Mobil Serv Lubricants Analysis Guide 2 PDF

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Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis


Table of contents »
Table of contents
Introduction to sampling » Interpreting
to sampling
» »

Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis » Interpreting your analysis results »

What and when to sample » Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis sample report »

Selecting a Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis service »

Taking corrective action »

Proper sampling techniques » Understanding equipment condition »

Taking a representative sample » Understanding contamination »

Sampling and scanning instructions » Understanding lubricant condition »

Inspecting your sample » Engine operating conditions »

Lubricant viscosity grade comparisons »

Mobil Serv Lubricant AnalysisSM offers an Find the appropriate Technical Help Desk
innovative oil analysis program backed by contact number here:

How to: industry-leading application expertise.

Technical Help Desk »
Get help If you have questions or need assistance
contact your local ExxonMobil sales
representative or our Technical Help Desk.

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective action

Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis condition-monitoring fundamentals

In today’s industry, condition-based maintenance practices have
gained widespread acceptance. Key industry leaders increasingly
realize that oil analysis is a critical component in any equipment
monitoring program. A successful oil analysis program can help:

Improve Reduce Enhance

equipment reliability maintenance costs equipment life

Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis simplifies the lubrication

monitoring process while producing reliable results that
help guide maintenance professionals to the best decisions for
their operations.
Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis provides informative reports
on the condition of your equipment and lubricant, backed by
the unmatched flexibility, expertise, and quality assurance
of ExxonMobil.

• Flexibility — Perform many tasks more efficiently with

Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis online capabilities.
• Expertise — Through global Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) relationships and hands-on lubrication experience, Points to consider
ExxonMobil supports your maintenance activities. Oil analysis
• Quality — Make decisions with confidence by leveraging the
quality assurance offered by ExxonMobil. Oil analysis is an effective condition-monitoring
tool. Additional equipment monitoring practices
(inspections, vibration, operator logs, etc.) can
be implemented to further enhance the value of
your overall equipment reliability program.

How to: 1. Establish goals and metrics

2. Obtain management commitment
6. Respond to analysis results
7. Measure program results versus goals
Establish and 3. Train and educate personnel and metrics
maintain a successful 4. Identify equipment and sample 8. Review and modify program
oil analysis program frequencies 9. Document savings
5. Implement the program

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective action

What and when to sample

Oil analysis is most effective as a diagnostic tool when samples are taken from the appropriate equipment at scheduled intervals.

1. D
 etermine what to sample — Consider the five general factors listed below when selecting equipment for the program,
and refer to your OEM manual for guidance on recommended sample frequency.

Target sample Economic impact

Operating environment Fluid age factor Equipment age factor
results of failure

• High dirt/dust environment • Hours/miles/ • Hours/miles/kilometers • Above control limits • Safety risk
kilometers since
• High loads/pressures/speeds last change • Rated life expectancy • Within control limits • Operational criticality

• High temperatures • Oxidation, • Make and model number • Repair costs

• Low temperatures • Downtime cost
• Synthetic, premium,
• Chemical contamination mineral • Lost production

• Wet environment • Spared unit

2. D
 etermine when to sample — A regular pattern of sampling will establish a credible historical trend of equipment
performance. If you don’t have OEM-recommended sample interval guidelines, refer to the table below for general
guidance in establishing initial sample frequency.

Industrial/plant equipment Off-highway equipment On-highway equipment

Application Frequency Application Frequency Application Frequency

Landfill gas engine 250 hours Diesel engine 250 hours Diesel engine 25,000 km or 15,000 mi.

Generator engine 500 hours Wheel motor 250 hours Transmission 500 hrs, 40,000 km, or 25,000 mi

Natural gas engine 500 hours Differential/gear 500 hours Hydraulic system 500 hrs, 40,000 km, or 25,000 mi

Paper machine lube system Monthly Hydraulic system 500 hours

Turbine Monthly Transmission 500 hours

Compressor 3 months Final drive 1,000 hours

Gear drive 3 months

Hydraulic system 3 months

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective action

Selecting a Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis service

Visit »

Analysis options*
Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis provides you with analysis options based on your
equipment's application and the desired analysis service level.

