In appreciation and gratitude to The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and Prime Minister
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
And to the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defence and Aviation and
Inspector General
Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
For their continuous support and gracious consideration,
The Saudi Building Code National Committee is honored to present the first issue of
The Saudi Building Code (SBC).
201 Architectural
501 Mechanical
The Saudi Building Code (SBC) is a set of legal, administrative and technical
regulations and requirements that specify the minimum standards of construction for building
in order to ensure public safety and health. A Royal Decree dated 11th June 2000 order the
formation of a national committee composed of representatives of Saudi universities and
governmental and private sectors. In September 2001, the Council of Ministers approved the
general plan of the National Committee to develop a unified building code for the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia.
To choose a base code for the Saudi Building Code a number of Codes have been
studied. The National Committee has been acquainted with the results of the national
researches and the international codes from the U.S.A., Canada and Australia also the
European Code, and Arab Codes. It has also sought the opinions of specialists in relevant
Saudi universities, governmental and private sectors through holding a questionnaire, a
symposium and specialized workshops, in the light of which, (ICC) has been chosen to be a
base code for the Saudi Building Code.
The International Code Council (ICC) grants permission to the Saudi Building Code
National Committee (SBCNC) to include all or any portion of material from the ICC codes,
and standards in the SBC and ICC is not responsible or liable in any way to SBCNC or to any
other party or entity for any modifications or changes that SBCNC makes to such documents.
Toward expanding the participation of all the specialists in the building and
construction industry in the Kingdom through the governmental and private sectors, the
universities and research centers, the National Committee took its own decisions related to
code content by holding specialized meetings, symposiums and workshops and by the help of
experts from inside and outside of Saudi Arabia.
The technical committees and sub-committees started their work in the beginning of
April 2003 to prepare the general framework of the Saudi Building Code that adapts the base
code with the social and cultural environment, the natural and climatic conditions, types of
soil and properties of materials in the Kingdom. It was approved by the Council of Ministers
Decree No. 279 dated 19 December 2004. Then, the technical committees and the sub-
committees started preparing the technical requirements for the code.
The Saudi Building Code requirements for Design Loads for Buildings and Structures
(SBC 301) were developed based on the standards of the American Society of Civil Engineers
(ASCE). The American Society of Civil Engineers, through its Structural Engineering
Institute (ASCE/SEI), grants permission to the SBCNC to utilize as reference ASCE 7-02 and
ASCE 7-05 in the SBC and to include within the SBC provisions and materials from ASCE 7-
02 and ASCE 7-05 modified by SBCNC. ASCE/SEI is not responsible for any modifications
or changes that SBCNC has made to the provisions to accommodate local conditions.
The development process of SBC 301 followed the methodology approved by the
Saudi Building Code National Committee. Many changes and modifications were made and
the most important one was adding the seismic contour maps for Saudi Arabia and some parts
and items relating to seismic design outside the intensity of the seismic belt of the Kingdom
have been deleted. Only SI Units were used through out the Code.
1.1 Scope
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Construction Documents
1.4 Basic Requirements
1.5 General Structural Integrity
1.6 Classification of Buildings and Other Structures
1.7 Additions and Alterations to Existing Structures
1.8 Load Tests
1.9 Anchorage