Movie Analysis of Hacksaw Ridge
Movie Analysis of Hacksaw Ridge
Movie Analysis of Hacksaw Ridge
What are the life lessons you can get from the movie? How can you relate it in a
present society. And if you're going to end it in your own how would you end it?
The movie mostly tackled about bravery, leadership and courage and how
Desmond Doss stood up for his beliefs despite people bringing him down for it.
He does not believe in taking another person’s life, he enlists in the army as he wants to
serve his country and to save lives as a medic. He calls himself a “conscientious
cooperator” rather than conscientious objector, though this position initially leads to
conflict with the army and hardship at the hands of his fellow soldiers. He refuses to pick
up a rifle because of his beliefs but that certainly didn't stop him from serving and helping
in a way he can.
Everyone doubted him at first, called him a coward and told him to quit. But his courage
and bravery made him a strong person to face all the problems and get through all of
them. He insisted on staying and fighting in the war. He might not carry any weapons
around him, he still managed to find a way to help save the other injured soldiers with
him. He never hesitated to save anyone's lives.
And leadership and courage by Desmond proving his worth to erase the labels of
cowardice among his peers and superiors. Even if he rescued one man and not dozens,
his measures of bravery, courage, and valor soar off the charts. Like the man next to
him armed with a rifle, Desmond, without one, was willing to risk or give his life for
his fellow soldier at an equal or greater level. Hacksaw Ridge is a story of courage in
battle but it’s also one of faith, integrity and the courage to live by one’s convictions.
I could relate the lessons I got from the movie in real life because the world itself
is a wide and dangerous place. People will contradict your beliefs and opinions,
take away your freedom, belittle you and discriminate you. In our society today,
people have different perspectives on a particular situation or issue and not all
people may agree on you. People tend to bash you for having a different opinion
because they want you to belive in what they believe in. But in Hacksaw Ridge,
Doss didn't let the people around him stop himself from doing what he wants and
still holding onto the values his parents taught him and what he believes in. This
humanity gives him an integrity that allows him to break out of what could be a very
underwritten role to show us what a good man and a good character can be.
If I was the one to end the societies problems, I would end it in a way I could impact the
people and be able to let them know the importance of courage, standing up for what you
believe in, having courage and bravery along the way. I will teach people and encourage
them to respect other people's opinions and perspectives and learn to have integrity
whatever the price may be.