Mapeh Reviewer 4th Grading
Mapeh Reviewer 4th Grading
Mapeh Reviewer 4th Grading
Kabuki was founded in 1603 by Okuni, a Shinto priestess. She and her
troupe of mostly women performed dances and comic sketches on a temporary
stage set up in the dry riverbed of the Komagawa River in Kyoto. Her troupe
gained national recognition and their plays evolved into kabuki that would later
become one of the three major classical theater of Japan.
Peking opera also known as the Beijing opera still follows traditional
Chinese arts in stressing meaning, rather than precise actions. The opera
artists’ goal is to make every performance exceptionally beautiful in every
movement they will make. The performer’s vocal techniques as well as rhythms
and melodies vary depending on his or her thoughts and feelings adhering to
basic, strict conventions that are based on real life experiences presented in an
artistic and symbolic manner.
• wind instruments
• string instruments
• percussion instruments
The melodies played by the accompaniment fall mainly into three broad
• The first is the aria. The arias of Beijing opera can be further divided into
those of the Erhuang and Xipi varieties. An example of an aria is
wawadiao, an aria in the Xipi style that is sung by a young Sheng to
indicate heightened emotion.
• The second type of melody heard in Beijing opera is the fixed-tune
melody, or qupai. These are instrumental tunes that serve a wider range
of purposes than arias. Examples include the "Water Dragon Tune"
(shui long yin), which generally denotes the arrival of an important
person, and "Triple Thrust"(ji san qiang), which may signal a feast
or banquet.
• Aria - Self-contained expressive melody for one voice, usually with orchestral
• Bonang - Set of bronze bowls
• Bu - Dance
• Dalang - Puppeteer and narrator of wayangkulit
• Erhuang - Used to express the lyric mood, such as mild, placid and gentle
• Gamelan Music Ensemble - Background accompaniment in every performance
of wayangkulit
• Gender - Bronze xylophone with resonance chambers beneath
• Gong and Kempul - Hanging gongs
• Ka – Song
• Kabuki - Combination of acting, dancing and music which includes the
manifestation of form, color and sound
A. Chinese Peking Opera:
Peking Opera is a traditional theater art form of China.
It is based on Chinese history, folklore and contemporary life.
The two main melodies used are Xipi and Erhuang.
The characters performing are Sheng –Male role,Dan-female role, Jing-
painted face male role, and Chou-male clown.
The performers utilize four main skills such as,song,speech, dance-acting
and combat.
The highest aim is to put beauty into every motion, that is why they
determined conventions of movement.
Musicians are visible infront of the stage. Whip, fans, and ore are usually
used as props of the play.
B. Japan’s Kabuki:
Loi Krathong , Loi literally means “to float” while krathong refers to
the lotus-shaped receptacle which can float on water.
Rattan - the name for the roughly 600 species of palms in the tribe Calameae,
native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia and Australasia.
Repertoire (/ˈrɛpəˌtwɑr/ or /ˈrɛpəˌtwɑː/)- refers to a list or set of dramas,
operas, musical compositions or roles which a company or person is prepared
to perform
Soundscape - a sound or combination of sounds that forms or arises from an
immersive environment
Stylization- design in or cause to conform to a particular style, as of
representation or treatment in art
Tableau- performers pose and do not move or talk to display a certain
situation or scene
Taiko - means "drum" in Japanese ,etymologically "great" or "wide drum"
Trousers -an item of clothing worn from the waist to the ankles, covering both
legs separately (pants)
Vivacity- liveliness
Philippine folk dances speak so much about the heartbeat of our
people for they tell about our customs, ideas, beliefs,
superstitions, and events of daily living in a certain
community.Just by looking at the costumes, props, and implements of
a certain group or tribe would tell you of the origin of the dance. The
kind of music being used readily also tell about the influences
brought about by trade and settlement of our
Dance Researcher : Francisca Reyes
Meaning : With the use of
Dance Culture : Christian Lowland
Place of Origin : Pangasinan
Country of Influence : China
Ethno-linguistic Group : Pangasinense
Classification : Social Dance
Dance Properties:
Female : Siesgo and kimono with loose and long
sleeves and soft panuelo
Male : Camisa de Chino and red pants
Count : One, two, one and two, and one and two and
Formation : Partners stand about six feet apart. One or more pairs in
a set can take part in the dance, in any formation
Movements/Steps Particular to
Dance Properties:
Top (Barawasi) :
Traditional loose blouse,
long sleeves wit deep,
plunging key-hole neckline.
Extra panels attached to
the right and left chest
decorated with many tiny
brass buttons.
Material : Cheap printed or plain
Chinese silk or cotton.
Pants (Sawal or Kantiu) : Loose Chinese pants with
a 10-inch soft white band
(coco curdo) attached to a
wide waist. To tuck the
pants in, the white band is
overlapped in front, one
side on top of the other
and rolled out to form a
tight belt.
Material : Cheap Chinese silk or any
silky material preferably in
navy blue, sunshine yellow,
grass green, red or orange
Shoulder band (Siyag) : A separate wrap-around
malong of rich material
strung over the right
shoulder crossing the
chest and hanging on the
left side.
There are three choices:
1. Gold or brass filigree called tusuk;
2. Paper bills pasted on slender sticks; and
3. Pasteboard cut-out, the front tip 8 to 10 inches high, similar to
Chinese crowns covered with gold foil.
Top (Bajo) : Short-waist collarless shirt. Open at the
front with the right panel overlapping
the left, studded with many tiny brass
buttons and is not intended to close the
front but used as an additional shirt
decoration. It is allowed to drop on the
right side.
