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Statutory guidance

National curriculum in England: science

programmes of study

Updated 6 May 2015

Key stage 1
Key stage 1 programme of study - years 1 and 2
Year 1 programme of study
Year 2 programme of study
Lower key stage 2 – years 3 and 4
Lower key stage 2 programme of study
Year 3 programme of study
Year 4 programme of study
Upper key stage 2 – years 5 and 6
Upper key stage 2 programme of study
↑ Year 5 programme of study

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Year 6 programme of study

Key stage 3
Key stage 4

Purpose of study

A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding

the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity,
and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge,
methods, processes and uses of science. Through building up a body of key
foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils should be encouraged to
recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of
excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They should be
encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is
occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.


The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:

develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the

specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science

through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer

scientific questions about the world around them
are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the
uses and implications of science, today and for the future

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Scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding

The programmes of study describe a sequence of knowledge and concepts.

While it is important that pupils make progress, it is also vitally important that
they develop secure understanding of each key block of knowledge and
concepts in order to progress to the next stage. Insecure, superficial
understanding will not allow genuine progression: pupils may struggle at key
points of transition (such as between primary and secondary school), build
up serious misconceptions, and/or have significant difficulties in
understanding higher-order content.

Pupils should be able to describe associated processes and key

characteristics in common language, but they should also be familiar with,
and use, technical terminology accurately and precisely. They should build
up an extended specialist vocabulary. They should also apply their
mathematical knowledge to their understanding of science, including
collecting, presenting and analysing data. The social and economic
implications of science are important but, generally, they are taught most
appropriately within the wider school curriculum: teachers will wish to use
different contexts to maximise their pupils’ engagement with and motivation
to study science.

The nature, processes and methods of science

‘Working scientifically’ specifies the understanding of the nature, processes

and methods of science for each year group. It should not be taught as a

separate strand. The notes and guidance give examples of how ‘working

scientifically’ might be embedded within the content of biology, chemistry
and physics, focusing on the key features of scientific enquiry, so that pupils
learn to use a variety of approaches to answer relevant scientific questions.

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These types of scientific enquiry should include: observing over time;
pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair
testing (controlled investigations); and researching using secondary
sources. Pupils should seek answers to questions through collecting,
analysing and presenting data. ‘Working scientifically’ will be developed
further at key stages 3 and 4, once pupils have built up sufficient
understanding of science to engage meaningfully in more sophisticated
discussion of experimental design and control.

Spoken language

The national curriculum for science reflects the importance of spoken

language in pupils’ development across the whole curriculum – cognitively,

socially and linguistically. The quality and variety of language that pupils

hear and speak are key factors in developing their scientific vocabulary and

articulating scientific concepts clearly and precisely. They must be assisted
in making their thinking clear, both to themselves and others, and teachers
should ensure that pupils build secure foundations by using discussion to
probe and remedy their misconceptions.

School curriculum

The programmes of study for science are set out year-by-year for key stages
1 and 2. Schools are, however, only required to teach the relevant
programme of study by the end of the key stage. Within each key stage,
schools therefore have the flexibility to introduce content earlier or later than
set out in the programme of study. In addition, schools can introduce key
stage content during an earlier key stage if appropriate. All schools are also
required to set out their school curriculum for science on a year-by-year
basis and make this information available online.

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Attainment targets

By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and

understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant
programme of study.

Schools are not required by law to teach the content indicated as

being ‘non-statutory’.

Key stage 1

The principal focus of science teaching in key stage 1 is to enable pupils to

experience and observe phenomena, looking more closely at the natural
and humanly constructed world around them. They should be encouraged to
be curious and ask questions about what they notice. They should be
helped to develop their understanding of scientific ideas by using different
types of scientific enquiry to answer their own questions, including observing
changes over a period of time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying
things, carrying out simple comparative tests, and finding things out using
secondary sources of information. They should begin to use simple scientific
language to talk about what they have found out and communicate their
ideas to a range of audiences in a variety of ways. Most of the learning
about science should be done through the use of first-hand practical
experiences, but there should also be some use of appropriate secondary
sources, such as books, photographs and videos.

‘Working scientifically’ is described separately in the programme of study, but

must always be taught through and clearly related to the teaching of

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substantive science content in the programme of study. Throughout the
notes and guidance, examples show how scientific methods and skills might
be linked to specific elements of the content.

Pupils should read and spell scientific vocabulary at a level consistent with

their increasing word-reading and spelling knowledge at key stage 1.

Key stage 1 programme of study - years 1 and 2

Working scientifically

During years 1 and 2, pupils should be taught to use the following practical

scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the
programme of study content:

asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in

different ways
observing closely, using simple equipment
performing simple tests
identifying and classifying
using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
gathering and recording data to help in answering questions

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils in years 1 and 2 should explore the world around them and
raise their own questions. They should experience different types
of scientific enquiries, including practical activities, and begin to
recognise ways in which they might answer scientific questions.

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They should use simple features to compare objects, materials

and living things and, with help, decide how to sort and group
them, observe changes over time, and, with guidance, they
should begin to notice patterns and relationships.

They should ask people questions and use simple secondary

sources to find answers.

They should use simple measurements and equipment (for

example, hand lenses, egg timers) to gather data, carry out
simple tests, record simple data, and talk about what they have

found out and how they found it out. With help, they should record
and communicate their findings in a range of ways and begin to
use simple scientific language.

These opportunities for working scientifically should be provided

across years 1 and 2 so that the expectations in the programme
of study can be met by the end of year 2. Pupils are not expected
to cover each aspect for every area of study.

Year 1 programme of study


Pupils should be taught to:

identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including

deciduous and evergreen trees
identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering

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plants, including trees

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should use the local environment throughout the year to

explore and answer questions about plants growing in their
habitat. Where possible, they should observe the growth of
flowers and vegetables that they have planted.

They should become familiar with common names of flowers,

examples of deciduous and evergreen trees, and plant structures
(including leaves, flowers (blossom), petals, fruit, roots, bulb,
seed, trunk, branches, stem). Pupils might work scientifically by:
observing closely, perhaps using magnifying glasses, and
comparing and contrasting familiar plants; describing how they
were able to identify and group them, and drawing diagrams
showing the parts of different plants including trees. Pupils might
keep records of how plants have changed over time, for example,
the leaves falling off trees and buds opening; and compare and
contrast what they have found out about different plants.

Animals, including humans

Pupils should be taught to:

identify and name a variety of common animals including fish,

amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores,

herbivores and omnivores
describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish,

amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals including pets)

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identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say
which part of the body is associated with each sense

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should use the local environment throughout the year to

explore and answer questions about animals in their habitat. They
should understand how to take care of animals taken from their
local environment and the need to return them safely after study.
Pupils should become familiar with the common names of some
fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including those
that are kept as pets.

Pupils should have plenty of opportunities to learn the names of

the main body parts (including head, neck, arms, elbows, legs,
knees, face, ears, eyes, hair, mouth, teeth) through games,
actions, songs and rhymes.

Pupils might work scientifically by: using their observations to

compare and contrast animals at first hand or through videos and
photographs, describing how they identify and group them;
grouping animals according to what they eat; and using their
senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells.

Everyday materials

Pupils should be taught to:

distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made

identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic,
glass, metal, water, and rock

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describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials

compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis
of their simple physical properties

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should explore, name, discuss and raise and answer

questions about everyday materials so that they become familiar
with the names of materials and properties such as: hard/soft;
stretchy/stiff; shiny/dull; rough/smooth; bendy/not bendy;
waterproof/not waterproof; absorbent/not absorbent;

opaque/transparent. Pupils should explore and experiment with a
wide variety of materials, not only those listed in the programme
of study, but including for example: brick, paper, fabrics, elastic,

Pupils might work scientifically by: performing simple tests to

explore questions, for example: ‘What is the best material for an
umbrella? … for lining a dog basket? … for curtains? … for a
bookshelf? … for a gymnast’s leotard?’

