Grade 8 English
Grade 8 English
Grade 8 English
That’s so true
Department of Education D. I beg to disagree with you on that
Division of Quirino
Villarose Integrated School 8. Infer the attitude of the speaker in this sentence
“I could hardly wait. What time is it? How long will
that speech last? Can you tell him to cut it short?”
Third Quarter Examination in English 8
A. nervous B. impatient
C. frightened D. depressed
Name: _________________________ 9. What character trait is being described in this
Section: ____________Date: _______ sentence?
Diego entered the house quietly, he glanced
at his sleeping parents. “I will not wake them up.
They are tired from the work in the field,” he said.
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and answer A. proud B. excited
correctly each item. Write the letter that corresponds C. brave D. understanding
to your best answer. 10. “The swine is one of the dirtiest animals in the
face of the earth.” This statement expresses—
Items 1-5 LISTENING. Listen as the examiner
A. a fact B. an opinion
reads the text twice then answer the question by
C. a suggestion D. curiosity
writing the letter of the correct answer. Items 11 to 18 Grammar. Use appropriate
1. Where did the story happen? conjunctions to complete the sentences.
A. in the forest B. on the mountain 11. We ate popcorn ____ we watched the movie.
C. in an old village D. near the sea A. so that B. although
2. Why did he become boastful and daring? C. while D. which
A. he was the strongest man in the village 12. Shiela wants _____ a cat ____ a dog.
B. he was the richest man in the village A. just a… so B. either… or
C. he had a magic straw coat C. even though D. so long as
D. he had a pot of gold 13. _____ she ____ her mother enjoy shopping
3. How did he lose his coat? A. both… and B. but… and
A. a goblin stole it C. whether… or D. just as… so
B. his enemy had stolen it 14. ____ the sun had risen, we reached the camp.
C. his neighbor had stolen it A. so that B. before
D. an old woman stole it C. where D. unless
4. What conclusion can you draw from the story? 15. She walked ____ she were a queen
A. the Korean fell asleep A. unless B. wherever
B. the Korean was beaten up C. as if D. whenever
C. the Korean lost his money 16. The people at the park hurriedly went home
D. the Korean won the boxing match _____ of the approaching storm.
5. What is the purpose of the author in writing the A. until B. when
story? C. because D. after
A. to entertain 17. The streets were flooded _____ it rained hard
B. to convince last night.
C. to inform A. yet B. because
D. to criticize C. so D. although
Items 6 to 10 SPEAKING. Read the following 18. People came _____ it was raining.
questions then choose the letter of the correct A. although B. until
answer. C. so that D. unless
6. If someone interrupts you, and you haven’t
finished making your point, tell him/ her clearly and Adjective Complementation
use a phrase like -- Directions: Supply adjective complements to
A. Stop talking, keep quiet! complete the following sentences.
B. Sorry, you’re not allowed to speak 19. He was excited to _____________________.
C. Excuse me, I haven’t finished talking, A. watch the show B. unable to rest
may I finish? C. bringing the gifts D. uploaded the video
D. Just a moment, stop talking 20. Are you afraid of ______________________.
7. “Our Overseas Contract Workers are one of the A. ghosts B. wind
best human resources in the world. But I think C. laughter D. foods
they’re not getting enough support from the 21. We were shocked by ___________________.
government.” A. dancing all night
Express disagreement to this statement by B. watching T.V.
using a polite expression like— C. the sad news
A. I think so too D. eating midnight snacks
B. It’s a deal
22. We were so happy that _________________. 34. What is the meaning of line 2?
A. we cried all night A. the new start each day brings
B. we argued B. prayer time and worship
C. we avoided each other C. green fields and fresh water
D. celebrated D. a quiet place, a retreat from the pressure
of life
Directions: Add prefixes to the given words to
35. What is shown in the author’s character as he
match their meanings in the parenthesis.
wrote this verse?
23. _____ time (too much)
A. He had full trust in the Lord
A. under B. over
C. before D. after B. He was confused and worried about his
24. _____ read (again) life
A. pre- B. pro- C. He had a weak faith
C. re- D. un- D. He had depression
25. _____ bacteria (opposed to)
A. anti- B. mis- WRITING. Persuasive Essay (36-45)
C. post- D. mis- Directions: In a short paragraph, persuade
26. _____ approve (not approve of) your principal to impose the zero- waste policy in the
A. un- B. dis- school.
C. mis- D. not-
27. _____fortune (unlucky event) Criteria: Content and relevance to the topic (5 points)
A. un- B. dis- Mechanics (3 points)
C. mis- D. not-
Organization of ideas (2 points)
Directions: Add suffixes to the given words to
match their meanings in the parenthesis. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
28. Wood ____ (made of) Prepared by: MA. FARAH T. PAGADUAN
A. –er B. –ing Teacher I
C. –en D. –est
29. Child (having the quality of)
A. –ish B. –hood
C. –ren D. –y
30. Faith (without)
A. –ful B. –s
C. –y D. –less
31. Inspect (one who)
A. –or B. –er
C. –ic D. –ee
32. Hope (full of, having)
A. –ed B. –ing
C. –less D. –ful
A Psalm of David