Words Highlighted
Conduit – a channel for conveying water or other fluid; a tube or trough for protecting electric
Constraints – a limitation or restriction; stiffness of manner and inhabitation in relations
between people.
Distortions – the action of giving a misleading account or impression.
Espoused – adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life)
Hyper partisan – extremely biased in favor of a political party.
Impending – be about to happen; loom
Inquisitive – curious or inquiring; unduly curious about the affairs of others; prying
Malleable – easily influenced; pliable
Non-partisan – not biased or partisan, especially toward any particular political group.
Pedagogical – relating to teaching
Resuscitate – revive (someone) from unconsciousness or apparent death; make (something such
as an idea or enterprise) active or vigorous again
Susceptible – likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing