Mapeh Bco-G-9
Mapeh Bco-G-9
Mapeh Bco-G-9
Region VI – Western Visayas
Vallegay St., Barangay I Poblacion, Himamaylan City
I. Neoclassic 1. analyze art elements and principles in the
1. David production of work following a specific art style Week-2 - Day-1
2. Ingres from the Neoclassic and Romantic periods
3. Goya
2. identify distinct characteristics of arts during
Week-2 - Day-2
II. Romantic the Neoclassic and Romantic periods
4. Goya
5. Delacroix 3. identify representative artists from the
Week-2 - Day-2
6. Gericault Neoclassic and Romantic periods
IV. Process
13. Designing for stage, 9. improvise accompanying sound and rhythm
costume, and props of a needed in the effective delivery of a selected
Week-6 - Day-3
selected theatrical play or piece from Western Classical plays and operas
14. Choreographing
movement patterns and
figures 10. perform in a group showcase of the selected
15. Recreating a Western piece from Western Classical plays and operas Week-6 - Day-4
classical theater play and
Active Recreation
Indoor 1. discusses the nature and background of
a. Week-3 - Day-1
indoor and outdoor recreational activities
1. individual and dual
2. team sports Week-3 - Day-
2. participates in active recreation
3. dances 2,3,&4
GRADE 9 - INJURY PREVENTION, SAFETY AND FIRST AID (Unintentional) – 3rd Quarter (H9IS)
A. First Aid Basics
1. discusses basic information about first
aid (principles, roles, responsibilities, Week-4 - Day-1
and characteristics of a good aider)
B. First Aid Guidelines and
Procedures Survey the scene 2. demonstrates the conduct of primary
1. Do primary survey of the victim and secondary survey of the victim Week-4 - Day-2
(check for vital signs, assess (CAB)
CAB (Circulation, Airway,
2. Ask for help. 3. assesses emergency situation for
Week-4 - Day-3
3. Do secondary survey of the unintentional injuries
victim (head-to-toe survey)
C. Use of Dressing and Bandages
(alternatives include clean cloth 4. discusses the function of dressing and
or, handkerchief) Week-4 - Day-4
1. Principles of Wound Dressing
(careful handling, large
enough to cover the wound, 5. explains the principles of wound
Week-8 - Day-1
should fit snugly and not cut dressing
off circulation)
2. Bandaging Techniques (for
the head; forehead; ear, 6. demonstrates appropriate bandaging
cheek and jaw; burned hand; Week-8 - Day-2
techniques for unintentional injuries
sprained ankle; and
dislocated arm)
D. Transporting the Victim
(drag and carry techniques)
1. One-person carry ankle drag,
pack strap carry, blanket pull) 7. demonstrates proper techniques
in carrying and transporting the Week-8 - Day-3
2. Two-person carry
victim of unintentional injuries
(twohanded seat, fourhanded
seat, chair carry )
3. Three man carry
E. First aid for common
unintentional injuries and
medical emergencies
1. musculoskeletal injuries
(sprain, strain, fracture,
2. bleeding
3. burn (superficial, partial and 8. demonstrates proper first aid
full-thickness) procedures for common unintentional Week-8 - Day-4
5. heat emergencies (heat injuries
exhaustion, heat stroke)
6. bleeding
7. poisoning
8. choking
9. drowning
10. heart attack
11. electrocution
A. Concept of intentional
injuries The learner
Week-4 - Day-1-2
B. Types of intentional 1. differentiates intentional injuries from
injuries unintentional injuries
1. Bullying (cyber bullying)
2. Stalking
3. Extortion
4. Gang and youth violence
5. Illegal fraternity-related
6. Kidnapping and abduction
7. Acts of terror 2. describes the types of intentional injuries Week-4 - Day-3-4
8. Domestic violence
9. Suicide
10. Sexual victimization
and other forms of sexual abuse
and harassment
C. Prevention and management of
intentional injuries 3. analyzes the risk factors related to
• self-protection
Week-8 - Day-1
intentional injuries
• preventing self-harm
• promoting a culture of non-
violence through healthful 4. identifies protective factors related
behaviors Week-8 - Day-2
to intentional injuries
• reporting cases of violence
to proper authorities
• seeking help from trusted 5. demonstrates ways to prevent and
individuals and health Week-8 - Day-3-4
control intentional injuries