Seasonal changes

Pupils should be taught to:

observe changes across the 4 seasons

observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day

length varies

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

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Pupils should observe and talk about changes in the weather and
the seasons.

Note: pupils should be warned that it is not safe to look directly at

the sun, even when wearing dark glasses.

Pupils might work scientifically by: making tables and charts about
the weather; and making displays of what happens in the world
around them, including day length, as the seasons change.

Year 2 programme of study

Living things and their habitats

Pupils should be taught to:

explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead,
and things that have never been alive
identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and
describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different

kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other
identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats,

including microhabitats
describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals,

using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different
sources of food

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

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Pupils should be introduced to the idea that all living things have
certain characteristics that are essential for keeping them alive
and healthy. They should raise and answer questions that help
them to become familiar with the life processes that are common
to all living things. Pupils should be introduced to the terms
‘habitat’ (a natural environment or home of a variety of plants and
animals) and ‘microhabitat’ (a very small habitat, for example for

woodlice under stones, logs or leaf litter). They should raise and
answer questions about the local environment that help them to
identify and study a variety of plants and animals within their
habitat and observe how living things depend on each other, for
example, plants serving as a source of food and shelter for
animals. Pupils should compare animals in familiar habitats with

animals found in less familiar habitats, for example, on the
seashore, in woodland, in the ocean, in the rainforest.

Pupils might work scientifically by: sorting and classifying things

according to whether they are living, dead or were never alive,
and recording their findings using charts. They should describe
how they decided where to place things, exploring questions like:
‘Is a flame alive? Is a deciduous tree dead in winter?’ and talk
about ways of answering their questions. They could construct a
simple food chain that includes humans (eg, grass, cow, human).
They could describe the conditions in different habitats and
microhabitats (under log, on stony path, under bushes); and find
out how the conditions affect the number and type(s) of plants
and animals that live there.


Pupils should be taught to:

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observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants
find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable

temperature to grow and stay healthy

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should use the local environment throughout the year to

observe how plants grow. Pupils should be introduced to the
requirements of plants for germination, growth and survival, as
well as the processes of reproduction and growth in plants.

Note: seeds and bulbs need water to grow but most do not need
light; seeds and bulbs have a store of food inside them.

Pupils might work scientifically by: observing and recording, with

some accuracy, the growth of a variety of plants as they change
over time from a seed or bulb, or observing similar plants at
different stages of growth; setting up a comparative test to show
that plants need light and water to stay healthy.

Animals, including humans

Pupils should be taught to:

notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into

find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including
humans, for survival (water, food and air)
describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts
of different types of food, and hygiene

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Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should be introduced to the basic needs of animals for

survival, as well as the importance of exercise and nutrition for
humans. They should also be introduced to the processes of
reproduction and growth in animals. The focus at this stage
should be on questions that help pupils to recognise growth; they

should not be expected to understand how reproduction occurs.

The following examples might be used: egg, chick, chicken; egg,

caterpillar, pupa, butterfly; spawn, tadpole, frog; lamb, sheep.
Growing into adults can include reference to baby, toddler, child,
teenager, adult.

Pupils might work scientifically by: observing, through video or

first-hand observation and measurement, how different animals,
including humans, grow; asking questions about what things
animals need for survival and what humans need to stay healthy;
and suggesting ways to find answers to their questions.

Uses of everyday materials

Pupils should be taught to:

identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials,

including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for
particular uses
find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can
be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

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Pupils should identify and discuss the uses of different everyday

materials so that they become familiar with how some materials
are used for more than one thing (metal can be used for coins,
cans, cars and table legs; wood can be used for matches, floors,
and telegraph poles) or different materials are used for the same
thing (spoons can be made from plastic, wood, metal, but not
normally from glass). They should think about the properties of
materials that make them suitable or unsuitable for particular
purposes and they should be encouraged to think about unusual
and creative uses for everyday materials. Pupils might find out
about people who have developed useful new materials, for
example John Dunlop, Charles Macintosh or John McAdam.

Pupils might work scientifically by: comparing the uses of

everyday materials in and around the school with materials found
in other places (at home, the journey to school, on visits, and in
stories, rhymes and songs); observing closely, identifying and
classifying the uses of different materials, and recording their

Lower key stage 2 – years 3 and 4

The principal focus of science teaching in lower key stage 2 is to enable

pupils to broaden their scientific view of the world around them. They should
do this through exploring, talking about, testing and developing ideas about

everyday phenomena and the relationships between living things and
familiar environments, and by beginning to develop their ideas about
functions, relationships and interactions. They should ask their own
questions about what they observe and make some decisions about which
types of scientific enquiry are likely to be the best ways of answering them,
including observing changes over time, noticing patterns, grouping and

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classifying things, carrying out simple comparative and fair tests and finding
things out using secondary sources of information. They should draw simple
conclusions and use some scientific language, first, to talk about and, later,
to write about what they have found out.

‘Working scientifically’ is described separately at the beginning of the

programme of study, but must always be taught through and clearly related
to substantive science content in the programme of study. Throughout the
notes and guidance, examples show how scientific methods and skills might
be linked to specific elements of the content.

Pupils should read and spell scientific vocabulary correctly and with

confidence, using their growing word-reading and spelling knowledge.

Lower key stage 2 programme of study

Working scientifically

During years 3 and 4, pupils should be taught to use the following practical

scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the
programme of study content:

asking relevant questions and using different types of scientific enquiries

to answer them
setting up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests
making systematic and careful observations and, where appropriate,
taking accurate measurements using standard units, using a range of
equipment, including thermometers and data loggers
gathering, recording, classifying and presenting data in a variety of ways

to help in answering questions

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recording findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled

diagrams, keys, bar charts, and tables
reporting on findings from enquiries, including oral and written

explanations, displays or presentations of results and conclusions
using results to draw simple conclusions, make predictions for new
values, suggest improvements and raise further questions
identifying differences, similarities or changes related to simple scientific
ideas and processes
using straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to

support their findings.

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils in years 3 and 4 should be given a range of scientific

experiences to enable them to raise their own questions about
the world around them. They should start to make their own
decisions about the most appropriate type of scientific enquiry
they might use to answer questions; recognise when a simple fair
test is necessary and help to decide how to set it up; talk about
criteria for grouping, sorting and classifying; and use simple keys.
They should begin to look for naturally occurring patterns and
relationships and decide what data to collect to identify them.
They should help to make decisions about what observations to
make, how long to make them for and the type of simple
equipment that might be used. They should learn how to use new
equipment, such as data loggers, appropriately. They should
collect data from their own observations and measurements,
using notes, simple tables and standard units, and help to make

decisions about how to record and analyse this data.

With help, pupils should look for changes, patterns, similarities

and differences in their data in order to draw simple conclusions
and answer questions. With support, they should identify new
questions arising from the data, making predictions for new

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values within or beyond the data they have collected, and finding
ways of improving what they have already done. They should
also recognise when and how secondary sources might help
them to answer questions that cannot be answered through

practical investigations.

Pupils should use relevant scientific language to discuss their

ideas and communicate their findings in ways that are appropriate
for different audiences.

These opportunities for working scientifically should be provided

across years 3 and 4 so that the expectations in the programme
of study can be met by the end of year 4. Pupils are not expected
to cover each aspect for every area of study.

Year 3 programme of study


Pupils should be taught to:

identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants:

roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers
explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water,

nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to

investigate the way in which water is transported within plants
explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants,

including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal

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Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should be introduced to the relationship between structure

and function: the idea that every part has a job to do. They should
explore questions that focus on the role of the roots and stem in
nutrition and support, leaves for nutrition and flowers for

Note: pupils can be introduced to the idea that plants can make
their own food, but at this stage they do not need to understand
how this happens.

