Affidavit of Correction OF ENTRIES IN THE BIRTH CERT
Affidavit of Correction OF ENTRIES IN THE BIRTH CERT
Affidavit of Correction OF ENTRIES IN THE BIRTH CERT
Of Correction and/ or Adverse Claim
I, ERLINDA ARUGAY ROSAL, of legal age, Filipino, married and with postal
address at, 4174 Binatugan Street, Ugong, Valenzuela City, after having been sworn to
in accordance with law, do hereby state that:
1. I hereby submit this affidavit for the correction of the name of owner and the
recording of my adverse claim in that certain registered real property located
at 478 Quirino Highway, Talipapa, Novaliches, Quezon City covered by TCT
No. V-9574 of the Registry of Deeds of Valenzuela (attached hereto as Annex
“A”) under the name of RUFINO ROSAL JR.
Law Office
Blk 1 A Lot 5 Villaflor Village,
Veinte Reales, Valenzuela City
[email protected]
Doc No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 2014.