A Case Study
A Case Study
A Case Study
College of Nursing
College of Nursing
A Case Study
Submitted To:
As Partial Fulfillment of
Submitted By:
Redmund M. Cuñada
Reschelle Maneje
Reshie Mesiona
airflow limitation that is not fully reversible. This newest definition COPD, provided by
the Global Initiative for Chrnonic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), is a broad
description that better explains this disorder and its signs and symptoms (GOLD, World
Health Organization [WHO] & National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute [NHLBI], 2004).
umbrella classification of COPD, this was often confusing because most patient
with COPD present with over lapping signs and symptoms of these two distinct disease
in COPD.
Currently, COPD is the fourth leading cause of mortality and the 12 th leading cause of
cause of death and the firth leading cause of disability (Sin, McAlister, Man. Et al.,
the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. The respiratory system does two
very important things: it brings oxygen into our bodies, which we need for our cells to
live and function properly; and it helps us get rid of carbon dioxide, which is a waste
product of cellular function. The nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi all work like
a system of pipes through which the air is funneled down into our lungs. There, in very
small air sacs called alveoli, oxygen is brought into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide
is pushed from the blood out into the air. When something goes wrong with part of
pulmonary diseases, it makes it harder for us to get the oxygen we need and to get rid
When you breathe in, air enters your body through your nose or mouth. From there, it
travels down your throat through the larynx (or voicebox) and into the trachea (or
windpipe) before entering your lungs. All these structures act to funnel fresh air down
from the outside world into your body. The upper airway is important because it must
always stay open for you to be able to breathe. It also helps to moisten and warm the air
The Lungs
The lungs are paired, cone-shaped organs which take up most of the space in our
chests, along with the heart. Their role is to take oxygen into the body, which we need
for our cells to live and function properly, and to help us get rid of carbon dioxide, which
is a waste product. We each have two lungs, a left lung and a right lung. These are
divided up into ‘lobes’, or big sections of tissue separated by ‘fissures’ or dividers. The
right lung has three lobes but the left lung has only two, because the heart takes up
some of the space in the left side of our chest. The lungs can also be divided up into
These are pyramidal-shaped areas which are also separated from each other by
membranes. There are about 10 of them in each lung. Each segment receives its own
Air enters your lungs through a system of pipes called the bronchi. These pipes start
from the bottom of the trachea as the left and right bronchi and branch many times
throughout the lungs, until they eventually form little thin-walled air sacs or bubbles,
known as the alveoli. The alveoli are where the important work of gas exchange takes
place between the air and your blood. Covering each alveolus is a whole network of
little blood vessel called capillaries, which are very small branches of the pulmonary
arteries. It is important that the air in the alveoli and the blood in the capillaries are very
close together, so that oxygen and carbon dioxide can move (or diffuse) between them.
So, when you breathe in, air comes down the trachea and through the bronchi into the
alveoli. This fresh air has lots of oxygen in it, and some of this oxygen will travel across
the walls of the alveoli into your bloodstream. Traveling in the opposite direction is
carbon dioxide, which crosses from the blood in the capillaries into the air in the alveoli
and is then breathed out. In this way, you bring in to your body the oxygen that you
need to live, and get rid of the waste product carbon dioxide.
Blood Supply
The lungs are very vascular organs, meaning they receive a very large blood supply.
This is because the pulmonary arteries, which supply the lungs, come directly from the
right side of your heart. They carry blood which is low in oxygen and high in carbon
dioxide into your lungs so that the carbon dioxide can be blown off, and more oxygen
can be absorbed into the bloodstream. The newly oxygen-rich blood then travels back
through the paired pulmonary veins into the left side of your heart. From there, it is
pumped all around your body to supply oxygen to cells and organs.
The Pleurae
The lungs are covered by smooth membranes that we call pleurae. The pleurae have
two layers, a ‘visceral’ layer which sticks closely to the outside surface of your lungs,
and a ‘parietal’ layer which lines the inside of your chest wall (ribcage). The pleurae are
important because they help you breathe in and out smoothly, without any friction. They
also make sure that when your ribcage expands on breathing in, your lungs expand as
When you breathe in (inspiration), your muscles need to work to fill your lungs with air.
The diaphragm, a large, sheet-like muscle which stretches across your chest under the
ribcage, does much of this work. At rest, it is shaped like a dome curving up into your
chest. When you breathe in, the diaphragm contracts and flattens out, expanding the
space in your chest and drawing air into your lungs. Other muscles, including the
muscles between your ribs (the intercostal muscles) also help by moving your ribcage in
and out. Breathing out (expiration) does not normally require your muscles to work. This
is because your lungs are very elastic, and when your muscles relax at the end of
inspiration your lungs simply recoil back into their resting position, pushing the air out as
they go.
