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Centre for European and Latin American Studies

Jamia Millia Islamia



Language Proficiency Programmes

Advanced Diploma in French/ Italian/ Russian/ Portuguese / Spanish
The Centre for European and Latin American Studies offers a variety of Language Proficiency
Programmes in French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish which are open to general
public, students and researchers. These languages are spoken by a vast number of people in
North and South America, Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. Given the growing relations
between India and the countries of Latin America, Caribbean as well as Europe, knowledge of
these languages is essential to have a direct contact with the people of these regions. There is
a huge Hispanic diaspora in the United States which makes Spanish the second most spoken
language in that country. These language programmes are geared at giving researchers in
European/Latin American Studies a working knowledge of these languages to consult primary
sources in the language concerned. There is also an increasing need in the IT enabled industry
for foreign language experts. Thus, the language proficiency programmes in foreign languages
at the Jamia Millia Islamia offer a unique opportunity to learners with diverse needs to gain
gradual mastery over these languages.

These programmes are of 160-180 hours duration spread over one academic year and enable
learners to start learning these languages from beginners’ level and develop their
communicative competence to advanced levels. They equip the learners not only with the
linguistic skills necessary for communication in these languages but also introduce them to the
culture and civilization of the societies that speak these languages.

Following are the programmes offered by the Centre:

 Certificate of Proficiency in French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

 Diploma in French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
 Advanced Diploma in French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.


 There are three entry points to these programmes, i.e. at the beginning of each
programme. A candidate may choose her/his entry point depending on her/his previous
knowledge and/or qualification in the language. The admission is done through a
selection procedure (written test and interview) specified and duly announced by the


The fees for the programmes are announced in the University’s Prospectus.


1. A candidate's performance will be assessed on the basis of the following:

a. Internal Assessment: Sessional tests, presentations, assignments during the course

of the year.
b. Final Examination: (written and oral) at the end of the year.

2. A student has to obtain a minimum of 40% in each of the above components in order to
successfully complete the programme.

Attendance Requirements
Students are expected to attend all classes, lectures, film shows, etc. organized by the
programme instructor. A minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory to take the final exam.


A. Aims and Objectives of the Programme

Advanced Diploma is a follow-up programme of Diploma or its equivalent; therefore, the main
aim is to strengthen, consolidate and further develop already acquired language and
communication skills. An additional aim would be to equip the learners to use the language for
specific purposes (tourism, informatics, commerce, business and industry, health sector, etc) as
well as augment the knowledge of the culture and civilization of the regions concerned.
The skills to be developed during the programme are:
Listening: Aural comprehension of texts taken from various sources: news bulletins, radio
programmes, documentary films/ cinema.
Speaking: Participating fluently with accuracy in conversations and discussions on a variety of
Reading: Reading fluently and understanding contemporary texts from journalistic,
administrative, literary sources.
Writing: Writing advanced level texts: formal and informal letters, comments, summaries,
reports, etc.

B. Duration of the Programme

The duration of the programme is a minimum of 160 contact hours: six hours of teaching per
week spread over one academic year. Students are expected to put in a minimum of 80 self
study hours for this programme.

C. Eligibility
All students who have successfully completed Diploma or an equivalent exam from a University
or a recognized institution in the concerned language are eligible to seek admission to the
Advanced Diploma Programme.

D. Contents
Advanced use of language; Language for specific purposes and for translation; Simulation of a
variety of contexts for developing oral and written skills: group discussions, interviews, surveys,
etc. Socio cultural issues of contemporary interest drawing from cinema, journalistic, semi-
literary and literary texts.

E. Evaluation
1. A candidate's performance will be assessed on the basis of the following:
a. Internal Assessment: Sessional tests (written/ oral tests / presentations,
assignments/projects of equal weightage - three best to be counted), during the
course of the academic year.
b. Final Examination (written and oral) at the end of the academic year.
2. The Internal assessment will constitute a paper of 100 marks. Dates for the internal
assessment would be announced with sufficient notice.

3. The Final examination will comprise of the following:

i. a written exam on advanced use of language and translation (100 marks)
ii. a written exam on reading comprehension, writing skills, and use of language for
specific purposes (100 marks)
iii. an oral exam on listening comprehension and speaking skills (100 marks).

Note: The written as well as the oral components will include testing the candidates’ knowledge
about the different aspects of life and culture of the countries where the language is spoken.

F. Books recommended:

Recommended Textbook:
Jacky Girardet, ECHO - B1, CLE International, Paris, 2010

GREGOIRE, Maia, Grammaire Progressive du Français (Niveau avancé), CLE International,
Paris, 2004

Recommended Textbook:
Silvestrini, M., Bura, C. L’italiano e L’Italia, Vol. 1: Grammatica, Guerra, Perugia, 2000.
Mezzadri, M., Balboni, P. E., Rete 3: Corso multimediale d’italiano per stranieri [libro di classe +
CD e Libro di casa + CD], Guerra Edizioni, Perugia, 2005.

Additional Readings:
Cherubini, N., L’italiano per gli affari, Bonacci, Roma, 1994.
Calvino, Italo, Marcovaldo, Einaudi, Torino, 1986.
Balboni, P.E., Cardona, M., Storia e testi di letteratura italiana per stranieri, Guerra, Perugia,

Recommended Textbook:
Português Sem Fronteira I, Olga Mata Coimbra & Isabel Coimbra, LIDEL Editora, Lisboa.
Gramática Activa, Olga Mata Coimbra & Isabel Coimbra, LIDEL Editora, Lisboa
Textos e Imagens de Portugal, ICALP, Lisboa

Recommended Textbooks:
Russian – Invitation to Russia-Part II by E.L. Korchagina, E.M. Stepanova. Publisher: Ruskyi
Yazik. 2006
O. E. Chubarovoi (ed), “Shkatulka”, (2nd ed) Russky Yazik 2006
Russian for Beginners by Y.G.Ovsienko. [Russky Yazyk Publishers Moscow 1989]

Additional Readings:
E.Vasilenko & E.Lamm , Learning to Read Russian, Russky Yazyk Moscow, 1986
L.Muravyova, Verbs of Motion in Russian, Moscow Russian Language Publishers 1978
S.Khavronina, A.Shirochenckaya, Russian in exercises, Moscow Russian language

Recommended Textbooks:
M. Cerrolaza, O. Cerrolaza, B. Llovet, Pasaporte Nivel 3/B1, (Libro de alumno, cuaderno de
ejercicios, CD), Ediciones EDELSA, Madrid, 2009.
J. Corpas, Aula 3. (Libro de alumno, cuaderno de ejercicios, CD).Madrid, 2010
Virgilio Borobio, Nuevo Ele intermedio y superior, (Libro del alumno, cuaderno de ejercicios,
casete), Ediciones SM, Madrid, 2005.

Additional textbooks for reference:

Francisca Castro and Soledad Rosa, Nuevo Ven 3 (Libro del alumno, cuaderno de ejercicios)
Edelsa, 1997.
Español sin fronteras 3 (Libro del alumno, cuaderno de ejercicios), SGEL, Madrid, 1998.

Additional material will be provided by the Programme Instructors.

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