University of Iceland Presentation Template Using Beamer

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Beamer LATEX template for HÍ presentations

Katrín Halldórsdóttir

University of Iceland

1 Section
and subsection

2 This will be seen on the overview slide

if you don’t want an overview slide, inactivate the following
line with %:

3 Section-3
and subsection-3
and even subsubsection-3

 A frame starts with \begin{frame} and end with

 Other environments inside a frame:
 For example \begin{itemize}:
I Whith a sign
Or not
I \end{itemize}
1 Or \begin{enumerate}:
2 which labels
3 the points with sequential numbers.
4 \end{enumerate}
 For header to appear on every slide, remove the } after the
 The “svið” have different colors:
I Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið
I Menntavísindasvið
I Heilbrigðisvísindasvið
I Hugvísindasvið
I Félagsvísindasvið
I The official color of the University and doctoral studies.
 Color for item, subitem, section, frametitle etc. can be
changed in the preamble of the tex-file.
 To switch the color of the head, remove the % for the
appropriate svið in the preamble of the tex file:

 Color and style of the exampleblock can be changed

 \setbeamercolor*block body examplefg= hi-blar, bg=
 \setbeamercolor*block title examplefg=white, bg=
Huge title
– with a subtitle –

 All basic commands and functions in latex can can be used

in beamer.
 Such as boldface and italic or italic and typewriter mode.
\includegraphics to insert figures.

 \columns can be used to devide the frame.

 For two or more figures,
 or for a figure and some text.
List - open presentation mode to see how it works.
List - open presentation mode to see how it works.

 To add one point at a time to a slide

List - open presentation mode to see how it works.

 To add one point at a time to a slide

 you can use pause
List - open presentation mode to see how it works.

 To add one point at a time to a slide

 you can use pause
I part 1
List - open presentation mode to see how it works.

 To add one point at a time to a slide

 you can use pause
I part 1
I part 2
List - open presentation mode to see how it works.

 To add one point at a time to a slide

 you can use pause
I part 1
I part 2
 or alert:
List - open presentation mode to see how it works.

 To add one point at a time to a slide

 you can use pause
I part 1
I part 2
 or alert:
 \begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
Resource and infos

 University of Iceland logos and corporate identity standards and
 BibTEXworks with beamer.
 Have fun!

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