Anchor Bolt
Anchor Bolt
Anchor Bolt
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Keywords: In nuclear power plants, equipment is usually anchored in concrete. Earthquake verifications consist not only in
Cast-in-place checking the structure as a whole, but also in maintaining equipment at the anchorages. This study analyzes the
Headed anchors shear behavior of cast-in-place headed anchors in reinforced concrete structures for nuclear power plant
Shear applications. A series of 16 tests of anchors fastened in large-scale reinforced concrete blocks
(2250 m × 1850 m × 600 mm) was performed. The experimental program was conducted with quadruple fas-
Reinforced concrete
tenings (250 × 250 × 25 mm). The anchors were fastened in reinforced concrete blocks (C40/50 concrete
grade) by four-headed anchor rods made up of steel smooth bars (S235). The tests were performed by applying a
shear force on the anchor plate until failure, occurring in the anchor rods or the reinforced concrete block.
Experimental tests were conducted to quantify the shear strength of the anchor and the associated failure modes.
We addressed the influence of several variables, such as cracks in the concrete, edge effect, effective embedment
depth, and the influence of cyclic shear loading, which has rarely been addressed in the literature. Then the
experiments were used to evaluate the pertinence of the numerical model for simulating the cast-in-place headed
anchors under shear. The experimental database provided can be completed and improved by other researchers
so as to assess and extend the design models.
1. Introduction place anchorages, which are installed in structures before casting, and
post-installed anchorages, which are placed in hardened concrete [7,8].
Modern fastening technologies have become increasingly important In EDF (Electricité de France) nuclear power plants, cast-in-place an-
in the field of civil and structural engineering. Anchorage in concrete chorages with headed rods are usually used in the connections and are
constructions is used in many structures and has been extensively stu- among the anchor types investigated in this study. Nuclear power plant
died in Klingner et al. [1], Klingner and Mendonca [2], Fuchs et al. [3], equipment is usually anchored in concrete. Earthquake verification
Klingner [4], Eligehausen et al. [5] and FIB Bulletin 58 [6]. Concrete consists not only in checking the structure as a whole, but also in
anchors and headed studs are needed to connect structural steel maintaining equipment at the anchorages. Following the 2011 Fu-
members and the concrete member. Concrete anchor connections are a kushima accident, the accidental design loads were reassessed. The real
critical component of load transfer between steel and concrete members capacity of the anchors under static and dynamic loading must be
affecting structural performance. Failures of anchored connections can known in order to optimize the design and identify safety margins, as
occur under tension, shear, or combined tension-shear loading. The should the real behavior of the anchorages in different configurations in
anchorage systems' load-transfer mechanisms are typically identified as order to validate numerical models. Different observations of damage in
mechanical interlock, friction or bond, and the tensile and shear ca- previous earthquakes had already raised concerns about the seismic
pacities of these fastening systems are based on various geometrical and performance of the anchor connections. We can mention among others
material factors such as concrete strength, steel strength, number of the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan, causing the Osaka Gas Company
anchor rods, effective embedment depth of the rods, rod diameter, and to lose seven transformers, which collapsed due to anchorage failure
influence of an edge effect. A detailed discussion can be found in Eli- [9]; then the earthquake of Northridge, California, in 1994, caused the
gehausen et al. [5]. loss of power from three buildings of a veterans hospital in Los Angeles
In construction practice, there are two types of fastenings: cast-in- due to a damaged transformer caused by an unexpected failure of the
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T.T. Bui), [email protected] (A. Limam), [email protected] (W.S.A. Nana).
Received 1 February 2018; Received in revised form 19 March 2018; Accepted 19 March 2018
Available online 21 March 2018
2352-0124/ © 2018 Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
anchorage [10,11]. Note that the use of the anchors is only optimal V
when the design considers not only the load direction as tension, shear,
Concrete Steel
or a combination of tension and shear, but also the failure modes [5]. fracture
In the present study, a quasi-static and dynamic (rather cyclic so-
licitation) test campaign is proposed to study the different parameters
of these anchor plates under shear loading. The first experimental
a) b)
campaign of this research concerning cast-in-place headed anchors
under tension load was reported recently in Delhomme et al. [12]. As Fig. 2. a) Concrete pry-out failure modes for shear loading; b) steel failure mode for shear
mentioned, in practice the anchors can be subjected to both tensile loading.
forces and shear; furthermore, in some cases, shear may be the main
action [13]. This study presents the second part of the experimental
campaign of cast-in-place headed anchors but under shear loading.
