An overview on industries such as: vegetable oils & animal fats , Natural
waxes / resins , ,essential oils & Flavor ingredients Industry , Food & Agro
7.1.2 Module 02
Sugar & alcohol industries, starch industries, Paper & pulp 05
manufacturing industries.
Polyethylene: LDPE, LLDPE & HDPE; Polyster Fibre, Nylon & PVC.
7.1.6 Module 06
PRODUCTS Paints, Varnishes & lacquers, Soaps & Detergents, Dyes &
Intermediates, Agrochemicals ,Pharmaceuticals : Penicillin , Speciality
Chemicals such as Perfume chemicals , Electronics grade chemicals ,
Speciality Polymers
While discussing the manufacturing process, the following areas should be highlighted so
that the relevance and application of the various subjects covered in the B.E. course can
be underscored.
Chemistry, stoichiometry and alternate routes / raw materials involved Byproducts and
purification / separation techniques.
Thermodynamics, kinetics and catalyst considerations for the process conditions Adopted
Flow diagram and its concordance with the chemical and purification steps / Chemical
Engineering Principals.
Chemical Engineering aspects of the process design / key equipment design and material
of construction.
Theory Examination:-
Text Books:
Publications, 1984
Reference Books
Detailed Syllabus:
No No of
8 hrs
7. Order/ molecularity.
1. Langmuir-Hinshelwood model.
2. Various models.
4 Average of the minimum of two tests should account for 10 marks (out of
5. To study the pseudo first order reaction and find out the rate constant by
differential analysis and integral analysis.
8. To investigate the reaction between H2O2 & HI and find out the order of reaction
& Co.
PHI, 2008.
Periods Per Week
Lectures 04 Hrs/week
(Each 60 Min.)
Practical’s 02 Hrs/week
Tutorials Nil
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 03 100
Practical Examination 02 25
Oral Examination --- 25
Term Work --- 25
Total 175
Feedback and Feed forward control, Dynamics of open-loop units, first, second
and higher- order systems, interacting and non-interacting systems, Transfer
functions and their
7.3.2 Module 2.
7.3.3 Module 3.
Advanced control strategies like ratio, cascade, distributed control and direct
digital control. Applications to industrial
Theory Examination:
4 [One question will based on one modules] in this way there will be remaining
Term Work:
B] Diligence
3. Point nos. 1 and 2 above and the average of a minimum of two tests should account for
term work.
7. On-Off Controller
8. Proportional controller
11. Tuning of P, PI and PID controllers for chemical engg. process systems.
Text Books:
1. Stephanopoulos, G., Chemical Process Control, Prentice Hall of India., 1990.
3. William L.Luyben, Process Modeling Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers,
McGraw Hill International Edition. 1990.
4. Nakra B.C and K.K Chaudhary., Instrumentation, Measurement and analysis, Tata
McGraw Hill, 1985.
Reference Books:
2. B.Wayne Bequette Process Control Modeling, Design and Simulation, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt.Ltd.
3. An average of a minimum of two tests should be account for term work (10 out
of 25marks)
Text Books:
Reference Books
1. “Strategy of process Engg.” John D.F.Rudd & C.C. Watson. Wiley &
Sons International, 1968.
2. Systematic Methods Of Chemical Process Design , Loren T Biegler ,
Grossman E.I., Westberg , A.W. Prentice Hall Intl ed.,1997.
3. Walas , S.M. “Phase Equillibria in Chemical Engg.”, Butterworth , Boston
4. Perry J.H. & Chilton, “Perry’s Chemical Engg. Handbook”, 6th
ed.,McGraw Hill , 1984 (or later ed.,when available).
3. Point nos. 1 and 2 above along with an average of a minimum of two tests should
account for term work.
Polymer degradation
General types : thermal , mechanical , oxidative , hydrolytic , ultrasonic , high energy radiation –
photo degradation, Antioxidants and stabilizers.
7.5.6 Module 06
Polymer processing 08
3. Point nos. 1 & 2 above and an average of a minimum of two tests should be
account for term work
Reference Books:
3. Heat Processing by direct & radiated energy: Theory, Equipment, Effect on foods Dielectric
heating microwave.
7.5.6 Module 06
1. Processing by removal of heat: Theory, Equipment, Effect on foods chilling, freezing , freeze by
drying and freeze concentration.
