c) increases to some limit and thereafter decreases as f’c increases,

as shown in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5: Effect of f’c on displacement ductility, µd (Ashour, 2000)

Three important parameters that control the serviceability and deflection calculation were

evaluated experimentally and compared with the theoretical values. These parameters

are: Cracking moment (Mcr), modulus of elasticity (Ec), and cracked moment of inertia

(Icr). It was found that the experimental Mcr is about 50 to 60% of the theoretical Mcr

calculated using the modus of rupture value (fr). Therefore, it was concluded that the

modulus of rupture is not a true indicator for the cracking moment. Also, the

experimental Icr is about 75 to 93% of the theoretical Icr. Because of the overestimation of

these critical parameters for the deflection at service load levels, the previously proposed

formula in the literature for the estimation of the effective moment of inertia was

modified to consider the effect of reinforcement ratio and concrete compressive strength,

as the following formula:

𝐼 = 𝐼 + 1− 𝐼


𝑚 = 3 − 0.8𝜌 , (where f’c > 4786.25 psi)

𝑀 = maximum bending moment

𝐼 = moment of inertia of uncracked transformed section

Rashid et al. (2005) tested sixteen reinforced high-strength concrete beams under flexure

to investigate the effect of concrete compressive strength, ratio of tensile and

compressive reinforcements, and spacing of lateral ties on ductility. The used concrete

compressive strength ranged from 5800 to 18000 psi. Particular emphasis was given to

the issues of deflection at service load and ductility. It was shown that the use of ACI

Code expressions for fr and Ec leads to highly unconservative predictions for the

deflection at service load, and the effect of shrinkage of concrete and the resulting creep

effect, which modify both Ec and Mcr, should be included for reasonable predictions. To

include the effect of shrinkage of concrete, a reduced tensile strength of concrete equal to

fr - fsh (fsh is the shrinkage-induced tension stress at the extreme fiber) should be used in

the calculations of Mcr; and to include the effect of the resulting creep, a reduced
modulus, 𝐸 = , along with the gross section properties should be used. Regarding the

influence of concrete strength on ductility, it was shown that keeping everything else the

same, an increase in concrete strength, but up to certain level (f’c ≈ 15000 psi), leads to

higher ductility. Thereafter, any increase in f’c leads to decrease in ductility, as shown in

Figure 3-6. Moreover, it was observed that the maximum crack width at service load

increased as f’c is increased.

Figure 3-6: Beam ductility as influenced by concrete strength: (a) test data; and
(b) analytical values (Rashid, 2005)

Sharifi et al (2014) performed an experimental study on the flexural behavior of heavily

reinforced beams made with high-strength concrete. Six beams were tested with three

different steel ratios: 4.81%, 5.38%, and 6.8%. The compressive strength ranged from

9,700 to 11,280 psi. Based on the obtained results, it was found that the prediction of the

ultimate moment of the tested beams using the classical ACI 318-11 code provisions

were in good agreement with the tests results. However, the prediction for the deflection

at service load level (ultimate load divided by a factor of 1.7) using ACI 318-11 code

provisions for serviceability requirements was found to underestimate the deflection of

high-strength concrete beams at service load. The researchers indicated that the use of

ACI 318-11 code expressions for fr and Ec leads to highly unconservative predictions for

deflection at service load. It was also shown that the theoretical cracking moment Mcr,

and the cracked moment of inertia Icr are greater than the experimental values of these

two parameters for the use of high-strength concrete.

3.4 Deflection at Service Load Level

3.4.1 Immediate Deflection of Beams Reinforced with HSR

Soltani (2010) evaluated the immediate deflection of reinforced concrete beams made

with high-strength concrete and high-strength steel reinforcement type ASTM A1035

Grade 100. The results of six beams tested at the University of Cincinnati as part of the

NCHRP 12-77 study (Shahrooz et al. 2010) were used for the comparison. The

evaluation included comparing the experimental midspan deflection results at service

load levels with the AASHTO’s approach to predict the deflection using the effective
modulus of elasticity, Ie. The service load levels considered in this study were at steel

stress equal to 36, 60, and 72 ksi, which are corresponding to 0.6 fy for steel Grades 60,

100, and 120 steels respectively. The effective moment of inertia was calculated using

Branson’s and Bischoff’s equations.

𝐼 = 𝐼 + 1− 𝐼 ≤𝐼 (Branson’s Equation, 1963)

𝐼 = ≤𝐼 (Bischoff’s Equation, 2005 & 2007)

The results of this study are summarized in Table 3-5. It was shown that both Branson’s

and Bischoff’s formulations yielded to very similar results for the tested specimens, and

both underestimated the deflection by an average ratio of calculated to experimental

deflection of (0.487). However, it was indicated that Bischoff’s approach may be applied

to for any type of elastic reinforcing material because it is based on fundamental

mechanics and not empirical calibration for only mild steel as Branson’s Equation.

Table 3-5: Comparison of experimental and calculated deflections at service load levels
(Soltani 2010)
Deflection (in)
Beam and bar stress f’c (ksi) fy (0.2%) ρ Ma (k-in)
experimental Branson Bischoff
calculated calc/exp calculated calc/exp
F1 @ 36 ksi 12.9 130.2 1.2% 899.1 0.582 0.372 0.639 0.365 0.627
F1 @ 60 ksi 12.9 130.2 1.2% 1319.8 1.145 0.6 0.524 0.59 0.515
F1 @ 72 ksi 12.9 130.2 1.2% 1554.4 1.4 0.723 0.517 0.713 0.509

F2 @ 36 ksi 12.9 121.8 1.6% 1041.7 0.527 0.318 0.604 0.312 0.592
F2 @ 60 ksi 12.9 121.8 1.6% 1730.2 1.145 0.567 0.496 0.561 0.49
F2 @ 72 ksi 12.9 121.8 1.6% 2087.2 1.45 0.695 0.479 0.689 0.476

F3 @ 36 ksi 12.9 130.2 0.7% 648.5 0.527 0.27 0.513 0.288 0.547
F3 @ 60 ksi 12.9 130.2 0.7% 903.5 0.855 0.479 0.56 0.483 0.565
F3 @ 72 ksi 12.9 130.2 0.7% 1102.4 1.182 0.633 0.536 0.629 0.533

F4 @ 36 ksi 16.5 129.2 1.6% 896.5 0.625 0.286 0.458 0.28 0.448
F4 @ 60 ksi 16.5 129.2 1.6% 1406.5 1.146 0.501 0.437 0.492 0.429
F4 @ 72 ksi 16.5 129.2 1.6% 1651.3 1.354 0.601 0.444 0.592 0.437

F5 @ 36 ksi 16.3 134.4 2.3% 1315.4 0.688 0.33 0.48 0.326 0.474
F5 @ 60 ksi 16.3 134.4 2.3% 2098.2 1.271 0.551 0.434 0.547 0.431
F5 @ 72 ksi 16.3 134.4 2.3% 2519.0 1.583 0.669 0.423 0.666 0.421

F6 @ 36 ksi 16.9 129.2 1.2% 569.2 0.458 0.156 0.341 0.166 0.363
F6 @ 60 ksi 16.9 129.2 1.2% 1012.9 0.938 0.429 0.458 0.424 0.453
F6 @ 72 ksi 16.9 129.2 1.2% 1242.4 1.229 0. 0.456 0.552 0.449

3.4.2 Long-Term Deflection of HSC Beams

Paulson et al. (1991) conducted a study on the long-term deflection of high-strength

concrete beams. The study intended to provide an experimental basis for improved

equations for predicting long-term deflections of high-strength concrete beams with

tensile reinforcement, and with or without compression reinforcement. Three different

concrete grades were included in this study: 6000, 10000, and 12000 psi. One 4 x 16 in.

concrete cylinder of each strength was tested under sustained load of approximately 45%

of its strength to determine the creep coefficient through the relationship between the

measured strains with time. Nine beams, all of the same cross section (5” x 10”), same

span (18 feet), and same amount of tension steel (2-#5 bars, ρ=1.5%), were divided into

three groups of different concrete compressive strength. Within each group, the

compression steel was varied: As’ = zero, As’ = ½ As, and As’ = As. All of the beams

were tested under sustained load for twelve months. Initial elastic deflections were

measured for the nine tested beams and compared with the calculated values using the

effective moment of inertia Ie of the ACI 318 Code. The comparison indicated that the

ratio of predicted/measured deflections ranged from 0.79 to 0.89, and that this ratio did

not depend on concrete strength or the presence of the compression reinforcement. The

main conclusion of this research was that long-term deflections can be reduced

significantly either through use of compression reinforcement or high-strength concrete

and the use of both is redundant. Also, the prediction of long-term deflection for high-

strength concrete beams can be greatly improved by using the authors’ proposed

multiplier through modifying ACI Building Code multiplier:

𝜆= (𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝜇 = 1.4 − , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 0.4 ≤ 𝜇 ≤ 1.0)
. . ,

The results of the long-term deflections for the tested beams are shown in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7: Creep and shrinkage deflection of beams (Paulson et al., 1991)

Muhaisin (2012) conducted a theoretical study to propose a new form to calculate the

long-term deflection coefficient, λ, for reinforced concrete beams made with normal and

high strength concretes. The proposed form considered concrete compressive strength,

compressive steel ratio, cross section dimensions, and span length. The author compared

the results from the proposed form with experimental results of other researchers, and a

good agreement was obtained. After validating the new form, a parametric study was

performed to examine the effect of f’c, ρ’/ρ, and span/cross section perimeter ratio on

long-term deflection. Among the conclusions drawn, the long-term deflections are highly

reduced by increasing f’c (the long-term deflection is reduced by about 50% when f’c is

increased from 2,900 to 14,500 psi). In addition, the effectiveness of using compression

steel to reduce the long-term deflection is much less when high-strength concrete is used

due to low creep coefficient. The proposed form equation is shown below:

Δ total = (1 + λ) Δ instantaneous


𝜆 = 2.7 × 𝛼 × 𝛼 × 𝐶 × .
, 𝛼 = 0.7 + ≤ 1.0 , 𝛼 =
× ×

Ccu: ultimate creep coefficient from Table 3-6 or the best fit equation for the table values
𝐶 = 4.1 − 0.05𝑓 + 0.00022𝑓
α1: Factor to take the effect of span to perimeter ratio
α2: Factor to take the effect of compressive steel
f’c: Concrete compressive strength (MPa)
T: Time of loading (months)
Ρ: Perimeter of the cross section (mm)
L: Span length (mm)

Table 3-6: Typical creep parameters (Nilson et al., 2010)

Compressive strength, f’c, MPa (psi) Creep coefficient, Ccu

21 (3000) 3.1
28 (4000) 2.9
41 (6000) 2.4
55 (8000) 2.0
69 (10000) 1.6
83 (12000) 1.4

3.5 Flexural Crack Widths and Crack Control of Beams Reinforced with HSR

Harries et al. (2012) presented a study of flexural crack widths at service load levels

(i.e., 0.6fy) for beams reinforced with high-strength ASTM 1035 reinforcing steel.

AASHTO (2007) provisions for crack control were evaluated for a series of flexural
beams with reinforcement ratios between 0.007 and 0.023, and for loads corresponding to

longitudinal reinforcing bar stresses of 36, 60, and 72 ksi for steel having f y = 60, 100,

120 ksi respectively. The average measured crack widths were found to be below the

AASHTO limits for Class 1 and Class 2 exposure. It was concluded that the

conservativeness of the AASHTO crack control provisions allows extending them to

higher service level stresses associated with the use of high-strength reinforcing bars.

Moreover, the application of the provisions must be limited to steel strains up to the

proportional limit where the stress-strain relationship is linear and Es = 29000 ksi.

4 Chapter Four: Theoretical Investigation of Load-Deflection Response

4.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses the creation of a computer model to predict the flexural behavior

of concrete beams of different concrete strengths ranging from normal to high strength (4

ksi to 12 ksi), and reinforced with conventional as well as high-strength bars of two

different stress-strain behaviors (A615 Grade100 & A1035 Grades 100 and 120).

Different stress-strain relationships are expected to impact the force-displacement

behavior of reinforced concrete beams in different ways including strain limits, flexural

strength and corresponding maximum deflection as the beam is loaded monotonically to


4.2 Nonlinear Flexural Analysis

To predict the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams, an analytical computer

program was written by the author using MATLAB software. It is based on strain

compatibility and the section equilibrium approach and utilizes concrete and

reinforcement stress-strain relationships to obtain moment-curvature relationship at the

mid-span section. The model performs numerical integration for the moment-curvature

relationship to obtain load-deflection behavior for the mid-span section (critical section).

4.2.1 Moment-Curvature Response

Un-cracked and cracked section analysis is conducted using a MATLAB coding

developed to determine the moment curvature behavior before and after cracking with the

following assumptions:

1. Plane sections remain plane after loading.

2. Reinforcing bars are fully bonded with concrete and no slippage is permitted.

3. No tension stiffening is considered after the initiation of the first crack, i.e. the

tensile stress in concrete is assumed equal zero.

4. The strains are uniform over the section width and the section is only subjected to

axial strains.

5. Failure is assumed to occur when either the concrete or the reinforcement reaches

its ultimate strain.

The following steps are used for the determination of the moment-curvature response:

1. A strain at the extreme compression fiber of the concrete section is increased

incrementally from zero to εcu. The maximum strain in concrete is taken as 0.003

to be consistent with ACI 318 requirement.

2. For each increment, the strain compatibility and section equilibrium are applied to

determine the neutral axis depth, c, as shown in Figure 4-1. All the variables are

set in terms of c. (T + Cc = 0)

3. The concrete compression force, Cc, is determined from integrating the Carreira

and Chu (1985) stress-strain equation:

𝐶 = ∫ 𝑓 . 𝑏. 𝑑𝑧 , where: 𝑑𝑧 = 𝑑𝜀

. .
𝐶 = ∫ 𝑑𝜀

4. The tension force in the steel, T, is calculated from the product of area of steel by

the stress in the steel, which is determined from the equations shown in section


5. The moment capacity of the section, Mn, is determined by summing the moment

of Cc and T forces around the neutral axis:

𝑀 = 𝑇. (𝑑 − 𝑐) + ∫ 𝑓 . 𝑏. 𝑧. 𝑑𝑧, where: 𝑧 = 𝜀

6. The curvature is determined as: 𝜑=

7. A new increment for εc is applied, and the steps from 2 to 6 are repeated for each

increment until either εcu or εsu is reached.

Figure 4-1: Cracked section analysis

4.2.2 Modeling the Stress-Strain Relationship for Concrete and Reinforcing Steel

Concrete behavior is modeled using Carreira and Chu (1985) stress-strain equation

mentioned in section 2.3 for both normal and high strength concretes. Reinforcing steel is

modeled using different formulas found from the literature to best fit the typical stress-

strain behavior for each steel grade and type, as shown in Table 4-1 and Figure 4-2.

