Dex New OAP Manual
Dex New OAP Manual
Dex New OAP Manual
Demonstration with Questioning *2nd Party certification (product is certified by the
This method allows you to set the procedures of consumer and is sold within the locality)
the performance test, the time allotment and the *3rd party certification- (product is certified by
assessment activities so that all the criteria in the DA-accredited private entities and is being sold
evidence plan will be observed. outside the locality)
DA-Accredited CertifyingBodies
Each competency passed in the
Nicert – Negros Island Certification
assessment is equivalent to a Certificate
of Competency (COC) OCCP – Organic Certification Center of the
If all Core and Elective competencies are Philippines
passed, the candidate will be deemed
“competent” and will be awarded with Certification Fees
the National Certificate (NC) II Ranges from 20K – 65K pesos
However, if the candidate failed on one or Validity: 12 months
more competency, the candidate will be
Huge sum but you can avail of the
given a COC for every competency passed
but no NC will be issued and will be government subsidy
deemed “not yet competent” he/she may
PENALTY for mislabeling “Organikuno”
be re-assessed.
Imprisonment – 1 month to 6 months
RA 10068 or the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 Minimum Requirements for Organic Agriculture
…promotes, propagate, develop further and Length of crop conversion period
implement the practice of organic agriculture in for annual crops: at least twelve (12)
the Philippines that will cumulatively condition months before the start of the production
and enrich the fertility of the soil, increase farm cycle;
productivity, reduce pollution and destruction of for perennials: at least eighteen (18)
the environment, prevent the depletion of months of management
natural resources, further protect the health of
farmers, consumers and the general public. The required conversion period may be reduced
for the following conditions:
Organic Certification areas practicing traditional agricultural
Importance of Certification practices, which fulfil the requirements of
Consumer Protection this Standard; these areas shall be verified
An effective MARKETING tool through reliable means and sources. In
Adds value to the product such cases, inspection shall be carried out
at least six (6) months before the first
Types of organic certification harvest;
*1st Party certification (product is certified by the farms practicing organic agriculture for at
farmer and is sold within the locality) least eighteen (18) months; these areas
shall be verified through reliable means
and sources. In such cases, inspection reared at least 120
shall be carried out at least six (6) months days before slaughter
before the harvest. Meat Poultry intended for meat
No conversion period is required in the products products should be
case of non-cultivated land. These areas organically reared after 21 days
shall not be exposed to prohibited inputs from hatching
for a minimum of three (3) years. Eggs Layers should be organically
Prolonged conversion/transition period reared 42 days before
Lands that have been heavily treated with laying and throughout the laying
synthetic chemicals shall undergo period
conversion for a minimum of three (3)
years before the start of the production Organic Crop Production Standards
cycle. Choice of crops and Varieties
Seeds and planting materials shall be of
Conversion of animal and animal products high quality and certified organic, when
If animal products are to be sold as available.
organic products, the animal must be When certified organic seed and planting
reared according to the minimum materials are not available, non-organic
requirements set in this Standard for seed and planting materials may be used
organic production provided that they have not been treated
1/3-2/3 Policy with pesticides and other inputs not
permitted by this Standard
Beef and Large ruminants like cattle and Materials allowed for the treatment of
Carabeef carabao should be organically seeds include the substances listed in
reared at least 360 days before Annex A.
slaughter The use of genetically modified seeds,
Veal Calves to be used for meat transgenic plants or planting
product should be materials is not allowed.
organically reared 180 days after Plant varieties should be bred to retain
weaning natural reproduction methods.
Milk Milk from lactating bovine will
products only be considered as Crop rotations and soil Management practices
organic after 90 days of organic Organic production systems are soil-based
rearing and should care for the soil and
Mutton and Sheep and goat should be surrounding ecosystems.
Chevon organically reared at Runoff diversions or other means must be
least 180 days before slaughter implemented to prevent contamination of
Milk Milk from lactating sheep and crop production areas.
products goat will only be Application of raw or undecomposed
considered as organic after 90 manure is not allowed. Manure should
days of organic undergo proper decomposition methods.
Pork Swine should be organically Pest, disease, and weed management
The use of synthetic pesticides (e.g. intercropping, alley cropping, relay
herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, cropping, and multi-story cropping may
moluscides, nematicides, rodenticides, be used.
etc.) is prohibited. Bio-diversified cropping systems are
The release of local and acclimatized encouraged.
predatory insects, such as earwig and
Trichogramma, and use of microbial pest Organic Animal Production Standards
control agents, such as bacteria (e.g. Animal husbandry management
Bacillus thuringiensis), viruses (e.g. Management of the environment of the
baculovirus), and fungi (e.g. B. bassiana), animals shall take into account the
are allowed. behavioral needs of the animals and
Physical methods for pest, disease, and provide for:
weed management are allowed. Thermic sufficient free movement, as applicable;
sterilization (solarization) of soils to sufficient fresh air and natural daylight
combat pest, disease, and weed is according to the needs of the animals;
restricted in circumstances where a protection against excessive sunlight,
proper rotation or renewal of soil cannot temperatures, rain, and wind according to
take place. the needs of the animals;
Farm tools and equipment should be used enough lying and/or resting area
exclusively in organic farms. In cases that according to the needs of the animals. For
these are not dedicated for organic all animals requiring bedding, natural
production, these must be properly materials shall be provided;
cleaned and free of residues from free access to fresh water and feeds
synthetic pesticides. according to the needs of the animals;
Pollution control and contamination access to pasture
Buffer zones should be established to Landless animal husbandry systems
minimize contamination from non-organic and/or complete confinement of animal
farms. These may include, but are not systems (e.g. ‘battery-type’ cage, single
limited to, multipurpose tree species of pen) are prohibited.
sufficient density and height, runoff Herd animals shall not be kept
diversions, water filtration ponds and/or individually, except in cases of the
diversion systems, and open space. following:
Products from buffer zones must not be animals about to give birth or have just
sold as organic. given birth should be separated from
other animals and should be given the
Diversity in crop production necessary veterinary attention; and
The diversity of crops and cropping as part of biosecurity measures, sick,
systems on organic farms should sustain injured, or disabled animals should be
and promote diversity that is suited to separated from healthy animals and
local agro-ecosystem. Crop diversification should be given the necessary veterinary
systems such as crop rotation, attention.