2. Food Preservation & Storage Food contamination Modified Atmosphere Storage (MAS) Hurdl
3. Post Processing Applications Packaging: Modified Atmosphere packaging (MAP) , coating and
enrobing , Filling & sealing of containers.
3. Point nos. 1 & 2 above and an average of a minimum of two tests should be account
for term work
Text Book:
1. Fellows,P., Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice , 2nd ed., Woodhead
Publishing Ltd., England , 2000.
Reference Books:
5. Singh,R.P. & Heldman , D.R., Introduction to Food Engineering, 3rd ed., Academic
press, UK 2001.
7. Subbulakshmi G. & Udipi S.A., Food Processing and Preservation, New age
International Pvt.Ltd., India 2001.
9. Tamb,I.A. and Singh R.P., Food Storage Stability CRC Press 1998.
Course B.E (Chemical Engineering)
Oral Examination : --
SCOPE: The subject intends to expose the students to the following. Formation of
petroleum and origin. Petroleum processing data. Fractionation of petroleum. Treatment
techniques and products specification. Thermal & Catalytical processes. Asphalt
Module 1:
Module 2:
Refinery products & Feed Stocks. Overall Refinery Flow. Low Boiling products.
Gasoline specifications. Fuels:-Distillate Fuels; Jet Fuels, Automotive Diesel
Fuels. Oils:- Heating Oils, Residual Fuel Oils. Crude Oil Properties. Composition
Of Petroleum, Crude suitable for Asphalt Manufacture.
Crude Distillation Curves, Distillation characteristics.Petrochemical
Module 3:
Module 4:
Module 6:
Heavy Crudes. Specialty products like Grease, liquid paraffin, paraffin jelly.
3. Point nos. 1 and 2 above along with an average of a minimum of two tests should
account for term work.
Types, Project over runs. The project manager Role & Responsibilities. Demands on PM
7.5.2 Module 2:
Project initiation: Feasibility reports of various types, Project selection criteria, 06
Technology selection criteria, site selection criteria, Project Licensing, Basic &. Detailed
engineering. Guarantees, Liabilities, Risk, Insurance, various types of estimates.
7.5.3 Module 03
1. Project clearances: Various Laws &. Regulations. List of various clearances, 08
Intellectual property Rights, Patents need for clearances & its influence on project,
Management, LOI.
2. Project organization: Various forms like pure project, matrix, and mixed type. Project
Team, responsibilities of various members
7.5.5 Module 05
Project monitoring &. Control: Time &. Cost control tools &. Techniques, fund flow 10
Control, Project quality control- Importance of environmental &. Safety aspects, Project
management systems Project termination: Commissioning. start UP: stabilization. close
7.5.6 Module 06
Definitions of entrepreneurship, concept of entrepreneur & entrepreneurship, 12
characteristics of Entrepreneurship, Aspect of entrepreneurship, environment for
entrepreneurship. Factors affecting entrepreneurship. Classification & types of
entrepreneurship: Classification depending on type of business, technology, Motivation,
growth. Stages of development.
3. Point nos. 1 & 2 above and an average of a minimum of two tests should be
account for term work
Detailed Syllabus:
1. Projects topics for semester VII are allotted at the beginning of the semester. The
specific project topic can be of any one of the following categories.
Design of a process system for the manufacturing of a product.
Experimental work leading to development / refinement of a process
resulting in a product / service.
Design of a process system to achieve a specific engineering objective.
2. A teacher / faculty member will be assigned as a supervisor to the project, while
it is desirable to allot project each to individual students, the maximum number of
students in a group not to exceed 3 (three)
3. For students in a group, the project should be so split up as to assigned individual
team member specific subtasks for which that member will be uniquely
responsible and on which performance of the member will be assessed.
4. The project work will be typically consisting of the following (based of type of
Critical survey of literature on the subject / books covering books,
encyclopedia, patents, and journals.
Setting up of experimental apparatus, design of
experiments, setting up analytical facility / protocol /
procedure, data processing plan post experimentation.
Field work including visiting manufacturing
industries / EPC companies for collecting relevant
information for the project task.
5. Each student group is required to prepare a detailed typed report consisting of
maximum 60 pages A4 size, inclusive of index, abstract, illustration, charts, P &
ID and other diagrams, flow sheets, photographs, etc.