A615 Grade 60: A curve defined by three segments (designated as S3)

𝑓 = 29000 ∗ 𝜀 for 0 ≤ 𝜀 ≤ 𝜀 (0.002)

𝑓 = 𝑓 (60 𝑘𝑠𝑖) for 𝜀 ≤ 𝜀 ≤ 𝜀 (0.0055)

𝑓 =𝑓 + 𝑓 −𝑓 for 𝜀 ≤ 𝜀 ≤ 𝜀 (0.05), 𝑓 = 90𝑘𝑠𝑖

A615 Grade 100: A curve defined by three segments (designated as S3)

𝑓 = 29000 ∗ 𝜀 for 0 ≤ 𝜀 ≤ 𝜀 (0.003448)

𝑓 = 𝑓 (60 𝑘𝑠𝑖) for 𝜀 ≤ 𝜀 ≤ 𝜀 (0.014)

𝑓 =𝑓 1.5 − 0.5 for 𝜀 ≤ 𝜀 ≤ 𝜀 (0.05)

A1035 Grades 100 & 120: A rounded curve (designated as S1)

𝑓 = 29000 ∗ 𝜀 𝐴 + ≤𝑓
[ ( ) ]

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝐴 = 0, 𝐵 = 165, 𝐶 = 1.5 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑒 100

𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐴 = 0, 𝐵 = 165, 𝐶 = 1.841 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑒 120

(A, B, and C are calibrated to best fit the typical curve for Grade 100 & 120)

Table 4-1: Typical reinforcement stress-strain parameters used in the analytical


Reinforcement Type fy (ksi) fu (ksi) εy εsh εsu fu/fy

A615-60 60 90 0.00207 0.0055 0.05 1.5
A615-100 100 148 0.00345 0.014 0.05 1.48
A1035-100 100 171 0.005 - 0.05 1.71
A1035-120 120 174 0.006 - 0.05 1.45

Figure 4-2: Typical stress-strain curves for reinforcing bars

4.2.3 Load-deflection Response

The load-deflection response for the beams is determined at the midspan section as it

represent the maximum deflection along the beam span. The load results are determined

directly from the moment value for each εc increment. The corresponding deflection then

is determined from the numerical integration of the curvature distribution up to the mid-

span. The numerical integration is performed according to the following equation:

𝜑 𝑥 +𝜑 𝑥
∆= ∆𝑥


∆= Deflection at mid-span section

𝑥 = Distance from the support to point 𝑥

𝑥 = Distance from the support to point 𝑥

𝜑 = Curvature corresponding to 𝑥

𝜑 = Curvature corresponding to 𝑥

∆𝑥 = 𝑥 −𝑥

In the following a brief description of the process given for the case of beam with 2-point

loading. The number of divisions from the support to the point load was a variable at

each moment stage and was determined according to the following procedure: 1) moment

at the point load was increased sequentially 30 times, from 1 to 30 stages of loading, 2)

this was accomplished by increasing the concrete strain εc from 0 to 0.003 with an

increment of 1x10-4 for the maximum moment section, which is at the point load, 3) for

each εc the corresponding curvature and moment were determined, which defined the

stage of loading for that particular εc , 4) the distance from the support to the position of

the point load was divided into (n-1) divisions where n = number of the sequence, i.e.,

1,2,3,4,…n, 5) the moment and curvature between point load and mid-span were kept


This process continues until concrete strain reaches 0.003, which occurs at sequence =

30, which defines the ultimate section capacity. In this ultimate loading stage the number

of divisions was n - 1 = 30 -1 = 29 between the support and the point load, which

represented a high level of accuracy of the variation in the curvature. Then the area of

each division was calculated as a trapezoidal area and the distance from the centroid of

each area to the support was determined. To determine the deflection at any stage of

moment, the moment area method was applied, i.e., the deflection is equal to the

summation of the moments of incremental areas about the support point, which consists

of the area from the support to the mid-span.

Figure 4-3 illustrates the numerical integration for the curvature diagram to calculate the

mid-span deflection for a simply supported beam.

The accuracy of the calculated load-deflection response is verified with experimental

results for beams tested by others as discussed in the following section.

P /2 P /2

M i+ 1
M i
M o m e n t D ia g r a m

x i+ 1

 xi
 i+ 1

C u r v a tu r e D ia g r a m


Figure 4-3: Calculation of the mid-span deflection based on the numerical

integration for the curvature diagram

4.3 Verification of the Analytical Model

To validate the written program and to verify its accuracy, eight of the experimentally

tested beams by other researchers were modeled. The verification contained beams of

different concrete capacities and reinforced with both conventional Grade 60 steel and

high-strength reinforcement. All beams were tested under two-point load configuration.

Table 4-2 presents the beams dimensions, details, and properties of materials. The best fit

for the actual tensile test stress-strain results of the reinforcement rather than the typical

representative curves were used for modeling the reinforcing bars.

Table 4-2: Details of the selected beams from the literature to verify the analystical model

Reference bxh d Ln a* f’c fy

Steel type ρ
(designation) (in.) (in.) (ft) (ft) (psi) (ksi)
Ansley, 2002 A615 12 x 18 16.125 14 10 0.00455 6,683 60
(Test 1) (2-#6)
Ansley, 2002 A1035 12 x 18 16.125 14 10 0.00455 6,683 135
(Test 1) (MMFX) (2-#6)
Yutakhong, 2003 A615 12 x 18 15.625 16 6 0.00704 5000 60
(B1) (3-#6)
Yutakhong, 2003 A1035 12 x 18 15.625 16 6 0.00469 6000 123
(B2) (MMFX) (2-#6)
Yutakhong, 2003 A1035 12 x 18 15.625 16 6 0.00704 6000 123
(B3) (MMFX) (3-#6)
Shahrooz et al., 2010 A1035 12 x 16 12.125 20 8.25 0.0126 12,900 130.2
(F1) (MMFX) (6-#5)
Shahrooz et al., 2010 A1035 12 x 16 12 20 8.25 0.018 12,900 121.8
(F2) (MMFX) (6-#6)
Shahrooz et al., 2010 A1035 12 x 16 13.1875 20 8.25 0.0078 12,900 130.2
(F3) (MMFX) (4-#5)
* a is the distance from support to the location of the point load

The results of the analytical load-deflection are shown in Figure 4-4 to Figure 4-6 and

reflect very good agreement with the experimental results.

Figure 4-4: Comparison of experimental beams results of Ansley (2002) and

analytical model results

Figure 4-5: Comparison of experimental beams results of Yutakhong (2003) and

analytical model results
Figure 4-6: Comparison of experimental beams results of Shahrooz et al. (2010)
and analytical model results

The load-deflection response can show the ductility of the section as determined by the

ratio of the curvature at maximum load to the curvature at yielding of the reinforcement

(μ = ϕu/ϕy). Also, the area under the load-deflection curve may be considered to examine

the energy absorption, which is another indication of ductility. These properties, as well

as other important issues related to flexural behavior of beams that contain HSR and HSC

are further discussed in Chapter 6.

4.4 Flexural Behavior of Beams Made with HSC and HSR

In this section, a study is conducted to compare the design of beams reinforced with HSR

with varying concrete compressive strength (4000, 8000, and 12000 psi). An example

beam that has a 6 in. x 10 in. cross-section and 8 ft span is first designed with 4000 psi

concrete strength and Grade 60 steel with a reinforcement ratio of ½ ρmax (control beam),

which represents a reasonable (average) ratio of reinforcement for beams designed with

conventional Grade 60 steel. Then the same beam is designed for the same moment

capacity with HSR and various concrete strengths to compare the design with the current

practice, and to investigate the effect of increasing concrete strength on ductility and

deflection at service load. Two point-loads are applied on third points of the beam’s span.

The summary of the results is given in Table 4-3 and Figure 4-7.

Table 4-3: Effect of using HSC for beams reinforced with HSR

μ2=Area Under Δservice

Steel Type- f'c Mn
ρ εs μ1=ϕu/ϕy P-Δ load
Grade (ksi) (k.ft)
(k.ft) (in.)
4 0.0111 24.7 0.0093 3.87 1.72 0.25
(control beam)
A615-100 4 0.0076 24.7 0.0093 2.54 1.70 0.34

A615-100 8 0.0067 24.7 0.0207 5.63 3.46 0.35

A615-100 12 0.0057 24.8 0.0306 8.48 4.66 0.39

A1035-100 4 0.0057 24.6 0.0093 1.93 1.47 0.51

A1035-100 8 0.0045 24.7 0.0207 4.02 3.11 0.65

A1035-100 12 0.0042 24.5 0.0310 6.46 4.63 0.69

Figure 4-7: Behavior of beam designed with NSC & grade 60 steel vs.
beams designed with HSC & HSR (A615-100 & A1035-100)

The results of this study indicated that the use of high-strength concrete will significantly

improve the deformation capacity of the beams as they will have a lesser area of steel,

higher bar tensile strain, more curvature, and hence, improved ductility. However, the

reduction in the required area of steel for design will reduce the member stiffness, which

in turn will result in more deflection at service load level. Therefore, serviceability

considerations are more likely to control the design of members made with HSC & HSR

than members made with normal strength concrete (NSC) and reinforced with Grade 60


This study was chosen for experimental investigation in chapter five to compare the

flexural behavior (load-midspan deflection, ductility, deflection at service load level and

near failure, and crack widths at service load level) of beams made with conventional

materials versus that of beams made with high strength materials for the same load


5 Chapter Five: Experimental Assessment of Beams Made with HSC & HSR

5.1 Introduction

The main objective of the experimental tests is to investigate the flexural behavior of

concrete beams made with high grade concrete up to 14000 psi and reinforced with high-

strength reinforcement of two different types where one has a well-defined yield point

and yield plateau (A615 Grade 100) and the other has a roundhouse curve (A1035 Grade

120). The second main objective is to confirm the results of the analytical study. The

third is to compare the design of beams made with HSC and HSR with the design using

normal strength concrete and conventional Grade 60 rebar. A total of eight beams were

designed, tested, and evaluated under short term monotonic loading, and one beam was

tested under constant long-term loading. The tests tracked bar elongations and concrete

strains as the beams were loaded to failure, tracked deflections at service load levels, as

well as near failure, and observed the cracking behavior and maximum crack width. This

chapter presents the details of the tested beams, materials properties, and description of

instrumentation, tests setup, and the experimental tests results and discussion.

5.2 Materials Properties

5.2.1 Concrete

Four different target strengths of concrete (5000, 8000, 10000, 12000) were designed for

and prepared in the laboratory to use in this research. ACI 211.1-91 was followed as a

guideline for the mix proportions of normal-strength concrete (5000 psi) that was used

for the control beams. ACI 211.4R-08 was used as a guideline for selecting the

proportions for the high-strength concrete that was used for the beams reinforced with

high-strength steel bars. Silica Fume was used as a cementitious material for the batch of

target strength 12000 psi to improve the strength, and superplasticizer was added to the

low water/cementitious ratio to increase the workability of the material. For all of the

four target strengths, and before casting the beams, several trial batches were mixed and

cast in ASTM standard cylinders (6 in. x 12 in. for normal strength concrete and 4 in. x 8

in. for high-strength concrete) and tested after 28 days to assure that they developed the

required compressive strengths. However, when preparing a large sized cast for beam B5

with a target strength of 12000 psi, the mixture was not workable compared to the trial

batch. Therefore, water was added to improve the workability, which led to a reduction of

strength compared to the targeted beam. This problem was solved for the other beams

(B4, B8, and B9) of the same target strength of 12000 psi through using a mixer with a

faster mixing speed, which helped the superplasticizer to react faster and improve the

workability without adding additional water. A sufficient mixing time was allowed to

produce a uniform and homogenous concrete.

The coarse aggregates (CA) used were pea gravel with a maximum size of 3/8 in. Natural

river sand was used as fine aggregates (FA). The cement (C) was Type I/II. Both 100 %

pure densified silica fume (SF) and a powder superplasticizer (SP) were added to the

mixture of target strength 12000 psi as a percentage by weight of cement. Table 5-1

illustrates the mix proportions used in the experimental program.

Table 5-1: Concrete mixture proportions

Mixture Proportions (lb/ft3)
Beam Target W/C or Slump
No. f’c (psi) W/(C+SF) (in.)

5000 45.68 60.19 25.02 - 11.35 - 0.45 3.5

B2 &
8000 65.98 37 34.95 - 11.52 - 0.33 3.5

B7 10000 65.98 37 34.95 - 10.61 - 0.3 2.5

B5 12000 65.98 23.88 42.47 7.49 12.92 0.45 0.26 5

B4, B8,
12000 65.98 23.88 42.47 7.49 11.14 0.45 0.22 3.5
& B9 Concrete Cylinder Compression Test

At least two concrete cylinders were tested at 28 days to check the design strength as

required by ASTM standards, and at least three cylinders were tested to obtain the

compressive strength at the time of testing of the specimens. The cylinders were cast and

moist cured for 28 days with the beams in the laboratory. Also, one cylinder for each

specimen was tested for stress-strain using a hand-controlled hydraulic load, a

compressometer with two Leaner Variable Displacement Transducers (LVDT), and

gauge length of 6 in. as shown in Figure 5-1. The load was measured using a pressure

sensor, and then converted to stress by dividing over the cross-sectional area of the

cylinder. The strain was calculated by dividing the LVDTs readings by the gage length.

Figure 5-2 presents the test results compared to the Carreira and Chu equation. As it can

be seen, only the ascending branch of the stress-strain curve up to the maximum load was

captured as the descending branch needs a special technique to capture, especially with

high-strength concrete, which is more brittle than the normal strength concrete. Also, the

cylinder brakes (explodes) suddenly and it is hard to control the applied load manually.

Figure 5-1: Cylinder compression stress-strain test set up


Figure 5-2: Experimental stress-strain curves of plain concrete

67 Modulus of Rupture of Concrete (Flexural Strength)

Three concrete prisms (6 in. x 6 in. x 18 in.) were cast with each beam to determine the

experimental modulus of rupture (fr) in terms of average value. ASTM C78 was followed

for test guidance. The prisms were placed in the testing frame, oriented in such a way that

the specimen was turned on its side with respect to its molded position. Figure 5-3 shows

the test setup, and Table 5-2 presents the experimental results and the values using ACI

318 equation of modulus of rupture (𝑓 = 7.5 𝑓 , psi). Comparing the two, ACI 318

equation overestimates fr. The experimental modulus of rupture is calculated after

determining the breaking load (P) as following:

𝑓 =

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒: 𝑀= ; 𝐶= ; 𝐼= ; (𝑏 = ℎ = 6") & (𝐿 = 18")

After substituting the above parameters: 𝑓 =

Figure 5-3: Plain concrete modulus of rupture test set up

Table 5-2: Modulus of rupture of concrete prisms

Beam No. f’c, psi fr experimental, psi fr ACI 318, psi fr experimental / fr ACI 318

B1 5,600 444.6 561.2 0.79

B2 8,100 622.5 670.8 0.93

B3 8,100 666.3 670.8 0.99

B4 13,500 623.6 871.4 0.72

B5 11,100 550.6 786.6 0.70

B6 5,800 510.0 571.2 0.89

B7 10,700 518.3 775.8 0.67

B8 14,300 731.4 896.9 0.82

B9 14,600 726.5 908.1 0.80

5.2.2 Reinforcing Steel

ASTM A615 Grades 60 and 100, and ASTM A1035 Grade 120 reinforcing steel of bar

sizes no. 3 & 4 were provided by Cascade Steel Rolling Mills Inc.

( and were used as longitudinal tension reinforcement in the

construction of the specimens. No. 2 smooth wire was used to make stirrups for shear

reinforcement. Tension tests were performed according to ASTM A370-15 to determine

the stress-strain characteristics of the reinforcing bars. Two coupons of 30 in. length for

each bar type and size were tested as shown in Figure 5-4. A clip-on extensometer was

used to record the elongation in the bar. However, the extensometer was removed before

the expected failure load was reached to protect it from any possible damage, and hence,

the failure strain was not recorded. The summary of the reinforcement tension tests is

given in Table 5-3, and the measured stress-strain curves are presented in Figure 5-5 to

Figure 5-8.

Table 5-3: Reinforcement tensile test results summary
Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation in 8”
Steel Type Bar Size
(ksi) (ksi) (%)

71.9 111.0 13.5

71.2 110.8 15.0
70.4 108.0 13.5
68.6 108.0 13.0

121.4 147.5 17.0

121.6 147.5 10.0
117.0 149.3 11.0
117.1 149.1 11.0

154.0* 188.6 7.0

151.8* 189.8 6.5
137.2* 169.2 7.5
136.1* 172.6 7.5

58.3 74.2 21.0

Smooth wire #2
57.4 74.8 17.5

* 0.2% offset method

Figure 5-4: Reinforcement tensile stress-strain test set up

Figure 5-5: Tension stress-strain test results for rebar type A615 grade 60

Figure 5-6: Tension stress-strain test results for rebar type A615 grade 100

Figure 5-7: Tension stress-strain test results for rebar type A1035 grade 120

Figure 5-8: Tension stress-strain test results for no.2 wire used for shear

5.3 Design of the Specimens

All specimens were designed to fit the capacity of the loading frame; therefore, a third-

scale modeling was used to simulate the typical field behavior of a concrete beam. All the

tested beams were 6 in. wide x 10 in. deep, and were tested over an 8-ft simple span in a

four-point loading arrangement that had a constant moment region of 32 in. Two control

beams were designed with 5000 psi concrete and Grade 60 steel with a reinforcement

ratio equal to ½ρmax and ρmax to observe and assess the flexural performance when these

two beams are designed using HSC and HSR.

