Challenges and Research Opportunities
Challenges and Research Opportunities
Challenges and Research Opportunities
DOI 10.1007/s40012-016-0136-6
Received: 26 November 2016 / Accepted: 28 November 2016 / Published online: 28 December 2016
Ó CSI Publications 2016
Abstract Faster development of sensor and network suitable communication technologies such as Wi-Fi, BLE,
technologies is facilitating immense deployment of Internet ZigBee, NFC, etc. In processing the huge amount of data
of Things (IoT) towards creating a smart world. In IoT, a generated and serving a large number of users in IoT, a cloud
massive number of heterogeneous resource–constraint is essential. The cloud enables the applications to work
devices communicate with each other without any human anytime and from anywhere. The IoT applications are
intervention and generate a huge amount of data. Unique expected to work autonomously which can adapt and react
research challenges posed by IoT are fascinating the intelligently over different situations, and support for easy
research community. This paper presents some of the integration. However, due to the wide heterogeneity and the
critical issues along with state of the art solutions towards resource–constraint nature of participating devices, these
them. In-depth discussion is provided on various key issues expectations remain as a challenge.
like heterogeneity and interoperability, scalability, QoS, The integration of heterogeneous network systems have
and security. Directions for further researches in those become the driving source of network alteration and has
areas are also pointed out. proposed various novel concepts such as Cloud of Things
(CoT), Web of Things (WoT) and Social Internet of Things
Keywords Internet of Things Scalability (SIoT) [43]. Thousands of IoT applications can be recog-
Heterogeneity Interoperability Quality-of-Service nized in each domain and new ones emerging every day,
requiring a strong Interoperability (IoP) among things. IoP
further concerns various aspects such as security and pri-
1 Introduction vacy, standardization, etc. This brings new challenges
driving research and innovation in industry and academia
Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects over the last decade. Accommodating a very large number
planted with sensors, actuators, RFIDs, software, and of heterogeneous resource constraint devices in IoT also
connectivity to enable it to interact with people and other invites attention of research fraternity.
connected devices in achieving some common goals This article presents a holistic perspective on the IoT
[37, 40]. The number of devices connected in the IoT is concept and development, enabling technologies, and
increasing very fast. As such, it has been estimated that critical research challenges. Considering the limited
around 50 billion connected devices will be there by 2020 involvement of the networking and communications sci-
[12]. entific communities in such an important development, I
The devices used for sensing, actuating, and monitoring hope this work can boost more and more research in the
purposes are connected to the Internet by highlighted issues and beyond.
The rest of the article is divided into following sections.
Section 2 describes the background of IoT including its
& Md. Iftekhar Hussain
working principle and the protocol stack. Several critical
[email protected]
research scopes and challenges along with their state of art
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India are discussed in Sect. 3. Section 4 concludes the article.
88 CSIT (March 2017) 5(1):87–95
2 Background of Internet of Things (IoT) types of applications is desirable in order to support co-
building and openness in IoT. Figure 1 shows a typical
As the IoT encompasses a wide variety of concepts, a brief architecture of IoT. The entire architecture is broadly
background of the IoT components is presented in this classified into edge and platform tiers. The components of
section. IoT in edge tier are the end devices (sensors, RFID,
Camera, etc.), gateways, and sensor networks which are
2.1 What is IoT? connected to the core via access networks. The platform
tier contains the middleware, server and storage, and core
The basic idea of IoT is to equip the physical objects around services for device management, data management, real-
us to sense the surrounding information, provide seamless time processing, analytics engines, and so on. A gateway is
communication and contextual services provided by them. a device that has a short range of access link on one side,
The IoT is simply the network of interconnected things and a wide range of access link on the other side. It is a bit
which are embedded with sensors, software, network con- similar to our home router, which has a local network
nectivity, and embedded devices that enable them to collect access towards our home computers and other IP-enabled
and exchange data making them accessible over the Internet. devices, and WAN access toward our Internet service
IoT brings useful applications like home automation, smart provider. The gateway node connects the two dissimilar
health monitoring, security, automated devices monitoring, networks that exist between IoT and Internet devices.