Term Work:
1. Term work evaluation of this work will base on monthly progress review. The
monthly report filled each student will be considered for grading the term work.
2. The student will make an oral presentation of this report to his peers and a panel
of at least three internal teachers including the supervisor. The assessment of this
oral presentation will carry 40 % marks of term work.
3. The project oral of 25 marks is to be conducted as per rule by an approved
internal and external examiner.
(Each of 60 minutes)
Practical 02
Tutorial Nil
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 03 100
Environmental Pollution Practical Examination 03 25
Oral Examination ---- ----
Term Work 25
Total 150
8.1.2 Module 2 07
Water Pollution
Air Pollution Air pollutants, sources & effect on man & environment, acid rain,
smog, greenhouse effect, Ozone depletion, global warming, Temperature
lapse rate & stability, Plume behaviour, Dispersion of air pollutants,
Gaussian plume model, Estimation of plume rise, Air pollution sampling &
measurement, Analysis of air pollutants.
8.1.5 Module 5 07
Air Pollution Control Methods & Equipment
Waste Management
Noise Pollution
Theory Examinations:
Term Work:
One test examination and five assignments are necessary for the complete term work.
Journal 05 marks
Test 10 marks
Practical Exam:
Term Work/Practical
Rao, C.S.. “Environmental Pollution Control Engineering”, New Age International (P)
Detailed Syllabus:
A] Introduction : Ideal batch reactor and concept of batch time flow reactor
and concept of space time / space velocity and holding time / residence time.
Ideal mixed flow reactor (MFR) and plug flow reactor (PFR).
4) Average of two minimum two test should account for 10 marks (Out of 25 Marks)
for term work.
5) Each and every experiment should conclusively demonstrate / verify the theory.
Experimental result should corroborate with theoretical / reported / estimated values. The
student should explain the variations between observed and expected results based on
technical grounds and systematic error evaluation. Each experimental report should
content a discussion of the result obtained..
1. To study the Saponification of ethyl acetate in a constant flow stirred tank reactor
2. To study the Saponification of ethyl acetate in a Plug flow reactor (PFR).
3. To study first order reaction of Saponification of ethyl acetate in a Plug flow
reactor (PFR).
4. To study first order reaction in 3 CSTRs connected in series.
5. To study the Saponification of ethyl acetate in a PFR-CSTR combination in
6. To study RTD characteristics of CSTR (impulse input/ step input).
7. To study RTD characteristics of packed column (impulse input).
8. To study RTD characteristics of PFR (impulse input).
9. To study RTD characteristics of packed column (step input).
10. To find the residence time distribution function for a step change in a PFR.
11. To study semibatch reactor
i) Conversion for various flow rate ii) Verification and Comparison for various
reactors from experimental data by using formulae as well as graphical method. For
experiments 6 to 11 comparison of all types of curves.
Text Books :
Reference Books:
1) Walas, “Reaction Kinetics for Chemical Engineer”, McGraw Hill, 1959.
8.3.4 Module 04
Simulation of single units (modules) Degrees of freedom (with and without 08
system constraints. Coupling and decoupling of equations. Precedence
ordering for Design /simulation (partitioning and tearing). Selection of design
variables algorithm and persistent recycles.
8.3.5 Module 05
Simulation of complete flow sheet. Degrees of freedom for flow sheet with 08
connecting equations. Approaches to simulation
Text Books:
Reference Books
4. Numerical Methods for Engineers, Santosh Kumar Gupta, Tata McGraw hill, 1995
Introduction : 07
Typical toxins and their biological effects. Outline of their ingestion to and
elimination from biological system. Toxicological parameter – Their
definitions and outline of the measurement methods. Evaluation exposure
to toxicants and its impacts. Source models release and flow of toxic gases
and liquids flashing liquids. Dispersion models- Factor affecting dispersion
and their modeling.
The fire triangle and the factor contributing to fire and explosion.
Definitions, Relevant materials, characteristics and properties. Concept of
Ignition, Ignition energy. Phenomenon and source of ignition, auto ignition,
auto oxidation, adiabatic compression, electrostatic ignition. Role of fuel
spray, mists dusts on ignition process. Explosions: various types and
conditions for their occurrences. Inerting and Purging of equipments,
ventilation of rooms, control of static electricity process control system,
Sprinkler system, Fire fighting system.
