National Curriculum in England Science Programmes of Study - GOV - UK PDF
National Curriculum in England Science Programmes of Study - GOV - UK PDF
National Curriculum in England Science Programmes of Study - GOV - UK PDF
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Statutory guidance
Key stage 1
Key stage 1 programme of study - years 1 and 2
Year 1 programme of study
Year 2 programme of study
Lower key stage 2 – years 3 and 4
Lower key stage 2 programme of study
Year 3 programme of study
Year 4 programme of study
Upper key stage 2 – years 5 and 6
Upper key stage 2 programme of study
↑ Year 5 programme of study
Purpose of study
The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:
These types of scientific enquiry should include: observing over time;
pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair
testing (controlled investigations); and researching using secondary
sources. Pupils should seek answers to questions through collecting,
analysing and presenting data. ‘Working scientifically’ will be developed
further at key stages 3 and 4, once pupils have built up sufficient
understanding of science to engage meaningfully in more sophisticated
discussion of experimental design and control.
Spoken language
School curriculum
The programmes of study for science are set out year-by-year for key stages
1 and 2. Schools are, however, only required to teach the relevant
programme of study by the end of the key stage. Within each key stage,
schools therefore have the flexibility to introduce content earlier or later than
set out in the programme of study. In addition, schools can introduce key
stage content during an earlier key stage if appropriate. All schools are also
required to set out their school curriculum for science on a year-by-year
basis and make this information available online.
Attainment targets
By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and
understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant
programme of study.
Key stage 1
substantive science content in the programme of study. Throughout the
notes and guidance, examples show how scientific methods and skills might
be linked to specific elements of the content.
Pupils should read and spell scientific vocabulary at a level consistent with
their increasing word-reading and spelling knowledge at key stage 1.
Working scientifically
During years 1 and 2, pupils should be taught to use the following practical
scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the
programme of study content:
Pupils in years 1 and 2 should explore the world around them and
raise their own questions. They should experience different types
of scientific enquiries, including practical activities, and begin to
recognise ways in which they might answer scientific questions.
identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including
deciduous and evergreen trees
identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering
plants, including trees
identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say
which part of the body is associated with each sense
Everyday materials
Seasonal changes
Pupils should observe and talk about changes in the weather and
the seasons.
Pupils might work scientifically by: making tables and charts about
the weather; and making displays of what happens in the world
around them, including day length, as the seasons change.
explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead,
and things that have never been alive
identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and
describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different
kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other
identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats,
including microhabitats
describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals,
using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different
sources of food
Pupils should be introduced to the idea that all living things have
certain characteristics that are essential for keeping them alive
and healthy. They should raise and answer questions that help
them to become familiar with the life processes that are common
to all living things. Pupils should be introduced to the terms
‘habitat’ (a natural environment or home of a variety of plants and
animals) and ‘microhabitat’ (a very small habitat, for example for
woodlice under stones, logs or leaf litter). They should raise and
answer questions about the local environment that help them to
identify and study a variety of plants and animals within their
habitat and observe how living things depend on each other, for
example, plants serving as a source of food and shelter for
animals. Pupils should compare animals in familiar habitats with
animals found in less familiar habitats, for example, on the
seashore, in woodland, in the ocean, in the rainforest.
observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants
find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable
temperature to grow and stay healthy
Note: seeds and bulbs need water to grow but most do not need
light; seeds and bulbs have a store of food inside them.
notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into
find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including
humans, for survival (water, food and air)
describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts
of different types of food, and hygiene
classifying things, carrying out simple comparative and fair tests and finding
things out using secondary sources of information. They should draw simple
conclusions and use some scientific language, first, to talk about and, later,
to write about what they have found out.
Pupils should read and spell scientific vocabulary correctly and with
confidence, using their growing word-reading and spelling knowledge.
Working scientifically
During years 3 and 4, pupils should be taught to use the following practical
scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the
programme of study content:
values within or beyond the data they have collected, and finding
ways of improving what they have already done. They should
also recognise when and how secondary sources might help
them to answer questions that cannot be answered through
practical investigations.
Note: pupils can be introduced to the idea that plants can make
their own food, but at this stage they do not need to understand
how this happens.
identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount
of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition
from what they eat
identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and
muscles for support, protection and movement
Pupils might work scientifically by: identifying and grouping
animals with and without skeletons and observing and comparing
their movement; exploring ideas about what would happen if
humans did not have skeletons. They might compare and
contrast the diets of different animals (including their pets) and
decide ways of grouping them according to what they eat. They
might research different food groups and how they keep us
healthy, and design meals based on what they find out.
compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their
appearance and simple physical properties
describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have
lived are trapped within rock
recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter
recognise that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the
absence of light
notice that light is reflected from surfaces
recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are
ways to protect their eyes
recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is
blocked by an opaque object
find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change
Pupils should explore what happens when light reflects off a mirror
or other reflective surfaces, including playing mirror games to
Pupils should observe that magnetic forces can act without direct
contact, unlike most forces, where direct contact is necessary (for
describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in
identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions
construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers,
predators and prey
States of matter
identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something
recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear
find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that
produced it
find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the
vibrations that produced it
recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source
Pupils should explore and identify the way sound is made through
vibration in a range of different musical instruments from around
the world; and find out how the pitch and volume of sounds can
be changed in a variety of ways.