The beams tested under short-term monotonic loading were categorized into two groups.

The first group consisted of five beams including the control beam that was designed for

½ρmax (ρ ≈ 1%), which represents most cases encountered in practice. Four beams were

designed to achieve approximately the same load carrying capacity of the control beam

using different combinations of HSC and HSR. In designing the beams with HSR, the

steel stress at LRFD load level was assumed as fu, i.e., the ultimate stress.

The provided area of steel of two beams in the first group, beam 8/A1035-120 (0.42%)

and beam 11/A1035-120 (0.42%), was slightly less than what was required by design to

achieve the same loading capacity of the control beam due to bar size limitation. The

required area of steel is 0.253 in2, therefore, 2 -#3 bars were used to provide a slightly

less area of steel equal to 0.22 in2. Thus, the load carrying capacity is slightly less than

that of the control beam.

In the same way, the second group consisted of a control beam designed for ρ max (ρ ≈

2%), and two beams were designed with HSC and HSR for approximately the same

loading capacity. In addition to these two groups, one beam that was designed with HSC

& HSR was tested under a long-term sustained load. The details of the tested beams are

presented in Table 5-4 and Figure 5-9.

The beams were designated according to their concrete compressive strength,

reinforcement type, grade, and ratio. For example, beam “10/A1035-120 (0.74%)” has a

concrete nominal compressive strength equal to 10 ksi and is reinforced with rebar type

A1035, which satisfies the requirement for Grade 120 bars with a reinforcement ratio of

In order to verify the accuracy of the written MATLAB code with the tested beams, the

actual stress-strain curves obtained from rebar coupons tensile test were modeled and

used for the beams’ design to determine the required reinforcement ratios that give the

same load capacity as the control beams. To prevent the possibility of shear failure in the

beams, #2 Grade 60 stirrups were provided throughout the span, as shown in Figure 5-9.

All beams were singly-reinforced, and two #2 Grade 60 smooth wire were used in the

compression zone of the section for framing purposes.

Table 5-4: Experimental test matrix

Beam Beam f’c, psi Steel Type Bottom ρ fy, ksi Loading
No. Designation Reinf. Type
B1 5/A615-60 5,600 A615-60 3-#4 0.011 69.5 Short-term
(1.1%) (½
8/A615-100 ρ )
B2 8,100 A615-100 3-#3 0.0062 121.5 Short-term
B3 8,100 A1035-120 2-#3 0.0041 152.9 Short-term
B4 13,500 A615-100 3-#3 0.0062 121.5 Short-term
B5 11,100 A1035-120 2-#3 0.0041 152.9 Short-term
B6 5/A615-60 5,800 A615-60 5-#4 + 1-#3 0.0229 69.5 Short-term
(2.29%) (ρmax)
B7 10,700 A1035-120 2-#4 0.0074 136.7 Short-term
B8 14,300 A1035-120 2-#4 0.0074 136.7 Short-term

B9 14/A1035-120 14,600 A1035-120 2-#3 0.0041 152.9 Long-term


Group 1, Beams are designed to carry the same load of the control beam 5/A615-60 (12 max )

0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

2-#2 wire 2-#2 wire 2-#2 wire 2-#2 wire 2-#2 wire

8.75 8.81 8.81 8.81 8.81

10 10 10 10 10
3-#4 3-#3 2-#3 3-#3 2-#3

0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

6 6 6 6 6

5/A615-60 8/A615-100 8/A1035-120 13/A615-100 11/A1035-120

Group 2, Beams are designed to carry the same load of the control beam 5/A615-60 ( max

0.75 0.75 0.75

0.75 0.75 0.75

2-#2 wire 2-#2 wire 2-#2 wire

8.06 8.750
9 9
10 10 10
2-#4 2-#4
C.G. 1.0

0.5 0.5 0.5

6 6 6

5/A615-60 10/A1035-120 14/A1035-120

Long-term loading

2-#2 wire




#2 @ 4" o.c. #2 @ 2.5" o.c.

6 96 6

Figure 5-9: Experimental program test beams details

5.4 Specimens Fabrication

All beams were fabricated and constructed at the South Greenhouse Laboratory at

Portland State University. Framing lumber pieces of 1½ in. thickness were used to make

the formwork. The stirrups were formed in the laboratory with the proper dimensions

using a hand-made steel wire bender, and then the reinforcing cage was assembled

according to the specimen design. The longitudinal HRS were hooked to 90 o to prevent

any possible debonding between the reinforcement and the concrete. Then the formwork

was oiled to simplify removal efforts, and the reinforcement cage was placed in the form

on plastic chairs to provide the required cover. Then the form was moved to the casting


Concrete was mixed in the laboratory, and the slump test was performed to check the

workability of the mixture before pouring the concrete in the beam form and its ancillary

cylinders and prisms. A vibrator was used for compaction and to let the concrete fill the

gaps. Twenty-four hours after casting the specimens, the form sides were removed, and

the specimens were covered with wet burlap and plastic sheets for moist curing for 28

days. Figure 5-10 to Figure 5-12 illustrate the fabrication, casting, and curing process of

the beams.

Figure 5-10: Specimens fabrication

Figure 5-11: Concrete mixing and casting process of the specimens

Figure 5-12: Specimens moist curing

5.5 Instrumentation and Test Setup

5.5.1 Installation of Strain Gauges

Strain gauges were used to measure the strains in the concrete and the reinforcement in

the constant moment zone (location of maximum stresses) of the beams span subjected to

two-point loading during the flexural tests of the beams. In order to measure the strain in

the concrete, three pre-wired strain gauges (PL-120-11-1L) of 120 mm (4.7 in.) gauge

length were installed on the side face and close to the top edge of each beam to measure

the compression strain in the concrete. The strain gauges for the concrete were ordered

from Texas Measurement ( The installation process started by

grinding the concrete surface, cleaning it, and covering it with a very thin layer of epoxy

to fill in the voids. The thin layer of epoxy was ground down using sand paper to get a

leveled smooth surface, and the strain gauge was installed using a special adhesive.

Figure 5-13 shows the installation steps.

For reinforcement, pre-wired strain gauges (KFH-20-120-C1-11L1M2R) of 20 mm

(0.787 in.), were ordered from OMEGA Engineering Inc. (, and

installed on each of the bottom longitudinal reinforcing bars to measure the tension strain

in the reinforcement within the constant moment zone. The process of installing the strain

gauges on the steel bars was also started by grinding the surface of the bar at the desired

point in order to get a leveled smooth surface, and then installing the strain gauge. After

that, the strain gauge was glued to the bar using a special adhesive recommended by the

manufacture. Duct-tape was wrapped around the strain gauge to protect it from any

damage during the casting process of the specimens. The process of placing the strain

gauges is illustrated in Figure 5-14.

Figure 5-13: Installation steps of concrete strain gauges

Figure 5-14: Installation steps of reinforcement strain gauges

5.5.2 Flexural Test Setup and Instrumentation

The flexural test for the beams was performed by using a self-sustained load frame

because the floor of the laboratory is not a rigid floor. The beam was placed on the frame

bed, and the load that was applied to the beam was transferred to the load frame through

two steel straps. All beams were simply supported on the frame bed. The load was

applied using a hydraulic cylinder of 50 kips capacity. To measure the applied load, a 100

kips load cell was placed between the hydraulic cylinder and the distributer steel beam

that was used to distribute the central load into two-point load. An 8-inch stroke linear

variable differential transformer (LVDT) was used to measure the mid-span deflection.

Figure 5-15 and Figure 5-16 illustrate the typical beam flexural test setup. All beams

were tested under monotonic incrementally increased load up to the failure of the

specimens. The data from the load cell, central LVDT, and strain gauges were recorded

to the computer using a data acquisition system (DATAQ USB data loggers and Signal

Conditioning Amplifier boxes).

50-kip Hydraulic Cylinder

8" Stroke LVDT

W-Section 100-kip Load Cell

Distributor Beam
Reinforced Concrete
Beam Specimen

Figure 5-15: Flexural test set-up and instrumentations

Figure 5-16: Typical flexural test setup of reinforced concrete beam specimens

5.5.3 Long-Term Deflection Test Setup

The experimental program included the investigation of one beam made with high-

strength concrete (f’c = 14600 psi) and reinforced with high-strength reinforcement type

A1035 Grade 120 with reinforcement ratio of 0.41% to evaluate the long-term deflection

factor (λ) of the current ACI 318 code. This study required designing a load frame that

could be used to apply a constant sustained load. A mechanical loading frame was

designed by the author to perform a long-term flexural test for simply supported

reinforced concrete beams, as illustrated in Figure 5-17. The test was performed at the

Mechanical Engineering lab at PSU. The load was applied using hanging weights, and an

aluminum beam was used as a lever arm to magnify the load by ten times applied at the

midpoint of the spreader beam. In order to place the reinforced concrete specimen and to

transfer the load within the loading frame, a base beam of the HSS steel section was

added to the loading frame. The beam specimen was oriented with the tension side up as

the load was applied upward. To assure no loading transferred to the beam before

applying the required sustained load, the weight of the loading system parts was

subtracted by placing an equivalent weight to the other side of the pivot point of the lever

arm to satisfy the equilibrium condition. The midspan deflection was monitored using an

electronic dial gauge with 0.001 in. precision. The applied sustained load (13.8 kip) was

about 60% of the failure load. Figure 5-17 shows the schematic drawing for the long-term

deflection test loading frame, and Figure 5-18 shows some of the fabrication work done

for the modification of the loading frame.

Figure 5-17: Schematic drawing for the test setup of the long-term deflection

Figure 5-18: Fabrication of the loading frame for flexural long-term deflection test

5.6 Beams Flexural Test Results and Discussion

All eight beams were tested under a monotonic two-point load until failure. The load

versus midspan deflection behavior, strain in concrete at the top fiber, and strain in the

reinforcing bars were recorded. The cracking behavior was observed, and the maximum

crack width at service load level (60% of the maximum load) was measured using a crack

width gauge. The predicted behaviors and the expected capacities were computed using

the MATLB code created by the author, which was based on a strain compatibility and

section equilibrium concept, and that utilized the actual stress-strain curves.

The test beams were divided into two groups based on the design load capacity. The first

group included five beams: A control beam that was designed with conventional

materials (NSC and Grade 60 steel) with a reinforcement ratio ≈ 1%, which represented a

common or average case in practice; and four beams made of two different types of HSC

and HSR (A615-100 and A1035-120), and designed to achieve the same load carrying

capacity as the control beam. The second group included three beams: A control beam

made with NSC and Grade 60 steel bars and designed with maximum reinforcement ratio

permissible by ACI, ρ ≈ 2%; and two beams made with HSC and HSR type A1035-120.

The objective was to compare the behavior of beams using conventional materials with

those using the combination of high strength materials.

5.6.1 Load-Deflection Behavior of Test Beams

The experimental load-deflection behaviors along with the predicted theoretical

behaviors for each beam are shown in Figure 5-19a to Figure 5-26a. The strain in the

concrete at the top fibers and the strain in the tension reinforcement were also recorded
during the tests and plotted versus the applied load and compared with the results of the

computer model, as illustrated in Figure 5-19 b and c through Figure 5-26 b and c.

a) Load-midspan deflection

b) Load-concrete strain

c) Load-steel strain
Figure 5-19: Experimental results of beam 5/A615-60 (1.1%)

a) Load-midspan deflection

b) Load-concrete strain

c) Load-steel strain
Figure 5-20: Experimental results of beam 8/A615-100 (0.62%)

a) Load-midspan deflection

b) Load-concrete strain

c) Load-steel strain

Figure 5-21: Experimental results of beam 8/A1035-120 (0.41%)

a) Load-midspan deflection

b) Load-concrete strain

c) Load-steel strain

Figure 5-22: Experimental results of beam 13/A615-100 (0.62%)

a) Load-midspan deflection

b) Load-concrete strain

c) Load-steel strain

Figure 5-23: Experimental results of beam 11/A1035-120 (0.41%)

a) Load-midspan deflection

b) Load-concrete strain

B6: Beam 5/A615-60 (2.29%)

Load, kip

20 S2
15 S3
5 Computer Model
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012
Strain in steel, in/in
c) Load-steel strain
Figure 5-24: Experimental results of beam 5/A615-60 (2.29%)

a) Load-midspan deflection

b) Load-concrete strain

c) Load-steel strain
Figure 5-25: Experimental results of beam 10/A1035-120 (0.74%)

a) Load-midspan deflection

b) Load-concrete strain

c) Load-steel strain

Figure 5-26: Experimental results of beam 14/A1035-120 (0.74%)

For all beams, the predicted analytical load-deflection responses showed a very good

agreement with the experimental results, which gives more validity for the written

MATLAB code.

It can be noted that for all of the tested specimens reinforced with steel type A615, which

has well-defined yield strength and yield plateau, the load-deflection responses started

with a linear part until the first crack occurred. The load-deflection responses were then

followed by another linear behavior with a reduction in the beam stiffness due to the

formation of more cracks until the yielding of tension reinforcement occurred. The latter

event was associated with a considerable reduction in the beam stiffness. No more cracks

were formed after yielding, however, the existing cracks widened and became deeper due

to the shifting of the neutral axis toward the compression face. The specimens continued

to maintain the applied load up to failure, which occurred due to the crushing of the

concrete near the point load locations.

For the specimens that were reinforced with steel type A1035, the load-deflection

responses also started with a linear behavior until the first crack occurred, then a gradual

reduction in the stiffness occurred and continued until failure. Two of the tested

specimens, beam 8/A1035-120 (0.41%) and beam 11/A1035-120 (0.41%), failed due to

the rupture of the reinforcement. This type of failure is undesirable, and it could be

attributed to the low uniform strain (𝜀 = 0.0208) observed from the tensile test of #3

A1035 Grade 120 bars. Therefore, a minimum allowable uniform strain should be

specified for each HSR type to prevent the failure due to reinforcement rapture. However,

all test beams reinforced with HSR bars were under-reinforced, therefore, the yielding of

tensile reinforcement occurred before the crushing of concrete. This was true for all

except the two beams reinforced with #3 A1035 Grade 120 bars, that failed due to rupture

of reinforcement.

The maximum recorded strain in the reinforcement for each specimen was compared with

the obtained target strains for tension-controlled sections for each type. For all the tested

specimens, the target strains were satisfied which attested to the ductile behavior of the

beams. The summary of the results is given in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5: Test beams experimental flexural test results summary

Load Max. Max Target εs Ductility

Beam Deflection Deflection
carrying recorded recorded for Failure
designatio at max at yield Area under
capacity strain in strain in tension- max/y type
n load (in) (in) P- (up to
(kips) concrete steel controlled
max load)
5/A615-60 23.8 0.0034 0.0136 0.005 1.60 0.41 3.9 30.5 Tension-
(1.1%) controlled
8/A615- 23.5 0.0024 0.023** 0.0079 1.74 0.55 3.16 31.69 Tension-
100 controlled
(0.62%) Tension-
followed by
8/A1035- rupture of
120 21.2* 0.0015 0.012 0.012 1.87 0.88 2.13 27.34 reinf. when
(0.41%) kept loading

13/A615- 25.4 0.0025 0.023** 0.0079 1.90 0.42 4.45 36.65 Tension-
100 controlled
11/A1035- Rupture of
120 22.2* 0.0023 0.023** 0.012 1.67 0.72 2.32 23.79 reinf. before
(0.41%) crushing of
5/A615-60 33.1 0.0033 0.0107 0.005 0.8 0.36 2.22 17.23 Tension-
(2.29%) controlled
10/A1035- 33.5 0.0028 0.0146 0.0079 1.46 0.79 1.85 32.5 Tension-
120 controlled
14/A1035- 35.9 0.0023 0.023** 0.012 1.89 0.73 2.58 46.89 Tension-
120 controlled
* Area of(0.74%)
steel provided is slightly less than that required by design to achieve same load carrying capacity of the control beam
** Strain gauge reading limit
Figure 5-27 and Figure 5-28, show the crack pattern and failure mode for each test beam.

