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US 2014002O828A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0020828A1
Parhar et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 23, 2014
(54) FAST CURING CPVC SOLVENT CEMENT Publication Classification

(71) Applicant: OATEY COMPANY, Cleveland, OH (51) Int. Cl.

(US) C09. 27/24 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl.
(72) Inventors: Amrit Kaur Parhar, Westlake, OH CPC ..................................... C09J 127/24 (2013.01)
(US); Forest Hampton, III, Amherst, USPC ........................................... 156/333; 524/113
(21) Appl. No.: 13/803,343 A composition and method of using the composition are
(22) Filed: Mar 14, 2013 described. The composition is useful for quickly bonding
chlorinated polyvinylchloride during installation and repair
Related U.S. Application Data operations. Embodiments of the composition include at least
one volatile organic solvent, chlorinated polyvinylchloride
(60) Provisional application No. 61/672,970, filed on Jul. dissolved in the solvent and the composition is Substantially
18, 2012. free of cyclohexanone.
US 2014/0020828A1 Jan. 23, 2014

FAST CURING CPVC SOLVENT CEMENT cyclohexanone, methyl ethyl ketone, N-methylpyrrolidone,
methylene chloride, acetone, ethyl acetate and the like. The
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED adhesives may contain consistency-generating constituents
APPLICATIONS Such as thickeners, thixotropic agents and the like.
0001. This non-provisional patent application claims the 0009 Conventionally, cyclohexanone has been used in
benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/672,970, filed every marketed CPVC solvent cement. This is due to the
Jul.18, 2012, the content of which is hereby incorporated by perception that cyclohexanone provides benefits that other
reference as if fully recited herein. common solvents do not. Specifically, stronger joints, and
extended working time for artisans working with the joint,
TECHNICAL FIELD allowing for a more optimal fit between the pipes making up
the joint. It is thought that the higher boiling point of cyclo
0002 The present invention is in the field of adhesives and hexanone allows it to penetrate the plastic of the pipe more
more particularly in the field of solvent cements useful for thoroughly, allowing the plumber more time to make the
plumbing applications including drain, waste, vent and pres proper fit and alignment between pipes, and correspondingly,
Surized applications. the cyclohexanone's greater penetration was thought to more
thoroughly soften the plastic prior to curing, creating a stron
ger bond between the pipes once the joint is cured.
0003. Many plumbing applications such as drain, waste,
vent and pressure pipe applications utilize thermoplastic SUMMARY
resin-based plastics due to their ease of manufacture, costand 0010. This and other unmet needs of the prior art are met
water and corrosion resistance. However, these plastics often by compounds and methods as described in more detail
require upgrading or need repair after extended use. When below.
repairs, new installations or upgrades are required, the piping
is necessarily taken out of service. While outages for repair or 0011. The disclosed embodiments describe a solvent
upgrade are unavoidable, the length of these outages can cement for securing chlorinated polymers. The cement
create significant problems for municipalities or businesses includes at least one solvent selected from the list consisting
with significant plumbing needs such as hotels and hospitals. of tetrahydrofuan, acetone, methyl-ethyl ketone; a thermo
No matter the underlying cost, when repairs or upgrades are plastic resin; and wherein the cement has a very little cyclo
performed, the joints between sections of piping must be hexanone.
secured together. 0012 Provided herein is a solvent cement for bonding
0004 Joints for plastic plumbing and other articles made CPVC pipe and other molded articles, including at least one
from molded plastics such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or solvent selected from the group consisting of THF, ACE
chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) are often secured by methylethyl ketone in an amount of between 0 and 80% by
Solvent cements. These solvent cements are conventionally weight; a second solvent selected from the group consisting
made from a combination of solvents, and resins dissolved in of THF, MEK and ACE in an amount from 0 to 10% by
the mixture. weight; at least one chlorinated thermoplastic resin in an
0005 Solvent cementing is a process in which thermo amount of between 12 and 22% by weight, dissolved in the
plastics, usually amorphous, are softened by the application Solvent; and Substantially no cyclohexanone.