Pupils might work scientifically by: comparing the effect of different

factors on plant growth, for example, the amount of light, the
amount of fertiliser; discovering how seeds are formed by
observing the different stages of plant life cycles over a period of
time; looking for patterns in the structure of fruits that relate to

how the seeds are dispersed. They might observe how water is
transported in plants, for example, by putting cut, white carnations
into coloured water and observing how water travels up the stem
to the flowers.

Animals, including humans

Pupils should be taught to:

identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount

of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition

from what they eat
identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and
muscles for support, protection and movement

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Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should continue to learn about the importance of nutrition

and should be introduced to the main body parts associated with
the skeleton and muscles, finding out how different parts of the
body have special functions.

Pupils might work scientifically by: identifying and grouping
animals with and without skeletons and observing and comparing
their movement; exploring ideas about what would happen if
humans did not have skeletons. They might compare and

contrast the diets of different animals (including their pets) and
decide ways of grouping them according to what they eat. They
might research different food groups and how they keep us
healthy, and design meals based on what they find out.


Pupils should be taught to:

compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their

appearance and simple physical properties
describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have

lived are trapped within rock
recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Linked with work in geography, pupils should explore different

kinds of rocks and soils, including those in the local environment.

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Pupils might work scientifically by: observing rocks, including

those used in buildings and gravestones, and exploring how and
why they might have changed over time; using a hand lens or
microscope to help them to identify and classify rocks according

to whether they have grains or crystals, and whether they have
fossils in them. Pupils might research and discuss the different
kinds of living things whose fossils are found in sedimentary rock
and explore how fossils are formed. Pupils could explore different
soils and identify similarities and differences between them and
investigate what happens when rocks are rubbed together or
what changes occur when they are in water. They can raise and
answer questions about the way soils are formed.


Pupils should be taught to:

recognise that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the

absence of light
notice that light is reflected from surfaces
recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are
ways to protect their eyes
recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is

blocked by an opaque object
find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should explore what happens when light reflects off a mirror
or other reflective surfaces, including playing mirror games to

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help them to answer questions about how light behaves. They

should think about why it is important to protect their eyes from
bright lights. They should look for, and measure, shadows, and
find out how they are formed and what might cause the shadows
to change.

Note: pupils should be warned that it is not safe to look directly at

the sun, even when wearing dark glasses.

Pupils might work scientifically by: looking for patterns in what

happens to shadows when the light source moves or the distance
between the light source and the object changes.

Forces and magnets

compare how things move on different surfaces

notice that some forces need contact between 2 objects, but magnetic

forces can act at a distance
observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some
materials and not others
compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis
of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic

describe magnets as having 2 poles
predict whether 2 magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on

which poles are facing

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should observe that magnetic forces can act without direct
contact, unlike most forces, where direct contact is necessary (for

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example, opening a door, pushing a swing). They should explore

the behaviour and everyday uses of different magnets (for
example, bar, ring, button and horseshoe).

Pupils might work scientifically by: comparing how different things

move and grouping them; raising questions and carrying out tests
to find out how far things move on different surfaces, and
gathering and recording data to find answers to their questions;
exploring the strengths of different magnets and finding a fair way
to compare them; sorting materials into those that are magnetic
and those that are not; looking for patterns in the way that
magnets behave in relation to each other and what might affect
this, for example, the strength of the magnet or which pole faces
another; identifying how these properties make magnets useful in
everyday items and suggesting creative uses for different

Year 4 programme of study

Living things and their habitats

Pupils should be taught to:

recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways

explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a

variety of living things in their local and wider environment
recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes
pose dangers to living things

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Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should use the local environment throughout the year to

raise and answer questions that help them to identify and study
plants and animals in their habitat. They should identify how the
habitat changes throughout the year. Pupils should explore
possible ways of grouping a wide selection of living things that
include animals, flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Pupils

could begin to put vertebrate animals into groups, for example:
fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals; and invertebrates
into snails and slugs, worms, spiders, and insects.

Note: plants can be grouped into categories such as flowering

plants (including grasses) and non-flowering plants, for example
ferns and mosses.

Pupils should explore examples of human impact (both positive

and negative) on environments, for example, the positive effects
of nature reserves, ecologically planned parks, or garden ponds,
and the negative effects of population and development, litter or


Pupils might work scientifically by: using and making simple

guides or keys to explore and identify local plants and animals;
making a guide to local living things; raising and answering
questions based on their observations of animals and what they
have found out about other animals that they have researched.

Animals, including humans

Pupils should be taught to:

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describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in
identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions
construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers,

predators and prey

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should be introduced to the main body parts associated

with the digestive system, for example: mouth, tongue, teeth,
oesophagus, stomach, and small and large intestine, and explore
questions that help them to understand their special functions.

Pupils might work scientifically by: comparing the teeth of

carnivores and herbivores and suggesting reasons for
differences; finding out what damages teeth and how to look after
them. They might draw and discuss their ideas about the
digestive system and compare them with models or images.

States of matter

Pupils should be taught to:

compare and group materials together, according to whether they are

solids, liquids or gases
observe that some materials change state when they are heated or
cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens
in degrees Celsius (°C)
identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water

cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature

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Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should explore a variety of everyday materials and develop

simple descriptions of the states of matter (solids hold their
shape; liquids form a pool not a pile; gases escape from an
unsealed container). Pupils should observe water as a solid, a
liquid and a gas and should note the changes to water when it is
heated or cooled.

Note: teachers should avoid using materials where heating is

associated with chemical change, for example, through baking or


Pupils might work scientifically by: grouping and classifying a

variety of different materials; exploring the effect of temperature
on substances such as chocolate, butter, cream (for example, to
make food such as chocolate crispy cakes and ice-cream for a
party). They could research the temperature at which materials
change state, for example, when iron melts or when oxygen
condenses into a liquid. They might observe and record
evaporation over a period of time, for example, a puddle in the
playground or washing on a line, and investigate the effect of
temperature on washing drying or snowmen melting.


Pupils should be taught to:

identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something

recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear
find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that

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produced it
find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the

vibrations that produced it
recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source


Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should explore and identify the way sound is made through
vibration in a range of different musical instruments from around
the world; and find out how the pitch and volume of sounds can
be changed in a variety of ways.

Pupils might work scientifically by: finding patterns in the sounds
that are made by different objects such as saucepan lids of
different sizes or elastic bands of different thicknesses. They
might make earmuffs from a variety of different materials to
investigate which provides the best insulation against sound.
They could make and play their own instruments by using what
they have found out about pitch and volume.


Pupils should be taught to:

identify common appliances that run on electricity

construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic
parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers
identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on
whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery
recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with

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whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit
recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate
metals with being good conductors

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should construct simple series circuits, trying different

components, for example, bulbs, buzzers and motors, and
including switches, and use their circuits to create simple devices.
Pupils should draw the circuit as a pictorial representation, not
necessarily using conventional circuit symbols at this stage; these
will be introduced in year 6.

Note: pupils might use the terms current and voltage, but these
should not be introduced or defined formally at this stage. Pupils
should be taught about precautions for working safely with

Pupils might work scientifically by: observing patterns, for

example, that bulbs get brighter if more cells are added, that

metals tend to be conductors of electricity, and that some
materials can and some cannot be used to connect across a gap
in a circuit.

Upper key stage 2 – years 5 and 6

The principal focus of science teaching in upper key stage 2 is to enable

pupils to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas.
They should do this through exploring and talking about their ideas; asking

their own questions about scientific phenomena; and analysing functions,

relationships and interactions more systematically. At upper key stage 2,

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they should encounter more abstract ideas and begin to recognise how
these ideas help them to understand and predict how the world operates.
They should also begin to recognise that scientific ideas change and
develop over time. They should select the most appropriate ways to answer
science questions using different types of scientific enquiry, including
observing changes over different periods of time, noticing patterns, grouping
and classifying things, carrying out comparative and fair tests and finding
things out using a wide range of secondary sources of information. Pupils
should draw conclusions based on their data and observations, use
evidence to justify their ideas, and use their scientific knowledge and
understanding to explain their findings.