characterized on unit elements inserted into an unreinforced or weakly
The shear strength of an anchor or an anchor group (anchors) is
reinforced concrete support. The increase in the size and number of
dependent on their failure mode. Possible failure modes associated with
rods on a platen causes operational problems making it difficult to
anchors subjected to shear loading are concrete edge failure [14],
perform tests, related to the increase of resistance capabilities requiring
concrete pry-out failure [15,16] and steel failure mode. A summary of
a larger test bench and heavily reinforced concrete supports so as not to
shear-transfer actions of anchorage in concrete construction can be
damage the concrete support itself. All these reasons explain why nu-
found in Eligehausen et al. [5]. Firstly, anchors loaded in shear toward
merical analysis can be an alternative to experimentally testing an-
a proximate free edge may fail because of the development of a semi-
chors, providing reasonably accurate results at a lower cost and in less
conical fracture surface in the concrete originating at the point of
time. Moreover, more anchor configurations can be evaluated in the
bearing and radiating to the free surface (Fig. 1-b1). This kind of failure
numerical analysis.
is known as concrete edge failure. It is the same for groups of anchors
In the present study, the experiments were also used to evaluate the
loaded in shear and proximate to an edge, which may develop a
pertinence of a numerical model for simulating the cast-in-place headed
common conical fracture surface (Fig. 1-b2), and the development of
anchors' behavior under the shear loading. Note that the numerical
the fracture surface can be interrupted by the presence of a corner
analyses were also applied to anchors under tension loading based on
(Fig. 1-b3) or by the limited depth of the member (Fig. 1-b4).
the previous research data reported in Delhomme et al. [12]. However,
Secondly, anchors and shear studs have limited embedment and
the complexity of the nonlinear finite element model in our study is
when loaded in shear can exhibit sufficient rotation to produce a pry-
primarily due to the fact that the numerical model must be able to
out fracture whereby the primary fracture surface develops “behind”
mimic all surface interactions between the anchor plate, the steel an-
the point of load application (Fig. 2a).
chor rods, and the concrete support material. In addition, the concrete
Finally, steel failure is a failure mode in which the steel rods in
material, i.e., the anchor plates' support material, whose behavior in-
anchor groups are in rupture (Fig. 2b). Anchors loaded in shear gen-
fluences the capacity of the anchors, is a very complex material. There
erally exhibit steel failure when the edge distance and the embedment
are many nonlinear concrete models based on different theories
depth are sufficiently large.
[21–25] and the results of numerical simulation strongly depend on the
Most studies reported in the literature concentrated on a single-
choice of the material model. Moreover, numerical analyses carried out
headed anchor more than on anchor groups [17]. For cast-in-place
to date to study the behavior of anchoring systems under tension or
fastenings, the experimental studies are usually conducted within a
shear loadings are relatively rare in the literature.
short embedment depth. In this study, the anchors are in groups con-
In this study, the concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) model in the
nected with four rods and fastened at a deep embedment depth. The
Abaqus finite element software was used. This concrete model was used
influence of the short rods on the anchor behavior was also addressed.
in Segle [19] to successfully simulate the effect of reinforcement on the
Then edge distance effects, the initial crack in concrete and cyclic
concrete breakout capacity of cast-in-headed bolts in concrete struc-
loading are carefully gauged. In particular, in this study, the concrete
tures based on the tests performed by Eligehausen et al. [26], Gross
slabs were heavily reinforced and are the same as the structures used in
et al. [27] and Nilforoush et al. [28]. Both single anchors and anchor
EDF nuclear power plants.
groups are studied for tension and shear loads. However, in their study,
The anchorage justification approach proposed in building codes
the steel failure mode was not investigated. Numerical analyses were
and design standards is directly inherited from the justification prin-
also performed by Nilforoush et al. [28] where the model was cali-
ciples gradually put in place over the past 3 decades through an ex-
brated against the test results of Nilsson et al. [29] for verification. The
perimental approach. This is based on an empirical representation of
study investigated how the member thickness, size of the anchor head
the behavior of the anchorage describing all the possible failure modes.
and surface reinforcement had an impact on the anchorage capacity for
Each failure mode associated with anchoring technology was tested and
single anchors under tension load. More recently Tsavdaridis et al. [30]
used to calibrate the empirical laws proposed in the design codes and
also used the CDP model to simulate single-headed anchors under
guide. However, the proposed analytical formulations may be in-
tension, leading to the derivation of a simple equation that describes
appropriate and this follows from their development for idealized and
the stiffness of the headed anchor rod embedded in concrete. In Ožbolt
limited anchoring configurations [14,18,19]. The anchor configurations
et al. [31], a 3D finite element (FE) analysis based on the microplane
concerned for example by FIB Bulletin 58 [6] and EOTA [20] are re-
model was performed to study the behavior of single-headed stud an-
latively small and the number of tests conducted on the different con-
chors with large embedment depths loaded in tension. Fornůsek and
figurations studied is rather limited. Most anchor behavior has been
Konvalinka [32] carried out a numerical analysis of headed studs with
different head sizes under tension and the results were compared to the
design results of anchoring in Eurocode 2. The fracture-plastic model
Cementititous2, which is included in the ATENA software, was chosen.
V V V In the present study, the numerical results show that the numerical
model can successfully simulate the experimental shear and tension
responses of the anchors in terms of shear and tension strengths and the
b1 b2 b3 b4
associated failure modes.
Fig. 1. Concrete edge failure modes for shear loading.
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
Anchor rod
Anchor plate
washer 250
20 20 25
hef 100 100 25
Fig. 4. Shear load mechanism without lever arm used in the shear tests.
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
925 600
Ø25 / 400 Ø25 / 400
Ø25 / 400
Ø20 / 400
Stirrup Ø12
Ø20 / 400
Ø25 / 400
of 1000 kN and a displacement rate ± 100 mm. For the monotone case, length to avoid compression on the theoretical zone of the cracked
the loading was displacement-imposed with the speed of 1 mm/min. The concrete cone.
loading was transferred to the anchor plate by two high-strength bars For the reference tests (C1 and C2), only one test was conducted per
measuring 1850 × 100 × 30 mm (length × height × thickness). The con- block. The final rupture obtained for these reference tests was due to
nection between the high-strength bar and the actuator was left free in the rupture of the anchor rods but not the concrete, which remained
rotation. The reaction wall (a reaction frame) consisted of a set of metal intact in the block. Therefore, for the remaining tests, we suggest doing
HEB beams, anchored on the laboratory test slab by prestressed steel bars two tests per block, so two anchors were installed on the same block
(Fig. 6). (Fig. 8). Since there was no damage in the concrete after the anchor
For the boundary conditions of the monotone case, the horizontal rods were broken, the two tests on the same block were considered to
displacements of the RC slab are blocked by a metal bar positioned be independent. In other words, the first test did not cause any damage
along the length in the lower part of the block. This bar is blocked to the concrete block, which made it possible to carry out the second
horizontally by two supports anchored in the laboratory strong floor. To test under similar initial conditions (no damage). This reduces the
avoid rotation, the block is flanged vertically on the opposite side using number of blocks and more tests can be done. For all other tests with
a prestressed system at two points over the width with a force of 400 kN two anchors per block, the same boundary condition principle was
per point (Fig. 7). These two points are positioned over a short 20-cm applied.
Table 1
Experimental results (fcm, fctm measured on testing day).
Test Effective embedment Edge distanced Compressive strength Tensile strength Initial crack Loading Failure mode Ultimate load
hef (mm) (mm) fcm (MPa) fctm (MPa) opening w (mm) Vu,exp (kN)
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
In the case of cyclic loading, the support system consisted of four prevent filling with concrete.
points of the prestressed system as well as two metal bars positioned ○ The reinforced concrete block is poured and left to dry for at least
along the length in the lower part of the slab on both sides, in order to 28 days.
block horizontal movements and the rotation of the block in two soli- ○ The metallic wedges (length, 550 mm; diameter straight length,
citation directions (Fig. 8). 55 mm; minimum diameter of the cone, 51 mm), after being
greased, are positioned in the steel pipes. These wedges are ham-
2.3. Crack in RC block mered with a hydraulic breaker (Fig. 10). The wedges, if possible,
are pressed over their entire height in three successive passes from
The objective was to create a crack over the entire thickness of the left to right. The wedges are loose and left in the massive concrete.
block that passes through two anchor rods. The method used is based on The crack opening created is approximately 1 mm, over the entire
the reference provided by Eligehausen and Balogh [36] and Elige- height of the block, along the defined crack line (Fig. 10).
hausen et al. [37].
The crack of the RC block was made using loose wedges mechani- 2.4. Instrumentation
cally hammered into the block, following the different steps of the
procedure: The applied force was measured using a sensor attached to the jack.