and management of daily tasks. Every sector like energy, Sensors collect real-time data like video in case of
computing, management, security, transportation are going intrusion detection system, audio or text in case of forest
to be benefited with this new paradigm. fire detection system. Router/Relay nodes work as for-
IoT enables physical objects to see, hear, think and per- warding nodes to transmit all the information associated
form tasks by having them talk together, to share information with the different measured parameters. Both sensor and
and to coordinate decisions [3]. Development of sensors, routers are configured to send all the information to the
actuators, smart phones, RFID tags makes it possible to cloud or server. The sensor device can itself process the
materialize IoT which interact and co-operate each other to information and take action or it may send the collected
make the service better and make accessible at any time, information to the cloud through the Internet.
from anywhere using any network. Wireless sensor tech-
nology allows objects to provide real-time environmental 2.3 Protocol stack
information and context. IoT allows objects to become more
intelligent which can think and communicate among them. The protocols required for effective communication in IoT
In the vision of IoT, ’’things’’ are classified with three can be positioned in a multi-layer stack as shown in Fig. 1.
scopes: people, machine (sensor, actuator, etc.) and infor- Primarily, data link, network, and application layer proto-
mation (clothes, food, medicine, books, etc.) [35]. These cols are available in the literature. The protocols or tech-
should be identified at least by one unique way of identi- nologies are mainly characterized by the light weight
fication for the capability of addressing and communicating property but also focus on energy-efficient and scalable
with each other and verifying their identities. The identi- solutions for resource–constraint devices (Table 1 ).
fiable ’’things’’ are known as ’’objects’’ in IoT. The major Data link layer protocols are used to allocate channels or
characteristics of IoT objects [41] are: (a) ability to sense or medium to stations for coordinating data transmission
actuate, (b) small size, (c) limited capability, (d) limited
energy, (e) connected to physical world, (f) intermittent
IoT Nodes Remote
connectivity, (g) mobility, (h) managed by devices, not
people etc.
The scope of objects ranges from small to large. It is Co d
mm man
and Internet Com
difficult to connect to power supply for the moving objects IoT Hub
all the time. So they need to operate with a self-sustaining
energy source. Therefore, energy efficient communication Co
and mm
mm and
mechanisms are essential for IoT. Co
ta Da
Da ta
CSIT (March 2017) 5(1):87–95 89
among smart devices. ZigBee [20] technology is based on In application layer, several new protocols are intro-
IEEE 802.15.4 standard which is designed to provide a duced to adapt with high volume and vast network of IoT
wireless data solution characterized by secure and reliable devices. Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication
wireless network architectures. ZigBee is one of the most Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) [15] is
widely used protocol standards of IoT which enables smart designed for IoT devices of small size that have low
objects to work together. The ZigBee devices are low latency bandwidth, high cost, low processing power and unreliable
devices and more responsive compared to Bluetooth devices networks such that they can communicate seamlessly
as it takes only 30 ms to go from passive to active mode among them. It provides a one-to-one classic M2M appli-
whereas Bluetooth takes approximately 3 seconds. BLE [27] cation in IoT. Some other suitable protocols are Constraint
is a short-range communication protocol that can save ten Application Protocol (CoAP) [32], Data-Distribution Ser-
times more energy than classic bluetooth by using a con- vice protocol (DDS) [36], Extensible Messaging and
tention-less MAC with low latency and fast transmission. Presence Protocol (XMPP) [28], and Advanced Message
The traditional IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) standards are not suit- Queuing Protocol (AMQP) [39]. CoAP is a web service
able for IoT application due to its low scalability, frame oriented application which is designed to facilitate com-
overhead, and power consumption. The IEEE 802.11 munication over resource–constraint electronic devices on
working group started a task group to develop 802.11ah [34] the Internet. CoAP provides simplicity, low overhead and
standard which supports low overhead and power friendly multicast support which can easily be translated into HTTP
communication which is suitable for IoT. To collect envi- for simplification.