These service level options use the 4-ounce (120 ml) bottle kit.

Service option Description

Essential analysis Delivers the essential application-specific analysis to help you assess
equipment wear, contamination and oil condition

Enhanced analysis Delivers additional enhanced tests for more comprehensive analysis
(e.g., hydraulic/circulating systems-particle count, particle quantifier
index; or engines - base number, particle quantifier index)

Elite analysis Delivers a unique level of testing for limited applications that operate
under demanding conditions (e.g., precision hydraulic applications)

Extended service analysis options*

The criticality of maintaining operations may require an advanced level of analysis.
These extended service analysis options (available only for select applications) are
designed to support equipment reliability decisions.

For extended service level options, use the metal 1 liter tin kit.

Service option Description

Suitability for Performs additional tests to determine whether the in-service oil is
continued use suitable for continued use (e.g., rotation pressure vessel oxidation test
analysis (SCU) (RPVOT), foam, demulsibility). Recommended on an annual frequency.

Varnish Performs additional tests to identify indicators of varnish in critical systems

prediction (e.g., membrane patch colorimetry (MPC), RULER – phenolic, and RULER -
analysis (VPA) amine). Recommended on a quarterly or annual frequency.

Maximum service Combines the analysis of suitability for continued use and varnish
analysis (MSA) prediction analysis to help improve reliability and detect problems
before they result in costly downtime or expensive repairs.
Recommended on a quarterly or annual frequency.

* Analysis may vary by laboratory, product supplied or oil condition. For more information about choosing the analysis service that best fits your needs, contact
your ExxonMobil representative or visit

1. D etermine the analysis options required Request Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis kits
for your program goals from your authorized ExxonMobil Distributor

How to: 2. Identify the Mobil Serv service level for

your analysis*
or local ExxonMobil representative.

Obtain sample kits 3. R equest the appropriate Mobil Serv

sampling kit 5
Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective action

Taking a representative sample

When, where, and how you sample
impacts the quality of your results.
To obtain accurate analysis, start with a representative sample.
Sample at a consistent frequency, from the same sample location,
using proper sampling techniques. For best results:

1. Establish a sampling schedule.

• Integrate the schedule with your planned maintenance.
• Sample from the same sampling point and at a
consistent sample interval.
• Sample at operating temperature through a sampling
valve, vacuum pump or sampling tube. Use caution when
oil is above 120°F (50°C).

2. Follow good housekeeping techniques.

The laboratory's analysis is looking for particles in your oil
sample less than 8 microns in size, which are not typically visible
to the eye (See: Points to consider - How big is a micron?).
• Wear proper safety equipment while sampling (safety
glasses, gloves, etc.).
• Use only new sample bottles and keep the lids on until
taking a sample.
• Clean the area around the sample point or drain plug.
• Flush the new sample bottle with the oil to be sampled Points to consider
before collecting the final sample for submission. For Contamination analysis
particle count analysis, best to fill/flush the bottle three
times prior to final sample for submission. Laboratory analysis typically targets
• Avoid sampling from the drain plug, where it’s difficult to contaminants < 8 microns, which is five times
obtain a representative sample. If unavoidable, sample smaller than what is visible with the human eye.
when the oil is still warm and about mid-way through the Visible particles or water in a sample reflect the
draining process. possibility of abnormal equipment conditions
• Do not use degreasing agents to clean sampling and corrective action is recommended.
equipment. Traces of these substances can affect the
analysis results. How big is a micron (µm)?

3. Record equipment and sample details.

Document this data to help improve your results interpretation
and normalize the analysis trend. Ensure sample details are
entered, including date, hr/mi/km on oil and equipment, etc.

Sample at a consistent frequency from

the correct sample location using
White Talcum
proper sampling techniques. Human hair blood cell Micron powder
.0028 in .001 in .000039 in .0001 in
.07 mm .025 mm .001 mm .0025 mm
70 µm 25 µm 1 µm 2.5 µm

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective action

Sampling and scanning instructions

Take a sample
When taking a sample, remember to:
• Update or add asset registration data online
• Ensure area where sample will be taken is clean
• Sample as close to operating temperature as is safely possible
• Enter equipment operating details

Use Mobil Serv sample bottle and

draw a representative oil sample from
the sample point.
 se caution when oil temperature
is above 120°F (50°C)

Secure the cap to the sample

bottle. Visually inspect the sample
for particulate, water or
other contaminants.
If contamination is visible, do not

submit the sample. Take corrective

action. Resample once the
condition is corrected.

Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis offers two options for registering

your samples. You can print the bottle label, or you can use the
Points to consider
Document equipment/
faster, easier, scan-and-go sample registration method.
maintenance data

Trend identification is important to understanding

oil analysis results. You should include critical
Submitting a sample instructions » equipment and maintenance information (e.g.,
date sampled, hr/mi/km, makeup oil, etc.) with
your sample submission. This data allows you to
normalize the analysis trends to enhance your
sample results assessment.

How to: Using the Mobil Serv scan and go sampling

process, a Texas alumnia production plant
This process efficiency helped reduce labor
time, generating an annual total cost
Save 192 labor hours reported* reducing its sample preparation savings of US $9,600.
per year time by 66% - an average of 192 fewer
*This proof of performance is based on the experience of a single
labor hours per year. customer. Actual results can vary depending upon the type of
equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and
environment, and any prior lubricant used.

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective action

Submitting a sample - Scan-and-go method

The scan-and-go method can save you time, improve the accuracy of your data and expedite your sample through the laboratory.
Scan and go steps may be completed on a computer or mobile device using a keyboard, a compatible web-cam or scanner and the
Mobil Serv Sample Scan App.



Scan the bottle ID Assign sample bottle to an asset: Document operating and
a. Scan asset tag, or maintenance information
b. Select asset from list (date, hr/mi/km, etc.)

Submitting a sample - Label printing


Select assets to print Print your sample labels  ocument operating and
D Ensure one bottle
maintenance information (date, ID is displayed
hr/mi/km, etc.) when applying the
a. B
 e sure to use a ballpoint sample label
pen when adding this data
b. Print clearly on the label
c. A
 void smudging the data so
that it can be read correctly
when it arrives in the lab

Packing and mailing

1. Use Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis sample materials
2. Do NOT tape sample bottle lids
3. Place the sample bottle into the mailing container and secure the cap
4. Affix the preprinted mailing label to the mailer
5. Mail your sample immediately

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective action

Inspecting your sample

A great deal of information can be gathered simply by looking at
the sample. Inspect each sample carefully before submitting it
for analysis.

Clarity is an excellent indicator of contamination. A lubricant in
good condition is clear and bright. Haziness or cloudiness
indicates materials like water, wax, machine coolant, refrigerant, or
incompatible lubricant are present. In some cases, the agent
causing the haze or cloud actually forms a separate layer at the
bottom of the container or on top of the oil.

Sediment and particulate

Sediment and particulate tell more of the story. Non-magnetic
sediment in an otherwise clear and bright sample may suggest
dirt, dust, or sand contamination. Magnetic particulate could
indicate rust or a more severe wear situation (See: Points to
consider - Visible Contamination).

Submitting your sample

The Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis laboratory is committed to
providing complete and accurate analysis results. Your results are
available online, typically within one to two business days after
receiving your sample.

You can improve turnaround time by following these steps:

1. Utilize scan-and-go sampling method. Ensure you scan the

sample bottle QR code and assign to an asset before shipment.

2. Use approved shipping materials provided in the

sample kit.

3. Mail your sample immediately.

Points to consider
Visible Contamination
4. Mail samples via Overnight/Courier Service or use First Class/
Priority delivery.
Take corrective action, do not submit your
sample to the laboratory if contamination (water,
dirt, metal, etc.) is visible. Visible contamination
indicates an abnormal condition and also can
damage laboratory equipment, resample once
the condition is corrected.

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective action

Interpreting your analysis results

Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis provides an unparalleled
knowledge of ExxonMobil lubricants through decades of
experience and close OEM relationships. Our strong heritage of
hands-on application expertise provides you a reliable analysis.
The overall assessment focuses on three areas that help identify:

• Equipment condition
• Contamination
• Lubricant condition

Your Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis report provides an an easy to

read, color-coded performance assessment with one of the
following ratings:

Alert – Conditions exist that exceed acceptable limits or

require corrective action. Steps should be taken to confirm
and correct the condition.