Its capacity was 1000 kN and the measurement error was 0.3% at full
○ Before casting, the 600-mm-long steel pipes (inner diameter, 53 mm; scale. The following displacements were measured (Fig. 11):
outer diameter, 60 mm), corresponding to the height of the block,
are positioned every 200 mm following the desired crack line ○ The horizontal movement of the jack with a displacement sensor
(Fig. 9). Both ends of the pipes are plugged with scotch tape to (linear variable differential transformer, LVDT);
High strength
Fig. 7. Test setup of the static test: a) plane view; b) picture of test setup. Units: [mm].
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
200 200
Fig. 8. Test setup: cyclic test. Units: [mm].
○ The horizontal displacement of the anchor plate with two LVDTs The deformations of the headed anchor rods were measured using a
positioned at the end of the plate, on the side opposite the force, in strain gauge positioned in the middle of the four rods in order to obtain
front of the anchor rods (sensors H1 and H2); the anchor's shearing force (strain gauges J1, J2, J3, J4 for four rods)
○ The vertical displacement of the anchor plate using four LVDTs (Figs. 11, 14c). The strain gauges are KYOWA, 120 Ω nominal re-
positioned at four corners of the anchor plate (sensors V1–V4); sistance and 100 mm in length. A protection of the noncorrosive sili-
○ The relative horizontal displacement between the block and the cone rubber type was executed on each gauge. To catch strain dis-
laboratory slab with an LVDT positioned on the block (on the jack tribution along the height of the four rods, it is necessary to bond
side) (B2sensor); several strain gauges per rod, but this can affect rod adherence with the
○ The relative vertical movement between the block and the slab with surrounding concrete and finally can result in a decrease of the shear
an LVDT positioned on the block opposite the jack (B1sensor); bearing capacity of the anchor groups. Consequently, only one strain
○ The rotation angle of the anchor plate (relative to the block) was gauge was used for each anchor rod, glued in the middle of the rod to
measured with an inclinometer. ensure that deformation is always measured at this position. If the
Steel pipes
Fig. 9. Position of the steel slotted pipes before casting. Units: [mm].
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
Fig. 10. a) The wedges are hammered by a hydraulic breaker; b) 1-mm crack opening.
125 200 1850
Strain gauge C7
LVDT Inclinometer
Strain gauge
V1 V4
V1 V4 H1
B2 B1
H2 C5 V2 V3
V2 V3
135 155
Inclinometer V1
V1 H1 V4
H1 V4
J1 J4
J1 J4
J0 B2
1850 1850
(a) (b)
Fig. 11. a) Reference tests (C1; C2); b) edge effect tests (C4; C5; C6; C7). Units: [mm].
strain gauge was bonded at the end of the rod, the deformation might Table 2. The maximum aggregate size was 22 mm for all specimens. The
be too small. Otherwise, if the strain gauge was bonded at the top of the concrete characterization tests used cylindrical specimens measuring
rod (near the shear load position), the strain gauge risks becoming 11 × 22 cm and were performed on the block testing day. To determine
unstuck due to the large deformation expected at this position. the concrete's mechanical characteristics, the specimens were poured at
the same time as the block was poured, with the same concrete. The
2.5. Materials specimens were placed in a humid chamber regulated in moisture and
temperature. The concrete block was covered with a plastic film for
The concrete used to design the blocks was a ready-mixed normal- 48 h and then demolded and covered again with a plastic film. The
strength class C40/50 concrete; the mixture proportions are given in room's temperature was equal to that of the room where the specimens
Table 2
Concrete mixture proportions.
CEM I Water (kg) Water reducer Sand 0/4 Gravel 4/ Gravel 11/22
52.5 N (kg) (% of cement) (kg) 11 (kg) (kg)
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
S235 Rod 365 198 510 0.18 20 First, two reference tests (C1, C2) with the large embedment depth
(hef = 310 mm), anchored in the center of the RC block (far from the
edge, so the edge distance has no effect) under static loading were
S235 conducted. In particular, for these two reference tests, nine strain
gauges were bonded to the longitudinal bars (top reinforcement layer)
inside the block following the theoretical rupture line of the concrete
cone (Fig. 13). The objective was to measure the deformations of the
400 concrete at the level of the theoretical rupture cone. At the ultimate
Stress (MPa)
Y 1125
Strain gauge
800 Test C1
Shear load direction
600 G5
G1 G9 60
Strain measured at Fmax (
400 G8
200 G7 50
G6 40
G5 G6
20 G3
G1 G2 G7 G8 G9
X 0
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250
2250 Coordinate X (mm)
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
J2 J3
J1 J4
J1 J4
Fig. 14. a) b) Failure mode of anchor rods for C1 test; c) strain gauges on four rods.