ronmental information through sensors, IoT uses RFID To provide human-to-human (H2H) communication in
reader in many cases. It is an identification technology that IoT, another XML-based instance message oriented pro-
can automatically identify target devices and can collect data tocol called XMPP [28] is proposed. It is designed to
through its radio frequency signal without human interven- connect people to other peoples by instant messaging. The
tion. It has the ability to uniquely identify the objects which Data-Distribution Service (DDS) protocol [36] offers
are able to give the object location and can manage the interoperability between IoT connected smart devices and
correct communications and information processing. provides scalability, performance enhancements for IoT
The network layer protocols provide an abstract idea of applications. It supports multicast as well as multiple
the smart world devices. In addition to the traditional net- transport protocols such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP for pro-
work layer protocols like IPv4 and IPv6 several new routing viding high throughput and low latency. For its distributed
protocols such as 6LoWPAN [24], RPL [42], CoRPL [2], processing nature it can directly be connected to sensors,
CRB-RPL [44] are proposed for IoT. To apply Internet smart devices without using any centralized server.
protocol in such a huge number of resource–constraint Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) [39] is
devices, IPv6 [28] over 6LoWPAN [24] is preferred. Aiming designed for IoT which is mostly suitable for server-based
to provide a suitable routing solution, the Routing Over Low analysis and control plane. It provides interoperability and
power and Lossy Networks (ROLL) working group of the reliability for the queuing messages between servers.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) designed a new IPv6 AMQP also feasible for flexible routing, publish-subscribe
Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy networks messaging, transaction and security.
(RPLs). It provides efficient routing paths for multi-hop
mesh technologies in low power and lossy networks. RPL
used link costs and node information as routing metric. Node 3 Challenges and research opportunities in IoT
information included available energy resources, workload,
throughput, latency, reliability, and so on. The RPL is further As the IoT is the integration of heterogeneous technologies
modified in CoRPL [2] and CRB-RPL [44] which use Cog- that are used to sense, collect, act, process, manage,
nitive Radio (CR) for decision making. transmit, notify, and store data, there are many research
Application layer CoAP [32], MQTT [15], SMQTT [33], XMPP [28], DDS [36], AMQP [39], IETF CORE, HTTP, SSH
Network layer 6LowPAN [24], 6TiSCH [10], IPv4, IPv6 [28], RPL [42], CoRPL [2], CRB-RPL [44], IETF ROLL
Data link layer 802.15.4, RFID, 802.11g/ac/ad/ah [34], BLE [27], LTE-A [13], Z-Wave, NFC, ANT? [45], LoRaWAN [21], SigFox [22]
90 CSIT (March 2017) 5(1):87–95
issues and challenges which have cropped up spanning 3.2 Interoperability (IoP)
several research areas. In this section, the key research
issues and challenges are explained showing future In IoT, each device would be subject to different conditions
research directions in each area. such as energy constrained, communication bandwidth
requirements, computation and security capabilities [38].
3.1 Heterogeneity Things could be made by various manufacturers that do not
necessarily follow the common standard. Moreover, devi-
Heterogeneity is one of the critical issues of IoT. Device ces may also operate using a variety of communication
heterogeneity can be in terms of different technologies, technologies. These technologies do not necessarily con-
sensing, various software, and processing strategies used in nect IoT devices to the Internet in the same way a typical
IoT. In traditional computer environments, computer computer device usually do. Figure 2 explains a typical IoP
devices are treated equally when connected to the Internet. scenario in the context of IoT. Here, various devices trying
Their functionalities vary depending on how the users use to communicate among them using heterogeneous com-
them. However, when we talk about IoT, each device munication technologies (RFID, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ZigBee,
would be subjected to different conditions such as power NFC, etc.). For example, a Bluetooth mouse cannot com-
consumption, processing capabilities, and communication municate with a laptop which is using Wi-Fi technology.
bandwidth requirements [11]. The heterogeneity of IoT To solve these issues we can use a smart gateway or IoT
may be due to- cloud to provide IoP among them.