of a suitable solvent or mixture of solvents, and then pressed 0013 Disclosed embodiments include a method for bond
together to effect a bond. Many thermoplastic substrates are ing two CPVC articles. The method includes applying a sol
easier to join effectively by solvent cements than by conven vent cement composition to a Surface to be bonded on a first
tional adhesive bonding. Generally, a small amount of the CPVC article, the composition comprising a first volatile
same resin that makes up the Substrate is dissolved in a solvent organic solvent in an amount from 0 to 80% by weight, a
to form the cement. The inclusion of the resin aids in gap second volatile organic solvent in an amount from 0 to 10%
filling, accelerates setting, and reduces shrinkage and internal by weight, CPVC in an amount from 12-22%, and wherein
StreSSes. the composition is Substantially free of cyclohexanone; and
0006 For many years, solvent cements have been made bringing the Surface to be bonded into contact with a second
for joining CPVC plastic pipe and fittings. The major uses are CPVC article.
drain, waste, vent. Sewer and potable water conveyance. Plas 0014 Disclosed embodiments describe a method for
tic pipe has increasingly displaced the traditional materials securing two segments of chlorinated polymer articles
used for the same purpose Such as copper, Steel, galvanized together. The method includes applying an effective amount
metal, cast iron, lead and concrete asbestos pipe. Plastic pipe of a solvent cement to a surface to be bonded on a first
has become the material of choice in the home, municipal, chlorinated polymer article; contacting the first article with a
and manufacturing industries. second chlorinated polymeric article, forming a joint; and
0007 ASTM F-493 sets forth the requirements for CPVC applying an effective amount of force to the joint for a cure
solvent cements as containing a minimum of 10% CPVC time.
resin, inert fillers, and the remainder is one or more solvents
including THF, CYH. MEK and/or acetone. DETAILED DESCRIPTION
0008 Pipes and fittings of CPVC are used for applications
where, in addition to high internal pressures of up to 5 bar, 0015. In addition to the definitions contained in the Back
temperatures in the range from ambient to at least about 95° ground, the following terms utilized in the present application
C. are encountered. Solvent cements for pipes and fittings of and claims have the following meanings:
CPVC contain between 10 and 30% by weight CPVC in 0016 “solvent a substance capable of dissolving
combination with Suitable solvents, such as tetrahydrofuran, another Substance;
US 2014/0020828A1 Jan. 23, 2014

0017 “volatile solvent a solvent which evaporates rap corresponding long outages) associated with conventional
idly at room temperature orata slightly elevated temperature; CYH-containing CPVC solvent cements.
0018 “solvent welding a process that utilizes solvents 0028 Provided herein are solvent cements that overcome
to join two surfaces together, drawbacks of conventional solvent cements and are useful for
0019 “solvent cement an adhesive made by dissolving CPVC pipe installation and repair. The main components are
a plastic resin or compound in a Suitable solvent or mixture of tetrahydrofuran (THF) and acetone (ACE) and cyclohex
solvents. The solvent cement dissolves the surfaces of the anone is completely avoided to shorten the joint cure time due
pipe and fittings to form a bond between the mating Surfaces to its high boiling point. Furthermore, disclosed embodi
provided the propercement is used for the particular materials ments include solvent cements including CPVC from about 5
and proper techniques are followed; to about 25% of the total weight of the solvent cement, from
0020 “cured when most of the solvent applied has about 10 to about 20% and in certain embodiments about 18%
evaporated leaving athermoplastic solvent welded joint fused CPVC.
together so that pressure can be successfully applied; 0029 Provided herein is a solvent cement for bonding
0021 “DWVP' drain, waste, vent, and pressurized CPVC pipe and other molded articles, including at least one
applications. solvent selected from the group consisting of THF, ACE
0022 Disclosed embodiments provide a composition use methylethyl ketone at least one chlorinated thermoplastic
ful as a solvent cement that can be used to install or repair resin dissolved in the Solvent; and Substantially no cyclohex
plastic pipe and fitting joints, the curing times for which is aOC.