Beam 5/A615-60 (1.1%)

(Control Beam)

Beam 8/A615-100 (0.62%)

Beam 8/A1035-120 (0.41%)

Beam 13/A615-100 (0.62%)

Beam 11/A1035-120 (0.41%)

Figure 5-27: Crack pattern and failure mode of the first group of the test beams

Beam 5/A615-60 (2.29%)
(Control Beam)

Beam 10/A1035-120 (0.74%)

Beam 14/A1035-120 (0.74%)

Figure 5-28: Crack pattern and failure mode of the second group of the test beams

The maximum crack width for each specimen was measured at the service load level,

which was assumed to be 60% of the maximum load. For analytical evaluation, the

results were compared with Frosch’s (1999) expression for crack width prediction, which

is the basis of the current ACI 318 code for limiting crack width. The predictions of

maximum crack width for test beams at service loads are presented in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6: Prediction of maximum crack width for test beams at service load level
Service fs at Maximum
Max εs at crack width
load service measured Weq./W
Beam designation load service using
(0.6*Max load crack exp.
(kips) load Frosch’s Eq.,
load) (ksi) width (in)
1999 (in)

5/A615-60 (1.1%) 23.8 14.28 0.0022 0.0073 0.0068 0.93

8/A615-100 101
23.5 14.1 0.0033 0.011 0.01 0.91
(0.62%) (0.83fy)

8/A1035-120 137
21.2 12.72 0.0053 0.018 0.023 1.28
(0.41%) (0.89fy)

13/A615-100 121.6
25.4 15.24 0.0042 0.0134 0.0127 0.95
(0.62%) (1.0fy)

11/A1035-120 148
22.2 13.32 0.0064 0.021 0.028 1.33
(0.41%) (0.96fy)

5/A615-60 (2.29%) 33.1 19.86 0.0021 0.0055 0.0053 0.97

10/A1035-120 111.7
33.5 20.1 0.0042 0.0158 0.0152 0.96
(0.74%) (0.81fy)

14/A1035-120 116.5
35.9 21.54 0.0047 0.0167 0.0183 1.10
(0.74%) (0.85fy)

Additionally, the prediction of the deflection at the service load level was also evaluated

for the taking into consideration the effective moment of inertia specified by the current

ACI 318 code (Branson’s equation), and the expression of Bischoff. Moreover, the

deflection resulting from the moment-curvature analysis was included for comparison, as

shown in Table 5-7.

Table 5-7: Prediction of maximum deflection at service load level for the test beams

fs at Calculated deflection (in)

Beam service Δexp. Δ1/Δ Δ2/Δ Δ3/Δ
designation load (in) Ie1 Ie2 M-φ exp. exp. exp.
(ksi) (Branson) (Bischoff) analysis
5/A615-60 58.18
14.28 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.27 1.00 0.96 1.00
(1.1%) (0.83fy)
100 14.1 0.41 0.38 0.39 0.41 0.93 0.95 1.00
120 12.72 0.61 0.44 0.48 0.57 0.72 0.79 0.93
100 15.24 0.44 0.36 0.39 0.41 0.82 0.89 0.93
120 13.32 0.69 0.41 0.48 0.59 0.59 0.70 0.86
5/A615-60 57.7
19.86 0.32 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.94 0.94 0.94
(2.29%) (0.83fy)
120 20.1 0.54 0.45 0.46 0.51 0.83 0.85 0.94
120 21.54 0.60 0.47 0.47 0.54 0.78 0.78 0.90

5.6.2 Discussion of Results

To evaluate the flexural behavior of the tested beams made with HSC and HSR, beams’

behavior and results were compared in terms of ductility, maximum crack width at the

service load level, and service load deflection. Ductility

The ductility of the test beams was defined based on a deflection index rather than a

curvature index, as the midspan deflection was monitored continuously during the tests.

Two ductility definitions were explored here: Deflection ductility index μ d, which is

defined as the ratio of the maximum deflection of the beam to the deflection at yielding

of the longitudinal tensile reinforcement (Δu/Δy), and the energy dissipation index, which

is defined as the area under the load-deflection curve up to maximum load.

From Table 5-5 showed the results of ductility for beam 8/A615-100 (0.62%) with the

control beam 5/A615-60 (1.1%). It can be noted that the deflection ductility index and the

energy dissipation index for beam 8/A615-100 (0.62%) is about 81% and 103%

respectively of that of the control beam. The ductility of this beam was considered

comparable to that of the control beam, however, theoretically the ductility for beam

8/A615-100 (0.62%) was expected to be even higher. The reason for less ductility could

be attributed to the mechanical properties of high-strength concrete, which tends to be

more sensitive to “load-control” testing procedure, i.e., the ultimate strain may not have

reached 0.003 or higher. The maximum recorded strain in the concrete for beam 8/A615-

100 (0.62%) was 0.0024. It has been shown by many researchers that the ultimate

concrete strain of HSC varies from 0.002 to 0.004.

When the same beam 8/A615-100 (0.62%) was made with a higher concrete strength,

which is represented by the behavior of beam 13/A615-100 (0.62%), the ductility was

significantly increased and exceeded that of the control beam 5/A615-60 (1.1%) by about

114% and 120% for the deflection ductility index and the energy dissipation index

respectively, even though the maximum recorded concrete strain (0.0025) was also less

than 0.003. Therefore, increasing the concrete strength resulted in increasing the ductility

within the range considered as it will allow for more stress to be induced in the

reinforcement. This observation can also be made with the second group of beams. The

ductility of beams 10/A1035-120 (0.47%) and 14/A1035-120 (0.74%) showed

comparable ductility to that of the control beam 5/A615-60 (2.29%). The deflection

ductility indexes for beams 10/A1035-120 (0.47%) and 14/A1035-120 (0.47%) compared

to that of the control beam 5/A615-60 (2.29%) were 83% and 116% respectively, and the

energy dissipation indices compared to that of the control beam 5/A615-60 (2.29%) were

188% and 272% respectively. This shows the effectiveness of coupling HSR with HSC

for beams designed to improve flexural ductility. Once again, it can be noted that the

ductility increased with increasing the concrete strength. The maximum recorded strain in

concrete was also less than 0.003. The strain of 0.0028 and 0.0023 was the maximum

recorded strain for beam 10/A1035-120 (0.47%) and beam 14/A1035-120 (0.74%)


Two of the tested beams, however, did not exhibit the desired ductility. Those were beam

8/A1035-120 (0.41%) and beam 11/A1035-120 (0.41%). They failed due to the rupture

of their reinforcement. The reason for that could be attributed to the mechanical

properties of the reinforcement used for these two beams, which had a low maximum

uniform strain of only 0.0208. This caused the reinforcement to rupture before the

concrete crushed.

On the other hand, the strain in the tension reinforcement for all the tested beams

exceeded the determined target strains for minimum required ductility, as illustrated in

Table 5-5. Furthermore, well before failure, all beams made with HSC and HSR showed

visual signs of a ductile behavior by showing a noticeable deflection and a series of

extensive cracks. In tested beams, there was no evidence of lack of visible ductility when

using HSC in beams with HSR.

Finally, it can be also seen from the results of ductility of the first group of the tested

beams (Table 5-4) that use of high strength reinforcement with a defined yield strength

and yield plateau (A615 Grade 100) would result in a higher ductility than that of the

beams reinforced with high strength reinforcement of a roundhouse behavior (A1035

Grade 120). However, the saving in the reinforcement amount was greater with the use of

HSR type A1035. Crack Pattern and Maximum Crack Width

All beams failed in flexure as they were designed to do. The first cracks started at the

constant moment region and continued to propagate as the applied load was increased.
Cracks then started to appear outside of the constant moment region. At high load levels

no more flexural cracks were formed, but the existing cracks continued to widen as the

beams increasingly deflected, and a few diagonal flexural shear cracks started in the

constant shear regions. For the second group of beams, shear cracks began to appear at a

45-degree angle near the supports at approximately 80% of the ultimate loads. All tested

beams in the first and second groups showed a similar crack pattern, as shown in Figure

5-27 and Figure 5-28.

To assess the effect of designing beams with HSC and HSR, crack widths were measured

during the tests and the maximum crack widths at service load levels were compared with

that of the control beams, as summarized in Figure 5-27 and Figure 5-28, show the crack

pattern and failure mode for each test beam.

The maximum crack width for each specimen was measured at the service load level,

which was assumed to be 60% of the maximum load. For analytical evaluation, the

results were compared with Frosch’s (1999) expression for crack width prediction, which

is the basis of the current ACI 318 code for limiting crack width. The predictions of

maximum crack width for test beams at service loads are presented in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6. It may be observed from the results that the crack widths were wider for the

beams made with HSC and HSR as compared to the beams made with conventional

materials. The reason is that crack width is a function of steel strain and consequently

steel stress, and clearly, the stress in the reinforcement at service load level was higher

when using HSR.

For beams of same reinforcement type and same reinforcement ratio, the results indicated

that the maximum crack width increases as the concrete strength increased. This is

basically due to the higher stress level at service load for beams with higher concrete


Most importantly, the measured crack widths for all tested beams with HSR under service

load level were within the generally acceptable maximum crack width of 0.018 in.

(Harries et at., 2012) except for beam 11/A1035-120 (0.41%), where the maximum

measured crack width was 0.021 in. Moreover, the considered service load level of 60%

of the ultimate load (based on fu) for all tested beams resulted in stress level in the

reinforcement that was higher than 0.67f y, as prescribed by ACI 318 code for

conventional steel.

In this study, crack width prediction using Frosch’s expression (section 2.7.2) was also

evaluated as shown in Figure 5-27 and Figure 5-28, show the crack pattern and failure

mode for each test beam.

The maximum crack width for each specimen was measured at the service load level,

which was assumed to be 60% of the maximum load. For analytical evaluation, the

results were compared with Frosch’s (1999) expression for crack width prediction, which

is the basis of the current ACI 318 code for limiting crack width. The predictions of

maximum crack width for test beams at service loads are presented in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6. The results of the maximum crack width prediction agreed very well with the

measured ones. The ratio of the predicted to the measured maximum crack width for all

beams were within 10% error except for beam 8/A1035-120 (0.41%) and beam

11/A1035-120 (0.41%) where the error was within 25%. The reason could be due to the

fact that the stress in the reinforcement exceeded the stress-strain curve proportional limit

(i.e., εs=fs/Es) of the reinforcement, and Frosch’s expression was derived for

reinforcement stress within the proportional limit. Immediate Deflection at Service Load Level

To evaluate the implication of designing beams with HSC and HSR on the immediate

deflection at service loading state, the results of the load-deflection behaviors of the

tested beams were plotted together for each group as shown in Figure 5-29. It may be

seen that the stiffness of the beams made with HSC and HSR was reduced compared to

that of the control beams made with conventional materials. The reason is that the design

with high-strength materials required less area of steel to satisfy the design capacity.

Thus, the serviceability limit states are more often the critical design consideration when

using high strength materials in reinforced concrete beams. Therefore, reliable models for

estimating the deflection at service level are essential. The elastic method of beams was

used to predict the deflection at the service load level by utilizing the effective moment of

inertia expressions of both Branson and Bischoff to account for the member stiffness. The

midspan deflections using the elastic beam method and associated with the applied two-

point loading are calculated as:

∆= (3𝐿 − 4𝑎 ),
24 𝐸 𝐼

where a = Distance between the support and the point load

As shown in Table 5-7, the use of both Ie expressions gives a very close estimation for

the deflection of the control beams, and for the beams with HSR type A615 that have a

defined yield stress and yield plateau. For the beams made with HSR type A1035 of the

roundhouse behavior, the use of the elastic method utilizing both Ie expressions

underestimated the deflection. For the beams reinforced with HSR type A1035, the

comparison of measured initial deflections with predictions based on elastic method

given in Table 5-7, indicated that the ratio of predicted to measured deflections ranged

from 0.59 to 0.83 using Branson’s expression and 0.7 to 0.85 using Bischoff’s

expression. Therefore, the use of Bischoff’s expression of the effective moment of inertia

resulted in better predictions for the initial deflection of beams.

Moreover, for beams 8/A1035-120 (0.41%) and 11/A1035-120 (0.41%), which have very

low reinforcement ratio (ρ=0.41%), use of Bischoff’s expression gives better deflection

predictions than Branson’s, as illustrated in Table 5-7. Both expressions gave the same

deflection predictions for beams 10/A1035-120 (0.74%) and 10/A1035-120 (0.74%) of

higher reinforcement ratio (ρ=0.74%).

The explanation for the underestimation for the deflection of the beams reinforced with

HSR type A1035-120 of the roundhouse behavior is that the elastic method for deflection

prediction works well only for the service load level that leads to a stress in the tension

reinforcement within the linear elastic part of its stress-strain curve. In this study, the

service load resulted in a stress in the reinforcement that exceeded the proportional limit

(i.e. the linear part of the stress-strain curve) as shown in Figure 5-30.

For conventional steel, service load stress is normally estimated as about .67f y because

the design capacity is based on fy. However, this was not the case with the beams made

with HSR because their design was based on the ultimate stress fu not fy. As a result, the

service load stress the linear part of the stress-strain curve.

a) Experimental load-deflection results of the 1st group

b) Experimental load-deflection results of the 2nd group

Figure 5-29: Load-deflection response of tested beams

a) ρ = 0.41%

b) ρ = 0.74%

Figure 5-30: Stress level in the tension reinforcement at service loading state for the
tested beams reinforced with steel type A1035 Grade 120

5.7 Long-Term Deflection Test Results and Discussion

As stated earlier, this study is intended to evaluate the long-term deflection behavior, and

to check the validity of using the time-dependent multiplier λ of the current ACI 318-14

(section for beams made with HSC and HSR. Although only one beam was

tested in this study, the results are considered as a starting point for more detailed future

studies. The beam was subjected to a sustained load of 13.8 kips for twelve months. The

load was applied using weights that were hung using a forklift. The initial immediate

deflection reading of 0.756 in. was recorded immediately after applying the load. Then

deflection reading was recorded every day for the first two weeks, every two days for the

first three months, once a week for the first six months, and once every two to three

weeks to the end of testing. The results of deflection vs. time are shown in Figure 5-31.

Figure 5-31: Time-dependent deflection of beam 14/A1035-120 (0.41%)

The long-term deflection was predicted using the ACI 318 long-term multiplier λ, which

does not consider the concrete strength; the proposed multiplier by Paulson et al. (1991)

that considers the lower creep of high-strength concrete; and the multiplier presented by

Muhaisin (2012) to calculate the long-term deflection for reinforced concrete beams

made with normal or high strength concrete, as summarized in Table 5-8.

Table 5-8: Comparison of predicted and measured time-dependent beam deflections

Experimental immediate deflection = 0.756 in.

Time Experimental ACI 318-14 Paulson et al. (1991) Muhaisin (2012)

since long-term
loading deflection λ ΔL-T ΔL-T/Δexp. λ ΔL-T ΔL-T/Δexp. λ ΔL-T ΔL-T/Δexp.

3 months 0.952 1.0 1.512 1.59 0.40 1.058 1.11 0.32 0.998 1.05

6 months 0.994 1.2 1.663 1.67 0.48 1.119 1.13 0.38 1.043 1.05

12 months 1.003 1.4 1.814 1.81 0.56 1.179 1.18 0.46 1.104 1.10

Deflection measurements taken over a twelve month period allowed for the assessment of

the ACI 318-14 time-dependent multiplier. As it can be seen from Table 5-8, ACI 318-14

overestimated the long-term deflection by about 1.6. The reason is because ACI 318 does

not take into account the concrete strength. As shown by many researchers, high-strength

concrete has lower creep over time than the normal strength concrete does. Therefore, the

use of Paulson et al. (1991) and Muhaisin’s (2012) long-term multipliers have shown

improved predictions for the deflection as they considered the influence of the concrete

strength in their modified multiplier. Based on the results of the tested beam, the

modified multiplier proposed by Muhaisin (2012) showed the closest prediction for the

long-term deflection.