Dance Properties:
Movements/Steps Particular to
Dance Researcher : Francisca Reyes- Aquino
Meaning : Refers to a group of peasants
Place of Origin : Panay and Leyte
Country of Influence : China, Burma and Cambodia
Classification : Recreational Dance
Dance Properties:
These dancing groups later reached as far as the coastal towns of Ilocos
region as years went by. The rhythmic sounds produced by the stick attracted
other children and also adults and they also learned the dance.
“Sakuting“ is an ethnic term which refer to the rhythmic sticks
producing the accompaniment for the dance.
Dance Properties:
Formation : Audience
One set of dancers
The following dance terms and dance steps are basically used in
Binislakan, Sakuting, Sua-Ku-Sua, Pangalay and Tiklos.
Technically, not all types of alcohol can be consumed. Only ethanol, which is also
called beverage alcohol, can enter the body. If other types of alcohol, like methanol
and isopropyl go into the bloodstream, extreme damage and even death may
occur. Alcohol intake can be measured through the blood alcohol concentration
(BAC). It is counted in percentages of ethanol present in a person‟s bloodstream at a
certain period. A higher BAC means having a higher risk of experiencing
impairments in the body functioning. For example, drinking various alcoholic
drinks at shorter intervals greatly affect a person‟s BAC.
There are also a lot of myths and misconceptions about alcohol drinking. It is not true
that alcohol gives you extra strength. Alcohol has very low nutritional content and it
has empty calories. Drinking alcohol will not give you a boost of self-esteem either. It is
actually a depressant. It slows down the function of the central nervous system
(CNS), making a person vulnerable to doing undesirable things. These
undesirable things are often mistaken as results of having a higher self-esteem. It is
also not true that one can be sober after drinking alcohol through consuming coffee.
Coffee is a stimulant. You can only have a drunk-awake person. Bathing does not also
count to the ways on how to sober up after heavy drinking. It just produces the same
effect as that of taking coffee. Alcohol is also not yet proven to be a cure to snake bites
and other related injuries.
Alcoholism in the Philippines is evident. It is said that alcohol drinking is one of the
most addictive habit of Filipinos (Richard Zarco). Alcoholism affects a person‟s
everyday life. It alters the normal activities of a person.
With this, the person‟s family will be affected too. Reported cases of family violence are
resulted from alcohol addiction. If these cases get worse, effects will be shown on a
larger scale. The communities and even the whole country will be affected.
Only a person can help himself. Prevention is still better than cure.
That is why a person must have a strong foundation of resistance skills. These skills
involve getting the courage to refuse the temptation of alcohol consumption. These
skills also involve advocacy on the prevention of alcohol addiction. After all, it is always
our choice. Alcohol is just a colorless, bittertasting liquid that we can avoid
Glossary Of Terms
addiction being dependent on a drug or combination of drugs addictive drugs drugs
that can cause addiction physically and psychologically advocacy materials –materials
like posters, flyers, or brochures whichshow active support of ideas or causes; plead
or argue for something alcohol –colorless, bitter-tasting liquid that is consumed and/or
used either as beverage or medicine
alcoholism – condition when a person heavily consumes alcohol consistently alcohol
poisoning occurs when the body is damaged physically due to too much alcohol
Blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) –measured in percentages, amount of alcohol
that has entered a person‟s bloodstream at certain duration
Blood-alcohol level (BAL) – another term for blood-alcohol concentration brain stroke
–a non-communicable disease which affects the arteries which
carries blood to the brain resulting to brain damage. Also called brain
attack or plainly stroke.
cancer - any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell
division which may spread to other parts of the body through lymphatic system or the
blood stream
carcinogen –any substance that causes cancer central nervous system (CNS) - the
part of the nervous system that receives and coordinates all body activities; consists of
the major nerves, brain and spinal cord
cigarette ely grounded and processed tobacco wrapped in a special paper for smoking
cirrhosis – condition when the liver is “scarred‟ due to heavy alcohol consumption
COPD – stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, adisease of smokers
which worsens over time. It is characterized by severe coughing, shortness of
breathe, wheezing, and tightening of the chest
dependence – condition when a person needs a drug like alcohol and cigarette in
order for the body to function normally
depressant – a drug that suppresses the central nervous system, slows down body
drug – any substance not considered as food which alters body structure of functions
emphysema – lung disease which worsens in time. One of the smokers‟ disease
which destroys the alveoli (air sacs) and nearby tissues. It is characterized by
shortness ofbreath, rapid breathing, and expanded chest cavity.
ethanol also called beverage alcohol which comes from fruits and grains, type
of alcohol that can be consumed by humans
fatty liver condition when the liver is being stored with fat from alcohol
fermentation –the process of extracting alcohol from plant or fruitsource
gateway drug – drug which can open doors for the user to experiment and try more
dangerous drugs. Drugs like nicotine and alcohol
hangover – physical effects that give discomfort to humansm who consumed alcohol
heart attack – is the immediate death of heart muscles due to blockage of the coronary
arteries (heart arteries) by a blood clot. It is also called myocardial infarction
illegal drug – a drug mandated by law as not to be used by anyone either in small or
large amount
intoxication – physical and mental changes that the body is experiencing upon
consuming alcohol
multiplier effect – condition when alcohol is consumed simultaneously with any drug
or medicine, causing impairments in the physical and mental functioning of the body
stimulant drug – a drug which temporarily quickens the central nervous system