Pupils might work scientifically by: finding patterns in the sounds
that are made by different objects such as saucepan lids of
different sizes or elastic bands of different thicknesses. They
might make earmuffs from a variety of different materials to
investigate which provides the best insulation against sound.
They could make and play their own instruments by using what
they have found out about pitch and volume.
whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit
recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate
metals with being good conductors
Note: pupils might use the terms current and voltage, but these
should not be introduced or defined formally at this stage. Pupils
should be taught about precautions for working safely with
they should encounter more abstract ideas and begin to recognise how
these ideas help them to understand and predict how the world operates.
They should also begin to recognise that scientific ideas change and
develop over time. They should select the most appropriate ways to answer
science questions using different types of scientific enquiry, including
observing changes over different periods of time, noticing patterns, grouping
and classifying things, carrying out comparative and fair tests and finding
things out using a wide range of secondary sources of information. Pupils
should draw conclusions based on their data and observations, use
evidence to justify their ideas, and use their scientific knowledge and
understanding to explain their findings.
Working scientifically
During years 5 and 6, pupils should be taught to use the following practical
scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the
programme of study content:
describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun
in the solar system
describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth
describe the sun, Earth and moon as approximately spherical bodies
use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the
apparent movement of the sun across the sky
Pupils should find out about the way that ideas about the solar
system have developed, understanding how the geocentric model
of the solar system gave way to the heliocentric model by
considering the work of scientists such as Ptolemy, Alhazen and
explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the
force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object
identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act
between moving surfaces
recognise that some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears
allow a smaller force to have a greater effect
Pupils should explore falling objects and raise questions about the
effects of air resistance. They should explore the effects of air
resistance by observing how different objects such as parachutes
and sycamore seeds fall. They should experience forces that
make things begin to move, get faster or slow down. Pupils
should explore the effects of friction on movement and find out
how it slows or stops moving objects, for example, by observing
the effects of a brake on a bicycle wheel. Pupils should explore
the effects of levers, pulleys and simple machines on movement.
Pupils might find out how scientists, for example, Galileo Galilei
and Isaac Newton helped to develop the theory of gravitation.
and make products that use levers, pulleys, gears and/or springs
and explore their effects.
describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to
common observable characteristics and based on similarities and
differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals
give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific
identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and
describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood
recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their
bodies function
describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within
animals, including humans
Pupils should build on their learning from years 3 and 4 about the
main body parts and internal organs (skeletal, muscular and
digestive system) to explore and answer questions that help them
to understand how the circulatory system enables the body to
Pupils should learn how to keep their bodies healthy and how their
bodies might be damaged – including how some drugs and other
substances can be harmful to the human body.
recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils
provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of
years ago
recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but
normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents
identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in
different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution
Note: pupils are expected to learn only about series circuits, not
parallel circuits. Pupils should be taught to take the necessary
precautions for working safely with electricity.
Key stage 3
feel free to choose examples that serve a variety of purposes, from showing
how scientific ideas have developed historically to reflecting modern
developments in science.
Pupils should develop their use of scientific vocabulary, including the use of
scientific nomenclature and units and mathematical representations.