‘Working and thinking scientifically’ is described separately at the beginning

of the programme of study, but must always be taught through and clearly
related to substantive science content in the programme of study.

Throughout the notes and guidance, examples show how scientific methods
and skills might be linked to specific elements of the content.

Pupils should read, spell and pronounce scientific vocabulary correctly.

Upper key stage 2 programme of study

Working scientifically

During years 5 and 6, pupils should be taught to use the following practical

scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the
programme of study content:

planning different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions,

including recognising and controlling variables where necessary

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taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with

increasing accuracy and precision, taking repeat readings when

recording data and results of increasing complexity using scientific

diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, scatter graphs, bar and
line graphs
using test results to make predictions to set up further comparative and

fair tests
reporting and presenting findings from enquiries, including conclusions,

causal relationships and explanations of and a degree of trust in results,
in oral and written forms such as displays and other presentations
identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute

ideas or arguments

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils in years 5 and 6 should use their science experiences to:

explore ideas and raise different kinds of questions; select and
plan the most appropriate type of scientific enquiry to use to
answer scientific questions; recognise when and how to set up
comparative and fair tests and explain which variables need to be
controlled and why. They should use and develop keys and other
information records to identify, classify and describe living things
and materials, and identify patterns that might be found in the
natural environment.

They should make their own decisions about what observations to

make, what measurements to use and how long to make them
for, and whether to repeat them; choose the most appropriate
equipment to make measurements and explain how to use it
accurately. They should decide how to record data from a choice
of familiar approaches; look for different causal relationships in
their data and identify evidence that refutes or supports their
ideas. They should use their results to identify when further tests

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and observations might be needed; recognise which secondary

sources will be most useful to research their ideas and begin to
separate opinion from fact.

They should use relevant scientific language and illustrations to

discuss, communicate and justify their scientific ideas and should
talk about how scientific ideas have developed over time.

These opportunities for working scientifically should be provided

across years 5 and 6 so that the expectations in the programme
of study can be met by the end of year 6. Pupils are not expected
to cover each aspect for every area of study.

Year 5 programme of study

Living things and their habitats

Pupils should be taught to:

describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an

insect and a bird
describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should study and raise questions about their local

environment throughout the year. They should observe life-cycle
changes in a variety of living things, for example, plants in the
vegetable garden or flower border, and animals in the local

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environment. They should find out about the work of naturalists

and animal behaviourists, for example, David Attenborough and
Jane Goodall.

Pupils should find out about different types of reproduction,

including sexual and asexual reproduction in plants, and sexual
reproduction in animals.

Pupils might work scientifically by: observing and comparing the

life cycles of plants and animals in their local environment with
other plants and animals around the world (in the rainforest, in the
oceans, in desert areas and in prehistoric times), asking pertinent
questions and suggesting reasons for similarities and differences.
They might try to grow new plants from different parts of the
parent plant, for example, seeds, stem and root cuttings, tubers,

bulbs. They might observe changes in an animal over a period of
time (for example, by hatching and rearing chicks), comparing
how different animals reproduce and grow.

Animals, including humans

Pupils should be taught to:

describe the changes as humans develop to old age

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should draw a timeline to indicate stages in the growth and

development of humans. They should learn about the changes
experienced in puberty.

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Pupils could work scientifically by researching the gestation

periods of other animals and comparing them with humans; by
finding out and recording the length and mass of a baby as it

Properties and changes of materials

Pupils should be taught to:

compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their

properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity
(electrical and thermal), and response to magnets
know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and

describe how to recover a substance from a solution
use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might
be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating
give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the

particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic
demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible

explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and

that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes

associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should build a more systematic understanding of materials

by exploring and comparing the properties of a broad range of
materials, including relating these to what they learnt about
magnetism in year 3 and about electricity in year 4. They should
explore reversible changes, including evaporating, filtering,

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sieving, melting and dissolving, recognising that melting and

dissolving are different processes. Pupils should explore changes
that are difficult to reverse, for example, burning, rusting and
other reactions, for example, vinegar with bicarbonate of soda.
They should find out about how chemists create new materials,
for example, Spencer Silver, who invented the glue for sticky
notes or Ruth Benerito, who invented wrinkle-free cotton.

Note: pupils are not required to make quantitative measurements

about conductivity and insulation at this stage. It is sufficient for
them to observe that some conductors will produce a brighter
bulb in a circuit than others and that some materials will feel
hotter than others when a heat source is placed against them.
Safety guidelines should be followed when burning materials.

Pupils might work scientifically by: carrying out tests to answer

questions, for example, ‘Which materials would be the most
effective for making a warm jacket, for wrapping ice cream to stop
it melting, or for making blackout curtains?’ They might compare
materials in order to make a switch in a circuit. They could
observe and compare the changes that take place, for example,
when burning different materials or baking bread or cakes. They
might research and discuss how chemical changes have an
impact on our lives, for example, cooking, and discuss the
creative use of new materials such as polymers, super-sticky and
super-thin materials.

Earth and space

Pupils should be taught to:

describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun

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in the solar system
describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth
describe the sun, Earth and moon as approximately spherical bodies
use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the

apparent movement of the sun across the sky

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should be introduced to a model of the sun and Earth that

enables them to explain day and night. Pupils should learn that
the sun is a star at the centre of our solar system and that it has 8
planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
and Neptune (Pluto was reclassified as a ‘dwarf planet’ in 2006).
They should understand that a moon is a celestial body that orbits
a planet (Earth has 1 moon; Jupiter has 4 large moons and
numerous smaller ones).

Note: pupils should be warned that it is not safe to look directly at

the sun, even when wearing dark glasses.

Pupils should find out about the way that ideas about the solar
system have developed, understanding how the geocentric model
of the solar system gave way to the heliocentric model by
considering the work of scientists such as Ptolemy, Alhazen and

Pupils might work scientifically by: comparing the time of day at

different places on the Earth through internet links and direct
communication; creating simple models of the solar system;
constructing simple shadow clocks and sundials, calibrated to
show midday and the start and end of the school day; finding out
why some people think that structures such as Stonehenge might
have been used as astronomical clocks.

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Pupils should be taught to:

explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the

force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object
identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act
between moving surfaces
recognise that some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears
allow a smaller force to have a greater effect

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should explore falling objects and raise questions about the
effects of air resistance. They should explore the effects of air
resistance by observing how different objects such as parachutes
and sycamore seeds fall. They should experience forces that
make things begin to move, get faster or slow down. Pupils
should explore the effects of friction on movement and find out
how it slows or stops moving objects, for example, by observing
the effects of a brake on a bicycle wheel. Pupils should explore
the effects of levers, pulleys and simple machines on movement.

Pupils might find out how scientists, for example, Galileo Galilei
and Isaac Newton helped to develop the theory of gravitation.

Pupils might work scientifically by: exploring falling paper cones or

cupcake cases, and designing and making a variety of
parachutes and carrying out fair tests to determine which designs
are the most effective. They might explore resistance in water by
making and testing boats of different shapes. They might design

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and make products that use levers, pulleys, gears and/or springs
and explore their effects.

Year 6 programme of study

Living things and their habitats

Pupils should be taught to:

describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to

common observable characteristics and based on similarities and
differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals
give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific


Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should build on their learning about grouping living things in

year 4 by looking at the classification system in more detail. They
should be introduced to the idea that broad groupings, such as
micro-organisms, plants and animals can be subdivided. Through
direct observations where possible, they should classify animals
into commonly found invertebrates (such as insects, spiders,
snails, worms) and vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds
and mammals). They should discuss reasons why living things
are placed in one group and not another. Pupils might find out
about the significance of the work of scientists such as Carl
Linnaeus, a pioneer of classification.

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Pupils might work scientifically by: using classification systems

and keys to identify some animals and plants in the immediate
environment. They could research unfamiliar animals and plants
from a broad range of other habitats and decide where they
belong in the classification system.