The maximum crack width was also measured. All of the cracks formed once the load

was applied, and the maximum crack width was 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) and remained the same

until the end of the testing time. Figure 5-32 shows the crack pattern and the maximum

crack width measurement.

Max crack width = 0.5”

Figure 5-32: Crack pattern and maximum crack width measurement of the beam
14/A1035-120 (0.41%) tested under long-term period

6 Chapter Six: A Parametric Study on the Key Design Issues with HSR and HSC

6.1 Introduction

This chapter discusses the key design issues that are related to the flexural design of

concrete beams of different concrete strengths ranging from normal to high strength (4

ksi to 12 ksi), and reinforced with high-strength bars of two different stress-strain

behaviors (A615 Grade100 & A1035 Grades 100 and 120). Different stress-strain

relationships are expected to impact the force-displacement behavior of reinforced

concrete beams in different ways including strain limits, flexural strength and the

corresponding maximum deflection, and the spread of plasticity as the beam is loaded

monotonically to failure. The key design issues discussed here include: Strength,

ductility, strain limits and strength reduction factor, maximum and minimum

reinforcement ratio, stiffness and immediate deflection prediction.

A parametric study is carried out using the verified MATLAB coding written by the

author to address the issues related to the flexural design of concrete beams made with

HSC and HSR, and to establish design guidelines related to maximum and minimum

reinforcement ratio, strength reduction factor, service load level deflection prediction,

and crack widths prediction.

It is well known that design of flexural members is based on achieving a ductile behavior

to avoid the undesirable brittle failure. The term ductility is defined as the ability of the

member to sustain deformation beyond its elastic limit while maintaining a reasonable

load carrying capacity before total collapse. The ductility can be measured through strain,

curvature, displacement, rotation, or energy absorption depending on the type of material

or member. In this study, the curvature ductility and the energy absorption of beams

reinforced with conventional Grade 60 steel are used as a reference for comparison. The

curvature ductility can be defined as the ratio of the curvature at the ultimate load to the

curvature at yielding of the reinforcement, μ = φ u/φy. As a second measure of ductility,

the energy absorption is determined by the area under the load-deflection response up to

the ultimate load. The variables throughout the parametric study are:

 Concrete compression strength, f’c (4000, 8000, 12000 psi)

 Reinforcement type and grade: A615-60, A615-100, A1035-100, and A1035-120

 Reinforcement ratio, ρ

6.2 Flexural Strength and Ductility

The current design provisions for computing flexural strength are applicable to

conventional steel and need adjustment for application to the beams with high-strength

reinforcement due to the difference in the stress-strain behavior, which impacts the load-

deflection response. In earlier editions of ACI 318 code, provisions for flexural members

required a reinforcement ratio not greater than 75 percent of the balanced reinforcement

ratio (𝜌 ≤ 0.75𝜌 ). This criterion was in use and judged satisfactory for several

decades until 1995 when a new approach based on tension reinforcement strain limits

was introduced. The strain limits requirement was moved to the body of ACI 318 code in

2002, and replaced the former limit on the reinforcement ratio (0.75𝜌 ). Both approaches

are studied for the use of HSR in the following sections.

6.2.1 Reinforcement Ratio Limit

In earlier ACI codes, for flexural members the maximum ratio of reinforcement was

limited to 75% of the balance ratio (𝜌 ≤ 0.75𝜌 ) so that the reinforcement yields

before the concrete crushes to provide a minimum acceptable level of ductile behavior

and to avoid sudden failure of members. The balance ratio is determined when the

reinforcement reaches its yield strain at the same time the concrete reaches its maximum

“permissible” strain of 0.003. For the high-strength reinforcements that lack a well-

defined yield strength, the 0.2% offset method was considered to define the yield stress

and the corresponding yield strain in the reinforcement. Table 4-1 and Figure 4-2 show

the typical stress-strain curves used in the analysis and their mechanical properties.

The concrete ultimate strain, 𝜀 , was taken equal to 0.003, as prescribed by ACI.

An assumed simply supported beam of 10 x 20 inches cross-section and effective depth

of 17.5 inches is used for the analysis with different concrete strengths and reinforcement

type and grade. The beam is subjected to two-point loading at third points of its span of

fifteen feet. The amount of steel was varied until the balanced condition is satisfied.

Then, the ¾ fraction was applied to determine the maximum reinforcement ratio and the

corresponding strain in the tension reinforcement for each case. Table 6-1 shows

𝜌 ,𝜌 , and the strain in the tension steel when 𝜌 = 𝜌 for beams of various f’c and

steel type and grade.

Table 6-1: Summary of reinforcement ratio limit based on ρ=0.75ρ b

fy εy f'c ρb 0.75 ρb εs (𝜌 = 0.75𝜌 )

4 0.0308 0.0231
A615-60 60 0.00207 8 0.0560 0.0420 0.0038
12 0.0787 0.0590
4 0.0146 0.0110
A615-100 100 0.0034 8 0.0264 0.0198 0.0056
12 0.0370 0.0278
4 0.0117 0.0088
A1035-100 100 0.005 8 0.0213 0.0160 0.0064
12 0.0299 0.0224
4 0.0087 0.0065
A1035-120 120 0.006 8 0.0158 0.0118 0.0077
12 0.0221 0.0166

Figure 6-1 shows the moment-curvature responses for the maximum reinforcement ratio

(𝜌 ≤ 0.75𝜌 ) condition. It can be observed that for beams with the same f’c, the

moment corresponding to ρmax condition is less as the reinforcement yield stress

increases. This is because the amount of steel required is less, which leads to a higher

strain in steel and shallower depth of the compression zone of the section and therefore

less moment.

Figure 6-1: Moment-curvature responses for beams reinforced with
conventional grade 60 steel and HSR based on 𝜌 = 0.75𝜌

6.2.2 Tension Reinforcement Strain Limits

In 1995, the ACI 318 code introduced a new requirement based on a minimum strain in

the tension reinforcement at nominal strength rather than limiting the maximum

reinforcement ratio for beams. Based on the new approach the member behavior is

classified as tension-controlled, compression-controlled, or in the transition zone based

on the strain in the tension reinforcement at nominal strength. Depending on the member

classification, a strength reduction factor, ϕ, is applied as a factor of safety to determine

the design strength. For sections considered as tension-controlled, a minimum strain of

0.005 in the extreme tension steel at nominal moment is required to use a ϕ factor of 0.90.

Compression-controlled sections are defined as those sections having strain in extreme

tension steel at or below the yield strain at nominal strength. The current steel strain limit

of 0.002 (the simplification of Grade 60 yield strain of 0.00207) defining the upper bound

of compression-controlled behavior. As these sections will not show a desirable ductile

behavior, they are penalized with a lower ϕ factor of 0.65. For sections in the transition

region, the strength reduction factor varies linearly. Flexural members should normally

be designed as tension-controlled members, however, ACI 318-02 proposed a minimum

allowable strain in tension reinforcement equal to 0.004, and that determines the

maximum reinforcement ratio in this approach.

The above-mentioned strain limits (0.002, 0.004 and 0.005) were proposed for Grade 60

reinforcing steel. Therefore, an adjustment is required for the use of high-strength

reinforcement. It seems reasonable to assume that the adjustment of the strain limits

should be based on ductility requirements to obtain the same, or nearly the same,

desirable ductile behavior of flexural members designed with Grade 60 reinforcement.

Hence, in this study the ductility (curvature ductility and area under load-deflection

curve) was determined for beams with Grade 60 when the strain at nominal strength is

equal to 0.005, 0.004, and 0.00207. Then the obtained ductility values were used as

benchmarks to determine the corresponding comparable tension-controlled strain limits,

minimum strains, and compression-strain limits for HSR.

As an example, the reinforcement ratio (ρ) was varied for a beam (10 in. x 20 in. and L =

15 ft) made with f’c of 4000 psi and Grade 60 steel and subjected to a two-point loading

at the third points of its span to determine ρ corresponding to ε s of 0.005, as shown in

Figure 6-3. Next, from the M-ϕ response, the curvature ductility that corresponds to ε s =

0.005 was determined, shown in Figure 6-2. In Figure 6-3, the curvature ductility factor μ

= φu/φy = 0.000457/0.000215 = 2.12. The obtained curvature ductility (2.12) was used as

a benchmark to determine the corresponding comparable tension-controlled strain limits

for HSR. This approach was followed to determine the comparable strain limits for both

types of HSR based on both curvature ductility and energy absorption (area under load-

deflection), as shown in Figure 6-4 to Figure 6-7. The determined comparable strain

limits are summarized in Table 6-2 and Table 6-3.

Figure 6-3: Effect of ρ on the moment capacity and tension reinforcement strain

Figure 6-2: M-ϕ response for a beam with f'c =4000 psi & Grade 60 steel with ρ = 0.0195

Figure 6-4: HSR comparable tension-control strain limits based on curvature ductility

Figure 6-5: HSR comparable tension-control strain limits based on energy absorption
(area under P-Δ)

Figure 6-6: HSR comparable minimum strain limits based on curvature ductility

Figure 6-7: HSR comparable minimum strain limits based on energy absorption
(area under P-Δ)

Table 6-2: Comparable strain limits based on curvature ductility (µ = φ u/φy)
Strain limit A615-60 A615-100 A1035-100 A1035-120
Tension-Controlled 0.005 0.0079 0.01 0.012
Minimum for flexural members 0.004 0.0064 0.008 0.01
Compression-Controlled 0.00207 0.00345 0.005 0.006

Table 6-3: Comparable strain limits based on energy absorption (µ = Area under P-Δ)
Strain limit A615-60 A615-100 A1035-100 A1035-120
Tension-Controlled 0.005 0.0068 0.011 0.011
Minimum for flexural members 0.004 0.0056 0.008 0.008
Compression-Controlled 0.00207 0.00206 0.0017 0.0018

The results of minimum strain limits (𝜀 .) in tension reinforcement resulted from the

study in Section 6.2.1 and the current section are compared, as illustrated in Table 6-4.

Table 6-2 and Table 6-3 show that the comparable strain limits for HSR using curvature

ductility are higher than those by using the area under the load-deflection curve to define

the ductility. Also, the same observation can be made comparing the minimum strain

limits in Table 6-4 using three different approaches. Therefore, using curvature ductility

criterion requires a higher level of strain for design, which should result in more ductility

for the member.

Table 6-4: Comparison of minimum strain limits for HSR from different approaches
𝜀 . (𝜌 = 0.75𝜌 ) 𝜀 . (𝜇 = ∅ /∅ ) 𝜀 . (μ = area under P-Δ)
A615-100 0.0056 0.0064 0.0056
A1035-100 0.0064 0.008 0.008
A1035-120 0.0077 0.01 0.008

For HSR to be consistence with ACI 318, the strength resistance factors of 0.9 and 0.65

are adopted when using tension-controlled and compression-controlled members

respectively. The revised variation of the resistance factor, ϕ, for each HSR based on

curvature ductility are shown graphically in Figure 6-8.

Figure 6-8: Relationship between strength reduction factor, ϕ, and strain limits

From this study, it is also evident that HSR type A615 Grade 100 with distinctive yield

strength and yield plateau requires less strain in reinforcement to achieve ductility

comparable to conventional steel than HSR type A1035 Grade 100, which has a

roundhouse shape without a well-defined yield strength.

Moreover, Figure 6-4 to Figure 6-7 demonstrate that the concrete compressive strength

has no apparent effect on the required strain limits in the reinforcement.

6.3 Minimum Reinforcement Ratio

The current minimum reinforcement ratio, 𝜌 , of the ACI 318 for reinforced concrete

flexural members are intended to provide flexural moment capacity exceeds the cracking

moment of the section to protect against the sudden collapse in cases of loading beyond

cracking moment. The current equation considers concrete of different grades and

reinforcement with variable yield strength (𝜌 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥 , ). However, the

applicability of this equation has not been verified for the use of high-strength

reinforcement. The ATC-115 report in 2014 suggested that this equation could be

eliminated, and ρmin could be determined so that the design moment capacity is 120% of

the cracked moment (∅𝑀 = 1.2𝑀 ).

This study consists of flexural section analyses with HSR to identify 𝜌 corresponding

to ∅𝑀 = 1.2𝑀 . The results are compared with the current ACI 318 equation used to

determine 𝜌 for reinforced concrete flexural members, that is based on ∅𝑀 ≈

1.5𝑀 . The following variables were included in the study: (1) ratio of reinforcement

depth to beam depth (d/h); (2) concrete compressive strength; and (3) HSR type and

grade. With minimum amount of reinforcement in concrete sections, the strain in the

reinforcement is expected to be large. HSR has a lower maximum tensile strain 𝜀

compared to the conventional Grade 60 steel. A summary of the material properties of

HSR steel type A1035 available in the literature given by National Cooperative Highway

Research Program (NCHRP) report 679 (2011) shows the average 𝜀 to be equal to

0.049. Therefore, the maximum strain in the HSR when ∅𝑀 = 1.2𝑀 needs to be

checked to make sure the steel doesn’t reach a critical point that the reinforcement

rupture may occur before the concrete fails.

As an example, a beam of 12 in. x 24 in. dimensions and span equal to 24 ft. was used in

this study with varying d/h ratio (0.8 - 0.95) and varying f’c (4000 – 12000) and steel

type. In order to compare the ρmin. using ACI318 equation with that using ∅𝑀 = 1.2𝑀 ,

the stress in all types of the reinforcement investigated was limited to their yielding stress

(i.e. elastic-plastic model was used). However, to check the strain in the steel, the actual

representative stress-strain curves were used with the same ρ determined from the

previous step.

The resulting ρmin values are given in Table 6-5 through Table 6-7 and shown graphically

in Figure 6-9 through Figure 6-11. As shown in the tables and figures, the current ACI

318 equation gives higher results for ρmin for all the investigated reinforcing steels

because it is based on ∅𝑀 ≈ 1.5𝑀 . More importantly, using ∅𝑀 = 1.2𝑀 to

compute ρmin results in high strains in the reinforcement (greater than 𝜀 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 =

0.049 in./in.) that may not be achieved by the HSR properties, as shown in Table 6-8 to

Table 6-9. The higher strains using ∅𝑀 = 1.2𝑀 are due to the reduced amount of steel

than that using ACI 318 equation. Therefore, it is recommended to use the ACI 318

equation for HSR too as the resulted strain levels are less than 0.049.