lower than for conventional solvent cements. It is intended to 0030 Disclosed embodiments include a method for bond
be understood that when discussing the compositions dis ing two CPVC articles. The method includes applying a sol
closed herein that the discussion should be equally applied to vent cement composition to a Surface to be bonded on a first
compositions useful in the methods disclosed herein. CPVC article, the composition comprising a first volatile
0023 Generally, a primer and solvent cement is used to organic solvent in an amount from 0 to 80% by weight, a
make PVC or CPVC pipe and fitting joints. In plumbing second volatile organic solvent in an amount from 0 to 10%
applications, a wide variety of these primers and solvent by weight, CPVC in an amount from 12-22%, and wherein
cements are available. The primers are mixtures of various the composition is Substantially free of cyclohexanone; and
Solvent combinations and solvent cements are mixtures of bringing the Surface to be bonded into contact with a second
various solvents Tetrahydrofuran, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, CPVC article.
Cyclohexanone and Acetone—along with a specific resin 0031. The chlorinated polyvinyl chlorides useful in the
dissolved in these solvents. compositions of this invention include chlorinated polyvinyl
0024 However, if a section of the plastic pipe has to be chloride (also referred to sometimes as post-chlorinated
repaired for some reason, the available solvent cements take PVC) homopolymers and copolymers. CPVC resins useful in
a long time to cure to full joint strength and the water Supply this invention may be prepared by chlorination of any of the
has to be turned off for long periods of time, which is unde polyvinyl chloride homopolymers or copolymers discussed
sirable; especially in hospitals, hotels and apartment build above by procedures known to those skilled in the art. CPVC
ings. Examples of solvent cements and methods of use, con resins available commercially, are generally available as pow
templated by the instant disclosure may be found in U.S. Pat. ders, and may contain from about 57% to about 75% by
No. 6,887,926, the content of which is hereby incorporated by weight of chlorine. CPVC is often the resin of choice where
reference as if fully recited herein. its high heat deflection resistance is desirable Such as in hot
0025. The use of cyclohexanone in plastic pipe solvent water piping systems. CPVC resins useful as the water-in
cements is an industry mainstay. All marketed CPVC solvent soluble resin in the composition of the invention are available
cements include CYH. Its conventional acceptance is due to commercially from, for example, Lubrizol under the trade
the amount of time allowed the skilled artisan to fit the pipe designation Temprite 674x571. Chlorinated polyvinyl chlo
sections together as well as the generally high joint strengths rides are available commercially from Lubrizol under the
made by CYH-containing cements. trade names Blazemaster(R), Flowguard Gold(R) and Corzan(R).
0026. The lower vapor pressure of cyclohexanone relative Chlorinated polyvinyl chlorides are available from ATOFINA
to other solvent cement solvents is a major contributor to its under the tradename LucalorR).
conventional acceptance. The lowered vapor pressure gener 0032. In certain embodiments, the other polymers may be
ally allows CYH-containing cements to linger on the Surface present in combination with the chlorinated polyvinyl chlo
of the pipe for longer and to penetrate further into the plastic, ride. In such embodiments, the chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
softening the putative joint material further and creating a is present in a major amount, or in amounts greater than 70%,
deeper, stronger joint. Further, the lowered boiling point or in amounts greater than 80%, or in amounts greater than
allows the plumber more time to make an optimal fit between 90% by weight of the polymers present in the solvent
pipe sections as the CYH-containing solvent cement does not CementS.
dry-out quickly. Conventional thought is that fast cure times 0033. When the compositions are to be used as a solvent
lead to stiff and unadaptable joints. cement, the polymer or polymer mixture dissolved in the
0027. However, CYH-containing solvent cements require solvent to form the cement of the invention may be freshly
longer cure times for the joint to reach full strength. These prepared polymer, and in some instances may be polymer
longer cure times necessitate longer outages for businesses. It regrind.