Fig. 16. Force/displacement curve of static tests C1 and C2 in concrete with no cracking.
Fig. 17. Force/displacement curve of static tests in cracked concrete.
effort (at point C) was observed, stemming from the two rods in front
reaching failure. However, this effort was very small. concrete occurred sooner, at the force value of 350 kN instead of
400 kN. The ultimate shear strengths obtained in cracked concrete were
close to the shear strength in concrete with no cracks, with the values of
3.2. Static tests in cracked concrete
520 kN and 495 kN, respectively. The failure of the anchor rods oc-
curred at the ultimate strength (point A and B in Fig. 17).
The C11 and C12 tests were conducted in cracked concrete to
The technique used in Section 3.3 is to create a crack throughout the
evaluate the influence of the crack in the concrete on the shear behavior
thickness of the block, which passes through two anchor rods. The crack
of the headed-anchor groups. The force/displacement curves of two
opening created (outside the anchor plate) was approximately 1 mm,
tests in cracked concrete compared to two reference tests in concrete
over the entire height of the block, along the defined crack line.
without cracking (C1, C2) are illustrated in Fig. 17. Similar behavior
However, after failure when the anchor plate was taken off, we saw that
consisting of three phases was observed: the elastic phase, the plastic
the crack, which was smaller, passed through two anchor rods under
phase and the third phase after post-peak. In comparison with the tests
the anchor plate, with the opening crack measuring about 0.2 mm
with no cracks in the concrete, the same stiffness in the elastic phase
(Fig. 18).
was found. However, the beginning of the plastic phase in the cracked
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
Fig. 19. Failure modes with different edge distances: a) 77 mm; b) 135 mm; c) 155 mm; d) 232 mm.
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
Fig. 22. Concrete pry-out failure of C3N test with hef = 50 mm: a) concrete failure; b) deformation of anchor rods.
Fig. 23. Influence of embedment depth on: a) load/displacement curve; b) load/rotation angle.
Table 4
Loading cycles.
0.2 25 106 64
0.3 15 159 96
0.4 5 212 128
0.5 5 265 160
0.6 5 318 192
0.7 5 371 224
0.8 5 424 256
0.9 5 477 288
1.0 5 530 320
Total 75 100% 100%
Fig. 24. Ultimate load versus embedment depth.
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
700 700
C1-Static C1-Static
C2-Static C2-Static
C14-Cyclic 500 C13-Cyclic 500
300 300
Force (kN)
Force (kN)
100 100
-8 -6 -4 -2 -100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 -8 -6 -4 -2 -100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
-300 -300
Fig. 26. Cyclic tests – force/displacement curve in concrete without cracking: a) C14; b) C13.
Force (kN)
-100 -3 -2 -1 -100 0 1 2 3 4
-400 -300
0 50 100 150 200 250 -400
Fig. 27. Cyclic test (C15) in cracked concrete: a) loading history; b) force/displacement curves.
Vmax = 2.5d − 99.7 (d is edge distance in mm, Vmax in kN). Note that
this equation is valid only for the tested configuration. Furthermore, a
comparison with current design approaches and predictions, missing in
this study, should be conducted in a future investigation in which the
contribution of the reinforcement to the anchorage capacity can be
assessed by adding experimental tests on a concrete block without
In addition to two failure modes – steel rod and concrete edge shear
– presented in the previous sections, a third failure mode can occur:
concrete pry-out failure. Given that the anchor rods have limited em-
bedment and are loaded in shear, they can exhibit sufficient rotation to
Fig. 28. Effect of a cyclic test followed by a static test for cracked concrete. produce a pry-out rupture whereby the primary fracture surface de-
velops behind the point of load application. The tests presented in the
previous sections have a considerable 310-mm embedment depth.
was generated first and corresponds to point A in the load/displacement However, in this section four tests with two different embedment
curves (Fig. 20). The second failure mode was reached later by the depths were conducted: two tests with hef = 100 mm (C3N, C3S) and
rupture of two rear rods and corresponds to point B in the load/dis- two tests with hef = 50 mm (C4N, C4S). The concrete pry-out failure
placement curves. Generally, the ultimate loads obtained from the tests was obtained with a short 50-mm embedment depth (Fig. 22a). After
correspond to the failure mode by concrete edge failure and therefore failure, substantial plastic strain was observed in two rods in front of
correspond to point A in the load/displacement curves. Except for the the anchor groups, but they were not in rupture (Fig. 22b). For the
sole test C4 with the smallest edge distance of 77 mm, the ultimate load second embedment depth, 100 mm, the failure mechanism was steel
obtained corresponds to the failure mode of two rear rods. However, for rod failure.
this C4 test, the shear force corresponding to the concrete edge failure The load/displacement curves of these tests are illustrated in
(point A) was used for comparison with the design load. Fig. 23. The same rigidity was found for all tests in the elastic phase.