Caution – Conditions are present that may require

monitoring or diagnosis to minimize impact on equipment
and lubricant performance.

Normal – Equipment, contamination, and lubricant

conditions are within an acceptable range.

Sample comments are provided on the report to help identify

potential problems, list possible causes, and recommend actions
for follow-up.

Monitoring the trend

To assess your equipment condition:

1. Interpret your analysis results – Gain an understanding of your

equipment’s operating conditions and its lubricated
components. Limits applied to each sample can vary based on Points to consider
your asset's registered manufacturer, model, application, and Applied limits
2. Monitor the sample trend – Trend identification is important to Limits applied to each sample can vary based on
understanding oil analysis results. You should include critical your asset's registered manufacturer, model,
equipment and maintenance information (e.g., date sampled, application, and lubricant-in-service. In addition,
hr/mi/km, makeup oil, etc.) with your sample submission. This the review process considers all report data and
data allows you to normalize the analysis trends to enhance may correlate multiple results to determine an
your assessment. abnormal condition.
3. Review the entire report – Proper condition assessment
requires a complete review of the report. Changes in equipment
condition typically coincide with the presence of contamination
or changes in lubricant properties.

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective action

Mobil ServSM Lubricant Analysis – Graphic sample report

1. Equipment information —
Equipment data you provided during
asset registration is used to interpret
the analysis results. By including
1 equipment manufacturer, model,
and other operating parameters, an
overall assessment can be made for
your application.
2. Sample data — Operating data
documented during the sample
2 process provides critical information
to help assess and interpret your
equipment’s condition. By including
key information, like hr/mi/km and
date sampled, you help establish
4 data points that assist in
condition trending.

3. Results interpretation — Proprietary

control limits are applied based on
your equipment’s manufacturer,
model, lubricant, and application.
Sample comments are provided, as
required, to help identify potential
problems, list possible causes, and
recommend corrective action.

4. Analysis results — The Mobil ServSM

Lubricant Analysis report provides
an easy-to-read, color-coded display
of your sample analysis results in
order to:
• Trend elements of equipment wear
• Identify contaminants that may
impact performance
• Monitor lubricant condition

How to: Before replacing or shutting down

equipment, confirm alert analysis
2. V
 erify condition with other equipment
monitoring tools – e.g., inspections,
Confirm alerted conditions considering the following steps: vibration, or thermography.
conditions 3. U
 tilize an on-site analysis test designed
1. Review maintenance/operator records for the alerted condition.
to identify condition. 4. S
 ubmit another sample to the
laboratory for analysis.
Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective
Taking corrective action

Understanding equipment
Equipment condition
If you
If you knowknow
what what
to looktoforlook
in thefor in thereport,
analysis analysis report,can
oil analysis oil analysis can unlock
unlock a wealth a wealth
of information of information
about the condition about
of your the condition of your
Youequipment. You should
should understand understand
the metallurgy of yourthe metallurgy
components of your to
to respond components
the trends in to respond
your analysis to the trends
report. in your
Reference analysis report. Reference
your OEM
OEMto identify the metallurgical
material make-up
list to identify of your components
the metallurgical makeup andoftoyour
help components
evaluate sampleandresults.
to help evaluate sample results.

Bearing Wear Example

Steel Back Bearing wear example
Aluminium • Alum.
Bearing Material

• Copper

wear ppm
Copper Bonding
Material • Lead

Lead-tin • Tin
Tin Overlay


Understand Understand
metallurgy Metallurgy Monitor elements Tin Lead Copper
Plan Plan maintenance
Monitor Elements