Mutilations and animal identification the following proportion of feed ration
Mutilations are prohibited. However, the based on the dry matter requirement
following methods are exceptions in particular to each animal are allowed:
specific cases that these can improve the
welfare, health, or hygiene of the animals Year
or for safety reasons:
castration; Year 1 50% non-organic feed, 50% organic
tail cutting of lambs; feed
tail-docking of pigs;
Year 2 30% non-organic feed, 70% organic
trimming of beaks;
nose and limb ringing, for restraining; and Year 3 10% non-organic feed, 90% organic
cutting of teeth. feed
These practices should not cause suffering
and comply with existing regulatory Year 4, 100% organic feed
requirements of the competent authority. onwards
Qualified personnel should carry these
practices at the most appropriate age and In the formulation of organic feed, the
any suffering to the animals is reduced to following ingredients/raw materials are
a minimum. not allowed:
synthetic growth promoters or stimulants;
The following methods of identification preservatives, except when used as a
of animals are allowed: processing aid;
tattooing; artificial coloring agent;
ear notching; urea and other synthetic nitrogen
ear tagging; and compounds;
wing tagging. slaughter waste and other deceased
These practices shall not cause suffering animal parts;
and comply with existing regulatory droppings, dung, or other manure;
requirements of the competent feed ingredients subjected to solvent
authority.Qualified personnel should carry extraction (e.g.with petroleum products);
these practices at the most appropriate synthetic and/or chemically isolated
age and any suffering to the animals is amino acids;
reduced to a minimum. genetically engineered microorganisms or
Keeping the animals tethered is products thereof;
prohibited. However, the tethering of synthetic antibiotics; and
animals is allowed if this is necessary for synthetic and/or chemically isolated
safety or welfare reasons, and that such vitamins and minerals.
tethering is for a limited time only.
Animal nutrition Mandatory biosecurity and quarantine
Giving due consideration to the low procedures should be well implemented
availability of organic feed and roughage, to prevent introduction of disease into
the farm and/or to control its spread For new land/virgin land – no conversion period
within the farm.
The use of antibiotics for Q:I cannot find sources of organic seed. Can I buy
prophylactic/preventive purposes is not hybrid treated seeds from seed companies?
allowed; however, vaccinations are A:Yes. As long as these seeds are not GMO seeds
allowed. and NOT treated with prohibited chemicals.
Q: Can I use raw manure to fertilize by vegetable
The transport of organic animal shall be
crops eg. Lettuce, pechay, arugula for human
separated from conventional and shall be
well organized and appropriate to the consumption?
needs of the animals, taking into A: NO. The use of raw manure is prohibited due
consideration the following factors: to presence of pathogenic microbes, heavy
stress caused to the animal; metals and residues of prohibited substances.
fitness of the animal; The raw manure must be DECOMPOSED properly
process of loading and unloading; before it can be applied to vegetable crops.
mixing different groups of animals or
animals of different sex; Q: Can I use synthetic fertilizer, growth hormones
the grip of the feet on floors and ramps; and chemicals in growing my organic crops?
equipment used; NO. The use of chemical is strictly prohibited in
extreme temperatures and relative organic agriculture
humidity; and
hunger and thirst.
Q: My style of pasture for my livestock is
Appropriate measures such as separate
schedule of stocking during pre-slaughter nomadic. Is it allowed in Organic Agriculture?
and separate schedule or facility shall be A: YES. Nomadic or mobile/roaming culture of
implemented during slaughter to prevent livestock is allowed.
commingling and contamination of
organic with conventional animals. Q: My organically grown pigs will be slaughtered
Separate slaughterhouse for organic is in a double A standard slaughter house but it is 5
recommended. hours away from our farm. Will I be allowed by
the OA law?
COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT ORGANIC A: YES. Transport time to the slaughter house
AGRICULTURE should not exceed 8 hours.
Common Questions About Organic Agriculture.
Q:What is the conversion period from Q: Our slaughter house does not have stunning
conventional to organic farming? facility. Can we use any hard material like
A: Annual crops(vegetables, rice, corn) – 12 hammer, mallet or baseball bat to immobilize our
months pigs.
Perennial crops( banana, fruits, papaya) – 18 A: NO. Stunning facility must be used and should
months be in good working order and should affect the
**Note: For lands heavily treated with synthetic deep laying parts of the brain in one (quick) act.
chemicals over several years – 3 years
Q: Is hydroponic without (chemical pesticide) kept in cage”. 2nd, Minimum slaughter age is 70
considered organic? days (for chickens).
A: NO. The organic agriculture is based on soil-
based agriculture. The concept is feeding the soil Q: I am not giving anti-biotic to my pigs and am
and the soil will feed the plant. mixing organic feed without synthetic hormones
but the pigs are being raise in a factory farm type
Q: My neighbor farmers are not practicing housing. Will my practice be considered organic?
organic farming. Can I still be certified? A: NO. According to PNS, the area should not be <
A: Yes. As long as buffer zones are in place. 1 meter per head and pigs must be allowed to
Minimum of 1 meter distance from the neighbor roam around mimicking their natural
farm. With buffer crops eg. Kakawate in the environment
perimeter. Water source must passed through
filtration pond (if shared water source). Inspection Tips
All areas will be checked for traces of
Q: Can I feed my earthworms with commercially prohibited substances eg. Empty bottles,
grown vegetables from the market and still use containers, sachet, sacks especially
their poops as my organic fertilizer? boundary areas.
A: YES. However, it should be properly Chemical residue test is optional(case to
decomposed by microorganisms before feeding.
case basis)
The complex digestive system of an earthworm
Farm helpers/neighbors will be interviewed
allows 100% decomposition of organic matter.
Based on lab test, there is no traces of chemicals Plant color will be checked
in earthworm castings. Traces of dead insects will be checked
*Is ‘night soil’ allowed in organic agriculture? Buffer zones/buffer crops will be checked
It is allowed in India, China, Thailand and other Receipts for acquired farm inputs will be
countries but NOT in the Philippines checked
Sprayers will be scrutinized
Q: Is vaccination allowed in growing organic Warehouses will be checked
livestock? Presence of beneficial insects will be
A: Yes. It is allowed. However, you won’t need it
if you will use Effective and beneficial
Organic vs. Chemical Farming
Q: I am a poultry grower of 45-days old broiler Organic
type chickens in a conventional poultry house but No pesticides
I do not give them anti-biotic and synthetic No harmful chemicals
growth hormones. I do not buy commercial feeds. No anti-biotics
Will I be considered organic? No growth-hormones
A: NO. First, the law dictates that “Poultry must Safe from carcinogenic substances
be reared in open range conditions and cant be Environment-friendly
No competition 8. Put in a plastic container and wipe the mouth
Low Cost of the pail, cover it with 2 layered manila paper
Many business opportunities and put markings. Ferment for 1 week
Chemical 9. Drain the liquid and place in another container.
Lots of chemical inputs Loosen the cap for 1 week
Use of anti-biotics 10. IMO is ready to use after fermentation
Use of growth hormones
High risk of cancer Usage:
High competition in the market Plants – stronger immune systems
High operation cost Animals - stronger immune systems.