The ultimate load versus the edge distance is reported in Fig. 21. The test with the short 100-mm embedment depth gives a load/dis-
The tests show decreases in resistance as a function of the edge dis- placement curve very close to the large 310-mm embedment depth in
tance. A linear relation between them was determined for the tests with the plastic phase. Its influence can be clearly observed when the em-
concrete edge failure (except for the C4 test) by the following equation bedment depth was decreased, increasing the rotation angle of the
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
220 220
220 Tension load Anchor
2250 floor
Table 5
CDP model parameters and concrete fracture energies used for the numerical analyses.
Dilation angle Ψ Parameter Kc Eccentricity ∈ Ratio σb0/σc0 Energy Gf [N/mm] Energy Gc [N/mm] Mesh size [mm]
37° (calibrated) 0.6667 (per default) 0.1 (per default) 1.16 (per default) According to fib-Model code 1990 100Gf 9 mm (conv. study)
Test T2-310
Load (kN)
100 Experiment
FE model
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 30. Effect of a cyclic test followed by a static test for cracked concrete. Specimen T2-310 (a) experimental and numerical load/displacement responses; (b) failure mode.
anchor plate measured by the inclinometer transducer, as in Fig. 23b. damage progresses without interruption.
The tests show decreases in resistance as a function of the embedment Normally, the maximum shear load Vmax to be applied in the al-
depth (Fig. 24b). ternating shear load is calculated from the mean shear capacity of the
reference static tests (Vmean-NC = 530 kN and Vmean-WC = 507 kN for the
static tests in concrete without a crack and with a crack, respectively).
3.5. Tests under cyclic loading According to ETAG01, the maximum shear load Vmax can be calculated
by Vmax = 0.85 ∙ Vmean ∙ α with the reduction factor α = 0.85 [38].
The cyclic shear loading used comes from ETAG01 “Metal anchor Therefore, the maximum shear load obtained from two cases (un-
for use in concrete – Annex E: Assessment of metal anchors under cracked and cracked concrete) is Vmax-NC = 383 kN and Vmax-
seismic actions – Test C2.1” [33]. The sinusoidal loading cycles were
NC = 366 kN, respectively.
applied as in Fig. 25. The cycling frequency was set at 0.4 Hz. The data However, for the tests in concrete without cracking, to evaluate the
acquisition rate was 50 Hz. The actuator is controlled in force, so that
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
4. Numerical results
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
⎪ 3 (
⎧ fcm 1 + 4 ε − 2 ε
εe ε2e
si ε < ε e) For anchors loaded in tension, specimens T3-80 (hef = 80 mm) and
T2-310 (hef = 310 mm) were chosen to calibrate the numerical model
⎨ ⎡ ε − εe 2
⎩ ⎣
( ⎦
⎪ f cm 1 − εu − εe ⎤ si ε e < ε < ε u
and evaluate its relevance, respectively, for the concrete cone failure
mode (T3-80) and the steel failure mode (T2-310).
In the tension tests, the dimensions of the block and the anchorage
4 fc
εe = system are the same as the dimensions of the shear tests (Fig. 29). The
3 Ec (5) anchor plate dimensions are 250 × 250 × 25 mm3. The anchors are
Gc 11 cast-in-place in a reinforced concrete block (2250 × 1850 × 600 mm3),
ε u = 1.5 − εe which is large enough to avoid splitting failure and edge effects
hf c 48 (6)
when they are positioned in the center. The concrete grade used is C40/
The CDP model in Abaqus is based on the models proposed by 50 with the measured concrete strengths of fcm = 55.5 MPa,
Lubliner et al. [46] for monotonic loading and was later further de- fctm = 4.57 MPa for the T2-310 specimen and fcm = 55.2 MPa,
veloped by Lee and Fenves Gregory [47] to consider dynamic and cyclic fctm = 4.55 MPa for the T3-80 specimen. The contribution of the re-
loadings. Therefore, it provides the ability to model the behavior of the inforcement of the blocks in the tension tests is exactly the same re-
reinforced concrete element subjected to both static and dynamic loads. inforcement used in the blocks of the shear tests described in Section
The model uses concepts from the isotropic damage approach with 2.2. The quasi-static tensile loading was displacement-controlled with a
isotropic tensile and compressive plasticity to represent the inelastic loading rate of 1 mm/min. The concrete block is fixed by means of two
behavior of concrete. In addition, the stiffness damage of concrete was clamping beams connected to the strong floor with four prestressed
considered in this model for both tension and compression behavior by steel bars (Fig. 29).