was thought that the longer cure times were “a necessary evil' 0034 Generally, the polymer or polymers in a cement are
that was unavoidable in order to achieve the high joint identical or at least chemically similar to the polymer Surface
strength associated with CYH-containing solvent cements. (s) to be cemented. The compositions of the present invention
Provided herein are methods and compositions that deliver generally will contain at least about 1%, or at least about 10%,
high CPVC joint strength without the long cure times (and or at least about 14%, or at least about 15%, or at least about
US 2014/0020828A1 Jan. 23, 2014

16%, or at least about 17%, or at least about 18%, or at least cements disclosed herein can include any of the additional
about 19%, or at least about 20%, or at least about 25% up to Solvents that are typically used in Solvent cements as
about 40% CPVC. More often, the composition contains described, for example, in the patents mentioned above. For
CPVC from about 10% to about 30% or from about 12% to example, they may include methyl-ethylketone oresters such
about 25% or from about 14% to about 23%, or about 18% by as methyl acetate, ethyl acetate, ethyl formate, ethyl propi
weight of the solvent cement. In the specification and onate, and t-butyl acetate; halogenated solvents such as meth
appended claims, the range and ratio limits may be combined. ylene chloride, ethylene dichloride, trichloroethylene: diba
0035 Volatile Organic Solvent sic esters. When these solvents are present, typically they may
0036. The volatile organic liquid or liquid mixture used as be present in amounts no more than about 50, 40, 30, 20 or
a solvent may be any liquid or liquids which will dissolve the even 10 wt %, based on the total weight of solvent cement.
water-insoluble polymers contained in the adhesive compo Amounts of about 0.1, 1, 2, 5,10, and 15 wt.%, based on the
sitions. total weight of Solvent cement, are contemplated.
0037. In one embodiment, the compositions are to be used 0043. In one embodiment, when the compositions of the
as adhesives such as solvent cements, and the solvent which invention are to be used as solvent cements having low VOC,
also is a solvent for the plastic surface or surfaces which are to the solvents include tetrahydrofuran, methyl ethyl ketone,
bejoined or bonded together by the adhesive compositions. In acetone, and mixtures thereof. When the water-insoluble
addition, the organic liquids must be volatile, that is, the polymer is CPVC, THF or mixtures of THF with one or more
Solvent(s) must be capable of vaporizing under a wide variety of MEK and acetone are useful solvents. In one embodiment,
of application temperature conditions. In one embodiment, a when the polymer is CPVC, the solvent includes methylethyl
Volatile solvent is one which is capable of vaporizing at ambi ketone, acetone, tetrahydrofuran or mixtures of two or more
ent or at temperatures slightly above ambient temperatures. thereof. In one embodiment, the polymer is CPVC and the
The solvents should also be selected after consideration of the solvent includes THF in an amount from 0 to about 80%, or
toxicity effects and biodegradability of the solvents. from about 20% to about 75%, or from about 30% to 65%, or
0038. The compositions of the present invention contain from about 30% to about 50% by weight of the solvent
from about 30%, or from about 40%, or from a major amount cement, ACE in an amount from 0 to about 50%, or from 1%
of at least one volatile organic liquid. In one embodiment, the to about 20%, or from about 2% to about 10% by weight of the
compositions of the present invention contain from about solvent cement and MEK in an amount from about 0 to about
65% up to about 85%, or from about 70% to about 80% or 50%, or from 20% to about 40% by weight of the solvent
from about 73% to about 78% or about 75% by weight of at cement. In one embodiment, the composition includes the
least one volatile organic solvent which is a solvent for solvent THF in an amount of about 40% by weight of the
CPVC. In one embodiment, the composition contains about solvent cement, and MEK in an amount of about 20% by
80% by weight of the at least one volatile organic solvent. In weight of the solvent cement. In one embodiment, THF is
another embodiment, one volatile organic solvent is present present alone or in combination with one of ACE or MEK. In
in an amount from about 30% to about 90%, or from about this embodiment, THF is present in a major amount (greater
40% to about 80%, or from about 45% to about 70% by than 50%), or in an amount greater than about 60%, or greater
weight of the solvent cements. than about 65%, or greater than about 70% by weight. Either
0039. The solvent cements disclosed herein contain an the ACE, MEK or their combination is present in amount to
organic solvent which is capable of dissolving the resin in the make up the balance of the solvent, for instance from about
concentration being used as well as dissolving the Surfaces of 0% to 50%, or from about 2% to about 20%, or from about 3%
articles being joined. That is to say, the solvent should also be to about 10% by weight.