Animals including humans

Pupils should be taught to:

identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and

describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood
recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their
bodies function
describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within

animals, including humans

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should build on their learning from years 3 and 4 about the
main body parts and internal organs (skeletal, muscular and
digestive system) to explore and answer questions that help them
to understand how the circulatory system enables the body to

Pupils should learn how to keep their bodies healthy and how their
bodies might be damaged – including how some drugs and other
substances can be harmful to the human body.

Pupils might work scientifically by: exploring the work of scientists

and scientific research about the relationship between diet,

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exercise, drugs, lifestyle and health.

Evolution and inheritance

Pupils should be taught to:

recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils

provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of
years ago
recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but

normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents
identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in

different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Building on what they learned about fossils in the topic on rocks in

year 3, pupils should find out more about how living things on
earth have changed over time. They should be introduced to the
idea that characteristics are passed from parents to their
offspring, for instance by considering different breeds of dogs,
and what happens when, for example, labradors are crossed with
poodles. They should also appreciate that variation in offspring
over time can make animals more or less able to survive in
particular environments, for example, by exploring how giraffes’
necks got longer, or the development of insulating fur on the
arctic fox. Pupils might find out about the work of palaeontologists
such as Mary Anning and about how Charles Darwin and Alfred
Wallace developed their ideas on evolution.

Note: at this stage, pupils are not expected to understand how

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genes and chromosomes work.

Pupils might work scientifically by: observing and raising questions

about local animals and how they are adapted to their
environment; comparing how some living things are adapted to
survive in extreme conditions, for example, cactuses, penguins
and camels. They might analyse the advantages and
disadvantages of specific adaptations, such as being on 2 feet
rather than 4, having a long or a short beak, having gills or lungs,
tendrils on climbing plants, brightly coloured and scented flowers.


Pupils should be taught to:

recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines

use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are
seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye
explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our

eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes
use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows

have the same shape as the objects that cast them

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Pupils should build on the work on light in year 3, exploring the

way that light behaves, including light sources, reflection and
shadows. They should talk about what happens and make

Pupils might work scientifically by: deciding where to place rear-

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view mirrors on cars; designing and making a periscope and using

the idea that light appears to travel in straight lines to explain how
it works. They might investigate the relationship between light

sources, objects and shadows by using shadow puppets. They
could extend their experience of light by looking a range of
phenomena including rainbows, colours on soap bubbles, objects
looking bent in water, and coloured filters (they do not need to
explain why these phenomena occur).


Pupils should be taught to:

associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the

number and voltage of cells used in the circuit
compare and give reasons for variations in how components function,

including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off

position of switches
use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram

Notes and guidance (non-statutory)

Building on their work in year 4, pupils should construct simple

series circuits, to help them to answer questions about what
happens when they try different components, for example,
switches, bulbs, buzzers and motors. They should learn how to
represent a simple circuit in a diagram using recognised symbols.

Note: pupils are expected to learn only about series circuits, not
parallel circuits. Pupils should be taught to take the necessary
precautions for working safely with electricity.

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Pupils might work scientifically by: systematically identifying the

effect of changing one component at a time in a circuit; designing
and making a set of traffic lights, a burglar alarm or some other
useful circuit.

Key stage 3

The principal focus of science teaching in key stage 3 is to develop a deeper

understanding of a range of scientific ideas in the subject disciplines of

biology, chemistry and physics. Pupils should begin to see the connections

between these subject areas and become aware of some of the big ideas

underpinning scientific knowledge and understanding. Examples of these
big ideas are the links between structure and function in living organisms,
the particulate model as the key to understanding the properties and
interactions of matter in all its forms, and the resources and means of
transfer of energy as key determinants of all of these interactions. They
should be encouraged to relate scientific explanations to phenomena in the
world around them and start to use modelling and abstract ideas to develop
and evaluate explanations.

Pupils should understand that science is about working objectively,

modifying explanations to take account of new evidence and ideas and
subjecting results to peer review. Pupils should decide on the appropriate
type of scientific enquiry to undertake to answer their own questions and
develop a deeper understanding of factors to be taken into account when
collecting, recording and processing data. They should evaluate their results
and identify further questions arising from them.

‘Working scientifically’ is described separately at the beginning of the

programme of study, but must always be taught through and clearly related
to substantive science content in the programme of study. Teachers should

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feel free to choose examples that serve a variety of purposes, from showing
how scientific ideas have developed historically to reflecting modern
developments in science.

Pupils should develop their use of scientific vocabulary, including the use of
scientific nomenclature and units and mathematical representations.

Working scientifically

Through the content across all three disciplines, pupils should be taught to:

Scientific attitudes

pay attention to objectivity and concern for accuracy, precision,

repeatability and reproducibility
understand that scientific methods and theories develop as earlier

explanations are modified to take account of new evidence and ideas,
together with the importance of publishing results and peer review
evaluate risks

Experimental skills and investigations

ask questions and develop a line of enquiry based on observations of the

real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience
make predictions using scientific knowledge and understanding
select, plan and carry out the most appropriate types of scientific

enquiries to test predictions, including identifying independent,
dependent and control variables
use appropriate techniques, apparatus, and materials during fieldwork
and laboratory work, paying attention to health and safety
make and record observations and measurements using a range of
methods for different investigations; and evaluate the reliability of
methods and suggest possible improvements

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apply sampling techniques

Analysis and evaluation

apply mathematical concepts and calculate results

present observations and data using appropriate methods, including
tables and graphs
interpret observations and data, including identifying patterns and using

observations, measurements and data to draw conclusions
present reasoned explanations, including explaining data in relation to

predictions and hypotheses
evaluate data, showing awareness of potential sources of random and

systematic error
identify further questions arising from their results


understand and use SI units and IUPAC (International Union of Pure and

Applied Chemistry) chemical nomenclature
use and derive simple equations and carry out appropriate calculations
undertake basic data analysis including simple statistical techniques

Subject content


Pupils should be taught about:

Structure and function of living organisms

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Cells and organisation

cells as the fundamental unit of living organisms, including how to

observe, interpret and record cell structure using a light microscope
the functions of the cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus,

vacuole, mitochondria and chloroplasts
the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells
the role of diffusion in the movement of materials in and between cells
the structural adaptations of some unicellular organisms
the hierarchical organisation of multicellular organisms: from cells to

tissues to organs to systems to organisms

The skeletal and muscular systems

the structure and functions of the human skeleton, to include support,

protection, movement and making blood cells
biomechanics – the interaction between skeleton and muscles, including
the measurement of force exerted by different muscles
the function of muscles and examples of antagonistic muscles

Nutrition and digestion

the content of a healthy human diet: carbohydrates, lipids (fats and oils),
proteins, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and water, and why each is

calculations of energy requirements in a healthy daily diet
the consequences of imbalances in the diet, including obesity, starvation

and deficiency diseases
the tissues and organs of the human digestive system, including

adaptations to function and how the digestive system digests food
(enzymes simply as biological catalysts)
the importance of bacteria in the human digestive system
plants making carbohydrates in their leaves by photosynthesis and
gaining mineral nutrients and water from the soil via their roots

Gas exchange systems

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the structure and functions of the gas exchange system in humans,

including adaptations to function
the mechanism of breathing to move air in and out of the lungs, using a

pressure model to explain the movement of gases, including simple
measurements of lung volume
the impact of exercise, asthma and smoking on the human gas exchange
the role of leaf stomata in gas exchange in plants


reproduction in humans (as an example of a mammal), including the

structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems,
menstrual cycle (without details of hormones), gametes, fertilisation,
gestation and birth, to include the effect of maternal lifestyle on the
foetus through the placenta
reproduction in plants, including flower structure, wind and insect

pollination, fertilisation, seed and fruit formation and dispersal, including

quantitative investigation of some dispersal mechanisms


the effects of recreational drugs (including substance misuse) on

behaviour, health and life processes

Material cycles and energy


the reactants in, and products of, photosynthesis, and a word summary
for photosynthesis
the dependence of almost all life on Earth on the ability of photosynthetic
organisms, such as plants and algae, to use sunlight in photosynthesis
to build organic molecules that are an essential energy store and to
maintain levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