Typical Equipment Component Metals

Normalize your data Makeup oil–effect on results
Engine LookingTransmission
at the analysis data without
Differential Equipment with high oil consumption may
Final Drive
considering time or distance may lead to not return representative sample results. A
Aluminum (Al) Pistons, Bearings, Blocks, Housings, Pumps, Clutch, Thrust Washers, Pump Bushings Oil Pump, Thrust Washers
inaccurate Thrust conclusions
Washers, Bushings, about condition potentially abnormal condition can be
Points to
Bushings, Blowers, Thrust Bearings

severity. Evaluating the data trend relative

Torque Converter Impeller
masked by escaping lubricant and by new
Cadmium (Cd) Journal Bearings
to wear rate per hr/km/mi can enhance lubricant makeup diluting the system
your assessment. volume. Record makeup oil during sampling
Chromium (Cr) Rings, Roller/Taper Bearings, Liners, Roller/Taper Bearings Roller/Taper Bearings process to include
Roller/Taper Bearingsin your trend and sample
Exhaust Valves
Copper (Cu) Wrist Pin Bushings, Bearings, Clutches, Steering Discs, Bushings, Bushings, Thrust Washers Bushings,
Cam Bushings, Oil Cooler, Valve- Thrust Washers, Thrust Washers
Train Bushings, Thrust Washers, Oil Cooler
Governor, Oil Pump

Typical equipment component metals

Iron (Fe) Cylinders, Block, Gears, Crankshaft, Gears, Discs, Housing, Bearings, Gears, PTO, Shafts, Bearings, Gears, Bearings, Shaft, Housing
Wrist Pins, Rings, Camshaft, Valve Brake Bands, Shift Spools, Pumps, Housings
Train, Oil Pump Liners, Rust PTO
Engine Transmission Differential Final Drive
Lead (Pb) Bearings
Aluminum (AI) Pistons, bearings, blocks, housings, Pumps, clutch, thrust Thrust washers, pump Oil pump, thrust
Silver (Ag) bushings,
Bearings, Wristblowers,
Pin Bushing thrust
(EMD) bearings
Bearings washers, bushings,
Bearings torque bushings
Bearings washers
converter impeller
Tin (Sn) Pistons, Bearing Overlay, Bushings

Chromium (Cr) Rings, roller/taper bearings, liners, Roller/taper bearings Roller/taper bearings Roller/taper
Titanium (Ti) exhaust valves bearings

Copper (Cu) Bushings (wrist pin, cam, valve-train), Clutches, steering discs, Bushings, thrust washers Bushings, thrust
bearings, oil cooler, thrust washers, bushings, thrust washers, washers
governor, oil pump oil cooler

Iron (Fe) Cylinders, block, gears, crankshaft, Gears, discs, housing Gears, PTO, shafts, Gears, bearings,
wrist pins, rings, camshaft, valve train, bearings, brake bands, shift bearings, housings shaft, housing
oil pump liners, rust spools, pumps, PTO
Points to Consider - Normalize Your Data
Lead (Pb) Bearings
Looking at the analysis data without considering time or distance may lead to inaccurate conclusions about condition severity.
Evaluating the data trend relative to wear rate per hr/km/mi can enhance your assessment.
Nickel (Ni) Bearings and valve stems
Points to Consider - Make-up Oil - Effect on Results
Equipment (Ag)high oil consumption
Bearings, wrist pinreturn
will not bushings (EDM)
representative Bearings
sample results. A potentially abnormalBearings
condition can be masked by Bearings
escaping lubricant and by new lubricant make-up diluting the system volume. Record Make-up Oil on your sample label to include in
Tin (Sn)
your trend Pistons, bearing overlay, bushings
and sample assessment.


Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective
Taking corrective action

Understanding equipment condition

Typical equipment component metals (continued)

Natural/landfill Turbine Hydraulic/ Paper oil

Compressor Gear drive
gas engine (gas/steam) circulation machine

Aluminum Pistons, bearings, Pump motor housing, Rotors, pistons, Thrust

(AI) blocks, housings, cylinder gland bearings, thrust washers,
bushings, blowers, washers, block oil pump,
thrust bearings housing bushings

Chromium Rings, roller/taper Rods, spools, roller/ Rings, roller/ Roller/taper Bearings
(Cr) bearings, liners, taper bearings taper bearings bearings
exhaust valves