capable of dissolving at least a portion of the outermost Sur 0044. In an embodiment, the polymer resin is CPVC and
face layer of the plastic articles to be bonded. the solvent is THF present in an amount from 0 to about 85%
0040 Although not wishing to be bound to any theory, it is and ACE in an amount from about 0 to about 10 weight% and
believed that the solvent cements disclosed herein achieve cyclohexanone is completely avoided. In an alternative
adhesive bonding through an intermingling on a molecular embodiment, the use of acetone is avoided. In an embodiment
level of the resin of the cement with the polymer forming the CPVC is present in an amount from 5 to 25%, from 10 to 20%
article to be bonded. Therefore, the solvent of these cements or from 15-19% by weight.
should be capable of dissolving enough of the surfaces of 0045. In certain embodiments, the solvent cement com
these articles to enable Such an intermingling to occur. There prises CPVC in an amount of 18%: THFinanamount of 73%;
is no particular depth to which the solvent must penetrate for and ACE in an amount of 5%, and the cement is cyclohex
this purpose, since it is a surface phenomenon. anone free.
0041 Organic solvents of particular interest include tet EXAMPLES
rahydrofuran (THF), acetone (ACE), methyl ethyl ketone
(MEK) and other low boiling solvents having boiling points 0046. A cyclohexanone-free solvent cement (FORMULA
less than 80°C. A more comprehensive discussion of solvents 1) was prepared according to certain embodiments described
useful in the disclosed embodiments is found in U.S. Pat. No. herein, specifically FORMULA 1 comprises: 73% THF, 5%
7.592,385, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by ACE, 17.4% CPVC resin, 2% thickener and 2.5% stabilizer
reference as if fully recited herein. (all percentages are w/w of cement). One method for assess
0042 Mixtures of different solvents can also be used, pro ing the strength of a solvent cement (and the joint formed
vided that the solvent system as a whole exhibits the same therewith), particularly those which will be utilized in high
solvency attributes mentioned above. Mixtures of acetone temperature applications (i.e., above 100 F), is to affix a
and THF are particularly interesting, especially those in series of identical pipe joints using the solvent cement in
which the weight ratio of THF to ACE is 20:1-1:10, more question, and test each joint at a different curing time, by
typically about 15:1. In addition to these solvents, the directing heated, pressurized water through the joint. Table 1
US 2014/0020828A1 Jan. 23, 2014

shows the minimum curing times required for the various ing strength as the joints were able to withstand all of the
pipe diameter test assemblies using FORMULA 1, where the tested pressures and temperatures. Unexpectedly, FOR
listed temperatures and pressures relate to the water intro MULA 1 was able to achieve these high joint strengths in
duced into the test pipe. shortened cure times.
100 PSI 150 PSI 2OOPSI 250 PSI
Sch. 80 CPVC (7 Kgisq cm) (10.5 Kg sq cm) (14 Kgisq cm 17 Kg sq cm
100 F (37.7 C.) 2'--30 min 2'--2hrs 2'--16 hrs 2'--16 hrs
4'--2hrs 4'--12hrs 4'--48 hrs 4'--72 hrs
140 F. (60 C.) 2'--30 min 2'--2hrs 2'--16 hrs 2'--1 wk
4'--6 hrs 4'--1 week 4"--17 days 4'--8 weeks
180 F (82 C.) 2'--96 hrs 2'--1 wk NA
4'--2 wks 4'--3 wks

0047 Table 2 below shows comparison of cure times for 0054 If desired, additional additives may be advanta
2" diameter test assembly, made using three solvent cements geously included in the compositions. Additives can include
which contain Cyclohexanone. The data for FORMULA 1 in lubricants, stabilizers, plasticizers, colorants, pigments,
Table 2 is repeated from the cyclohexanone-free cement pre thixotropic agents, polymeric rheology additives and pro
sented above. All values are for the 2" diameter pipe for ease cessing aids, etc. Small amounts of pigments or colorants
of comparison. The three CYH-containing formulas have the Such as titanium dioxide, carbon black or a dye or other
following approximate compositions: colorant may be added to the adhesive compositions to serve
0048 FORMULA 2: THF:36%; CYH: 12%. MEK: 22%; as a guide for uniform mixing and to provide a method of
ACE 10%; CPVC resin 16%; additives-4%. identifying various adhesive compositions.