Harmful to the environment Removes foul odor. mix with drinking
Replacement of chemical based fertilizers, 2tbsp./L of water
pesticides, fungicides, repellants chemical . spray or drench 2x a week
based growth enhancers and other Total fermentation days: 12 days
synthetic food ingredients for animals and
Done through fermentation where the Formulation 1
potency is enhanced by the beneficial Materials:
micro-organisms 1. 100g powdered rice
2. 1L milk
Materials: 4. 1L Molasses+1.5L
1kg cooked rice 5. 1 bottle of beer
2kgs molasses
1. Ferment 100g of ground rice to 1L of water for
1 week (or you can use 1L of Rice wash) in a pail
1. Wash the rice properly
2. After 1 week, add 1L of Milk
2. Cook it normally (not too wet or too dry)
3. After 1 week, add 1L of Molasses
3. Using a wooden ladle, transfer the ¼ full
4. After 1 week, add 10L of water, 1.5L of
cooked rice into the bamboo pole
Molasses and 1 bottle of beer
4. Cover it with 2 layered manila paper and
5. Ferment for another week before it is ready for
cellophane then tie with rubber bands and put
markings(DOP,DOH, GROUP #, name of
5. Keep it under the bamboo forest
6. After 3 - 5 days, collect the white colored Plants – immune system of plants.
molds (black molds discard) Animals – improve immune system of
7. Weigh the collected rice and molds then add animals. Remove foul odor. mix with
molasses in equal weight. (1:1) feeds, drinking water
spray or drench 2x a week Materials – (1 fruit:1molasses)
Total fermentation days: 28 days 1 kg Banana fruit;
1 kg Papaya;
LACTIC ACID BACTERIA SERUM (LABS) 1 kg Squash/pumpkin/watermelon
Formulation 2 3 kg molasses
Materials: Procedure:
1. 900ML Milk 1. Clean and wash fruits;
2. 100ml clear liquid from fermented rice 2. Drain for 5 min;
3. 1L Molasses 3. Slice to an inch size;
Procedure: 4. Mix all fruits & molasses thoroughly in a plastic
1. Use the first rice wash from the cooked pail (20 liter capacity)
rice 5. Put nylon screen on top of the mixture;
2. Put liquid inside the plastic container (3/4 6. Put 5-8 pieces 25-50 grams stone on top of the
full) nylon screen;
3. Cover the container with 2 layer manila 7. Wipe the mouth of the plastic pail
paper 8. Cover with manila paper and add label.
4. Put markings ferment for 7 days;
5. Ferment for 7 days 9. Extract the liquid and keep it in a plastic
6. Remove 100ml from milk container
7. Take 100ml from the liquid between the
bottom and top layers of the Usage:
fermentation and add to the 1 liter milk Plants – Potassium fertilizer
pack Animals – Taste enhancer. mix with
8. Return the cover of the pack and seal with drinking water
masking tape Dosage:
9. Put markings 2tbsp./L of water
10. Ferment for 5 days spray or drench 2x a week
11. Filter and measure the collected liquid Total fermentation days: 7 days
and add equivalent amount of molasses
12. Keep in a plastic container. Ready to use FERMENTED PLANT JUICE (FPJ)
Materials - (2 plants:1 molasses)
Usage 1 kg Kangkong
Plants – immune system of plants. 1 kg Kamote tops/leguminous plants
Animals – improve immune system of 1 kg Banana stalks
animals. Remove foul odor. mix with 1.5 kg molasses
feeds, drinking water
Dosage: 1. Clean and wash plants;
2tbsp./L of water 2. Drain for 5 min;
spray or drench 2x a week 3. Slice to an inch size;
Total fermentation days: 12 days
4. Mix all plants and molasses thoroughly in a USAGE
plastic pail (20 liter capacity) Plants – Nitrogen fertilizer.
5. Put nylon screen on top of the mixture; Animals – Protein supplement . mix with
6. Put 5-8 pieces 25-50 grams stone on top of the drinking water
nylon screen; DOSAGE
7. Wipe the mouth of the plastic pail 2tbsp./L of water
8. Cover with manila paper and add label. spray or drench 2x a week
ferment for 7 days; Total fermentation days: 14 days
9. Extract the liquid and keep it in a plastic
Materials :
Plants – Natural growth enhancer. 1kg garlic
Nitrogen fertilizer. 1kg ginger
Animals - Natural growth enhancer . mix 400 g muscovado sugar
with drinking water 2.4 L of coco vinegar
2tbsp./liter of water 200 g chili
spray or drench 1 to 2 times a week 100 g makabuhay
Total fermentation days: 7 days
Procedure : (OHN1)
FISH AMINO ACID (FAA) 1. Peel the garlic and ginger
Materials – (1 fish:1 molasses) 2. Cut the garlic into halves and slice the ginger
1 kg fresh fish, fish scraps, gills, inerts into quarter of an inch
1 kg molasses 3. Mix garlic and ginger with muscovado
sugar/molasses in a pail
Procedure: 4. Wipe the mouth of pail and seal the it tightly.
1. Clean and wash fish; Put markings or label when it was made to know
2. Drain for 5 min; if it is ready to extract.
3. Slice to an inch size; 5. After 3 days, mix the vinegar and wipe the
4. Mix all parts thoroughly in plastic pail (20 liter mouth of the pail and seal it tightly.
capacity). Cover with manila paper and tie with 6. Ferment for 10 days. (1st extraction)
rubber band 7. Filter the liquid in a plastic container, seal and
5. Put plastic/nylon screen on top of the mixture; put markings.
6. Put 5-8 pieces 25-50 grams stone on top of the 8. Ready to use for animals
nylon screen;
7. Wipe the mouth of the plastic pail; Procedure: (OHN2)
8. Cover with manila paper and add label. 9. Put 2.4L of vinegar, 200g chili and 100g
ferment for 14 days; makabuhay
9. Extract the liquid and keep it in a plastic 10. Ferment for 10 days (2nd extraction)
container 11. Filter the liquid in a plastic container, seal and
put markings.
12. Put 2.4L of vinegar, 200g chili and 100g 2tbsp./L of water
makabuhay for (3rd extraction.) spray or drench 2x a week
13. Filter the liquid in a plastic container, seal and Total fermentation days: 30 days
put markings.