Table 6-5: Comparison of ρmin for A615 Grade 60

d/h 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 ACI 318

f'c ρ (when φMn/Mcr=1.2) ρ = max (3 √f'c/fy, 200/fy)
4000 0.00281 0.00249 0.00221 0.00198 0.00333
8000 0.00395 0.00349 0.00311 0.00279 0.00447
12000 0.00482 0.00427 0.0038 0.00341 0.00548

Table 6-6: Comparison of ρmin for A615 & A1035 Grade 100

d/h 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 ACI 318

f'c ρ (when φMn/Mcr=1.2) ρ = max (3 √f'c/fy, 200/fy)
4000 0.00169 0.00149 0.00133 0.00119 0.00200
8000 0.00238 0.00210 0.00187 0.00168 0.00268
12000 0.00290 0.00256 0.00229 0.00205 0.00329

Table 6-7: Comparison of ρmin for A1035 Grade 120

d/h 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 ACI 318

f'c ρ (when φMn/Mcr=1.2) ρ = max (3 √f'c/fy, 200/fy)
4000 0.00141 0.00124 0.00111 0.00099 0.00167
8000 0.00199 0.00175 0.00156 0.00140 0.00224
12000 0.00241 0.00214 0.00190 0.00171 0.00274

Figure 6-9: Comparison of ρmin for A615 Grade 60

Figure 6-10: Comparison of ρmin for A615 & A1035 Grade 100

Figure 6-11: Comparison of ρmin for A1035 Grade 120

Table 6-8: Comparison of εu at ρmin for A615 Grade 60

d/h 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 ACI 318

f'c εu (when φMn/Mcr=1.2) εu
4000 0.053 0.060 0.068 0.076 0.044
8000 0.069 0.078 0.088 0.099 0.061
12000 0.080 0.090 0.102 0.114 0.070

Table 6-9: Comparison of εu at ρmin for A615 Grade 100

d/h 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 ACI 318

f'c εu (when φMn/Mcr=1.2) εu
4000 0.0431 0.0478 0.0526 0.0577 0.032
8000 0.0534 0.0593 0.0652 0.0715 0.041
12000 0.06 0.0665 0.0730 0.0801 0.046

Table 6-10: Comparison of εu at ρmin for A1035 Grade 100

d/h 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 ACI 318

f'c εu (when φMn/Mcr=1.2) εu
4000 0.030 0.034 0.038 0.043 0.026
8000 0.039 0.044 0.050 0.056 0.035
12000 0.045 0.051 0.057 0.064 0.040

Table 6-11: Comparison of εu at ρmin for A1035 Grade 120

d/h 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 ACI 318

f'c εu (when φMn/Mcr=1.2) εu
4000 0.036 0.041 0.046 0.051 0.030
8000 0.046 0.053 0.060 0.067 0.041
12000 0.054 0.061 0.069 0.077 0.047

6.4 Effect of Using Simplified Elastic-Plastic vs. Actual Roundhouse Stress-Strain

for HSR Type A1035 on Flexural Design of Beams

The use of the simplified elastic-plastic stress-strain in the analysis and the design of

reinforced concrete beams is accepted for a reinforcement that has a well-defined yield

stress and yield plateau. In order to evaluate the consequences on the flexural design, the

simplified elastic-plastic stress-strain is used to idealize the behavior of high-strength

reinforcement type A1035 that has a roundhouse stress-strain. An example beam with a 6

in. x 10 in. cross-section with a concrete compressive strength of 8000 psi and reinforced

with A1035 Grade 100 rebar is used to perform this evaluation.

The simplified elastic-plastic stress-strain curve has an elastic portion with a steel

modulus (Es) of 29,000,000 psi, and perfectly plastic behavior after reaching fy equal to

100,000 psi. The actual behavior is represented by the equation that represents the typical

behavior of A1035 Grade 100 reinforcement bars mentioned in section 4.2.2.

The values of the moment capacity (Mn/bd2) and curvature ductility (ϕu/ϕy) resulted from

using both models are compared and given in Table 6-12, and shown graphically in

Figure 6-12. For the example beam, the comparison indicates that using the simplified

elastic-plastic model would result in underestimation for the moment capacity by 20% to

40% for the reinforcement ratio ranging from ρmax to ρmin respectively. Furthermore, the

use of the simplified model would result in an inaccurate overestimation for the ductility

by about two times the ductility when using the actual nonlinear model, and it will

incorrectly suggest that the section exhibits sufficient warning prior to failure. Therefore,

a representative actual stress-strain relationship for HSR type A1035 should be specified

for optimum and safe design.

Table 6-12: Comparison of using elastic-plastic model vs. actual roundhouse to model
A1035-100 reinforcement on moment capacity and curvature ductility
Simplified elastic-plastic Actual roundhouse stress-
stress-strain strain
RS=Mn/bd2 RA=Mn/bd2
ρ μS = ϕu/ϕy μA = ϕu/ϕy RS/RA μS/μA
(psi) (psi)
0.00189 186.5 24.2 318.0 10.0 0.59 2.4

0.003 293.7 15.7 483.7 6.0 0.61 2.6

0.004 388.9 10.1 619.7 4.7 0.63 2.1

0.005 482.6 7.9 743.6 3.9 0.65 2.0

0.006 575.0 6.4 856.6 3.3 0.67 1.9

0.007 666.0 5.4 959.5 2.6 0.69 2.0

0.008 755.5 5.0 1053.7 2.3 0.72 2.1

0.009 843.7 4.3 1139.9 2.1 0.74 2.0

0.01 930.5 3.7 1219.2 1.9 0.76 1.9

0.0117 1074.9 3.0 1340.4 1.8 0.80 1.7

Figure 6-12: Effect of using simplified elastic-plastic model to idealize the behavior of
A1035 reinforcement on moment capacity and curvature ductility

6.5 Flexural Design with HSR, Limiting the Maximum Stress

In flexural design, the design strength should be greater than the LRFD factored load and

is expressed as follows:

ϕMn ≥ Mu, where Mn is the nominal flexural resistance; Mu is the factored moment at the


In the current ACI 318 specifications, ρmax can be derived based on the minimum strain

limit. Moreover, there is a distinction of compression and tension-controlled section

based on the strain in the extreme tension steel. To penalize for the undesirable behavior

of compression-controlled sections, a lower value of strength reduction factor (ϕ) is

assigned to “compression-controlled” sections compared to “tension-controlled” sections.

Between these two strain limits (transition zone), the strength factor ϕ used for strength

computation varies linearly with the strain in the extreme tension steel.

In this research for HSR, new comparable strain limits to that of Grade 60 steel were

determined based on ductility, as described in Figure 6-8.

For HSR type A615 Grade 100 with distinct yield stress and yield plateau, a simplified

elastic-plastic stress-strain curve can be used in design (with a yield stress, fy, equal to

100 ksi and modulus of elasticity, Es, equal to 29000 ksi) so that the extra reserved

capacity, represented by the strain hardening, is not accounted for in design to provide

safety and to assure that the reinforcement will not rupture. This process would be

comparable and similar to the current practice used for Grade 60 reinforcement.

For HSR type A1035 Grades 100 & 120 that have a roundhouse behavior, it was shown

that using a simplified elastic-plastic stress-strain relationship in design is not

recommended as it would overestimate the ductility by a factor of two. Therefore, in

order to provide a reserved capacity with the use of the actual roundhouse curve, it seems

reasonable to limit the stress, similar to what is commonly used in flexural design of

prestressed concrete members. ACI 318 code prescribes the values for the maximum

permissible stress in prestressed reinforcement, fps, using the following equation:

𝛾 𝑓 𝑑 𝑓
𝑓 =𝑓 1− 𝜌 + (𝜌 − 𝜌 )
𝛽 𝑓 𝑑 𝑓

Assuming only prestressed reinforcement is used, this equation reduces to:

𝑓 =𝑓 1− 𝜌 , where:

fpu = is the specified tensile strength of prestressing reinforcement

ρp = prestressed reinforcement ratio

𝛽 = 0.85 − 0.05(𝑓 − 4000) ≥ 0.65, 𝑓 𝑖𝑛 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑠𝑖

γp = factor used for type of prestressing reinforcement

fpy/fpu γp
≥ 0.80 0.55
≥ 0.85 0.40
≥ 0.90 0.28

This equation was applied for a range of ρp of 0.0005 to 0.004, and f’c of 4000 psi to

12000 psi. The results are summarized in Table 6-13 and Table 6-14.

Table 6-13: Allowable stress in prestressed reinforcement for f'c = 4000 psi

fpu f'c ρp γp β1 fps fps/fpu

0.0005 0.55 0.85 264.1 0.98
0.001 0.55 0.85 258.2 0.96
0.002 0.55 0.85 246.4 0.91
0.003 0.55 0.85 234.6 0.87
0.004 0.55 0.85 222.8 0.83
0.0005 0.4 0.85 265.7 0.98
0.001 0.4 0.85 261.4 0.97
270 4000 0.002 0.4 0.85 252.8 0.95
0.003 0.4 0.85 244.3 0.91
0.004 0.4 0.85 235.7 0.87
0.0005 0.28 0.85 267.0 0.99
0.001 0.28 0.85 264.0 0.98
0.002 0.28 0.85 258.0 0.96
0.003 0.28 0.85 252.0 0.93
0.004 0.28 0.85 246.0 0.91
average 0.93

Table 6-14: Allowable stress in prestressed reinforcement for f'c = 12000 psi
fpu f'c ρp γp β1 fps fps/fpu
0.0005 0.55 0.65 267.4 0.990
0.001 0.55 0.65 264.9 0.981
0.002 0.55 0.65 259.7 0.962
0.003 0.55 0.65 254.6 0.943
0.004 0.55 0.65 249.4 0.924
0.0005 0.4 0.65 268.1 0.993
0.001 0.4 0.65 266.3 0.986
270 12000 0.002 0.4 0.65 262.5 0.972
0.003 0.4 0.65 258.8 0.958
0.004 0.4 0.65 255.0 0.945
0.0005 0.28 0.65 268.7 0.995
0.001 0.28 0.65 267.4 0.990
0.002 0.28 0.65 264.8 0.981
0.003 0.28 0.65 262.1 0.971
0.004 0.28 0.65 259.5 0.961
average 0.97

The average values of fps/fpu ratio are 0.93 and 0.97 for f’c of 4000 psi to 12000 psi


Using the results of this study as a guide, for design purposes, it seems reasonable to limit

the LRFD level design stress for HSR type A1035 to 0.90f u.

6.6 Design Flexural Strength vs. Reinforcement Ratio Charts for HSR

To facilitate the design with high-strength reinforcement, nominal flexural strengths are

determined for variable reinforcement ratios and variable concrete strengths, then the

resistance factors (Figure 6-8) are applied to the nominal strength of sections reinforced

with HSR to develop the design charts, as shown in Figure 6-14 through Figure 6-15. The

minimum reinforcement ratios based on 𝜀 = 0.05 as proposed in the previous section

are presented in the charts for information purposes. The actual behavior of the materials

is used for developing the design charts. The charts can be used to determine the

reinforcement ratio for a given moment, Mu, and a selected section dimensions, b x d, or

they can be used to account for the design strength for a given reinforced section. A set of

design charts for beams with HSR and f’c range of 4000 psi to 12000 psi are shown in

Appendix B.

Figure 6-14: Flexural design chart for beams with f'c =8000 psi & reinforced with
A615 grade 100 rebar

Figure 6-13: Flexural design chart for beams with f'c =8000 psi & reinforced with
A1035 grade 100 rebar

Figure 6-15: Flexural design chart for beams with f'c =8000 psi & reinforced with
A1035 grade 120 rebar

6.7 Short-Term Deflection at Service Load Level

Deflection is an important performance criterion that needs to be checked to insure the

structure remains serviceable under specified loading conditions. In load and resistance

factor design (LRFD) approach, a deflection check follows the strength design. In this

section, an analytical study is conducted to predict the deflections at service load level for

flexural beams made with variable concrete strengths (4, 8, and 12 ksi) and that are

reinforced with high-strength reinforcement of two different types (A615-100, A1035-

100 & 120) to investigate the appropriateness of the current method used to predict

deflection at service level for the use of HSR. Deflections are calculated using a moment-

curvature analysis that considers the actual stress-strain relationships of the concrete and
the reinforcement, and then are compared with the current approach to predict a

deflection that utilizes the elastic beam deflection equations and the effective moment of

inertia of the section. The effective moment of inertia is calculated using two formulas:

Branson equation and Bischoff equation discussed in section 2.7.1. The beams are

assumed simply supported and subjected to uniformly distributed load. Service load to

LRFD level load is expressed as the following equation:

𝑤 𝐷+𝐿
𝑤 (1.2𝐷 + 1.6𝐿)

A parametric study of this ratio is shown in Appendix C. The study indicates that for

reinforced concrete beams, ws/ wn is generally about 60% to 63% for common range of

loads. For simplicity, the magnitude of service load used in this study was taken as 60%

of the nominal LRFD level capacity. The deflection of simply supported reinforced

concrete beams subjected to uniformly distributed load using the elastic method can be

expressed as the following equation:

384𝐸 𝐼

w = The applied service load
L = Clear span length

Ec = Concrete elastic modulus (𝐸 = 57000 𝑓 , where 𝑓 is in psi unites)

Ie = Effective moment of inertia of the section

𝐼 =𝐼 + 𝐼 −𝐼 ≤𝐼 … … … 𝐴𝐶𝐼 318 − 14 𝐸𝑞. (𝑎)
𝐼 = ≤𝐼 … … … 𝐵𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑓𝑓 (2007)𝐸𝑞𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
1− 1−

Mcr = cracking moment 𝑀 =

𝑦 =
𝑓 = 7.5 𝑓

𝑏. ℎ
𝐼 =
𝑏. 𝑐
𝐼 = + 𝑛. 𝐴 (𝑑 − 𝑐)
. ( . ) . . . .
c = depth of the neutral axis of the cracked section 𝑐 =


From the moment-curvature analysis, the immediate deflection at service load is

extracted from the load-deflection relationship when the load is equal to 60% of the

maximum load. The cross section of the beams is assumed 6 in. x10 in. with a simple

span of 8 ft., and the reinforcement ratio is varied from 𝜌 to 𝜌 . Figure 6-16 shows

the relationship between ρ and Mcr/Ma ratio for the example beam.

Figure 6-17: Relationship between ρ and Mcr/Ma ratio for an example beam

The results of comparing the immediate service load deflection using the moment-

curvature analysis that represents the most accurate behavior with the elastic method

using effective moment inertia for beams of different concrete capacities and reinforced

with HSR are summarized in Table 6-15 through Table 6-17, and shown graphically in

Figure 6-18 through Figure 6-20.

Table 6-15: Comparison of analytical and calculated deflections at service load level for
beams reinforced with A615 grade 100

f'c εs (at wservice fs Δi (M-ϕ Δi Δi Δi Branson/Δi Δi Bischoff/Δi

(ksi) failure) (k/ft) service/fy analysis) Branson Bischoff (M-ϕ analysis) (M-ϕ analysis)

0.0012 0.05 0.520 0.89 0.294 0.031 0.061 0.10 0.21

0.0015 0.0418 0.616 0.85 0.286 0.057 0.151 0.20 0.53
0.0017 0.0378 0.674 0.82 0.281 0.076 0.184 0.27 0.66
0.002 0.0333 0.755 0.79 0.273 0.107 0.215 0.39 0.79
0.0025 0.0280 0.879 0.74 0.262 0.156 0.241 0.59 0.92
4 0.003 0.0243 0.993 0.70 0.253 0.194 0.254 0.76 1.00
0.004 0.0194 1.199 0.64 0.241 0.237 0.262 0.99 1.09
0.005 0.0157 1.417 0.61 0.237 0.263 0.270 1.11 1.14
0.006 0.0126 1.676 0.61 0.243 0.285 0.285 1.17 1.17
0.008 0.0087 2.169 0.60 0.253 0.306 0.302 1.21 1.19
0.01 0.0064 2.630 0.59 0.261 0.317 0.313 1.21 1.20
0.0022 0.05 0.953 0.90 0.308 0.077 0.198 0.25 0.64
0.003 0.0388 1.203 0.84 0.292 0.150 0.261 0.51 0.89
0.004 0.0310 1.470 0.77 0.279 0.220 0.285 0.79 1.02
0.005 0.0260 1.709 0.73 0.268 0.259 0.293 0.97 1.09
0.006 0.0226 1.929 0.69 0.260 0.279 0.294 1.07 1.13
8 0.008 0.0180 2.329 0.63 0.248 0.291 0.292 1.18 1.18
0.01 0.0140 2.826 0.62 0.252 0.308 0.304 1.22 1.21
0.012 0.0112 3.341 0.61 0.259 0.320 0.317 1.24 1.22
0.014 0.0092 3.839 0.61 0.264 0.330 0.326 1.25 1.23
0.016 0.0076 4.320 0.60 0.270 0.337 0.334 1.25 1.24
0.0181 0.0064 4.806 0.60 0.275 0.343 0.341 1.25 1.24
0.003 0.05 1.308 0.91 0.310 0.110 0.242 0.36 0.78
0.004 0.0404 1.629 0.85 0.301 0.190 0.289 0.63 0.96
0.005 0.0339 1.908 0.80 0.291 0.245 0.305 0.84 1.05
0.006 0.0294 2.162 0.76 0.282 0.277 0.310 0.98 1.10
0.007 0.0261 2.398 0.73 0.275 0.295 0.312 1.07 1.13
12 0.008 0.0235 2.621 0.70 0.269 0.304 0.311 1.13 1.16
0.009 0.0214 2.833 0.68 0.264 0.308 0.310 1.17 1.18
0.01 0.0197 3.037 0.66 0.259 0.309 0.309 1.19 1.19
0.019 0.0096 5.253 0.62 0.273 0.342 0.339 1.25 1.24
0.021 0.0084 5.746 0.61 0.277 0.348 0.345 1.26 1.25
0.0255 0.0064 6.813 0.60 0.286 0.360 0.358 1.26 1.25