0049. FORMULA 3: THF: 60%: CYH: 8%. MEK: 0%; 0055 Exemplary stabilizing agents for CPVC formula
ACE:9%; CPVC resin 20%; additives-3%. tions include alkyltin compounds such as methyltin, butyltin
0050 FORMULA 4: THF: 70%; CYH:10%; MEK: 0%; and octyltin; dialkyltin dicarboxylates; methyltin mercap
ACE: 0%; CPVC resin 16%; additives-3%. tides and butyltin mercaptides; dialkyltin bis(alkylmercapto
Cement Temperature 100 F. Temperature 140 F.
formula 100 psi 150 psi 200 psi 250 psi 100 psi 150 psi 200 psi 250 psi
1 30 min 2 hrs 16 hrs 16 hrs 30 mins 2hrs 16 hrs 1 wk
2 30 min 3 hrs >16 hrs 2 hrs 4hrs 48 hrs >1 wk
3 30 min >16 hrs 2 wks
4 >16 hrs

0051. It is clear from Table 2 that the cure times for effec- carboxylate) including di-n-octyltin-S, S'-bis(isooctylmer
tive bonding increase with increased testing pressure. There is captoacetate); butylthiostaunoic acid; etc. alkyltin stabilizers
little difference between the curing times required for each such as C4 to C6 alkyltin mercaptides are normally preferred.
formula at the 100° F/100 psi scenario. However, the differ The stabilizers are generally presentinamounts of from about
0.05 to 3% by weight. Triphenyl phosphite, BHT (butylated
ences begin to emerge once pressures higher than 100 psi are hydroxy toluene), complex calcium and Zinc soaps of alkyl
required, with formula 2 requiring 50% more cure time at 150 carboxylic acids and hydrotalcite can also be used.
pS1. 0056. The compositions of this disclosure are easy to
0052. The data is more pronounced for the 140 F tests. apply, cost effective, and cure within a reasonable period of
Formula 1 requires 4 the cure time of formula 2 for the 100 time without the use of heat, pressure, UV light or extraordi
psi; /2 the cure time for the 150 psitest as well as significantly nary mechanical devices. The bonding or adhesive properties
lower cure times for the remainder of the tests. While all of the
are satisfactory for the intended uses whether non pressure
drain, waste, vent (DWV), applications or pressure systems
formulas required longer cure times than formula 1 excepting used in potable water applications.
the 100°F./100 psi test cases, of particular note is the differ 0057 The terms “a” and “an and “the and similar refer
ence between formula 1 and formula 3 at 140°F./250 psi, ences used in the context of describing the disclosed embodi
where formula 3 required an additional week for an effective ments (especially in the context of the following claims) are
to be construed to cover both the singular and the plural,
0053. Overall, the CYH-free formulation disclosed herein unless otherwise indicated herein or clearly contradicted by
(FORMULA 1) overcame the conventionally-perceived COInteXt.
drawbacks expected of CYH-free solvent cements. The 0.058 Recitation of ranges of values herein is merely
CYH-free formulation, FORMULA 1, achieved high bond intended to serve as a shorthand method of referring individu
US 2014/0020828A1 Jan. 23, 2014

ally to each separate value falling within the range. Unless wherein the solvent cement is substantially free of cyclo
otherwise indicated herein, each individual value is incorpo hexanone.
rated into the specification as if it were individually recited 2. The cement of claim 1 wherein:
herein. All methods described herein can be performed in any the first solvent is THF and is present in amount of 65 to
suitable order unless otherwise indicated herein or otherwise 80% by weight;
clearly contradicted by context. The use of any and all the second solvent is ACE and is present in an amount of 0
examples, or exemplary language (e.g. "Such as') provided to 6% by weight; and
herein is intended merely to better illuminate the disclosed the thermoplastic resin is CPVC present in an amount of
embodiments and does not pose a limitation on the scope of 15-20%.
the disclosed embodiments unless otherwise claimed. No 3. The cement of claim 2, comprising THF in an amount of
language in the specification should be construed as indicat 70 to 75% by weight.
ing any non-claimed element essential to the practice of the 4. The cement of claim 2 comprising ACE in an amount of
disclosed embodiments or any variants thereof. 5% by weight.