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the adaptations of leaves for photosynthesis

Cellular respiration

aerobic and anaerobic respiration in living organisms, including the

breakdown of organic molecules to enable all the other chemical
processes necessary for life
a word summary for aerobic respiration
the process of anaerobic respiration in humans and micro-organisms,

including fermentation, and a word summary for anaerobic respiration
the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration in terms of the
reactants, the products formed and the implications for the organism

Interactions and interdependencies

Relationships in an ecosystem

the interdependence of organisms in an ecosystem, including food webs

and insect pollinated crops
the importance of plant reproduction through insect pollination in human

food security
how organisms affect, and are affected by, their environment, including

the accumulation of toxic materials

Genetics and evolution

Inheritance, chromosomes, DNA and genes

heredity as the process by which genetic information is transmitted from

one generation to the next
a simple model of chromosomes, genes and DNA in heredity, including
the part played by Watson, Crick, Wilkins and Franklin in the
development of the DNA model
differences between species
the variation between individuals within a species being continuous or

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discontinuous, to include measurement and graphical representation of

the variation between species and between individuals of the same
species meaning some organisms compete more successfully, which
can drive natural selection
changes in the environment which may leave individuals within a species,
and some entire species, less well adapted to compete successfully and

reproduce, which in turn may lead to extinction
the importance of maintaining biodiversity and the use of gene banks to

preserve hereditary material


Pupils should be taught about:

The particulate nature of matter

the properties of the different states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) in
terms of the particle model, including gas pressure
changes of state in terms of the particle model

Atoms, elements and compounds

a simple (Dalton) atomic model

differences between atoms, elements and compounds
chemical symbols and formulae for elements and compounds
conservation of mass changes of state and chemical reactions

Pure and impure substances

the concept of a pure substance

mixtures, including dissolving
diffusion in terms of the particle model

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simple techniques for separating mixtures: filtration, evaporation,

distillation and chromatography
the identification of pure substances

Chemical reactions

chemical reactions as the rearrangement of atoms

representing chemical reactions using formulae and using equations
combustion, thermal decomposition, oxidation and displacement

defining acids and alkalis in terms of neutralisation reactions
the pH scale for measuring acidity/alkalinity; and indicators
reactions of acids with metals to produce a salt plus hydrogen
reactions of acids with alkalis to produce a salt plus water
what catalysts do


energy changes on changes of state (qualitative)

exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions (qualitative)

The periodic table

the varying physical and chemical properties of different elements

the principles underpinning the Mendeleev periodic table
the periodic table: periods and groups; metals and non-metals
how patterns in reactions can be predicted with reference to the periodic

the properties of metals and non-metals
the chemical properties of metal and non-metal oxides with respect to



the order of metals and carbon in the reactivity series

the use of carbon in obtaining metals from metal oxides

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properties of ceramics, polymers and composites (qualitative)

Earth and atmosphere

the composition of the Earth

the structure of the Earth
the rock cycle and the formation of igneous, sedimentary and
metamorphic rocks
Earth as a source of limited resources and the efficacy of recycling
the composition of the atmosphere
the production of carbon dioxide by human activity and the impact on



Pupils should be taught about:


Calculation of fuel uses and costs in the domestic context

comparing energy values of different foods (from labels) (kJ)

comparing power ratings of appliances in watts (W, kW)
comparing amounts of energy transferred (J, kJ, kW hour)
domestic fuel bills, fuel use and costs
fuels and energy resources

Energy changes and transfers

simple machines give bigger force but at the expense of smaller

movement (and vice versa): product of force and displacement
heating and thermal equilibrium: temperature difference between 2

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objects leading to energy transfer from the hotter to the cooler one,
through contact (conduction) or radiation; such transfers tending to
reduce the temperature difference; use of insulators
other processes that involve energy transfer: changing motion, dropping
an object, completing an electrical circuit, stretching a spring,
metabolism of food, burning fuels

Changes in systems

energy as a quantity that can be quantified and calculated; the total

energy has the same value before and after a change
comparing the starting with the final conditions of a system and

describing increases and decreases in the amounts of energy associated
with movements, temperatures, changes in positions in a field, in elastic

distortions and in chemical compositions
using physical processes and mechanisms, rather than energy, to explain
the intermediate steps that bring about such changes

Motion and forces

Describing motion

speed and the quantitative relationship between average speed, distance

and time (speed = distance ÷ time)
the representation of a journey on a distance-time graph
relative motion: trains and cars passing one another


forces as pushes or pulls, arising from the interaction between 2 objects

using force arrows in diagrams, adding forces in 1 dimension, balanced
and unbalanced forces
moment as the turning effect of a force
forces: associated with deforming objects; stretching and squashing –

springs; with rubbing and friction between surfaces, with pushing things

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out of the way; resistance to motion of air and water

forces measured in newtons, measurements of stretch or compression as
force is changed
force-extension linear relation; Hooke’s Law as a special case
work done and energy changes on deformation
non-contact forces: gravity forces acting at a distance on Earth and in

space, forces between magnets, and forces due to static electricity

Pressure in fluids

atmospheric pressure, decreases with increase of height as weight of air

above decreases with height
pressure in liquids, increasing with depth; upthrust effects, floating and

pressure measured by ratio of force over area – acting normal to any


Balanced forces

opposing forces and equilibrium: weight held by stretched spring or

supported on a compressed surface

Forces and motion

forces being needed to cause objects to stop or start moving, or to

change their speed or direction of motion (qualitative only)
change depending on direction of force and its size


Observed waves

waves on water as undulations which travel through water with

transverse motion; these waves can be reflected, and add or cancel –

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Sound waves

frequencies of sound waves, measured in hertz (Hz); echoes, reflection

and absorption of sound
sound needs a medium to travel, the speed of sound in air, in water, in

sound produced by vibrations of objects, in loudspeakers, detected by

their effects on microphone diaphragm and the ear drum; sound waves
are longitudinal
the auditory range of humans and animals

Energy and waves

pressure waves transferring energy; use for cleaning and physiotherapy

by ultrasound; waves transferring information for conversion to electrical

signals by microphone

Light waves

the similarities and differences between light waves and waves in matter
light waves travelling through a vacuum; speed of light
the transmission of light through materials: absorption, diffuse scattering
and specular reflection at a surface
use of ray model to explain imaging in mirrors, the pinhole camera, the

refraction of light and action of convex lens in focusing (qualitative); the

human eye
light transferring energy from source to absorber, leading to chemical and
electrical effects; photosensitive material in the retina and in cameras
colours and the different frequencies of light, white light and prisms

(qualitative only); differential colour effects in absorption and diffuse


Electricity and electromagnetism

Current electricity

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electric current, measured in amperes, in circuits, series and parallel

circuits, currents add where branches meet and current as flow of charge
potential difference, measured in volts, battery and bulb ratings;

resistance, measured in ohms, as the ratio of potential difference (p.d.)
to current
differences in resistance between conducting and insulating components


Static electricity

separation of positive or negative charges when objects are rubbed

together: transfer of electrons, forces between charged objects
the idea of electric field, forces acting across the space between objects

not in contact


magnetic poles, attraction and repulsion

magnetic fields by plotting with compass, representation by field lines
Earth’s magnetism, compass and navigation
the magnetic effect of a current, electromagnets, DC motors (principles



Physical changes

conservation of material and of mass, and reversibility, in melting,

freezing, evaporation, sublimation, condensation, dissolving
similarities and differences, including density differences, between solids,
liquids and gases
Brownian motion in gases
diffusion in liquids and gases driven by differences in concentration
the difference between chemical and physical changes

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Particle model

the differences in arrangements, in motion and in closeness of particles

explaining changes of state, shape and density; the anomaly of ice-water
atoms and molecules as particles

Energy in matter

changes with temperature in motion and spacing of particles

internal energy stored in materials

Space physics

gravity force, weight = mass x gravitational field strength (g), on Earth

g=10 N/kg, different on other planets and stars; gravity forces between
Earth and Moon, and between Earth and sun (qualitative only)
our sun as a star, other stars in our galaxy, other galaxies
the seasons and the Earth’s tilt, day length at different times of year, in
different hemispheres
the light year as a unit of astronomical distance

Key stage 4

Teaching in the sciences in key stage 4 continues with the process of

building upon and deepening scientific knowledge and the understanding of
ideas developed in earlier key stages in the subject disciplines of biology,
chemistry and physics.

