EMI Buggy Cal 5
EMI Buggy Cal 5
EMI Buggy Cal 5
1.0 This procedure details the calibration of the Wilson buggy unit.This unit is used to detect
transverse discontinuities in ferromagnetic tubular goods.
2.0 Calibration runs should be made at the beginning of each job, every time the conrol
console is turned on , after meal breaks , after any repair work has been carried out on
the unit and after every 50 joints.
3.0 The calibration standard shall consist of a section of tubular good at least 6 feet long. A
series of eight 1/16” diameter thru wall holes shall be drilled into the tube in a spiral
pattern starting two feet from the end . Holes should be approximately 3 “ and 45
Degree’s apart. A transverse notch should encircle the standard approximately 6”
beyond the last hole. The depth of the notch should be 5%+-0.002” of the nominal wall
thickness for high strength tubes and 10%+-0.002” of nominal wall thickness for grade E
tubes. The standard should be the same size , weight and grade as the pipe being
4.0 Buggy speed during calibration and actual inspection runs must be the same and at
least 1 foot per second .All calibration and inspection runs must be in the forward
direction. Coil polarity must be maintained.
5.3 Turn console power on. Adjust ocil amperage to 3.5 amps.
5.4 Run inspection head in the forward direction over calibration holes and adjust
strip chart response to 15mm kick. Use individual gain response to set uniform
response from all 8 shoes. Repeat as required using only forward runs for
5.5 Reduce current in the coil until the 15mm kick becomes 5mm. Adjust red alarm
light to trigger on the 5mm kick.
5.6 Run inspection head in the forward direction over the calibration holes and adjust
the coil current to obtain a 15mm kick . Coil amperage should not exceed 4.5
amps. All shoes should give the same response to the 1/16” diameter calibration
holes.{ within 30% +- of each individual shoe response}.
5.7 Note response to transverse notch on calibration standard. If the kick is not
equal to or greater than 5mm , adjust the gain controls to achive uniform
minimum 5mm kick from all shoes . If gain adjustments are made, return the
inspection head over the calibration holes and note maximum chart response.
Adjust gain controls on other channels so that all shoes give the reference
response to the calibration holes.
6.0 During inspection runs monitor coil amperage to verify there is no fluctuation greater
than +-1/4 amp.
7.0 If recalibration runs produce the reference kicks on all shoes , no adjustments are
necessary. If response is less than the reference response on any shoe, adjustments
must be made and any pipe inspected after the last acceptable calibration run ,
reinspected.If response is greater than the reference response , adjustemnts should be
made but pipe inspected since the last acceptable calibration run do not need to be
8.0 All calibration runs should be denoted as such on the strip chart recording and signed by
the console operator.
9.0 All digital or clock face readout gauges shall be calibrated once a year.
10.0 All charts completed after a job shall be marked with customers name, date of
inspection, name of inspector, amount of pipe inspected, specification , grade , wall
thickness , OD, connection { if present} and stored for a least 3 years.