0059 Groupings of alternative elements or embodiments 5. The cement of claim 2 wherein the thermoplastic resin is
disclosed herein are not to be construed as limitations. Each CPVC.
group member may be referred to and claimed individually or 6. The cement of claim 5, wherein the CPVC is present in
in any combination with other members of the group or other an amount of 17-18% by weight.
elements found herein. It is anticipated that one or more 7. The cement of claim 2, further comprising stabilizers
members of a group may be included in, or deleted from, a and thickeners.
group for reasons of convenience and/or patentability 8. The cement of claim 2, wherein CPVC is present in an
0060 Preferred embodiments of this invention are amount of 18%; THF is present in an amount of 73%; and
described herein, including the best mode knownto the inven ACE is present in an amount of 5%.
tors for carrying out the invention(s). Of course, variations on 9. A method for bonding two CPVC articles, comprising:
the disclosed embodiments will become apparent to those of
ordinary skill in the art upon reading the foregoing descrip applying a solvent cement composition to a surface to be
tion. The inventors expect skilled artisans to employ Such bonded on a first CPVC article, the composition com
variations as appropriate, and the inventors intend for the prising a first volatile organic solvent in an amount from
invention(s) to be practiced otherwise than specifically 0 to 80% by weight, a second volatile organic solvent in
described herein. Accordingly, this disclosure includes all an amount from 0 to 10% by weight, CPVC in an amount
modifications and equivalents of the Subject matter recited in from 12-22%, and wherein the composition is substan
the claims appended hereto as permitted by applicable law. tially free of cyclohexanone; and
Moreover, any combination of the above described elements bringing the Surface to be bonded into contact with a sec
in all possible variations thereof is encompassed by the dis ond CPVC article.
closed embodiments unless otherwise indicated herein or 10. The method of claim 9, wherein the first volatile
otherwise clearly contradicted by context. organic solvent is THF, and the second Volatile organic Sol
0061 Having shown and described an embodiment of the vent is ACE.
invention, those skilled in the art will realize that many varia 11. The method of claim 9, wherein the first volatile
tions and modifications may be made to affect the described organic solvent is THF and is present in an amount of
invention and still be within the scope of the claimed inven 65-80%.
tion. Additionally, many of the elements indicated above may 12. The method of claim 11, wherein the cement comprises
be altered or replaced by different elements which will pro THF in an amount of 70 to 75% by weight.
vide the same result and fall within the spirit of the claimed 13. The method of claim 9, wherein the second volatile
invention. It is the intention, therefore, to limit the invention organic solvent of the cement is ACE and is present in an
only as indicated by the scope of the claims. amount of 0 to 6%.
What is claimed is: 14. The method of claim 13, wherein the cement comprises
1. A solvent cement for bonding CPVC pipe and other ACE in an amount of 5% by weight.
molded articles, comprising: 15. The method of claim 9, wherein the CPVC is present in
a first solvent selected from the group consisting of THF, an amount of 16-22%.
MEK, ACE in an amount from 0 to 80% by weight; 16. The method of claim 9, wherein the THF is present in an
a second solvent selected from the group consisting of amount of 72-75%.
THF, MEK and ACE in an amount from 0 to 10% by 17. The method of claim 9, wherein CPVC is present in an
at least one chlorinated thermoplastic resin in an amount of amount of 18%; THF is present in an amount of 73%; and
between 12 and 22% by weight, dissolved in the solvent; ACE is present in an amount of 5%.
and k k k k k

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