For some students, studying the sciences in key stage 4 provides the
platform for more advanced studies, establishing the basis for a wide range
of careers. For others, it will be their last formal study of subjects that
provide the foundations for understanding the natural world and will

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enhance their lives in an increasingly technological society.

Science is changing our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and
all students should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods,

processes and uses of science. They should be helped to appreciate the

achievements of science in showing how the complex and diverse
phenomena of the natural world can be described in terms of a number of
key ideas relating to the sciences which are inter-linked, and which are of
universal application. These key ideas include:

the use of conceptual models and theories to make sense of the

observed diversity of natural phenomena
the assumption that every effect has one or more cause
that change is driven by interactions between different objects and

that many such interactions occur over a distance and over time
that science progresses through a cycle of hypothesis, practical

experimentation, observation, theory development and review
that quantitative analysis is a central element both of many theories and

of scientific methods of inquiry

The sciences should be taught in ways that ensure students have the
knowledge to enable them to develop curiosity about the natural world,
insight into working scientifically, and appreciation of the relevance of
science to their everyday lives, so that students:

develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the

specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science,

through different types of scientific enquiry that help them to answer

scientific questions about the world around them
develop and learn to apply observational, practical, modelling, enquiry,

problem-solving skills and mathematical skills, both in the laboratory, in
the field and in other environments

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develop their ability to evaluate claims based on science through critical

analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions, both
qualitatively and quantitatively

Curricula at key stage 4 should comprise approximately equal proportions of

biology, chemistry and physics. The relevant mathematical skills required
are covered in the programme of study for mathematics and should be
embedded in the science context.

‘Working scientifically’ is described separately at the beginning of the

programme of study, but must always be taught through and clearly related
to substantive science content in the programme of study. Teachers should
feel free to choose examples that serve a variety of purposes, from showing
how scientific ideas have developed historically to reflecting modern
developments in science and informing students of the role of science in
understanding the causes of and solutions to some of the challenges facing

The scope and nature of their study should be broad, coherent, practical and
rigorous, so that students are inspired and challenged by the subject and its


Working scientifically

Through the content across all three disciplines, students should be taught

so that they develop understanding and first-hand experience of:

1. The development of scientific thinking

the ways in which scientific methods and theories develop over time
using a variety of concepts and models to develop scientific explanations

and understanding

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appreciating the power and limitations of science and considering ethical

issues which may arise
explaining everyday and technological applications of science; evaluating
associated personal, social, economic and environmental implications;
and making decisions based on the evaluation of evidence and
evaluating risks both in practical science and the wider societal context,

including perception of risk
recognising the importance of peer review of results and of
communication of results to a range of audiences

2. Experimental skills and strategies

using scientific theories and explanations to develop hypotheses

planning experiments to make observations, test hypotheses or explore

applying a knowledge of a range of techniques, apparatus, and materials
to select those appropriate both for fieldwork and for experiments
carrying out experiments appropriately, having due regard to the correct

manipulation of apparatus, the accuracy of measurements and health
and safety considerations
recognising when to apply a knowledge of sampling techniques to ensure
any samples collected are representative
making and recording observations and measurements using a range of

apparatus and methods
evaluating methods and suggesting possible improvements and further


3. Analysis and evaluation

applying the cycle of collecting, presenting and analysing data, including:

presenting observations and other data using appropriate methods
translating data from one form to another
carrying out and representing mathematical and statistical analysis
representing distributions of results and making estimations of

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interpreting observations and other data, including identifying
patterns and trends, making inferences and drawing conclusions
presenting reasoned explanations, including relating data to

being objective, evaluating data in terms of accuracy, precision,

repeatability and reproducibility and identifying potential sources of

random and systematic error
communicating the scientific rationale for investigations, including the

methods used, the findings and reasoned conclusions, using paper-
based and electronic reports and presentations

4. Vocabulary, units, symbols and nomenclature

developing their use of scientific vocabulary and nomenclature

recognising the importance of scientific quantities and understanding how
they are determined
using SI units and IUPAC chemical nomenclature unless inappropriate
using prefixes and powers of ten for orders of magnitude (e.g. tera, giga,

mega, kilo, centi, milli, micro and nano)
interconverting units
using an appropriate number of significant figures in calculations

Subject content – Biology

Biology is the science of living organisms (including animals, plants, fungi

and microorganisms) and their interactions with each other and the
environment. The study of biology involves collecting and interpreting
information about the natural world to identify patterns and relate possible
cause and effect. Biology is used to help humans improve their own lives
and to understand the world around them.

Students should be helped to understand how, through the ideas of biology,

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the complex and diverse phenomena of the natural world can be described
in terms of a number of key ideas which are of universal application, and
which can be illustrated in the separate topics set out below. These ideas

life processes depend on molecules whose structure is related to their

the fundamental units of living organisms are cells, which may be part of

highly adapted structures including tissues, organs and organ systems,

enabling life processes to be performed more effectively
living organisms may form populations of single species, communities of

many species and ecosystems, interacting with each other, with the
environment and with humans in many different ways
living organisms are interdependent and show adaptations to their

life on Earth is dependent on photosynthesis in which green plants and

algae trap light from the Sun to fix carbon dioxide and combine it with

hydrogen from water to make organic compounds and oxygen
organic compounds are used as fuels in cellular respiration to allow the

other chemical reactions necessary for life
the chemicals in ecosystems are continually cycling through the natural

the characteristics of a living organism are influenced by its genome and

its interaction with the environment
evolution occurs by the process of natural selection and accounts both for
biodiversity and how organisms are all related to varying degrees

Students should be taught about:

Cell biology

cells as the basic structural unit of all organisms; adaptations of cells

related to their functions; the main sub-cellular structures of eukaryotic
and prokaryotic cells

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stem cells in animals and meristems in plants

factors affecting the rate of enzymatic reactions
the importance of cellular respiration; the processes of aerobic and

anaerobic respiration
carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids as key biological


Transport systems

the need for transport systems in multicellular organisms, including plants

the relationship between the structure and functions of the human

circulatory system

Health, disease and the development of medicines

the relationship between health and disease

communicable diseases including sexually transmitted infections in
humans (including HIV/AIDs)
non-communicable diseases
bacteria, viruses and fungi as pathogens in animals and plants
body defences against pathogens and the role of the immune system
against disease
reducing and preventing the spread of infectious diseases in animals and

the process of discovery and development of new medicines
the impact of lifestyle factors on the incidence of non-communicable


Coordination and control

principles of nervous coordination and control in humans

the relationship between the structure and function of the human nervous
the relationship between structure and function in a reflex arc

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principles of hormonal coordination and control in humans

hormones in human reproduction, hormonal and non-hormonal methods
of contraception


photosynthesis as the key process for food production and therefore

biomass for life
the process of photosynthesis
factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis


levels of organisation within an ecosystem

some abiotic and biotic factors which affect communities; the importance

of interactions between organisms in a community
how materials cycle through abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems
the role of microorganisms (decomposers) in the cycling of materials

through an ecosystem
organisms are interdependent and are adapted to their environment
the importance of biodiversity
methods of identifying species and measuring distribution, frequency and

abundance of species within a habitat
positive and negative human interactions with ecosystems

Evolution, inheritance and variation

the genome as the entire genetic material of an organism

how the genome, and its interaction with the environment, influence the

development of the phenotype of an organism
the potential impact of genomics on medicine
most phenotypic features being the result of multiple, rather than single,

single gene inheritance and single gene crosses with dominant and

recessive phenotypes

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sex determination in humans

genetic variation in populations of a species
the process of natural selection leading to evolution
the evidence for evolution
developments in biology affecting classification
the importance of selective breeding of plants and animals in agriculture
the uses of modern biotechnology including gene technology; some of
the practical and ethical considerations of modern biotechnology

Subject content – Chemistry

Chemistry is the science of the composition, structure, properties and

reactions of matter, understood in terms of atoms, atomic particles and the
way they are arranged and link together. It is concerned with the synthesis,

formulation, analysis and characteristic properties of substances and
materials of all kinds.