The normal process of ageing is associated with a number of changes in both the
Enlargement of the alveoli. The air spaces get bigger and lose their elasticity,
meaning that there is less area for gases to be exchanged across. This change is
The compliance (or springiness) of the chest wall decreases, so that it takes
decreases. This change is closely connected to the general health of the person.
All of these changes mean that an older person might have more difficulty coping with
Risk factors for COPD include environmental exposures and host factors. The most
important risk factor for COPD is cigarette smoking. Other risk factors are pipe, cigar,
respiratory symptoms and COPD. Smoking depresses the activity of scavenger cells
and affects the respiratory tract’s ciliary cleansing mechanism, which keeps breathing
passages free of inhaled irritants, bacteria, and other foreign matter. When smoking
damages this cleansing mechanism, airflow is obstructed and air becomes trapped
behind the obstruction. The alveoli greatly distend, diminished lung capacity. Smoking
also irritates the goblet cells and mucus glands, causing an increased accumulation of
mucus, which in turn produces more irritation, infection, and damage to the lung. In
oxygen efficiently.
A host risk factor for COPD is a deficiency of alpha antitrypsin, an enzyme inhibitor that
protects the lung parenchyma from injury. This deficiency predisposes young people to
susceptible people are sensitive to environmental factors (eg. Smoking, air pollution,
Carriers of this genetic defect must be identified so that they can modify environmental
In COPD, the airflow limitation is both progressive and associated with an abnormal
Because of the chronic inflammation and the body’s attempts to repair it, narrowing
occurs in the small peripheral airways. Over time, this injury-and-repair process causes
scar tissue formation and narrowing of the airway lumen. Airflow obstruction may also
antiproteinases in the lung may be responsible for airflow limitation. When activated by
chronic inflammation, proteiness and other substances may be released, damaging the
changes that are characterized by thickening of the vessel wall. These changes may
result from exposure to cigarette smoke, use of tobacco products, and the release of
inflammatory medicators.
goblet cells and mucous glands of the airway. As a result, there is more mucus than
usual in the airways, contributing to narrowing of the airways and causing a cough with
sputum. Microscopically there is infiltration of the airway walls with inflammatory cells.
Inflammation is followed by scarring and remodeling that thickens the walls and also
metaplasia (an abnormal change in the tissue lining the inside of the airway) and
fibrosis (further thickening and scarring of the airway wall). The consequence of these
emphysema were commonly referred to as “blue bloaters” because of the bluish color of
the skin and lips (cyanosis) seen in them. The hypoxia and fluid retention leads to them
One of the most common symptoms of COPD is shortness of breath (dyspnea). People
withCOPD commonly describe this as: “My breathing requires effort”, “I feel out of
breath”, or “I can not get enough air in”. People with COPD typically first notice dyspnea
during vigorous exercise when the demands on the lungs are greatest. Over the years,
dyspnea tends to get gradually worse so that it can occur during milder, everyday
activities such as housework. In the advanced stages ofCOPD, dyspnea can become so
bad that it occurs during rest and is constantly present. Other symptoms of COPD are a
failure. When this happens, cyanosis, a bluish discoloration of the lips caused by a lack
of oxygen in the blood, can occur. An excess of carbon dioxide in the blood can cause
cor pulmonale, a strain on the heart due to the extra work required by the heart to pump
blood through the affected lungs. Symptoms of cor pulmonale are peripheral edema,
There are a few signs of COPD that a healthcare worker may detect although they can
be seen in other diseases. Some people have COPD and have none of these signs.
the lung tissue caused by destruction of structures feeding the alveoli, owing to the
action of alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency. This causes the small airways to collapse during
impeded and air becomes trapped in the lungs, in the same way as other obstructive
chest. However, the constriction of air passages isn’t always immediately deadly, and
treatment is available.
clubbing. The chest has hyper resonant percussion notes, particularly just above the
liver, and a difficult to palpate apex beat, both due to hyperinflation. There may be
decreased breath sounds and audible expiratory wheeze. In advanced disease, there
are signs of fluid overload such as pitting peripheral edema. The face has a ruddy
complexion if there is a secondary polycythemia. Sufferers who retain carbon dioxide
FEV1, FEV1 to FVC ration; increased residual volume to total lung capacity (TLC)
The goals of COPD treatment are 1) to prevent further deterioration in lung function, 2)
against flu influenza and pneumonia and 4) regular oxygen supplementation and 5)
pulmonary rehabilitation.
