Sail Drone
Sail Drone
Sail Drone
Saildrones are Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) designed for long range long duration ocean data
collection missions of up to 12 months. Launched and retrieved from a dock, the Saildrone fleet
navigates to a chosen study area using wind power for propulsion, transiting at 3-5 knots. Each drone
then starts collecting high resolution data, either holding station or following a survey pattern as
required by the specific mission objectives. Saildrone USVs operate around the world, in any ocean
conditions. By augmenting expensive ship observations with a fleet of Saildrones, science-grade data
can cost-effectively and autonomously be gathered over large ocean areas.
Saildrone handles all operational mission execution to deliver high quality, high resolution ocean
data to your desktop or mobile. Found something interesting? The Saildrone USVs can be re-tasked,
in real time to measure interesting features in greater detail. Welcome to adaptive sampling. We
take care of all live operations, from launch & retrieval of the drones to piloting the fleet in busy
waterways, so you can focus on the data, yet remain in control.
The Saildrone USV carries a comprehensive scientific sensor suite measuring key environmental
variables, from atmospheric to surface and sub-surface. Measurements for each variable have been
validated by NOAA through extensive comparison with ship and buoy measurements and recognized
as climate-grade quality. In addition to our standard met/ocean sensor suite, Saildrone USVs can also
carry a pCO2 sensor for carbon applications, an ADCP for current profiling and a specialized echo
sounder for fish stock assessment and survey grade depth.
In response to these factors, new technologies are required to supplement ships and mooring
data to meet the demand for longer, more economical deployments with the ability for real-
time data, adaptive sampling and shore-based assessment.
Saildrone's Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) were designed to meet this need -- providing
the ability to reach almost any part of the world's oceans, without requiring a ship. Deployed
from a dock, Saildrone's USVs navigate autonomously to the area of interest, where they
operate for extended periods in open seas, before returning to shore for servicing and
subsequent re-deployment. A sophisticated suite of on-board science sensors collects climate-
quality data cost efficiently and enables better short term and seasonal weather forecasting.
Acoustic-Trawl surveys provide critical input to fisheries management. They are traditionally
undertaken using an echo-sounder on a research ship.
Pictured right, is one of NOAA's Fisheries Survey Vessels the Oscar Dyson, alongside a Saildrone
in the Bering Sea in 2015. FSV's like the Oscar Dyson perform acoustic transects over large
areas of the ocean to produce fish abundance estimates.
"Fish stock assessments are key to the sustainable management of our fisheries and provide
the best scientific information available to determine the status of fish stocks. They guide the
setting of annual catch limits (ACLs) that prevent over fishing and attain optimum yield from
our fisheries." (NOAA 2015)
Saildrone has worked closely with SIMRAD, part of the Kongsberg group, and PMEL, to
incorporate the very latest acoustic fish stock assessment device (wide band transceiver) onto
the Saildrone platform. Additional trials and inter-comparisons with the Oscar Dyson were
conducted throughout summer 2016 in the Bering Sea.
Saildrone's USV are equipped with environmental sensors to detect and monitor
environmental health.
Working with ECOGIG, part of the Gulf of Mexico Research Institute, Saildrone conducted
multiple long duration missions in the Gulf of Mexico during 2015. Saildrone Unmanned
Surface Vehicle (USV) successfully located and tracked natural oil seeps and measured the
biological responses to these seeps in the process. Positive oil ID's were confirmed with
manned overflights.
Saildrone's proven ability to detect events like oil seeps and maintain a persistent presence is a
valuable tool for mitigating risk of environmental or economic impact, and also allows prompt
cleanup response should an event be detected.