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
Fig. 35. Specimen C1-310: (a) experimental and numerical load/displacement responses; (b) Failure mode.
The concrete block and the anchor rod are meshed by eight-noded user-specified ratio of the equi-biaxial compressive yield stress and the
hexahedral solid elements (C3D8R) with a reduced integration scheme initial uniaxial compressive yield stress. The experimental values of
to avoid the shear locking effect, and a two-noded linear beam element σb0/σc0 are between 1.10 and 1.16 [46]. Its value is set by default to
(B31) is used for modeling the rebars. The rebars were embedded in the 1.16 according to ABAQUS Version 6.12 [50], also based on the reliable
concrete, simulating a perfect bond between these two materials. The results of Kupfer et al. [51]. ε is the eccentricity that defines the rate at
bond between the anchor rod and the concrete is considered as “hard which the potential function approaches the asymptote. Parameter ec-
contact” in the normal direction, meaning that a node on one surface is centricity can be calculated as a ratio of tensile strength to compressive
constrained to not penetrate the other surface. The tangential behavior strength [52]. ABAQUS Version 6.12 [50] recommends the default
of the contact interaction was defined as a frictionless formulation. The value of eccentricity ε = 0.1.
mesh size is 9 mm, chosen through a mesh convergence study. This ψ is the dilation angle measured in the p − q plane as the inclina-
choice of element size was based on a number of simulation tests with tion angle of the plastic potential function. This parameter controls the
different element sizes that showed that using a 9-mm mesh size was amount of plastic volumetric strain developed during plastic shearing
required to sufficiently capture the response of anchors in terms of ul- and has a significant influence on the concrete structural response and
timate loads and visualization of the damage. needs to be calibrated. Best agreements with experimental responses for
The CDP model parameters and concrete fracture energies used in concrete were achieved for a dilatation angle chosen between 30° and
the simulation are shown in Table 5. The parameters Kc, eccentricity∈, 40° [52–56]. In our study a calibrated 37° dilation angle was retained,
and the σb0/σc0 ratio of the CDP model used in our study are the default which gives good agreement with the experimental result.
values recommended while the dilation angle Ψ was calibrated. The According to the fib Model Code 1990 design guide, the fracture
concrete compressive cylinder strengths fcm and the tensile strength fctm energy is calculated as Gf = (0.00005dmax 2 − 0.0005dmax + 0.026) , where
obtained from the experiments were used in the numerical model while dmax is the maximum aggregate size. However, according to the current
and the elastic stiffness Ecm was calculated using the empirical equation fib Model Code 2010, the fracture energy is only dependent on the
given by Ecm = 9.5(fc + 8)1/3 [41]. In the calibration process, the ma- concrete compressive strengths fcm and calculated as Gf = 73(fcm)0.18.
terial parameters Kc, ∈ and σb0/σc0 of the CDP model were taken as the Physically, the aggregate size plays an important role in the fracture
default values given by the model because of their reliability. Kc is the mechanics of concrete [57]. Therefore, the fib Model Code 1990 with
ratio of the tensile strength to the compressive meridian and defines the the maximum aggregate size included was chosen in our model.
shape of the yield surface in the deviatory plane. Its value is about 0.64 For the T2-310 test, the comparison of the load/displacement curves
according to Schickert and Winkler [48] and 0.66 according to Richart between the experimental test and the FE model is shown in Fig. 30. It
et al. [49]. The factor per default in the CDP model [50] is Kc = 2/ is apparent that the FE model adopted correlates successfully with the
3 = 0.667, making the yield criterion approach Rankine's formulation. experimental test during both elastic and plastic stages. The figure
It was also found in the Nana et al. [40] study that using Kc = 1 as in shows the failure mode visualized through the maximum principal
the classic Drucker Prager criterion or Kc = 0.667 as in the CDP model plastic strains. The failure obtained by FE modeling for this test cor-
makes no significant difference in the model's behavior. σb0/σc0 is the responds to the steel failure, which corroborates the experimental
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
Fig. 36. Specimen C4N-50: (a) experimental and numerical load/displacement responses and illustration of failure mode; (b) illustration of rod deformation after failure.