Copper Bushings (wrist pin, Bearings, oil Pump thrust plates, Wear plates, Thrust Bearings cages,
(Cu) cam, valve-train), cooler pump pistons, cylinder bushings, wrist washers, bushings, oil
bearings, oil cooler, glands, guides, -pin bushings, bushings, oil cooler
thrust washers, bushing, oil cooler bearings (recips.), cooler
governor, oil pump thrust washers

Iron (Fe) Cylinders, block, Bearings Pump vanes, gears, Camshaft, Gears, Bearings, gears,
gears, crankshaft, pistons, cylinder block, housing, bearings, housings
wrist pins, rings, bores, rods, bearings, bearings, shafts, shaft
camshaft, valve pump housing oil pump, rings,
train, oil pump cylinder
liners, rust

Lead (Pb) Bearings Bearings Bearings Bearings Bearings

Silver (Ag) Bearings, wrist pin Bearings Bearings Bearings Bearings

bushings (EDM)

Tin (Sn) Pistons, bearing Bearings Bearings Pistons, bearings, Bearings

overlay, bushings bushings

Titanium Bearings,
(Ti) turbine blades

Interpreting silicon Understanding silicon conditions

The presence of silicon is often the reason
Air filter failure Iron Silicon
for an increase in wear metals (see graph). If, 20

however, high wear metals are not indicated,

Points to 15
then the silicon or dirt may have been
consider 10
introduced during sampling oil from a
non-abrasive silicon (e.g., silicone-based 5

sealant, silicone defoamant, siloxane from 0


fuel gas, or silicon rubber). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective
Taking corrective action

Understanding contamination
Contamination is a primary cause of component wear or failure.
You should identify the source and take corrective action to
remedy the contamination; doing so will ultimately help extend
component and lubricant life while improving equipment reliability.
Three general sources of contamination include:

1. Built-in contamination – Contamination from component

manufacturing process or from the installation process.

2. Self-generated contamination - Contamination from system

components worn or damaged by other contamination particles.

3. External ingression - Contamination from external sources.

The following elements can help identify contamination:

Element Potential source

Boron (B) Coolant, possible oil additive

Chlorine (CI) Landfill gas contaminant

Potassium (K) Coolant

Sodium (Na) Coolant, road salt, additive

Silicon (Si) Dirt, dust, sealant, additive, silicone

defoamant, siloxane from fuel gas

Vanadium (V) Residual fuel contamination

Points to consider
Coolant contamination

Indications of coolant (ethylene or propylene

glycol mixed with water) can appear as water,
sodium, potassium, or boron elements (typical
coolant additives).

The water phase of coolant may be removed

during operation, leaving only a trace element of
coolant additive to reveal this potentially
serious problem.

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective
Taking corrective action

Understanding contamination
Use this chart to better understand common contaminants, their effects and remedies.

Contaminant Description Condition Effect Remedy

Fuel dilution Fuel dilution reduces viscosity Extended idling, Metal-to-metal contact, Check fuel lines; check
and can accelerate wear. stop and go driving, poor lubrication, cylinder/ cylinder temperatures, worn
Unburned fuel may indicate a defective injectors, ring wear, depleted rings, leaking injectors,
fuel system leak or incomplete leaking fuel pump additives, decreased oil seals, and pumps; examine
combustion. or lines, incomplete pressure, reduced fuel driving or operating
combustion, incorrect economy, reduced engine conditions; check timing;
timing performance, shortened avoid prolonged idling;
engine life check quality of fuel; repair
or replace worn parts

Fuel soot Fuel soot provides an Improper air-to-fuel Poor engine performance, Ensure injectors are
indication of engine ratio, improper injector poor fuel economy, working properly, check
combustion efficiency. adjustment, poor harmful deposits or sludge, air induction/filters,
quality fuel, incomplete increased component wear, check compression,
combustion, low carbon deposits, clogged avoid excessive idling,
compressions, worn filters inspect driving/ operating
engine parts/rings conditions, check fuel
quality, check operating