Vermi Tea
USAGE Materials:
Plants – Pest repellent. 3kg Vermicast
Animals – Immune booster. mix with 2kg Molasses
drinking water and feeds 250ml each IMO,LABS, FAA, FPJ, FFJ
DOSAGE 60L drum
2tbsp./L of water 50L water
spray or drench 3x a week 1 aerator
Total fermentation days: 13 days (OHN1)
23 days (OHN2) Procedure:
1. Aerate the water for 30minutes
CALCIUM PHOSPHATE (CALPHOS) 2. Add the concoctions and vermicast
Materials – (1:9) 3. Aerate for 24 hours
1kgs. Bones (ruminants)/ shells (chicken, 4. Ready to use
ducks, ostrich, sea shells)
9L of coco vinegar USAGE
Plants – Complete foliar fertilizer
Procedure: DOSAGE
1. Clean and wash bones/shell properly then grill 1:1 with water
it spray or drench 2x a week
2. Wait until the remaining fats are drained
3. Remove the bones/shell when it becomes
brownish in color (not over cooked)
4. Cool down and wash again Fertilizers
5. Drain excess water Bokashi
6. Put the bones/shell inside plastic pail Mainly used for agriculture as organic
7. Add 9 liters of coco vinegar fertilizer
8. Wipe the mouth of the pail then cover it with Easily produced on a large scale compared
manila paper and tie with rubber band to the anaerobic type
9.Ferment for 30 days
10. Filter and put it in another plastic container. Materials
Loosen cap for 1 week Suitable Materials for aerobic Bokashi
11. Ready to use As main materials(more than 50% by
Rice bran (darak),
Plants – Calcium and phosphorous source
Animals – Calcium source for bones. mix with Rice husk(ipa),
drinking water Chopped rice straw(dayami)
DOSAGE Corn Stalks
Sugar cane stalks Step 5: Ferment for 1 week in a covered area
Sawdust without rain and direct sunlight
Other Materials with high carbon
Management during fermentation
Turn over the mixture if its temperature exceeds
Can be mixed with:
Soybean meal, Aerobic Bokashi is ready for use when (1 week)
Copra meal, - It has a sweet-sour fermented smell.
Rice husk(ipa), - Its temperature is stable.
Bean husk,
Storage of Aerobic Bokashi
Fish meal,
1. Air dry
Bone meal,
2. Pack in sacks
Duckweed, Aerobic EM Bokashi can be kept about 6
Azolla, months under good storage condition
Kakawate, Costing of Aerobic Bokashi (See table 6)
*Materials with high nitrogen content Usage of Aerobic Bokashi
• Soil fertilizer
IMO and Molasses • Composting agent
1-5 % to the water volume • Treatment of kitchen garbage
Clean water • Key ingredient for mud balls for the
About 30-40% of Materials by weight treatment of pond, lakes, rivers, sewage
(30L-40L for 100kg materials) systems
• Treatment of manures
Our Favorite Mix for Aerobic Bokashi
20 kg D3(Gaspang)
20 kg CRH(Carbonized Rice Hull)
Fortified Compost Fertilizer
10 kg dried rabbit or chicken manure
400 ml IMO
1. 100kg shredded farm wastes ( dried leaves,
400 ml molasses
rice straw, vegetable trimmings, twigs, etc.)
20 liters water
2. 30L IMO solution (1L IMO: 29L water)
3. 100kg Soil
Step 1: Dilute IMO and Molasses in water
4. 15L FAA solution (500ml FAA:14.5L water)
Step 2-Mix all the solid ingredients and
5. 100kg decomposed animal manure
diluted EMAS solution
6. 15L FAA/Calphos/FFJ solution (300ml
Step 3: Check for 30-40% Moisture content
FAA/100ml CalP/100ml F FJ:14.5L of water) x2
Step 4: Cover the bokashi with gunny bags/plastic
1. Pile 100kg of shredded farm wastes and water 7. Water with 15L FAA/FFJ solution for 5 days
with 30L IMO solution 8. Add 100kg of CRH water with 30L FAA solution
2. Wait for 3 days 9. Pile 100kg of D2 and water with 30L IMO
3. Add 100kg soil into the pile and water with 15L solution
FAA solution 10. Wait for 3 days
4. Wait for 3 days 11. Add 100kg vermicast water with 30L
5. Add 100kg of decomposed animal manure and IMO/FAA solution
water with 15L FAA, CalPhos ,FFJ solution 12. Wait for 3 days
6. Wait for 3 days 13. Ready to use
7. Repeat step 5 everyday for 12 days
8. If it is not hot anymore or the temperature MC: 30-40%
lowered down, it is ready to use Total weight: approximately 600kg
Total days of Preparation: 20 days
Total weight: approximately 300kg
Total days of preparation: 21 days Mudballs
MC: 30-40% Mud balls can be used for waste water treatment
especially for sludge treatment.
Materials: Steps in making Mud balls
1. 100kg D2 rice bran Ingredients
2. 30L IMO solution (1L IMO:29L water) Soil 5 kilo
3. 200kg decomposed animal manure Bokashi 1 kilo
4. 30L FAA solution (1L FAA:29L of water) x2 IMO (1 liter-just enough to stick the ingredients
5. 100kg Soil together and form a ball)
6. 30L FAA/FFJ/CalPhos solution (200ml 1.Mix Bokashi and soil.
FAA/200ml FFJ/ 2.Pour the IMO onto the mixture and mix well.
100ml CalPhos: 29.5L water) 3.Once the mixture has become muddy and thick,
7. 15L FAA/FFJ solution (250ml FAA/250ml form it into tennis ball size balls.
FFJ:14.5L water) x5 4.Place the balls out of rain and direct sunlight
8. 100kg CRH for 5-7 days.
9. 100kg vermicast 5.The balls are ready when they are covered with
10. 30L IMO/FAA solution (500ml IMO/500ml layer of white fungus.
FAA:29L water)
How to apply mudBall
Procedure: Use 1 Mud Ball per 1 square meter of surface
1. Pile 100kg of D2 and water with 30L IMO area. 1ball/ m2
solution Treat once per month until results are seen.
2. Wait for 3 days Once/month
3. Add 200kg decomposed animal manure and
water with 30L FAA solution CARBONIZED RICE HULL
4. Wait for 3 days Carbonized rice hull (CRH) is made from
5. Add 100kg of soil and water 30L FAA/FFJ/CalP incomplete or partial burning of rice hull.
6. Wait for 3 days
It is porous and bulky with uniform intact 6.As charcoal for fuel
black particles. Charcoal briquettes from CRH are good
It contains phosphorous (P), potassium alternative sources of fuel. Compared
(K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and with plain rice hull that takes relatively
micronutrients vital to growing crops. more time to produce heat, CRH can
Because it is also sterilized, it is free from easily be ignited to produce heat or
disease organisms. convert heat into fuel for cooking
Step 5:When the rice hull is almost carbonized
(80%). Remove the carbonizer by tipping it over To lasts for years, Install additional metal braces
to the side using the long shovel. Extra caution is
exercised for the carbonizer is extremely hot PRODUCE ORGANIC VEGETABLES
Different Families of Vegetables
Step 6:Mix the rice hull and let the remaining 1. Leafy Vegetables– crops mainly used for their
leaves whether eaten raw or cooked
embers to carbonize the rest of the mixture until
• Usually grown for salad
all of it (100%) are carbonizer
• Requires full sunlight
Step 7:When all of the rice hull are carbonized,
• Can also be grown in containers/pots
sprinkle water onto the CRH using the watering
pale to extinguish the remaining embers • Shallow roots
• Minimal pests
Step 8:Lay the CRH thinly and make sure that the • No trellis needed
embers have died out to prevent the carbonized • Ideal for backyard gardening
rice hull turn to ash
2. Cucurbits
Step 9:When its dry, collect and store the CRH Better known as the squash family
into sacks. After that, its ready to be used or sold (Cucurbitaceae).