The most important treatment for COPD is quitting cigarette smoking. Patients who
continue to smoke have a more rapid deterioration in lung function when compared to
others who quit. Aging itself can cause a very slow decline in lung function. In
susceptible individuals, cigarette smoking can result in a much more dramatic loss of
lung function. It is important to note that when one stops smoking the decline in lung
difficulty concentrating or sleeping, and intense craving for cigarettes. Patients likely to
develop withdrawal symptoms typically smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, need to
smoke shortly after waking up in the morning, and have difficulty refraining from
smoking in non-smoking areas. However, some 25% of smokers can stop smoking
without developing these symptoms. Even in those smokers who develop symptoms of
Treating airway obstruction in COPD with bronchodilators is similar but not identical to
muscles surrounding the small airways thereby opening the airways. Bronchodilators
popular because they go directly to the airways where they work. As compared with
bronchodilators given orally, less medication reaches the rest of the body, and,
the MDI. To maximize the delivery of the medications to the airways, the patient has to
learn to coordinate inhalation with each compression. Incorrect use of the MDI can lead
to deposition of much of the medication on the tongue and the back of the throat instead
of on the airways.
To decrease the deposition of medications on the throat and increase the amount
reaching the airways, spacers can be helpful. Spacers are tube-like chambers attached
to the outlet of the MDI canister. Spacer devices can hold the released medications long
enough for patients to inhale them slowly and deeply into the lungs. Proper use of
spacer devices can greatly increase the proportion of medication reaching the airways.
Oxygen Therapy
Other treatments
usually has developed over time. In addition, occupational and physical therapy
press. LVRS is a surgical procedure used to treat some patients with COPD. The
premise behind this surgery is that the over-inflated, poorly-functioning upper parts
of the lung compress and impair function of the better-functioning lung elsewhere.
Thus, if the over-inflated portions of lung are removed surgically, the compressed
lung may expand and function better. In addition, the diaphragm and the chest
cavity achieve more optimal positioning following the surgery, and this improves
breathing further. The best criteria for choosing patients for LVRS are still
emphysema at the top of their lungs, whose exercise tolerance was low even after
lung function and exercise capacity among surviving surgical patients improved
significantly following LVRS, but after two years returned to about the same levels
as before the procedure. Patients with forced expiratory volume in FEVI of less
than 20% of predicted and either diffuse disease on the CAT scan or lower than
20% diffusing capacity or elevated carbon dioxide levels had higher mortality. The
MDI inhalers or orally. They are called “agonists” because they activate the
receptors relaxes the muscles surrounding the airways and opens the
minutes after inhalation and lasts for about 4 hours. Because of their quick
onset of action, beta-2 agonists are especially helpful for patients who are
maintenance. Evidence suggests that when these drugs are used routinely,
2 agonist.
These drugs last twelve hours and should be taken twice daily and no more.
Along with some of these inhalers to be mentioned, these are often referred
to as maintenance inhalers.
Anti-cholinergic Agents
on the muscles surrounding the airway causing the muscles to contract and
tolerance and improve FEV1. Ipratropium has a slower onset of action but
longer duration of action than the shorter-acting beta-2 agonists. Ipratropium
usually is well tolerated with minimal side effects even when used in higher
dilating airways and improving symptoms with fewer side effects. Ipratropium
is especially suitable for use by elderly patients who may have difficulty with
fast heart rate and tremor from the beta-2 agonists. In patients who respond
two drugs sometimes results in a better response than to either drug alone
can be given orally once or twice a day. Theophylline, like a beta agonist,
relaxes the muscles surrounding the airways but also prevents mast cells
heart and lower pressure in the pulmonary arteries. Thus, theophylline can
help patients with COPD who have heart failure and pulmonary
hypertension. Patients who have difficulty using inhaled bronchodilators but
Excessively high levels in the blood can lead to nausea, vomiting, heart
fractures, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, thinning of the skin and
many doctors use oral corticosteroids as the treatment of last resort. When
oral corticosteroids are used, they are prescribed at the lowest possible
doses for the shortest period of time to minimize side effects. When it is
necessary to use long term oral steroids, medications are often prescribed to
fewer side effects than long term oral corticosteroids. Examples of inhaled
patients with asthma, but in patients with COPD, it is not clear whether
spacing device placed between the mouth and the MDI can improve
medication delivery and reduce the side effects on the mouth and throat.
Rinsing out the mouth after use of a steroid inhaler also can decrease these
side effects.
1. Respiratory failure
4. Depression
prevent toxicity.
Supportive Care
usually reduces pulmonary irritation, sputum production, and cough. Keep the
2. Use postural drainage positions to help clear secretions responsible for airway
4. Encourage high level of fluid intake ( 8 to 10 glasses; 2 to 2.5 liters daily) within
9. Use pursed lip breathing at intervals and during periods of dyspnea to control
10. Discuss and demonstrate relaxation exercises to reduce stress, tension, and
13. Encourage use of portable oxygen system for ambulation for patients with
15. Assess the patient for reactive-behaviors such as anger, depression and
1. Review with the patient the objectives of treatment and nursing management.
2. Advise the patient to avoid respiratory irritants. Suggest that high efficiency
3. Warn patient to stay out of extremely hot or cold weather and to avoid
5. Teach the patient how to recognize and report evidence of respiratory infection
promptly such as chest pain, changes in character of sputum (amount, color and