The heterogeneous devices which are broadly used in
1. Operating conditions The sensor devices operate in IoT need to talk and work together. To achieve this, dif-
different conditions like- temperature, pressure, and ferent IoT systems need to be integrated. However, at the
voltage. technical level, interoperability still represents a significant
2. Functionality The IoT devices may either deliver data barrier. Up to 60% of the values that IoT systems might
periodically or on demand basis. disclose is currently locked by a lack of interoperability
3. Resolutions The objective of IoT devices may be [11]. As several heterogeneous systems need to commu-
tracking, monitoring, actuating, etc. nicate, IoT faces various IoP challenges before being able
4. Hardware platform The hardware platform varies to create real domain services with seamless communica-
according to their architecture and design. Based on tion of devices and data.
this, the supporting operating systems and applications Different categories of IoP issues are appearing in the
are also different. context of IoT. Various types of IoP issues that are needed
5. Service pattern The pattern of IoT services may differs to be addressed in supporting seamless and heterogeneous
in generation rate, packet size, etc. communications in the IoT are shown in Fig. 3.
6. Implementations Different programming languages are
used to develop IoT applications using different 1. Technical Interoperability It is the incompatibility of
operating systems, such as Android, iOS, etc. the communication technologies and protocols that are
7. Interaction modes The interaction between IoT devices used to exchange information. This type of interoper-
and the remote user can be request/response or ability provides only low level integration which
command type. guarantees the correct transmission of bits among
different heterogeneous systems.
When a plethora of IoT applications towards improving
quality of human life are being developed, various new
Smart Gateway / IoT Cloud
devices, protocols, network connectivity methods and
resulting application models are evolving. Sticking to sin- RFID
gle protocol standard in IoT is not an easy task. Moreover,
even within one standardized protocol suite there are a
number of different application domains and communica-
tion technologies available. Forcing IoT users to support
these different types of diversity is not feasible as they W
i-F Zig
typically lack the proper resources (e.g., know-how, time, Bluetooth
i be
and processing resources) to handle the specifics con- ter
strained devices and networks. To provide support for abi
seamless communication among such heterogeneous ss
devices, interoperable solutions are really required to be
incorporated. Fig. 2 A scenario of interoperability issue in IoT
CSIT (March 2017) 5(1):87–95 91
92 CSIT (March 2017) 5(1):87–95
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94 CSIT (March 2017) 5(1):87–95
services in some better and smart way. Many protocols are 8. Real time requirements: Multimedia applications like
developed to provide QoS to various applications video chatting, texting, audio chatting shows different
depending upon their types of services or their needs. types delay sensitivities, which is very difficult to
Table 2 discusses several IoT applications and their achieve as a whole.
required QoS parameters for seamless and better services. Some of the possible solutions to provide QoS to several
Due to the architectural differences and a wide range of IoT applications are mentioned below:
devices and networks involved in it, provisioning QoS in
IoT is a very challenging task. The main challenges in 1. Application specific QoS architecture.
provisioning QoS in IoT are as follows - 2. Designing efficient MAC protocol to deal with energy
efficiency, throughput, and delay.
1. Resource–constraint devices: The sensor devices in
IoT are placed in remote areas, so power constraints is
a big issue in this case [25]. Besides this power
constraints there are some other issues like bandwidth, 4 Conclusion
buffer size, memory available, processing capability of
the nodes. Over the last few years, paradigm of Internet has changed
2. Traffic load: The traffic load in IoT is unbalanced as drastically. Due to the increased availability and the
the sink node is getting data from a large amount of advancement of the sensor and cheap hardware technolo-
sensors scattered in the environment. This unbalanced gies, it has been possible to attach sensors to all the
traffic load also effects in the overall QoS of a physical devices around us enabling them to communicate
network. with each other without human intervention. This article
3. Data redundancy: As already mentioned, the sink node provided a brief understanding to the main concepts, pro-
receives data from a large number of sensor nodes. tocol stacks and features of IoT. It analyzed the objectives
Among all these data, there will be some redundant and challenges of IoT technology by indicating some of the
data [14]. Sending this redundant data will cause probable solutions. This work will help in providing the
wastage some extra amount of energy which will effect theoretical foundation for developing large-scale practical
in QoS. Using some data fusion or data aggregation IoT systems.
techniques the redundant data can be eliminated.
4. Scalability: Scalability is also an open issue for IoT
applications. An application should work consistently References
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