Working scientifically
Through the content across all three disciplines, pupils should be taught to:
Scientific attitudes
understand and use SI units and IUPAC (International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry) chemical nomenclature
use and derive simple equations and carry out appropriate calculations
undertake basic data analysis including simple statistical techniques
Subject content
the content of a healthy human diet: carbohydrates, lipids (fats and oils),
proteins, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and water, and why each is
calculations of energy requirements in a healthy daily diet
the consequences of imbalances in the diet, including obesity, starvation
and deficiency diseases
the tissues and organs of the human digestive system, including
adaptations to function and how the digestive system digests food
(enzymes simply as biological catalysts)
the importance of bacteria in the human digestive system
plants making carbohydrates in their leaves by photosynthesis and
gaining mineral nutrients and water from the soil via their roots
the reactants in, and products of, photosynthesis, and a word summary
for photosynthesis
the dependence of almost all life on Earth on the ability of photosynthetic
organisms, such as plants and algae, to use sunlight in photosynthesis
to build organic molecules that are an essential energy store and to
maintain levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Cellular respiration
Relationships in an ecosystem
discontinuous, to include measurement and graphical representation of
the variation between species and between individuals of the same
species meaning some organisms compete more successfully, which
can drive natural selection
changes in the environment which may leave individuals within a species,
and some entire species, less well adapted to compete successfully and
reproduce, which in turn may lead to extinction
the importance of maintaining biodiversity and the use of gene banks to
preserve hereditary material
the properties of the different states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) in
terms of the particle model, including gas pressure
changes of state in terms of the particle model
Chemical reactions
objects leading to energy transfer from the hotter to the cooler one,
through contact (conduction) or radiation; such transfers tending to
reduce the temperature difference; use of insulators
other processes that involve energy transfer: changing motion, dropping
an object, completing an electrical circuit, stretching a spring,
metabolism of food, burning fuels
Changes in systems
Describing motion
Pressure in fluids
Balanced forces
Observed waves
Sound waves
Light waves
the similarities and differences between light waves and waves in matter
light waves travelling through a vacuum; speed of light
the transmission of light through materials: absorption, diffuse scattering
and specular reflection at a surface
use of ray model to explain imaging in mirrors, the pinhole camera, the
refraction of light and action of convex lens in focusing (qualitative); the
human eye
light transferring energy from source to absorber, leading to chemical and
electrical effects; photosensitive material in the retina and in cameras
colours and the different frequencies of light, white light and prisms
(qualitative only); differential colour effects in absorption and diffuse
Current electricity
Static electricity
Physical changes
Particle model
Energy in matter
Space physics
Key stage 4
For some students, studying the sciences in key stage 4 provides the
platform for more advanced studies, establishing the basis for a wide range
of careers. For others, it will be their last formal study of subjects that
provide the foundations for understanding the natural world and will
Science is changing our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and
all students should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods,
processes and uses of science. They should be helped to appreciate the
achievements of science in showing how the complex and diverse
phenomena of the natural world can be described in terms of a number of
key ideas relating to the sciences which are inter-linked, and which are of
universal application. These key ideas include:
The sciences should be taught in ways that ensure students have the
knowledge to enable them to develop curiosity about the natural world,
insight into working scientifically, and appreciation of the relevance of
science to their everyday lives, so that students:
The scope and nature of their study should be broad, coherent, practical and
rigorous, so that students are inspired and challenged by the subject and its
Working scientifically
Through the content across all three disciplines, students should be taught
so that they develop understanding and first-hand experience of:
the ways in which scientific methods and theories develop over time
using a variety of concepts and models to develop scientific explanations
and understanding
interpreting observations and other data, including identifying
patterns and trends, making inferences and drawing conclusions
presenting reasoned explanations, including relating data to
being objective, evaluating data in terms of accuracy, precision,
repeatability and reproducibility and identifying potential sources of
random and systematic error
communicating the scientific rationale for investigations, including the
methods used, the findings and reasoned conclusions, using paper-
based and electronic reports and presentations
the complex and diverse phenomena of the natural world can be described
in terms of a number of key ideas which are of universal application, and
which can be illustrated in the separate topics set out below. These ideas
Cell biology
Transport systems
matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms and there are about 100
different naturally-occurring types of atoms called elements
elements show periodic relationships in their chemical and physical
these periodic properties can be explained in terms of the atomic
structure of the elements
atoms bond either by transferring electrons from one atom to another or
by sharing electrons
the shapes of molecules (groups of atoms bonded together) and the way
giant structures are arranged is of great importance in terms of the way
they behave
reactions can occur when molecules collide and do so at different rates
due to differences in molecular collisions
chemical reactions take place in only three different ways:
proton transfer
electron transfer
electron sharing
energy is conserved in chemical reactions so can therefore be neither
created nor destroyed
Chemical changes
Chemical analysis
the use of models, as in the particle model of matter or the wave models
of light and of sound
the concept of cause and effect in explaining such links as those between
force and acceleration, or between changes in atomic nuclei and
radioactive emissions
the phenomena of ‘action at a distance’ and the related concept of the
field as the key to analysing electrical, magnetic and gravitational effects
that differences, for example between pressures or temperatures or
electrical potentials, are the drivers of change
that proportionality, for example between weight and mass of an object or
between force and extension in a spring, is an important aspect of many
models in science
Wave motion
exploring the magnetic fields of permanent and induced magnets, and the
Earth’s magnetic field, using a compass
magnetic effects of currents, how solenoids enhance the effect
how transformers are used in the national grid and the reasons for their
Atomic structure
the nuclear model and its development in the light of changing evidence
masses and sizes of nuclei, atoms and small molecules
differences in numbers of protons, and neutrons related to masses and
identities of nuclei, isotope characteristics and equations to represent
ionisation; absorption or emission of radiation related to changes in
electron orbits
Space physics
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