failure mode. The concrete block remains elastic. This result confirms smaller than the average diameter obtained from the 1-m experiment
that the numerical model proposed is able to reproduce the steel failure (inclined about 22° in relation to the cracks). The good quantitative and
mode of the anchors under tension load (Fig. 30). qualitative correlation obtained between the test and the numerical
The T3-80 test with hef = 80 mm is modeled on the same concrete simulation shows that the FE model is also fairly well validated for
geometry and the same boundary conditions as in the T2-310 test. Only concrete cone failure.
the effective embedment of the anchor rods changed, now with
hef = 80 mm. Due to symmetry, one-fourth of the specimen is modeled 4.3. Using FE model for anchors loaded in shear
and boundary conditions are symmetric in the XZ and YZ plane
(Fig. 31). The lower surface at the base of the concrete block and two For anchors loaded in shear, specimens C1-310 (hef = 310 mm),
sides of the block are restrained in the vertical direction (z-direction). C4N-50 (hef = 50 mm), and C4-edge-77 (d = 77 mm) were chosen to
It can be seen in Fig. 32 that the numerical model gives a load/ calibrate the numerical model and evaluate its relevance for steel rod
displacement curve very similar to the experimental curve up to the failure mode, concrete pry-out failure mode, and concrete edge failure
ultimate load. An ultimate numerical load of 305 kN is obtained, which mode, respectively. As in the case of the FE model for anchors loaded in
is very close to the experimental value of 303 kN. The numerical si- tension, the concrete block and the anchor rod are meshed as solid
mulation also gives a concrete cone failure mode, as in the experimental elements (C3D8R) and the rebars as beam elements (B31). A perfect
study. The four rods remain in the elastic behavior domain with a bond was assumed between the rebars and the concrete. The bond
maximum stress of 320 MPa, while the yield strength of the rod mate- between the anchor rod and the concrete is considered as “hard con-
rial is 365 MPa. tact” in the normal direction and as frictionless in the tangential di-
Fig. 33 presents the tension damage patterns obtained from the FE rection. The element size is taken again as 9 mm, fine enough to ensure
analysis (with a legend DAMAGET). The average diameter of the con- mesh convergence and a good description of the damage. Due to sym-
crete break-out surface obtained from FE analysis is about 0.8 m (in- metry, one-half of the specimen is modeled and boundary conditions
clined approximately 25° in relation to the cracks). This is slightly are symmetric in the YZ plane (Fig. 34). The lower surface at the base of
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
Fig. 37. Specimen C1-310: (a) experimental and numerical load/displacement responses; (b) failure mode.
the concrete block and the downstream side of the block are restrained plants. The following conclusions can be drawn from this study:
in the vertical direction (Uz = 0). The foot edge in front of the block is
restrained in horizontal displacement (Uy = 0) (Fig. 34). • For the experimental part, it first quantifies the bearing capacity in
The comparison of the experimental results and the numerical cast-in-place headed anchor groups under shear in uncracked and
analysis in terms of the load/displacement response, as illustrated in cracked reinforced concrete slabs for static loading conditions
Figs. 35, 36, 37, shows that predictions of ultimate loads by the FE (monotonic and cycling) with variation of edge distance and em-
model are in good agreement with the experimental results. In addition, bedment depth, and highlights the associated modes of rupture. The
all the failure modes obtained numerically are identical to those ob- results show that the presence of an initial crack in concrete did not
tained in the tests. It is therefore apparent that the proposed model is influence the shear strength of the anchor groups.
able to reproduce the anchors' behavior under shear loads in terms of • Concerning the edge effect, the shear resistance decreases as a linear
ultimate loads and failure modes. function of the distance between the steel rod and the free edge
surface. With the small embedment depth used, a high rotation
angle of the anchor plate was observed, which can totally change
5. Conclusions and perspectives
the failure mode obtained.
This study contributes to a database of the experimental results of • For cyclic loading, the test results show that the monotonic quasi-
static test after the cyclic test leads to a 20% decrease of the shear
16 tests on real-scale anchors anchored in large RC blocks subjected to a
strength of the anchor groups in comparison with the quasi-static
shear load, with most particularly the influence of cracking in the
test without a cyclic effect.
concrete, edge effect, effective embedment depth, and the influence of
cyclic shear loading. The concrete slabs were heavily reinforced with • Experimental results under static loading were chosen to be com-
pared with the numerical simulation. It is apparent that the
rebar and correspond to the structures used in EDF nuclear power
T.T. Bui et al. Structures 14 (2018) 178–196
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