Students should be helped to appreciate the achievements of chemistry in

showing how the complex and diverse phenomena of both the natural and
man-made worlds can be described in terms of a number of key ideas which
are of universal application, and which can be illustrated in the separate
topics set out below. These ideas include:

matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms and there are about 100
different naturally-occurring types of atoms called elements
elements show periodic relationships in their chemical and physical

these periodic properties can be explained in terms of the atomic

structure of the elements
atoms bond either by transferring electrons from one atom to another or
by sharing electrons
the shapes of molecules (groups of atoms bonded together) and the way

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giant structures are arranged is of great importance in terms of the way
they behave
reactions can occur when molecules collide and do so at different rates

due to differences in molecular collisions
chemical reactions take place in only three different ways:
proton transfer
electron transfer
electron sharing
energy is conserved in chemical reactions so can therefore be neither

created nor destroyed

Students should be taught about:

Atomic structure and the Periodic Table

a simple model of the atom consisting of the nucleus and electrons,

relative atomic mass, electronic charge and isotopes
the number of particles in a given mass of a substance
the modern Periodic Table, showing elements arranged in order of atomic
position of elements in the Periodic Table in relation to their atomic

structure and arrangement of outer electrons
properties and trends in properties of elements in the same group
characteristic properties of metals and non-metals
chemical reactivity of elements in relation to their position in the Periodic

Structure, bonding and the properties of matter

changes of state of matter in terms of particle kinetics, energy transfers

and the relative strength of chemical bonds and intermolecular forces
types of chemical bonding: ionic, covalent, and metallic
bulk properties of materials related to bonding and intermolecular forces
bonding of carbon leading to the vast array of natural and synthetic

organic compounds that occur due to the ability of carbon to form

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families of similar compounds, chains and rings

structures, bonding and properties of diamond, graphite, fullerenes and


Chemical changes

determination of empirical formulae from the ratio of atoms of different

balanced chemical equations, ionic equations and state symbols
identification of common gases
the chemistry of acids; reactions with some metals and carbonates
pH as a measure of hydrogen ion concentration and its numerical scale
electrolysis of molten ionic liquids and aqueous ionic solutions
reduction and oxidation in terms of loss or gain of oxygen.

Energy changes in chemistry

Measurement of energy changes in chemical reactions (qualitative)

Bond breaking, bond making, activation energy and reaction profiles


Rate and extent of chemical change

factors that influence the rate of reaction: varying temperature or

concentration, changing the surface area of a solid reactant or by adding
a catalyst
factors affecting reversible reactions

Chemical analysis

distinguishing between pure and impure substances

separation techniques for mixtures of substances: filtration,

crystallisation, chromatography, simple and fractional distillation
quantitative interpretation of balanced equations
concentrations of solutions in relation to mass of solute and volume of


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Chemical and allied industries

life cycle assessment and recycling to assess environmental impacts

associated with all the stages of a product’s life
the viability of recycling of certain materials
carbon compounds, both as fuels and feedstock, and the competing
demands for limited resources
fractional distillation of crude oil and cracking to make more useful

extraction and purification of metals related to the position of carbon in a
reactivity series

Earth and atmospheric science

evidence for composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere since

its formation
evidence, and uncertainties in evidence, for additional anthropogenic

causes of climate change
potential effects of, and mitigation of, increased levels of carbon dioxide
and methane on the Earth’s climate
common atmospheric pollutants: sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen,

particulates and their sources
the Earth’s water resources and obtaining potable water

Subject content – Physics

Physics is the science of the fundamental concepts of field, force, radiation

and particle structures, which are inter-linked to form unified models of the

behaviour of the material universe. From such models, a wide range of
ideas, from the broadest issue of the development of the universe over time
to the numerous and detailed ways in which new technologies may be
invented, have emerged. These have enriched both our basic understanding

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of, and our many adaptations to, our material environment.

Students should be helped to understand how, through the ideas of physics,

the complex and diverse phenomena of the natural world can be described
in terms of a number of key ideas which are of universal application and
which can be illustrated in the separate topics set out below. These ideas

the use of models, as in the particle model of matter or the wave models

of light and of sound
the concept of cause and effect in explaining such links as those between
force and acceleration, or between changes in atomic nuclei and
radioactive emissions
the phenomena of ‘action at a distance’ and the related concept of the

field as the key to analysing electrical, magnetic and gravitational effects
that differences, for example between pressures or temperatures or

electrical potentials, are the drivers of change
that proportionality, for example between weight and mass of an object or
between force and extension in a spring, is an important aspect of many
models in science

Students should be taught about:


energy changes in a system involving heating, doing work using forces,

or doing work using an electric current: calculating the stored energies
and energy changes involved
power as the rate of transfer of energy
conservation of energy in a closed system, dissipation
calculating energy efficiency for any energy transfers
renewable and non-renewable energy sources used on Earth, changes in
how these are used

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forces and fields: electrostatic, magnetic, gravity

forces as vectors
calculating work done as force x distance; elastic and inelastic stretching
pressure in fluids acts in all directions: variation in Earth’s atmosphere

with height, with depth for liquids, up-thrust force (qualitative)

Forces and motion

speed of sound, estimating speeds and accelerations in everyday

interpreting quantitatively graphs of distance, time, and speed
acceleration caused by forces; Newton’s First Law
weight and gravitational field strength
decelerations and braking distances involved on roads, safety

Wave motion

amplitude, wavelength, frequency, relating velocity to frequency and

transverse and longitudinal waves
electromagnetic waves, velocity in vacuum; waves transferring energy;

wavelengths and frequencies from radio to gamma-rays
velocities differing between media: absorption, reflection, refraction

production and detection, by electrical circuits, or by changes in atoms

and nuclei
uses in the radio, microwave, infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, X-ray and

gamma-ray regions, hazardous effects on bodily tissues


measuring resistance using p.d. and current measurements

exploring current, resistance and voltage relationships for different circuit
elements; including their graphical representations

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quantity of charge flowing as the product of current and time

drawing circuit diagrams; exploring equivalent resistance for resistors in

the domestic a.c. supply; live, neutral and earth mains wires, safety

power transfer related to p.d. and current, or current and resistance

Magnetism and electromagnetism

exploring the magnetic fields of permanent and induced magnets, and the
Earth’s magnetic field, using a compass
magnetic effects of currents, how solenoids enhance the effect
how transformers are used in the national grid and the reasons for their


The structure of matter

relating models of arrangements and motions of the molecules in solid,

liquid and gas phases to their densities
melting, evaporation, and sublimation as reversible changes
calculating energy changes involved on heating, using specific heat

capacity; and those involved in changes of state, using specific latent
links between pressure and temperature of a gas at constant volume,

related to the motion of its particles (qualitative)

Atomic structure

the nuclear model and its development in the light of changing evidence
masses and sizes of nuclei, atoms and small molecules
differences in numbers of protons, and neutrons related to masses and

identities of nuclei, isotope characteristics and equations to represent

ionisation; absorption or emission of radiation related to changes in

electron orbits

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radioactive nuclei: emission of alpha or beta particles, neutrons, or

gamma-rays, related to changes in the nuclear mass and/or charge
radioactive materials, half-life, irradiation, contamination and their

associated hazardous effects, waste disposal
nuclear fission, nuclear fusion and our sun’s energy

Space physics

the main features of the solar system.

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