Insoluble or Solid particles in the lubricant Extended oil drain Shortened equipment Drain oil, flush system, check
visible particles that were ingested or internally interval, environmental life, filter plugging, poor operating environment,
generated. debris, wear debris, lubrication, engine reduce oil drain interval,
oxidation byproducts, deposits, formation of change filters
leaking or dirty filters, sludge, accelerated wear
fuel soot

Particle count Particle count provides a Defective breather, Erratic operation, Filter new oil, evaluate
high measure of contaminant levels environmental debris, intermittent failure, service techniques,
in the oil. water contamination, component wear, valve inspect/replace oil filters,
dirty filters, poor sticking, oil leakage inspect/replace breather,
makeup oil procedure, high pressure system
entrained air, worn flush, evaluate operating
seals conditions

Particle PQ index measures the mass Wear debris, shock/ Metal-to-metal contact, Replace worn parts, inspect/
quantifier (PQ) of metallic (ferromagnetic) overloading conditions, shortened equipment life, replace filters, inspect/clean
index particles in the sample. metallic contamination, intermittent failure reservoir magnets, evaluate
dirty filters operating conditions

Ultra centrifuge Ultra centrifuge rates High operating Erratic operation, Evaluate operating
(UC) rating high the soluble sub-micron temperature, intermittent failure, harmful conditions, shorten oil
contaminants that can be overloading condition, deposits or sludge, valve drain intervals, evaluate
precursors to system deposits overextended oil drain, sticking, shortened oil life equipment use versus
(scale 0-8). improper oil in service design, use oil with
oxidation inhibitor additives,
flush system

Water/coolant Water/coolant is a harmful Low operating Engine failure, high Tighten head bolts, check
contaminant that can cause temperature, defective viscosity, improper head gasket, inspect heat
significant damage to internal seals, new oil lubrication, corrosion, exchanger/oil cooler,
parts, e.g., bearings. contamination, coolant acid formulation, reduce evaluate operating
leak, improper storage, additive effectiveness conditions, pressure check
condensation cooling system, check
for external sources of

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective
Taking corrective action

Understanding lubricant condition

A lubricant performs a variety of functions in your application.
The most important functions include friction control, wear
protection and efficient power transmission.

Maintaining the physical properties of

the lubricant is important to extending
the equipment’s reliability and the life of
the lubricant.
The following elements can help identify lubricant condition:

Element Potential source

Barium (Ba) Antiwear, corrosion inhibitor, detergent

Calcium (Ca) Antiwear, corrosion inhibitor, detergent,

dispersant, rust inhibitor, anti-oxidant

Magnesium (Mg) Antiwear, corrosion inhibitor, detergent,

dispersant, rust inhibitor

Molybdenum (Mo) Antiwear, anti-friction

Phosphorus (P) Antiwear, corrosion inhibitor, detergent,

extreme pressure
Points to consider
Zinc (Zn) Anti-oxidant, antiwear,
Impact of oxidation on
corrosion inhibitor
lubricant life

Drain interval
shortened by this

Operating hours

Normal Abnormal

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective
Taking corrective action

Understanding lubricant condition

Use this chart to better understand abnormal lubricant conditions, their effects and remedies.

Description Condition Effect Remedy

Acid number Acid number is a measurement High sulfur fuel, Corrosion of metallic Evaluate oil drain interval,
(AN) high of the buildup of harmful overheating, excessive components, promotes confirm type of oil in service,
acidic oxidation compounds blow-by, overextended oxidation, oil degradation, check for overheating,
produced by oil degradation. drain intervals, oil thickening, additive check for severe operating
improper oil depletion conditions, identify and
remove contaminants,
drain oil

Base number Base number is a measurement Overheating, Increased wear rate, Evaluate oil drain interval,
(BN) low of an oil’s ability to neutralize overextended oil drain, acid buildup in oil, oil full or partial renewal of the
harmful acidic compounds improper oil in service, degradation, increase in oil charge is recommended,
produced during combustion high sulfur fuel sludge formation check engine operating
process. condition, remove