Table 6-16: Comparison of analytical and calculated deflections at service load level for
beams reinforced with A1035 grade 100
f'c εs (at wservice fs Δi (M-ϕ Δi Δi Δi Branson/Δi Δi Bischoff/Δi
(ksi) failure) (k/ft) service/fy analysis) Branson Bischoff (M-ϕ analysis) (M-ϕ analysis)

0.00103 0.05 0.526 1.04 0.480 0.032 0.075 0.07 0.16

0.00125 0.0409 0.628 1.03 0.478 0.061 0.188 0.13 0.39
0.0015 0.0340 0.741 1.02 0.473 0.106 0.261 0.22 0.55
0.002 0.0255 0.952 0.99 0.463 0.207 0.333 0.45 0.72

4 0.0025 0.0204 1.147 0.96 0.451 0.287 0.364 0.64 0.81

0.003 0.0171 1.325 0.93 0.437 0.335 0.377 0.77 0.86
0.004 0.0130 1.638 0.87 0.413 0.374 0.384 0.90 0.93
0.005 0.0105 1.905 0.82 0.390 0.379 0.380 0.97 0.97
0.006 0.0089 2.133 0.77 0.370 0.374 0.371 1.01 1.00
0.0067 0.008 2.274 0.74 0.357 0.368 0.365 1.03 1.02
0.00187 0.05 0.956 1.05 0.490 0.079 0.228 0.16 0.47
0.0025 0.0372 1.248 1.03 0.486 0.175 0.325 0.36 0.67
0.003 0.0310 1.469 1.01 0.481 0.250 0.363 0.52 0.75
0.004 0.0233 1.882 0.98 0.469 0.351 0.399 0.75 0.85
0.005 0.0187 2.259 0.95 0.455 0.395 0.413 0.87 0.91
0.006 0.0156 2.602 0.92 0.441 0.413 0.418 0.94 0.95
0.007 0.0135 2.915 0.89 0.428 0.418 0.417 0.98 0.98
0.008 0.0119 3.200 0.86 0.415 0.418 0.415 1.01 1.00
0.009 0.0106 3.463 0.83 0.403 0.415 0.411 1.03 1.02
0.0123 0.008 4.190 0.74 0.368 0.397 0.394 1.08 1.07
0.00262 0.05 1.342 1.05 0.498 0.122 0.287 0.25 0.58
0.003 0.0435 1.521 1.04 0.496 0.174 0.328 0.35 0.66
0.004 0.0326 1.973 1.02 0.490 0.295 0.386 0.60 0.79
0.005 0.0261 2.399 1.00 0.483 0.369 0.412 0.76 0.85
0.006 0.0217 2.798 0.98 0.474 0.408 0.426 0.86 0.90
0.007 0.0187 3.172 0.96 0.465 0.426 0.432 0.92 0.93
12 0.008 0.0164 3.522 0.93 0.455 0.435 0.435 0.95 0.96
0.009 0.0146 3.849 0.91 0.446 0.438 0.436 0.98 0.98
0.01 0.0132 4.157 0.89 0.436 0.438 0.434 1.00 1.00
0.012 0.0112 4.716 0.85 0.419 0.434 0.430 1.04 1.03
0.014 0.00968 5.212 0.81 0.402 0.427 0.423 1.06 1.05
0.016 0.00858 5.655 0.77 0.388 0.419 0.416 1.08 1.07
0.01728 0.0080 5.914 0.75 0.379 0.414 0.411 1.09 1.08

Table 6-17: Comparison of analytical and calculated deflections at service load level for
beams reinforced with A1035 grade 120
f'c εs (at wservice fs Δi (M-ϕ Δi Δi Δi Branson/Δi Δi Bischoff/Δi
(ksi) failure) (k/ft) service/fy analysis) Branson Bischoff (M-ϕ analysis) (M-ϕ analysis)

0.00102 0.05 0.526 0.88 0.431 0.032 0.075 0.07 0.17

0.00125 0.0403 0.637 0.87 0.433 0.065 0.198 0.15 0.46
0.0015 0.0333 0.755 0.87 0.435 0.113 0.273 0.26 0.63
0.002 0.0247 0.980 0.85 0.434 0.222 0.349 0.51 0.80
0.0025 0.0196 1.188 0.83 0.429 0.307 0.382 0.72 0.89
0.003 0.01625 1.380 0.81 0.421 0.358 0.397 0.85 0.94
0.004 0.0122 1.716 0.76 0.404 0.396 0.405 0.98 1.00
0.0049 0.01 1.972 0.72 0.387 0.401 0.401 1.04 1.04
0.00188 0.05 0.970 0.88 0.442 0.083 0.237 0.19 0.54
0.002 0.0461 1.029 0.88 0.443 0.101 0.263 0.23 0.59
0.0025 0.0365 1.270 0.88 0.445 0.184 0.335 0.41 0.75
0.003 0.0302 1.503 0.87 0.445 0.264 0.375 0.59 0.84
0.004 0.0224 1.943 0.85 0.442 0.369 0.415 0.84 0.94
0.005 0.0178 2.347 0.82 0.436 0.416 0.432 0.96 0.99
0.006 0.0148 2.716 0.80 0.428 0.435 0.438 1.02 1.02
0.007 0.01268 3.051 0.78 0.418 0.440 0.439 1.05 1.05
0.008 0.0111 3.356 0.75 0.408 0.440 0.436 1.08 1.07
0.009 0.01 3.633 0.73 0.398 0.436 0.432 1.10 1.09
0.0026 0.05 1.343 0.9 0.447 0.123 0.290 0.27 0.65
0.003 0.0430 1.540 0.9 0.451 0.180 0.335 0.40 0.74
0.0035 0.0366 1.780 0.9 0.452 0.249 0.372 0.55 0.82
0.004 0.0318 2.015 0.9 0.454 0.308 0.397 0.68 0.88
0.005 0.0252 2.467 0.9 0.453 0.386 0.427 0.85 0.94
0.006 0.0209 2.894 0.8 0.450 0.426 0.443 0.95 0.98
0.007 0.0178 3.296 0.8 0.446 0.446 0.451 1.00 1.01
0.008 0.0155 3.672 0.8 0.440 0.456 0.455 1.04 1.03
0.009 0.0138 4.025 0.8 0.434 0.460 0.457 1.06 1.05
0.01 0.0124 4.354 0.8 0.427 0.460 0.456 1.08 1.07
0.011 0.0113 4.661 0.8 0.420 0.459 0.455 1.09 1.08
0.012 0.01 4.949 0.7 0.413 0.456 0.452 1.11 1.09

Figure 6-18: Immediate deflection prediction using M-ϕ analysis and Ie
method for beams reinforced with A615 grade 100 rebar

Figure 6-19: Immediate deflection prediction using M-ϕ analysis and Ie
method for beams reinforced with A1035 grade 100 rebar

Figure 6-20: Immediate deflection prediction using M-ϕ analysis and Ie
method for beams reinforced with A1035 grade 120 rebar

It is clear that from comparing the results of deflections from the moment-curvature

analysis with the use of elastic method and effective moment of inertia that the elastic

method resulted in either an underestimation for the deflection for very low

reinforcement ratios or an overestimation for reinforcement ratios close to 𝜌 of each

HSR examined here. However, the use of Bischoff’s equation to calculate Ie gives better

results than Branson’s equation.

The elastic method is giving very low amount of deflections with very low reinforcement

ratios because the Mcr/Ma ratio is increasing when the reinforcement ratio is decreasing

that leads to a high Ie and as a result to a low deflection. The relationship between ρ and

Mcr/Ma ratio is shown in Figure 6-17.

In this investigation, a modification factor, K, based on a regression analysis for

deflections using Bischoff’s equation is suggested to be applied to Bischoff’s effective

moment of inertia to improve the prediction of deflections for beams reinforced with


The relationships between the immediate deflection calculated using M-ϕ analysis and Ie

of Bischoff method for different reinforcement ratios for beams with HSR and concrete

strengths from 4000 psi to 12000 psi are shown in Figure 6-22 along with the best fit

curves for each HSR type. However, the modification factor resulting from the

Polynomial regression analysis using the least squares method led to a cumbersome

equation, shown on the graphs. Therefore, it seemed reasonable to use a simpler

Ramberg–Osgood equation to determine the modification factor (K) to adjust the

effective moment of inertia as following:


𝐼 =𝐾×𝐼 (i.e. ∆ = )


𝐾 = 𝐴+ 𝐷 × 𝜌, 𝜌 = reinforcement ratio
( × )

Where the value of the coefficients A, B, C, and D for each reinforcement type were

determined as follows:

A615-100 A1035-100 A1035-120

A 0.009 0.03 0.035

B 300 320 330
C 3 3 4
D 360 310 330

Figure 6-21 shows that the Polynomial regression analysis and K-factor modification

equation give virtually the same results.

The comparison of the modified immediate deflections calculated using the modified

Bischoff effective moment of inertia are given in Table 6-18 through Table 6-20. The

results of modified deflections showed a very good agreement with the deflections

resulted from the moment-curvature analysis with the average of ( Δi Bischoff modified/Δi M-ϕ analysis)

equal to 0.99. Thus, the use of the modification factor with Bischoff’s expression of the

effective moment of inertia will give a better prediction for the immediate deflections of

the beams reinforced with HSR.

Figure 6-22: Relationship between immediate deflection calculated using M-ϕ
analysis and Ie of Bischoff method for beams reinforced with HSR

Table 6-18: Modified immediate deflections calculated using the suggested modified
Bischoff effective moment of inertia for beams reinforced with A615 grade 100
f'c (ksi) ρ Δi M-ϕ analysis K Δi Bischoff modified Δi Bischoff modified/Δi M-ϕ analysis

0.0012 0.294 0.061 0.43 0.142 0.48

0.0015 0.286 0.151 0.52 0.288 1.01
0.0017 0.281 0.184 0.59 0.314 1.12
0.002 0.273 0.215 0.67 0.319 1.17
0.0025 0.262 0.241 0.80 0.301 1.15
4 0.003 0.253 0.254 0.90 0.281 1.11
0.004 0.241 0.262 1.03 0.253 1.05
0.005 0.237 0.270 1.11 0.244 1.03
0.006 0.243 0.285 1.15 0.248 1.02
0.008 0.253 0.302 1.19 0.255 1.01
0.01 0.261 0.313 1.21 0.259 0.99
0.0022 0.308 0.198 0.73 0.272 0.88
0.003 0.292 0.261 0.90 0.289 0.99
0.004 0.279 0.285 1.03 0.276 0.99
0.005 0.268 0.293 1.11 0.264 0.99
0.006 0.260 0.294 1.15 0.256 0.99
8 0.008 0.248 0.292 1.19 0.246 0.99
0.01 0.252 0.304 1.21 0.252 1.00
0.012 0.259 0.317 1.22 0.259 1.00
0.014 0.264 0.326 1.23 0.265 1.00
0.016 0.270 0.334 1.24 0.270 1.00
0.0181 0.275 0.341 1.25 0.273 1.00
0.003 0.310 0.242 0.90 0.269 0.87
0.004 0.301 0.289 1.03 0.279 0.93
0.005 0.291 0.305 1.11 0.275 0.95
0.006 0.282 0.310 1.15 0.271 0.96
0.007 0.275 0.312 1.17 0.266 0.97
12 0.008 0.269 0.311 1.19 0.262 0.98
0.009 0.264 0.310 1.20 0.259 0.98
0.01 0.259 0.309 1.21 0.256 0.99
0.019 0.273 0.339 1.25 0.271 1.00
0.021 0.277 0.345 1.26 0.275 0.99
0.0255 0.286 0.358 1.27 0.281 0.99

Table 6-19: Modified immediate deflections calculated using the suggested modified
Bischoff effective moment of inertia for beams reinforced with A1035 grade 100
Δi M-ϕ
f'c (ksi) ρ Δi Bischoff K Δi Bischoff modified Δi Bischoff modified/Δi M-ϕ analysis
0.00103 0.480 0.075 0.32 0.239 0.50
0.00125 0.478 0.188 0.38 0.495 1.04
0.0015 0.473 0.261 0.45 0.581 1.23
0.002 0.463 0.333 0.58 0.579 1.25
0.0025 0.451 0.364 0.68 0.536 1.19
0.003 0.437 0.377 0.76 0.498 1.14
0.004 0.413 0.384 0.86 0.445 1.08
0.005 0.390 0.380 0.92 0.413 1.06
0.006 0.370 0.371 0.95 0.389 1.05
0.0067 0.357 0.365 0.97 0.375 1.05
0.00187 0.490 0.228 0.54 0.419 0.86
0.0025 0.486 0.325 0.68 0.479 0.99
0.003 0.481 0.363 0.76 0.478 1.00
0.004 0.469 0.399 0.86 0.463 0.99
0.005 0.455 0.413 0.92 0.449 0.99
0.006 0.441 0.418 0.95 0.437 0.99
0.007 0.428 0.417 0.98 0.427 1.00
0.008 0.415 0.415 1.00 0.416 1.00
0.009 0.403 0.411 1.01 0.406 1.01
0.0123 0.368 0.394 1.05 0.375 1.02
0.00262 0.498 0.287 0.70 0.410 0.82
0.003 0.496 0.328 0.76 0.432 0.87
0.004 0.490 0.386 0.86 0.447 0.91
0.005 0.483 0.412 0.92 0.448 0.93
0.006 0.474 0.426 0.95 0.446 0.94
0.007 0.465 0.432 0.98 0.442 0.95
12 0.008 0.455 0.435 1.00 0.437 0.96
0.009 0.446 0.436 1.01 0.431 0.97
0.01 0.436 0.434 1.02 0.425 0.97
0.012 0.419 0.430 1.05 0.411 0.98
0.014 0.402 0.423 1.07 0.397 0.99
0.016 0.388 0.416 1.09 0.383 0.99
0.01728 0.379 0.411 1.10 0.374 0.99

Table 6-20: Modified immediate deflections calculated using the suggested modified
Bischoff effective moment of inertia for beams reinforced with A1035 grade 120
Δi M-ϕ Δi
f'c (ksi) Ρ K Δi Bischoff modified Δi Bischoff modified/Δi M-ϕ analysis
analysis Bischoff

0.00102 0.431 0.075 0.34 0.225 0.52

0.00125 0.433 0.198 0.41 0.483 1.12
0.0015 0.435 0.273 0.49 0.560 1.29
0.002 0.434 0.349 0.63 0.551 1.27
0.0025 0.429 0.382 0.75 0.507 1.18
0.003 0.421 0.397 0.84 0.472 1.12
0.004 0.404 0.405 0.94 0.429 1.06
0.0049 0.387 0.401 0.99 0.405 1.05
0.00188 0.442 0.237 0.60 0.394 0.89
0.002 0.443 0.263 0.63 0.415 0.94
0.0025 0.445 0.335 0.75 0.445 1.00
0.003 0.445 0.375 0.84 0.446 1.00
0.004 0.442 0.415 0.94 0.439 0.99
0.005 0.436 0.432 0.99 0.435 1.00
0.006 0.428 0.438 1.02 0.430 1.00
0.007 0.418 0.439 1.04 0.423 1.01
0.008 0.408 0.436 1.05 0.415 1.02
0.009 0.398 0.432 1.07 0.405 1.02
0.0026 0.447 0.290 0.77 0.375 0.84
0.003 0.451 0.335 0.84 0.398 0.88
0.0035 0.452 0.372 0.90 0.412 0.91
0.004 0.454 0.397 0.94 0.420 0.93
0.005 0.453 0.427 0.99 0.430 0.95
0.006 0.450 0.443 1.02 0.434 0.97
0.007 0.446 0.451 1.04 0.435 0.98
0.008 0.440 0.455 1.05 0.433 0.98
0.009 0.434 0.457 1.07 0.429 0.99
0.01 0.427 0.456 1.08 0.423 0.99
0.011 0.420 0.455 1.09 0.417 0.99
0.012 0.413 0.452 1.10 0.410 0.99

7. Chapter Seven: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations for Future

7.1 Summary and Conclusions

Based on the results of the analytical and experimental studies of this research, the

following observations and conclusions are made:

7.1.1 Strength and Ductility

1. For beams designed with HSR tension-controlled, minimum strain, and

compression-controlled strain limits of the current ACI 318 code need to be

modified so that these limits would provide ductility comparable to the members

reinforced with Grade 60 steel. Curvature ductility and energy absorption,

represented by the area under the load-deflection, were considered for

comparisons of ductility. Curvature ductility index resulted in higher strain limits,

which should lead to a higher ductility in the members. Therefore, the obtained

strain limits based on curvature ductility (summarized in Table 6-2) are

recommended for design with HSR.

