14 - Compliance Matrix - Engineering
14 - Compliance Matrix - Engineering
14 - Compliance Matrix - Engineering
Area: Library
Program: BS Agricultural Engineering
Type of Visit: Third Survey Visit
1. Strengthen collections to 100% We are currently updating our
keep abreast with the book collections and we had
collection standard in all already subscription of
forms- print, non-print, journals and the library is still
electronic resources of recent looking for other sources of
copyright in the major field of specialized subscription of
specialization of the following: journals.
Soil and Water, Farm Power
and Machinery, Agricultural
Processing and Handling and
Farm Structures and
Environmental Control to at
least 3 titles of local and
international for every area of
Area: Library
Program: Ph.D in Education
Type of Visit: Second Survey Visit
Extent of
Area: Library
Program: Agriculture
Type of Visit: Second Survey Visit
Extent of
Area: Library
Program: Agriculture
Type of Visit: Third Survey Visit
Extent of
1. The Library Committee or Textbook
Committee meetings must be held There is a scheduled
every semester to insure the influx of meeting for this
communication between the academic coming second
community, the library management semester.
and the administration.
2. Librarians must be evaluated and The librarians were
assessed of their qualifications and 85% under academic status
given academic status. but non-teaching.
3. Immediate hiring of licensed librarian There is one (1)
and support staff will alleviate the licensed librarian
backlogs in the technical processes of added. At present, we
collection and provides security to all have four (4) full time
library facilities, equipment and librarians and six (6)
collection. support staff.
4. Staff have no specific job Job description of
description, thus, workflow in the 100% library staff is well
delivery of services is not effective. defined.
5. The audio-visual must be functional
80% Still in progress.
as means of disseminating instruction.
6. There is a need to enhance
opportunities for new trends in
information technology through library
automation and output of services
through catalog cards in electronic 90% Still in progress.
format, theses abstractions, CD-ROM
browsing and wide area network with
the different colleges and departments
of the university.
7. There is a need to enhance
information access through networking,
online information services and the use
of technological advances. Encourage
85% Still in progress.
usage of CD’s, websites downloading
and Internet.
8. The Chief Librarian must prepare a There is annual
yearly budget proposal for the various budget allocation and
needs and priorities of the library. The annual procurement
library fee must be solely used for the plan prepared by the
purchase of books and non-print librarian to meet the
materials aside from the University’s needs of the library.
regular budget to finance student
assistants, infrastructure, office
supplies furniture/facilities and other to
keep the library delivery system
effective and professionally
9. The library must be actively involved 80% The library is not yet
in inter-institutional consortium and active but it is already
other ways to optimize the use of included in the agenda
resources. of the Library Advisory