Nitration Nitration is a measure of the Improper scavenge, low Accelerated oxidation, Increase operating
amount of nitrogen by- operating temperature, acidic by-products formed, temperature, check
products in the oil. Nitration defective seals, increased cylinder and crankcase venting hoses
quantification can provide improper air-to-fuel valve wear, oil thickening, and valves, ensure proper
invaluable insight into the ratio, abnormal blow-by combustion area deposits, air-to-fuel mixture, perform
likelihood of deposit formation increased acid number compression check or
from oil breakdown. cylinder leak-down test

Oxidation Oxidation quantification can Overheating, Shortened equipment Evaluate oil drain interval,
provide invaluable insight overextended oil life, lacquer deposits, oil full or partial renewal of the
into the likelihood of deposit drain, improper oil in filter plugging, increased oil charge is recommended,
formation from oil breakdown. service, combustion oil viscosity, corrosion of check operating condition,
byproducts, blow-by metal parts, increased remove contaminants.
operating expenses,
increased component wear,
decreased equipment

Viscosity high Viscosity is a measurement of Contamination soot/ Harmful deposits or sludge, Verify lubricant was labeled
a fluid’s resistance to flow at solids, incomplete restricted oil flow, engine correctly, check air-to-oil
a given temperature relative combustion, oxidation overheating, increased grade, inspect internal
to time. degradation, leaking operating costs seals, check operating
head gasket, extended temperatures, check for
oil drain, high operating leaky injectors, check
temperatures, improper for loose crossover fuel
oil grade lines, evaluate operating
conditions, check oxidation

Viscosity low Viscosity is a measurement of Additive shear, fuel Overheating, poor Verify lubricant was labeled
a fluid’s resistance to flow at dilution, improper oil lubrication, metal-to- correctly, check air-to-oil
a given temperature relative grade metal contact, increased grade, inspect internal
to time. operating costs seals, check operating
temperatures, check for
leaky injectors, check
for loose crossover fuel
lines, evaluate operating

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective
Taking corrective action

Engine operating conditions

Gasoline, diesel, natural gas, landfill/digester gas
You can be better prepared to take corrective action before
equipment fails if you understand the potential sources of
abnormal engine conditions.

Potential sources of abnormal engine conditions

Condition Potential source

Crankcase deposits High oil temperature, low oil temperature,

poor combustion, poor oil filtration, blow-by,
condensation, leaking water jacket, clogged
crankcase breather or vent, excessive oil spray,
inadequate piston cooling

High oil Worn or stuck rings, ineffective oil ring

consumption control, low oil viscosity, high oil pressure,
leakage, worn pistons or cylinders, excessive
bearing clearance, high oil level (crankcase),
high crankcase vacuum, high oil feed rate to
cylinders, normal in landfill/digester
gas applications

High oil Continuous overload, insufficient jacket water

temperature cooling, clogged oil cooler, clogged oil lines,
sludged crankcase, overheated bearing,
incorrect oil viscosity, insufficient oil in pump or
crankcase, insufficient oil circulation, improper

Improper Unsuitable fuel, insufficient air, low water jacket

combustion temperature, sticking, leaking, or plugged
injectors, unbalanced cylinder load, low
injection pressure, incorrect injection timing,
low compression pressure, leaking or sticking
intake or exhaust valves, low load

Ring sticking Poor oil quality, continuous overload operation,

high oil level (crankcase), high crankcase
vacuum, high oil feed rate to cylinders, worn
or weak rings, insufficient ring side clearance,
worn pistons, distorted pistons or cylinders,
high or low jacket water temperature, gas with
high siloxane content

Introduction to sampling Proper sampling techniques Interpreting results Taking corrective
Taking corrective action

Lubricant viscosity grade comparisons

For use as a general guide only. Viscosities are based on a 95 VI Oil.

SUS Kinematic
viscosity viscosity AGMA SAE SAE gear
at 100°F cSt at 40°C ISO VG number crankcase oil oil

8000 1500
6000 250
1000 8A
5000 900
4000 700
680 8
500 140
2500 460 7

300 320 6

220 5 90
1000 50
800 150 4
700 125 40
500 100 3 85W

80 30
68 2
60 80W
1 20
30 32
150 10W
100 22 5W
15 15
10 10
50 5 7

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All trademarks used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Exxon
Mobil Corporation or one of its affiliates unless otherwise noted.

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