Also includes
How to fabricate your own carbonizer? • Bottle Gourd(Upo)
FOR THE CHAMBER: • Sponge Gourd(Patola)
Get any 20 L used oil can, about 40 cm height. • Wax Gourd(kundol)
• Zucchini
Remove the top cover and make a hole at the
bottom of the can about9-10 cm diameter for the • Requires Trellis
chimney • 30 to 90 days to grow
Alternative: Make use of defective pressure
• Deep roots
tanks. Cut in half to make two carbonizers.
• Requires full sunlight
Use a metal puncher to make 30-40 holes at 2-cm • Can also be grown in bigger containers
diameter aligned at 12 x 20 cm distance
3.Solanaceous crops
ALTERNATIVE Solanaceae Family
Use welding rod to make holes • Pepper
• Tomato
• Eggplant
• Potato
From the junk shop, buy used GI Pipe
Size: 5 to 6 feet high and 3 inches diameter
• Better grown in summer or hotter regions
To make it more sturdy, Install metal braces • Deep roots
• Can be grown in bigger pots
• Requires trellis • Medicinal purposes
4. Root Crops– crops that produce edible and • Loves to be planted in pots with lots of
enlarge roots or stem. organic inputs
• Carrots • Can tolerate partly shaded areas
• Radish
• Requires sandy-loam soil 1. Seed and seedling stage
• Minimum of 12 inches-deep plots 2. Land preparation
3. Transplanting stage
• Can be grown in bigger pots
4. Growing period
• Full sunlight is required 5. Prevention of pests and diseases
• Direct seeding
1. Seedling Stage - How to prepare seedling medion
5. Legumes -member of the legume family or potting mix and seed sowing?
that produce edible pods and seeds Characteristics of a Good Seedling Medium
• Snap beans 1. Should be porous to provide good air
• Pole beans circulation and root development
• Trellis is required 2. Rich in plant nutrients
• Very minimal organic input is required 3. Pathogen free
• Can be intercropped with other smaller 4. Has good water holding capacity, and
plants 5. Should have lots of microbial activity to
• Green manure keep plants healthy, robust and thus,
higher resistance from pests and
6. Crucifers diseases
Cole crops family and includes Broccoli,
Cauliflower, Kale, Kholrabi, Brussel Sprouts,
• Has anti-cancer properties( if prepared Ratio 1:1:1 by volume
well) 1. Mix all solid ingredients together
• Loves organic fertilizer Vermicast/Vermicompost=1sack
• Recommended to be eaten cooked than Carbonized Rice Hull=1 sack
raw Top Soil=1 sack
2. Mix Concoctions with water
7.Herbs Mix 20ml each of each of IMO, LABS, FPJ into 1
• Parsley Basil Liter water
• Rosemary Mint
• Thyme Tarragon
30-40% moisture content
• Chives
4. Fill the seedling tray with potting mix
• Culinary purposes
5. Punch holes into the tray using an empty tray 2 types of Application:
Surface of the soil
6. Sow seeds Beneath of the soil
1 seed per hole
Type 1: Surface of the soil
7. Water again using the diluted concoctions Application rate: Minimum of 100g/sqm
Do not put too much water 1000kg/hectare
Turbo-charge your soil for faster
8. Apply Markings improvement
Put in the variety, date of sowing, date of
transplant and name of the person who sown the Mulching
seeds 1. Prevents weeds from sprouting
2. Maintains moisture content in the soil
Seed Sowing 3. Allows microorganisms to work
• Sow seeds in seedling trays or seedling
cups to protect them from predators eg. Use plastic mulch during rainy season to
Ants, birds, etc. control weeds and excessive rainfall
• Seedlings in trays/cups are also protected
from stress during transplanting Use rice straws during summer to control
weeds and to preserve moisture in the
2. Land Preparation - How to prepare the soil soil. The mulch will be converted into
before transplanting fertilizer upon decomposition. Do not let
Land preparation – A set of procedures the mulch touch the stem of the plant to
done to make the soil conducive for avoid yellowing of leaves.
It involves: Drench with IMO solution (20ml/L of water)
1. Weeding and debris clearing IMO enhances decomposition and population of
2. Cultivating beneficial microorganisms
3. Pulverizing
4. Plot forming After 7 days
5. Sterilization Soil becomes porous with improved organic
6. Basal Application matter content
7. Mulching
Width=1m, Length=10m, Distance between Type 2: Beneath the soil application
plots=30cm Wait for 2 weeks before transplanting
Let the microorganisms decompose the
Land preparation should be done 10-15 organic matter in the soil
days before transplanting
3. Transplanting • Bat guano/manure(CONTROLLED)
The process of planting the seedlings • Burnt and fermented animal/fish bones
from the nursery to the field. • CRH – Carbonized Rice Hull
2 to 3 true leaves - rule of thumb
Drench with IMO solution (20ml/l of water) Potassium – Rich Organic Fertilizer (for heavy
Cover the soil with organic matter yield)
Reproductive Stage
(Dayami, Kugon, Carbonized rice hull)
• Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)
Maintain safe distance (5-6 inches) between the
• CRH – Carbonized Rice Hull
mulch and stem of the plant to avoid yellowing of
leaves Complete Organic Fertilizer
• Bokashi
Transplanting Distances (see table 1) • Fortified Organic Compost
• Fortified Organic Fertilizer
4. Growing Period • Vermicast/Vermicompost
Application of Concoctions • Fermented animal manure
• Use of botanical extracts such as neem, Smudging or smoking using rice hull, rice
kakawate, hot pepper and ginger extracts(OHN) straw, sawdust etc.
• Use of plastic mulch is recommended since it Spraying of botanical insecticides (OHN)
can help repel insect pests (including aphids) such as hot pepper and kakawate extracts.
especially in the early stages of the plant.