2. Following the current approach of ACI 318 code for determining the strength

reduction factor ϕ, strength reduction factors for the investigated HSR are created

based on comparable strain limits, as shown in Figure 6-8.

3. Different stress-strain shapes of the reinforced steels can lead to a different

calibration for the strain limits needed for the design of flexural members.

Therefore, a typical representative stress-strain relationship should be specified

for each HSR for design purposes.

4. Because HSR type A615 Grade 100 has a distinct yield point and yield plateau, a

simplified elastic-plastic stress-strain comparable to Grade 60 steel is

recommended for design with fy = 100 ksi.

5. For HSR type A1035 Grades 100 & 120 that have a roundhouse stress-strain

relationship, the use of elastic-plastic stress-strain underestimates the moment

capacity and inaccurately predicts the ductility. For design purposes, using the

representative stress-strain relationships are recommended, in conjunction with

limiting the stress to about 0.90 of the ultimate stress.

6. For all the tested beams made with HSC and HSR, the maximum recorded strain

in the tension reinforcement (εs) satisfied and exceeded the target minimum strain

(εs min) for flexural members with HSR determined from the parametric study,

which attests to ductile behavior. Moreover, near ultimate loads, all beams

showed good crack distribution, visible crack openings and curvature. These are

considered visual signs that attest to ductile behavior.

7. The analytical study and the experimental verification showed that HSRs studied

in this investigation (A615-100, A1035-100, and A1035-120) are more efficient

when coupled with the use of HSC. For each reinforcement type, for the same

beam section and design moment capacity, the ductility of beams increased as the

concrete strength increased up to the studied strength of 12000 psi (as shown in

Table 4-3 and Table 5-5).

8. Beams reinforced with HSR A615 Grade 100 were more comparable in ductility

and serviceability to beams made with Grade 60 steel, than beams reinforced with

HSR A1035. However, in terms of cost saving, beams reinforced with HSR type

A1035 required less steel to achieve the same design strength.

7.1.2 Minimum Reinforcement Ratio

The minimum reinforcement ratio (ρmin) for the use of HSR was studied in this

research for the goal of providing a minimum amount of steel with a reasonable

margin of safety between first cracking and flexural failure (∅𝑀 /𝑀 ). The

current ACI 318 equation was compared with the results of the approach

suggested by the ATC-115, 2014 report (∅𝑀 = 1.2𝑀 ). ACI 318 equation for

ρmin resulted in higher amount of steel. However, ∅𝑀 = 1.2𝑀 approach

resulted in higher strains in the reinforcement that may not be achievable by the

properties of HSR. It is recommended to extend the use of ACI 318 equation to

beams with HSR.

7.1.3 Cracking Behavior

1. Based on the results of flexural tests (Table 5-6), crack widths at service load

levels were predictable using the current ACI 318 provisions and were found to

be within presently acceptable limits.

2. Crack widths could be estimated accurately using Frosch’s equation. This

suggests that the current ACI 318 code approach for controlling crack width can

be extended to beams with HSR.

7.1.4 Deflection Under Service Load

1. A fundamental advantage in using HSR is that the amount of steel required for

design is reduced considerably. However, this reduction results in higher stresses,

and consequently higher strains in tension reinforcement at the service load level,

as compared to conventional steel. Larger strains adversely affect deflection and

crack width. Therefore, serviceability requirements are more likely to be the

controlling limit states for design with HSR.

2. Moreover, a significant discrepancy between the actual deflection and the

deflection predicted using the elastic method was observed when the stress in

HSR exceeds the proportional limit, as shown in Table 5-7 for beams reinforced

with HSR type A1035. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the stress for HSR in

design to about 0.90 of the ultimate stress so that the service-level stresses will be

within the elastic part.

3. Based on the analytical results for the prediction of the immediate deflection at

service load level, use of Bischoff’s equation to calculate Ie showed better

predictions with very low reinforcement ratios than Branson’s equation.

Bischoff’s equation is recommended for deflection calculations with use of HSR.

Additionally, the proposed modification factor K discussed in section 6.7 can be

applied to Bischoff’s Ie for better results.

4. From the long-term deflection test results, it was observed that the current ACI

318 multiplier, λ, over predicted the long-term deflection for the tested beam

made with HSC and HSR, as high-strength concrete has a lower creep factor. The

modified multiplier proposed by Muhaisin (2012), which takes into account the

concrete strength showed the closest prediction, hence is a likely potential for use

with beams made with HSC and HSR.

7.2 Recommendations for Future Research (Keep the sentence structure parallel)

1. Test more beams made with HSC and HSR to provide additional data to fully

validate and expand the findings of the current study.

2. Expand the current study to include beams made with concrete strength beyond

14000 psi to investigate ductility and serviceability of the beams with HSR.

3. Examine experimentally and theoretically the flexural behavior of beams made

with HSC and HSR under cyclic loading.

4. Expand the experimental long-term deflection study for beams made with HSR

(A615 Grade 100 and A1035 Grades 100 & 120) with different concrete strengths

and reinforcement ratios.

5. Explore the application of coupling HSC and HSR to other related topics, e.g.

shear strength of beams and axial capacity of columns.


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Appendix A: MATLAB Coding to Predict Load-Deflection Behavior

% Moment-Curvature & Load-Deflection Analyses for Rectangular Concrete

% Reinforced with A1035 Grade 100 Steel and Loaded with * _uniformly
distributed Load_ *
clear all; clc;
Input Data
%section input
h=10; % in
b=6; % in
d=0.9*h; % in
L=8; % ft
%a=1/3; % a*L is the distance of P/2 from support

% concrete input
fcc=12; % ksi
fr=7.5*sqrt(fcc*1000); % psi
Ec=57000*sqrt(fcc*1000); % psi
7; % psi

% MMFX steel input

Rho = 0.01728;
As=Rho*(b*d); % sq inches
Es=29000; % ksi
fy=100; % ksi
AA=0.001; % Ramberg-Osgood Parameter A
BB=165; % Ramberg-Osgood Parameter B
CC=1.5; % Ramberg-Osgood Parameter C

%% Moment-Curvature Analysis
for ec=0:0.0001:ecu
% Uncracked Section Analysis
nn = Es*1000/Ec;
ybar =((b*h^2/2)+(nn-1)*(As*d))/((b*h)+(nn-1)*(As));
I =(b*h^3/12)+(b*h*(ybar-h/2)^2)+((nn-1)*As*(d-ybar)^2);
et =(h-ybar)*ec/ybar;
es =(d-ybar)*ec/ybar;
fs = 29000*es*(AA+(1-AA)/(1+(BB*es)^CC)^(1/CC));
ft=Ec*et; % psi
if ft <= fr
phi(i)= ec/ybar;

% Cracked Section Analysis

syms x ecz; %define the compression depth as a variable

%concrete force

%Determine Compression Zone Depth (es1<=esu && es<=esu)

1))^CC)^(1/CC)))*As)==0; %(Compression - Tension = 0)
c = vpasolve(eqn,x,1);


%check the strain in steel

es = ec*((d/c)-1);
if es<=esu
if es <= ey
phi_yield = phi(i);
M_yield = M(i);
ees(i) = es;
fss(i) = fs;
% Moment VS Curvature

R= [phi',M'];
MM = R(end,2)*12000/(b*d^2); % psi
x= R(:,1);
subplot (2,1,1)
plot (x,y);
xlabel ('Curvature, rad/in', 'fontsize', 15);
ylabel ('Moment, k.ft', 'fontsize', 15);
set (gca, 'fontsize', 15);
title ('Moment-Curvature', 'fontsize', 15);
%% Section Ductility
for i=2:length(x);
Curvature_Ductility=sum(A_M_phi); % k.ft
Section_Ductility = phi(i)/phi_yield;

Load-Deflection Analysis

%P_yield = 2*M_yield/(a*L);
w_yield = 8*M_yield/(L^2);
Curvature = R(:,1)';
w = 8*R(:,2)/(L^2);
for i=2:length(Curvature);
for n=1:i;
for j=2:i;
%R2=[D',P]; % Deflection VS Load
R2=[D',w]; % Deflection VS Load
DD = R2(end,1)/(L*12); % Defl/Span ratio
x1= R2(:,1);
y1= R2(:,2);
%index = find(y1==P_yield);
index = find(y1==w_yield);
D_yield = x1(index);
plot (x1,y1);
xlabel ('Deflection, in', 'fontsize', 15);
ylabel ('Load, kip/ft', 'fontsize', 15);
set (gca, 'fontsize', 15);
title ('Load-Deflection', 'fontsize', 15);
%% Member Ductility
for i=2:length(x1);
Deflection_Ductility=sum(A_P_D)/12; % k.ft
Member_Ductility = D(i)/D_yield;

Deflection at service load
x2 = R2(:,1); % Deflection vector
y2 = R2(:,2); % Load vector
x3 = fss; % stress in tension steel vector

w_s = 0.6*w(end); % total service load (assuming DL = LL/3)

wd_s = 0.25*w_s; % service dead load (assuming DL = LL/3)
wL_s = 0.75*w_s; % service live load (assuming DL = LL/3)
wL_sus = 0.3*wL_s; % sustained portion of LL (assuming LL sus = 30% of
wL_add = wL_s - wL_sus; % additional LL
fs_s = interp1(y2, x3, w_s); % strain in tension steel at service load

Def_w_s = interp1(y2, x2, w_s); % immediate deflection due to DL+LL

Def_wd_s = interp1 (y2, x2, wd_s); % immediate deflection due to DL
Def_wL_s = Def_w_s - Def_wd_s; % immediate deflection due to LL
Def_w_sus = interp1 (y2, x2, wd_s+wL_sus); % immediate deflection due
to sustained load
Def_wL_sus = Def_w_sus - Def_wd_s; % immediate deflection due to
sustained LL
Def_wL_add = Def_wL_s - Def_wL_sus; % immediate deflection due to
additional LL
Def_LT = Def_wL_add + 2*(Def_w_sus); % Long-term deflection (assuming
DL+ 30% LL is sustained)

ACI Rho balance, Rho min, Rho max
if fcc <= 4;
Beta1 = 0.85;
Beta1 = max(0.85-0.05*(fcc-4),0.65);
Rho_min = max(3*(fcc*1000)^0.5/(fy*1000),200/(fy*1000));
Rho_balance = (0.85*Beta1*fcc/fy)*(87000/(87000+fy*1000));
Rho_max = 0.75*Rho_balance;

% ACI-318 Immediate deflection

ycr = ((-nn*As)+ sqrt((nn*As)^2+2*nn*As*b*d))/b; % in

Icr = (b*ycr^3/3)+nn*As*(d-ycr)^2; % in^4 (cracked section)
Ig = b*h^3/12; % in^4
Mcr = (2*fr*Ig/h)/12000; % k.ft
Ma = 0.6*R(end,2); % k.ft (Moment at service load level = 0.6 Mn
assuming DL = LL/3)
wa = 8*Ma/(L^2); % k/ft

if Mcr > Ma;

Ie1 = Ig;
Ie2 = Ig;
Ie1 = Icr+(Ig-Icr)*(Mcr/Ma)^3; % I effective using Branson's Eq.
Ie2 = Icr/(1-(1-Icr/Ig)*(Mcr/Ma)^2); % I effective using Bischoff's Eq.
% Def1 = Ma*12*(3*(L*12)^2-4*(a*L*12)^2)/(24*Ec*Ie1/1000); % in
Immediate deflection estimation using Ie1 (two-point load)
% Def2 = Ma*12*(3*(L*12)^2-4*(a*L*12)^2)/(24*Ec*Ie2/1000); % in
Immediate deflection estimation using Ie2 (two-point load)

Def1 = 5*(wa*1000/12)*(L*12)^4/(384*Ec*Ie1); % in Immediate
deflection estimation using Ie1 (distributed load)
Def2 = 5*(wa*1000/12)*(L*12)^4/(384*Ec*Ie2); % in Immediate
deflection estimation using Ie1 (distributed load)

Results(2,2)=Section_Ductility; % Phi_u/Phi_y
Results(3,2)=Member_Ductility; % Def_u/Def_y
Results(4,2)=Curvature_Ductility; % area under moment curvature
Results(5,2)=Deflection_Ductility; % area under load deflection
Results(6,2)=es; % strain in tension steel at failure
Results(7,2)=MM; % Mn/bd^2
Results(8,2)=DD; % Defl/Span ratio
Results(9:39,1:2)=R; % Moment-curvature
Results(41:71,1:2)=R2; % Load-deflection

Results2(1,3)=es; % strain in tension steel at failure
Results2(1,4)=w_s; % Total service load
Results2(1,5)=fs_s; % stress in tension steel at service load level
Results2(1,6)=Def_w_s; % Immediate deflection due to DL+LL
Results2(1,7)=Def1; % Immediate deflection estimation using Ie1
(Branson's Eq.)
Results2(1,8)=Def2; % Immediate deflection estimation using Ie2
(Bischoff's Eq.)
Results2(1,9)=Def_wL_s; % Immediate deflection due to LL
Results2(1,10)=L*12/180; % ACI 318 deflection limit (L/180)
Results2(1,11)=L*12/360; % ACI 318 deflection limit (L/360)
Results2(1,12)=Def_LT; % Long-term deflection (assuming DL+ 30% LL is
Results2(1,13)=L*12/240; % ACI 318 deflection limit (L/240)
Results2(1,14)=L*12/480; % ACI 318 deflection limit (L/480)

Results3(1,5)=Def_w_s; % Immediate deflection due to DL+LL
Results3(1,6)=Def1; % Immediate deflection estimation using Ie1
(Branson's Eq.)
Results3(1,7)=Def2; % Immediate deflection estimation using Ie2
(Bischoff's Eq.)

Appendix B: Design Charts for Beams Reinforced with HSR and Based on
Materials Typical Stress-Strain Behavior

Appendix C: Service Load Level Evaluation

Service load level was evaluated as a ratio of the LRFD load level, i.e, w u / φ. This ratio

is denoted by (ws/wn). In order to determine the ratio of ws/wn, the ratio of live load to

dead load (L/D) was varied from 0.5 to 4.0. The following equation was applied to

determine ws/wn:

= = Service Load Level/(1/φ) LRFD Load Level

[ . . ]

Where: k = L/D and φ = 0.9

The two extreme L/D ratios of 0.5 and 4.0 can be described as an example of 8 in. thick

flat plate (self-weight = 100 psf) supporting a live load of 50 psf and 400 psf respectively.

These combinations are very unlikely to occur in real practice. Ratio of L/D from 1.5 to

2.5 seem to have a higher probability of occurrence in practice, which lead to w s/wn

between 0.63 to 0.61 respectively, as shown in the figure below.

In this research, for simplicity, the service load level was assumed to be 60% of the

nominal LRFD level load.


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