8.4.4. Module 4
HAZOP, HAZAN and such methods. Safety review and other methods,
example. Safety audits. Process Hazards Checklist, Hazards Surveys.
Theory Examination:
4 [One question will based on one modules] in this way there will be remaining
Term Work:
an oral presentation to the class on topic from any one Tutorial during
Butterworth, 1999.
Butterworth 1995.
Delhi, 1988.
Term Work:
an oral presentation to the class on topic from any one Tutorial during
1. Seider W. D., and Seader J. D. and Lewin D. R., “Process Design Principles”, John
Wiley and Sons. Inc., 1988.
1. Larmine James, “Fuel Cells Explained”, John Wiley and Sons., 2000.
2. Kreith F., “Principles of Solar Energy”, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1978.
4. Turner, “(Ed.) Energy Management Hand Book”, John Wiley and Sons., 2000
an oral presentation to the class on topic from any one Tutorial during
an oral presentation to the class on topic from any one Tutorial during
8.4.2 Module 2:
Fullerenes – 6 hours 06
8.4.3 Module 03
Carbon NanoTubes (CNT) – 6 Hours 06
Synthesis of CNT
Morphology of CNT
8.4.4 Module 04
Nanostructuring Methods – 8 Hours 12
Vacuum Synthesis
Gas Evaporation Tech
Condensed Phase Synthesis
Sol Gel Processing
Polymer Thin Film
Atomic Lithography
Electro deposition
Plasma Compaction
8.4.5 Module 05
Calculations in Nanotechnology – 5 Hours 05
8.4.6 Module 06
NanoBiology- 4 Hours 08
Interaction between Biomolecules & Nanoparticle Surface
Influence of Electrostatic Interactions in the binding of Proteins with
The Electronic effects of bimolecule - Nanoparticle Interaction
Different Types of Inorganic materials used for the synthesis of
Hybrid Nano-bio assemblies
Catalysis- 4 Hours
Nature of Catalysis
Surface area of NanoParticles
Porous Materials
Pillared Clay
Term Work:
an oral presentation to the class on topic from any one Tutorial during
Text Books
Reference Books
Detailed Syllabus:
1. Each one of the students will be assigned a Seminar Topic in the current
and frontier areas of Chemical Engineering Research or Practice. The
student has to conduct a detailed study/survey of the material available on
the assigned topic and prepare a report, running to 30 to 40 pages. The
student will make an oral presentation for a period of about 20 Minutes,
followed by a brief question and answer session. The Seminar
(Presentation and Report) will be evaluated by the panel of Two Internal
Examiners for a total of 10 marks.
2. The Project Guide will guide the Seminar and the student will make
monthly progress reports to the guide, which will be considered for term
work grading of 15 marks.
Detailed Syllabus:
1. The topic and team for the project will be continued from semester VII. In case of
more than one student being in the team, the topic will be subdivided in such a
way that each of the student will have at least one distinct sub task for which that
team member will be solely responsible and on the performance of which he will
be graded.
2. Each student group will prepare a detailed, typed project report containing a
maximum of 100 pages A4 size, inclusive of index, abstract, illustrations, charts,
P and ID and other diagrams, flow sheets, photographs, etc. The report will
contain a brief summary of the earlier report submitted at the end of semester VII.
B) In case of project involving experimentation, the report will list all the
experimental data, analysis of data, conclusions drawn and discussion on how the
conclusions are supported by the experimental data and its analysis.
Some discussion on the utility of the work done for design of a full-scale plant/
possibility of scale up should be presented.
Term Work:
1. The student will make monthly progress reports to the guide, which will be
considered for term work grading. An oral presentation to peers and a panel of
senior faculty towards the end of the term is a must. The oral presentation shall
carry 40 % of the marks allocated for term work.
2. The project orals will be conducted as per rules, by an internal examiner and
external examiner from industry or academia, and would be based on the final
project report.
5 Elective-III
i. Multiphase Reactor No Equivalence, so same
Design subject to be appeared
i.e. Multiphase Reactor
R – 2001
ii. Energy System Design Energy System Design
(Sem VIII)
iii. Adsorptive Process No Equivalence, so same
Design subject to be appeared
i.e. Adsorptive Process
of R – 2001
iv. Membrane Process Membrane Process
Design Design (Sem VIII)
6 Project – B Project-B