Intercrop with chives Flea beetle
Host range
Cucurbit beetle Brassicas (pechay, cauliflower, broccoli,
Host range arugula)
• Cucurbits (watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber,
ridge gourd, bottle gourd, pumpkin) Control
Spray botanical pests control like OHN
Control Intercrop with parsley, chives and onion
Tirricide (“tiris”) – collection of beetle in
the early morning Hog Raising
Wood Ash Common Breed of Pigs in the Philippines
Intercrop with radish Landrace
Whitefly Color : White
• Cucurbits (watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, Ears are floppy and pointed downwards
bittergourd, ridge gourd, pumpkin) Elongated & slim Body
• Solanaceous (tomato, eggplant, pepper)
Fast growing
• Brassicas
Good mothering ability
• Okra
Control Wean large litters
OHN Weak feet
Sticky traps
Elimination of weeds. LARGE WHITE
Use of yellow sticky traps CHARACTERISTICS:
Intercrop with Onion Color : White
Ears pointed upwards
Broad mite Wide Body
Host range Fast growing
Solanaceous (eggplant, pepper, tomato, Good mothering ability
potato) Wean large litters
Cucurbits (cucumber) Excellent milkers
Brassicas DUROC
Control Color: Brown
Pruning and proper disposals of infested Ears pointed upwards
plant parts (bury or burn). Strong body and feet
Fast growing The beddings of pigpen (flooring)
Stress resistant Materials for bedding
Superior growth rate and feed conversion 1.Any or combination of the ff:
• Sawdust “Kusot”
PIETRAIN • Coco Coir Dust “Bunot”
Color : Black & white spots • Rice Straw “Dayami”
Ears pointed upwards 2. Soil
Rounded & firm body 3. Carbonized Rice Hull
Slower growth rate compared with 4. Salt (seasalt/rocksalt)
landrace and large white 5. IMO
Good meat quality 6. Molasses
Highly susceptible to stress
Procedure for making the bedding
FACTS ABOUT HOGS Step 1:Dig up 1 meter deep hole
Note: Allow 2 sqm. area per pig
A 1-yr old boar can mate with 50 female
Step 2: Sterilize
Step 3: Mix several batches of :
Pigs are smarter that primates and 3-yr
8 sacks sawdust,rice hull, coco coir dust,
old human;
rice straw
Pigs are considered the cleanest animal.
1 sack soil
Toilet is far away from their food. They
don’t sleep on their poops. 1 sack crh
They use mud to block their skin from .5 kg sea salt
sunlight and insect bites; Step 4: Layer the mixture inside the hole
Step 5: Repeat the process until the entire hole is
Generally lives for 10-15 yrs
filled up
Pigs are independent animals
Step 6: Mix IMO and Molasses with water:
Daily average growth rate is > 500g
20ml per liter of waterThen, Drench/spray the
Takes 12 liters of water to digest 1 kg of
beddings:1 liter per sqm of beddings
Step 7: Deploy the pigs/piglets
Exercise is extremely important to
increase metabolism and stamina
CRH harbors good microbes for long term
The Design of Pigpen
stability, health and odor control
Convection roof – the key to “no bath”
Salt provide trace minerals;
Soil provide biodiversity of micro organisms and
Provides continuous air flow. Hot air will will be eaten by the animals
escape at the roof.
Maintain 2 sqm. area per head to attain
desired size and weight.
Good stock qualities (PIGLET SELECTION) Pre-heat
Rounded body o Consumes less feeds
Alert and lively o Excited when teaser boar is
No abnormalities or deformities around
Bright eyes o Pointed ears
Do not scours or have any disease o Mounting other pigs in the pen
No rancid smell o Swelling of the vulva
Short and shiny hairs o Vulva is pinkish
o Clear Mucus Discharge (like water)
Good Breeder Stock: Sows/gilts o Noisy
Young female swine should have a o When mounted, it resists
minimum of 6 pairs of well-developed and o Too early for Insemination/mating
properly spaced function teats.
Long-bodied sows are desirable because Standing-Heat
of the more space created for udder o Vulva is not too swollen
development. o Vulva is light pink
well-developed ham, loin and shoulder. o Thick Mucus Discharge (sticky)
Well-placed feet and legs. Medium short o Noisy
feet and short upright pasterns are o When mounted, it doesn’t resist
preferable. o Right time for
Select the biggest among the litters.
Having a litter of 8 or more good-sized
piglets with high survivability is a good
o Vulva is not swollen
female breeder.
o Vulva is back to normal color
No deformities
o Thick Mucus Discharge (sticky)
Most Vigourous
o When mounted, it resists
Select the biggest among the litters
o Too late for Insemination/mating.
Well-developed vulva
But can still be impregnated
Vulva slightly pointed downward
• On average, a sow would give birth to 10 Protein 35 Soya/Fish meal 35kgs
Fats 8 Copra 8kgs
C-Carbohydrates Vitamins 2 FAA/FFJ/FPJ 2L
L-Lipids Minerals 5 Salt/CRH 5kgs
V- Vitamins
M- MInerals 50 kg Rice Bran or D1 grade
Feed percentages table (see table 3) 8 kg Copra meat/meal
FEED NUTRIENTS IN FEEDS 35 kg soya meal/fish meal/duckweed/moringa
Carbohydrates “Carbs”Source of energy (Protein)
that serves as a fuel.Wheat Pollard, Corn 2 liters FAA/FFJ/FPJ
Bran, Rice bran (Vitamins)
Lipids. concentrated source of energy 3 kg Carbonized Rice Hull
o Dissolves Vit A, D, K, E. Copra (Minerals)
meal, Copra meat 2kg Rock Salt/Sea Salt
Protein. Responsible for increasing 400 ml IMO
growth and weight. Lack of protein may 400 ml Molasses
result in stunted growth of the animal. (Pro-biotic)
Soya meal, Fish meal, Duckweed 20 liters Water (No Chlorine)
Minerals. -Vital in animal’s health and bones NUTRIENT ANALYSIS
(skeletal system). CRH, Limestone, Rock salt TOTAL PROTEIN: 26%; TOTAL FIBER:20%; TOTAL
Vitamins. Improves the Immune system
of animals. small amounts only Starter (up to 18 kg) 45-60 days old
700 gramo – 1 kilo pakain araw-araw
Feed computation and formulation
50% sa umaga
Starter feed formulation100kgs
50% sa hapon
Meryendang gulay: 1 beses
Feed Protein Lipids Carbs Vit Min
bawat araw (alas-dose ng tanghali)
Type % % % % %
Starter 35 8 50 2 5 Grower Feed Computation
Feed Protein Lipids Carbs Vit Min
Nutrient % Ingredient Kgs Type % % % % %
Grower 25 8 60 2 5
Carbohydrates 50 Rice/corn bran 50kgs
Nutrient % Ingredient Kgs Feed Protein Lipids Carbs Vit Min
Type % % % % %
Carbohydrates 60 Rice/corn bran 60kgs 18 15 60 2 5
Protein 25 Soya/Fish 25kgs
Nutrient % Ingredient Kgs
Fats 8 Copra 8kgs
meal/meat Carbohydrates 60 Rice/corn bran 60kgs
Meryendang gulay: hanggang gustong 5 parts vegetable/forage crops: 1 part
kumain ng baboy!! molasses/brown sugar60 ml emas
Fermentation of hog feeds Ferment for 3 days (anaerobic)
Benefits of Fermentation
Preservation of raw materials Know your Forage Crops – The power plants!
