P 1212
P 1212
P 1212
Guide to
of the What’s New .................. 1
Internal Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Service Original Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Debt Instruments in the OID
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Discount (OID)
Debt Instruments Not in the OID
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Redeemed at Maturity . . . . . . . . 4
Long-Term Debt Instruments . . . . . . 4
Certificates of Deposit . . . . . . . . . . 5
Bearer Bonds and Coupons . . . . . . . 5
Backup Withholding . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Future Developments
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You can use this form if you were born before
mirrors Form 1040. For more information, see omissions from the list in writing at the Exchange Transactions
the Form 1040-SR, and instructions for Forms following address:
1040 and 1040-SR. 1099-INT Interest Income 1099-INT
The IRS is a proud partner with the National REMIC and CDO information reporting re- 8949 Sales and Other Dispositions of
Center for Missing & Exploited Children®
publication on pages that would otherwise be conduit (REMIC) regular interests, and collater- Interest and Ordinary Dividends
blank. You can help bring these children home alized debt obligation (CDO) interests. The
by looking at the photographs and calling Schedule D (Form 1040 or 1040-SR)
rules are explained in Pub. 938.
Schedule D (Form 1040 or 1040-SR)
registered with the Securities and Exchange Aliens and Foreign Entities
Commission (SEC), within 30 days after regis- mium. See Premium, later.
550 Investment Income and Expenses
tration with the SEC. A separate Form 8281
Conduits (REMICs) Reporting accrual period is used to figure the OID alloca-
its instructions. Information (And Other Collateralized ble to that period. In general, the adjusted issue
Debt Obligations (CDOs)). price at the beginning of the debt instrument's
first accrual period is its issue price. The adjus-
Form (and Instructions) ted issue price at the beginning of any subse-
quent accrual period is the sum of the issue
1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of
price and all the OID includible in income before
means any instrument or contractual arrange- Section III. This section contains short-term
The OID tables, available at IRS.gov/Pub1212,
ment that constitutes indebtedness under gen- discount obligations.
can be used by brokers and other middlemen to
eral principles of federal income tax law (includ- • Section III-A: Short-Term U.S. Treasury
prepare information returns.
ing, for example, a bond, debenture, note, Bills.
certificate, or other evidence of indebtedness). If you own a debt instrument included • Section III-B: Federal Home Loan Banks.
It generally does not include an annuity con-
! in tables, you generally should not rely • Section III-C: Federal National Mortgage
tract. CAUTION on the information in the OID tables to Association.
determine (or compare) the OID to be reported • Section III-D: Federal Farm Credit Banks.
Issue price. For debt instruments listed in on your tax return, but you should use, as a • Section III-E: Federal Home Loan Mort-
Section I-A and Section I-B, the issue price gen- starting point, the information supplied to you gage Corporation.
erally is the initial offering price to the public (ex- on Form 1099-OID. The OID amounts listed are • Section III-F: Federal Agricultural Mortgage
cluding bond houses and brokers) at which a figured without reference to the price or date at Corporation.
substantial amount of these instruments was which you acquired the debt instrument. For in- Information that supplements Sec-
sold. formation about determining the OID to be re- tion III-A is available on the Internet at
ported on your tax return, see the instructions TreasuryDirect.gov/tdhome.htm.
Market discount. A debt instrument generally for figuring OID under Information for Owners of
is acquired with market discount if its stated re- OID Debt Instruments, later. The short-term obligations listed in this sec-
demption price at maturity is greater than its ba- tion are arranged by maturity date. For each ob-
sis immediately after its acquisition. In general, The following discussions explain what in- ligation, the list contains the CUSIP number,
a debt instrument is purchased in the secon- formation is contained in each section of the ta- maturity date, issue date, issue price (ex-
dary market at a market discount when the bles. pressed as a percent of principal), and discount
value of the debt instrument has decreased to be reported as interest for a calendar year
since the instrument’s issue date (for example, Section I. This section contains publicly of- per $1,000 of redemption price. Brokers and
because of an increase in interest rates). An fered, long-term debt instruments. other middlemen should rely on the issue price
OID debt instrument has market discount if your • Section I-A: Corporate Debt Instruments information in Section III only if they are unable
adjusted basis in the debt instrument immedi- Issued Before 1985. to determine the price actually paid by the
ately after you acquired it (usually its purchase • Section I-B: Corporate Debt Instruments owner.
price) was less than the debt instrument's issue Issued After 1984.
price plus the total OID that accrued before you • Section I-C: Inflation-Indexed Debt Instru-
acquired it. The market discount is the differ-
ence between the issue price plus accrued OID
ments. Debt Instruments
and your adjusted basis. For each publicly offered debt instrument in
Section I, the list contains the following informa-
Not in the OID Tables
Premium. A debt instrument is purchased at a tion.
The list of debt instruments discussed earlier
premium if its adjusted basis immediately after • The name of the issuer. does not contain the following items.
purchase is greater than the total of all amounts • The Committee on Uniform Security Identi- • U.S. savings bonds.
payable on the debt instrument after the pur- fication Procedures (CUSIP) number.
• Certificates of deposit and other
chase date, other than qualified stated interest. • The issue date. face-amount certificates issued at a dis-
The premium is the excess of the adjusted ba- • The maturity date. count, including syndicated certificates of
sis over the payable amounts. • The issue price expressed as a percent of deposit.
principal or of stated redemption price at
Premium generally will eliminate the future
• Obligations issued by tax-exempt organi-
reporting of OID in income by the purchaser, as zations.
discussed under Information for Owners of OID • The annual stated or coupon interest rate. • OID debt instruments that matured or were
(This rate is shown as 0.00 if no annual in-
Debt Instruments, later. See Pub. 550 for more entirely called by the issuer before the ta-
terest payments are provided.)
information on the tax treatment of bond pre- bles were posted on the IRS website.
mium. • The YTM will be added to Section I-B for • Mortgage-backed securities and mortgage
bonds issued after December 31, 2006.
participation certificates.
Qualified stated interest. In general, qualified • The total OID accrued up to January 1 of a • Short-term obligations, other than the obli-
stated interest is stated interest that is uncondi- calendar year. (This information is not
gations listed in Section III.
available for every instrument.)
tionally payable in cash or property (other than • Debt instruments issued at a discount by
debt instruments of the issuer) at least annually • For long-term debt instruments issued af- states or their political subdivisions.
ter July 1, 1982, the daily OID for the ac-
over the term of the debt instrument at a single
crual periods falling in a calendar year and
• REMIC regular interests and CDOs.
fixed rate.
a subsequent year.
• Commercial paper and banker's acceptan-
ces issued at a discount.
Stated redemption price at maturity. A debt • The total OID per $1,000 of principal or • Obligations issued at a discount by individ-
instrument's stated redemption price at maturity maturity value for a calendar year and a
is the sum of all amounts (principal and interest) subsequent year.
• Foreign obligations not traded in the Uni-
payable on the debt instrument, other than ted States and obligations not issued in the
qualified stated interest. Section II. This section contains stripped cou-
United States.
pons and principal components of U.S. Treas-
Yield to maturity (YTM). In general, the YTM ury and Government-Sponsored Enterprise
is the discount rate that, when used in figuring debt instruments. These stripped components
the present value of all principal and interest are available through the Department of the
payments, produces an amount equal to the is- Treasury's Separate Trading of Registered In-
sue price of the debt instrument. The YTM is terest and Principal of Securities (STRIPS) pro-
generally shown on the face of the debt instru- gram and government-sponsored enterprises
ment or in the literature you receive from your such as the Resolution Funding Corporation.
broker. If you do not have this information, con- This section also includes debt instruments
sult your broker, tax advisor, or the issuer. backed by U.S. Treasury securities that repre-
sent ownership interests in those securities.
(( ) ( ) 181
m 1
n ×
ap ) – 1 (74/181) + 12
$60,000 × (1 + 0.08406/2) − $60,000
2 × ($100,000 / $60,000) -1 ) 74
= 2 × (1.04203 -1) = 0.08406 = 8.406%
n = number of accrual periods in 1 year = = $13.76327
Use 8.406% YTM to figure the OID for each 74
srp = stated redemption price at maturity accrual period or partial accrual period for
ap = acquisition price which you must report OID. The OID for this period is $1,018.48
($13.76327 × 74 days).
m = number of full accrual periods from
Daily OID. The OID for any accrual period is For the second accrual period from August
purchase to maturity
allocated equally to each day in the accrual pe- 12 of Year 1 through February 11 of Year 2, the
If the debt instrument is a stripped coupon, riod. You must include in income the sum of the adjusted acquisition price is $61,018.48. This is
the stated redemption price is the amount paya- daily OID amounts for each day you hold the the original $60,000 acquisition price plus
ble on the due date of the coupon. debt instrument during the year. Since your tax $1,018.48 OID for the short initial accrual pe-
year will usually include parts of two or more ac- riod. The daily OID is figured using Formula 1,
Example 11. On May 15 of Year 1, you crual periods, you must include the proper daily as follows.
bought a coupon stripped from a U.S. Treasury OID amounts for each accrual period.
bond through the Department of the Treasury's Figuring daily OID. For the initial accrual $61,018.48 × (0.08406/2)
STRIPS program for $38,000. An amount of period of a stripped bond or coupon acquired 184
$100,000 is payable on the coupon's due date, after 1984, figure the daily OID using Formula 1,
November 14 of Year 13. There are exactly 25 later, if there are equal accrual periods. Use $2,564.60671
6-month periods between the purchase date, = 184 = $13.93808
Formula 2, later, if there is a short initial accrual
May 15 of Year 1, and the coupon's due date, period.
November 14 of Year 13. The YTM on this strip- For subsequent accrual periods, figure the The OID for the part of this period included
ped coupon is figured as follows. daily OID using Formula 1 (whether or not there in Year 1 (August 12–December 31) is
1 was a short initial accrual period), but use the $1,979.21 ($13.93808 × 142 days).
The OID to be reported on your income tax
2 ×
(( $100,000
$38,000 ) 25
– 1 ) adjusted acquisition price in the formula instead
of the acquisition price. return for Year 1 is $2,997.69 ($1,018.48 +
= 2 × (1.03946 -1) = 0.07892 = 7.892%
Formula 1.
Final accrual period. The OID for the final
Use 7.892% YTM to figure the OID for each accrual period for a stripped bond or coupon is
accrual period or partial accrual period for ap × ytm/n the amount payable at maturity of the stripped
which you must report OID. p bond (or interest payable on the stripped cou-
2. Short initial accrual period. If the pe- pon) minus the adjusted acquisition price at the
Formula 2. beginning of the final accrual period. The daily
riod from the date you purchased a stripped
bond or coupon to the date of its maturity can- OID for the final accrual period is figured by di-
not be divided evenly into accrual periods, so r viding the OID for the period by the number of
that a shorter period must be included, you can s days in the period.
figure the YTM by using the following formula
ap x (1 + ytm/n) − ap
(the exact method).
r How To Get Tax Help
( r + m
s ) If you have questions about a tax issue, need
n × (( )
– 1 ) help preparing your tax return, or want to down-
load free publications, forms, or instructions, go
to IRS.gov and find resources that can help you
right away.
Debt instruments issued after Information for brokers and other Publications (See Tax help)
A 1984 9 middlemen 4
Accrual period 2 Debt instruments issued after Information for owners of OID
Acquisition premium 2 July 1, 1982 8 debt instruments 6 Q
Adjusted issue price 2 Debt instruments not in the OID Issue price 3 Qualified stated interest 3
Assistance (See Tax help) tables 3 Issuers of OID debt instruments,
Definitions 2 Instructions for 2
Accrual period 2 R
B Acquisition premium 2 REMIC and CDO information
Backup withholding 5 Adjusted issue price 2 L reporting requirements 2
Bearer bonds and coupons 5 Debt instrument 3 Long-term debt instruments 4
Brokers (See Information for Issue price 3
brokers and other middlemen) Market discount 3 S
Original issue discount (OID) 2 M Section I 3
Premium 3 Market discount 3 Section II 3
Qualified stated interest 3 Section III 3
Stated redemption price at Short-term obligations redeemed
Certificates of deposit 5
Comments and suggestions 2 maturity 3 O at maturity 4
Yield to maturity 3 OID, figuring 4 Stated redemption price at
Contingent payment debt
instruments 10 Using section I 4 maturity 3
Using the income tax Stripped bonds and coupons,
E regulations 4 figuring OID 12
Electronic payee statements 4 OID on long-term debt Suggestions, Comments and 2
Debt instrument 3 instruments, figuring 7
Debt instruments: OID on stripped bonds and
Long-term 4 F coupons, figuring 12 T
Short-term 4 Form 4 OID tables, Debt Instruments Tax help 14
Debt instruments and coupons in 3
purchased after 1984 13 OID tables, Debt instruments not
Debt instruments and coupons I in 3 Y
purchased after July 1, 1982, Identity theft 15 Original issue discount (OID) 2 Yield to maturity 3, 14
and before 1985 13 Inflation-indexed debt Owners of OID debt instruments,
Debt Instruments in the OID instruments 11 information for 6
tables 3
Premium 3