Detoxification DUCKWEED
Improved digestibility Protein content: 35% to 45%
Nutritional value of raw materials goes up 1 kg duckweed can fill up 1 hectare pond
in 56 days
Step 1 Can double their mass in less than 2 days
Mix IMO (400ml), molasses(400ml) and Can be fed to livestock, poultry and fish in
water (20L) FAA, FFJ,FPJ 2L fresh form, fermented or process into
NOTE: Liquid part is 20-30% total weight mash
of solid ingredients(depending on water Eaten by people in Thailand
content of materials)
Mix all the solid ingredients and Liquid Crude Protein = 25% to 30%
solution. Final moisture content is 30 to Doubles its mass in 2-3 days
40% Can be fed to fish, poultry and livestock in
Step 3 fresh or fermented form
Check for Moisture Content (30-40%) Biomass = 30 to 80 kg fresh weight per
Step 4 Serves as biological herbicide in rice field
Ferment anaerobic ally(no air) for 2 weeks by controlling sunlight penetration into
Step 5 the soil preventing the germination of
Fermented feeds are ready for use after 2 weeds
weeks. It has a sweet-sour smell Cyanobacteria, (blue-green algae),
nitrogen-fixing bacteria lives inside the
Forms of feeds leaf cavities
Mash – Wet feeding
Pellets – Dry Feeding RENSONII
Crude Protein: 23%
How to prepare silage (livestock kimchi) 5 plants Can be fed to animals in fresh form,
:1 molasses ratio fermented or process into mash
Chop or shred vegetables/power plants; FLEMINGIA
STEP 2 Also known as “Malabalatong”
Mix Molasses and IMO Crude Protein: 22.7%
Natural dewormer for livestock
Can be fed to animals in fresh form, Crude Protein = 20%
fermented or process into mash Note Before Making it into Silage:
Method of propagation is by seeds Wash with chlorine diluted with water
solution (50 ppm) or 5ml chlorine for
TRICHANTERA OR MADRE DE AGUA every 100 liters of water. Air dry and
Trichantera Gigantea also knows as process into silage the following day
Madre de Agua
Originated from Columbia and SILAGE MATERIALS
Venezueala Greens (Vegetables/forage crops)
Potential harvest: 40-60 tons/hectare Kangkong
Planting density 6000-10,000 Alugbati
plants/hectare Lettuce
Mode of Propagation: Cuttings Cabbage
Crude Protein = 32 % Kulitis
Can be fed to animals in fresh form, Cassava leaves
fermented or process into mash Water Lily(Water hyacinth)
Can replace 20%-30% of commercial pig’s Malunggay/ipil-ipil
and other livestock diet Pakchong (Super Napier)
6 kg of leaves consumed by pigs daily is
equal to 1 kg savings on commercial feeds Anthelmintic leaves (natural dewormers or
Crude Protein = 24.8%; Betel nut (nga-nga)
Digestibility=84.8% (if harvested every 30 Papaya leaves
days) Jackfruit leaves
Calcium=2.08% Mango leaves
Best for lactating animals like milking Kakawate leaves
goats Makabuhay
Can be fed to animals in fresh and MAINTENANCE
fermented form Drinking water
Propagation: Seeds or cuttings Mix the drinking water with IMO, LABS, FAA, FFJ,
OHN 1 and FPJ. Dilution rate is 10ml per liter of
Digestibility=95% (if harvested every 45 It will serve as:
days) Pro-biotic
Can be fed to animals in fresh and Enhance the digestive and immune
fermented form; system
Crude Protein = 18% Odor control
The phase-out feeding schedule
(converting inorganic to organic pigs) Chinese Chicken
Broiler type
(see table 4) Highly expensive (P1000/kl)
The chinese believe that it’s meat has
POULTRY RAISING medicinal properties
Breeds of Chickens - Native Has white feathers but meat and bones
Paraoakan are all black
From Palawan and MIMAROPA Region Short and puffy bodies
Broiler type
Tall and slender body White leg horn
Feisty. Often used as game fowls Popularly known as the “45-day old”
Has tender and flavorful meat chicken
Black with brown and red feathers Broiler and Layer type
Strong immune system
Rhode Island
Darag Layer type
From Panay Island and Visayas Region Short but big bodied
Broiler Type Produces Large sized eggs
Meat is tastier than Paraoakan (claimed Mostly grey, sometimes brown feathers
as the most delicious chicken meat in the
whole Philippines The Incubator
Have red, black, orange feathers Artificial Incubation is preferred over
Average size (1.5-2kg live weight) natural incubation;
Strong immune system Uniformity of sizes of chicks;
Many cross-breed chickens do not brood;
Banaba Inexpensive
From CALABARZON Region Maximizes productivity of egg-laying hens
Bigger in size compared to Paraoakan and Chicken egg hatches in 21 days
Banaba Temp in the incubator ranges from 37.5-
Broiler type 37.8 degrees Celcius
Strong immune system The eggs need to be turned every 4 hours
for equal distribution of heat
Breeds of Chickens - Foreign
Sasso Incubation
Brown to light brown feathers Candling – A method used in the
Plump and short bodies incubation process to determine whether
Rarely flies. Often grounded the embryo inside the egg is developing
Tasty and tender meat or not. This helps breeder farms to
Broiler and Layer type measure the fertility rate of their stocks
Candling Schedule of Chicken eggs Cabinet Type (Solo)
o 7th day
o 12th day Hardening Stage: 22-32 Days Old
o 18th day Usually takes 7-10 days
Make the chicks feel a slightly harsh
The NACs and the DACs environment
Naturally abled chicks; Rapid change of environment will result
Differently abled chicks to a lot of mortality
Covered area where the chicks can freely
Qualities of a good stock roam around without too much exposure
No Deformities to sun and rain
Bright red comb.
Ranging, Day 32 until slaughter (80 days)
No discoloration and Deformation
Space requirement: 3 heads: 1 sqm
Dry behind
Let the chicks freely range in open air,
No rancid odor
eating fresh grass, insects, earthworms.
Agile, energetic and alert
Maintain mixing IMO, LABS, FAA, FFJ, FPJ
Shiny feathers
in their drinking water everyday
Dry and clean beak
Bright Eyes Ranging house
Note: Located on the highest point to prevent
Caring of Chicks: Day 1 to 21 flooding inside
1 watt per chick for heating bulbs Must be safe from predators like rats,
Better to use several bulbs in smaller cats, dogs, ants, birds, snakes
wattages eg. 10 x 10 w vs. 1 x 100 w bulb Provide fencing buried to the ground
Monitor closely for signs of stress Provide light, heat and water
Brooding house space = 1 sq. m per 50 Must have shaded areas
Location should be well drained
Lay sand, rice hull, carbonized rice hull or
sawdust for absorbent flooring
Waterers and feeders must be cleaned
daily. Pre-Starter feed formulation (1-21 Days old)
Replace drinking water every day! 22.5 kg D1 Rice Bran
Feeding is unlimited 22.5 kg Corn Bran
Feeding trays and drinking canisters (Carbohydrates)
MUST NEVER BE EMPTY for the 1st 21 8 kg Copra meat/meal
days! (Fats/Lipids)
40 kg soya meal/fish meal/duckweed/moringa
Brooding Houses: (Protein)
Flat Sheet Type 2 liters FAA/FFJ/FPJ
Cabinet Type (Multiple)
(Vitamins) 400 ml Molasses
3 kg Carbonized Rice Hull (Pro-biotic)
2kg Rock Salt/Sea Salt 20 liters Water (No Chlorine)
(Minerals) Herbal Treatment for Colds
400 ml IMO Note: Separate the chicks/chickens with colds
400 ml Molasses Prepare Herbal Ingredients:
(Pro-biotic) ½ cup Fresh Oregano Leaves
20 liters Water (No Chlorine) ½ cup Fresh Lagundi Leaves
½ cup Fresh Bamboo Leaves
Starter feed formulation (22-32 Days old) ½ cup Hot Chili
25 kg D1 Rice Bran 2 cups water
25 kg Corn Bran
(Carbohydrates) Preparation:
8 kg Copra meat/meal 1. Boil the ingredients together (5 mins)
(Fats/Lipids) 2. Cool down and extract the liquid
35 kg soya meal/fish meal/duckweed/moringa 3. 6AM-10AM: Withdraw the supply of
(Protein) normal drinking water of the chickens
2 liters FAA/FFJ/FPJ 4. 10AM: Mix 1 tbsp of herbal mix for every
(Vitamins) liter of water and give it to all the
3 kg Carbonized Rice Hull chickens. Resume giving normal drinking
2kg Rock Salt/Sea Salt water afterwards.
(Minerals) 5. 2PM-4PM: Withdraw the supply of
400 ml IMO normal drinking water again
400 ml Molasses 6. 4PM: Mix 1 tbsp of herbal for every liter
(Pro-biotic) of water and give it to all the chickens.
20 liters Water (No Chlorine) Resume giving normal drinking water
Finisher feed formulation (32-market) 7. Repeat the process for 5 days
30 kg D1 Rice Bran
30 kg Corn Bran
8 kg Copra meat/meal
25 kg soya meal/fish meal/duckweed/moringa Worm Composting
Relies on hungry worms to break down
2 liters FAA/FFJ/FPJ
farm waste into a very nutrient rich
fertilizer for plants.
3 kg Carbonized Rice Hull
Casting are often called “Black Gold”,
2kg Rock Salt/Sea Salt
looks like dark, rich coffee grounds
400 ml IMO
AUXIN – a naturally occurring growth Hermaphrodites – when they mate, the
hormone is present in the casting two worms will both become pregnant;
Vermi castings contain more nutrients Voracious appetite-They can consume as
than conventional compost much as their body weight per day;
Sanitary and odorless if done properly They breathe through their skin
ANC- “African Night Crawler” (Eudrilus They shy away from light
Euginae). A kilo of these worms can They have 5 hearts
consume a kilo of farm waste per day Very complex digestive system
Very efficient farm workers – works 24
They reproduce quickly under favorable
hours without pay! All you need to do is
conditions, doubling their population in
just to give them food.
with IMO (Dilution rate: 20ml IMO for odors. Rotten meat may produce bacteria
every liter of water) that can pose health hazard.
Protection from predators Fats, oils and grease- large amounts of
Cover the bin with leaves, sacks or nets these will give your microbes indigestion
slowing down composting process. It also
Anaerobic and Aerobic Decomposition attracts unwanted pests.
AFTER PREPARING THE SUBSTRATE IN A Droppings from caged birds- Bird
SANDWICH TYPE STOCK FILLING droppings may contain dangerous disease
Spray or drench IMO 20ml/L of water pathogens.
Cover the bin with laminated sack or used Droppings from dogs, cats and other
tarpaulin carnivores
Leave for 2 weeks Human waste: The potential for spreading
diseases. Unsanitary.
AFTER 15 DAYS Diseased plants: disease could spread
Remove the plastic covering later when compost is applied to the
Deploy the worms plants
The earthworms will start to feed on the
substrate. Harvesting
Maintain optimum moisture Manual Pick- Pick the worms by hand and
Cover with net or leaves transfer them to a new worm bed. The
vermi-compost may be allowed to dry in
Maintenance Of Worm Bin the shade for few days and sifted, if finer
TEST THE MOISTURE CONTENT compost is desired.
Squeeze a fistful of substrate, five to Migration-Move the contents of the
seven drops of water indicates about 80% whole bed to one side. Fill the empty half
MC with new substrate. Allow the worms to
move freely to the new food. Harvest the
PROTECT YOUR WORMS FROM NATURAL castings left by the worms.
PREDATORS Vermi castings (earthworm manure) look
Birds, chickens, frogs like dark, rich coffee grounds. They can be
mice, snakes, flatworms and even pigs collected using:
love to eat worms Vermicompost can immediately be used
]Ants do not eat worms but they can kill after harvest. A 3/16” mesh wire is
your population if left unattended. recommended to separate pure
Ants do not eat worms but they can kill vermicompost from the remaining
your population if left unattended. substrate.
Rotary type compost screener
Meat scraps- these can attract unwanted DRYING AND STORAGE
animal visitors and create unpleasant
Dry the vermi-compost by air, under
shades only. Exposing organic fertilizer to
the sun will lose it’s nitrogen content.
Vermi compost can be stored at 30% MC
in plastic bags. Store in cool place away
from direct sunlight.
Table 1: Planting Distances
Bell Pepper 40 2 60
Japanese/American 30-40 2 28
Pepper Color, size, firmness Market defined, full size, firm
Okra Size, color, firmness 4-5” long, light green-green, slightly firm
Grower 25 8 60 2 5
Finisher 18 15 60 2 5
Table 4: Phase-out Feeding Schedule
WEEK 5 58-73 days old WEEK 6 65-80 days old onwards until WEEK
16 142-157 days old
Finisher Feeds
Table 6: Aerobic Bokashi Costing